#Sweet spicy bingo
hemlockdumpling · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Connor/Upgraded Connor | RK900 Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900 Additional Tags: DBH Rarepairs Week, Sweet & Spicy: Multifandom Bingo, Rain, Cars, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Weather, Snow, Fear, Triggers, Zen Garden (Detroit: Become Human), Hurt/Comfort, Abandonment, Holding Hands, Don’t repost to another site, Deviant Upgraded Connor | RK900, Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Summary:
Nines does not like rain. Connor does not like snow.
Written as part of @dbhrarepairs Week prompt “In the Rain” and @sweetspicybingo Hurt/Comfort prompt “Abandoned - You’re not alone.”
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 10 months
With Eyes to See and Ears to Hear - Chapter 20
‘Pumpkin’ – October 20th prompt. Prompts also fulfilled; ‘Sweater Weather’ - Sweet & Spicy Bingo; ‘I Want My Beloved to Be Happy’ – Multifandom Flash (Dozen) ‘Bandaging Wounds’ – Any Fandom Fluff Bingo The boys give this whole ‘Halloween’ thing a go. CW: Minor, accidental wound
Check it out on AO3 here, or below the cards under the KR :)
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Matt shivered as he pulled me closer against his side, jaw shaking with the cold. “Anything taking your interest?” I grimaced guiltily as he yawned, kissing his cheek. “We don’t have to do this, you know? It’s honestly no big deal.” He shook his head fiercely, leaning closer. “I want you to be happy, my love. And I’m more than content to spend a chilly half hour while you stare at pumpkins in order to make that happen.” Chuckling quietly, I nuzzled closer, relishing the warmth raising from his sweater, the wool tickling my cheek lightly, only to be raised again a heartbeat later. “…That one!” I dragged the blind vigilante along by his hand stubbornly, dropping to my knees with a gasp. “Do you know how hard it is to find good pumpkins this late? We really should have done this earlier, but I totally forgot; I’ve never actually done it before, but I’ve always wanted to…” Matt squatted obligingly beside me, offering me the short, sharp blade. “Why don’t you do the honours, then?” I beamed and kissed him gently, carefully taking the knife from him and cutting through the thick stem, and letting out a soft grunt as I straightened, pressing the surprisingly-weighty gourd into his arms. “Now I need to find one for me!”
Matt groaned as he lifted his pumpkin, dropping it onto the table with a wince. “Whose idea was this again?” he grumbled good-naturedly, rubbing his back. “I’ve carried grown men that weighed less.” I purred, moving to trail my hands over his shoulders lovingly. “What’s up, Devil? A little vegetable too much for you?” “Fruit.” “Huh?” He gestured absently at the table, leaning into my touch. “Pumpkins. They’re technically a fruit, not a vegetable.” Snorting, I shook my head. “That… Doesn’t sound right.” “It is. Just like tomatoes.” I shrugged a little, leaning up to kiss the side of his neck gently. “…I’m still concerned about your capacity to carve pumpkins, Murdock.” He sighed, turning in my arms to press his lips to mine. “Clint… Please. You know me. And you know I don’t let a lack of sight stop me from doing anything. Please?” I nodded immediately, sufficiently chastised, and draped an arm around his neck to kiss him back. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I just- Please be careful, okay? Sight or no sight, I don’t want you hurting yourself.” He cuddled me close to his chest, chuckling softly. “I fight ninjas on a regular basis, Hawk. I think I can handle a knife.” I kissed his shoulder before stepping back around the table, my eyes still flicking to him frequently despite myself as I picked up my own blade. The designs were simple, but I knew his fingers were more than up for feeling my heavy designs, given that I’d seen him read half a dozen books with far less tactile markings. If anything, he’d roll his eyes at my simplicity, mostly light-hearted but mildly disgruntled at my lack of faith.
As it turns out, I should have put more focus into my own work. Within minutes, I was cursing silently, too distracted by looking at him to watch my hands and a long slice across my palm acting as testament to my lack of focus. My face flamed in shame at my hypocrisy, and I curled my fingers around the wound, reluctant to admit my injury. But within seconds, his head lifted, placing the knife in his hand carefully on the table before extending it to me. “You’re injured.” “What? N-No, I-” “Don’t bullshit me, Clint. I can smell the blood.” He smirked playfully, lips curled on one side. “What was it you were saying about not wanting me to hurt myself?” I could only scowl in response, placing my hand in his. “Very funny.” He bit his lip lightly, moving around the table to pull me closer. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn’t have laughed. It was just a little… Ironic.” “Yeah, yeah,” I murmured, smiling despite myself, his face splitting into a grin at the sound of amusement in his voice. “Seriously, it’s not that bad. Just a scrape, really.” “I’ll be the judge of that,” he muttered, gently probing along the edges of the laceration with a frown. “…This needs cleaning and covering, sweetheart. Sit.” With a sigh, I flopped onto a stool, wincing when he pressed a cloth to my palm. “First Aid Kit is-” “-under the sink,” he finished, shooting me a grin. “I know, Clint.” His interruption warmed my heart, and I watched him fondly as he fetched the kit, endeared by how well he knew my- our home, already. By the time he settled back in front of me again, I was beaming at him as he took my hand in his, carefully opening an alcohol wipe. “This might sting,” he warned, murmuring an apology when I inhaled sharply. “You broke your knee, and barely complained, but this is painful?” “That was in the line of duty. This was because I got distracted by a pretty man, and wasn’t watching what I was doing,” I replied, chuckling, and he smiled softly, head tipping as he pressed a band-aid over my wound. “You think I’m pretty?” I grinned, pressing my lips to his. “I think you’re beautiful, Matt.”
@flufftober @sweetspicybingo @multifandom-flash @anyfandomfluffbingo Short and sweet, halloweeny fun!
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buckys-wintersoldier · 9 months
Adoption | Steve Rogers
Pairing -> Husband!Steve Rogers x Wife!Mom!Reader
Summary -> It’s New Year’s Eve and your daughter wants to ask Steve a really important question.
Warnings -> (G) none, just fluff
Wordcount -> 0.7k
Prompt -> Sweet & Spicy Bingo | B3 | Fireworks | @sweetspicybingo | AFG Fluff Bingo | I2 | Free Space | @anyfandomfluffbingo
A/N -> This is the last oneshot for 2023, I want to thank you all for the support. Happy new year and we see us 2024 with new oneahots, my requests are open so feel free to send an ask. Thank you to @mrsbuckybarnes1917 for proofreading this one for me, it’s really appreciated.
Masterlist | Sweet & Spicy Bingo | AFG Fluff Bingo | Steve Rogers Masterlist | Adoption Part 2
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You look at your daughter next to you; she shifts from one foot to the other and holds a piece of paper in her hands. She is almost squeezing it, but you understand it. Eva is nervous.
“Mommy? Do you think he will like it?” she asks and looks at you with her bright blue eyes.
You nod, placing your hand on her shoulder to encourage her. With your other hand, you open the door and reveal your garden, where your husband, Steve, is standing with a few fireworks around him.
“There you are, my favorite girl,” he says, smiling and looking at your daughter.
She isn’t his biological daughter, but he treats her like she is. From the day you first met and you introduced your daughter to him, he loved her and acted like she was his little princess. And she is; he always tells her and loves her like his little princess.
She runs into his arms and hugs him tightly while he wraps around her small body and spins Eva a few times around. She giggles and raises her arms while Steve spins her around. After a few more rounds of spinning her, he lets her down and looks at you.
He walks a step closer and kisses you softly. Steve’s hands grip your waist to pull you close against him. You slide your hands into his short, blond hair.
“Ready?” he whispers with a questioning look at your daughter.
She immediately nods and presses the paper tightly against her small body. In a few minutes, she can finally ask him the question she wants to ask him so badly.
Steve lets go of you and lifts her up to place her a few steps away from the firework. Then he walks back to it and kneels down.
"Sure, you’re ready? You know it’s something uncle Tony made,” Steve jokes.
Eva nods and grabs your hand into hers. Her big blue eyes follow every movement of Steve, and she giggles softly.
“Sure, daddy,” she mumbles while Steve lights the firework.
Then he stands up and walks towards you. He stands on the other side of Eva and places his hand on your back. When you look at the fireworks Tony made a few days ago, you see different pictures of your small family appearing in the sky.
Tears are glistening in your eyes, and when you look at Steve, you see him tearing up too. He smiles at you, and then you feel your daughter letting go of your hand and taking a step forward.
“Dad?” she asks, and Steve looks down at her, placing his hand on her shoulder and squeezing it softly. “It’s midnight in 30 seconds, and I want to ask something,” she continues.
“Ask away,” he says, his eyes brightening with excitement when she hands him the paper.
Steve takes it and reads the first word before his jaw drops.
He immediately looks at Eva again and then back at the paper, continuing to read it. It takes a while before he understands all the written words on the paper.
“You- Are you sure? I would love to adopt you,” he says, the tears in his eyes slowly rolling down his cheeks.
The tears are out of joy, and he can’t hold them back anymore. He loves that girl; he is proud to be the one he calls dad and comes to when she needs something, but he doesn’t think she will ask him to adopt her.
“Yes,” she grins at him.
Steve hands you the paper, and before you can really hold it, he has your daughter in his arms and kisses her face over and over again. Making sure he doesn’t miss an inch of that soft skin.
“Of course, I will adopt you. This is the perfect new year’s present,” he mumbles, and Eva places her hands on his face to look into his eyes while she giggles sweetly.
Steve holds her close to him with one hand while he wraps the other around your waist and pulls you close, kissing your lips softly. The three of you enjoy the rest of the fireworks before you go inside to celebrate the day with your friends and family together.
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Taglist: @nicoline1998enilocin | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @km-ffluv | @identity2212 | @kandis-mom | @felicitylemon | @cjand10 | @bookishtheaterlover7 | @rogersbarber | @lives-in-midgard | @lunaalovesyouu
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lathalea · 2 years
Please, Fili x reader, Perfect proposal :) Thank you!
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Hiii @heilith 💚💚💚 I hope you still remember your ask for the Sweet and Spicy Bingo by @fellowshipofthefics :) I'm sorry it took me so long (real life happens), but here it is. I hope you'll like it!
Relationships: Fili x Reader
Rating: G
Warnings: none
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✨ Perfect Proposal ✨
Fíli looked into the mirror and gave his moustache a nervous tug. There was not even a single wrinkle on the festive clothes he wore, his hair was freshly braided and adorned with beads and yet his face seemed uncharacteristically pale. He swallowed. It was finally going to happen today, after so much waiting, after years of pining for you in secret, and—what was most important—after surviving the Quest. Now Erebor was reclaimed and he was finally able to speak of his feelings and ask you to marry him. Fíli dreamed of the moment when he would be allowed to call you his wife… if you agreed to his proposal, that is.
His stomach decided to tie itself into a knot and Fíli realized that he was even more terrified—no, warriors never got terrified!—he was even more nervous than before the Battle of Five Armies began. What was worse, at the very moment when he imagined your lovely face, your smile, and the way your soft lips parted, saying “yes”, every single word of his well-rehearsed speech seemed to have disappeared from his mind. 
Muttering a swearword under his breath, Fíli left his chambers. A breath of fresh air was all he needed to clear his head. He was a prince, after all, and he would act like one. He only needed to find his composure. There was still some time until he was going to meet you for dinner in the Royal Wing. Everything was prepared, the music, the atmosphere, the candles, the food... It just had to be perfect. He had to make it happen. But now, Fíli needed a few moments to himself, and he had to be quick about it. Hurriedly, he directed his steps towards one of the outer terraces of the Lonely Mountain. 
As he strode ahead, barely registering the surroundings, his mind focused on recalling the speech he was about to make, something thudded against his chest.
“Ouch!” a familiar voice reached his ears. Your voice.
“Gamzûna! What are you doing here?!” Fíli used the moniker you gained after one of the orc attacks during the Quest. It meant “fierce lady”. He looked straight into your eyes, smiling.
“I’m so very sorry, Fíli! I mean, I didn’t…” you started, trying to catch your breath. At that very moment you both realized something. You stood very, very close to Fíli, your hands placed against his hard chest, his arms wrapped around you. He must have instinctively embraced you at the very moment you bumped into him.
“It looks like you have been in a hurry,” he murmured with that alluring smile of his. His arms were still around you, holding you close. Fíli was not letting you go. You tried not to think of what would happen if someone saw you embracing in the middle of a public corridor, his face so close to yours.
“I was seeing Princess Dís and realized what time it was, and I wanted to be quick so that I wouldn’t be late for…” your voice trembled. “For the dinner you invited me to.”
“You are here and I am here too. It seems that we have plenty of time to reach the dining hall, don’t you think?” Fíli winked playfully. “By the way, you look stunning tonight.”
The smile you gave him in return was barely visible.
“Thank you. Since this is going to be our last evening together, I thought…” you cleared your throat, looking away and pulling at one of the intricate laces of your elegant bottle-green dress.
“What are you talking about, Gamzûna?! Last evening? Are you going somewhere?!” Fíli’s eyes widened. He was so close to telling you about everything he felt for you! That couldn’t be happening!
“It seems so,” you took a deep breath. You dreaded every single word of what you were about to say, but it needed to be done. There was that old saying, If you love someone, set them free–right?
“Please, tell me that you are joking! You can’t go!” Fíli protested. His embrace became even tighter.
“It will be for the best. You’ll see. Until today, I had hoped that tonight…” you tried not to sob and shook your head instead. “I like you, Fíli. I really do. And we grew closer during the Quest, all those evenings together, all the dangers we survived… I felt the bond between us was special. You were always so good to me, so caring. I don’t know when exactly I understood what I felt for you, but tonight I wanted to tell you… Well, it doesn’t matter now any more, does it? No, please, let me finish. Today at breakfast Balin say that you needed a wife now, someone worthy of you. And Bofur added this had to be someone who made you smile. Dwalin kept on saying how you admired women who were fearless warriors. And then Kili told me that a beautiful lady stole your heart a long time ago and that it was time you proposed to her. Ori even wanted to show me her picture but then Thorin told everyone to stop prattling. Fíli, it is time for me to return to my old life in the Blue Mountains. I will not stand in the way of your happiness, but I wanted to have this last evening with you. For old times’ sake.”
Fíli’s heart beat strong and fast under his tunic. His brow furrowed. His eyes searched your face in silence.
“I’m going to kill every single last of them!” He finally huffed.
Your jaw dropped. That was the last thing you expected him to say.
“Yes. I’m going to strangle Balin! Then I’m going to cook Bofur in a stew! And I’ll throw Dwalin from the rampart!”
“Fíli! What are you talking about?!” 
“ I’ll feed every single one of them to the mountain trolls! And I’ll drop an avalanche right on the top of my brother’s stupid head! That lulkh! And Ori…”
“Please, Fíli! Could you at least let me go?”
“No! You are not going anywhere!” Sparks of anger glinted in his eyes as he covered your hands with his. His voice softened. “Gamzûna, will you tell me now what you wanted to tell me tonight? I would very much like to hear it.”
“There’s nothing I can tell you,” you whispered, avoiding his gaze. “You are supposed to marry that beautiful lady of yours, remember?” 
Fíli was now holding your hands in his. His skin was as warm as sun on midday. And his radiant smile was back on his lips, his moustache beads clinking as he tilted his head.
“Aye, it seems that the cat is out of the bag now,” he chuckled, making you frown. 
“What’s so funny?”
“Come. See for yourself,” he held your hand and pulled you gently after him, down the corridor. “There is a lady whom I want to marry. She makes me smile and she is one of the fiercest warriors I know. And she captured my heart on the day I met her. This is her.”
As he spoke, he turned you around until you faced one of the stone walls of the corridor. This particular wall was covered with a large mirror in a golden frame.
You were looking at your own reflection.
“What are you saying, Fíli?” your eyes met the reflection of his silver-blue gaze.
“I love you, Gamzûna,” he murmured, stepping to face you, his voice laced with tenderness. “Was that what you wanted to tell me too?”
“I’m afraid not,” you replied.
“Oh…” Fíli’s smile faded away.
Now it was your time to chuckle and hold his hands in yours. 
“I wanted to ask you whether you would do me the honour of becoming my husband, Fíli, son of Dís.”
“Gamzûna…” Slowly, reverently Fíli cradled your face with his palms as his lips hovered over yours. “You are perfect.”
“Does that mean ‘yes’?” you whispered, brushing your nose against his.
“Guess,” his hot breath fanned your skin a moment before your lips met but you already knew the answer.
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Taglist: @fizzyxcustard @shrimpsthings​ @dark-angel-is-back @sherala007 @anyaspidergirl-blog @jotink78 @rachel1959 @saltwater-in-the-afternoon @linasofia @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @legolasbadass @yourqueenunderthemountain @reblogunderthemountain @guardianofrivendell @elrawienthewhite @xmly-xo @mrsdurin @nelleedraws @beenovel @vee-vee-writes @mcchiberry  @dumbassunderthemountain @errruvande @laurfilijames @emrfangirl @s0ftd3m0n @lilith15000 @kami-chan1512  @ragsweas @enchantzz @aduialel @myselfandfantasy @thewhiteladyofrohan @elliepie1226 @middleearthpixie @i-did-not-mean-to @blairsanne @fckmini @clumsy-wonderland @wormsmith @mailinsblogofstuff  @medusas-hairband @xxbyimm @knittastically @saucyminxbrainspill @quiall321 @frosticenow
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rookthorne · 8 months
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It's heart month! What better way to celebrate then think of our favourite supersoldiers spoiling us?
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֎  Biker!Bucky Barnes  —  Brotherhood & Bullets ֎  Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes  —  Sturdy Roots, Strong Hearts ֎  Mechanic!Bucky Barnes  —  His Girls ֎  Modern!DILF!Bucky Barnes — Whispered Affections ֎  Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes  —  Inked Sun
―  STUCKY  ―
֎  Tattoo Artist!Stucky  —  Garden of Ink
—  The AO3 SERIES can be found HERE.
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𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐨
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── 𝐊𝐄𝐘 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
— 𝐀  = angst — 𝐖  = whump — 𝐈 = sick fic — 𝐃  = dark — 𝐃² = dead dove — 𝐏 = poly — 𝐊 = kid fic — 𝐅  = fluff — 𝐒  = smut
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ʚɞ 𝐓𝐁𝐑
───   AU!Bucky/Stucky x F!Reader ──  𝐓𝐁𝐑 ─  𝐀𝐎𝟑
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ʚɞ 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
───   Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader ──  𝐅 ─  𝐀𝐎𝟑
Acts of love never had to be something overstated or complicated — it lay in smaller actions. An offer to make lunch or a warm cup of drink; to do a chore or errand that the other dreaded, only to see their eyes brighten for thoughtfulness.  Bucky was much the same man as those who preferred smaller, intentional acts, and you presented him with the perfect opportunity. 
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ʚɞ 𝐓𝐁𝐑
───   AU!Bucky/Stucky x F!Reader ──  𝐓𝐁𝐑 ─  𝐀𝐎𝟑
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ʚɞ 𝐀 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐞
───   Biker!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader ──  𝐅 ─  𝐀𝐎𝟑
A battle raged and weapons clashed on that festive day, and only one of the two warriors would make it out alive.  You were determined to make your opponent fall to his knees and beg for mercy — only then would you celebrate the victory. But first? Wade through the plight of the treacherous terrain and land that one hit. 
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ʚɞ 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝
───   Mechanic!Bucky x F!Reader ──  𝐒 ─  𝐀𝐎𝟑
Surprises were not an unexpected occurrence when you come to think of it, not when you had Bucky Barnes as your boyfriend, though you had to give him credit where credit was due — he was a crafty, cunning man when it counted.
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ʚɞ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧'𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐧
───   Tattoo Artist!Bucky x F!Reader ──   𝐀 + 𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑 
The first port of call, whether you intuitively chose it or not, was always going to be Bucky — rain or shine, he was there to lift your spirits, and at that moment, you needed it more than ever. 
ʚɞ 𝐏𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
───   Nurse!Bucky x F!Reader ──   𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑 
Sometimes even the hardest, most independent workers needed someone to lean on — whether they be of flesh and blood, or wool and stuffing.
ʚɞ 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫
───   Biker!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader ──  𝐅 ─  𝐀𝐎𝟑
As the President of his club, Bucky always made sure that he made it home, whether it be for his brother’s, or to just keep his legacy alive one more day.  But it was not just that anymore, not after he had you as his guiding light — a beacon so bright that he knew he’d be a fool to act reckless, when he knew you were waiting for him back home. 
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ʚɞ 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲
───   DILF!Bucky x Babysitter!F!Reader ──   𝐀 + 𝐊 + 𝐅 ─   𝐀𝐎𝟑 
The first day of any new job was always the hardest — all the rules and roles to navigate while establishing yourself as someone reliable, trustworthy, and far too interested in your employer.
ʚɞ 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
───   Tattoo Artist!Stucky x Florist!F!Reader ──  𝐏 + 𝐅 ─  𝐀𝐎𝟑
A long day led to a long week, snowballing into a long, long festive season. The boys — your knights in shining armour, residing in their castle of artistry — they knew long before you yourself did, and they had an idea of how to turn it around, to bring a smile to your lips and to restore your vitality.
ʚɞ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧
───   Personal Trainer!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader ──  𝐀 + 𝐅 ─  𝐀𝐎𝟑
With little else to do during the busy festive period, you made your way to Howlie’s Gym, the place you made a home away from home and where you know your best friend made your haven safe.  What you did not expect to find, however, was him in the office with the brightest smile on his face — as though you hung the moon that shone down over the two of you.
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ʚɞ 𝐓𝐁𝐑
───   AU!Bucky/Stucky x F!Reader ──  𝐓𝐁𝐑 ─  𝐀𝐎𝟑
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ʚɞ 𝐓𝐁𝐑
───   AU!Bucky/Stucky x F!Reader ──  𝐓𝐁𝐑 ─  𝐀𝐎𝟑
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Card by @sweetspicybingo
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cacodaemonia · 3 months
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Here's my bingo card from @sweetspicybingo! The fic I've been working on features all five of the prompts above, and I've finished drafting it, but it's like 80K. 😂
I'm in the editing stage now, and I'll probably be able to start posting it the weekend after next. The prompts don't show up until chapters 8, 13, 14, and 20, so I won't have posted them all by the time the bingo deadline rolls around, but I still wanted to link to the event and say thanks for the great prompts! They've been super helpful!
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i-did-not-mean-to · 7 months
Dream and Fantasy & Handholding - Thingol x Finwë
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Dear @the-red-butterfly, my friend, my partner in pairing crime...I dedicate this abomination to you!
This is further proof that I have no OCs, they're just knock-off, 2 penny depictions of people I know and love.
I give you...Old, decrepit men! Have fun!
Words: 1 065
Characters: Thingol x Finwë
Warnings: Geriatric grouches, barely veiled OCs, pudding, hint of bittersweet, innuendo to sex in the winter of life...
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The middle-aged, chain-smoking nurse, lovingly called L at work, walked into the “quiet room” briskly, her eyes sweeping mercilessly across the softly bobbing ocean of hairless pates in search of the two most contrary residents of the retirement home.
After lunch, the inhabitants of the renowned facility came here to have a little chat before inevitably nodding off for their daily afternoon nap. Evidently, they could not be left alone—lest they choke on their own tongues or fall out of their ergonomic, cushioned chairs to their demise—so she knew that her favourite co-worker couldn’t be too far.
“Abril?” she called softly, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as soon as her cheery young colleague appeared with a tray full of tiny pudding cups.
“Yes?” the youthful woman chirped in her melodious, soothing voice that had earned her the privilege of handing out gelatinous treats rather than wrestling wayward doters back into their rooms.
“Where are the two pests? Are they in time-out again?” the older nurse asked gruffly.
“Oh, leave them be. They really are so sweet, aren’t they? And they’re such great friends too,” Abril protested in a hushed tone, quick as ever to defend their resident troublemakers.
“They’re more than friends,” the other retorted not without a hint of humour. “I’m pretty sure that what they do beneath the table when playing bridge goes beyond your usual run-of-the-mill cheating, if you know what I mean…”
“You’re filthy,” Abril complained, balancing her tray on her shapely hip to gesticulate expressively, thus leaving no doubt as to her mild disapproval. “They’re just old men! And they’re so lonely!”
Remembering her colleague’s initial inquiry, she frowned, her gorgeous face the very picture of doleful commiseration.
“The holidays are coming up, and Thingol had a bad dream about…”
They nodded in wordless agreement. It was a well-known fact that Thingol had fathered but a single girl-child who had promptly decided to move with her strange husband to some remote spot at the end of the world.
Nobody here had ever laid eyes on the woman, but they’d all seen pictures of Lúthien whose beauty was, as Thingol never tired of repeating, paralleled only by the pulchritude of his wife who had chosen not to follow him into his assisted living arrangements.
As far as L could remember, the old curmudgeon had always shared his room, board games, and pudding with a similarly distraught old man who seemed cursed by the very opposite problem.
Indeed, Finwë had one too many descendants. Having been married twice, he’d fathered one irascible son with his first wife as well as two sons and two daughters with his second who had, in turn, brought forth a whole slew of legitimate grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as a few more obscure scions claimed through strange patchwork-family situations.
The chaos these complex interpersonal relationships—ranging from outright, murderous loathing to deepfelt adoration—between the different members of that sprawling family tree bred was indubitably enough to drive any wretched bugger mad.
This was even more severe for poor Finwë because Thingol, his partner in geriatric crime, didn’t exactly get along well with his various kinspeople.
It was a surprisingly tense and fraught situation, a riveting drama playing out against the calming, beige background of an idyllic nursing home.
“Finwë took him to their room. Be a dear and take them their pudding; they love it so!” Abril said, jerking her chin at the tray encouragingly.
“Sure thing,” L sighed. “We wouldn’t want them to go raiding one of the other peaceful old souls. They’re owed pudding, and pudding they shall have!”
Abril’s eyebrows twitched, but she was too polite to ever laugh at a badly executed impression of her beloved favourites openly. “Just take them their treat—they’ve been very good today. No forks were thrown, and Ingwë was so unfazed by them that he didn’t even try to scoot across the room with his chair!”
Resigned to her fate, the cantankerous caretaker took the proffered desserts and trudged out of the room.
Neither one of the two old sourpusses could be heard from outside their chamber, and she took a deep, steadying breath.
As she was alone and nobody was around to witness the slip of her mask of dispassionate professionalism, she leaned her puckered brow against the smooth wood in a silent admission of reluctant sympathy.
Between Thingol’s loneliness and Finwë’s overabundance of ranting and raving offspring, they were a much put-upon pair who would not know a moment of peace before the last deliverance was granted to their unrestful souls.
Steeling herself, L pushed open the door slowly and, at once, had to bite back a sigh.
They sat, hand in hand, in their armchairs by the window, looking inward onto their dreams and fantasies rather than observing the squirrels frolicking across the front lawn.
One was never sure whether they were really asleep, and L slipped into the room cautiously, knowing only too well with what startling abruptness old men could shake themselves awake as if afraid of the long sleep that would not release them ever again.
At this moment, though, their faces—muted echoes of a faded beauty that certainly had been galvanising and terrifying to behold—were serene and relaxed, and their fingers were intertwined in a knot of papery skin and gnarled bone.
Against her better knowledge, L found that there was a touching, delicate sweetness in this ephemeral semblance of tranquillity they had caught like elusive butterflies in their clawed hands.
“Good old boys,” she whispered, prying open the small fridge in the corner and stowing the sweet treats away for later.
Yes, they were troublemakers, and their endless whining and complaining about children they had raised to be just as insufferable as them was exhausting, but L couldn’t deny that she understood Abril a little better now, watching them.
Thingol whimpered softly in his sleep, and—at once—Finwë’s creaking fingers tightened around his cold hand.
L fussed briefly with their blankets before leaving as inaudibly as she’d come.
“They’re all right,” she reassured Abril when her colleague walked briskly towards her, empty tray swinging inquisitively at her side. “They’re resting. Maybe, we could let them have dinner in their room tonight?”
“Ah!” the young woman cackled, her eyes bright with triumph. “They’ve at last won your heart!”
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@fellowshipofthefics here's another cute one!
Have an abomination for your pleasure!
Lots of love and well-wishes!
-> Masterlist
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such-a-random-rambler · 4 months
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I have a bingo card! Thank you to @sweetspicybingo for all the hard work that goes into running this.
If you have any ideas / prompts / requests for any of these, send them my way - ask box is open!
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boldlyqueertastic · 8 months
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“such a good boy, darling” AOS McSpirk
“Such a good boy, darling” Bones coos, admiring the scene before him, encouraging Jim to take Spock’s thumb deeper insider his mouth.
Completely enraptured by each other’s presence, not even superior Vulcan hearing registers the gentle swoosh of Jim’s door opening.
“Captain, you’re needed on the br—” Sulu cuts himself off as realization hits them all at once.
Spock freezes mid moan, getting caught losing himself in pleasure was his worst fear. This was a nightmare.
Sweatheart Bingo fill for: sweet talk, taste me
McSpirk bingo fill for: sore throat, bound, encouraging, magenta, mask off, Sulu accidentally sees, fear, nightmares
@sweetspicybingo @mcspirkevents
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heilith · 2 years
A Way to Wake Up
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As prompted by @sotwk for the Sweet and Spicy Bingo Challenge by @fellowshipofthefics​, Breakfast in Bed with Lindir. 
Words: 513, no warnings. :)
A Way to Wake Up
“The sense of this tradition evades me.”
You eyed the abundance of refreshments at the bedside table with a mixed feeling of satisfaction and horror. The sacrifice of such a scale was enough to please a pantheon of gods, or, rather, goddesses.
“That I noticed, my love.”
The way his eyelashes went down for an instant had you smile inwardly. That very expression always followed that very endearment. You never failed to recall neither the first time you’d seen it, nor how much it had scared you then – so alike to the mask of pain it was. In a sense, you felt it was what it looked to be. Your tenderness did give him pain, but only the merciful kind of it.
So now you were just feasting your eyes upon his sufferings, proud to be the reason for them.    
“You’re barely conscious,” his skill of making the soulful voice of his sound dull and expressionless was a personal offence to you. That one drop of poison to spoil a whole spring of wine.
Loving him was walking a labyrinth by touch and instinct, no lights flickering ahead to guide you.
Had there been no rewards to come with it, you would have long given up on being the only one to make light of anything and everything.
“Wake me up,” you asked with a soft invitation.
It thrilled you how he never shunned from whatever it took to prove your wish was his command. In your book, it required less courage to face a Balrog than to pledge oneself to another as openly as he was ready to do it.  
There was so much to admire about him. Like his reluctant sincerity. Like his kisses.
Like the one he was giving you now, making your lips throb in unison with your poor heart, and your hands tremble, sliding their way down his face.      
“This tradition I approve of,” he was still solemn, but there was a smile dancing in his eyes, like a will-o-wisp that threatened to lure you too deep into danger.  
“Expect the favour to return to you, then.”
“Now, please.”
You were a tad too willing to provide. He didn’t complain, of course.
“Will you join me?”
You could sense the silent protest snarling its disappointment inside of him, but he took hold of himself with dignity you could only wish to show one day.  
One deep breath in he leaned away from you, as sober and composed as you could imagine him to be.
“I’m not hungry,” said he in a perfectly indulgent tone, “Enjoy yourself.”
“I didn’t mean food, Lindir,” you whispered heavily.  
There was no pause between the clipped chuckle he let out and the sound that left your mouth, as he pulled you into himself, all but breaking you in an embrace almost worthy of an apology later.  
And there was no doubt the breakfast would be stale, when one or both of you started pleading for mercy.  
“Makes sense now,” was the last thing he allowed himself to utter, before there was nothing that really mattered any longer.  
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 9 months
With Eyes to See and Ears to Hear - Chapter 22
‘(:melty face emoji:)🫠’ – October 24th prompt. Prompts also fulfilled; ‘Getting Sick’ and ‘Hot Chocolate’ – Winter Wonderland Bingo; ‘Breakfast in Bed’ - Winter Wonderland Bingo; ‘Ugly Cute’ – Multifandom Flash (Dozen); ‘Dramatic’ – Fandom-Free (Frosty Edition). Clint ends up snotty and wheezy after his time face-down in the snow, so Matt takes care of him. CW: Illness (non-vomiting), reference to previous injury.
Check it out on AO3 here, or with the boards under the KR!
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As I often did, I rolled contentedly into the warm space left by Matt’s recently-vacated position, stretching out luxuriously and inhaling deeply to seek the scents of this morning’s breakfast. Or rather, I tried to. My nose, it appeared, was no longer simply swollen with injury – but also entirely blocked and stuffy, the skin either side aching as I attempted to breathe. “Matt!” I called out pathetically, my voice hoarse, half-rising before slumping back to the pillows with a weak groan. Natasha always told me I was prone to bouts of melodrama when I was afflicted, but it wasn’t my fault – breathing was hard enough at the best of times, let alone when I felt like death. He barrelled through the door, half-stumbling over his own feet, eyes wide and panicked. “What happened? Are you okay?” I couldn’t help but smile at his head casting about wildly as he used his senses to read the room, frowning infinitesimally when he found no intruder. “… Clint? What’s going on?” “I’m sick,” I whined, pulling the sheets up to my chin as I shivered dramatically.He crossed to my side immediately, resting delightfully cool fingers on my forehead as I sighed. “You are a little warm…” “I’m freezing,” I replied, pouting theatrically. “… And also boiling.” “You have a bit of a fever,” he noted, pushing my hair back gently. “You’ll be okay, sweetheart. It’s just a bad cold.” “I’m dying.” His lips twitched minutely as he leaned forward to kiss my forehead, fingers shifting to cup my jaw. “I’m make you some toast. Tea?” “Hot chocolate,” I muttered, my voice soft and sullen - but my irritation garnered no response beyond a fond chuckle, the bedroom door pulled halfway closed behind him.
He settled me against his chest tenderly as I ate, unphased by the rapidly-growing pile of snotty tissues beside us. “I’m disgusting,” I whined, nuzzling against him, a slight pang of illogical guilt sparking in my chest. But he only kissed my head, holding me tighter to him. “You’re as beautiful as ever, honey,” he replied simply, tugging the hood of his swiped jacket lower over my forehead gently. “Very cute.” I shook my head fiercely, earning a soft smile and an inclination of his head. “Do you need to call somebody?” “Like who?” “I don’t know – Natasha? Fury? Whoever you call when you’re too sick to work,” he answered, shrugging, and I scoffed as I forced myself upright. “I’m an Avenger, Devil. There’s no such thing as ‘too sick to work’.” He raised an eyebrow as I looked to him, humming in amusement and disbelief. “Clint… You can barely breathe. I don’t think you’re up for chasing down criminals right now, do you?” A low growl resounded in my chest, leaning forward to snag my binder from the foot of the bed – but any objections I had were swallowed as I weaved alarmingly, the muscles in my forearms trembling. With a soft sigh, he pulled me back against him, my weak body far too exhausted to put up a fight. “Natasha?” Slowly, stubbornly, I nodded, and he offered me my cell. I’d barely fired off a quick text before the device buzzed violently, her name flashing across the screen. He slid it from my fingers, allowing me time to object, and answered the call as I half-pivoted to watch him. I’ve gotta admit… I do love how he knows I’m far too tired to even try to make out a call via my hearing aids. “Hi, Natasha. Yes, yes, he’s okay. Just a little under the weather. A cold, I think – a nasty one… No, no, I don’t think so… Maybe… That would be very nice, actually. I think he would appreciate it... No problem. Yes. Yes, I’ll see you then. Thank you, Agent Romanoff.” He hung up as my brow furrowed in confusion, offering me a soft smile. “Nat asked me to tell you to take it easy, and thanked me for making sure you didn’t do anything stupid, like try and go to work.” I blushed as he smiled, his lips skimming against my forehead. “Apparently you’re a soggy, snotty nightmare when you’re sick…” My blush deepened, and I frowned, shaking my head. “I’m not that bad…” “Well, either way, you’ve been ordered bedrest. So… How about you get some more sleep, and I’ll wake you in a few hours with some soup?” Despite myself, I couldn’t help but sigh contentedly at the thought, curling closer to his chest. “Fine, if you insist…”
By the time I stirred again, the room was softly lit by the bedside lamp, the curtains drawn, and a fluffy blanket was draped over my balled-up form. With a weak whine, I stretched my cramped limbs, frowning at the cool sheets around me. “Looking for Matt?” I sat up sharply at the voice, wincing at the pain in my head from the motion, grumbling quietly when I found green eyes in the dim light. “Nat? What the hell are you doing here?” She snorted once, moving to sit by my feet, inclining her head towards the door. “Came to drop off something for you… Matt’s probably already heating it up. The man really does hear everything, huh? He opened the door before we even reached it.” “We?” I prompted, brow furrowing, and she pinkened minutely. “Steve and I. I- He was at my place.” I raised an eyebrow, grinning weakly, and her blush deepened. “Going well then?” With a fond eye roll, she jostled my leg. “Yes, Barton. It’s going well.” She sighed happily, an uncharacteristically soft smile crossing her face. “… He’s good to me.” “I’m glad,” I replied, the sincerity of my tone somewhat undercut by the rasp and crack of my voice. “… So. What did you bring me?” “You’ll find out soon enough!” she laughed, adjusting my blankets and covering me more thoroughly. “I’m pretty limited in how I can help, but I figured… Well, maybe this would offer you some comfort. We all know you’re a whiny git when you’re sick.” I pouted theatrically, but she only snorted. Natasha had known me far too long to care about my dramatic displays – she knew, as I did, that despite my current discomfort and grumpiness, I’d be absolutely fine in a few days. As if on cue, the door opened, and Matt came in carrying a steaming bowl. I recognised the dish immediately by the smell, and turned to Nat with a broad grin. “Goulash?” Hungary was hell – spending three days in a freezing, abandoned warehouse waiting for evac with two badly dislocated shoulders wasn’t exactly my idea of a vacation – but she’d headed off despite the danger to find me something to eat, carefully tipping the street food down my throat without complaint, even as her own stomach rumbled pointedly. I’d developed a fondness for the dish ever since, reminded as I was of her caring and considerate nature. “What else?” she grinned, meeting my gaze as I took the bowl gratefully. “It’s just about the only thing I know to get you when you’re hurting.” We sat in silence for a heartbeat, each lost in the memories of that mission – one that was, by all accounts, a shit show, but made irrefutable changes to our relationship and solidified her status as the most important person in my life.
The goulash was just as delectable as it was every time she blessed me with it, and Steve clapped me on the shoulder before they left, wishing me a speedy recovery and promising to take good care of my partner during my absence. Matt settled down beside me when I recommenced my shivering, bundling me against his chest even as my body turned clammy with sweat, unable to sit by and watch me tremble, his fingers brushing my hair back from my forehead as I coughed and sniffed pathetically. He spend all evening in bed with me, reading aloud from one of his braille law books – the only thing he had to hand, reluctant to leave my side to seek something more recreational. “You can read non-braille books… Why do you bother with the braille editions? They’re always a nightmare to find…” I murmured sleepily, interrupting his soft explanation of diminished responsibility in criminal law and making him kiss my head gently. “It takes far less effort to read braille. In much the same way as you could wear your hearing aids constantly – it makes life easier for you, in some ways, but it’s also intensely draining, and sometimes, it takes more energy than you’re willing to give to the task at hand.” I nodded once, and no sooner had I become aware of the low ache in my head than his fingers cupped my jaw, raising my chin a little to meet my gaze. “… May I?” he murmured, hands shifting to my ears. Nodding again, I closed my eyes in relief as he slipped my hearing aids free, resting peacefully in the resultant silence my apparent ‘disability’ offered to me. He gently guided my cheek back to his chest, and I smiled myself as I realised he was continuing to speak, the rumble of his voice under me acting as a pleasing comfort as sleep nestled me close, warm and content despite the ache in my sinuses.
@flufftober @fandom-free-bingo @seasonaldelightsbingo @multifandom-flash
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hemlockdumpling · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hank Anderson/Connor Characters: Hank Anderson, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Sumo (Detroit: Become Human) Additional Tags: Sweet & Spicy: Multifandom Bingo, Hurt/Comfort, Trope of the Month, Sickfic, Established Relationship, Husbands, Married Life, Anniversary, date, Self-Doubt, Fear, Illnesses, Caring, Caretaking, Romantic Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Love, Don’t repost to another site, Swearing, night in, comm: trope of the month Summary:
Afraid to ruin their carefully planned anniversary date, Hank is ready to force himself through the evening, illness be damned.
Connor’s not having it.
Prompt for @sweetspicybingo - “Self-Doubt - Chicken Noodle Soup?” and DW Trope of the Month prompt “Sickfic.”
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lathalea · 2 years
For the Sweet Bingo, hopefully no one else has thought to ask for kissing on a ferris wheel and Thorin. I think it could be interesting if Yrsa somehow made an appearance. I do love her! Ultimately, it is your playground. Hopefully the muses are kind. Happy writing!
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Hello hello @sweetestgbye! Guess what, it's finally happened, here is your request for the Sweet and Spicy Bingo by @fellowshipofthefics-- sorry it took so long and enjoy! :)
Relationships: Thorin x Yrsa (from Blame it on Cider)
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Author's notes: A modern take on Thorin and Yrsa's relationship. Since @sweetestgbye gave me a free hand with picking a Sweet and Spicy Bingo prompt, I chose "soulmates".
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“Are you crazy, Thorin? I’m not getting up there!” Yrsa huffed and stomped her foot. And stomping her feet while wearing those new ruby-red high heels was a very difficult thing to do. But she was on a date with the hottest guy at the uni, a.k.a. Thorin Thrainsson, a.k.a. her boyfriend, and she just had to look her best. Especially since today he wore his hair (his amazing hair!) loose and he smiled at her with that soft little smile of his that softened his features, and looked at her with his dreamy blue eyes… making her knees unusually weak. But she was sure the cider they had just been drinking was at least partially to blame. She took another sip and stole a glance at the huge Ferris wheel, the newest–and biggest–attraction of the local amusement park. No, she was most certainly not getting up into that monstrosity, even though everyone in her home town kept on talking about how great it was. For a whole week Yrsa tried to ignore all the Instagram pictures or TikToks everyone kept on posting: “Look, this is me on the Ferris wheel!” “This is me and my bae kissing on the Ferris wheel!” “My doggo takes a ride with me on the Ferris wheel!” “Cute baby’s first time on the Ferris wheel!” “Mikey gets sick again on the Ferris wheel!”
Somehow, Yrsa did not think it was great at all.
“I got us tickets for the midnight ride, see?” Thorin took out four green tokens from the pocket of his leather jacket and purred seductively. “We’ll have the whole pod only for us. It's a full moon tonight, just think how romantic it will be: you, me, the moonlight in your fiery hair…”
“Thorin Thrainsson, I know exactly what you’re doing and sweet-talking me won’t work!” Yrsa poked her finger into his chest (very hard chest, she might add, and a very enjoyable one too, especially when not covered with that black rock band t-shirt he was currently wearing. She was referring, of course, to how well-defined his muscles were. She needed to see his bare chest often. For science. She needed to pass her anatomy exams somehow, right?), “I refuse to become one of the slaves of the consumerist society and go on this ride to hell! Besides, we can do so many other things, like go for a walk in the park…”
“At midnight? I thought you didn’t like that cemetery nearby,” Thorin furrowed his brow.
“Well… true, but still… We have options! Lots and lots of them! And all of them are on the ground!”
“Yrsa,” Thorin murmured, his half-lidded eyes cast a smouldering glance at her. “I know you’re not a fan of heights, but I’ll be with you all the time, holding your hand, just like I do now. You will be fine. I promise.”
Yrsa looked at their joined hands and then back at Thorin’s face. Very handsome face. And that wavy hair of his, dark as the night around them. And the way his lips moved… and she knew what these lips were capable of doing when they were alone. And they would be very much alone during the ride on the Ferris wheel. She swallowed.
No, Yrsa had to stand her ground.
“I won’t be fine! Can you imagine me hanging in the air, 300 feet above ground? It’s not natural!” She waved her hand emphatically, her ruby-red nail polish sparkling in the lamplight.
“I thought that this could be something special,” his rumbly voice reached her ears despite the hustle and bustle of the amusement park around them. “It’s our first anniversary, after all…”
“Oh. Is it? Yes, you’re right! How could I forget? it’s August, and our first kiss was at that wedding… You were so unbelievably grumpy, remember?” She chuckled.
“Only because you kept on brushing me off all day long!” Thorin grunted.
“I was just after a messy breakup,” Yrsa sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m still ashamed of how much I’ve drunk that night. But I’m glad you hadn’t given up on me then.”
“It’s not often I wake up next to a gorgeous woman who insists I’m her soulmate and then falls back to sleep, drooling on my chest…” “Hey!” Yrsa protested.
“... in a very cute and feminine way, of course,” Thorin grinned.
“Nice save!”
“Thank you,” Thorin made a mock bow, making Yrsa giggled and took another sip of cider from her paper cup.
“One year already, huh?” She hummed. “Our anniversary. I’m sorry, I feel so stupid, I should have remembered…”
“You remember all the Latin names of the bones in the human body and I remember the important dates and appointments. That’s how we roll, right?” Thorin pulled her close so that she was facing him now.
“Right,” she pecked him on his bearded cheek. It smelled like cider, strawberry ice-cream, and that sandalwood fragrance she had given him for Christmas. “Has anyone told you you’re the sexiest mechanical engineering student I’ve ever met?”
“Not often enough,” he rumbled, his lips drifting towards hers, but Yrsa tilted her head back.
“Am I not getting my one year anniversary kiss?” Thorin frowned.
“It depends,” Yrsa wrinkled her nose. 
“On whether we are going on that contraption from hell,” she pointed at the said contraption moving in a steady, circular, and slightly sickening motion above them.
“Yes, we are,” Thorin said with conviction.
“No, we aren’t,” Yrsa said with conviction.
“So… are you withholding kisses from me? It’s blackmail!”
“It’s called a self-preservation instinct!”
“Yrsa. The Ferris wheel is safe. I swear. It’s brand new, it passed all the tests—I was helping with the fatigue tests, remember? You will be alright!” Thorin squeezed her hand. 
“I won’t!” Yrsa shook her head. 
“Look at that kid, he just got off the Ferris wheel and he’s beaming!” “It’s Mikey Dorisson, he’s going to puke.”
“No, he’s not, he’s… oh. Well.”
“I told you.”
“But his sister looks happy!”
“Because she’s just uploaded another TikTok vid of him puking,” Yrsa scowled.
“Well, you won’t puke!”
“Because I’m not going!” “Even if I ask you to close your eyes so that I can give you one kiss for every minute we’re up there?” Thorin purred, pecking the tip of her nose. “Hmmm… how about one kiss every ten seconds?” Yrsa batted her eyelashes innocently. “That can be…” Thorin started.
“What’s up, bro? Hiya, Yrsa!” A dark-haired teenager in a worn, navy blue baseball cap waved at them.
“Frerin! What are you doing here?” Thorin growled.
“I came to see how you were doing! Yrsa, have you said ‘yes’?” Frerin gesticulated excitedly.
“He meant the Ferris wheel,” Thorin interjected, but Yrsa clearly saw the deadly stare he directed at his younger brother.
“I don’t— Ouch!” Frerin made a jump. “Ah, yeah. Right. Sure. I meant the Ferris wheel. So, are you going?”
“I’m not sure. I haven’t prepared my last will yet,” Yrsa whispered conspiratorially, making him laugh.
“I wouldn’t go if I were you,” Frerin replied with a glint in his eye. “Can you imagine spending so much time alone with my big bro? He’ll probably start telling you everything about the centrifugal force and all that other boring stuff! And what if you catch a cold? It’s very windy up there, you know. Oh, and…”
“Shut up, Frerin,” Thorin groaned, clenching his fists.
“Actually, Thorin was about to bribe me with some cotton candy…” Yrsa stated.
“Were I now?” Thorin’s eyebrow travelled up his forehead. Slowly.
“Yes, you were, “ Yrsa exclaimed enthusiastically. “Cotton candy and that big white teddy bear from the Mirkwood Shooting Gallery.”
“You know how I hate that stuck-up guy who runs the place,” Thorin sighed with a frown.
“But the teddy bear is sooo cute!” She batted her eyelashes again. It always worked. “Please?”
“Well…” Thorin hummed, but Yrsa knew him well enough to know she had already won. 
“And you better keep on hugging me all the time we’re up there,” she wrapped her arms around his upper arm and pecked his cheek. “Deal?”
“Deal!” Thorin pulled her into his arms and kissed her right on her lips, most probably ruining her ruby-red lipstick, but at that very moment she did not really care. She could never say no to his kisses. So she reciprocated.
“Guys! You’re disgusting!” Frerin groaned theatrically. “I’m going to get some ice-cream. Who wants some?”
Sadly, no one replied to him. Thorin and Yrsa were too busy.
“I’m going to name him ‘Beorn’.” Yrsa hugged her giant teddy bear as she settled herself in her Ferris wheel seat.
“Like that guy who rented us his vacation cabin?” Thorin wondered. 
“I don’t see the resemblance.” “Well, Beorn here is… fluffy.  Just like that guy. He reminded me of a big teddy bear.” She chuckled and sat the bear on the seat opposite her.
“Beorn? A big teddy bear? Didn’t you mean a big, rabid bear?” Thorin put his arm around her shoulder.
“No, that’s you,” Yrsa grinned, but then the Ferris wheel started moving, making her pale. “I’m going to need that hug and kiss now.”
Thorin, of course, complied.
 “Yrsa…” Thorin whispered as their lips parted. “You can open your eyes now. We are on top now and the view is…”
“Not even a tiny bit?” He murmured into her ear and moved away before she could protest.
“Nuh-uh,” she shook her head, her eyes still closed.
“Not even if I tell you that I have a little something for you? For our anniversary?” Yrsa decided that Thorin using his deep, purring voice had to be classified as a crime. She couldn’t say no, could she? She opened one eye. Just a little bit. Just to see why Thorin had stopped embracing her.
What she saw made Yrsa open her other eye and gasp. Thorin was kneeling on one knee in front of her and held something in his hands.
“Yrsa… I have to tell you something. You knew it from the moment we first met, but it took me a whole six months to realize that you were my… soulmate.”
“T-Thorin?” Her voice trembled. Somehow, Yrsa forgot that she was sitting in a small pod 300 feet above ground in darkness, sailing through the air with the moon hanging above them. “What are you saying?”
“I’m trying to say that you are the one I want to spend my whole life with.” Thorin opened the little box he held in his hand. Against the bottle green velvet, something glittered like the stars above them. “Will you marry me, Yrsa?”
Before she drowned in the low, velvety rumble of his voice, in the deep blue sea of his gaze, Yrsa managed to whisper, “Yes.”
At that very moment, she was not afraid of heights at all.
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merryfortune · 6 months
he felt his tongue tie as he finished his well rehearsed speech
Written using the Sweet and Spicy sweetheart Bingo [I'm aware it is ineligible for bingo]
Prompt: I’m Yours
Title: he felt his tongue tie as he finished his well rehearsed speech
Ship: Motherearthshipping | Earth/Spectre 
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains 
Rating: T 
Word Count: 1,548
Warnings: None 
Tags: Reunions, Post-Canon, Fluff, First Meeting
   Spectre faced himself in the mirror and repeated to himself an introduction which had become like a mantra for him, big breath then, “Hello, I am Spectre and I am your Origin.”
   He felt giddy. Wrong and excited. It was amazing. He felt like a young man looking to propose, a long lost sibling looking to make amends. It was all of these things and more as he looked into the mirror, readjusted his jacket and forced a smile.
   It was wrong. He wasn’t a smiley person, he wasn’t someone who ought to talk through gritted teeth and yet, he could not help himself. He had been waiting for this day to come for the past ten years if he was being honest.
   He recalled when he had first been taken under Ryoken’s wing, ushered into the back stage of the glorious theatre of pain which had been the Hanoi Project, explained the on-goings and happenings, the number one thing Spectre wanted was to meet his Ignis. His reason for his kidnapping and consequent torture. But alas. The very creature whose importance had necessitated the crime against him and his captivity was to be eliminated.
   By him no less.
   As a member of the Knights of Hanoi’s upper echelon. It was only right.
   That is what Spectre came to believe despite his initial disappointment.
   However that murder never came to fruition. Though Earth did die. Just not by their weapon.
   Ten long years had passed by that point and Spectre thought he had done well to calcify the resolve that was asked of him. He had performed so well for the Lost Incident, he could do this, too, but instead the psychic scream of his Ignis was too much to bear and so, past his defences, Spectre had shed one single tear.
   A hole had opened in his heart.
   And inside that hole, many things - many emotions, imaginings, and more - festered. Spectre began to explore more of the envy that he felt towards Playmaker and his Ignis, towards Soulburner and his Ignis. He began to wonder: what if?
   Earth had never sought him out. Spectre had been told it was because his reputation preceded him. That made sense. Thus, it became his assumption. 
   Now he would know for certain, however. If Earth had never looked for him because he had heard or realised or just somehow miraculously known that his Origin was now with one of the factions would seek to end him and his kin. Because now, Earth was back.
   He had died but now he had been resurrected.
   Playmaker was a disgustingly determined person. He was self-important and arrogant with how he proclaimed his justice and executed it without flaw. Spectre couldn’t stand him and yet, he was entirely enamoured with him because they were so opposite. 
   He couldn’t wait to thank Fujiki Yusaku in person for being exactly who he was. Weird as he was - and weird as it may be - because he had done the impossible in the name of love. He had brought not just his own Ignis back from death but all six of them.
   Then, he released those which did not belong to him.
   Ai was content - no, overjoyed - to stay by Playmaker’s side. The other Ignis on good terms with their Origins - so Aqua and Flame - made their way back to their own loved ones. Aqua reunited with Aoi and was finally able to meet Miyu, face to face and wide awake. Flame made the journey to Takeru’s hometown and was met with warm, open arms.
   Windy and Lightning… held back. They were rightfully reserved, remorseful, for what happened. Windy had only the cold grave of his Origin to visit and so, remained at Lightning’s heel, guilty, but together, as a pair, they made amends with the one who was still alive and bearing the brunt of their misdeeds. Jin accepted them, though he did heed the warnings all around him regarding what he didn’t remember but so far, the relationship though burdened was moving past that history.
   The Earth Ignis.
   He was free to do as he pleased. What he was pleased to do was wander, much the same as he had been looking for Aqua, now it was a question of if he was trying to look away from Spectre, however. He simply tramped through the Link VRAINS without a seeming care in the world for concealing his presence. 
   But his brethren encouraged him to find Spectre. 
   Even Spectre was encouraged by his own organisation to find Earth.
   In the months that Earth had been absent from his psyche, Spectre had changed. He had never realised before but Earth had been important to him. He had wanted to be fine with them never meeting, their paths remaining ever parallel, if only the Ignis had stayed inside their halcyon Cyberse World, had never interacted with humanity, for better or for worse. So when Earth was gone from this world, Spectre had never felt such frailty until then. 
   But now he was greedy. He wanted to meet Earth, he wanted the Ignis in the human world. It would never be beautiful or idyllic but it was as the cliche wrote. It was better to love and lose than to never love at all.
   So when Playmaker gave Spectre a tip - the coordinates of where Earth was likely to be at a certain time - he immediately made plans. He began to rehearse, in life and online, how he would introduce himself, how he would show he had turned over another leaf if Earth hated him or was certain he was still a threat.
   Spectre counted down the days, hours, minutes until he could finally bisect paths with Earth. Even if he had to force it. He would go to him if Earth wasn’t going to come to him. If that was how it would be, then Spectre wouldn’t just lay down and die like his namesake would imply.
   He would forge out a new future, a new happy time, with his own two hands for the… for the first time in a long time. Since he had run away from the orphanage, really. Even if the idea of it made his head spin and made him sick to the stomach, he would do it.
   He did do it.
   Just as Playmaker had said, Spectre found Earth in the vastness of the Link VRAINS. In some place no regular player would ever think to venture but it was a place which was fitting.
   A forest.
   Tall trees surrounded them, mossy rocks jutted out from the ground underfoot. The grass was lush and made satisfying noises when walked upon. The sky overhead was the purest blue. It was lonesome and beautiful here. Even if it was a fake forest.
   They found each other in the middle of it and Earth was… visibly surprised to see him, Spectre could tell. Though, he very well may have been surprised to see any human. Let alone him, wearing his stark white uniform of the Knights of Hanoi.
   Earth sized him and for a moment, Spectre thought he might flee. He had been warned that Earth was capable of making portals and disappearing through them but no such thing happened. Though Earth, floating at eye level, steeled himself, he didn’t run away.
   Relief flooded Spectre’s veins as he met Earth’s hard, discerning gaze. Thick silence ensued as they waited for the other to make the first move. Spectre willed that it would be him but his mouth dried as his rehearsed introduction momentarily failed him.
   In this pause, this stare down, Spectre faced Earth and briefly, he felt as though he were facing a mirror of himself. It was a stranger flicker but it was an intuition nonetheless. Of course Earth was going to be a reflection of him, he was the product of Spectre’s Hanoi Project.
   He had duelled well. He had channelled his love of the natural world and his despising of humans. He held on tight to a sense of importance: that for the first time in all the years he had walked the Earth, at the grand age of six, he had reason to be. That he was important. That his boredom was alleviated and that a happy time had been delivered unto him, one that he had been chosen specifically for.
   Earth was the culmination of all of that and more. All whilst he was his own being, with his own values and morals, history and memories, wants and needs, character and personality.
   Spectre took a deep breath as he felt his eyes well up with tears. Why was he trying to cry? He was stopping himself as he sputtered out.
   “Hello, my name is Spectre and,” he felt his tongue tie as he finished his well rehearsed speech with a fumble, “I’m yours.”
   Earth bowed his head. He took it in stride, not knowing there was a mistake at all. He put his hands in front of him in a manner Spectre knew well: the fist to palm salute, it made his heart tremble.
   “My name is Earth and it is good to finally meet you, I am yours as well.” Earth replied.
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summerwritesfics · 10 months
🍪Fool’s Paradise
Pairing: None Length: 1483 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Family Dinners, Family Drama, Past Character Death, Resurrection, Implied/Referenced Murder, Past Murder, Denial, Bàba Zero & Mama Zero are both in heavy denial, Bad things happened to Kuai Liang, No one in this is coping in a healthy way @sweetspicybingo: Family Dinner
Sweet & Spicy Bingo Masterlist
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Notes: Today on Summer is mean to Kuai Liang… Altho tbf I’m more torturing his family via him in this one so… :)
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Tomas poked at his dumpling with his chopsticks. It looked delicious, as Mother’s food always did, but his appetite was none existent. Every time he looked up, he saw the rest of his family, happily taking portions from the various dishes in the centre of the table. Well, everyone except Kuai Liang, who was blankly staring at the wall opposite him. No one seemed bothered, Mother just occasionally placed some food on Kuai’s plate, only for him to not eat any of it.
How was he the only person unnerved by all this?
“So… Are we all just supposed to pretend nothing happened?” He finally asked, trying not to slam his chopsticks down on the table in frustration.
Mother turned to him and gave him an uneasy smile. “What do you mean?”
He ground his teeth together, eyes landing on Kuai Liang again. There was still no reaction, and the food Mother was placing on his plate just kept piling up. He looked to Father and Bi-Han. Father sat with his hands clasped together, looking at Tomas expectantly. Meanwhile Bi-Han had his head low, scowl on his face like he was trying to avoid all of them.
“I mean-“ He stopped himself, taking a deep breath. He lowered his voice as he said “I mean what happened with Kuai Liang.”
It was like that sentence somehow paused time itself. No one moved, and certainly no one spoke. It was like everyone stopped breathing. Mother and Father shared a glance, it looked like they were having a silent conversation. Bi-Han pointedly looked away from everyone, while Kuai’s empty stare never wavered. Tomas swallowed, trying to hold back tears.
“He died,” Tomas stressed when no one answered him. “He died and we watched him die.”
Granted, his memories of that day were blurred at best. He remembered Lin Kuei running around the temple, before Father had come to collect Bi-Han and him, telling them something had happened to Kuai Liang. Tomas believed nothing could ever come close to what he witnessed the day his birth mother and sister died, but what waited for them in that hospital room was definitely up there. Kuai’s battered and brutalised body, so many wires attached to him trying in vain to keep him alive. The second Tomas walked into that room, he knew there was no coming back.
He would forever be haunted by the sound of Mother screaming for her baby as Kuai Liang flatlined.
Yet here Kuai Liang was. Sat at the dinner table. Alive. 
“The Doctor’s just got it wrong, that’s all,” Mother tried to excuse, voice strained and tears in her eyes.
Father sighed softly, reaching over the table to take her hand as he whispered “Yawen.”
Mother blinked, tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked at Father. She hiccuped slightly, before violently jerking her hand from him. Father looked hurt, but did nothing to stop her. Gut twisted further, Tomas suddenly got the feeling Father had something to do with this.
That unfortunately clicked into place far too well.
After all, who else would have been able to access Kuai Liang’s body for it to have gone missing?
“What did you do?” Mother was addressing Father but looking at Kuai Liang instead. She gently placed a hand on her youngest son’s cheek. For the first time since he’d come back, Kuai actually reacted, even if it was just a small flinch at the contact. “I’m grateful he is back, but what did you do to him?”
“What I had to,” Father replied simply. Tomas didn’t understand what that meant.
And if he knew a way to bring someone back from the dead, how come he never brought my Mama or Tamara back to me? 
Although, given the state Kuai Liang was currently in, maybe it was a blessing in disguise that they were never subjected to all of this.
“He’s been through something traumatic,” Father continued, refusing to elaborate on what exactly he’d done. Tomas bit his lip, resisting the urge to question if Lord Liu Kang knew of this turn of events. “He just needs time to adjust. We just need to be patient with him.”
“So… You really do expect us to just pretend like nothing happened?” Bi-Han hissed, and the glare he was giving his Father was deadly. Tomas had been on the receiving end of Bi-Han’s anger far too often, and even he’d never seen this amount of hatred in his brother’s eyes. “We’re all just supposed to retreat into a fucking fantasy where some bastard didn’t murder him in cold blood?”
Father’s face tightened and he reached a hand up to rub his temples. “When he’s recovered, then we can focus on what happened to him, and seek vengeance against those who did this.” He placed both hands on the table, looking around at everyone one by one. “Until then, we need to reduce any stress for him. Putting too much on him, too soon, will be catastrophic.”
Tomas bowed his head slightly. What on Earth did you do, Father? He loved his family, truly he did, they took him in when they really had no obligation to. He would never say a bad word about any of them. But by the Elder God’s, he had doubts that what Father had done in this instance was a good thing.
“Bi-Han,” Father directed, clearly trying to defuse his eldest son’s anger. “I promise, we will find out who did this, and we will make them pay.” Father looked towards Kuai Liang, where Mother was gently stroking his cheek with the back of her hand. “But you need to have patience.”
Bi-Han glared at him, before his own gaze landed on Kuai. He was still shaking with rage, but took a deep breath and bit out a bitter, “fine.”
Silence settled once again, and while Tomas was sure no one was feeling it anymore, they all returned to their meals. The dumpling he placed in his mouth was delicious even if not as hot as he’d have liked it to be.
When Tomas saw Kuai move from the corner of his eye, his head shot up. Slowly, Kuai was lifting his hands, while lowering his head slightly to stare at them. His face was still blank, but his brow ever so slightly scrunched up like he was confused.
“Kuai Liang?” Mother whispered hopefully. She reached for Kuai’s face again. This time he didn’t flinch, but slowly turned his head towards her.
“Mama?” His voice croaked, small and pretty much devoid of life. Tomas' heart broke, none of them had referred to Mother as Mama in years. It was too embarrassing in front of the other recruits, who’d often make fun of them for it.
“Yes. Yes, it’s me, my little flame,” she whispered, cradling his face in his hands. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
Kuai blinked a few times, “D-Don’t… Understand.”
“I know.” Mother laughed slightly, tears rolling down her cheeks as she blinked. “But you’ll be okay, Mama’s here.”
Kuai still looked blank, but his eyes were more focused now, and even from afar, Tomas could see how wet his eyes were getting. It was like he was completely lost, searching for an answer to a question he couldn’t even ask.
“Why don’t we go for a walk,” she suggested, and as she stood she took Kuai’s hands in her own. He let Mother guide him to his feet. “That’s it, come with me.”
Tomas didn’t say anything, neither did Bi-Han or Father. All three just watched as Kuai awkwardly followed after his Mother, legs stiff and not bending properly like he’d forgotten how to actually walk. All the time, she gently coaxed him to keep following with words of praise.
Once the pair were gone, Father, Bi-Han and Tomas continued their silence. Even though Tomas’ mind was screaming at him to say something, anything, he just couldn’t seem to conjure any words. All he could do was bite his lip, and look down at his plate. His dumpling’s had long since cooled.
He placed his chopsticks down on his plate, pushing it back onto the table. He hadn’t been hungry in the first place, but now he felt downright sick. Neither Father nor Bi-Han attempted to stop him as he also stood up and walked out of the room.
His footsteps echoed throughout the halls, in the distance he could hear Mother still talking to Kuai, occasionally he heard his voice, although short and sharp. When he heard a high pitched whine, and Mother cooing softly, he decided that it may be for the best to allow her to deal with whatever was going on.
He turned the corner in the opposite direction to where their voices were coming from.
“It’s okay, Kuai Liang, it’s all going to be okay,” Mother assured him.
Tomas was not so optimistic.
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Sweet & Spicy Bingo presents: Hurt & Comfort Bingo
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Preview for the upcoming fics to fill the squares.
Stories written for: @sweetspicybingo
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Square 1: ??? (??? x Reader): black eye
Square 2: ??? (Biker!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader): "You're safe now."
Square 3: ??? (??? x Reader): stranded
Square 4: ??? (??? x Reader): much-needed hug
Square 5: ??? (??? x Reader): chronic illness
Square 6: Never again (??? x Reader): cathartic shower
Square 7: ??? (??? x Reader): touch starved
Square 8: ??? (Dean Winchester x Reader): stitching up wounds
Square 9: ??? (??? x Reader): "I'm tired of fighting."
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Square 10: ??? (??? x Reader): breakfast in bed
Square 11: ??? (??? x Reader): broken ribs
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Find all other Bingos and Special Events here: Special Events
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