maggotmuncher0 · 2 months
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inst: wheresmaggot
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dragonthunders01 · 1 year
Spectember D29: Speculative Biome
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Is not an oddity for geologists to look at some strange landscape formations, many caused by singular events or just by erosion, but the most particularly perplexing ones have been made by what is not considered to be a thing from this world...
North America seems to be dotted with dozens of these structures and the remains of already fallen ones, looking like gigantic towers of more than a kilometer in height, structured like a strange tree shaped form, it rises like a testament of the biggest terrestrial organism known, a monster tree made of stone and shaped by the millions of years of constant growth by part of a singular organism.
In Wyoming there is the most intact and oldest specimen of such beings, bein nicknamed Heaven’s Tower, unique megaorganisms formed by thousands of  individual slime like organisms that behave like a stromatolite as it accumulate over layers over layers of sediment and material it built its structure, the way it do it seems to comprehend a system of vessels that transport the material from the terrain, often hollowing the terrain below forming a large cave chamber system that accumulate water and organic matter, preserve itself from erosion protected by a microbial layer product of the same organism. The tower seems to often renovate itself by the use of a special slime covering every century based on studies of change of texture and viscosity in the tower surface, but from what accounts on different expeditions into the inner cave system denote that the whole Tower formed dozens of millions of years ago, from mining expeditions around the chamber as well drilling in the main structure it was found it preserved a decent amount of data in the form of layers created by the accumulation of minerals by the slime into the main structure like a terrestrial stromatolite, this giving a possible date of the formation of the original tree around the late Eocene or early Oligocene.
As well seems to be every 5 to 10 million years there is a process that allow the introduction of surface fauna that always ends up into the lower chamber, to be eventually isolated which seems to last for few million years until there is a occurring a total extinction of the inner fauna, caused by the replacement and collapse of a old layer as its being replaced by a new one of almost 20 m of thickness, so far from fossil record the last breach occurred around the late Pliocene, isolating the fauna that lived upon that time.
The way one of the Heaven’s Tower specimen grow or originate is pretty much unknown for the very long span of time it takes to even start forming, is believe one of these might find a specific and rich place to feed its structure, more or less an old volcanic region and slowly accumulate to form the megastructure that feed symbiotically by chemosynthesis from the igneous rocks and photosynthesis, as well there has been identified fossil remains of older already fallen Towers that also expose similar patterns of growing. The Heaven’s Tower of Wyoming is the last intact structure as many seems to have been destroyed by the last ice age, and will take millions of years to recover, this itself is a testament of a paradoxical being that is still investigated, as this being for many accounts seems to not share any significant relationship of any living organisms.
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l00ney-m00ny · 18 days
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Tw Scopophbia
Was trying out some colours and I colourpicked from the Superorganism album cover and--
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It's giving this
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somescenecatholic · 3 months
Hello guuysss sorry for not being here 4 awhile. Here's some updates on my life!
I'm finally a high school senior!! (its summer rn, my last day was may 24)
Also, I'm 17 now!!!!
im been gone bc um.. alot of really not so good stuff happened to me and im recovering rn. I may make a post abt tht later but that's all im saying rn!
But I refuse to let that get me down, so I'm still the happy silly guy yk!
Anyways recently I've gotten into Warrior Cats!!! ITS SOOO GOODDDdd
AND PICKING COLLEGES IS SO HARD!! I'm only 17 and next yr I'll be 18! Wdym I have to pick out the rest of my life???? Bleh america's weirddd :/
Also I got purple box braids!!
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ALSOO I saw the new inside out!!! ITS SO GOODDDDD! My favs r Joy (literally me), Anxiety, and Envy!!!! The movie wss like rlly good I loved how the emotions r like more nuanced is tht makes sense! :3 Like how there is no actual villain, everyone is trying to help Riley get through her life! Btw, RILEY HAS A 4TOWN POSTER IN HER ROOM :O
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I seriously wish tht they made more songs for 4*Town. Like cmon now sm ppl were begging Disney to make 4*Town a real band... Like yeah it would be hard but literally it would be so popular!! Can we pleaaass bring back boy bands and make girl bands just as popular??? And take away all the negativity in it and stuff?? Please kids my age had 1D around when we were nowhere old enough to go to their concerts and actually enjoy it!! PLEAAAASEEEE 😭
Oh yeha speaking abt One Direction, I have a super rare one direction bag!! My friend is a huge directioner and like she told me tht my bag is rlly old and u cant find it nowhere!!! >.< It has the guys when they were teenagers on it. My cousin gave me the bag when I was in 1st grade and I wasnt rlly into them then but I kept it tho. Fast foward to like a couple months ago and my Kirby bag breaks. My sister was cleaning out her room and she found it!! I was like "NO WAY! I GOTTA USE THIS NOWW!" bc like I <3 1D and I needed a new bag! Its rlly good and its like SOO CUTE
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OO AND ALSO, are you guys gonna see the Pharell Williams lego movie? Tbh I think its a bit strange to make an entire movie abt urself but like the movie looks literally SO COOLLL AA!! IDK man i love movies with sparkles and creativity all over it. I'm not even a fan of his im just gonna wafch it to try to fill the void in my heart where the lego batman movie 2 and the lego movie 3 should be!!!
OK BYE FRFRRR HAVE A GREATTT NIGHT/DAY/EVENING!!! (we srsly need a word tht combines all of tht ;-;)
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whoopsies-daisies · 2 years
i actually have the best music taste ever so shut up
*listens to only 70's-80's music, things i heard about randomly from my friends, stuff from movies and the internet, and everything my parents like*
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redd956 · 5 months
Beekeeping Myths & Facts
I'm just tired of seeing the myths being spread about beekeeping. I'll probs include some bonus facts for wasps and hornets too.
1. Myth: Bee smoke calms the bees.
This simply isn't how it works. The bee smoke causes bees to think there is a fire near the hive. Bees go to fill up on as much as honey as they can, and prepare to leave for a new home. They become too busy to mess with you doing this and resume normal life when the smoking stops.
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2. Fact: It helps a hive to remove some honey.
Without the removal of some comb or honey, the bees will simply run out of room, especially for their larva. When a hive runs out of storage space, bees will abandon it and risk the dangers of swarming somewhere else. Taking some comb out stops this process.
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3. Myth: Taking honey upsets the bees.
This is not true whatsoever. The interesting thing about beekeeping is that if a swarm doesn't like a beekeeper they'll simply leave. This doesn't mean bees won't sting or get defensive. It's important to know bees have a variety of temperaments.
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4. Fact: Bees die after stinging.
Yes, it's true. Most bees perish after a hard sting. Their stingers are barbed. When they sting you the stinger stays put. In the meantime, the bee loses some of their innards and dies.
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5. Myth: There's male and female bees.
This is a yes and a no. Bees do not have a human concept of gender. In fact, the gender roles we project onto bees aren't fully perfect either by our own standards too. Bees have three genders; queen, worker, and drone. It's all a little complex. Workers can't lay or produce eggs however the same larva that becomes a worker or drone can alzo become a queen.
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6. Fact: Bees, wasps, and hornets know where your face is.
I know this one sounds weird. When bees, wasps, and hornets get defensive or are aggressive, they go for your face and neck. They will try to hit you where it hurts, that includes the eyelids. That's why we cover our faces just enough to see a little when attacked by killer bees.
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7. Myth: Africanized Bees are like normal bees.
If you didn't know this, you do now. Africanized Bees is the formal name for our buddy ol' pal killer bees. They look pretty normal though. Why the name? Killer Bees were made in a Brazilian lab by crossbreeding honey bees from Europe and Africa. This was supposed to create bees with better honey yields. Instead, we created bees with a sadistic liking for deadly attacking.
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8. Fact: Bees are what's known as a superorganism.
Superorganisms are what you get when a whole gathering of organisms acts as one or in the faith and safety of a whole organism. Think like the cells in your body. Except instead of cells, they're bees. Bees aren't the only superorganism. There's termites, wasps, hornets, and also ants.
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Bonus Facts
The two second most powerful stings are dedicated to a wasp and a hornet.
There's the powerful and paralyzing Tarantula Hawk sting, and the sudden and strong Giant Asian Hornet sting. Number one of the Schmidt pain index scale for worst stings goes to an Ant though, the bullet Ant.
Wasps and hornets can also produce honey and pollinate. They don't pollinate as well as bees though, and their honey is never as sweet.
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The gene tied to allergic reactions for bees, is also loosely tied to the allergies for hornets and wasps, too. If someone who is allergic to bees have children, their kids can be allergic to wasps but not bees and vice versa. Someone can also inheret all three too. I've never been stung by a hornet, so I guess I'm safe 2/3 so far
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poligraf · 8 months
The whole contains nothing which is not for its advantage; and all natures indeed have this common principle, but the nature of the universe has this principle besides, that it cannot be compelled even by any external cause to generate anything harmful to itself.
— Marcus Aurelius
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buggutzzz · 12 days
👁️ Hello again, I haven't been posting of late, so I wanted to share with you all what I have started. Here is a playlist full of music artists recommended by the ArtFight discord, it will update with a new artist sometimes, I recommend using shuffle to get the "Vibe" of ArtFight https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5YqFMOMoXUpsi2pTtaWQmU?si=7a49d93018f74e03 Have fun hunting for your favorites 👁️
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goldlymischief · 6 months
My cute-creepy No Man's Sky character :D
I've decided to make this like...traveler journal of my silly lil dude's species in No Man's Sky, who i always imagined as this smol goy controling a beeg robot.
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I based them off this lil dude cause i'm on my no man's sky brainrot :D
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And mystery flesh pit cause i frikkin love that thing lol
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vivid-viviii · 2 months
hai :3 wutz ur fav song???
right now , it’s something for ur mind
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asta-daily · 2 months
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Hungry City
We're not ants, but rather cells of the superorganism that is the City. All our little activities and actions makes the City grows, expand, complexifies. The City must keep growing, consuming. The City's alive, and hungry.
/* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook - Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */
Face à la Ville, nous ne sommes pas des fourmis, mais plutôt des cellules. Toute notre fébrilité la fait se croître, s'étendre, se complexifier. La Ville doit grandir, et consommer. La Ville est vivante, et elle a faim.
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claypotz · 11 months
sometimes I need a song injected into my veins so I listen to it 50 times in a row
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dragonthunders01 · 1 year
Spectember D18: Ecological engineering
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The semi toxic lands of the planet Pharax are result of its young age of formation as this planet only has existed for nearly 2 billion years, geological records seems to remark that it could have hosted complex life for a while after finding traces of a previous terraforming event for a now extinct civilization 80 million years ago that brough a different variety of what’s supposed to have been their homeworld life, which seems to have failed in their colonization as no trace of advance settlements were found or any organism as complex as a amoeba-like creature for the fauna, but something remarkable is that there is still in existence an unique ecological flora agent that apart to have survived by its own the harsh conditions, it also turned quite successful on thriving at managing the environment it created.
The Chthonic Lichen is the only terrestrial flora organism to exist on the planet and the most prominent organisms, it forms on large fields nearby recently inactive volcanic regions, feasting on the chemicals and grow exponentially covering the soil with a 50 cm deep cap that looks semi crusty, with prominent semicircular shaped structures that correspond often to what is often called the autotropic nodes, large photosynthetic structures  that allows the organism to exploit the sunlight in the middle below there is a second cap formed by tissue that works sort of like a vascular plant, although lacks any cell and it behaves like a fungus spreading and collecting nutrients, and in the edges of the super organism there is the third detoxifying cap, a series of multiple ciliated tissue that properly digest and modify the terrain to be suitable for the other two tissues to grow up. Sometimes growing around lakes the second cap properly just grows around the water body they start isolate them and filter the toxins of it if they are acidic or just filled with impurities, normally more disorganized root like structure forms, which often host potential seeds they deliver when the time comes. Although it seems that the majority of the main colonies of this organisms are cloned multiple times from a single individual they can also wander free in the shape of a motile seed structure that crawls around an stays mostly inactive, these drone seeds often works as detritus feeders that eat the substrate rich on microorganisms to regain energy and then walk to the most lifeless regions of the continent on which would plant itself and start growing a new colony, digesting the toxic grounds and creating new ideal conditions for the mega organism to grow again.
The way the organisms regulates the environment has caused two interesting effects, one which at large scale has regulated the greenhouse gas amount, making it more cooler of what normally the planet temperature would get if it did not have complex flora on its surface and regulated the oxygen amount so it doesn’t poison exaggeratedly the atmosphere; as well when colonies dies or just wash away for any precipitation it provides of a burst of nutrients to the ocean, which for studies on the microorganisms diversity in the regions where these nutrient flow constantly is replenished, the complexity of life is greater than in place which lacks that burst. As geological activity is still too young that for example the first continent have formed just 200 million years ago, so many aspects of the chemistry of the planet are still developing, and probably without the chthonic lichen life conditions similarly to the Ediacaran wouldn’t have risen until probably other 2 billion years, but now this world might see the development of its own native multicellular life evolution in probably 300 million years, which is a lot of time, but for a planetary scale is very, very young.
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happywebdesign · 11 months
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static-scribblez · 2 months
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oh okay that's cool
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unmenme · 5 months
Corrió y corrió y mientras corría de el se iban quedando trozos de si en el camino. Un pasaje hecho por su piel quedo, dónde insectos bailan.
Su corazón después de implosionarse explotó con brutal violencia que no dejo ni rastro de sus calcetines
Superorganismo, Mare Rostam 2023
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