#writing roundup 2022
elveny · 2 years
Fic writers' end-of-year roundup: 2022 edition!
I got tagged by @pikapeppa and @barbex, thank you darlings!! ❤ Tagging forth to @johaerys-writes @curiousthimble @thevikingwoman @greyias and all who want to grab it!
2022 wasn't a good writing year for me. I think the year before finally caught up with me and I went to a dark place for a while where nothing creative could blossom. I only got back on the horse in the last two months, but hope to keep that up into 2023.
Words written (published or not, WIPs included!): Probably something around 100k, counting snippets on tumblr. I published a mere 30k words, in contrast to 380k in 2021 which should give you a hint of how bad it was.
Smut scenes: Four? Five? There are a few WIPs that are planned to become pure smut things but they're not finished.
New things I tried: Dear Hades. A stream of consciousness, very emotional, very close to my heart.
Fic I spent the most time on:  That would probably be my current BigBang fic that sits at 32k words 😊
Fic I spent the least time on: I honestly can't tell you...
Favourite thing I wrote: My Mermaid AU The Siren's Call, I think. It's concise, rich in depictions and gives just enough hints for the background to understand it without overloading it. I'm really fond of it!
Favourite thing I read:  Sugar Vladdy by @thebibliosphere. That fic has me sobbing regularly with the wholesomeness and amount of support and healing that is depicted. Within a kinky, queer, poly setting that has absolutely LOVEABLE characters.
Writing goals for next year: I'll lower my expectations massively. So if I manage another 100k next year, I'll call it successful - but what actually matters less than random word counts is that I want to finish the story I'm currently writing. I have a few ideas for stories that I would LOVE to get down and I truly hope I'll have the courage for some of them and the energy for others.
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direwombat · 2 years
2022 writing round up (yeehaw!!!)
Tagged by: @noetikat and @socially-awkward-skeleton
Tagging: @natesofrellis, @sstewyhosseini, @thomrainer, @adelaidedrubman, @strafethesesinners, @schoute, @aceghosts, @confidentandgood, @purplehairsecretlair, @strangefable, and anyone else wanting to do a good old fashioned roundup!
total words published: 59,800 (such a nice round number ;w;)
Additional words written: ~25k (rounding up because some fics are hyper detailed outlines, but i wouldn’t necessarily call them like...actually written...)
Grand total of words: ~85k words
Fandoms: Far Cry 5, Uncharted (i have some rdr2 wips but none of them are published lmao rip)
Highest everything (raw kudos, hits, comments): flakjdfal;df it’s claim me, oh claim me, the jacob/fem!rook a/b/o porn, for kudos/hits/subscriptions. fragile creatures for comments. 
Highest kudos to hits ratio: i’m not doing that math, but i think it’s claim me, oh claim me again. 
New things I tried: jumping back into fandom and posting fic lmao. also making ocs for things that aren’t things like dnd or other rpgs (like dragon age) and i’m honestly so happy to have found such a supportive bunch of fandom friends <3 also just like...longform fic in general. before, my longest piece of work was around 30k and my current longest fic is past that and it’s only just got started so...it’s gonna be a long one. I’m gonna be here for a while lmao 
Fic I spent the most time on: fragile creatures for sure. I started plotting that bad boy back in january and it’s been plaguing my brain ever since. I’ve accidentally taken a break from writing this month, but at any given point in time i have this fic simmering in a crock-pot in my brain. i just hope i can get this roast of a fic as juicy and tender as i want it to be :)
Favorite thing I wrote: honestly? tossup between confiteor and wrapped (not in linen or lace, but leather) for two vastly different reasons. confiteor was such a fun little character study for both syb and her dynamic with joseph. wrapped on the other hand was just a fuckin’ blast to write
Favorite thing I read: literally everything by my new friends, i refuse to pick favorites. but i am going to give a special shoutout to lowtides’ come a little closer if only because it’s what really inspired me to start writing/posting my own fc5 fic (and also because there’s a scene in it where jacob rips a man’s throat out with his teeth and that has stuck with me in the most delightful way <3) 
Writing goals for 2023: Make a dent and get further into fragile creatures. I’m aiming for at least six new chapters for it in the new year (hopefully more, but i’ll give myself some wiggle room); I hope to put up some long-ish oneshots (15-20k range), namely paola’s uc4 storyline, a felix/fem!captain/vicar max fic (porn with math!) and uh...a jeremy/reader fic for the series bitten (look. it’s greg bryk winter and i really like werewolf carlisle cullen); I’d like to start working on syb’s canonical timeline and putting that into words; and lastly i’d like to fill at least some of the prompts sitting in my inbox 🙈
New works: I mean, technically everything on my ao3 is “new” for this year, but: fragile creatures is an ongoing project (and will be until one of us beats the other into submission), watch and wait for redemption day (syb’s timeline) is something that i’m pulling together, and, like i said, i have so many oneshots of various lengths that are in the works and a stupid number of outlines that may or may not ever get turned into proper fic
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greyias · 2 years
Fic writers' end-of-year roundup: 2022 edition!
Tagged by @elveny -- thank you for the tag! Tagging @queen-scribbles, @keldae, @storyknitter, and anyone who wants to grab it!
I would say 2022 was a mixed year as far as productivity goes! I was actually actively writing most of the year (with pockets of "too tired" draining me every now and then), but a lot of it was on a longfic that I waited until I had finished the first draft to start posting. But I think it was successful overall, as I was able to
Words written (published or not, WIPs included!): I'm probably just going to count published, as I have been working on some WIPs in the background, but that requires more math and thinking than I have in me right now, so we'll go with a little over 43k published, although it's a bit higher with some WIPs and other behind the scenes stuff.
Smut scenes: None published this year
New things I tried: Chance Encounters, which was my big experiment in a different method outlining/prewriting for long form fic. It took me a long time to get it into finished form, but considering the massiveness of the fic and the fact that it's complete, I think is a success in itself.
Fic I spent the most time on:  Without a doubt, Chance Encounters, my little 36k novella (that for some reason I thought would only be 10k 🤷‍♀️)
Fic I spent the least time on: I think this little ficlet, that was basically me bashing out a musing/headcanon in like maybe an afternoon.
Favourite thing I wrote: Once again, almost by default of taking up most of my year Chance Encounters, although I did have a lot of fun writing it. It's rather self-indulgent, and a fun, mostly lighthearted adventure. I think runner up is the Outlander!Theron fic I've picked back up on in the past week or so, considering I keep having to tell myself "No, you can't start posting yet. You haven't proofread anything beyond maybe the first chapter. You don't even have a title"
Favourite thing I read: @storyknitter's Medieval AU, which I have adored every little entry into. So much so, I slid into her DMs to see if she could get me a compiled version to load on my Kindle for a day at jury duty that got rescheduled for 2023. I wound up re-reading the whole thing in a couple of days.
Writing goals for next year: Finish the Outlander!Theron fic, and finally exorcise that beast from my mind. I've also got some other long, lingering WIPs that I'd like to try and tackle. I'm having enough fun with this pre-writing/writing I'm doing on the Outlander!Theron fic, that I'm hoping I can bottle that energy up and use it on some of my other unfinished babies. I also really want to write more in the Chancesverse, because I love that little AU so much. Also, I want to try to find a way to write more consistently, which is more driven by my energy levels. I also have this crazy urge to try and write on some original stuff, but we'll see where that lands. If I can get a good enough handle on fic progress, maybe I can bottle a genie and spread that magic to something I can get published.
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
Hazel’s 2022 Writing Roundup
some of you may be thinking “but hazel, you just did a 2022 writing self-evaluation” well this is DIFFERENT this one is almost completely by the numbers and includes GRAPHS
a summary of my writing this year is under the cut!
Let’s start out easy.  How many fics did I write?  What was the fandom distribution?
11 5sos fics on AO3
2 1d fics on AO3
1 fic for the It movies on AO3
1 fic for Stranger Things on AO3
1 fic for High School Musical: The Musical: The Series on AO3
1 fic for Cobra Kai on AO3
13 ask box prompts right here on tumblr (all for 5sos)
Here’s a handy little pie chart:
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As you can clearly see, 5sos still totally dominated my writing year.  I assume this will continue, although it could possibly even out slightly next year depending on how much cobra kai retains its claws in me and if I expand into any other fandoms.
Total word count: 147,702  wahoo!  That’s more words than Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin or One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Main pairing distribution (for the 5sos ones)(friendship fics are counted under the overarching pairing, as it focuses on those two (or four) characters)
Cake: 2
Cashton: 5
Lashton: 1
Malum: 2
Mashton: 10
Muke: 2
OT4: 1
Roylum: 1
I think it’s no surprise that mashton is by far my favored pairing, but i’m surprised that cashton had so many fics when malum and lashton did not, as previously I favored those two pairings a lot and I would say cashton is tied for my third or fourth favorite pairing, rather than above either of those.  In fact, the fact that lashton has less than cake (who i historically do not write) is very surprising.  it looks like i should step up my lashton game a bit next year, although I have to confess that I don’t have any strong ideas for them right now (besides unmute, which constantly haunts me).  I also only got 1 lashton prompt request this year  out of the 15 total i received, which definitely impacted how much I wrote them.
Here’s a little pie chart, to fully show just how much mashton dominates my writing:
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For ao3 ratings, I had 15 teen, 1 for general audiences, and 1 mature fic.  All of my ask box prompts are rated teen as a general rule
For my 5sos writings I wrote:
10 fics or ask box prompts that I had the ideas for or received before 2022
10 fics or ask box prompts that I had the ideas for or received during 2022
One of the ones from before 2022 has not been posted, as it’s chapter 6 of an ongoing work.  There is another fic from 2022 that is complete that I’ve been holding on to until the right now.
I started keeping track of all of my ideas and when I got them (or received the prompt for them) this year because I was curious to see how many of my fics were new ideas or not, and I’m honestly surprised that it’s so even!  I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that.  Looking at which specific fics got completed, only one of the 2022 ideas that I posted was an AO3 fic (when i watch the world burn).  The other 9 were ask box prompts from my follower milestone celebration.
I added 30 ideas to my 5sos ideas doc in 2022!
For word count, all of my AO3 fics are somewhere between 1,395 and 50,140.  pas de deux (the 50,140 word fic) is the longest fic I’ve ever written by over 20,000 words!  I will likely not stop talking about it any time soon lol.  It is also my favorite fic of the year, as it includes ballet, minnesota, and hotei within his sack, which are all things that I love dearly.
Looking ahead, what does the future of hazel fic hold?  I have no idea!  We’re playing it completely by ear.  Hopefully, it’s enjoyable for everyone involved.  If you’ve read this far, I am giving you my affection
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inquisimer · 2 years
2022 writing round-up
stealing this fun little meme that’s been floating around, as a reminder for myself that it’s okay to take up space and celebrate the time and energy I poured into this hobby😤😤
edit: thank you @nirikeehan for actually tagging me in this which I saw two seconds after I originally posted it asdfjkl
tagging to participate, if you’d like: @kirkwallsdumbest | @darethshirl | @roguelioness | @delicatefade | @plisuu
words posted: 143,509 (!!)
additional words written: 55,310
grand total of words: 198,819 (!!!)
fandoms: two, technically, but once I hit DA I never looked back😂
highest kudos: Grace in Denial at 64 - a fluffy bit of hurt/comfort for f!Hawke/Anders
highest hit oneshot: Ended in Love at 337 - angst & hurt/comfort, Cullen & Evelyn talk about the past and the future - tw: implied/referenced rape/non-con
new things I tried: actually posting my writing!! without waiting for it to be perfect or ‘ready’ or whatever my brain said!! also talking about my characters and stories and engaging with fandom and writing communities <3 and the slightest hint of smut if you squint
fic I spent the most time on: Roses Into the Abyss, without question 🥰 my WIP longfic of Neria’s Inquisition timeline
fic I spent the least time on: It Will Have to be Enough - a short drabble of Cullen’s POV when the Inquisitor falls into the Fade at Adamant
favorite thing I wrote: Ohhh I think my favorite works this year were my Inquisitor as a Companion piece for Neria and my first foray into writing Brosca, Shards of Glass
favorite thing(s) I read: I read so many good fics this year, I wish I could list them all 🥰 you can check out the others on my fic rec tag here!!
Dead Pasts, Dread Futures by youworeblue (@dreadfutures)
The Wolf Wakes by IntoTheFade
Keeping Secrets by Elven Semi (@elvensemi)
writing goals for 2023: write more on Roses, finish some of the WIP oneshots I have, participate in a couple exchanges, generally talk more about my work and my characters
new works: 25
It’s been a pretty good year overall and I’m proud of how far I’ve come with my writing and sharing. Here’s to a 2023 full of inspiration, excitement, and all the things that have made this such a wonderful community to be part of✨💜✨
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pikapeppa · 2 years
Fic writers' end-of-year roundup: 2022 edition!
It’s that time of year, writer friends — time to take stock of what we’ve been up to this year! Tagging to literally ANY AND ALL WRITERS who would like to participate, but I’ll throw down some tags from the top of my head: @contrivedchaos @kittynomsdeplume @little-lightning-lavellan, @varric-tethras-editor @lavendreapark @hobo-apostate @ranaspkillnarieth @iamcayc @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul @hollyand-writes @elveny @johaerys-writes @charlatron @noire-pandora @hellas-himself @crackinglamb @barbex @mogwaei @alyssalenko @musetta3 @iarollane @about2dance @mythicaitt @cthu-boo !
Words written (published or not, WIPs included!): 1 012 607. I was hoping to crack a million this year and I FINALLY DID IT. 😂
Smut scenes: 41! Less than other years, but not the least.  
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New things I tried:
I wrote fanfic for anime for the first time this year — for Samurai Champloo (Fuu/Jin/Mugen) and for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (David/Lucy). On a related note, this year was the first time I wrote for a form of media that I didn’t originally watch in English. I was always a little scared to write in English for something that I hadn’t watched in English, because capturing characters’ voices and speech patterns is so important to me, and it’s hard to translate that across languages. But CPER got me by the throat, so I watched it in both Japanese and English so I could capture the characters’ voices as best as I could. I watched Samurai Champloo dubbed in English, though, and I am a sucker for Jin’s English voice, so that was a snap to write. 😂
For the first time, I also wrote for a game that I’ve never played before: Far Cry 5! @schoute got me reeled in with her raving loving descriptions of cheeky shithead John Seed, and I was compelled to write some smut for her. I had a blast watching a playthrough of FC5 with her (LOVE YOU BB ❤), and writing from John Seed’s POV was A MINDFUCK AND A HALF, let’s just say. GOOD TIMES. 😂
Fic I spent the most time on: 
Becoming Whole (Aloy/Kotallo), which has been my main focus since March and is more than 500k words now. I genuinely did not expect or intend for this fic to be this long! I’ll blame the party banter for this. My outline will say “GAIA Gang chat over dinner”, and this single note will translate into 10k words in the chapter 😂💀 In any case, VERY honoured by everyone who has stuck with this extremely long fic!
Fic I spent the least time on:
The Wisdom In A Bowl Of Pudding (Felassan/Tamaris Lavellan). I was inspired by the news about the DA:D milestone and got so excited that this oneshot came together in… one day, I think? One or two. I JUST LOVE FELASSAN OKAY.
Favourite thing I wrote: 
It’s a tie between two fics. I loved writing Finding Something In Common (Aloy/Nil/Drakka) because a) writing Nil again after 5 years of being “away” was like coming home 😭❤ and b) I fucking love Drakka with a burning passion LOL. But I also loved writing my Samurai Champloo fic Just Hold On, We’re Coming Home because it was purely and entirely for me. There are so few fics for that anime and even fewer explicit fics for the OT3, so I knew that basically nobody was going to read it and that anyone who did would be really grateful to see a rare fic for the OT3, but I had to write it because I just had the urge and couldn’t rest until I did. It was a gift to myself to kick off the year. 😂
Favourite thing I read: 
I’ve actually done some actual reading this year!!! Both of fics and published books, because I wanted to start working my way through my bedside tsundoku, with mixed results: I read a couple of books from my tsundoku pile but then bought the entire Sailor Moon manga set and have only read 6 issues so far 😂😭💀 one step forward, 10 STEPS BACK. 
Anyway! Fave fics of the year:
I read a few fics for Samurai Champloo. As I mentioned before, there aren’t many fics for this fandom, but one of the fics I read was both the shortest and the most drop-dead gorgeous fic I’ve ever read: Bodies of Water by moemachina. I genuinely envy this writer for their ability to pack so much emotional punch into so many words. 
Where The Time Goes, a Chloe Fraser/Nadine Ross fic by @contrivedchaos. OH MY GOD WAS IT EVER LOVELY. Cat used a repeated phrase/theme throughout the fic that just had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, and MY GOD was the ending ever wonderful and satisfying. 😭❤
Written In The Stars, a Kotallo/OC fic by @iamcayc WHICH IS SUCH A TREAT. Caycee has created a wonderful OC to pair up with Kotallo and expanded on Tenakth lore in a way that had me squealing!
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network by Discar. It’s a texting fic between the GAIA Gang and it’s SO GOOD. Hilarious, great characterization of the crew, incredible expansion on the worldstate and lore. I stopped reading halfway through because I was afraid that I’d start accidentally stealing their headcanons/lore expansion since it just makes so much sense, but I just recently noticed that the fic finished, so I might get back into it soon!
Writing goals for next year: 
Oh man there are so many things I want to write and so little time and I’M SO MAD ABOUT IT.
Finish Becoming Whole. Now that we know the DLC is coming out in April, I am DETERMINED to finish BW before then so my slate can be clear for new fics ideas 🤩
An Aloy/Avad sequel to Window Bird. The conversation that Aloy and Avad have at the start of HFW makes MY ENTIRE HEART HURT. I will stubbornly maintain that Avad is the most tragic character alive in the Horizon universe, and I’m going to give him some love because he deserves it, the poor sweet man.
More Aloy/Drakka. This entire fic has been my treat to myself, and the next oneshot is in progress -- probably the first thing I'll publish in 2023!
Aloy/Nil. I fucking love Nil to the moon and back, but writing this ship again is going to take some mindfuckery because I’ll be rebooting my take on the ship as though Stormbirds and Stalkers didn’t happen 😅
I’m sure this won’t be all; I always end up getting blindsided by a desire to write something I didn’t expect (e.g. Cyberpunk this year), so we’ll see what else comes up as the year progresses! 
Can't wait to see what everyone else has been up to!!! Please tag anyone you think would like to participate, and tag me back so I can spy on what you've been up to as well! 🥰
-- love from your friendly Pikapeppa xoxo
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writcraft · 2 years
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Writ's 2022 Fic Wrap-Up
Jump (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin), 2,600 words, T
He returns later, just as you like him best. Sandy haired and shirtless, with scars that slice and cross. He always appears suspended in the bright and brilliant daylight.
You ask him if he can keep you company during the night, but he tells you he’s afraid of the moon.
Another Dreamless Night (Dean Winchester/Castiel), 2,500 words, E
Dean can't sleep. Castiel helps.
What Makes a House a Home (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy), 27,000, E
Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts Draco Malfoy wakes up in an unfamiliar house owned by none other than Harry Potter. Even stranger is the snow in September and a night sky without any stars. Naturally it’s a matter of life and death, because isn’t it always?
A Life Worth Remembering (established Harry/Draco, past Harry/Severus and Severus/Draco builds to Harry/Draco/Severus), 30,000, E
Severus Snape wakes in St Mungo’s, to discover that a potions accident has wiped the last forty years from his body and mind. Just twenty-five years old, Severus is reliant on Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, now both in their forties, to help him fill in the missing decades. As Severus tries to navigate a much-changed world, Harry and Draco struggle with a secret of their own.
Friends of Dorothy (Harry Potter/Severus Snape), 22,000, E
When Harry Potter sees Severus Snape on a date with another wizard it sets him on a journey of self-discovery that leads to the Friends of Dorothy Detective Agency and a Niffler called Toto.
Meddling, Menswear and Magic (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy), 19,000, M
Draco Malfoy is working in a job he hates and avoiding the magical world entirely, but he really is fine. When a bequest from Severus Snape brings Draco back to a much-changed magical world, he must find his place within it and navigate his growing attraction to Harry Potter in the process.
Some thoughts on this year in writing below the cut.
You can see from the dates of my fics that I posted a number of stories during early 2020 and then around March 2020 time, when the UK went into the first COVID lockdown, my writing completely drops off a cliff. In 2021 there was a similar long gap between the start of the year and the end, which is probably of little surprise as it was my PhD writing up year. In fact it was participation in HD Erised in both 2020 and 2021 that got me writing something towards the end of those two patchy writing years.
I know everyone writes and publishes at different paces and when I say a year was patchy or slow, I am comparing that only to my own output in previous years. I used to post at least once every month and participated in (and modded) multiple fests throughout the year. In 2020 and 2021 I worked on stories (still unfinished), but I just didn't have the feels or motivation to finish them.
This is the first year since the start of the pandemic where I finally found those feels again. I recognise when I'm in my fandom feels because I am typically doing something else but thinking about my fic and wanting to sit with my writing, listen to playlists and get different scenes finished. This struck particularly towards the back end of the year, which you can see from more consistent monthly posts from September - December.
No fandom resolutions for me this year. I have some private goals and things I want to do more of, old stories I want to finish, new stories I want to tell. However, I really enjoyed being more integrated in fandom towards the end of 2022, participating in fests, chatting to people and getting back into my writing feels. That's the thing I want to hold onto, if I can.
Happy New Year everyone. Thank you to everyone who has chatted, cheerlead, commented, beta read, recced, sent asks, let me panic, flail, work out tricky plot points, shared pictures of pets and has just been there to talk about fandom and non-fandom things throughout this year. I would have almost certainly have posted nothing at all without you <3
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threewaysdivided · 2 years
Deathly Weapons Writing Roundup 2022
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Total Wordcount: 83,458 Published Chapters: 19/45
New Chapters Released This Year
Ch19: Chapter 18: Black Gold
MISSION 1 High seas and high stakes!  Learning to work with a new Teammate always comes with challenges, but when eco-terrorists commandeer a deep-water oil rig, the pressure has never been greater.  With lives on the line and fingers twitching on triggers, will Phantom’s powers let them swim… or sink?
Wordcount: 21,176 Release Date: 25 Feb 2022 Concept Art Piece
Sure feels like a decade has passed between then and now but nope, this was only published in February. In which I kick off Act II proper by adding 25% to the total length of the story!
I’m really proud of how this one came out.  Black Gold is the first of a series of planned mission-episode chapters with semi-self-contained A-plots that feed into the larger Arc Plot of Act II.  We’ve got some brand new antagonists inspired by characters from the wider DC Comics catalogue, in an entirely original story.  With this one I tried hard to mimic the feel of a YJS1 TV-mission, and based on the comments it seems I swung pretty close to the mark.  I didn’t talk about it in the chapter notes, but I also sought out some sensitivity-writing advice for this one, as well as having a friend sens’-read a few key scenes, and I think it resulted in overall better handling of the civilian OCs.  It might have taken a while to put together it’s almost the size of a Deltora Quest book all on its own but I think the result was worth the wait.
(Fun fact: Act II is deliberately structured to emulate a TV episode experience so if I do it right you should be able to pick up any given mission-block and enjoy the A-plot as a standalone story.  Black Gold wouldn’t be a bad jumping on point if you wanted to try Deathly Weapons out without committing to the full 83K read.)
Roundup of other 2022 development for this story under the cut:
Overall Structure
Structure has now been fleshed out enough for me to formalise the breakdown of chapters. I also decided to write episode teasers for each mission-block, which you can find here.  Currently looking like it’ll be 45 chapters in total, but that may expand to 46 if Mission 9 turns out to need a 2-parter.
Former Mission 5 (Enemy Lines) and Mission 6 (In the Mists) have had their places swapped. In the Mists was a bit of a floating mission structurally, and it turned out to work better when placed before the China and Emeralds interlude.  Meanwhile, the character-chapter following Enemy Lines felt better once placed later.
Our much neglected but no less beloved sorceress Zatanna now has a mini character arc about ghost-magic, starting at Mission 3 and cropping up as a background thread throughout later chapters.  As a side bonus, it comes with some fun meta-implications for my headcanons about Nabu and Clockwork being petty work-rivals.
The memento-shelf has now become a recurring motif in Danny’s character journey.
A set of “story bible” documents have been fleshed out with more detailed character profiles, plot summaries and the overall scheme of the villains.
Act II: Mission 2
Drafted the first scenes for Chapter 19: Flashpoints.
The three key OCs for Chapter 19 have been developed.  The police officer has been swapped out for an investigative journalist.  The other two were somewhat less-anticipated additions but I quite like them in a spiteful sort of way.
Artemis’ chapter 19 scene now gets more in-depth character focus.
Chapter 20 remains already in detailed outline.
Chapter 21 is now in full detailed outline, with 2 scenes in rough draft since 2021.
Act II: Mission 3
Opening outline has seen more development, feat. cameo appearance from Detective Montoya.
Zatanna now gets a character-focus thread to do with expectations and her growth as a sorceress.
The Arc-clue and the souvenirs have been adjusted.  Zatanna now also gets to take something home.
Act II: Mission 4
More development to the opening scene.  Artemis now reads a thematically-relevant part of Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There rather than a generic magazine.
Added a continuation to Zatanna’s arc.  She gets to take home another souvenir.
The Kaldur-centric post-mission chapter (Il-Lit Ships) has seen more outline development.
The Sam-centric post-mission chapter (Withered Red Rose) has also seen more detailed outline development.
Act II: Mission 5
This is now In the Mists.
Conner now has a detailed character thread providing emotional beats.  Galagos, Gorillas and making fun of the Team’s mentors ensue.
Interlude: China and Emeralds
Added more details to the opening scene, feat. gymnastic calisthenics.
Conner and Superman now have a scene together.
Act II: Mission 6
This is now Enemy Lines.
The M’gann-focussed post-mission chapter (Humans) is now in full detailed outline.  Accompanying Meta on Martian Bigotry in the DW!verse was written up to better underpin the discussion of her experiences.
Act II: Mission 7
Added more detail to the post-mission reveal discussion, particularly Phantom and M’gann’s similar experiences.
Act III: Mission 9
Structural outline for the mission-chapter and character interactions have been developed in more detail.
Zatanna’s arc about ghost-magic continues.
The first of two Conner-centric post mission chapters (Alliances) is now in full detailed outline.
Act III: Mission 11
Detail development for the post-mission character-centric chapters, including Dick, Danny, Bruce and the Team.
Development of detailed outlines for the first of three epilogue scenes.
Other stuff
Art things: Deathly Weapons now has a new Banner-Style Fic Cover and Book-Style Fic Cover
Community: There is now a DW Discord.
Lovely gifts: I’ve said it before and I shall say it once more: endless thanks to the inimitable @doodly-doop​ for their wonderful gift art of Wally’s wall-slam manoeuvre from Chapter 18  and @cryxdraws​ for their art of Danny’s upgraded costume from Chapter 16.
And of course, thanks to you (whoever, wherever and whenever you may be) for joining me on this ride.
Here’s to a productive 2023.
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yvesdot · 2 years
yves. 2022 Fiction Roundup
Before I post my 2022 Year in Review, I'd like to compile all the new writing I've posted up this year: over 77,000 words of it! (That's roughly the length of the first entry in a certain disgraced magic school series.) Catch up on what you missed, remind a friend, or simply bask in a year well-read—and, as always, tell me your favorites in the tags!
HOUSE RAINIER (Discord writing crawl; fulltext on Patreon) | 13K
A Camp NaNoWriMo choose-your-own-adventure game in which participants wrote words to unlock various options while staying with the Rainiers for the summer.
Exhaustively (new edit) (Patreon -> Tumblr) | 9K
“This is not an optional question. Are you speed-stacking in my house?”
Everyone's favorite novelette about a college student, a golem, and a bad memory.
Something Weird I Heard About Rebecca (zine -> Tumblr) | 1.7K
“When you get older you have to do sex with guys and shave your legs.”
Rebecca is not going to be a little girl when she grows up. She is going to be a vampire. (Brooke has some concerns.)
Kay/Atlas college AU (KAY fanfiction) (Tumblr) | 3K
It’s the barest kiss—a kiss completely naked, without accessories or fanfare.
What if Kay and Atlas were in college instead of canon... and they were both girls?!
softball gf + goth gf AU (KAY fanfiction) (Patreon) | 6.9K
This puts a sharp spear through Kay, a little reef fish.
What if Kay and Atlas were in high school instead of canon... and they were both girls?!
Paper Tigress (Tumblr) | 3K
“Really?” Vidalia asked. “That doesn’t pass the Bechdel test.”
A cynical transgender woman enters a reality competition show.
An Impossible Thing (The Left Hand of Darkness fanfiction) (Tumblr) | 1.2K
I may remove this from my account. No doubt it is inaccurate, if not openly disrespectful, and I am not sure myself that I intend for anyone to see it.
A missing, very intimate chapter from one of my favorite books.
The Locked Tomb fanfiction (Houses I-IX) (Tumblr) | 3.2K, 4.2K, 13K
You have always been mine, my burden to carry, my villain to fight, my girl to envy.
Nine fics featuring various AUs, alternate paths, and ships.
Hallowdrabble 2022 (Tumblr) | 3.1K
“Oh, yes!” Mel had forgotten that the patch would have purchasable pumpkins. Perhaps primarily, per pumpkin patch particularization.
Mel and Jenny of Something's Not Right fame go to the pumpkin patch!
The Scar (Patreon -> Tumblr) | 750
Maybe that's my problem.
Horror flash piece about bystanding an abusive relationship.
Tragic Accident (Patreon -> Tumblr) | 650
I'm sorry for his loss. I'm sorry for mine, too.
W + transgenderism + girl in the walls haunted house flash fiction.
Long Line (yvesdotafterdark) (18+) | 14.5K
“You always come when I call.”
Two girlgamers start a long distance relationship, with many benefits.
Tumblr media
THANK YOU for another beautiful and successful year of reading and writing together! I can't wait to see what we get up to in 2023.
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blarrghe · 2 years
Fanfic Roundup
tagged by @barbex , thank you very much! I'll tag @melisusthewee @rosella-writes @aymayzing @plisuu @n7viper @cleverblackcat @sulky-valkyrie @transfenris-truther @fandomn00blr and, as usual, anyone else who wants. I never know who to tag in things you can tell me if you want to be/don't want to be tagged btw!
Words written (published or not, WIPs included!): approximately 263, 800 words. I don't really keep track and I'm not sure how much of Matchsies was this year so I estimated, and that's also not counting little prompt fills for tumblr, but... too many. Too many words.
Smut scenes: Best count, ten. Yeah in all that. Idk man writing smut is hard.
New things I tried: Writing riskier, sexier, more explicit smut! There might not be a ton of it but it gets spicier every time XD Also a collab on a fic for someone else's OC.
Fic I spent the most time on:  Matchsies and A Complicated Match
Fic I spent the least time on: The first chapter of Strange Feelings in the Party Camp was a really quick burst of inspiration (maybe it was even last year? oh well). I wrote Go! Da'Len, Run! on the bus to/from work one day.
Favourite thing I wrote: Equally fond of all of my "main" fics this year; A Complicated Match (and the latter half of Matchsies), All Hail West Thedas, and Strange Feelings in the Party Camp.
Favourite thing I read: No One Will Get Away With Anything by @transfenris-truther makes me want to chew glass
Writing goals for next year: More smut, more angst, more canon stuff, finish the unpublished enemies to lovers fic, and of course finishing the big Matchsies saga
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fiora-miriel · 2 years
(I wasn’t tagged for this, I just saw it when @bearholdingashark did it and now I want to do it as well)
Total 2022 published Word Count: 77.708 (published on Ao3)
Total writing word count: 116.930 (if we count all the ideas, drafts and single scenes)
Total 2022 Hits: 22,044
Other 2022 AO3 Stats
Kudos: 1,932
Comment Threads: 139
Bookmarks: 692
Subscriptions: 622
Links & Titles to 2022 Works:
A celebration like no other (HotD)
No one knows (HotD)
Wildest dreams (SaB/Grishaverse)
Sweet dreams are made of this (SaB/Grishaverse)
Once upon a dream (SaB/Grishaverse)
The last Lantsov Ball (SaB/Grishaverse)
Matters of the heart (SaB/Grishaverse)
Until we meet again (SaB/Grishaverse)
Double, double, toil and trouble (SaB/Grishaverse)
Old beliefs (SaB/Grishaverse)
Favourite fic
Oh, so difficult.
Probably Old beliefs. Because that fic brought me back to writing fanfic after a very, very long break. And I still have so many plans for that universe.
And then the Midsummer night's dream series, because it was my first time trying something smutty and omg I was so nervous writing this
Hardest fic?
Same as before: The midsummer night's dream series: My first time writing anything smutty
And Old Beliefs, because writing multichapter fic is hard for me. I'm scared of getting it right. And I'm still struggling with it, but it is getting along further and further. (not as quickly as I would like)
Do you plan on taking prompts in 2023?
I love prompts, but no guarantees. I'm a slow writer, so it takes me normally a bit to write something
What was the best thing about 2022?
Writing wise: My productivity. Also, I've grown as a writer(and as a person) when it comes to organizing myself and my writing
I joined a few fandom related discord servers and met great people there ♥♥♥ big plus
What was the worst thing about 2022?
Despite my grandiose plans, I didn't write as much as I wanted to - or I got distracted with a few side projects (which were nice but still I got distracted) . I also wasn't in the best place mentally at some points this year, and I'm still recovering from that fallout
Last thoughts about 2022
Fandom wise, it was a fantastic year (overall and for me). I read so many great fanfics, rediscovered a few old favourites and made a few new friends
Goals for 2023?
Write more comments (currently the goal is one for every day of January, and I'm doing well)
Finish Old beliefs (and some other of the WIP ideas I have)
Write the 2nd part of my HotD idea (A celebration like no other is only part 1)
Hopefully get more reviews and engage more with people about my fics, their fics and writing in general .)
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2022 Art and Fic Round-up
Oh! Belated but this a good time to reflect on 2022, now that most end-of-the-year stuff is mostly wrapped up. Thanks for the tag, @danpuff-ao3! Rules:
Post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
Your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year
Your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
Your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year
And your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
Tagging: If you’re reading this, haven’t done this yet but want to, considered yourself tagged! Since I'm an illustrator AND a writer, I’ll be covering both art and fic, because apparently, that’s what my life is these days (and I’m okay with that!). In 2022, I created just shy of 47 works (a few that have yet to be revealed rn!).
24 of those were art only
18 of those were either microfics, drabbles and/or fics
5 of those were drabbles/fic AND art combined
3 of those were collaborations
I also dived into the Teen Wolf fandom in the autumn, which had me contributing 6 Sterek pieces. The amount of WIPs I have rn...is kind of ridiculous, but since they spread across HP, TW as well as Merlin and Good Omens, we’ll see if any of those get finished for 2023. For now, let’s dive into 2022 details and rambling, shall we?
5 Works I’m Most Proud Of:
1. There’s a guiding light (HP- Perciver, T, 2.5k)
This was the story that started the Where do we from here? series. I wrote this back in 2020 just before lock-down, and kind of put it on the back-burner for a bit because I wanted to do justice when it came to describing and showing Patronus magic. When I picked it up again, I chipped away at what I had to make this story as genuine as possible when it came to growing up, feeling insecure, and of course, romantic friendship. It’s totally possibly to have the latter, and I’m glad I was able touch on that topic for these boys.
2. Things I Never Knew (HP- Flintwood, M, 1.5k)
First time writing Flintwood! Trying to write something mature with a set word count was really hard, but I’m glad I accepted that challenge! I had a lot of fun exploring the dynamic between Oliver and Marcus after they’re a little more grown up, still trying to figure out what they want, and then somehow finding that from each other. Also, mixing in hooking up, lingerie, feelings gave me a lot to play with.
3. It’s Enough for Now (TW- Sterek, G, 300 with art)
This was my very first Sterek piece I made for an official fest/event. How could I not be proud of this one? I’ll admit, I was kind of intimidated making art for a new-to-me fandom and a ship, but I’m glad I took that chance. The overall support and reception from folks...OMG. I’m still blown away by all the love this has gotten and how welcoming people have been (thank you so much <3)! When I think of Sterek, my mind always wanders back on this piece, which carries that hurt/comfort I associate with them. They’re two people who have been through a lot of crap, feelings are difficult, and the future always seems a bit grey and bittersweet. Also, being able to add some mixed media flair and playing with patterns was definitely my favorite thing about making this piece. And writing Derek and Stiles?! Super fun. Am I planning to write more of them in the future? Yes! See more below when it comes to my current WIPs. :D
4. A Sudden Change (HP- Cho/Ginny, T, 200) and So Little Time (HP- Pansy/Hermione, E, 200)
Okay, so I know I chose 2 drabbles here, but overall, writing for the HP Saffics Summer Exchange, was really fun! I ended up pinch hitting and also writing a treat, and if you know how I am with word counts, I wanted to see how much I could squeeze in 200 words or less. I love both of these ships, so writing two completely different things from my norm was a breath of fresh air. I would definitely be up to write more in the future!
5. Put My Mind at Ease (TW- Sterek, T, art)
I absolutely loved drawing this one for Sterek Secret Santa. Honestly, this whole thing came together so beautifully, and during the time I was making this, I was reminded of why I draw and why I like making art. All I have to say is the more I draw Sterek, the more I love the process and ideas that come along with each piece. And well, it’s a 1000% given it makes me love these two even more. I have no idea what it is, but Derek and Stiles are really awesome to draw. Once I nail down an idea, drawing them seems to flow naturally (that’s probably my sign to keep going!). You’re probs going to hear me keep saying this over and over, but it’s true!
4 Current WIPs for 2023
1. Snapshots in Time (TW- Portraits for the McCall and Hale packs, G, WIP 2/? posted)
My first go at drawing Teen Wolf characters was when I started this series. I wanted to see what I could do with portraits, and I started with Stiles and Derek (because duh, reasons). Turns out mixing in random colour palettes was a great way to get the creative juices flowing, and each one only took a few hours (that’s actually pretty quick for me). I’ve got a queue of other characters I’d love to add to this series, so I’ll just need to find the right palettes and the right time to continue these as I go. Hoping to see if I can get either Scott, Lydia and/or Kira drawn up this year!
2. Thoughts That Count (HP- Perciver, T, WIP 5/6 posted, 2.8k so far)
Okay, so technically I was this is soclose to being done since I have one more letter I need to illustrate and write. I wanted to finish this up for 2022, but RL didn’t let that happen so I am going to aim to finish this up between now through March. I just need the muse and time to coordinate so I make it work! P.S. Writing letters that depend on art being made definitely shakes things up! I’m pretty sure the letters were actually easier to write vs. making the art (bc drawing and painting flowers...yeah, that was new for me).
3. Bringing Out A Different Kind of Me (TW- Sterek, M or E, WIP multi- chaptered- this should start posting up in mid-Feb, hopefully)
Okie dokie...title revealed! I actually just came up with that today (and I’m using the old title for one of the chapters). I posted a little excerpt from this fic not too long ago, and it feels real now? This was supposed to be light, cracky and fun when I came up with this idea back in October, but it transformed into this gigantic beast with crack taken seriously, angst, plot, and lots of music thrown in one. I even have a playlist all ready to go (hint: the purpose of a playlist will become important later on in this fic).
I’m currently writing this as fast as I can and whenever I have time, since this fic is going to be the longest thing I’ve written in a while (my estimate is 20-25k rn, but that could change). It’s a multi-media fic where texts and Instagram messages drive the story, but there will be narratives in between that tie everything together. Trying something new and different can be super scary, but also pretty exciting! I’m also taking things up a notch by using multiple AO3 skins. So far, I’m really surprised how much coding has helped me with writing this (I guess I’m glad I code for fun/partially for my RL job). If this fic actually gets done on time, I will be super amazed. And if not, be on the look out for new updates if you’d like to join my crazy journey! P.S. I also have a sequel in the works that follows up. ;D
4. Where do we go from here? (HP- Perciver, WIP 3/13 posted + 1 bonus fic, 9k so far)
This series is always going to be my passion project and baby. It’s the reason why I started writing again, and the number of ideas I’ve come up for this universe is insane! But I love the idea of trying to fill in these missing moments and scenes we haven’t seen yet between Percy and Oliver, trying to figure out the what-could-have-happens and how things might have progressed between them from Hogwarts all the way to adulthood and after the war. I know the writing is slow-going (and yeahhh, each one shot has a word count limit, since this is part of a rare pairs challenge prompt table), but I’ve found having this kind of structure has helped me figure out how to show and tell better, and how to be clear and concise. I’ve got at least two parts I’d like to write up and post, so we’ll see what traction I make there.
3 Biggest Improvements (for writing and art)
1. Writing more in general
2021 was when I first started writing and publishing fic again after taking a damn long hiatus. 2022 actually had me writing so much more! So, I’m hoping 2023 will let me get back into the flow of making stories in general, no matter how big or small they are.  Scrivener was such a blessing to my writing game in 2022 since it helped me keep my thoughts organized, and my gods, did that help with writing microfics and drabbles! I’d love to see what I can come up with a writer to not only improve this craft, but also to just explore different character journeys and ways of writing. And if I can come up with more microfics or drabbles, maybe that will help me explore some different ships!
2. Making things for multiple fandoms
So, I’m a multi-shipper and I love soooo many fandoms. HP has been with me the longest and I will happily still create for the many ships I love. In 2022, I’ve found I was in a headspace where I wanted to play in other sandboxes again. I’ve already started doing that (hello, Teen Wolf!), and that got the gears turning for creativity when I felt like that spark was drying up. Also, poking new characters and a new universe let me explore so much! I got in touch with spooky lore, mythology and supernatural geekiness I find fascinating and that ignited a lot of inspiration. I’m hoping to make a dent in making things for Merlin (which I once did a decade ago) and Good Omens (I'm working on a WIP art piece rn). The more I’ve broaden my horizons, the more I can see how my skills have improved over the years, no matter what I’m drawing or what I’m writing. I suppose that’s what creating is all about, right?
3. Using generated colour palettes in art
Okay, so this is not going to be obvious in my art, but when I first started using colour for my lineart instead of good ole black, I would pick my colours with the eye dropper in Photoshop and run with it. I’m finding that I’m using more colors not just in my lineart and shading, but also for highlights, filters, flats, backgrounds and a bunch of other things. And that also means me adding more layers to my work. Being able to use a generated palette either pulled from stock photos or a generator has helped me work with colours I usually wouldn’t choose on my own, so pieces can be either really bold or cohesively muted. I’ve really liked working with set palettes now, and having the chosen in advance gives me once less thing to worry about when I do draw a thing.
2 Resolutions
1. Writing fics and making art more for myself instead of fests/events
I know many of us always say we’ll cut back in signing up for all the fests and such (because no one wants the FOMO), but I actually want to stick with this resolution. I’m anticipating a lot of change is going to happen in 2023 for fandom and RL, so I really don’t want to feel forced in making something that I’m not 100% enthusiatic about, and I don’t want fests to feel like a burden. Also, it’s more important that I write what I want to write or draw what I want to draw instead of trying to check some boxes. I want fandom to still be a creative outlet for me that I can enjoy. Which means it’s super crucial that I can enjoy the process of writing or drawing AND also the result of each thing I finish. I’m super proud of how much I created in 2022, but damn, it was a lot! I just need to remind myself that quality always tops quantity, and that what I make should make me happy.
2. Quality, not quantity
Given what I mentioned above, I really don’t want to burn out (again). At the end of the day, there isn’t enough time to do that. And I’m going to have to prioritise what I do for fandom since there are also a bunch of non-fandom things I want to delve into (ie. learning how to crochet, get my art shop up and running again, watch more TV shows, etc.). Life is short, and I also want to make things I’m proud of and love. But most importantly, I’d love to have more time to see what others or making/working on and have a chance to squee! Sometimes, it’s nice to take that break to be comment on a fic or piece of art and just appreciate something nice.
1 Favourite line I’ll go with this Percy one from There’s a guiding light: But when he saw Oliver’s face light up brighter than a thousand suns, he felt a faint smile tug at his lips.   
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jadelotusflower · 2 years
2022 Roundup - Writing
It was a mixed writing year for me - on the one hand I picked up some old projects, on the other hand I didn't actually finish the fics I intended to complete by the end of the year, and didn't meet or exceed my 2021 output.
I also didn't actually get much of my poor neglected novel written, however I have joined a writer's group irl and gotten some great feedback on what I've done so far, as well as some editing and have really thought through some of the plot/character issues that were blocking me.
So now 2023 is the year I complete this thing and start making a genuine effort to get it published!
2023 is also the year of finishing unfinished wips, including all of the below (except ttbw which was a one shot) and some I have in my docs that I didn't get any significant work done on this year.
Turn Your Face to the Sun - 8,518
Here I Go Again - 24,664
Nottingham Quintet - 5,146
Take these broken wings (and learn to fly) - 4,092
Novel - 3,140
Total: 45,440
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unspeakable3 · 2 years
2022 roundup
the years just seem to get tougher, don't they? fandom and writing have been bright spots in an increasingly bleak year for me, so thank you for being here 💛
here are some things i wrote in 2022:
total words written: 401k total words published: 115k (goal for 2023: finish those wips!!)
published fics:
stars shine darkly (complete: 190k, canon-compliant, regulus pov) how regulus became and unbecame a death eater. this is pt.1, and covers the summer before regulus begins at hogwarts to the winter sirius leaves home.
stars shine more darkly (in progress: 19k, canon-compliant, regulus pov) how regulus became and unbecame a death eater, pt.2. covers the aftermath of sirius leaving home to the winter regulus receives the dark mark. currently posting a new chapter on the last day of the month.
i am terribly sorry for dying (complete: 24k, ghost!regulus, regulus pov) written for @regulusblackfest after his death, regulus became a ghost and returned to grimmauld place. to maintain a level of sanity, he keeps a diary.
december, 1983 (in progress: 58k, regulus lives, regulus pov) written for @hp-yuletide-bliss the happy alternate ending to stars: regulus is alive and in love.
unpublished wips:
is this hell pt.3 regulus goes to university and helps the order to defeat voldemort.
untitled professor black regulus survives the war and becomes potions master instead of snape. he has to endure a parents' evening with all his students' parents who he's been trying to ignore for the past 10+ years.
untitled first wizarding war multi-pov (regulus, sirius, narcissa, walburga) beginning with regulus fleeing britain with the locket horcrux.
untitled tedromeda canon-compliant: how andromeda fell in love so hard she decided to leave her family. hoping to eventually make this a triptych with narcissa and bellatrix's love stories woven through it.
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myqueenmarceline · 2 years
2022 Fic Roundup Meme
Tagged by @bright-elen (I know you didn’t really tag me but I want to participate lol)
Word count for the year: 24704
Number of stories posted to Ao3: 6 (+4 longer term stories I updated a lot)
Pairings written for: Marceline/Princess Bubblegum, Root/Sameen Shaw, Asuka Ruo/Fudo Akira
Fandoms I wrote for: Adventure Time, Person of Interest, Devilman Crybaby
Most popular story: In terms of stories I had already started it’s Siren Song (bubbline) and in terms of stories I started this year it’s Human Maintenance (Shoot).
Story I'm most proud of: Outside of my multi-year bubbline sagas I’ve been working on for ages, I am pretty proud of Finding Pride. I’ve always loved some of the queer headcanons in the Adventure Time fandom, and I wanted to do my own story about it.
Funniest: Maybe Unfortunate Interruption? I don’t write a ton of humour/comedy.
Kinkiest: My Bubbline Kinktober is literally PWP with some hella kinky shit and switching.
Saddest: Wicked Stirrings is the most intense/angsty, but in terms of this year, it’s probably Human Maintenance.
Least popular: The Missing Scene, an extremely short Devilman fanfic I originally wrote ages ago and cleaned up/polished to post. I’m not mad about it TBH, it’s fairly short and angsty without much payoff.
Favorite opening line(s): Maybe this is cheating because it was written years ago, but I still like the opening line to Siren Song.
Favorite closing line(s): Finding Pride and Human Maintenance may have sappy and somewhat cliche closing lines, but I still love them.
Top scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated: I would love to have some scenes from Siren Song illustrated, like Bonnibel trying to observe Marceline scientifically but being distracted by how hot she is, Bonnibel meeting Hunson for the first (terrifying) time, Marceline calling Bonnibel her mate, etc. An illustration of Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, and Finn with their respective pride flags for Finding Pride would also be incredible.
Story I haven't yet written, but intend to: A Valentine’s day themed story for Marceline and Princess Bubblegum in my Open Eyes series, and an extra one shot for Mutual Pact of Non-Affection that is currently in Development Hell.
Fic-writing goals for 2023: Hmmm, I typically try to set word count goals for myself rather than specific fanfic-writing goals, since I have other projects I work on. But for this I will say that I want to actually finish one of my multi-chapter fanfics I have going. If I do succeed, it will probably either my Bubbline Kinktober (not a full 31 days, but the oneshots I intended to write) or Wicked Stirrings, which is already fully outlined and just has to be written and edited.
Tagging: @thethiefandtheairbender, @hermannsthumb (I really like your writing but if you aren’t interested I understand), @gaybybirth, and @sweetums0kitty
These tags are only if you want to do the thing, no pressure or anything :) If you message me, I can also remove your name from the tag list.
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bearholdingashark · 2 years
2022 Fic Roundup
(I wasn’t tagged for this, I just wanted to, so if anyone who wants to do it is looking for a reason to do it, I say go for it :D) 
Total 2022 Word Count: 416,082 (This is adjusted from what ao3 tells me and doesn’t include other author contributions on the round robin fic I contributed to, or chapters of WIPs that were posted before 2022)
Total 2022 Hits: 230,492
Other 2022 AO3 Stats
Kudos: 19,925
Comment Threads: 1,713
Bookmarks: 3,514
Subscriptions: 2,828
Links & Titles to 2022 Works: 136 fics under the cut (along with other questions) (Some of these fics were started prior to 2022, but I posted to them in 2022, so they’re going on the list)
One Look At You (My Whole Life Falls In Line) (Shadow and Bone)
Warm And Real And Bright (Shadow and Bone)
Our Dreams Assured (And We All Will Sleep Well) (Shadow and Bone) 
We Could Fall In Love (And I Could Be Your Sweetie) (Shadow and Bone)
Do I Wanna Know? (If This Feelin’ Flows Both Ways) (Shadow and Bone)
Anywhere But Here (Without You) (Shadow and Bone)
Need A Little Sweetness In My Life (Shadow and Bone)
All I’ve Thought About Is You (Since You’ve Been Gone) (Shadow and Bone)
Share Your Light (Teach Me To See) (Shadow and Bone)
Everything You Say Is A Sweet Revelation (Shadow and Bone)
There’s A Song In My Heart (I Feel Like I Belong) (Shadow and Bone)
I Need You To Know (That You Are My Heart Forever) (Shadow and Bone)
You’re The Only One Who Really Knew Me At All (Shadow and Bone)
You Take Me In Your Arms (And There's Sunlight All Around Me) (Shadow and Bone)
I Wish I Could Show You How Much You’ve Grown (Original Work)
I Could Have Danced All Night (Shadow and Bone)
You Are Not Alone (I've Been Here The Whole Time) (Shadow and Bone)
I Know It Hurts (It's Hard To Breathe Sometimes) (Shadow and Bone)
This Could Be The Start Of Something New (Shadow and Bone)
Look Out ('Cause Here I Come) (Shadow and Bone)
Don't You Ever Leave Me (Don't You Ever Go) (Shadow and Bone)
C'mon Darling (Let Me Steal This Moment From You Now) (Shadow and Bone)
Wish I Could Quit You (But It Feels Too Good) (Shadow and Bone)
Little Did I Know (It Was You Before I Ever Decided) (Shadow and Bone)
My Love Is You (My Love You Are) (Shadow and Bone)
Now I Really Know (I Could Never Let You Go) (Shadow and Bone)
Trace The Steps With My Fingertips (Shadow and Bone)
I Meant Well (Look At What Well-Meant Did) (Shadow and Bone)
With No Distractions (My Only Reaction To You Is The Joy I Found) (Shadow and Bone)
Make My Whole World Feel So Right (Shadow and Bone)
Every Moment Spent With You (Is A Moment I Treasure) (Shadow and Bone)
You Are Not The King (We Are Not The Fools) (Shadow and Bone)
Took No Time With The Fall (Shadow and Bone)
Honey Just Put Your Sweet Lips On My Lips (Shadow and Bone)
You Were Lovely (By The Fractured Light) (Shadow and Bone)
Show Me That Heaven's Right Here (Shadow and Bone)
They Tell Me Think With My Head (Not That Thing In My Chest) (Shadow and Bone)
So Unfamiliar A Gleam (Shadow and Bone) 
Crash and Burn (Shadow and Bone)
If I Had The Chance (I'd Never Let You Go) (Shadow and Bone)
It's The Way You Stay (Right By My Side) (Shadow and Bone)
To Think It's Been Here All Along (Somewhere To Belong) (Shadow and Bone)
All The Broken Can Find Hope (In The Most Unexpected Places) (Shadow and Bone)
If You Don't Manage To Ruin It All (Maybe You Won't Die Alone) (Shadow and Bone)
No One Can Lift Me, Catch Me (The Way That You Do) (Shadow and Bone)
I Call It Magic (When I'm With You) (Shadow and Bone)
Forever's A Long Time (But Far From Enough Time To Spend With You) (Shadow and Bone)
A Strange Exhilaration (In Such Total Detestation) (Shadow and Bone)
Adventures in Selkie Babysitting (Shadow and Bone)
You're Like Lightning In A Bottle (I Can't Let You Go Now That I Got It) (Shadow and Bone)
Leave Me One Thing Before We Part (A Kiss To Build A Dream On) (Shadow and Bone)
Even If The Skies Get Rough (I'm Giving You All My Love) (Shadow and Bone)
Giving Love In A (Selkie) Family Dose (Shadow and Bone)
Let's Fall Apart (And Start Again) (Shadow and Bone)
No Charm Equal (Knives Out) 
I Give My Hand To You (With All My Heart) (Shadow and Bone)
Taking On The World Together (As Long As You Just Give Me All The Love You Have) (Shadow and Bone)
Every Hour We Spent Together (Lives Within My Heart) (Shadow and Bone)
Seal of Approval (Shadow and Bone) 
A Light So Steady (Shadow and Bone) 
I'd Rather Hold You (Than Try To Catch This Flight) (Shadow and Bone)
Because I’ll Be Here (Shadow and Bone)
I Wanna Feel The Way It Feels To Have You Stay (Shadow and Bone)
Love Like You Never Knew (Just Let Me Show You) (Shadow and Bone)
You're The Heart Of Me (Oh, Sweet Love Of Mine) (Shadow and Bone)
I'm Begging For You To Take My Hand (Shadow and Bone)
Unbreak the Broken (Shadow and Bone) 
How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) (Shadow and Bone)
And With Your Love (I'll Never Be Alone) (Shadow and Bone)
I Guess I Always Knew (That Anything We Do Would Be Enough) (Shadow and Bone)
Just Say You Won't Let Go (Kemp Owyne (Traditional Song))
And Then You Caught My Eye (Giving Me The Feeling Of A Lightning Strike) (Shadow and Bone)
Save Me From The Nothing I've Become (Shadow and Bone)
Puppy Love (Shadow and Bone)
I'd Never Ask You ('Cause Deep Down I'm Certain I Know What You'd Say) (Shadow and Bone)
I Wonder What It's Like To Be Loved By You (Shadow and Bone)
It's Different When It Comes From You (DC Extended Universe)
To Take Another Path (Shadow and Bone) (Round Robin fic)
Feel Your Magnet Hearts (They're Beating Each To Each) (Shadow and Bone)
Unexpected (What You Did To My Heart) (Shadow and Bone)
My Arms Will Hold You (Keep You Safe And Warm) (Shadow and Bone)
I'm Becoming All Alone Again (Stay, Stay, Stay) (Shadow and Bone)
As Long As It Takes (I Will Prove My Love To You) (Shadow and Bone)
Picture Perfect (Shadow and Bone)
About To Say All The Things (Swore I'd Never Say) (Shadow and Bone)
A Smallville Christmas (Smallville) 
Our Dreams (They Are Made Out Of Real Things) (Shadow and Bone)
Always Darkest Before The Dawn (Shadow and Bone)
Been Dreaming That You Feel It Too (Shadow and Bone)
When The Day Met The Night (Object and Concept Anthropomorphism)
A Love So Sweet (In So Many Ways) (Shadow and Bone)
The More Things Change (Shadow and Bone) 
Elephant In The Room (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries/Murder She Wrote)
Why Can't I Breath (Whenever I Think About You) (Shadow and Bone)
And Though It Seems Wrong (It Feels Right) (Shadow and Bone)
The Sweetest Devotion (Shadow and Bone)
Now I'm Illuminated (And You're All I See) (Shadow and Bone)
Tell Me That We Belong Together (Dress It Up With The Trappings Of Love) (Shadow and Bone)
Pretending You Ain’t Been On My Mind (Shadow and Bone)
Only The Darkest Light Can Deliver My Love (Shadow and Bone)
So Infinitely Vast (We're Standing At The Edge) (Shadow and Bone)
You Alone Can Make My Song Take Flight (Shadow and Bone)
Dare You To Run (Shadow and Bone)
Feels Like Love In The Morning (Shadow and Bone) 
Standing Where The Lightning Strikes (I Know This Doesn't Happen Twice) (Chronicles of Narnia (Movies))
No Matter What This World'll Throw (It Won't Shake Me Loose) (The Mummy (1999))
I've Got No Choice (But To Light You Up) (Shadow and Bone)
I Wanna Testify (Scream In The Holy Light) (Shadow and Bone)
Back At Home You Feel So Far (Knives Out)
I Could Live By The Light In Your Eyes (Shadow and Bone)
A Symphony Played When You Told Me Your Name (Original Work)
Wanna Wake Up Where Your Love Is (Shadow and Bone)
You Gave My Heart A Home (Shadow and Bone)
If I'm Butter (Then She's A Hot Knife) (Shadow and Bone)
Sunshine In The Darkness (Shadow and Bone)
Darling, Don’t Be Afraid (I Have Loved You For A Thousand Years) (Shadow and Bone)
Don’t You Ever Tame Your Demons (Always Keep Them On A Leash) (Shadow and Bone)
Love Is The Answer (For Most Of The Questions In My Heart) (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
I Can See The Lights In The Distance (Trembling In The Dark Cloak Of Night) (Shadow and Bone)
I Just Might Have A Problem That You'll Understand (Shadow and Bone)
We're The Salvaged From The Fray (Shadow and Bone)
Even In The Dark I Saw You (Shadow and Bone)
Light Up The Dark In You (Shadow and Bone)
All I Know Is, Darling (I Was Made For Loving You) (The Mummy (1999))
Have I Told You Lately I'm Grateful You're Mine (What If…? (2021))
Dance With Me (What If…? (2021))
Come Back To Me (What If…? (2021))
When You Smile, I Fall Apart (And I Thought I Was So Smart) (Shadow and Bone)
Home Is Wherever You Are Tonight (Shadow and Bone)
You're All That I Want (We'll Be Okay) (Shadow and Bone)
No Notion Of Loving By Halves (Shadow and Bone)
All Of These Years (All Of This Time) (Shadow and Bone) 
You've Got A Friend In Me (Doctor Who (2005))
The Spy (Jolene -- Dolly Parton (Song))
I Promise I'm Yours (Always and Forever) (Enola Holmes (Movies))
Afraid Of Heights (But You're My Parachute) (Shadow and Bone)
Favorite Fic? I’m going to cheat and pick two. I Wanna Testify (Scream In The Holy Light) which was a multichapter Winter Fete canon divergence fic that I started last year and then didn’t update for months because I got stuck on the plot, but I finished it this year and I’m really proud of it.
The other is No Notion of Loving By Halves which is a Darklina Regency marriage of convenience AU and while it’s not quite finished (I have three more chapters left!) I’m really happy with it and will be working on finishing it in the coming month or two. It’s also just my jam tropes wise so I love it a lot.
Hardest Fic? The most difficult was probably And With Your Love (I’ll Never Be Alone) which is a Darklina AU where Baghra uses merzost to wipe the memory of Alina from everyone’s minds to get her away from Aleksander. Mysteries and plot heavy fics aren’t my strong suit, so it took a lot of planning and brainstorming and adjusting. It ends happily, but it is very heavy and so I couldn’t work on it for long periods of time at once without putting myself into a funk. But I’m so happy to have finished it and love how it turned out. 
Do you plan on taking prompts in 2023? I love prompts! But as always, no guarantee that any particular prompt will be filled. 
What was the best thing about 2022? Writing wise, was definitely how much I got written and how much I’ve grown as a writer, even in the last few months. I don’t know if I’ll be able to write that much this upcoming year (and only working part time definitely helped with that), but I do want to keep improving and growing as a writer. 
What was the worst thing about 2022? I had a lot of mental health struggles this year and while I am also growing and improving in that arena, there were a lot of lows this year. There was also a lot of time where I just didn’t have the energy to write, even when I wanted to, which was frustrating. (I also got Covid at the very end of April and the fatigue from that lasted a while)
Any last thoughts for 2022? I’m so happy for all the friends I’ve made in the Darklina fandom and all the amazing fanworks I’ve consumed this year alone. 
Goals for 2022?
Comment more frequently
Finish as many fics on my WIPs/To Do list as possible 
Continue to focus on improving my writing
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