#Super Late
dr-lizortecho · 1 month
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Liz + Mystery
“But if I could solve this mystery… I might have a chance at feeling at home somewhere again.”
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ourfinehouse · 1 year
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Day Two: Song Lyrics, Willow by Taylor Swift
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lesbonym · 2 months
Nyyyyyyymmmmmm I’m suddenly and severely horny.
Pretty please take me and just use me. I don’t care how rough you need to get, how long you need to do it for, or how you do it, please just fuck me until my brain leaks away.
Show me how much of a mistake it was to be bratty, cement your claim back into my mind until all I can think about is you and your touch. Use the strap on me until I can’t walk for the next few days. Mark every inch of me as yours and only yours.
You have a god complex kink? Then make me worship you until it’s all I know
Mm, I'm so happy to finally see you being good, baby. Though that won't stop me from still using you for being such a brat the other day. Trying to make me jealous with 🕷? I thought I've made it clear that you are mine so many times but it's clear that you still need the reminder.
I haven't decided if I wanna just bend you over or tie you down just yet. But I'll have you under me in some way, using you for my own pleasure. Shove my fingers in your mouth any time you get bratty so that mouth has a better use. Pound away with my strap inside you until you are shaking from overstimulation but this is about me.
You wanna serve your god? Only good girls get used by their god.
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theartingace · 5 months
I'm so glad that random centaur pinterest post ended up on my dash bc I've been seeing your art unlinked on pinterest for YEARS and I've always wanted to follow op. Your art is super cool and creative and I love it so much. Have a great day!
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Ahwwww thank ye!! Glad you made it here!
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My only complaint is that we didn’t get to see Akiko hug her mother one last time.
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void-rock · 8 months
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Huevember 4/30
The song from this episode plays in my mind daily
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strwbrrybxn · 4 months
I’ve been trying to find someone who at least acknowledges my boi Neji😭 finally found someone. I’m dying for anything Neji, literally anything. A crumb. A little crumb plz. I beg. I saw that ur friends w Donna and Biscuit lol and Manda refuses to write for him *sigh* but I’ve seen ur work and it’s so good like I’m on my hands and knees for u anyways sorry for rambling lolz anything u write for Neji I will eat it up coMPLETELY -🍒
I'm back and I'm so sorry this took so long, but I hope you enjoy this one. lowkey broke my own heart writing this
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Temporary ; word count 2040— Neji Hyuga × female reader
✓ prompt: “Everything is temporary. This was merely one of those things.”
✓ pairing: neji hyuga × fem!reader [neji aged up to 23]
✓ warnings: 
✓ genre: nsfw, angst
✓ au: isekai, modern times
a/n: **italics — spoken in english
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“Neji~”** you hummed, turning to look at the long hair falling into his eyes as he tried to assemble your coffee table.  Little did you know, this is one of the last times you’d get to see his smile.
It had been a few years since Neji had come from a different world; since he sat there bleeding out on the pavement in the late hours of the night. You had just ended a late night shift at the veterinarian’s office when you heard groaning in the alley. It was dark, and even though you had always run in the opposite direction of a dark alley, your instincts told you to go. 
Using the flashlight on your phone, you followed the sound of someone groaning; a low, guttural and wet groan. He was lying there, long brown hair sprawled on the pavement. A green vest covered in blood draped his body and he had four large holes pierced through his torso. 
You didn’t even hesitate, calling the emergency number for an ambulance as you pulled off your coat and covered his chest. You tried to get him to talk, but his eyes were faded and unfocused. His head turned slightly towards you and his mouth opened, but no words came out, just blood dripping down his chin. You didn’t think he was going to make it; in fact, you were sure of it. You had seen too many patients with eyes like that who had said their goodbyes already. 
You don’t know why, but you had gotten into the ambulance with him, and every time they moved his head to get him to focus, he would face it back towards you. You had seen this, too, when you had patients who didn’t have anyone else — whose body would turn to the only person they could seek warmth from. 
Neji wanted to talk - he had tried to open his mouth earlier but you said something in a language he didn’t understand, but you said it so nicely, and so sweetly, that he didn’t even try to push it. He wanted to talk to you, talk to the doctors, ask them how he could go back home, but no words would come out. His eyes searched for you in the white room, but you weren’t there. He wanted to call someone, but he didn’t know if anyone would even understand him.
The door swung open, much different from the Konoha hospital with doors that slid gently. You walked in with a bouquet of flowers taller than your head. You could barely see around them and when you finally did, you smiled at the man who had finally woken up. He had very pretty eyes, lilac and despite being on the brink of death, he looked beautiful. 
“How are you feeling?” you had said, but Neji could only tilt his head to the side. He had no idea what you were saying. 
“What?” All your anime watching finally paid off when you heard him speak. You didn’t speak a lick of japanese, barely understood it, but at least you were able to distinguish what language he spoke. Your phone slipped from your pocket and you typed your question, the AI voice speaking to him in japanese. 
This is how the two of you communicated every night after your shift until he was able to pick up on some english words and sentences. It didn’t take him long, he was a smart guy, and it had taken you a few months to pick up on his mother tongue, oftentimes speaking to him in japanese while he answered in english. The two of you no longer needed the support of the artificial voice on your phone and communication was much easier, despite his thick accent. 
He never liked to talk to you about the village he had grown up in, or the world he had arrived from. Not at first, but as time went on, Neji opened up about what had happened all those months ago. 
“I was protecting Lady Hinata,” he had whispered one night after the two of you had finished a movie. Your body was curled into yourself on the other side of the couch, eyes looking over at the other. “She was protecting Naruto, and I had decided to protect them.” his fingers reach up and touch the green mark on his forehead, a sad smile on his face. “I had made peace with dying; I said my goodbyes and the next thing I know, you’re staring down at me with big eyes. I don’t know how I got here,” he leaned back against the cushions of the couch, turning his head to you, “but I’m glad I did.” 
Your stomach flipped, as it usually did when Neji was around lately, but with the way he was looking at you, speaking to you, right in this moment, you couldn’t stop yourself from leaning across the couch. His eyes were still lidded as he watched you move. You leaned back, sitting on your heels. Your head tilted to the side as he continued to look at you. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” you mumbled.
“Like what?” He was sitting up now, eyes still at the same as when he was leaning back, but now he was facing you completely. 
“Like that.” Neji lifted his hand, his head jumbled with what to do. He had wanted to kiss you for months. Every time your hands lingered together for a second longer, or when you were teaching him how to make your favorite italian dish and he was breathing in your scent for so long, he almost got lightheaded, or when you were sat across your shared couch with your hair up in a bun and a ratty old hoodie on, just as you were tonight. 
Were you leaning in? Was he? He had never kissed someone before. What if you thought he was bad at it? 
His mind was pulled from the thoughts as your fingers stroked his chin, just as you had done so many times before. And just like all those times, he felt a shiver run down his spine at the touch of your fingers. 
“What are you thinking about? You got quiet all of a sudden.” 
“I wanna kiss you so bad,” he whispered.
“What are you waiting for then?” you hummed. He didn’t think of anything else, didn’t let his thoughts of not being a good enough kisser stop him from pressing his lips to yours. Your fingers cupped his jaw softly, thumb brushing along his cheek bones as you took control of the kiss. He was clumsy — a little obvious he had never had practice in kissing, but nevertheless, you allowed him to follow your lead. 
He didn’t know where to put his hands so they just stayed at his sides. It didn’t take long for him to move his lips with yours, molding them and the only time he stopped was when he needed to pull back for air.
Your fingers had slipped down to his shirt, fisting the collar lightly. 
“Wow,” he whispered, his cheeks flushed as he avoided your eyes. You couldn’t help but laugh, kissing the green marking on his forehead. His fingers slipped under your shirt, tracing small patterns on your back as he whispered again. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” 
“And why didn’t you?”
“I’ve never kissed someone before. How am I supposed to know when they want to also kiss me?” He made a good point. Neji never had any formal experience in this department, and you had. It was just one of the many things you’d agree to gladly teach him about. 
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“Neji~” you hummed, shutting the door behind you and stopping with a confused head tilt to look at the long hair falling into his eyes as he tried to assemble your coffee table. 
Pushing his long hair from his face, he smiled, bright and wide as he always had when you came home from work. 
“Tada!” He stood, showing off the new coffee table he had bought after the two of you had broken the other one. How? That’s a secret. 
“What’s this?” It was beautiful. A lift top with two drawers at the bottom and storage under the lift top. It was the exact one you had been looking at when the two of you went furniture shopping a few months ago. 
“We needed a new one after,” his cheeks flushed, the blush running from the apples of his cheeks to the tips of his ears. “well, you know.”
You squealed lightly, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss. He couldn’t help but smile, his arm hooking around your waist and tilting his head to begin to deepen the kiss, but you pulled back, a mischievous smile on your lips. 
“You just built this, baby. We can’t break it yet.” 
You flustered him beyond belief and he didn’t know how to react most of the time, but the pang in his chest is not the way he usually reacts to you. His eyebrows furrowed and his arm loosened around you. 
“Neji? I was just kidding-” 
“I know.” His eyes softened as he cupped your cheek, thumb brushing along the apple under your eye. “I just got a weird feeling in my chest.” 
It wasn’t just in his chest. The scars on his torso were burning, and he couldn’t figure out why. He had started feeling this way earlier in the day, so he went out to cool down, hoping the chilled autumn air would clear his mind. When he came by, he occupied himself by building the coffee table, but now it was back, and intensifying the more he looked at you. 
“Hey.” Your fingers cupped his cheeks, forcing him to focus on you. The pain subsided as he leaned into your touch. “Let’s go out for dinner tonight, yeah? As a way to celebrate!” 
Neji’s smile brightened his whole face and he leaned forward, kissing you once more. “That’s a wonderful idea.”
You were passing by the alley, hand in hand towards the restaurant when something caught Neji’s eye. It was shining, the smell of autumn filling his nose. Autumn in Konoha. 
“I think I can hear something over there.” He carefully pulled you towards the place where you met him for the first time. 
She stood there with the same eyes as Neji, her hand in a blonde’s. Hinata and Naruto looked almost exactly like they did in the anime, except taller. Neji was the same. Both men stood at about six foot, towering over both you and Hinata.
You could feel your heart tighten. You and Neji had talked about this before; if he could ever find a way home, he’d go. He missed his friends and you promised to let him, but that was before you fell in love with him. 
You’re reluctant to let him go, and when he started to pull, you could feel your fingers tightening. 
“I have to go,” he said, his hand loosening. 
“Right now?” You could barely swallow the lump in your throat, tears threatening to spill. If you had known there was a real way for him to go home, you wouldn’t have made that promise. 
“My home is there.” 
“But I’m here.” your words slurred as you tried to keep your eyes on Neji. He looked back at his friends, tugging once more and your fingers let go. “C..can’t we talk about this?”
“I don’t know when I’ll get this chance again.” From where you stood, it looked as if he had made up his mind, his eyes softening as he said, “Everything is temporary. This was merely one of those things.” 
You wanted to throw up. 
How could he say something like that? When you guys had spent almost every day together for four years. When you guys decided to become more than friends. How could he just simply step away from you, and through the door Naruto was holding open? He didn’t even look back, leaving you to your own devices in the same place he stepped into your life.
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taglist: @hashira-mal, @justmyownreality, @sixtymillionoverdueideas, @dahlias-love, @penguinmilo, @delirious-donna, @stilestotherescue, @anxiouslittlesunbeam, @dreamcastgirl99, @usagiii3
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So ummm I never finished this in September everybody got sick, and we are still sick but I just wanna finish this to have it as reference in here. (its a long list from 14 to 29)
14. 2 ocs who hate each other?
As of right now none.
15.oc house home?
I made Zoe’s house so far!
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16. Oc items
Zoe has he potions and precious books
Malaikah has her phone(she’s a phone addict)
Aida has her bells (which are an ancient artifact)
Ren treasures his watch that his grandfather gave him
17. Oc way to travel
There’s different places and each place has a easier medium of transportation. The fae and dragonkin use flight, humans use vehicles. Elves use teleportation stones.
18.oc jobs?
Ren works in his fathers company, (he will take over one day so he tries really hard to please his father)
Aida and Aro do odd jobs (mostly exorcisms and sending demons back to the underworld)
Malaikah helps run her parents business (but she’s mostly on her phone all day talking to her friends and girlfriend)
Azari is a prince so he does his duties
Zoe is a researcher in potions and is held in high regard for her studies and accomplishments
Xayah is the heir to the throne and Zija helps her with her work
19.ocs hobbies
Ren likes to work out
Aida likes to collect cute things
Aros hobby is to beat up demons to a pulp (he has a lot of pent up anger) and probably go eat afterwards xD
Zoe reads in her free time
Azari likes to spend time with Zoe(is that considered a hobby?)
Xayah likes to have a spa time cuz she’s always stressed out and working out is not doing it for her anymore
Zija goes shopping in different cities, and buys gifts Xayah since she doesn’t like to go out too much
20.ocs family
Xayah and Zija are sibilings
Aro and Malaikah grew up together so they treat each other like sibilings
Ren has 2 sibilings
Azari has 7
And Zoe has 12
21. Oc as kids or their kids
Nooo kids yet i haven’t thought that far!
But here is a little doodle I made of Aida as a kid a long time ago for a video challenge
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22. Oc who is suffering
Aro. He has been through hell and out. Unlike Aida he wasn’t used to it. So it kinnda scared him mentally and physically
23. Who is doing fine?
Zija. If he stresses out he just goes shopping and goes to spas💀
23. oc in alternate universe?
Aida as Mavin x3
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25. Ocs in different art styles?
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Wonderful art by @raouwul (please follow them if you haven’t!) the first one is Zija and the second picture is Aida (give it a like and reblog if ya want to <3)
26. oc meme?
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(my main pfp cuz thats my life in general)
27.oc in a videogame?
i havent drawn that yet :p
28 forgotten ocs
a anon asked me before about my forgotten ocs so i already had this pic and i forgot about it lol (thank you anon you predicted i was ganna need this xD)
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29. and oc i like the most?
REN <3
i put so much thought into him!<3
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sansabirdanne · 1 month
Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :)
I took so long to answer this. I’m so sorry. But now that I am actively avoiding everything I have to do.. here we go:
1) My child and my spouse
2) Sleeping in and waking up quietly
3) Sunny, warmish days
4) cats
5) Tieflings and other occult critters, sims, fanart, anywhere I can get them
And here’s.. let me see what I have saved on my phone.. ooh, BUNNY EZRA. Look at his chubby little paws?! 🥹
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zestials · 3 months
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random ( chaotic ) dialogue / always accepting.
@k1ttyb0t sent ── * do you think they know?
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" it shall not matter , " zestial might despise most technological advances , but to an extent --- he knows of them , knows their capabilities. if they wanted to find kitty , they would. zestial simply ensured the meeting was held on common ground , it wouldn't be strange for her to be here. zestial himself was adept at blending into swaths of shadow when situation called for it. no one looked twice at the presence beside the little bot.
" venom shall take hold ere they can take action. " necrotic , rotting off limbs until the only end in sight , the only relief was him. but oh , zestial would not be merciful.
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ch1lde-mora · 1 year
sdjfso hello!!! shanna's here to bother you with another request!!! because well we're [peace sign] not doing good up there in the ol' nogging umu but could i maybe get some soft ch//ya hcs with holding hands maybe,,, i want someone to hold my hand (v pls hold my hand qwq ilysm i hope you're doing well)
HII SHANNA!!! Im so sorry ur brain isnt brbrbrbr-ing,, shakes brain i hope you feel better soon!! it looks like u want poly but i’m gonna do both a la carte & poly because the brain is just feeling it rn [hearts x5] (HOLDS UR HAND ILYSM ;V; i’ve been better but still not that bad!!) thank u sm sm shanna~!! xoxo, v (edit 3 months later: ik ur probably out n about and feeling better but i wanted to get this out for you!! ur such a sweet person ty for giving me this req)
(edit, ONE YEAR AND 6 MONTHS LATER: wow i really thought i got this out and i didn’t.. Time to make things right 💪 EXTREMELY SORRY FOR THE DELAY WAAAAAH ;;)
they r in my heart forever i love these two
Childe’s definitely in the middle of you two when you all hold hands
Swings your hands back and forth and tries to walk faster, but Kaeya won’t let you guys LOL
Hums his fav snezhnayan song if you’re lucky!
Interlocks all of your fingers too
Kaeya is more chill when you guys are all together, content with just lacing fingers and walking (albeit slowly) to wherever you need to go
If childe’s not humming you guys will usually talk quietly amongst yourselves just about common things like the groceries or plans with friends later
He would never tell you, but Childe really enjoys all the simple domestic stuff you guys get to enjoy like this
Kaeya usually rubs the fingers of whoever’s hand he’s holding (in this case, Childe’s) with his thumb as you guys walk and doesn’t comment on it, mention it or expect anyone to mention it at all. It’s just something that he does
When sitting at a table, they will have you in the middle holding hands under said table
It’s really funny trying to eat/drink this way 
Because when they try to let go to actually eat you might look at them with those pleading puppy eyes just screaming “don’t let go 🥺” 
Either you’re serious about this whole hand holding thing or you’re just being a sly bitch to make this experience a whole lot more hilarious but regardless, they don’t let go and resign to eating with one hand
It’s not practical at all and I don’t see it happening very often but when you want attention, who are they to deny?
Bonus: if you’re holding both of their hands, they will feed you with their free hands 
“Need a little help? Do you perhaps have your hands full?”
(lmk if you want a one-shot format in the future because this was so fun to write)
Holds your hand anytime he cannot hold your waist, which is often
He’s always trying for some sort of physical contact, whether that be an arm over the shoulder, around the waist, yet if those are unachievable he opts to go hand in hand with you down the street
He holds your hand shopping, he holds your hand if you guys are driving and at a red light, he holds your hand up elevators or just up STAIRS IN GENERAL?
Always rationalizing his thoughts with  “What if they fall. I should keep them from falling. I should hold their hand” when in reality he just wants to be close to you
Usually holds your hand with your fingers interlaced
If you reach out to hold hands first his cheeks might go a little rosy if he wasn’t expecting it
When in an open field like a park or clearing in a forest, he will sometimes take both of your hands and just spin you and him around like he used to do with his siblings in the snow
Sometimes if it’s really hot and you guys can’t cuddle in bed, he’ll just hold your hand instead
“Don’t you always want to hold and touch things that you love? I know I do.”
I see Kaeya as more of a person that wants a little bit more personal space when out and about, but he wouldn’t object if you initiated first
In private he would hold your hand shamelessly, but prefers to link arms if possible
I think he would charm you and ask if you wanted to hold his hand then be surprised when you actually did it
He’s held hands tons of times before (duh) but he feels like it’s more special when it’s with the one that he loves
There’s also that feeling of doing something so simple and “first-base” with someone you love that puts butterflies in your stomach when you do it for the first time in awhile
That’s what he feels like when he feels your hand in his
Doesn’t interlace his fingers but rather just grips your hand with a firm but not too tight hold
Because of his fingerless gloves and the spikes on the wrists of them, he gets a little bit scared they might poke you
Of course, the ever confident Kaeya keeps that to himself and says nothing about it, and it literally doesn’t end up ever being an issue
If you rub his hand with your thumb, he notices and fixates on it but doesn’t mention it, thinking about it for the rest of the day when he has to eventually depart for his work
“Hm.. Perhaps we should do this more often. What do you think?”
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juulz · 1 year
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stargazer56 · 9 months
Happy Nice Ask Day!
If you had the ability to time travel, what era/time in history would you like to experience?
It has been a busy day, I'm sorry I couldn't respond sooner!
Friend, you have no way to know that historical fiction is one of my favorite genres! I had such a hard time as there are so many eras I want to visit, but I finally decided that I want to hang out with Eleanor of Aquitaine. I'll live in France, travel to Jerusalem on the Crusade, meet Henry II, travel to England and all around Europe.
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Giriboy is going on an Australian Tour
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hollyethecurious · 1 year
I’m so glad we’re mutuals. I think you are one fantastic human. :)
Despite my not answering this for an embarrassing amount of time - thanks Tumblr for never notifying me of the message - I 100% feel the same way about you!
I hope your holiday season was merry and that you're recovering well from your injury. Sending out all the vibes that 2023 holds great things for you, my friend!
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