birdmitosis · 5 months
Cold/Narrator: Someone’s Getting Slain
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pink-november · 6 months
Hey. I had visions
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i've been staring at this for hours now TOT the effort for you to draw all those lines augh i applaud you 👏👏👏 your art is mwah 👌 the claws almost reaching out and digging into the textured patterns is making me insane actually
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kabukiaku · 4 months
Hola! Amo demasiado tu arte y quise hacer algo para ti espero y te guste enserio amo tanto ver como dibujas a Terzo y Omega son tan lindos, sigue así ❤️
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que lindo dibujo, der verdad, muchas, MUCHAS gracias. 🥺😭🖤🖤💜💜
voy a imprimir este dibujo.
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nameless-kid · 10 months
I saw someone calling asterion preminger from barbie and I just, cannot unhear it. Send help
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lloydfrontera · 4 months
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please,,, i love him so much,,,
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newvegascowboy · 1 month
4, 9, 29, & 48 for any of your fallout ocs?👀
Thank you!! I'll do Cato for fun :3
4. What perks or tag skills do they have?
Perks- Run n gun, toughness, spray and pray
Tag skills - science, sneak, melee, repair
9. Where did they grow up? Where do they currently reside?
Cato grew up in the legion occupied territory of New Mexico, in the city of Santa Fe. He was relocated to Phoenix, then to the Mojave. He remains near New Vegas after the second battle.
29. What's their karma alignment?
I think he has pretty neutral karma. He doesn't go out of his way to do good or bad, not anymore.
48. Do they collect anything?
Do birds count? Cato loves his birds. He also collects journals I suppose, his thoughts over the years, all written in a code only he knows.
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yloiseconeillants · 1 year
Send 🕺🏻 to see them dancing, for anyone of your choosing.
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dancing is a cross-shard trait
screenshot prompts
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prinprime · 10 months
I want to be
Made for the romance
Of the subway rats.
I want to be one of those,
Small and many and exuberant.
Like the woman across the room
Like the androids of the undead earth;
I want the perfect satisfaction
Of whole cloth beings.
I want my suffering
To be the glittering kind.
The way vampires
Are eternally damned.
Who chose to beleaguer me
with this verity.
Who did not let me
Be simply the story of a human.
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i have a boyfriend and I haven't seen him in days 😂 sorry asterion is more important at the moment. 🥰
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h00f · 5 months
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T4TM (Theseus4TheMinotaur)
lost wax cast bronze, patina & paste wax
(process photos & info under cut <3)
my minotaur boy!! pls click on the photos for higher res! my thesis is focusing on trans men and creatures (how original ik) and this was last semester's final. i spent a lot of time looking at sculptures of the theseus/minotaur story, and yknow? a LOT of them are erotic! i'm pretty sure i saw some of them on tumblr a decade ago, and that's led to this now!
as you'll notice, the minotaur has a big t-dick! i wanted to give him breasts and an enlarged clitoris to present a very masculine trans figure. the boy on the bottom is also trans because i say so . the piece is about looking up to older, bigger, hairier trans men and seeing something awe-inspiring and beautiful. the minotaur was locked up by a cruel father for being different, and i think modern adaptations tend towards a sympathetic asterion (his name in one version)
making this piece was. so much effort. it took me about 3 months to get it all together - from clay model (plasticine) to 3D print to silicone mold to wax cast, and finally bronze pour into the shell mold. and then a TON of filing, sanding, dremel-ing, and various other metalworking techniques that probably took years off my life.
i started with sketches and made theeeeeee ugliest model ever:
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then used a 3D scanner to get it digital, then spent a goooood month or two making him pretty in blender! then i spent an agonizing few weeks trying to get it print-ready, and fiiiiiinally did
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^^^ an early resin printed draft of the model - you can see in the final that i added lots to theseus after some feedback, but sadly the nosering broke off every time i cast it so i just. let that be <3
then came the moldmaking, and then the wax dipping!! the yellow stuff is shell mold (ground up ceramic bits and algae soup, sticks to the wax, then silica sand in varying sizes on top) which gets the wax melted out, and bronze poured in!
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then it's all metalworking, cutting stuff off, and working with hot metal. they don't tell you about all the bronze dust and how annoying it gets wearing a respirator AND goggles. but it is for me health, me boy. here's him all cleaned up before the patina:
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and then i spray him down with various chemicals to make it "patina" (aka rust) in pretty colors. wait a few days, then apply paste wax to seal it and give it that shine!
then we get what you see above!!! the blue was actually unintentional, and i'm still not super sure why it looks that way.. but it's pretty so idc <3
thanks for reading!! if you ever have any bronze/casting questions, don't hesitate to message me! <3
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 months
I can't stop thinking of knitting Astarion a blanket.
Maybe it's because I'm elbow deep into crocheting baby clothes but who knows
Like, imagine knitting or crocheting Astarion a blanket. Because everyone else managed to bring something along for the journey when the mindflayers kidnapped you, you had a backpack and some coin, same for Laz'el, and Shadowheart and Gale and probably everyone else, but not Astareon.
He has nothing, not a coin to his name. Just a dagger, a bow, and a few arrows. He steals what he needs to make his tent but he's all too aware that none of it is really his.
And then he sees you working on your project by the fire, sipping on a mug of steaming tea or coffee. He sees you wandering around villages and random groups of people, bartering your way to some yarn.
Of course he's curious. But he'd never ask, because, obviously, it would never be any of his business. It could never be for him. And then, after working on it at any moment you could, you come to him one night with the blanket neatly folded in your hands.
"I don't know if you get cold," you say, "But I thought you might want a blanket if you do."
You're so awkward, you know Astarion likes the finer things in life. He likes luxury, and this is hardly luxury. It's a dark blue, but only because you died it. The yarn you bartered never came in the same colour and sometimes it wasn't even the same thickness. You tried to match it as best you could, but it wasn't perfect.
Astarion notices it and for the first time in his very long, miserable life. He doesn't give a shit. Because it's his. Completely, 100%, his own thing. Cazador has never touched this, he has never seen this, he will never lay a finger on his blanket. And the fact that it's his is only overshadowed by the fact that you made it for him. Not because he likes you, he's not even realised that yet, or not properly anyway, but because you looked at him, fangs, sarcasm, blood thirst and all, and decided you were going to take a tenday and make a blanket to gift to him. You decided he was worthy of yarn, time and effort. All so he could be a little warmer at night.
That blanket might not be worth much, if anything, but when you're as used as Asterion is to being worth less than shite, it's like happening upon a vault of precious diamonds.
He doesn't say thank you, he just grabs it from you and tries to act nonchalant. Because if he opens his mouth, he might actually just start crying.
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pink-november · 6 months
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Excuse me, I'm just gonna—
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Waaaaahhh thank you for this wonderful surprise dove!!!! You don't know how many times I had to retype this response because I kept blanking out on words and am just overwhelmed by feelings 😭😭😭
All my thought processes immediately stopped when I saw this and I've been just staring at Cold instead. Giggling. Twirling my hair. Giggling again.
Ahem... I've never been vocal about it but your Cold's design is sexy hot so so special to me. I like the blindfold also serving as a mask, the minimal outfit choice for reasons wink wink, the sweaters and leg warmers, aughhh, like cmon you're driving my brain to overdrive!!!!
Ahhh I especially love the hand interlocked with Cold's here <333 the tender hold around his waist, the tilt of his head while the claw holds his chin.... FUCK FUCK FUCK THIS IS DOING THINGS TO MY BRAIN 💥💥💥 WHY IS YOUR ART SO PRETTY AND EVOCATIVE AND LOVABLE
im gonna be soooo abnormal about this for the whole week 😩😩😩
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hellenhighwater · 4 months
I've been showing some of the in-progress posts of your minotaur pieces to my Monsters and Monstrosity professor and we literally both choked up about it today after class falling about how much emotion you show in your work. I'm STILL emotional. I just wanted you to know that
Thank you for sending this! Something about people talking to actual professors who study this stuff about my sad little dirt boys just tickles me. I don't know why I find it so delightful (they are solidly in the target demographic) but it just pleases me. The experts approve!
The thing that gets me about this series (and the response to it) is that we all seem to be able to connect to the feeling of being trapped, being isolated, being other, for reasons we can't control. I had initially not intended for the final piece to also include the "alternate" ending of Asterion escaping, even as he's slain by Theseus. But I just couldn't leave it as the tragedy it's written.
There has to still be hope.
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primordial-shade · 8 months
Minotaur Partner Headcanons
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Hellloooo I’m back, very sorry for being away but honestly I uploaded those previous two posts on a whim and came back from Spain to my tumblr having loads of notifications. SO thank you and here’s another segment of my Monster Lover Headcanons with the Minotaur! One a bit of a Greek fix lately so here we go.
Minotaurs. Big beefy and sweet as all hell.
Headcanon for how they started? Easy, out Mr Original, Asterion the sweet poor lamb (BTW for those who maybe don’t know that was the Minotaur’s original name) did actual kill the sacrifices but tried to help them but they all fled in fear of him and died in the Labyrinth except one, a lovely lady I’m going to call Hemera.
She ended up staying in the labyrinth with Asterion, falling in love and determined to get them both out.
Theseus fucks along and when he’s about to kill her beloved she knocks him the fuck out, uses the yarn to get them all out, then fucks off with her hubby to the Mountains and lets everyone think Theseus killed him by leaving behind part of his broken horn.
They start a farm up in the mountains (With support from Asterions mother Persiphae and his sisters and eventually his brother in Law Dionysus who are happy Asterion is alive and happy cuz FUCK MINOS.)
Eventually they have several kids (Adorable as fuck) and a thriving mountain farm that the kiddos inherited.
As such Minotaurs are all related, and as such they often seek human partners.
Minotaurs like in mountainous regions, often protected by the God Dionysus, whose wife is all their many times great aunt who was forced to marry Theseus and tried to kill him and only gave him the yarn so her brother could kill him and use it to get out we love you Adriane <3
They grow lots of things but they are famous for wine 😉
White, red, rose, dessert. They make every type and its so fucking good.
Maybe you’re a wine coniseur, maybe you decided to go visit the farms on holiday, maybe you’re a local they trade with or a worker on the farm.
Needless to say when you catch a Minotaurs eye, you are staying for good.
Big sweethearts. Big beefy adorable sweethearts. Muscled as fuck and strong, with big soulful eyes and soft fur and hnghhghhg
I got fucking sidetracked
Anyway, Minotaur’s are very family orientated and all work on the huge collective farms in various roles. Don’t worry, wether or not you can contribute to the farm is moot, you’re their love and you don’t have to prove yourself in anyway and also if you’re human they kinda get overprotective and its like, ‘no please don’t help we don’t want you to get bruised or tired we love you just go and relax and let us do all the hard work baby <3.’
The hardest of workers, baby if you have a minotaur partner one of your main jobs is teaching them not to overwork themselves because they just wanna be good and make sure everything is good and they can’t stand doing nothing or not taking care of you.
If they could physically carry you around all the time, and this is more about your want to walk because they could carry you around all the time, you’re their Love, their sweet delicate loves. Please let them carry you around, it makes them so happy.
Their favourite thing in the world is taking care of you.
You’re hungry? They will literally go out to the farm and find the juiciest, best tasting produce and will hand feed it to you.
You have achy muscles? Oh poor baby, let them get their big strong hands and soothe all those aches and pains away.
If you do the same for them??
Ooooh, love, love love love.
They’re favourite thing? Honestly is when you lay down and they can curl up and put their head on your lap, letting you scratch their heads and between their horns.
Ooooh you scratch between their horns or behind their ears?? Very happy Minotaur, very happy wiggly minotaur. You’ll be lucky if you can get up for the next few hours, this is a pleasure that is rare and cherished.
They will also always show off. They can’t help it they just so want to impress you.
They’ll play fight with other Minotaurs in front of their loves, pick up heavy things, lift you up and carry you around.
They love making flower crowns too, and any crafts they take up they’ll make you something.
They love being praised. They absolutely love it, please praise them. Tell them how strong they are, how sweet they can be, how soft there fur is or how lovely their eyes are. They will melt, making soft little ‘moo’ sounds out of sheer pleasure.
They will also praise you constantly.
Your talents, your looks, even how you breathe. If it can be praised they will do it.
They also take a little longer to fall in Love, it’s a long term distrust thing, but once they do they fall *hard*.
And they will do anything in their power to prove this love to you. They love hard and they love deeply.
Bless their hearts but for a long time they’ll probably act like a Minotaur in love until one moment when they see you holding  a baby Minotaur, or if the sun catches on your face the right way or even just sitting together and drinking something warm and suddenly it’s like a switch goes off in their heads.
“I love this person. ILOVE THIS PERSON!!” Nothing but joy and love and warmth.
Very physically affectionate. Hugs, cuddles, handholding, licking, kissing….
Yeah, their love language is love and praise. Which leads us into
So Minotaurs are big. In every way.
Not only are they generally built like strongmen. All muscles and covered in a nice thick layer of fat, male and female Minotaur are built this way.
Big muscles, big breasts and pecs, fat cocks and pussies. Everything is big and ready for you to feast upon.
One of the major things they like doing to you is lick.
Their tongues are thick and long, and they love to lick the taste of your salty sweat from your skin, to lick your salty semen and tangy arousal from your pussy or cock. They long to spread you open and lock you clean or flick their tongue over your most sensitive parts.
Sit on their face. Don’t give them any bullshit about being to heavy they are fucking Minotaurs and you will sit on their face so help them Dionysus.
Suffocation??? Who gives a shit about that, fucking sit on them and let them eat your ass/pussy out!!!!! If they die they die, and they will die with no regrets.
They are so soft with you though, loving touches and praising how good you taste and feel around and in them. How good you sound calling their names and begging for them. Such a darling thing, a sweet pretty love.
Yeah they are the kings/queens of accidental overstim. It’s always just one more orgasm, one more sweet baby, just give me one more. God they love you so much, please let them keep going, please just one more orgasm, just one more sweet orgasm.
Your legs will be shaking, you’ll be cockdumb/pussydrunk to the point you can barely speak but you keep going because you love them so much and gods it feels so fucking good.
You will be covered in fluids. Cum, semen, spit, all over the place. Covering your skin, filling your mouth, filling you. There will not be an area untouched by them and you love it.
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spacebarbarianweird · 6 months
Hi, discord friend! this is one of the silly ideas I had 😌 Asterion is having a very bad luck day. He keeps dropping things, setting off traps, breaking lockpicks, he ripped his shirt, and now his seduction skills are lacking hard. How would he navigate it?
As someone who is very clumsy and tends to panic a lot (triggered even by something unimportant), I can totally relate to Astarion is this prompt.
Thanks @brabblesblog for beta reading!
Synopsis: Astarion believes he's been healed - but yet another unpleasant interaction and the darkness is back.
Tags: post-game, established relationship, mentions of past trauma.
TW: Conversation about triggers.
Read on AO3
Astarion looks around the street. The town of Daggerfold, barely home to more than a thousand people, is dark and peaceful. Just a stopover for travelers, but once a part of a long-gone kingdom of the past.
He carefully navigates to a tavern where he stays with you. He was hesitant about renting a room first.
"They will notice I am a vampire, darling, and I am afraid. People in those cities tend to hate vampire lovers more than the Undead themselves."
But you looked at him with those puppy eyes (learned from a professional), and he agreed. Besides, not being constricted to the tent for the whole day feels nice.
Astarion can walk around the room and the tavern, read, and talk to the people if he wants (he usually doesn't) and you can sleep in a comfortable bed.
Besides, you both have had a bath for the first time in weeks today.
Astarion notices the signs of the pre-dawn on the east. The innate fear grasps his mind.
Run. Run. Run.
Hide. Or die. Elves call it mor. The ultimate death, without resurrection to come.
Astarion forces himself to calm down. It's still too early and the Inn is already visible in the distance. He doesn't even have to rush.
A hand grabs his wrist and he flinches, disturbed by the unwelcome touch.
The young man, probably a half-elf, tries to pull him closer, seductively licking his lips, a gesture too familiar for Astarion not to notice.
"Looking for company, handsome?" His words are sweet and full of lust. "I can offer you a time of pleasure."
Astarion wants to set himself free, just to go away. It's not supposed to be difficult. It's not like the young man's grip is tight. A simple "no" is enough, people in this profession don’t tend to insist.
The vampire knows it from personal experience.
"Your skin is so pale, almost like marble. And hands... so cold. Come on, I will warm you"
Astarion is paralyzed. As if he is ordered not to move. Like he often used to be.
When he was on the other side of this conversation. When he was the man who needed to get a client as soon as he could.
Seeing no resistance, the prostitute reaches out for his cheek.
His touch is acid-burning.
"GO AWAY!" Astarion yells, almost betraying his fangs. "Leave me alone!"
The man is taken aback and immediately pulls away. Astarion curses and mutters through his teeth all the slurs he remembers.
Every word he ever heard from passers-by.
Whore. Slut.
There is a disgusted and evil smile on the man's face. "You were like me, am I right? All of you… former colleagues, are like that."
Astarion steps back. A dark wave of terror drags him to the abyss. The sun is almost up.
He makes himself move towards the Inn.
"But you can't escape your past! You hear me? It will always be with you, no matter how hard you try to wash it all away!"
Astarion runs. The moment the first ray pierces the air, he is already in the safe shadow of a sleepy inn.
It's almost empty. Only a few drunkards sleep peacefully on the floor. Astarion goes upstairs, praying you aren't back yet.
Because he doesn't want to look at you right now.
His hands tremble and dark thoughts plague his mind like a swarm of flies.
The room is empty and your walking boots are missing. He sighs in relief.
That's the problem with you. You know when something is wrong. Even if you understand he doesn't want to discuss it, you still acknowledge it.
Besides, if you were in the room, you would hear the screams.
Astarion falls on the bed, not bothering to undress himself, and closes his eyes.
He needs to meditate. He needs to wander away. When he wakes up, it will be better.
But Astarion should know better; it never works like that.
Again and again, he sees the same things. Hands of strangers, touching him without his consent. His cheeks, his chest, his back. His private parts. Grabbing and groping him. Laughing and smiling. Future victims. Useful people he needed to extract information from. Others whom he just needs to please.
Sweat that feels like acid. Touches that hurt like red-hot tongs. Intimacy is worse than torture.
Astarion tries to force his mind to remember something else. You, he needs to remember you. Your touches, your voice, your blood. He attempts to visualize you but instead, it's a look-alike stranger, a fake voice with hurtful words.
He sits up, pressing his hands to the chest. His body feels rested but his mind is exhausted. Astarion hears voices from downstairs - busy afternoon in the tavern.
…You sleep beside him pressing your face into the pillow. Astarion notices that his boots are taken off and his body is covered with a blanket. It seems like when you came back, you put the shoes off him and tucked him in the blanket.
Astarion carefully gets out of bed. He still has a few hours before you wake up and he needs to occupy his mind with something.
It seems like the trance has made things worse.
Astarion, moron, you taint Tav. A voice within his undead heart whispers. Your past will never go away. Your skin is dirty. People will always know who you are. Tav pities you but even heroes are tired of being saviors.
This will never be over. Whatever he does. Wherever he goes, his past will follow him like the smell of death. He ruins you. He destroys you.
Astarion takes a book out of the bag and opens it randomly. A trembling hand tries to turn the page.
And tears it.
The books fall to the floor with a loud thump.
You move in your sleep but don't wake up. Astarion, cursing himself for being so clumsy, picks it up and immediately bumps his head on the wooden table.
Tainted. Tainted, the voices keep whispering, completely taking away all the control. His body doesn't belong to him. All the movements are off.
"Astarion, are you all right?" you mumble in the pillow.
"Yes... my... I am ... " The ability to talk properly leaves him as well.
He needs to go out. At least, he can sit in a tavern and look for potential contracts.
In a tavern similar to his hunting spots. And where yet another person might try to get him to bed.
He pulls out the door, but it is locked. He looks around and sees the key on the table. Tries to take it but it slips away through his fingers.
"Is anything wrong?" you yawn, sitting up. Your face is sleepy and the hair is messy.
"No... I am..."
You stand up and while still half-asleep pick up the key and open the door. Astarion stays at the threshold, fearing to fall down the stairs the moment he leaves the room.
"Astarion, the more I live with you, the more you resemble a cat to me! Do you want to stay inside or go out?"
"I ... "
His hands are still trembling. You look at them, noticing the tremor.
And close the door.
"I take my words back about you being a cat. You are more like a hobgoblin now."
"Careful, darling, I can get offended"
"So, you can speak now. What's wrong? You don’t look drunk to me, so?"
"Nothing important. Please, go to sleep."
"Did someone hurt you?"
"No, nothing"
Before he manages to object, you make him return to bed. As he sits down, you help him to undress. The light armor he forgot to put off, the shirt, and the trousers are carefully placed on the chair. He stays only in his underwear.
His hands are still shaking.
“I would gladly offer you my blood, but I am afraid you will pierce my carotid artery in your current state.”
Astarion nods. You lie on the bed and pull him to you. He places his head on your chest. You wrap your hands around him as if protecting him from the outside world and his own mind.
You are warm like sunlight.
You lie silently under the blanket in the dark room. You got the cheapest room in the Inn – the one without windows and the Innkeeper couldn’t understand why you two were so content about it.
“Can I touch your back?” you ask.
"What? Of course... Of course, you can. Why do you even ask?"
"Because I care about you", a gentle caress brushes over his scars. “Because I want you to feel safe.”
And he gives up. He tells you everything. About the man on the streets. The words and curses Astarion addressed mostly to himself.
"I feel tainted," he admits. “I feel that I ruined you. I can't undo my past. It follows me like a shadow. And I bring this shadow to our bed!
A soft kiss. Then, another. Fingers draw invisible pictures on his skin. Tears prickle his eyes.
Why is he so weak? Why is he so pathetic?
Noticing his tension, you tug him closer.
"I am sorry", he mutters. "I thought I had already recovered. That the things have already gotten better."
"They have. And you can't make progress without taking any steps back. It's a part of growth."
He chuckles but still feels miserable. He doesn't know what makes him feel worse. The thoughts in his head or the understanding that he has been lying to himself.
Astarion believed he was healed. It was a lie.
"You don't taint me, Astarion. You don't ruin me. I don't care how many people touched you. I care only about what you are and what you want to be."
He finally finds the strength to pull you closer to himself. "I want it to be over. I want to move forward. But I just can't. It seems like… he truly broke me. There is nothing to repair.”
“A broken man wouldn’t desire revenge the very moment he acquired freedom. Broken people beg to be returned to their masters. A broken man wouldn’t fight back. You aren’t broken and you are healing. And I love you. Never doubt it.”
You lie together in silence. Astarion notices his hands don’t tremble anymore and he relaxes a bit. He is safe. 
But is he happy?
He concentrates on his feelings. He is in the dark room protected from the sun. On the soft and comfy bed. His hands are wrapped around you, the first and only person he cares about and loves. And who gives him everything he thought he wasn’t worthy of? A heavy thick blanket covers you both. The touches on his bare skin are so gentle he is about to cry. The soothing heartbeat sounds like a lullaby.
Yes, he is happy. Even if his mind tries to tell him otherwise.
You fall asleep again, and Astarion stays motionless not wanting to wake you up yet again.
When he finally notices your movements, indication that you are ready to wake up. He frees himself from your grip and presses his lips against yours. He kisses you softly, slowly, tasting you.
Thanking you.
“Feeling better?” you ask once your eyes open.
"Hello, darling", he smiles. “Yes, I am.”
Mor - ultimate death. Filliken - “open skirt”, a prostitute (a slur).
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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newvegascowboy · 1 year
👕 Cato
👕 OC in a T-shirt with something stupid printed on it (think Zazzle)
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it was a gag gift that he now wears on laundry day. he needs to remember to change before answering the door.
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