#Sub taehyung
lolabangtan · 1 year
05 | pair bond
Jimin throws a party at the office to celebrate the project’s success – too bad you’re stuck with your boss in a shabby motel during a storm because he wanted to buy some stupid local sweets.
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Word count: 7k
Warnings: smut, heavy alcohol consumption.
# sub!Taehyung, very very gentle dom!reader, hand job, nipple play, some dry-humping, drunk sex, Kim Taehyung Taetae, a lot of sexual tension and a lot of bickering, it high key turns him on tho, forced proximity?, she’s such a girlboss.
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People arguing, phones ringing, shoes clattering on the floor in a hurry, anxious fingers tapping on a computer keyboard.
In short, the office is in chaos.
Han’s next-generation cookware project was launched a week and a half ago, and work has been in full swing ever since. You have not stopped organising reports and scheduling meetings, picking up the phone and jotting down messages, caffeine is pumping through your body aggressively. No one has time to even take a toilet break – and you really should get one.
“No, wait, listen— just tell them it can wait till tomorrow.”
You let out a groan. “To Marketing?”
“I have the board meeting first,” Taehyung mumbles; “they really want to know how the project has gone.”
“Well, if that’s your priority, let me tell you, it’s not going to go well,” you can’t help but say.
Your boss looks up from his hands and stares at you in disbelief; honestly, he should be used to it already. You struggle with keeping your mouth shut, and he struggles with finding people who can actually tell it like it is. To you, that’s a win-win.
“And I can’t delegate that?”
You cross your arms and sit on his desk, making him shift his eyes to the curve of your legs— okay, this is not the time to think about that. Not ever, actually, but if he mixes the sight of your thighs in that raked-up pencil skirt with your nagging tone, the result will be a cocktail of emotions that Taehyung is not willing to make public.
“Well, you can, but should you?” you insist.
Taehyung squints his eyes, confused. “I should… not?”
“Very well!” you then exclaim mockingly, like you’re talking to a dumb puppy, and he revels in it. “All the departments need you now, their communication needs to be better more than ever to know how the new products are going. If you go to the board first, that sends an awful message. ‘Thank you for your time and effort, but I need to tell the old men how much money they’re gonna make this quarter’, basically.”
Great, now he feels guilty. But you’re right, he has a duty to his employees since everyone has been working their asses off for the project to succeed.
“Okay, can we rearrange the meetings as you said?”
“Already on it,” you say without even looking up from your mobile phone.
“And when we get back from Gwangju this Friday,” he continues, “we’ll throw a company party. To celebrate the project’s success.”
Ah, right, the trip to Gwangju; Taehyung has to meet up with some small business owners to close a deal and grow the top line in smaller areas. Of course, with your outstanding talent, you were the one to come up with the idea in an attempt to spend less time together and get rid of this ridiculous infatuation, but you forgot that, as his assistant, you’d be coming with him.
So, in your attempt to stay away from him, you actually got to spend four hours locked in a car, four more on the way back, and all the hours in between stuck too, checking in at the hotel, from meeting to meeting.
Honestly speaking, you have no idea why you feel like this; it’s not like you consciously like him. Maybe it’s just the attention that gets you, or the amusement of having a crush.
The meetings are going well and reassure the staff. Everyone is exhausted, of course, and an important person telling you that you’ve done a good job is probably relieving. By the time the first round of meetings ends, it is lunchtime, so you grab your purse and head to the cafeteria after telling Taehyung.
You eat your lunch in silence, with your phone in your hand but not really looking at it.
In all this time, you haven’t got a single call from your company. Not one message, not one desperate ring because there is an emergency and they know they are resting but please, they need your help.
Now, seeing everyone praising Kim Taehyung and getting so happy with his praise makes you crave the same attention. Everyone wants a piece of him. And here you are, scheduling his meetings and getting his calls while no one wants yours.
You scroll down your message menu; the last text you received was from Seokjin a couple of hours ago, but only to see how you were doing. The usual; rest, don’t you worry about a thing, everything is fine here, the company is running smoothly without you, you’re completely dispensable. We don’t even want you back. We’re better off without you. I hope that your holidays last forever.
Your thoughts were too loud, and you didn’t hear the voice calling you.
“Oh— Mr Park, good—” You rush to get up and bow your head, feeling your face red and your chest heavy. “Sorry, I was… thinking. Good afternoon.”
“Mind if I eat with you?” Jimin asks.
He’s already sitting in front of you, but you frown. “You’re not having lunch with President Kim?”
“Not feeling like it today…” he murmurs and stirs his soup.
“Of course.”
The two of you munch in silence for a while, not even pretending to scroll through your phone; you just sit there, silently staring at your food and having a bite from time to time. It seems like both of you have a lot on your mind at this moment.
“We’re not very talkative today, I see. What’s on your mind?”
Jimin’s question takes you by surprise. You babble for a second, first to come back to reality, and then to order your thoughts. But, how dangerous could it be? He should be a mastermind to figure out your real identity by your troubles alone, if he has not already by your looks. And, honestly, you need to let some steam out.
“Don’t you ever feel… that the whole world would be better off without you?”
He chuckles dryly and plays with the heap of rice. “I very much doubt that you really think so, Miss Shin.”
“What are you worried about?” Jimin insists, watching your puzzled face. “That things will work out without you—? Even better. Being needed is not the same as being wanted.”
“That’s not—” You let out a sigh, and he grins again. “Being needed means that I’m doing things right.”
But Jimin tilts his head. “If it scares you not to be needed, that’s only because you think there’s no reason that they’d ever want you.”
You have the feeling that Jimin thinks you’re talking about this company, and even if your main insecurities are far from that, they can indeed put down roots elsewhere and make you feel like shit. Your job could be done by anyone with two brain cells and a minimal sense of order.
“You’re very serious about your work,” he continues. “Why is that?”
“Can’t a woman be serious about her work?”
Jimin makes a thoughtful face. “Well, most women your age are busy looking for a man.”
“Ah, and I’m not, that’s true,” you respond with a laugh.
Park Jimin is such a mysterious man. Sometimes you’re sure he’s just genuinely a dick, but sometimes you get the feeling that he’s messing with you and it’s all a façade.
“Do you think I should quit this job and get a husband?” you ask, determined to play along.
Jimin smirks. “Well, I don’t think you should have to quit to find one.”
“And how am I going to make the time to meet men?” you inquire then, already finishing your food. You’re not hungry anymore. You want to see where this is going to get you. “I’m not good at blind dates, and I don’t trust my family to arrange anything for me.”
“Oh, yeah, families never care about whom the daughter marries, as long as he has money and a position…” You get the feeling he’s half-convinced, half-doubtful of his own words. “But then again, you can meet handsome, rich men here, can’t you? Just let me know who’s in your interest. What about my brother? Wouldn’t you want to marry him? Wouldn’t that be a match made in heaven?”
You blink, surprised by his shameless proposition, and you feel your face turn red and hot. Have you been so obvious? You tried to control yourself around him. It’s just an infatuation, after all – it’s nothing serious, nothing to lose your head over, nothing important. He’s cute, and you’re bored.
“I don’t think it’d be appropriate.”
“And yet I can think of nothing more fitting.”
Is he messing with you again? He must be. He’s being sarcastic, and a bit cruel, too. A businessman and his little, gold-digging secretary, very funny.
Fuck it, you don’t have the mental strength to put up with this jerk. Let him fire you if he’s got the fucking audacity. “Don’t you have anything more interesting to do than looking for hook-ups for your brother?”
His dumbfounded face is a sight for sore eyes, but it soon turns back into his amused grin.
“How romantic of you, Miss Shin,” Jimin finally responds with an infuriating chirp. “And even if I have to admit that Taehyung needs some help getting dates, I was talking about something deeper, something with feelings. His assets are worth more than a fuck.”
Ah, you get it now. He is not playing with you; he is testing you. How touching, such a strong brotherly bond. Jimin must think that you’re after his brother and is trying to see if you’re willing to put your wishes into action. Alas, he’s wrong – you don’t plan to lay a finger on Kim Taehyung today— or ever. He’s a sweet, playful, kind man, even if he comes off as cold sometimes, but marrying a man like him would be like proving your grandmother right.
“I’m not interested in him—”
“Don’t lie.”
Your heart sinks into your chest, and suddenly you’re short of breath.
“You could say you’re not going to do anything about it, and I’d believe you,” Jimin continues then, “but don’t say you’re not. He’s blind, but I’m not.”
You let out a tired sigh. “I really don’t understand where you are trying to get with this.”
“You’re wasting your time. He’s right there.”
The idea that Jimin can read your thoughts and knows who you are crosses your mind again, but you try to think of something else. It doesn’t make sense. Why is he so insistent? If he wants to protect his brother, he’s tickling the wrong bone.
“Now that we’re friends,” you joke just to avoid crying, “I can confess that talking to you is a guaranteed headache.”
“I’m flattered.”
Looking at him, you can’t help letting out an unbelieving laugh, and the few people left in the cafeteria turned to look at you. Some lean into each other to gossip, and some others just keep staring with curiosity. Regardless of that, you rub your eyes, careful not to smudge your mascara, and sigh again.
“I’ll be off now,” Jimin says, getting up. “Have fun in Gwangju.”
“Are you sure?”
He raises his eyebrows, surprised and amused, and walks off to leave the empty trail and leave.
There must be something up with him. For a half-sibling, they’re pretty close. And you don’t how much older he is than Taehyung, but he either has an amazing skincare routine, or he’s not more than three or four years older than him. You don’t know who his mother is, although it is true that Mr Kim has always kept his life private.
Whatever, it’s not like you care. He came to you looking to tickle you off, and he managed to do it again. It’s not worth it.
God, you’re trembling. With rage, with anxiety, you don’t know – but you’re certainly not unfazed by Park Jimin’s antics. Now you have other things to worry about, like your job, and your lunchtime is over, so you get your tray and leave too.
Just as you’re washing your hands, your phone rings.
“Uh, where are you? The meeting with Finance is about to start.”
“Oh, crap—” At Taehyung’s words, you hurry to dry your hands and grab your bag. “Sorry, I got held up. I’m on my way!”
You can hear his angelic laugh on the other line. “Don’t worry, I’ll stall them. There’s always a first time for everything… Even you can be late sometimes.”
Even you can be late sometimes.
Is that the image he has of you—? A workaholic neat freak. A person who is never late, who is always watching, always listening. Someone who never lets herself go. How could Park Jimin ever think you are a gold-digger worthy of his concern? When working is all you’ve ever done. Even if no one ever thanks you for it, even if no one appreciates it. You’re always there. But perhaps he’s right, and you’re not needed. And since you’re not needed, you’re not wanted, either.
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“During these weeks we have seen a very positive reaction from the public. Sales of other earlier products have also improved, and we have plans to expand overseas sales. Now Mr Min will give us a detailed report.”
Min Yoongi gets up giving himself a shy clap along with the rest of the room and starts his speech by thanking everyone. Taehyung returns to his seat next to you and lets out a quiet puff of air, and you harp him with your elbow, trying to show him an encouraging smile.
“You did great,” you whisper.
He didn’t hear you.
“I said, you did good,” you repeat, this time a bit louder. “Good job.”
Oh, fuck, he’s blushing. You made him blush. This is not good, abort the mission, this is not good. This is, in fact, very bad. He looks so cute, he’s like a puppy.
You look away before Taehyung’s cuteness gets the best of you and glue your eyes to the PowerPoint.
The meeting unfolds as expected, everyone thanking the hard work and revelling in how well this quarter is going to go. Then there’s a small speech on future projects, deals, and changes, and everybody ends with a round of applause. Now you have to prepare the meeting with Sales, and then with Marketing. Taehyung says goodbye and follows you down the corridor.
You stop by his office’s door. “Okay, give me five minutes and I’ll be ready.”
“Sure, just hand me the reports.”
“What reports?” you ask.
Taehyung blinks. “Uh, sorry… I thought you’d have them under control?” he says, and you think he’s somehow afraid of your reaction. “I apologise if it—”
“It’s okay,” you reply with a sigh and start looking for them.
But Taehyung insists, “No, you’re right, I always put too much pressure—”
“I said it’s okay.”
His hand, already moving to touch your shoulder, halts at once and retracts. Certainly, he got it all wrong; he’s not close enough to you to try and reassure you. He’s your boss, and you’re his secretary, his employee. Nothing else.
“That was my job to do,” he insists, but suddenly he’s cold and solemn. “I apologise.”
Why are you angry at him? You don’t understand. He’s been nothing but kind and hardworking despite your initial idea of him.
“You look a bit tired; you’d better stay here. I can go to the meeting on my own.”
And his words pierce your brain like a bullet.
He doesn’t need you either. What’s more, he’s probably been waiting for weeks for a chance to get rid of you. If you don’t do your job well, what need is there for you to accompany him? He doesn’t need you. Nobody does.
“Don’t you want me there?”
“Of course I do.”
You miss the way Taehyung regrets saying that so hastily because it makes a flower bloom in your chest. The noisy shadows in your head clear away, and you watch him kneel in front of you while you stay seated on his boss’s chair. Taehyung looks away in search of encouragement and unconsciously puts his hand on your knee.
“Of course I want you to come with me,” he continues. His hand hasn’t moved away. “But I think I’ve been leaning on you too much. I made you work too hard. And— I know you can handle it and all, but I, uh… What I want most of all is for you to be well.”
You’d kiss him right here. You’d grab him by his fancy white collar and push him against his desk, and you’d kiss him and fuck him right here. Until his lips would bruise, until he came with a grunted whimper, like those he let out when he moved the heavy bookshelf in his office so that you could drag your chair next to his. You’d pull at his hair until he begged for more, and you would ride his cock until you were coming all over him.
Those fingers should be creeping up into your legs. You’d tell him how to do it, and you’d reward him for making you cum.
You just find him cute, your ass.
Taehyung sees you staring down at his hand on your knee, and embarrassment washes over him as he pulls it away with an apology. You must think he’s a creep now. Oh, he’s always messing up when he’s with you. But maybe…
“Just… stay here, okay?” he says, mustering the courage to continue, “I can manage on my own, I’m a good boy.”
Your heart skips a beat, and you’re melting inside— “I know you are.”
He gets up, and you watch him leave, still breathless. Perhaps you’re actually overworking yourself, even though you never thought you could reach that level. Good heavens, you’re a mess. Did you just think about fucking Kim Taehyung? You never had found him hot; you weren’t supposed to find him hot.
The rest of the day passes excruciatingly slowly.
At last, you are back in your quiet, dark flat. You kick off your heels and collapse onto your bed when the horrible memory that you have a company trip first thing tomorrow morning dawns on you.
Honestly, you’ve always liked business trips; you explore new places, but not too idly. You meet people and work, and you always stay in a nice hotel from which you never leave until it’s time to check out. Who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy this one too, even if you’re not going to do anything besides organising Kim Taehyung’s schedule. Perhaps this time you will have the time to enjoy a nice coffee in a quiet, pretty spot.
“I want to die.”
Careful not to smudge your makeup, you sink your head into the pillow with a heavy sigh. You should have a shower and get ready to get to bed.
Before you even look at it, your phone is in your hands, searching for a contact. You need to hear the voice of a friend. You need, in a way, to remember who you are again; O Y/N, an important and capable person. Someone they can rely on.
“Hey, I was just about to go to bed. How’s everything going?”
Seokjin tells someone off and returns to you. “Hey, how are you? We just finished… something.”
“I miss you. It feels a bit lonely here.”
Silence. The ruckus from the office comes to you through the line, but your friend is quiet. You wonder what he’s thinking about right now. Maybe he’s too busy to talk. Your heart pounds against your ribcage.
“Are you busy?”
“We’re all working hard,” he says, “you know, to cover for you. Don’t worry about a thing.”
“Cover for me?”
The day of the accident, which your grandmother remembers as the day she almost lost her granddaughter after losing her son and daughter-in-law, your heart was beating like this too. Your body was tense like this, and you were sweating just as much. Breathless whimpers, a piercing urge to cry even though you could shed no tears. In a second, your vision went blurry. For an instant, your brain went black, and your arms swung the steering wheel to the side of the road. You don't know why you did that; it was an instinct. You wanted to crash.
You have never told anyone about this, nor do you plan to. It was stupid, and you were out of your mind. For everyone else, you didn't sleep much that day, and your eyes closed for a second.
You are still wondering what caused the mental fog.
I can’t forgive them. If I do, I’ll miss them.
“Yeah, cover for you.” You hear Seokjin chuckling from the other side. “I have to admit it, you’re made of tough stuff! I don’t know how you put up with this. I want to kill HR, and the board, ugh they’re so—”
“Thank you,” you murmur, staring at the ceiling.
More silence.
“Y/N, are you really okay?”
You let out a shaky breath. “I thought you wouldn’t want me back, you know, since you haven’t called,” you confess then as you play with your nails. “Ha, how stupid is that? Sorry, I just… I’m just feeling a bit sad, I’m tired.” From being on vacation? Sure. “I’m glad to know I’ve got such a capable team by my side.”
“Jesus, that was— thank you. We’re doing our best.”
“How’s Grandmother?” you suddenly ask. “Have you seen her lately?”
“Busy with plots and intrigues, as usual. But she’ll be glad that you asked,” he responds with a loud cackle.
“Do you know” – you change the subject, and he doesn’t feign surprise – “that I’m crushing on someone? It’s just a silly crush, but—”
“Oh, God! Your frozen heart melted!”
“Very funny.”
Seokjin clears his throat, and you hear him shuffling and sitting down far from the ruckus. “No, really, I’m happy for you. Who’s the lucky guy? Are you serious about it, gonna bring him to the big city so we can meet him?”
“I… probably won’t,” you murmur. “He’s cute and all, but… I’ll have to go at some point.”
“Ah, yeah. Then, enjoy it while it lasts. No regrets.”
His words make you frown, throwing you into a spiral of thoughts and pondering. Yes, he’s right; no regrets. You can always pretend to be crazy and fake a reasonable physical resemblance if you ever meet again in society. At the same time, you’ll get this bugging craving out of your head. Just a kiss, perhaps, since you only have a couple of weeks left in the company. Just a couple of weeks left to spend with him.
“Hm, I might do that.”
Seokjin tries to respond, but someone starts yelling in the background. You figure they’re in a meeting, so you thank him and say goodbye.
With the phone in your hand, you set the alarms for tomorrow’s trip and go to bed.
You wake up in a chaotic haze of a ringing headache, the aggressive buzzing of your phone, and a dry throat. With a frown, you reach your arm to grab your mobile phone and check, realising that Taehyung is calling, as he has been doing for the last thirty minutes, judging by his four missed calls. You stare at your phone in silence until it stops ringing, and then you snap out.
“Oh, fuck—”
There won’t be any trouble if you’re able to get dressed, brush your teeth, do your make-up, and get to the office in twenty minutes. Come on, you can do that and more. Three minutes for getting changed, another four to brush your teeth and wash your face, and seven minutes to do your make-up. You’re leaving your flat when your phone rings again; it’s Taehyung, and you have to pick up this time.
“I’m— I’m sorry, I fell asleep,” you pant.
“Uh, really?”
You stop at the door and frown at no one. “Yeah…?”
“Sorry,” he says then. He sounds flustered. “Sorry, hm, that’s just so… not like you. I thought something happened.”
“So, you’re okay?”
“Okay, I’ll see you in the office, then? Don’t go in a hurry with the car, drive carefully…” You’re catching your breath on the lift ride until the doors open and you walk out into the car park. “It’s a one-day trip, so you don’t need to bring anything with you. We’ll be back for the party.”
Fifteen minutes and a crazy race against a bus later, you rush out of the lift and go to his office only to find it empty. With a groan, you almost feel tempted to simply flake out on the floor and cry, but a voice distracts you:
“Mr Kim is already in the car park, Y/N,” says the woman as she stares down at you. “He said he’d wait for you there.”
“I… didn’t see him.”
Your phone buzzes.
Kim Taehyung, one (1) missed call.
“Oh, really?” you groan at the air again, already calling him back. “Thanks— Mr Kim! I’m up at your office, yes— I’m on my way, sorry about— o-okay, yeah, drove safely…”
Rushing out of the lift and down the last pair of stairs, you put your phone back in your purse and finally spot Taehyung waiting for you. He’s casually leaning on his car with his arms crossed, checking his phone until he hears your wheezing pants and looks up. Then he smiles, his eyes light up and, damn it, why does he have to smile like that?
“God, I’m so sorry about all this!” you say.
But he just chuckles, perhaps amused by the mess you are. “Don’t be, I should’ve just texted you.”
Again, Taehyung laughs softly as the two of you get in the car; he opens the door for you, like a proper gentleman, and the fluttering feeling in the pit of your stomach returns. Oh, in some way, you hope you’re giving him the same feelings.
The ride is silent at first; Taehyung is making sure you’re going in the right direction while you look for the most comfortable way to recline the back of your seat.
You’ve packed water bottles, snacks, and a blanket, and now you’re getting on with the music.
“You can sleep if you want,” he suddenly says; “you must be tired from yesterday if you woke up late…”
You’re not entirely sure if he’s messing with you because in your head he clearly is, but then again, why would he? That’s not much like Taehyung.
Whatever. Four hours and two naps later, you arrive at Gwangju; why didn’t you go by train, like any other normal person would’ve done? Good question. Unfortunately, your boss had to love driving and, in his own words, ‘I haven’t had a good car trip in a long time. It’ll be fun!’ So, here you are, staring at the door of a restaurant’s bathroom well past your usual eating time while he has lunch with a bunch of small business owners. He handed you his personal card to – his words – ‘eat at a nice place and relax.’ As if you needed to? Is he implying anything?
You finish peeing and wash your hands.
The afternoon passes quietly; you had a late lunch at the cutest café you could find, went window-shopping, and had a walk around a park.
By the time it gets dark, you leisurely sipping a coffee on a park bench.
Your phone buzzes. “Yes?”
“Sorry, the meeting just finished.” It’s Taehyung. “They wanted to go for a drink, but I told them I had to be back in Seoul for an event.”
“Yes, Mr Park said he’d take care of the preparations for the launch party,” you murmur in response.
He goes silent for a second.
“Where are you? I’ll pick you up.”
After telling him, you hang up and sigh; why can’t you figure out why he does the things he does? Everyone else is so easy to make out. But not Kim Taehyung, no, he’s a mystery. Does he like you? Does he not? Is he at least attracted to you? What for—? If you’ve resolved not to like him.
True to his word, Taehyung shows up at the entrance of the park to pick you up.
“Here, take it back.” You hand his black card back to him as you get into the car and sit next to him. “Don’t worry, I didn’t buy anything crazy,” you say with a chuckle at the sight of his puzzled face.
He snaps out of his confusion. “Oh, I just— I forgot you had it. Thanks.”
The conversation goes no further, and the ride back home begins. To break the silence, you turn on the radio. The presenter’s voice announces that rain and strong winds are expected in the late evening. However, you don’t pay much attention, too busy being overwhelmed by how little you want to attend the impending launch party.
“A penny for your thoughts?” you suddenly ask; he looked so engrossed in his thoughts, you’ve grown curious.
Taehyung glances at you, almost like a child hesitating to ask for a treat. “I was wondering… There’s a place that sells these famous handmade sweets. It’s a bit of a detour, but I don’t want to turn up to the party empty-handed…”
He doesn’t even dare to finish his request – or rather to finish his plea, judging by his cute-ish tone— damn it. Well, he doesn’t dare to finish talking, but you can tell he really wants those sweets. The party is a poorly thought excuse. But his eyes are sparkling, and his lips are pursed in a pout.
“Do you want to buy some?” you decide to ask.
“Really?” Taehyung blurts out, eyes open. “You don’t mind?”
“Well, I don’t think taking an hour or two longer will make much of a difference…”
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“Please, don’t be—”
“If you ask me not to get mad one more time, I swear, Taehyung, I’m gonna— turn!”
Taehyung turns the wheel in time, and you manage to avoid crashing into the guardrail. Once the car is stable again, you let go of the grab handle with your heart still pounding.
“I’m sorry!” he cries out. “I can’t see and it’s getting on my nerves!”
“You are getting on my nerves!”
But it’s true; with rain pattering against the windscreen and droplets dripping under the glass in the dark of night in the background, headlights can only do so much. You’re risking a car accident with every second you spend on the road, and the mere thought makes you shiver.
If only you hadn’t gone out of your way to buy those stupid sweets, the storm wouldn’t have caught you before you reached Seoul. But you did, so now you just have to take on the consequences.
“Taehyung, this is pointless. We have to pull over,” you groan.
Finally, he drives the car to the side of the road. The rain taps noisily against the windscreen, and for a long moment that’s all you can hear.
“The storm could take hours to calm down,” Taehyung murmurs as he lets go of the wheel. “Isn’t there any place where we can pass the time? Like a restaurant, or a café…”
You take out your phone, which barely has any signal, and scroll through Naver maps in search of anything similar. “Nothing, just a sleazy motel. You know, the kind of spot teenagers go to lose their virginities.”
His silence is loud.
“What do you think? Should we give it a go?” you insist.
“I guess it’s either that or rot in the car.”
Fortunately – though unsurprisingly – they have rooms available. After pulling up in the car park, you check in, and Taehyung pays for the room while you take a look around the small entrance hall; it’s discreet and dark, so you doubt that even the receptionist can take a good look at your faces. It’s understandable, considering that it’s a motel completely isolated from society.
When the young man asks for your ID, you freeze.
“I’m the only one staying; she’s coming upstairs with me for a moment.”
“I’ll have to charge you extra if you don’t want it to appear that you’re staying with someone," says the receptionist with no emotion in his voice. “But she won’t show up anywhere. It’s to cover extra expenses.”
Taehyung agrees right away – the difference isn’t much after all, and he doesn't have the energy to argue with a burnout worker.
“Thanks,” he murmurs, taking the code from his hand.
“Thank you, enjoy your stay.”
As you make your way to the lift, you let out a giggle. “I think that boy thought we are lovers.”
“Uh, yeah, I wonder why…”
Actually, you find out as soon as you walk into the room; the walls and bed sheets are a tacky red, and so are the dim lights. There’s a welcome pack but, instead of maps and amenities, it’s filled with condoms, lubricants, toys, jars of cream and chocolate, and a pair of handcuffs. The smell of heavy perfume hits you, and so does the realisation that this is not a wacky motel but a common love hotel.
“We can always leave—”
“Come on, it’s only until the storm stops,” you say, trying to ignore the lump in your throat and the heat up your cheeks.
You won’t lie, though – you’ve always died to stay at a love hotel. The shabby kind. It’s kinkier.
“Don’t you feel hot in that suit?” you ask. You’ve noticed Taehyung adjusting the neck of his shirt a few times already. “Since it’s so damp and warm.”
“I have nothing to change into. I didn’t pack.”
You let out a sigh. “Of course, it was supposed to be a one-day trip…”
As the minutes pass, you make yourselves comfortable; shoes and jackets off, you both look for something to spend the time with. You put your phone to charge while you idly browse through the channels on TV. When you find an interesting show, you lie down on the bed next to him.
“The party must’ve started already,” you hear him murmur.
“I guess. We would’ve got home by…”
You shut up, not wishing to upset him; you know he’s very aware of the fact that this is all his fault, in a way. Were it not for those silly sweets…
“I’m sorry,” Taehyung says then.
Without thinking, you put a hand on his upper thigh and stroke up and down to comfort him and make him understand that you are not really upset with him. However, your touch is not comforting to him; perhaps quite the opposite, judging by the way he stiffens immediately. However, you don’t notice.
“I know you are.”
Not even television can make the time pass any faster, and the storm doesn’t seem to be abating any time soon. By the time you start to get impatient, it’s eleven o’clock at night and neither of you feels remotely sleepy.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to drink myself to sleep,” you suddenly say, getting up to make your way to the minibar. “Otherwise, this night will never pass.”
Taehyung sits up on the bed. “I don’t think—”
“Don’t worry, I’ll pay for it.”
“That’s not what I… Uh, just pass me whatever there is, please.”
With a grin, you grab a bottle of wine and two glasses and walk back to the bed. You don’t notice the way his eyes light up or the way he stares at you. As if he was expectant, and as if his imagination was giving him a hard time. But he watches how you walk back to the bed, to him, with the bottle in your hand and that dashing smile, and he so feels weak in the knees that he’s glad he’s sat. For a second, you two are lovers, not strangers.
The alcohol – because after the wine came the whisky, and then a few beers – takes its toll on you; not too into the early morning, you are drunk and laughing at an absurd show about people dodging obstacles and falling into the water.
Taehyung has got rid of his suit jacket and tie; the collar of his shirt is open almost halfway to let air in, allowing you to enjoy the view of his collarbone and bronze chest. His sleeves are rolled up, relieving his arms from the humid heat of the room. For your part, you haven’t stopped to think that shedding most of your clothes has caused a similar effect on him.
You notice him staring when you turn around.
“Nothing,” Taehyung says with a boyish giggle. “I just… I would never have guessed the kind of person who gets drunk on beer and watches game shows.”
You let out a sigh, suddenly put off by his words, and he instantly regrets ever opening his mouth.
“You think I’m a stuck-up too, don’t you?” you ask.
Before Taehyung has the time to react, you’re sitting up and turning to face him. It’s a mixture of frustration and pride that you’re feeling, and it’s heating up your already warm cheeks. You’re not hearing another person saying those words, especially not Kim Taehyung.
“Y/N is a control freak, Y/N is never late, Y/N always has it all done like a good girl… That’s what you think, huh?” Shit, you’re too close, he can feel your hot breath against his face. Your arms are caging him against the mattress and, he’s certain, you haven’t realised that you’re practically straddling him. “Well, maybe I’m sick of being good.”
Taehyung tries to help you keep your balance and perhaps steady himself, but unfortunately, his hands end up on your bare bottom, as your position has caused your skirt to hike up.
“Fuck, sorry—”
His hands move away in a jiffy.
This can’t be happening, not like this, not with his secretary. But it’s you, after all. It’s the woman who has been plaguing all and each of his thoughts, who fills his brain from the moment he wakes up to the minute he goes to bed, and beyond.
Do you feel the way does? – like you’ve fallen ill with feverish want.
“Taehyung,” you call his name, and it sounds soft and sweet.
“Y/N, I…” he tries to say but gets caught up staring down at your lips, so close to him. “I don’t think… you’re a stuck-up.”
“Why not?” you ask, leaning into him. “Everybody does.”
He lets out a shaky breath. “I-I just don’t. That’d really be the last thing I think of when I see you.”
“Oh?” You chuckle, getting too turned on for your own good, still on top of him, and the sound sends a shiver down his spine. “So, what do you think of when you see me?”
“Couldn’t say it out loud.”
That’s it, he’s crossed the line. Why did he say such a thing?
You can’t help but rush up to kiss him hard. The wet contact as you quickly get over the initial shyness and start rolling your tongues over each other only shoves you deep into a red mental state. Your hands grip the collar of his shirt, popping a few buttons, but neither of you notices.
Taehyung reciprocates the kiss while blowing his common sense and principles to hell. You’re nothing but Y/N. That’s all he cares about right now. To hell with literally everything if that means he can finally allow himself to enjoy your warmth or the nonchalant weight of your gaze on him or the shivers of your lips brushing together.
You fit perfectly sitting on his lap.
Catching him off guard, your lips move down to his neck to leave a trail of wet kisses behind, and Taehyung lets out a whimper.
Although he closes his mouth immediately, feeling too embarrassed, you can’t help rubbing your thighs together; you hope you’ll get to hear more of those if the night goes on well, and if you do, you’ll end up soaked down there, that’s for sure.
“Don’t shut them up,” you whisper in his ear. “I wanna hear you.”
Honesty is the best policy, or so you’ve heard.
Your request makes him gasp and buck his hips into you. The growing tent in his crotch is a pleasant surprise.
Taehyung swirls his tongue around yours while his hands grope from your upper back down to your ass, now totally careless. He hikes up your skirt until it looks like a wrinkled belt around your hips and begs you with puppy eyes to take care of him as well. So, you undo his belt buckle, and he’s quick to raise his hips off the mattress and pull down his pants enough, but the mere feeling of his hard-on against your clothed core makes you shove your hips together.
“Shit, Taehyung—” You gasp for air. “Take this off too.”
Without even waiting for him to do it, you undo the few buttons that survived your earlier attack and reveal his chiselled chest. Your hands move to revel in the firm warmth of his flesh, but then you move away to unhook your bra.
But you get mixed up with the straps and the sleeves of your blouse, so you give up and just ruck it up, revealing the sight of your breasts bouncing back into place.
Of course, Taehyung has never seen anything more tempting.
It’s always thrilling and scary to get naked in front of someone for the first time, but this time it feels especially weird, and you’re especially hungry for his reaction; Taehyung delivers, though, by pressing his lips against the skin between your breasts with a gaze lost in thought and hugging you hard against him.
The moment you go for his underwear, though, he stops you.
“I…” Taehyung looks away, losing the courage to speak up. You’re still staring at him as you catch your breath. “Just, uh—”
“You can tell me.”
He looks up at you. “Be gentle, please.”
That does the trick for you, and it does it immediately; between passionate kisses, you assure him that you’ll be ever so gentle as you slowly push him down on the bed and shove your hand down his underwear.
Dipping your tongue into his collarbones, your thumb strokes his head only to find it leaking. His cock feels hot and heavy against your palm, but it only pumps you up with the prospect of having it fuck you open. So, you stroke up and down, using his precum to ease the friction, while Taehyung’s breath hitches and his fingers sink onto the flesh beneath your buttocks. It makes you spread your legs on his lap and move to kiss him on the lips.
“Fuck, Taehyung—” you grunt, and he can’t believe his name can weigh so much in his mind coming from you. “Why a-are you so handsome?” you whine then. “It’s so unfair.”
His heart does a flip. “Could ask you the same—”
“So handsome and sweet and cute,” you whisper before kissing him again, splaying your free hand across his chest.
His cock feels about to burst, and he’s too turned on to pretend he’s not dying for you to pamper him more. So, he bucks his hips up and starts fucking your hand, painting against your mouth like a dog.
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself,” you whisper between kisses as you cup his face with both hands. “Be a good boy and take your pretty cock out first.”
With a whimper, Taehyung grabs your forearms for balance. Those two words stick with him as he fumbles with his underwear while you shove your ruined panties to the side. His heart is beating like crazy, but he wants to be a good boy for you; he’s a good boy, truly.
“Oh, Tae,” you moan.
You’re saying and calling him things that are too dangerous for his sanity.
But then you align his tip with your slit and sink down onto him, shutting off any kind of thought. A strike of pleasure rips your bodies as it works you open and puts them back together as soon as you start bouncing on his cock, feeling it massage your inner walls and hit that sweet spot. You’re dripping wet, he can feel it as he watches his cock disappearing into you, unable to utter a word besides heavy breaths and whimpers.
“Fuck,” you let out again, closing your eyes and working thigh muscles, “you feel s-so good, Tae, so fucking good—”
Taehyung writhes beneath you, not entirely sure about what to touch or where to kiss, and not exactly rational enough to stop and think about it.
Suddenly, you feel his hands cupping your breasts, thumbs brushing and playing with your hard nipples before the wet heat of his mouth engulfs one of them. You let out a groan as Taehyung sucks on your nipple and pinches the other, making you ride him faster. His whimpers are muffled against your skin.
“That’s it, baby, suck on my tits,” you moan, raking your nails through his hair, “good b-boy.”
Sounds of smacking flesh echo through the room while your ass strikes his hips again and again, squelching noises from the way his cock fucks into you. Your body is exhausted, but you’re in a frenzy, caught in a merciless tempo as you chase pleasure.
The ache between your legs only grows, and Taehyung’s lips move around your nipple, sucking, nibbling, letting a dribble of spit trickle down his chin.
“Oh fuck,” he suddenly cries out. “D-don’t stop, please—”
You let out a chuckle. “Wasn’t planning to— shit, Tae, you like my tits that much?”
“I’ve pictured this moment many times,” Taehyung says, leaving a trail of kisses up to your neck.
The mere idea that he’s noticed your breasts, let alone fantasise about them sends shivers down your spine and makes your face grow hot. How sly. Guess all those times you subconsciously picked the most revealing blouses and the best-fitting shirts have paid off; his hands really can’t decide what part of your body to grope.
“You’re so hot, shit,” he whimpers.
This time you cup your cheeks and slow down, riding him softly, drawn to his eyes; you’re staring into his pretty, dark eyes, and suddenly time feels slowed down as well. If it weren’t for the way your heart is pounding in your chest, you’d think you’ve frozen.
But the warmth of his palms on your back as he helps you up and down his cock grounds you.
You want to make him come hard inside of you. You can’t bring yourself to care about anything else right now that’s not his or your pleasure, his touch, his soft gaze, his pretty sounds.
Taehyung ducks his head in shame. “I-I’m close, I’m sorry—”
“It’s okay,” you cut him off with a whisper and kiss his cheek. “Let go for me, baby, come for me.”
Heat spreads under his skin, and soon he’s holding back his moans, rutting into you without any self-restraint. His golden skin is flushed and covered by a thin sheen of sweat, chest rising and falling. But it’s too much, and Taehyung starts letting out breathy moans until he goes still, and his gut tightens. He dissolves into pleasure, emptying himself inside of you with a choked sob and his arms wrapped tight around you.
You help him ride out his high before raising your hips. His cock slides off along with a trickle of his release, and you feel it go soft between your cheeks.
“I’m not done yet,” you murmur.
Then you start riding his pubic bone, amused by the way his spent cock twitches at the passive friction. But you’re too turned on, and your clit is too swollen and sensitive to bring you to care, and soon you’re coming around nothing.
“I’m sorry,” he whimpers. “Fuck, I’m— I don’t know what happened, usually I…”
You cut him off with a long, deep kiss that pushes him back to the bed. At some point – you don’t remember – and tangled in each other’s arms, you fall asleep.
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Don’t hesitate to like, reblog, and leave some feedback if you liked it! It’s always good and encouraging to know what you think <3
“LOVE: undercover” is copyright ²⁰²³ Lola Bangtan, all rights reserved.
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2amimagines · 1 year
never letting y'all forget about these
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hotel threesome fic????????
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bts-hyperfixation · 2 years
Kinktober Day 14
VMin - Spanking
Spanking, Mention Cum inflation, Crying, Dom/Switch/Sub relations
"Our Taehyungie has been awfully naughty today Y/N" Jimin states as you walk through the door.
You find the pair on the sofa, Taehyung looking rather sorry for himself, kneeling on the floor at Jimin's feet. The blonde has a firm grasp on Taehyung's hair keeping him in place. 
"What did I miss?" You ask, moving to crouch next to the brunette man.
"I came home to find Taehyung sprawled across the sofa moaning your name as he jerked himself off," Jimin explains.
"Oh dear," You tilt Tae's chin towards you. 
"I thought you were on a masturbation ban baby... How else are you going to be able to fill Jimin with so much cum you can see it in his tummy? I thought that was what you wanted?" You shake your head and push his face away from you.
He begins to fight his corner, begins utterances and forgets them just as quickly in order to get you to forgive his transgression. You cut him off before he can form one solid sentence.
"How do you think it made poor Jiminie feel? All he wants is to be so full of you, and you've let him down." You frown once more at the man on the floor before turning your attention to Jimin.
"I think he needs a good spanking, remind him who gets to make the decisions around here." He says, puffing up his chest, fingers still threaded in Taehyung's hair.
You glance between the two, watching how Jimin takes great pleasure in tugging slightly, every so often thinking you might not notice. Teahyung tries not to whimper each time, wanting to prove he can behave. 
"And who exactly is that, Jimin." You say, with expectation in your voice.
You glance pointedly at his hand and he immediately releases, smoothing the distressed hair until it lays flat again. You watch the way the younger man leans into the soft touch and any meanness you thought you had mustered up immediately dissipates. 
"You are Y/N." Jimin says sheepishly.
"Right." You nod. "But both of you seem to have forgotten that, so I need you both on my bed with your trousers down before I've finished making myself a drink, which I notice neither of you thought to do for me today…." 
The men glance at each other briefly before scrambling towards the bedroom. You shake your head and watch as they trip over one another trying to be the first into the room. They are loud as they try to decide exactly how this is going to go for them, squabbling so noisily you can hear it from the kitchen as you take time pouring your drink into a glass. You take your time waiting till they quiet, straining to hear your footsteps. Eventually, you down the remainder of your drink and make your way into the bedroom.
Each man is knelt over the edge of the bed, pillows beneath their knees propping them up. Their trousers are folded on the desk in the corner of the room. It's almost too delicious a sight to ruin it with dark purpling bruises. Their bums face you, bared and unmarked, ready for your punishment. You take your time to observe the two, watching them fidget under your gaze. Neither of them dares look back, focused on a particular spot on the wall ahead of them. Eventually, you take pity on them.
You watch their heads perk up as you open your playtime drawer. You select a paddle from your selection. It's nice and wide, solid wood, a personal favourite of Taehyung's. 
"I think Jimin should be first, don't you agree?" You only hear groans in response.
Jimin probably still hasn't come to terms with the fact he is being punished alongside Taehyung, and Taehyung just really hates to wait.
"Jimin, I need you to tell me why you're being punished?" 
You use the paddle to caress his cheeks, seeing him flinch as the cold paddle touches his bare skin.
"I... I…." He swallows hard. "I started to punish Taehyung before you came home." 
You let out an approving sound so he knows he is on the right track.
"I was upset that he ruined our plans, but I know I shouldn't take that into my own hands." Jimin continues.
"Good boy, how are you feeling?"
"I'm okay." He says, so you move forward with the punishment. 
You raise the paddle back about 6 inches before quickly slamming onto his left cheek. There is a small thud and Jimin jerks forward. You repeat the motion another 3 times before finally bringing the paddle back even further for a much harder final hit. You can see the rectangular outline imprinted onto his skin. You reach out to rub the dark spot gently. 
Jimin whimpers at your touch, sniffling as he presses himself into the mattress away from your touch.
"You're finished now Jimin, please sit up for me." 
Obediently, the blonde stands and twists himself to sit on the edge of the bed favouring his right side. You reach forward and wipe the tears from his cheek before leaning in to kiss his forehead softly.
"Are you okay, angel?" You ask, making sure he maintains eye contact.
"I'm okay." He nods. 
You nod in return and gesture for him to scoot back and lean against the headboard. Then your attention returns to Taehyung. You run a hand down his spine so he knows it's his turn. You dig your nails in as you get to the base leaving scratches in your wake.
"And why are you being punished Taehyung."
"I was too impatient and ruined our chance to play a new game tonight." You can hear the pout in his voice, you know he is making that stupid face he pulls whenever he wants something. 
"And are you sorry about it?" 
"I'm very sorry Y/N, I just missed you guys today." He tries to be sweet, justify his actions and lessen his sentence. 
It doesn't work. Instead, you check on his well-being and begin his punishment. You begin with eight swift hits, four per cheek, ensuring he remains uncomfortable every time he tries to sit for the next few days. For the final two blows you abandon the paddle, placing it back in place in your dresser, leaving Taehyung to breathe, and panic just a little. 
"Two more baby, can you take it?" You ask.
He nods in response. You lean over him to check he isn't lying to you. Tears stream down his cheeks and his lip is bitten to almost the point of bleeding. You ask him once more and watch carefully as he answers you again.
"Please, carry on." You oblige, leaning back and raising your hand. 
This time the smack is loud, it echoes around the room. You can feel the sting radiate through your palm as a perfect carbon copy appears on your lover's bum. You strike the other side with the same amount of force, making Taehyung sob. You gesture for Jimin to reach the salve you keep on the nightstand and apply it liberally to Taehyung's inflamed skin. He flinches away as the cold cream soothes his skin. 
"Okay, move forward onto the bed baby, side or front only for a little while." You say, putting the salve away.
The brunette crawls up the bed and collapses into Jimin's lap. The pair cuddle as you go about setting up the room for bedtime. You check in with them both one more time before you leave the room to fetch drinks from the kitchen and soft PJs from the laundry room. You return to find both men have abandoned their shirts and pulled themselves as close to each other as possible, Jimin the small spoon. Somehow they still managed to lie diagonally, taking up all of the space.
"And where am I supposed to sleep?" You ask, shaking your head.
You smile lovingly at the pair as they glance from each other to you and back again before making just enough space for you to fit in front of Jimin.
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rainbowsuitcase · 2 years
Taekook X dom Jimin
Jimin loves to tie his subs Taehyung and Jungkook together and stuff them with a double dildo. Sometimes it’s a reward - he touches them, kisses them, strokes their cocks and tells them all about how good they’ve been while letting them pleasure each other - but he really likes it as a punishment.
It’s simple. They can’t come until they’ve earned his touch and to do that, they have to show him how desperate they are. And out of the two of them, Taehyung is definitely the bigger brat and never hesitates to work his hips enough to jostle Jungkook's end of the dildo too.
Jungkook is the more sensitive one. He always starts begging so quickly, tears in his eyes as he tries to keep kissing Taehyung the way Jimin has instructed them to. He can’t help but start moving his hips against Taehyung's and soon the two subs are just a desperate mess, needy and writhing on the bed.
Jimin always, always waits until Taehyung starts begging too. Taehyung knows it, but he loves teasing their poor baby too and so he always, always holds off until Jungook starts begging him.
“Tae hyung, please, please,” Kookie whines, teary eyed, and Taehyung shifts his hips again to make him sob once more.
Only then does he turn his puppy eyes at Jimin and whine, "Jiminie, please" and only then does Jimin reach for them and wrap his hands around their cocks. Only then, as Jungkook sobs with relief and Tae moans with pleasure, does he make them come.
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lilprincegoo · 2 years
The one with dom Jeongguk (but not really) by ggukkiebaby
Threesome - M/M/M, Dom/sub, Dom Park Jimin (BTS), Sub Kim Taehyung | V, Sub Jeon Jungkook, jungkook tries to be a dom, Praise Kink, Aftercare, No Aftercare, but they don't realise he needs it, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Under-negotiated Kink, under negotiated bdsm
9.6k words
rating: E
He just doesn’t get it. Why does he have to take charge? Why is he the one who needs to look after the other? Why can’t he lose himself like he wants to; succumb to the overwhelming urge to submit; to drown himself and let somebody else pull him back to the surface, simply because he doesn’t want to do it himself? Why can Taehyung do that, and not him? Or, Vmin think Jeongguk is a dom (He isn't)
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borathae · 3 months
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↳ Full Art
"Because Taehyung is currently on a business trip, you and he haven't been able to be intimate in weeks. Plagued by unbearable desire, you ask him to send you something sexy. Luckily for you, your husband is an obedient good boy with an amazing artistic sense."
Pairing: CEO!Taehyung x CEO!Reader
Genre: Smut, married life!AU
Warnings: sub!Taehyung, Dom!Reader, sexting, sending of a dick pic, kinda public sex at first because he touches himself on a balcony, phone sex, guided masturbation, mutual masturbation, lots of dirty talk, praise, good boy!kink, she uses a vibrator on herself, he uses his hands, she tells him to cum on his own briefs, he is so whiney and needy for her, guided aftercare, they're lowkey so kinky with each other
Wordcount: 4.2k
a/n: i decided to write something for the ihyily!couple again hohoho enjoy besties, this is very horny 💚 i hope you guys are enjoying my stories lately, feedback's been kinda little for all of them so i can't really tell. also big shoutout to all the lovely people who do leave feedback, i see you and love you!!! either way, enjoy my besties hehe
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You are on your back, stretching your limbs from you in the middle of your king sized bed and with your eyes glued to the sky light on your ceiling. On normal nights, you would already be fast asleep by now, but because you haven’t been with your husband in a week, you aren’t. 
The bed is too big without him. 
You miss him so much. You miss his cuddles and his kisses and his voice and his scent and his smiles and his jokes and his hugs and his everything. You huff out air in frustration. Yes, you miss his everything. 
You roll your head to the side, flipping your phone to check the time on your clock app. When one of you is on a business trip in another time zone, you always put in the zone on your apps to see what time the other is currently experiencing. 
Taehyung must currently experience early evening hours. The beginning of sundowns, the sound of people driving home from work, the scent of dinner in the air. You want to be with him. Listen to Paris get ready for sleep, eat dinner on the balcony, drink wine and play with him.
You falter for a moment. There it is again. That heavy lump in your stomach. That heavy, hot lump of build up frustration. It has been bothering you ever since the morning, making it difficult to work. If Taehyung was home, he would have already helped you take care of it. You miss him so much. In more ways than one.
Before Taehyung left for his business trip to Paris, you and he weren’t able to have goodbye sex because you were on your period and felt too shitty to be horny. You aren’t on your period anymore and you are paying the price. You keep thinking back to the last night with him where you cuddled instead of fucked. If you could turn back time, you would take him so many times in so many ways that he forgets his own name. 
Your eyes gaze at your home screen. A family pictures of you, Taehyung and your daughter. Nope. You need other pictures, now is Not the time for family pictures. You need to see him and only him. In the kind of ways only you get to see him. You open your pictures and the folder you titled “my stinker”. It contains pictures solely of Taehyung. Be it random candid pics, posed pictures or all the selcas he sends you. There are too many of them and you are currently getting lost in them. 
He is so handsome and cute and pretty and sexy and handsome and, and, and. 
You huff out air. You want to bite his cheek and feel him up, but you can’t. It’s fucking unfair. 
Missing him unbearably, you open your messages next. Your text is typed within seconds.
-          You: do you have time?
Taehyung’s answer comes moments later.
-          My handsome ♡: I do, but why are you still up? 
It is currently one in the morning where you are. You normally fall asleep at eleven, sometimes even ten because being a working CEO and mother is exhausting even with such a supportive and involved husband as Taehyung by your side.
-          You: i can’t sleep ㅠㅠ
-          My handsome ♡: NOOOO why?
-          You: I miss you ㅠㅠ and I’m lowkey horny
-          My handsome ♡: 😪😪 
-          My handsome ♡: I understand your pain
-          My handsome ♡: 😪😪
You wiggle your toes in excitement.
-          You: are you horny too?
-          My handsome ♡: 😂😂 No, I meant that I miss you too 😂😂😂
You huff out air, feeling slightly hot in embarrassment.
-          You: sorry, I misunderstood ✊🏻😔
-          My handsome ♡: 😂😂 It’s fine ♡♡♡ 
-          My handsome ♡: I’m getting horny now that you mentioned it ;)
You feel hot in excitement. He is willing to play into it. God, you are tingling like crazy between your legs.
-          You: are you?
-          My handsome ♡: ;) yes ;)
-          You: fuck baby…
You put the phone aside for a moment to get a toy and some lube. 
You prop yourself up on your backrest and work yourself up with just two fingers first. You get to play with him. The aspect is turning you on to the point where typing becomes difficult to do with one hand.
-          You: I got a toy…
-          My handsome ♡: omg 🥵 are you using it? 
-          You: soon…working myself up
-          My handsome ♡: You’re so hot 🥵😭🥵
-          You: fuck Tae 🥵 where are you?
-          My handsome ♡: Hotel balcony. I’ve got the sun setting and a glass of wine by my side. I’m wearing your favourite sweater ;)
-          You: the green one?
-          My handsome ♡: Yes ;););)
-          You: 🥵🥵 you are seducing me
-          My Handsome ♡: 😂 only you can get horny over a jumper
-          You: Don’t judge me, you look hot in it
You take a few deep breaths. Your touch feels good. Knowing that he is sharing this moment with you really excites you. You crave something again.
-          You: Fuck Tae, send me something sexy please 👉👈
-          My handsome ♡: Something sexy? Like this?
A selfie of him arrives next. He is looking into the camera with half-lidded eyes and his lower lip between his teeth. The golden light of the setting sun gives his hair and skin such a sexy glow to them. On the lower corner of the picture, glimpses of his green sweater are visible.
You bite your lower lip and let out a frustrated whimper. You want to crawl through your phone and eat his entire face. He is so fucking handsome.
You type your answer with shaky fingers.
-          You: I wanna tell you the nastiest things right now…
-          My handsome ♡: don’t hold back ;)
-          You: I wanna fucking sit on your face and ride it till I cream it…I’m touching myself right now, but all I want is your tongue on me…
- You: If you’d be here right now, I’d use your pretty nose as my toy and mark it as mine. Fuck Tae, you’re so sexy…
Taehyung types for a while. Knowing him, your answer surprised him despite your initial warning. He is a little shy cutie after all. You stay online until he finally answers you.
-          My handsome ♡: omg…
You smile, feeling your stomach tingle. All this time of typing and his flustered brain came up with “omg”. If you didn’t need him before, you need him like crazy starting now. Your fingers speed up between your legs. He is so sexy.
-          My handsome ♡: This just made me hard omg…
-          You: Show me fuckk I need to see
You are panting as you wait for the picture. Taehyung went offline, which means he is taking it with his phone camera. He will probably take a while because he is very particular about the kind of nudes he sends you. You have a folder of them on your phone, hidden behind a passcode only you know. He also never sends you nudes without getting asked or warning you, which makes them so much sexier. You can’t wait to see how he is going to show you his pretty cock.
The picture arrives with one singular emoji under it.
-          My handsome: 🥺
It taunts you. Of course he is acting like that when he literally just sent you his dick. You download the picture, opening it with bated breath. One you release in a moan once the view presents itself to your eyes.
He is pulling his beige pants down, exposing his shaft and pubes. His hand is in the picture, his green sweater is as well. The picture is clearly taken outside, judging by the warm, sunset-esque colours. He took it on his balcony.
You try to text him, but then get too needy to do so. You send him a picture back. Two of your fingers buried deep inside you. You are all wet and puffy, presenting yourself for his viewing pleasure. He sees it and goes offline instantly.
A second later your phone rings. It’s him.
You pick up without hesitation.
“Hey there”, you try to sound nonchalant, but your voice is just slightly raspy from arousal.
Taehyung is panting. You know that he is struggling with his words because of you.
“Can I touch myself, please?” he croaks, sending jolts of excitement through you. He is such a good boy asking for permission like that.
“You wanna touch yourself?”
“Yes. Oh god, you’re so sexy”, he groans.
“Mhm…you’re sexier”, you purr and turn on the toy. You hold it close to the phone so Taehyung can hear.
His breathing speeds up. His chair creaks in the background as he clearly shifts in it.
“Please”, he begs quietly.
“Soon. Listen to me push it inside, yeah?”
“Yes, Madam. Oh god, you’re so sexy, I’m going insane.”
You drag the toy through your folds twice then finally thrust it into you, moaning loudly as it fills you up. Taehyung moans with you, turning you on like crazy.
“Tae…baby…I’m so wet, fuck…it fills me up so good…”
“Can, can I touch myself now?”
“Not yet, be patient.”
Taehyung whines, motivating you to move the toy inside you. God, you love when he is needy for you.
“Mhm Tae… I’m fucking myself with it. Almost feels like you.”
“Oh god, I’m so hard”, he whines, “please can I at least take it out?”
“Are you outside?”
“I am”, he has his sexy voice on. God, you want him so bad. 
“And you still wanna take it out?”
“Yes please, hurts so bad.”
“Poor boy.”
Taehyung whines, breathing shakily afterwards. You take out the toy and thrust it back inside, giving him a delicious moan. You know for a fact that he can hear the vibrations and how wet you are around the silicon shaft.
“Please Madam…” he begs with an obvious pout on his lips.
“How much do you want it?”
“So much. I miss you, please I’m horny too.”
“I love it when you talk like this. Fine, take it out.”
Taehyung thanks you in a breathy moan, lifting his hips so he could pulls his pants over his butt. He lets it punch up under his balls, wrapping his long fingers around his cock. It glows prettily in the sunset light, begging to be touched.
“Now listen to me, okay?”
“Yes, Madam.”
“Are you holding it right now?”
“Feel up your shaft for me, but leave out your tip.”
Taehyung follows your orders, guiding his fist around his length. It feels good, but leaves him desperate. His tip is his favourite spot, it’s so sensitive and reactive. Having to leave it out feels like torture. He breathes heavily into the phone, giving you little whimpers each time his fingers have to stop right under his frenulum.
“For how long do I have to do that?” he asks hopefully.
“Until I tell you otherwise”, you dismiss him and bury the toy deeper, “fuck Tae seriously, this toy feels fucking amazing. It’s hitting the right spots.”
“Oh god.” He ogles his own cock and his fingers right under his tip. Maybe if he controls his voice well enough, you won’t find out that he is touching his tip. His fingers itch in the desire to disobey. One little movement… just one….
“You feel better tough, fuck I’m thinking about you and how you fuck me. You’re always such a good boy for me, Tae sweetie.”
Taehyung moans, moving his hand away from his tip as quickly as possible. What was he thinking? He doesn’t misbehave, he is your good boy. He bites down on his lower lip and keeps his touch focused on nothing but his shaft despite how leaky his tip gets because of it.
“Are you my good boy, Tae sweetie?”
“Yes, Madam. I’m your good boy”, he keens, nodding his head vigorously.
“Of course you are…are you wet for me?”
Taehyung looks at his tip. It is flushed red with pearls of excitement leaking from his slit. If you were here right now, you’d play with it or lick it off of him. Taehyung rolls his head back slightly at the fantasy, whimpering his answer.
“I’m wet for you.”
“You are…” You increase the vibrations, opening your legs further. “Take some of it and taste it for me.”
Taehyung obeys your orders, letting you listen to him as he licks his finger. He moans softly as he does it, acting slobbier than he needs to just so you have something good to listen to. Your breathing speeds up, your heart races. It sounds as if he is between your legs sucking and licking your clit.
“Does it taste sweet, baby?” you ask him shakily.
“Yeah, sweet”, he purrs, flicking his tongue against his own thumb.
“Fuck Tae, do it again.”
Taehyung obeys, licking and sucking on his fingers as if he was feasting on your pussy. You talked about sitting on his face and creaming his tongue and he is hellbent on making the fantasy as real as possible.
“It tastes so good, Madam”, he lulls.
“I wanna fucking sit on you, fuck.”
The desperation in your voice makes him tingle. He is needy too, but you sound feral. If he wasn’t such a good boy for you, he’d tell you a bratty little comment about your state. But instead of teasing you, he begs again.
“Can I touch my tip now, please?”
“Yes, fuck, yes.”
Taehyung acts instantly, wrapping his fingers tightly around his cockhead to pump it. He moans loudly, rolling his head back and closing his eyes.
“Thank you, ah…feels so good…”
“Slow down.”
His obedience comes before his mind can even register what his hand was doing. He slows down, keeping the movements as minimal as possible. The whimper he lets out makes you speed up in return.
“It’s so slow…”
“I know baby, I know. Keep it like this until I tell you otherwise.”
“It’s hard, mhhmmm.”
“Be my good boy, baby. I know you wanna be my good boy.”
“Yeah..good boy…”
You smile in bliss. He is so perfect. Even now that he is so desperate, he still listens. You could probably tell him to stop and put his cock back into his pants and he would listen. Your stomach tingles. What a good idea actually.
“Tae sweetie?”
“Yes, Madam”, he gets out between his heavy breaths.
“Stop touching yourself and put your pants back on.”
“What?” he sounds devastated.
“Go on, you heard me.”
“Why? Please…”
“By my good boy, baby.”
You hear him whimper in frustration followed by agonized sounds of him having to stuff his raging boner back into his pants. You throb around the toy at the aspect. He is such an obedient boy for you. It’s difficult to hold back on your orgasm when he is acting like that.
“I did it. I don’t know why you made me do that, but I did it”, he tells you with the biggest pout ever.
“Send me a pic.”
“Wait”, he is still clearly pouting.
Moments later your phone vibrates. You put him on speaker and open the picture he sent. He actually put his pants back on. The light material stretches around his boner, barely wanting to keep it in. A dark spot has appeared on the fabric where his tip can’t stop leaking.
You laugh.
“Why are you laughing?” he sounds distressed.
“Oh it’s nothing, I’m just laughing ‘cause you actually did it.”
“You told me to”, he is almost sassy in the way he talks back. Sassy but also very frustrated.
“Mhm I did. I was just messing with you.”
“___”, he gasps, making you laugh and moan at the same time.
“Okay, okay fuck stop whining, it’s making me cum.”
“No, you’re so mean. It hurts to have it inside”, he continues whining.
“Fuck Tae, keep talking and I’m gonna cum.”
“I, I…really?” he whimpers.
“Yes, fuck”, you pull the toy out, groaning in agony, “fuck that was so close.”
He takes a deep breath, squeaking as he breathes out.
“Please can I touch myself again? Please?”
“Go inside first.”
“Why do you wanna tease me today?”
“Just feeling like it.”
“Oh god.”
Taehyung keeps the balcony door open, now standing in his hotel bedroom with a hard-on in his pants and his head dizzy in need.
“I’m inside. Please can I touch myself now?”
“Get naked first.”
He puts the phone on speaker and starts undressing. He is in the midst of sliding off his sweater when you stop him.
“Keep the sweater on. I’ll ask for a picture of proof.”
“I’m already naked then.”
“Yes? Good boy. Send me a picture of your cock, keep the sweater in the angle.”
Taehyung obeys your orders, using the sound of your heavy breathing and little moans as motivation. The picture he takes is definitely not his most artistic masterpiece. It is a little blurry because he can’t stop his hands from shaking. Your loud reaction is satisfactory enough however.
“Fuck, look at you. I wanna sit on it. God, wanna fucking choke on it and make it squirt.”
Taehyung feels weak in the knees. It aches not to touch himself.
“Does this mean I can touch myself again? Please? Maybe? Please, please?”
“Soon. Put your briefs on the bed and do it over them, okay?”
He obeys your orders even if he is confused. He lays out his briefs and begins pumping his cock above them.
“I’m doing it, Madam”, he moans, feeling blurry. His touch is electric, his cock so sensitive.
“Good boy. Keep touching yourself. I want you to cum on them and then mail them to me.”
His knees buckle. He has to use the mattress to catch himself and push his own faltering body back into a standing position. He leaks heavy droplets of pleasure, feeling his pulse throb in his cock.
“What?” he squeaks.
“You heard me. Repeat it to me.”
“You want me to.” He gasps and whimpers. “Want me to cum on them and.” He keens your name. “And mail them to you.”
“That’s right.”
“Madam, this is getting me close.”
“I know it is. Don’t stop. Focus your touch on your tip.”
“I am”, he whines.
“Good boy. Keep telling me how close this is getting you.”
“It won’t take long.”
“Good boy, keep going.”
The line fills with your shared moans. He is so loud and breathy while you answer him in purrs and drawn-out moans. You both have your eyes closed, minds racing with images of shared moments together. If you concentrate hard enough, it almost feels as if you were fucking each other right now. As if Taehyung was pumping his cock deep into you, hitting the best spots over and over again.
“Fuck Tae, keep going baby. So good”, you moan, arching your back.
“Can I move my hips please?”
“Whatever you need baby, just keep moaning for me.”
Taehyung chases the pleasure instantly, fucking his own fist as if he was fucking you. He moans louder for you, feeling his sense of reality blur.
“You’re so tight tonight”, he gets out.
“I am?”
“Yeah, so tight. Ah!”
“Just for you baby, my good boy”, you moan, meeting his movements with needy rolls of your hips. Not that he is actually with you, but it feels like it.
You and he are so far gone in the fanatsy, the distance is no longer there. It’s just you and him. 
“Love fucking you, baby. Love it so much…aahmmm….”
“Madam…ah…love it too…”
It is Taehyung who breaks the fantasy first. His instincts told him to open his eyes and look at you and so he did only to be met with an empty bed and his hand around his own cock.
“I miss you”, he whimpers.
You open your eyes to his flushed face only to be met with the ceiling instead. Your stomach tightens.
“I miss you too”, you get out, “Tae, it felt like you were there.”
“For me too”, he confesses, “I’m really close, just letting you know.”
You laugh breathily, “fuck, you’re so good. Such a good boy. Tell me three things you love about yourself and maybe I’ll let you cum.”
“My, my eyes and my hands and my…my nose.”
“Cause I can grind on it?”
“Yeah”, he whimpers, nodding his head vigorously.
“Shit, so hot. Where are you touching yourself right now?”
“My tip. It’s so wet, Madam.”
“So sexy, fuck. Keep talking to me.”
“My, my cock is so flushed. I’m so red at the tip.”
“Fuck, so hot. Ah Tae”, you moan, rolling your eyes back in delight as you bury the toy as deep as possible to draw circles with it. Your voice pitches, only coming out as gasps.
Taehyung speeds up his hand, furrowing his brows at the perfect sounds you let out.
“Are you feeling good, Madam?”
“Yeah…so good…hitting the right spot.”
He exhales shakily, moaning deeply.
“I’m leaking on my briefs, Madam.”
“Shit. Tae. Woah fu-fuck.”
“It’s all over my fingers too. They’re so wet and sticky, Madam.”
“Tae. Baby”, you whimper, tightening around the toy.
“I can’t stop leaking, Madam”, he mewls for you, jerking his cock loud enough that you can hear the wet mess he makes.
“I’m cumming”, you get out and feel the knot burst. All you can gasp is his name, body shaking out of control as your high takes over.
Taehyung moans with you, scrunching his face in agony from holding back. He wants to cum with you, but knows that you never gave him permission to do. So he is left moaning prettily for you and listening to you floating on absolute bliss.
You come down with curses and shaky gasps for air, ending it with a disbelieved “damn”.
“Fuck, can I cum? Please?” Taehyung begs, feeling delirious in frustration. He genuinely can’t do this for long anymore.
“Cum for me, baby.”
“Yes. oh god yes. Madam, yes. ___, yes, yes, yes”, he chants and breaks with one last squeak of your name, emptying his heavy balls all over his briefs. He twitches and shakes, throwing his head back as your name repeatedly leaves him.
“Good boy. Cum for me. Good boy”, you talk him through it, tingling in your afterglow. Listening to his orgasm is truly the best way to calm down after your own intense high.
“I’m done. Can, can I stop?” he soon begs, sounding stressed. You know that his sensitive cock is burning in overstimulation.
If he wasn’t such a good boy tonight, you would have told him to keep going.
“If you have to. You were such a good boy tonight, you can choose yourself.”
“I’m stopping. Sensitive”, he says and the wet squelching stops. He breathes out shakily, mumbling a ruined, “holy fuck.”
“Mhm, liked it?”
“Yeah, liked it.”
“Did you cum on your briefs?”
“Yes, Madam.”
“Good boy”, you praise and sigh in contentment, “lie down for me, sweetheart.”
He obeys, letting his head sink into the pillow. He takes one of them and hugs it to his chest. He purrs happily.
“Yeah, just missing you.”
“I miss you too.” You sit up to discard the toy and clean yourself. “Do you have a tissue by hand?”
“Yeah, by the nightstand.”
“Clean yourself for me.”
He obeys, giggling quietly.
“I’m sensitive.”
“Be careful, yeah?” you chuckle fondly.
“Yes, Madam. Oh god, I’m so giddy. You fucked me so good.”
“I feel giddy too. You were such a good boy for me.”
Taehyung giggles, snuggling back into the pillows and kicking his feet giddily. He loves being your good boy.
“Do you actually want me to mail you my briefs?”
You laugh, “I think I was just being unhinged there. I feel like it would start to smell funny before it can get here.”
“Right”, he agrees, laughing with you, “oh god”, he exhales, “this was actually so sexy. I’m still dizzy.”
“I’m glad you liked it. I was kinda feeling myself.”
“I was feeling you too. You’re such a good talker.”
You wiggle your toes in giddiness, feeling really good inside. He always knows what the say to make you feel like the sexiest Dom ever.
“God, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You and he smile, hugging the pillows you are holding closer. If you concentrate hard enough, it almost feels as if you are hugging each other.
“Mhm, I’m so comfy. This is exactly what I needed.”
“Me too. I was thinking about you before you texted me. It’s been a week since I left and I kept thinking about our last night together.”
Your heart flutters. You and he are so similar.
“You did?”
“Tae, I regret not fucking you that night.”
“God, don’t say that”, he says, having to giggle.
You smile, “you’re cute.” A yawn interrupts you.
“Are you tired?” he asks.
“Mhm, yeah.” Another yawn. “I know it’s not really night at your place yet, but can you stay with me as I fall asleep?” you ask him.
“Of course, my sweetheart. Can I tell you about my day?”
“Please tell me. I wanna know everything, my sweetheart. I might doze off in the midst of it though.”
Taehyung laughs, “that’s okay. I don’t mind.”
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yngles · 5 months
❝ [sloppy] ❞
↳ “how bts like to get fucked”
↳ boypussy!bts x reader
↳ dom!reader, sub!bts, (kinda) implied poly!ot7, reader isn’t gendered but has a dick, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, squirting, dacryphilia, praise kink, degradation/slut shaming (consensual dw), breeding kink, daddy kink (r. receiving), pet play, mentions of bondage, lmk if i’m missing anything <3
↳ don’t know if anyone else fucks with bp bangtan… but i know i do!! also catboy yoongi is sooo hot to me - rory
❝ [kim seokjin] ¡! ❞
↳ seokjin will take you in any way you could think of. this man loves getting fucked more than anything in the world, so feel free to bend him over whenever you want. but he especially loves when you have him ride your cock, making him do all the work without you even lifting a finger. although jin is the #1 pillow princess, he can’t help but enjoy it when you punish him by making him seek his own pleasure without your help.
“what do you need, jinnie?” you can see how your words make him shiver from where he is sat in your lap. “please want your cock. i’ve been waiting for days!” his eyes are getting more teary the longer you make him wait. “i know you have been, sweetheart, i can feel you dripping through your panties.” he gasps, hips slightly shifting to gratify the pent up need radiating through his body. seokjin lets out small whines at the feeling of your cock rubbing against his clothed pussy. your hands come to rest on his hips to stop his movements, making him cry out, tears finally leaving his eyes as he pathetically pushes against your hands to let him move again. “if you want my cock, you can get it yourself.” once he hears your statement, jin is immediately scrambling to pull down both of your underwear and sliding down onto your dick. his slick walls easily suck you deeper as he rests his hands on your shoulders to help keep himself up right. he sits still for a moment, beautifully empaled of your cock, only to be startled back to reality when you place a sharp smack on his ass. “thought you wanted it bad, jinnie, what’s taking you so long?”
❝ [min yoongi] ¡! ❞
↳ yoongi likes it best when you take him from behind. holding himself up on his hands and knees, back arched as you pound in and out of his messy cunt. he loves it when you play into his fantasy, turning your little kitty into a bitch in heat. yoongi wants you to put a collar on him and place cute cat ears on his head, maybe even push a tail buttplug up his back hole. if he gets deep enough into his headspace he’ll start meowing, which makes you start fucking into him at a feral pace while you pump him full of your seed.
all that was heard throughout the dorm was the sound of skin on skin and the wet noise of slick being pushed out of yoongi’s hole. every time you hit his special spot, he would let out a string of meows which only encouraged you to fuck him harder. “does it feel good, kitty?” “meeoow~” was all he responded with, not being able to communicate with words once he got this far into his own head. “want me to fill you up with my pups? gonna knock you up just like you’ve been begging for, kitten.” your vulgar language causes the man’s arms to give out, making him fall face first into the mattress, the cat ears sliding further down into his disheveled hair. you reach your arm under his torso and force him to arch his back more, causing him to fuck your cock deeper into his soaking pussy. the wet sounds made by your ongoing thrusts cause yoongi to cry out, clenching around your dick as he gets closer to his climax. you groan at the feeling and finally fill him up, making him whine and cry as his greedy pussy sucks up every last drop.
❝ [jung hoseok] ¡! ❞
↳ hobi is a slut for seeing your face. any position where he can look at you while you fuck him will make him come very quickly. he loves when you put his legs over your shoulders while you fuck into him, the angle shooting pleasure straight to his core. he’s so loud in bed, unable to stop himself from screaming out when you hit the right spot inside him. he doesn’t even care if his members hear the noises he lets out, wanting them to know that he’s getting fucked by you so well.
“oh myyyy godd!!” hoseok’s screams reverberate around the room as you continue to piston into him at and incredible speed. each time you thrust into him his body goes flying against the headboard, legs flailing from where they are stationed around your shoulders. “that’s it, seok-ah. let everyone know how good i’m fucking you. bet they’re rubbing themselves to the sound of your moans.” your words have his legs trembling and his hands grasping at your arms, which are placed on his hips to keep him in place. “please! please i need it so bad!” hoseok cries out, the amount of cream caking at the base of your dick increasing after each thrust. “i’ll give you whatever you need, baby.” as you finish your sentence, he meets your eyes and you can feel the way he tightens at the intimate connection. your increasing speed causes immense pressure in his pussy, causing him to squirt around you. the liquid soaks both of your stomachs and makes the slide of your cock into his overstimulated pussy much smoother.
❝ [kim namjoon] ¡! ❞
↳ joon likes to get fucked laying on his bed with his legs wrapped around your waist. it’s so relaxing for him to have the ability to sit back and be taken care of. he enjoys you fucking him at a fast but gentle pace, relishing in the feeling of your cock sliding in and out of his walls. joon absolutely loves when you come inside of him but he doesn’t mind if you pull out and nut all over his thighs and tummy.
“taking me so well, joonie” “thank you, thank you- i love it so much. fucking me so good~” he replies, eyes struggling to focus on yours as you continue to thrust inside of him. “are you close, baby? i can feel you getting tighter around me.” your words makes his eyes roll back into his head and his mouth fall open in a silent moan. “gonna come! please can i come?” you lean down to suck on his neck as he keeps begging for release. you reach you hand between your two bodies, quickly rubbing his clit to bring him closer to the edge. “of course you can, baby. want you to come all over my cock.” at your words, he flings his head back against the pillows and allows the pleasure to overtake him. he releases his juices around you, soaking your hand and the bed sheets beneath you. “such a good boy, gonna come inside you now. i know you want it, baby.”
❝ [park jimin] ¡! ❞
↳ jimin really loves riding you, goes crazy at the thought of being able to take your dick however he wants. he especially likes reverse cowgirl, he loves twerking on your cock to hear you groan and give him a good slap on his cheeks. the sting only helps to keep him going, riding you harder once he knows that you are enjoying the view. another fan of creampies, he doesn’t like to let any of your come go to waste. if it slides out once you’re done with him, he’ll scoop it up with his fingers and shove it back inside.
jimin turns away from you, straddling your hips and lining himself up with your large cock. he is always excited when he’s able to take you inside him, no matter how long it’s been since it last happened. once he slides down to the hilt he looks back at you, only to find you staring straight at his butt. “i can never get enough of your fat ass, min. you always look so fucking good taking me.” you end your statement by gripping both of his asscheeks in your palms. jimin whines at once the possessive feeling of your hands on him disappears, leaning forward slightly and shaking his ass on your cock, listening to the sound of it clapping against your skin echo around the sweaty room. you groan at the sight and plant your feet against the bed, bucking your cock deep into jimin’s waiting pussy. he knows that by the end of the night he’ll be full of your seed and that satisfies him enough to let you set the pace, grasping the skin of your thighs in his small hands. “that’s it daddy, jiminie loves your dick so much.”
❝ [kim taehyung] ¡! ❞
↳ taehyung likes to be held while you’re having sex. whether that be you holding him tight to your chest while you gently thrust into him on the bed, or pining him against the wall as you claim his pussy for your own pleasure. as you go between the different scenarios, tae has his preferences of how he likes to be treated and addressed. if you’re slowly making love to him on your shared bed, he likes when you praise him and tell him how well he’s taking you. on the other hand, he loves when you call him a dirty whore when you are fucking him so fast he can barely comprehend what’s going on. as long as you give him proper aftercare, he’s happy.
“how do you want it tonight, taetae?” you gaze down at your sub from where he’s seated on the couch. “want to feel it. please.” he looks at you with puppy eyes and a pout that you would never be able to resist in a million years. “of course, jagiya. you know i’ll always give it to you however you want.” you lean down to scoop him into your arms, his legs automatically wrapping around your waist and his arms circling your neck. you carry him through the hallway, unable to focus on your steps as he sucks on your neck. you come to a stop outside his bedroom door, pushing him against the wall, unable to resist the urge to take him any longer. you shove your pants down and push his panties to the side, inserting your cock into his waiting hole and setting an overwhelming pace. taehyung throws his head back against the wall as you push into him and whisper dirty things into his ear. he comes alarmingly quick due to the amount of stimulation you were providing him with, you following shortly behind him, pulling out to come across his stomach. as you come down from your highs, you hear the door open down the hall and a voice ring out, “can we join next time?” you laugh at the request, knowing tonight is gonna be long for both you and taehyung.
❝ [jeon jungkook] ¡! ❞
↳ one of jungkook’s biggest kinks is bondage. he loves the feeling of being restricted and not having the ability to touch you. it makes him incredibly wet that you are able to do whatever you want to him and he can’t do anything to stop you. he likes when you tie his hands behind his back and fuck him doggy style, having to shove his face into the pillows to quite his screams. he also loves having you eat him out before fucking him because it gets him nice and ready to take your fat cock, but also it turns him on so much seeing you not be able to resist yourself when your face is shoved in his cunt.
“yes!! fuck me with your tongue! feels so good… i don’t know if i can wait any longer.” as soon as jungkook says that, you remove your face from his pussy, grabbing his hair to pull his back flush to your chest. “you’re not going to come until i’m fucking you with my cock. do you understand?” he immediately nods at your words, grinding his ass against your bulge as he tries to get you to put your dick in him. “words, guk.” “yes! yes! i understand! i promise i won’t come until you tell me to!” you let out a satisfied groan at his words, shoving his legs apart to line your cock up with his entrance. as you push in, jungkook can’t help but scream into the sheets beneath him, the pleasure in his core building up as you bottom out.
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maisanshine · 10 months
𝑴𝒚 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆| 𝑱𝑱𝑲
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𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑘𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑜, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑚 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑠 𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑢𝑡.
𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔🝮 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑘𝑜𝑜𝑘/𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑚 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠🝮 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛,𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑣𝑖𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 𝑗𝑘,𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦,𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑒𝑥,𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑢𝑛𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑥,𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑗𝑘,𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑦𝑗𝑘,ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑎 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑠 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ( ̄▽ ̄) 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑑 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓, 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡.𝑌𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑔𝑒.
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡🝮 2.8k
𝐴/𝑁 🝮 𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑝 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑠𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑜. 𝑖 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑎 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑗𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑑𝑜 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑡.-𝑀𝑎𝑖
𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙡𝙖𝙯𝙮
"𝘿𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙚?" These remarks trouble Jungkook. He is afraid of you. He is afraid of everything you do. He continuously doubts your motives and scrutinizes every exchange. He is reluctant to lower his guard around you because the terror in his eyes serves as a continual reminder of the harm that has been done.
He runs into you after school when you work with him on group projects or when you pass him in the corridors of the school. Unsure of what to say or do, Jungkook's heart races. A knot forms in his stomach as he braces himself for any possible argument or discussion. Every interaction with you is anxiety-inducing for him because he is afraid of failing you or receiving your criticism.
He is always afraid, but he loves you when you push him against the bleachers as you hold his throbbing cock in your hand. All of Jungkook's worries and fears vanish in those private times, to be replaced by a profound sense of love and desire for you. He is able to put aside his problems and just be present with you at such times because he feels fully seen and welcomed.
He wants to breathe with you, eat with you, and touch you in the same manner that you touch him. only in those instances when flesh is exposed. He then flees for his life. He longs for the closeness and bond you have, yet he must recede due to his public persona demands and fear of being vulnerable. He finds it difficult to truly commit to a long-term relationship because of the pressure of expectations and scrutiny, which leaves him conflicted between his wishes and the realities of his situation.
Jungkook had always been a solitary boy; He was afraid his parents would discover that he was acting in this way. He would get punishment, and as they have often warned, his parents would pull him out of school and send him to a Catholic school on the other side of the nation. Because of his dread of the repercussions, Jungkook started to act more clandestinely, which resulted in a never-ending internal conflict between following his own impulses and living up to the standards established by his conventional upbringing. He couldn't help but long for the freedom and independence that he felt would offer him contentment and satisfaction despite the hazards.
After you're done with him, Jungkook feels filthy, like he's betrayed his upbringing and given in to his own needs. He struggles greatly with the guilt, which exacerbates his inner turmoil and causes him to doubt his decision. While he longs for a feeling of morality and purity, he also longs for the thrill and pleasure that come with defying social norms.
However, your comments are usually irritating at sometimes. "𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙛𝙛," you remark, repeating your soothing words in his mind. reassuring them that everything is fine and that this is typical.
"𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙨; 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙧 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚."
"𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩."
"𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙣,𝙩 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙢𝙚."
"𝙄𝙩’𝙨 𝙤𝙠𝙖𝙮, 𝙞𝙩’𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙢𝙚."
"𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙄 𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙢𝙝𝙢?"
Every phrase that Jungkook utters under pressure or in front of his parents. Every time there is a free period, Jungkook keeps track of the minutes. Because when you touch Jungkook at that moment, you two are alone. It seems like Jungkook feels comfortable in your company and in the time you two spend together during leisure time. Remember that everyone handles stress in various ways, and that's why it appears comforting for Jungkook to be with you.
"Jungkookie, do you want to touch me?" You perch atop Jungkook. his hands by his sides. He nods, but Jungkook is aware of your next move. He is aware that you will remind him to express boundaries and obtain permission before making any physical contact. Your consideration and understanding of Jungkook's personal space are extremely valuable.
"I need to hear you say it." He sits up straight and looks at the uniform shirt covering your chest.
"Yeah, I w-want like to touch you," he whispers. As you begin to unbutton your shirt, Jungkook is staring at your baby pink lace bra.
Jungkook inhales a sharp breath as you take his hand to brush on top of your smooth chest.
"Do you know what these are, Kookie?" He nods, his fingers pressing ever so little into the velvety flesh.
"What are they?" You reach behind to unclip your bra, holding the front part.
"They're your tits." Jungkook is cut off by his gasp. as you let your bra fall completely. Your nipples point out at him. He stares in awe, your tits sitting nicely and your hard nipples looking back at him.
"Touch them," he leans in. His cold hands brush your warm skin. You flinch, and he stops.
"I'm s-sorry, did that hurt?" You laugh and shake your head. "No, baby, your hands are just cold." You caress his face for reassurance.
He stammers, "S-sorry," and puts both of his hands on top of your breasts. He leaves them there, and you give him permission to play about by leaning into him. You feel a surge of pleasure rush over you as his hands play around with your breasts. When you lead his touch and show what feels nice, he immediately follows suit. The desire to satisfy and be satisfied fuels the passion that grows between you.
He snaps and begins to pull and squeeze at your breast while massaging your nipples between his fingers. Your breath quickens as you find yourself giving in to the ecstasy as the feelings get stronger. You feel a stronger connection with him as he deftly satisfies your wants and makes you want more.
As his soft kisses melt your flesh underneath him, you sigh in ecstasy. He moans as you begin to grind on him a little. You both give in to the overwhelming yearning that is running through your bodies, which heightens the intensity of the moment. Your motions have an impeccable rhythm that synchronizes, strengthening your bond and bringing you both closer to the brink of bliss.
When Jungkook jumps the boat, he hooks his mouth onto one of your nipples and begins to suck and swallow with his hard tongue. Squeezing the second one between his thumb and pointer, he sucks hard. With a groan that escapes your lips as Jungkook's deft mouth takes you to the verge of euphoria, you arch your back in pleasure. His motions are so intense that they send waves of pleasure through your body, and you both become consumed by an overpowering need that is impossible to resist.
You both feel the desire to grind on him more as he takes your entire tit into his mouth. “That hurts," and Jungkook lets your tit drop out of his lips. You meet his stare and see a mixture of anxiety and desire. With his hands softly brushing over your body, Jungkook understands the fine line between pleasure and suffering and murmurs words of apology and confidence. After taking a minute to gather yourselves, you both find comfort in each other's arms and proceed.
Gazing up into your lustful gaze He notices his thickening cock sticking through his school clothes as he stares down at his crotch. Your heat is escaping through your skirt to him. There's a knowing smirk between you both, admitting the inherent desire between you, and the air is thick with expectation. Your need is fueled by the intensity of the moment, which also creates an electric charge that permeates the space.
"Do you want to touch me somewhere else?" you ask in a moan.
"Y-yes, please," he says as he pushes up, thrusting his hard-covered cock into your heat.
You take his fingers, leading them to your pussy, and he grunts as the tip of his finger meets your solid heat, covered only by your thin cotton panties. As his touch ignites a fiery sensation within you, your breath quickens and your body trembles with anticipation. The intimate connection between you intensifies, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your veins.
“Y/N your so…wet”
“Your making me wet Koo”
As you tickle yourself with his fingers and run his pointer finger up and down your moist folds, Jungkook can only imagine how warm and wet it is inside. Jungkook is amazed and wants to pull off your cotton underwear. He stops at your nerve and rolls his finger around it for a few seconds as you carry on with the motions.
As you continue to rub yourself with his fingers, you realize that tears are flowing down Jungkook's cheeks and that his eyes are becoming wetter.
"Jungkook, baby, what's wrong?" Without any delay, you halt and gently lift his face, forcing him to turn to face you.
"This feels wrong," he says, gazing up at you through moist eyes.
"If you don't want to, we don't have to. You should've told me to stop. I don't want you to feel-."
"Y/N, that's the issue. He admits, "You make me feel pain, and it always feels so wrong, but I always want to do it," pressing your body closer to him while your cunt draws from his firm cock and your tits brush against his chest.
He starts to grind you more quickly on him. You're over him, indignant at what he's done.
"You...just...feel...so...fucking...good..." After flipping you over, Jungkook is now on top of you. He wants more, but you're dry-humping together.
He's crying more now. "Y/N, that aches like hell. Please fix it." You kiss his jaw and put your hands around his neck.
You laughed beneath him, "Jungkookie, you're so desperate." Jungkook gives you a glance. "This isn't funny!" He screams. You laugh more, though.
"Jungkook, you're so cute." You reach down and give him a cheek kiss. Jungkook peeks at your pants as you lift your skirt. His eyes enlarge.
"Kookie, do you want to fuck me?" Your stare turns dark. "Yes, I do. So bad. Y/N, so bad." You smile.
"Okay, but we have to do a few things first, okay? You have to be good for me," Jungkook nods.
"I'll do anything, Y/N; tell me." Jungkook is about to face catastrophe. You give him a nasty smile as you look at him.
"Eat me out; I don't know if I'm wet enough, kookie." Jungkook seems disoriented as he fixes his gaze on the damp patch on your panties.
You sulk, "You're not going to do it; I thought you were a good boy, Jungkook," but he gives you a defeated stare.
"No, I am! I'm the best boy, but..." You turn your head.
"But what?" your press.
"I..." He looks away from you. You advance toward him.
He flinches. "Talk, Jungkook," you demand.
"I don't know how to do that; I don't know how to eat you out," he confesses, and you smile.
"I'm going to teach you, dummy." You pull him closer, guiding his hand to your waist. "It's okay, Jungkook. We'll take it slow, and I'll show you step by step," you reassure him. He looks at you with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, ready to learn from you.
With a nod, Jungkook removes the remaining portion of your panties. You spread your legs apart to give him a good glimpse of your glinting cunt. Jung Kook touches your bear with his fingertips, displaying his impulsive nature. He stops staring up at you when you recoil, and you start to tremble.
"S-sorry, did that hurt?” You smile; just shake your head.
"No, it simply feels good. Jungkook, you make me feel so good," you whimper.
“Don’t say stuff like that”
“But it’s true, koo”
Jungkook nods, "Okay, go and position yourself in front of me," and his eyes are once again in front of your pussy. You push yourself in closer until his nose just touches your clit.
"Now lick me," Jungkook commands, beginning with a leisurely lick of the interior through your folds and nub. You groan, "Yeah, just like Kookie, go faster," and Jungkook obliges by licking your cunt more quickly and nodding his head. You're groaning, and his nose is rubbing across your pussy. Jungkook moans as you grab hold of his hair and tug at the silky strands.
You respond, "Suck it," but Jungkook is already five steps ahead. You lay on the floor, and he becomes hungry and puts your legs over his shoulders. You groan while yanking at his hair.
Your eyes roll back into your head as Jungkook sucks and pulls your clit into his mouth. You cry, "Jungkook, I'm going to cum," and as you cum on Jungkook's face, he moves quicker, and the burning sensation in your stomach flares up. As Jungkook saps your high, you grind hard on his face.
"Jungkook, you really are a wonderful boy. I'm thankful. You cry out, release his hair, and he emerges from your excitement, his face moist. "Please let me fuck you right now. I'm really hurting. look!" Your weary hand is grabbed by Jungkook and pressed up against his cock.
But before you go for your next session, the school bell sounds.
"Awe, Jungkookie, we have to get to class." You claim to be getting ready and getting your clothing fixed. Rushing to get your pants off the floor, you are stopped by Jungkook before you can flee. He forces you up against the wall-mounted gym mats.
"Y/N." He has a gloomy voice. "You promised; you can't leave me like this." After picking you up, Jungkook encircles his waist with your legs and begins humping your nude cunt.
"Koo," yet it's an overly pleasant feeling. When you let out a groan in his ear, Jungkook keeps pushing his encased cock into your wet cunt.
"Please, it will be quick; please, I'm in so much pain." You nod in agreement as Jungkook cries, simply needing to feel anything.
“Please Y/N…I need you…please”
"Yes, kookie, hurry, fuck me, fuck me, Jungkook." Without waiting another second, he pulls out his dick and fists several times before aligning them with your entrance. Slowly, he thrust, and at last, Jungkook was in your heat. Your vaginal walls flex around him so tight, wet, and flawlessly that he fucks you quickly. You groan in his ear, "You like it, Jungkook." "Yes, it's nice. "I love it." He whimpers and groans against your lips as you grin and plant a kiss on him.
"Y/N, what's happening?" With a thrust that blows you out and a tighter hold on your thighs, Jungkook begins to fuck you more quickly. Jungkook suddenly moves your legs so they sit on the inside of his elbows.
“Fuck Jungkook your so big” you whine as he pounds into you.
You have your feet hanging in midair. As he strikes you harder, you groan. You start to tremble; your climax is approaching, and Jungkook lets out a loud groan that makes you realize you're at school. Pulling his face in your direction, you give him a hard choke.
"You have to be quiet, baby; you don't want to get caught, do you?" Jungkook then lets go of his lengthy, thick ropes of cum inside of you while moaning. You close your eyes, and as you groan, the heated fluid drips down your wall, tightening his choke.
“Y/N don’t stop”
When you relaxed, Jungkook collapsed to his knees. You lick off the remnants of your finger as you burrow your finger into your cum-filled cunt. Jungkook is resting on your shoulders.
"We have to go, Koo," you say, scratching his head, and he groans.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" When he said that, you grinned. "Of course, baby." After you kiss him, you hear the intercom blaring loudly from the closet.
"Jeon Jungkook and Y/N L/N, please report to the office." You and Jungkook look at each other confusedly, but you fix it with a kiss.
After feeling uncomfortable about sharing his body with you, Jungkook is now more at ease with it. He was concerned that his parents would learn about his unethical behavior at school.
However, Jungkook is ecstatic right now; he walks you to and from school. occasionally pay him or her a brief visit and have a fast fuck. both anywhere and anyplace. That was the time you talked him into eating you out of his parent's closet—in the shower, the living room, your bed, and his bed.
𝑴𝒚 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆
Every day, Jungkook looks forward to the moment when he can be with you.
𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙞 𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩. 𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙢𝙮 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠:)
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙣 𝙗𝙩𝙬
𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙄𝙢 𝙖𝙡𝙨𝙤 𝙙𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙬 (𝙞𝙢 𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙨)
𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙤:))))
𝙊𝙠𝙞 𝙗𝙮𝙚 (^‿^✿)
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jkvjimin · 3 months
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[12/?] random gifs of maknae line cr. namuspromised
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lolabangtan · 2 years
04 | itching
President Kim comes down with a cold, and since it’s kind of your fault, you feel responsible for him. While you make sure he’s resting properly at home, Jimin leaves you in charge of the office.
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Word count: 6k
Warnings: be prepared to fucking MELT.
# fluff, awkward parent meeting, hurt/comfort, sick chapter, nursing sick!Tae, kinda rough nursing tho, feverish dreams, he endures the worst chicken soup ever, you can feel a certain je ne sais quoi in the air 😏, it’s like they’re being driven by some mystery force but still cringe at their own vulnerability, Jimin is very mysterious and kind of a dick.
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Another shrieking, dry, mind-wrecking cough echoes across the office.
You stop yourself from rolling your eyes as you take the last sip of your coffee. When you put it back on the desk, perhaps a bit too harshly, it sounds as if you almost broke it into pieces. Luckily, the mug remains in one.
Then some loud sniffling.
With a groan, you get up and quickly walk down to the nearest break room just to get some warm water and come back.
You knock on the door. “Mr Kim? May I come in?”
Goodness, he looks miserable: puffy nose, swollen face, droopy eyelids, and a toilet paper roll that only could look unsuspicious in this specific situation.
Yes, your boss has come down with a cold, and he’s making it everybody’s problem.
But it’s your fault, or so you think – maybe Kim Taehyung would be all right If you had not forced him to walk you down to your bus stop and share an umbrella. It’s been a week since then, but who knows? He could have some sort of, uh, delayed constitution. And, as an additional benefit, you would’ve never started to feel so awkward around him. Which is way worse than a fucking, unimportant cold. You have to go to work on your period! Why are men such weak creatures?
“You’ve been coughing and sniffling all morning,” you say, crossing your arms. “Hadn’t you better go home?”
But Taehyung shakes his head, adamant and so fucking cute— “No, I… I can work. It’ll go aw—”
The loudest, most vociferous sneeze makes the windows tremble, cutting him off as he rushes to grab some toilet paper. You’ll pretend you didn’t see the shiny string of snot before he wipes his nose with an embarrassed blush.
“Just go home, sir.”
“I gotta finish reading these reports,” he murmurs. “It’d be unfair to waste someone’s time by ignoring their hard work… right?”
You look at him with a grimace of half-pity, half-disgust, pondering the idea of just kicking him out of the building and sending him home; he can’t work like this. What he needs is to rest, heal his cold, and come back even stronger. It’s a waste of time and energy for everyone else to drag a day of work just because he feels guilty for leaving.
“Okay, I’ll come back later to get the reports,” you say with an annoyed tone.
“Thank you…”
Even the way he speaks, weakly, dragging the words and losing focus, shows how tired and sick Kim Taehyung is. His pale skin, usually a healthy bronze, and reddened nose only confirm this.
But you get to the door and leave; there might be another way to do this. Obviously, you get what the president means, as you also hate to leave when there are loads of work left, but you’re also rational enough to understand that it usually backfires.
After that, the first part of the morning flies by; you make coffees – for yourself mostly – review documents, prepare meetings, discuss with some of your colleagues about your favourite series, and answer the phone. You can’t deny that you don’t really dislike the job, although you miss being in charge, especially when one of your bosses demonstrates their clear ineffectiveness in management. But nobody’s perfect, unfortunately.
Also, you are concerned about way too many things right now, starting with Kim Namjoon’s visit the other day.
Who’s to say you’ll have the same luck next time and won’t come back along with Seokjin? Then you will have completely screwed up – because maybe Namjoon is wise enough not to comment on the fact that the one sitting in your chair is not Jeon Miyeon, but Seokjin would never hide his surprise at seeing you here.
Understandable, of course, since you are ‘on the other side of the ocean’.
But why didn’t Kim Namjoon say anything? Did he do it, perhaps, to protect Miyeon? Maybe he figured out that your role here is to cover for her while she’s away and he kept it to himself.
Obviously, if you ever dropped by a dear one’s office expecting to see someone and found a completely different person— you don’t know how you would have reacted. By calling the police, most probably. This time you got the right end of the stick.
Although, again, aren’t you doing all of this actually to help her? It would be bad enough if, in addition to having to pretend to go on holiday and being forced away from your business, you now had to deal with a latent danger of imprisonment. Not unlikely, for now. You have to remain vigilant.
At the first opportunity, you escape to the bathroom and take out your phone to call Miyeon. It takes her a while to pick up, but you finally hear her voice.
“Hi, darling,” you greet her.
“Hello! How’s my little criminal doing? Too much paperwork—? Oh, I forgot; you actually like that.”
“Very funny,” you say, rolling your eyes even though she can’t see you. “Uh, everything’s good, uh, but I was wondering… Has your father called recently?”
“Hm, he hasn’t— why? Is he okay?”
“Yeah! Just wanted to check…” You go silent for a second, and that’s all Miyeon needs to know to figure out something is off. “Well, I’m just a bit concerned about Kim Namjoon’s visit. My bet is that he’s covering for you, but you never know… I guess it’s just this whole thing making me anxious—”
Miyeon cuts you off. “Why would he be covering for me? Isn’t he Kim’s cousin?”
“I think he just doesn’t want to get your father in trouble.”
“Oh.” She sounds disappointed by your lie, and you fight a silly grin. “Yeah, that makes sense. Namjoon looks up to him a lot… So, Kim Taehyung isn’t acting weird since then, is he?”
“Nope. Totally normal. Just being his cute self.”
Damn it, it slipped off your tongue.
“Cute, huh?”
“Well, I mean, not—”
“Last time we talked he was a jerk and a dick.”
“Don’t you have a mud bath session to go to or something?” you bark. “Leave me alone.” Miyeon chirps a goodbye, and you hang up, regretting the call instantly. At least now you can be anxious about something else.
Maybe Miyeon thinks you have feelings for your boss? That would be totally wrong, but she is capable of believing something like that.
Well, whatever, you have other things in mind at the moment— like finding a way to send Kim Taehyung home, you think as another sneeze makes the walls tremble.
You could tell Park Jimin and try to persuade him to get off work.
Convinced, you get up from your desk, making sure there is not too much commotion in the office, and head for the lobby. From there it’s not long before you reach the wing where Park Jimin’s office is located; you greet his secretary and knock on the door.
“Come in.”
You walk in and close it behind you.
The room is dark, barely lit through the drawn blinds. There is a lamp lit in the corner, and the computer screen glows in the gloom, illuminating Mr Park’s face. His dark eyes are fixed on you, expressionless, eerie.
“Can I help you, Ms Shin?” he asks, and his voice takes you by surprise.
“Uh, yes…” At his gesture, you enter the room, leaving the door behind you. “I came to tell you that President Kim has got sick, and to ask if there is a way to get him to go home.”
“Have you tried… asking him if he wants to go home?”
For a moment, you forget your faux position in this room, the fact that you’re technically just a secretary, and frown; cheeky and snobby because of course, you’ve already contemplated that idea. Does he think you’re an idiot? He must do. Otherwise, he’s a fool and wants to come to blows with you, you know, pick up a fight.
You arch an eyebrow and let out a scoff. “Of course? But he refuses.”
“I see…” Jimin says, looking away. “Well, Ms Shin, then there’s nothing you can do about it. Bear with the sneezes as best as you can—”
“He’s just going to get worse.”
“If Mr Kim stays and overworks himself, not only will the quality of his work deteriorate, but his health will worsen as well. It’s counterproductive,” you continue.
Park Jimin stares at you for a solid five seconds, completely silent and eery-looking.
“Are you always this… logical?” he suddenly asks.
His body is completely turned towards you now, giving you all his attention. You feel like until now, Park Jimin was just messing with you like a twisted sort of Cheshire cat, a mere amusement, but finally, he’s willing to mind your words.
“When there’s a need for it.”
A silence settles between the two of you, so you decide to thank him, albeit reluctantly, for his time and leave. His secretary bids you farewell with a sympathetic look, promising to buy you a coffee later. The rest of the walk back to your desk feels absurd, humiliating, and tedious, and you have this feeling that you’ve got nothing from it.
You have a missed call on your landline to Taehyung’s office. You look at the number and head for the door to let him know.
“Mr Kim—”
He’s already walking out when you stop before bumping into him. “Yes?”
“Where are you going?” you blurt out, stepping back so that the man can get out. He looks as sick as he did this morning. “Is everything all right? I don’t recall any meetings scheduled for—”
“My brother just called me and told me off for coming to work sick,” Taehyung explains with a stuffy nose.
You watch him put on his elegant coat; there was no need for him to explain why he was going home, actually. You’re just his secretary, you only need to know whether he’s going to need his car or write a memo to remember to get some medicines for him.
It’s peculiar, and kind of funny, how he can be the coldest and warmest person at the same time. Always so sharp and dashing, looking at everyone with a harsh eye, keeping quiet, maybe even not bothering to waste his breath. A thick shell protecting him from the outer world. But then he sometimes looks at you, and he speaks so softly, almost like a murmur, and his round cheeks frame his smile in a way that makes your heart skip a beat, and it feels like you’re looking at the most delicate creature the world has ever made.
“Ms Shin?”
You snap out of your thoughts. “Uh— yes, sir?”
“Thank you for worrying about me,” Taehyung says then, and you swear, he looks candid. “I mean— I know it’s kind of your job… Uh, just forget about it. I’ll be going now, I already sent for the car.”
“Don’t mention it,” you decide to reply with a smile just as tender and fix the shoulder of his coat.
The blush on his cheeks is most likely due to his cold, you think – there’s no reason why Kim Taehyung should be timid and demure in front of you. In fact, you don’t think he’s the kind of man to act like that, even if sometimes it feels like he is. He’s aloof, not coy, you think— he’s indifferent, not shy.
“Oh, I don’t want to keep you.” You step away to let him walk past you, and you say on his way out: “Get plenty of rest… and get well soon.”
You then watch him leave and head to the hall. There he meets Park Jimin. They push the button to get the lift when Jimin suddenly beckons you to come, and so you do, frowning in confusion.
“I’ll be taking President Kim home, so… can I leave you in charge of the office while I get back?”
Oh, easy-peasy.
“Yes, of course,” you accept.
“Good, that’s a weight off my shoulders,” he thanks you. “Well, we better get going – Mrs Kim is going to force-feed you chicken soup when she gets back, and I don’t wanna be there when it happens.” You chuckle at his words, amused by the mental image of a burrito-wrapped Taehyung being fed against his will, and he sneers at his brother. “Have a good day.”
“See you on Monday!”
In charge of the office, huh? What could they possibly mean by that? Do you get to sit on the Big Girl chair and boss everyone around? Do you get to stick your nose into every single project and improve it with your outstanding mind? Oh, you have so many ideas—
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Turns out that being in charge of the office just meant having to solve everyone’s problems.
Luckily, you love a good problem.
Your phone has been ringing non-stop from lunch to the very second the last person got up to go home; it’s nice to have your input so respected and valued. It’s good to be useful.
As always, you’re one of the last to leave the office. You say goodbye to the janitor and the secretaries at the entrance, swipe your badge and leave to head to the bus stop. It doesn’t take you longer than twenty minutes to get home, during which you also answer messages and work calls.
“Well, I do think President Kim should be the first to know,” you reply, closing the fridge door with your butt and opening a soda can. “Yeah, yeah, I totally get it— I know, I’m in— Jesus, just listen! I am in charge, but I do not have at all the authority to change from one project manager to another. You must get to Mr Kim, or your department chief— uh, yeah, I can call him, and so can you—”
After the beep, you look at the locked phone screen, totally shocked that she dared hang up on you.
You throw your phone on the bed and slump into the mattress right afterwards, eyes glued to the ceiling; that’s a problem – a problem that needs to be solved. Why are you feeling so wary of calling Kim Taehyung?
In a jiffy, you’re back on your feet and messing with the kitchenware, taking this and that, turning on the electric hob, pouring some water into a pot, and calling it a day.
You look at your soup with the eyes of a proud cook.
Yes, this will totally cover it. If you drop by his place with a bowl of bone broth, the perfect remedy for colds, it won’t look like you’re just coming to make him work. Besides, Taehyung was really ill, and you’re a bit worried; he won’t die, of course, but there’s a heavyweight in your chest that fills you with silly concern, making your belly flutter whenever you think about him.
Once you’re done, you grab your coat and go to your car, holding the warm plastic container in your hands, eyeing it with care. You’re not much of a cook yourself, so you wouldn’t want to trip and drop it, and have to make it all over again.
You hail a taxi once you stand on the street and tell the driver what the address is.
After about fifteen minutes, the taxi drives into the heart of the Hannam district and drops you at the door of a huge complex of luxury flats.
You pay under his curious gaze and thank him for the ride before heading inside; a friend of yours used to live here, but then she married and moved to her husband’s apartment. Maybe you could drop by and say hello, but Rose Apple wouldn’t like that, knowing how skittish she is about her privacy. At least the guard remembers your face, or so you find out when he nods at your ID as he lets you in.
After a few minutes, you manage to locate the Kim residence, wondering if Kim Taehyung actually lives with his family.
The loud ringing of the intercom makes you cringe.
The camera turns around as it focuses on your face, and it fucking creeps you out.
“Uh, hello, this is—”
“O Y/N, isn’t it?” What? Who is this woman and how did she recognise you? “Don’t, I know this young lady— sorry, that was our housekeeper. I’ll open the gates, do come in!”
Without even telling what for? Jesus.
“Hm, thank you, madam.”
You walk into the pristine entrance hall and get on the lift, and soon enough, you’re stepping out into the living room; it’s modern and elegant, magazine-like, like your childhood home used to be. Clinical, lifeless, spotless, dignified.
An old woman, whom you quickly recognise as the housekeeper, greets you by the lift.
“Good evening, Miss O—”
“Please, just Y/N,” you rush to request with a shy gesture.
She nods. “Of course, Y/N-ssi— Mrs Kim would like to thank you for your visit and invite you to tea in the garden.”
“I’m, uh…” You take a look around as you follow her down the ample, radiant corridor. “I’m actually here to see Kim Taehyung? I brought him bone broth, a family recipe—” you murmur but quieten down as you notice the housekeeper’s confused look. “But, of course, I’d love to have some tea first.”
You’re led to a peaceful, traditional garden with a pond and a stone path. There’s a woman sitting quietly with a cup of tea in her hand, and she looks up at you as soon as you walk out into the garden.
“Oh, such a lovely surprise!” she says. “I wasn’t expecting you to visit, Ms O.”
“How is your grandmother? Chairman O said you’d be out on holiday, for rest and relaxation and all that… How was Busan? It was Busan you went to, wasn’t it? – oh, please, take a seat— you see, I have a few relatives there, but it never is quite the right moment to pay them a visit.” Your phone suddenly rings in your purse, and you excuse yourself to take a look. “Is it work? Should I leave you alone?”
You shake your head with a polite smile. “Oh, it’s just—” The text is from your co-worker insisting that you make a choice. “Nothing important,” you say then, putting it back in. “I actually came to see—”
A burrito-wrapped Kim Taehyung suddenly walks out into the garden, instantly shivering when the cold air sneaks into his pyjamas. His face is puffy, as well as his eyes and nose, and there’s a soft blush on his cheeks as he sniffles.
Then his eyes fall on you, and his entire demeanour changes.
Taehyung immediately looks away from you with one last sniff as he takes off the cover and folds it. “Mother, my health has improved significantly. I will be returning to the office shortly.”
“Aren’t you going to say hello? We have a visitor.”
“Ah, yes,” he murmurs. His hopes that you were a hallucination are broken. “Y/N-ssi, what are you… doing here?”
Mrs Kim merely rolls her eyes and beckons the housekeeper. The tea party soon is dismantled, and they both leave the two of you alone in the cold. You look away, suddenly taken over by an odd sense of embarrassment; you feel silly all of a sudden. You could have just sent him an email, there was no need for you to come all the way to his house.
“I brought you soup.”
He looks at you with a confused face, so you hand out the warm plastic bag to him; the plastic bowl is still hot on his palms, but Taehyung is still processing.
“I…” There it is, his customary blank face, but this time— the blush intensifies. “Thank you.”
You tilt your head. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Uh, yes, I think I’ll be back tomorrow,” Taehyung replies softly.
Silence takes over the two of you, and you take a look around, hugging your arms to fight the cold. He notices and yelps, “Sorry, I— should we go inside? You must be freezing out here. Uh— I’ll give this to Mrs Go.”
Shouldn’t he be concerned about his health first, though…? Rather than worrying about whether you feel cold, you think as you follow him into the house.
It makes you chuckle, somehow.
Taehyung leaves the bag on the kitchen counter and meets you in the ample living room; he catches you taking a look at some pictures, some even dating back to when he was a child. In one, he appears with another boy you think is Jimin, playing in the snow with folded arms and a grim face. Some with his parents, his younger siblings or friends, and some others where he does not appear. Decades of family history. And suddenly, you come across the image of Mr and Mrs Kim posing with your parents, and it makes your heart shrink.
You move away from the row of pictures and stand up. “Sorry, I was just looking.”
There are no comments from him, though; Taehyung is too busy staring at you in silence. You look away and suddenly remember why you’re actually here, so you shove your hand into your purse and take out the papers.
“Sir—? Actually, I came to see you about something else… I’m really sorry to bother you when you’re sick, but Mr Park left me in charge—”
You shrug. “Uh, Park Jimin said I was in charge until you recovered, so Mr Lee called me and asked if it was possible—”
“I can’t believe it!” he grunts and takes out his phone. “He should’ve stayed since he was the one who insisted that I go home,” Taehyung continues, typing aggressively.
“I asked him to,” you cut him off with a guilty feeling in your chest. He stops typing and looks down at your hand on top of his. “You wouldn’t listen to me, so I asked Mr Park to persuade you to go home and rest. I don’t mind being in charge – I like it.”
Taehyung stifles a grin at the sound of you saying that you like being in charge, almost forgetting that his brother is a smartass and took advantage of the situation. Then you realise you’re still grasping his hand, and you jerk it away from him, mumbling an apology. You don’t know if his blush is due to the cold or something else.
“Tell him to email me, that’s not something—”
“Taetae! I’m leaving!”
The door opens, and Mrs Kim walks into the room as she puts on a pair of gloves.
“I see my son is in good hands,” the woman says. “Honestly, Taetae pretends to be carefree and easy, but he’s hardworking – sometimes even too much.”
“Mom, she’s not here to take care of me, don’t—”
“You better do everything Y/N-ssi does, huh?” his mother continues. “Since she was kind enough to drop by and bring her family broth. That’s a privilege, Taehyungie.”
You nod with a soft smile and bid her goodbye in the entrance hall as the housekeeper helps her into her sturdy winter coat. Taehyung murmurs a ‘goodbye’ next to you and turns around as soon as the door is shut closed.
“Taetae, huh?”
He gasps. “It’s a— it’s my nickname from when I was a child. Nobody calls me that anymore.”
“Really? That’s a shame,” you retort. “I think it’s cute.”
The silence in the room feels heavy on your shoulders as you look at each other. Taehyung is actually mortified at the mere idea that you might feel forced not only to stay but also to take care of your useless boss. The last thing he wants is to be a nuisance to you, he thinks as a coughing fit takes over him.
“You’re still too weak, Taehyung-ssi,” you say, putting your hand on his shoulder. “You’d better get back into bed.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, you can go home—”
But you take him by the shoulders with a big smile and exclaim, “It’s the least I could do for my boss. Now, go to bed! I’ll figure out how to heat up the broth, all right?”
Honestly, it’s not like you have anything else to do – you don’t really have a life outside your jobs, neither of them. They’ve taken away the good one, the one that makes you rich and privileged, so what else are you supposed to do? Go home and binge-watch a series just to get depressed on your uncomfy little bed while you devour a musty bag of crisps—? Not today.
As you watch Taehyung head back to his bedroom with the blanket folded around his arm and an unsure step, you finally relax; you would have never imagined that Mrs Kim would recognise you, but then again, it’s quite normal for any mother with a child of marriageable age to have complete control over the opposite gender population of his shared demographic. Your own grandmother knows the face of every single bachelor on the continent.
The microwave beeps, and you take the steaming bowl from inside.
You were lucky that things didn’t go wrong. Mrs Kim could very well have mentioned your real identity, or Kim Taehyung could have talked about work. That’s a weight off your chest, you guess.
In a hurry, you leave the burning bowl on the worktop before it burns your fingers. You blow on them and turn on the cold water until the burning subsides, and then take the bowl away with a cloth. Now, where could be Kim Taehyung’s room? You didn’t think about that.
You’re too embarrassed to ask any of the staff, so you just wander around the house while the broth cools down.
After three restrooms, a pantry, and a cloakroom, you finally knock on a door and hear a weak ‘come in’. “It’s me,” you say, pressed against the door. “I— I can’t open by myself, could you—?”
Finally, the door opens.
Seeing you smile with the steamy bowl in your hands, Taehyung steps aside and lets you in. While you settle on a neat desk near his bed, he follows you closely and stands awkwardly by your side, waiting for you to say anything. He feels guilty enough that you’re wasting your free time taking care of him for some odd sense of responsibility of yours, and now he’s starting to feel guilty for enjoying your martyr-like company.
“Are you sure you don’t mind staying with me?”
You look up at him while setting the tray on the bedside table. “Uh, do you want me to leave?”
“No!” he rushes to say, and your stomach flutters. “No, I mean— I just don’t want you to feel forced to stay and look after your silly boss.”
You let out a chuckle.
“Believe me, sir, I wouldn’t be here if I—”
“Taehyung.” His voice makes you stop, almost making you drop the spoon as well. “Please, call me Taehyung, just Taehyung. If you don’t mind, of course,” he rushes to add at the sight of your wide-eyed bashfulness.
As soon as you’ve come around again, you nod slowly, murmuring that of course, you don’t mind calling him by his name. He can call you by yours as well, with a bit less formality if he wants. That’s all you say as you finish fixing the not-so-delicious-looking broth on the tray for him to put on his lap.
“Isn’t this awkward? For you, I mean,” Taehyung mumbles out of the blue.
You watch him get into bed. “What is?”
“I don’t know, seeing your boss in his pyjamas, seeing him stuffy, snotty. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate it. It’s just that I can’t stop thinking about you being forced to just because my mother thought—”
“If you don’t feel comfortable with me here, just tell me,” you say. “But I’m glad to see you’re feeling better, and—” Maybe you’re just insisting too much on skirting the shore with indifferent formalities. Maybe that’s what’s making Kim Taehyung think he’s forcing you. So, you take a sit on the chair next to him and lean into him. “I’m very happy to look after you… Taehyung.”
He just stares at you, and you feel like an idiot for even speaking.
The thing is, you don’t notice the way Taehyung grips the edge of the blanket while his stomach flutters like crazy. You don’t notice him, but he feels the same kind of embarrassment towards himself for getting excited about such a silly thing.
But, then again, you’re very happy to take care of him, aren’t you? Didn’t you just say that?
“Smells good,” he blurts out, desperate to change the subject. “T-the broth, I mean— did you make it yourself?”
“It’s a family recipe,” you say.
Taehyung chuckles softly, almost tenderly, and then watches you raise the spoon on your way to feed him. His brain freezes immediately, arms fidgeting without a clue what to do – until you crack up a laugh.
“Come on, be a good boy and suck it up,” you insist.
He obediently sticks out his tongue and opens his mouth, and you have to fight the urge to rub your thighs together. As a result, you shove the spoon into his mouth.
“Fuck, sorry!” Taehyung keeps coughing with a grimace. “I’m sorry, Taehyung, really! Are you—”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he murmurs, still frowning in disgust.
You let out a relieved sigh and put the bowl aside to inspect the spilt broth on his pyjama shirt; the greasy liquid has stained its neck, advancing through the fabric. You click your tongue and grab the cloth to wipe it, but this only spreads the stain. You’re starting to panic when you feel him shake, and when you look up, you realise he’s laughing.
“I thought I’d hurt you,” you groan as you throw the cloth on the table. “Since you were making faces…”
“I’m okay.”
“Is it hot?”
His eyes soften. “A bit.”
You get up, but only to move the armchair closer to his bed. You blow on the next spoonful before feeding him the spoon this time. There is no need to comment on the fact that his arms work perfectly and that you’ve been spoon-feeding him by instinct.
“Thank you,” he murmurs before taking it into his mouth and swallowing.
Taehyung grimaces again when the strong, bitter flavour kicks his tastebuds but rushes to soften his face.
“Don’t pretend it’s good,” you tell him off with a genuinely amused chuckle, drawing away the spoon, “I know it’s disgusting. It’s supposed to be bad.”
With this new info, he finds it easier to finish the broth.
You chat about trifles for a while longer, telling him what’s been going on in the office while he’s been away, and discussing the big project that’s been on everyone’s mind lately. The launch is barely a week away and there is still a lot to do; especially now that everyone is coming to you for answers and guidance. Luckily, that is your major asset.
“You look sleepy,” you whisper. Taehyung is barely able to keep his eyes half-open. “Get some sleep, I’ll clear this up.”
You get up and start stacking the bowl with the chopsticks and the herd of empty glasses he has accumulated on the bedside table throughout the day. With it in your arms, you quietly leave his bedroom, meeting the housekeeper, who kindly takes it to the kitchen. Now, bored and with nothing to do – because watching Taehyung sleep seems to cross a line – you wander around the house.
The entrance door closes suddenly.
Park Jimin is standing in the middle of the living room as he walks in, dusting the hoarfrost off the sleeves of his thick coat. He’s just as surprised to see you there.
“You really are a stickler.” Jimin is the first to speak. “Did you come to talk about the project? I’ve already discussed it with—”
“I came to see how President Kim was doing.”
“Oh, I see…” he murmurs, still grinning. “How did you find him?”
“Better than this morning. He’s eaten and taken some medicine, and now he’s asleep. I was just stretching my legs,” you say, looking down at your feet. It does feel like you’ve run a marathon.
“Are you after his money?”
You turn around, quiet, as he takes off his scarf and crosses the room, giving you a side-eyed glance.
But the idea is so far-fetched that it doesn’t even offend you. “I actually prefer to make my own money, sir,” you reply.
“I know you’re not,” Jimin suddenly says as he stops right in front of you. For some reason, you don’t feel the need to fight him on this – since you’re pretty positive you don’t need any man’s cash. “Sorry if I upset you, I was just pulling your leg.”
“You care about him,” you say with a soft smile.
“He’s my brother.”
Jimin then looks at you in silence, and he tries to say something else, you can tell he does before the housekeeper bursts into the living room, wanting to know who has just arrived. Surprisingly, her body goes stiff as soon as Park Jimin enters her visual field, and the woman bows her head with little enthusiasm or even respect.
“I’d better go now that Mr Park has arrived to look after Taehyung, I guess,” you blurt out, crossing your arms.
“Oh, I’m not here to stay,” Jimin says, glancing at the housekeeper. “Don’t worry, madam. I just popped in to drop off some snacks for Tae. I know Mrs Kim doesn’t like him to—”
“Mrs Kim knows how to take care of her son, sir.”
Jimin sighs and lowers his voice, “You don’t mind staying a bit longer, do you? I don’t like leaving Taehyung alone with her.” You nod at his words and take the plastic bag he hands you before wrapping his scarf back around his neck. “Thank you, Y/N-ssi.”
You watch Mrs Go carefully on Park Jimin’s way out; you notice her contracted, almost contemptuous face, and how she does not relax until the man disappears through the door.
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By the time Taehyung is back in the waking world, his bedroom is awash in the amber light of dusk. Everything is utterly silent, even the city seen through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Then he notices a pressure on his left arm, and he finds you asleep over him, your body rising and falling quietly.
You’re a hard worker, he can totally give you that. Maybe he allowed you to overwork yourself.
You are a very peculiar woman, he is sure of that; diligent and intelligent, but also secretly sweet. Although he is somewhat embarrassed to talk about himself like this, his surroundings have always taught him that most people, especially attractive women, would approach him to take advantage of him, his money, or his position. But you, on the contrary— you’re too straightforward, too abrasive to be one of those people, aren’t you?
Maybe he went out of his mind thinking that you like him.
Ah, silly, silly Taehyung, soft-hearted Kim Taehyung, like his aunt used to say. Some things never change, no matter how hard he tries to become colder. He was a silly boy, and now he’s a silly man.
His hand moves on its own when a strand of your hair slides down your cheek, brushing it behind your ear with his thumb. Your skin feels warm.
You’re his secretary, for God’s sake. He can’t be that stupid – he can’t stoop that low.
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Don’t hesitate to like, reblog, and leave some feedback if you liked it! It’s always good and encouraging to know what you think <3
“LOVE: undercover” is copyright ²⁰²³ Lola Bangtan, all rights reserved.
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simp4eshal · 4 months
main masterlist
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Criminal minds
daddy issues (aaron x reader)
mornin sweetheart (spencer x reader) smut !!
we fell in love in october (spencer x reader)
Yes ma'am (spencer x reader) suggestive !!
The boy is mine (spencer x reader masterlist)
Reassurance (spencer x reader) suggestive !!
As your husband, I declare you mine (spencer x reader) smut !!
Solace (spencer x reader)
If being lovable was a crime (spencer x reader) suggestive !!
Ryd (seokjin x reader) smut !!
ocean's laments (taehyung x oc/reader)
"she’s a maneater" masterlist suggestive !!
2022 masterlist
Death herself was a beauty part 2 suggestive !!
Death herself was a beauty
Count Vronsky x reader - Ballroom - Anna Karenina smut !!
Anakin Skywalker x reader- Silent treatment - Star Wars
Teacher x student imagine smut !!
OC x reader - Baby you're the meanest - (childish gambino inspired) smut !!
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kiss kiss xx
(the art is not mine)
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chunghasweetie · 4 months
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chunghasweetie master list … ♡
jeon jungkook
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ʚïɞ can’t let it go
ʚïɞ physically obsessed
ʚïɞ he give it to me
ʚïɞ he won’t touch you like me
ʚïɞ hooked up on the feeling
ʚïɞ put it on me
ʚïɞ thinkin’ bout you
ʚïɞ wrong in the right way
ʚïɞ i got it girl, oh i got you girl
ʚïɞ craving the connection
park jimin
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ʚïɞ prince of poison 1
ʚïɞ prince of poison 2
ʚïɞ closer
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byuljoonie · 9 months
Plastic off the sofa // kth
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I like it, baby
pairing: dom!kth x fem!reader
genre: smut, drabble, ftl, unedited
word count: 1.7k (Prologue)<—coming soon
warnings: spit, unsafe sẽx, choking, anal play (fingers), oral 4f, downward dog, deep voice shenanigans, pet names, intimate love ig🥹
Note: spare me it’s thursday and I’m reeling !! Hope you enjoy🕴🏾 -dubu♡
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A faint blush resonated on your cheeks in the car, every passing street making the butterflies flutter away in your tummy.
Taehyung gripped the steering wheel firmly, eyes concentrating on the road in front of him. A small smile lingered on his lips upon entering the vehicle. His recent brazen behavior echoing through his mind.
You glanced at him secretly trying not to make a sound, yet like he can read your thoughts he looked over at you unexpectedly.
“Something on your mind, pretty?” He turned back to the road, his attention still focused on your dilatory response.
“Mmhm.” You said shyly, titling your head to cutely punctuate your playful words. He turned down a familiar street his apartment building coming into sight.
“And what would that be, y/n?” He said huskily, glancing over at you with a smirk plastered on his slightly swollen lips.
“You.” He pulled into his parking garage and turned off the engine, taking his seatbelt off swiftly to shift in his seat and kiss you. Reaching over the console was uncomfortable but your lips soothed any thought of pain in his body.
He pulled away from the intense kiss letting you catch your breath, “ready?” He questioned breathlessly. You nodded biting your lip unconsciously.
He walked around the car to let you out, locking the door as you walked hand in hand to the elevator. Once inside the apartment, his demeanor changed completely. He walked over to the large sofa leaning against the side of it coolly.
“Come here, baby.” As if your feet were uprooted from the ground you crossed the space between you. His hands instinctively wrapping around your waist as he pulled you in. He stared down at you entranced by your beauty, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“Listen closely, okay?” He began seriously, “I don’t want to hurt you, so you have to tell me when you’re uncomfortable.” He searched your face for any trace of fear or worry, but he was met with a sultry half-smile.
“I want you to use me, Taehyung.” You watched his eyes darken in delight, a huff being pushed through his pink lips from a small chuckle. He ran a hand down the back of your neck, gripping and pulling your head back. Squeezing your lips open and spitting in your mouth without warning. Your cheeks warmed up at his actions, but you swallowed submissively, your pussy getting wetter by the second.
“My pleasure, angel.” His lips found your neck in a frenzy, being met with a small hiss as he soothed over your love marks with his tongue.
“All mine,” he muttered against your neck, sending a vibration down your already sensitive skin. You feel his hands snake their way down your waist, tugging at the zipper on the side of your skirt. He ran a finger down your thigh, running his hand under your skirt to feel your dewy skin.
He placed his hands on the hem of your skirt yanking it down your legs and letting it hit the floor. “Turn around,” he said gingerly running his lips along your lower jawline making your eyes close in bliss. “Need to make you feel good.”
His eyes pour into yours as he runs his hands along your curves, savoring the feel of your body. He halted his movements over your clothed chest. Removing your shirt and massaging your tits until they were aching for more. He carefully spun you around, removing himself from the sofa. Letting you face away from him and bend over the arm.
He sunk to the floor letting his knees make contact with the plush rug that stretched luxuriously throughout his living room. He placed a hand on your backside and spread your legs slightly. Craning forward and placing a kiss on your ass cheek. Without warning you felt his nose nudge against your pussy, your arousal slipping down your leg.
“Please,” you murmur, knees buckling when Taehyung articulately licked a strip down your swollen cunt. He inhaled your scent lustfully, groaning in elation.
“Such a pretty pussy, baby” he ran his middle and ring finger down your slit collecting the juice like a sweet nectar was at his disposal. He placed his fingers on his tongue moaning at the taste, a shiver creeping down your spine.
He rose from his position on the floor, crouching slightly as 2 of his fingers rested over your cunt. He sank his fingers inside you, watching as you arched into his touch.
“Shit —” he cursed, slowly pulling out and setting a steady pace, learning your body and its reactions. “Taking my fingers like a good little slut. What happened to my Angel hmm?”
You whimpered at his words, fucking yourself steadily on his nimble fingers, earning a chuckle from him that almost sounded like a deep rumble escaping his chest. You clenched around his fingers tightly, rutting backwards letting out a pitiful whine.
He massaged your clit with the palm of his hand as his fingers press knuckle deep inside you. He moved his thumb to rest over your asshole, not halting his movements.
“Can I?” He asks putting slightly pressure where his thumb is. You nod sheepishly, cheeks warm and flushed as his fingers violate you.
“Good girl” he groans, pressing his thumb into your hole, his breath catching in his throat at the feeling. Desperate moans fall from your lips as he increases his speed.
“Taehyung,” you whimper softly, brain turning to mush. He hummed with faux empathy, leaning down to kiss and lick at your hot exposed skin.
“I’m so close,” you stutter weakly, chest heaving to catch a breath. He finger fucked you relentlessly smiling at the way your body reacted to his touch.
“Gonna cum for me, pretty?” He taunted sexily, groaning when you clenched around his fingers in response, your mess coating your legs and his unforgiving hand. He pulled you closer to your orgasm, the knot in your stomach unraveling intensely. With a cry of his name your hips bucked as you arched back slightly, shaking. He slipped his fingers from your cunt, rubbing your overstimulated clit as you cum all over his hand.
“So good for me, beautiful.” He stood up quickly, moving you over to the spacious sofa, letting you rest your weight on him as he sat you down. He stood in front of you swiftly removing his shirt and losing his pants in the same motion. You stare at his body in awe, finally getting to take in the man you now call lover.
“Lay on your back for me,” he leaned down planting a kiss on your pouty lips. You nodded against his lips, moaning into the kiss when his hand unexpectedly met your neck, squeezing firmly.
You broke apart and obediently followed his orders, shivering when your bare skin made contact with the chilly fabric. You heard rustling behind you and assumed Taehyung was discarding his boxers. A lustful creature snuck into your body as you felt your pussy leak onto the cushion, muttering soft moans as you writhed desperately.
Taehyung watched you amazement, the tip of his cock aggressively leaking down his shaft. He was uncomfortably hard, veins prominent around his shaft.
He climbed over you, hovering with one arm down to steady himself and the other hand lazily stroking his cock. You huffed in frustration shaking your ass slightly to encourage Taehyung to hurry. He grabbed a nearby pillow and gently placed it under your lower stomach, increasing the angle of your hips.
“Patience, princess” he groaned out huskily, fisting his girthy cock firmly. He lowered himself and ran his tip through your folds, collecting your wetness while relishing in the raunchy squelching noises.
“Need you hyungie, please” you begged mercilessly, craning back for more friction against his length. He sunk into you slowly, moaning at the warmth of your wet cunt. You whined at the pleasurable stretch gripping the edge of the sofa tightly as you took him completely in. He let you adjust to his size before he started kissing down your back, retracting his hips before hurriedly going back inside you.
He ground his hips against your ass, pinning your hands beside your body. He took his time fucking you passionately into the soft cushions. He moaned your name deeply, complimenting your body in endearing ways.
“You take my dick so good,” he cooed sweetly, looking down to watch your bodies connect in a sticky mess. His movements speeding up steadily as he found your sweet spot. You yelled his name in pleasure, tears brimming your eyes as he aggressively fucked into you repeatedly.
“Fuck —“ you barely whimpered out, face flush against the cushions. Your chest heaving, nipples sensitive as they rub on the soft fabric. You felt the knot in your stomach tightening again, your eyes stinging with tears.
“Your pussy is so pretty when you clench around me,” his hips rhythmically stutter downward, his balls slapping against your exposed skin. The filthy sound of moans and heavy breathing filled the living room.
“Hyungie, can I cum for you please?” You cried out pushing back to meet his hips with every thrust.
“Yeah?” He crooned hotly, “you wanna cum for me, slut?” He pressed more of his weight down on you, leaning down to approve of your dire question.
You felt your stomach tightening upon your release, sparks flying through your body as he fucked you through your orgasm, slowing down his thrusts. You felt his cock twitch inside you, causing you to clench around him. He shuttered at the feeling, sloppily fucking you before he released ribbons of warm cum inside you.
He slipped his cock out of you, turning you over and sliding in the space next to you. You rested your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as you both came down from your everlasting high. He kissed your forehead attentively.
“Was I too rough, angel?” Taehyung asked worriedly, running his hand down your shoulder to your arm until his hand reached yours, grabbing it tightly.
You smiled up at him softly, eyes filled with unadulterated love. You squeeze his hand in response, rubbing small hearts on his chest with your other hand. Bodies entangled on the sofa with silent admiration closing the minimal space.
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syluss-slut · 6 months
🥞🧃Breakfast, is served.
Pairings: Sub!yoongi×Dom!reader
Warnings: starts fluffy, ends smutty. Thigh fuck, edging, reader has chubby thighs, mention of reader having no thigh gap (can you tell this is a self insert??) Oral, mrecieving, cum swallowing and I think that's about it, lmk if I missed any.
Genre: smut
It was a chill thursday morning, you both have a day off due to a national holiday.
You don't ever remember the last time you and yoongi woke up in each other's arms without not having the dawning realization that you're both late due to missed alarms.
Presently, it's 11am and soft morning light seeps in through your curtains.
You wake up to his strong veiny arm around your waist and his leg swung over your hip, trapping you as the small spoon under the covers. The warmth of the covers effortlessly took you back to dreamland.
After what probably was 30 more minutes, you wake and make an effort to stay awake. Yoongi was still asleep.
"You looks so very cute right now" you think to yourself, smiling internally as you adore him in his peaceful slumber.
You feel so safe around yoongi.
Hopping off the bed, you head to the bathroom to freshen up and start your day.
After completing your morning skincare, you make way to the kitchen to make some breakfast for you and him, putting on the thriller podcast you were listening to in the background.
While you prepare the waffle batter for yourself and the pancake batter for him, you hear the shuffling of feet and a fresh-from-sleep-messy-hair-yoongi comes into view.
You look at him and make eye contact, recieving a lazy smile from him as he rubs the sleep from his eyes.
You turn your attention back to the task at hand, when you feel hands on your waist and his head on your shoulder; which, quite frankly, surprised you.
Yoongi was never this affectionate so early into the start of his day. Neither were you. Which is, very understandable in itself.
What truly shocks you is when he nuzzles his head on your shoulder and lets out a hum, making your eyebrow raise in confusion.
"Whatever" you think to yourself and shrug it off, back to focusing on the breakfast when you felt his backhug tighten leaving almost no space between you two.
Then, you felt it. Something poking your underbutt.
You smirk to yourself, amused at the situation and move around a bit, "accidentally" rubbing up against yoongi.
His breathing picked up a bit.
"Love you do know, you can tell me you need me whenever wherever instead of giving signs?" You end your sentence with a chuckle; and you swore you heard a small whimper from him.
"Can I?" He asks, moments later. Yoongi's voice still raspy from the sleep.You simply nod in approval.
Your back is still to him when you hear the shuffling of clothes and the ever–familiar sound of him spitting into his own hand to use it as lube.
Positioning himself in between your thighs, he sighs due to the lack of friction simply because you chose to wear shorts to sleep last night.
This was one of those rare times you were happy that you had absolutely no thigh gap whatsoever.
Feeling him thrust up, you rub your thighs together, earning a gasp (which was more of a moan) from him.
Hearing him pant from behind you as holds onto your waist for dear life was entertaining to say the least.
Your hand reaches up to his head in the crook of your neck and your fingertips caress his scalp.
As you flip over the last pancake from the pan, you feel him nearing his climax.
"Be a good boy and hold back from it for a bit, will you?" You say in a low tone, eliciting a nod from him.
"Words baby" you warn, clenching your thighs.
"Y-yes" yoongi manages to get out between gasps.
He was so good. Listening to you when everything about his body language was begging him to cum already.
Turning off the stove, you set aside the last pancake and push him back.
He stumbles and stabilizes himself against the kitchen island, looking at you with his brows furrowed and a desperate look in his eyes.
You move towards him and get on your knees, almost eye-level with his angry pinkish-red tip smeared with his own spit and precum, awaiting stimulus.
You look up at him, only to find him looking down at you with blown out pupils and looking like he'd start crying if you edged him anymore.
Yoongi shuddered and his grip on the table counter got firmer as he felt you engulf him.
Your hot mouth welcomed him as your tongue started feeling him up, tracing the veins that adored his length.
His breaking point was when you focused on applying pressure on that specific spot under the tip. He started moaning like crazy and started thrusting up.
One of Yoongi's shaky hand reached down and gathered the hair that had fallen on your face and held it in a make-shift ponytail, gripping it firmly enough just to keep it out of the way but not pull on your roots.
Spit had started to dribble out the sides of your mouth and down your chin at this point, where you just sat and let yoongi use your throat; occasionally letting your teeth graze against it.
"Oh fuck–oh fuck—____ I'm gonna-" he tries to warn you, his words cut-off as you hum in approval, knowing what was to happen. That vibration shot straight to his dick and he came. He came with a shout of your name as his eyes crossed and rolled back.
You swallowed it, swallowed it all and wiped your lips clean.
Standing up, you grab the neckline of his white long-sleeved tshirt and pull him in for a kiss.
Yoongi let a moan slip as you playfully bit his lower lip.
"Breakfast, is served" you say as you pull away.
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madammidnightsblog · 1 year
Warning: sex, buttplug (m&f), public settings, sub idol, dom f!reader, Bang PD (brief), park setting (once), handcuffs, voyeur , fan meet (once)
Namjoon isn't really into buttplugs but he is more than willing to wear one if you ask, there is almost nothing he wouldn't do if you asked. But he feels funny wearing one in the studio with Bang Hitman working alongside him, the toy occasionally humming softly against a sensitive spot if he squirms too much and to make it worse, you were sitting in the same room. Your eyes staring at the back of his head which made his heart pound even more against his chest and he felt himself grow more aroused at the thought of you turning the toy completely up and having him a moaning mess in front of the older man. It really took everything in this man to cover every moan that would slip out and from palming himself through his sweats to somehow make the agonizing pace of the plug to grow more intense and just give his poor dick some friction that it was silently begging for.
"What do you think? Do you think it would work with the chorus or should we move it to the bridge?" Bang questioner as he skimmed over the roughly scribbled idea, wanting the younger man's opinion to organize the chaos that filled the page.
"Uh, well," Namjoon mentally slapped himself for not paying attention but could you blame him? He was in a tough situation and really wanted to work as diligently as he could but the damn plug really made it it hard to prioritize.
Bang notices how confused he looked and took in considering that they were working for about five hours and it was close to two in the morning so he thought he must be tired so he started to pack up, "Don't worry about it. You must be tired so we can finish later after some sleep so get some rest and I'll call around one- thirty." With that, he felt after bidding you goodbye.
You got up and walked over to the panting male as he leans back in his office chair, eyes screwed shirt while his right hand came down to his crotch to gently rub his erection, "You did such a good job baby." You praised as you sat in the chair that the former CEO was seated.
Namjoon whimpered softly as you took out your phone and turned off the plug, "May I cum now?"
You looked up at him surprise. You were sure he silently came a few times but those sucks in breath and squeezing of the arm rest was him holding back? Now that was more amusing. Cocking your head to the side and folded a leg over the other with a smirk, "Why didn't you cum pretty boy? You had about three hours of torture and all the chances to do so."
Namjoon turned his chair toward you, his hands were tugging at the draw strings in anticipation, "Because you never told me to." He whimpers.
"Go head baby. Cum as many times you want, you earned it for being such a good boy for Mommy." With that, he yanked down his sweats and boxers to reveal a twitching and leaking dick.
"I can't-please-can't!" He cried as his hands yanked at the cuffs, the metal clanking against the chair with every tug.
You sat in front of him, sipping your wine with a pleased smile as you watched as he breaks down in front of you after his third orgasm washed over him, painting his stomach and lap in his release. Something about watching him cry and cum without stopping makes you feel so powerful because of the pretty way he cries and begs and the way his beautiful body shakes with every release, the pearly white liquid painting his golden skin. His moans and cries were heavenly, almost as if he was singing such a beautiful song and the sobs came out like a loud yet sweet chorus that he made specifically just for you and it made your pussy ache. The plug in his ass and the vibrator that was tapped to his dick was the cause of his pleasure and the reason of his uncontrollable orgasms and they weren't stopping anytime soon, not until he said 'sheep'.
"You can take it, you've done it before." You singed before taking another sip, the refreshing taste of Pinot Grigio made you hum.
"Fuck, Mommy, please!" He sobbed, his dick twitched against his abdomen.
You hummed in thought, eyes staring at the glass in your hand and watched how the golden clear liquid that swirled with every soft roll of your wrist. You really didn't need to think about joining your boyfriend but you wanted to make him wait, keeping him on his toes and holding to the desperation which was what you did. Flicking your eyes back at him to see his glossy eyes as they stared into yours before placing your glass on the table next to you before getting up, slowly making your way over to him which had him whimpering for you. The clicking of your heels made his fingers dig into the armrests in attempt to hold what's left of his control and the fact that you were in just heels and one of his button of shirts made his dick ache.
Standing behind the chair, you slowly slid your hands down to his wrists to gently rub at them, "Are you sure you want me to do anything, darling? You seem to have enough fun with those toys." You teased as you eyes the two vibrators.
A sob left his lips, "Y-Yes, touch me, fuck, please."
He isn't the type to act honey in public or even attempt to do anything that remotely resembles a sexual act that isn't dancing so when you asked him to wear a plug and go for a walk at a park, he was quick to turn it down. So when you said you'd wear it instead, he was more nervous about it but didn't mutter a complaint since you were the one to want to do it but he was scared that a child would hear or an elderly person would see how your legs were wobbling and the no so quiet moans and call the cops. Everything was going smoothly, your wobbles were so noticeable and your moans were at a minimum or seen as coughs which did get you two some odd looks but Hoseok didn't care because his mind was occupied with the flashes of you putting the plug in but that was until you held onto his shoulder.
"Fuck." You moaned softly, your free hand was itching to cup your crotch in hopes to touch yourself.
Swallowing dryly, Hoseok did his best to guide you towards an empty and closed off area, "J-Just give me a second." He whispered.
The poor man almost tripped over his feet when he heard you moan his name. He was trying so hard to avoid any issues so you two could be in private but a woman that was jogging by turned around once noticing how you struggled to walk properly thanks to the rising volume of the plug, "Hey, are you ok? Do you need an ambulance?" She questioned while taking out her earbuds.
Shaking your head, you forced a smile which looked borderline lewd, "I'm.. I'm fine. Just got a cramp." You quickly said, trying to avoid slipping out a moan.
The woman eyes him before looked back at you but when Hoseok helped you stand up better, you bud goodbye before you two made your way to the public bathroom. Once inside, he quickly but slowly dragged you to a stall which you were glad he did because you were too overwhelmed with pleasure you were sure you wouldn't be able to walk anymore without someone realizing what was up. You took off your shirt and sat on the edge of the toilet, pulling your legs up to your chest after making sure you wouldn't fall off and told him to hurry. It was hard to keep going without his dick inside of you by know.
"I'm so full." He moans as he spreads his cheeks to show off the pretty blue plug in his ass, his white thong pushed to the side.
Biting your lip, you slipped onto the bed while reaching a hand out to rub his erection through the damp material. Soft purrs left his pillowy lips made you shiver in excitement, wanting nothing but to rip the thin fabric off and suck his cute cocklet. With every rub to his small dick, you spewed out filth which had him whimpering and rutting up against your hand which you allowed, loving how needy and desperate he is for you. You were more than happy to make him wait for you until he was a sobbing mess, getting turned on by the way he sobs for you and his big pretty eyes filled with tears that spill down his round cheeks. Tracing his bugle through the material had him shaking and breath hitching, the vibrator purring softly as his velvet walls squeeze around the toy as if it will slip out.
"Such a pretty kitty," you swallowed thickly as you took in his beauty, "And all mine." With that, you yanked the panties off which made him gasp in shock.
You got tired of seeing the thin material already, wanting to see him bare under you and marked so you wasted no time, lifting a leg of his to press a kiss to his ankle and slowly made your way to knee. Lowering yourself slowly, your eyes stared into his glossy ones as you slipped your tongue out and licked a stripe to his inner thigh, licking before pressing sloppy kisses to the soft flesh as his moans came out in soft puffs. Legs spreading further to allow you to lay comfortably between them and placed playful bites to the area before turning your attention to his twitching cocklet once again.
"Want help?"
Biting his lip as he looked away shyly, "Yes, please."
He's bold with anything kink related, believing it will be better if taken risks so the plug was pushed into his hole before a fan meet and he was more than excited. You being a staff member, you were there playing with the remote in your pocket and watching how he would struggle to speak and even sing which did get him concerned looks from the members and fans but it only made you both aroused. Trying to sign an album, he leaned his head onto the table and let out a shaky moan as the toy was turned all the way up, his eyes squeezed closed and jaw going slack which made the fan in front of him worry and Namjoon and Taehyung next to him ask him if he was alright. He was shaking and squeezing the pen as his thighs squeezed together, trying to calm himself down from his high but his mind was just going blank.
"I'm fine, fuck, I just got a cramp." He gasped, shifting slightly in his seat as the toy was turned down to the lowest setting.
He was trying his best to ignore the mess he made in his pants but when you came into view he was whimpering softly, wanting you to hold him and call him your good boy for cumming but you couldn't. Pouting, he quickly scribbled down his signature and got ready for the next fan, ignoring the looks the members and the manager shot him while forcing a smile to the squeaking fan. Every second talking, singing, and chatting with the small span of time with the fans was exhausting since all his entertainment was drained from that orgasm but thankfully it went by quick without the toy going past low so he managed. Once everything was finished, he rushed off the stage and to the nearest bathroom with you in tow and thankfully no one was around the area to stop you from following him into there. Locking the door behind you, you barely got to turn around without him yanking you into his embrace.
"Bunny, calm down. Don't wanting anyone bothering us." You whispered, noses touching from how close you were.
He whined, "Hurry up then Mommy, need a kiss."
With that, you closed the gap by smashing your lips against his which made him moan into the kiss as his hands shot down to his belt and unbuckled it. Hastily, he undid his pants and pushed the down to his ankles while you did the same with yours. Pulling back earned you a whine but you shushed him before pushing him onto the toilet after he dropped his boxers. Knowing you two had to be quick before they started to look for him, you pushed your panties to the side to reveal your sopping cunt which had him moaning at the sight of your slick sticking to the fabric of your panties.
"Be quiet baby." You ordered before hovering over his dick, slowly sinking down onto it with ease.
"Mommy." He moans against your breast, his tongue lazily swirling around your nipple which made you sigh.
Your hand pumping his dick made him whine and moan as your thumb pressed against his utheral hole teasingly. His eyes closed in bliss as he sucked contently at your swollen bud which you were more than happy to see because his flushed face was pressed against your breast cutely. Times like this is why tented windows of the company van was a wonder, letting your cute baby boy suck onto your breast while you have him a handjob, doing your best to match whatever spear the plug in his ass was going. With you in his lap, he was comfortable since your scent and warmth made it better to him and the toy in his ass had him holding you tighter, making it a little difficult to move your hand between both of your legs.
"You are so needy. I spoil you too much, don't I? Taking time out of your schedule to make my prince feel good because he is so needy for his Mommy, hm?" You sighed mindlessly, knowing his mind was somewhere else based how he tried to fuck up into your hand.
His eyebrows furrowed as the pleasure built up, the knot in his stomach slowly coming undone so he squeezed your waist, sucking harsher which made your head press against his as you moaned. Thrusting upwards sent him over the edge, spilling his release onto your hand and his thighs, detaching his lips from your bud to moan out your name. Panting softly, he leaned his head back against the seat while you reached behind you and into the glove compartment to get the wet wipes and cleaned him up while handing him his water bottle. You smiled and praised him while cleaning up the mess and he couldn't help but bury his face into your neck, breathing in your scent as he closed his eyes.
Yoongi would never be caught dead doing anything sexual in public, he wouldn't allow himself to be lewd anywhere that wasn't in the safety of your shared apartment. It would take a lot to convince this man to wear a plug in public for more than twenty minutes out of fear of someone noticing him and try to approach him. He was way too well known for something like that to happen to you decided to make him do it when the members were supposed to come over and have dinner. You were cleaning up the kitchen with Namjoon while Yoongi tried his best to stay quiet on the couch behind the maknae line sat on the floor, playing scrabble while he pressed the couch pillow against his chest in hope to ground himself. It was hard for him, the toy was coming in waves that thudding against his prostate thanks to the larger plug of choice. Having such a hard time, he got up and excused himself to the bedroom, in hopes to lock himself in for a minute and cum.
"I'm going to grab something from the bedroom and I'll meet you on the balcony." You excused yourself which Namjoon happily made his way to the balcony with his beer.
Making your way quietly down the hall, you heard Yoongi's soft moans between the laughs and fight of the younger members which made your heart race. You were itching to touch yourself at the idea of him taking care of his boner with everyone within earshot, it really made your pussy throb knowing if they wanted to they would hear him. Sneaking into the room that he forgot to lock, you watched his he humped the armrest of your chair in front of your makeup table, his pants straining his erection with every rut. Locking the door, you made your way over to the door and stood behind him, holding his waist which made him jolt back to reality and tried to pull away until you stop his to relax. Knowing it was you, he went back to rutting the armrest while letting out louder moans of your name.
"Just like that baby, move with the vibrations." You moaned as you pressed yourself against him.
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httpjungkookcom · 2 years
Wobbly Legs | JJK (m)
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Pairing | Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 7K-ish
Genre | Idol! Jungkook x "Man Eater”! Reader, Established Relationship Now (Excitinggg!!!)
Summary | Jungkook's never shy when asking you to try new things because he knows you'll never judge him, never laugh at him. (With malicious intent anyways.) That doesn't mean he's not nervous, hiding and ducking his head the entire time with a giant blush spread across his face while he's asking. With a bit of coaxing, Jungkook finally spits it out. Unknowingly, he's more in for it than he even realizes.
Index | pegging!!!, sexual content, dirty talking, Jungkook still gets praised a lot, fingering (male and female receiving), oral (male receiving), sub! Jk, bottom! jk, overstimulation, hair pulling, jungkook is still shy and flustered around the reader, jungkook in love like never before, makes sure his sweet gf cums like a good little bf, my personal bias for Jungkook’s nose (sue me lol), Reader is feral by the end of this lmao
A/N | Based off of my previous post, Man Eater Hunting. It's a long one, so I'll give you the general gist of it. Jungkook has a fat crush on the reader who happens to be Namjoon’s best friend, the reader thinks he just wants in her pants so she teases him for a while, pinning after each other for 40k words, and eventually proclaim their undying love for one another. In a secure, happy relationship by the end :) (A lot of fucking in between.) If you’d like to read it, it’s still pinned on my blog I believe. 
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Ever since the both of you’ve gone public with your relationship, Jungkook has been happier than ever. He gets to hold your hand in public, kiss your forehead, hug your waist, and do everything else under the sun without the worry of your lecturing. Your identity is still private, and most media respect it enough to at least not post an unblurred photo of your face. There are still plenty of photos of the both of you unblurred, but you try hard to look on the bright side. While being public means stress and worry for you in terms of media and cameras, seeing Kook be so happy makes the familiar warm feeling when you’re with him spread throughout your chest. The members are also all very supportive, their youngest visibly cheerier even on days he’s tired, worn down, or even lost a Mario Cart round against Taehyung. 
You, Namjoon, and Yoongi still have your little group inside the larger group, one that Jungkook’s been trying to invade for the last 3 months. Yoongi constantly kicks him out of your studio, producing party, whatever you wanna call them, nights, claiming it’s a “no boyfriends allowed,” party. Jungkook then gets your favorite food or drink and pouts outside the studio door until you’re all done. Tae and Jimin still take stabs at you and Kook every so often, just enough to start a playful banter but never enough to actually hurt your feelings anymore. Jin has always been supportive and still is if not more. And Hope still takes jabs when he can, more so at Jungkook just to get him going than you. And lastly, Jungkook’s still Jungkook, just as needy as the night you’d met at Joon’s party. 
Date night today, mine or your place? 
Jungkook’s notification flashes across your screen, phone resting on the kitchen island as you cook dinner. A giant smile spreads across your face before you can even think to stop it, rushing to text him back. You type back with your pinky, other fingers too dirty from the ingredients. 
Mine, I’m cooking already :) 
Be there in 15.
He’s over in 10 minutes max, softly knocking on your front door. You open it with your elbows, hands held away from anything that doesn’t need seasoning smeared against it. Quickly, you dodge the embrace that you know happens when Jungkook steps into your apartment, hurriedly running off back to the kitchen. “I don’t wanna get your nice shirt all dirty,” You justify your retreat before he even has a chance to ask, you already know it's coming from the soft exhale you just barely caught while running for security.  
“That doesn’t mean run away from meeee,” Kook whines back, following your warpath to the kitchen as he wraps his arms around your frame. He’s careful to keep his fingers away from any hot surfaces, taking the opportunity to place his palms on your chest without lecture. Besides that, he’s gone to the world as his face buries itself into your shoulder. “How’s your new job going?” He mumbles against your skin, causing goosebumps to shoot down your spine. Feeling the smirk from him on your skin, the little shit knows exactly what he’s doing. ”My little lead director of communications.” 
(Namjoon swears he didn’t put in a good word for you at his company regarding the application, but you’re almost 99% positive he did. You reassure yourself that you deserve to be there by saying the interview went well at least.)
“Everyone’s so nice, you know?” You begin, trying to fight off the laugh that threatens to overflow. “My new nickname is The girl Jeon Jungkook picks up after work, in the office. And sometimes it’s, Doesn’t he have a girlfriend? Is he having an affair?!!” You joke dryly, looking over your shoulder at him. “Because there’s no way we could everrr be in a relationship in this universe.” You chuckle.
At this, Jungkook tries hard not to laugh at your dismay. He doesn’t try very hard, eventually cracking up. “Hey, what can I say? I’m popular.” He cracks, earning him a soft elbow in the ribs that quickly makes him retreat away from you. “Sorry! Sorry! Do you want me to talk to them, and tell them it’s not cool? Or have a staff meeting about bullying and gossip?” 
Jungkook is lucky he’s so pretty, you think. This only makes your dismay worse, corners fighting hard to not tug up in a smile at how ridiculous he sounds. “That would make it worse, mom.” You finally crack into a smile, “If you were to go in there and tell them off like I’m 5 years old, I’d put in my two weeks immediately.” You laugh, putting the food onto plates before heading into the living room. This part of your and Jungkook’s routine is almost solid without how many date night-ins you’ve had in recent months. Kook goes for the drinks and utensils before joining you on the couch, clicking on the television. 
You can almost hear the cogs turning in his brain. “Or, I can send a strongly worded email.” He adds, sitting down before pulling your legs over his lap. “No, no. I leave a voicemail. that’ll really get ‘em.” 
“Koookkk.” Groaning, you can’t help but begin to laugh by the end of it. “I think, and hear me out, don’t get going just yet.” Your hands are held out in front of you. “Maybe, you don’t have to pick me up at my office every day when we leave the building. Maybe we can just meet in the garage or something. That way it’ll slowly die out of the conversation.” Jungkook’s almost offended by your words, dramatically placing a hand over his heart as if you’d shot him. 
“That's the best part of my day, not happening.” Jungkook gives one hard shake of his head, a definitive no before he resumes eating. 
“The best part of your day can be me walking to you in the parking garage instead.” You shoot, watching as Jungkook pretends to think hard about it. The final verdict is another hard shake of his head, signaling no. “Ugh, fine how about the cafeteria?” Another no. “Breakroom?” Another no. “Common areas?” Another no. “Jungkookkkk, work with me,” You complain, pointing at him threateningly with your chopsticks as you drive your foot into his abdomen. 
“I like picking you up at your office.” He shrugs as he sets his food aside, going to grab your foot in his hold. The last time this happened, jungkook tickled you half to death, eventually earning him a hard kick to the temple. (You felt horrible, and he couldn’t shoot content for a week.) Immediately, you make your foot retreat in fear of his safety. He completely ignores the next train of complaints from you. In retaliation, you crumple up a napkin and bounce it off of his head, which he still doesn’t acknowledge. 
“I can’t be called The girl Jungkook picks up, at my job. I really can’t Kook.” 
With an exaggerated sigh, Jungkook finally gives in. “Fine, we can meet at the cafeteria.” He almost whines, pinching your calf lightly to display his grievances. After your mini celebration that Jungkook mopes throughout, the both of you get comfortable with just eating and watching the show as it fills the silence. Jungkook’s finished eating much faster than you are, waiting impatiently for you to be done. As soon as your plate hits the coffee table, he’s pulling you closer. “I miss you.” He starts, laying back and dragging you along with him.
“You see me every day.” You genuinely laugh, cuddling close to him as you continue to watch the show, cheek squished on his chest. 
“It’s just not the same.” He's never satisfied. “When you’re working you’re all dressed up, and put together, and have your little bag filled with papers and fuck knows what else.” You chuckle softly, glancing up at him. “I miss just hanging out, watching tv, wearing pajamas, and you making fun of my toe socks which are very comfortable, FYI.  We’ve been so busy recently.” At that, he holds you just the smallest bit closer. Your arms wrap around him in return, hands pancaked in between his back and the couch cushions. Glancing up, Jungkook’s soft gaze meets yours, a small smile spreading across his face. You return the smile, reaching up to hold his cheeks in your palms. 
“First of all, the socks are atrocious. I only put up with them because it’s you.” You laugh loudly. 
“Secondly, you remind me of your younger self, Kook. It’s like I can still see him in you.” You smile hard, rubbing along the bridge of his nose with your pinky. If you were anyone else, Jungkook would tell you off for pointing out his nose, maybe even cuss a bit. But it's you, and he knows how much you rave about how cute you think it is, so he lets you slide your finger across. “So loving, so sweet Jungkook.” You can’t help but grin, moving to softly pink his cheeks in between your thumbs and index fingers. His teeth show slightly from the stretch, making you beam back at him. “My sweet boy.” You coo, finally releasing him as you lay back on his chest. Jungkook holds you even closer after that. 
Jungkook’s fingers absentmindedly scratch along your back, every now and then rubbing the goosebumps that sprout up in their wake. You’re more focused on the movie than anything, brows furrowed together slightly as you listen closely to the dialogue to not miss a single detail. Jungkook, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. It’s already been an hour, you’re paying little to no attention to him and he’s growing impatient. The innocent scratches turn into heavy petting, eyes glued only to your frame, as his hips constantly readjust in their own accord. Trying to be subtle, Jungkook does his best to slowly hike your top up to get his hands on your bare skin. You’re more than aware of it, purposely ignoring him as you’re dead set on finishing up the stupid murder mystery, clue reminiscent, movie where you have to find out who the killer is. “Kook, go rub one out or something. I have 30 minutes left.” You complain, swatting away his hands as they begin to trail further underneath your shirt. 
“No, it’s not the same.” He immediately whines, curling up more to you, face burying itself in your neck as he sits up slightly. You can feel the soft kissing, leaving light marks on your skin that he soothes with his tongue. “Do you remember when we were in my studio for the first time?” Jungkook almost shutters as he lays under you. So much for movie night and cuddles. “And you hit my prostate? I wanna do that again-“ He whines, burying his face in your chest in embarrassment. Your attention is finally diverted from the movie now, glancing down at him. You can only see the tips of his ears, burning a bright red that you can only guess is also spread across his cheeks. “But more.” He adds. 
“You want me to fuck you? Is that what you’re saying?” Your voice drops, Jungkook immediately perking up at the tone with a small smile. “My boy, you want just my fingers, or you wanna be fucked?” Your hands come up to gently hold his head in them, fingers rubbing along his cheeks. Jungkook naturally leans into your touch, smiling softly as he deliberates. 
“I want you to fuck me.” Jungkook finally states, nodding to solidify his statement. His words are booming in your otherwise quiet apartment. 
“Oh shit.” You chuckle, his tone catching you slightly by surprise. At the small laugh, Jungkook’s face falls. “No, no I just laughed because it was so blunt and loud. Not at you, Kook.” You're quick to reassure, leaning forward to place a kiss on his forehead. “I think I may have a strap-on from-“ 
“You have a strapon?!?!” Jungkook interrupts you, shock and jealousy coursing through his voice, making you laugh. 
“Listen! It was a gag gift from my friends in college, it’s not even used.” You roll your eyes, watching as he calms down. “You never let me finish my sentences.” You laugh, sitting up on his lap. He’s quick to follow, lurching into a seated position to meet you. “When bun?” His brow immediately creases. 
“Today? Maybe?” The smirk that grows on your face is cheek aching, hands holding his face in your palms. Your thumbs gently brush his cheekbones, making him instantly melt in your hold. 
“You’re cute, Kook.” You grin hard, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on his nose. “Of course, I’ll fuck you bun. Happily. C'mon, to the bedroom.” You lightly slap his shoulders, encouraging him up. In a flurry, he’s hoisting the both of you from the couch in a millisecond, arms wrapped tightly around your waist. (He’s almost running into the bedroom, your legs wrapped tightly around him.) Jungkook wastes no time, allowing himself to fall backward onto the bed. 
You land with a huff, Jungkook quickly situating you on his lap. “Alright, alright, I’m ready.” He smiles hard, ripping a laugh from your throat. “Do your worst.” It’s comfortable, the way your bodies easily fit together with one another, lips slotting together. You can taste the strawberry chapstick he wears so often, and smell the subtle citrus perfume that he always puts on when it starts to wear off. As always, Jungkook is easy to rile up. Slow kisses, pulling on his hair, slipping your hand underneath his shirt, and he’s already in over his head. 
“You’re too easy, Kook.” You smile up at him softly, biting the soft skin on his neck as a dark mark begins to show. “I really hope you’re not always like this, with all your other girlfriends.” You tease him, knowing just how much he hates it. (He really does hate it, how could he want anyone else when he has you?)
“Y/nnnnn,” He complains, hands squeezing your thighs on either side of his waist hard, leaving small bruises in their wake. “You know I’m only this easy for you, always only you.” 
“Hmmm, I don't know. Mr big league, international idol.” You continue to press all of his buttons, fighting back the smile as you look for the expression you already know he’s wearing. It finally makes you crack, cheeks hurting from how hard the smile is. Your hands slip underneath his ridiculously sized T-shirt, cold hands leaving goosebumps in their path as he involuntarily flinches away from them. You bunch it in your hands, peeling it off and over his head. “What was that one show you had recently, all sold out? How man fans did you-”
“You know that’s inaccurate,” Jungkook states immediately, dead serious which makes you laugh out loud. 
“Alright, alright. Just getting you all bothered, bun,” The whine Jungkook lets out as you jokingly flick a nipple makes you ache, snapping you back into the reality of what the two of you are actually doing. “Fuck, bun. You gonna let me play with your pretty tits, hmm?” His fluffy hair bounces from how aggressively he shakes his head. You groan back, experimentally taking a nipple in between your teeth, harshly running your tongue over it.
“Feels good, feels good.” Kook whines, hips involuntarily grinding up against you. A small yelp unconsciously falls from him as you bite, one of his hands coming up to press firmly along your shoulder. “Biting? You just bit me!” He whines loudly, rubbing his chest. It makes you laugh.
“You bite me all the time without realizing it.” You counter, softly pulling his hand away by his wrist. Your tongue meets his chest once more, soothing over the mark before harshly licking, sucking, and biting once more. “You’re also always so rough with me, bun. Are you gonna let me be rough with you?”
“If you ever get there, sure. Seems like you’re stalling, you scared beautiful?” It’s taunting, finally his turn to push your buttons as he smirks down on you. 
“We’ve gotta get you prepped Kook, otherwise you’ll be no fun to play with.” Once again, another tease meant to rile him up. Jungkoko groans just from your words, hands pulling your hips closer. Before he has a chance to counter, you’re moving down to meet his waistband, tugging on the sweatpants. Your thumbs hook underneath, catching both his underwear and tugging them off in one easy swoop. He’s rock hard, his cock hitting his lower stomach. “Can you reach over and grab the lube?” The bedside table is being slung open in two seconds flat, everything slapping against the front. Jungkook avoids the look you give him. 
“Shut up, I don't wanna hear it.” He chuckles, handing it over after fishing around for it. “So how do you? How do we uh? Fit it in.”
Your heartbeat catches for a moment, glancing up and catching the slight nerves on his face before they disappear. “Kook.” You smile gently, a fond feeling in your chest. “We start slowly, Kook. We definitely don’t have to rush and if you want to stop we can always have a raincheck.” Jungkook listens intently, eyes wide as he takes everything in. Slowly. he nods as you finish up your speech. “So, we start slow.” You give him one last reassuring smile before you take the lube from him, being extremely generous as you apply it to your fingers. 
His hips jerk into your hold as you take his aching cock with a soft fist, nerves making him jumpy. “Bun, relax. You know I’ll take care of you.” You coo to Jungkook, a blush flushing across his entire face. 
“I know, I know you always do.” Jungkook nods, coaxing himself to relax as he lays down rather than resting on his elbows. You see part of his face, eyes screwed shut as he focuses on your touch. His breath sucks in as the cold lube meets his skin, legs tensing around your body where you sit between them. 
“You have to relax, Kook.” You reiterate once more, sliding down slightly as your lips brush against his head. “You’ve been here before, bun.” You giggle, taking his head in your mouth as you focus on distracting him. He’s distracted easily, one hand reaching down to run his fingers through your hair, gently pulling at the strands. You allow him, sinking down slowly as you gauge his reaction. 
“Feels good.” You can vaguely hear him whine, head pushed back into your pillow as he tries his hardest to focus on your mouth. As his legs relax around your body, losing himself in the pleasure, you easily slip your middle finger into his ass. “Fuck me!” He whimpers, clamping down around your finger. 
“You’re okay, bun. You’re okay.” You reassure, glancing up to catch his expression. After he relaxes a bit, you sink onto his cock once more, not yet moving your finger. You can feel Jungkook’s gaze burning into your skin, watching intently as your nose brushes his abdomen. Experimentally, your finger draws out before easily sliding back in, pulling the smallest whine from the very back of his throat. Sinking back down onto his cock, you fight the gag off as he grinds into you, finally allowing the pleasure to wash over him again. 
“Fuck! Is this what it feels like?” Jungkook whines loudly as you slip another finger in, gently pressing against his prostate as his hips readjust on their own.
“Feels like when what?” You draw before sinking back down onto him, your tongue harshly against rubbing the underside of his cock. 
“When we fuck, when I’m in you.” It’s whiny and slightly breathless as he bites back his moans. Jungkook flushes a bright red across his chest and face, breath uneven as his chest rises and falls with heaves. 
“Not at all, you’re way bigger than my fingers, bun.” It’s a boost in his confidence, immediately vanishing as one of your hands meets the back of his thighs. “Up Kook, just a bit so I can work you open,” He whines, so deep and guttural that you almost want to whine back. You're at three fingers when you actually start, beginning to fuck into him with your fingers, curling them to hit his prostate. His poor cock sits untouched on his abdomen, softly dripping precum onto his stomach from your touch. 
Jungkook knows he’s in for it as you shuffle around in between him, climbing to your knees as his legs rest around your waist. It’s a change in your recent dynamic for sure, but he can't help the way his cock throbs the whines that slip past his bright red, bitten lips. Your free hand runs along his thigh, pulling it up slightly more as you push his hips into the mattress, fingers working him open and closer to his end. 
“Kook?” You call softly, earning you a small hum in return. “You gonna be good for me, cum from my fingers?” Truthfully, he doesn’t know if he can but he trusts you enough to take him there. He nods quickly, bangs falling into his face. You pull another whimper just from changing your position, leaning over him slightly to watch all of his expressions. Taking his cock into one hand to push him closer, the other fucking him open, your body pressing him into the mattress, his mind just melts. His body feels hotter than humanly possible, mind reeling from all the sensations at once. 
“Good boy Kook, my good boy.” Cooing, your lips meet his jaw as you gently kiss his hot skin. 
“Close, really close.” Jungkook doesn’t quite understand the feeling that grows in his abdomen, only that it’s continuing to build as your fingers press harshly into him. He barely registers the feeling of your hand leaving his aching cock, mind too preoccupied with the incoming orgasm. “Coming.” His entire body shakes, hands searching for any sort of contact as they wrap around your body, pulling you closer to him. Jungkook’s sure he’s never experienced something like this before, sure he’s never come this hard in his entire life. 
“Easy, Kook. It’s okay.” You help him through it, milking it for the most pleasure you can give him. Slowly easing your ministrations to a stop, you plant kisses around his face. Jungkook cums harder than you’ve ever seen, thighs still shaking against your body as he rides it out. “You okay?” He looks like he’s just run a marathon, chest heaving as he comes back. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Kook huffs, flushed bright red underneath you. 
“I’ll be right back? Okay?” He nods, allowing you to slip from his legs and instead begin to rummage through your bedside dresser. His eyes burn into your skin as you finally find it, the overly realistic strap-on held in place by a leather harness. “You still sure about this, bun?” You have to fight to untangle it, embarrassment following across your cheeks as you work on putting it on over your lace panties. Jungkook doesn’t even register your struggle as he watches. 
“Yeah, yes. Please, Y/n.” Jungkook whimpers, cock throbbing as it slaps against his stomach. Nervousness sets in as you resume your spot in between his legs, hands rubbing along his thighs as they tense beneath your touch. “You’ll be gentle, right? Please?” He whimpers, taking one of your hands in his own. 
“I’ll be as gentle as you are with me.” You giggle, slowly pushing his thighs back up to press his hips into the mattress. “Kidding, of course, I’ll be gentle, Kook,” You reassure, finally dropping the small nag as you once again fish for the lube. Jungkook fights the whimper that threatens to fall past his lips as he watches you lube yourself up, eyebrows scrunched together. “Ready bun?” 
His lips are caught between his teeth as he nods, one of his hands meeting your own that holds his knee back. Leaning forward, you offer a quick kiss before starting. It’s slow, his chest heaving as you slowly allow the head to slip inside. 
“You’re okay, bun.” You hum, redirecting a free hand to slowly jerk his cock. Sliding in slightly further, a loud moan slips past his lips as you brush along his prostate, cock throbbing in your hold. You have to talk him through it, sliding in inch by inch and allowing him to readjust each time. Rocking your hips slightly, Jungkook slowly takes the last inch before you’re fully inside, the base of the strapon grinding slightly against his skin. “You alright bun?” You coo, gently pulling an arm away from his flushed face. 
Jungkook’s eyes are slightly watery, lips shining and bright red from how much he’s bitten down on them. Allowing him to adjust, you lean down to kiss him, lips sliding against one another as you grind against him. With a small nod from Jungkook, he encourages you back up. 
“You’re so deep.” He whimpers as a response, clenching and unclenching around you. If only you could feel it, you’re sure you’d go insane. Seeing him so fucked out, pinned underneath your hold, whimpering and crying as he takes it., and being able to feel it? You’re bordering insane already. “Move, please.” Jungkook whines, so genuine that it causes you to clench around nothing. 
“So good for me, Kook.” You praise, sliding out and easily pushing in in one swift thrust. The sound it makes is absolutely lewd, adding to your insanity. 
“Fuck! Fuck!” 
“So whiny, crying and I’ve barely started bun. Barely even moving right now.” You tease, watching as his cock bounces with each taunt. You can’t help but grind against him, feeling the faint warmth of his skin on your lower stomach. 
“Yeah? Thought you wanted to be rough with me?” Jungkook knows what he’s doing, knows how much he’s essentially fucking himself over with his words, but he doesn’t care. He’s in trouble as you hike his thighs up with ease, pinning him to the bed how he pins you constantly. Vulnerability spreads throughout his entire body, open wide in front of you before you’re following, thighs pressed against the curves of his ass. 
“Bun, be careful with your words.” You tease, giving him one hard snap of your hips to prove your point. It gets it across easily, forcing a moan past his lips which you swallow in a sloppy kiss. Jungkook’s burning up from the inside out, watching as your chest bounces each time you rock your hips into him, feeling the warmth of your skin each time you bottom out. His legs are hiked up higher than he’s ever been, knees almost touching the bed beside his torso as you fold him in half. “You alright, bun?” You ask, not paying much attention as your mind is focused on wedging your hands in the folds of his knees better. 
“Yeah, yeah. I just didn’t know this would feel so intense?” He mumbles, hands reaching around his legs to hold your forearms in his palms. Moans fill your bedroom, Jungkook unable to hold back a single one. “Vulnerable? Feel this good? I don’t know which term I’m looking for.” 
“Vulnerable? You feel vulnerable Kook? Do you want me to slow down-”
“No! No, I don’t feel vulnerable with you.” Jungkook wears a soft smile across his face, quickly broken as you rock harder into him. “The position is just…compromising I suppose.”
You can’t help but giggle at him. “Good, bun. I’m glad.” Grinning, you catch his lips in a quick kiss before pulling away once again. To get more leverage, (you’re going off of stuff you’ve seen Jungkook do,) you push yourself up onto your feet. “Being so good, taking me so well.”
“Are you, fuck fuck ah,” He whines, clenching around you as you’re able to finally set a steady pace, using your legs as leverage. “Are you mating pressing me right now?” Jungkook cracks in between moans, trying his hardest to maintain his composure. His brows are scrunched together, lips bit bright red as his lids struggle to stay open, completely and utterly fucked out. There’s a thin layer of sweat slowly building, making his skin shine prettily. 
“Wish I could feel you Kook, wish I could.” You ignore his previous comment, eyebrows scrunching together as you focus on your movements. In any other context, Jungkook would coo at you and rub the small wrinkle that forms out with both thumbs, place a kiss there maybe. But in this context, with the concentration you’re giving him, it’s a scary one.
“Fuck, don't say that. Don't know how I’d react if I was able to feel you.” He reaches, teasingly pulling you in by your hip and throwing off your balance.
“I’m about to slip a fucking sleeve over your cock so you stop being such a smartass, bun.” You growl, snapping hard into him. It’s the whinest moan you think you’ve ever heard from Jungkook since you’ve met him, cock jumping at the threat. “Such a whore, Kook.” You can’t help but quip, watching as he stifles the moan that threatens to spill out. 
“Think I’m gonna cum again,” His hands move to rest on his forehead, covering his face from you. 
“Uhh uhh, you know better than that bun.” The smugness drips from your voice, one of your hands coming to pin Jungkook’s hands away from his red face. “C'mon, don’t make me punish you, cum for me like a good boy.” There’s a feral-ness in your voice, wanting to see him squirm underneath you, cry for you as he cums. Your hips snap on their own accord, watching as his soft pink lips part with each moan you work out of him. 
“Fuck, Kook. So beautiful underneath me feels like I’m gonna die,” You complain with a smile, leaning over his body to bite softly into his chest. And you move to nip his neck, then the very base of his jaw, before moving back to his chest again to mark him. “Can't take it, how good you are.” You praise more, watching as he teeters on the very edge of his orgasm. His brain genuinely melts, jaw falling slack just the slightest bit as he full-body cums again, legs shaking around your waist. Jungkook breaks your hold on his arms, pulling your body close as he kisses you, sloppy and needy. Your palms trail along his skin, offering comfort to his shaking thighs and heaving chest as you slowly soothe them. “Easy, bun, easy.” You coo in between kisses, eventually slowing the needy kisses down to gentle and slow to help him catch his breath. 
“Holy shit,” He finally offers, making you chuckle as you softly smooth his messy hair, pushing his bangs away from his sweaty forehead.
“You’re making such a fucking mess, bun. Just fuckin oozing everywhere like a whore, can't help it huh?” Teasing, you swipe at his abdomen to collect some of it, showing it off on your fingers. Jungkook can't help but tremble, whines spilling past his lips from your teasing. “You okay? Wanna take a break?” You check in after dropping your teasing tone, sitting up a bit on your heels to assess him. There are way more bite marks than you remember giving him, some showing the indents of your teeth in his flesh. It makes your cheeks warm, thumbs swiping the bite marks gently to try and smooth them out (it doesn’t work at all.) 
“No, no, I think I have one more in me at least. God, pretty girl, fuckin feral huh?” Jungkook smiles, rubbing over the bite marks himself. Embarrassment overcomes you, cheeks reddening as all you can do is smile. “I like it.” 
“What can I say, gotta mark what’s mine.” You offer cheekily, leaning in for one last kiss before resuming. “You think you can take it on your knees?”
“Oh fuck,” It’s more of a whimper than anything, Jungkook knowing this is, in fact, going to be the last one before his mind melts entirely. “Think I might die if I take it on my knees.” He offers, whimpering as you slide out of him to allow him to move. If Jungkook was luckier, you suppose you’d go easier on him, maybe whisper sweet nothings into his ear as you give him back shots. As he flips over, ass waving in the air, you feel as if you’ve been starved for the last year. His waist looks smaller than normal like this, shoulder muscles flexing as he rests on his arms, thighs shaking just the slightest bit from his previous 2 orgasms. 
Definitely not going to be gentle, you discern. Your hands instinctively reach for his ass, lightly slapping this skin underneath your palms to test his reaction. He offers a muffled groan, pushing his ass back into you. Slapping slightly harder, his skin begins to redden into a faint handprint. “My little whore.” You can't stop yourself, Jungkook pushing himself back once again. Pushing yourself up onto your knees, you easily slip in the head, earning a throaty groan from Kook. “God, bun.” Is all you can manage, reaching over into your bedside drawer to fish out another toy. “Be good and get this wet for me, alright?” You almost purr, a giant smile spread across your face as you hand him the fleshlight. 
You slide into him with a wet shhlickk, humming softly as your hips meet his soft skin. Glancing around to the best of your ability, Jungkook’s obviously conflicted as he steals glances at the bottle of lube that sits near him. “Bun, I said wet it.” You drawl, leaning over his body to reach, Jungkook letting out a whine from how deep you are. You take it from his stilled hands, his mind too preoccupied with the way your hips press into his ass. “Cum a couple of times and can’t think, huh?” You tease, pushing the toy up to his lips, grinding it against him as he begins eating it out. 
Jungkook groans, so deep and throaty that you would've sworn he just came without even being stimulated, mind beginning to catch up to all the sensations. “Please, move Y/n. Can’t take it, too deep.” Kook whimpers, pushing his ass harder into your hips. Death grip still around the toy, you're unmoving. 
“Bun, cmon. Be good for me, this is the first thing I've asked of you this entire time.” It’s a sight for your sore eyes, pink tongue slipping into the clear center as his eyebrows form that familiar crease between them with concentration. The hand not holding the toy slides around his torso, gently rubbing over his sensitive chest and nipples to give him some sort of touch. You can't help but clench around nothing, watching as his jaw flexes and tenses with each movement. Pulling it away, you're almost drooling with desire. “You gonna let me be rough with you, bun?” You tease, easily sliding the toy partially over him. 
He just shakes underneath you, absolutely quivers as he sinks into the toy. “Yes, please. Please be rough, be mean,” He whines, biting down hard on his lower lip as you rock into him, forcing him to rock into the toy in turn. 
“See Kook? I move, you move.” You can’t help but smile, chest still flush against his back as you allow him to get used to it. Both hands find his chest, squeezing, pinching, and rubbing wherever they can. Jungkook’s basically panting underneath you, abs clenched hard in concentration as he tries not to cum embarrassingly early. “Gonna move now, alright?” He offers a nod as an answer, eyes screwed shut and lips bit down. 
You force a deep moan out of him with the very first thrust of your hips, not only hitting his prostate but forcing him completely into the clear toy underneath him. “Gonna cum early Kook? Feels too good, huh? Just so many different sensations happening at once.” You tease him. Reaching forward, you pull hard on the back of his hair, Jungkook’s being forced up onto his hands.
“Feels good, really good. Too good.” He almost babbles, making the heat in your abdomen pool. “Don't wanna cum yet, but might.” He whimpers, mouth falling open as you snap your hips hard into him. Without even thinking, you allow your fingers to slip into his mouth, pressing down hard on his tongue. Jungkook genuinely drools, coating your fingers and creating a string that falls onto the covers. “Lemme cum, wanna cum, bad.” 
“You have to ask nicely.” You grit, grinding into him. One of your arms wraps around his torso, holding him close. Your lips meet his shoulder, biting down slightly on the warm skin.
“Please lemme cum.” It’s the best you’re going to get in his current state, mind seconds from leaving his head completely. 
“Go head bun, come hard for me.” You coo, keeping your antics up to the best of your ability given the exhaustion slowly creeping up on you. (You’re older than Kook, give yourself a break. You don’t have as much stamina as the boy.) “Be good and let me hear you, bun.” You could cum just from listening to him, whining, moaning, and borderline crying as he cums for the last time of the night. His thighs shake against yours, hands creating fists around the covers as his knuckles go white. “Easy, Kook. Easy, you’re okay.” You help him through it, hands roaming his body to help ground him with your touch. Slowly, you maneuver him back down to his elbows to rest. “Gonna slide out, okay, I’ll be careful.” Talking him through it, you help him onto his back, tossing the toys aside to be cleaned. 
“Holy fuck.” Jungkook whines, covered in his own fluids as he finally rests entirely. There’s drool covering his chest, absolutely lewd as he peers up at you with half-open eyes. “Gonna have to do that again, sometime.” 
“You okay, Jungkook?” You ask gently, taking him into your arms as your lips meet for the millionth time that night. 
Jungkook beams at you, the widest and most cheesy smile you’ve seen in a while. “Of course, babe. More than okay, thank you for doing that with me.” He grins, cupping your face in one hand as he kisses you. 
“C'mon, let’s go take a bath. I don't think your legs could stand long enough for a shower.” You tease. He knows you're right, but he profusely denies it in an attempt to prove you wrong and show just how strong he is. (He needs your help walking to the bathroom, wobbly legs himself.) You allow him to keep his dignity, not bullying him too much on the way to the tub.
“Wait, you didn’t cum did you?” Jungkook makes the sudden revelation in the bathroom, pulling you close to his chest. Your hands meet his biceps, small smiles spreading across both of your faces.
“No, but it’s okay I- KOOK!” He catches you off guard as he easily dips a hand into your panties, fingers immediately slipping through your folds from how wet you are. “It’s okay, I enjoyed seeing you like that for me regardless, I don't have to cum to enjoy things you know?” 
“Hmmm, but it’d make me feel a lot better.” Jungkook cheekily smiles, already working you up as he slots his thigh in between your own. “Please cum for me, just once. I’ll lend you my fingers, please cum on my fingers.” He’s basically begging, waiting for you to nod before moving his hand anymore. It's hotter than you would've thought, you riding his fingers while standing, sloppily making out as he swallows your moans with soft groans, bodies held close together, warm skin against warm skin. “Sound so pretty, angel. These sounds just for me, all mine,” He mumbles against your lips, making you clench hard around him. 
“Just a bit more, Kook. Almost there,” You whine loudly, grinding against him.
“I’ve got you, bun’s got it.” Jungkook easily takes you there, basically knows your body like the back of his hand. Your knees part more to allow his hand to move more freely, legs shaking slightly as you stand on your toes. 
“Cumming Kook.” Eyebrows scrunching together, the pool that’s been hot in your stomach finally overflows, your poor cunt aching as you cum. Jungkook does his best to ride you through it for as long as possible, milking it for all it’s worth. “Too much, hurts.” You whimper against Jungkook’s neck, softly grabbing his wrist.
“I love you. I fucking love you so much.” Jungkook removes his hand as quickly as he shoved it in your panties, pulling you close as he kisses you. 
“Oh my god! Get in the tub, we’re going to be fucking in my bathroom if we keep this up.” You giggle, softly pushing him toward the already-filled tub. 
“Fine, even though that seems like a fun time too,” Jungkook complains, climbing in. His eyes never leave your frame as you take off your panties, dropping them in the laundry before slipping in behind him. “Hot.”
“Kook, shhhhhhhh.” The both of you laugh, Jungkook moving to rest against your torso. Placing a hand on his forehead, you softly pull his head back to rest it on your shoulder. “I love you too, Jungkook. Always have.” You kiss his cheek softly, hands coming to hold his head gently as you do. Jungkook pretends to hate it, jokingly pulling away from your lips as you kiss him multiple times. You’re sure he’s blushing, but he ferociously avoids looking at you as you try to see his cheeks better to tease. 
He’s 100% blushing as he sits up away from you, you're sure of it. He offers a “nuh uh” before you're slapping a hand across his eyes, yanking him down once more. It makes the both of you laugh loudly, water sloshing against the tub walls. Finally, he gives in. “Fine, whatever. Love you too.”
“Love you more, wobbly legs.”
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If you have any comments, feedback, etc, please let me know in the tags or comments! I always love to hear from readers and listen to your thoughts! Thank you for reading. 
Love, G <3
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