#Stereo Hearts
purgatoryfm · 1 year
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quarterlifecrises · 1 year
part of Stereo Hearts played by Travie McCoy and Fall Out Boy at the So Much For (Tour)dust show on 8/1
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fall out boy - piano medley & travie mccoy (live at forest hills stadium...
somehow, not sure how, didn't drop the phone in excitement.
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digitalstardust · 2 years
"Stereo Hearts" TFP Soundwave x f!reader
Note: My first "official" fic or whatever, so please excuse me if this sucks >3
Warnings: A tiny bit of angst, self-hate and cheating? Not Soundwave tho
Your pedes were slung over the edge of the Nemesis, dangling them and feeling the wind rush through your struts, blowing your sadness away.
It's been a few months ever since Oracle arrived on Earth, and ever since that cycle you knew for a fact that her lover was smitten with the new femme.
You kept your emotions in a bottle inside of you, working harder and better than ever in order to try to win his spark back.
Emphasis on try.
You banished the negative thoughts and focused on the night sky.
You admired the way the constellations were the same as Cybertron on Earth. It reminded you of home, the place that you grew up in, and also helped destroy.
You laughed at the irony of it. Here you were, reminiscing at the old days back at Cybertron, where the only challenge you had was finding new tricks to manipulate the ignorant senators.
One might ask, "If you missed your planet so much, why destroy it in the first place?"
Good question.
Love, you supposed.
Young, innocent love.
Well, maybe not so innocent.
You scowled at the thought. Picking up a stray rock, you threw it towards the sky and watched it sink into the clouds, just like the love you had.
It was stupid, really, to believe in a love with a warlord. A madmech no less.
You couldn't exactly blame the others for not knowing your sadness, seeing that the entire relationship was kept under the covers.
Just how did you fall in love with him? Love at first sight, you supposed.
But you can't blame anyone for this other than yourself. You had it coming, you again supposed.
But he was just so...
Yes, that's the word.
He was strong, powerful and had an ambition, much similar to yourself. You remembered clearly what happened that day.
The two of you were friends at the time, with him attending every one of your court debates and discussions with the senators, and you attending every one of his speeches and gladiator fights.
And that was when you met Soundwave, your closest and most trusted friend to date.
The sleek, black and quick Decepticon that had femmes falling for him helms over pedes left and right with his "strong and silent" charm.
No one could blame the femmes, seeing that he had a smooth and velvety voice that was able to make the coldest of all bots fall for him. You were the only one that remained indifferent to his charms.
The two of you immediately clicked as friends, and from that day on no one saw one without the other, be it having fun outside, going to the training centre or even at work, which was convenient seeing that Soundwave was also a senator.
You remembered that femmes would follow the both of you and send you glares that could have offlined you then and there.
You remember the seriousness that you had in you when you confronted him about it.
"Soundwave, we need to talk."
"I think there are bots stalking you."
He burst into laughter at that, and his laughter made it even more fun for some reason.
You might have had a small crush on him at some point, but it ended pretty quickly after realising that if others found out you liked him it would be the end of yourself.
When did you start to like him? Perhaps after the stalking talk? Or was it the way that he was so perfect? It was so long ago that you forgot.
The difference between Soundwave and Megatron was that you knew you could always count on Soundwave to be there on time, to be able to listen and just generally be there for you, whilst with Megatron it felt more like...
More like...
Mutual liking, but not fully trusting the other as much as you and Soundwave trusted each other.
You didn't have to be shy in front of Soundwave. Sure, you blushed once or twice when he complimented you with his smooth talking, but he was the one that usually ended up like Red Energon.
If you had looked a little closer, you would've noticed the sadness in his eyes when you accepted Megatron's confession to you after becoming champion of the ring.
If you had looked a little closer, just a little closer, you would've noticed that the person meant for you was not Megatron, but somebot else.
But it was kind of hard to with sadness clouding your processor.
You felt something wet slide off your optics, and raising your servos, you wiped the stray tear away.
"Such weak emotions. What would Lord Megatron think of me if he saw me like this?"
A Decepticon was supposed to be strong. Cold, heartless and unforgiving.
You laughed bitterly at the tears now streaming down your faceplates. You might as well join the Autobots and cry with them, you thought.
The moment you admitted to your sadness, the waterworks came. You buried your faceplate in your servos and started to rock back and forth.
You were stupid to believe in something as fleeting as love. You should have known that he was going to replace you once you had served your purpose.
You were a tool from the very start. Useless, annoying and a waste of time. A mere puppet on strings. To think that you were once the puppet master.
You were too naïve. No wonder he looked down on you. You supposed that everyone else on the ship did too, even though they laughed and smiled when you were around.
After all, who would know faking emotions better than you did?
You were gasping as if Primus had clasped his servo around your windpipe. You assumed that this was the sensation that humans described as "suffocating".
You hated it. Honestly. It made you feel weak, feel vulnerable. It made you feel alive.
And you hated it.
You had tried to push away your emotions for so long. You would've gone with reprogramming yourself like how Shockwave did to himself, but you've heard of thousands of stories where the reprogramming went wrong. And those stories weren't told by themselves.
Tears cascaded down your faceplates as you sobbed into the night. You haven't felt so much sadness, so much pent-up anger, so much pain in ages.
It was refreshing and tiring at the same time, given that you haven't cried in such a long time.
You heard the doors swish open and the familiar pair of pedes walking towards where you were.
Quiet, subtle but still there if you listen closely, unlike the loud stomps that you've grown used to in the presence of Megatron.
You tried in vain to wipe the tears that had no intention of stopping for you. You then decided to just sit there and pretend that everything was fine.
It worked for about 2 nanokliks.
You hugged your knees and stared at the nothingness below. A spindly digit reached out and tilted your faceplates so that they could get a clear view of you.
You averted their stare and looked away in shame. It would be a miracle if you managed to not offline out of embarrassment. You felt the tears rushing up again.
Long and lean arms hugged your petite frame, and it took about 0.1 nanokliks to break down in their arms.
Unlike Megatron, Soundwave didn't ask what was wrong. He just sat there and hugged you, giving you all the time that you needed.
You clasped onto him as if he was on life support, not daring to let go, as if you would fall into an endless abyss if you did. He reached up again and patted your back, successfully soothing you and calming you down.
"Feeling better?" He asked softly after you calmed down. You were pleasantly shocked at hearing his voice, even more shocked at the fact it was still as smooth and velvety as you remembered.
You could only nod.
"What happened?"
"Megatron..." You whispered, not quite wanting to talk about the details and subconsciously burying your faceplates in his shoulder pads. Besides, you were pretty sure that he already knew what you were talking about.
He was silent for a few nanokliks, then muttered, "You can do better..."
You didn't say anything, still not daring to let go. It's been ages since the two of you had time alone together, not being bothered or rushing to go anywhere so you took that advantage and basked in the comfortable silence.
"Can you sing for me?" You croaked, not sure if he was going to push you off the Nemesis or not.
If you were looking at him, you would've seen the smile on his faceplates.
"My heart's a stereo,
"It beats for you, so listen close"
"Hear my thoughts in every note"
You couldn't help but gasp. After all those vorns, his voice hasn't changed at all even with the lack of use for so long.
He chuckled and asked, "So do you want me to sing or not?"
You nodded again.
"Make me your radio,"
"And turn me up when you feel low,"
"This melody was meant for you,"
"So sing along, to my stereo."
You couldn't help but laugh. "After all these vorns, you still sing the same old song."
"It's the one I know the best," He said, shrugging.
“Yet you only know the chorus."
"Um- That's not important."
You giggled. You missed this part of him a lot, something that you don't get to see every cycle.
He couldn't help but smile. How could he not smile when seeing the femme he loved the most laugh because of him?
"Do you ever think the war would end?" You asked, gazing at the night sky.
"Yes. It has to." Soundwave replied, gazing at the brightest star in front of him.
"I want to go home. I'm sick of running from the Autobots 24/7." You muttered. "I want to see my family online. I want to see the senators for frag's sake."
"Y/N. Y/N. Look at me." He said looking into my optics, dead serious.
"We're going to go back to Cybertron, online, and you will see your family. I promise."
You smiled a bittersweet smile.
"Even if we go back, we'll be fugitives." You muttered, tracing your own cables. "It might be better here."
"Then we'll go on the run together. Don't you remember what we swore to each other when we joined factions?"
"Together, forever, no matter where."
You laughed and lay on your back, gesturing Soundwave to do the same.
"Look up at the sky, Soundwave," You said, using your digit to lift his chin up so that he could see the night sky.
"Can you see that star?" You asked, pointing at one of the gazillion stars in the sky.
"Mhm," Soundwave said, clearly not seeing it. "Remind me, which star out of the bazillion were you talking about again?"
You rolled your optics. "That one," You said, pointing your digit in the direction that you were talking about.
"See that star? The one that has light pulsing in and out?"
"Yeah," He said, finally able to locate the star she was talking about. It was familiar, but he couldn't place his digit on which planet it was. An exoplanet?
"That's Cybertron. The pulsing light is Primus' sparkbeat. As long as Cybertron's still alive, we'll go back." You said, gazing at the impressive star.
"We'll go back." He repeated, believing in his own words.
"Promise me that you won't leave me. Not like... him." You said, trailing off. "Promise me you won't be like him."
He took off his visor and set it aside, revealing the violet optics that were emblazoned into your processor the day that you saw them.
He raised a thin digit and lifted your helm. He did this all slowly, as if afraid that you'd push him away or tell him to stop.
You didn't.
He leaned in, and that was when you discovered how it felt to have clouds on your lips.
His lips were... soft. Very soft, and they differed and suited his voice at the same time.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in, deepening your kiss.
"I promise, Y/N." He whispered after pulling away, the promise that will go on forever.
Should I make a Part 2? Tell me in the comments! My requests are open so feel free to pop something in! Rules are on their own page, so please check before requesting anything!
The song:
Love from EV~
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booksandcoffins · 4 months
stereo hearts
My heart's a stereo It beats for you, so listen close Hear my thoughts in every no-ote Make me your radio And turn me up when you feel low This melody was meant for you Just sing along to my stereo
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evolution-ofa-geek · 1 year
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sequencer987 · 1 year
I hate the song stereo hearts by Adam The Vine and the Gum Teachers. I cannot even get past the first lyric without turning the song OFF.
“My heart’s a stereo”
No the Fuck it isn’t.
You would be super dead idiot.
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la-jos · 1 year
"Me dedicaste Stereo Hearts de Gym Class Heroes y cada que la escucho lo hago para recordarte, me detengo por un momento en el segundo 0:18, pienso: va enserio? por que me lo creo y cuando pase, sin duda acudiré a ti. pero luego llega el tormento, en el como me dejaste bailando sola en el limbo y una duda se instala en mi pecho: de verdad no se la has dado a ella, a la anterior?"
-miedo a la decepción.
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fangsup-cobrastyle · 1 year
"All I ask is that you don't get mad at me when you have to purchase mad D batteries" has got to be one of my favorite lyrics of all time. It's like..... the lyric itself, the way it relates to the rest of the verse, even the way he says the line..... god this song's been out for over a decade and I'm still not over that one line.
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fruitsofmylabia · 10 months
Being a rich kid in central florida was honestly fuckinf awesome like this was before Uber existed but skipping school to go to theme parks bc u and all ur friends had an annual pass to every park was the best like it’ll never get stale to me. All u really needed was a ride so you’d hope one of your friends knew someone w a car and liked u enough to pick up all your friends and sit thru shitty highway traffic while the same 8 songs shuffled on repeat on each radio station
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dancex2revolution · 2 years
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edit-videos · 2 years
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jabberwockprince · 2 years
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let's pop!
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lightstarz · 27 days
Bylers in (hopefully) a little more than a year from now:
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ladyteelia · 9 months
Comparing OCs Meme? Ohhh, I've heard that one before
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bloodmoon24 · 8 months
Would anyone agree that this is a song for StaticRadio, or is it just me?
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