#Strange Happenings
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Rita Golden Gelman - ESP: Stories of Strange Happenings - Scholastic Book Services - 1981
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klowny · 6 months
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Don't call yourself an LPS fan if you haven't watched Strange Happenings
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theonetruegnome · 1 month
Fracture hills was never a big location for anything much to happen. It was a quiet town full of men women and children who were happy with the status quo. One thing that was guaranteed to get the populace buzzing however was the fair. Every summer, without fail, the fair would arrive. There were games, a few rides, attractions and, best of all, food.
The gang always went to the fair, every year, no exceptions, and it was usually the same schedule. Meet up at 12:30 and walk together to the actual fair. Buy tickets and enter at 12:57 just in time for the rides to start opening. Spend the next two hours or so being dragged by Sunny and Dandy onto every ride and game at least three times before they stop for food at 14:15. Spend half an hour trying to convince Conk to go on the scariest thing then let him sleep off the terror on a bench once he gets off. When Conk wakes up they walk around looking at all the different amusements and performers on parade. Finally, around 17:00, buy as much cotton candy they can and walk home. Bonus points if they finish it all before Rickett street.
It was a known fact that MunchyPup had the largest appetite out of any of the shifted critters, though it was a fact he was not always proud to be true. Some thought he was putting it on to try to be funny, or that he was just incredibly greedy, and disliked Munch because of it. However, with the ridicule and worries of being too gluttonous came a few small benefits, such as an increased constitution. Most people would likely be violently ill if they rode a rollercoaster three times after eating $20 worth of sugared doughnuts and French fries, and this is what happened to most of the shifted critters. Munch however managed to (Literally) keep his lunch down. When he stepped off, he didn't even look pale or in any sort of discomfort and asked if they'd like to go again!
Munch's favourite thing about his bigger tummy though, was competition. He was a celebrated competitive eater, and had won over 30 ribbons and medals. Seeing him, face buried in a stack of pancakes, or hotdogs, or anything really, it was astonishing such a vast quantity of food could fit inside such a seemingly small dog.
Anyway, the story for today starts with the gang entering one such fair. The air was crisp and cool, buzzing with excitement and nerves. 12:57. Buy tickets. The eight passed through the turnstile and made their way further into the grounds. Sunny ran off ahead to scout out what looked best. Leah was snapping away at seemingly everything, her face alight with excitement. Dandy eyed up the largest, steepest rollercoaster, her mouth forming the word 'Bet'.
The next two hours were a blur. Playing the fair games trying to win stuffed toys and keyrings and giving up their priceless tickets to the attendees to go on yet another ride. Spinning, dropping, laughing and screaming, the eight went on almost every attraction in the grounds before Munch suggested they stop for Lunch, right on schedule.
The group ate their fill, Munch in particular filling himself up as much as he could. 'Slow down Munch! You're gonna make yourself sick!' 'Lighten up a bit Mana, I've never seen Munchtime vomit once. Not even last year when he rode the waltzer after eating all those nugs!' At the memory, Callum giggles and Dandy thumps Munch on the back like he just ran a marathon. Munch grinned, swallowed, and stood up. 'Thanks Eli. You want anything while I'm up?' 'Woah, where're you going then?' 'To- to get more food, I could smell kettle corn over there-' 'Munch are you sure you can handle all this? I know you've got a big stomach but-' 'Aww, don't worry Leah. I'm not even close to full yet! But if you're really worried I'll stop after this, ok?' 'No, it's fine, I just don't want you getting sick or anything...' 'Alright, all of you, stop worrying about me! Leah, you've seen me eat before right?' 'Right.' 'So then you'll know how much I can take. So I'm going to go off, get some kettle corn, and afterwards we'll go see the freak show or something. Now, do you want any while I'm there or not?' '...Yes' Munch chuckles, 'That's what I thought!' He briefly ruffles her head fur and saunters off to find the kettle corn stand somewhere in the field they were eating in.
Eventually, Munch managed to find it and bought three large bags of the stuff from the kind woman serving him. 'Oof, maybe they're right... I am feeling kinda full. I guess I got a little carried away... I'll stop after this though. Mental promise.' Munch thought as he walked back, eating his corn. He sat down heavily next to Sunny, and handed a bag to Leah. She was immediately set upon by the others who 'Just wanted a bit', but left her with less than half of what she had. Just as the disappointment registered on her face, Munch handed her the third bag he had bought.
As soon as the last kernels were eaten Sunny stood up; 'So, where do we wanna go next? We could-' 'Lllllladies and Gentlemen!' The sudden noise of the voice over the loudspeaker made them all jump. 'We are proud to announce, the first annual Fracture Hills fair eating contest is about to begin! Anyone who wishes to enter last-minute, please speak with Samaritan at the stage entrance. All are welcome to compete!'
The group was stunned into silence before all crowding around Munch 'Ohmygod, Munch!' 'This is perfect for you-' '-You should compete!'
'Hey- Wha- No guys! This is not on the schedule, we should be-' 'Awww, nuts to the schedule! You could easily beat anyone else here!'
'But- But- I'm not- I mean, I should save room for cotton candy later, right?' 'It doesn't matter if you can't eat any cotton candy, the rest of us can pick up the slack.'
'Alright, but I probably won't win guys- L-look! Those are grown adults I'd competing with!' 'So? You're the boy with almost fifty ribbons for competitive eating. We've all seen you at your peak and it is honestly terrifying.' '...Okay fine, I guess it couldn't hurt to try...'
He walked up to the sparrow at the stage entrance, signed his name and climbed the steps to take his assigned place at the table. There must have been at least a hundred people all looking up at them. His stomach turned, and he suddenly became aware of how full his stomach was. He couldn't do this, he'd have to back down...
'Attaboy munch! You got this!' Munch ran forward slightly and scoured the crowd. His friends were all right in the centre, smiling and cheering him on. Leah had even gotten out her video camera to record the thing. He couldn't give up after they'd gotten so hyped... He gritted his teeth, sat and waited for the food to be placed in front of him. Pies. Perfect, his preferred meal for contests like this.
'Alright, standard rules for pie. Eat the majority of the centre of the pie, no hands allowed, and if you wanna back down, ring the bell in front of you. All clear? Ok! On your marks! Get set...GO!'
Munch threw himself face-first into the pastry and started to wolf down as much as he could. His candy-pink fur was soon stained with reds, blues and yellows. Sticky-sweet syrup and cinnamon-y apple sauce soaked into his fur and he could tell he'd crisp up later.
The others were all screaming and cheering their friend on. Conk was jumping like a madman, Dandy was yelling at the top of her lungs...
Catnap's voice suddenly faltered. He became aware of how many people were around him at the moment, how many strangers he didn't know. His cheers turned to a wheezy sort of squeak and he drew into himself. Crafty looked confused. What just happened? It was like she'd... she had no way to fully describe it, but something felt off... But what? Bobby had noticed catnap panicking and, dropping her camera, rushed over to him, wrapping her cardigan around his shoulders. Wait... her cardigan? But she didn't- Dogday suddenly felt a tsunami of nausea hit him. His tummy felt like it was bursting at the seams and his saliva felt thick as ice-cream. His whole body heaved as it tried to force the food back up his trachea. He looked up, hoping to see his friends urging him on. Instead, catnap looked terrified, Bubba and Crafty confused and the rest seemingly oblivious to his struggle. His hand lifted and fell limply onto the bell, the entirety of his mind on forcing himself not to spew everywhere.
The small *Ding!* seemed to echo like a gunshot. The others looked up, and saw Munch get up and walk offstage. Their once happy faces turned to disappointment and shock. What had happened? None of them could remember really, aside from their friend looking really uncomfortable. They all rushed over to meet him.
Munch looked up and saw them all waiting at the bottom of the short steps. He noticed that Callum looked on the verge of tears and all thoughts of losing slipped out of his brain.
'Hey, Callum, you ok? What's wrong?' 'Huh? *Sniff* Oh, I dunno. I just felt so… scared and- and upset all of a sudden. I- I just- *Sniff*-‘ 'It was probably nerves and disappointment, you'll be fine.' Mana put her arm around the small cat's shoulders and gave him a squeeze. Munch remembered his, briefly forgotten, failure and hung his head.
'Oh, yeah. Sorry about that guys, I really screwed up-'
'No, Munch It's fine!' He looked up, unconvinced. 'Yeah, you ate so much earlier, it's no surprise you almost barfed everywhere-' 'Seriously dude, you looked so sick-' 'But, it doesn't matter, you still did really well!' 'Yeah, and I've got it all on- *Gasp* MY CAMERA!' Leah ran off back into the crowd to search for her video camera. 'The point is Munch, there's no point in being sorry for yourself. You still did so well, and we couldn't be prouder.'
Munch gazed into his friends gentle faces, and involuntarily smiled.
'Thanks guys, I really love you all-'
There was a collective 'aww!' from them all at his words.
'And I really appreciate every one of you... ...Now how about Conk goes on the pendulum to make me feel better-‘ 'NOOOOPE! NOT HAPPENING!' 'Hey get back here!' 'You can't outrun us all Conk-'
The seven of them managed to get Conk onto the ride, with the stipulation Callum ride with him. Five minutes of screaming later, Conk was passed out on a bench and Callum was sitting with his head between his knees and Leah gently scratching between his ears.
Finally, hours later, the sun began to set and the sky turned orange. The eight wandered tiredly back out of the turnstile gates with armfuls of fluffy pink and blue candy floss. Soon, they said their goodnights and parted ways, each thinking fondly of both what happened today, and their beds. Munch pinned his first ever second place ribbon to his headboard and sighed. The day's events were still weighing on him. His first true loss. And at something he was good at too... You know what? You know what, What did it matter? It had to happen at some point, so why not today? He still had his friends, his family, his box full of other ribbons... It doesn't matter!
Munch actually smiled at the red '#2' ribbon. 'Well, it could be worse.' He thought as he got into bed. He might not have known what set him off his game, but what did it matter? After all, nobody's perfect... And that just makes us all so much more special.
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keyunto · 3 months
Ooooga. Booga
exactly!!! you get me
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quietflorilegium · 6 months
“I may be going mad. It’s something that can’t possibly happen in this day and age.” “I’ve often noticed,” Fiona said, “that when people say, ‘This can’t happen in this day and age,’ they say it because it is happening.”
Diana Wynne Jones, "Fire and Hemlock"
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hanarchy · 11 months
the skz cupsleeve was soooo fun and ppl seemed to really enjoy themselves but after listening to the whole discog all day seungmin is for some reason haunting me, like i have his voice in my head clear as day but only his and no one elses… 🤔
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portal-world · 1 year
Something strange
My name is Mathias... I guess I don't really need to give my last name. Anyway I'm new to this site, but I wanted to make this blog to record my findings. Alright some some background; I am a junior in high school and my best classes are math and science. Lately something strange has been happening in my backyard. Recently a mysterious... hole? Opening? Lets go with portal, anyway recently one of those opened up in my yard. I don't really know what it is yet but I'm going to investigate, as I said before this blog serves to record my findings and I will keep it updated as I learn more. It took way longer to set this up and it's late now so I'll begin my investigation tomorrow morning so stay tuned.
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leaflovingal · 1 year
Two paths lay before you. One is shrouded in darkne-
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finnitesimal · 2 years
now why did Ren say that Bdubs stroking (Impulse's) head felt good like that in that clip 😦
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If you like. Listen close right at the end there
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rimouskis · 2 years
today I flew coast to coast, got my shoes complimenting by a foot f*tishist, and then watched the pens lose... what kind of day is this
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beautiful-songbird · 3 months
Ok a lil update for anyone who’s wondering:
Last night I went out with some friends and one of them decided it was a great time to tell me the guy I like is talking to someone (????? 😭😭😭 girl choose literally any other time)
And it kinda put some things into perspective for me because…I am not ready for a relationship, and he seems to be chasing one right now
Soooooooo I think we both need some time before a relationship between the two of us would be the right thing
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p0rk-guts · 5 months
One day I'll start pushing out tons of Strange Happenings fanart and maybe just maybe I'll snag someone and they'll go "wow this is so cool what fandom" And I'll go
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"Oswald's mom has got it going on" - FNAF Pit bonnie
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Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish
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doctorsiren · 21 days
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I wonder what younger me would think of who I am now
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konigsblog · 4 months
imagine könig eating an aphrodisiac chocolate?.. the reader must have gotten this from one of her friends, as a dare, probably.
König can't contain his appetite at times, he's a big man, you know to buy more because of König's large appetite.
Hunger takes over him and he can't control the irresistible urge laying on the countertop. Sometimes, the sight of chocolate is too much to bear and he finds himself with his hand down a bag of chocolate covered raisins and sultanas.
And today was no different. You had brought home a couple new things from the shops, along with a specific treat that your friend had dared you to buy while out together, a chocolate with an aphrodisiac inside of it. König didn't bother reading the packaging or the bright red warning on the packet, he never did.
Although, the effects that the sweet, addictive chocolate had on him were different from usual. Chocolate would usually fill König with dopamine and joy, but he found himself breathless and panting, his cheeks flushing a bright rosy pink with a bead of sweet running down his forehead. He gripped the edge of the kitchen countertop firmly, hunching over at the sudden agonising pain inside of his boxers.
He needed to find you, urgently.
You were surprised at the state of König, the mess he'd left himself in. At first, you were concerned, the redness of his cheeks and how his breathing had become heavy and laborious. Although, you quickly realised what had happened to your poor boyfriend once he placed your hand over his hard, stiff bulge.
He grunted gutturally and painfully through delirium, gritting his teeth as you pushed him down, lowering yourself onto your knees. You pushed any strands of hair in front of your face away and grinned playfully at the effects of the chocolate, your fingers already unfastening his belt and undoing his trousers.
König couldn't control his sensitivity and horniness. He felt greedy and ashamed of himself, his firm grip on your skull tightening when you wrapped your soft lips around his leaking cock, your warm and slick tongue pressed against the underside of his hung, heavy shaft.
“Godverdammt, you set me up, didn’t you?” König growled out. He couldn't contain the pleasure rushing through him at the familiar, warm sensation of your mouth, his lengthy and girthy cock stuffed down your little throat. He blamed you, an excuse to be brutal with you, to release all his sexual frustration and the stiffness of his weeping cock.
König took control pretty quickly. He lowered you down onto his lengthy, veiny dick and began to rut against your face, fucking your throat selfishly. Greediness took over König, his balls slapping against your chin, coated in your drool as you slobber all over yourself. “Choke, fucking take me- Please.”
It doesn't take König very long until he's hitting his release, his orgasm tipping over the edge, his body tense and trembling as he releases his white load down your throat, passing out through exhausted and ecstasy.
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