dreamy-pill · 4 days
Luz and Steven fusion!
I wanted to get a slightly better picture how they would look like in motion…
I spent the past couple hours just trying to get the animation right, and I feel like I’ve finally done it. 😁😁😁
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dreamy-pill · 10 days
More Connie Maheswaran angst!
She would only look like this in an AU where Steven didn’t exist in her life anymore and she had to take up more responsibilities. 😔😔😔
Looking through my folder of Steven Universe Rick & Morty crossovers, I found this piece and restored it a little bit from its original form.
Connie is a security guard.
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She’s all dressed up and looks tired AF. 😬😬😬
If you’re wondering, yes; I did grab inspiration from Netflix’s Inside Job.
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dreamy-pill · 11 days
So, I was staring at this for the past couple of days…
I’m finally owning up to the nerve that it’s not perfect and that’s ok because these are just ideas that didn’t fully flesh out and…
This is Steven and Luz fusion!
I had a great deal of fun just spinning ideas around and some of these ideas are just not my favorite. For example, I tried to do a wardrobe change and something just didn’t stick for me. 🤷🤷🤷
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Again, look at that scratchy model. 😂😂😂
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dreamy-pill · 11 days
Here’s Harry Potter!
… in the walking dead. 🧟🧟🧟
Literally, The Walking Dead!
This was just another one of my old drawings hiding away underneath a layer of dust and I decided to just bring back a little bit of “oomph” to it. 😅😅😅
This one was pulled straight out of context so it will sorta remain a WIP until the whole thing solidifies.
Not sure if anyone still appreciates Walking Dead, I know I only slightly get the gist of it.
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This is what I imagine Harry would look if he was injured in the Walking Dead… at the very start of the apocalypse. 🤦🤦🤦
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dreamy-pill · 11 days
Something a little different; it’s a Steven Universe Rick & Morty crossover.
Just a little warm up to kickstart my drawing process again. 🤦🤦🤦
I have this headcanon where Steven and Morty’s fusion will wield control over people’s emotions, one’s that are specifically directed towards rising anxiety and impulsive natures.
If this doesn’t make sense, well… do you remember the season finale to Steven Universe Future?
What if all the gems in the vicinity close to Steven all expressed their deepest feelings at that moment because it was the development to another one of Steven’s powers?
What if…
Steven can send out waves of his emotions to other gems. Similar to Blue Diamond.
Now that’s just the start. What if his powers also affect humans because he’s technically still half human.
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If you probably noticed, I tried blurring out the last sketch so you can hardly see it.
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dreamy-pill · 12 days
This is an AU idea for another Steven Universe Gravity Falls that I just wanted to illustrate.
I skipped ahead of the plot and instead just went straight for the comfort. 🥰🥰🥰
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dreamy-pill · 12 days
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Steven and Luz WALLPAPER! 😃😃😃
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dreamy-pill · 14 days
I wanted to post something today. It’s pretty late for that, so I’m just gonna share this drawing of the old concept I drew for Steven and Luz’s fusion.
It’s a rough sketch. I’m not really satisfied with it, just thought I might share something almost sentimental of mine. 🙂🙂🙂
I prefer the updated version, you know. 😏😏😏
So, here you go.
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I really wanted to copy the same air of quality as the referenced picture, but as you can see it’s somewhat scratchy.
The boxed in sketch is an old version of Steven and Luz I made many, many weeks ago.
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dreamy-pill · 14 days
Sweet! 🤩🤩🤩 I love opening up to people with ideas and stuff! I put my own spin on things and share only the best quality I can offer. ☺️☺️☺️ I try to illustrate to the best of my abilities. I know I’m still learning, so I’m glad to be sharing this with all of you! I feel immensely grateful for you positive judgement! ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks so much for your kind words. I’ll try to post more just like this sometime, too! 😃😃😃
Looks like Moon Knight! …
Anyway, this is my take on a totally under appreciated AU. What if Harry Potter was Moon Knight?
Sort of.
Harry becomes one of Marc, Steven’s - even Jake’s - alters. Imagine if Harry, the literal Master of Death, is the protector of all three alters, keeping them from being manipulated or under the control of Konshu. They’re all still under his protection, just only Harry butts head with him when it comes to the well-being of Marc, Steven, and Jake.
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Look at that; neat. Actually, it was a speedpaint: I attempted to challenge myself to reuse the colors I used for a previous paint. I hope you all like it 🙂.
And look at that, they’re wearing lilac socks.
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I seriously need to redraw this, ASAP.
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dreamy-pill · 15 days
This is a little look how I originally drew the Steven and Luz confrontation scene during that hiatus the Owl House went in a few years ago.
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Yeah, it may have poor quality, but the idea is still there. I sometimes like to think I improved since then.
At the time, I obsessed over the Gravity Falls episode, Sock Opera, and wanted to draw a picture of Luz in the reverend’s outfit, since I thought they were gonna bring that back… in her villain arc.
I seriously thought Luz was gonna have a villain arc. 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️
As you can clearly see, the only color on this page, besides the sketch lines, is the color pattern on Steven’s jacket.
Yeah, it’s a bit dusty, but I thought I’d share it anyway to show how much different it looks to its’ counterpart now. ☺️☺️☺️
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dreamy-pill · 15 days
Yeah, I wanted to post this Steven Universe and The Owl House fanart earlier today…
But, you know, sometimes it’s just one of those days. I don’t feel bad, I just wished today didn’t happen, is all.
I pushed past that anyway and this is probably the one thing I drew today that didn’t make me feel anxious. I feel satisfied with the final product, actually. 😊😊😊
This is Steven and Luz in the demon realm. Luz just betrayed Steven: she’s turned on him to hunt down witches.
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If you probably noticed, I do wish I added more texture to the background also. Like the one I did to the previous drawing.
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dreamy-pill · 15 days
I swear, I had a dream of Sia singing, it was definitely her voice. In my dream I heard her voice, and she was singing SLANDER. You know the song, Love Is Gone. Sia was singing Love Is Gone, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it for months. 😳😳😳
It only occured to me months later that I heard this on Spotify again. You cannot imagine how my soul left my body when I realized how this song was actually real.
I listen to it on repeat almost religiously now.
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dreamy-pill · 16 days
Sometime, later in the day, I’ll post my version of Steven’s design and Luz for helpful context. I’ll even draw a portrait of their fusion in this style! I feel so lucky there are others who like this crossover, also! 😍😍😍😍
Picture this. The day is just starting, you have nothing in mind, maybe travel someplace pleasant today. Maybe stop by at a cafe for a small break. 🙂
But then you get the biggest plot twist of your life.
Suddenly, one world is merged with another. They’re now linked.
This is not what you anticipated at all for today.
This is a Steven Universe and The Owl House crossover fusion I had a while ago. I just updated the look a little bit, so some of the character traits won’t make much sense until I get to adding the finishing touches on some old concept arts.
Here’s the product!
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dreamy-pill · 16 days
Picture this. The day is just starting, you have nothing in mind, maybe travel someplace pleasant today. Maybe stop by at a cafe for a small break. 🙂
But then you get the biggest plot twist of your life.
Suddenly, one world is merged with another. They’re now linked.
This is not what you anticipated at all for today.
This is a Steven Universe and The Owl House crossover fusion I had a while ago. I just updated the look a little bit, so some of the character traits won’t make much sense until I get to adding the finishing touches on some old concept arts.
Here’s the product!
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dreamy-pill · 16 days
Here’s a Headcanon for you! An MCU headcanon!
Do what you will with this idea: what if…
The Avengers did not know it was Tony who built Ultron.
Think about it, the Avengers have no reason to hold distrust over Stark in Civil War, thus leaving Tony with a massive guilty conscious because he literally put together a creation of mass destruction that leveled an entire city.
I mean obviously they’ll suspect it was him who created Ultron since he is just a robot. However, think about the tension the team will silently be treating Tony, since Tony will already have ears on when the rest of the team will know it’s all on him.
Besides, when the truth does come out, it will make this scene a whole lot of sense out of context.
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dreamy-pill · 17 days
Ok, ok, ok. Listen, here’s what happened…
I rushed this painting. That’s it. I pushed through with it anyway and here’s the final product.
Steven Universe & Dipper Pines fusion.
This one has been under the works for awhile and I decided to just update the old style, only a little bit, whilst doing the speedpaint. It looks rushed because it was. 🙂
Hope you like it!
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dreamy-pill · 17 days
So, for today I drew a quick sketch of Steven Universe.
Whatcha think?
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