#V: Mer Medic
autobotmedic · 1 year
"Do what you got to do doc, I can handle it. I'm a big girl." Despite the easy going grin on her face, she's incredibly tense and it takes everything in her power to keep her tail still and not worsen the wound, claws practically digging miniature ravines in the rock she'd been settled on.
It had been a bad turn of events really. She had been exploring outside the Iacon Shoal as she most often did during her free time, when she had stumbled upon a small shark trapped in a fishers net. Now she couldn't tell you how the net had separated from its source (although, based on the state of the cord, she assumed it had frayed due to age and over use), but she could say that she had managed to free its prey. At a price, of course. During its panic, the shark had perceived her as a threat and attacked, which she wasn't able to avoid before successfully calming it down.
She returned from that endeavor with a new friend to feed the next time she was out, and a decently bite in her tail that hurt like a bitch.
She's lucky ratchet stumbled upon her really. Primus known's he's do a better job at patching her up then she ever could. And really? How much more could it hurt compared to now?
He nodded at her reply to his warning, accepting the permission to proceed. Ratchet could feel her tension as his hand slid under her tail to hold it while his other retrieved a package of material from the pouches along his back. He opened it, removed and wrapped the alginate dressing tightly around her tail, then tied a knot on the side opposite her injury to secure it in place. Afterward, he pressed his large palm over the worst of the marks, relying only on memory now that the wound itself was hidden (but he had taken careful note, thus memory was all he required).
"There is an antimicrobial solution added to these, and that will suffice, but it would be safer to have it cleaned properly later." Whether by him, in a better equipped medical room, or someone else. That was her choice.
Maintaining the pressure on her wound, he added, in a lower tone, "... I prefer Rescue or Ratchet, over 'doc,' by the way." It was not as important as medical care, but he would be applying pressure for several minutes, and it was better on any patient to have a distraction such as conversation than silence. No other topic had come to mind.
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mieanme · 1 month
Merman x Siren au
Hualian - (part VI)
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First part: PART I
Previous part: PART V
When Xie Lian gets back, he sure expects other mers to be shocked that he actually did what the Emperor forbade. He also knows that there's probably a scolding from the Emperor himself awaiting him.
However, what he doesn't see coming, is bumping into his two friends the second he gets closer to the main cave formation in the pod's territory. The area loosely called a 'capital' by others is usually guarded through out the night and day, but taking into account that both Mu Qing and Feng Xin had a shift just the other day (he checked in with both of them in the canteen twice, to make sure), Xie Lian thinks he got really unlucky that they have another one right when he decides to not sneak around so much anymore.
"Feng Xin, please, calm dow—,"
The loud, harsh sounds that escape the merman's mouth are truly something else. Xie Lian knows only one mer that can produce noise of this caliber and it's none other than his friend. Good thing Ruoye left Xie Lian's side as they were passing by the collar reef, cuz it could never withstand those loud, deep squeaks of Feng Xin.
"Feng Xin, shut it, you're behaving like you're his mother," Mu Qing chimes in, slapping Feng Xin's back with his deep purple fin, completely not trying to be gentle.
The comment seems a little bit off, because Xie Lian doesn't even remember his mother, but he's not bothered by it. He's sure Mu Qing means no harm.
"Hey!" Feng Xin exclaims, ready to throw a punch at the other merman, but Mu Qing swims around him adroitly. "We're friends! I care about him! Unlike you!"
"Well, at least I didn't try to visit him empty handed yesterday. I came with some food and saw your brown pathetic ass miserably banging at his cave entrance. The bigger the fins, the smaller the brain."
Mu Qing's slay smile seems to enrage the other merman more than his words, even if Feng Xin is known for having one of the biggest fins in the pod. This time he doesn't miss though, getting to punch Mu Qing straight in the face.
Xie Lian sighs. For as long as he remembers, his two friends have always been bickering over the smallest things. Even from the very day they rescued him in the wild, when they all were still children, he can recall a heated argument they had right before his eyes. They both are great mermen in Xie Lian's opinion, so till this day he can't figure out why they are always so hostile against each other. At this point he's certain he will have to live with that question unanswered till the day he passes.
It doesn't mean he can't try and stop them every time he has a chance though.
"Hey, hey, hey, now! It's okay! I'm back and unscratched, right?" Xie Lian swims in between them right after Mu Qing lands a successful slap on Feng Xin's cheek, making them equal for the time being. "And I got something very important!"
They both actually stop to look down at the algae in Xie Lian's hands, to his delight.
"And what is this? Looks like a sperm whale's vomit. Why did you drag some random plants back to the capital?" Mu Qing scrunches his nose, glaring at Xie Lian.
"It's an algae from the oceanic trench," he states with a small smile, but it fades quickly when this time both of his friends yell at him.
"IT'S A WHAT NOW?" Feng Xin and Mu Qing both scream in unison.
Xie Lian grins, shaking his head.
"I guess I have a lot of explaining to do anyways, so why don't we find the Elder medic first? I want to deliver those as soon as possible."
"The medics are still discussing today's search results with the Emperor and all hunters that are off duty. We're an exception as guards," Feng Xin states, looking back at the highest part of the cave formation, that serves as a house of the Emperor and also a kind of a city hall.
"I will hurry up then, it's good that everyone's gathered in one place!"
Xie Lian of course doesn't get to depart alone this time. Feng Xin and Mu Qing both stubbornly insist on escorting him, so the three of them make their way to the Emperor's caves quickly.
Inside, there actually is a lot of merpeople gathered. Xie Lian enters through a small hole on the top of the main hall that's always open to everyone to come and discuss important matters. The cave itself is huge, it could fit every mer that belongs to the pod and there would still be plenty of space left. Jun Wu spends a lot of time here, tending to other merpeople matters and naturally he's here now too, resting on a seat sculptured especially for him inside the hall. He seems troubled even from afar, supporting his chin on one hand, his golden tail and scales lacking their usual shine.
Xie Lian always thought that very tail might have been the only reason the Emperor let him stay in this pod - they share quite a similarity. They both have features that bring one's eye to their person, so Xie Lian thinks Jun Wu might understand his white-tail-stuggles. However, Jun Wu was never untrusted by his pod, on the contrary, he was always priced for his unusual scales. His handsome face and great intelligance lead him on the top, where he remains till this day, while Xie Lian is collecting scrap for a living.
This world is truly unfair.
"Emperor! Elders! Everyone! I'm sorry to interrupt!" Xie Lian exclaims, silencing the discussion that has been going on and on for probably hours before he even came back to the capital. "I have great news!"
Xie Lian makes his way through the hall right to Jun Wu's throne. He lowers his head and extends his hands, showing the Emperor the plants he managed to take back with him.
"I got the algae we have been discussing about during the prior days! If the medic Elder is ready, please, use them as medicine for the mers that had fallen ill!"
A round of heated whispers explodes right after he finishes his sentence. Unbelievable - the merman almost everyone despices came back with the right plant so fast? Where did he get it? Is this a joke of some sort?
One sound from Jun Wu manages to get a hold of the situation.
"Xie Lian," the Emperor calls his name, so the merman obediently lifts his gaze to meet Jun Wu's golden eyes. "How come you found the algae before everyone else had even found a place it might grow in? Are you sure it's the cure we're looking for? Where did you get it?"
Yes. Xie Lian knew these questions were coming. As for being prepared to answer them, well, that's a whole different story.
"Emperor, I got them from... the trench we all know of."
Another round of gasps of disbelief arises in the hall.
"Did he go to the siren's territory?"
"Is he crazy? The Emperor forbade anyone from going there!"
"How is he even alive? There's no way the siren wouldn't notice him with that white tail of his!"
"What if he's lying? Aren't those just a regular looking algae? Maybe it's poison!"
Jun Wu waves his hands, unwilling to scold the crowd verbally yet again. When everyone stops commenting, he asks the medic Elder, that seemed to be the most knowledgeable about the disease, to examine the plants Xie Lian brought with himself.
The old merman studies the algae only for a few moments and, with not much deliberation, but with great disbelief spread on his face, he speaks up.
"It's indeed the algae we need!" The old merman exclaims, looking in shock at Xie Lian's face. "How did you do it?! You shouldn't be able—"
He stops himself before he can finish the sentence, but Xie Lian gets the message.
'It grows too deep for any mer to pick it. Your elder didn't mention it, did they?'
"Very well," the Emperor chimes in. "Please, take the algae and prepare the medicine as soon as possible. Will this be enough to treat the ill merpeople and store something in case the disease resurfaces?"
"Yes, Emperor! More than enough!"
"Then we can stop the search for other places for now. Everyone is dismissed. You worked hard, take some rest," Jun Wu announces and immediately everyone starts leaving the city hall.
Except, when Xie Lian hands over the algae and turns around with a smile to leave as well, the Emperor speaks up again.
"You stay, Xie Lian. I want to have a word with you."
Next part: PART VII
Okay, I have to admit, Jun Wu is hot af. I KNOW HE'S A BAD GUY (I haven't reached that part of the books yet, but tiktok spoilered me that), but I can't deny sky daddy is doing things to my brain and I am awaiting the arc in which I get to meet him as a villain, BECAUSE I HAVE TO STOP SIMPING. BUT I CAN'T. DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND ME.
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mychlapci · 9 months
Also had thoughts about that mer au and I'm kinda giddy bc a fandom I was into in 2019 had a v similar concept so now I'm borrowing to offer:
The mermechs shouldn't be breeding as fast as they should. In their natural habitat, it's probably every few years they pair up to mate or feel truly comfortable to settle down with clutches or pups. Now they're in an environment that's closed off from predators and most rivals, have consistent food access medical attention and clueless and too terrified caretakers. It's a perfect storm for a breeding frenzy.
Mers that feed their pups ending up with larger, saggier tits, valves are ruined by the so frequent breeding and birthing and sense of self preservation goes out the window. Probably a few start fucking each other's spike sheaths since the valves are no longer right. Maybe the staff have to start fully separating even bonded sets for their own safety, as well as having to do medical repairs on sheaths and slits. But of course the mers can't go cold turkey, so the staff have to get all sorts of things to stuff and distract the mers.
And not everyone is a saint, so it doesn't take long to find out how viable a land and mer mech are for producing offspring
oh holy shit now that’s interesting. Mers suddenly breeding rapidly in facility tanks and research aquariums because they’re constantly fed, safe, and no one bothers them in there...
A mer getting so over-excited to breed that they shove their spike into their partner’s loose valve the moment the last of their pups is out, filling their stretched, worn gestation tank again. Then again, and again, and again. 
A mer that had been bred so much that they’re too fat to swim properly, and they can only drag themself alongside the floor of the tank, their constantly swollen array bruising itself against the rocks and pebbles as they struggle to get to where the food is. In the ocean this wouldn’t be possible, they’d have to keep at least part of their agility to hunt for food and escape danger, but here? In a pretty, filtered tank? What’s stopping them from having more pups? (y'know, maybe at first most facilities didn’t mind the breeding… some, perhaps at the start most of them, would sell the pups and make bank. The mers were kept blissfully unaware, believing their young were sent off to grow up in the wide ocean, as is custom)
hrghhh a mer fucking their partner’s spike sheath because their valve is completely ruined, turned inside out and completely loose after years of endless birthing and breeding. The staff has to constantly repair their merformers because they end up completely used and abused after a while. After repairs all the bondmates have to be separated even though it seems to be taking a toll on their mental wellbeing. But the moment they reconnect them, they attempt to breed again and by now they should have really learnt their lesson, but… instinct wins. Safety, an abundance of food, their beloved partners… it just activates the drive to breed within them automatically. They can't help it. Even if it hurts after a while.
Most facilities now have to figure out how to release their mers back into the wild without fucking the whole ecosystem up.
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CW: not a positive post, some very realistic worries about what it is to be trans in this country during this time period
This is such an absolutely terrible time to be a trans person in the United States.
And it was oh so predictable; it's not a win by far, but I called this years ago, around the time that Trump took office. Back then, I was accused of catastrophizing; today, Roe v. Wade is only a memory and the Republican party has united against a new target: the trans community and trans healthcare.
It was always the next logical step in the fight against a legal right to bodily autonomy and privacy, the fight to legally impose Christianity on all of us. Without Roe as a call to arms to "protect babies" from "murder", now we must "protect our daughters" from "gr**mers" and from "irreversible damage".
They'll succeed too. I have little faith that the left will successfully organize against this wave of anti-trans hate. Not only is the legal system rigged against us from the local level all the way up to the Supreme Court (should any of these potential laws be challenged that far), not only do we not have the media and public opinion on our side--we simply don't give a fuck. We're too busy silencing our own, canceling each other, and discoursing over petty shit that never really mattered.
I predict that, for much of the country, by February 2024 this will be a very different country to exist in as a trans person than it even is today. Many of us are going to lose our access to gender affirming health care, we'll be erased from libraries and curriculums, in some places our very presence in public spaces may be criminalized.
I have very little hope, honestly. I find myself planning for the possibilities. Which states might I have to travel to to access care? What kinds of laws have been proposed in nearby states recently? Should I leave my family and my job of 5+ years to move out of state? Can I leave at all when I'm literally a caregiver for a disabled parent? Where would I even go? If it comes down to it, will anyone be able to track the fact that I've medically transitioned in the past? Will the state be able to discover that I've been diagnosed with gender dysphoria? Will I end up on a list somewhere? I'm certainly relieved that I've never changed my name or gender legally; will I ever be able to?
I've had to limit the amount of time I spend reading news and even scrolling on TikTok (because my fyp has a ton of videos about anti-trans laws) because I've literally worried myself sick recently.
Trump was in my state a few days ago, already campaigning again, on an anti-trans platform. A preview of things to come. He seems to be fully and totally on board with the Christian Republican agenda; I suspect he's hired himself some better advisors this time around. Already he promises to elevate the anti-trans legal agenda to the federal level.
His supporters couldn't be more thrilled.
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armoredisopod · 1 year
Arknights Summer Carnival 2023 Event PVs
New Operators
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Bryophyta, 5* Welfare Instructor Guard
Maybe i should get coffee mint candies instead, i need to be at my 200%...
Poncirus, 5* Pioneer Vanguard
It's not my bad luck this time, it's their bad luck!
Swire the Elegant Wit, 6* Merchant Specialist
Ahem, let me reintroduce my self, Lungmen Guard Department's "Director-to-be", Beatrix Schwire~
Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska, 6* Limited Wandering Medic
Ah Professor, give me a minute, i'm changing the batteries on my hearing aid.
I'm wearing brightly-colored charms just like my mom and dad, and i can touch the blazing hot lava with them.
Operator Skins Update
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Total of 7 new skins, 6 new additions for the Coral Coast brand, 1 new addition for the Made by 0011 brand
Coral Coast
Gavial the Invincible's Casual Vacation HD26 - L2D Skin
Chestnut's Casual Vacation HDm57 - Login Event Skin
Myrtle's Summer Flowers FA062
Goldenglow's Summer Flowers FA394 - L2D Skin
Minimalist's Casual Vacation HDm74
Ceylon's Casual Vacation HD49 - Event Reward Skin
Made by 0011
Lunacub's Clouds Float Like Ideas of Art
Minimalist's skin will be up for sale during Ideal City Retrospect
Lunacub's skin will be up for sale during Trials for Navigator #3
Ceylon's skin is a reward from Trials for Navigator #3
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Announced skins reruns
Ch'en the Holungday's Ten Thousand Mountains
Series V & VI Coral Coast skins
~84 other skins as part of Summer Carnival edition of Rhodes Fashion Review
Operator Modules Update
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Swire the Elegant Wit, Poncirus and Bryophyta being part of branches with modules immediately gets their modules
MER-X module base effect reduces the DP penalty of Swire's Merchant trait to 2 DP every 3 seconds
SOL-X module base effect increases Poncirus' ATK and DEF by 8% when blocking
INS-X module base effect increases Bryophyta's damage against enemies he isn't blocking to 130%
Centurion Guard branch gets 2 module types
Module 1 given to Gavial the Invincible, Blaze, Broca, Specter and Savage
Module 2 given to Estelle
Reaper Guard branch gets 1 module type
Events and Stories
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So Long, Adele: Home Away From Home, summer 2023 side story event set in the relocated Siesta
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Ideal City: Carnival in the Endless Summer Retrospect
Trials for Navigator #3, scheduled after So Long, Adele
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Operator Archives update for Saileach, Bryophyta, Myrtle, Humus, Minimalist, Grani, Chestnut and Hibiscus
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Record Restore update for A Light Spark in Darkness and Dossoles Holiday
Misc Stuff
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CN dialect voice for Swire the Elegant Wit
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Thorns, Beeswax, Chiave, Andreana and Jaye added to recruitment
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Annihilation 21 - "The Special Little Aquapit", Annihilation mission with Ideal City enemies and mechanics
SSS New Season #3, Southern Security Service - Alsterii Bellariorum Manufacture Platform & The Abandoned Lighthouse
Livestream Stuff
Showcased Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska being a 6* Wandering Medic that provides elemental regen upon healing, increases HP of allies and reduces the amount of elemental damage taken in her range, her S1 being an infinite duration skill that lets her heal an additional target and provides elemental regen for all allies on her range (including normally unhealable units), her S2 immediately heals all allies in her range and creates a protective field that absorbs all elemental damage for a few seconds, her S3 is a global range healing skill that heals multiple times and targets random allies (prioritizes different allies)
Showcased Swire the Elegant Wit being a 6* Merchant Specialist that utilizes her own special resource "gold coins" in her skills (she gains coins when she activates a skill and consume DP during skill duration) and is able to spend DP to keep herself on the field when taking lethal damage (with the cost doubling each time), her S1 spends coins to heal nearby allies, her S2 spends coins to spawn champagne bombs in her skill range that explodes and slows enemies, her S3 makes her attacks hit twice and gives her a coin upon defeating an enemy and then when her skill is deactivated she spends all her coins to attack enemies in her range randomly hitting multiple times equal to the amount of coins spent and pushing them back
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Showcased the event mechanic, enemies drop mist that provides damage reduction for other enemies inside it when defeated and fountain tiles that provides damage reduction for operators adjacent to it, when an operator adjacent to a fountain tile attacks an enemy inside mist or when a special device is used, the mist will be cleansed and enemies in it will receive increased damage
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Teased a new gamemode Design of Strife, not much was revealed about the gamemode other than that it won't cost sanity
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Showed the TFN#3 boss lineup
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Announced the first expansion for IS#4
Showcased the ability to change the main menu UI theme, new UI themes include Dark Mode and a Runic theme that can be obtained from IS#4
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Teased the next event to take place in Columbia, with the trailer being a promotional video of Blacksteel Worldwide
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Announced Main Story Ep13
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Announced a rerun of the Nine-Colored Deer collab, bringing a new furniture piece
Announced a collab with Chinese National Geography, bringing new collab skins
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mickmundy · 1 year
i saw the post about bushmed and mermaids and blacked out (2 fav things), if there’s any lore/hcs you have, i’d be so so super intrigued to hear if you would be so inclined to share
anyway good luck on the writing!!
HEUUHEUEUHEEE OMG YEAH!! if you haven't seen my previous post about it, you can check it out here!! i have lots of ways i could do this au but i'll probably lean into doing mermedic with human sniper, who at some point can temporarily transform into a merperson to visit medic under the sea (and maaaybe vice versa. not sure yet)... i think sniper would be SO jealous of merfolk once he knew they existed... he'd love to see the ocean as a part of it, not just a visitor!! ;-; and medic would love showing sniper his cavern home and having crazy human/merfolk sex with him and crazy mersex with him.,., heheheheh.,.,
i love the idea of sniper being a fisherman and devoting his life to finding this One Exotic Rare Fish (medic of course) that people have claimed to have seen but haven't ever Caught and he comes Close (sees medic) but doesn't catch him.. almost swears he hallucinated it but knowwsss he didn't.. and i love the idea of both medic just being Some Merguy but also of him like.... being The Sea.,., and it's self indulgent and lame or whatever but i need to write a scene of sniper caught in a storm or something (a bit ooc scenario since i think sniper would be able to study storm patterns and could easily fare fine in a storm... but i do love the idea of medic perhaps being able to semi-conjure them? heh) and somehow getting knocked out or something and waking up and hearing humming/singing and sniper looking over the edge of his boat and medic being like @v@ hello... and sniper being like @A@ hello...... and they kiss..... and sniper passes out again... and wehn he wakes up he KNOWS what he saw and his heart is thrumming in his chest and he's like holy shit. holy shit. holy shit....................................................... self indulgent! sue me!
and sniper's chasing medic all around becuase he KNOWS medic's out there somewhere and medic's loving the attention the obsession etc and then he sees that sniper is All Alone.,., has always been alone.., and medic gets curious... gets as close to sniper's home as he can (we'll just say during high tide it's a liiiiiittle more accessible but not by much) and peers into his home and sees sniper all alone and medic's like "i'm his Whole Life.,., oh mein gott... this is so.,., romantic.,., hoo...!" because of course medic is as obsessed with him as sniper is with him and the next time sniper goes out onto his boat medic peers at him from the other edge of his boat (sniper doesn't notice) and sniper sighs and puts his hands on his hips and starts taking his clothes off and medic's like owo hoo! and watches as sniper jumps into the water to swim around (to clear his head; sniper loves the ocean and nature Of Course so it's not Always about hunting all the time!) and medic watches him and watches him catch and release fish and study coral etc and medic's like ;-;..
he wants to grab sniper right there but he doesn't want him to drown (it's not his fault humans drown so easily -_-!) and so he lets him go back up onto the boat and sniper's laying out and letting the sun warm him and medic lets his tentacles slither up the side of the boat and play with sniper's hand and sniper's like HZZ! WHAT!! <- was kind of dozing off and leaps to the side of the boat and looks over the edge and frowns and is like "hmn, must've just been me..." and medic giggles and sniper perks up again and is like ??? and medic's smiling because he can hear sniper pacing around in the small boat and he bites his lip and tips the boat and sniper's like "HOLY D-" and falls into the water and there's Some waves but not enough to like. do THAT and sniper's trying to flip the boat and he's like GHNGB-! because the boat flips back over and medic's sitting in it and sniper's head lands in medic's mer-lap and medic's like owo and sniper's like oAo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and medic giggles and is like "you won't pass out this time, will you, sailor bold? ^v^" and sniper's face flushes and he's like "PASS OUT- (huffs) I- IT WAS- YOU................." and medic bites his own lip and is like "we've been watching each other a long time, haven't we? <3" and sniper's breathing hard and medic places a palm over sniper's chest and is like "you are very alive! that's good. don't faint again, ja?" and medic's tentacles are playfully curling against sniper's tummy and chest and neck and sniper's like "wh-... what are you?? i knew you were real! i just-!" and medic smiles and says so simply "i'm who you've been looking for." and places his tentacles in sniper's hands and sniper runs his thumbs over them and medic shivers and giggles and sniper's just like. speechless becuase. holy shit. he's right.............................. AAAHHH!!! AGOAUGAOUAOGUAOAGOAU LOOK AT ME RAMBLE!!!!!! AOGUAGOAUGOAUGAOUGAAAA HEHEUHEEEE
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I have this image in my head of Sharkitron having to be taken to wildlife rehab for some injury and the staff just sees who it is and goes "Oh fuck, it's Jaws..." probably a nickname given because I imagine he's not too fond of intrusions in his territory. He's probably sunken some boats/ships through his years. And when asked why he's basically allowed to continue doing that, it turns out it's because he's a fairly prolific breeder, and with mer population that low, you're not getting rid of them. In fact, probably knocked up at this very moment!
... I just realized this makes it like humans think they're just wild animals? That's not what I'm going for, oops.
So yes i was exactly thinking of this
I feel like we can work in more of a "medics v patients" thing here? I might change Knockoit and Breakdown into humans for this actually, because i just completely forget about the humans when it comes to this. I feel like they exactly know these guys are sentient because I say so, aaand ooo ooo ooo wAIT A MINUTE—
Whaleformer Ratchet helping the humans treat wounded and sick mers, a blended medical team! Actually fuck yeah we can work Rarchet's makeshift pod into being the mer side of the medics! The dolphin mers are in on it!
So yes I feel like he's been dragged into whatever medical setup they've got, once when he was wayyyy damn smaller and just out of the nursery lagoon, and two or so times as his adult bastard self. This might add to the Sharkitron v Ratchet beef here.
As for why they let him sink boats? I have... not figured out additional reasons yet, but my best idea is that his territory might contain things that humans would want to stay away from so "Jaws" acts as somewhat of a big ol wet floor sign of a person.
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blueboxphenomenon · 7 years
Known Staff of Three
Torch the hub three - for
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alias donned by traveller coat
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mer police officer, g . - the ,
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treason, wiped off the record by wood
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medic infiltrated </>
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many different people, or perhaps one sh p te
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o do you a . era junction binary Cardiff, < >s or ? Watch your back, v i x. </p>
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
Inhaled Ethanol as a possible Covid sterilization technique?
Inhaled administration of ethanol in the early stages of COVID-19 would favor its location on the initial replication sites, being able to reduce the progression of the disease and improving its prognosis. Before evaluating the efficacy and safety of this novel therapeutic strategy in humans, its characterization is required. The developed 65° ethanol formulation is stable at room temperature and protected from light for 15 days, maintaining its physicochemical and microbiological properties. Two oxygen flows have been tested for its administration (2 and 3 L/min) using an automated headspace gas chromatographic analysis technique (HS-GC-MS), with that of 2 L/min being the most appropriate one, ensuring the inhalation of an ethanol daily dose of 33.6 ± 3.6 mg/min and achieving more stable concentrations during the entire treatment (45 min). Under these conditions of administration, the formulation has proven to be safe, based on histological studies of the respiratory tracts and lungs of rats. On the other hand, these results are accompanied by the first preclinical molecular imaging study with radiolabeled ethanol administered by this route. The current ethanol formulation has received approval from the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices for a phase II clinical trial for early-stage COVID-19 patients, which is currently in the recruitment phase (ALCOVID-19; EudraCT number: 2020-001760-29).
March 13, 2020 Possibility of Disinfection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in Human Respiratory Tract by Controlled Ethanol Vapor Inhalation
Viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza are lipophilic, enveloped viruses, and are relatively easy to inactivate by exposure to alcohols. The envelope mainly consists of the lipid bilayer, taken from the host cells at assembly/budding stage of the viral life cycle. Therefore the constitution of the lipid bilayer should be common in all SARS, MERS and influenza viruses, even after mutations, and thus these closely-related viruses will be disinfected by exposure to ethanol with the same concentration. Existing experimental data indicate that an ethanol concentration of 30~40 v/v% is sufficient to inactivate Influenza-A viruses in solution[1,2,3].
The author suggests that it may be possible to use alcoholic beverages of 16~20 v/v% concentration for this disinfection process, such as Whisky (1:1 hot water dilution) or Japanese Sake, because they are readily available and safe (non-toxic). By inhaling the alcohol vapor at 50~60°C (122~140°F) through the nose for one or two minutes, it will condense on surfaces inside the respiratory tract; mainly in the nasal cavity. The alcohol concentration will be intensified to ~36 v/v% by this process, which is enough to disinfect the corona virus on the mucous membrane. In this situation, our respiratory tract essentially works as an alcohol distillation apparatus (a condenser). This method also provides more moisture into respiratory tract, and helps to clean the inside of the nasal cavity by stimulating blowing of the nose, and also makes the mucous escalator work actively so that the self-clearing mechanism in the trachea will remove viruses faster.
An alternative prompt method is also discussed. We use 40 v/v% whisky or similar alcohol, dripping on a gauze, inhale the vapor slowly at room temperature. This method works well for the front part of the nasal cavity. This is suitable for clinical workers, because they may need to use prompt preventative measures at any time.
Disinfection of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) in Human Respiratory Tract by Controlled Ethanol Vapor Inhalation combined with Asprin
This study aims to identify if we could use Ethyl Alcohol inhalation combined with asprin in early stages of COVID-19 infection to improve oxygenation and prognosis, decrease severity of the disease, decrease hospital stay and rate of transfer of the patients from word to ICU and risk of mechanical ventilation.
Theory of Asprin
Aspirin is well known drug with various Pharmacological effects; Anti-platelet, Anti- inflammatory aspirin can inhibit viral replication through Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) inhibition in macrophage and increasing production of type I interferon. Furthermore, aspirin possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions due to inhibiting COX enzyme. The early use of aspirin in COVID-19 patients could reduce incidence of disease severity, reduce hospital duration and reduce incidence of cardiovascular complications [1-4] analgesic effects. Moreover, aspirin was proved to possess an antiviral action for some viruses through inhibiting viral replication. Noteworthy, a study confirmed.
Theory of Alcohol Inhalation
COVID-19 virus contains genetic material Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) packaged in a protein coat called the capsid, which is surrounded by an envelope composed of a lipid bilayer derived from the host cell membrane. Ethyl alcohol is known to inactivate many viruses and constitutes the basis for many hand rubs and disinfectants used in healthcare settings [5] as well as in the general public. In fact, alcohol-based hand rub solutions have been shown to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 in as little as 30 seconds [6,7]. Siddharta et al. [8] also published data on the effective virucidal activity of ethyl alcohol against enveloped viruses, including Zika, Ebola, as well as coronaviruses.
As late as the 1950s, inhaled Ethanol was found to be both effective and safe in the treatment of pulmonary edema [9,10] as well as Ethyl alcohol withdrawal [11]. In a recent publication by Shintake [12], inhaled ethanol was proposed as a potential method of inactivating respiratory viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2 present in the respiratory tract. While chronic or excessive ethanol consumption is known to have negative effects on human health, including the immune system [13], the effects of intermittent moderate ethanol consumption have not been proven to cause serious long-term deleterious effects.
To date, extensive search of the medical literature reveals no reports of inhaled ethanol used in the treatment of COVID-19. Given the lack of a proven effective treatment, the proven viricidal efficacy of ethanol, its historical relative safety profile in treatment of other medical conditions, as well as a lack of evidence showing harm in mild to moderate, non-chronic, nonexcessive intake, the hypothesis was proposed that nebulized ethanol may prove beneficial in the treatment of COVID-19.
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Tilfeldige Norske Ord og Uttrykk (Mellomnivå/Avansert) Random Norwegian Words and Phrases (Intermediate/Advanced)
å innynde seg (v1) - å gjøre seg likt, å innsmigre seg (to ingratiate oneself)
Jeg vil ikke støtte en president som innynder seg med diktatorer. (I don’t want to support a president who ingratiates himself to dictators)
Måten hun forsøkte å innynde seg hos sjefen var helt ynkelig. (The way she was trying to ingratiate herself to the boss was totally pathetic)
å ha overtaket (uttrykk) - å ha mer styrke eller være bedre i en kamp osv (to have the upper hand)
Gjennom hele kampen hadde vårt lag overtaket. (Throughout the entire match, our team had the upper hand)
Han nektet å innrømme at motstanderen hans hadde overtaket. (He refused to concede that his opponent had the other hand)
å oppheve (v1/v3) - å sette ut av kraft (to repeal)
Norges hytteforbud ble opphevet 20. april. (Norway’s cabin ban was repealed on the 20th of April)
Mange av de omstridte tiltakene ble opphevet etter mye opprør. (Many of the controversial measures were repealed after much uproar)
framtredende (adj) - framstående, kjent (prominent)
Flere framtredende ernæringseksperter var på konferansen. (Many prominent nutrition experts were at the conference)
Hun er en framtredende politikker og forkjemper for menneskerettigheter. (She’s a prominent politician and champion of human rights)
troverdig (adj) - verdig til tillit (credible, believable)
Med disse nye konsollene vil spillere få en mer troverdige spillopplevelse enn før. (With these new consoles, gamers will get a more believable gaming experience than before)
Jeg tror ikke den avisa er en troverdig kilde. (I don’t think that newspaper’s a credible source)
etter hensikten (uttrykk) - som det hadde blitt håpet (as intended)
Studien var for liten til å bevise at vaksinen virket etter hensikten. (The study was too small to prove that the vaccine worked as intended)
Planen fungerte ikke helt etter hensikten, men den var nok effektiv. (The plan didn’t work quite as intended, but it was still effective)
til punkt og prikke (uttrykk) - nøyaktig (to the T)
Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor det smaker så jævlig - jeg fulgte oppskriften til punkt og prikke! (I don’t understand why it tastes so horrible - I followed the recipe to the T!)
Jeg tror de fleste kristenene ikke følger bibelen til punkt og prikke. (I think most Christians don’t follow the Bible to the T)
det gjenstår å se (v) - vi får se om det (remains to be seen)
Om denne nye kunnskapen også kan utnyttes til ny medikamentell behandling av kreft, gjenstår å se. (Whether this new knowledge can also be used for new medical treatment of cancer remains to be seen)
Det gjenstår å se om folk egentlig bruker appen. (It remains to be seen whether people will actually use the app)
trinnvis (adj/adv) - gradvis, steg for steg (step by step, incrementally)
Utviklingen av appen går trinnvis, og vi jobber med å kunne lansere det før påske. (The development of the app is going step by step, and we’re working to be able to launch it before Easter)
Det nye systemet blir trinnvis innført over hele landet. (The new system will gradually be rolled out over the whole country)
sulteforet på (adj) - hå måtte gå uten noe lenge og savne det (starved)
Alt er nok litt sulteforet på sosialt samvær. (Everyone’s a bit starved for social interaction)
Han hadde lyst til å skrive den slags boka han selv hadde vært sulteforet på som barn. (He wanted to write the kind of book he himself had been starved of as a child)
å presisere (v2) - gjøre noe klart (clarify)
Hun presiserte at hun brukte kun egg fra frittgående høner. (She clarified that she only used eggs from free range hens)
Bonden sa de fleste ga seg etter kort tid i åkeren, men han presiserte at noen var flinke og jobbet hardt. (The farmer said most people gave up after a short time working the field, but he clarified that some were good at their job and worked hard)
skjenkestopp (m/n) - når barer eller puber slutter å servere drikker (last orders)
Det er skjenkestopp klokka 23. (Last orders are 11pm)
Snart er det skjenkestopp - vil du ha en øl til eller skal vi stikke? (It’s last orders soon - do you want another beer or shall we head off?)
Vær snill og fortell meg hvis jeg har gjort noen feil!
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autobotmedic · 1 year
{ mer ratch is the only verse who Eventually needs glasses; they are very thin and very plain (basically as subtle as this art) because he doesnt like needing them for small details, it's +5 on feeling and acknowledging I'm old
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iphoenixrising · 5 years
Masterlist Part 2!
Again, so much love to @shmoo92 babe.
Here's the link for Masterlist 1
Tim-centric, cont:
Red Robin tweaks: BatDad & Boomerang | Fallen (ëWhat if Dick didnít catch Tim when he fell through the windowí; see also "DickTim Angst") | Kon catches Tim
Tim Angst:The Wrong Robin (for 800 Followers) | Broken Trust 1 & Broken Trust 2
Tim Drake Week: Day 6 (Firefly fusion) | Day 7 (Injury/Healing)
Tim!X (AUs): Coffee Shop!AU | Tim the twisted Oracle | Superpowers | Trans!Tim Temperance: Temperance's Temptations on AO3 and art ! & Just Desserts Vampire!Tim HC & for 600 followers! & Bite Kink (it's naughty) | in the future Mute!Tim: One & Two & Three Mer!Tim: Ideas & Scaring Dami & Damian & Art & Titans Silver-Snow's Mer!Tim: Natant & Ideas
Kid!Tim: De-Aged!Tim: Trusting not the BatFam ... but the Titans Tiny!Tim (In which Tim joins the Bats earlier): Kid!Tim is discovered & Window Seat & the Fever & the Secret (for 500 Followers!) & The Wrong Bus Home for Tiny Birds (Convergence w/ NHFDB!Tim): One & Two Jason's Death (HCs): One & Two & Three
Justice is Blind (Blind!Tim AU): on AO3 and some amazing art by the incredible poison-basil!!! | One Asks: Who All Knows & Ra's, Tam & WE, & Jason & Ra's & Tech & Tech and Tam Two ("BatFam") | Three ("Waking Up") | Four | Five | Six (slight NSFW SuperBats)
Converging the AUs:
"Feels" by iphoenixrising , a graphic by Miss Coco Chips | Convergence
Home for Tiny Birds: NHFDB!Tim visits Tiny!Tim
Fracture!Tim meets Talon!Tim & Dr!Tim | Sated (NSFW HC)
Fracture: the Multiverse & Future!AU
Boy All the Bad Guys Want:
Want | Battle for the Cowl, ScareRobin | Lex Luthor
Prime: One & Two & Domestic Syndrome
Pamphlets: One (based on this ) & Two
Joker Junior: One & Two
Jean Paul One & Two
Talon!AU: in which Tim is a Talon & RR without Tim & Mindfuckery & Titans on the Hunt | Gray Son must Die (in which babe wrote most of the thing) & Functionally Immortal & Brainwashed, Hurting, Dissociating, Angry, and Lost & the Assassin & the Talon | Refuge w/ Shiva & A Killer | Rebuilt & vs Fracture!Tim
Dr!Tim (DickTimJay; where Tim is a surgeon and DickJay are vigilantes)
Meta: on AO3 | Art IíM FUCKING SCREAMING WITH JOY! | How it all Began (light NSFW) | Follow-Up
The Mentor; The Suit; Med School | Hobbies & Tony (HCs) | Dickís Acrobatic Talents (suprise!, it's smut!) | Steph & Batgirl | The Joker | Integration (HC) | Roof Rat | Wicked Way
The Submissive & Safeword (HC) & Safewords Out & Sub-Drop
London Bridge: is Falling & (Missing Scene) & Afterward w/ guest star, Tony Stark!
Four Times the Bats called Doctor Drake | What's in a Name (HC) | Ultimate Fanboy | Pet Project & Ra's (HC) | Dancing | Meet and Greet | cute!Tim, overwraught!Dick (NSFW; adult themes)
"Hi, Honey" (JayTim) | Moana (w/ Layla!) | Jay/Tim Smut (for 300 followers!) | Communication | Drake Industries (HC) Arkham Riot: One & Two
Convergence w Fracture!Tim | "Crucial Body Part" (HC) | Suicide | Overly Protective!Robin & DamiTim: Crush & warming to each other | PTSD (for 500 Followers!) | Date night (for 700 followers!) | Doctor/Nurse Roleplay | Birthday Present (for 400 followers!) | Robin (for 500 Followers! very NSFW; Iím absurdly proud of this and Dr!Tim getting one night in the cape. Bad ass Dr. Drake is no slouch. Also with the help of THIS ASK !)
The Surgeon, The Captain, and the Soldier (for 600 followers!) | SteveTonyBucky (for 700 followers!)
BatFam Prompts, Drabbles, & Thoughts
BatFam headcanons: BatDad | Characterization | General & Dami | Robins & their Other Selves | Outlaws & Titans | Slade/Dick | Terry McGinnis | the Sads
Misc Ficlets: Accents & Motherhenning | Bats & Birthdays | Concussion Confessions | GenderBend | Robins & the Cold | Staypuff | Training ("Hilarity Ensues") | DickTim & a fight & Robin Cuddles | "Let Sleeping Robins Lie" (for 100 followers!) | BatFam & Tim with a Cold
Interest (see also "DickTimJay: Destroyed")
Soulmates (Robinpile)
BatFam Big Bang: on AO3 Day 1: Cuddles | Day 2: Sick | Day 3: Fight! | Day 4: Vacation | Day 5: Nightmare | Day 6: Best Rescue | Day 7
Fic Recs: Funeral & Dr Oz by awkwardbluefish Calling It by reallyautomaticvoid
Headcanons: on Tim & Shiva | Characterization | as a Boyfriend and NSFW specifically w/ Jason and also with Dick
Dami and ...: Dick & Tim at the Arcade | Tim & ìDonít panic, butóì | Comfort | Robin's Redemption (for 400 followers!)
Fic Rec: DamiTim by hauntedlittledoll
Jason Todd's mouth & Languages (HC) | Jason's Accent & its inspiration
v. the Pit and then I saw Counting Bodies like Sheep
Misc: Jason, the Outlaws, and the Joker | Crochet | RHatO #25!UA | Silence
Heavy in your Arms: One & Two (Angst; Based off the song with the same title by Florence + the Machine)
Connected things
DickTimDami: Lazy Morning | Left Standing | Raís al Ghul gets the memo | Dami Feels
Night Sky: One & DickJayTim (HC) & "Gotham and Explosions" (for 100 followers!) & "Poke" & Two & Three & Finale | (Terry: One & Two )
Forward Momentum (MCU; Steve/Bucky; eventual Steve/Bucky/Tony): on AO3 Nice Things | Steps | Family | Why aren't you an Engineer? | The Situation | Coffee | Observation | Hurt/Comfort (for 100 followers!) | Medical (HC)
Marvel AOB Attempt: One | Two | Crossroads | Three | Tony & Omegas | Tony & Heat
Miraculous Ladybug Play | The Way to His Heart Fic Rec: crossover w/ BatFam by miss-choco-chips
Voltron (They all stink, please see @satire-please for better stuff): Team Dynamics | Left Behind | Waking | You, Not the Lion
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drawnandredrawn · 5 years
Okay so, was talking to @giugiuryu​ about this challenge, and decided that yes, it was time to write this list up and post it.
So below the cut here we have 365 Voltron art prompts, one for each day of the year!  This list was written up by my lovely wife @wireslide​ and is very, VERY informed by her personal preferences and headcanons.  So I invite anyone and everyone to join me in the fun of doing this challenge, but also to make changes to the list where you see fit.  Don’t want to add stuff from the comics?  Want Lotor prompts?  Need the entire ‘draw these two people together’ section to be exclusively your OTPs?  Make it so!  I, for example, will NOT be doing the list exactly as posted, but making a few changes where the daily prompt doesn’t really catch my interest.  So think of this as a framework and jumping off point for your ideal year of Voltron.
And please, please tag me if you plan to join in!  I’d love to follow and watch your progress!
FOCUS ON STYLE - Sketch the topics below and get into your style
Haxus (head/face)
Space Mice
Sendak (head/face)
Shiro  (head/face)
Lance  (head/face)
Keith  (head/face)
Pidge  (head/face)
Hunk  (head/face)
Allura  (head/face)
Coran  (head/face)
Nyma  (head/face)
Trigel   (head/face)
Rollo  (head/face)
Zarkon  (head/face)
Gyrgan  (head/face)
Blaytz  (head/face)
Matt  (head/face)
ANATOMY STUDIES - Spend time understanding how their bodies fit together
Krellians (insectoid)
Krellians (draconic)
Kotka (domestic)
Borf (Kosmo The Space Wolf)
Kotka (wild)
Ranveig's Beast
Balmerans (different)
Krellians (draconic-dragon form)
Galra (different)
INORGANIC - Study by sketching or painting
Chain Sword
Sendak's arm
Kuron's (fully activated) arm
Shiro's Altean arm
Galra Sentry
Altean sentinel
Altean Target Drones
Lifegiver Statues
Kral Zera Altar
Marmorran Blade
BOM Mask
Druid Mask
Lance's Rifle
Space Junkyard
Altean Broadsword
Hunk's Bunker Buster
Pidge's Grapple Taser Thing
Haxus' Legs
Myzax's Weapon
Balmera Crystal
Galra Connective cables
Zaiforge Cannon
Zaiforge base
Robeast Prorok
Xanthorium Crystals
SHIPS - Like...ships.
Black Lion
Red Lion
Blue Lion
Green Lion
Yellow Lion
Altean Pod
Galra Fighter
Galra Cruiser
Taujeerian Ship
Olia's ship
Olkari Fighter
Lotor's Flagship
Blade of Marmora Outpost (Ulaz's)
Lotor's Crazy Ivan Ship
Galra Bridge
Olia's Bridge
Castle of Lions Bridge
Lion Cockpit
Robeast Coffin
Altean Pod Cockpit
Galra Hangar Bay
Altean ship
Komar Mech
Honerva's Mech
Angel of Death (fusion mech)
Mobile Suit Zarkon
Galra Central Command
Castle of Lions
IGF Atlas
VAGUE TOPICS - more abstract prompts. Doodle, sketch, and study whatever comes to mind for these.
Power Source
Monsters & Mana
Lion Goddess
The Rise of Voltron
Space Mall
Hole in the Sky
The Voltron Show!
Kral Zera
The Black Paladins
Lion's Pride
Clear Day
Battle Scars
Blade of Marmora
Battlefield Loss
Galaxy Garrison
Space Madness
Blood Ties
Down Time
Alternate Universe
Altean Colony
Bounty Hunters
Space Pirates
Food Goo
Feels Bad, Man
A COAT OF POLISH - move of out sketching, move into more detailed and polished figures! Lines!  Colors!
Wing Commander Shiro
Young Zarkon
Young Alfor
Young Honerva
James Griffin
Nadia Rizavi
Sam Holt
Matt Holt
Young Sendak
Young Haxus
Empress Allura
Gladiator Shiro
Mystical Archer of Valyuun
Thunderstorm Darkn'ess
Paladin Shiro/Jiro
Dakon, The Dark Wizard
Young Lotor
Young Allura
Emperor Zarkon
Ryan Kinkade
Ina Leifsdottir
Colleen Holt
Firstborn Allura
Gladiator Lance
MULTIPLE FIGURES - FRIENDS, ENEMIES...SHIPPERS!  Ink me your lines!  Time for multiple figures!  Swap duos out as pleases you!
Shiro & Lance
Hunk & Keith
Shiro & Keith
Zarkon & Honerva
Shiro & Sendak
Keith & Adam
Shiro & Matt
Coran & Kythalian
Allura & Lance
Shiro & Ulaz
Pidge & Matt
Shiro & Gary
Lance & Blue
Shiro & Black
Allura & Romelle
Acxa & Gregory
Narti & Ezor
Antok & Kolivan
Pidge& Keith
Lance & Lotor
Shiro & Hepta
James & Keith
Acxa & Narti
Ryan & Hunk
Veronica & Nadia
Romelle & Acxa
Hunk & Lance
Keith & Lance
Zarkon & Alfor
Zarkon & Sendak
Kuron & Lance
Shiro & Adam
Keith & Matt
Allura & Shiro
Shiro & Ezor
Pidge & Haxus
Keith & Sendak
Ezor & Zethrid
Zarkon & Black
Hunk & Romelle
Acxa & Ezor
Narti & Lotor
Keith & Regris
Shiro & Curtis
Kuron & Lotor
Acxa & Zethrid
Krolia & Keith’s Dad
Acxa & Veronica
Lance & James
Ryan & Shiro
BACKGROUND ADDS CHARACTER - Add extra detail, backgrounds, and extra figures.  Create polished images from more abstract prompts.
Galra Sentries
Robeast Zarkon (life support armor, from Blood Duel)
Close-up Deltarian Host
Space Pub
Altea (Pollux)
2+ Lotor's Generals
Galra Teeeeth
Shuttle Crash
2+ Garrison Brass
Quintessence Processing
Cloning Facility
Evil Wizard's Lair (M&M)
Blade of Marmora HQ
Space Pirates
Alternate Universe
Blades of Marmora
Rollo, Nyma, Beezer
2+ Oldadins
Rift-Steeped Lotor
Altea (Arus)
Yalex Temple
Keith’s Dad’s House
Atlas Bridge
Space Whale
Quintessence Poisoning
Dream Machine
FUCKING Y I K E S - Multiple characters and complex scenes.  Push yourself.  Try poses with multiple characters interacting and scenes with difficult perspective.
Current Paladins
MFE Pilots +Ronnie
Keith +Family
Lance + Family
Shiro, Adam, Iverson, Matt
Altean Alchemists
Medical Area
Central Command
Space Mall
Space Battle
Galra Command Circle
Hunk + Family
Garrison Trio
Slave Market
Space Junkyard
Tavern/Inn (M&M)
CONGRATULATIONS, THIS IS THE HOME STRETCH!  IF YOU WERE NOT A LEGENDARY ARTIST ALREADY YOU SURE ARE NOW!  Don’t feel like these prompts need to be finished in a day.  Take your time.  Think of the most epic scene you’ve wanted to draw and call upon your powers to make it so.  Savor your victory.  Flaunt your mad skills you funky little artist.
Allura v. Haggar
Galra Arena Fight
Kuron And The Clones
Empress Allura v. Zarkon (Alternate Universe)
The End and Beginning of the Multiverse
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mickmundy · 1 year
Alrighty, so I was looking at your mermaid bushmed stuff, and it's all super fun. But I noticed there's a lot of focus on mer medic and human sniper, I think I saw only one post mentioning the reverse? I was wondering if you had any ideas for mer snipes and human medic? It mentioned mer sniper being caught and given to medic for research, and i think that's got some interesting possibilities. Especially if medic ever decided to free sniper, which could probably get him fired/in huge trouble/maybe in danger(?) if he was caught doing it? (I also like the idea of kinda feral shark mer sniper, and the probably extra sharp teeth he would have, ngl.) Idk, I just have mermaid bushmed brainrot and enjoy seeing aus getting flipped.
HIII MY FRIEND OMG OKAY IM SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS I WANTED TO THINK ABOUT IT EHEE BUT yes i do actually! i talked about it briefly on this post here (as in like.. 2 sentences KSDFKS)! so i'll elaborate on it a bit more! ^v^
i think it would be fun for sniper to have gotten caught by mann co somehow and given to medic to do Whatever with (with medic being his "Canonical" organ-harvesting, animal-loving self!) and gazing upon sniper and Of Course being EXTREMELY ELATED that hoo! a merperson!! i personally think sniper's fish-half would be a spotted wobbegong as i said in that post too!! ^u^
tbh the Main reason i didn't go with a mersniper in this one is because i actually have a "were-crocodile" sniper/human researcher medic au that i ALSO want to write a little something for, and i try to keep it balanced as far as who gets the "Beastie Treatment" so that both of them have some time in each role! ^v^ i think medic and sniper are both characters who would Love being supernatural/mythical creatures so it offers a lot of fun dynamics!
either way, i think a researcher medic/Creature Sniper is VERY fun... i love that idea a LOT!! ^v^ you actually make me want to elaborate more on my werecroc au..! heuhueue!! i think researcher medic is definitely compelling and the dynamic of master/experiment Definitely suits bushmed since it reminds me so much of their "canonical" dynamic!!! HEHEE!!
for my mer au though, sniper WILL be able to Become a merperson himself with the help of Convenient Mermagic! hoo! and yes.. he would Absolutely have sharp teeth.,. huhuh.,. >u< i think medic does too! sharp teeth and claws, with patches of their "fish patterns" on their human skin up their body, too! they'd of course keep their human body hair and fat on their human halves as well ^v^!!
AND YESSSS I HAVE THE BRAINROT TOO I FEAR.,., i've been working on fleshing out the story and i'm planning on writing it either alongside or after i write my vampire au!! ^v^ EHEHHE!!! i'm always happy to have asks about them though because it's fun for me to flesh them out this way, so thank you SO much for messaging me my friend!! i hope you have an amazing weekend!! <3333
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suranet · 6 years
tyrantchimera replied to your photo “MerNavi Meddi, medic in training! here to patch up broken wires and...”
Yaaaay the Mers are back!
yup! they are~ (^-^)b
i’m definitively still drawing out more designs for the other Navis and have some drafts in progress, it’s just... v slow due to school eating all my energy.
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blancheharrington · 6 years
Meredith may see Alex as her person and best friend and all that crap but she will n e v e r support him as much as jo does and so it makes me mad how he seems to prioritize them equally like jo would drop everything in a second for Alex (she literally ditched the conference on her ground breaking medical discovery to sit outside a library in Iowa just for moral support okay so why is Alex still so damn concerned about making sure Meredith is happy jeez go to Boston Mer will figure it out)
This is exactly why I need season 15 to have some great moments where Alex Karev either clearly picks Jo over Meredith or makes a decision that is clearly in favor of Jo (like willingly moving to Boston!) She’s so god damn supportive of him in e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g he does and we desperately need to see it being reciprocated. 
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