scarapanna · 6 months
More Moonseed content while I try to figure out how to make story arcs/silly
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I've been really focused on Intertwined Opposites and I feel like I'm neglecting Storybook a bit too much these days
[Og undercut]
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petals-and-ink · 7 months
Oh Vanilla Orchid, your eyes betray your very smile
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What are you if not a serene being?
Are you truthly who you appear to be?
Or are you just a being sinking into it's own regret and shame, unknowingly dooming itself to a constant pain lurking just around the corner?
Do I you shield my your soul away, wishing for it all to leave my your mind someday?
Or is it a self inflicted punishment against what I you abandoned?
Is this truthly how I you wish to live?
Should I you speak up and tell the truth I you claim to be oh so important?
How could I risk loosing and hurting the ones I care for the most again?
After my failure, what would it do? How would it even turn out?
I can't live another tragedy, I can't fail everyone all over again, what would the two even feel if they were here?
Gods, they would be so devastated..
I must keep this to myself, it would be only fair wouldn't it? No one will get hurt if I keep quiet for now, after all.
I'm guilty of not reaching them in time, and this is my price to pay.
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lazyapperence9754 · 1 year
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Kelsey hated everyone.
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bamsara · 10 months
obligatory out-of-context TROD draft snippet dump. spoilers
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I leave for my trip tomarrow so hopefully I am spared enough internet to upload the next chapter
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truffeart · 5 months
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Page 05 ! Did you guys recognize Link's sleeping outfit from somewhere, on page 04? Hehehe. First page - Previous Page - Next Page 16 available on Patreon!
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kittydoremi · 4 months
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Sonic eating the Eat Me cake 🧁
"So I don't care what happens!" Sonic might regret saying that soon... 😓
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tootiecakes234 · 2 months
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@queenpiranhadon thank you so much for adding me to this writing event😇 it’s my very first one and I’m so glad to be apart of working with all these amazing people.
Syn: Kento’s wife finds out he’s been hit by a curse and turned into a frog. Only true love’s kiss can cure him.
I hope this story does the idea in my head justice.
This is supposed to be romance/comedy I guess… Enjoy😘😘
*also my longest story to date
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It’s been months since you’ve been back to the home where you’d grown up. It’s gotten harder and harder to find the time between teaching your students and exercising curses.
But you and your husband always made time every year to make sure you got back during Mardi Gras.
See you came from New Orleans, Louisiana and you left home your last year of high school to attend jujutsu high. It was the top school for learning to use your cursed technique so you’d jumped on the opportunity when it presented itself.
This led to you meeting your husband, Nanami Kento and also one of the amazing friends you’d made Satoru Gojo.
Mentioning Gojo now because to Kento’s dismay, he’d weaseled his way into this trip. His entire reason for going, being the if he didn’t get to try the beignets from New Orleans, he would simply pass away.
Kento questioned everyday, how he’d managed to fall in love with Satoru’s best friend. It was the only hesitation he had when it came to dating you in the beginning because he knew he would be stuck with Gojo for life… And here he was in the cab with you guys on the way to your dad’s restaurant.
“ have I mentioned how much I love America. There’s a sweet shop on every corner we’ve passed. I’m gonna go into a diabetic shock.”, Satoru said from the left side of you.
Under his breath you heard Kento mutter, “Sounds good to me” and you elbowed him softly.
The two of them had been bickering since you’d met up at the airport in Japan. You weren’t gonna make it the whole trip without at least a few headaches.
“So it’s the first day of Mardi Gras and I know the restaurants gonna be super busy so what are you guys going to do to keep yourselves entertained while I’m working in the kitchen with my dad?” You asked them.
“Well I figured we would have lunch at the restaurant first and go from there. At some point, I have to go and take care of that curse that I promised Yaga I would look into.” Kento states.
Of course Satoru interrupts, “ I don’t know why you took that on. I told the higher-ups that this is my vacation and it’s going to be curse fucking free.”
“Yes well not all of us are the chosen one and can just tell our superiors no when they ask for something. Besides, it’s only a level two curse. It shouldn’t take me very long to handle.”
“ OK well Kento, just remembered to be extra careful. The curses of New Orleans are conniving. They’re not particularly hard to exercise, but they can get you in some sticky situations. Trust me, I know.” You informed him once more.
There weren’t many curses around here but the ones that were always tried to slip a trick on people before killing them.
“ I promise to be safe, my love” and he pressed a kiss against your temple.
“And Nanami, you know if you run into any trouble your Senpai will be there to help you. I’m just a call away.” And you would hear the cheekiness lingering in his voice.
“ for the love of God” Kento groaned.
Fortunately, for him, you were pulling up to the restaurant now. the restaurant happened to also be connected to a place where your mom and dad stayed the restaurant downstairs and their house being upstairs.
You got to your child home and you guys unloaded the car and were immediately tackled by your mom and dad.
After you guys got inside and settled, it was already time for lunch prep to get started.
“ since you guys will be the first ones here you get the best seat in the house, which is in the middle so you’re far enough from the stage to have conversation but close enough to really hear the band that’ll be playing.” You told them as you came downstairs.
“ I think I would prefer to sit right next to the band as to make sure no conversation is had actually” Nanami said on you guys reached the first floor.
“Awwwwww, Ken, don’t act like. You’re hurting my feelings” Satoru whine as he drooped his arm over Kento’s shoulder.
You grabbed Gojo by his ear and sat him down in a chair.
“Stop riling him up or I’m not making beignets for you. Do you understand??” You ask with your eyebrows raised expectantly.
“Yes ma’am” he pouts but stays quiet.
Everything is smooth for a while as you set up for lunch, start cooking, and eventually start letting guests inside.
The place was packed before an hour had even passed so Satoru and Kento were forced to give up there seats and skeedadle. Kento to handle the curse he agreed to exorcise and Satoru to try every sweet he could find in a 5 mile radius.
Business was booming from lunch onward. You didn’t have a break between prepping, cooking and serving orders in the gaps between servers.
Satoru was still missing in action and all you could hope is that he didn’t walk into a voodoo shop trying to get sweets and walk out hexed.
On the other hand, Kento hadn’t tried to contact you either, but you didn’t have much time to think about it or check in right before the dinner rush.
You tried calling him and ended up talking to voicemail, so you decided to text him. You just sent a quick message asking if he was OK and when he’d be back.
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Around two hours later, Gojo came sauntering in looking like a kid who was let loose in a candy shop with a credit card. He had all types of to go bags and shopping bags hanging off of him.
He went up to drop everything off before he slid into the kitchen to see you. 
“ you haven’t heard from him since he left earlier”, he asked and you could hear the concern in his voice which only made you feel worse.
“ no and it started to make me nervous. I can’t just walk out and leave my dad to finish his dinner shift by himself.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s fine. I’ll use my six eyes to go see if I can find him. I’ll be back quick New Orleans minute” and the accent was so offensive you almost smacked the shit out of him.
“Just go.”
By the time Gojo got back, the dinner crowd had left, the restaurant was closed and you and your dad were in the back cleaning up.
He came in with no Nanami next to him, but both his hands hiding behind his back and a cheeky smile on his face.
“ where the hell is Kento! you’ve been gone for two hours and you mean to tell me you didn’t come back with him??” You started shouting at him.
You excused yourself from your parents ear shot while grabbing him by the ear again, and dragged him behind you.
“Ouch, ouch, ouch.” That really fucking hurts.
“ where the hell have you been? Where is my husband??!”
Satoru is rubbing his ear when he speaks, “ well I’ve got good news and bad news. Good news is I found Kinto, bad news is…” and he pulls his hand from behind his back. “ This is your husband.”
You immediately screamed because this asshole pulled a slimy, disgusting frog from behind his back!
“Satoru have you lost your mind again??? Have the sweets eaten a whole into your peanut sized brain!!! Get that thing out of here RIGHT NOW!!”
But before Gojo could speak…. The frog did.
“My love, i’m afraid this is the one time that Gojo is not joking around. It’s me.”
That voice was definitely Kento’s but there was no way. Absolutely now way.
“ I think she’s gonna pass out. Y/N are you gonna pass out?” Satoru said well balancing the frog in one hand and reaching out the other to catch your trembling form.
“Sweetheart maybe you should sit down. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
That was Kento alright. Always the worrying, doting husband.
“ it was the curse, wasn’t it? Kento I told you that the curse is here were different. How did you manage to let this happen? You’re a frog!” Your hands were rubbing circles at your temple and you were pacing back and forth.
“You were 100% right, but it was more than one curse and I was caught off guard.”
“ yeah he couldn’t exercise them in his frog form so I had to do it when I got there and let me tell you those things look even more insane the ones in Japan. I did manage to get some information out of them before I killed them though.”
“What kind of information?” You groaned. You had such a killer headache right now it felt like your head would pound for the rest of your life.
“ good news first or bad news first” he asked you with small smile playing at your lips.
The death glare you gave him would’ve cut through his infinity if he had it on.
“ OK so good news first, um, you can fix him!” He says.
“Oh thank god!” You say on an exhale.
“He hasn’t said the bad news yet, baby” Kento chirps up.
“Yeaaaa… bad news is the only way to break. The curse is with true loves kiss”
“No” the word flew out of your mouth so quickly. “No why in hell am I kissing a frog.”
“ my love…”
“Do not “my love” me Kento. There’s no way! You’re SLIMY AND GREEN!” And you’re in full blown hysterics now.
You hear a chuckle from Gojo but he quickly shuts his mouth.
“ darling, I know this is a bad time to bring this up but… I do recall a certain asking on more than ONE occasion, if her husband would love her if she were a worm, a fish, and a plethora of other little creature. And said husband said yes to all of those.”
The calmness in his voice at that moment had never made you more irritated.
“ those were hypotheticals! You can’t throw that back in my face now.” You whine again because you don’t know what else to do.
Gojo decided now to speak up again, “ I may have also forgotten to mention that if the curse isn’t broken by midnight, your darling husband will stay in this form until his dying day”
“Turn off the infinity Satoru! Turn it off now!”
“So you can MURDER ME!?!? I think not!”
“Just give me one swing at the pretty face. You’ll only have 3 eyes when I’m done with you cuz I’m taking out half your power with one punch!” You shout.
Satoru keeps his infinity up, places Kento on a table, and starts walking away from your murderous being.
“ well I’ll take that as my cut to leave. I’ll let you lovebird sort this out amongst yourselves. Umm quick heads up midnight strikes in about six minutes do what you want with that goodbye!” And he’s out the door.
“Baby.” Your husband says in that soft soothing tone of his. “ I love you and I will continue to love you even if you leave me in this state as a green slimy frog, but I would truly prefer if we just did a quick little kiss and got this over with.”
“I cannot believe this! I should leave you like this you know. I told you several times not to take on this assignment.” You mewl.
“I know. I deserve this, I truly do.”
“I’m about to miss a frog. Me, (your full name) am about to kiss a fucking frog!”
“It’ll be quick love, just a quick peck. Close your eyes and it’ll be over before you know it.”
“I think I’m gonna bath.”
“Please wait until after the kiss. I don’t want you to throw up on me, I’m already slimy.”
“Why would you say that now??” You ask him with your eyes stretched.
“Sorry, bad timing.”
“Ughhhhhh. Fuck, fine. Count me down.”
You start jumping in place preparing your self.
“3”…. You start leaning in, “2” inching closer and trying to to keep your gag reflex in order, “1” you slam your eyes shut, pucker your lips and connect them to the amphibians.
Before you know it, Kento is again standing in front of you, but there is a flash blinding you from seeing his face.
“Wow, that is true love. Y/N you just kissed a frog.” When the flash dies down you see Gojo with his phone held up to you two. He was recording the whole thing.
“Oh that does it. You’re dying here satoru! Don’t run. Why are you running you piece of shit, get back here!!” And you spend the rest of the night trying to rip your best friend head off his body.
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By the time you get back home, you’d managed to destroy Gojo’s phone and any evidence any of it ever happened.
“Are you ok my sweetheart? You’ve had an extremely trying day.” Kento asks as you both get into bed.
“No. I want to go to sleep and forget the last 24 hours happened.
“I completely understand. Get some sleep sweet girl.” And he tried to lean in and press a kiss to your lips.
Your hand stop him dead in his tracks.
“Too soon Kento, too soon.” And you turn your body away from him and try to fall to sleep. You hear him chuckle behind you and snuggle up to your back.
tags : @queenpiranhadon, @cashmoneyyysstuff, @tootiecakes234, @starieq, @sweetienans, @seonne, @lovelyiida, @lady-ashfade, @4evapika, @angels-fantasy, @2melamoo2 - check out their storybook event fics too!
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lady-ashfade · 3 months
⚡︎The Prophecy Of Oz⚡︎
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´*: ・゚⋆˒ Percy Jackson X Princess!Fem!Reader (wizard of oz au)
╰・゚✧☽ Collaboration with @queenpiranhadon
╰・゚✧☽ you can fine the others here.
╰・゚✧☽ Summary: Three champions choose their next grand quest, the journey to a unknown island to speak to a wizard. Enemies lying at every twist and turn, but all they have to do is follow the yellow brick road.
╰・゚✧☽ words: 977
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: short story, a twist on wizard of oz, fantasy au/champion au, Older Percy Jackson & characters, romantic story lines, rushed ending.
This movie scares me and brings up old memories I wanna cry too.
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The twisted trees blocked the peaking sunrise from the pathed road, monsters howl and squeal getting further away from the morning sky.
They had fought a few monsters since they arrived on the island when the moon was just approaching, the sea was more kind to them than whatever evil rested here. The blue blood stained their clothes along with the red was a horrific sight, but Grover had it the worst. A giant gargoyle trampled over him, opening its mouth to hiss while it's saliva poured out and made his skin and clothes sticky.
"Out of all the quests, you two had to pick this one?" Grover used a hush tone and still annoyance was made known. The other two shared a glance while keeping silence against his words, he knew why.
This was the hardest quest. And one for them to show the most bravery.
“It seemed easy at the time,” Percy tried to reason with his friend even though he himself wanted to do a different quest.
Annabeth rolled her eyes as the two started to bicker back-and-for, she was the one who held the map in her hands since she didn’t trust either of them. Last time she trusted Percy to lead them the right way, they almost died from the monster cave they ended up in. Nonetheless she spotted a glow from between a few trees ahead, the turn in the path was near and seemed to give off a bright light.
She started to try and get them to stop talking but they didn’t seem to care about anything. “Guys!” Finally she shouted and got the boy’s attention to stop fighting. They noticed almost immediately at the brighten area ahead and gave each other a wary look. The oracle said to follow a yellow brick road, this must be it!!
From beside them, in the lightly brightened forest a sound of a tree branch snapped and had their heads turned quickly to scanned the area for potential threats.
Dispute their sharp eyes trained to see in more darken areas, and senses that tell when enemies are near they hadn't been sensing anything.
Quick to draw their swords the group backed up and formed a circle, with their backs touching each others. All eyes faced another direction and searched for the target. Annabeth poked Percy with her arms still staying quiet, the boy looked over and saw his friend staring into the dark. A pair of green eyes steadily watched them, and deep, rough breathes like a horse snout could be heard.
"Who's there!" Percy called out throughout the forest. The eyes blink slowly, a small thump of something hitting the dirt and leaves repeatedly hit their ears softly.
“You-Your the ones" the voice was highly contrast from itself. Whoever spoke had a deep and un natural tone, one that tumbled the air when it spoke, a growl undertone. A strong voice shouldn't sound so...
Suddenly the figure emerged from the dark area, and what they saw was a confusing sight. A lion…Walking with two feet and human like features, and he doesn’t look as dangerous as a real lion. He stood there awkwardly and tense under the glaze and hated the swords they held so high.
“I mean no harm—I couldn’t hurt even if I wanted to, forgive me champions,” his tail hid between his legs and helped himself in his own arms, “I am one of the three from your quest, the coward lion at your service.” He shook while bowing his head so slightly and backed away from the three humans.
“Oh,” they dropped their blades realizing who it was. The Oracle never said exactly who they needed to help and never did they expect a talking lion-man. “Sorry, we thought you were one of those flying monkeys, or something else.”
The lion roared a chuckle, “They are brave even if they are evil.”
The lion turned its head quickly after speaking and a unknown sound got closer. Like little twinkling sounds or water, or magic and of course that’s what it was. A glowing bubble rushed toward them from the road ahead as the sun followed and the forest got brighter. Two frames walked on either sides just as strange as the lion. One was a man made of tin and metal, a coal burner for a stomach and on the other side was a man made of it straw…A scarecrow?
As the bubble inched closer it grew in size and the group stepped back, worried it was something bad. The tint and color of the bubble was pink, and it flowed beautifully, and once it was in front of the champions soon it bursted and a woman appeared.
A human like them with features of beauty, a big dress the same color of pink as her bubble and a golden crown rested upon her head. Her lips gave a kind smile and eyes that drew Percy in for more.
Percy thought she was unlike anything he’s ever seen before, like a statue back on his homeland. He never met royalty but he was sure if he did, she would beat them all in looks.
“Welcome, champions,” the mystery woman bowed her head slightly, “We have been awaiting your arrival for a long time.” in her hands a glowing wand.
“How many of you know we are there? We have been attacked to no end, so why are all of you welcoming?”
They followed her down the yellow brick road hesitantly incase of a attack but nothing came. Instead they saw a huge castle with the brightest sky they had ever seen, villages and creatures happy and content around. It was out of a storybook from their youth.
“Now I really know we aren’t at camp anymore.” Grover said in awe.
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“You say the wizard, Oz, is far away?” Percy and the Princess stood alone in a room, his gaze never falling from a mischievous one.
As the dark haired boy walked towards the princess, a smirk tightened his lips while reaching her. “Might I have your blessing? For the travels to come, a princesses luck is sure to be good here, yes?” she smirks and playfully rolls her eyes.
“You have all my luck and prayers, Percy. If you happen to make it back, I shall grant you with a special thing,” she leaned in with a giggle that made his cheeks flush.
“A kiss.”
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Writer speaks: there will mostly likely be no part two. I wrote a whole different thing for this event but hated it so this was the rewrite, so I dislike this but I can’t do anything about it! But a huge thanks to @queenpiranhadon for thinking of me and asking me to be apart of this huge thing. If you ever want me again I will be better than this time, but I understand because I was all over the place-
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hiddenmoonbeam · 19 days
Do you have any plans to turn your red riding hood wolfstar art into a fic?? I haven't been able to stop thinking about it
First of all thank you for telling me this! Been a delight seeing people reblog that art and express in the tags that they want a fic of it 🥹 I don't really have any plans to write it though, I already have other fairytale aus on my wip list and this one really only exists because @polaroidcats kept insisting on monsterfucker Sirius in another au 😂 so I gave her that Red Riding Hood Sirius/Wolf Remus art. Which really is more cute and wholesome than cursed, but the implications are there hahahaha. I don't really have any more ideas for it, but!! I am so here for it if anyone else wants to write a fic, or just send me thoughts about it! Like these tags by @goldenprophetwrites:
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Love the idea that Sirius is a potions master or cursebreaker! And poor lonely Remus trying not to get his hopes up about the flirting 😭
So yeah. I absolutely love fairytale aus and my askbox is always open for that 😍 and who knows...maybe chatting about it will inspire me to make more of it. Wouldn’t be the first time 😌
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scarapanna · 6 months
Hiya y'all!!!
I just wanted to give a bit of an update regarding au ask stuff and other things!!
For the storybook AU, I've started to cook some stuff regarding the actual story in it! (I've wanted to work on a first story Arc for a while and just got started on panel concepts, I tend to take a while for these kinds of things so I apologize in advance for the long waiting time)
I'm super sorry for the sudden drop in activity over there, I plan on answering my remaining asks and close up the inbox to start out with more story driven posts, as I've been stalling on my few remaining ones too much (I might close the inbox to finish those too but I'm still debating over it)
Here's a really rough concept for some arc 1 pages to make up for it!!
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As such, to focus on Storybook i'll be stalling Intertwined opposites asks for a bit (I've finished the big info post recently so I wanted to give more time to Storybook after such, as a bit of a break)
That doesn't mean I'll stop posting about it ofc!!
My brainrot and ideas are still very fresh so I won't any time soon, I'll just be taking a bit of a break from asks for now
And lastly, ty for reading!! Have a neat day/night depending on your timezones!!
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petals-and-ink · 10 months
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"I'll be working on some projects for now but if you have anything you want to talk about feel free to do so, I'm all ears!"
Vanilla orchid is now available for asks
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rapidhighway · 3 months
in every fandom im in, i always reach the inevitable point where i make an au that would greatly benefit from me reading the divine comedy. every time. alas, i am lazy
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
EAH PEOPLE. I summon you all to discuss something.
We know the evil queen and how she stole the story book of legends and how the Storyline of EAH goes with Raven wanting to right her own destiny and her mom wanting to be evil and all.
But what if the story was written differently.
Now hear me out......
What if the evil queen was like Raven in highschool years, she wanted to follow her own destiny and have her own happily ever after.
Imagine the evil queen created a secret group of people who didn't want to follow in their fairytale ancestors' footsteps and carve their own path.
The group had little red riding hood, the big bad wolf, and a few others who wanted to rebel against their story.
Their true purpose was not known to Baba yaga or the Grimm brothers, but all they knew was that they were up to no good.
After many tries to change their path, the Evil Queen came up with only one idea that only Little Red Riding Hood knew about.
The evil queen told little red riding hood about her plan to steal the story book of Legends and destroy it so that they could finally be free. Little red tried to talk her best friend out of it, knowing it was a huge risk, especially since their children were now around. But the evil queen continued on with her plan, knowing what was going to happen, given her reputation and what people would assume about her reasoning, other than the true reason for her stealing the book, which was for her daughter Raven to have a choice that she never did.
The brothers Grimm still stopped the evil queen and imprisoned her in the mirror realm after she hid the book, and everyone assumed the worst about her and thought that her stealing the book and casting the curse on wonderland was all for evil reasons.
The only person who knew the true evil queen was little red and the big bad wolf, and they wanted to tell everyone the truth about the evil queens reasoning, but the evil queen swore them to secrecy and made them promise they would not tell a single soul about the true reason on why she stole the story book of Legends, this includes her family. Little red and the bad wolf agreed, keeping their friend's secret, the same as the evil queen had kept their relationship secret till death.
Another part of the reason why she stole the book was to reveal who the Grimm brothers really were. To her, they were master manipulators, dictators, and puppet masters who would make sure they followed their path out of fear instead of giving them an actual choice. So she decided to cut her strings and take matters in her own hands
As for the curse on wonderland, the evil queen placed the curse with the original intention to keep their worlds separate so that they would not be under the poisoning influence of the brothers Grimm and they could remain independent worlds. But after she was banished, the spell got out of hand and became a curse along with the influence of the Grimm brothers' magic.
It wasn't until much later that the evil queen revealed her true reason for everything she did to her daughter. Granted, it wasn't the best way, but it was the only way she saw and can only hope that Raven continues down her path to find her happily ever after
She didn't reveal her reasoning immediately out of caution for the Grimm brothers and their influence, but eventually (with red riding hood's convincing, of course), she confessed everything to Raven
Also, in this au, one of the brothers Grimm should be the true villain of the story, but I think it should be Giles. Now, that would be a SHOCKING TWIST!
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happi-tree · 10 months
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⚔️👑 shield and scepter 👑⚔️
Howdy, y'all! So my wonderful mutual @raemeh did this really cool fanart of my royalty Swiftli au (the fic for which can be found here), and I had some little design ideas about them in my wips, so I thought I'd post the two of them here! Thank you so much to everyone who's enjoyed it <333
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kittydoremi · 2 months
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Sonic wearing Alice's iconic dress 🦔💙
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pinky-in-blankets · 24 days
TADC: ✨️SideQuests ✨️
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"Ah.. that Performance was awful.. Caine is going to be so cross with me.."
"Don't stress about it, scribz. It was your first time performing- He'll understand. Heck - even I tossed a few pins into the crowd my first go round."
"Really..? You?"
"I know it's hard to believe, but even I had a hard time adjusting. Give it time- you'll learn the tricks and be a star."
"You really think i could be a star?"
"Oh- I KNOW you're gonna be a star. But don't let anyone know I said so. I gotta reputation to uphold after all Pinky pawz~☆"
The Amazing FreakShow Circus belongs to @kookydoodleky
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