#Sue Higgins
jo-harrington · 2 years
Freaky Friday - A Stranger Things Story (Part 1)
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Word Count: 3.5k
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader, Eddie and Steve (Enemies to Friends)
Summary: Eddie thinks that Steve has everything in life handed to him on a silver platter (including his new girlfriend who Eddie has a crush on). And Steve just can't believe that the kids look up to Eddie the Freak, or that he lives his life without giving a single fuck.
Must be nice. But you know what they say, the grass is always greener.
Warnings/Themes: AU with no Upside Down. Body swapping, dark magic/alchemy, unrequited love--some crushes at least, Babysitter Steve, No Upside Down means slightly still King Steve, unresolved feelings, manipulation/deception, Reader gets a nickname (Honey), no Y/N if I can help it, no smut in Part 1 but liable to be in other chapters
Note: After a very hot and fast suggestion by @shiftingtherain, this mini-series was born. And instead of working on Store Manager Verse like I wanted to, here we are. This part is a little shorter...it's the intro, sue me. Next few parts will be a tad longer.
Credit for the header partially goes to me for the design and the logistics but I was tired, so I may have borrowed gifs from @emziess and Netflix itself as a jumping off point (with permission from Emzies and Netflix is a corporation so they can rot). I can only do so much guys, I also had to write this thing too.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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If Eddie never saw Steve Harrington again in his life, it would still be too soon.
He didn't always indulge in rentals from Family Video—if it was too cold and wet to have band practice in Gareth's garage, or if he was having an especially bad week at school, or if he needed something a little more realistic than the illustrations of Heavy Metal magazine to help him satisfy his needs—but today just had that special feel to it.
He'd gotten a B on his math test, Rick had been feeling a little under the weather and let Eddie make the rounds to his usuals for a sweet little cut, and he had found a dusty old book about alchemy and occultism at the library that was going to help him put the finishing touches on tomorrow night's Hellfire session.
For all of that, Eddie thought a little reward was in order.
A little Dark Crystal, a little pizza from Lou's, a little weed...he'd be having the best Thursday night.
For the past twenty minutes, he'd pretended to hem and haw over the selection of movies just so he could glare across the store at the counter, where Steve stood, flirting and making grandiose promises, with you.
He burned with jealousy, and God, it took almost everything in him not to gag as Steve reached across the counter to slyly hold your hand. And everything else for his heart not to break as you just let it happen.
Eddie didn't know how or when or why this started—when Harrington had gotten his claws into you and how he had managed to charm his way into your heart—when it should have been Eddie instead.
Eddie'd had a crush on you for years but had always been too nervous to do anything about it.
You were a year younger than him, and friends with his pal Mickey's younger sister, so he'd seen you around quite a bit. Smart and funny and pretty; maybe not as unpopular as Eddie was, but certainly not in the running for homecoming court or whatever other social hierarchies were in place at Hawkins High either. He figured...you know, maybe once he got to senior year he'd get the courage. Maybe take you to prom or something; who wouldn't want to go out with a senior?
But he'd gotten the notice from Higgins that he wouldn't be graduating with the rest of the Class of '84 and it really put a damper on his plans.
He had been hopeful again the following year, actually had a few classes with you and sat with you for partner work when no one else wanted to work with him, when they laughed at him. You weren't even afraid to go up to him in the cafeteria to ask a question, or walk with him in the hall if you had to go in the same direction for your next class. You'd talk about assignments mostly, but he savored every little fact he could learn about you. What books you'd been reading, the fact that you watched Svengoolie on Saturday nights—just like he did—or that you'd had some squabble with Mickey's sister over a scrunchie of all things and were no longer speaking.
But Eddie knew how bad his grades were—somehow even worse than the year before—and aside from the work you did with him, he knew it wasn't gonna be enough for him to graduate. So he wasn't gonna put himself in the position for you to laugh in his face—not that you would but...just in case you did—by asking you out.
He thought you would disappear from his life after you graduated. Get the hell out of Hawkins the way everyone else wanted to. But no. You took a few classes at the community college and worked the dinner shift at Benny's a few nights a week. You'd been there every Tuesday night, when he and the guys grabbed food after their gig at the Hideout. The usual booth reserved, drinks already poured by the time they sat down, and their usual orders already written in your little order pad.
You usually gave him extra whipped cream on his slice of cherry pie too.
The guys always urged him to ask for your number...but he never did. How could he? Even if you were stuck in this town the same way he was...he just couldn't bring himself to do it.
And now...here you were, listening to Harrington talk about some great surprise he had planned for your third date the next day.
Eddie wondered why you hadn't screamed in outrage when Steve mentioned how much Nancy Wheeler had liked it when he took her to this mystery place. He would have definitely expected you to at least flinch at the mention of his ex-girlfriend's name.
"It sounds really great," you said instead, smiling and nodding. "I get out of class at 3 on Fridays...should I be here around 4?"
"4 is perfect, honey," Steve grinned.
Eddie couldn't stand to hear whatever sickeningly sweet goodbye you both would come up with so he just grabbed whatever tape was in front of him and approached the counter. You and Steve both flinched when Eddie slammed his selections down on the counter to be checked out.
“Uh…I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye Steve,” you muttered, eyeing Eddie with a half-smile that felt a bit sad. “Bye Eddie.”
"Bye honey."
“Bye honey,” Eddie mocked once you were out the door, then turned back to Steve. “You gonna try and make goo goo eyes at me next Harrington? I don’t have all day.”
“Jesus Munson. What’s up your ass?” Steve scoffed, grabbing the tapes.
“I’m just trying to get my videos and go.” Eddie rapped his knuckles on the counter. “Not really interested in the kind of customer service you're trying to provide."
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Steve wondered what the likelihood of getting fired would be, if he just punched that smug look right off of Munson's face.
Keith hated the guy too, he always left the Adult section looking like a mess. Maybe Steve would get a promotion instead.
For years Eddie roamed around Hawkins being a general menace with his gaggle of friends. Causing trouble, shouting at people, making faces at old ladies. He’d gotten “taken in” to the police station one too many times but always seemed to make it out without actually being arrested. Which baffled Steve; Eddie was a drug dealer for crying out loud.
And yeah, Steve had even asked him to come and deal at a party or two but…people like that were bad. Simple as that.
Even after all of that, after you got past the “bad boy” persona….he was a fucking nerd. He wasn’t even cool like the bad boys in movies were. Steve felt like someone was tricking him the first time he had walked past the Hellfire Club’s table in the cafeteria. For all the leather and chains and band tees—all the talk of satanic rituals and blood sacrifices—there was sure a lot of talk about elves and…and bards and Star Wars.
So it shouldn’t have been a surprise to Steve that the kids would flock to Eddie by the time they made it to Hawkins High.
But it had been. A huge shock.
His unexpected little gaggle of morons…weren’t really his anymore.
Steve had dropped Dustin off on the first day of school and said “don’t get into any trouble.” Even made Robin promise to keep an eye out for him. He expected the kid to…join the mathletes or something. Get roped in with the science nerds.
But by the end of the week, the kids were all clamoring about how they would need to reschedule movie nights with Steve so they could go to Hellfire club with Eddie.
Steve couldn’t understand it. Eddie was a freak, a punk, some good for nothing…and now the kids were suddenly following him like he was some sort of prophet. Spreading the word of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
See? Steve could do the nerd talk too when he wanted...thanks to Dustin.
Who, much to Steve's annoyance, was apparently Eddie's biggest fan. The guy could do no wrong in Dustin's eyes, and it really irked Steve.
Will and Lucas were spending Saturdays at the library—not for homework, but for research because apparently Eddie really liked incorporating mythology into his campaigns. (Whatever that meant.) Mike was growing his hair out because "Eddie's hair was cool.” What about Steve, whose literal nickname was The Hair? Shit, he'd even seen Eddie give Max a ride to school on a few occasions when he was late dropping Robin off. And he knew Max and her mom had been having a hard time since her step-dad skipped town and Billy...
Steve knew some of the town gossip about Eddie was just a bunch of bullshit...but if Max Mayfield was cool with him?
Yeah, he just couldn't help but be suspicious of the guy.
Regardless, the sooner Steve could get him out of the store, the better his night was gonna get.
"That's gonna be $10." Steve announced dryly.
"Woah, $10?!" Eddie scoffed. "I have a membership."
"Since when?" Steve asked, hands immediately landing on his hips.
"I use one every time I'm in here."
"Yeah you use Reefer Rick's."
"New policy," Steve lied, hoping it would get Eddie out of his hair for a good while. "No sharing memberships outside of your family. Last I checked, your last name isn't Lipton. So you either cough up the $25 for a new membership Munson, or the $10 for your rental. What's it gonna be?"
Eddie grumbled and dug his wallet out of his pocket, slamming the money on the counter.
"Any candy?" Steve asked mockingly before grabbing the cash.
Eddie grabbed the tape and grumbled under his breath as he exited the store.
Yeah, Steve wasn't gonna be dealing with him any time soon.
For a second though, as he went to start processing returns, he wondered...
If Eddie was in some ritualistic cult...what kind of curse could he possibly put on me?
But that was a dumb thought to have.
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Eddie's night just went down hill from the minute he left Family Video.
He didn't notice that they'd given him the wrong pizza at Lou's so now he was stuck with some specialty veggie pie with broccoli on it, the tape he had grabbed indiscriminately had been some artsy foreign romance crap, and just now he'd just spilled Dr. Pepper all over his Hellfire notebook.
"Fuck," he shouted as it spilled over the side of the coffee table and onto his sock-clad feet. He couldn't give a shit about the carpet, he could even ignore his wet socks, but his notebook. Weeks of work, planning and toiling over the most sadistic campaign.
He liked to keep all of the notes of Hellfire's completed campaigns, a sort of...record for future kids to look back on and reference. And now this specific masterpiece would be lost to memory.
He cleaned everything up as best he could before making a quick trip back to his room for an extra notebook or something he could use to salvage his plans for tomorrow's session. He had always been really bad at...keeping spare notebooks on hand. Even the ones he'd used for class always ended up covered in his drawings or notes, little bits and ideas of dialogue he could use for speeches or NPCs.
The best he could find was his math notebook from last year which, surprisingly, sat relatively untouched.
Eddie knew why: that was a class he shared with you. And as he opened to some random mostly-empty page, he saw his little scribbles in the margins surrounding half-faded, penciled-in algebraic equations. Daggers and hearts and his and your initials intertwined together.
It was the one class where he would never encounter partner work with you, so he felt compelled to fill the pages with his daydreams instead of fantasies and lore. You would never see it.
"Well," he huffed as he dropped back down onto the floor and slapped the notebook onto the coffee table. He grabbed his pen and scribbled over the drawings on the page. "Now that she's with Harrington, no use living in this fantasy. Fuck, I was stupid, so stupid to ever think she would want anything to do with me."
He grabbed the dusty old alchemical book from the library and found his place, staring at old sigils and runes and text indiscriminately until he came upon one that looked too perfect for the campaign. Concentric circles, arcane lettering, angular lines...
While Eddie would usually use a clean page for something like this—something he would hand off to his players—he drew a copy of the sigil onto the page and planned to rip the edges off, maybe singe them with his lighter to make it look more authentic.
He kept staring at the still-noticeable doodles beneath the pen scribbles and his heart ached a little in his chest.
Yeah, he would definitely want to burn those too.
By the time he was done copying the sigil, a wave of exhaustion overtook him and he glanced down at his watch.
It wasn't much later than he usually went to bed on a weeknight...
He stared at the half-ruined notes for tomorrow's session that he still needed to rewrite and sighed.
"Fuck it, I'll just redo them in the morning." He got up and stretched his arms over his head. "I can just sleep in tomorrow. Skip class. Show up for Hellfire. Who cares anymore.”
He put the rest of the pizza in the fridge for Wayne and then headed to bed, only to be plagued with dreams of scribbled out love hearts, movie theater candy, guitar solos, and big red gum.
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When Eddie woke up the next morning, he felt...honestly felt like he was floating on a cloud. Every muscle in his body felt looser, yet somehow tighter at the same time. His skin felt tighter, like it wasn't right, like it didn't fit somehow, it was suffocating him.
He must have died but he wasn't quite sure if this was heaven or hell.
His eyes burned and blurred slightly as he opened them and what he saw was...unexpected.
Gone were the off-white walls, his posters, the piles of his crap, and that concerning patch of probably-mold in the corner of the ceiling. Instead there was a sturdy ceiling, plaid-papered walls, and matching curtains?
Eddie groaned and rolled over.
What the fuck was this place?
There was a slam of a door somewhere that practically shook the walls surrounding Eddie and as he sat up, he found himself only wearing...briefs? He didn't wear briefs.
This wasn’t his bed, wasn’t his room…wasn’t his… body?
He looked down at his chest, his arms, his hands…his fingers weren’t right, he didn’t have this many freckles and moles, he didn’t have…abs, if that’s what you could call the slight definition on his torso. Still it was more than his body had ever had. His skin…was itchy and mostly hairless.
Eddie reached up and touches his hair—shorter than he was used to, not curly…at all—then his face, as if that was any indicator to what he—
“A mirror!” He exclaimed. His voice…sounded familiar, but different. Fuck what kind of dream was this?
Because it had to be a dream right? It had to be. How else did he wake up in someone else’s body?
He pushed himself out of the bed, walking slightly off-cadence, which…yeah probably came with the territory of your brain needing to get used to a new body. Fuck…was his brain even his brain or did his mind just get transported what was happening?
Ugh it was too early to think about that.
Eddie slowly cracked the bedroom door open and peaked into the rest of the house. He spotted a bathroom just across the way, otherwise…shit, this place actually looked a little familiar. Where the fuck was he? Who the fuck was he?
He quickly crossed the landing into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. He heaved a breath and leaned back against the door for a moment to calm himself; his hands were shaking and felt cold. Could he even feel his fingers? Nice to know the occasional nervousness that snuck up on him at his lowest moments hadn’t been left behind in his old body, that they’d followed him to this one.
His body…would it still be in his bed? What if he really had died and…had jumped into his new body? Was this reincarnation?
Fuck, if he was dead…Wayne would find him. Could he even…see his uncle again? How could he ever explain who he was?
Eddie felt the tears prick his eyes and his throat tighten and he slapped his face a few times.
“Come on man, come on,” he muttered. “It’s not that bad. It’s only…mildly awful. Fuck, ok. Just go, just look, just…rip it off like a bandaid.”
Eddie took a deep breath and nodded, then crossed the short distance to stand in front of the sink. He stared at his new feet, wiggled his new toes. You never…appreciated the toes you had until you have new ones.
That was awful and you’re an idiot. Just look.
Eddie closed his eyes again and turned his face up towards the mirror. He could do it. He would do it.
He opened his eyes.
“Jesus H. Christ!”
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Steve woke up feeling like absolute shit. Everything ached—like he had pulled a muscle or something by sleeping crookedly—he had awful cottonmouth, and he had inhaled…some yarn or something because he woke up coughing and gagging until he got the intrusive strands out of his mouth.
“Gahh, shit, shit,” he said and scratched at his throat. He sounded hoarse. Ugh was he getting sick? He’d have to ask his mom to bring home some soup or something.
Could he call out of work? Shit he had to take Robin to school. She could walk today, he felt awful.
Steve blinked his eyes open and took in the unfamiliar popcorn ceiling with growing concern.
He looked around at the…piles of garbage and the cracks in the plaster walls partially covered by band posters...and felt the rise of panic grow within him. He tried to recall the night before.
He’d wrapped up his shift at Family Video, gone home and had a rare dinner with both of his parents, then…felt extremely tired and went to bed.
So how did he end up here…wherever here was?
This was a kidnapping; it had to be. He was…drugged—explained the cottonmouth—and kidnapped. And now someone was holding him for ransom or something to…blackmail his father? Thomas Harrington was kind of a dick sometimes, sure, but still…he was a pretty decent guy. Who would want to blackmail him?
“H-hello?” Steve called out. “Anyone there? C-can anyone hear me?”
There was some shuffling outside of the door of the room.
Thankfully Steve wasn’t tied up or anything. God, what kind of kidnappers were these? He quickly glanced around the room for a weapon of some sort and he immediately spotted...
A guitar? A few guitars actually. Man these kidnappers really liked music huh?
One was a weird shape--he'd seen some hair metal bands use guitars like that in magazines, but he'd never seen one in person--and was a mottled red color. One was just what you'd expect when someone said "electric guitar." And one was acoustic and looked like it could pack a real wallop.
Steve pushed himself out of the bed and immediately jumped because whatever had been in his mouth was on his shoulders now. He reached up to grab it: hair. Long, wavy, messy...knotty and frizzy. Like it hadn't been brushed for days, maybe weeks?
And his arm, sticking out from whatever t-shirt he'd been put in...was lithe and weak and there were tattoos. On both arms. A creepy claw hand and a bunch of bats.
What was this? How long had they held him hostage for? No wonder they didn't feel the need to tie him up! He'd been knocked out cold.
He needed to get out of here. Now. He needed to get home.
Steve crossed the room to grab the guitar when he noticed it. At first he thought it was another person. But no, it was just a mirror...and in the mirror...his reflection.
Only it wasn't...his reflection.
It had startled him and he had jumped. Then he moved his arms a little and watched the figure in the mirror mimic him. Over and over.
A wave, a turn, a funny face.
He couldn’t believe it. This had to be a joke. A dream. A nightmare.
Because it was him, his reflection. But it was not his—Steve Harrington’s—reflection.
It was Eddie Munson's.
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magnumdays · 1 year
Magnum PI - S05E11 - Hit and Run review
We're back. I guess. It feels strange knowing these are the last ten episodes it seems likely we're getting but judging from just this first one it's going to keep on being one heck of a ride at least for that :P
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(Full honestly, something is wrong with my internet so I watched this with like 1 million little lags and annoying loading bits so... may have affected my viewer enjoyment. Also gotta go to bed because I gotta work tomorrow so this is a little short and 5% spell checked...)
Wham-bam, thank you, ma'am. It would have been more shocking if we hadn't gotten the "I'm late in the promo" but still, it was fun to explore this for an episode. They didn't touch back on what Juliet said about not being sure if she wanted a baby or not, but from how the discussion went today she seemed to have changed her tune. Would have been good to have addressed. I thought the would with Magnum being incredibly award when she told him. (This was low-key a favorite part of mine because not knowing what to say Magnum is pretty rare.)
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Loved that they're keeping the Miggy banter and Thomas Magnum logic going strong even with big life-changing-ish news looming on the horizon.
"Yeah but if you are pregnant you will be more pregnant tomorrow."
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"Just like how you said you weren't scared of spiders?"
I think this was a big set-up for how the series is going to end. Which I think is going to be very Mentalist and we kind of needed to have them talk about and want a baby, even if not right now. (Seriously, if the show doesn't end with a Miggy wedding and baby on board I'm going to be annoyed.)
So yeah, I'm glad they had the baby talk and that it leads to Confessions! (have I been watching too much K-drama? Maybe. Yes.)
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And is it weird that I cried there with them being all "I love you" at the end? Like I thought, kind of that I'd gone through my mourning process for this both with thinking season 4 was the end and during the past few months knowing season 5b is the last. But apparently, I was wrong. I still have tears left.
Watching this episode just kind of made me realize how much I love this show (all over again) and that I'm going to miss it and my babies sooo much.
TC being sad = sadness
It's was kind of hard to watch our favorite guy going through tough stuff. I feel like the *protect TC at all cost* society will sue someone :P no but I was really thankful things seem to be going in the right direction for him both with emotionally dealing and getting some feeling back!
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Rick + Piper...
So Rick's got a new GF? I feel like she gotta have some connection to something bigger. Like she's for sure a spy or something right? Wasn't her being all "that dump never" just too great of a start? I mean Rick is cute and all, but just introducing her as a love interest would be a little frivolous? Though they have done that before with Ethan and Lia.
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Anyway, Piper is cute and I can't wait to see what happens with it.
The Case!
I really liked this case, even if it the excitement was somewhat lost because my internet kept lagging. It's pretty classic "hitman decides to save victim" only with a Magnum and Higgins twist. It could have gone a lot of different ways and in a way it felt a little too quick for it to end. (I think this might be another K-drama symptom where most things just keep going throughout the season.) I was hoping/thinking when I heard "boarding school, sick mom" that we'd get a Juliet/kid bonding moment.
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I would have liked Mr. Hitman to not have died so unceremoniously. I mean this poor kid, her mom is dead, her dad is dead, her brother just tried to kill her with 2 hitmen and now the guy who saved her (even if he was a hitman to start) dies? I mean come on! Couldn't he have gotten caught and she'd be like "I'll come visit you in jail" or something?
The Jin + Book
Are we going to get more flashbacks of Jin imagining the White Knight with superpowers? Because that was so weirdly hilarious. I was like? What? What? WHAT? Then I totally cracked up.
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But yeah, hope we have something more with the TR Bell + White Knight. That kiss back from early season 4 is still one of my faves of theirs (even if it wasn't actually 'them'.)
Next week seems fun! Like, repo a fish? What a strange world, but it sure going to be amusing.
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toonabby · 8 months
Happy (late) 35th birthday, Naomi Oozora
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Characters pictured above from left to right: (BOLD text means Star-Making Role)
Satanichia "Satania" McDowell Kurumizawa from Gabriel Dropout
Hana Uzaki (Monica Rial) from Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!
Jahy (Lisette Monique Diaz) from The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!
Kiriha (Sarah Wiedenheft) from Tsugumomo
Ruti (Tia Ballard) from Banished from the Hero's Party
Samidare Asahina (Ariel Graham) from Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer
Chio Miyamo (Mikaela Krantz) from Chio's School Road
Inari from Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha
Midori Kohakobe (Emily Neves) from Call of the Night
Susanna "Sue" Hopkins from Genshiken: Second Generation (Replacing Yuuko Gotou)
Keiko Tomioka (Rachel Michelle Thompson) from Remake Our Life!
Kanon Konomori from Wataten!
Chieri Ogata from THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls
Tamamo Cross from Uma Musume Pretty Derby
Perseus from Azur Lane
Patricia Abelheim from Atelier Ryza
Characters not pictured (in order of the work's release year):
Duvalie (Eden Riegel) from The Legend of Heroes series
Yuragi Hakoniwa from Noucome
Jessica Shannon (Danielle Judovits) from Marvel Disk Wars
Karen Bombardier (Molly Searcy) from Chaika: The Coffin Princess
SG-1000 II from Sega Hard Girls
Bal-chan from Robot Girls Z+
Noriko Mizuyama from Momokuri
Tellu (Laura Post) from Sailor Moon Crystal III (Replacing Chieko Honda)
Falcon and QJY-88 from Girls' Frontline
Yuma Kusanagi from Matoi the Sacred Slayer
Black-Tailed Prairie Dog (Sarah Wiedenheft) from Kemono Friends
Ylgr (Megan Hollingshead) and Lethe (Kristen Day) (from Path of Radiance) from Fire Emblem Heroes
Charlotte Anana (Madeleine Morris) from One Piece(*)
Yuki from PriConne (Princess Connect! Re:Dive)
Nikola Graf (Kate Higgins) from Valkyrie Chronicles 4
Michi Edogawabashi from Pastel Memories
Pan Dina (Nadine Russell) from Kandagawa Jet Girls
Marisa Kirisame from Touhou Spell Bubble
Mafuyu Kogarashi (Madeline Dorroh) from Maesetsu!
Sakuna (Laura Post) from Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
Fenneca (Carling Doubt) (yes THAT'S her name) from Bakugan: Geogan Rising
Amanozako (Deva Marie Gregory) from Shin Megami Tensei V
Mogumogu Chō Higashisakura from Hanabi-chan Is Often Late
Lopomon from Digimon Survive
Ripple from Reborn to Master the Blade
Sayuri Osanada from Rokudo's Bad Girls
Panda Yanagiba from World Dai Star
Shizuka Futari (Robin Clayton) from Sasaki and Peeps
(*) = Debut episode
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violetwolfraven · 9 months
A New World Is Gunning For You Chapter 11: Oceans
She’s here bitches! Sorry it took so long!
“I’m asking you to get out of my way.” he concludes, “But I will make you if I have to.”
Rafaela shrugs, “Fine. Just one more thing.”
Spot groans, but allows it, “What?”
“Why are you doing this?”
Above all other questions, that’s the one he doesn’t want to answer.
Not with the conclusion he’s becoming more and more certain of the more he thinks it through.
He bullshits something else instead, “Because it’s in our best interest to keep things friendly with Manhattan.”
“Bullshit. If you wanted friendly, you’d tell Cowboy what you know and leave it at that.”
“Fine. Cowboy’s an old friend. Higgins is important to him. Sue me for being sentimental.”
“Also bullshit. You and Cowboy are old something, but ‘friends’ isn’t the word I would use.”
Only Rafaela would push him like this.
The others in the inner circle… they haven’t been here long enough, or they trust him too much, or they’d push only long enough to get to the 2nd level of excuses. They’re his friends, the only people in the gang he’d feel comfortable saying he trusts, the closest to family he’s got… but the others don’t know him well enough to get to the real reason he’s helping Manhattan find their second. Even Hotshot would believe it’s his history with Cowboy.
“You’re really gonna make me say it?”
Read the chapter here!
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unhingedhearties · 3 months
Team Hypocrite Cries Again
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There's that "Team Mean" moniker for Nathan fans again. That's funny, in the last week or two alone I've shown Lucas fans calling Erin a slut, a whore and a bitch, refer to her as an object, wish that Elizabeth got raped by Higgins, mock Mamie's life threatening accident, say that they don't mind "the right people getting hurt", and make numerous alt. accounts to get around being banned so they can continue to stalk and harass cast members.
And that's not even getting into the fact that I've still yet to see a Team Nathan fan mock the terrorist attacks in the middle east hours after it happened and refuse to apologize and double down when called out. But you did that WriterJanine.
storyline suspiciously similar to existing fanfiction
You going to elaborate on that or just leave it vague and pretend you're making a point? No one at Hallmark is reading your dumb Mary-Sue fanfics.
Lucas having a shady past
Yeah, that thing that was established several seasons ago. Character's being interesting and having conflict really triggers you, doesn't it? (Makes sense. You are a fanfic writer).
Writer's strike in the midst of it all. Was this the first experiment to see if AI could write a TV series?
...you do know WCTH was one of the few shows that was given an exemption and allowed to film during the strike, right? Did you do any research?
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This literally took me 10 seconds to find. It was also written before they got the exemption. The Canadian Writers weren't affected by the strike. Janine, I know you are a typical stupid American who can't fathom that other countries have their own culture, art, media, laws, and skilled citizens, but "not-Americans" and "not-English" speakers are capable of doing the same kind of work any corn syrup soaked yankee can do.
And it's funny that you're shitting on AI art when a) you use it yourself and b) several other Team Lucas fans use it constantly instead of trying to pick up a pencil with their thalidomide hands and trying to create something original from scratch. So which is? AI art good or AI art bad? Or is it dependent on whether the people using it kiss your ass or not?
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halloweenvalentine1997 · 10 months
A recommended list of books I own and read
The Rainbow by D.H. Lawrence
Bleak House by Charles Dickens
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden by Joanne Greenberg
Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
The Silver Star by Jeannette Walls
Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs
Just Kids by Patti Smith
Fatal Flowers by Rosemary Daniell
Suicide Blonde by Darcey Steinke
The Prince of Lost Places by Kathy Hepinstall
What Remains of Me by Alison Gaylin
Never Look Back by Alison Gaylin
If I Die Tonight by Alison Gaylin
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
I Am the Only Running Footman by Martha Grimes
The Deer Leap by Martha Grimes
The Old Contemptibles By Martha Grimes
The Anodyne Necklace by Martha Grimes
Help the Poor Struggler by Martha Grimes
And Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell
Watching You by Lisa Jewell
Invisible Girl by Lisa Jewell
The Truth about Melody Browne by Lisa Jewell
The Night She Disappeared by Lisa Jewell
The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell
A Judgment in Stone by Ruth Rendell
A Demon in my View by Ruth Rendell
Wonderland by Joyce Carol Oates
The Accursed by Joyce Carol Oates
The Doll Master by Joyce Carol Oates
Night Gaunts by Joyce Carol Oates
The Female of the Species by Joyce Carol Oates
Pursuit by Joyce Carol Oates
High Lonesome by Joyce Carol Oates
I Know You Know by Gilly Macmillan 
The Nanny by Gilly Macmillan
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
Into the Water by Paula Hawkins
A Slow Fire Burning by Paula Hawkins
She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
White Oleander by Janet Fitch
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
The Black Dahlia by James Ellroy
Over Tumbled Graves by Jess Walter
Dark Tales by Shirley Jackson
The Sundial by Shirley Jackson
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
The Girl who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
Lost Souls by Lisa Jackson
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice
All Around the Town by Mary Higgins Clark
Southern Cross by Patricia Cornwell
Dead Run by Erica Spindler
Carrie by Stephen King
The Shining by Stephen King
Bag of Bones by Stephen King
The Stand by Stephen King
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
The Right Hand of Evil by John Saul
A Season in Purgatory by Dominick Dunne
The Girl Before by J.P. Delaney
Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll
The Favorite Sister by Jessica Knoll
Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll
Dream Girl by Laura Lippman
Every Secret Thing by Laura Lippman
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
A Place Called Freedom by Ken Follett
The Third Twin by Ken Follett
Vanish by Tess Gerritsen
Good Girls Lie by J.T. Ellison
When Shadows Fall by J.T. Ellison
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Villette by Charlotte Bronte
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
The Turn of the Screw & Daisy Miller by Henry James
The Good Girl by Mary Kubica
Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech
Crank by Ellen Hopkins
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous
The Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides
The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews
Petals on the Wind by V.C. Andrews
Garden of Shadows by V.C. Andrews
My Sweet Audrina by by V.C. Andrews
The Cutler series by V.C. Andrews
The Logan series by V.C. Andrews
The Hudson series by V.C. Andrews
Ruby by V.C. Andrews
Pearl in the Mist by V.C. Andrews
The 9th Girl by Tami Hoag
The Elizas by Sara Shepard
The Lying Game by Sara Shepard
Wait for Me by Sara Shepard
Nowhere Like Home by Sara Shepard
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger
Anthem by Ayn Rand
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
A Spy in the House of Love by Anais Nin
Elmer Gantry by Sinclair Lewis
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
Summer by Edith Wharton
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell
Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Give Me Your Hand by Megan Abbott
The It Girl by Ruth Ware
In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware
The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware
The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware
The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
The Butterfly Girl by Rene Denfeld
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Testaments by Margaret Atwood
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood
The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison
Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule
If You Really Loved Me by Ann Rule
Green River, Running Red by Ann Rule
Every Breath You Take by Ann Rule
The Blooding by Joseph Wambaugh
Slenderman by Kathleen Hale
Breaking Blue by Timothy Egan
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
You Are Not Alone by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
The Queen's Fool by Philippa Gregory
Dead Man Walking by Sister Helen Prejean
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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bracketsoffear · 4 months
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Moonlight Becomes You (Mary Higgins Clark) "Starts out with the protagonist buried alive and desperately pulling on a bell to signal for help. The story then flashes between the present and to several weeks earlier, showing how she came to this fate and leaving the reader to decipher who her would-be killer is, all the while inserting her frantic efforts to remain conscious until help arrives."
A Fall of Moondust (Arthur C. Clarke) "Set sometime in the 21st century, the story takes place in and around the Sea of Thirst, a fictional region of The Moon bearing a sea of incredibly fine moondust that behaves like water, upon which "buoyant" objects can float. The Lunar tourism authority operates the dust-cruiser Selene, a vessel which rides atop the surface like a boat and takes passengers on sightseeing tours across the Sea of Thirst.
When an ill-timed moonquake creates a disturbance that swallows Selene beneath the surface and cuts the dust-cruiser off from outside communication, the routine trip becomes a race to stay alive long enough to be rescued, and indeed for those above the surface to even discover that a rescue is needed. Coordinating the effort to survive and stay sane are Selene captain Pat Harris and flight attendant Sue Wilkins; aided by the vessel's diverse passengers, including retired legendary astronaut Commodore Hansteen. The search and rescue effort from above is headed by Lunar Chief Engineer Robert Lawrence and prickly astronomer Dr. Thomas Lawson, who are faced with a ticking clock, their own disdain for each other, and every nasty surprise the Sea of Thirst has left to throw at them."
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kwebtv · 11 months
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The Cleopatras - BBC Two - January 19, 1983 - March 9, 1983
Historical Drama (8 episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
The Cleopatras:
Michelle Newell as Cleopatra III and Cleopatra VII
Elizabeth Shepherd as Cleopatra II
Caroline Mortimer as Cleopatra Thea
Prue Clarke as Cleopatra Selene
Sue Holderness as Cleopatra IV
Pauline Moran as Cleopatra Berenike
Amanda Boxer as Cleopatra Tryphaena, Queen of Syria
Emily Richard as Cleopatra Tryphaena, Queen of Egypt
Francesca Gonshaw as Arsinoe IV
The Ptolemies:
Richard Griffiths as Potbelly
David Horovitch as Chickpea
Daniel Beales as Ptolemy XIII
Adam Bareham as Fluter
Lauren Beales as Ptolemy XV
Gary Carp as Eupator
Graham Seed as Ptolemy
Sadik Soussi as Memphites
Ian McNeice as Alexander
David Purcell as Alexander the Younger
Shelagh McLeod as Berenike IV
Francesca Gonshaw as Princess Arsinoe
Graham Crowden as Theodotus
Robert Hardy as Julius Caesar
Christopher Neame as Mark Antony
Geoffrey Whitehead as Scipio Africanus
Donald Pickering as Lucius Licinius Lucullus
Phillip Cade as Gnaeus Pompey
Rupert Frazer as Octavian
Manning Wilson as Cicero
Godfrey James as Cato
Matthew Long as Ahenobarbus
Graham Pountney as Archelaus
Patrick Troughton as Sextus
Karen Archer as Octavia
The Seleucids:
Stephen Greif as Demetrius
James Aubrey as Grypus
Nicholas Geake as Seleucus
Colin Higgins as Seleucus
Donald MacIver as Alexander Zebinas
Granville Saxton as Cyzicenus
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But It Had Been So Obvious
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Words: 1125
Crack fic. Not wincest. No matter what people assume.
Read it on AO3 here
That spell should have worked. Well, I mean, it did work, but it should have been the utter undoing of the pair of hunters that had come sniffing around my new home.
Fucking hunters! Such a pain in my ass. It seems like every time I get settled, get to work, start making connections, get some dough rolling in, that it’s only a matter of time before some stupid hick with a gun and a monster-sized chip on his shoulder shows up and makes life impossible for me.
I liked this new town too, dammit. It was like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting. Picture perfect and so prudishly repressed that my magic could easily twist it all to my advantage. And, well, sure, I probably shouldn’t have killed the good Reverend. That’s what I’m sure had caught their attention. But Rev. Robert Higgins was such a sanctimonious scumbag that I’ll admit that I got a bit carried away. And, in hindsight, maybe having him impaled by the cross falling off the steeple of his own church was, a bit, much. Fine. I’ve always had a flair for the dramatic, so sue me.
When the two suits showed up, claiming to be insurance adjusters, I knew two things immediately and with utter certainty. One, they were hunters. And two, they were partners in more than just the assigned-to-work-together kind of way, if you catch my drift.
Oh, don’t look at me like that! I hated them because of their chosen profession, not because of any sexual proclivities or orientations. What people choose to do with their bodies really only concerns me insofar as I can take advantage of it. So once I felt certain that these two were good enough hunters to actually trace everything back to me, I had to throw them off my trail, and I knew exactly how to do it… or at least, I’d thought I did.
I mean, come on! They were always touching or standing way too close, or eye fucking each other. It was so obvious! When they walked, there was barely space between them to avoid tripping over each other. Their movements unconsciously mirrored, like they were in total sync with each other. When they sat, they were touching, shoulders, or elbows, or knees, something. One time I saw their entire upper legs, from knee to hip, pressed together in a booth at the diner while they were talking to my neighbor Bob. Dudes who aren’t fucking don’t sit like that, they sit with space, even if it means one of them is half out of the booth. But these two? Naw, they just slid right in there like two giant peas in a pod, like it was nothing.
Leaving their shared motel room one morning, I saw the shorter one straighten the taller one’s tie before fixing his hair, for Christ’s sake. And then later that day, at the diner again, the taller one wiped a smear of pie off the shorter one’s cheek using his thumb! At least he had the decency to then wipe his thumb on his napkin instead of licking it off, but…
And then there were the looks, ugh, the looks! The shorter one was the worst with those. He got downright dewy-eyed looking at his “partner” and was constantly licking his lips while watching the other guy talk. Although the taller one seemed better at hiding the open adoration, he had a harder time hiding his jealousy when the other one flirted with the waitress, the desk sergeant at the police department, the mortician, basically every female that looked at him, and even some of the men. As soon as he had their attention he would crank up that perfect smile of his, flash those pretty eyes, and typically walked away with whatever he was trying to get, information, phone numbers, free pie, whatever.
Meanwhile, the taller one would be watching with his jaw clenching, just behind him. What Shorter couldn’t get by flirting, though, Taller got by utilizing the most effective I’m-just-a-soulful-puppy-dog-trust-me face that I’ve ever seen. When he did, rather than jealousy, Shorter would be fucking beaming with pride behind him.
So when I tell you that I was confident that my spell would work on them, please understand where I was coming from. It should have had them tearing those cheap suits off each other right there in the middle of town. God knows it worked on Mary Millnan and Todd Baker (which surprised literally no one, those two have been slow-burning for ages), and Deputy Blake and Brian Gant (which actually surprised me, because, wow, had they apparently been harboring some fantasies about each other). I mean, there were couples and groups groping, stripping, kissing, and fucking all around town, but the insurance agents from the offices of Abercrombie & Fitch? Nothing.
At least, it did distract them, I guess, for a moment. Shorter seemed ready to just stand there and watch the free show, until Taller grabbed him by the upper arm and pulled him away with a disdainful, “Dude.”
So I was the one about to be well and truly fucked because they’d turned around and saw me as I hightailed it back to my car. I never was a very fast runner.
I made it home and was almost out the door, my most precious belongings hastily packed into the bag clutched in my hand, when the door exploded inwards, propelled by a single kick by Shorter. Then two guns were aimed in my face.
“Don’t move!”
I froze, but immediately started to say a defensive spell. I should have foreseen the throat punch, but honestly, I don’t even know which one hit me, it was that fast. I dropped to my knees.
“Make sure it’s him.” Shorter said.
My bag was scooped up from where I’d dropped it. The zipper hastily pulled back and the sounds of my things being gone through.
“He’s our witch.” said Taller.
“Wh..” I tried to speak but my throat was still struggling, so I cleared it and tried again. “Why didn’t it work on you?”
“What do you mean?” Taller said.
“Back there, my spell, you two should’ve been…”
“The sex spell thing?”
I nodded.
Taller’s nose scrunched up, “Ew.”
“You sick son of a bitch. He’s my brother.” Shorter said.
The gunshot hit me before I had time to think about that. But now that I’m facing an eternity in Hell, I can’t quite let it go. I mean, what the fuck? I was certain. It was so obvious. All the demons I’ve asked down here agree. “The Winchesters? Oh yeah, I totally thought they were fucking. Well, that’s a bit disappointing, to be honest.”
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ghostpalmtechnique · 2 years
This is a couple months old, but in case anybody missed it, this is your regular reminder that the 1st Amendment and NYT v. Sullivan are both very important, and British libel law is an abomination.
Apropos of nothing a Republican Senator openly calling for NYT v. Sullivan to be overruled:
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williamchasterson · 2 months
Australian senator sues alleged rape victim for defamation
Linda Reynolds says Brittany Higgins ruined her reputation by falsely accusing her of a political cover up. from BBC News https://ift.tt/eWa8yxu via IFTTT
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
When architect-turned-recluse Bernadette Fox goes missing prior to a family trip to Antarctica, her 15-year-old daughter Bee goes on a quest with Bernadette’s husband to find her. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Bernadette: Cate Blanchett Elgie: Billy Crudup Audrey: Kristen Wiig Dr. Kurtz: Judy Greer Paul Jellinek: Laurence Fishburne Bee: Emma Nelson Soo-Lin: Zoë Chao Agent Marcus Strang: James Urbaniak Becky: Troian Bellisario Floyd the Pharmacist: Richard Robichaux Ellen Idelson: Kate Burton David Walker: Steve Zahn Judy Toll: Megan Mullally Jay Ross: David Paymer Tom the Blackberry Guy: Patrick Sebes USC Student: Lee Harrington Game Show Host: Patrick Jordan Pablo: Shaun Cameron Hall Tamara the Pharmacy Employee: Kathryn Feeney Lisa Prospective Parent: Amy Rayko Lori Prospective Parent: Nancy McNulty Julie Prospective Parent: Daina Griffith Tammy Prospective Parent: Kate Easton Mr. Hayes: Stephen Donnelly Kennedy: Thalia Torio Architectural Expert: Mark Philip Stevenson News Reporter: Cherie McClain Crew Member Allegra: Maureen d’Armand Captain J. Rouverol: Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson Iris: Claudia Doumit Vivian: Katelyn Statton Snappy Tourist Lady: Jennifer Tober Mike the State Senator: Joe Coyle Construction Worker (uncredited): Alan Lee Baker Stu Reardon (Microsoft Executive) (uncredited): Richard Barlow Airport Traveler / Taxi Passenger (uncredited): Heidi Barrientes Pharmacy Patron (uncredited): Tom Bonello Parent (uncredited): Brian “Wolfman Black” Bowman Audience Member (uncredited): Chris Breen Caterer (uncredited): Gregory Bromfield Kyle’s Friend (uncredited): Zachary Davis Brown Kyle (uncredited): Owen Buckenmaier Passenger (uncredited): Isaac J. Conner Baggage Handler (uncredited): Erik J. Cornelius Restaurant Patron (uncredited): Kelli Culbertson Nigel Mills-Murray (uncredited): Bruce Curtis Passenger (uncredited): Kelley Davis Restaurant Patron (uncredited): Chris Drexel Restaurant Patron (uncredited): Grant Eastey Flight Attendant (uncredited): Amy Lyn Elliott Gary Oppenheimer (uncredited): Russell Bradley Fenton Galer Street School Parent (uncredited): Joe Fishel Restaurant Patron (uncredited): Simone Bruyère Fraser Pedestrian (uncredited): Emir García Tech Enthusiast / Party Goer (uncredited): Peter Georgo School Child (uncredited): Elijah Goulet TED Talk Attendee (uncredited): Ben Guenther Airport Traveler (uncredited): Juliane Hagn Traveler (uncredited): Rene Hamlet Jellinek’s Student (uncredited): Joely Haregsin Coffee Shop Patron (uncredited): Mike D Harris Tourist in Boat (uncredited): Andrew Harvey Parent (uncredited): Adam Hicks Student (uncredited): Jagger Hicks Traveler (uncredited): Liz Higgins Beeber Construction Worker (uncredited): Anthony Holland Airport Patron (uncredited): Tara O. Horvath Pedestrian (uncredited): Wesley Jansen Restaurant Patron / TED Talk Attendee (uncredited): Nagy Jay Space Needle Restaurant Patron (uncredited): Morgen Johnson TED Talk Attendee (uncredited): William Kania Naturalist (uncredited): Brett Kennedy TED Talk Attendee (uncredited): Trudi Kennedy Airline Passenger (uncredited): Micah Knapp Airline Passenger (uncredited): Tiahna Kovarik TED Talk Attendee (uncredited): Mike Kuse Construction Worker (uncredited): Daniel Lamont Cruise Ship Passenger (uncredited): Susan Lang Crossing Guard (uncredited): James Lloyd Cruise Passenger (uncredited): Scott Lockhart Parent (uncredited): Chelsea Long Game Show Contestant (uncredited): Theresa Mangus Airport Traveler (uncredited): Tiffany Sander McKenzie Airplane Passenger (uncredited): F. Robert McMurray Joann Airline Stewardess (uncredited): Kelly L. Moran TED Talk Attendee (uncredited): Sue Danna Myer Microsoft Worker (uncredited): Adam Nakanishi T-Shirt Mom (uncredited): Amy Nelson Airline Passenger (uncredited): Vanessa N. Nelson TED Talk Attendee / Party Patron (uncredited): Ted Opalinski Parent (uncredited): Martin A. Palma Construction Worker (uncredited): Michael Paradise Bus Passenger (uncredited): Edward Pfeifer Airline Employee (uncredited): Jacob Phelps Port Lockroy Tourist (uncredited)...
0 notes
7.7.24 Sunday
12:39 am
Still,have windblow...
I saw my book review list on classic stories...
See... 157 classic stories...
Ehem2x aside from Edgar Allan Poe ;) I deserve to be a Queenish ;)
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Aside from these oldies authors books of Sidney Sheldon, Danielle Steel, Joy Fielding, Sue Grafton, Mary Higgins Clark( Books of Aunt Teresa--My adoptive mother ).
It is always good to book review!
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1:41 am
Still, have windblow...
Still, thinking of money and I feel bitterish,super bitterish!!!
8:05 am
This somehow? bonjing Uncle DD went here to invite my nana to go there in their house to have breakfast with the mother of Aunt Karen. The mother of Aunt Karen said that why my nana is not going out anymore, to go there in their house beside us here...
Last night around 11 pm I saw that he fed Neko... Then, he just said that he went out with Neko this early am for his image, I think so...
11:13 am
Still,have windblow...
Before I forget, Uncle DD with his gang are cleaning outside....
Uncle Jun just woke-up few seconds ago and now in the kitchen. He looks as if there is an another person inside him...
11:43 am
Still,have windblow...
Nothing but egg and you!
I'm thinking of money and how to pay my loans and my vanities and my love life with my cousin-white, how to get him or to pull him away from other and be with me.... Crazy situation I have...
Tomorrow my medical for my job again and again. I hope and pray there will be no bad people on a particular organization to kick me out again and again in work-force! I badly need money!!!
I want vanities... :( I do feel fat,ugly and old without a story. Longing to have new good friends along the way and hoping to meet uppish to pull me up or help me to lift fairly, good friends...
11:52 am
Uncle Jun went to the bathroom masturbating, I said he should close the door... Saw him accidentally bobbing his penis... Then, he closed the door.
See, I was right,he is having a different spirit and soul when he woke-up awhile ago...
1:16 pm
Still,have windblow...
I wanna have this in the house, even here... I feel frustrated here angels...
I want a "Starbucks Feels" ambience... It is a big embarassment for me and I feel intimidated by some old friends for being perfect and we are really poorish these days...
I wanna have it as hanging-out space or living room that feels like in a coffee shop..
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1:35 pm
Still,have windblow...
Supposed to be this way... Before we had an genuine "bermuda grass" outside and we had helpers and 1 boy assistant for dogs and for maintaining the garden.
It supposed to be this way until these days...
For John can run and exercise for some small gathering... You can do some yoga or stretching or tanning perhaps...
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1:43 pm
Still, have windblow...
My original persona I was very "family oriented" and I love some of my old close friends...
Watching on a projector outside,under the moon and stars effect...
I feel embarass and bullshit and frustrated...
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1:56 pm
Stayin' alive,that what's important now...
2:10 pm
I wanna get my cousin-white... Can someone ask him if it is "Mmmbopp"? Garret is an inspiration...
Cousin white can you be "Mmmboopp"?
2:34 pm
Still,have windblow...
I feel bitterish and self-pity... I wanna do a nose perfection or botox....I aged for nothing... I wanna travel... Hope my job this time will be long-lasting... I feel frustrated...
I feel really,really ugly coz I will be 46 this October...
3:13 pm
Credit Peso called me about my loan... I just asked Mr. Ben to pause my interest... Thank God he will assist me for a waive of it,after a month. I checked th Credit Peso the daily interest is 0.02% or 50 pesoses....
I will just asked for a waive by next month due to the high amount of service fee extracted from my original amount that I applied.
3:29 pm
I'm reading the Credit Peso now...
6:20 pm
I went to Ely awhile ago for the back-up of toiletries, my creditz on Ely is around 4k already angels... We tried opening his Tagged and he streamed looking for a date hahah....
6:31 pm
Uncle DD gave nana an atchara and some soap for nana only...
0 notes
weirdesplinder · 3 months
Vi parlo del C-drama Hidden love e vi consiglio dei libri simili
Ho appena finito di vedere un drama cinese che inaspettatamente mi è piaciuto molto, si tratta di:
Trama: Sang Zhi si è innamorata a tredici anni di Duan Jia Xu, l'amico di suo fratello maggiore, che ha cinque anni più di lei. Il suo amore non ha mai vacillato seppur tenuto segreto e quando ormai al primo anno di università lo reincontra il suo cuore gioisce. E anche lui ora che la vede adulta e la frequenta si rende conto di quanto gli sia cara e non come una sorellina minore, ma come qualcosa di più, che non ha mai conosciuto prima.
Link per la visione su youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guO5E88iiYA&list=PLIPiKkS-FpK9FBPbX-0X-MDicBEQvjfas
Link colonna sonora: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eUlNiuyQUE&t=278s
E' molto meno pieno di clichè, più lineare e meno drammatico della maggior parte dei drama cinesi, perciò ve lo consiglio se vi piace il tema: lei che si innamora del migliore amico del fratello.
E per gli amanti del genere ecco anche una Lista di libri rosa contemporanei dove la protagonista è innamorata del migliore amico di suo fratello:
- Just one of the guys, di Kristan Higgins (inedito in italiano)
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/3Ro38q8
Cresciuta con quattro fratelli nello stato di New York, la giornalista Chastity O'Neill è stanca di essere solo uno dei ragazzi. Quando torna nella sua città natale, decide che è ora di entrare in contatto con il suo lato femminile. Mentre sta scrivendo una storia sugli eroi locali, incontra un  dottore che sembra il candidato perfetto per mettere alla prova le sue nuove astuzie femminili. C’è solo un problema: il pompiere Trevor Meade, il suo primo amore e l’unico uomo che non è mai riuscita a dimenticare, anche se lui sembra averla superata benissimo. Eppure, più tempo trascorre con il Dr. Perfect, migliore sarà l'aspetto di Trevor. Ma con la concorrenza sfacciata, l'irresistibile Trevor inizia a vedere Chastity più che un'amica. . . .
- Fix her up, di Tessa Bailey (inedito in italiano)
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/3z3KUnt
La famiglia di Georgette Castle gestisce la migliore attività di ristrutturazione di case della città, ma lei ha scelto palloncini invece di progetti e da allora non l'hanno più presa sul serio. Georgie adora organizzare feste di compleanno per bambini e far ridere la gente, ma non a sue spese. È determinata a trasformarsi in una Donna di Mondo... qualunque cosa significhi. E chi meglio della star sportiva residente e favorita dei tabloid può aiutarla a rifarsi una nuova immagine? Travis Ford era il debuttante più in voga della major league di baseball quando un infortunio pose fine alla sua carriera. Ora sta cambiando casa per tenersi occupato e cercando di dimenticare i suoi giorni di gloria. E poi c'è Georgie, la sorella del suo migliore amico, che non è più una ragazzina. Quando lei propone un piano assurdo - far finta di uscire insieme, per scioccare la sua famiglia e aiutarlo a trovare un nuovo lavoro - lui è d'accordo. Qual è il danno? Non è reale. Ma la ragazza che Travis prendeva in giro ora è una donna divertente e piena di vita, e non c'è niente di falso su quanto lui la desideri...
-Sono pazza di Jason Thorn, di Ella Maise
Ricordo perfettamente la mia prima cotta. Ero innamorata persa di Jason Thorn. Con lui ho sentito per la prima volta le farfalle nello stomaco. Sembra romantico, no? Invece mi ha spezzato il cuore. Mi ha sempre vista come la sorellina del suo amico, tutto qui. Da allora ho cercato di evitarlo il più possibile e mi sono concentrata sull'altro mio grande amore: la scrittura. Anche Jason è andato avanti. Molto avanti, direi. Ora è una superstar di Hollywood e non c'è persona, in tutti gli Stati Uniti, che non conosca il suo nome e il suo irresistibile sorriso. Quando ho saputo che avrebbero realizzato un film tratto da uno dei miei romanzi ho pensato che finalmente tutti i miei sogni si stessero realizzando. Ma indovinate chi è stato scelto per il ruolo di protagonista?
-Promesse che avremmo voluto mantenere, di Monica Murphy
Sylvie sa bene che per lei Spencer Donato è off-limits. Lui è misterioso, affascinante e soprattutto è il migliore amico di suo fratello, motivo per cui mai e poi mai dovrebbe innamorarsene. Eppure, nei corridoi della Lancaster Prep, tra una lezione e l’altra, tra i due scatta la scintilla. Nessuno, tuttavia, deve sapere di loro: si incontrano di nascosto, dove non possono essere visti. Col passare del tempo, per Sylvie, Spencer diventa il primo amore, il principe azzurro che ha sempre sognato. Per un glorioso istante, si convince che tra loro possa durare per sempre. Poi, però, le circostanze costringono Sylvie a tradire la fiducia del ragazzo che ama. Lei è convinta di averlo perso una volta per tutte, ma quando lo rincontra al matrimonio del fratello, l’attrazione è irresistibile. Dopo tutto il tempo trascorso e dopo tutti i segreti, Sylvie e Spencer troveranno di nuovo la strada l’una al cuore dell’altro? Menzogne, rivelazioni inaspettate e seduzione: bentornati alla Lancaster Prep Una storia di promesse infrante e segreti svelati, impossibile da dimenticare.
-Resta con me per sempre, di Elle Kennedy
Gli opposti si attraggono, lo sanno tutti. In effetti, non c’è una sola ragione per cui non riesco a smettere di pensare a Colin Fitzgerald, l’insopportabile giocatore di hockey del gruppo di amici di mio fratello. Generalmente i ragazzi super tatuati, fissati con i videogiochi e insopportabilmente nerd non fanno per me. Come se non bastasse, mi considera superficiale. E questo non gioca per niente a suo favore. Ma non è nemmeno il problema peggiore: il suo migliore amico ha una cotta pesante per me. E io sono appena andata a vivere insieme a loro. Già, sono diventata la coinquilina del ragazzo che non potrò mai avere, perché Fitzy ha messo subito le cose in chiaro: non è interessato a me. E nonostante l’elettricità che si percepisce tra di noi, non ho nessuna intenzione di fargli credere che gli corro appresso. Con l’inizio dei corsi universitari e un ambiente del tutto nuovo ho parecchie altre cose di cui occuparmi. E se Colin dovesse accorgersi di quello che si sta perdendo… meglio per me.
-Il mio rischio più grande Emma Hart
Quando Cam, il fratello che amava più di ogni altra cosa al mondo, muore in un terribile incidente d’auto, per Roxy è l’inizio di un incubo: per dimenticare quella tragica notte e tutto il suo dolore, cerca consolazione nell’alcol, nelle droghe e in avventure occasionali. E così, dopo anni dal loro ultimo incontro, la ritrova Kyle, che resta sconvolto: la sorellina del suo migliore amico si è trasformata in una ragazza disperata, autodistruttiva, sgarbata... e sexy da morire. Kyle ha giurato a Cam che si sarebbe preso cura di lei, perciò decide di fare tutto il possibile per riportarla sulla retta via. Ma presto si ritrova diviso tra i sensi di colpa e l’amore che inizia a provare per lei, mentre Roxy, che ha sempre avuto una cotta per lui, non riesce a credere che i sentimenti del ragazzo siano sinceri: e se stesse mentendo solo per mantenere la promessa di proteggerla? Tra incomprensioni, attrazione, paure e baci infuocati, Kyle e Roxy tenteranno di imboccare la strada verso la felicità.
-L'amico di mio fratello Kendall Ryan
Smith Hamilton rasenta la perfezione: è intelligente, bello e ricco sfondato. Ma si ricorda bene di quando le cose erano molto diverse. E non ha nessuna intenzione di rovinare tutto proprio adesso. Specialmente non con la sorella del suo migliore amico. Questo significa tenere Evie a distanza di sicurezza. Perché quella ragazzina fastidiosa si è trasformata in una donna irresistibile. Evie Reed sa di essere una privilegiata. Ha una famiglia che la ama e ha cominciato a gestire la comunicazione dell’azienda di lingerie di cui i suoi sono proprietari. Anche se adora il suo nuovo lavoro, non può fare a meno di pensare che le piacerebbe avere qualcuno per cui indossare i completini sexy che promuove. La sua cotta di sempre per Smith non la aiuta affatto. È determinata a fare in modo che smetta di vederla come una ragazzina e per questo ha un piano (quasi) infallibile: infilarsi furtivamente nel suo letto. Quello che non sa è che le cose potrebbero precipitare molto in fretta, e lei e Smith dovranno trovare al più presto una soluzione. Insieme.
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shichey97 · 8 months
Long Live 6
May 10, 2003
“Mom. Steve.” he said as he came up and sat down by me at the table. “I’m nervous.” He says as he looks at us. He was always so confident so this was surprising to me. “What is it, sweetheart?” I ask, taking his hand with a soft smile. I was worried about him, but knew he’d be ok. The first 5 years of his life were hard because I was terrified the Upside Down was going to come back, but apparently they really got him in ‘86.
“Higgins has given me trouble for 4 years. What if he doesn’t let me graduate today?” he asks, looking at them both. He doesn’t know why he wouldn’t be able to graduate, but it constantly worried him because he’s the first blood Munson to graduate as he’s been so kindly reminded by Higgins. 
“He’s been the principal for 20 years. He’s ancient.”Steve says softly. “You have had straight A’s the entire 4 years so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t graduate.”
“He’s right. He legally cannot hold you back.” I say brushing his hair back gently. I became a lawyer after I graduated and started helping the people of Hawkins despite hating them for what they did to Eddie. “If he tries I’ll sue him.”
He laughs softly and nods, “Ok..I’m going to change and then we can head to the high school.” He says before going upstairs.
When he was 13 I gave him his dad’s guitar pick necklace. What he really wanted was his Dad’s vest, but I hadn’t been ready to let go of it. When he was 15 I gave him his dad’s rings which he never wore. When he was 16 I gave him Eddie’s guitar. Now that he turned 18 I gave him Eddie’s vest. I could see him from our spot on the bleachers wearing it on the outside of his robes. Robin, Gareth, Jeff, and Grant were sitting by us with smiles on their faces.
From behind he reminds me of Eddie because he has his curls and build. He looked so much like him it made my heart ache. The only thing he got from me was my eyes and mouth. His personality was something unique to him. I knew it was going to be a kicker when he turned and gave me a thumbs up before going up to make his speech. Being Valedictorian was a huge deal and made me more than a little bit proud. “Hey everyone. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Eddie Munson. I am the first male Munson to graduate in a few generations. My dad and namesake would’ve been the first 17 years ago.” He says looking at everyone. “My entire highschool career I heard from my teachers and Higgins that I wouldn’t make it. That I was just another junior that would take after my grandfather and father. I’m supposed to talk about how great this school is and how wonderful my school career was, but in truth this school, and town, is terrible.” He walks away from the podium and gets back in line.
I smiled and shook my head with a small laugh. He looked back at us when Steve and Robin cheered for him. I waved before looking at Higgins’ face. It was red, angry, and he made an angry gesture to someone who started calling people. When they got to him they used his full name; probably to intimidate him.
“Edward Dustin Munson.” The woman calls. Eddie jr walked up on the stage, took his diploma, and flipped Higgins off before walking off. We didn’t stay after that; there wasn’t any point to staying. We all headed back to Steve’s house and ate and drank.
It was an hour later when he stood and cleared his throat, “When I was 15 I found my mom’s letters she wrote to my dad. I was nosey and read them. I took bits and pieces from them and created a song that I want to perform for you guys.”
He sat at the piano and began playing, “Don’t go tonight. Stay here one more time. Remind me what it’s like. And let’s fall in love one more time. I need you, now, by my side. It tears me up when you turn me down. I’m begging, please just stick around.”
“I’m sorry, don’t leave me, I want you here with me. I know that your love is gone. I can’t breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn’t easy. Don’t tell me that your love is gone; That your love is gone.” He sings softly causing tears to run down my cheeks. “Don’t tell me that your love is gone; That your love is gone.”
“I’m sorry, don’t leave me, I want you here with me. I know that your love is gone. I can’t breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn’t easy. Don’t tell me that your love is gone; That your love is gone.” He sings this repeat passionately and then quiets down again as he sings. He keeps playing as he drags out the word gone, “That your love is gone.” “I can’t breathe. I’m so weak. I know this isn’t easy. Don’t tell me that your love is gone. That your love is gone.” He sings slowly as he finishes playing. He stands as everyone claps. I walk to him and hug him tightly, “Thank you sweetheart. It was beautiful.” I say quietly and sniffle when he hugs me back.
“I love you, mama. Thank you for being my mom. You could’ve given me up or worse, but you kept me and raised me so thank you so much.” He says softly. “Oh baby. Neither of those were an option to me. I’m honored you’re my son.” She says kissing his cheek gently. “You’re getting too tall.” “You’re just short, mama.” He says with a chuckle as his girlfriend shows up. He kisses his mom’s head before going to his girlfriend.
After the party settled into a game of DnD I went upstairs and began to write a letter to Eddie. Something I hadn’t done in a few years.
Hey Eddie,
Our son graduated today. He wore your vest and necklace before flipping Higgins off and we were all proud. He became Valedictorian. Top of his class. He proved to this damn town what I already knew. Munson men are capable of great things. I miss you so much, but I have a lot of things I still need to do here. Ed has a girlfriend and she’s adorable. She’s like 5’2 with blonde hair and green eyes. Her name is Alicia. You’d have liked her. She body checked Andy’s kid for being a bully and bullying Ed. Steve plays DnD now and so does Robin. Gareth is our son’s godfather. The CC boys are good; Grant became a plumber, Jeff is a locksmith, and Gareth is a bartender musician. I gave him your lyrics. He’s gonna make it big one day, I just know it.
I am a lawyer now. I had just started classes last time I wrote to you, but I made it. I think it’s time for a change, but I’ll have to take Harrington. All he has is me, Robin, and Ed. Robin lives in Indianapolis with her girlfriend Sarah. They’re really happy and they’re having a baby soon. I just wanted to update you on what’s been going on here.
I’ll never be able to express how much you mean to me. Thank you for accepting me into Hellfire and it was a real treat baby. I’ll see you when I see you. I love you. ~Yours forever
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Did the Me Too really worked? Cause all it showed ME was that people will see things happening and do nothing. Lots of people saw the crimes being commited and didn't do anything. And most of them are still working behind the scenes after a giving shitty excuse "oh i didn't know" and their lives are fine (one exemple of MANY is Quentin Tarantino). Most victims of Me Too are not working anymore.
So I think this is a very good question, and especially prevalent in the political sphere in Australia at the moment given the Bruce Lehrmann defamation case going on at the moment (as a tldr for those who don't know, he was accused of raping Brittany Higgins, but unfortunately because the case could not go ahead, is now attempting to sue the media for their reporting of sad accusations). Around the time that Brittany came forward, I wrote this piece detailing how Australia's "MeToo moment" was delayed in comparison to the US due to our laws but that I had hope that things are getting better, and I still have that hope. While not specifically sexual assault related, the protests I spoke of in that piece are still happening in several states, particularly in terms of domestic violence at the moment. Like conversations are still loud in a way they weren't before the popularisation of MeToo and I would argue, at least in conservative circles I've had to be a part of (work, family etc), even those who didn't believe Brittany Higgins and victims like her at first are more inclined to now than they historically were. Like in years past, there was no way anyone would so much as whisper about this kind of thing, even if it was an open secret, in fear of being ridiculed or not believed, but like I said, I've seen a change both as a person generally and more specifically as an activist.
Further, in the USA we can see (as one example) due to one legal change in New York that came in part from the popularisation of the MeToo movement, several victims were able to speak their truth and get their alleged abusers/assaulters charged. Likewise, there was a 7% rise in reporting rates in the USA over the months that followed the popularisation of MeToo in 2017. And I'm sure there's stories like this in other countries that I haven't heard about.
So while yes, it wasn't a complete fix by any means and there's a long way to go, I would definitely say it was a good step in the right direction. We just have to keep that momentum going.
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