#Switzerland Groceries
seelanmarket · 1 year
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scum-belina · 4 months
I've been dealing with severe harassment from neighbors along with a HUGE and quite literal theft of property (the harassment and theft of property issues oddly enough aren't related), along with a whole hornets' nest of other troubles and I just. Why is this all happening to me. I don't do anything to anyone. I'm not out to hurt anyone, or take anything from others. I try to be polite and kind to people who are anything but.
Even in regards to my most vile and sick abusers I just leave them alone I don't even want to waste my time being bitter or spiteful towards them or anyone else. I'm just trying to mind my own business and survive each day of my very sad miserable loser life. I stand up for myself, but it does no good. No one takes me seriously and I just get even more threatened and put down. I'm so weary man.
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lifeitalych · 7 months
(Copia) Tonno Bianco del Mediterraneo in olio di oliva - 830 gr
Experience the taste of the Mediterranean with our Copia White Tuna in Olive Oil. Delight in every bite of this 830g delicacy, available at Lifeitaly.
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kasiers · 29 days
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thinking about him going out to buy some groceries.. he'd then come home with a bouquet of flowers and the bag of groceries in the other.
"honey, i'm home! ya got some work to do!" he yells out from the kitchen.
his voice was loud enough so that you can hear him from the living room.
you didn't know what he meant but as soon as you made your way to the kitchen and saw the bouquet of daisies, your eyes glimmered at the sight of them.
he notices, of course, your husbands heart flutter as you reach out to give him a quick peck on the cheeks.
"these look exactly like the daisies that we saw in switzerland!!" you exclaim.
you vividly recall the flower bed you saw on your recent trip together, exploring countries in europe over the span of two weeks.
it hadn't been a week yet since you'd both gotten back, but your dear husband was working as hard as ever despite being jet lagged.
"i know," he says. while he arranges all the groceries he had bought into the pantry and the fridge, you're busy yourself.
cutting the stems and preparing the cute flower filled vase, you place it in the middle of the kitchen island.
it sure does make the room brighter. ♡
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GOJO SATORU. YUJI ITADORI, nanami kento, toshinori yagi, suguru geto, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, your fav
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Calm After Storm
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Hi guys!
It was way too long since I didn't write for Leah, so here is a sweet little thing.
I'm so happy Arsenal won yesterday, even if I almost cry three times and had two hearts attacks. And of course I think about Frida, hopping she's ok :(
TW : Lover fight, Angst.
Leah is intense. Always have, always been and that’s how you love her. You love how much she can be passionate about everything she’s doing. You love her love for football, for her family, for her friends. She is always here to help her relatives for everything. She’s here for her grandmother when she needs help for groceries, she’s here when her mother can’t walk their dog, she’s here to get her brother to the airport at 8 in the morning even if she played a game the night before, she’s here to support her teammates through injuries.
She’s everywhere she can be, at every time.
You, in another hand, you’re calmer. You’re a little shy and need some time to observe the people you don’t know before opening up. You are as affectionate and attentive to your loved one than Leah, but in a more discreet way.
Those differences are the meanly reasons of why you didn’t understand at first why Leah seems interested in you. You met her thanks to your friend Lotte and Leah took the time to talk to you every time you came to watch Lotte plays. When Leah did her ACL, she attends almost every game, and you talk a lot during this time. That’s where she asks you out for the first time, after having asking Lotte if you are into girls.
You said yes, obviously.
If you didn’t think that Leah must be interested in you, you were deeply charmed by the personality of the blonde. She’s funny, intelligent, great to talk to and you have a lot in common. And yes, you must admit that you find her unbelievably attractive. Like almost half of the population but hey, you’re just a girl.
Leah kissed you at your second date. She asks you at the fourth to be her girlfriend and introduce you to her family after six months of dating. Of course, they already have known about you. And you knew them thanks to the Arsenal VIP room. But it was the first official diner with the Williamson and relatives.
You are not living together for now, but you find yourself a lot at each other’s house. You love being at Leah’s, everything smells like her. But she loves being at your house too. At Christmas, Leah gave you the keys of her house and you gave her the keys of your flat.
You love her, a lot. And you know that she loves you back, even if those precious words were never pronounced to each other. At least you both know that you care for each other. A lot.
That doesn’t mean you never fight, to be honest. Not later than yesterday, you had a really stupid argument about something really stupid. But with Leah’s stress about football and her comeback and your proper tiredness thanks to your job, it was sometimes happening. Some means words were exchanged, and Leah ended up leaving your flat, slamming your door.
Stubbornly, you decided not to write to her. In your opinion, she was wrong, and it was even more wrong to leave the way she did. You were hurt a little bit too, by the argument and after by the fact that Leah didn’t call you or at least send you a message. Not the same night, not the day after.
Almost two days later, you still didn’t have talk to each other. You ask casually to Lotte how Leah is doing when you have her on the phone. But your cousin answers that she was Switzerland in your love life and that she didn’t want to be involved in anything. Unless it’s for marriage or children. So, basically, you don’t know how Leah is today.
You saw the video and the pictures posted by Arsenal’s admin on Instagram, but that’s all. You choose not to go to the game, not sure that Leah wants you here. It’s an important game though, so you decide to watch it on TV. Leah’s starting and it’s strange to see your girlfriend’s face on your TV screen. She’s focused, her glare well fixed on her face. Her blue eyes are piercing her opponents.
But that doesn’t help Arsenal to win today. It wasn’t a big loss, but it was a loss anyway. Leah seems particularly sad, and you feel your heart cracks. So, you decided to jump in a jean, in your car and to go to Arsenal’s stadium. Leah gave you a pass to access to the parking lot, so you just use it to get in it.
You know that Leah went to the game with Beth, so you’re not surprised not to see her car. But, when you get out from yours, you can’t help but feel a little bit uncomfortable. What if Leah doesn’t want you here? Maybe your idea wasn’t as good as you thought at first. You almost decided to leave when Leah passes the door.
She’s looking at the ground, not listening to Beth or Laia Codina who are walking with her. The other blond spots you first and elbows Leah who looks at her. Beth then points in your direction and when Leah spots you too, she seems as surprised as she is relieved.
You don’t move, only waving shyly at her. She gives you a little smile in return, turning into Beth to says her something. You don’t know what it is, but Beth rolls her eyes and push Leah in her direction with her hand before mimic a kick in the ass.
“Hello” you say softly when Leah is next to you.
“Hi” breaths Leah.
You reach out to take her bag, putting it on the back seat of your car. Then you went to opens Leah’s door, but you cross her eyes, and she seems so upset that you can’t do nothing against that. So, you reach out to her again, so that she can grasp it this time. And, when Leah almost jumps on your hand, you take her delicately against you. She hugs you back, putting her face in your neck almost immediately.
“You played good” you whisper after some seconds.
“You weren’t here to watch” Leah objects, her face still in your neck.
“I watched you on TV.”
At your explanation, Leah pushes herself even more against you and you tighten your arms against her. No one like to lose obviously, but you’ve never seen someone with such an ability to take all the blame on themselves. You know that tomorrow, Leah would pass half of her day watching the game, analyzing her mistakes and noting them in her notebook. You hate that damn notebook.
“You still watched me?”
You can’t help but smile, hearing how small your girlfriend is when asks you that question. Leah Williamson, captain of England and Euro champion looks like a little girl right now. No one ever saw this part of Leah, or her mother only maybe. But you do.
“Of course.”
You could have tease her and answering that you wanted to watch Katie, but it wasn’t really the good timing. Leah takes a deep breath and release you, looking attentively at your face before trying another smile. You smile back and stroke her hair before nodding at your car.
“Can I take you home?”
“I’d love to.”
You don’t really talk during the journey to your house, but Leah captures your hand in hers almost immediately. She strokes your fingers and plays with your ring all along, looking out by the window. You let her, knowing with time that she needs some quiet sometimes to figuring things out.
When you get out of your car, you take Leah’s bag with one hand, your girlfriend’s hand with the other and go to the ascensor. In it, you can smell Leah’s shampoo and that’s make you smile. The blonde surprise your smile in the mirror of the ascensor and you just shrug. She doesn’t have the time to question you though, the doors opening just after.
“Do you want to order pizzas? Or I can go to Tesco to take you a ham sandwich if you prefer?”
“Nah, pizza is good Babe. Don’t worry”
You let Leah orders your diner, using this time to wash her dirty laundry before heading back to the living room. Leah had made herself comfortable, lying on your couch. But she stands when she spots you, making you frown.
“We need to talk. About our fight.”
You feel your face fall, hopping to never discuss your fight again. You hate fighting with Leah, and you hate the way you feel after. You were hopping that you can have like a silence contract to forget it. Plus, the We need to talk sentence is never really good. But Leah seems to understand really fast what’s happening in your head, because she takes your hand when she sits down on the couch again, taking you with her. You are almost sitting on her lap when she talks again.
“I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I don’t even remember why the fight start, but I shouldn’t have left like that. It was childish and I’m really sorry. Are you still angry with me?”
You shook your head negatively, relieved to learn that Leah doesn’t want to break up or something like that.
“No, I’m not. To be honest, the same night I was more sad to sleep without you than angry.”
“Why didn’t write me?” Leah asks with curiosity.
“I wasn’t sure you’d answer me and I was afraid I’d be even sadder.”
Leah sighs softly, stroking your back. Her eyes are looking at you with intensity and you bite unconsciously your lip.
“Do you want to know a secret?” Leah asks you soon after.
You nod, taking advantage of your position to cuddle against her. Leah puts her chin on top of your head, and you can hear her heart when she talks again.
“I was sad too. I was hopping you will come to the game but when I didn’t see you, I realize how much I fucked up. And after the game, all I was thinking is that I will have to deal with the loss all alone. Almost everyone was going home to their partner and mine was probably angry at me. I just wanted to go home and hide under the cover. When I saw you in the parking lot, I was thinking of the best way to apologize and get you back. I knew it was my fault, but it didn’t ease the sadness of it, it was even worse I think.”
“Don’t say that” you mumble “It was my fault too. We were both arguing.”
Leah hums and you look up at her before kissing her cheek. It was nice to know how much your presence means to Leah whether it’s during the games or at home. You love being here for her obviously.
“But we’re good now, right?”
Leah smiles, with her real smile and you feel your heart fluttered.
“We’re good, my girl.”
Then you kiss her for the first time since the fight and you get lost in your embrace. The kiss is sweet, tender and you feel like floating somewhere above the ground. Maybe your exchange will change in something more passionate if your pizzas weren’t already here.
You eat them in front of the TV, but still cuddling against each other. Leah finishes her pizza first and takes you more against her soon after. She kisses your cheek several times, not really interested in the movie she picks before. When you feel teeth against the skin of your neck, you decide to forget your meal to roll on your girlfriend.
Leah smirks, happy to have all your attention and catch your lips in an intense kiss. You whimper, surprise by the intensity of it but didn’t waist time to answer it.
“Thanks for coming for me tonight.”
Leah whispers it way later, when you were under the cover of your bed, almost asleep. The pizzas were eaten, you forgot the movie to better activities and after that you took a hot bath.
 Leah’s body is warm against yours and you hum at first for only answer.
“My pleasure” you mumble, half-hiding your face in her.
You yawn and Leah start scratching your neck, just like she knows you like. You only need thirty seconds to fall asleep after that. Leah needs a little more time, but she watches you sleep to pass time. She knows she’s lucky to have you and she swears to herself not to leave you angry anymore.
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lessi-lover · 3 months
awfully mother like II l.williamson x l.walti
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summary: you and leah spend the day at the museum ★ awfully mother like II l.williamson x l.walti
it hadn't been easy the past couple of weeks in your household. mummy is on crutches now because she hurt something in her knee that she described to you as an mcl. it sounded similar to what leah told you she had a few months ago, and you think that because mummy's injury is in her knee just like leah's then they must be a little similar.
your mummy needs assistance from you and leah so that she doesn't hobble around the house doing tasks that will hurt her, so you both helped mummy do the washing, buy the groceries for the week and cleaned the house together whilst mummy was at one of her appointments.
mummy has lots of appointments now, and you know that her injury is worse than her injury last year because it didn't last as many months as this one is. but you're happy that switzerland didn't make the olympics and she can rest her sore knee instead, even if you really would like to wear your mummy's olympic medal.
mu-. leah didn't make the olympics either, it was tough watching the highlights back with mummy, she looked sorrowfully at a mourning leah when you sat together to watch on the couch one night.
it had been a few weeks now since england failed to make the olympics shortlist and things were getting slower now that the season had ended and the international window had opened. it left a lot of time for you, leah and mummy to spend time together.
today the morning sun had filtered nicely through your windows, summer had almost arrived in england, the last few remnants of the harsh winter just disappearing every passing day. beside you, lia got herself ready for her appointment, her knee a persistent bother to her usually free weekends, and today she was getting another check up to see the progress of her mcl tear.
you watched her with worry as she fretted over her laces, checking the time on her watch before looking back at you. "don't worry, little stärnli," mummy assured you, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. "i'll be back before you know it, you and leah will spend the day together."
you nodded, lifting yourself out of the covers to press your own lips against your mummy's forehead. you had gotten used to being around leah, and you were excited to spend the day together. after all, mu-, leah always knew how to make things fun.
by the time the clock had passed nine, lia was ready to leave, her girlfriend replacing her at your bedroom door with a quick peck to her lips as she sent her on her way. "how about we visit the astronomy museum today little star?" leah suggested as she lifted you out of bed.
you nodded eagerly in response, slipping your hand into hers as you picked your clothes for the day together. leah had planned a special day for you, dressing you in the dress decorated with the moon and stars she knew you loved.
your eyes lit up with excitement at mu-, leah words, lifting your dress over your head quickly and putting your light up shoes on that glowed when tapped against the floor. "really! The one with the big moon in the centre?"
leah nodded with a grin, her smile widening at how excited you were to go to the planetarium. "yes, that one little star. We'll see the moon and all the different planets up close." the drive to the museum was filled with animated chatter as you talked her ear off about your favorite constellations and planets, leah listening attentively, surprised at the knowledge you told her about the different stars and constellations alike.
when you arrived at the museum, you could barely contain your excitement as mu-, leah took you through the checkout and gave you a special wristband with all the planets on it. she held your hand tightly as you both walked through the entrance.
it felt like a dream as she showed you through the different areas of the museums, your little body lighting up when you saw the huge models of the solar system and the screens showing the movement of the planets.
you spent hours at the planetarium, exploring from the towering model of saturn with its intricate rings and reading each and every fact on the wall, before walking over to the planetarium show.
mu-, leah watched with a smile as you eagerly pressed buttons that showed different stages of the moon, asked questions to every worker, and absorbed every bit of information you possibly could.
"look, mumma!" you exclaimed suddenly, pointing at a display about the characters of the solar system. leah froze for a moment, unsure if she was to correct you or respond as if nothing had happend. "wow, that’s amazing, little star," she responded, hiding the tears of joy in her eyes as she marveled at how naturally you called her 'mumma'.
you're not really sure why mama looks at you as if she will burst into tears, but she's listening to everything your little mind can come up with so you just choose to ignore it and continue showing her the display.
"you know so much little star," mumma smiled. her head pressed against yours, lifting you up high so that you could try and touch the model that was clearly not real but you didn't care, and neither did leah only lifting you up higher above her head.
leah took you to the entrance, letting you choose a few things from the gift shop and buying herself a coffee whilst she was waiting for you to have a look around.
soon enough you were back home on the couch, lying happily across leah's body as you held your new mond toy as well as your stärnli teddy tightly in your grasp. mumma had bought the teddy when you were leaving the museum, the toy catching her eye as she asked you if you wanted it.
"thank you for today, mumma, had lots of fun" you said sleepily, your head resting against her arm as she rubbed up and down your back. "you're welcome, little star," she replied, her heart swelling at how comfortable you were in her presence, it had never taken a lot for you to earn a place in her heart and she was so happy at how much she was able to bond with you.
you were exhausted from your day at the museum, almost falling asleep on the couch if leah hadn't seen your eyes almost close sooner. she helped you get ready for bed, changing you into your planet pyjamas and reading you your favourite story about the different stars as you snuggled under the covers with your teddies.
"i love you mumma." you said, your eyes shutting closed as you fell asleep. "i love you too my little star." leah responded, tucking the blanket up to your chin just like her girlfriend usually would.
not long after lia returned home to find you sound asleep, the soft glow of your star night light casting a gentle glare against the walls. she smiled as she approached your bed, noticing the content expression on her girlfriend's face as she sat down next to a fast asleep you.
"how was your day baby?" lia asked leah quietly, brushing a loose strand of hair from your forehead as they both watched your sleepy breaths in and out. "it was so, so good," she replied, her voice filled with love as she took her eyes of you for a second to reach lia's own. "we went to the astronomy museum. she even called me 'mumma' today."
lia's eyes softened at her girlfriends words, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "she’s been thinking about that for a while, told me a couple of weeks ago when she was just about to fall asleep," she admitted. "we talked about it a bit, and she said she wanted to ask you, guess it just came out didn't it?"
"i love her so much, lia."
"i know, you treat her like your own," lia whispered, her head resting on leah's shoulder as they looked lovingly down at you, eyes shining with love. "and she loves you too. we're so lucky to have you lee." leah nodded, her gaze resting on your peaceful face. "she knows so much about the stars love, i'd be surprised if she doesn't do something to do with astrology."
"our little astronomist."
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theemporium · 1 month
congrats on 10k cece! truly, so well deserved🫶🏻🫶🏻 yk this celebration reminded me of a funny thing , but i literally just turned legal in my country and I went to a bar with my girls and the bartender said that I look 14 and kept thinking my id was a fake😭🥲🥲
hopefully this experience will be a little sweeter hehe! how abt a nico with "Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you." 🩷
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
31. “Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you."
“M’comin’, m’comin’! No need to bang the door down.” 
He was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes when the person behind the door knocked for the third time in a row. An annoyed huff left his lips as he shuffled through his apartment, his body heavy and his brain far from fully awake. His hair was still messy and dishevelled, and he had barely remembered to throw on a pair of sweatpants before opening the door, let alone a shirt. 
He had half the mind to open the door and bite the other person’s head off for waking him up from his nap. 
Nico was only slightly surprised to find you on the other side, a smile on your face and two large bags in your hands. 
“Oh,” was all Nico managed to murmur out. 
“Sorry, did I wake you up?” You frowned a little, your expression sheepish and apologetic. “I thought it was still early enough for you to be awake.” 
“No,” he lied, despite both of you knowing the truth. “S’fine. I didn’t realise you were coming over.” 
“Yeah well, I know you,” you said as Nico guided you into his apartment, opening the door a little wider as you wandered in. “And I know you probably haven’t bought any groceries or anything since you got in last night.” 
Nico’s cheeks burned pink. “I was gonna get around to it.” 
You shot him a look of amusement as you placed the large bags on his kitchen counter. “It’s not much, just some basic groceries. I know jet lag is still probably throwing you off.” 
His eyes softened as he wandered in behind you, peeking into the bags to see a variety of fruits and vegetables and other basics packed in them. “Have I ever told you how amazing you are?” 
“Every once in a while,” you teased, lightly nudging him with your elbow before you reached into one of the bags. “And I know you are picky with your coffee so I even got that instant coffee from the store in Hoboken instead, since you’re probably going to want to stay up as long as you can to get your sleep schedule back to normal again since coming back from Switzerland.” 
Nico just stared at you in awe.
You glanced over at him, your cheeks burning a little when you found him already looking back. “What?” 
“Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you,” he murmured, his brain still half-asleep and the warm feeling in his chest taking over any logic or control he had over his tongue before he could potentially ruin his friendship with you. 
“Well,” you swallowed a little. “I wouldn’t exactly complain.” 
“Yeah?” He murmured.
You nodded. 
Nico didn’t waste another moment as he leaned down to grab your face, pressing his lips against yours like had been wanting to do for far too long. He sighed happily into the kiss, nudging you back against the counter as you sunk into the kiss. 
“Thank you,” he murmured against your lips.
You huffed out a small laugh. “For the kiss or the groceries?” 
“Both,” Nico confessed before winding his arms around you and pulling you into a proper hug for the first time since he left for Europe at the start of the off-season.
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avaf00rd · 8 months
Little shits Pt 3
Arsenal women x Teen!reader
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I know a promised this a few days ago but it actually took ages.
Like always enjoy!!
Warnings: spelling mistakes in too tired to read over xxx so if something doesn’t make sense it probs doesn’t
part 1😚
part 2😚
“What time will you be ready?” Asked Katie through the phone. Whenever she went grocery shopping she would take you with her so you can do your shop. Then she claimed she could also make sure you buy the right foods for a girl living on her own.
You actually liked grocery shopping, it was so much fun now that you were living alone and got to pick the foods for your own kitchen. “Like now. Head over now”
She soon hung up the phone and found herself out the front of your building. You go down the lift and found the white car. You went to walk to the front seat when you found Caitlin in the front. She poked her tongue out at you from behind the glass as you smiled and hopped in the back, only to find a grinning Kyra sitting on the other side of the row. “Kyra!” You exclaimed as you hugged the girl.
“I’m coming” smirked Kyra at you
“Yeah and no being little shits!” Caitlin exclaimed from her seat
“Hi Cait” you said kissing her cheek, Katie pecked your shoulder as you hugged her from behind her seat. After 20 minutes on the road, Katie pulled her car up to the parking lot of the grocery store. Before leaning back to face you and Kyra.
“Ok no going crazy. Specifically you Kyra” Katie said as Kyra gave the older girl a ‘really?’ Look before she continued “have you got your list y/n?”
“Yes mum” you dragged out the last word as you got onto your notes app to check. Kyra only came along cause she was apparently ‘bored’. She already went shopping with mini, even though mini had only been in London a week, she was not happy with the 23 year old’s kitchen.
You all walked in the entrance with you grabbing your shopping basket. After 10 minutes, you were grabbing pasta stuff in one of the aisles, when exiting said aisle. Kyra and her obese puffer managed to knock down one of the cardboard-built shelves, with bottles of fake tanner on the shelves. The noise of 30 bottles of tan falling to the ground made the entire store turn around. You felt embarrassment standing next to the girl so you walked away from her, hiding into the next aisle, trying to hold onto your laugh.
“Sorry” Caitlin announced quietly to workers and other shoppers around as Katie and her knelt down to help the very embarrassed girl. You finally finished all of your shopping as you lined up to pay for yourself. You felt a light shove to your back from behind.
“Oi why did you leave me” Kyra complained “that was the worst thing I have ever experienced” she winged leaning into your shoulder whining.
“Are they done?” You asked Kyra, motioning to Katie and Caitlin
“Apparently not” Kyra said now standing behind you with her bag of chocolates, full on pushing in front of the middle aged woman in the line.
You were in your room packing a suitcase for Switzerland. Arsenal had some brand sponsorship situation with a travel company that you didn’t understand. But all you know is that the company was sending you, Alessia, Kyra, Vic, Caitlin, Katie, Teyah, beth, viv, Steph, Lia, Kim, Jen, Lotte, Laia, Leah and Amanda all to Switzerland. All in one house. Leah told you to get super excited cause the house in the mountains must be huge to fit 17 girls in.
You texted Leah to ask if she was done packing so you could come down to her apartment. Leah lived in the apartment below you so she took you to things often, you would both drive to the training grounds together so you could get on the bus for the airport.
“This is gonna be sick” you said later sitting at Leah’s kitchen island as she filled up her water bottle.
“Yeah it’ll be cool” she laughed screwing on the lid of her bottle
“I brought my Aussie rules ball” you said wiggling your brows at her, she was horrendous playing it. She let out a huff remembering it.
“We are gonna be in the cold mountains, no one is gonna wanna play with it”
“Sorry. You know what I mean. Anyways are you ready?” She yelled across the flat, heading to her room to grab the suitcase. You propped yours up on its wheels, turning off all of Leah’s lights for her. You both drove peacefully in the car to the facility, you quickly connected tour phone to Leah’s car when she turned up her own music.
“Ew you just like old people music” you said turning on your preference
“This is not old people music. This is the greatest album of all time”
“Meh meh” you mimicked her as you turned on Nikki Minaj.
“Watch it Missy. And your music taste is just awful” she giggled next to you
“Watch it missy” you said back.
When you sooner arrived, you jumped out of the car and grabbed your suitcases from Leah’s boot, you kindly grabbed Leah’s out and setting it down upright next to the car. “Thank you tiny” she smiled as you both walked towards the other girls waiting neat the bus.
“Ah I do too much” you sighed shrugging
“I did just drive you here. Ever thought about me helping you apply for a driving test?” She looked down slightly at you as you walked together
“Why would I if I have a whole starting eleven who would do it for me?” You said motioning your hands towards the large group of girls ahead, all in their twenties. You noticed Viv’s back towards you as you sped up towards her, before quickly jumping on her back. “Missed you vivvy” you said sweetly.
“Ow you nearly did my spine” Viv whines as you hop off her.
Beth shoved you away from her girlfriend and pulled you into her. “How are you tiny?” She asked kissing the top of your head
“So excited” you hummed, squeezing her tight.
A few media staff would be coming with you. Since you were on the trip with some arsenal sponsor brand, they would film some fun media on the trip. Said staff announced that you could all leave your bags where they were and hop onto the bus. You got onto the bus last and saw Lia sitting on her phone in one of the front rows, you loved Lia. She was one of the sweetest people in the world in your opinion. So you pointed towards the seat, reading ‘is this taken?’ on your face, quickly before she moved her hat that was sitting on it motioning for you to sit next to her.
“It’s so cool we get to go to Switzerland, you have to show me everything” you said to the brunette. Your excitement to go to her country made her heart warm up as she pulled you into her side for a hug.
“You are gonna see everything. I think best travel guide right here” she pointed towards herself, making you giggle. The bus was still too cold for you so you unzipped your backpack to grab your warmer jacket out, you felt the front pocket vibrate where your phone was so you went to grab it. You saw a text from Kyra
Im 6 rows behind turn around
You and Lia stupidly both turned around to look at the row before two scrunchies were flown at both your faces, Vic and Kyra both laughed loudly, while you whined at the stinging on your forehead. The elastic flying at both your faces actually hurt.
“Four victims down lets go” Kyra said high-fiving vic with a wide grin.
“You better get her on behalf of both of us” Lia sighed settling back down in her seat.
“The idiot better sleep with one eye open I say” you said making Lia giggle before opening her own phone.
Later on the plane you found yourself sitting across from Kyra and Alessia. You again, sitting next to Lia.
“Y/n” kyra whispered from across the aisle. You peeked over Lia before Kyra waved at you. You thought it was weird but slowly waved back before mouthing a ‘what?’.
Kyra quickly turned to poor Alessia who was peacefully on her phone, “please switch with y/n/n” she held up being hands and pulled out her puppy dog eyes towards the blonde.
Kyra huffed followed by a laugh before getting her stuff and heading over towards where you were , you didn’t realise kyra had requested this until Alessia had made her way over to you. You were honestly getting bored of the sleepy Lia next to you. So you smiled at her before gabbing your bag and going over to Kyra.
“Absolutely not!” Leah slightly yelled from the other end of the plane, who caught you shuffling over next to Kyra.
“We won’t be loud I promise!” You said peeking over to see the blonde. She raised her eye brows at you before giving in to your begging eyes. You and kyra soon pulled up the games on your phone you could play together, you first started by playing Fifa mobile together.
“Aha! Goal!” You yelled throwing your arms up jolting out of your seat, you scored your eighth goal in the last few seconds “I win” you smiled before settling back down in your seat. Avoiding making eye contact with some of the other girls sending you glares due to your volume.
You found yourself and 16 of your teammates at this random building having a briefing with an older man. He told you a bit about the house you would be staying at and how the next three days would look like. You really weren’t fazed by any of the given information, instead just excited to get there. It was already freezing you had put on your large puffer jacket, scarf and beanie. You were hoping to see snow while here.
You all hoped into multiple mini black vans to head to the house, you cuddled into Viv’s side of how cold it was. Both vehicles slowly pulled up a long driveway, you were first to notice the house “what the fuck-“ you said in shock looking at the house.
You received a slap to the shoulder by viv and an “oi” from Steph. But most were also in awe of the house, some taking photos. When you got out of the car there were wide faces and glowing eyes at the large house. The house was huge, covered in dark timber, still managing to give it a cozy feel due to its size, you could tell by the large number of balconies, that there would be many rooms. A wide scene of mountains surrounded the outside, which got you excited for the views from the rooftop you spotted. Lia held the list in her hand of how to unlock the door with the key and code, as all of you girls trudged your suitcases up the front stairs.
You noticed Kyra walking up in front of you, you grabbed a small pile of snow in your fist and threw it at her beanie-covered head. “Ow y/n!” Kyra wined.
“Don’t” Caitlin told you. You made a few of the girls laugh either way, so you didn’t really care.
Lia and Leah struggled for a few minutes to get the door unlocked with the code. But it was a success a moment later and everyone was trying to get in the door.
Lots of “oh my god”, “shit”, “this is huge” words could be heard from you and your teammates. A large staircase could be seen in front of you, leading to a range of bedrooms above. The biggest kitchen you had ever seen in your life to the right, with a floor length window containing the best views of the snowy mountains.
“Ok ok rooms, some get their own, some share, made by the staff” Kim said getting people’s attention, “Little room 1, sweet! Foordy and McCabe room 2, Teyah and Vic room 3, Jen room 4, Beth and Viv room 5, Lotte and Less room 6, room 7 Kyra and y/n - wait no” Kim said as most of the girls agreed, you two could not under any circumstances share a room for the next 3 nights. “One of them is gonna share with me. You two pick, who wants to share with me?” Kim asked you and Kyra.
“No its fine one can share with me” Steph said “you get a good sleep” she laughed at Kim.
“Ok I’ll share. At least ill be safe with Steph, Kyra watch out” you mentioned to the girl, noting that you would get her back for the bus.
“You already got me back with the snow to my head!” She exclaimed
“No more pranks” Steph smiled pushing you from behind slightly towards room 9. When the door was opened, Two huge queen sized beds were in the middle of the room, the comfiest looking beds you were sure you had seen in your life.
“Omg omg” you squeezed jumping up and down like a toddler.
“Insane!” Steph grinned wide admiring the room and its view from the large window behind the beds. You both unpacked your suitcases in the respective suitcases provided.
“Hurry up you two!” You yelled at Katie and Caitlin who took a while to come out and play in the snow an hour later. “Cheeky girls” you smirked at Caitlin before Katie shoved you slightly and Caitlin threw snow at your face. The older girls broke out into laughter as you felt it go down your jumper. You shook your head and moulded the largest snowball you had seen and threw it right at Caitlin’s chest.
Those actions broke the sweet hour of all you girls making snow angels and snowmen into a full snowball fight. Everyone was after everyone at that moment, a hard throw from Amanda to the back of your head had you slowly falling over. You pulled at her feet from the ground, which caused her to join you in the slippery snow. You both were collapsed laughing. You saw Leah next to you, both you and Amanda looked at each other before throwing a snowball to her head. She groaned at the cold feeling.
“What happened” Jen laughed at her
“Just got 2 balls to the face”
“And that my friend is a rare occurrence for Leah Williamson” you smirked before hiding behind Amanda. Since you were on the ground, Leah easily and quickly threw snow at your whole body.
“Your disgusting tiny!” She yelled as you got up and tackled her into the snow, both of your stomachs hurting from laughing.
Later you were snuggled into Lia’s lap on one of the large campfire chairs. A blanket covering the two of you. All of you girls were working up around it while Kim, Jen and Katie attempted to get the pizza fire maker working.
“What are we doing tomorrow tour guide” you said to the girl with her arms around you.
Everyone all turned their heads, curious for the girl to tell what she had planned. “Well we should all go into town tomorrow morning and get drinks and food there for breakfast. I could see the lights from my bedroom so it shouldn’t be a long walk” You all nodded smiling, “then definitely snow boarding for sure!”
“Yay!” You said in excitement. You felt a buzz in your jacket pocket, you pulled it out and opened your phone.
Hey girl. Hope your having the best time there! So so happy for you, give me a call when you can chick. Mama loves you.
Your eyes stung looking at your phone, You always got emotional when you received texts like this from your family. Managing to get out of Lia’s arms you smiled at her “just got to call my mum”. Steph brushed her hand against your back in comfort as you walked inside the house.
You were on the call for a good 30 minutes, it made you start to tear up. You didn’t get to see her for the last camp in Australia, so it had been months. You talked to all your older siblings as well as your dad on the FaceTime call. You showed them the house and view briefly. When the call ended you went into the bathroom to check your face didn’t look too sad and teary. When it was all clear, you turned off the light and walked out with a sigh. You went back out. There was now an open seat just next to Beth and Steph.
“You good tiny?” Beth nudged you with a warm smile.
“Yep” you smile back at the older girl. Caitlin and Steph both shared looks, with Caitlin then settling her eyes on your face which staring at the ground. They knew how you got homesick whenever you called your parents.
“Pizza time!” Jen yelled loud, filled with pride after finally getting the pizza oven to work.
After a very filling dinner made by Jen, Kim and Katie. You all headed back inside and were just chatting in the living room, nearly all of them having a glass of wine. You tried to get a glass, as Vic went to pour you one Kim quickly stopped her at the stupid idea. Everyone was starting to get tired and you announced you would head up to bed first.
“Night” Lia and Leah softly said hugging you as you were sitting in the middle of them.
You walked up the halls, as your’s and Steph’s room was on the bottom floor, when you reached the room you quickly opened the door and fell on your bed. You put your face in your hands, your heart tonight was slightly sinking at the though of missing your family in Australia. You told yourself you wouldn’t let stars fall. You were on one of the best trips of your life with your team. So you took a large breath before getting up to shower the smell of smoke off your body. You heard the sound of laughter get loud for a moment as you were in your bed. Signaling someone was opening up the door, the person shut it before you shot up to see who it was. Honestly scared for a moment since it was a huge house in the mountains.
You expected Steph, but not Caitlin trailing behind. “Gosh you scared me” you said softly making the other girls smile.
“How are you going puddin” Caitlin said sitting next to you on the bed.
“Alright why?”
“You sure?”
“Well I was feeling a bit homesick before, like missing mum and stuff. But its all good” you said looking at the sheets, slightly fidgeting with them.
“You don’t have to, But we really want you to talk to us when you feel like that. You know we are here for you” Steph said softly. You swore she had said those words 30 times since you moved alone to London to join Arsenal. You still felt insane comfort when around the two girls.
“I won’t lie. You two make it easier. It just reminds me of home with you two.” You said to the two of your Aussie teammates, “Kyra…not so much” you giggled.
“Yeah no not her” Caitlin laughed
“She’s alright. Sorry for always being so annoying with her, and like Caitlin I actually feel terrible about your fridge like so so bad. You need to send me your transfer details so I can give you the money to fix it-“
“Absolute nonsense. No need. It wasn’t even you it was kyra” Caitlin said softly
“And you’re not annoying. You are one of the sweetest people I know I won’t lie to you. Sure you anf Kyra get a bit too pipped up sometimes but we still love you” Steph said
“Yeah like little shits!” Caitlin exclaimed adding to her words, Steph nudging her with a giggle from both of you.
“Thanks mum and dad” you laughed as you hugged them. “Ok I’m gonna get ready for bed too now.” Steph said getting up.
“More wine for me!” Caitlin said before skipping off to the living room.
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starry-hughes · 2 years
question pressure
nico hischier x reader
summary: nico feels like everyone is mistaking you for his wife and thinks it is finally time to ask you the question
requested: yes!
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Since Nico’s rookie year, you had been together. He met you in the city, trying to find some grocery store he was told about, and collided with you. Nico’s a hockey player. Bumping into him sent you stumbling to the ground. He felt bad, but his worry eased up as he was met with laughter as he offered you a hand. 
You were moving in with him at the beginning of his sophomore season. Summers were always lonely without him, especially in the early parts of your relationship. It was also harder when he went back to Switzerland to complete his military service. The two of you overcame small hiccups like those and even bigger hiccups like injuries and a pandemic. However, you stuck it out with him. You began traveling with him for parts of the summer and making road trips work by facetime calls and texts. 
When Nico was named the next captain in Devils history, you were ecstatic. You wouldn’t say you were expecting a wedding ring or anything, but you thought for a split second he would ask. His first year as captain came and went, and there was still no wedding ring. Being together since early 2018, you would have expected it. You tried not to dwell too much on it, though, wanting to let Nico decide when the best time was. 
The Devils were playing pretty well so far. You couldn’t have been happier. Nico was happy and attempting not to be too upset when eventual losses came. He was also happy with you, discussing moving out of the apartment and into a house. The idea of getting a dog was floating around, and Nico was getting baby fever pretty often. 
It was an interview when something happened first. After a win against Florida, Nico, with a goal in the game, was interviewed. “We saw you make a little celly stop at your wife, who was sitting on the glass, is she excited about how your season has progressed?” 
Nico froze for a second at the idea of someone mistaking you as his wife. “Oh yeah, my girlfriend is pretty excited. She loves watching me and the team make it so far this season,” Nico corrected softly. It was hard to watch the interview and not cringe at the panic in Nico’s eyes when someone referred to you as his wife. It wasn’t that he was embarrassed to be with you and have you as his wife. It was more panic from Nico realizing that he had probably been putting off proposing for too long; assumptions were being taken about his marital status. 
The interview gained him a few chirps in the locker room for the next couple of days. Nico apologized to you, but you swiftly told him not to worry. It was an honest mistake from the interviewer. 
Nico sat at a small lunch restaurant near the training facility with Jack, Dawson, and Dougie. Their waitress mentioned that the restaurant would be closed for a day next week since they were catering a wedding. “So, when are you going to ask?” Dougie questioned, eyes pointed toward Nico. “Ask what?” Nico’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “An interviewer referred to your long-term girlfriend as your wife, and you have brought up the idea of moving into a house with (Y/N). Shouldn’t you be asking a certain question soon?” Dougie elaborated. 
He shrugged, trying not to bring more attention to himself from the group. “Does it feel too early to ask?” Nico pondered aloud, eliciting a groan from Jack and Dawson. “Just ask her! What if she gets annoyed and leaves you?” Jack planted that fear into Nico’s head. 
It happened again. Someone referred to you as Nico’s wife instead of a girlfriend. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t feel awkward. You and Nico had dinner reservations at a nice restaurant. Nico felt like he owed you a nice dinner since he had been away so often this month. “Mr. Hischier, you and your wife can follow me to your table,” the host smiled sweetly. “Oh, just girlfriend,” you corrected with a soft, kind smile on your face. Nico’s hand gripped yours a little tighter at that moment as a small pang of guilt flooded into his body. 
A few weeks after that, you received a wedding invitation in the mail from your distant cousin. Nico had caught you looking at the invitation a little too long. He couldn’t tell if you were upset or jealous. “Weddings are always fun,” you mumbled to Nico as you marked yes on the RSVP for your and Nico’s attendance. 
Nico practically hunted down his new teammate at practice the next week, finding Curtis Lazar lacing up his skates in the dressing room. “I need you and your wife to go ring shopping with me.” 
His pocket had never felt heavier than when he was walking into your shared apartment with the ring box. It felt like the small black velvet box was weighing his pocket down. Nerves dripping off his body were soon gone, seeing you curled up on the couch in his t-shirt. “Hi babe, I printed out some more papers about houses that we should go look at!” you said, happy to see your boyfriend home. He smiled, leaning down to kiss your head. “I’ll look at them after I shower.” 
 Nico shoved the ring box into his nightstand, praying you wouldn’t find it. The rest of the night was normal. You two cooked dinner, watched a movie, brushed your teeth, and snuggled into bed. Your head rested on Nico’s chest, and his arm wrapped around you as the two of you shared small talk. Nico felt a smile on his face as you discussed how you would want to set up the house the two of you were planning to move into. 
“Marry me.” 
You sat up quickly, looking down at your boyfriend, “What?” 
Nico sat up as well, his hands shaking as he grabbed the ring box from his nightstand. “Marry me.” You panicked, “You’re not doing this because you feel pressured, right? I don’t mind correcting people, and if they guys are teasing you, you should just ignore them, and-” Nico cut off your rambling with a kiss. “Marry me,” Nico mumbled against your lips. 
Pulling away from Nico, you nodded once before nodding faster. “I didn’t know when or how to ask you, but hearing you talk about our future house just made me think I should ask now. Plus, I might have waited too long to ask, don't want you getting annoyed,” Nico explained as he opened the ring box, took the ring out, and slid it onto your finger, trying to calm down your shaking hands. 
With a new piece of jewelry on your finger, Nico and you fell asleep as he mumbled how much he loved you. 
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If we for a moment forgo canon events and disagreements then I do wholeheartedly hope and believe that Todd and Neil get married during the '70s. It's a sunny afternoon on the perfect day in mid-spring and the light is at its thickest and most golden and Charlie got registered as an officiant just for this day and not everybody's present - Meeks can't make it from Switzerland on short notice, but they get a photo of him and prop it up on the coffee table at the perfect angle to see. Neil keeps wondering if he's going to get the pre-wedding jitters and does end up pacing around the living room early in the morning, but it's less cold feet and more impatience. (Turns out it's kind of hard to get cold feet when your almost-husband is sitting drowsily on the couch to keep you company and he keeps almost nodding off and you keep remembering all the ways in which you love him.) Ginny barges in at noon with hairspray and a sewing kit and insists on making bouquets with shitty grocery store flowers for both of them and Todd's suit ends up with a hastily added elbow patch and Neil's tie doesn't match his pocket square, because one's from Cameron and the other's from Knox. (Something borrowed, something blue...) It's perfect. In the end they go out on the balcony and Charlie's wearing this really tacky priest outfit, just really shitty fabric so that he's probably sweating bullets, and the collar's come untucked, and at the last moment Chris shrieks, "You forgot your bouquets!" and throws one with such good aim it hits Todd in the face. But they get through the vows and both of them only cry a little, because Cameron cries enough for all of them combined, and then that's it - over - and married. And as Charlie beams and says they can kiss there's a well-timed shower of rice from the balcony above, and congratulations, from some upstairs neighbours and well-wishers. Pitts catches the kiss on his expensive video camera and he also catches the cheering, which is so loud that, four blocks away, a lone man packing up his street food van pauses in closing boxes and thinks that there must be a party going on. He's right. And at the end of the night when the last loved one leaves and shuts the door gently behind them to not disturb the newlyweds lying together on the couch, silent with happiness, it's still perfect. At that moment it doesn't matter that there is no piece of paper, or no registry office, or that if Todd has an accident Neil might not be able to visit him in the hospital room. There will be tears for those things, but they come later. For now they're married. The beautiful thing never changes.
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eletricheart · 7 months
All's well when it ends up with you
(Mother Miranda x Reader)
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*pic creds to owner, got it from pinterest
Word count: 1061
I thought of the song Margaret by Lana Del Rey feat Bleachers and then i just found out it's Valentine's Day somewhere in the world so yh
When you know, you know
ps: fluff🥰
ps2: song at the end
ps3: not proofread pls lmk any mistakes
The first time you saw each other was at a Conference in Switzerland, you thought she was the smartest person in the room.
The second time was only a few months later during an University presentation in London, you went only to accompany your friend. She noticed.
The third time she went after you, she didn't know why she was so interested in you, maybe you’d make a good experiment. Therefore, she “ran” into you at your daily coffee run.
The scientist was quick to stop you on the street. “Hi, I’m sorry you’re just so familiar. Have we met?”
You stared at her wide eyed, recognizing her from the conferences. “Hi! I-yes. I saw you at the lecture in London. Though, I don't think we talked.”
She gave you a smile and nodded. “I’m Miranda.” The woman said, offering her hand.
You were quick to introduce yourself and shake her hand.
It started slow, Miranda would bump into you in the street until you knew each other enough to exchange numbers. If questioned she would say it was to make the experiment easier, that it was necessary to fully know you for research.
For the first time in decades the scientist was nervous to talk to someone. You were sharing a glass of wine on your balcony, sitting in comfortable silence.
Miranda was playing with her rings, lost in thought of your possible reactions to her proposal.
You were quick to notice, turning your head to look at her and holding her hand to stop her fidgeting. You gave her a gentle smile. “What’s on your mind?”
She took a deep breath. “What do you think about moving to Romania with me?”
You were sitting in your living room trying to process everything the now priestess explained to you regarding the village.
Miranda was in front of you, watching the gears turn in your head. She tried to reason with herself that if you rejected she could always force you to go, but it wouldn't be the same, you wouldn’t be the same.
The scientist was surprised when all you did was nod and say “wild”.
Miranda realized she was in love with you a few days after arriving. She was watching you lazily set up your room, you’d stop everytime you found something interesting to either dress it or tell it’s entire story.
You were wearing a cowboy hat while telling the exact concert you bought it for.
You noticed her staring at you with a small smile. Momentarily stopping the story. “You okay?”
Miranda furrowed her brows and nodded. “Yeah, I’m great.”
You noticed you were falling for the priestess way earlier than her. It was around the second time she hung out at your place, the woman insisted on cooking for you, so you sat on the counter watching her master your kitchen.
You would try to crack some jokes and she would look at you in disapproval.
You were laughing at your latest one while she stared in confusion. “Come on, you gotta admit this one was funny.”
The priestess slowly shook her head. “You’re insane.”
You smiled widely. “Clinically proven, baby, nothing new.”
She rolled her eyes with an almost unnoticeable smile.
But it was enough for you to notice so you spend the rest of the night trying to make her smile again.
It was not only your first year at the Village but also Valentine’s day. The townsfolk had already decorated when you were walking by to buy some groceries. You weren't sure how Miranda felt about the day, but you couldn't resist buying a few flowers.
And that's how you ended up behind her at the lab holding a small vase with a red tulip. You gently touched her shoulder after hiding the flowers behind your back. “Heyy, the town seems very passionate about Valentine’s day. Did you know that?”
Miranda turned to look at you and tilted her head. “I don’t really…care…about what they do.”
You chuckled. “Well…I got you a flower, in a vase, because it’d feel like a murderer if it was in a bouquet.”
Your hands trembled slightly when presenting the tulip to Miranda.
She carefully took it from your hands and nodded, awkwardly looking at you.
You felt like your heart was about to explode with how fast it was beating. “So, I-um-I’m gonna go, bye.” You said before almost sprinting out of the room.
Miranda was confused, extremely confused. Maybe you got the wrong flowers, maybe you didn't mean “love” and it was all a silly mistake.
You couldn't love her, not after all she's done, after all you've seen. Why would you feel even the slightest affection for her.
The more she stared at the flower the more she’d want you to love like her. She regretted not saying anything, what if you thought she didn't care for you.
So she did what she does best, she researched all she could on Valentine’s day, it was mostly useless but knowledge nonetheless.
Once she deemed her findings worth it, she went after you with a stack of papers and the flower.
You were reading in your room when she got inside looking like a woman on a mission. You confusingly stared at her when she sat in front of you. You were about to speak when she cut you off.
“The flower means love and according to my research you’re supposed to gift flowers or chocolate to your partner on this date. Those are facts.” She looked at you for confirmation.
You nodded and started to nervously pick on your nails. “You-you don’t have to feel it back, really, we don't even need to talk about it.” You said, with an equally nervous laugh.
Miranda nodded with a serious face and got out of the room a few moments, later returning with a flower made of silverware.
She presented it to you. “It’s shiny and a flower.” The priestess took a deep breath before speaking again. “I don't like to admit when I don't know something. But I don't know how this works or why you like me. Although I am absolutely sure this isn't going to end well. So…think before you accept this.”
You smiled, quickly accepting her flower. “I’m willing to try for you.”
She laughed, shaking her head. “Good.”
requests are open: masterlist
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seelanmarket · 1 year
Bao Long Pho Ga Bouillon, 75g
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Wn prompt: buttons
[for @unicyclehippo as part of our little series for ea other — outside switzerland era pov, or: the kind, amused things a vintage shopkeeper & her wife in switzerland think of ava & beatrice. also on ao3.]
one hot afternoon the door rings and a girl rushes through, a little bit of a hurricane, and another follows, calm in the eye of a storm she seems both exasperated by and fond of at once.
you’re used to an influx of university students during the summer months. many are passing through, on their way from zurich to berlin or munich; some are just relaxing here, passing time before they’re inevitably swept back into their everyday lives. you’ve lived here for a long time, since you yourself stumbled on this town just after you finished a degree in marketing that could have been of use but sparked so little joy you decided to give yourself a year, or two, or maybe five, to figure out something better, something happier. you’d worked at the vintage store before it was yours, with its previous owner, clara, taking a shine to you, even though, in those days, you were quieter, reserved, kept mostly to yourself. when she had wanted to retire, she sold the shop to you for much less than you knew it was worth — you buy her groceries and weed her lawn and fix anything in her house; you have her over for dinner every sunday.
it’s a good life, especially when it’s quiet in the morning, just before the shop opens, and you spin the pretty ring around aleyna’s finger and kiss her while she laughs and tastes like coffee. in those moments, with her black hair and the wrinkles that have gotten deeper around the edges of her mouth, under her eyes — from smiling, from your small home and the blue eggs the chickens in your yard lay, from her books and her records in this store that she sells with care and fondness, the way she does everything — that you love. in those moments, and in so many others, too — there is no better a life that you can imagine.
‘hello,’ you say in german. ‘welcome. i’m lena. is there anything i can help you with?’
‘i’m ava,’ one says, enthusiastic and rocking on her heels once, trying to keep her excitement in; she’s beautiful in a pretty way, in a young way, with messy, tangled light hair and a t-shirt with a hole in the sleeve. ‘and this is beatrice.’ she gestures to the girl beside her, a little older, stoic and straight backed, although she offers a smile, almost apologetic. she has on a black jumpsuit and her hair is in a neat bun at the back of her head. she waves. ‘we both use she/her pronouns, i don’t really care, though. and we’re staying here for the summer!’ ava continues, in perfect german, a happy smile on her face. ‘at least that long, i guess. we’re on sabbatical. anyway, we need stuff!’
‘clothes,’ beatrice clarifies. ‘our apartment is already furnished, ava.’
ava doesn’t seem deterred in the slightest. 'we need fun things too.’ ava takes beatrice’s hand and squeezes, which makes beatrice’s eyes go wide and you want to laugh, just a little. ‘but, yes, clothes.’
‘clothes can be fun,’ you say. ava grins; beatrice grimaces at you, a small warning not to encourage ava too much, it seems. you lead them over to some of your more casual shirts and summer tank tops, which ava seems immediately delighted by.
‘is it okay if i try things on?’
‘of course.’ you point toward one of the small dressing rooms near the back, with heavy curtains.
‘by the way,’ ava says, while beatrice carefully looks through tanks and t-shirts with a frown, ‘your suit is gorgeous. i would think it would be hot, but what is that — linen?’
‘yes,’ you say, and you don’t miss beatrice’s curious gaze at your slim pants, your loafers, the way your jacket sits perfectly on your shoulders. ‘it’s quite comfortable, even when it’s warm.’
‘i love that for you.’ ava already has a whole armful of cropped tanks and a few patterned overshirts, two pairs of denim shorts, and a pair of jeans the color of wild roses that aleyna had loved when she found them at a market two towns over. ‘bea, i’m gonna go try these on! fashion show!’
beatrice blushes but she nods. ‘stay within budget, please. i don’t think you can get all of what you’ve picked.’
‘yeah, obviously. don’t worry, i’ll find my favorites.’
ava scampers off and you don’t miss that beatrice hasn’t picked up anything to try on; you remember a feeling, back when your hair was too long and your pants were too tight against your hips, when you fought yourself into dresses, and the way she touches the same kind of tank ava had been thrilled to put in her arms reminds you, a little, of yourself.
‘i like to tailor,’ you tell her, and she looks at you carefully as you walk over to a clothing rack with — if you do say so yourself, and also aleyna says so, which is more important — beautiful slacks on it. some are formal, could pair well with a jacket, and some are more casual and comfortable. beatrice follows you, a little reluctantly but with measured, sure steps, solemn, exacting posture in her neat jumpsuit. you pick up a pair of navy slacks you genuinely do love, an exaggerated wide leg, and a grey pair that sits high on the waist. there’s a collarless button down you’d found a month or so ago, and you hand it to her as well. ‘what do you think?’
she takes them almost reverently, and sometimes you forget: you have lived here in the mountains and woken up to your wife and her sleepy grumbling for so many years, now — what it felt like to understand yourself for the first time. ‘they’re …’ she shakes her head, at a loss, it seems. ‘i’d like to try them on, if that’s okay.’
‘of course.’
ava bursts out of the dressing room not soon after beatrice is in the one next to her, and when she notices beatrice isn’t still standing outside, she grins.
‘well, lena, thoughts?’
you’re ultimately and immediately charmed by ava — her grin and genuine delight over a tank and a pair of cutoffs. ‘do you feel happy?’
‘god,’ ava says, ‘so fucking happy! i had — honestly, it’s a long story, but i haven’t gotten to pick out much stuff for myself, at least not in a long time. it’s so fun.’
you smile. ‘i told you so.’
she laughs. ‘but, while bea is in there —‘ she hooks a thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the dressing room — ‘let me look at some knickknacks or something. she’s so serious but i can wear her down, i’m sure of it.’
you’re pretty sure ava could wear anyone down, but you don’t say that. ‘well, we have some records; my wife enjoys curating a collection so it’s fairly eclectic, but there will probably be something you’d like.’
‘sick,’ ava says, in english, and then laughs at herself. she starts looking through the few crates of records you have, pulls out blue by joni mitchell with a sad smile. ‘my mom loved this album.’
‘if you put it at the bottom of your pile of clothes, i’ll make sure it makes it into your bag.’ you wink when ava looks up at you and she smiles.
‘that’s very kind. thank you.’
it’s so sincere, ava immediately calmed and quiet, but then she perks up again when she hears the curtain of the dressing room open and beatrice steps out in the grey slacks and white button up you’d handed her. she’s a little awkward but her shoulders have relaxed and ava is about to drool next to you, you’re pretty sure, based on her complete lack of words; beatrice has to fight for a few seconds to look away from both ava’s thighs and her chest, but she does, eventually.
‘yes.’ beatrice offers you a real smile, not out of politeness but because she means it. ‘i think i need a belt?’
‘bea,’ ava says, rebooting and hurrying over to her, the record set carefully on the counter first. ‘you look so cool! like, whoa. conversely, also hot.’
‘what?’ ava says, without any hint of an apology. ‘you do!’
you hand beatrice a simple black belt and find a few more button downs for her to try, a pair of loose levi’s, cuffed at the ankles, for lazy saturdays, and hand them to her too. she cradles them to her chest for a moment, and ava notices too.
‘thank you, lena,’ beatrice says. ‘i’ll finish trying everything on and then, if ava’s done, we’ll be out of your hair.’
you hair is perfect, thank you very much, and ava laughs when you primp it. ‘no rush, i’m just glad you liked some of the clothes.’
‘i do,’ beatrice says, then walks back into the dressing room.
‘whew,’ ava whispers. ‘am i right?’
it makes you laugh, her genuine distress. ‘i know the feeling.’
ava smiles. ‘well, bea wants to, like, get groceries, and clean, and go on a run, blah blah. but i’ll be back! i want to hear about your wife.’
‘she’s here most mornings, in fact.’
‘incredible.’ ava fist pumps. ‘i love mornings.’
you charge them far less, when beatrice brings two pairs of slacks, two button ups, and a pair of jeans so neatly folded you’re both a little concerned and a lot impressed, and places them on the counter, along with ava’s pile of tank tops and shorts and pants, and of course the album.
‘ava,’ beatrice says, ‘we don’t need that.’
ava pouts, but before she can argue, you say, ‘don’t worry about it. my wife will be thrilled it’s in good hands.’
beatrice looks torn; sometimes, kindness is difficult. but ava bounces on the balls of her feet and puts both of her hands on one of beatrice’s shoulders, practically begs. ‘fine,’ beatrice says. ‘thank you again, lena.’
‘sure thing,’ you say, accept beatrice’s neatly stored cash from her simple leather wallet, and send them on their way with a few bags. ava’s already trying to convince, you hear as they walk out, beatrice to skip their run and eat gelato by the lake instead. which, honestly, sounds like a good plan for the afternoon; you text aleyna and she comes by half an hour later, leaving the library a bit early, and kisses you in the golden sun.
ava comes in a few days later with a bag of pastries and three coffees and a giant smile.
‘hi!’ she says, delighted when she sees you and aleyna both sorting through a new box of books.
‘hello, ava,’ you say, stand and smile. aleyna stands too and steps forward to offer her hand. ‘this is aleyna, my wife.’
‘yes!’ ava puts the coffees down on the counter and then steps forward to shake her hand with enthusiasm. ‘i’m ava, it’s nice to meet you.’
‘i heard you’re a joni mitchell fan,’ aleyna says, with her black curls streaked with silver, her bright smile, her deep accented voice, her brown skin particularly gorgeous against the yellow of her summer slip dress, and you want to laugh at how ava’s eyes widen, how she seems to go a little weak at the knees.
‘i — uh — yes.’ she fumbles with the bag of pastries and then holds them out. ‘these are — thanks for the record. and for bea’s pants.’
you do laugh, then, but you take the bag from ava’s clumsy hands. ’thank you, ava. that’s very thoughtful. and i’m glad beatrice likes her pants.’
‘she does.’ ava sighs. ‘and i love her pants.’
aleyna smiles into her cup of coffee. ‘i heard from hans you both got jobs at the bar?’
‘yeah! it’s fun. i’m kind of terrible at it but i love to learn. bea is, of course, perfect.’ she rolls her eyes. ‘but i get to meet so many people. they’re really nice when i mess up their drinks.’
you take in ava’s tiny shorts and the way she’s tied an overshirt over a bralette, leaving just a sliver of her stomach exposed, and her soft, pretty features, her bright smile. ‘enthusiasm goes a long way.’
ava grins. ‘exactly!’
‘do you want to help us sort through some books?’ aleyna asks.
ava sits down on the floor, crossed legs and scuffed converse and bright eyes. ‘i love to read; i’d love to see what you have. bea is still asleep; maybe i could surprise her with something.’
you let aleyna and ava go through a few boxes together while you work on a suit in your back workroom, but you can hear ava laughing brightly and eventually she pops her head through the doorway.
‘bea and i are gonna go swimming,’ she says, ‘but i’ll be back soon, i’m sure. aleyna is wonderful, you’re really lucky.’
‘i am,’ you agree. ‘what book did you get?’
it’s tucked under her arm carefully. she smiles. ‘the spring flowers own. i don’t know it yet.’
it’s tender, the way she means that she will know it; she’ll read it with care and meaning. ‘ah, etel adnan. one of aleyna’s favorites.’
‘that’s what she said; i’m excited.’
‘it’s very beautiful.’ you don’t add that it’s sad, that adnan’s bright paintings have brought your wife to tears on more than one occasion.
ava might understand; she is so young and pretty and bright but there’s an ache that’s hard to miss — a displacement, a longing.
‘enjoy the lake, ava. and tell beatrice hello from us.’
ava knocks twice on the doorframe. ‘i will.’
it’s a rainy, damp afternoon, nowhere in town terribly busy, when beatrice ducks into your store.
‘apologies,’ she says in form of greeting, looking a little lost without a jacket or umbrella. ‘i made the mistake of not checking the weather this morning.’
‘not a problem at all, beatrice. you’re always welcome here.’ beatrice smiles, gracious. ‘my wife was just making tea, if you’d like some? jasmine green tea.’
‘that sounds wonderful,’ she says.
‘hello!’ aleyna calls from the small back kitchen.
you gesture for beatrice to follow you. there’s a small table and four mis-matched chairs, carefully chosen, and aleyna smiles.
‘aleyna,’ she says, offers a hand.
‘beatrice.’ you know her handshake is firm and serious but she swallows once and you don’t miss the rise of pink on her cheeks. ‘pleasure.’
‘you’re british,’ aleyna says.
‘yes, from london, originally.’
aleyna smiles. ‘finally, someone to enjoy my good tea with.’ aleyna kisses your cheek to soften the upcoming blow: ‘lena is wonderful, and so handsome, but has awful taste in tea. she’s happy with just an over-steeped bag.’
beatrice grimaces around a laugh. ‘ava can’t make tea if her life depended on it. i’ve shown her many times, and she seems to get lost about halfway through.’
you suspect that might be because of beatrice’s careful hands and the serious set of her jaw, but you don’t mention it.
‘ah, ava,’ aleyna says. ‘she’s wonderful.’
‘she is,’ beatrice says. ‘exhausting, annoying… full.’
‘is she enjoying her book?’
‘she is,’ beatrice says, ‘very much. she’s been reading to me at night sometimes, so i’ve been enjoying it too.’
you share as quick a glance with aleyna as you can.
‘adnan is beautiful,’ beatrice continues. ‘you’re lebanese?’
‘yes,’ aleyna says. ‘you know her work?’
‘her paintings, mostly. i would love to read her work in arabic, though. ava’s fluent in a few languages, but all of them romance.’
you laugh — as if this is, somehow, a shortcoming beatrice would love to remedy — as aleyna perks up. ‘you know arabic?’
beatrice nods. ‘not as well as i’d like. i’m better with it spoken than written. but i’d love to improve; it’s beautiful.’
aleyna smiles, then says, in arabic, ‘i would love to speak with you, whenever you want.’
beatrice blushes down into her mug, then looks up. ‘your tea is excellent,’ she responds, a little slow, with an accent much more careful than aleyna’s lyrical and gravely lilt over the words, but perfectly. ‘i do know how to say more than that, also,’ beatrice says, and aleyna laughs, ‘but it really is wonderful.’
‘i appreciate it.’
‘lena.’ beatrice turns all her attention to you. ‘i was wondering if you had a sweater or two? ava continues to take my jacket when it’s cool. i’m sure she’ll enjoy taking my sweater too, but it would be helpful to have more than one.’
‘that would be,’ you grant her and spare her the embarrassment of clearly ducking into your shop because she’d gotten caught in a rainstorm with no jacket which is, apparently, ava’s fault. ‘want to come look at a few?’
‘sure.’ beatrice carefully rinses out her mug in the sink before following. ‘thank you,’ she says to aleyna, in arabic, ‘for the poems, and for the tea.’
‘come around anytime.’
beatrice smiles and follows you out, and you show her a soft green cotton crewneck you’d just gotten in. she holds it to her chest for a moment in the mirror, considering, and you wonder if ava ever gets beatrice to do anything without carefully thinking about it first. ‘this is perfect, thank you.’ she pulls it on immediately, definitely a little cold still, and you’re glad for her: that she has ava; that ava has her — in whatever capacity that is right now, the capacity you hope it’ll be eventually — and for her quiet, persistent kindness.
‘of course, i’m glad you like it.’
beatrice touches one of the suit jackets you’d finished recently, a little reverent. ‘i love a lot of the clothes you have, honestly. i — i’m not sure if i know, yet, how to be who i want to be.’
‘you’re young,’ you say. ‘not as a platitude, i promise.’ she nods. ‘but i didn’t figure out that i loved suits until i was years older than you.’
her shoulders relax a little, at the small out, the gentle understanding. she smiles, indulgent, and meets your eyes. ‘i can’t imagine you were ever anything other than very handsome.’
‘well, that is true.’ she laughs. ‘but impeccably dressed? that’s a journey. and you’re on your own.’
‘was it scary?’
she touches one of the gorgeous opal buttons on the suit.
‘but very, very beautiful too.’
she tucks her hands into her pockets. ‘i’m sorry, i have to get going. ava thinks she can cook but we cannot afford another grease fire.’
‘better avoid that.’
‘how much is the sweater?’
you charge her a few euro; she eyes you suspiciously but doesn’t argue. she calls goodbye to aleyna, says a soft farewell to you, wanders back out — warmer, now — into the rain to make her way home.
ava bounces in on a sunny, hot morning, her hair sweaty and now short, cut to her chin, and you laugh when she gives you a high five.
‘your hair looks great,’ aleyna says, and you voice the same. ava preens, which aleyna happily laughs at.
‘bea cut it for me!’ she smiles and then looks at a few bracelets. ‘well, i tried to do it myself, but it’s, like, impossible. i had no idea. but, you live and you learn. bea fixed it, though, and then i convinced her to let me give her highlights! they’re so cute.’
‘how long have you been together?’
‘just a few months,’ ava says, trying on a little cap, and you raise your brows — you’d had a little ongoing wager with aleyna, after you’d run into the two of them at a summer festival in the city center, market lights and food and music; they’d been holding hands and ava had kissed beatrice’s cheek on multiple occasions. ‘but it feels like i’ve known her forever.’
‘young love,’ aleyna says, looks to you fondly. ‘remember when we felt like that.’
ava freezes, still looking at herself in the mirror.
‘i still feel like that, my dear.’
aleyna rolls her eyes fondly and kisses you on the temple. ava is still stock still in the corner, with the cap crooked.
‘i’m bisexual,’ she says, then puts her head in her hands, definitely embarrassed and you just laugh. but one thing about ava: she soldiers on: ‘i just mean, i like girls, and, anyway — is it — hypothetically, if someone wasn’t together with their best friend because of … prior commitments, but you’re pretty sure there’s, like, reciprocal feelings, and those commitments are… a little less strict now, and i know bea is — well — is it — should i kiss her?’
you wait for her to take a few breaths and steady herself. ‘so… you’re not dating?’
ava groans. ‘i wish.’
aleyna owes you twenty euro; you knew they were too jittery to have made that jump. you’ll remind her later. ‘do you think beatrice is ready for that?’ you’d seen the way her hands shook when she bypassed a row of dresses for a pair of men’s pants you’d hemmed for her; the way she blushed around aleyna when they spoke arabic together over tea some afternoons; the way she grinned when you’d handed her your favorite bronkski beat record and said, ‘my parents never let me listen to them, but i always wanted to.’
ava frowns; you think she might legitimately be about to cry. ‘i don’t know.’
‘well, it’s clear to me that you love each other, and you have your whole lives,’ aleyna offers. ‘you’ll sort it out.’
ava does cry then, and you thought that was going to be soothing response, but you wait a beat and then hug ava: small, slight — scared, clearly, of something you don’t understand.
‘you’re right,’ she says, after a few moments, and dries her tears. ‘we’ll — there’s time.’ she fiddles with the cap, runs a hand through her hair and then can’t help but smile, just slightly, as she tucks it behind her ears. ‘we’ll have time.’
‘you will,’ aleyna says, looks to you and you know she means it as a promise, the same one you made to each other years and years ago.
ava sniffles and nods and then laughs. ‘wow, sorry! crying in front of my two favorite lesbians. other than bea, obviously, but — fuck.’ she looks a little panicked but then, ‘oh well, you already knew, right?’
‘yes,’ you say, and aleyna laughs.
‘well, you’re tied for number two on the list, sorry.’
‘an honor.’
ava bows with a flourish and giggles at herself. ‘anyway, now my hair is always in my face, something i did not think through. so i’m gonna get this hat.’
you ring her up and she puts it on backward with a little grin and waves on her way out.
‘hello,’ beatrice says, wandering as you’re near closing, without ava in tow. ‘if it’s too late, i’m happy to come back another time.’
‘not at all.’
she smooths her already perfectly neat bun. ‘i was wondering —‘ she takes a deep breath and settles herself, like she’s about to shoot a gun— ‘can i try on a suit?’
‘of course,’ you say calmly, and it works: she nods in thanks and lets the air out of her lungs. you find her a beautiful, light linen suit — a little oversized, still a little feminine, and a pair of loafers you love, a collarless button down to go under the jacket. she takes her time in the dressing room, but when she steps out, her hair out of its bun, swept over her shoulder, her shirt tucked in neatly, she looks in the mirror and bites her bottom lip.
‘this is beautiful.’ it’s wistful, and sad.
‘you look handsome.’
she looks up at the ceiling, then tries to wipe tears of her cheeks as discreetly as possible. ‘you love being who you are.’
‘i do,’ you say. ‘i love being butch; i love that people know who i am, and how i want to be.’ you bring her some elegant cufflinks and she lets you put them on.
‘i love this suit.’
‘you’re more than allowed.’ you squeeze her wrist, just once. ‘it is a great suit.’
she smiles, grateful for the levity, and then lets out a big breath. ‘it’s quite a gift, to be in your own skin.’
‘it is.’
she tells you that she can’t get it — not yet, she says, a promise more to herself — and after she’s changed and meticulously hung the suit back up, she gives you a hug. you put your hand to the back of her head, as protective as you can. you had had an older dyke who had given you your own suit, had taught you careful stitches to tailor a waistband and how to comb your hair back neatly.
‘i do have something for you,’ you say, and hand her a small necklace, an opal drop on a black cord; aleyna had found it at a market in geneva and given it to you for the express purpose of giving it to beatrice. it’s meddling, but you think, in this scenario, maybe a little push is kind.
‘i can’t — this is too generous.’
‘it’s not.’ you put it in a small velvet bag for her. ‘i’m old, and have a beautiful wife. you get to go be yourself. and i think there’s a girl who cares a great deal for you.’
beatrice nods. ‘thank you. ava will love it, i’m sure.’
when you get to the shop a few weeks later, there’s a note shoved under the door; you open it and see what you’re sure is beatrice’s careful handwriting:
Dear Lena and Aleyna,
We are deeply sorry to leave without saying a proper goodbye; we’ve had a family emergency and have to get there as quickly as possible. Your generosity — your tea, and books, and music, and the beautiful suit I’ll think of for years to come — has changed my life. Your love is somewhat of a holy thing, I think. Ava also says that she appreciates all the crop tops you had for her because it made flirting more fun (she made me write this). In any case, we’ll miss you greatly; hopefully, we will be back eventually to visit again. I hope my Arabic improves, and Ava would like to make you drinks one day.
All our love, Beatrice + Ava
it’s a warm morning in may, spring giving way into the purple blooms of summer, when the door opens and you almost drop your coffee because you hear laughter you could never really forget, and then ava and beatrice walk in. you haven’t seen them in two years, and they both look older, a little tired, but they’re holding hands and ava is just as bright as you remember, a cap still backward on her head, short hair tucked behind her ears, an exuberance in her steps; beatrice’s hair is long and blonde and she smiles with a lightness in her eyes you’d never seen before. aleyna walks out of the back, absolutely delighted.
‘what are you two doing here?’
ava smiles. ‘we were visiting some friends in berlin, then heading to andalusia for a few weeks. we live in los angeles now.’
‘california!’ aleyna grins.
‘right on the beach,’ ava says. ‘but, well, we wanted to stop by, say proper goodbyes and then a new hello!’
beatrice laughs, free and open, and the hand that sneaks its way across the back of ava’s shoulders seems second-nature at this point. ‘i, um, actually — we have a wedding soon.’
‘not ours,’ ava says, but then looks to beatrice, ‘but one day, right.’
beatrice flushes red, but her smile doesn’t falter at all. ‘one day, yes.’ she turns to you and sets her shoulders. ‘could you help me with a suit?’
you give her a hug; you can’t help it, and no one mentions it when she lets ava wipe a few tears when she backs up. ‘it would bring me immense joy to do so.’
and you do — ava sits with aleyna and whistles at everything beatrice tries on, and beatrice puts on a slim navy suit — without a shirt underneath; she had smirked at ava when she walked out — and then looks at herself in the mirror. she meets your eyes in the reflection and nods, just once.
‘that’s the one, then?’
she nods. ‘i think so.’
‘this isn’t fair,’ ava pouts, ‘bea’s gonna look so much hotter than me. she’s gonna upstage the bride and the groom at this point.’
aleyna laughs. ‘terrible problem to have.’
ava rolls her eyes, joyful all the same. ‘you would know.’
aleyna smiles in your direction — a lifetime, a whole lifetime; your heart still swells like it did the first time you ever saw her. ‘i would.’
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avonne-writes · 2 months
I imagine gale being sad about bucky going back to the states after visiting and then bucky just kissing him all over his face until gale starts giggling and then they just hug and stay like that for a while idk I imagine saying goodbye being SUPER hard for both of them and bucky joking about quitting his job and gale being like hmmm maybe you should and both of them knowing its not gonna happen idk what else do you think happens when they part ways during gale's phD AND OMG bucky would be OBSESSED with calling gale Dr. Egan whether he takes his last name or not I think he would do it all the time like at home, with friends, with colleagues, across the grocery store he would love it
(This is about Gale doing a year of his PhD in Switzerland in my HS AU)
Aww absolutely 🥺❤️ They have an amazing Christmas and New Year's Eve in Switzerland, so saying goodbye for 6 months or so is really hard for them both. I think they don’t get much sleep the night before John leaves because they're too sad and they don’t want to miss a single moment they have left together before John's flight.
That night, they talk about their relationship, their plans, and how they feel, taking turns trying to cheer the other up. Gale feels guilty for doing this PhD programme, but Bucky tells him that he would never want to be the thing holding Gale back and that he always knew Gale would do something remarkable with his big brain. He tells Gale that home will be there waiting for him when he comes back. Gale thanks him for being his biggest supporter and tells him he wouldn’t have made it here without Bucky.
At the airport, there's not much more to talk about. Gale fusses over Bucky's clothes and luggage, he slips treats into Bucky’s carry-on and just clings to him in a Gale way, basically looking for excuses to touch him and standing very close to him. They hug for the longest time, breathing each other in, then share a sweet kiss. Gale waits outside security until Bucky waves him goodbye and throws him a kiss from the other side. Then he goes back to his place and curls up with Bucky's hoodie.
I love your idea that Bucky would call Gale by his title all the time! He would do it even before Gale gets it. He loves hyping Gale up. ❤️
Thanks for these headcanons, I really enjoyed them. Let me know if you have more! 😊
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transgenderer · 7 months
talked to a dude who grew up near the italy/switzerland border and apparently the difference in wages/prices between the borders was large enough that lots of people lived on the italian side and worked on the swiss side, and everybody on both sides bought their groceries from the italian side. feels like theres gotta be arbitrage here (also, can you imagine the headache re:currency?)
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briwates · 7 months
so many people have said this but gaon helping yohan and elijah repair their bond through food is so good !!
can you imagine once they've moved to switzerland and yohan learns how to cook, him and elijah have most of their meals together. instinctively while cooking he'll leave the most tender parts of the meat or chicken for her, making sure the vegetables are just the way elijah likes them, is attentive to what brand of rice she particularly enjoys. replacing things she does not eat in a recipe with foods she might like a little more, with creative advice from gaon.
when elijah is not in physio perhaps they'd do the grocery shopping together. The first time, they leave the supermarket with a cart that is way too full for 2 people, but elijah is so excited to try everything that yohan lets her get whatever she wants. the second and third trip and the fourth it's some more experimenting and then slowly slowly yohan rediscovers what his niece enjoys most, what to get for her when she's out of therapy for the day, what seasonal fruit she particularly waits for (remember ep 4 when he's surprised that elijah chose the same dinner/has the same tastes as him!). It brings them a bit closer. when elijah has long days at the therapy facility he packs her a warm lunch. the feedback he gets is just a few words when she comes back home at first ("lunch was good" "did you put something special in the fried rice today ?"), then one day she sends him a picture of her box completely cleaned and three thumbs up emojis. it has yohan smiling to himself the whole day
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