#Sugar Vladdy
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The Manchurian Cantaloupe and his Sugar Vladdy.
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graveyardbong · 1 year
I am on track to have reread Sugar Vladdy 3 times in as many months @thebibliosphere what have you done to my brain (affectionate)
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
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Chapter 29 of Sugar Vladdy is now up on Ao3
“This doesn’t seem very productive,” Vlad said as the Netflix logo flashed over their shared screen on his laptop. “I’m a terrible task buddy for enabling this.” Ursula sighed. “Look, it’s all part of the process. It’s just background noise while I sort these clothes. I promise.” “What are we watching, anyway?” “You’ll see,” Ursula replied, sounding mischievous. Forty minutes later, with potting soil strewn across the table, Vlad buried his head in his blackened hands, peering at his laptop screen through splayed fingers. “This is, beyond all doubt, the worst adaptation to have ever existed. What have I done to deserve such cruelty?" Ursula’s laughter bubbled over his earphones. That sound still made his heart flutter. “What?” she crooned with mock sincerity. “I thought you’d like Steven Moffat’s 2020 Dracula…” “Like a hole in the head,” Vlad muttered. Ursula gurgled with laughter again.
Thank you for your patience as my eyes heal and I get back into the swing of writing full-time.
Funny story, while rereading this chapter the other night in preparation for posting, I was struck with the vengeful inspiration to tell @ayeforscotland he should watch Steven Moffat's 2020 Dracula as penance for all the bad rom-coms he's been making me watch.
So if you hear me making a lot of similar points to Vlad on tomorrow's @theayesphere, just know it comes from a place of absolute seething hatred, haha.
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monsterfloofs · 2 months
Vampire Ramble - A Late Night Bite >8)
The wind was howling, a steady hum of noise that made you wonder when rain was going to come. Couldn't sleep, wide awake, a mix of alertness and a drowsy unease. Then the rain began, softly drumming against the house as the wind continued to whirr and whistle. You close your eyes, beyond those two distinct sounds, almost left unheard was a distinct tapping against the window.
You roused reluctantly from bed, walking towards it, what looked like murky darkness outside began to change as your eyes slowly carved out features. A figure was outside, so close to the glass pane that it made you jump. A hand tapping impatiently against the glass.
"Oh!" You threw up the sash, as a bedraggled form slid inside.
"I didn't realize you would come tonight, would you er. . . like a towel?"
There was an indignant sniff from the shadowy figure, "That would be appreciated, yes."
You nod, and trot from your room, a soft orange glow illuminating the bathroom just enough that you can grab a fresh towel and head back. The figure murmured a word of thanks before throwing the towel over their head, fussing with their hair.
You sat upon the bed, hands resting on your knees.
The figure shifted, and you watched the towel being pulled down and folded.
"Just like before?" The figure inquired, a tone of softness in their voice that made you prickle.
"N-no. Laying down made me nervous. I'll sit this time, thank you."
"Sitting is a bit messier, are you alright with that?"
"Mhm, I don't mind."
The bed creaked, cold fingers pull your hair back from your throat. You take a deep breath, and wait. There was the initial feeling of them leaning in close, that sensation fueled the anxious instinct to jerk away from them. You stayed still and unmoving, fingers itching, scratching at the soft pad of your thumb as you waited. Your eyes twitched closed as your throat felt pressure and then a burn of pain. Your hands clenched, fingertips digging into your palm. You fought back the feeling of wanting to swallow, time began to blur, one sluggish second after another ticked by until you felt a chaste kiss against your throat and you suddenly could breathe again, making an involuntary gasp that had you wincing.
The damp towel was pressed against your neck, and your hands moved to hold onto it. Sitting there in the dark, fingertips barely touching with the person who sat next to you.
"Was it easier this time?" The shadowy face was unreadable, but the voice was tender, compassionate.
"Yeah," Your voice was slightly husky,
"Good," There was a pause, "Go to sleep dear, and thank you again for the treat tonight. Our next appointment can be October 13th, will that work for you. . .?"
"Write it down for me?" The sluggishness was taking over your brain, making you feel dizzy. "I don't think I'll be able to. . . remem. . . ber."
"Of course," They reply consolingly. A hand at the small of your back dipping you backwards into bed.
"Thank you," You whispered as sleep wrapped its arms around you.
"Oh no, thank you."
Morning came sooner than expected, your neck was sore and you groaned, rubbing the back of your neck as you forced your eyes open.
Your hands reached to your phone to check the time before they patted around blindly on the bedside table. Expression brightening when your fingers grasped a crisp blue envelope. You brought it towards you, lifting the flap to take a peek at the content inside. Delight danced in your eyes, clutching the envelope to your chest and kicking your feet. Rent was made, more than just made, you had extra to spare. You felt your eyes prickle with tears of relief as you stared up at the ceiling.
It was considerably the strangest side job you had ever taken, but the benefits made it more than enough worthwhile.
"I have my own sugar Vladdy" You mumbled to yourself in disbelief, before laughing at the absurdity of it. Then wincing apologetically as laughing made your neck hurt.
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tundrakatiebean · 1 year
I want to crawl inside Joy’s writing style and hibernate in it like a squirrel in a tree
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joydemorra · 3 months
I hope you have all the spoons today
I wanted to reread "Sugar Vladdy" on AO3 but it seems I can't read it without a AO3 profile. Which bummed me out.
I was wandering if this was on purpose or not?
It's your writing. So it's your decision. But i found it kinda weird that it was suddenly un available.
Also I offering a pet picture of my parents cat that was tolerating my presence.
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Thank you for the cat! And yeah, unfortunately, I had to make my work viewable to registered users only late last year after I got a huge influx of bot comments. I think the bot activity has calmed down now, so next time I log in I'll change it back.
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vladdyissues · 5 months
We Have A Problem
Danny could scarcely contain his excitement. After eight long months, the wait was finally over: Tonight was the premiere of the hotly-anticipated new television docuseries, Knowing Universe.
The product of decades of research and collaborative efforts from the world’s greatest minds—astronomers, physicists, astronauts, engineers—Knowing Universe was rumored to have had a production budget somewhere in the hundreds of millions and boasted the latest advancements in computer graphics and long-range photography. New lenses had to be fitted to NASA’s telescopes to provide viewers with high-resolution images. Helmed by a famous Hollywood director and scored by Hans Zimmer, Knowing Universe was expected to go down in history as the most pivotal science documentary ever created, eclipsing even Carl Sagan’s beloved Cosmos.
A year ago Danny would have eschewed such blasphemy, but the litany of promos and sneak peeks on The Science Channel had finally won him over. It was all he had talked about for the past month.
Every member of the Fenton family knew what a monumental occasion this was to Danny, and had marked their calendars accordingly. With the big day finally here, a festive atmosphere descended upon Fenton Works. Pizza was ordered. Living room furniture was rearranged around the TV, the windows blacked out with construction paper. Glittery blue streamers festooned the ceiling. Glow-in-the-dark stars and meteors spackled the wall. Jack made three enormous batches of “galaxy brownies”, a regular brownie recipe but studded with white chocolate morsels and multicolored candy sprinkles. Maddie and Jazz took care of the music, arranging a playlist consisting of space-themed songs that featured such hits as David Bowie’s Space Oddity and anything by Daft Punk. Sam brought over a tray of veggies that had been cut into star shapes, and Tucker had printed out cards for an astronomy-themed parlor game to play while they waited.
At eight o’clock the lights were dimmed. Everyone gathered in front of the TV. Danny, hyped out on too much sugar, grinned like a maniac, practically vibrating with anticipation.
Sam passed a smirk to Tucker. “I think we know what to get him for his birthday this year.”
“Yeah,” Tucker laughed. “Posters, t-shirts, the DVD set—”
“Shh, shh,” Danny hissed. “It’s starting!”
Six pairs of eyes glued themselves to the opening sequence: a panning, high-definition shot of Earth, complemented by a gentle, sustained note on flute. Then, a voice:
“For as long as humanity has existed, we have looked to the stars…”
The ecstatic grin slid off Danny’s face.
It wasn’t David Attenborough’s educated gravel, or Neil deGrasse Tyson’s friendly, conversational baritone. No, this voice was intimately familiar, lightly accented, arrogant, with phlegmy fricatives and a rolling, almost musical modulation.
Tucker clapped his hand over his mouth. Sam goggled at the screen.
“Oh, my God, no,” Danny murmured.
Jack Fenton popped to attention. “Hey! That’s Vladdie!”
“Vlad’s narrating the show!”
“Hey, Danny, isn’t this—”
Outside Fenton Works, a howl rose over the rooftops, and every dog in the neighborhood took up the call:
Read on AO3
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benslittlestarkiller · 4 months
Vladimir Makarov Headcannon Imagines
This is dedicated to those who wanted me to write a Vladimir makarov story 💋
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Vladimir is a traditional man. He shows his woman respect
He demands respect from you, too, however
If you disrespect him, it’s like a fun game for him
He gets to punish you
He makes sure the punishment is not only fun for him, but fun for you as well
Everything is consensual between you
And he also likes when you’re on top… though he never emit it…
Vladimir take you on dates to expensive restauraunts. You can order whatever you want
Total sugar daddy material. He buys you dresses and expanto sive jewellery,
he take you to Prsfda, VChannel, Gucchi, , Her,mires,
All the nicest stores in Moscow
You never have to work a day in you life with him, cus he will take CARE of you.
Yiu do NOt have to voook, clean or anything elsoe
He hires a maid for you, she do everything
You call him “Vladdy” or “Vladdy Daddy’
Vladmir stoood on the balcony of his expensive high rise penthouse apartment suite condominium umm
He never like to see you wear revealing deresss. Your body for his eye only. NO man loo at yoo
You came up behind he and wrap ur fingers around he waist gently feeling his hardened muscles and sclupted booty, his firm body tough from battles he had won during his time in the military when he was younger, the training had formed him in to the hardend virilie form he had now.
“What is it baby girl” he asked in Russian accentw
He accent make your coochie tighten with need for he hardened thivk veiny bulging cook
When Flaccid it was like a Makarov pistole.
But when standing at attention like right now it was big as AK-47
“Vladdy I want you” you said in a breathless voice
“I want you too baby girl” he picked you up
And set you down effortlessly on the balcony railing 50 stories up
He grips youe thighs in his strong hands spreading your legs as wide as the black sea
Your princess parts already just as wet as the sea 2, u panties drooping weet and socked with need for Valdimie
“Ohhh please daddy I need it, my coochie is tingling”
Ur word gets hum going with intense adn debilitatng nerf NEED
So sorry guys news device so HWSF. t hard to tupe type with :C
His dick slid against your intimage area, his dripping essence mingling with yours
He slode your panties aasdide and pushed the tip, like the Onion dome of St Basils Chuch, against
You dripping aching cunt.
He take tim e filling you slowly so you fee each inch adn centimeter of his engorged and throbbing member
Your head falls back in exsctasy “OJHHHk….” you manned
nd he MAnned too. TThe feleling of. f your atight wales
Encasing him and sucking his deeper
He filled you deeply until he breached the sensitive barrier of your cachinh aching cervix
“OHHHHH Please full me deeper VlDDDY!”
“Oh baby gur yuo felt so sgoood……. ugh ugh ugh”
Each moan of his pleasure made you wall clench, squeesing him tight like squeezing into a pair of jeans after eating a generous bowl of borscht.
“oh, Bladimir, I can;t i htink i’m gonna……”
You body shakwes violently as you come on his virlie cup
“AHHHH@@!!!!! Bladdy!!!! Vlad@@!!!!”
The feelungb of u tight geat him close t o the edge of falling off thr edge of bluss
But h held back,
His trusts becme hurdle nd fatter as he is losing himswlf in plosure
His cock swells like a sponge left in the sink during washing up after dinner
But you didn’t knew about it acuz your maid did it
Hoa beethunf becined eruged BS
And thun he cams inside your
Thick hefty spurts fill your waiting womb like a bowl waiting to be filled with borscht
Or a pelmeni dumpling being filled with a serving of meat and veggies
His cum drips our off you down your leg and then down off the belcuny into the city street of Moscow Russia
Cum fell like sno soft and wet onto the winter city
Your love dripping for all too seee
Even the maid
As she cum alung to clean the evideance away offf the balcunty
That day and night Vladimir Jr was conceived in a flurry of pission
Ladimurlove his sun
Vladimir jr
He was a good boy raised by his loving mother ans father
You love him. Raise him to fight in war
The wing
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elveny · 1 year
Fic writers' end-of-year roundup: 2022 edition!
I got tagged by @pikapeppa and @barbex, thank you darlings!! ❤ Tagging forth to @johaerys-writes @curiousthimble @thevikingwoman @greyias and all who want to grab it!
2022 wasn't a good writing year for me. I think the year before finally caught up with me and I went to a dark place for a while where nothing creative could blossom. I only got back on the horse in the last two months, but hope to keep that up into 2023.
Words written (published or not, WIPs included!): Probably something around 100k, counting snippets on tumblr. I published a mere 30k words, in contrast to 380k in 2021 which should give you a hint of how bad it was.
Smut scenes: Four? Five? There are a few WIPs that are planned to become pure smut things but they're not finished.
New things I tried: Dear Hades. A stream of consciousness, very emotional, very close to my heart.
Fic I spent the most time on:  That would probably be my current BigBang fic that sits at 32k words 😊
Fic I spent the least time on: I honestly can't tell you...
Favourite thing I wrote: My Mermaid AU The Siren's Call, I think. It's concise, rich in depictions and gives just enough hints for the background to understand it without overloading it. I'm really fond of it!
Favourite thing I read:  Sugar Vladdy by @thebibliosphere. That fic has me sobbing regularly with the wholesomeness and amount of support and healing that is depicted. Within a kinky, queer, poly setting that has absolutely LOVEABLE characters.
Writing goals for next year: I'll lower my expectations massively. So if I manage another 100k next year, I'll call it successful - but what actually matters less than random word counts is that I want to finish the story I'm currently writing. I have a few ideas for stories that I would LOVE to get down and I truly hope I'll have the courage for some of them and the energy for others.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
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Sugar Vladdy: Chapter 28 is now on Ao3
Nathan’s fingers tugged against hers, and she realized she’d stopped dead in her tracks, leaving him to walk ahead without her. She frowned up at him, gnawing on her bottom lip as she thought. “I’m going to manifest something. Right here, right now.” Nathan glanced around, then back at her, still confused. “Uh, okay?” “I want a home,” she said, putting as much force behind it as she could. “A proper home where no one can make me leave if I don’t want to, and I’m going to paint the front door pink. And I want a garden so I can plant sunflowers.” Nathan stared down at her, then nodded. “Okay. House, pink door, garden. Any other demands of the universe while you’re at it?” Ursula thought about it. “And a puppy.” “A puppy?” Nathan cleared his throat, his mouth twitching on the verge of a smile as he tried to keep his expression serious. “Okay. House, pink door, garden, and a puppy.” He nodded again. “That sounds doable.”
Enjoy some short but sweet fluff 💖.
Thank you for the massive influx of comments and support over the last week. I'm really glad to be back and updating things. I've been trapped in a really awful depressive episode this year that's made posting any of my writing absolutely debilitating, so it's nice to feel okay enough to post again. I'm not promising a cohesive posting schedule because that still feels beyond me, but I hope you enjoy what I am able to post.
Thank you for being patient and supportive. It means a lot.
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puppycheesecake · 2 years
I dunno if u do sim request, but a gothy alien girl and a man that´s her sugar daddy? X) Maaaybe he´s in a sugardaddyclub with vladdy straud but vladdy is ego and he wants to have the sugarbaby for himself but she´s weak for said hottygothy dude
This is so specific that I have to do it.
You never said he had to be a werewolf wizard, but it felt right.
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daedriyth · 8 months
CAS Challenge Day 25 - Classic Horror (But Not)
So I don't really like classic horror, I'm really not into horror at all. Spoopy? Fun. Halloween costumes and candy? Amazing. Myers and his friends? Not so much. So instead, here is my sister in her sona (cat with white fur) and her new Vladdy Daddy (now named V-Daddy bc Gallery is busted). He's now her sugar daddy and her his baby. She brought her cat Blucifer (he covers the cats & bats for Day 27). I'm updating their house and everything. Enjoy!!
Hey @pixeledwingshow do you feel about substitutions?
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galaxytittus · 2 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: A sim of your choice from your blog just got hard-core broken up with by the sim/person they thought was gonna be their lifelong lover ( this could be an imaginary sim/person or their current partner, and this could be just a really heartfelt breakup or your sim couldve caught them cheating, whatever breakup you want :) ). What is their first reaction? Do they feel anger? Sadness? Are they so upset they're just numb? Do they do anything drastic?🌿
( Freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not and use the hashtag " SQOTD " ~ 💛 )
Hey, thanks for the ask! I don't develop Maple enough, so I'll do if Remi were to break up with her (and consequently, if she found out about him and Pepper)! As for the reason why he'd break up with her, I mean... it's Remi. 😭
Remi would probably try to lay this on her as gently as possible, dancing around the subject in hopes she will just "get it." Maple is already constantly terrified he's going to leave her for seemingly no reason (for the second time) so she would catch on quickly without him really saying it outright. She'd definitely immediately EXPLODE at even the suggestion of ending things. I'm talking screaming in his face, hitting him, throwing his clothes out the window, putting sugar in his gas tank, burning his driver's license, anything she can think of. She sees losing Remi as losing her apartment, her car, all her income, all her friends, along with her boyfriend/baby daddy, so at that point she would have nothing to lose. She would make sure he didn't make it out of the separation with ANYTHING. And all of this would be before she makes the mistake of confiding in Vladdie and Pepper.
Vlad would get so furious for her that in his incoherent, angry rambling, the dreaded Pepper/Remi thing would accidentally slip out. Then my poor angel baby's world would be totally crushed; her relationships with the three people she trusted most all completely destroyed with the realization she's been lied to by everyone around her for over a decade. She'd vow herself to never trust them or anyone ever again, cutting contact with everyone and disowning Pepper and Vlad as her brothers. At the end of everything, she'd most likely move back home, where Francis would be all too eager to take care of her and his grandchild's every need. So... at least she has him :D
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cesium-sheep · 2 years
also I was rereading sugar vladdy last night and got to the part where vlad is telling riya about nate and sue for the first time and their ages come up and I am completely certain I have reread this story at least one other time since matt joined us but I forgot that it’s like. the same ages. vlad is nearly 40 and nate and sue are assumed to be in their late 20s, maybe 30. and I was already very leo dicaprio tv pointing meme at this deeply anxious middle aged man who was purpose-built to dote on loved ones falling hard for a younger broke queer couple who are ready and eager to catch him safely.
and I sent the exchange about their ages (and a bit of a ramble explaining the context of the story) to the group chat and the first thing matt says about it over 12 hours later is “am I sugaring you?” which, no, but he does take just about every opportunity to dote, and it ended up leading into a very sweet exchange where he was unusually forthright about his (positive) feelings.
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tundrakatiebean · 2 years
Everybody go to bed so I can keep reading 😤
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joydemorra · 3 months
Is your sugar vladdy thing copywritten? Trademarked? Whatever it’s called? I saw merch on TikTok and am wondering if I should be concerned on your behalf.
Nah, you can't copyright titles. I'm also no the first to use the phrase "sugar vladdy" so I wouldn't try, so unless they're making merch with my actual characters on it I don't care 😅
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