#Stephen Amell GIFs
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I think we've reached maximum-level domesticity
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leavingubehind · 2 months
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OTP Challenge  → [8] Quotes
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zanephillips · 1 year
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Stephen Amell in Hung 3.01 “Don't Give Up on Detroit or Hung Like a Horse“
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henrypratt · 4 months
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itsmyfriendisaac · 4 months
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♉ May 8th: Muscle Stud, Stephen Amell.
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umconto-de-fadas · 2 years
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kent-farm · 1 year
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Oliver… oh, wow. Everything about you just became so unbelievably clear.
—Felicity Smoak, Arrow, “The Odyssey”
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petew21-blog · 22 days
Read the fine print
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Rental agent:"Ok, sir. Do you understand everything that has been said and you raid the Terms and conditions?"
Tom:"Yeah. I did and yes." Tom signed the contract from rental company, thinking that no one ever ready Terms and conditions.
Rental agent:"Well, now that everything is settled. Let's take a photo of you so that we have everything complete"
Tom:"You put owner photos on the add with the vehicle"
Agent looking confused:"Well in cases like yours it's pretty standard so that the customers know who to look for. Ok, sit over there and smile for me"
"This was strange, but necessary." Tom thought to himself. He had recently some financial problems that forced him to do something extra to earn more money. While out with friends, he confessed his problems and they gave him a contact for this company. Saying that he can rent out a room in his house or his motorcycle.
Tom didn't really want anybody else in his house or even riding his prescious Ducati. But if he would ever sort this financial situation early, than this would be the easiest solution
Tom received the adress from the rental company where he was supposed to meet the first client renting his motorcycle
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Tom waited at the spot. A very old man approached him:"Ahhhh, good day, sir. You must be Tom". Tom looked at him from top to bottom. This old man wanted to ride his motorcycle? What was the company thinking? What of he crashes somewhere? He won't be able to life the vehicle back up. Or himself. There was no way he would let this happen
"I'm sorry but this must be some kind of mistake" Tom said
The man:"Oh no, I am sure I found the right man. I have your photo from the company and photo of your motorcycle"
Tom:"Not to be rude, but are you sure you'll be able to drive it? You look... a bit fragile."
The man:"Oh, boy. Then why do you think I picked you?"
Tom;"Sir, I am not a taxi nor a tour guide to drive everyone in the city"
The man:"I wouldn't expect you to do that. But I am sure that I will be able to handle that with your strength and your ability to drive it"
Tom:"With my strength? What are you on about?"
The man:"Haha, boy. Now you sound like a senile old man. And I am 93. I have the right to sound like one"
Tom:"Yeah. Anyway. You can call the rental company and they will give you your money back. I am sure. I'll call them that they wanted to rent out the vehicle to someone... incapable and they will find you a different ride to enjoy"
The man:"Dear boy, I don't think you read your contract. Did you?"
Tom:"What makes you say that?"
The man:"You rented out your motorcycle and your body along with it"
Tom was in shock. Did the man really meant what he was saying or was it again just another bunch of crap? Tom decided he wasn't interested in finding out and decided to leave
But as soon as he turned around he felt a sharp pain on his back. Something was trying to get in. To everyone else on the street it must have been a normal second of time. But for Tom it felt like it took an hour just to move. Yet, he couldn't move anymore. He could still feel, hear and see. But he couldn't move an inch of his body. His body now moved on its own. Tom started panicking.
His body looked at his hands and arms. It patted his abs and then groped his bulge.
"What's happening?"
The man:"Oh you can't be mad at me, Tom. I haven't been this young in over half a century. I was really looking forward to it"
Tom:"What? How are you doing this?"
The man:"As I said. I bought the experience from the rental company. I get to have your body and your Ducati. Can you imagine my old body riding that thing?"
Tom"This is mental. This isn't happening"
The man:"I assure you it is. You should read the fine print, my boy."
The man now walking with Tom's body sat on the motorcycle and looked at himself in the mirror.
Now speaking directly to his reflection
"Look, Tom. I really don't want to cause you any trouble. I am too old to do much in my body, but now in yours I can do so much. And I heard from the company that you were really willing to rent so I suspect you have some financial problems. I can help with that"
The man:"I can give you my body's money. All of it"
Tom:"Why would you do that?"
The man:"Because I want them to be put to good use. And I know you will use them right "
Tom:"what's the catch?"
The man:"Keep me in your body and let me have the driving seat from time to time. I want to be young like you again. I don't want to steal your life and I'm not ready to die yet. Therefore this is the best option for me:
Tom:"So that would mean you would be everywhere with me? Seeing and feeling everything as me?"
The man:"Yes. But we can swap who is in the back of your mind and who is driving. Haha. I'll be like your second inner voice"
Tom thought about it, bit couldn't make up his mind. It didn't sound that bad. He could use the money and also help an old man to enjoy a part of his life. And if that meant he would have to share a bit of his time and body, then that wasn't so bad.
Tom:"I'll have to think about it. I still don't know you. And also please put a hand to your ear so that people think I'm calling someone. They are looking weird at me talking to myself"
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The man smiled and immediately put a hand to his ear:"Oh where are my manners. I am Nicholas Connor. I have had a fee wives but no children. I was a director of a big company, which gave me enough money to enjoy life. But I still want to keep on enjoying it"
Tom:"Nice to meet you Nicholas. Do you mind driving us to my... our appartement?"
Nicholas:"Right on, chap"
Tom's body started inspecting the Ducati. Nicholas put on his new helmet and stretched out his arms in the jacket
Nicholas:"Oh this feels nice"
His muscle memory knew what to do and how to drive. Tom was still impressed how the body possession went and how was Nicholas actually doing good as Tom
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Nicholas arrived in front of Tom's appartement building
Nicholas:"You live quite far from the city centre, Tom. Must be hard always driving so far"
Tom:"I enjoy driving, but yeah. It's costly. But not as much as paying rent in the city centre"
Nicholas entered Tom's appartement. It was small and messy, but suitable to a man like Tom
Nicholas:"I'm not saying anything mean. But you know It could look better"
Tom:"Yeah I know. I was... busy"
Nicholas started undressing
Tom:"What are you doing?"
Nicholas took off every piece of clothing throwing it on the ground. "Tom, I am old. Being in this young body makes me want to inspect it. Enjoy the youth. I'm sure you understand"
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Nicholas looked over his body in the mirror. Then started laughing
Tom felt insecure:"I know I'm not one of the biggest. By my dick is not a joke"
Nicholas:"Oh its not that, Tom. Your penis is amazing. I just haven't had an erection in years. I think you and I are gonna have a lot of fun"
Few months later. Tom's body was walking down the street
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Tom's body speaking:"Yeah, but this time you're cooking. I cooked last night and you hated it. So now it's your turn. Yeah right. After all that you still want more?"
He went swiftly to the company building that previously belonged to Nicholas
"And what are we gonna do tonight? Oh yeah? That sounds great. But not if you rush things like always. Haha. I never finished so fast before"
A security guard noticed Tom's body entering the building and rapidly opened the door:"Good morning, sir"
Tom's body:"Good morning"
Tom's body to phone:"Look, you know I can't keep on saying more stuff like this. I know it makes us hard and you like it, but I'm at work now. Yes we will go on a ride this afternoon. I know how horny that makes us."
"Now? But I just arrived. Fine."
Storming out from the parking lot was Tom's body in a suit speeding on the street away from the building, smiling and laughing.
Tom's body:"We're hard already? Well the ride should be fun"
Tom and Nicholas were now one being. Constantly switching who was controlling the body, but treating the other one as an equal part of the body and as a best friend
The security guard smiled as he saw the new young owner of the building driving away, enjoying life.
A message request and an inbox request from @
Tom was going through some financial problems and his best friend advised him that maybe he could rent a room in his house, or even rent his Ducati, that would make him a lot of money. But Tom didn't check properly what the rental company did, and he didn't realize that he was not only renting his Ducati, but his body as well. That's why he was surprised when he went to the place where he had met the client and saw that the man was at least 90 years old, but it was too late to back out.
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whumpypepsigal · 7 months
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Code 8 Part II (2024): “Let’s help him.”
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tylerposey · 2 years
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STEPHEN AMELL as Oliver Queen "Suicidal Tendencies" — Arrow (3.17)
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Olicity + Bed Shots
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leavingubehind · 26 days
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OTP CHALLENGE → [2/7] Scenes
2.07 - State v. Queen
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supercap2319 · 9 months
Oliver joins you in the shower after patrol. You can't get over his big butt.
You heard the sounds of angry grunting coming from the bedroom and you immediately knew that Oliver was back from patrol. His nights as a vigilante, protecting Starling City from criminals, drug dealers, and more. You were waiting for him to come home, so you decided to grab yourself a shower in his amazing bathroom, when you heard him come back.
You heard the door open with the sounds of padded feet on the floor and in the next moment, Oliver pulled the green curtain back, and joined you in the shower. Oliver let the warm water cascaded down his smooth and muscled frame as you tried desperately not to stare. Eyes looked down at Oliver's big, bubbly toned ass. You desperately wanted to play with it, but you know how Oliver felt about it. You could touch him anywhere else, but his ass was off limits.
"See something you like?" Oliver's deep voice said.
You looked at his blue eyes. "I was just admiring your ass."
"Why do you always get so excited when you see it? It's just my ass." Oliver sighed.
"But it's a nice ass that deserves to be touched and played with." You protested.
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henrypratt · 3 months
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stevenrogered · 1 year
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Dying is the easy part. Remember?
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cxrsedeclipse · 2 months
Sorry for my absence, people… I’ve been experiencing some personal issues that I have been busy with lately.. still won’t be active.
Thinking about Oliver Queen coming in through the bedroom window after going out on patrol and getting injured, trying to be silent to not wake you up but fails, ending up in you waking up and you seeing him injured and a little bloody.
Thinking about Oliver Queen trying to brush off his injuries and telling you to go back to sleep but you refuse, pulling him into the bathroom and making him undress.
Thinking about Oliver Queen who watches you with soft eyes as you work on cleaning up any wounds and bruises, your gentle touch doesn’t even get him to wince, which he finds fascinating how amazing you are.
Thinking about Oliver Queen, now patched up, lying in bed with you as he gets pulled closer by you into an embrace that would avoid hurting him in any way, and he responds with feathery light kisses on your face and neck cause that’s all his energy is enough for and realizing that he wasn’t the only one who could get protective.
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