#Such an odd coincidence. Why were you both cops. Stop that
miyagi-hokarate · 10 months
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so i saw your post about finding a dead body and having had even weirder things happen to you... care to elaborate any?
I do indeed care to elaborate! To start off with, all of this is true, but whether or not you believe it, it's pretty interesting.
So for a long time my friends and I have joked that I'm cursed because wherever I am weird stuff tends to happen. Sometimes this is just normal mundane odd things, weird coincidences or accidental predictions, but sometimes it's worse.
On that particular day I mentioned in my previous post I'd just started season 2 of tma and I made a silly joke about kinning Jon, thought nothing of it! This was back when I was in college so I went in for my classes, everything was fine.
Back then myself and a friend would walk around the city every day after class until around pretty late at night, which in hindsight was quite dangerous but we survived so how bad could it really have been!
Anyways, that day we went into Paddington Station to grab a coffee and upon entering saw a very dead man slumped on a bench. I won't go into detail but it was very clear there was nothing we could do for him. I'm as anti cop as the next person but in that situation there's not much else you can really do, so we found an officer, told him what was going on, and carried on going to get coffee. It sounds dismissive but we really had done everything we could do.
That was one of the most memorable times I've heard the 'Inspector Sans please report' announcement. There was never any investigation or report on the death, the guy looked homeless and like he'd overdosed so that's just not the kind of death that's newsworthy in a big city.
We decided to carry on with our usual daily walk, not really wanting to hang around the station after that. We ended up playing a fun little manifestation game as we walked, in which you basically decide an intention and walk whichever way you feel is right in the hopes of manifesting what you want. We weren't doing it seriously and my friend said we should try to find a celebrity, so I agreed, and we started. Neither of us said it to eachother at the time but we both felt uneasy about it.
We walked through Hyde Park and came out in Knightsbridge where we carried on walking. At this point the unease reached a peak point and we both admitted to eachother that we felt like something terrible was going to happen. Every car stopping and every person shouting felt like it would be the start of something awful, but what could we do except carry on?
We did carry on, for quite a while too. The feeling changed though, and i couldn't for the life of me shake the feeling that we were being watched, being followed, perhaps even compelled. I'm pretty big on spiritual stuff and I've been ghost hunting for years and this energy was NOT one that I liked at all. My friend was dead set on a certain route, down a particular street, and i DESPERATELY wanted to go that way too, but it just felt wrong. I had no reason to want to go that way, there was nothing interesting there!
At that point I stopped and told her I couldn't say why but that we should turn around. She really didn't want to, and i was worried we'd end up outright arguing in the street, but eventually she agreed. The second we turned round and started walking it started to rain. An insistent, heavy shower. It was weird, but that feeling of being watched left almost as soon as we were off that road.
It was around sunset by then, and we grabbed another coffee before splitting off to head home. My friend left to catch a bus, and i went to try and find the station. It had gotten dark, and Google maps said that Green Park Station was only a couple of minutes away, so I headed towards it, but my GPS was screwed up and I ended up taking a weird loop through the park itself and around the outside of The Ritz before I actually got there.
In that maybe 10 minutes of walking around alone, in the dark, even more strange things happened! For a start, in the park I nearly bumped into someone who was loudly chatting to their friend who just happened to be called Basira! I accidentally followed a cop to a little side entrance of the Ritz, and then managed to arrive at the station just in time to witness the aftermath of a bus accident!
Apologies for the long ramble, but that is the full story of that particular dead body, it's one of many adventures of the sort, and is definitely the sort of thing that made tma even more fun to listen to than it already is!
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chaos-event-horizon · 2 years
Future Bonefriends Drabbles:
"how they met" and "how they started dating"
Originally written around 2016 and revamped in 2018, now copy/pasted in 2023.
How did they meet?
It was pure coincidence that, not only were they both in the mall that day, but they were standing less than a foot away from each other when it happened. At a kiosk for sneakers, if you can believe it. Some red-neck, never-happy, middle aged bag of dicks saw Sans and flipped his shit, his wife silent but nodding in fierce agreement at everything her racist husband said.
Ugly beasts.
Job stealers.
Should crawl back into whatever hole they crawled out of.
Rian, who had been bullied most of their life and always wanted to do something about it, was not one to let things go. They nudged Sans and spoke softly. “Aye man... when I give the signal, run. They’ll be more mad at me but if they get you too, who’s gonna make sure they put somethin’ kickass on my gravestone?”
The stocky skeleton was confused. “what...?”
“Get ready boneboy.”
With a grin, bouncing on the balls of their feet, Rian whipped around. “This dude is nothing but bone. I bet he gets twice as much pussy as you....” Rian announce, cheerfully and loudly, with a conspiratorial wink at the man’s wife. “But no one blames you, ma’am. With a mug like that? Eesh!”
Rian all but shoved the shocked Sans as the angry asshole started barrelling toward them.
“kid what the fu-”
They skidded along, Sans breathing heavily. “why would you antagonize him? i’m used to this shit kid!”
“I hate bullies and wanted to try out some of my moves! Meet you at the bottom floor!” Rian said gleefully, stopping and nudging Sans onto the escalator. The human was barely winded. “GEEZ GRAMPS! I can see why you were jealous! He’s got more stamina than you too!”
It was at this point that Sans noticed the patches on Rian’s jacket.
Oh boy.
Needless to say, the rent-a-cop was both annoyed and impressed when he was yanking a loud, hateful man out of a caffeteria trash bin. All the witnesses were happy to come forward, and many even supplied video. The grown man was clearly trying to openly assault the 18 year old kid. That kid just so happened to be very adept at dodging. The wife was beside herself, claiming that the ‘rough teen and rude monster’ had started the problem. More video and more witnesses, including a guffawing kiosk manager, proved otherwise.
Papyrus never heard of the incedent, but King Asgore did, and personally invited Rian over for dinner, deciding he liked this human who reminded him quite a bit of a young Undyne.
Sans was just pissed that he hadn’t had the wherewithal to come up with a joke on the fly. It would be weeks before he let himself admit that if Rian hadn’t stepped in, he might have used his magic.
fact, it was several days before Sans decided he would even tolerate this odd, intrusive, hard-to-read human.
How did they start dating?
'Several days later' came relatively quick, however, after Sans was pressured into going and picking up said human for one of the many weekly dinners he was invited to.
"We have no idea what Rian's home life is like" Toriel had said only moments previously. "But the child hardly seems more than a scrap of a thing. He apparently eats enough to be athletic, but certainly not enough for someone who should be growing! Now, go and get him!"
And so, here Sans was, waiting in a small plaza right next to the mall where he and the kid first met. He must have lived or worked somewhere nearby, since he always got picked up in this general area. Figuring he might as well get something out of this, he made his way into the closest little burger joint, hunkering for a milkshake. The place wasn't busy, per say, as much as just tiny, and seemed almost packed with just Sans and less than a handful of teenagers who'd presumably come to enjoy the late-spring weather. It seemed built for drive-thru traffic, as opposed to the sit-n-eat kind.
Just the kind of place Sans didn't like, but beggars can't be choosers.
He followed his usual drill when it came to overly human establishments; pay no body no mind, look interested in the walls, and don't let anyone try to strike up a conversation. It worked, for the most part, and the poor kid he registered in the back of his mind that seemingly ran the place alone didn't notice him until the kids were heading out the door. He stepped up to the counter and...
Suddenly he and Rian were staring at each other.
There were several, long moments of silence that seemed to weigh them both down as each looked the other over. Rian was well aware that Sans didn't seem fond of him. Sans was well aware that the kid was bothered by it, but refused to budge on the matter until he proved that he was in it for more than just a cheap thrill; the fact that the kid seemed to get embarrassed and choked up whenever they were alone didn't really help.
Thankfully for the human, Sans was the first to crack. “wow kid. now that i know your secret, fry'll will have to brush up on my restaurant puns.”
A moment of silence, then softly, “Don’t you mean restaurant buns?”
Sans chuckled. “good one kid.”
“Thanks. I uh... this is a pickle.”
“heh. tell ya what. if you can make me have a good laugh, i’ll keep your secret a while longer. since you’re really that embarrassed.”
Rian blushed. “Okay... I’d tell you some anatomy jokes, but tibia honest they aren’t very humerus and I can ulna come up with a few.”
Sans snorted. “keep trying kiddo.”
“I’d tell you a joke about hot dogs, but I don’t want you to think I’m the wurst.”
“nah, you’re just a brat.”
“What do you call a tree with no leaves?”
“It’s a tree. What do you call a bear with no fur?”
“a bear?” Sans said, fighting a chuckle.
“Well you sure don’t call him Harry.” Rian snickered.
Sans laughed softly in reply. “ya must be one of those ‘anti-joke’ types. got any more?”
“What do you call a cow with no legs?”
“no clue.”
“Ground beef! What do you call a dog with no legs?” Sans chuckled as he shook his head, and Rian went straight through with the punchline. “Doesn’t matter what you call him, he ain’t coming without help! What’s worse than ten dead babies in a trash can?”
“oh stars kid, I’m almost afraid to ask. what’s worse?”
Rian let out a soft giggle. “One dead baby in ten trash cans.”
Sans was really laughing now. “kid you are terrible!”
“What’s the difference between a pile of dead bodies and a convertible?”
“oh no.”
“I don’t keep the convertible in the garage.”
“oh my god.”
Rian’s manager, a middle-aged man named David, sighed. It was technically against company policy to flirt with customers, but he’d let it slide. Because of Rian’s friendly attitude, more people, human and monster, had been regularly coming in, and the other employees all got along with him. He’d also noticed Rian had less ‘accidental’ cuts, now that they’d been frequently seen hanging out with monsters. Some bad jokes were more than worth it.
“Why did the chicken cross the road?”
Sans was laughing too hard to answer, and Rian was oblivious as all of his coworkers in the back stared in a mixture of fear and awe. What none of them saw, but Sans could, was the ever-so-slight glow of a kind, patient, and injured SOUL finally shining through and getting bolder with each joke. The humor almost seemed to send sparks through the kid.
“I don’t know why, but it’s an egg-cellent yoke.”
Sans wiped away a tear, a genuine grin on his face as he shook his head. “ah kid. i pine. i oak, even. marry me? i need to tie ya down if i wanna be able to hear jokes like that for the rest of my life.”
“Aw Sans, at least take me to dinner first!”
The skeleton chuckled, waving his hand. “aren’t i already? unless i’m not givin’ ya a ride anymore. but if tonight doesn’t count, i ‘spose i can take ya to Grillby’s tomorrow?”
Rian smiled shyly. “I’d like that, Sans.”
“then it’s a date. just call me your future bonefriend.”
Sans had actually surprised himself... but was willing to give the kid a chance. Anyone that quick with some messy jokes couldn't be all bad.
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dessarious · 4 years
How the Sirens Adopted a Ladybug Pt1
So when I was writing the last chapter of How to Not Get a Date it went full blown angst. Since that wasn’t what I wanted for that story and rewrote the chapter that I posted but the other idea decided to blow up into yet another story so here we go again.
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“I don’t suppose I could convince you not to steal that?” Catwoman spun around to find a girl in what looked like a dark red armored suit with black spots. In the Louvre at two in the morning. What the hell?
“And just what are you supposed to be?” The girl just gave her a sardonic smile and Catwoman couldn’t help but notice how tired she looked.
“I’m Ladybug. Hero of Paris.” The sarcastic tone was unexpected and it took her a minute to actually process the words.
“Since when does Paris have Heroes?”
“Since some megalomaniac found a Miraculous and decided to use it for his own selfish desires. If not for the fact that he targets people with strong negative emotions I wouldn’t care what you do. But since the last time the curator of this exhibit was Akumatized it was a three day battle, I would really like to avoid it if I can.” She just continued to frown at the girl. That couldn’t be real.
“Did Harley and Ivy put you up to this?” That just got her confused frown mirrored back at her. She was either a really good actress or she wasn’t lying.
“Look, this exhibit is moving to London in under two weeks. Could you please just wait until it leaves Paris to take whatever it is you’re after?” This was so strange. She claimed to be a hero but didn’t seem to care that Catwoman was stealing, just that it would become her problem. Even most of the bats frowned upon that sort of thing.
“So you’re just going to let me walk out of here like nothing happened?” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, refusing to make eye contact.
“The police have made it clear that it is not my job to apprehend criminals.” There was a lot of anger under those words. Catwoman walked up to the girl and gently lifted her head so she could study her. Seriously, what was it with black hair and blue eyes? Between the bats and Superman she was starting to wonder if it wasn’t a coincidence.
“When was the last time you slept?” She watched Ladybug’s eyes unfocus as she searched for the answer. “How about the last time you ate?” That produced a flinch.
“I can take care of myself.” Well that wasn’t a good reaction. The girl reminded her a bit of Tim and Jason. The sleep deprivation was all the baby CEO but the amorality screamed mister gun nut.
“I’m sure you can. I’ll tell you what; I’ll do what you want but in return you’ll come with me to meet a couple of my friends and let us feed you.” She hesitated but Catwoman didn’t see any worry in her expression. She wasn’t scared of being alone with criminals so it was likely pride holding her back. “I want to talk to you more about the situation here. It’s odd that I haven’t heard about it.”
“No it’s not. The Miraculous magic is very good at containing itself. Very few people outside of Paris have any idea what is going on.” That tone was odd. There was a trace of bitterness but it was mostly resigned.
“How old are you?” The way she held herself said she was experienced in what she did, but everything else screamed that she was still just a kid.
“Old enough to do what must be done.”  Yep, she was dealing with a baby.
“Will you quit worrying? I’m sure everything’s just fine.” Ivy just shot Harley an annoyed glance. She loved the woman to death but she really needed to take things a bit more seriously sometimes.
“She’s two hours late Harls, that’s a time frame for worry. Not to mention I’ve felt off ever since we got here. There’s something wrong with this city and I don’t like it.” She was constantly on edge and her skin felt like it was trying to crawl off her body. Ivy wanted nothing more than for Selina to get back so they could leave. Sightseeing be damned.
“As always your instincts are dead on.” She let out a relieved breath and turned to yell at Selina for trying to give her a heart attack but couldn’t manage to speak once she saw the person with her. Or rather once she felt the power coming off of them. She pulled Harley behind her and prepared for the worst. Selina was just looking at her like she was insane but the girl was studying her.
“Seriously, you’re scared of a kid?” Harley’s words made her really look at the person and that just made her more worried. Given what she felt this girl was capable of destroying the world without even trying.
“How can you not feel that? The energy radiating from her should be enough that even you should feel it.” Harley and Selina both just looked confused but the girl looked surprised.
“You can actually feel it?” Ivy just nodded. “I’ve never met anyone who could sense the Miraculous before. Whatever you sense though, I assure you I don’t mean any harm. There’s only one person I actually want to maim and I have a feeling when the time comes I won’t even be able to do that.” Well that was… odd. Even Harley was eyeing the girl like she had a screw loose.
“This is Ladybug. She’s a hero here in Paris.” Well that at least explained why she was late. “She’s asked me to hold off on my transaction until it leaves Paris.”
“And you agreed? She’s just going to go to the cops and make things more difficult for you later.” Harley’s words caused anger and hurt to flash across her expression before she controlled it.
“I said I wouldn’t. They wouldn’t take me seriously if I did anyway.” Now she saw why Selina brought her back with her. The girl looked like a stray cat. The stiff way she held herself was exactly like a cat who’d learned that people can’t be trusted, but she refused to run or show fear either. Then Ivy noticed the girls hair and eyes and almost groaned out loud. Selina had been spending so much time with her boyfriend that she was picking up his adoption preferences.
“I wanted to talk with her more about what’s going on here in Paris. We should order food since I have a feeling it’s going to be a long discussion.” Ivy saw the girl's cheeks turn pink and took the time to really look at her. She was the kind of thin that came from not eating rather than just being fit. Her mask hid any bags that might be under her eyes, but even standing still her body was swaying a little. The girl looked like she was about to pass out.
“Of course. Here, have a seat.” Ivy made chairs out of plants for everyone and the girl's face went completely blank before she turned to Selina.
“Is that normal for her?” Harley just started giggling but Selina gave Ladybug a sympathetic smile.
“Yes, Ivy has the power to control plants.” Ladybug let out a relieved sigh.
“Thank Kwami. I don’t think I’m up for another Akuma today.” Ivy shared a confused look with Harley. What the hell was an Akuma?
“You’re fighting people that control plants?” The girl blinked at her in confusion for a moment before understanding dawned.
“No, it’s complicated. I haven’t had to explain this to someone in a long time so I might not make much sense.” She sat while Harley went to order food. Ivy sat across from her and noticed how she melted into the seat. She obviously wasn’t used to being comfortable. When Harley came back in the room they were about to start asking questions when a little black cat shaped creature appeared. It was emitting just as much power as the girl.
“I don’t suppose any of you are willing to spring for camembert?” Harley gave out a squeak of surprise but Catwoman just looked stunned.
“Plagg! Are you out of your mind? Not to mention how rude it is.” Ladybug couldn’t seem to decide whether to be annoyed or embarrassed.
“Given that this one steals for a living I doubt they stand on good manners. Besides, you don’t know if you don’t ask.” The cheeky tone caused an eye twitch in the girl.
“What exactly is that?” Selina hadn’t stopped staring at the creature.
“I’m Plagg, Kwami of Destruction. I power the Black Cat Miraculous.” The girl actually threw her hands up in frustration.
“Tikki’s going to kill us both. Of all the people you could have decided to come out for why would you choose criminals?” Poor kid sounded close to tears and the creature flew up under her chin and started purring. Selina was grinning like a mad woman. Ivy had a feeling things were about to get a lot more complicated.
“Everything will be fine Bug, you’ll see. I’m the Kwami of bad luck and I can feel yours shifting.”
“I thought you said you were the Kwami of Destruction?” Selina sounded far too amused. Ivy shook her head at the woman. She still didn’t understand how no one else could feel the danger here.
“I’m both, just as Tikki is the Kwami of Creation and Good Luck, which is the Miraculous that gives Ladybug her powers.” The Kwami suddenly flew right up to Ivy to study her. “You’re an interesting being. Your abilities are inherently creation but you use them to destroy as well. She could be a good influence for you Bug.” Ladybug let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I’m not using your powers to smite the people you think have wronged me Plagg. And I would really like to stop having this argument.”  
“You act like it’s an opinion rather than a fact. Even Tikki agrees with me there.” The Kwami sounded indignant and more than a little angry. The energy around it was getting steadily stronger. They really needed to divert it’s attention.
“What were you saying about camembert?” The Kwami perked up immediately but Ladybug cringed.
“Kwami need food to recharge and while just about anything will do in a pinch they each have favorites. Plagg’s favorite is extremely smelly and extremely pricy cheese. Which I haven’t been able to provide for awhile now.” Plagg’s expression dropped at her tone.
“Oh kit, it’s not your fault.” The creature flew back to her and began purring again. Ladybug wouldn’t look anyone in the eye but Ivy could feel the guilt and worry coming from her. Whatever was going on this kid needed a break.
“I just need to go change. Then I can run to the store while we wait for the rest of the food.” Plagg looked ecstatic at Selina’s announcement. Ladybug looked mostly worried but there was a bit of relief under that.
“I wasn’t kidding when I said it was expensive. I feel bad enough, don’t let them guilt you into buying something that isn’t really necessary.” Selina scoffed.
“I know exactly how temperamental some creatures are about food and given Ivy’s reaction I’d like to stay on their good side for the moment. Besides, the money isn’t an issue.” She was walking out of the room before the girl could respond. Instead she frowned at Plagg who was still looking after Selina.
“I thought we agreed no more surprises.”
“Tikki and Wayzz agreed, I didn’t. Besides, an opportunity is presenting itself that we don’t want to miss.” Ivy shared a confused look with Harley, who just shrugged at her. Ladybug seemed just as clueless about what they meant. That couldn’t be a good thing.
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milenadaniels · 3 years
Hi! I saw your tag on your informal buddie lap makeout poll (Which, exceptional scientific inquiry. Cannot wait to see the results. Especially if it leads you to write something...)
Anyway, what is your thinking on lonestar and a potential buck +e ddie sex scene? (FWIW, I don't watch LS. I tried, but just could not. Not yucking anyone's yum, just didn't work for me.)
Curious what you think?
Thank you! The study is going well, I look forward to analyzing the results in depth!
(Please note: after three hours of writing out this response, I realize I may have misunderstood your question 😂 If you meant "what do you think a buddie sex scene would look like given tarlos", please let me know and it would be my genuine pleasure to describe that in great detail. What follows is not that.....)
I have been thinking about the potential of a buddie sex scene more than I ought to, I'm sure. You could say I've been a smidge preoccupied since realizing all the legit sex scenes in the show happened in season 1/early season 2. In seasons 3/4, the closest I think we've gotten to textual sex is Madney having sex to induce labour and that consisted of Maddie throwing her shirt at Chimney from off-screen.
Someone on that post (can't find it now of course) said that 911 Lone Star took over the original 911 later time slot and thus took over the ability to have sexier content.
As someone who hasn't watched a television show live in like 5 years, your ask has prompted me to do actual research to confirm this 🤓 According to pogdesign, 911 currently plays Mondays at 8pm and 911LS plays at 9pm which supports the theory.
That said, it kind of strikes me as weird that 8pm is considered too early for sexy content? But maybe I'm just out of touch with cable television??
So I did more research! So much research omfg this took 3 hours of my life. 😅
First we define the issue at hand
I'm defining a "sex scene" as a scene that involves two or more people mackin' on each other with any of the following:
the beginning of clothing removal onscreen
the movement towards a bedroom or bed
getting into someone's lap as a sign of escalation
post-coital pillow talk or cuddling
actual shots of naked skin and writhing (softcore porn essentially)
So 911 got moved to 8pm. Do any other 8pm shows have sex scenes?
CW - The 100 🔥 (I know there was a minimum of 2 wlw sex scenes, though they may have been post-coital)
CW - Riverdale 🔥🔥 is another teen show that I don't watch so I youtubed "Riverdale sex scenes" and I'm led to believe at least one couple is banging semi-onscreen well into season 4 (it has 4 seasons???)
NBC - Chicago Med 🔥, a procedural show not about teenagers and seems to have a least 1 couple with sexy scenes (the other Chicagos air at 9pm and 10pm) and I saw lap sitting for a hardcore makeout for the other couple!!!!! TIM TAKE NOTES!
NBC - Superstore 🔥, a half-hour comedy that played at 8pm on NBC, did have at least this one cut-away sex scene
So 2 teen shows, 1 procedural and 1 comedy all had something in the way of "sex scenes" while airing at 8pm.
But what if Fox the network is the sex-scene-killers??
Apparently Fox literally has only 5 scripted dramas of which the 911 is one and the others are:
The Resident 🔥🔥, a medical drama that plays at 8pm as of season 2 (9pm for season 1) and the main couple seem to have several sex scenes, but interestingly from what I can glean from YT, they may have stopped after s2 (though the couple stays together until at least s4 from what I can tell)
LA's Finest 🚫, a rebroadcast through Fox, it airs at 9pm and YT didn't show me any sexy scenes
Fantasy Island 🔥🔥 which plays at 9pm and looks to have sexier content based on the trailer
911: Lone Star 🔥🔥🔥 which plays at 9pm. Tarlos have had like 2 heavy makeouts/implied sex scenes plus a pretty hardcore-for-tv sex scene in the s2 finale
So it seems like even for Fox, the 8pm timeslot isn't necessarily what's vetoing the sex scenes in 911. But just to hammer that home, I did even more researching into the watershed hours, which is apparently the designated time broadcasters can show sexiness, but in the US that's 10pm to 6am so if the restrictions were such that they couldn't show any sex scenes before 10pm, Tarlos wouldn't have gotten that finale action (thank you, IRL bff who watched 911LS so I didn't have to!)
TL;DR - a summation of our findings
The 8pm timeslot is not the sex-scene-killer I once thought it was (see: all them filthy shows)
911 being a cop show is not a sex-scene-killer (see: dramas, procedurals and comedies all had sex scenes)
Fox is not anti-sex in their 8pm scripted dramas in general (see: The Resident)
Fox is not anti-sex homophobically (see: Tarlos, Hen/Eva)
However!! There seems to be a somewhat weird, somewhat isolated trend of Fox shows either cutting off or tapering off sex scenes (see: 911, The Resident) after 2 seasons or specifically after 2019.
So what are the theories (from least to most favourite)?
Theory #1 (Buddie loses 🚫): "Something" happened at Fox in 2019. The Resident is the only true analogue to 911 as it's also on Fox, also premiered in January 2018, also started at 9pm but was moved to 8pm (in season 2, not season 3 like 911). If my very brief googling can be trusted, The Resident saw a lot of sex scenes in season 2 (at 8pm) but after 2019 there isn't much to write home about. That lines up with what we've seen in 911. If something happened internally at Fox that changed broadcasting guidelines for 8pm, then canon Buddie will not get sex scenes unless the timeslot changes back.
Pros: It would be a hell of a coincidence wouldn't it?? Both shows airing around the same time, both stop showing sex scenes around the same time???
Cons: It's pretty weak, I can't find anything that supports "something" happening in 2019 that would affect an 8pm timeslot but not the 9pm one.
Theory #2 (Buddie loses 🚫): Sex as a short-term sales tactic. Fox uses sex in the first two seasons of shows to boost ratings and get people hooked because sex sells. But then, for whatever reason, they taper it off. If so, Buddie being canonized would not produce any sex scenes as we're far removed from season 2.
Pros: The Resident and 911 both stopped showing sex scenes after season 2 from what I can gather
Cons: If sex sells, why wouldn't it keep selling all the way to the bank?? There's no reason to stop something that's working.
Theory #3 (Buddie wins 🔥): Actors are the roadblock. Fox is fine with sex scenes at 8pm but the actors aren't comfortable! If so, Buddie sex scenes could be in the cards as both actors have had on-screen sex scenes previously.
Pros: Angela Bassett, Peter Krause and JLH are bigger names and they presumably get to not get naked on screen or simulate sex scenes if they don't want to. Aisha Hinds as a (criminally) smaller name wouldn't have had that kind of leverage in season 1, nor would Ryan Guzman in season 2? And Oliver Stark knew what he was signing up to to play a self-diagnosed "sex addict" so.
Cons: This is absolute, complete conjecture. I have zero idea what each of their comfort levels with sex scenes are or how that might relate to the writing/direction of their characters.
Theory #4 (Buddie wins 🔥): Stable canon relationships kill sex. Fox dramas use sex only pre-maritally to build relationships and the network or the showrunners/writers decide it's not as important once characters are in stable relationships/married. If so, we will get Buddie sex scenes as their canon relationship develops.
Pros: The Resident couple did get married post-season 2 I think? Athena stopped having onscreen sex after she married Bobby. Hen had sex but out of her marriage.
Cons: That's dumb, let married people bone. And we technically do have a Madney sex scene, tame as it was (but maybe they straddle of the line of stable but pre-marital???). Also if sex = building relationship, EddieAna have been excluded from that formula oops 😌
Theory #5 (Buddie wins 🔥): We're overthinking all of this. There hasn't been sex scenes past season 2 because the stories haven't called for it but when it does, such as the start of a new relationship, then we'll get some!
Pros: We haven't had any "new" relationships other than EddieAna since season 2 and their lack of intimacy is a glaring reminder they aren't well suited - they're not boning for plot reasons. While not strictly meeting the aforementioned definition of a "sex scene", we could use Albert coming out of Veronica's shower as a use of sex-as-relationship-building.
Cons: That's dumb, let married people bone, the sequel. Especially since HenRen is criminally neglected in terms of development and could use a fun playful sex scene.
So what have we learned?
Should Buddie go canon, 3 theories indicate we'd get some sex scenes for them, and only 2 say we wouldn't. The odds are in our favour. 🤡
I will do literally anything to procrastinate writing this damn fic that's been tormenting me for weeks. Please someone, anybody...send help...
52 notes · View notes
alolowrites · 4 years
On The Run
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Summary: Staying in one place was never a good idea. It was risky and only caused more problems for you. However, an exception was made for Minato—a city under Shinsou’s watch.  
Author’s Note: Hello everyone! I’m happy to share my sixth story for @bnhabookclub​‘s Hero Camp Bingo event. This story is by far the longest fic I’ve ever wrote. The bingo prompt I used was “Pro Hero AU”. This story is also part of the club’s Weekly SFW Prompt and the prompt used was: “I think I’m in love with you, and that terrifies me.” 
This story wiped me out. I think it’s because of the sheer length and the action scenes. However, I am very happy with this story. Hopefully you all enjoy it as well! 
Please note that the reader is a villain and there is an itty-bit of angst...
Word Count: 4.6K+
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“Well, well, well…”
You were slammed against the brick wall, letting out a painful groan. Unfortunately, it was drowned out by the rowdy bar filled with boisterous drunk men. A large shadow loomed over your hunched figure, the raggedy boots stomping closer to you. One hand seized your jaw and forcibly made you look up.
“If it ain’t Vanisher herself,” he sneered, his mouth reeking of low-quality vodka. You almost hurled when his nasty breath hit your nose. The wretched stench of someone’s vomit flowing from the dumpster smelled better. Two of his buddies stayed behind him, their snickers echoing down the dirty alleyway. “You’re a pain in the ass to find, y’know that?”
“What the hell do you want, Takeshi?”
“Don’t play dumb with me!” His grip tightened, and you yelped; that’s going to leave a bruise. Takeshi’s face inched closer as you glared at the disgusting henchman. “Our boss wants all the money you stole from him. Down to the very last yen.”
“Aw! Is the old fella still holding a grudge on me?” You clicked your tongue like a disapproving parent. A playful glint flashed across your eyes. “I won that money fair and square. Not my fault he’s a sore loser.”
“You swindled him with those rigged poker cards!”
“A gal’s gotta survive in this world, my friend,” your voice was sickly sweet, but also dangerously cold. Takeshi growled as you cackled at his annoyed expression. “If that means playing a little dirty with suckers like him, then so be it. Now, if we’re done here—”
The air escaped from Takeshi’s lungs when your right knee landed a harsh blow in his groin. Without stopping, you snatched the arm holding you and twisted it with brute force; he howled, not seeing the swift kick that knocked him off balance. You needed to flee quick. As you dodged the other goons’ attacks, you immediately had a place in mind and extended your palm.
A golden circle started opening in the distance. Your legs were on fire like Ingenium, and your lips nearly tasted sweet freedom when a long, slimy tongue smacked your neck. You collapsed on the pavement, the bright circle fizzling away. An unsettling feeling brewed inside your head when you couldn’t move at all. Every muscle was numb despite your brain sending SOS signals to get up.
Fuck! I forgot about his paralyzing quirk.
Heavy footsteps shook the ground. You were rolled onto your back and panicked when Takeshi’s wild eyes shamelessly raked along your body. He dared to plop himself down, his sandbag like weight crushing you with no remorse. His chapped mouth stopped near your ear and snarled, “You ain’t goin’ nowhere. I know the boss wants ya’, but he’s just gonna have to wait until I have my way with you first.”
“Aye yo, Takeshi, guess what!”
“What?” He snapped his neck over his shoulder, annoyed at being interrupted. A dazed sensation overcame him, and he stayed motionless. You cursed to yourself when you realized who was responsible for this—Shinsou Hitoshi, aka Persona Hero: Mindjack.
“Get off her and walk toward me.”
Yup, it was definitely him. You tried wiggling your fingers or toes, but to no avail; you were deadweight and glared at the dark sky. If there was anything you hated more in the world, it was being a hopeless damsel in distress. A few minutes passed until you hear Shinsou’s light footsteps approach your pitiful state.
“Well, isn’t this a sight,” he snorted at your heated face.
“If I could flip you off, I would.”
“This is the thanks I get for saving your ass?” You averted your eyes, begrudgingly waving the imaginary white flag. Shinsou bit back a grin as he kneeled beside you, checking for any injuries. “But seriously, are you okay?”
“Why do you care?”
“I'm a hero. I make sure people are not hurt,” Shinsou answered sincerely. His hand lingered above your shoulder as violet eyes stared at you. The corner of his lips curved ever so slightly when he said, “Even if the person happens to be a villain like yourself, Vanisher.”
“Well, I’m fine. Just paralyzed.” Your muscles were still frozen. Shinsou hummed as he glanced at the three men sitting obediently by the dumpster. Their hands and feet were tied, Takeshi being the only one still in a daze. The other two guys were knocked out thanks to Shinsou’s precise attacks. You let out a relenting sigh, “Thanks for…saving me. Damn pig hit a new low for pulling that shit on me.”
“He’s a coward.” You were taken aback by the venom in Shinsou’s voice. Coincidently, your fingers and toes twitched, a small sign that you were regaining control again. “It seems that he’s done it before. I’ll make sure assholes like him are off the streets permanently.”
“For once, I actually support your heroic actions,” you grinned, your entire body waking up from the not-so-peaceful slumber. Pushing yourself off the floor, you rubbed the back of your neck and felt the tiny lump where Takeshi hit you. Shinsou offered his hand, and you suspiciously glanced at him. The underground hero gave you an exasperated look. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed it and Shinsou helped you stand up.
He turned away and reached for his phone. “I’m calling the police. You should get out of here.”
“Wait,” you stepped forward, a bit confused, “You’re not turning me in?”
“You were being attacked and used self-defense,” Shinsou shrugged as he made the call. A minute later, he hung up and went to tighten the knots on the ropes. You were skeptical, wondering if this was all a trap. When you didn’t leave, Shinsou sighed and peeked over his scarf. “Look, you had a rough night. Just this once, I’m giving you a pass. Don’t be an idiot by staying here until the cops come.”
“Hmph, fine.” You opened a portal behind you. The golden sparks lit up the dreary alleyway, and one leg stepped on the other side. You paused, staring at Shinsou and murmured, “I owe you one.”
Shinsou nodded.
You disappeared just as the police sirens rang down the streets.
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Staying in one place was never a good idea. It was risky and only caused more problems for you based on past experiences. From a young age, you’ve learned to fend for yourself while on the streets. Sure it was exhausting looking over your shoulders, feet ready to bounce if the scene got too chaotic. But you sucked it up if it meant avoiding jail or facing Mr. Death himself.
Neither of them was in your deck of cards called life. And your life was undoubtedly precious, so why waste it away in a rotten jail cell or cramped coffin?
You arrived at Minato City roughly eight months ago, and it was the longest time you ever stayed in one spot. Usually, you dipped by the second month, but that wasn’t the case for Minato—a city under Shinsou’s watch.
The first time you crossed paths with him, it was ironically in a back alley nestled in between two rundown buildings. You preyed on a rich salaryman with an unmistakable narcissistic attitude; he was an easy target, and it didn’t take long to get him stumbling over his feet. After knocking him out cold, you rummaged through his belongings until you sensed a shadow lurking in the darkness.  
Your eyes landed on the stranger’s bizarre getup. An air of mystery surrounded him thanks to his unruly scarf and metal mouth-mask. Stranger danger indeed, you mused while taking a step back; your survival instincts urged you to leave. The man quirked an eyebrow when he asked a question, and you foolishly answered it.
You walked forward despite your inner protests; it was as if you were under some weird spell—his quirk perhaps?—and you couldn’t break free. The stranger placed handcuffs on you and checked on the unconscious man. All your escape plans were useless until a miracle happened: an ashtray fell on your head. The glass shattered on the floor, and you let out an annoyed groan; you realized the mysterious spell was broken. Not wasting another second, you summoned a portal behind you.
“Neat trick, but I’m not a big fan of being someone else’s puppet!”
You disappeared before his scarf could capture you. The next day, you did some research on the guy and learned he was a pro hero named Mindjack, his actual name Shinsou Hitoshi. You blamed yourself for not brushing up on this information before arriving at Minato City, a rookie mistake indeed. He was trouble, and you barely escaped his grasp last night, yet you were intrigued by him. His quirk was unique, almost villain-like if he wasn’t such a goodie-two-shoes.  
Since then, you had some run-ins with said hero, whether intentional or not.    
At first, you kept your guard up around him. Shinsou taunted you to speak, but you hilariously whipped out a mini dry erase board in return; it amused him. He heard about you, an infamous thief named Vanisher who frequents the underground scene.
After two months of playing the cat-and-mouse game, you settled on befriending him; he grew on you with his deadpanned statements. One night you found Shinsou crouched on the roof’s edge, yawning as if he hadn’t slept in days. You smacked an energy bar on his head and shoved a black coffee in his hand with a perky smile. Shinsou was thrown off by your gesture, but threw a curt “thanks” your way.
It was an odd dynamic brewing between you both. Some nights Shinsou shared a quick bite with you, and other nights he tried, for the billionth time, to rein you in. For Shinsou, you weren’t a huge threat in his city, just an annoying thorn. He disapproved of your nightly shenanigans with a dry, “Stop stealing stuff from unconscious men.”
“Oh please, he’ll survive without his precious Rolex watch!”
You enjoyed the friendly banter, and you knew he did to by the mischievous glint in his eyes. Even his tone sounded playful, betraying the serious facade during his patrols. Of course, you trod the tightrope carefully with the lone hero. A small slip and you’ll fall. However, it was a risk you took every night for the last eight months. Besides, Shinsou was extraordinarily handsome, and the whole dark aura vibe suited him well.
He was the first reason why you decided to prolong your short stay in Minato City. The second reason was well—
“Hmmm,” you savored the gin cocktail, soaking in all the information with deep thought. The room was cramped and had poor ventilation. Your nose inhaled the musty odor lingering in the air, the stench making you silently groan. A single lightbulb hung above the round table and barely illuminated the man’s wrinkled face, partially hiding in the shadows.
“So…what do you say?” Mamba’s guttural voice broke the silence. Two grimy nails tapped the table as he watched your throat bob. You caught his tongue hungrily licking his lips. “Think you’re up for it?”
“A heist, huh?” You lowered your drink, and casually swung your arm behind the chair. “You sure your guys scoped out the place?”
“Down to the smallest detail.”
“Hmm…I want forty-five percent of the cut.”
He smirked, “As you wish. After all, you are valuable to us.”
“Well, don’t you know how to charm a lady,” you teased, crossing a leg over the other. “I’m in. I’ve been meaning to spruce up my dull routine. Conning rich suckers might be fun and all, but this heist sounds ten times better.”  
Mamba signaled for his drink. Your glass cups clinked as the deal was officially closed. He shifted in his seat and drawled, “A pleasure having you on board, Vanisher. You’ll be in good hands with my men. I give you my word.”
“I’m sure I will.”
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“Ready to go?” Voltage gruffed from behind you. He was an enormous man who stood as tall as an electric tower. Tiny sparks bounced in his yellow eyes. The stoic man was the driver, and he lead you to the back of the van parked outside.
The plan was simple. Voltage will drive the van to an alley that was close enough to the bank. Someone from squad B would shut off the entire security system to avoid alerting the police. You will then summon a portal that connects to the vault. From there, two men will slip through and break the metal door. They’ll pack approximately 100 million yen in large duffle bags, throwing them back through the portal.
It sounded easy enough…after all, that was the plan for today.
“Really?” You huffed, annoyed at the henchman man-spreading on your right. His twin sat across from both of you with an unreadable expression. Voltage and his partner, Benzo, ignored your complaints. Casting a glare at your ‘teammate,’ you snapped your head to focus on the road. That’s when you noticed something strange.
Benzo discreetly pushed aside his coat to take out his gun. It was common knowledge for criminals like Mamba’s soldiers to arm themselves despite having quirks. However, why did Benzo have a tight grip on his weapon now? You narrowed your eyes when Voltage took a left turn instead of right, fueling your suspicions even more.
“The GPS broken, Voltage?”
And then…an attack.
You dodged a crystal dagger that came from your right. Only his hand was crystallized and you twisted his arm, the henchman howling like an injured wolf. His twin lunged forward with the speed of a bullet train. Your back slammed against the van at the guy’s sheer force. With wide eyes, you felt his vice-like grip crush your throat. The air was being sucked right our your lungs, and your fingers frantically scratched his skin.
Not giving up, you delivered three harsh blows to his groin. He stumbled back, but refused to let go of you. A growl escaped your lips when you kicked his ribs; with his grip gone, you charged at him, striking a pressure point by his neck—he was out like a light.
Out of the blue, Man-spreader caught you in a chokehold. He was noticeably weaker due to the injured right arm, and you took advantage of this. Benzo, however, shifted his body in his seat while snarling, “Keep her still! I’m gonna knock her out with this sleeping bullet! Viper wants her alive!”
Viper?! Damn it!
You elbowed man-spreader’s chest without stopping; an intense head-butt was your final move. Hearing the gun click, you swiftly used the unconscious stone block as your human shield to avoid the bullet. Tossing the guy toward the front, you activated your portal and rolled down the street. There was no time to think of a safe place, just that you needed to get out that hellish van.
A few scratches marked your cheek. The sound of wheels screeching against the concrete forced you to leap on your feet and run. You didn’t have enough energy to summon another portal, the fight draining almost everything in your system. But you still had some power left, and you’ll use it as your last resort.
For now, you settled on running the hell out of the van’s sight. Voltage and Benzo were hunters who wouldn’t rest until you’re captured. But there was no way in hell you were facing Viper again. Damn old geezer was still holding onto a deep grudge with that poker game. You gritted your teeth, the metallic taste of blood overwhelming your mouth. This might be a problem you couldn’t easily vanish away from…but it didn’t hurt to try.
All the buildings blurred as your feet pounded against the pavement. You skidded around the corner, the van right on your tail. A shot rang from a distance and you hissed; the bullet grazed your thigh. When you glanced up, your mouth dropped as a blue truck pulled out into the street.
Your only warning was: “Get out of the way!”
The driver, plus his companions, scurried like frighten mice when they noticed the white van dashing down the road. You slipped underneath the vehicle, but wasted no time staying on the floor. A loud crash roared from behind. You never looked back and arrived at a busy pedestrian street, bulldozing through the crowd.
Where’s a good place to hide?!
A piercing shriek ruined the city’s peaceful scenery. You peeked over your shoulder and screamed when an electric whip hit the lamp-post. The sudden attack made you lose your footing. More people yelled and rushed away from the danger, ignoring you in the process.
“I had it with this stupid chase, Vanisher!” Another whip crushed the window from a residential building. Voltage charged up his arm, the electric sparks spazzing out of control. He had you in his sight. “You’re coming with me, dead or alive!”
“Oh yeah? How are you gonna do that?” That wasn’t me…
“Why you little—”
Shinsou grunted as he lashed out his binding cloth to ensnare his target. Voltage’s power weakened once in a trance state, and the pro hero tugged the villain to the broken road. Shinsou kept the man tied up with his scarf, realizing it was the only thing strong enough to keep him immobile. You struggled to sit up. Shinsou demanded someone to call the police as he rushed toward your injured body.
“Hey, don’t move,” Shinsou gently held you in place. There was a purple bruise forming around your neck and a little bit of blood trickling down your chin. Shinsou frowned at what he saw. “What the hell happened?”
“Just got some bad blood with a sore loser,” you flashed him a crooked grin, the pain finally settling in. A cry for help interrupted your conversation, and Shinsou’s head snapped up. The building was on fire; Shinsou let out a curse. He couldn’t wait for other pro heroes or the fire department to show up. With no choice, he carried you away from the danger zone. “H-hey, what are you doing?”
“Stay here!”
Shinsou ran into the flaming pits of hell. You slowly rose to your feet, swaying back and forth on the sidewalk. Right now was the perfect opportunity to flee the scene. There were no cops or other pro heroes around, and Voltage was brainwashed. Yet, the deadly flames bursting through the shattered window paralyzed you. The only thing on your mind was Shinosu risking his life to save those people without any backup.
Damnit! Ugh…just this once!
You summoned a portal and stepped inside. The black smoke clogged the apartment, making everything harder to see or breathe. You covered your lower face and searched for anyone in this furnace. You stepped into another room, and your eyes spotted four figures huddled in the corner. Shinsou stood in front and tried thinking of a way out.
“I told you to stay put!”
“Not gonna happen,” you shouted, opening a weak portal by the family. “Run toward it now! I can’t hold it for too long!”
The family escaped unscathed. However, Shinsou refused to leave without you. Always the hero, you huffed at his stupidity. Through your blurred vision, you watched as he trudged forward. Unlike you, Shinsou had his mask, which acted as an impromptu breathing apparatus. But it hardly kept the thick smoke from invading his lungs. You extended your hand, and Shinsou’s fingers stretched as if his life depended on it.
A cracking noise skittered across the ceiling with a piece falling on Shinsou. You screamed, jumping over a line of fire to rescue him. Your throbbing arms lifted the broken piece off the hero’s back. His pulse was dangerously low, and you slung his limping arm over your shoulders. The flames kept growing, consuming everything that stood in its path. If you didn’t act quick, it would eat you and Shinsou too.
Your hand created a portal close enough to where you both stood. The distorted golden ring fizzled, a sign that your body was at its limit. But you wouldn’t give up. Fives steps were all you need to get the heck out of here. The fire roared in the background, furious at your disobedience for trying to escape the madness. Except when did you ever listen?
You dragged Shinsou through the portal and collapsed on the sturdy sidewalk. The ring closed in seconds. Your lungs inhaled the delicious air with immense gratitude. You ripped off Shinsou’s mask and repeatedly slapped his stubble cheek. “C’mon, c’mon! Wake up!”
A cough made you relax. Shinsou’s eyelids were barely opened when he croaked, “W-why?”
“I owe you one, remember?”
The corner of Shinsou’s mouth curled, a gurgled chuckle greeting your ears. You stifled a laugh and rolled on your back, staying put until the emergency response team arrived.
You remained in Minato City for eight months. Another couple of days wouldn’t hurt.
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Minato City’s nightlife was buzzing with excitement, and there were no signs of stopping. People flocked to their favorite bars, hoping to let loose after a stressful week at work. Salarymen drowned themselves in alcohol and cigarettes without a care in the world. It was the perfect recipe for you to con another unfortunate victim, but you decided to sit this night out.
You gazed at the city’s beautiful skyline. The lights twinkled like precious diamonds on display at a high-end jewelry store. However, you admired the sight from afar since tonight was the last time you’ll see it. By tomorrow, you’ll be in another city to lay low for a while. Keeping yourself off the grid was the best option to throw off your scent from Viper’s nose.
A pebble rolled beside your boot.
“Surprised you’re not down at the bars preying on your next money target.”
“Not really feeling it tonight,” you yawned, sparing a glance at Shinsou. He was wearing his usual hero attire, the mask resting underneath his chin. It gave you a perfect view of his chiseled jawline. You returned your sights on the bright streets and ignored the fluttering feeling in your heart. You coolly remarked, “I see you’re looking well.”
“Injuries weren’t so bad; I experienced worse ones before.”
“I don’t know about you, but it sounds like you’re trying to impress me.”
A deep chuckle was his only response. You raised an eyebrow when Shinsou stood beside you, almost too close than the previous encounters. Your hand clenched inside your coat pocket. Tonight’s weather forecast called for temperatures hovering just above the freezing point. Yet, your skin was feeling hot, and it wasn’t because of the black wool keeping you warm.
“The police interrogated the guy who attacked you,” Shinsou shared, making you still for a second before relaxing. “Heard his name is Voltage with connections to the underground crime lord called Mamba. So far, he’s not giving anything up.”
“And he won’t,” you sighed, watching a drunk guy whistle at a woman who passed by. “Viper and Mamba: they’re brothers who control the drug trade in their respective territories. I guess someone tipped Mamba off that I was in Minato City, and he lured me in with a false heist scheme.”
You leaned against the roof’s edge. “If I didn’t think so quick on my feet, I probably would have been in Viper’s clutches by now.”
“You should speak with the police,” Shinsou ignored your loud snort and pressed forward, “If you cooperate with the investigation, they’ll help you. Maybe place you in a witness protection program—”
“Don’t be so stupid, Shinsou. This is a highly organized crime ring we’re talking about!”
“The police can protect you!”
“No, they can’t.” You raised a finger at the hero, wagging it as you predicted his next response. “And neither can you. Besides, I don’t need someone protecting me. I’ve lived my entire life fending for myself, and I know what I’m doing.”
“And how has that worked out for you, huh?”
“Pretty fine until I made the stupid mistake of staying here!” You jabbed his chest before growling away. Two hands raked through your hair as you paced back and forth. You stopped, shooting daggers at Shinsou. “Like I said, I got bad blood with a few people. I’ve done shit I’m not too proud of, but that’s just life on the streets. You do whatever it takes to survive, even if it means constantly being on the run.”  
You spun away from Shinsou, your back straight as a rule and body visibly closed off. Puffs of white smoke slipped through your lips. The wind chill was not very merciful tonight as it froze your poor ears. You closed your eyes and heard Shinsou shuffle closer, his presence growing stronger by the second. His hand was gentle on your shoulder, almost as if he didn’t want to frighten you with the sudden touch.
Your mouth clamped shut when he whispered your name into the brisk night. You clenched your hand tighter when he pleaded, “You don’t have to keep running.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Then why did you stay here?” You bristled at the question, and Shinsou noticed. “Why didn’t you run away like before?”
“Because of you.” Shinsou’s hand twitched at the answer. Releasing a shaky breath, you turned around with conflicted eyes. For the first time in your life, your walls were crumbling down—the same ones that shielded you from the cruel world since childhood. It was too late to take back what you said, so you choked out, “I didn’t leave because I think I’m in love with you…and that terrifies me.”
A feathery thumb brushed your cheek. You gazed into his violet eyes; they were striking, yet carried a sense of fondness you’ve never seen before. He never said a word, but you were under his spell. Shinsou’s warm breath caused your entire face to flush once you realized how dangerously close he was in your bubble.
He admitted, with a raspy voice, “I feel the same way about you, except I’m not scared.”
“You’re stupid to think that way.”
“So be it.”
Time slowed as Shinsou lowered his lips and pressed them against yours. The kiss was sweet. Gentle. Innocent. You forgot about everything that was stressing your mind out. All your focus was on his lips—they were incredibly warm and soft and moved in a tender pace. You reciprocated the kiss with a tiny smile, your left hand clinging on his scarf. Shinsou grinned at your impatient tug; you were always so demanding.
However, after months of inhaling his rich scent, you were eager to taste him. You weren’t disappointed when you caught the sweet blend of dark cherry and black raspberry sprinkled along his mouth. A fresh jolt of excitement traveled down your spine. Shinsou’s arm wrapped around your waist, securing you in place. For a moment, you did not want him to let go—you didn’t want to run away from this safe haven.
If only the circumstances were different.
“You know I can’t stay…”
Shinsou didn’t say anything. His eyes, however, spoke volumes of how he felt about your decision. As much as it pained him to do so, he loosen his grasp on you. A portal opened not too far from where you both stood. You squeezed Shinsou’s hand and gave him a sad smile, the corners of your lips barely reaching your eyes.
The golden sparks lit up the dark rooftop, and one leg stepped on the other side. You paused, staring at Shinsou one last time, whispering, “Goodbye.”
Shinsou nodded mutely.
You disappeared into the portal, going on the run once again.
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Sixth prompt is crossed off. Which one will be next? Stay tune! Thank you for reading! 
Previous prompt: Boy Next Door
Hero Camp Bingo Masterlist
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itsdingdong · 4 years
Define Us - pjm
Pairing: Park Jimin x reader
Genre: smut, angst, roommate au, slice of life, some fluff
Warnings: explicit language, smut
Word count:3792
Synopsis: The day you enroll the university Jungkook is there to help you. When you have difficulties with the place you move in, Jungkook asks if you’d like to be his and his friend, Jimin’s roommate. The tension between you two is undeniable but you’re not certain of your feelings. How will things turn out with Jimin after a night out?
⌜Hope you’ll enjoy…💜⌟
You’ve met Jungkook on the day you enrolled to the university. He was in charge of helping the newcomers. There was a document missing and he was signed to help you. It was the last day of the enrollments and the guy that was supposed to be renting you the house you were going to move in turned out a fraud. That was the reason you got there the last minute. You found a place but it was too expensive and located way too far away from the school.
Having to spend the half of the day running here and there for signatures, you’ve become familiar with one another. After the term began, he would always call you over during breaks and you’d join him and his friends. You were so grateful that your breaks coincided with the only person you knew there.
Eventually you two ended up becoming good friends. One day, he was appalled to see your puffy red eyes as he was leaving the school. You ended up explaining him that you were having problems with your place. Right away he told you that him and his roommate were looking for a roommate and asked you if you’d like to move in with them. You didn’t take the offer right away since it’d be relatively odd to stay in a boys, let alone a person you’ve never met in person’s house but you finally gave in and decided to give it a shot.
 The highly anticipated weekend was finally here after an exhausting week. You going from place to place for job interviews to be able to pay the rent for Jungkook’s place which you now shared with his other friend Jimin.
With Jimin things were different. You were here now for almost 2 months and you got along very well. There was a chemistry. You couldn’t quite tell if it was a romantic or more of a sexual one, either way whenever he was around, your body somehow reacted to him.
It wasn’t obvious whether if he liked you or just wanted to fuck your brains out. On the other hand the attraction you felt towards him was something tad different than just lust. You wouldn’t hate going into bed with him but it was really likely for you to feel hurt afterwards to act as if nothing had happened. You guess you actually really did like him.
 It has been two weeks since you started looking up for a job and you finally landed in one. Part-time but enough to pay for your part of the rent. You were in front of the condo waiting for boys to let you in.  “What’s the password?” You could feel Jungkook smiling now through entry phone.
 “Let me in.”
 “Oh wrong address.”
 “I’ll be going then.” You pretend to leave and he chuckled and granted the entrance. You slowly made your way up.
“Come on in.”
You open the door and let yourself in.
 Jungkook and Jimin were both sat on the couch looking intently at the phone in Jungkook hands.
“You received a dick pick? Congrats!” You cooed at Jungkook as you closed the door behind you.
“You’d like that. Wouldn’t you?” Commented Jimin as he smirked at you. You smiled and shook your head disapprovingly as you start untying your shoes. “Fuck off.”
Jimin chuckled and motioned you hello with his free hand while Jungkook was still scrolling through something. “Hey.” You mouthed back. You went to your room to drop off your stuff and went back to the living room just before they stood up.
“Hey boys. How has your day been?”
 “Not bad really. How about yourself?” Jungkook spoke as poured himself some water from the counter.
 “Tiring but now I have a job!” You said shrugging.
 “Oh congratulations!”
 “Thank you. Thank you.”
 You did a little dance and took a bow.
 “How about we go out to celebrate? And this way you won’t be able to have an excuse.” You asked and looked at him expectantly. Jungkook stopped and thought quickly before nodding.
 “Why not? You coming too Jimin.” He nudged him.
 “Can’t let two ladies go out by themselves.” Jimin joked and came to you put his elbow on your shoulder and leaned on you. This made your heart skip a beat but you remained cool.
“Pfft. True.” Scoffed Jungkook. “Let me see if the boys will tag along.” And he left the room leaving you and Jimin alone. He moved away from you without breaking the eye contact. “Let’s have some fun tonight.”
 It took you approximately an hour to leave. Despite the common belief, boys took longer to get ready, defying the odds. Boys were going to meet you at the club.
As you were headed there you caught his eyes on you multiple times. The night was going to be interesting. Maybe tonight was going to be the one to define you. What you were to one another.
The boys were already here, encircling a table in the back of the club. Typical night out for them, or just whenever they were together it was all laughter and jokes, pretty much enjoying themselves no matter what. Jimin offered his arm to support you in your heels as you got to where the guys were.
“Finally! I was going to call the cops.”
“I swear this isn’t on me this time.” You put your hands up laughing.
“Well you look great love.” Hoseok complimented.
“Thank you.” You smiled at him humbly.
“The night has only begun, keep the flirting for later on.” Spoke Jin out of nowhere, making everything go absolutely awkward.
Jimin shifted uncomfortably next to you. “I’ll get the drinks. Jungkook, soju yeah?” Jungkook was in the middle of a saying something before briefly nodding at Jimin he went back to talking to Taehyung. “I’ll have a-” Your sentence was cut right in the middle because he already was headed to the bar. “Cheongju?” You stare after him slightly stupefied.
You stood there waiting for him to comeback as the guys were long gone into a conversation about God knew what. You felt like you’ve done something like you were responsible for his odd behavior but the thing was that there was nothing to be acting the way he did. A sigh escaped your lips catching Namjoon’s attention.
“What’s up with you?”
“Nothing. Just a little tired.”
“Oh come on the night haven’t even started yet.” He was right you’ve been here for only 15 minutes and here you were being a Debbie Downer for no reason. “Yeah, you’re right.” You smiled at him, trying to lighten up your mood. A moment later Jimin joined you with two beers and a Cheongju in his hands. Handed Jungkook his beer and you, your drink. “Thanks.” He looked away as he took a sip from his beer. This was starting to get on your nerves. Why was he acting like this? What was the point?
After two drinks you were starting to feel them oozing into your mind and weakening your mind and body. Your limit was 3, beyond that was blackout. It had the effect of a 3 on you. This drink was already strong as it was but since your stupid ass decided it was okay to do shots when they weren’t even half way empty, you were somewhere in between drunk and tipsy at this point.
The rhythm was bringing your hidden careless self out. Along with the drink as well. As you were dancing it felt like nothing mattered. You felt sexy. Shortly after showing off some of your dance moves you stole off of some stuff you’ve watched online, you were pulled in for a dance off with Hoseok. You were going from competing to dancing together and so on. Mixture of cheers and laughter erupted between you as you enjoyed each other’s company.
Your mind wandered off to Jimin for a second. Wondered what he was up to during all the dancing. You knew he wasn’t particularly a dancer unless he was truly drunk. You tried to find him in the club as the lights danced on the zombie like bodies that were dancing off tempo to the beat.
At first your eyes missed him but the second time you saw him the picture finally sank in. There was a girl. Dancing on him. Literally she was on him grinding and was holding onto him as if her dear life was depended on this. This girl was all over him. She attempted to kiss him but he didn’t let her. That very moment his eyes met yours.
This wasn’t right. Your chest filled up with pain. What was this? Jealousy? You diverted your gaze and attempted to focus on the sweaty bodies away from where he was stood. “At least someone is enjoying themselves.” Stated Jungkook coming up to you with a bottle of soju in his hand, pointing at Jimin. “Are you enjoying yourself?” You asked attempting to shrug off the stabbing pain in your chest. “Yeah. You?”
“Well, I will.” You smirk as a not so smart but good enough for an intoxicated state of mind kind of an idea came to your mind. You let your body loosen up and leave yourself into the hands of the music. Your hips started to sway to the beat, earning a cheer from Jungkook before him going back to where the other lads were. Your hands go up and down on your torso as you give a quick suggestive glance at Jimin. He wasn’t looking. You ignored and continued the process. Just before you were about to hit the ground you felt someone’s hand on your arm.
“Mind if I join you?” Asked a stranger. His breath smelled of gin and cigarettes. He wasn’t going to remember tonight. Heck like you were. “Please.” You turned your back to him and kept swaying your ass. The dress slightly going up with every courageous move you make. You did make a daring fashion choice but the person you made it for was too busy with someone else.
As you kept dancing, more like grinding at this point the stranger started to get rougher with you. At first you let it be but slowly it was becoming aggravating. You were trying to get away from his arms without making it look like it but he pulled you even tighter and you felt a bulge poking your back, you truly hated everything. Hated yourself. Hated Jimin for making you doing stupid things like this. You hated Jimin because he drove you crazy and he chose that slut. You attempted to escape his grip one more time. This time you were being obvious. You didn’t want him or his stupid dick. You just wanted to leave.
“We’re not done yet sweetheart. Where do you think you’re going?” He leaned for a kiss but you pushed his face away. “Let the girl go.” Jimin’s hand was on the guys shoulder in a threatening manner. The guy let go of you and raised his hands in surrender. Jimin’s physique must’ve intimidated him. Compared to Jimin, he in no shape to win a fight against him.
After the guy left our sight, it was you and Jimin. You staring anywhere but him. His eyes on nowhere but you. “I’m going home.” Your voice came out weak but you were surprised it did after all. You doubted he heard you in this loud place. You glanced at him before moving away from him. His facial expression told you that he was mad, fuming really but he wasn’t likely to show aggression. He wasn’t that kind of a person. Not because he was a softy or anything but because he was too chill for that jazz.
You managed to find your table then took your purse avoiding any possible eye contact from the boys then left. It only took you about 15-20 minutes to get home. You were already sober with the adrenaline. Way to ruin a night out. The heels were killing you by now so you took them off in the elevator and waited to reach our floor. With the beep sound, the elevator reached your floor and the doors opened. The feeling of familiarity was all you needed right now and as soon as you were a step away from the main door, your wish was granted.
The night was supposed to be great and yet here you were by yourself feeling worse than ever. If it weren’t for Jimin, you could’ve ended up in this guy’s house and God knows what would’ve happened then. You hated that you owed him that now. You gently put the key to the key hole, shortly after realizing it’s the wrong key. Just you were about to look for the next one someone grabbed you from the wrist and spun you over, pinned you to the door and forced a kiss on you. His cologne was familiar enough to knock you out of your senses. This wasn’t the familiarity you were asking for. Or was it? As much as you wanted to kiss him, more than anything in the world you didn’t reciprocate the kiss. It didn’t take him long to get that. He stepped away to look at you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Honestly? Everything.”
“Is it because of that guy?”
“Yes.” A big fat lie.
“Or is it the girl?” You rolled your eyes before kneeling down to get the keys.
“Why are you even here?” You spoke, your voice harsher than you intended it to be. You put the right key in this time and managed to open the door.
“I followed you.” He entered after you then closed the door behind him.
“Creepy.” You mock and put the keys on the key holder. You rush to your room that ironically happens to be right next to his. Just you were about to close the door he came in.
“You can’t deny what we have.” He leaned on the wall, blocking your way.
“What is it that we have?” You asked slowly losing your temper.
He took a step toward you, closing the distance. Just before he could you moved away from him.
“Look. Maybe we did have something. But now, it doesn’t feel like that anymore.”
Why did your chest hurt so badly?
“Why not?”
“I don’t know. Maybe we’re not meant to be.”
“But we are. Look you’re the only one in my mind. Every minute, every fucking second.”
 “Bullshit.” You sat yourself down on your bed to take a breath. The argument was getting heated up and you didn’t want that, not that you didn’t want to argue with him but to give him that. He felt important but was he really that important?
“If you want to address to what happened tonight, it was all your fault.” He said coldly.
“Excuse me?” You looked at him offended, your voice raised slightly. He sighed and sat next to you.
“If you weren’t wagging your tail at Hoseok like that nothing would’ve happened. The girl. That jerk. This, right now.”
“I wagged my tail at Hoseok? He’s my friend! You should’ve known that by now. Your stupid misunderstanding led to this. It caused a chain reaction and now I feel more defeated than you I have.”
“How about we stop blaming each other and enjoy each other’s company? It’s just you and me at last.”
“Jimin I-“ you tried to protest. He cut you off by putting his thumb on your lip then moved it on your cheek as he intently watched you.
“I’m going to show you what it is that we have.” He leaned in and waited for you for a second to see whether if you liked it or not. You didn’t hate it but you were butt hurt and you wanted to rant but he was making it impossible. It was as impossible as resisting to him.
Once he made sure it was okay to kiss you, he slowly pecked you. Your heart fluttered with the warm feeling taking over your body. His eyes met yours briefly. There was hunger, lust and a little bit of innocence hidden. Was it perhaps love? You gulped on your thought right before he connected our lips for a longer kiss. You were no longer mad. You wanted him. You wanted him right there and then. You put your hands on each side of his cheeks deepening the kiss turning it into a full on make out session. He broke the kiss to look at you.
“Holy shit.”
You pulled him to continue from where you were left off only for him to pull back again. Disappointed in the loss of his soft lips on yours, you let out a grunt and gave him an annoyed look.
“If you won’t stop me now, you won’t be able to.”
“I don’t want you to.” You spoke as moving a stray hair out of his face, giving him a smile. His mouth dropped a little to say something. His face was redder than you could ever imagine him possible be. His lips once more found yours much more forcefully. With the impact of the kiss you were now lying on your bed. He easily turned you around and you were now on top. You could feel his growing member underneath you making you more aroused than you already were. His hand found the hem of your little dress, removing it with one swift move leaving you in your purposefully picked lacy underwear. He admired your body for a second and seemed pleased with the choice you’ve made.
“Mm. Somebody was prepared.” He grinned. You felt the blood rushing up to your cheeks so you leaned in for a kiss. You didn’t want him to see the affect he had on you.
“That’s cute.” He smiled in between the kiss. Well shit.
“Shit baby.” He spoke breathlessly as he admired your breasts and pulled you closer to him as he gently palmed them. You moved your hips a little to rub his manhood. A moan escaped his plump lips. Then you pushed him off with a smirk on your face before tugging on his shirt signaling for him to strip down.
“Your wish is my command.”
He quickly took off his shirt and his pants. You licked your lips and admired the view. He was like a Greek statue. He was perfect. This was perfect.
“Like what you see huh?”
“Mm-hmm.” You smile and give him a kiss as you climb back on him. After giving one last peck on his lips you slowly started going down on his body. He exhaled loudly then tilted his head back. You kept leaving trails of sloppy kisses until you stop on his V-line just before you got to his manhood. You sucked on him little through the fabric of his boxers making him shiver with anticipation. You pulled his boxers down and took his member in your hand and stroked him up and down. He gave you a vulnerable look as you brought your lips closer to him; he gulped right before gave him a little peck. Then you started to lick him from his base to the tip of his shaft. You tease him by making delicate circles with your tongue on his tip before wrapping your lips around his member. His hands almost immediately found the back of your head and pushed you further down to your surprise. You gagged a little before readjusting yourself to take him deeper.
“Sorry.” He breathed chuckling. “Jesus.” You chuckled and rolled your eyes then gave his now rock hard member another kiss before taking him back in.
“Damn you’re good.”
You giggled then shrugged with a smug look on your face.
“Your turn now. I want to taste you baby.” He brought you back up and gently placed you on the mattress and kneeled down before the area you craved him the most. He teased your entrance with his tongue then swirled it around your clit. Every spot his lips touched was aching for his touch.
“So this is the affect I have on you?” He whispered turning you on more than you already were. You didn’t think that was even possible.
A moan escaped your arched lips causing him to smile with amusement and victory.
“I’m almost there.” You breathed heavily feeling the throbbing sensation taking over your lower abdomen.
“Wait for me baby.” He said before standing up, motioning you to scoot further so he could join you in the bed. He climbed on top of you then placed himself in between your legs. He rubbed his dick along your entrance teasing you mercilessly.
“Stop teasing.” You said through gritted teeth. He smirked at your hastiness and licked his lips as if you hadn’t suffered enough.
Hasty or not you couldn’t wait any longer so you wrapped your legs around him and pulled him to you startling him with your sudden action.
He collided his lips with yours as finally slid himself in. Your bodies became one. You pulled him closer with your arms leaving you chest to chest. His warmth on you sent an ecstatic feeling into each pore existing on your body. With each thrust you were again getting closer and closer to your climax this time to be able to let it go. He planted brief kisses now and then on your lips as he continued to penetrate you.
“I’m-.” You moaned and tensed around him before you could let him know your body was trembling with your climax.
His breathing increased and his thrusts became erratic indicating he was also close. He pulled out and jerked off and spilled himself all over your belly.
“You made a big mess big boy.” You teased playfully. He laughed and stood up to get a towel.
“Let’s take a shower instead.” You offered.
“One condition.” He jumped back on the back looking dead serious.
“Uh...yeah, okay what is it?”
“Be my girlfriend.” He spoke softly nuzzling into your neck leaving small traces of kisses here and there.
“Oh. OH. Well I thought it would be like a one night stand kind of a thing.” You pushed his face away.
His face fell almost immediately. He looked down and gulped and you truly felt bad at the sight. Yet it was definitely worth it.
“I’m just messing with you.” You smacked his arm and leaned in for a peck.
“You, are the worst.” He put his hand on his chest sighing in relief.
“Seriously though. Let’s get it done before Jungkook gets back.”
“After you girlfriend.”
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luthien-t · 4 years
Resurfaced Memories. Chapter Seven.
Loki x Female reader
Series Summary: Being the goddess of Victory, Sigyn. You Devoted your eternal love to Loki, but ever since his reveal of being the Jotun, Odin decides to separate you both to prevent all chances of him seizing the throne. Casted -More like banished- to Midgard with no memories of your previous life, you believe you are the same as the ones around you, the midgardians. You gave yourself the name Y/n. With plenty of help and guidance you finally have a life, what will it be of Loki when he finds you during his trips with his brother? 
Series Masterlist 
Warning: Angst, cruse words, bad english oop
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You stepped out of the shop from the back, letting out a long sigh before pulling out your phone to text Linda. Loki being in the shop made everything difficult and complicated things even more, you want to listen to him and talk but you can’t just let it be that easy. Besides, you already gave him his chance and he just ruined it, it would’ve been easier if he just passed by that day
loki is in the shop so i took my break, just let me know when he leaves’ 
She immediately replied
‘Did he do something? I can just kick him out ykno?’
‘no i just dont want to see him’
‘y/n, what did we say about the flow?’
You groan out loud, you know she’s right. But you’re too stubborn for this, you finally let go of the mess and the confusion it brought to you and now it’s coming back to you all too quickly.
‘he left’
Linda texted you again five minutes after you left, you let out a sigh of relief and start walking back to the shop, but wait, why are you feeling disappointed all of a sudden? What is going on with you? You wanted to be away from him and now that he is gone you wish he didn’t? Pull yourself together, y/n. You said to yourself and walked back inside the shop from the back, your feet taking you back to the counter. But he was sitting there, a mug in his hand and his head towards the window, watching the people passing by.
Your heart was thudding violently in your chest and your breathing started to pick up quickly, your head turned left and right trying to find Linda and there she was, pretending to not notice you. You dragged your feet to Linda as quickly as possible, hoping Loki wouldn’t notice and bent down to her level.
“Seriously Linda? What the fuck?” You whispered to her and she smiled, a chuckle following it. “I knew the only way I’d get you to actually talk to him is by lying to you, now go! Seriously, y/n, what could go wrong?” She whisper-yelled to you and you rolled your eyes before standing up straight. It’s like Linda is working with Loki against you, you know she wants whats best for you but sometimes she can be a little bit pressuring. You sighed again and walked slowly towards Loki, you can feel the blood rushing to your face and your heart beating in your chest the minute he turned his head to your direction.
He had an odd expression on his face, like he was surprised to see you here. You took the seat on the opposite side of him and sat down, he opened his mouth to speak but you beat him to it. “Why are you here, Loki?” You asked him with a monotone voice and he set his mug down. “To explain-“ His eyes were locked into yours, his mouth still agape as if he was wanted to say more but was hesitant. “-Everything.” He whispered the word and his shoulders dropped gently, saying these words felt like enough for him to relax a bit. You remained silent but leaned back on the chair, enlisting that you are listening. 
“I had to go back to Asgard that day, well it was more like forced. I never meant to leave like that.” He rested his hands on the table and looked down at his mug, your angry gaze was burning him and he knew if he kept looking at you it would just burn him more. 
“I am here today by secret, I passed the Bifrost without Heimdalls knowledge and no one really knows I’m here but you.” Saying these words out loud felt foreign to him, no one knows of that secret exit but Sigyn, yet here you are, pulling it out of him with ease. 
“But why?” You ask him, your brows furrowed. This keeps getting more and more complicated to you and you weren’t sure if you can handle more. 
“I told you, darling. I would like to know you.” His usual flirtatious personality was slowly creeping back in him as he noticed how your body was positioned in a way that was indicating that it was not leaving, he is holding on to his one chance to actually know you, maybe finally find the truth about you. He just wants to be sure of his suspicions. 
A sigh left your lips as you crossed your arms over your chest, your eyes were scanning every visible part of Loki. You teeth clinging onto the small skin of the corner of you lips and your mind being too loud for your own liking. You know you have to stop this, everything you read about him and the gods told you enough. Sure, some of the stories were false, but also some of the stories were real, and you were sure that Loki wouldn’t do anything without a motive. You craned your neck back towards Linda and then back to Loki, another short sigh leaving your lips. 
“I’m not Sigyn, Loki.” You say, stating the obvious, he furrows his eyebrows at the sudden mention of his lost love. 
“I know that, I’m not here for her I-“ He protested. 
“No, I know if I saw someone I loved, I wouldn’t stop til I get the truth” You interrupted him, it was starting to feel like a routine with him, he says something and you interrupt him so easily. “If you want the truth, then here it is.” Your voice was quiet, too scared to say it out loud, you never talked about your story to anyone but Linda, your heart was accelerating by the second and you can feel your palms go sweaty. Telling him the truth was the only way you know if he’s here for you or for Sigyn. He remained quite, his mug left abandoned as his hands slowly reached out for you on the table, which you blatantly ignored.
You told him your story, how you got here, how you met Linda. “I can only assume I’ve been injected by the serum. I mean, it doesn’t seem like a coincidence to knock on Lindas door that night. She must’ve been a locked memory in my head.” You finished then sighed, your hands rested on the table, both of your hands close enough to his that you can feel the cold radiate from his hands and meeting with the heat from yours. Loki kept his mouth shut the whole time, only nodding and squinting his eyes at you in concentration the entire time you explained your story. He was speechless, every time he wants to believe that you’re just you, your words and actions, and now your story deflects it. He wasn’t sure if he was being tricked by his own thoughts and his love towards Sigyn or if you’re really her anymore. 
“Would you like to remember?” He asks you softly, one of his hands slowly rising from the table, his palm gently moving towards your head, he was testing the waters, hoping that maybe his magic would clear things. But, you shook your head and his hand dropped to the table with a soft thud. “Not really, it was 75 years ago, I am more than over it now. I have a different life now. I have Linda, I have this shop and if I’ve been away for 75 years from Hydra or whatever so I guess I’m fine without the past.” You noticed his hands slowly retreating towards his mug and his jaw gently clenching as he swallowed, like he was holding back. 
“But thank you, for the idea” You smiled a sad smile and lifted a hand gesturing to his hand quickly.
Loki shrugged slightly and forced a smile, his eyes glued to his cold tea. “Look, I know you want me to be her so bad but I’m sorry. I’m not, and even if I was, Loki” This time only his eyes looked up at you, warning you to watch your words at the mention of Sigyn. You pretend to be oblivious to his silent warning and continued. “I am sure I would’ve wanted you to move on, maybe love another or start new. You gods are immortal, 75 years is a mer blink of an eye.” You don’t know where this bravery came from but you kept your eyes still on his. Loki took a deep breath in, his chest rising and then lowering slowly, like he was debating and thinking of his next moves. 
You know you crossed the line when you mentioned her, but how else were you going to get this man to make up his mind. One minute he was here and then for 3 months he’s gone and now he’s back? “Loki, I know your stories, your ideas and morals. I know of your heritage and the shit Odin has done. I know you have motive. If you’re really here for Sigyn then please, stop wasting your time.” His silence was making you bolder by the second and you know damn well that this is the only chance you will get to say these things. “You don’t know anything, y/n.” His reply was short and harsh, exactly what you expected. 
“You believe the stories you’ve read about me in your silly books? That I’m the monster you tell your children at night?” His voice was slighting rising as he tilted his body towards you, trying to intimidate you, the table keeping the distance between you both as you remained seated calmly, your back straight and your face unbothered by his words. “Then what do you want Loki? I told you already, you had one chance and you blew it.” Your voice was calm and quiet, the complete opposite of your heart and the emotions that were boiling inside you. 
“This is my one chance!” He raised his voice as he slammed his hand on the table, the shop was suddenly quiet and all eyes were on you two. Linda stood up and watched you both, calculating what to do next. All you did was sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose, why were you putting up with this? You don’t know, you just want to get this over with. You stood up, watching his eyes follow you, your feet led you to the door as Linda approached you. “I can call the cop-“ 
“No, I can handle him.” You interrupted before turning your head towards Loki, tilting it slightly, observing his stance and the way his eyes watered with frustration, you wondered again if he’s doing all of this for you or for Sigyn, had he truly loved her and is still looking for her in you? He took your staring as an invitation and walked towards you, following you as you walked out and away from the shop, he was confused when you stopped in front of a small house. 
“Okay Loki, I’ll give you what you want” Your voice was calm and your back to him, it reminded him of how calm she always was during heated conversations. He remained silent but still followed you inside the house.
He watched you set the keys down and sigh. His eyes couldn’t help but wander around the house, it was filled with plants, pictures of you and Linda framed everywhere, a couch was in the middle of the living room where you went and sat down.
“You want me to remember?” You looked up at him, one eyebrow raised and your tone still calm, as if this was just a normal conversation, confusion kept rising in him. 
“Then get it over with, I have work and Linda is going to get worried if I’m not back in an hour” You continued and he walked towards you. 
“Y/n,” He started, he was starting to hesitate, unsure of your sudden decision. “Don’t you want to know if I’m Sigyn? Go on then, I’ll buy us the time so you can leave and move on.” Your eyes started to water, all of this was overwhelming and you were doing all of this, saying all of this without even thinking. Your heart beat was accelerating as he sat down in front of you. 
“I’ve told you before, I want to know you, I know Sigyn is out there somewhere but you said it yourself, it has been 75 years.” He said, his voice was trembling slightly at your offer and your choice of words. The way you figured him out before he even had the chance to proceed with his plans, he was supposed to gain your trust before doing this, it was supposed to be a slow and stealthy plan, yet here you are rushing him to do it. 
“Are you really here for me? Or is it because somewhere deep down you’re still holding onto her?” Your voice broke as you pointed a finger to his chest. He sighed and looked down at where your finger and his chest meet.
“I am not stupid, Loki, now lets get it over with. This is the one chance you obviously wanted, right?” You grabbed his hand and moved it to hover your forehead and his breath hitched, holding his palm away from your face as you held onto his wrist to keep it in place, he can’t lie to himself that he is scared, he’s terrified. What will happen after this? He hates walking blindly into an unknown future. He watched your face, looking for anything to pull away from you but all you gave him was a determined look, you were ready for whatever mysterious outcome this will give. 
He inhaled before slowly moving his palm to your forehead, your hold on his wrist were tightening and letting go repeatedly quickly, he can tell that you’re as scared as he was, he can hear it in your breathing, he can feel it in your hands. One finger touched your forehead and you can feel a cold tingling sensation coarse all through you, closing your eyes, you can see bright lights all around you even with your eyes closed, you were embracing yourself for whatever truth you are about to get when suddenly the cold feeling left your body and the lights were all gone. 
You hesitated to open your eyes, was it already over? You tried to ask yourself a question, maybe what your name was but all you got was blank. You still don’t remember? You opened your eyes again and all you see is your empty living room, your shoulders slumped and you let out a sigh. Speechless at what just happened, Loki is nowhere to be found but there was an engraving carved with details on the floor. Great, he fucking left, again.
Taglist: @jessiejunebug​ , @hellethil​ ,
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Jewel Of The North Part 11
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Woo, this was so much fun. Karma begins to sink her teeth into Alorna and Doug. Meanwhile Noah and our dear reader Zara draw closer and closer. Que- Lady in Red.
Many thanks to @monstersandmaw​ for sharing ice orcs with me. I am having a blast. Enjoy. 
Jewel Of The North
Part 11
The next morning, you accidentally slept in because you were up half the night getting some of the best sex of your life and reconciling with Noah and having the best heart to heart while you were fucking the other’s brains out and this morning you felt like you were running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to get ready on time and Noah walked you to the spa himself and you weren’t five steps from it before you saw Alorna and Doug at the counter, getting last minute upgrades on their services and about to go into it and both you and Noah stopped dead in your tracks and gasped and squeezed the other’s hand tightly and you doing that made Alorna and Doug turn around to look and one look made them freeze and breathe in tightly and the looks on their faces were priceless as they looked like they both had been caught with their pants down as both you and Noah quickly got your phones out and got pictures of them, together for proof of where they were and why the couldn’t be found back on the mainland.              
And seeing them, you and Noah looked at each other before looking back at them and started busting out laughing and pointing because the odds of the four of you meeting back up, let alone like this- was astronomical. So it was either by fate that you met or by the craziest coincidence. Yesterday you would have wanted to beat them both to a pulp. Today- though, you didn’t care. You had your family and a clean conscience and you knew they couldn’t boast of that last one and you knew Karma was about to bite them in the ass and you knew that justice was coming for them and for you. 
“Oh my gods, you left John for Doug?” Noah asked his sister. 
“What if I did?” Alorna shirked with a shrug. 
“I mean you’re a stupid, faithless bitch either way and incase you missed it, I officially disown you. By the way, since you seem to have been ignoring your phone, I think you should know I got a text from your soon to be ex husband, telling me that you had skipped out of town on a cruise and he officially called all his credit cards that you have- in as stolen and cancelled your check card and kicked you off the checking account at the bank. And his lawyer is expediting your divorce and all your stuff is at the community center and that he changed the locks on the doors. But at least he left you your car.” Noah informed her as he pulled up his text from John on his phone and read it off to her. 
“What?” Alorna blanched as she came over to look at his phone to read it herself. 
“Even if that’s true, Sweetheart, you can move all your things in with me.” Doug offered Alorna which made her beam smugly at her brother. 
“Thank you Baby, I knew I could depend on you.” Alorna practically sang as she sauntered back to him and kissed him sweetly as you just stood there and shook your head as you texted your picture to Summer and gave her the update as even more updates came pouring into your own phone.  
“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment I need to keep.” You excused yourself and went up to the desk to check in for your own appointment. 
“What are you getting done?” Doug asked you curiously from down the counter.
“Nothing. It’s an interview and sales pitch to be an onboard LMT, I get the ultimate cruise experience and elite package in a King’s Suite for free just for about an hour or so of my time and any money I spend on this cruise, I write off as a business expense, both personally and from a business expense for all of my businesses. So while this cruise is free, I get to enjoy a twenty thousand dollar tax break for myself and for each of my businesses, which considering all four of them and counting myself, is a whole hundred thousand dollars. Not bad for an hour or two of my time eh?” You returned with a smugness of your own as Doug and Alorna’s jaw dropped in jealous disbelief. 
“Enjoy your time at the spa.” You offered sweetly before you paused and turned to address them head on. 
“Oh by the way, before you go, I should remind you- just in case you didn’t know, there is always legal backlash for defaming and maligning a priestess of Aura. Because my lawyers have already been in contact with every single elder in every clan up here and especially with every single elder on the councils and got so many statements of what you two said about me to them and already have more than enough evidence to sue you both and it doesn’t matter if and when which of you turns on the other or not, both of you will answer for what you’ve done. You should know that the last person to defame a priestess of Aura, was sued for a 150 million dollars in damages, and the out of court settlement ended up being 15 million. So you’ll be hearing from my lawyers when you do get home and currently you’re both in the process of getting warrants out for your arrest because defaming and threatening a public figure which all priestesses of Aura are, is an arrest-able offense in every country in the world and an expedite-able offense too. So enjoy jail. I doubt anyone but me will have pockets deep enough to bail you out and there’s no way in hell I would ever do that either. But I hope this little affair was worth it for you.” You offered, your tone sweet as honey but the gravitas of what you were saying hit them both like a ton of bricks Noah beamed the happiest, proudest smile. 
“Yes! In your faces motherfuckers!” Noah cheered as he gave them both the bird. 
“Baby, I’m gonna be sitting right over here until you get out.” Noah informed you happily as he pointed to a chair before he strutted over and settled into it. 
“You’re lying. That’s the worst bluff I’ve ever heard.” Alorna scoffed at you. 
“I guess we’ll see when you get off the ship, in any port you do get off at. You’ve fucked around, now you get to find out.” You smiled smugly back with a shrug. 
“Ms. Kingsley?” Sharon- the spa’s manager called when she came out. 
“That’s me.” You confirmed as you went over to her and shook her hand and went back with her into the spa for your interview. 
“What if she wasn’t bluffing.” Doug murmured to Alorna before their own therapists came out to get them. 
“She has to be, she’s just trying to get the last word and the last laugh and steal our fun. It’s not gonna work.” Alorna insisted but Doug wasn’t sure before they went back into the spa. 
Noah happily texted his mom that you and him had fully reconciled and that he had told Alorna the ‘news’ of John’s divorce as his mother confirmed everything you had just told Doug and Alorna and that yesterday, shortly after you left, that she had gotten a call from a lawyer asking about the incident and that not only did she and Ukluk confirm the case, but so had Isla, Tonrar and everyone else involved and that the clan law was in the process of getting modified by each clan and that each clan was offering Zara a share of the tribal lands as recompense for believing the lies about her and were working on a formal apology and would be officially stripping Alorna and Doug of their clan standing and ties and that the police were involved and that there were indeed warrants out for their arrests and that cops were already contacting the cruise ship to let them know they were harboring wanted individuals. 
Noah simply giggled gleefully as he got up and went to the closest bar and got a celebratory drink before settling back into his spot.
Finally, after all this time, and pain and heartache and damage, his sister and Doug had caused, they were getting what was coming to them. Karma was real and was gonna bite them in the ass soon enough. And the best part about it, is he didn’t have to lift a finger and neither did you. All he had to do was stand by you and do right by you from now on, which he was more than prepared to do. Never again would he waiver from you. Because while you had lost the battle the other night, you sure as hell were going to win the war and just because you weren’t physically fighting or combative, didn’t mean that you weren’t fighting back, you were just fighting back in the best way possible. You were going to hit where it would hurt them the most. And Noah for one would rather get the shit kicked out of him rather than be abandoned by his clan. So he was supremely grateful.
He pulled out your check that had been in his pocket, and turned it over to read the back one more time. 
‘Dear Noah, please don’t think that I’m giving up. I’m not. I will never give up, not on you or on Sakura. And I will fight till my last breath for you both. I don’t want you to have to choose between your heritage, your culture and your birthright- and me. You deserve both. You both deserve everything you want. Love, happiness, honor, pride, heritage, roots and family. When you read this. I hope you’ll understand that as a priestess, there are rules I have to follow while in regalia. And I hope we find each other again soon. No matter what happens, I will always love you both- Sincerely, Zara.’ 
Even now, Noah wiped a stray happy tear from his eyes as he pressed the check to his heart. He had been a fool yesterday. A thankless bastard, a reprehensible asshole. But you redeemed him. Even when you shouldn’t have. And for that, he would always be grateful. And love you unconditionally and always treat you with the utmost care and respect. And treat your children as his own. Even if they both hated him at first. He would win them over by staying true to you and them. And he was always going to have your back and theirs and be the trustworthy rock you and they needed. He silently prayed to every god you both believed in and vowed this to them and when he had finished. A renewed sense of peace and happiness came and settled in him and renewed his spirit. 
The interview process did take about an hour and a half. But you came out of the spa, happy and smiling and laughing with the spa’s day manager before you practically strut over to him. 
“So? How’d it go?” He asked before you slid into his lap and drank the rest of his drink. 
“It went great, they offered me a job but sadly I had to turn it down because I actually want to be around for my kids and possible new husband and can’t do that living on a ship full time.” You hinted. 
“They have a jewelry store on this cruise ship right?” Noah asked. “I can get you a wedding ring right now.” He offered. 
“Don’t you dare, the jewelry on this ship is cheap in quality and sky high in price. I would much rather have a traditional ring from the clans or bead in my hair or whatever. Besides, if you do get me a ring, it’ll live on this necklace or any other necklace you get for me because I can’t wear jewelry on my hands for work. But I would wear it on my off days and special occasions.” You answered. 
“Besides. Call me old fashioned, but I want a traditional wedding with all the friends and family and all that and not some last minute thing on a cruise ship.” You urged him. 
“Me too.” Noah simply grinned as he happily wrapped his arms around you and held you comfortably. 
“So, let’s go get some brunch.” You urged him before you got off of him and offered him your hand to help him up which he gratefully took and once he was up to his full height he returned the glass to the bar and walked down to one of the restaurants on the ship with you comfortably under his arm. 
“I will say this though, could we get you some nice dress clothes for dinner?” You asked as you walked down the hallway with your own arm around his waist. 
“Sure.” Noah answered before you both gorged yourselves on a brunch then went shopping to get Noah a few things for the remaining nights of the cruise, including a black suit with a black dress shirt and black dress shoes with black socks with a few different ties and handkerchiefs that would match the dresses you brought so that you would match and so that Noah’s suit would be versatile. 
“Aww, I see you found her.” Maggie said as you guys walked past the customer service desk together, both of you carrying several bags each. 
“I did.” Noah grinned proudly. 
“So- what did you forget?” She asked you curiously. 
“His heart.” You answered truthfully. 
“Awww!” She gushed. “Really?” She asked as she looked from the two of you. 
“Yeah, we’ve been falling for each other since we first met each other, and it just took one good kick in the pants for me to come to my senses and come after her.” Noah revealed. 
“What was your kick in the pants?” She pressed giddily. 
“This.” Noah said as he showed her the back of the check before she and everyone else at customer service read it and started crying once you explained the whole story after putting your things on the counter so you wouldn’t have to keep holding them and it freed your hands up for your gestures. 
“So, I actually won’t be needing my cabin. I’m rooming with her.” He nodded over to you. 
“Well then I guess you need a refund for your suite don’t you? I mean you didn’t even really use the room at all, barely stepped your foot in it. So it doesn’t count, besides, we need the room for other guests anyway.” Maggie insisted before she got his room card and re-programed it so it would work for your room instead. 
“And I got you some ship credit for whatever else your hearts desire while sailing with us for any “inconvenience”. Oh this is straight out of a movie I swear!” Maggie swooned happily as she typed on her computer before she printed out receipts and stuff for you both. 
“Thank you so much for sharing. I ship you guys so hard. Here’s my email address, email me what happens, I want to know.” She insisted as she wrote down her personal email address to you. 
“Definitely.” You grinned before you got your stuff and went back to your suite together and got ready for dinner at the cruise’s most fancy restaurant. 
“Wow.” Noah breathed in awe before he wolf whistled at you from the comfort of the couch in the suite when he saw you walk out of the bathroom in a red dress that hugged your curves gorgeously and was sexy as sin. Your hair was done up, your makeup flawless, the red of your lipstick matching the shade and tone of the dress perfectly and your jewelry he could tell was older and most likely inherited from your late adopted grandparents. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him bashfully as you struck a few seductive poses for him. 
“That’s going to be real fun to take off.” Noah grinned as you could already see the beginnings of a hard on tent his pants. 
“Yes it will. Later of course, not right now, we have a reservation to keep.” You urged him as you got on two different pairs of shoes. 
“The red or the black?” You posed as you stood before him, switching from one foot to the other. 
“They both look amazing, pick whichever one is more comfortable.” He urged you. 
“They’re about the same. I’m going with red. Save the black for the little black dress.” You decided before you walked over to a chair and put the other red shoe on the other foot so now they matched before you found your shawl and put your things in a little clutch. “You ready?” You asked once you were all put together as you draped the shawl around your shoulders. 
“Ready.” Noah said as he turned the TV off and got up from the couch and straightened himself up before he was by your side in just a few strides and happily escorted you to dinner and smiled so proudly when everyone you walked past seemed to stop and stare at you strutting past them. You could tell most of them wanted to say something, a few of the brave ones whistling lowly after you passed them but one look from Noah had them biting their tongue and looking away guiltily. While Noah looked perfectly dashing- he was an ice orc after all and therefore- not someone to mess with and Noah happily escorted you to the restaurant where you got seated at a table in the center of the restaurant where you happily shrugged your shawl off and laid your clutch next to you in the comfortable armchairs. 
Noah wanted to pinch himself. Two weeks ago, he was bartering flights and airplane fuel and googling what he could make for dinner with only two or three ingredients and a handful of spices and he felt like he was treading water, barely keeping his head above water and begging his garden to ripen his produce faster so he could eat it and use it and he had been so grateful that Taylor had recommended him to you. You were one of the first clients to not haggle. He had given you a high price to start with, expecting to be haggled down. But you had accepted it and even sent him a deposit and that had set him straight and it was enough to ease the sinking feeling and gave him breathing room. And then the moment you walked into his life. Suddenly money was the last thing to matter to him. For the first time since childhood, money was not a major factor in anything. All that mattered was Sakura and you. Your safety, your wellbeing, your comfort, your happiness. And when you took to Sakura as easily and readily as you did, all he could do was thank the gods for answering his prayers for allowing the right woman into his life and Sakura’s life and for giving him the patience to wait for her. You were like a soothing balm to all the wounds losing Neena he and Sakura had sustained. 
Neena, while she was traditional in most senses and was an excellent mother and careful with money and expenses and incredibly thrifty and resourceful because she had to be, she was easily contented and not demanding at all, however she wasn’t the greatest lover, or cook. She was very reserved. And not expressively passionate. 
But you? Passion and heart, feeling and intuition was in everything you did. You were mild, gracious and generous when you wanted and needed to be but you didn’t let anyone walk all over you or take advantage of you and very protective. You were balanced between open yet discrete and an excellent judge of character. And you created such a safe, wonderful, nurturing, welcoming and relaxed environment wherever you were. And you were always, always- professional. You garnered respect wherever you went and whatever you did. And you were a goddess in both the bedroom and the kitchen and the perfect fit. 
He felt guilty comparing you with Neena. It wasn’t fair to either of you. He had married Neena out of obligation, because Isla had arranged it since his youth and being married to her was a lesson in patience and persistence and learning to adjust to the other and learning to be a team.  But to feel his heart and his soul and his mind light up brighter than the moon and the stars in the dark of night- when he met you, was something else entirely, it was an instant attraction rather than a growing to like, then love and working in tandem with you was second nature to him. You were an addiction for his soul. And he couldn’t believe he was lucky enough to have you in his life. And he was adamant, that he was never, ever going to be foolish enough to try let go- ever again. 
Soon enough, he noticed that your table didn’t have the usual two waiters, your table- had four. And all of them were practically drooling over you. Noah was used to only having great service at home. They were treating both you and him like royalty and he sincerely doubted he would get this kind of service if he wasn’t with you. But he was going to enjoy it and suddenly the table was full of all kinds of complementary offerings. And with you flashing that smile and remembering each waiter by name and being sweeter than sugar and honey, they were all eating out of your hands. Even the chefs and sous chefs came out to see how you liked their offerings and happily sent you away with a handsome spread of other desserts to enjoy in the room since you were quite full just from all the appetizers and tapas and entrees whether they were on the menu or not. 
On the way back to the room as both of you were carrying a few bags each, you passed Alorna and Doug who were leaving the casino and arguing bitterly with each other. Apparently they both had had some really bad luck in there and you and Noah simply snickered a laugh and shook your heads at their theatrics and drama. 
Once you were in the room Noah was all too happy to peel your red dress off of you so you could take your corset off and groaned in relief once your body wasn’t being restricted anymore which got Noah to chuckle as he got his own suit off. 
“Feel better?” Noah asked. 
“Much.” You answered before you went to the bathroom to wash all your makeup off and once you reappeared you found Noah in a simple t-shirt and a pair of night shorts as you had donned your own pajamas. 
“Dessert on the balcony?” You suggested. 
“Sure.” Noah nodded as he grabbed the bags as you two went out the porch as you grabbed a blanket and snuggled into the double sunchair together as you two got to digging into dessert. 
“So what are your hobbies?” You asked him curiously. 
“Like what?” He asked you. 
“Well, bedsides the flying, when it’s the off season, what do you like to do?” You asked as Noah took a big bite of cheesecake and thought it over as he chewed.  “Besides the things you have to do to live up here, what are the things you look forward to doing in your off time?” You clarified before you took a bite yourself. 
“Well I guess, just...making things and improving things. Two weeks ago, my winter plans were to rewire the parts of my plane I didn’t rewire last year. And the usual home improvements. Last winter I made Sakura a new dresser, so I’m kind of a jack of all trades.” Noah answered. 
“Well then I think I have something that will interest you, it’s a workshop and it’s a decent sized outbuilding. When Andy and I were designing the house, he wanted to have a space to do his tinkering, to work on the vehicles, to do some maintenance and whatever else he needed or wanted to do. So even after he died, I went ahead and built the workshop that’s bigger than a shed but not quite a pole barn. It’s big enough to do small to medium sized projects in, comfortably. Thanks to my brothers and brothers in law and my dad I was able to score a lot of various equipment for super cheap from a lot of the old estate sales and barn sales and such. Like I have a lot of woodshop equipment, mechanic stuff, forge stuff, blade-smithing stuff, blacksmithing stuff and the like. And my dad and all the men in my family, whenever they come over, I can always find them out there, fiddling with stuff. Like it could be a proper man cave. All it would need is like a couch and a tv. Because it already has a mini fridge for soda and beer along with a bathroom and washing facilities. It is a separate space from the stables, and the hay barn.” You informed him as you pulled out your phone and showed him pictures of it before he took the phone and zoomed in on some of the equipment was shown as Noah’s lips were pursed into a silent ‘ooh’. 
“Why do you have a hard on?” You teased as you noticed his half hard cock make an appearance in his shorts as you stroked your leg against it from half sitting in his lap.  
“Cause I’m looking at one of my biggest fantasies brought to life, in my wildest dreams I never would have imagined anything like that and my head is almost spinning with all kinds of ideas of everything I could do with all of this. It’s almost too good to be true. I mean that’s a….” Noah chuckled as he looked at it all before he started listing off what he saw and what he knew about all of it as you just smiled brighter and prouder as relief and validation and vindication flooded your mind. 
“Good.” You beamed. 
“Why did you build it if Andy wasn’t alive to enjoy it and use it?” Noah asked you thoughtfully.  
“Can you promise me not to freak out?” You posed. 
“Yeah.” Noah answered as he gave you a curious look. 
“Ok, so it was one of those- ‘build it and they will come’ kind of things. I had always planned in my head that if and when Andy would die, I would just up and move to the northern Great Lakes to be with the rest of my family. And then when Andy did die and we had already bought the property and were in the process of bulldozing the existing farm house and clearing brush and trees to make room for the house. I flirted with the idea of still cutting ties and just up and moving. But Olga surprised me by coming down to see me and she advised not making any rash decision with a broken heart and not to let my past ideas limit my current potential. And she had me bring her out there. And she ended up doing a peering right then and there, among the dirt and gravel. She told me to not change my plans of moving there, that my roots where I was- were already deep enough to sustain me and my family and if I uprooted myself and my family that I would damage them and me more than help them and myself. That I had the will, the means and the ability to build my dreams right there, from start to finish and that if I built it, they would come true. I just had to lay the foundations. To grow a garden, you ready the soil and then plant. I had already started to ready the soil. What I grew from there depended on how much soil I readied and what I planted. Both literally and figuratively. And that by the time my heart was ready, everything else would be ready too. And when she shared that with my family, they were all too happy to help in any way they could. When I had full control of all the funds from all of my inheritance from my adopted grandparents- I went back to the design firm and did a complete redesign and because I now had, literal millions to play with, I was able to design my dream house with all the flourishes and thoughtful touches and dreams and fantasies I had initially wanted but gave up because they didn’t fit the utilitarian point of view Andy had and I got to plan and execute it exactly how I wanted it. And even when there were little hiccups with the construction. I was ok with it. Because I wanted it to be perfect and it was. And then after it was built, and I was furnishing it and suddenly my dad, my father in law and my brother and brothers in law drug me to all these estate sales and barn sales and I got a ton of equipment for super cheap. And Olga told me that the right man would recognize what I have and know exactly how to use it best, not just in my self but with what I had. Which you just demonstrated for me, cause you knew what all of that was and I am willing to bet that you have at least a dozen ideas of what to do and how to use it all in your head.” You grinned proudly as you tapped the side of his head affectionately.  
“Oh at least a hundred.” Noah admitted happily before he turned to kiss your fingers and your palm with equal affection.
“I look forward to seeing them.” You insisted as you snuggled further together. 
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zippiestdraws · 4 years
Choking Curiosity Ch 6
Read on Ao3
ftm reader x michael myers
Everything aches right now.
Considering the circumstances, you could be a lot worse or dead, but that doesn’t make you thankful. You take one step down the stairs and nearly trip, having to blink away a dizzy spell. You need some ice for multiple parts of your body.
You keep a small first-aid kit in the upstairs bathroom, but you don’t think it’ll help the contusions. Your ribs and ankle you can ignore if you lie down, but the red and purple ring around your throat glares at you in the mirror and throbs when you swallow.
You hold an ice pack to your head and breath. You’re exhausted.
The backdoor he left through is unlocked. You stare until you can gather the strength to get up and turn the lock. The practiced motion and click of the tumbler shifts the question to the forefront of your mind.
How long had he been in here with me?
There was evidence of a squatter when you first moved in and you really hope it hasn’t been that long. An odd mixture of horror and embarrassment festers when you think about all the things he could have seen when you thought you were alone.
You really wish you had curtains you could close right now. The darkness has fallen and you need to move on for now, but you grab your bat and keep it close.
*** You wake the next morning, surprised to still be breathing.
With careful probing, the dark corners of the house prove themselves to be empty and you cringe at the inevitability of having to be productive today.
The sunlight streaming through the windows makes you feel guilty for not wanting to leave the house. You’re probably no safer out there than in here even after changing the locks, but at least there are less directions to be attacked from.
Thinking of attacking, that ugly wallpaper is really asking for it. You decide to work on that after putting some food in your stomach.
Easier said than done. Whoever built this shitty house decided to cut corners on priming the walls before gluing the wallpaper down, and now you have the joy of pulling it off in shredded strips like a cheap sticker. After a couple sweaty hours, you almost wished you just left it up because you don’t even know how to cover up the mess with paint.
Frustration gets the best of you so you throw the scraps in a garbage bag and head for the shower. The first aid kit sits out on the counter where you left it, sparking a reminder that you haven’t done your testosterone injection since the move. You cringe and make a mental note to schedule an appointment with a local endocrinology lab before anything happens.
You nearly forget while washing up, prompting you to search the house for a pen while still in a towel. You have to find the number to a place first, though, glancing at the cheap plastic telephone with its tangled cord on the kitchen counter. You bought it because you didn’t want to use a payphone to call Laurie.
Oh shit. Laurie would definitely want to hear about what happened last night. Anxiety wells within you. What would be the purpose of calling her? She couldn’t really do anything to help and she would probably freak out. You consider that she might not believe that you met him and lived, but the bruises on your neck would be proof enough.
Your hand rests on the phone. She has a right to know.
Your hand is slow to punch the numbers on the faded scrap of paper and you hold your breath as it rings.
The phone clicks. “Hello?”
“Hi Laurie, it’s (y/n).” you let your breath out, unsure how you should act in this situation.
“Oh, how are you doing?”, you can hear a little bit of concern through the pleasantry.
“Actually, something’s happened…”, you choke on your words. You didn’t think about how to phrase it and the words feel weird in your mouth. “He was here.”, you exhale the words like a strained whisper.
There’s a pause and there’s a sound like something falling over the phone.
“Michael was there? You saw him?”, her voice demanded. You almost flinch at the name, you didn’t want to say it, like it would manifest.
“Yes,” you answer in a normal voice that seems too loud this time. “He-” your voice breaks unexpectedly and you stop.
You can hear Laurie asking if you’re okay and about what happened while you try to piece together a description that fit.
“He was in my room. I didn’t see him...and he...started choking me.” He was so strong, fighting was useless. Your stomach turns a little bit when you think about how you almost died. And how that shouldn’t sound so hot.
Laurie was silent on the other end, probably waiting for you to finish.
“I think he dropped me. The next thing I knew I was on the floor and he left the room”,
“That’s impossible, he would’ve finished the job…” Laurie mumbles through the phone. You were wondering the same thing yourself.
You recount how you tried to escape the house, how he was waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs, how he pulled you down on the steps. And how he just left.
You feel drained at the end of it and you doubt that she has an answer for you.
“You need to call the police, he can’t have gone far!”, she sounds angry now.
You huff a defeated laugh. “The cops aren’t gonna help me, they said I was wasting their time and I told them to go fuck themselves...it happened last night anyway, it’s too late now.”
You wince and pull the phone away from your ear at Laurie’s ensuing exclamation.
“-and you didn’t think to call me immediately?!”
You don’t offer an excuse other than the thought ‘I mean I was stupid enough to buy the house anyway.’ *** You triple checked the locks and windows, locked your bedroom door, and slept soundly enough with your bat.
Work wasn’t until noon, but you woke up early to see what you could do about the bruises on your neck. The finger prints turned a mottled purple and yellow over the fading red speckling of broken blood vessels. It’ll probably freak people out, but you don’t have any concealer and it’s too hot for a scarf, so you resign yourself to getting awkward questions.
Halfway out the door, you freeze, thinking about the walk home in the dark. You can’t call off, standing at an impasse before a lightbulb goes off in your head, darting back inside to grab your bat.
It would be a bit odd to carry a small bat with you to a grocery store, so you opt to wrap it in one of your jackets to conceal it. Now you feel ready.
*** Work went about as well as you expected. Nearly every customer asked the dreaded question, and you considered giving a different story each time just for the fun of it. One of the regular old gossips heard that a car was stolen on the radio and asked if it was the same person. You told her you doubt it.
You saw Dwight and Quentin today, and their concern made you feel bad for worrying them, though you don’t know why. You just told them you were mugged and didn’t want to talk about it.
You waved goodbye to Quentin at eight and slipped your bat out of its shroud when you hit the sidewalk. The glow of the streetlights thinned as you walked, but you kept the bat close to your chest anyway. You don’t want the cops to question you after getting on your bad side.
Halfway home, you hear footsteps behind you. You try to look out of the corner of your eye, paranoid. The figure is much smaller than Michael, you sigh in relief. It was too loud to be him anyway.
The back of your shirt is yanked back, giving your shoulders a rug burn as it pulls against your neck harshly.
The point of a pocket knife is thrust into your view over your left shoulder. ‘Am I getting mugged? What an awful coincidence-’ passes through your brain before a harsh voice accompanied by bad breath and the stench of cigarette invades your space.
“Empty your pockets.”
You’re free hand goes up in response to the knife and the man rifles through your jacket and pants pockets, finding only your house key and throwing it on the ground before shoving you.
“No wallet, huh? What’re you carrying, then? I’ll take that.”
Your brain is on autopilot, slowly turning your body with your left hand up in surrender.
“I’m carrying...this” you move like your gesturing it out to him from under your jacket, and when he leans in you swing it like a backhand across his face before turning and running.
Briefly, you hear “you mother fucker!” behind you before he pursues and you start to panic. You didn’t think this through very far.
You make it to the corner of the street and cut through a yard as you turn, running home but with no key. A body connects with yours and you hit the grass on your stomach, knocking the wind out of you. You wheeze with the weight on your back and feel your attacker grab your hair and try to slam your head into the ground.
Kicking your legs into him does nothing, until you feel him suddenly lift off of you and hit the ground. Rolling over, you see a large dark figure loom over the thug on the ground. His angry jeers get cut off by a heavy boot stomped on his chest. You hear ribs crack and then a strangled yelp before a dark spray of blood hits the navy jumpsuit.
Scrambling backwards until you can stand, your wide eyes stare into the white face of the mask that turns to you. He closes the gap and holds a clenched fist toward you.
It’s a staring contest you lose, looking down at his hand, the one that almost ended your life. You hold out your hand.
Into it drops your bloody house key.
*** You get home severely shaken by tonight’s events. After giving you the key, he wiped the blood off his knife on that arm’s sleeve. He lets you leave, but makes it obvious that he’s watching.
You have to wipe the blood off your key when you go to use it. You hope it doesn’t stain this jacket. The house is dark and silent, almost oppressively so. You go to head to the comfort of your room, before begrudgingly walking back down the stairs to check the lock on the back door.
It’s still locked. You peer out the back window.
Almost completely obscured by the dark, a white mask stands vigilant at the fence.
You’re both tired, and filled with butterflies. You open the back porch door and stare back for a long moment. Then you wordlessly go up to bed, letting the door close behind you and making a show not to lock it.
You still lock your bedroom door.
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I don’t know much about Magnolia or Paul Thomas Anderson, but I do know that it takes someone paying me to get me to watch a 3-hr+ drama that doesn’t star Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, and a really big boat. This is one of my mom’s favorite movies which is why she requested it for me to review. It’s packed with a balls-to-the-wall star-studded cast (Tom Cruise! Julianne Moore! Phillip Seymour Hoffman! John C. Reilly! William H. Macy! Felicity Huffman!) and I’m genuinely excited to see how they all fit together. Cause they have to all fit together in some coherent way, right? Well...
Do you remember in Sorry to Bother You when the Equisapiens came out and things just took like...a real turn? That’s kind of what this was like. Whereas StBY pushed a thought to its most extreme, but logical, conclusion, what Paul Thomas Anderson has done here feels like a magician doing a lot of impressive illusions - sawing a lady in half, making a motorcycle disappear, pulling smaller things out of bigger things - and then for his final trick, walking onstage amidst a grand plume of smoke, dropping his pants, taking a gigantic shit, and then saying, “You’ve been a great audience, thanks a lot and goodnight!” It’s not like you can say the experience was BAD. Everything up to the finale was a really great time! But when you’re left on a note that is that bafflingly odd, it kinda colors the way you’ll remember the whole thing.
Magnolia is the story of one long day in the life of 12 people living in Los Angeles who are all connected via an extensive web from acquaintances to married couples to parents and children to paid caregivers and beyond. It’s a day that has the same kind of ups and downs as any other day until it, well, turns into something else entirely. I’m not sure how else to explain it, but if you want to know more, spoilers will be spoiled below.
Some thoughts:
Patton Oswalt cameo! I am a massive fan and thought I knew his whole filmography and OMG how did I not know that he was in this!!
Ok, in spite of my skepticism this entire opening sequence about coincidence had me hooked IMMEDIATELY. Like, this is some damn good storytelling, if this were a novel, I would not be able to put it down - that pull, that’s what it feels like.
Am I the only person whose encyclopedic memory of character actors/roles gets distracted when they see someone from something that is wildly disparate compared to the role you’re currently watching? For example, I had to pause the movie and confirm via IMDB that I did just see Professor Sprout from HP scream “Shut the fuck up!” at her husband while brandishing a shotgun.
Would people really recognize a grown ass man from being a successful child game show contestant? I’ll tell you the answer, no they wouldn’t, because no one realizes that Peter Billingsley (aka Ralphie from A Christmas Story) is the head of the elf production line in Elf.
I knew this was a stacked cast, but holy SHIT this is a stacked cast. If I had $1 for every fantastic character actor I recognize in this, I would have at least $37, and these are people in the film who have maybe 2-3 lines each. It’s a deep bench is what I’m saying.
This makes me miss Phillip Seymour Hoffman so, so very much.
Watching PSH care for and be so compassionate and gentle with his hospice patient, Earl (Jason Robards),makes my heart ache terribly. All of the people who have been unable to perform this kindness, this type of compassionate care for their closest loved ones as they lie dying in isolation of Covid...it’s overwhelming.
OMG I’m counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Very Good Dogs in the old man’s house!
I know Scientology is evil and he’s undeniably a complicated and morally grey person. I know all that. But goddamn I just love watching Tom Cruise COMMIT. Particularly when he commits to just absolute fucking sleazebag slimeballs. And boy oh boy is Frank Mackey an absolute fucking sleazebag slimeball.
Related - I know Frank looks like Tom Cruise, so he could get people to sleep with him no matter what, but I honestly feel like as a human being, this flesh suit is WAY more attractive balding and fat in Tropic Thunder than he is in this shiny brown shirt/leather vest/long hair combo.
I’m getting an uncomfortable vibe about these black characters being written by an artsy white dude, because I don’t know any young black kids who want to hang around with cops and offer up information about who committed a murder in their building. In fact, the way all of the black characters are treated in this film - as liars, criminals, the disingenuous “main stream media,” and thieves - feels rooted in some racist ass bullshit. We see a lot of nuance in our white characters, but even in a film that has, shockingly, more than one key black role, we don’t get that spectrum or nuance.
There is nothing I would love more than to learn that Frank Mackey is 1) gay 2) impotent or 3) both. He’s so disgustingly over-the-top misogynistic, it honestly feels like it should all be a complete act.
I confess I am on the edge of my seat trying to figure out how all these narrative threads tie together. It’s compelling as hell, even though half the time I don’t know why these people are having these long, meandering conversations. The pacing feels so deliberate, like a puzzle coming together. There’s real craftsmanship in how every scene is plotted to feel connected rather than manic or disjointed.
This pharmacist is being unprofessional as hell. Judgy McJudgerson, mind your fucking business, Julianne Moore’s father is dying! [ETA: ope, that’s embarrassing, Earl is actually her husband.]
I think I knew this, but this soundtrack is fantastic. All Aimee Mann and Supertramp, and Jon Brion’s score is this thrumming, anxious thing full of strings that underscore all these nervous conversations, and then it shifts into these low, mournful horns when things start to take a turn and everyone is reaching their lowest points.
I love this interviewer (April Grace) who is taking Frank (Tom Cruise) to task. I think it’s particularly noteworthy that she is a black woman, because the kind of misogyny Frank peddles is rooted in white supremacy.
Stanley (Jeremy Blackman) is breaking my goddamn heart here. I think he and Phil (PSH) are my favorite characters.
Jim (John C Reilly) is the perfect example of how even a cop with the best intentions, with absolute kindness and love is in heart, is abusing his power and sexually harassing a woman he encountered in the line of duty, who is eager to appease him because she doesn’t want to be charged with a crime. This movie reads a LOT differently than it did in 1999.
I normally really love Julianne Moore, but she is a screeching mess in this. I can’t stop staring at her mouth and all the contortions it makes as she delivers every line in hysterics. She’s one of the few weak spots for me here.
Listening to Frank go on his whole diatribe about what society does to little boys to break them and victimize them HAS to be the source of where Keith Raniere got at least half of his NXIVM bullshit. Like, some of these points are word-for-word.
Also if Frank makes as much money as he seems to, there’s no way he would drive a shitty Saturn sedan.
It feels like the common thread of this movie is everyone is terrible and cheats on their spouses, and you should come clean when you get cancer so you can die peacefully. Weird moral, but ok.
If Jim is a cop, how does he not see that this woman he’s interested in (Melora Walters) is coked out of her mind?
Y’know for being a quiz kid, Donnie (William H. Macy) sure is kinda stupid.
I confess I’m not taking many notes throughout this because I’m just kind of sitting breathlessly still watching all these conversations unfold because I am on the edge of my fucking seat to find out how all this is gonna come together.
Secret MVP of this movie is the mom from A Christmas Story (Melinda Dillon) who is giving the performance of her goddamn life as Jimmy Gator’s wife.
Did I Cry? On the surface it appears ridiculous, but when Tom Cruise is having his breakdown at his dying father’s bedside, I admit, that really got me. If you’ve ever been faced with that kind of hysterical, I-can’t-believe-this-is-happening, it feels like the whole world is ending kind of shock and hurt and anger, that’s what the crying looks like.
Are those......frogs?? That landed on Jim’s car? It’s raining fucking frogs???? OK for those of you sensitive to frog harm, this movie is going to take a real hard left turn for you, because I swear that came out of NOWHERE.
Pray tell.
The fuck.
The climax of this movie - is when literal frogs rain from the sky.
And we finally got resolution about the dog, and the dog DID die, and I’m pissed about it. It’s offscreen but still.
I'm sorry - I know I’m fixating. But how is it possible that I knew about all the characters performing a sing-along to Aimee Mann’s (excellent) song “Wise Up” but I did NOT know that the climax of the film involves literally thousands of frogs falling to their death from the sky? How is that something that escapes entry into the cultural zeitgeist? I’m with it, you guys. I have been Very Online for over a decade, and before that, I read a lot of Entertainment Weekly, and like it just seems that this is something that pop culture really should have told me.
I think the funniest moment of this movie might be the credits in which I discovered that not only is Luis Guzman playing a man named Luis, he’s actually playing himself. I don’t know why, but I can’t stop laughing about it. That was a 189-minute setup to one dumb punchline.
I think I loved this movie but I don’t quite know. The frog thing really threw me. What I’m taking away from it is that even when it doesn’t feel like it or seem like it, we are all connected to each other, always, in ways we can’t see or know. As Wife astutely pointed out, it’s reminiscent of the pandemic - we’re all in the same storm, but we each have our own boats and our own experiences within that storm. And it’s kind of nice to remember that right now, that connection still exists even when it feels so far away. Just not if you’re a frog I guess, cause they really got the short end of the stick here.
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craniumhurricane · 4 years
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[ Chapter 9 on AO3! ] [ Chapter 1 ]
Not sure if anyone is still following this story but thank you to everyone that has read, kudoed, liked, shared, and commented!
As always, shout out to @casleyislove for asking me every other week if I have a new chapter yet and to @sushigirlali for catching all my mistakes and typos and misuse of commas. Love you both!
Hopefully it won’t take me a year to post the last chapter...
"You really should be letting me go instead. This has to be against protocol.”
After making sure his harness is clipped on properly, Bellamy glances up at Miller, who had insisted on following him up to the roof. His partner has his arms crossed in disapproval but Bellamy can’t bring himself to care. 
After the front of the building practically exploded, it took everything in him not to just run inside with his own gun blazing. Miller's firm grip on his arm had been the only thing that stopped him, and he hasn't let him out of his sight since. Somewhere buried under all the anxiety, Bellamy is sure he’s grateful to his friend for that.
It was clear that serious action needed to be taken and surprisingly his Captain didn't argue with him when he suggested it was time to send one of their men inside. He told Kane he was going up to the roof just to supervise… but he never had any intention of letting any of his men walk into whatever chaos was waiting.
"I know," he reaches out now and puts a hand on Miller’s shoulder, "and I appreciate it, but I have to do this."
He clasps him on the shoulder in return and nods.
"I'm sorry," Miller hesitates. "For calling Kane."
Bellamy's lips twitch into something almost like a smile. "It's ok; I understand why you did it." He clears his throat and adds one final order, "I'm putting you in charge out here." Then he dismisses him.
Miller gives a mock salute. "Yes, sir," he says as he walks backwards towards the door to the stairwell. “And try not to do anything…well, stupider than what you’re already doing.”
Bellamy gives him one last fleeting smile before turning to look at the junior officer he’d sent up earlier. The young cop nods that he’s ready and Bellamy gets into position. 
The way down feels agonizingly slow despite him moving as quickly as possible while trying to make the least amount of noise. When he reaches the bottom of the shaft, he unclips himself and gives a quick tug on the rope so the guy up top knows he's made it.
He turns on the flashlight clipped to the shoulder of his vest and turns left, crawling his way down the connecting duct that would lead over to the bank.
After what happened, there really was no other choice but to infiltrate the building. There was no doubt in Bellamy’s mind that Rabe was dead, and killed by his own partners no less. This still left two very dangerous men inside, which still weren’t the best odds, but at this point it's a risk he's willing to take.
Clarke's phone had gone out during all the gunfire. Most likely it was a coincidence and the phone battery just happened to finally run out of juice… he refused to believe it was anything else. One of the cameras had been hit in the crossfire, but even still, nobody on the remaining screens were moving, so it was hard to tell…
No. He wasn’t going to entertain the idea.
He had memorized the map extensively and knows when he’s arrived at the vent cover he needs. Bellamy eases open the covering, wincing a little at the squeak it makes. A quick glance around the room tells him that the door to the bathroom is shut so he pushes the grate open the rest of the way and climbs out on top of the supply cabinet.
He jumps down and takes a minute to collect himself, turning off his flashlight, pulling out his gun, and taking in his surroundings properly. He sees the blood covering the sink first and has to remind himself that it doesn't belong to Clarke. 
Bellamy presses his ear to the door. He can’t hear anything and panic surges through him all over again as the thought tries to cross his mind again. What if they killed everyone?
It's his training that tells him to control his breathing, but his palms betray him as they start to sweat. Logically, Bellamy knows that there are people alive beyond this door. The security footage, from what cameras were left, revealed survivors. Plus, he probably would have run into McCreary in the air vent during his escape.
Bellamy holds his gun up and readies himself to open the door. At least the door doesn't squeak as he eases it open, thankfully. He steps out into the hallway and pauses. Still there's no sound coming from the lobby, or anywhere for that matter. Before Bellamy has a chance to come up with a plan, an arm the size of a tree limb circles around his neck and yanks him into the conference room across the hall. Startled, he drops his gun as he tries to find purchase and keep his balance.
He struggles, but this guy is too strong for Bellamy to pry his arm off and he can feel the crushing of his windpipe. Self-defense training kicks in and he uses his own weight to shove the guy backwards and into the conference table behind him. His attacker loosens his hold and Bellamy is able to push himself away.
He whips around and comes face to face with a guy that’s easily twice his size, a bear mask covering his face, but Bellamy knows who he is.
"I assume Rabe is dead," Bellamy asks Kodiak to try and stall as he comes up with a plan, but he can’t read the guy’s face, the mask just stares menacingly back at him, "And I'm assuming you can't be reasoned with?"
Kodiak lunges for him and Bellamy grabs the rolling chair closest to him to use as a shield but it only holds up for a few seconds before it’s yanked out of his hands. The next chair Bellamy gets his hands on he just throws at his assailant.
He needs to get back to the door, back to the hallway, where hopefully his gun still is. But Kodiak continues to advance which just forces Bellamy to move further away from the entrance.
His eyes dart around the room, looking for anything that can be used as a weapon, scissors, an easel, hell he’d even take a vase of flowers at this point. And then his eyes land on the conference phone in the middle of the table. 
At the same time that Kodiak lunges for him, Bellamy lunges for the phone and manages to pull the cord to the handset free. With Kodiak slightly off balance, Bellamy shoves him in the chest with both of his feet and manages to knock him into another of the chairs. He doesn’t waste his opportunity; he gets behind him and wraps the cord around his neck and pulls as hard as he can.
Kodiak struggles for a bit and pushes back on the chair but it just rolls back and hits the table that Bellamy’s still kneeling on. He tries to reach behind his back but his arms are too thick and he’s already struggling too much to breathe that he can’t get his hands on Bellamy.
He manages one good scratch on Bellamy’s arm before his movements slow down and then stop altogether.
Too keyed up on adrenaline and afraid to let go, Bellamy holds on for a little longer and then slowly releases his grip on the cord. His breathing is heavy, his palms sting and he’s sure that he broke skin with the effort it took to hold the wire in place but he doesn’t have time to worry about that now.
He clambers off the table and back out into the hallway where he finds his gun. He’s just stooping down to pick it up when he hears movement from the conference room behind him. He whips around quickly and sees the big guy up on his feet and coming straight for him. Bellamy doesn't hesitate before pulling the trigger.
Kodiak goes down easy with a hard thud on the ground.
He’s still trying to get his breathing under control when he curses under his breath. There's no point in a surprise attack now, no way that the people in the lobby didn't hear his scuffle and subsequent gunshot. Still, he makes his way slowly down the hall. When he reaches the end, Bellamy takes a deep breath before turning the corner, gun raised.
“Took you long enough, officer.”
McCreary is standing in the middle of the room, one arm wrapped firmly around Clarke’s waist while the other holds a gun to her head.
McCreary smiles, “We’ve been waiting.”
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tinyanimelover · 4 years
Twisted Fates
Part Two
(Part One)
They say that you never know exactly how much a person means to you, until you lose them. But how could he feel like he'd lost something like that, when he never had it? They two only ever had brief encounters, a quick hello in the rare mornings they saw each other. So why did he feel like he lost someone incredibly important to him? Was it because her murder was so brutal that it left a haunting impression om him? He couldn't get the image out of his head, her choking on her own blood, the words struggling to come out of her blood stained lips. The way her life faded before his own eyes. He didn't lose someone important to him, he lost someone he could've saved. That's what haunted him the most.
"Okay so start from the beginning, when you first felt something was off" the policeman asked, a notepad in front of him. "I heard noises" Grimmjow said as he crossed his arms "But I thought it was just the neighbors on the other side, they have a habit of rearranging their house at odd hours..". "Okay, how long did the noises go on for?" The man asked. "Dunno, I passed out after about...twenty, thirty minutes? I had to work all day so--" he was cut off. "What time did you wake up?" The man asked. Grimmjow glared lightly at the man, glancing down at the name tag on his uniform. Kushigawara. This damn prick liked to cut him off mid-sentence. "It was a little past 3 in the morning" he went on, closing his eyes "That's when I heard screaming...". "In your statement, it says you ignored the screaming, is that correct?" Kushigawara asked. "Yes. The neighbors like to argue a lot so I thought maybe they were going at it" he explained "Then I remembered a little later that they both work at night, so it couldn't have been them but by then the screaming had stopped. A little later the thumps started back up". "Then you called the police, correct?" He asked. "Mhm" Grimmjow nodded "The thumps were different from what I'd heard earlier and it was getting on my nerves so I called the police...I..didn't know it was her trying to get someone to save her...". "Yes, it seems after the killer left her for dead, she'd crawled to the wall to try to get her neighbor’s--which would be you, Jaegerjaquez-san--attention" the man said as he finished scribbling away at the paper, rubbing his eyes as he leaned back. "We'll be frank..we have no suspects, leads, hell not even any type of fluid samples to make any kind of arrest. No one was around at that hour so we have no witness, and the neighbors saw nothing. If you hadn't called, who knows how long the body would've been there...we thought bringing you in would help, perhaps you'd remembered something new, but you didn't" the man sighed deeply, "...this case isn't going anywhere..". "...why are you telling me that?" Grimmjow narrowed his eyes "I was just her neighbor, I didn't know anything about her". "Yes we know" he explained, "We've asked her co-workers and they said the same thing. Apparently this woman was a loner and didn't go out much so she didn't have any boyfriends either...anyways, her brother is begging for us to make an arrest, but without a suspect, we can't....we'll call you if we need anything else. You're free to go". "..thanks" he let out as he got up from the table, leaving the room. His eyes glued to the shiny floor of the building. The police had already given up after almost a week of investigating, the killer was going to run free. What kind of justice was that? He sighed, getting into his car "..not that I care anyways...I just want all of this shit to go away". He'd read somewhere that they suspected him of killing his neighbor, he knew it was in the back of everyone's minds. No witnesses, no fingerprints, just the call record of the man who called about a disturbance of his neighbor. The murder happened right next door to him. Coincidence? He sighed deeply again, leaning against the wheel "...fucking bullshit...". This was definitely karma for something he'd done in his past, it had to be. In the midst of being suspected, laid off for a few days from his job and stressed the fuck out, Grimmjow had forgotten to refill his gas tank, being stranded near a park. After beating the shit out of his car, cursing everything and anything that was against him, he sat on the bench, head buried in his hands. "...fuuuuuucccckkkk..." He groaned angrily, running his hand through his hair. He had no money, so he couldn't call a tow truck and he was too far to walk to his house. What the hell was happening?! "Bad day?" He heard someone ask, the person sounded young from the voice. He glared as he turned his head, seeing someone had sat down next to him. It was a teenager, probably a little younger than Grimmjow himself, but what caught his attention was his lightly blue colored locks of hair. It was like his own. "Hm? Ah, my hair right? I..dyed it.." The male grinned sheepishly. Grimmjow looked away, "The fuck do you want...". "..you were neighbors with that woman, right? The woman who died a week ago?" The boy asked. Grimmjow sighed, "So fucking what? Ya gonna ask me if I did it? Or if her body was cut up to hell?! Or why I didn't try and fucking save her, huh! What the fuck do you want from me!". "I know it wasn't you who killed her" the boy replied calmly, a sad smile on his face as he looked away "The killer...it's not you". Grimmjow's eyes widened, looking back over at the male "...the fuck are you talking about? You know who did it?". "No I don't" he shook his head before he locked gazes with Grimmjow "But I know how we can catch him". Grimmjow shook his head as he got up "We? Tell it to the fucking cops, buddy. I'm not catching anyone, but the fucking train, and I'm heading home". "I can't tell the police" the male objected as he got to his feet as well "They'll never catch him!". "If you fucking tell him your dumbass plan, they will" Grimmjow sneered "Either your fucked up in the head or you really do know who killed her. So stop fucking around and go to the police, leave me the fuck alone". He turned around and began to walk away, stomping as he was fuming. "I don't know who killed Y/n!" The male let out loudly, his voice cracking "That's why I need you, Grimmjow!". His eyes widened, seeing as he hadn't told the male his name. Did he read it in a newspaper or something? "Please!" The male pleaded as Grimmjow turned around "Please!...I don't know who killed her, even if I tell the police they'll think I'm crazy and lock me up...the killer never gets caught and Y/n never gets justice..but I know how we can change that! I just..I just need you to help me...please..". Grimmjow raised an eyebrow as he sighed, looking away "...who are you? Her brother? And what the hell do you mean by he never gets caught? Why'd you say it that way?". "Huh...oh...isn't that what's going to happen? They gave up on trying to find her killer so its natural that that would happen" the boy said as he wiped his eyes "..and think of me..as her distant relative. You can call me..Isamu". "Alright, Isamu.....are you fucking around with me or not? Are you serious about what you just said? Why does it have to be me? Why not ask her family? She has a brother right?" He asked, mildly intrigued. "Because..I need someone who was close to her back then" Isamu explained "Someone who was always around her, so they can get to her in time". "Back then? Always around her?" Grimmjow grumbled "Be more specific dammit!". "..promise me you'll help and I'll tell you everything I know" Isamu said determined. "...fine, fuck it. Whatever. Now tell me" the man sighed. "We can't talk here" Isamu said as he looked around "Can we go to your place?". "Did you do all this just to freeload off of me?!" Grimmjow deadpanned "Fuck off kid!".
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yutaya · 5 years
In honor of Veterans’ Day here is a TUA post about a Vietnam AU
I remember the first time I read a fic where Five killed Dave and I was like “hey quick question WHAT THE FUCK.” Then I saw it again. And again. There are loads of fics out there where Five kills Dave. Sometimes it’s just another mission from the Commission and he doesn’t even realize until later. Sometimes he observes for a while, knows that killing Dave will break Klaus’s heart but figures it’s necessary and feels super bad but does it anyway.
Friends, I invite you to consider:
The Commission’s messages, we have seen, are brief. They have a history of supplying no background information and leaving the details to their agents to figure out. Time to identify, locate, and wait for the right moment to fulfill the mission, in a non-timeline-threatening manner seems to be standard - although they do also seem to be expected to perform quite quickly as well. (”Just the one night” “Job delay”) As an agent, Five likely arrives in the proper time period, checks in to a predetermined spot, collects any commission-provided gear and info, and then heads out to find his target. It’s not like he gets zapped to a spot, immediately kills whoever he lands in front of, and moves on.
In a city, strangers on the street are not suspicious. A businessman flirting with a donut shop owner is not strange. A woman heading towards a tow-truck shop, even late at night, is fairly unremarkable.
In Vietnam, Five is too old to be just another soldier, too white to be easily dismissed as a civilian. The boys might shrug him off as a higher up of some sort. Five is clever, after all, good at utilizing what he has, plus probably had some sort of period-blending training in remaining unremarkable wherever and whenever he may go. Maybe any typical 60s American soldier would not bat an eye at some unfamiliar face in the background.
Here is the thing: Klaus Hargreeves is not a typical 60s American soldier. Klaus Hargreeves is from the future. The truths of his life include facts that the boys around him would think impossible. More importantly, Klaus has personal experience with Commission agents. Any person in the background might be a random occupant of this time period. They might be a ghost. They might be a time-travelling assassin. Those exist. He’s spoken to their victims. Odds are high for background faces to belong there, but the other possibility will always exist.
The old man existing innocuously in the background is a new presence. He is idly flicking his eyes over the faces of the people around him. He has a briefcase. The commission's biggest advantage is that people do not know they exist. They do not know there is anything to be wary of. If there were someone who did know about them, well. All things considered, it isn’t hard for Klaus to clock the guy as an agent.
Once Klaus has recognized a time-travelling assassin in his midst, he might consider the “whys” of his appearance.
- The most likely scenario: he is here for Klaus. Klaus, after all, does not belong here. Moreover, Klaus is currently something of an active escapee from time-travelling assassins, who weren’t finished interrogating him, killing him, nor hunting down his brother, last he checked, not to mention probably pissed that the cops got on their tail. It makes too much sense, unfortunately, that they would want to hunt him down.
- The less probable possibility: he is here for someone else. One of the citizens of the nearest town, perhaps, or one of the officers, or a fellow soldier, or perhaps one of Klaus’s unit. One of Klaus’s friends. Maybe it is pure coincidence that Klaus is uniquely qualified to notice that the man in the background is someone who might be about to kill somebody. 
Maybe he will smother his victim with a pillow. Maybe he will torture them first, cut off both their hands and laugh about it. Maybe he will run them over with a vehicle, then back up over their body so he can run them over again. Forward, reverse.
Fuck. That.
Maybe Klaus confronts the agent on his own. Commission agents are trained murderers and Klaus can literally be killed in one hit by a furry at a rave, but maybe this future business is something he wants to protect his people from, and hey, the advantage of surprise has to count for something, right?
Maybe Klaus is smarter than that. Maybe he has spent the past half a year learning the value of a band of brothers, learning trust and friendship and love. Maybe he pulls Dave aside, tells him that the old man over there is an enemy, and Dave requires no evidence to believe him. Maybe they go to their team, to their sergeant and their captain.
Either way, a confrontation happens. Likely there is a least a brief skirmish. Commission agents are on missions to preserve the timeline, which can be very limiting in terms of acceptable collateral damage - probably Team Klaus’s saving grace. The old man, although Klaus does not know this, is a legend in the time-travelling assassin circles. He could have killed everyone in the surrounding vicinity in seconds, if he so desired. What really saves Klaus and anyone else who might have been marked to die on a little slip of paper, however, is that the old man sees Klaus’s face. If there is any imminent danger he avoids it; his survival instinct has been honed by decades of desperation - but other than that, he sees Klaus’s face, and he stops. Stares. Anyone else might say it looks like he’s seen a ghost. Klaus sees ghosts all the time, so he would say the guy looks stricken. Shocked and desperate and hopeful and despairing, all at the same time. Actually, now that Klaus is seeing him up close, there’s something familiar about this guy...
They’re not fighting. Klaus isn’t stupid, he knows he’s at a disadvantage when fighting, so if he can have a conversation with the assassin instead, that is absolutely what he is going to do. He tips his hand - might as well, if the agent is here for Klaus then he already knows Klaus knows there are time-travelling assassins, and if he is here for someone else, someone knowing will probably prompt a retreat and regroup. Starts asking about the agent’s mission, who he’s here for, maybe informs the guy that he won’t be taking anyone from here. Klaus has a gun trained on the guy; he has the advantage.
(Five lets people think they can point a gun and have him - he knows he can jump away at any time.)
Klaus talks, and he makes himself less a coincidental look-alike, less possibly-a-hallucination, and more actually, impossibly, Klaus. Adult Klaus, Klaus as Five last saw him, but alive, alive, moving and talking, not a broken corpse - 
Something gives. Five says something, does something - and Klaus, who knows about time-travel, who knows that his brother, the time-traveler, lived to be an old man before winding up back in his child body in 2019, who knows that this mysterious organization of time-travelling assassins was looking specifically for Number Five - Klaus realizes exactly who’s in front of him, and he lowers his gun, because - Five! That’s different! He can trust Five.
(If there are any fellow soldiers who were part of this confrontation, they are appalled. They hiss at him, “Hargreeves, what are you doing?!” It only makes the impossible hope in Five’s chest flare brighter.)
“Five!” Klaus exclaims. “You bastard, I thought you were here to kill me! Holy shit, you got old!”
It’s the nail in the coffin. This is, actually, somehow, Klaus. Five has so many questions that he will have to ask - what the hell did he miss with his siblings that led to Klaus being here, of all places? What’s the date Klaus came from - by the looks of him it can’t be too long until the apocalypse. Could whatever crazy Umbrella Academy adventure this must be be a part of that fight that ends so terribly for them? If it is, Five can get valuable intel, can learn about at least the first part of the eyeball owner’s plot, has here the first major break in the apocalypse case in four decades - 
- and, louder than those thoughts, his heart pounds a deafening drum of Alive Alive Alive Alive Alive Alive Alive Klaus is Alive One of my siblings is right here in front of me and he is ALIVE.
(And so Five finds out about one of the ways his efforts to save his family could have gone, but with more info he can make improvements this time. Forewarned is forearmed, and now he knows who the commission will send. He has a hint as to how to jump to his family - the idea of screwing up and landing in a younger body is not appealing by any means, but - how has he not considered projecting his consciousness into a suspended state of himself before!? This is huge breakthrough. He has a briefcase that isn’t tied to him making him easily trackable; he can use the briefcase Klaus traveled here with to get home right now, and choose a destination accurately. (He can get his brother out of this active warzone while he’s at it, and if Klaus raises his chin and states that he’s not going anywhere without Dave, well - fuck the Commission, anyway. They want the world to end - their rules are not worth following. Five would be delighted to give them the huge middle finger of displacing someone in time.)
Five abandons the Commission earlier than another version of himself did - at his earliest opportunity, same as that other version of himself. He’s eager to finally start saving his family.)
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20 Seconds of Courage -Part 9
The Elementalist au
Beckett x MC (Oriana)
Words: 1852
Warnings: discussion of death and murder. NSFW.
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Beckett and Oriana were snuggled on his couch as he spoke. He talked quietly, even a bit nervously as he’d never confided in someone like this. The only person he used to confide in was Katrina, and she’d been gone for three years.
  “One night I was supposed to have dinner with her. She had a new boyfriend and she wanted to tell me all about him. But, as usual, she was running late, and she asked me if I could pick up her dry cleaning on my way, since they would be closed by the time she got there. It wasn’t an abnormal request.” He smiled fondly, recounting all the times he’d had to pick up her dry cleaning before.
“The three outfits you have.” Oriana confirmed
Beckett nodded. “Yes. I picked them up, went to the restaurant…and she never showed. I waited hours, I kept calling her, texting her…but never received anything back. I knew something was terribly wrong.”
“When I got to her apartment…it was all locked up, there was nothing to cause alarm.” He choked up, not sure if he can continue.
But Oriana squeezed him tight. “You don’t have to say if you don’t want to.” She said lightly, her voice laced with concern.
Beckett kissed the top of her head. “No, it’s…it’s time.”
He took a deep breath and continued, his fingers absentmindedly stroking Oriana’s bare arm. “I had a spare key, and I let myself in. Again, everything looked normal. As though she’d be home any minute. I slept on her couch. The next morning…my mother called me. Her…body had been found in an alleyway right by the restaurant. She was so close to it, just a few minutes more walk and she would have been there.”
He felt tears form in his eyes. “She had… blunt force trauma to the head…her wallet and jewelry were gone. There were no signs of a struggle. Originally it was called a mugging.”
“But you don’t think so?” Oriana asked.
“No. I don’t. I think she was targeted. We’re a well-known, well-off family. Lots of people try to take advantage of that. As I said, she had a new boyfriend.”
Oriana sat up, looking at him in shock. “You think the boyfriend did it?”
“Yes.” Beckett said plainly. “The police questioned him, of course. They questioned everyone. Andrew Reynolds. But he wasn’t even in town. But when I had talked to Katrina, she said she was running late because she ran into him on her way home. So how could he be in two places at once?”
“You told the police this? And they what, didn’t care?”
Beckett shook his head. “He had proof of an alibi. Receipts, bills, his office confirmed his hours for the day, things like that. He was nowhere near us.”
“So, how could he have done it?”
“I did quite a bit of digging into him. He didn’t even match the brief description Katrina had already told me. He was in a different business, a slightly different build. I didn’t exactly know what he looked like, but…”
“You think someone else used his name to get close to Katrina?” Oriana gasped. “But…why? If he was just going to kill her in public?”
“So she would go with him willingly and not create any type of scene. So she could be standing, talking to her boyfriend, like a normal human being, and then disappear without raising any red flags to others. How many people do you really pay attention to when you’re walking down a busy street? Especially if they’re not attracting any type of attention? Plus, she literally told me she ran into him and that’s why she was late. And why would the guy care if she sent a quick text to me if he wasn’t even the person we all thought he was? The real Andrew Reynolds lived hours away. Says he never met my sister. And I completely believe him. His story completely checks out.”
Oriana was silent, taking in his words. “But still…in public? How long were they together?”
“There were no odd fingerprints in her apartment. So this boyfriend never step foot in there, never touched her things, never left a trace of himself. Whoever he was…my bet is he’s a seasoned criminal. Her accounts were empty. Everything wired out, completely untraceable. A hacker would have had to be involved. I think there was at least two people, maybe three involved. And she fell prey to it. She wouldn’t be the first one. The fact that she was about to go to dinner with her brother and tell him all about their new relationship…he couldn’t let that happen. Couldn’t risk anyone knowing anything about him other than his name, since it wasn’t even his to begin with.”
“How was the money wired out of her accounts? How is that not traceable? Everything is traceable. How could the cops think that was a coincidence?”
He sighed, heavily. “It went into a dummy account, withdrawn immediately, the account closed. Professional criminals…they know how to cover their tracks. The cops kept finding dead ends. I hired a Private Investigator, but he didn’t find anything new. By then so much time passed anyway, the trail went cold. My parents stopped speaking with me because they didn’t want to keep going over the painful memories. They told me I was causing them even more heartache than they already have.”
“I’m so sorry, Beck.” Oriana whispered.
“She was a genuinely good person. She really cared for others. Sometimes I still expect to run into her. Sometimes when my phone rings, I have a brief moment of hope that it’s her. Even though I’m quite aware it’s impossible.”
Oriana rested her hand on his cheek, and he leaned into it, closing his eyes. “We were really close. We were ten years apart in age but you’d never know it. She was my sister, my best friend…my only friend, really.”
He opened his eyes, gazing into hers. “I still didn’t have any…until I met you.”
Oriana swallowed, hard. “Why me?”
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my life. You’re sweet, but you’re also a shark. You’re kind, but you won’t let anyone walk on you. You’re just…” He trailed off, contemplating his next words. “You’re a genuinely good person.”
She inhaled sharply, not missing what those words really meant. “Beck…”
“That’s how I know she would have loved you. You’re similar to her, yet very different. And you’re true to yourself and what you believe you deserve. So when you stormed out of the office that day, I just knew it was my one chance. I practically heard my sister’s voice screaming at me, telling me to move quickly.”
Oriana smiled softly. “So why did you even move here in the first place? I’m surprised you were able to leave your old city, knowing her killer was still out there.”
“I was slipping into a deep depression. I was barely functioning. I had no one to talk to, I had my work and then I’d go home, alone, to my apartment and have nothing to do but think of what happened. I was angry all the time. I started glancing around at different companies, this one seemed like a good fit, and here I am. It’s not like anyone was going to truly miss me.”
Oriana bit her lip. “Beck…I’m extremely sorry that all happened. I wish I’d known you then, you wouldn’t have had to be alone.”
“I’m sure I would have pushed you away even if you did know me. I just… I really miss her…” Beckett felt the tears spill over, felt the surge of raw emotion that he’d avoided for years. “I really, really miss my sister, Oriana. I miss her so much. She died so violently, over money that she probably would have just given him if he asked, just because she was just that type of person.”
He completely broke down, wracked with sobs. He turned away from Oriana, he didn’t want her to see him like this, he hated feeling weak. Beckett Harrington was many things, but weak is not one of them. But then he felt the warmth of Oriana’s arms wrapping around him, forcing him to turn and face her. He braced himself for the inevitable. No one wants to be with someone so broken.
“Beckett, listen to me.” She murmured. “Nothing that happened was your fault.”
“But if I hadn’t just sat at the restaurant, if I’d just gone outside…”
“You wouldn’t have known, Beckett. There was nothing you could have done.”
“I had nobody.” His voice was still trembling.
“But now you have me.” Oriana soothed. “You do. I have my clothes in your closet. My toothbrush is in your bathroom. I’m not going anywhere. Besides, I literally just became your girlfriend.”
“You’ve been my girlfriend.” He replied instantly, causing Oriana to chuckle, before kissing his lips, tasting slightly of salt from his tears.
As she began to pull away, he pulled her back into him, capturing her mouth with his own, kissing her desperately.
“I can’t tell you how much you mean to me.” He ran his hands through her hair, devouring her mouth, needing her.
“Mmm Beck…”
“Ori…Ori I need you.” He said the words out loud, surprising even himself. How could he be turned on this second? But he realized it wasn’t about that. He wasn’t trying to hide behind sex. He just wanted her to know that he’s falling for her. He needed to feel something real.
“I’m here, whatever you need.” She replied breathily.
He stood, pulling her up and into his arms as she he continued to kiss, walking to his bedroom. Laying her down gently. He felt vulnerable, more vulnerable than ever. He took his time undressing her, caressing each breast with his hot mouth, and as he pressed his dick inside her, he was still kissing her fervently. He moved slower than usual, and Oriana noticed how gentle he was being. This was a different side of him.
She loved the hot, demanding, confidant Beckett. It turned her on like nothing else. But what he showed her tonight was soft, sensual…vulnerable. He’s trusted her with his demons, the only person he’s trusted. He’d broken down in front of her, let himself feel, let himself grieve, and now…
She moaned as he found the spot that she needed him to find, and soon they were both sweaty, out of breath, holding each other tightly.
“Ori, I….” Beckett shook his head. “Thank you. For tonight. For being here.”
“Thank you for letting me in.” She whispered back, pressing her lips to his again. There was no hesitation, no sense of urgency. He made love to her that night, it was no longer just sex. It was beautiful, and they both knew that this was their turning point. Any thread of doubt Oriana had was gone, replaced with a deep sense of belonging. As they drifted off to sleep she realized…she was falling for Beckett Harrington.
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Don’t Want to See
After my last MLQC one-shot was 4,500+ words, I thought I’d cut back a little. I really got carried away with that one. This one’s just 1,310
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Lucien told himself it was necessary. Over and over. Cut his losses. Don’t get attached. Follow the plan. It was so difficult though, with those bright eyes gazing up at him like he held the secrets of the universe. Like he could answer any questions she ever had…
No. No! He had to distance himself. Push her away in the kindest way possible. It would hurt her. But she was strong. She’d get over it.
Slowly weaning off contact was the best way.
The sooner he cut off his attachment, the less it would hurt him when he finished the plan.
He sat on a bench in a park he wasn’t sure whether or not she knew about. He’d wanted to be outside but hadn’t wanted to run into her. For how big Loveland was, he seemed to see her often.
It didn’t help that he’d moved in next-door.
I stretched where I’d been sitting in one of the seats opposite Victor’s desk in his office for…
“Holy—wow,” I said quietly upon noticing the time on the wall.
“What is it?” Victor complained.
“Nothing. It’s just—we’ve been sitting here working for three hours. Without moving,” I replied.
“Are you bored?” His tone was irritated. Almost implying that he was asking if he was boring me.
Yes. Out of my mind, I thought. Thankfully I was eighty-nine-percent certain Victor’s Evol didn’t involve reading minds. Victor wasn’t a boring person at all, but just sitting and reading was getting a tad tedious. “Not particularly,” I said pleasantly instead of speaking my mind for the sake of being polite. “Just a little stiff from sitting for so long.”
Victor glanced at me from over the top of the file he was reading. “Hm,” he grunted, eyes flicking back to his pages.
I stretched again, unintentionally letting out a little squeak. I thought I caught the corners of Victor’s mouth twitching in amusement at the noise. I let out a sharp exhale. “Wanna go for a walk?” I asked. “Just a quick one. Stretch our knees, clear our heads. Fresh air. That sort of thing?”
He looked at me over the top of his sheaf of papers again. I maintained a mildly flat, curious expression, but didn’t paint naïve hope onto my face for him to make a jab at. I’d started to catch on to the things he’d criticize or not.
After a moment of staring and maintaining a steady eye contact that I had to force myself not to break, he sighed. “Alright. But only because I’m stiff myself.” He pushed himself to his feet, circled his desk while I shuffled all the papers off my lap and to a small empty space in front of me on his desk, and offered me his hand. I took it and let him help me to my feet.
I highly expected him to let my hand go after helping me to my feet.
But he didn’t.
He held my hand all the way to the elevator and down to his car, only letting go after helping me into the car. I’d thought to ask why we were getting in the car to go on a walk, but figured we were probably going somewhere better to walk than just the city sidewalk.
Victor often had pleasant piano music playing in the car and tonight was no exception.
“So. Where are we going?” I asked in the same sort of indifferent pleasant tone I’d used before. Mild curiosity. Nothing more.
“A tolerable park that doesn’t have as many people or distractions.”
The drive was longer than I expected—certainly not qualifying this walk as a quick excursion to stretch our legs. This was a full-on outing at this point. I decided not to say so to Victor. I wasn’t in the mood for any taunting.
I’d kinda intended to just walk around the block but… I was never going to complain about riding in Victor’s car. Or going somewhere with him. He usually took me to remarkably interesting places. Even in Loveland. I thought I’d seen most everything Loveland had to offer, but Victor delighted in proving me wrong—even in the best of ways.
At the park, Victor helped me out of the car and kept our hands linked together. He guided me to a small paved path for walking and possibly biking and we started a pleasant stroll.
His hand was warm, skin slightly dry, and large enough to completely envelop my hand.
“Beautiful evening,” I offered. I knew he wasn’t much of a talker, but I had to acknowledge how nice it was outside. The weather was just cool enough that exertion didn’t make me want to melt into the sidewalk and the sunset was exquisite, casting all sorts of colors on the underbellies of the clouds.
“Mmhmm,” he agreed flatly. He almost sounded distracted.
I glanced over at him.
He was already looking at me. “Something on my face?” I asked, going for pleasant rather than sassy even though my sass was boiling just under the surface.
Victor pursed his lips and shook his head indifferently. “No. The sunset colors bring out the color of your eyes,” he said.
In a tone like he was commenting on the most mundane thing he could think of—autumn leaves blowing down the gutter or the size of the clouds overhead. Meanwhile my face flushed with so much heat I had to turn away.
“Thanks,” I said quietly.
A quiet rage burned in Lucien’s chest. She hadn’t noticed him but he’d seen her—the moment that pompous, self-important CEO helped her out of his car.
Stop being ridiculous. Stop. Being. Ridiculous, Lucien thought sharply.
He was supposed to be cutting her out of his life, bit by bit. Seeing her with that CEO shouldn’t have sent him into a rage the way it did. His heart shouldn't have been hammering in his chest like it was trying to break his sternum.
But Lucien knew. He knew cutting her out was never going to be easy. He’d grown addicted to the sensations he felt when he was with her.
This anger throbbing with pain wasn’t one of them.
Lucien, from his quick hiding place behind a tree, clenched his jaw and put one clutching hand over his heart. He tried to calm his racing pulse with deep breaths, but nothing helped. His free hand clenched into a fist at his side. He’d been researching Evolvers on that CEO’s behalf, looking for a girl from Victor’s past but… was that girl… her? It couldn’t be… that was seventeen years ago… and she was part of Lucien’s past.
That seemed like too much of a coincidence. How could one girl—Evolver or not—be part of both of their pasts? Who else’s past could she be part of? That cop who shot down the odd bullet? He seemed to know her to some extent as well…
Snap out of it, Lucien ordered himself. Stop this. Right now.
An impulse swept him to punch the tree—or Victor—to release the livid energy building up in his chest.
He managed not to. Punching a tree—or another person—wouldn’t be a good idea. Especially out in public. Sure there weren’t many people out in the park, but if walls had ears, then trees had eyes.
His hand fisted in his shirt over his heart. “I’m not infatuated. I’m not.”
No amount of insisting—aloud or internally—would change the truth.
He was well beyond infatuated at this point. His addiction to his emotions proved that.
Before she or Victor could notice him, he ran off to get away from the sight of the two of them holding hands. The only way to calm himself was to remove himself from the situation.
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