#Sul Good
sul-good · 2 years
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Baby Shower | It’s a girl!
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yourangle-yuordevil · 3 months
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He's ✘ NOT✘ Nice!!... but Aziraphale is ❤
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Arrival at Seyda Neen (April 25, 2021)
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Report to Caius Cosades (April 28, 2021)
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Antabolis and gra-Muzgob Informants (May 10, 2021)
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Sleepers Awake (June 12, 2021)
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Vivec Informants (August 6, 2021)
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Meet Sul-Matuul (October 3 and October 10, 2021)
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Sixth House Base (January 26, 2022)
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Corprus Cure (March 3, 2022)
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Mehra Milo and the Lost Prophecies (May 13, 2022)
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The Path of the Incarnate (October 3, 2022)
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lucyflawless · 22 days
i've been really getting into the sims again and i wanted to make my lesbian sims a gayclub to go to called pink pony but also it's 4am and
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i fuhckin wrote PINK PONK 😭😭
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mel-loly · 4 months
-Yay! Tomorrow I'm going to have classes after 3/4 weeks without classes because of the floods..!✨
And I'm happy but, still... Can you pls pray for me that there won't be so much content or things to do..? I do not want to suffer...😭🙏
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sae-mian · 1 month
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seriemorder · 3 months
NG è insopportabile e il fatto che uno non possa nemmeno scrivete il suo nome qui senza che lui lo venga a sapere e ti risponda pure è da grande fratello.
In più i suoi libri sono mediocri al massimo e le parti buone sono palesemente copiate da Terry pratchett. Il libro a cui hanno collaborato insieme fa schifo.
letteralmente. la vanità con cui interagisce coi fan su questo sito veramente imbarazzante. neil c'hai tipo 70 anni pe' gamba te la vuoi trova' 'na bara.
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becomingpart2 · 5 months
I'm watching the wire and it's the only thing keeping me sane rn.
If you've seen the news, the state where I live in, Rio Grande do Sul, in the southmost of Brazil, is currently going through the worst climate catastrophe in its history and probably the worst in Brazil history too. There are over a hundred of confirmed deaths, over a hundred of people missing and entire cities destroyed by flooding and mudslides. There's no water supply (it comes and goes where I am), roads and bridges collapsed and communication is compromised in so many places. Food prices and prices in general are crazy at the moment. Entire cities are isolated which hinder their access to food, water, medications and help.
And to top it all off, people are creating Discourse About It: the far-wright is using this tragedy to attack the government, create panic and spread fake news; influencers that provided immense help in the beginning are now getting upset because the government's efforts are taking away their spotlight; some people's homes (that are literally underwater) are being robbed and there are cases of children and women being sexually abused on shelters... I'm just so tired. The whole thing has become a political battlefield and both sides are wrong. It's very hard not to lose faith in humanity right now, despite all the solidarity we've been getting.
I'm okay though. My TV burned out, there have been leaks in my house and the water supply situation mentioned above but nothing too serious. I'm just mentally exhausted and can't concentrate on anything. It somehow feels wrong to do anything else while the state is collapsing. The rain doesn't stop and the weather forecast says it's going to get cold now... If this is what the end of the world looks like and how climate change will affect us from now on... We're so screwed.
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lavi394 · 10 months
Comunque grazie a Santocielo sto scoprendo un sacco di fan di Good Omens italiani, adoro
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gigikaspace · 3 months
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the rainy days are never gone.
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sul-good · 2 years
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Friday, 6:00PM | Sis is so drugged up, the doctor is starting to sound like a sim
Bella: It's finally time! You're 10cm dilated!
Musu: Awww...Benzi Chibna Looble Bazebni Gweb to you too doc!
Bella: Excuse me?
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Something, something, Aziraphale drawing a portrait of Crowley...
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why am i crying like a baby during the piano scene in love tractor (I know exactly why)
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crishel2 · 10 months
Cha Eun-woo 30/11/23 Good Day to bea Dog 2023
Cha Eun woo
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Instagram @eunwo.o_c Por favor vejam a transmissão ao vivo 🐶
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mel-loly · 5 months
-I didn't intend to go into this subject but... I feel like I need to.. At least, my State needs...
I know that many of you don't know and maybe don't care much about the situation because you guys are foreigners, but I wanted to ask you to pray or at least wish Rio Grande Do Sul good luck.. My State of Brazil is becoming almost all water, the floods don't stop entering houses, buildings, and causing deaths... Unfortunately, as I'm underage, I can't do a crowdfunding or anything like that to ask for help here, but I still want to ask for good luck, a prayer, so that everything will be fine soon.. This is the biggest flood in Rio Grande do Sul in history, so.. The situation is really complicated and needs support...
And I'm fine, my neighborhood hasn't been affected yet, but the rest of the regions are starting to turn into pure water, so... Please, I ask you for a prayer, good luck, because this already helps a bit, as this is what my Rio Grande do Sul needs at the moment, support and unity..
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deathshallbenomore · 1 year
io ieri: lollll mi sto divertendo tantissimo a rileggere cime tempestose, farò un post auspicabilmente divertente senza metterci un minimo di riflessione critica in merito, non solo perché non ho i mezzi dell’analisi letteraria ma soprattutto poiché nemmeno lontanamente il mio memino ambisce a essere considerato un invito alla riflessione seria e ponderata
il mio post auspicabilmente divertente oggi: teatro di guerra e di un simposio sul diritto di famiglia inglese del tardo ottocento
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