#Strayed! Moon
seven-thewanderer · 3 months
WOO I finished it in time!!!
Okay since as I stated before, once today ends I'll have to go (so like... 8 more hours left)
but I wanted to share the rest of the designs for my Strayed AU before I left (...So I kinda rushed on one of them XD)
But I already shared Bloodmoon & KillCode's designs, Brainsick/Blackhole/Arp (the big villain)'s design, and a doodle of Eclipse & Solar Flare's designs...
So I wanted to design & share the rest!!!
So firstly... we have Earth!!
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This design of Earth I haven't yet decided which form of hers it'll be (whether it's the 1st body, 2nd body, or 3rd I don't know), but this is what Earth looks like at some point during the AU!! Her eyes are more similar to Sun's eyes (in canon), and her ribbon/headband's yellow instead of rainbow because I thought it fit, and because drawing the rainbow repeatedly can get a bit tiring...
I also was gonna draw her different outfits, but my device wouldn't let me keep drawing, so I only drew her skirt
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(Which actually probably means its the 2nd or 3rd body cus the 1st one didn't have outfits..)
Next, we have... Lunar!!! (This one's the current appearance, not the first few ones)
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Lunar's design here is slightly based on those little clown dolls (an example - that I didn't use as a direct reference, but sat in my mind unconsciously as I made it - being these clown dolls made by slocotion which they're cool maybe check their stuff out :3), and based on the details I liked from all of Lunar's canon models, and just. going purely on a clown-like vibe as I went through XD (And while I didn't design it, Lunar's first appearance would match more with Eclipse's first appearance, being more silly clown-like)
Next up: Sunrise!! (Yes he does go by Sunrise in this au)
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For Sun I really tried to go with an art teacher-like vibe... but most of the results were like... dresses and overalls-but-skirts. Which like, Sun would wear those in this AU, but not as his main outfit. So I just gave him one of those puffy-sleeved shirts with the overlapping stripes (#f8c092, 39% opacity. Why am I adding this? why not), and then added some art supplies on him (paint, glitter glue, and stickers) I'll explain the overalls being the 'wrong color' later
Finally, there's Moondrop!!
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Moon wears his overalls as well, but wears a labcoat as well cus.. he sciencey!! This design is specifically after-reset (cus this Moon got reset as well), cus if it was pre-reset, the eye would be red, not green. The bell on his hat is also a crescent moon-shaped bell!!
And also to explain the overalls color-swap for Sunrise & Moondrop:
They usually did wear their colors, Sunrise having the red-orange one with stars, and Moondrop having the blue-purple one with stripes, but then Sun wanted to swap for one day cus.. why not!! Moon agreed basically, but said if Sun got even one bit of paint on it, they weren't swapping back. Moon got the orange overalls cleaned by the end of the day (when they'd swap back), and Sun was basically drenched in paint & glitter glue... so now they've had the swapped overalls ever since XD
So yeah I think that's it!! Still have to design some other characters, like Monty, Stitchwraith, the Creator, Rodrick (who may get a name change in the AU), Foxy, and more!! Who knows, maybe if I get really motivated to, I may design characters from all the other shows in this AU!!
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lotus-pear · 8 months
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even yokohama's most feared criminals need their rest
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christakisbang · 3 months
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originalartblog · 11 months
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whenever I see someone being sad over Akutagawa being "dead" and not coming back this is what I picture btw
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sableeira · 7 months
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You know how “the moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?” is used as an expression for love confessions? It’s said that Natsume Soseki came up with it after overhearing a student translate “I love you” to Japanese in a very literal sense. While there is no source confirming that this exchange actually happened, I still think a scene referencing the expression with Natsume randomly appearing would be hilarious
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hyunpic · 3 months
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notdysfunk · 11 months
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dont worry about the cats
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st4rd0lly · 4 months
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cw: dog!reader (as in ears and tail) , ruts / heat , SMUT , written with AFAB reader in mind but no established genitalia or gendered pronouns/words regarding reader, slightttt corruption kink? if u squint, dom dazai, sub reader, obvi MDNI 
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just imagining being dazai’s puppydog coworker and oh is he so mean. 
dazai, who teases you relentlessly at work, playing with your ears and messing with your tail till you turn around and start scolding him only for him to say he only hears barking right now
dazai, who riles you up on purpose just to hear you slightly growl at him but not miss a chance to poke fun at you for your tail giving you away by wagging it ! he takes it just as a sign of excitement and endearment 
dazai, who leans down really close to your ears and whispers the most suggestive sentences ever to watch you freeze and squirm slightly but then pull back like he said nothing 
dazai, who learns about your rut / heat cycles through “accidentally” eavesdropping on yosano speaking to you about them and how she might not have the meds to suppress them in time
dazai, who jumpstarts your rut / heat cycle early just because of this ! He amps up the teasing and flirty words and he watches how you squirm under any of his touches, how you breathe a little more heavy when he’s near, how you keep having your eyes wander to him. how they keep trailing from his eyes, to his neck, to his hands and sometimes his crotch
dazai, who watches you excuse yourself from work in a hurry much to the office’s surprise ! he offers to go check in on you like the good coworker and friend he is
dazai, who stands in front of your door with his ear pressed up against it. hearing you whine out desperately, and judging by the sounds of moving fabric, he assumes you’re humping a pillow. his hand wraps around the door knob and twists it, knowing that you were distracted and knowing that you forgot to lock the door
dazai, who knocks on the door and asks you if you’re alright which makes your hips stutter slightly. you try to tell him that you’re alright and that you just need some time to rest
dazai, who enters your apartment and sees you on the couch with your knees sinking into the cushions as you rut against the pillow. your tail was wagging and your ears were twitching
dazai, who helps you through your rut / heat like a good coworker and friend <3
“Oh f-fuck ! i-i’m sorry dazai—” You tried to apologize, your head was too dazed to even think properly but you were too focused on catching your pleasure. You figured you’d catch embarrassment pretty soon regardless, you couldn’t even continue to look him in the eye after turning your head around to see him.
“Now isn’t that a sight to see… My, it must be my birthday because this feels like a gift more than anything.” He cooed out loud, shutting the door behind him and locking it. Though, the idea of leaving it unlocked and having the possibility of a person walking in did leave him tempted. 
He walked over behind you, his hands firmly stopping your hips abruptly. The feeling of his touch felt cold compared to the heat you were feeling. You had stripped yourself bare, only leaving your underwear on, soaked with slick. You let out a whimper at this action, lowering your head in defeat and embarrassment with your hands in front of the cushion to support you. Your tail kept thumping against the couch. 
“Poor little puppy…” He chuckled, one of his hands traveled up your body before brushing your shoulder and then lifting your chin up to look at him with a gentle force. He couldn’t rough you up just yet. “Look at you, your skin feels so warm. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve assumed you were sick-“
“Dazai…” You whined, blinking slowly. God how you wanted him to fuck you right now. Treating you like a little toy, pressing your face down into the mattress while pounding into you. The ache between your legs was fucking unbearable, everything felt too hot and he was the only source of coldness. 
“You want me to help you?”
Those words felt like cold water splashed to your face. Your eyes widen in eagerness and your body heats up more with shame and arousal. A smirk tugs at his lips, seeing even your ears perking up at this offer. You were too cute for him to handle. 
“I-I’ve never…done it before.” You admitted, and he swore his heart was about to cave in. You really were too cute for him to handle. Regardless of whether or not you’ve slept with someone, it didn’t matter to him. But the thought of him being the first and only one to make you mess?
His hardened cock strained against his pants uncomfortably even more now.
“And yet you’re humping a pillow like you’ve fucked yourself on a dick before.” The brunette teased, looking closely as you get shy.
“Why don’t you tell me everything you’ve been thinking about when you looked at me today? Trust me, I could tell.” Dazai grinned, his hand trailing down to your neck and rubbing the skin beneath his thumb. He leaned down closer. 
“I guess I have to take responsibility for putting you in this predicament in the first place… so just tell me everything you’ve thought of me doing to you ‘kay? And I promise I’ll be better than what you imagined, oh-
—and keep your pretty eyes on me pup.”
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falmerbrook · 5 months
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Been feeling down and having artblock so I wanted to draw something colorful and silly to try to get out of it
So have some My Little Morrowind: Friendship Betrayal is Magic
(and Sheo-Discord for funsies)
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cjs-51703 · 1 year
Did someone ask for more Brutally Honest Manga Descriptions? The likes did, and I went to a different bookstore.
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kuni-kuun · 2 months
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In honor of today's Solar Eclipse
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seven-thewanderer · 3 months
Okay here it is: the last section of the art-dumping
And it is... an au!!
It's kind of a silly idea, but I call it the Strayed!AU (it's kind of just an au that spawns based on something different happening relating to 1 specific character) (...and it's a Sun and Moon Show au...)
This one follows the SAMS plot most of the way, except changing after Sun kills Bloodmoon
Instead of Sun killing Bloodmoon and that being it until Bloodmoon's revived based on only video knowledge, he actually gets brought back by KC, who (after Moon asked what happened, and if Sun was okay, after Sun said only "useless crap was destroyed", he went to go get some cleaning supplies, and KC basically begged Moon to let him take control in that moment) then found the few remaining nano-machines of Bloodmoon that had survived (only finding 5 before taking those nano-machines to try and revive him), taking them to hide from Sun, and then going to Monty while pretending to be Moon to convince Monty to let him borrow some nano-machines (being why when Lunar.. yknow'ed.. Monty didn't have nano-machines to rebuild him with, so he couldn't shape shift anymore) so that he could rebuilt & bring his son back to life
So here's how Bloodmoon looks in the au!!
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(also it's called the Strayed AU cus Bloodmoon kinda acts like a strayed dog who doesn't trust people, and only trusts an occasional few, that "few" being just KC)
Here's also how KC looks!!
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I haven't drawn the rest, cus I haven't had the time to, but they each would have differences from canon, and here's a few I can think of:
Lunar would still have a tail
Earth would have small cloud-like wing accessories on her back (y'know those tiny white wings with the curly spiral at the part that goes on the back? Yeah those wings, idk their exact name but they pop up if you search 'chibi wings' so they might be chibi wings)
Sun (possibly also Moon? haven't decided yet) wears overalls
Eclipse's outfit would be (kinda) more clown-like
Also, a sad fact to me: Some characters in canon don't exist in this au
So characters like Solar, Ruin (Eclipse), Ruin Monty, Jack 'O Moon (since Solar made him), and others that I cant think of rn, wouldn't exist in this au
So because of that, there would be a Ruin alternative, but currently I have no ideas for them cus like. idk. didn't feel like it yet. (basically tho the Ruin Replacement wouldnt have made Bloodmoon, they just found him away from KC and was like ''ooh perfect'' and took him to work under them secretly, and such like that.
Now, here are some details to try and describe the characters in this au:
Killcode (KC): (he/they) Kc is still quite distant from the family, but visits them more often than in canon (or at least that we saw in canon). KC spends most of his time wandering, in his RV (he does have an RV, yes), which is also his soup kitchen. He has a Soup kitchen - Food Truck - RV. KC is quite caring for Bloodmoon, and tries to care for him the best he can, while also trying to teach him to be a good person (ex. He often lets Bloodmoon go out to hunt fish - which he ends up really liking to do - and makes him fish soups with his catches. He also lets Bloodmoon help him make soup for the homeless, but only in helping cut the veggies and to bake bread to give alongside the soup, as Bloodmoon keeps trying to either tamper with the soup, or attack the customers.) KC is also quite cat-like at times, and sometimes Bloodmoon can be a bit too much for him, but he still shows his love and care. KC still does have a tinder profile, like in canon, but hasn't actually gotten with someone (successfully) yet. KillCode is omniromantic, and has a slight preference for men.
Sun: (he/him) (sometimes wants to go by she) Sun is basically quite the same, being quite anxious at times, being good at taking care of kids, and somewhat bad at dealing with adults, except he has been a bit more willing to go to therapy (he has stopped denying it, and is trying to seek out therapy). However, he still strongly dislikes Bloodmoon. Despite KC trying to help Bloodmoon be better, Sun doesn't trust him. KC and Sun have also grown a better relationship as siblings, instead of that awkward relationship they seemed to have (in my opinion). Sun also likes to knit and crochet, especially to make little sweaters for his cats. Despite popular belief, Sun is not bisexual, and is actually unlabeled.
Moon: (he/they) Moon is quite caring for his family, having also gone through the ''Got reset after separating from KC'' fate, and tries his best to be open with his family, but isn't the best. Moon still uses his technology, but doesn't let his science & tech get in the way of him & his family, so if one of them needs something, he will put them first. Moon does however sometimes have a few anger issues, and rather than discussing them to someone, he just tries to push them away and hold them back (this does not work well.) Moon is still aroace, but is specifically sex-repulsed asexual & orchidromantic (I searched up one to fit what I was going for & found orchidromantic, which is apparently someone who ''feels romantic attraction, but does not desire a romantic relationship'', yet both sources I found seemed to be slightly a bit uncertain themselves so idk)
Earth: (she/her) Earth is very sweet and caring for her older siblings, despite sometimes acting herself like the oldest sister (when she's actually the youngest). Earth tries to care a lot for others, and ends up putting a lot of peoples' issues before her own. She feels as if she has to help others, otherwise she's doing things wrongs, but helping others often stresses her out and causes burnout for her. Other than that, Earth loves things like dolls and stuffed toys, as she finds comfort in those (she's not the only one in her family who does), and often convinces her brothers to play fun games with her, like dress-up, or convinces them to watch shows & movies with her. Earth mainly acts like a younger sibling, except for when she feels like she has to help someone, then that's when she acts more serious. Earth has never really thought too much about relationship preferences, so she stays unlabeled.
Lunar: (he/they) Lunar is the middle child, who has quite the chaotic energy at times. Due to trauma, Lunar often acts younger than he actually is, and likes being treated like a child, but not being treated like a child (likes toys and such, and other things kids tend to be said to like, and likes being treated in a more calm manner, but hates when he's referred to as small, or defenseless, or someone whose too young to do anything on his own). Lunar often likes to play dolls with Earth, despite not really liking dolls, and preferring stuffed animals, like Spigot. Lunar does have a bit of star power (since he was still blown up), but has a smaller amount than in canon (since Solar said it was a rare chance for him to get powers, so he only got a very small fraction of weather powers, so he can't really hurt anyone with them, making him not that much a threat... but the astrals still aren't sure.) Lunar is quite energetic, yet still traumatized and depressed, but often tries to show himself more energetic. Sometimes he does have moments where he falls quiet due to his depression, and doesn't speak up much. Lunar is pansexual, and eventually realized themself to possibly be polyamorous when they liked the idea of being in a relationship with more than one person (idk if that is how figuring that out works honestly, I just based that discoveration off of the canon Lunar wondering if dating Gemini would be polyamorous or not, and based on my own questioning)
Bloodmoon: (they/he) Bloodmoon is somewhat like a stray dog. They don't trust too many people, but often either trusts one person (KC), or can tend to be bribed easily into following what someone wants (Ruin-replacement & Stitchwraith). Bloodmoon can be quite chaotic (more than Lunar), and tends to run around often sometimes to get out energy, aka zoomies. Bloodmoon tends to show their feelings in a way not considered ''normal'' to most, tending to growl and bark, and occasionally bite (KC's tried to get him to stop biting. It has not worked.), but also sometimes shapeshifts into shapes and bundles of who-knows-what to represent their emotions. Bloodmoon sometimes has panic attacks, especially if left around Sun for too long, which can be calmed with stuffed toys, which he either bites, or just cuddles them, as they help ground him. They hate admitting that though, as the only person Bloodmoon is comfortable being vulnerable around is one another, and occasionally KillCode. Bloodmoon also has a scar on their chest (that no matter how hard KC tried to fix it when making their body, it just wouldn't go away) in the spot where Sun blasted them, due to them trying to split last-second to avoid the blast, yet failing. Bloodmoon also has a confidence issue they don't speak about, where (as Lunar once said for himself when he could shapeshift:) they have a hard time being big. Thus, they often accidentally shapeshift themself to a smaller size, and it's nearly unnoticeable, unless they accidentally make themself near Lunar's height. Bloodmoon also discovered themselves to both be aromantic, but haven't figured out yet if there's more to their identity.
K [Ruin replacement] (I still don't have a name for them, but my mind keeps wanting to say their name starts with a K, so for now they're K): (??) K is insane. K came from an alternate universe, and decided to cause chaos once they arrived. K often likes to use others to their advantage, and is quite good with manipulation, and is quite far from a good person (whether they'd be redeemable or not, I have absolutely no idea). K found Bloodmoon when he was out fishing for KC, and took them, forcing them to work with them, under the bribe of free blood. K is an awful person, treating Bloodmoon more like a pet than another animatronic, even giving Bloodmoon a shock collar to control them better (I myself really don't like shock collars btw, I think they're messed up, so the fact that K uses one on Bloodmoon shows that they're messed up, at least in my view.) K has a plan, which is unknown, but hinted at by how they describe themself as the "puppeteer" over others.
Eclipse: (he/it) Eclipse is still struggling to be the ''big bad villain'', kind of being more of an annoyance rather than a villain. Though he can still be quite a threat. He dies nearly the same 2 ways, except the second time he was killed in a universe where Eclipse either didn't exist, or had already died (since this universe doesn't know Solar. Maybe they brought him to like, Evil Lunar's dimension and let Lunar deal with him, honestly idk they just brought him to a dimension, and guaranteed his death) At this point, Eclipse has returned on his 3rd life, with less memory of his previous actions than before (basically requiring the videos + others' reaction to him to know, plus the faint urge to be evil), and trying his best to be evil, but sometimes the others (especially Earth) can tell he's at the near edge of a mental breakdown/identity crisis. He very much doesn't want redemption, but is almost being convinced that maybe, just maybe, he could earn it? Eclipse is aroace, and is strongly repulsed by the idea of both sex or romance.
Also a short summary of character relationships:
KC <- Familial -> Bloodmoon Bloodmoon views KC as a dad, and KC views Bloodmoon as his sons. They have a sweet father-sons relationship, but it's not perfect.
Earth <- Slight trust, tension -> Bloodmoon Out of Sun, Moon, Lunar, and Earth, Bloodmoon trusts Earth the most, finding a comfort in her care. Earth, however, isn't fully trusting of Bloodmoon, due to them nearly killing her once, but she still thinks there's a good person in them somewhere.
Lunar <- Tension -> Bloodmoon They used to have a sibling-like relationship in the far past, when Lunar had first met Bloodmoon, but after Bloodmoon had tried to kill Earth that one time, and Lunar almost (accidentally, but not fully accidentally) basically electrocuted Bloodmoon, they've had a tension ever since.
Sun <- Strong distrust + tension -> Bloodmoon Sun doesn't trust Bloodmoon, slightly disappointed that KC brought them back, but somewhat understanding of KC's decision. Sun often tries to hide it, but he very very much dislikes Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon, however, is basically terrified of Sun, and will do whatever they can to avoid him.
Moon <- Neutral yet slightly negative -> Bloodmoon Moon and Bloodmoon had a more neutral relationship, since Moon does feel bad for them, and Bloodmoon hasn't really been hurt by Moon. However, they both don't fully trust one-another, due to when Bloodmoon nearly killed Earth. Moon now doesn't fully trust Bloodmoon, and keeps an eye to make sure he doesn't slip up, and Bloodmoon fears that Moon could try to kill him, like Sun did.
K <- Very negative -> Bloodmoon K uses Bloodmoon, and manipulates them, making them do anything they want the twins to do, but forbids them from telling anyone it was their idea. K was the one who actually told Bloodmoon to attack Earth, but nobody knows, as Bloodmoon is too scared to admit that. (Also K kind of takes both Ruin's role, and Rodrick's role, making Rodrick as a tool to keep an eye on Bloodmoon from distances, instead of Rodrick being a tool by the creator to use Bloodmoon)
Eclipse <- Distrust, hatred, and annoyance -> Bloodmoon Eclipse and Bloodmoon both strongly hate and distrust one another, and sees the other as an annoyance.
Oh, I also almost forgot!! When KC had to rebuild Bloodmoon, he managed to find the code in Bloodmoon that made them bloodthirsty, and managed to safely remove it, so now Bloodmoon likes to hunt for fun (and out of habit), but doesn't need to
Okay I think that's everything now!! :3
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xieliancore · 1 year
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colour circle challenge for twt!
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noonaracha · 4 days
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my smiley bois •ᴗ•
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soukokumychildren · 7 months
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FINALLY! *holds this picture up like its god* I managed by the skin of my teeth before having to go to sleep finish this. I hope you enjoy :D
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chrisbangs · 9 months
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231003 ♡ Happy Birthday Bang Chan!
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