#Swen Blank
lilakartoffelbrei · 2 months
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A quick visit to Eis Solana
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sqwintersolstice · 9 months
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Hello, Swen!
The final steps are upon us. It’s time to put your works in the Swan Queen Winter Solstice collection, so they can eventually be revealed to the fandom! 💜
The deadline for posting your work(s) is midnight EST on January 22nd unless you’ve asked for an extension. (Click HERE to check what time that is in your area.)
Without further ado, let’s do this!
To start, head directly to the collection by clicking HERE, and then hit the Post to Collection button to submit a work to it.
If you have participated before in similar events, then feel free to skip the rest of this tutorial and create your work in the collection (the only exception might be if you’re posting a video, because we have a special formatting we’ve provided for displaying them on mobile. You might want to check it out in section 6.3).
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The first section that will show up when you create a new work is the Tags section. Here you will add information about your creation: Rating, Archive Warnings, Fandom, Category, Relationships, Characters, and Additional Tags. It will look similar to the image below:
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The Rating and the Archive Warnings are very important steps, so please make sure they are accurate to your work. Make use of any of the options for Archive Warnings that might apply, keeping in mind that ‘No Archive Warnings Apply’ should only be used in case none of the others such as ‘Graphic Depictions of Violence’ or ‘Underage’ appear in your work. Otherwise, if you’re trying to avoid spoiling your plot for any reason, ‘Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings’ is a good option.
In Fandoms, you could add another besides Once Upon a Time (TV) if your work has a crossover; in Relationships, and Characters, feel free to add any others that might appear in your work besides Emma and Regina in case they’re crucial to the plot.
Additional Tags can include anything you feel might also apply to your creation, and that also might help people search for it. 
If there are any specific warnings you’d like to clarify, add them in. Is your plot set in an alternate universe? Or maybe it includes bed sharing? Are they being idiots in love? (Always.) Maybe they’re trapped together? Is there lots of fluff? Mutual pining? Angst? (Well, now that would be a plot alright.) 
Just don’t add too many to avoid overwhelming anyone, of course.
Now, to introduce your work to people. How will it be named and remembered? Here’s more or less how the preface section will look like once you’ve filled it in:
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In your Work Title, you name your creation. In Add co-creators, you add the name of your collab creator in case you have one. You put your Summary in its text box, explaining some of your plot — for writers and artists both, we recommend not leaving your summary blank! It gives a bit more insight into your work.
Specifically for artists — in the title, adding [Art], [Fanvid] or [Fanart] to the end of your title helps make it recognizable in the collection. (An additional tag with the same thing wouldn’t hurt, too!)
After that, we have Notes. You can have them at the beginning by checking the little box, or at the end (or both!). The first one is a good place for you to thank betas, cheerleaders, explain a bit about your idea, inspirations; while the second one can be another place to thank everyone, talk a bit more about your process, and remind everyone that comments are very very welcome.
If your work has multiple chapters, we recommend not marking ‘at the end’ for now unless you’d like for the same note to appear at the end of every chapter!
Firstly, please check that SQWinterSolstice3 is still there in Post to Collections / Challenges — if you clicked directly on the link beforehand, it should be. If you don’t see it, type it in and you should be good to go.
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It’s possible to Gift this work to someone, too. You could gift it to your beta, cheerleader, or just a friend. Just type in their AO3 name.
This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work — you can mark this if you worked with another creator. Just get the work’s URL from your collab partner, paste it in its box and AO3 will do the rest.
This work is part of a series — in case you’re writing multiple works set in the same universe, for example, you can mark this and create a series. Otherwise, feel free to skip it altogether.
This work has multiple chapters — as seen in the image above, when you mark the option you can type in the amount of chapters your work has, as well as name your first chapter. If your work does not have multiple chapters, just leave it unmarked.
Set a different publication date — do NOT mark it just yet! Once you receive your email with your reveal date, we will provide further instructions about this and when to change the date. If you set it to something different now, your work won’t show up at the beginning of the SQ tag once it’s revealed, so leave it alone for now.
Choose a language — select English and that’s it!
Select work skin — if you have worked with HTML/CSS before and have customized something for your work, select your work skin here. If not, leave it blank, or refer to 6.3 in case you’re posting a video.
This section is completely up to you. While ‘Only show your work to registered users’ and ‘Only registered users can comment’ might limit mean comments, they can also make it harder for people to comment in general. ‘Enable comment moderation’ means you’ll have to approve comments before they show up on the page, so it’s a more viable option. Consider what’s best for you.
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Here is where you place your work. 
6.1 — Fics; 
6.2 — Fanarts, fanmixes etc; 
6.3 — Fanvids.
6.1. FICS
While you can use the HTML editor, we recommend switching to the Rich Text editor so you can directly paste your story from Word or Google Docs. Otherwise, your fic might lack spaces between each paragraph, making it harder to read. Most of the basic formatting will be retained from the original, such as bold, italics, paragraph division, etc so please make sure to change to Rich Text before pasting your work.
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If everything worked so far and feels correct, please refer to item 7.
Also using the Rich Text editor like shown above, to add an image click on Insert/edit image:
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This is what will pop up once you do:
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In Source, AO3 asks you to paste in the url of your work. There are a few options to get one. The easiest one is to post it privately on your Tumblr, grabbing the url from it. Please remember that anywhere you post it to get this url has to be private, since it hasn’t been revealed yet. Your URL has to end in .png, .jpg, .gif to be valid. AO3 also provides a few alternatives, if you want to check it out.
Next, we have Image description. Here you’re able to describe your work for people who use screen readers.
For Width and Height, leave it blank for now and see how your image looks posted before altering it. If it looks fine for all screens, then you don’t have to change it.
You might have to write something in the text box in order to have the image show up.
If everything worked so far and feels correct, please refer to item 7.
Remember: your video has to be set to private until its reveal date! The following tutorial works for Youtube videos. It might not work if you’re posting it elsewhere.
If you head to your video, you’re able to click on Share and then Embed and copy the code for your video. While pasting that code on the HTML editor on AO3 works fine, it leaves it badly displayed on mobile. For this reason, we found a code from pigalle that embeds a youtube video and scales it correctly for any smaller screens.
It may be a few extra steps, but it does look a lot nicer for mobile viewers.
The first step is to create your own work skin so you’re able to apply it to your work. (You might have to save your work first as a draft in order to have your work skin showing up as an option to choose from. It’s necessary to refresh the page so the work skin shows up.)
So, to create your work skin, head over to your profile on the top right, then click on My Dashboard.
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There, click on Skins, then on the button My Work Skins, and, last but not least, Create Work Skin.
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Next, in the About section you can fill it in with any Title you’d like, as long as the Type is set to Work Skin. The description, preview and apply to make public options are not necessary, so you may skip them.
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Now, for the CSS part. The CSS is what sets the properties and values and decides how the HTML will look like. What matters is just pasting the code below in the box. You don’t have to alter it, just copy and paste it:
#workskin .mobilevideo {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#workskin .videoscale {
position: relative;
height: 0;
padding-top: 56.25%;
#workskin .videocontainer {
max-width: 100%;
width: 560px;
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After that, just click on Submit, and that will mean your Work Skin has been created!
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Back to your work, in the Associations section, Select Work Skin should have your recently created one as an option. Remember that you might have to refresh the page for it to show up, so make sure to save it as a draft first so you don’t lose any changes you made.
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And then, in the HTML editor of your work, paste the code below:
<center><div class="videocontainer"><div class="videoscale"><p><iframe class="mobilevideo" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VIDEO ID HERE" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p></div></div></center>
Then, when you go to your video on Youtube, grab the ID portion of it like the one highlighted below:
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Simply copy and paste that into the code where it says VIDEO ID HERE, like shown in the picture below as an example:
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If everything worked so far and feels correct, please refer to item 7.
And that’s it! Please double-check if everything is correct, though you’ll be able to edit it later. If you’d like to take a look at it first, click on Preview. If you’re confident about it, just click on Post.
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If you’ve clicked on Preview, it will show how your work looks like on AO3. If something’s amiss, go back to the previous page by clicking on Edit. If it’s good to go, just click on Post — it’s the only way to have it be submitted to the collection, otherwise we won’t receive it.
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If your work is one with multiple chapters, or you’d like to make it one, on top of the posted work you’ll find several buttons. Clicking on Add Chapter or Edit will provide you with the option to create a new chapter for your work.
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In case it only has one chapter and you’d like to edit it, just click on Edit and you should find the same page from earlier. Simply scroll down until you get to the Work Text section, and then click on the Rich Text button to edit your work.
Once your work is posted as a Mystery Work, you can bookmark the page on your browser — the url will not change after it’s been revealed. It’s the easiest way to not lose track of where your work is and edit it later.
But don’t worry! If you lost your work’s url, there are a few ways to get the url and save it.
On your dashboard on AO3, there is an option on the sidebar that says WORKS. From there, you can either click EDIT WORKS (which displays all your works) or WORKS IN COLLECTIONS (which displays all your works currently in a collection). Either option will show you your unrevealed work.
There we go! Now you’re all set. Thank you so much for submitting your work!
We will be emailing you your reveal date(s) soon, so don’t worry if you hear someone has already gotten it and yours hasn’t arrived yet. In the email you’ll have more details on what to do for your reveal day, so please make sure to check your email so you don’t miss it!
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] preferably, or on Twitter @SQWintrSolstice.
Swan Queen Winter Solstice Mods
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ryik-the-writer · 5 years
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Each day, it hits me I can't live with goodbye
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qu0t13 · 3 years
Even More Predatory Bird!Addison Stuff
Addisons reproduce two ways. 'Sexually' and Ae-sexually.
'Sexual' reproduction occurs when two Addisons co-mingle DNA resulting in viable Pipis. Pipis' resulting from sexual reproduction are more than likely adopted into one of the parent's flocks, though occasionally the young are passed between flocks.
Pipis' resulting from ae-sexual reproduction however are created when a Addison more or less copies and pastes their own DNA into a clutch of Pipis, resulting in offspring that is biologically identical to the parent.
Addisons tend to prefer 'sexual' reproduction as the resulting Fletchlings are perfect blanks slates of potential, meaning that the young are capable of fulfilling any niche, while Fletchlings resulting from Ae-sexual reproduction are identical to the parent, down to their future coloration.
Addison Fletchlings grow relatively quickly and are considered adults once they grow into their colors. Addison Fletchlings are hatched with their eyes open and are fully capable of locomotion (Sitting, walking) within the first hours of hatching, with fine moter skills developing during the first week of life. Speech develops within the first month and within a year and Addison Fletchling is considered a pseudo-adult and fully capable of contributing to the flock.
However, a Fletchling is only considered an adult once their color grows in.
An Addison Fletchling typically comes into their coloration between ages 1.5 and 2.5, after they gain enough world experience to begin settling into a niche.
It is incredibly rare for an Addison to remain White their entire lives, with even the latest bloomers coming into their colors around age 3
While the majority of 'sexually' reproduced Addisons remain between their parental flocks, Ae-sexually reproduced Pipis are often abandoned or the Fletchlings rejected from the parental flock.
Over Flocking occurs where an overabundance of same colors Addisons are present within a given flock, resulting in an amassment of same-skilled individuals which can bog down the functionality of the flock as a whole.
If a flock becomes at risk of Over Flocking, the laid Pipis' will be either re-sewn or auctioned off to other flocks in need of a particular niche fulfillment.
Re-sewning is the act of discarding a clutch of Pipis to the wild and let natural selection take its course. The Fletchlings hatched from the discarded clutch capable of surviving the first month without adult Addison assistance will band together to create a micro flock made of same-colored siblings.
Re-sewning Pipis is typically frowned upon by non-Addison species as it creates 'pest problems' However Addisons tend to view Re-Sewning as a means to enrich new generations as Re-sewn Fletchlings are often far rougher around the edges and more prone to taking risks, fitting poorly with established flocks if ever adopted.
Flock Adoption:
Established Addison Flocks of few numbers or limited coloration will occasionally adopt younger Addisons into their folds, either through Pipis auctions or taking in Re-swen Fletchlings off the streets.
Fletchlings adopted via Pipis auction are well adapted to flock life from a young age, being surrounded by other Addisons offering support and guidence, though it is important to note that a adopted Addison will never refer to a flockmate as a parental title, only as a sibling.
Adopted Re-Sewn Fletchlings however may take longer to climatize to flock life, maintaining a more standoffish approach to interaction with flock mates or refusing to cooperate.
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aenslem · 4 years
my all-time ultimate fave character: if it was not obvious before... Regina Mills :D
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: that’s actually hard, Henry? Rogers? i was kinda angry with henry in the beginning, like, so easily naming the woman who raised you your entire life the evil queen, without second thought... i mean, yeah i get it, but still don’t like it :D also, Rogers was kinda not a bad character, i liked the story with Alice, i know why they brought him in the show, they could not have hook without emma, because honestly, those two in the end were not characters on their own at all, but they needed old face that everyone liked?? so they brought wish realm hook and somehow he became much better character than the original :D that’s how it is when the entire character is not just created for a ship lmao can;t say i love him or smth, but i did enjoy watching him ;) maybe there are some more, but i can;t remember all the characters right now :D
a character I used to like but now don’t: not that i don’t like her now, i do like Emma, but honestly, after s2 and Hook... she was more like a copy of old Emma. Not that i loved her before, i wanted to punch her every time lmao but she did have personality before.
a character I’m indifferent about: lmao almost everyone in the show??? snow and charming mostly, i guess. 
a character who deserved better: would be weird to say Regina? yes, she got her redemption arc but at what cost... she could become a good girl much faster and better than it was done in the show. but they just could not make her as blank but good as other characters who were annoying af with their kindness, while also doing shit which they were forgiven for, so they threw her from one side to another so viewers are still into evil queen, but in the end it became so boring, like again?? and Emma, she did not deserve to become a blank half of the ship instead of a character. Also Ruby, i know it was actress leaving the show, but honestly, almost every character from the first season who was such a huge part of the story got lost somewhere and if brought back it was done so bad. 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: lmao i guess we both know which one it is :D emma x hook, but also the ship that just made me cringe and i don’t even want to mention it but... gold x evil queen, no, just no.
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: swaaan queeeeen of course, literally all of my ouat posts are either regina or swen :’D
a cute, low-key ship: ummm... because of fics: belle x ruby maybe? im not really shipping anyone else there, like i ship sq.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: idk honestly, i don’t remember which ships happened in the show :’D except those obvious ones. ummm, idk from fics i remember Zelena x Mulan, but im pretty sure they never met on screen?? :D fanfiction did so much better for those characters then the show itself. 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: ok, emma and hook was obvious af, but at least it was not unexpected because we live in a straight world and emma ‘needed a man’ pffttt horrible, but gold and evil queen was totally unexpected for me and then zelena and evil queen fighting over gold?? lol what actual fcuk it was?? no, nooo eeeww. i loved rumple and regina as father and daughter kinda relationship, but they just ruined it with it...
my favourite storyline/moment: my favorite parts are connected to regina and emma and henry, both sacrificing themselves for their son and each other.
a storyline that never should have been written: literally entire beginning was full of so much random shit and then we never saw it again, regina using that forbidden curse with help of who were those??? did we see them ever again? no one needed those side creatures ever again and let’s be honest that curse was not done once lmao them forgetting everything every fuckin season! all of those characters in the show never used, we are just getting references and have an epic characters but they do nothing, the latest seasons are just bunch of heroes moving from one place to another, and we hardly see any of them ALONE! there were too many characters on screen that they did not have actual time for heroes that mattered for the plot. the entire latest seasons with all those not fairytale characters but gods??? GODS???? underworld? arthur and merlin? suddenly things appear from nowhere but they mean so much, but we never heard of them before??? but they are super important, like that hat? what was with all that merlin stuff? he just appeared and died. and there were so much more... and bringing hook back, it could be so much better if he just died, not because i don’t like hook, but it was like some characters can get back from dead, but when it comes to regina she can’t have anything. if we have robin hood and he is so important for regina than make him important without her also! i hated that some characters could not exist without their ship. that was so bad... and also entire gideon arc?? what was that, and where was gideon after??? like he just got better and then poof, his parents are dying but we never see him again and the entire plot was based on gold wanting to bring his son back, but when he has a son he just is not with him??? dude, i can go forever on what was wrong with this show :D
my first thoughts on the show: as i already mentioned before, i started this show back when it was airing, but never continued, watched half of an episode or smth and it was boring and not interesting for me, and then i started and i got angry with the way this show shows so many things and how it handles it and how it treats some characters, i was sure i will get a headache from it and i was not wrong lmao
my thoughts now: my head hurts :D it really could be a great show if the writers were not such a cowards, if they could handle some things better, but it feels like they wanted to put as much in the show as they can to attract viewers and in the end it was so crowded that the plot was long gone. i am not sure they paid attention to what they write, because in the end they would forget their own rules of the world they created. that was the worst, like they did not care for it, they was sure we will take everything just because we already like some characters. but it had potential in the beginning, though they could not handle their own creation in the end so they just gave up and we got this mess. but if they would follow their own rules, like magic has the price, which is really great, and would not throw random characters just for the sake of having them in the show, it really could be a great show. and maybe if they were not such a cowards we would at least have the best enemies to friends to lovers ship ever, because honestly, if one of the main heroes were man, we would have had it. but they were women so they brought another bad character and made him good just for the ship, and then ruined the main character and made her part of the ship instead of the character on her own, while with regina emma was emma and not part of the ship. this show has a lot of issues and i hate the fact that regina mills is part of it, she deserves so much better than this mess :’D
Thank you ^-^send me a tv series and I’ll tell you
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somewhereapart · 8 years
Isn't it interesting that OQ shippers are the only ERs to ever be told that we don't belong in this fandom. We're the only ones who are told that we're not real ERs. Why?
I actually don’t believe that that’s true. I know that Swen have been told numerous times that they don’t belong in the fandom, occasionally that they don’t belong on the planet. That their ship is incest and abusive and that they shouldn’t be allowed to call themselves fans of Regina or Emma if they support it. I’m not sure if they’ve been told they aren’t real Evil Regals (I’m not saying they haven’t, I’m just drawing a blank on specific instances), but I know that they certainly are not exempt from people trying to gatekeep them for what they ship. 
We’re not the only ERs who get shit from the other ships -- Asshole seems to be a universal language that transcends ship lines.
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lilakartoffelbrei · 4 months
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Everyone except Omar enjoys their time at the Blank trailers
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lilakartoffelbrei · 4 months
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Fun with family and friends
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lilakartoffelbrei · 4 months
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The pink mom society
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lilakartoffelbrei · 5 months
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Fun times at the playground
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lilakartoffelbrei · 2 years
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Meanwhile at the trailer park
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lilakartoffelbrei · 2 years
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Can I pet your dog?
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sqwintersolstice · 2 years
How to Post your Work(s) to the AO3 Collection
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Hello, Swen!
The final steps are upon us. It’s time to put your works in the Swan Queen Winter Solstice collection, so they can eventually be revealed to the fandom! 💜
The deadline for posting your work(s) is midnight EST on February 6th unless you’ve asked for an extension. (Click HERE to check what time that is in your area.)
Without further ado, let’s do this!
To start, head directly to the collection by clicking HERE, and then hit the Post to Collection button to submit a work to it.
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If you have participated before in similar events, then feel free to skip the rest of this tutorial and create your work in the collection (the only exception might be if you’re posting a video, because we have a special formatting we’ve provided for displaying them on mobile. You might want to check it out in section 6.3).
The first section that will show up when you create a new work is the Tags section. Here you will add information about your creation: Rating, Archive Warnings, Fandom, Category, Relationships, Characters, and Additional Tags. It will look similar to the image below:
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The Rating and the Archive Warnings are very important steps, so please make sure they are accurate to your work. Make use of any of the options for Archive Warnings that might apply, keeping in mind that ‘No Archive Warnings Apply’ should only be used in case none of the others such as ‘Graphic Depictions of Violence’ or ‘Underage’ appear in your work. Otherwise, if you’re trying to avoid spoiling your plot for any reason, ‘Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings’ is a good option.
In Fandoms, you could add another besides Once Upon a Time (TV) if your work has a crossover; in Relationships, and Characters, feel free to add any others that might appear in your work besides Emma and Regina in case they’re crucial to the plot.
Additional Tags can include anything you feel might also apply to your creation, and that also might help people search for it.
If there are any specific warnings you’d like to clarify, add them in. Is your plot set in an alternate universe? Or maybe it includes bed sharing? Are they being idiots in love? (Always.) Maybe they’re trapped together? Is there lots of fluff? Mutual pining? Angst? (Well, now that would be a plot alright.)
Just don’t add too many to avoid overwhelming anyone, of course.
Now, to introduce your work to people. How will it be named and remembered? Here’s more or less how the preface section will look like once you’ve filled it in:
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In your Work Title, you name your creation. In Add co-creators, you add the name of your collab creator in case you have one. You put your Summary in its text box, explaining some of your plot — for writers and artists both, we recommend not leaving your summary blank! It gives a bit more insight into your work.
Specifically for artists — in the title, adding [Art], [Fanvid] or [Fanart] to the end of your title helps make it recognizable in the collection. (An additional tag with the same thing wouldn’t hurt, too!)
After that, we have Notes. You can have them at the beginning by checking the little box, or at the end (or both!). The first one is a good place for you to thank betas, cheerleaders, explain a bit about your idea, inspirations; while the second one can be another place to thank everyone, talk a bit more about your process, and remind everyone that comments are very very welcome.
If your work has multiple chapters, we recommend not marking ‘at the end’ for now unless you’d like for the same note to appear at the end of every chapter!
Firstly, please check that SQWinterSolstice2 is still there in Post to Collections / Challenges — if you clicked directly on the link beforehand, it should be. If you don’t see it, type it in and you should be good to go.
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It’s possible to Gift this work to someone, too. You could gift it to your beta, cheerleader, or just a friend. Just type in their AO3 name.
This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work — you can mark this if you worked with another creator. Just get the work’s URL from your collab partner, paste it in its box and AO3 will do the rest.
This work is part of a series — in case you’re writing multiple works set in the same universe, for example, you can mark this and create a series. Otherwise, feel free to skip it altogether.
This work has multiple chapters — as seen in the image above, when you mark the option you can type in the amount of chapters your work has, as well as name your first chapter. If your work does not have multiple chapters, just leave it unmarked.
Set a different publication date — do NOT mark it just yet! Once you receive your email with your reveal date, we will provide further instructions about this and when to change the date. If you set it to something different now, your work won’t show up at the beginning of the SQ tag once it’s revealed, so leave it alone for now.
Choose a language — select English and that’s it!
Select work skin — if you have worked with HTML/CSS before and have customized something for your work, select your work skin here. If not, leave it blank, or refer to 6.3 in case you’re posting a video.
This section is completely up to you. While ‘Only show your work to registered users’ and ‘Only registered users can comment’ might limit mean comments, they can also make it harder for people to comment in general. ‘Enable comment moderation’ means you’ll have to approve comments before they show up on the page, so it’s a more viable option. Consider what’s best for you.
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Here is where you place your work.
6.1 — Fics;
6.2 — Fanarts, fanmixes etc;
6.3 — Fanvids.
6.1. FICS
While you can use the HTML editor, we recommend switching to the Rich Text editor so you can directly paste your story from Word or Google Docs. Otherwise, your fic might lack spaces between each paragraph, making it harder to read. Most of the basic formatting will be retained from the original, such as bold, italics, paragraph division, etc so please make sure to change to Rich Text before pasting your work.
If everything worked so far and feels correct, please refer to item 7.
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Also using the Rich Text editor like shown above, to add an image click on Insert/edit image:
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This is what will pop up once you do:
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In Source, AO3 asks you to paste in the url of your work. There are a few options to get one. The easiest one is to post it privately on your Tumblr, grabbing the url from it. Please remember that anywhere you post it to get this url has to be private, since it hasn’t been revealed yet. Your URL has to end in .png, .jpg, .gif to be valid. AO3 also provides a few alternatives, if you want to check it out.
Next, we have Image description. Here you’re able to describe your work for people who use screen readers.
For Width and Height, leave it blank for now and see how your image looks posted before altering it. If it looks fine for all screens, then you don’t have to change it.
You might have to write something in the text box in order to have the image show up.
If everything worked so far and feels correct, please refer to item 7.
Remember: your video has to be set to private until its reveal date! The following tutorial works for Youtube videos. It might not work if you’re posting it elsewhere.
If you head to your video, you’re able to click on Share and then Embed and copy the code for your video. While pasting that code on the HTML editor on AO3 works fine, it leaves it badly displayed on mobile. For this reason, we found a code from pigalle that embeds a youtube video and scales it correctly for any smaller screens.
It may be a few extra steps, but it does look a lot nicer for mobile viewers.
The first step is to create your own work skin so you’re able to apply it to your work. (You might have to save your work first as a draft in order to have your work skin showing up as an option to choose from. It’s necessary to refresh the page so the work skin shows up.)
So, to create your work skin, head over to your AO3 profile on the top right, then click on My Dashboard.
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There, click on Skins, then on the button My Work Skins, and, last but not least, Create Work Skin:
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Next, in the About section you can fill it in with any Title you’d like, as long as the Type is set to Work Skin. The description, preview and apply to make public options are not necessary, so you may skip them.
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Now, for the CSS section. The CSS is what sets the properties and values and decides how the HTML will look like. What matters is just pasting the code below in the box. You don’t have to alter it, just copy and paste it:
#workskin .mobilevideo {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#workskin .videoscale {
position: relative;
height: 0;
padding-top: 56.25%;
#workskin .videocontainer {
max-width: 100%;
width: 560px;
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After that, just click on Submit, and that will mean your Work Skin has been created!
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Back to your work, in the Associations section (refer to item 4 if necessary), Select Work Skin should have your recently created one as an option. Remember that you might have to refresh the page for it to show up, so make sure to save it as a draft first so you don’t lose any changes you made.
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And then, in the HTML editor, paste the code below:
<div class="videocontainer">
<div class="videoscale">
<iframe class="mobilevideo" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VIDEO ID HERE" width="560" height="315" frame border="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Then, when you go to your video on Youtube, grab the ID portion of it like the one highlighted below:
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Simply copy and paste that into the code where it says VIDEO ID HERE, like shown in the picture below as an example:
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If everything worked so far and feels correct, please refer to item 7.
And that’s it! Please double-check if everything is correct, though you’ll be able to edit it later. If you’d like to take a look at it first, click on Preview. If you’re confident about it, just click on Post.
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If you’ve clicked on Preview, it will show how your work looks like on AO3. If something’s amiss, go back to the previous page by clicking on Edit. If it’s good to go, just click on Post — it’s the only way to have it be submitted to the collection, otherwise we won’t receive it.
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If your work is one with multiple chapters, or you’d like to make it one, on top of the posted work you’ll find several buttons. Clicking on Add Chapter or Edit will provide you with the option to create a new chapter for your work.
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In case it only has one chapter and you’d like to edit it, just click on Edit and you should find the same page from earlier. Simply scroll down until you get to the Work Text section, and then click on the Rich Text button to edit your work.
Once your work is posted as a Mystery Work, you can bookmark the page on your browser — the url will not change after it’s been revealed. It’s the easiest way to not lose track of where your work is and edit it later.
But don’t worry! If you lost your work’s url, there are a few ways to get the url and save it.
On your dashboard on AO3, there is an option on the sidebar that says WORKS. From there, you can either click EDIT WORKS (which displays all your works) or WORKS IN COLLECTIONS (which displays all your works currently in a collection). Either option will show you your unrevealed work.
There we go! Now you’re all set. Thank you so much for submitting your work!
We will be emailing you your reveal date(s) soon, so don’t worry if you hear someone has already gotten it and yours hasn’t arrived yet. In the email you’ll have more details on what to do for your reveal day, so please make sure to check your email so you don’t miss it!
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] preferably, on Twitter @SQWintrSolstice, or find a mod on Discord!
Swan Queen Winter Solstice Mods
10 notes · View notes
sqwintersolstice · 3 years
How to Post your Work(s) to the AO3 Collection
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Hello, Swen!
The final steps are upon us. It’s time to put your works in the Swan Queen Winter Solstice collection, so they can eventually be revealed to the fandom! 💜
The deadline for posting your work(s) is midnight EST on January 31st unless you’ve asked for an extension. (Click HERE to check what time that is in your area.)
Without further ado, let’s do this!
To start, head directly to the collection by clicking HERE, and then hit the Post to Collection button to submit a work to it.
If you have participated before in similar events, then feel free to skip the rest of this tutorial and create your work in the collection (the only exception might be if you’re posting a video, because we have a special formatting we’ve provided for displaying them on mobile. You might want to check it out in section 6.3).
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The first section that will show up when you create a new work is the Tags section. Here you will add information about your creation: Rating, Archive Warnings, Fandom, Category, Relationships, Characters, and Additional Tags. It will look similar to the image below:
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The Rating and the Archive Warnings are very important steps, so please make sure they are accurate to your work. Make use of any of the options for Archive Warnings that might apply, keeping in mind that ‘No Archive Warnings Apply’ should only be used in case none of the others such as ‘Graphic Depictions of Violence’ or ‘Underage’ appear in your work. Otherwise, if you’re trying to avoid spoiling your plot for any reason, ‘Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings’ is a good option.
In Fandoms, you could add another besides Once Upon a Time (TV) if your work has a crossover; in Relationships, and Characters, feel free to add any others that might appear in your work besides Emma and Regina in case they’re crucial to the plot.
Additional Tags can include anything you feel might also apply to your creation, and that also might help people search for it.
If there are any specific warnings you’d like to clarify, add them in. Is your plot set in an alternate universe? Or maybe it includes bed sharing? Are they being idiots in love? (Always.) Maybe they’re trapped together? Is there lots of fluff? Mutual pining? Angst? (Well, now that would be a plot alright.)
Just don’t add too many to avoid overwhelming anyone, of course.
Now, to introduce your work to people. How will it be named and remembered? Here’s more or less how the preface section will look like once you’ve filled it in:
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In your Work Title, you name your creation. In Add co-creators, you add the name of your collab creator in case you have one. You put your Summary in its text box, explaining some of your plot — for writers and artists both, we recommend not leaving your summary blank! It gives a bit more insight into your work.
Specifically for artists — in the title, adding [Art], [Fanvid] or [Fanart] to the end of your title helps make it recognizable in the collection. (An additional tag with the same thing wouldn’t hurt, too!)
After that, we have Notes. You can have them at the beginning by checking the little box, or at the end (or both!). The first one is a good place for you to thank betas, cheerleaders, explain a bit about your idea, inspirations; while the second one can be another place to thank everyone, talk a bit more about your process, and remind everyone that comments are very very welcome.
If your work has multiple chapters, we recommend not marking ‘at the end’ for now unless you’d like for the same note to appear at the end of every chapter!
Firstly, please check that SQWinterSolstice1 is still there in Post to Collections / Challenges — if you clicked directly on the link beforehand, it should be. If you don’t see it, type it in and you should be good to go.
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It’s possible to Gift this work to someone, too. You could gift it to your beta, cheerleader, or just a friend. Just type in their AO3 name.
This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work — you can mark this if you worked with another creator. Just get the work’s URL from your collab partner, paste it in its box and AO3 will do the rest.
This work is part of a series — in case you’re writing multiple works set in the same universe, for example, you can mark this and create a series. Otherwise, feel free to skip it altogether.
This work has multiple chapters — as seen in the image above, when you mark the option you can type in the amount of chapters your work has, as well as name your first chapter. If your work does not have multiple chapters, just leave it unmarked.
Set a different publication date — do NOT mark it just yet! Once you receive your email with your reveal date, we will provide further instructions about this and when to change the date. If you set it to something different now, your work won’t show up at the beginning of the SQ tag once it’s revealed, so leave it alone for now.
Choose a language — select English and that’s it!
Select work skin — if you have worked with HTML/CSS before and have customized something for your work, select your work skin here. If not, leave it blank, or refer to 6.3 in case you’re posting a video.
This section is completely up to you. While ‘Only show your work to registered users’ and ‘Only registered users can comment’ might limit mean comments, they can also make it harder for people to comment in general. ‘Enable comment moderation’ means you’ll have to approve comments before they show up on the page, so it’s a more viable option. Consider what’s best for you.
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Here is where you place your work.
6.1 — Fics;
6.2 — Fanarts, fanmixes etc;
6.3 — Fanvids.
6.1. FICS
While you can use the HTML editor, we recommend switching to the Rich Text editor so you can directly paste your story from Word or Google Docs. Otherwise, your fic might lack spaces between each paragraph, making it harder to read. Most of the basic formatting will be retained from the original, such as bold, italics, paragraph division, etc so please make sure to change to Rich Text before pasting your work.
If everything worked so far and feels correct, please refer to item 7.
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Also using the Rich Text editor like shown above, to add an image click on Insert/edit image:
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This is what will pop up once you do:
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In Source, AO3 asks you to paste in the url of your work. There are a few options to get one. The easiest one is to post it privately on your Tumblr, grabbing the url from it. Please remember that anywhere you post it to get this url has to be private, since it hasn’t been revealed yet. Your URL has to end in .png, .jpg, .gif to be valid. AO3 also provides a few alternatives, if you want to check it out.
Next, we have Image description. Here you’re able to describe your work for people who use screen readers.
For Width and Height, leave it blank for now and see how your image looks posted before altering it. If it looks fine for all screens, then you don’t have to change it.
You might have to write something in the text box in order to have the image show up.
If everything worked so far and feels correct, please refer to item 7.
Remember: your video has to be set to private until its reveal date! The following tutorial works for Youtube videos. It might not work if you’re posting it elsewhere.
If you head to your video, you’re able to click on Share and then Embed and copy the code for your video. While pasting that code on the HTML editor on AO3 works fine, it leaves it badly displayed on mobile. For this reason, we found a code from pigalle that embeds a youtube video and scales it correctly for any smaller screens.
It may be a few extra steps, but it does look a lot nicer for mobile viewers.
The first step is to create your own work skin so you’re able to apply it to your work. (You might have to save your work first as a draft in order to have your work skin showing up as an option to choose from. It’s necessary to refresh the page so the work skin shows up.)
So, to create your work skin, head over to your AO3 profile on the top right, then click on My Dashboard.
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There, click on Skins, then on the button My Work Skins, and, last but not least, Create Work Skin:
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Next, in the About section you can fill it in with any Title you’d like, as long as the Type is set to Work Skin. The description, preview and apply to make public options are not necessary, so you may skip them.
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Now, for the CSS section. The CSS is what sets the properties and values and decides how the HTML will look like. What matters is just pasting the code below in the box. You don’t have to alter it, just copy and paste it:
#workskin .mobilevideo {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#workskin .videoscale {
position: relative;
height: 0;
padding-top: 56.25%;
#workskin .videocontainer {
max-width: 100%;
width: 560px;
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After that, just click on Submit, and that will mean your Work Skin has been created!
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Back to your work, in the Associations section (refer to item 4 if necessary), Select Work Skin should have your recently created one as an option. Remember that you might have to refresh the page for it to show up, so make sure to save it as a draft first so you don’t lose any changes you made.
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And then, in the HTML editor, paste the code below:
<center><div class="videocontainer"><div class="videoscale"><p><iframe class="mobilevideo" src="VIDEO URL HERE" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p></div></div></center>
Simply copy and paste the url for your video in the proper space in the code, like shown in the picture below as an example:
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If everything worked so far and feels correct, please refer to item 7.
And that’s it! Please double-check if everything is correct, though you’ll be able to edit it later. If you’d like to take a look at it first, click on Preview. If you’re confident about it, just click on Post.
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If you’ve clicked on Preview, it will show how your work looks like on AO3. If something’s amiss, go back to the previous page by clicking on Edit. If it’s good to go, just click on Post — it’s the only way to have it be submitted to the collection, otherwise we won’t receive it.
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If your work is one with multiple chapters, or you’d like to make it one, on top of the posted work you’ll find several buttons. Clicking on Add Chapter or Edit will provide you with the option to create a new chapter for your work.
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In case it only has one chapter and you’d like to edit it, just click on Edit and you should find the same page from earlier. Simply scroll down until you get to the Work Text section, and then click on the Rich Text button to edit your work.
Once your work is posted, you can bookmark the page on your browser — the url will not change after it’s been revealed. It’s the easiest way to not lose track of where your work is and edit it later.
But don’t worry! If you lost your work’s url, there are a few ways to get the url and save it.
On your dashboard on AO3, there is an option on the sidebar that says WORKS. From there, you can either click EDIT WORKS (which displays all your works) or WORKS IN COLLECTIONS (which displays all your works currently in a collection). Either option will show you your unrevealed work.
There we go! Now you’re all set. Thank you so much for submitting your work!
We will be emailing you your reveal date(s) soon, so don’t worry if you hear someone has already gotten it and yours hasn’t arrived yet. In the email you’ll have more details on what to do for your reveal day, so please make sure to check your email so you don’t miss it!
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] preferably, or on Twitter @SQWintrSolstice.
Swan Queen Winter Solstice Mods
5 notes · View notes