#Summer Job
candieduranium · 4 months
me this summer succumbing to corporate greed
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deathlysallows · 1 year
Sebastian Sallow working his summer job:
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In his uniform, all sweaty from the muggy heat👀🤌
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dreamy-pill · 4 months
My entry for today, Steven Universe fanart. Gravity Falls edition: book cover template.
It remains unfinished; I’m actually unsure how to proceed with it. If you are still interested in content like this, I would sure like to know you’re out there and still support the fandom.
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Plus, notice how Mabel looks a little beefy? That was an old headcanon design I had months ago. I decided to just keep it until further notice. If you’d like, you could also help me change my mind. That’s cool.
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the-0ther-mother · 2 months
18/100 days of productivity
Sunday, 4 August, 2024
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Look at this beautiful picture i took on a walk outside my library today!
I had an objectively productive day today but since i didn't manage to get all that i was planning on doing today (cuz i had unplanned guests plural today) I'm carrying this terrible dread around and it's not letting me sleep.
🪐 finished the one final slide for the last sign (pisces)
🪐 finished the slides for 5 planets
🪐 finished intro to the signs slide
🪐 finished intro slides for the whole presentation
🪐 finished the slide for how to read the chart guide
🪐 drew up the guide to the house system
So the whole structure of this course that I'm creating is intro -> planets -> signs -> houses -> aspects -> how to read the chart. So far i have the intro, planets, signs and how to read the chart almost all perfectly done. That's what we'll be filming tomorrow. I'm sooo deadly nervous but the filming starts at 6 pm tomorrow so I'll be able to memorize everything before that.
My godmother visited us today so when i got home after the library i couldn't continue my work and finish the houses and aspects but it was lovely to see her. I'm very tired. I'm not made for impromptu human interactions. It drained me in an instant.
I did my Italian lesson on Duolingo today but I've been doing them so unenthusiastically lately cuz I've been so exhausted and annoyed that I can't take my time to start learning Italian the way i want to yet.
Go to sleep now. You have a big day ahead.
Eat well.
This body moves you into the world.
Care for it.
Arrivederci <3
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ahedderick · 3 months
Asphalt paint
Thinking about young me in the summer of 1990; partway through college and needing a (actually an extra) summer job rather badly. My father pressured one of his Cronies™, "Skelly", to hire me for his tennis court painting job. Young, very pale, sunburn-prone, heatstroke-prone me.
Skelly was very dubious about this whole thing. I was pretty nonchalant, because I could Do Anything.
Asphalt paint for tennis courts is full of sand (so it's grippy when you walk on it), comes in barrels that are heavy as hell, and gets transported from the barrel to the tennis court by an elderly wheelbarrow. Spreading it is one of those more-precise-than-you'd-guess jobs; the painter spreads a pool of paint with a gigantic squeegee and has to make sure there are no streaks or missed spots. For that reason, I hauled the paint and he spread it.
Would you believe I spent the whole summer trundling wheelbarrow-loads of (very heavy) liquid around and never spilled any? I was SO careful. By the end of the first week, Skelly loved me. Clients and passersby would ask "Is that your daughter, Skelly?" and he'd respond "Yup!" He bought me lunch most days. He was a liar and a drunk, but I knew the mysterious ways of 'found family' and took the implied compliment for what it was worth.
The finicky drying properties of the paint saved me. We could only work until the asphalt got a certain temperature. If it was Too Hot, the paint dried unevenly or wrong or . . i don't know, but he'd say "This is the last load," and I'd breath a sigh of relief. Underneath my sunhat, long sleeves, and jeans. We started very early in the day, so we'd get a reasonable amount done. Overcast days were great.
One day he asked what I wanted for lunch and I looked longingly in the deli case and said, "the only thing I want right now is peach pie." He bought the whole pie, asked the deli worker for two forks. We ate the all of it sitting in the parking lot. He knew how to live in the moment, for sure.
It kept me financially afloat until I could graduate and get a more permanent job. After that, I never saw him again. But I always notice the paint on tennis courts, if I drive by one.
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daisyducklover2021 · 7 days
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studentessa-socit · 1 month
3 weeks study challenge // week 1, day 2
reviewed some notes
Yesterday I failed. I was able to study for 30/40 minutes before breaking into tears.
I am really tired after work, I just want to sleep but I have to force myself to study and it feels so hard, like I can never have a break.
After all i tried to rest and I hope to be in better shape today.
I'm thinking about asking to start work at 7.30 so i can finish my shift at 15.30 and have more time in the afternoon.
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gnyl · 2 months
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manifesting getting a summer job offer
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solpadeinedelusions · 2 months
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another two pics from work!! currently i have ateast a week off as there is too little to do for me to be needed. on monday i'm going camping with my aunt and next Sunday she is taking me to watsaw to a con(*'ω'*)
i already miss my coworkers which proves my attachment issues. i'm really begging to consider switching from medicine to archeology although people at work keep telling me that it's not worth the money, seems like i have to seriously think about my priorities
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aelstudies · 1 year
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Wednesday August 16th
It’s super warm here today, so I am once again working at the library. I’m at a closer library to my apartment this morning so I can go home for lunch. I got an iced caramel toffee latte to keep me chilled as well.
I can’t believe it’s three weeks exactly until back to school. I am so excited to start, even though I have nothing prepared yet. I have to make a list of school supplies I need, plus get my apartment deep cleaned before school starts.
My summer job ends in a week and a half, so I am trying to get all the projects I am working on finished before I am done. I feel it’s attainable.
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ben10nerd · 4 months
Once I get my first paycheck from my summer job I am buying myself a verrry nice lego set because I have earned it before I have even started working
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str4wb3rry-fire · 5 months
new dream job just dropped: magician's assistant
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lanaisforlife · 1 month
I hate my job, but i need money for tattoos...
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the-0ther-mother · 2 months
13/100 days of productivity
Thursday, 18 July, 2024
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First wave of work is done this month and the second wave is starting tomorrow.
🪐 wrote my part of the finals group project
🪐 sent in the essay for the economic history's final
So I'm done with all the final exams for this semester but now I'm starting the prep for the make-up exams. I found out that i had enough points in the Principles of Accounting to be eligible for the make-up exam! I'm so excited! It's on the 30th of July and i plan on passing this class >;D
This weekend will be spent finishing my Introduction to Astrology presentation along with the power point and learning the whole script. (Actually, it'd be nice if i managed to do all of that in two days and started the prep for accounting on sunday).
I have some exciting stuff planned but I don't want to jinx them yet. Oh and also when I'm done with this job and the make-up exams I'll have to look for another job. I won't have a lot of classes next year so i plan on working through the year.
Did my Duolingo. I've been collecting YouTube channels in Italian to watch when I know the language well enough. I keep dreaming about reading my favourite writers in the original and i want to start crying.
I'm very tired but I'll have to hold on for a bit longer.
I love you dear and i need you to rest.
Arrivederci <3
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someone1348 · 3 months
Tomorrow is my first day at my summer job and I'm so nervous 😓 I'm taking care of 18 5 to 7 year olds with another counselor I met for 2 seconds yesterday! Because we have 58 kids attending the camp. (It's a theater camp) but it's insane! I'll let ya'll know how it goes tomorrow 🤣
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tree2yu · 3 months
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