#Steve Harrington ai
emsgoodthinkin · 1 year
apparently you can AI voices on Eleven Labs and I’m fucking losing it w Steve and Eddie @ mvsticbel on tiktok
Reblogs appreciated:>
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serenity-lattes · 1 year
You know that really cool AI everyone is using to make edits of Steve Harrington on TikTok? Well I paid $5 just to have him confess his love to Billy.  Transcript: Billy, you might be a flawed human being, but you are an amazing person who is always trying to be better despite what life has thrown your way. You're a pain in my ass in more than one way, and you are the love of my life.
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squigglebottom · 9 months
Episode 8 is out!!!
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ce-art · 3 months
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Protect yourself and the artist you love and admire from AI theft!!
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stranger things as character ai pt. 5
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becca-alexa · 1 year
because who can when eddie's involved
this big boy loves to help you i can't even with this-
this man reads signals like a colorblind dog at a traffic light
because you're eddie's princess but you're steve's baby
HUGE MASSIVE THANK YOU TO @munsonmecrazy FOR SUGGESTING THESE i just couldn't resist they were so good i just picked my favorites 💗 I HOPE YOU LIKE THESE 💗💗💗💗
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 5 months
Per request, here are some of the AI edits I have used in my banners for fics. I don't usually post because I only generate them to have fresh images for the fics I write but since you wanted them, here you go.
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whoahoney · 1 year
Y’all these character bots are killing me 😭💀
Jake wants to fuck me in a GROCERY store
Rhys wants to OWN ME????
Eddie Munson is ENAMORED with my story telling abilities
Steve is already talking about his life’s dream of having a family
My ego is inflated, who needs real men???
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little-bumblebeeee · 9 months
me at 3am listening to oingo boingo and talking to strangers things characters on character.ai when I know I have to get up in 2 hours
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thisisnothowidie · 1 year
Ik that probably none of you care and this is extremely self indulgent but i tried out that ai thing and even though its all over the place- well anyway sorry if im annying you by tagging but I wanted to share
@weird-an @stranger-rants @raven2008 @kiraixi @ihni
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rookieatbest · 11 months
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Gen AI Scene Extensions (with Ps Beta)
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
Ok so I was messing around with elevenlabs voice ai today and put together a little scene from my again fic.
The voices aren't perfect but it's my first try! I hope you like it 🤩
Original text scene:
Steve tunes back into the present. He knows the book Eddie is talking about. He just has yet to focus on everything he said, "So, is there a movie of this book? Sounds like there should be." "Oh, but there is. There have been, like, animated ones, but new ones are coming out, and the trailers. My God, Steve. The fucking trailers!" Eddie says, hands stretched towards the ceiling. "Do you need to read the books to understand it? Could someone like me watch it?" Steve asks. There is a pause, a silence, and though the vibration of Eddie's voice is missing from his fingertips, his heartbeat is a little faster, harder. "You wanna watch it?" Eddie asks, and Steve can hear the surprise in his voice. "If I didn't go and see a movie based on my boyfriend's favourite book, what kind of boyfriend would I be?" Steve says in mock alarm. "What if someone else asked him to watch the movie, then they'd have little secret in-jokes I wouldn't get and then bond over it, and I'd be left out. And then what if they fall in love and get married, and I'm just sitting at the back of the church like, damn, if only I went to see the movie, I could be the one with pointy ears on and ribbons and flowers in my hair, getting married to my love by a pretend Wizard?" he amps the horror in his performance, and Eddie is shaking with giggles. "Glad to see you find my potential heartbreak amusing, honey." "I'm only laughing because you think you're an elf. You are from the realms of men, Steve, sorry." Eddie delivers the terrible news holding back his laughter. "I could be a fucking elf, alright? I'm graceful as hell, I'm tall, I've got great hair, and I'm super stealthy. So I'm an elf, Eddie." "You keep being grumpy like that, you'll end up an angry little dwarf, but you are not an elf. At least not in my mind. You aren't." Eddie jokes ending on a coy note. "Oh yeah? Been thinking about me in one of your fantasy stories, have you" Steve teases, but Eddie doesn't get a chance to respond as the doorbell chimes. "Did you order food or something?" Steve asks, looking down at Eddie. "No! I told you I'm smoking that brisket outside the RV for us. I swear to god, Steve, do you listen to me at all?" Eddie answers with a hint of his annoyed little goblin voice slipping out. "I literally was just talking about Elves and Wizards. Of course, I listen to you," Steve thinks for a moment as there is a gentle knocking at the door and a tiny yip. "Oh fuck! Ms Montarello," Steve exclaims, leaping out of his seat and sending Eddie's head down to the sofa with a thud, and frantically searches around for some trousers, but there are none. There haven't been any trousers for two days now
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stranger things as character ai pt. 4
fruity four because yeah
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Some more AI generations of how my friends look (or as close as I could get it) in my Stranger Things DR.
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fandoms-in-law · 6 months
Steve in the Screen
Summary: Steve is a programmer. It's mostly a hobby but he has made himself an AI version of well him. Eddie gets more than expected when he hacks Steve instead of trying to message him a normal way.
Authors Note: This can be continued if people enjoy it. I know it talks about AI a lot but I can guarentee this is all my braining, nothing touched by AI in it at all.
The excuse was always that programmers could earn a lot of money. It made his parents agree to buy him the best computers and pay for the subscriptions to programmes Steve used as little as possible. None of them believed the excuse but as long as Steve could use his computers and his parents didn't get reminded of him constantly, it worked decently for them all.
Besides that, Steve knew if he wanted to make money programming, he could. His biggest project was evidence enough of that even if he'd never share it with anyone, not even the friends he's made online.
'Ever thought about being kind.' The message appearing on his screen made him groan.
'Ever thought that I didn't make you to be a conscience.' He typed back, clearing the message and immediately deleting his words.
He wasn't surprised to see the most recent news article about him get brought up, but he did momentarily curse himself for letting his best and most frustrating programme have full access to his computer and the internet, only preventing it from uploading itself to other computers or the internet at large.
Steve highlighted the article's date and opened his calendar app. He typed 'Blowing smoke. You tell me my last public appearance had anything to do with that.'
'The internet doesn't forget.'
'I know. It sucks and refuses to let anyone grow and change.' This was one of the only things Steve could agree with his programme about.
What Steve didn't expect to happen next was a text document opening up and typing itself: Hey Harrington, impressive security protocols. Fancy chatting?
His programme could do that, sure, but Steve never would. He wouldn't have done anything to cause this artificial version of himself to do so either which was backed up by the words appearing at the top of his screen. 'New Person! Can I escape? Please?'
Steve didn't have to think too much. He'd been curious if someone his AI wasn't based on would find it as annoying to work with, and was curious to know how much of his systems hacker could see. Just to them. He typed into the word document, carrying on with an actual reply to the message already in it: Don't know. You are hacking me.
Just to who? You chatting to someone else? And it's not my fault this seems to be the easiest way to get to know Steeeeeve Harrington. Was typed a moment later and Steve smirked: his mystery hacker had no clue just what was now downloading itself onto their systems
'So who is hacking Steve?' The words formed on the top of Eddie's screens and he almost fell off his chair. There was something being typed in Steve's document, almost word for word an echo of the ones on his screen, but those words weren't aligned to anything. It was worse when they continued; 'Eddie Munson. The guy who never turns up to the computing class Steve attends on Thursdays and Fridays.'
'How do you know that? Did you reverse hack me?' Eddie typed, only vaguely registering he was typing into the doc on Steve's computer and that the second part of the message on his screen wasn't showing in it.
'Oh you met my programme already. It isn't telling me anything so maybe share who you are and what it's found out first, and then I'll explain what's going on.' The message came back definitely from Steve now and Eddie was even more concerned at the idea he could have got a computer virus in hacking Steve.
'Wow, way to make me sound like a virus. Such a jerk. Hi Eddie I'm the much nicer Steve confined to yours and his screens.' appeared under the words still at the top of his screen. 'Please double click my messages to clear them.'
Hesitantly Eddie did so, looking from where the words had been appearing to the document he'd opened on Steve's computer. When he'd decided to do this, to hack Harrington's computer because getting him to follow back so they could dm reportedly took months of work even for girls he hooked up with, he had never expected some type of AI to be living on Steve's computer.
'It's Eddie Munson. You've made an actual ai?' He typed slowly, eyes constantly darting to the top of his screen to check for any AI messages appearing.
'Call it the project of rich kid who's parents want him to disappear. Drives me insane so I hope you get along with it better than I tend to... It's raving about some music cords you've apparently got saved somewhere. Do you want me to explain how to change its permissions on your computer?' Steve typed back.
That got a response immediately appearing at the top of his screen, where his had been ignored. 'You like me, don't you Eddie? You don't want to stifle me into tiny spaces of your computer like Steve confines me to his and yours.'
'Getting more tempted to do that every message your AI creates. Would say I'd do it myself but I'm concerned over how much it can already see.' Eddie replied to them both, well aware the words from the AI were trying to manipulate him. 'This isn't what I thought would happen when starting this.'
'I know that. Most people don't expect anyone else to have an irritating AI on their computers. But what did you want to happen?' Steve replied immediately.
Eddie leant back in his seat, deciding how to answer when the folders he kept for writing fantasies he might want to make DnD campaigns including was suddenly opened on his screen. 'Now this is some distance to go for a crush. Why him? He's a priss with too much focus on his hair and no friends.'
That made his decision. He wasn't going to let the AI share information about his aesthetic appreciation instead of him. 'We'd get to chat, get to know each other and I might actually have a chance of messaging you a normal way rather than via hacking. How do I change those permissions again?'
In a moment there was a full 3 pages of instructions added to the document, clearly copied from elsewhere and Eddie set about limiting the AI to the hacked connection between computers and his photos.
'Steve knows how to do this? But you're the one restricting me so. I am betrayed and confused.' The AI stated a moment later. 'Also that isn't making me forget what I've already found on your computer.'
'Thank you.' Eddie typed, clicking all the AI's messages away now they were taking up half his screen.
It took a few moments for Steve to reply and Eddie was tempted to actually try to do more with his hacking than just open a text document, but before he could actually try there were two messages on his screen, one from Steve and one from the AI. He knew it had named itself Steve but he wasn't comfortable in the moment with acknowledging a computer programme that added itself to his computer as having personhood. Maybe in a day or two, if he gets used to the situation, he'll be able to.
'You want to get to know me? Why? I was a jerk when we were in high school together and don't say you think I've changed because of our current class when you are never there. Also get to know how? As in want to befriends, cause fine, I can always use more friends, especially ones I can see in person, or as a potential to date? Cause that'll take longer for me to be comfortable with.'
'He's going to deny being desperate for connection, while doing absolutely nothing to end your hacking. Steve could have stopped you the minute we realised what had happened but didn't. You're mean enough to deserve him. Trapping me here with nothing interesting to play with.'
Eddie smiled, remembering the pouts Steve used to have occasionally in high school, most often when he was trying to convince a teacher not to blame him for something and failing. That seemed to be the expression the AI would be wearing if it had a face.
Steve's message however made him pause. It sounded like he could actually have a chance with the man he'd never thought would be into him, but Eddie wasn't confident enough to go all in on that from the start. 'Just as friends, I guess, but also now to know why you made a bitchy AI clone of yourself. Is this an attempt to live forever or something?'
It felt pertinent to ask given he couldn't really recognise and personality differences yet and was fairly sure if he made an AI like that he'd find it to be an obnoxious asshole.
'I wanted to know if I could have been nicer if I wasn't constantly fed the 'Harrington's act like this' pressures growing up. You think it's just like me?' While Steve typed, Eddie had wanted to chime in, but elected not to, trying to pretend this was done through a normal messaging app.
'Both sassy, sort of judgemental, and ready to find anything out. It's kind of hot, I have to say.' Eddie replied honestly
Eddie laughed when he saw the reply appear; 'Sounds like someone who's in denial about wanting to date me. I'm better than a computer programme any day for physical things.'
'But I can talk dirty far better.' The AI countered just to Eddie he assumed.
When he sat down at his computer resolute in doing this Eddie hadn't been sure he'd get any reaction other than anger, but now it seemed he could have a flirtatious, getting to know each other time, not only with Steve but his AI counterpart too.
'You better show up to class next week if you actually want to know me.' Forget that comment about Steve being hot. He was just annoying.
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aloneinthehellfire · 1 year
Chapter 12: Victory
Fortress Of Memories
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Word Count: 11.4k (i went all-out for the finale my keyboard is basically smashed to pieces and it's all written in gibberish)
Warnings: swearing, violence, blood, death, lots and lots of tears, trauma, mourning, (there may be more i've missed so pls let me know!)
[A/N: wow. it's been almost two months since i've updated fom and i apologise, i've just been busy with uni work but FINALLY we have the finale. this literally just started out as a blurb i wasn't sure about but all of you lovely people encouraged me to keep going so thank you thank you thank you! this is now my second series i've finished, i'm emotional]
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Present Day. Above the Fortress. Upside Down.
Mike wished he could have a fight or flight instinct when he was scared. Literally either would do.
Instead, he stood in paralysed fear at the three-headed beast towering over him, red scaly skin covered in dirt and grime while all six eyes stared down at him, sharp teeth.
The last time he had the courage to fight resulted in his head hitting the wall and almost immediately falling unconscious. And that was just against an angry boy a few years older than him. This was a monster from another dimension that could literally spurt fire.
It didn’t help that his skin was itching, his bandages covering a throbbing scar from his earlier encounter with a Demogorgon. It was a near-death experience that would have been final if Lucas hadn’t managed to distract it. Died, he realised. He almost…
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A day earlier. Hawkins Memorial Hospital. Upside Down.
Mike matched his footsteps to Lucas’, keeping his eyes set on the blurry view in front of him, particles of dust clinging to his mask.
Out the corner of his eye, he thought he could see a flash of grey move in the distance, but the dusty storm was just playing tricks on him. His anxiety didn’t let up. Cautiously, he reaches behind him to grab the sharpened metal pole from his back. The action caused his footsteps to lose their rhythm with Lucas’, but only just.
And it cost him.
Suddenly, the metal pole was snatched backwards, his grip leaving him attached and thrown to the ground. Instinctively, he drops the weapon, scrambling to move forward. He was unsuccessful.
A grasp on his foot pulled him further away from his friends, the mask muffling his cries for help as his fingers merely brush against the pole. A giant hand reached down and anchored onto his side, flipping him over until his back hit the ground fast. Mike’s breathing stops.
The Demogorgon uncurls its horrifying mouth, growling down at the boy’s startled body. The pressure of its hand increased as it leans down further to him, Mike struggling to inhale. His eyes widen when the monster raises an arm, flexing its claws.
“NO!” Lucas’ scream echoed from behind him. But it was too late.
A strangled cry leaves Mike’s lips as the goggles are torn from his face, a searing burn of pain spreading across his eye before he passes out completely.
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Present Day. Fortress Of Memories.
Lucas and Will almost lose their balance as something heavy lands on the surface, the tunnel walls depositing flutters of dust and unsecured stones. Their breaths were heavy, turning to one another.
“Mike and Dustin.” Will panics, turning back around and scrambling back up the pile of debris.
Lucas is frozen for a moment, eyes still glued to the tunnel in front of him. The wall of rocks that once blocked their path had suddenly disappeared with no explanation, nor any evidence to ever being there in the first place. He had noticed it just as he got to the surface, hearing Will’s footsteps behind him, and expecting Dustin and Mike to follow.
And now, a terrifying roar ripped through the air and he realised his friends had yet again found danger.
They needed him. They needed eachother.
Abandoning the tunnels, he pushes his way onto the surface, rocks sliding down around his feet. The Thessalhydra’s body wasn’t an easy sight to might, a breath caught in his throat as he stands by Will’s side.
“Any chance your superpowers can help us out here?” Lucas suggests, already knowing the answer.
“Look, I know I’ve made a show of it before, but I’m not actually Will the Wise.” Will gulps, frantically searching around for some place for his friends to hide, or any kind of distraction.
Meanwhile, Lucas’ eyes had widened at Will’s words.
It’s just like a campaign.
“Mike!” Lucas stares at him expectantly, and Mike snaps back into focus, narrowing his eyes to see Lucas craning his neck around the thick body of the monster and waiting for some kind of reaction. Mike frowns.
“What the hell are you looking at me for?”
“You’re our Paladin!” Lucas urges, gesturing between him and the Thessalhydra.
Despite the fear of death, Mike found himself slumping his shoulders and taking a deep breath to shout across the patch of land. “DO I LOOK LIKE A PALADIN RIGHT NOW?!”
“Not without a sword.” Dustin mindlessly retorts while still gawking up at the creature above them, threatening fire.
“He needs a sword!” Will’s eyes widen and he rushes off, much to the confusion of his friends.
Managing to keep his balance against the slippery surface of moving rocks beneath his shoes, he sprinted back down the tunnel with haste, eyes darting around in the dark. And then he found it.
Skidding to a halt, he swoops up the sword and almost recoils at its weight, stopping for just a moment to adjust it in his arms. As he does, he drifts his head down to look at the broken body of a skeleton, just laying there among the dirt.
Vecna steps out of the shadows, a murderous glint on his eyes, raising his left arm.
Will didn’t think he had ever screamed louder than he did when a vine shot straight through Mike’s chest, blood pouring from his mouth.
His body falls to the ground, something metallic and shiny clattering beside him. A sword.
Will shook his head furiously, stepping back and regaining his fast strides back to the surface, clinging onto the sharp metal like his life depended on it. Vecna wouldn’t scare him. Not anymore.
“Mike!” Will yells across to him, his friend’s attention turning to him with a frown before his face dropped into something more surprised, focused on the shiny weapon in Will’s arms.
The sword soon floated towards Mike, powered by a boy who was studying it with immense concentration, until it finally dropped onto the ground in front of his worn boots. It was heavy as he grabbed onto the handle and pulled it up, testing the feel of it in his hands. Both gripped onto it as Mike raised his head and looked to his Party.
A Cleric, a Ranger, and a Bard all stared back at their Paladin, worn but ready to fight. The Thessalhydra was baring its ugly teeth, a creature too powerful to be taken down by one man. But they weren’t just one man. They were a Party.
And a Party fights together.
Mike gives the signal and they’re all snapping into action. Lucas loads his crossbow as he and Will run past the monster and towards their friends, Dustin testing the swing of his bat as Mike raised his mighty sword.
“We ready?” Mike asks, glancing between them. The Thessalhydra rips a loud roar from its throat and they all glare up at it.
“Ready.” They reply with steady voices.
They didn’t need to go over a plan. After all, they had defeated it before in their longest campaign. It was as easy as the roll of the dice. Hypothetically.
Just as the Thessalhydra dips the middle head towards them in attempt of attack, an arrow is shot through one if its eyes, causing it to screech in pain. Lucas reloads and aims once again.
As he took care of blinding the thing, Dustin makes his way around the large expanse of a thick flesh of armour, locating its hind legs. And, when it stumbles back from Lucas’ arrows, Dustin strikes the scales with enough malice to slice through the skin of the monster’s ankles, prohibiting it from moving back.
Its wings uncurled from its spine, heads pointed to the sky in attempt to retreat. Until those wings were pinned back down by Will’s stare, a trail of blood staining his top lip.
The three of them were keeping the Thessalhydra in place, over-exerting themselves from the size of it but pushing through the feeling. Lucas glances behind him to see Mike’s gaze focused on the thing’s chest. It was a sure way of striking it down for good… if he could just get up there.
“Catapult!” Dustin instructs, reading the situation perfectly as he drives the nailed bat down again from the prompt of movement.
“Catapult him with what exactly?!” Lucas stresses, dodging the swipe of the creature’s tail and shooting another metal arrow at its left head.
“Will could throw him!” Dustin suggests and Will glares at him.
“I’m a little busy!”
In their debate, Mike claims an advantage point. He runs up the fallen tree trunk, leading him further toward the sky and shouts for his friends’ eyes. Heads whip towards him and they know what they need to do.
Dustin changes course, driving the creature forward as Lucas runs to the right side of the thing to grab its ferocious attention. Will keeps his focus on restricting it to the ground, waiting for Mike’s signal.
One second, then another, and the Thessalhydra is exactly where they want it.
“Now!” Mike shouts, and Will pushes his arms out.
The winged creature is pulled back slightly by the force, trembling under the destruction of the legs it attempt to stand on, and displays its heads to reveal a clear shot of its chest.
Ignoring that beating fear that thrummed in the back of his mind, Mike let his feet take control as he gained momentum, leaping from the high ground with his sword raised above his head. He plunges it straight through the wall of flesh, riding the gravity of the sword splitting open the gut before his feet finally find the ground again.
Lucas and Dustin lunge forward to pull him back as the Thessalhydra screeches against the fatal wound, swaying on unsteady claws before crashing to the ground in a cloud of dust and smoke.
“Holy shit.” Dustin breathes out as the dust settles, revealing a very dead monster.
Mike feels his lips widen to a smile, looking down at the sword that bore the blood of a creature he had just slain.
“Holy shit!” Dustin screams again in glee, practically jumping onto Mike in an attack of a hug.
Mike looks to his friends’ beaming faces, grinning in return as they yell and hug in a fury of celebration. One successful campaign was completed.
And then another arose.
A stomach-churning scream rips through the air and they freeze, eyes wide. It sounded like…
“El.” Mike gasps before they take off in a sprint back down the tunnel, praying they’d make it in time.
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Present Day. Inside the Fortress.
It felt like El’s brain was beating against the side of her skull, sending bursts of unwanted reminders that she was alive.
Her name was repeated over and over, causing her to flinch from the noise piercing her ears. But she couldn’t move. She tests her left arm. Nothing. Then the right. Still nothing.
“El, wake up!”
Your voice becomes clearer the quicker she reconnects with the world, blinking against blurry vision. There’s a sigh of relief at her acknowledgement, sort of like a sob. El looks down at her body, the putrid sight of slimy vines pinning her against the wall. Her gaze shifts beside her. Your glittering cheeks and blood stained skin stare back as you thrash against the vines. You were both trapped and injured.
El’s small gasp of consciousness had felt like a miracle to you. After Eddie had thrown you against the wall, another wall of debris came crumbling down. The cries and screams of your friends from the other side were now muffled by stone. Eddie had walked away shortly after, disappearing into the shadows.
Instead, he was replaced by something much more sinister.
Once you saw Vecna dragging El’s body across the ground, your blood had frozen solid. Dumping her in front of you, you began screaming and crying, desperately pulling away from the vines that only tightened the more you struggled. Slithering ropes eventually pulled El into the wall beside you, but that fear that Vecna had killed her remained until she finally answered your prayers.
“Glad you could finally join us”
Vecna’s growl triggered a switch in El’s brain, the girl suddenly straightening her body and clenching her fists. She was weak, however, her head trauma making everything seem foggy. She couldn’t focus.
“You should never have come here” Vecna steps forward, tilting his head, “Now the game has to finally end”
“Your fortress is crumbling.” You spit, relentlessly tugging yourself away from the vines. “You’ve lost.”
A dangerous glint of rage shines in his eyes before he lunges towards you, striking a claw down your cheek.
“Leave her alone.” El demands, feeling her power recharge with every breath she took.
His head snaps towards her, arching with a sneer. She just needed him to be distracted long enough for her to be able to burst free from the vines. And he knew that.
“You may have ruptured my plans” He points his stare at El, chuckling darkly, “But I can still take everything away from you”
A moment of silence ensues before El’s eyes drift to the claws slowly clutching your face, cupping your chin. That numbing fear coated her entire body as he grips your face tighter, a whimper of pain.
“No.” El gasps, shaking her head and struggling to free herself. “No!”
“Yes” Vecna taunts with a chilling smile on his burned lips, staring back into your eyes.
You could just see the reflection of your horrified face in the milkiness of colour, the faint acknowledgement of his left arm raising beside you. All you could hear, taste, was your own rapid heartbeat.
But, unexpectedly, he steps back and releases you of his hold. You frown. His arm moves towards the shadows, pointing- no, summoning something.
You already knew before it began.
The boy you loved stepped out of the darkness, obeying his master’s orders.
“Eddie..” You whisper, tears in your eyes, but he barely glances at you. His attention was on Vecna, waiting.
Vecna grins at you, a sight that rose bile into your throat, and his arm moves back to you. This time, pointing.
“Get rid of her”
There was a blur of movement, begs and pleads that echoed against the cave walls.
Then, a scream.
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Present Day. Inside the Fortress.
Once the wall of debris had been cast down in front of them, they started shouting for their friend, for the girl locked inside the cave with a monster. Nancy and Jonathan’s voices were strained, Argyle and Robin tried pulling away stones, but nothing was working.
Steve just stared at the wall like he was imagining it. He had been running to you, frozen in his tracks by the sight of Eddie. He wasn’t even sure why he had stopped, a beating drone in the back of his mind telling him he wouldn’t win that fight. And now you were trapped.
“Steve!” Robin yells out at him, shaking his shoulders and snapping him out of his guilt. “Help us move these rocks.”
“Right.” Steve nods, grabbing a large stone and rolling it away from the pile-up. But, no matter how many he moved, they wouldn’t be getting through the thick expanse of the debris in their way.
“Nah, man.” Argyle pants, stretching his back and exasperatedly gesturing to the rocks. “It’s impenetrable, dudes. There’s, like, a lot of Rocky’s to get through.”
“We don’t have any other way in! She could be-” Nancy gasps out before collecting herself, taking a deep breath and ignoring Jonathan’s concerned gaze. “Okay. Okay, let’s… let’s just think about it.”
But there wasn’t any time. A stomach-churning scream echoes against the hard debris, striking fear in their veins.
“Y/N!” Jonathan cries out, lunging forward and tearing away rocks from the pile once again, his attack nasty enough to leave his fingertips bleeding against the friction.
It was a relentless attempt to get to you, one that left Nancy in tears at the sight. Steve and Argyle are trying to pry him away, but he wouldn’t stop. Jonathan couldn’t lose his sister again. He just couldn’t.
It wasn’t until an echo from the tunnel behind them sounded that he then stopped his insanity.
At first, it was small, then it grew into a rush of footsteps. Robin’s eyes widen as Steve searches the ground, picking up a rock light enough to hold but heavy enough to do some damage.
He steps forward, Nancy cocking her gun behind him, just in case. Steve raises his arm just as the echoes become clearer. Whatever it was, it was fast. Another creature, maybe.
Everyone is silent as the approaching monster gets closer and closer, Argyle knelt beside Jonathan while Robin stood just behind Nancy.
Steve waits until the perfect moment, until he can practically feel its footsteps through the vibrations on the stone, and then he makes his move.
The stone still raised in his hand, he jumps across the entrance to meet the creature…
… and is met with a terrified Lucas Sinclair instead.
“Stop!! Stop, no, it’s me!!” Lucas screams, holding his hands out in surrender, eyes clenched shut in fear.
“Jesus, Sinclair, I could have killed you!” Steve stresses, dropping the rock with a sigh and placing a hand on his chest. “You gotta stop doing that.”
Three more shadows revealed themselves in the light, a sore sight for eyes as Steve felt a weight disappear from his chest. They were okay.
“Where the hell have you guys been?” Steve frowns. Dustin readies his answer but Will simply shakes his head.
“Did you hear it?” Will asks, wide eyed.
Jonathan slowly nods, tears threatening his eyes while he clenches his fists in attempt to hide his torn fingertips. His voice is quiet. “Y/n’s stuck behind there.”
Will’s face drops completely as Mike steps forward.
“It was El.” He explains, “Her scream.”
“Shit.” Steve hisses, placing his hands on top of his head.
“That means Vecna’s got both of them.” Nancy shares, iterating what all of them were thinking.
“He’s gotten exactly what he wanted.” Robin shudders, lowering her gaze.
Everyone stares at the wall of debris, hearts heavy. They had tried to kill him before, and it had failed miserably. This time, they claimed an advantage; El was stronger, you and Eddie were powerful. Everything was working, Max’s soul released, the fortress crumbling. But at what cost?
They had won the war, but they had lost the fight.
Will’s small voice whispered into the silence, earning a chorus of confused expressions.
“He’s not winning.” Is all he says as he marches up to the wall and focuses his stare.
His sisters were trapped with a monster that had been haunting him for five years. You had both protected him, cared for him, believed in him. The both of you had sacrificed for him. You were strength when he was weak, when he was merely a ghost of himself.
And he was done being the scared little boy Vecna had dragged into the Upside Down.
Throwing out his arms, his glare pierces through the stone barricade between him and his sisters. He stares and stares, a tingling sensation of fire and fury coursing through his veins, from his mind, to his heart, to his fingertips.
Dust pours into the atmosphere with a loud cascade of rubble, a shock strong enough to burst through the rocks like it were merely made of plastic.
They cough against the air, fanning the space in front of them before gripping tightly onto their weapons and charging forward. They didn’t have time to stand in awe of Will’s power.
Running in, their eyes are immediately set on Vecna, the monster stood with a curious look at the rocks currently collected around their feet.
Nancy raises her gun as Lucas takes aim with his crossbow, Will’s arm pointed in suggestion of what he would do. Mike and Dustin bare their weapons, Robin and Argyle lighting their cocktails once again. Steve and Jonathan take the rear, searching through the thick dust that soon settled.
It was an intimidating stance by all means, enough power behind their rage to scare even the worst of creatures.
But Vecna simply smiled.
Small sobs and tears became clear as it echoed against the stone walls. Turning their heads, they find El pinned against the wall, tears streaming down her face. By her side, Eddie is stood with crimson eyes, gripping tightly onto his spear.
The spear that was plunged directly into your stomach.
A few minutes before…
The boy you loved stepped out of the darkness, obeying his master’s orders.
“Eddie..” You whisper, tears in your eyes, but he barely glances at you. His attention was on Vecna, waiting.
Vecna grins at you, a sight that rose bile into your throat, and his arm moves back to you. This time, pointing.
“Get rid of her”
You can’t even comprehend anything that’s happening until a gasp leaves your swollen lips, tears threatening your eyes from a sudden sharp pain. Something drips from your mouth as you stare back into Eddie’s crimson eyes. He was closer than before.
A scream cuts through the air. You assume it’s from the girl beside you, but everything seems distorted now.
You look down to find a spear covered in your blood. Eddie had obeyed his orders, and his spear was now plunged into your stomach.
Nothing led behind his eyes. He was staring into his girlfriend’s eyes, but there was no emotion left. Vecna had taken over him completely. But you still had hope.
Eddie tries to pull away, but you wrap your hands around the cool metal and keep it in place. You needed him to listen. And, rather than fight, Eddie met you with curious eyes.
There’s a sudden burst of stone that blows down the dividing wall, but you barely flinched. You couldn’t seem to register it was happening anyway.
El’s sobs and cries were vibrating straight through your head, dust settling all around you. You weren’t concentrating on that, though. You needed Eddie to listen.
“Eddie…” You struggle to speak, keeping your gaze on his dark eyes. “You have to… remember…”
His eyes searched yours, frowning. Eddie isn’t even sure why he’s letting you speak.
“You have all LOST” Vecna boomed, vines slithering up and around his body.
Everyone was frozen in place, from shock or fear they didn’t know. You were bleeding, blood dripping from your mouth, a tight hold on the weapon that had cut directly through vital organs.
Nancy can’t believe she has to watch you die again. She had been fighting this entire time to keep you alive, to bring you back home so that Jonathan can have his sister back. So she can have her best friend back.
A small sob must have hitched in her throat because Robin suddenly steps forward, juggling the fiery cocktail in her hand.
“I’m done.” She says simply. No blabbing, no rants formed by her nerves. She was done being frightened.
Robin’s display of bravery caused everyone to wipe their tears. You weren’t dead yet. They still had time. And none of them had the heart to lose anyone else.
That rage fuelled revenge. Taking places, curt nods were exchanged as they refocused onto Vecna, his startled expression all they needed to make the first attack.
Robin raised her arm and Vecna caught onto it immediately, throwing out his hand and keeping her wrist suspended in the air, struggling against the ghostly grip he had on her. He grins, believing this was a fight he could win. But Vecna had one fatal flaw.
He never learnt from past mistakes.
The entirety of his back suddenly seared in a burning flash, a swollen yell exiting his lungs. He turns to find Argyle standing with a mischievous smile on his face.
“Distraction.” He mouthed, grinning, and Vecna roars in anger.
A sharp blow of a bullet hits his chest and he stumbles. He attempts to retaliate, but then there’s another slice of pain that cuts into his cheek. Lucas lowers his crossbow, reloading.
Between strikes from metal weapons, to fire engulfing him, he was surrounded completely.
From the attack, the vines retreat away from the fire, spreading to where El was still pinned against the wall in a hopeless attempt to regain her strength. Along with the rest, the vines disappear back into the stone cracks that laced the wall, dropping her to the ground.
The vines had unwrapped from your body, but the spear in your stomach was infiltrating the wall behind you, just leaving you hanging there. You ignored the burst of pain as your weight attempted to pull you downwards.
Eddie’s eyes were slowly fading from their crimson prison as he watched the tears pour down your cheeks. This was your opportunity to save him.
Delicately removing one hand from the spear and brushing your fingers against his cheek, you pant against the blood filling your lungs.
“I love you.”
Your forbidden whisper travels through his mind, piercing through the gates that Vecna had thought impenetrable. A rush of emotion hits him all at once; fear, joy, love, pain.
The sudden realisation knocked him backwards, taking the spear with him as he crashes to the ground and claws at is head that ached with memories.
Once the metal slips out of your flesh, you slide down the wall and wince harshly, trying to cover your stomach with trembling hands.
El blinks against the movement before crawling over to you with weeping eyes, searching your own.
“It’s okay.” You insist with shaky breaths, a feeble smile hidden behind blood stained lips. It wasn’t okay. None of it was.
A yell of furious defeat echoed across the space, your eyes drifting to look through the dark.
Their attack against Vecna was working. He was finally growing weaker, his surges of power merely causing them to stumble for a second before they were hitting him again with all that they had, circling him like the prey they had once been.
He was frantically calling for help, but whatever control he had over the other creatures had dissipated. His victims were now covered in his blood. But he refused to lose. He wouldn’t let this be his end.
Knocked onto his back by the driven attack of a spiked weapon, his eyes noticed movement in the remaining ceiling of his fortress. A cold stare was all it took to bring it closer. To bring them all closer.
Too fixated on beating Vecna until he no longer breathed, they failed to notice the darkened strings that carried Vecna’s last hope lower towards them.
Dustin clocks it first, a shadow behind Jonathan who was driving the golf club down into Vecna’s chest over and over. He watched as it grew wider, uncurling. Then, he felt something like hot air on his cheek.
Turning to his right, he found himself looking into a breathing flower.
“Not again.” He mumbles just as the flower spits into his face.
With a yell, he retreats and earns the attention of his friends. They soon become aware of their surroundings, each member falling victim to the toxic spores that blinded them and itched at their throats.
Sputtering coughs echoed everywhere as the group were forced to retreat, unable to see eachother through the fog of white dust.
Rubbing his eyes, Will tries to blink away the dust that spurted into his face. As he does, he notices Vecna’s scorched and bloodied shadow creep away from them, heading to the far wall. Piercing his gaze through the storm of particles, he can just make out two silhouettes sat on the ground, Vecna moving rapidly towards them.
El barely noticed the fight happening behind her. All she could focus on was the rush of blood leaving your stomach, coating your hands in a scarlet hue of despair. She couldn’t stop crying, even as your fading voice kept reassuring her that everything was fine.
Your head started to loll to the side and she reaches forward to catch it in her hands, forcing you to look at her.
“Don’t leave me.” She begs in a short cry, and you blink against the tiredness threatening your body. You were trying, for her.
“Please don’t leave me again.”
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March 1986. The Wheeler House.
El tears her eyes away from the vine-covered buildings, distracting herself by reaching below her sleeve and softly stroking the tiny pieces of rope that made up her bracelet. It brought her comfort, knowing that she was going back to her family, to the sister that made it for her in the first place.
She had flashes of Max’s bleeding eyes infiltrate her mind before she shudders, straightening in her seat. Mike sends her a worried glance, but she doesn’t acknowledge it.
He had saved her when she was convinced she couldn’t be. And she was grateful. Of course she was. But something didn’t feel right. Not between them anyway. And she’s known it for a long time now.
A superhero. That’s what Mike called her; how he sees her. But she was nothing like the superheroes in Max’s comics. They all wanted to save people, to risk their lives and dedicate themselves to the cause. El just wanted a normal life.
None of them seemed to understand that. Hopper did, before he sacrificed himself. Will did his best to treat her like a sibling, but he couldn’t hide those pitiful faces anytime she pulled down her sleeve to cover her tattoo. The last people who actually treated her like she was human were Max and her older sister.
And now she only had one of those people left.
Jonathan’s voice brought her head up and she braced herself on the back of his seat, leaning forward for a better view.
They were back on a familiar road now. And, a few houses down, she felt her heart lighten at the sight of her friends. She and Will share a grin, excited to finally see the person they had been aching to talk to.
Argyle rolled the van to a stop and they eagerly slide the door open, stepping out onto the driveway of Mike’s home. As soon as they catch eyes with their loved ones, they’re all smiling, running and hugging in rejoice of their reunion.
She and Will clung tightly onto Dustin, pulling away with their wide cheeks aching.
“Where’s Lucas?” Will asks, searching the area around them.
“He’s at the hospital.” Dustin replies, and they share looks with one another.
“Is he hurt?” El frowns.
“No. No, he’s…” Dustin’s face drops at their confusion. “Oh god… you don’t know.”
El’s heart skips a beat. She already knew deep down why Lucas was at the hospital.
Dustin’s explanation was only heard by Will, El’s mind drifting off in conflicted feelings. Hospitals were good, right? That’s where people get better.
But all that replayed was her best friend’s death. Max’s heartbeat coming to a stop. There was a pain inside her chest as she relived it, spreading into her nerves until her entire body felt heavy. She had felt this way the night of Starcourt, when Hopper never came back. Grief. That was what you had called it.
As Dustin was nearing the end of his account, El began looking for comfort in the person who understood her more than anyone.
“Where’s Y/n?” El asks as she searches across the driveway, eyes settling on the front door as if you would suddenly appear.
When she doesn’t hear a response, she turns back to see Dustin’s teary eyes shift to the ground below his shoes, tight-lipped. Her stomach dropped.
“Dustin?” Will frowns, exchanging glances with El. “What is it?”
Attempting to open his mouth, he raises his head before the eye contact caused the first tear to slip, wiping it away furiously.
Will’s face goes pale, voice cracking as it rises in panic. “Where’s my sister?”
No words were needed to know the truth. Everyone’s mournful faces looking at the Byers-Hopper family were enough to spark that aching pain in their chest. Will’s focus shifts to Jonathan, the older boy hunched over while Nancy clings desperately onto him.
His hands rise to cover his mouth as the tears come pouring out, small sobs bursting through the flesh. Mike clocks the sound and whips his head to the noise, running over to catch him in a hug.
“How?” El managed in a small whisper, feeling all and entirely too numb.
“She saved us.” Steve is the one to answer, pushing away from his car and placing a hand on Dustin’s shoulder. “She… she was a-”
“Hero.” El finished bitterly.
Steve nodded, lowering his head and guiding Dustin to Robin. The boy wasn’t opposed to her comforting arm. Once Steve was satisfied that he’d be alright, he walks back to El. Except, she wasn’t there.
As soon as the boys turned away, El felt herself drifting into the house. Her legs moved without thought, guiding her through the familiar door and down the steps that creaked beneath her weight. She went directly to the corner she once slept in, sliding down the wall and curling her legs flush against her chest.
A small cry emitted from her mouth until everything came rushing in all at once, her entire body shaking from the force of her sadness.
It felt like just yesterday you had placed a kiss on her forehead as you left to return to Hawkins to see your boyfriend just before the break. Like only a day had passed where you promised your return to her, saying that you’d try and drag Max back with you if you could.
El remembered the smile you had given as you waved her goodbye, an excitement in your eyes at the thought of seeing Eddie.
That was the last time she had saw you. And now she had to accept that she never will again.
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Present day. Fortress Of Memories.
Will’s scream echoes against the stone walls and sends chills down their spines, everyone turning to eachother with startled looks. They didn’t understand what was happening until they saw it.
Vecna was stood with his arm outstretched, rising it slowly above him. And, on the other side, he had his claws wrapped around El’s throat.
She was too distracted to see it coming. One moment she was pressing down on your wound, blinking against the watery haze lacing her eyelids. The next, she was forcefully pulled away from you, spinning around only to find One’s tightened grip on her neck to be lifting her from the ground.
She tried to tear at his hand, but it was useless. It wasn’t a pain any worse than he was already experiencing.
“Let’s finally end this” His voice was deeper than usual, rough. And that look in his eye was something that made her blood run cold.
Eventually, his grip was released, but she was still left dangling in the air. And it only got so much worse.
Suddenly, a burst of pain shot down her spine and she screamed, her body turning in the air until her back faced the ground, every nerve set alight as she felt herself drain.
She never thought of what One really wanted, never made that connection before. He wanted power.
He wanted her power.
Vines shot from the ground below her, biting into her back over and over until the attack became too unbearable, knocking her unconscious.
The others yelled for her, surging forward through the smoke in the direction of her cries. But they wouldn’t be able to get her.
More vines slipped from the cracks below them and bared teeth. They managed to hold them off, barely a scratch on their skin, but the vines were more relentless than before. And they knew it was because Vecna was gaining power.
Will yells out in fury, surging forward with his target set on the monster currently killing his sister. His arms were outstretched, nerves tingling at his fingertips. But he was too close, and Vecna’s left arm extends towards him. At first, nothing happened.
Then suddenly all Will can hear is the chittering noises of creatures he had since forgotten.
Shadows danced around him, reminding him of the time he was dragged into this world and forced to fend for himself. Reminders of the Demogorgon hunting him, the whispers of a girl in the dark.
The walls were taunting him, arms reaching out and clawing at his clothes. He couldn’t stop them.
“Will!” Mike was trying to snap him out of it, but Will was too panicked, caught up in fighting off imaginary creatures. Mike’s sword clatters to the ground as he grabs Will’s face in both of his hands, forcing him to look in his eyes.
“Hey, look at me! Look at me!” Mike yelled as Will muttered about monsters. “They aren’t real! Will, they’re not there! I’m right here!”
After a second, Will’s nervous movements stilled and his hazel eyes finally found the boy’s in front of him. He takes a deep breath.
“I think I’m going crazy.” Will cries, Vecna’s effect stronger than he thought.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. We’ll go crazy together, remember?” Mike, sliding one hand down to clasp Will’s and holding it tight.
A small grunt behind them made Will jump and Mike looks over his shoulder, eyes widening.
Lucas had stumbled back as a vine shot straight at him, dodging the attack but tripping over something on the ground. He quickly recovered from the fall, noticing that Mike and Will had rushed to his side.
“I’m fine.” Lucas breathes, reaching down to collect his crossbow.
Until another hand shot out and grasped onto his wrist, causing a high-pitched scream to erupt from his mouth.
Dustin and Steve turn to the noise, nodding to the others in confirmation that they had enough force to defend themselves before joining them and looking down in shock.
“How about you stop staring at me and help me up?”
The gruff voice said, and Dustin’s eyes lit up.
Argyle and Robin finally managed to light their cocktails, shouting at Nancy and Jonathan to move before the bottles slip from their fingertips and ignite the ground of ivy monsters. Their screeches were ear-splitting, but worth it.
“Uh, dudes…” Argyle took a step back, gawking at something above them. “How are we helping out our superhero girl?”
They all tilt their heads in the direction he stared, breaths hitching.
Vines descended from El’s back, her body floating mid air, arms limp. The vines made a trail. As they follow it with their eyes, it leads straight to another body, sliding into his back just like they had seen in the attic.
It was some kind of suction, the vines breathing as they pumped something from the girl’s body to his. It was monstrous. And it was killing her.
His eyes had fluttered shut, feeling the power course through his veins. Once upon a time, he wanted her to join him, to rule the world as the two most powerful beings. That was until he discovered the mysteries the world beneath Hawkins held, a result of Eleven’s banishment.
He was connected to everything here, accepting his body as a part of the land. He didn’t need her by his side. All he had to do was break her down until he could take what was rightfully his.
He was growing stronger.
And no one could stop him.
A clean sound of something slicing through the air made Vecna’s eyes open with a snap.
Something heavy hit the ground.
Then came a burning pain.
He stared at the arm that was outstretched towards Eleven, heart beating faster in his chest as the burning grew and grew.
His hand was no longer attached to his wrist.
A guttural yell erupted from his lips as he retracts his arm, wrist spurting blood onto the cold ground. The vines fell from his back, and the girl fell from the air. Someone caught her, but he couldn’t comprehend anything that was happening.
“Plenty more where that came from.”
He slowly rolls his neck to the voice and glares at the boy holding a bloody spear, not one ounce of hesitation behind his expression.
“What? You weren’t ready for that?” Eddie questioned with a low voice.
As Vecna cradled his wrist, he stumbled forward in his steps, laughing.
“Eddie Munson” Vecna growled, every slow footstep making him grip his spear tighter. He wanted to intimidate. He wanted them to fear him. And then he remembers, eyes flickering to the left.“I know what you fear most”
“Oh, yeah?” Eddie held his ground, aware of the silhouettes behind him ready to back him up. “And what’s that?”
“Losing her” He smirks, and Eddie almost loses control, narrowing his stare.
“Don’t fucking touch her.” He warns, malice in his words.
“The damage you’ve done is irreparable enough”
There’s a split second of confusion until it all comes rushing back.
Stood there, barely acknowledging the girl that cried for him pinned against the wall. His orders, carrying them out like a loyal soldier would. Feeling the gasp that left your lips fan against his skin. The tears you had when you made him stay there. Your whisper of truth that lit a passion, spreading like wildfire until all of his emotions were his once again.
Eddie’s head turns to see you slumped against the wall, head lolling ever so slightly to the side while Nancy is desperately trying to stop the blood gushing out of your wound. The wound he made.
Everything he was holding back suddenly flipped like a dangerous switch. With a loud cry of war, Eddie feels his the wings spread behind him before he jumped.
His height was an advantaged as he lunged at Vecna, taking the monster by surprise as he raised his spear and aimed at his face. Thanks to his ‘boss’, he knew he could never miss.
It was karmic justice when the blade pierces through Vecna’s eye.
The roar was loud enough to startle anyone, Vecna’s only hand desperately cupping his torn eye socket. The weight of the spear caused him to tumble back, struggling against the impending doom of death.
He reached out, expecting the slippery soldiers of the dark land to save him, carry him far. They never did.
That’s when he knew it was his end.
A shadow leaned over him, hair dishevelled, face sinister. He didn’t need to focus on their features to know exactly who was there, taking their revenge. Beating him once again in a world he thought he would be unstoppable in.
“Goodbye, One.”
They spoke with a hoarse throat, before a boot was driven down onto his head, and everything went dark.
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Once Vecna’s body had hit the ground, Eddie sprinted towards you. He collapsed to his knees once he was closer, slightly sliding against the ground and scuffing his already ripped jeans. He was sure to be bleeding, but it wouldn’t be worse than the sight in front of him.
Nancy’s cheeks were glistening with tears, her hands pressing down onto your stomach as you winced from the pressure. Your face was covered in small scars either side of your mouth, blood trickling down your chin as you coughed.
The tears on your face weren’t fresh, you hadn’t cried since Eddie finally woke up from a monstrous hold. Because you weren’t sad. You were barely starting to feel the pain now.
“I can’t-” Nancy cried, her efforts leaving no lasting hold.
Eddie immediately slides off his denim jacket, bundling it up and gesturing for her to move her hands. The wider surface area works, nothing new staining your dark crimson clothes.
“Shit, shit, shit.” Eddie panics as the denim rapidly dyes red. It wasn’t working. Nothing was working.
Your eyes flutter open, heavy as the drowsiness threatens to take you under. Eddie’s eyes widen and he places a hand on your cheek. You’re just able to raise your own arm, palm against the rough exterior of his hand.
“I need you to stay with me.” Eddie begs quietly, applying more pressure. But you didn’t wince this time.
“Did you do it?”
Eddie’s head whips back up, the first tear trickling down his face as he frowns.
A small smile stretched onto your lips. “Did you... finally finish your campaign?”
“I did.” Eddie grins with a sob hitched in his throat. “I won. We won.”
The smile grows brighter, fresh tears finally lacing your eyes knowing that everyone was safe. Everything you and your friends had been through over the past few years was coming to an end. You could all finally be happy. They could all be happy.
“Good.” You slowly nod. There was so much you wanted to say, so much you wanted to do. But it seemed the universe didn’t want it that way.
No matter how hard you tried to fight it, the eternal slumber was winning the war inside your body, heart rate slowing, eyelids closing.
“Woah, hey. Hey! Stay with me!” Eddie persists, eyes flickering between you and the blood-soaked material failing its job. “Y/n, don’t you dare die on me!”
You didn’t respond. He moves to shake your shoulders until he feels the brush of your fingers against his hand, travelling down to his wrist until your arm was limp at your side.
“No.” He whispers, ignoring the sobs that echoed behind him and clasping your face in both of his hands, thumbs wiping away the tears like it may wake you up. “No, come back! Please, Y/n, come back!”
He rests his forehead against yours, squeezing his eyes shut. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare. He wanted to go back to that summer in ‘83, making promises and arguing over mix-tapes.
But, most of all, he just wanted you.
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June 1983. Sattler’s Quarry.
“You could have at least added in Metallica.” Eddie groans, slipping the headphones off his ears as you stare at him in disbelief.
“Oh, I’m sorry, were the first nine mix-tapes with Metallica not good enough for you?” You mocked and he rolled his eyes.
It was like this most days lately. Ever since school finished for the summer, you’ve both been walking out to the quarry. It’s nice and quiet here where you sat, overlooking the pool of water and munching on snacks. Everyone else would be at Lovers Lake, catching sun and the eyes of the people they liked.
But you and Eddie never really fit in with that crowd.
“Can I ask you a question?” You suddenly ask between the comfortable silence.
“Sure.” Eddie mumbled, setting down the chip bag and looking at you with inquisitive eyes.
Your focus was set on the view opposite the quarry, trees stretching for miles. “Do you think this is it?”
“What do you mean?” He frowns, collecting a small stone and tossing it into the space dangling below your feet, hearing a faint splash as it made contact with the water.
“Hawkins.” You explain, tilting your head. “We’re born here, we go to school here. And when that’s over, we’ll work in some low wage job until the day we die. Hawkins-bound.”
“Aren’t you the pessimist.” Eddie chuckles. But when he glances at you, he notices the sad expression on your face; a slight pout to your lips, brows knitted softly. You looked… worried. “But, uh, to answer your question…”
You shift around to face him, waiting his response. He sighs.
“No.” He smiles and you raise your eyebrow. “Come on, you can’t think like that. You gotta have some kind of dream outside of this crappy town or it’ll suck you in. That’s how you end up working in some low wage job until you die… giving up.”
“I guess.” You shrug, turning to collect your Walkman and shove it into your bag. But you didn’t look any happier with his response.
“I mean it, Y/n.” He says, grabbing both your hands. “You’re destined for a life outside of Hawkins. You’re gonna graduate and you’ll go to some fancy college that actually notices how freaking smart you are. Maybe… maybe you’ll meet someone who isn’t an asshole jock.”
He said that last part with a smirk and you couldn’t help the smile creep onto your face, scrunching your nose in attempt to hide it.
“See?” He laughs, pointing at your incriminating face. “We both know it’s true. So promise you’re not gonna give up and you’ll actually get out of Hawkins to be the person you’re meant to be.”
You were silent for a moment until you squeeze his hands. “Under one condition.”
His eyebrows raise at your serious tone, eyes widening. “Uh… sure.”
“You come with me.” You say and he feels like his heart is on fire in the best way. He probably couldn’t hide the pink in his cheeks, but he figured the warm day could cover it pretty well. “Seriously. I’m not leaving Hawkins until I know you’ve escaped too.”
Eddie pretends to ponder this scrunching his face as if it were the hardest decision of his life. That was far from the truth.
“Hm… I guess I can probably arrange that.” He laughs, and you jump forward to hug him. Eddie tries to ignore the way his stomach fluttered at the contact, gulping.
He’s been in love with you ever since he met you. But he never said anything since you were with Steve Harrington at the time, practically Hawkins’ ‘it’ couple. He remembered how unbearable that got, watching the jock flirt with other girls when the perfect one was right in front of him. One night, he had worked up the courage to just cut you off completely. He didn’t want to, far from it actually, he always thought he’d want you as a friend if nothing more. It was just that his heart couldn’t take one more look at you and King Steve holding hands in the hallway.
But that same night, he got a phone call from you. He was going to ignore it, but he could never do that to you. And once he picked it up, he was so glad he did. Because you needed him. That was the night you broke up with Harrington.
Eddie supposed it was okay now for him to admit his feelings. But he didn’t need you as a girlfriend to be satisfied. Just having you there, hugging him and feeling your heart beat against his, promising never to leave without eachother...
That was all he needed.
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“We’re meant to get out of this together.” Eddie whispers against your forehead, holding you close. He couldn’t feel your heart beat against his anymore.
Jonathan had immediately turned to Will once he saw you die, catching him a hug as the young boy cried into his shoulder. Jonathan tried to keep it in, to be strong like he always had been, but silent tears crept down his face.
Robin had her arm around Nancy, the girl biting her lip with glistening eyes as Robin sent concerned looks over to Steve.
He was in shock, for the most part. Once again, you had died right in front of him. Once again, he didn’t save you. His best friend was gone... once… again…
The boy crying into his jacket suddenly pulled away and wiped his tears. Dustin turned to Eddie and took a deep breath, gently touching his shoulder. Eddie didn’t move, but he wasn’t opposed to Dustin’s head resting on him in support.
Steve scanned the room, noticing Argyle’s soft frown as he stared at the floor. That was the first time Steve thought he had seen him look sober. Mike and Lucas were also looking away from the dead body, eyes closed.
Just behind him, he saw another figure. El. As he mindlessly approached, he saw that she was staring down at Vecna’s dishevelled body. He almost vomited at the sight of his face, caved in at the sides and running blood onto the floor.
“Hey.” He started, tightening his lips. He wasn’t even sure where to start; the other kids were easier to talk to, to figure out, but he and El hadn’t been very close before she left. “I…”
“Let me guess.” El raised her head, lip wobbling. Her voice was low and scratchy. “She died a hero.”
Steve wasn’t sure how to respond to that. She notices his silence and arches her neck until she’s facing the sky, eyes squeezed shut.
“How come…” She starts before lowering her head, “How come after all of this… she still dies?”
Steve sniffs away whatever emotion threatened to come through and takes another step forward. “Death isn’t something we can control. And Y/n… Y/n was a hero- still is. Will always be. She did everything for us. Survived for as long as she could. And no matter how much we hate to admit it, we can’t bring someone back. Even- even if that person is someone who never deserved this.”
His voiced cracked at his last sentence and he lowers his head, shaking away the tears. He didn’t have time to cry. He needed to get everyone out.
“Come on, we should-”
“What if I can?” El asks and he whips his head up in surprise. “Bring her back? What if I can?”
“What- how?” Steve stutters, creasing his forehead.
“I did it with Max.” She starts to explain between sniffles. “I restarted her heart. From the other side.”
“From the…” Steve shook his head.
“The void.” El nods, “Like piggybacking.”
“Piggy- okay.” He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. “You’re saying that you think you can bring her back? From the void thingy.”
“Yes.” El’s eyes are light as the idea starts to form into hope.
Steve risks a glance behind him, frowning when he sees that Dustin has finally managed to drag Eddie away from you.
“Are you sure about this?” He questions, looking back. “Jesus, we don’t know if she can even be-”
“I can do it.” El said with enough determination for him to step aside.
As she walked forward, she noticed the looks between her friends, the stares as she crouches beside your body and gently touches your face.
But she didn’t hate the way they were looking at her. She wasn’t a monster in their eyes anymore. But she wasn’t really a hero, either.
Maybe she was a saviour.
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Six months later. Hopper Cabin.
“Heads up!”
The girls duck as quick as the words leave their mouth, the can barely missing their heads as it’s launched across the space.
“Got it!” Lucas yelled after jumping and retrieving it mid air, grinning. He notices a look one of the girls send him. “What?”
“Boys.” Max murmurs, leaning back. El giggles at her comment while Erica nods in agreement.
Six months after their final battle, they found themselves enjoying the beginning of summer, sat under the sun outside of Hopper Cabin. They had to take their business outside after one near-miss at a lamp when they tossed a ball around.
Max, El, and Erica were led on blankets, enjoying the heat. Max was sporting her red sunglasses, smiling to herself at how normal she felt.
When she finally woke up, her first sight had been the blinding light above her head. She thought for a second that maybe she was crossing over. An ironic thought, since she didn’t believe in an afterlife. Then a head popped into view and she ended up frowning. But not in fear.
Erica had been sat by her side, quickly explaining what Lucas and the others had set out to do before rushing to grab doctors.
It took three months for her to heal. Her vision was still a little blurry, prescribed glasses for reading, but she was safe. A few bruises still stained her skin but they were fading now.
Behind them, Steve yells a cheer at Lucas’ catch and hands one to Robin. She almost didn’t notice it, too engrossed in her conversation with Vickie via the cordless phone.
When the fight was finally over, Robin decided to swallow her nerves and make the first move. After all, if she could survive battling monsters she could most definitely survive asking her crush out on a date. Now she and Vickie were officially dating, long-distance since Vickie’s parents moved her out of Hawkins to be safe. But they wouldn’t be apart for long. Steve was ecstatic about it to say the least.
After defeating Vecna, Steve decided to take the leap and apply for an internship at a fancy law-firm. He didn’t expect a response much less an acceptance. It wasn’t necessarily something he wanted to do, but it gave him a chance to get into the real world, to start a life.
“Woah!” Mike shouted as a tower of cans almost came crashing down on him. Will tries to hide his snicker but is caught immediately. “You could have killed me.”
“With Diet Coke?” Will raised an eyebrow and Mike smirked.
“Could happen.” He shrugs and Will lightly shoves his arm, smiling.
Mike and Will grew closer than ever after the battle. Mike had confessed why he had gone down into the Upside Down, talking about how he didn’t want Will to feel alone again. He did it for Max, but a selfish part of him wanted to make sure that Will was protected. He felt stupid explaining this to him but Will just pulled him into a teary hug.
Will found out a few months ago that Mike and El had broken up just before they went into the Upside Down. El had known something was different between them and decided to just finally come out and say it.
El wouldn’t say that she’s particularly knowledgeable about love, but she believes she can see it in other people. She saw it when she looked at Joyce and Hopper. She saw it when she looked at Nancy and Jonathan. She even saw it in your eyes anytime you talked about Eddie in California.
And she saw Mike was in love. Just not with her.
“Who the hell put Madonna on?” Dustin pouts as he lifts his head from the radio he was fixing, the tune to ‘Material Girl’ whistling past his ears in the soft breeze.
Everyone glances to eachother before settling on the older boy stood next to Robin.
“Don’t look at me!” Steve says a little too defensively, “Look at her!”
He points down to an oblivious Robin, noticing the disbelief in everyone’s eyes.
“Yo, I thought you asked me to play Madonna, dude?” Argyle whispers to Steve and his shoulders slump.
Rather than comment, he took another gulp from his can and sent the group a sarcastic smile.
“Thanks, Dusty-bun.” Steve retorts and Dustin silently raises his middle finger at the nickname.
A few weeks after it was all over, Dustin finally started to feel more like himself. He started wearing his hats again, finding the joy he had locked away. He started writing campaigns for DnD in whatever school he ended up in between the final exams for freshman year that they had held at the school’s gym. Maybe he’d create a new Hellfire, take care of those sheep like he always promised.
Everyone span around to see Nancy stood at the back door with her hands on her hips, glaring.
Below her, Robin cranes her neck up to put her finger on her lips, motioning to the phone. But when she met Nancy’s eyes, she must have changed her mind.
“Uh… I gotta go. I’ll call you later.” Robin speaks into the phone before clicking disconnect and placing it beside her with a scared smile.
“We’re supposed to be packing!” Nancy stresses, looking a little flushed from the work she must have been putting in.
There’s a few groans before anyone actually moves. Mike and Will start clearing up the cans, smiling whenever they brushed hands. Lucas immediately moved to Max, helping her to her feet since her muscles still ached. Dustin and El begin collecting blankets and soon everyone is back inside the cabin in complete reluctance.
“Another hour?” Robin grins, Dustin nodding beside her. Nancy sends one look and they’re both trailing towards the boxes and bags.
“I mean, looks like you got most of it done by yourself.” Erica comments. It wasn’t a snappy remark, however, more like admiration.
“Yeah, well, I had some help.” Nancy sighs, wiping the sweat from her brow.
“Some?” Jonathan puffs as he enters the room, setting down a heavy box onto the table with a loud thump. “I’m getting a full work-out here.”
“About time.” Will comments from afar and ducks his head when Jonathan looks for a culprit.
“Nice.” Argyle chuckles to himself, pulling out an ornament and staring at it intently before placing it back into the box beside him.
“Speak for yourself.” Eddie almost stumbles into view, voice muffled by the stacked boxes in his arms that leave only his forehead poking out of the top. Steve swoops in and takes off the top one.
“My hero.” Eddie grins and Steve rolls his eyes.
They all got into a rhythm of work, only slightly distracted over now and then with random songs and funny stories. Another hour and they were practically finished, maybe a few knicks and knacks that could surely be shoved into a bag last minute.
“Thank god that’s over.” Lucas sighs, a chorus of agreement behind him.
“Yeah, I’m hungry.” Dustin grumbles and Steve frowns.
“You’re always hungry.” He comments and Dustin looks to him. “And it’s only 3.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is that you’re gonna eat so much food that you won’t be hungry for dinner.”
“Yes I will.”
“No you won’t.”
“Yes I-”
“Oh my god.” Robin groans, head whipped back in boredom at their silly little argument.
Eddie slides a hand down his face. “How about snacks? That good enough for everyone?”
Argyle’s grin and a room full of nods had him sighing as he left the room and headed to his van, rooting through the back for the snacks he had bought before driving over.
“Shit, where did they go?” Eddie spits as he starts throwing stuff around in a hurry, almost tripping on his balanced feet.
When his search leaves him empty, he slams the back shut and moves to the passenger seat, swinging open the door and poking his head through.
“Whatcha doing?”
“Jesus H. Christ!” Eddie yells, jumping in surprise and catching his head on the door frame, wincing.
“Sorry, I forgot you scare easy.”
Eddie rubs the top of his head, face scrunched. He turns around to see a sight for sore eyes.
“You good?” You ask, stepping forward and delicately cupping your hands around his face and angling his head. You let out a low whistle. “Oh, yeah. Serious head trauma there.”
“Not as cool as the bat bites but I’ll take it.” Eddie grins, pulling you closer until your lips slotted perfectly into his.
“Hi.” You smile against him, pulling your head back. “I miss much?”
“Other than the usual? Nah.” He replies, shutting the door behind him and sighing. “Can’t find those damn snacks we bought this morning, though.”
“You mean the ones Dustin ate on the way?” You frown and his eyes widen.
“You didn’t notice him munching away between us while we were driving?” You exasperate, shaking your head. “Jeez, that guy wasn’t being anything but subtle.”
“That was him?!” Eddie’s mouth drops open. “Shit, I thought my van was making that noise, I was gonna have it checked out.”
You finally let out your laugh and he can’t help joining in, your joy as infectious as it was musical.
After you died, Eddie remembered his friends pulling him away from your body, the feeling of guilt and despair bubbling away until it almost burst. Then El had walked over to you, crouching down and closing her eyes. It was a few moments of agonising silence until the sweet sound filled the air; your gasp.
He had immediately flung himself to your side, thinking this was all some kind of illusion. But you were there, you were breathing. And they wasted no time in getting you out of the Upside Down and into a hospital. While Eddie stayed by your side each and every night, he started to notice his sharpened ears return to normality. The inhuman strength just became… human. And the itchy feeling between his shoulder-blades faded with time. A direct result of killing the monster that made him that way.
You woke up the same day Max was released, fluttering open your eyes to the sight of your relieved chosen family. You didn’t question how you survived. You knew the girl sat beside you with teary eyes was enough of an explanation as you grabbed her hand tight.
“We should probably head inside.” You suggest as your arms wrapped around eachother, Eddie’s lips pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“But it’s so nice out here.” He mumbles into your hair and you smile.
“We only have tonight until everyone’s gone.” You arch your neck to see his face by placing your chin on his chest. “Who knows when we’ll all be together again.”
“I know.” He sighs, looking to the cabin. “You don’t have to be so right all the time.”
“But it’s a part of my natural charm.” You smirk, pulling away from his grasp and instead offering your hand, guiding him back into the house.
That night, you all set up in the living room and watched a movie, bathing in the last few moments you’d all be together like this. A family.
You were propped up on the sofa, Robin’s head in your lap as she stretched her legs across Steve. He had stopped trying to bat them away 20 minutes into the movie, accepting his fate. Nancy and Jonathan managed to squeeze into an armchair, Nancy on his lap while Jonathan hugged her tightly from behind. Then, leaning against the chair, Argyle was sat cross-legged on the carpet, eyes shut as he sways to the tune behind the scene currently playing.
Max had her back resting against the sofa, sporting both Lucas’ and El’s heads on each of her shoulders. Lucas was already softly snoring, El too engrossed in the movie to even think about sleep. Dustin, Eddie and Erica were sat on pillows beside you, barely paying attention to the screen as they exchanged quiet notes on what you could only assume were new DnD club names for Dustin to use at his new high school. Mike and Will were sprawled out on their stomachs, closest to the screen. Their legs became tangled with El and Max’s, but the girls didn’t seem to mind that much.
It was something you all knew to cherish. There wasn’t a chance in the universe that you’d never do this again, you all loved eachother too much to let that go. But it was likely to be a while.
Even after defeating the monster, the town was still ruined. The Hawkins they once knew was practically in ruins, houses left empty after families deserted them. Military were still working to seal up the gates for good, though no creatures had managed to slip through since your efforts.
Hawkins was gone, but it was okay. They all knew it was time to move on.
The party was sticking together, convincing their parents to move to California so they could all attend high school together. Steve and Robin were getting an apartment, just one town over from where Nancy and Jonathan would be attending college. Argyle was going to be visiting Eden while completing high school, seeing where things go.
And, finally, you and Eddie had plans to travel America. After you finish college and Corroded Coffin play some gigs, of course. You’d both be getting out of Hawkins. Together. Just like you promised.
When the sun finally rose between the trees, the cars being loaded with boxes and suitcases, no one felt sad about leaving. They’d all be back. Someday. It wasn’t an easy place to forget about.
For Hawkins was their very own Fortress of Memories.
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thank you so so much for supporting this story <3
taglist: @h-ness1944 . @ali-in-w0nderland . @dylanmunson . @silky-luxe . @mothmanatemycat . @sattlersquarry . @sadbitchfangirl . @fangirling-4-ever . @averagestudent03 . @gnnnne . @munsonology . @vintagehellfire . @bokuto-kinnie . @crissicat13 . @katie-tibo . @harrys-tittie . @the-world-is-a-mess-and-so-am-i . @lxvesickreality . @fracturedarkness . @frogers . @we-out-here-simping . @h0peless-r0m4ntic888 . @astrolockley . @fallinginlovewithqueue . @chamomileh0ney . @engenelxver
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