rayclubs · 4 months
give me your Sniper takes
Okay so there are two crowds of Sniper fans.
The first crowd believes him to be an anxious mess who has every mental illness. Their Sniper is awkward, insecure, depressed, touch-starved, that Sniper needs to be reassured, hyped up, defended în social situations. They often pair him up with Scout or Demo, who is a more social type - the latter, for the record, I think is a good character duo, though this is the wrong way to go about it. You'll often hear this crowd talk about "sopping wet kitten of a man" and amp up his childhood drama. În other words, they recognize that Sniper has social issues, and believe that a miserable depressed whumpee is the only natural outcome of this.
Then there's the contrarian crowd. They really dislike sad wet kitten Sniper, so they assert that no, he doesn't actually have any social anxiety or childhood trauma at all. They claim it's not in the comics (it is), they misinterpret his professionalism, they pair him up with Medic or Spy to show off how cool and macho he is in comparison. You'll hear them talk about feral Sniper, and most hardcore porn is written by them.
Then in the middle there's me, who has childhood trauma we don't talk about on this blog, and who is pretty socially anxious, yet very distinctly not a mess. I figure that there's more directions one's personality can take as a result of this baggage than is depicted in fandom. Basically, I think Sniper's issues made him kind of an asshole and that's okay.
He has insecurities, so he adopts a professional demeanor and silently judges everyone who doesn't. He's been ostracized în childhood so he doesn't have any experience in building and maintaining relationships. He's anxious so he says rude things to people and barks at them to leave him alone. He gets all tense and twitchy in a crowd and thinks it's the crowd's fault, not his own. Even when he's trying to be nice, he has so little experience and positive role models in his life that he can't help being a dick.
I call it the Raymond Clubs Theory of a Socially Awkward Shithead.
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glass-noodle · 11 months
I'm also working today, but also don't want to miss all the fun
Trick or treat? :^) 🍬
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you see something under the fluorescence……
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franzkafkagf · 5 months
i wanna hear your thoughts maegor and rhaena
omg yes!! thanks for asking <3
Rhaena is so deeply interesting to me- I love her defiance and bravery after everything she went through! Her saying she tried to kill him on their wedding night, her fleeing King's Landing etc. Also love her being a lesbian and just living her best life after Maegor bit the dust, you go!!
Visenya really wanted Rhaena bethroted to Maegor, she probably told him as much; that they were supposed to marry, unite their claims. He probably thought of her as his key to the throne!
This is why I think he marries her, it's probably a power thing too; I killed your husband now you're mine. But the bigger part of it is his belief that by finally marrying her he would get his heir. It would end like it was always supposed to for him. She was his right.
I've thought about his reasons to have Aerea named as his heir- of course it was much more of a rejection of Jaehaerys than a choice for Aerea, but I can't help but think that he might have thought that her twins were supposed to be his anyway in the perfect timeline?
Her and Aerea fleeing with Blackfyre was probably the last straw for Maegor. This might be controversial but I think Maegor chose to die instead of being murdered. His defeat was imminent anyways and he had lost most of his supporters and also his claim to legitimacy by losing Blackfyre (and also the woman he felt entitled to and his heir!!).
Theirs is a story of a power hungry man feeling entitled to everything and everyone, and defiance right in the face of it.
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rain-is-cool · 8 months
Hi rain!!!!
ok as a fellow tea duo enjoyer I have to ask what your tea duo headcanons are if you have any
-cas :3
HIYAAAAA!!!!!! Sorry it took me so long to respond to this I didn’t see it till now 😭😭
(Only cubitos obviously!! :3 )
I would like to preface that some of these hc have different variations of the characters (ex. q!Bagi as a cat hybrid)
- When they cuddle their tails intertwine
- Yknow how Bagi gives Bad a flower of the day?? She does that with Tina but writes little notes in addition to them :3
- They exchange little gifts so when either of them wake up they find a little trinket from the other!!
- q!Tina’s eyes glow slightly when flustered around q!Bagi
- Zeno absolutely ADORES Tina
- Tina helps Bagi with her makeup sometimes (their asses are NOT staying focused)
- After q!Tina first kissed q!Bagi she just sat in bed for hours trying and failing to not freak out (in a mostly /pos way)
- Tina fell first, Bagi fell harder
- Yknow how sometimes with hybrids that have tails people will draw their tails in a heart shape?? Yeah both of their tails do that around eachother
- Sometimes if Tina notices Bagi has been working for long periods of time she’ll drop by and leave her lunch or just hang out :] !!!
AHHHHHH I have more but that’s where I’ll leave it for now!!!! DROP YOUR HC’S TO, ID LOVE TO HEAR THEM‼️‼️‼️ :D
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peridyke · 4 months
How many comics do you have? and where can I find them?
thank you for asking!!!!
sadly right now i don’t have any finished comics to show off as I only recently got the time to seriously work on my art BUT i do have a variety of projects that i can show off! there’s some stuff i’m actively working on and other stuff that’s more of a back burner thing but let me list out everything i’ve done/have planned on doing
1) angel bites
ok so my current project i’m working on right now is called angel bites and it’s actually going to be a fun lesbian erotica comic about an angel girl and devil girl who are bandmates and who secretly hook up on the side. i’m currently in the process of thumbnailing this one and i’m guessing it’s gonna be around 60 or so pages. once im done i’m gonna have the comic up on patreon/have it for sale digitally on a platform like itch.io BUT the first 20ish pages are sfw so I will post those publicly for free so i can show off my work and characters.
i designed these in universe pin ups that i haven’t posted publicly yet and even though i wanted to wait until i finish the third one in the series that’s a little sillier theyre my most recent and best looking art of the characters
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2) sacrificial lamb
sacrificial lamb was my main focus for a bit but i’ve taken a break from it for the time being to work on other projects. it’s a more serious project than anything else i’ve been doing but it’s one i’ve been planning out since 2021 and that i do want to seriously look into getting published when it’s finished. it is a lesbian horror comic about a butch lesbian rabbit whose femme cat girlfriend gets sucked into the darker side of new age spiritualism. here is my WIP of the cover and a finished page
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3) claw wrench
this is a lower priority project of mine but one i still want to make exist in some form one of these days. it’s about a teenage cat named milly going to live with their estranged super genius mad scientist half sister named mindy and her robot assistant mr. rogato. it would be a newspaper strip style comic with a few larger plot threads. i might start it up one of these days after i’ve gotten some other comics under my belt and i feel like i have a better mental image of what i want the writing to be like. here’s some designs i did in 2021
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4) be mine, valentine
this is a project featuring characters of mine who i’ve had for a few years but only recently decided i wanted to turn into a short story. it’s about a peryton coder named cupid who is unbeknownst to herself a trans girl egg discovering her identity after being hired by a trans girl sex worker unicorn named valentine to help build a website for her work. it’s a short but sweet little love story that i have to plan out better before i seriously work on it but i can see it being something i make in the near-ish future. there will be some nudity and sexual themes but nothing pornographic so i will upload it for free online when it’s done ^_^ sadly i um…don’t have a sfw drawing of valentine yet LOL so you’re just gonna have to deal with a cropped pic
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5) thalassophobia
this is probably most relevant to peoples’ interest who follow me and something probably remember. thalassophobia is a really big steven universe fan comic i started writing to give lapis a more complete arc. i had a lot of passion for it back in 2022/23 but steven universe hasn’t been on my mind as much recently so it’s gone on the back burner. still i put a ton of work into it so i’d like to come back and finish writing it one day, although for the actual comic process i might see about getting some help on pages and colors and such since considering the scale i think it’s way too big for me to do solo. here’s a cover and a few test pages i did
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I HAVE ONE MORE COMIC TO TALK ABOUT BUT IVE USED UP THE IMAGE LIMIT i’m gonna finish in a reblog so give me a second
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hergrandplan · 3 months
What inspired you to start writing fic for Young Royals?
Ooooo I love this question
I don't think it necessarily was inspiration to *write* in the first place - there was, of course some drive, otherwise I'd have never opened Word. But for me it was more the realization that I simply couldn't let these characters go.
And that wasn't new for me - I tend to form some form of attachment to characters in a way that might not be entirely healthy. I make up stories about characters and worlds from all kinds of media, but I don't necessarily do things with them; the stories just exist in my head.
And I had written some things in the past - for Percy Jackson, for example, and in a deep dark past for The Hunger Games on Wattpad. But i thought I'd left those days; I had no inspiration, no drive, no urge to write anymore.
And then I watched young royals. And I watched it again. And again. And ... again. Because I had this need to keep reinteracting with this story. I couldn't let go of these characters. The way they moved, the way they worked was complex and interesting and I needed more. It consumed my every waking thought. At that point I had been logged out of Tumblr for months, had pretty much forgotten it existed and that I could find people to talk about it on there, so I just kept rewatching this show. Just to do something about that urge.
Then I remembered fanfic was a thing, and went to ao3. It was overwhelming how much there was and I didn't know where to start. But I stumbled on A Glimpse of Us and that filled the hole somewhat.
And then... idk. Then I listened to Suburban Legends (not for the first time), and the line "you kissed me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever", and something just ... clicked. Two broken hearts, a darkened room, a kiss that was never supposed to happen again. A kiss that's everything and too much all it once; because it's what you thought you'd never get again but you also know it's still the last. A kiss that won't leave you for the rest of your days even if the other person will, a kiss that breaks down carefully built walls. And I saw it happen with Wilmon. Wille and Simon who love each other so much that they're never going to move on no matter how hard they try, who are always inexplicably drawn to each other. I thought about the Valentine's ball; how even though Simon was there with Marcus, he went to find Wille. And slowly, the story of Suburban Legends was born (and spoiler alert: that kiss? happening)
And then when I started writing, I remembered how liberating it was, to dive into these characters and figure out how they work, what makes them tick. And I realized I specifically loved writing Wilmon; angst, fluff, whatever, them never not thinking about each other, their obsession and lingering stares and stolen touches. I loved reading it and I loved writing it, and mix that together with the flood of ideas I have for them on the daily...... yeah. You get a very passionate writer who never wants to let go of these characters ever again
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avocado-writing · 6 months
11,20 and 25 for lovely Tav? :3€
11. What is your Tav’s go-to comfort food?
they love anything sweet! They eat far too much sugar anyway and can often be found munching their way through a box of caramels when stressed. Gale reminds them it’s bad for their teeth. Tav reminds him that so is eating magic items. Gale goes silent.
20. What is their relationship to touch? Do they shy away from it? Do they need it to feel present?
they love touch, but are always afraid to be touched due to the portal to the dangerous pocket dimension in their chest. they’re scared that they’ll accidentally hurt you. If you romance them, until the dimension is sorted, they’ll try and only go for brief embraces (they can be convinced otherwise though…)
25. What is something they would die on a hill over?
their family in the circus. They’ve grown up being mocked for their strange upbringing but love their family so much, they’d do anything to protect them all.
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victorianpining · 10 months
how is your fic going? do you have a favourite passage that you’re attached to?
I for one c a n n o t wait to read it ToT
omg thank you!!!! It's going really well, after my NanoWriMo progress, it's starting to finally feel like it's downhill to finish it from here!! For reasons that will probably be clear after you read it, it's been a very emotionally involved writing process but very therapeutic and I'm very excited to have it all come together.
My favorite passage so far is this bit towards the very end, which gets at the heart (ha) of what the story is about but is I think vague enough in terms of plot that it shouldn't really be a spoiler if I share it!
There was no rational thought at work in me then but something raw and visceral. I am inclined now to place it as the writer’s instinct taking over at the last. After all, what else does a storyteller do but whisper, with that peculiar mingling of confidence and shame: Come close, dear reader, I have something I want to show you. Hold out your hands for me, if you would be so kind. There you are. My throbbing, bleeding heart for all your horror and amusement, cut out so precisely that you can see each and every fault-line as it strains to keep on beating. Yes, it is rather grotesque, isn’t it? Believe me, I know that better than anyone. But there may be something beautiful about it too. You’ll have to tell me when you’ve decided for yourself, I fear that I am in no state to judge.  That’s my heart you’re holding, after all... Here, at last, I must unravel the web of deception I so carefully spun around myself. All that remains beyond this point is the pure truth, and nothing could be more terrifying than that. What will you think of me, I wonder, when you know who I really am? I dread your understanding almost as much as I crave it. There is only one way for us to find out. So hold out your hands for me, dear reader, if you think you can stomach it.
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brw · 24 days
For the character asks, 5, 12, & 23 for Sasquatch?
5) What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
So Wanda's been a weirdly difficult character to compile a playlist for, so I don't have much for her specifically because she has such a specific history and fufils an awful lot of niches, it makes it hard to find music that feels like it encapsulates all of that while still thematically talking to one another (I take making character playlists far too seriously). Cleric Girl by Sisyfuss makes me think of her and Jeanne-Marie though, so that's my answer!
12) What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I think her family is pretty small, and that her parents divorced when she was quite young but she maintained strong connections to both parents and both sides of her family, but after graduating university and marrying and having a son and eventually joining Alpha Flight has become distanced from her family and her parents, and probably wouldn't tell anyone aside from MAYBE her son (although even then I'm not sure) when she starts transitioning again.
23) Favorite picture of this character?
Wanda in her dress with pockets. Not even a close competition I fear... she's so cute.
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ephemeral-darkness · 1 year
can i hear more about ur doll making??! i think it sounds very cool and would like to see it
Of course!!!! Hieronymus (the name I settled on) will be my first but I am happy to tell you about what I plan to do with him!!!
Read more for CW: doll nudity
So this is the body I have chosen for him! He is a Resinsoul Gang (61 cm or 1/3 scale) in the normal skin tone. The proof photos are in white skin tone, which is pure white by the way. (Sorry the photos are a little blurry, they're the only ones Resinsoul have.)
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He has the generic face makeup on but I might change that up with some soft pastels and watercolour pencils! It was fairly cheap but it doesn't quite capture my OC. I also plan to give him a slight nose bump to make it look more aqualine! I loved his sculpt because of the larger nose (a lot of ball jointed dolls follow the anime small-featured aesthetic after all) but I plan to change the shape anyway.
For clothes, I have a set on order but I also plan to make some simple pieces with my sewing machine. I've brought him a pair of combat boots, leather trousers, boxers (unfortunately black clothing can stain paler resins), and a choker! I am thinking about getting him a hoodie or a crop top from Etsy. But yeah, I plan to make him a small patch jacket when I get better at sewing!!!
That's what he looks like by the way! That is quite old art but I will be adding more soon. (My sketchbook is at home right now) He is one of my older OCs and is the brother of Amber and Atticus. All three are kind of in seperate universes now but ignore that lmao.
But yeah! Please let me know if you have any questions about the actual doll making process, the hobby in general, or ways to get dolls legitimately! I'm happy to talk about this at any time as it has been a long term dream of mine (and hyperfixation) to make one. I've been planning this for years XD
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Writers ask meme!
5, 8, 28, 38!
5. Share one of your strengths.
I think I'm pretty good at writing banter! It's fun when you have the character voices down and it becomes a hangout sesh in your head. All of the weird, snarky bullshit that you want them to say just flows really easily.
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“What are your thoughts?” the man asked. 
He considered a moment. “The city is a singular miracle. Where else in all of creation does such peace and beauty exist? By walking away from the city, the people are not only fleeing paradise, but also disparaging the child’s sacrifice. Such joy cannot be bought without great mortification. One could even say that the child exists in a state of rapture from such total and holy suffering.”
The man smiled. “What a beautiful insight. And so well articulated. I am of much the same mind. For as Christ’s own suffering was divine, so too is the suffering of this child. So, were you a citizen of Omelas, what would you do?”
He said, “I would stay, and give thanks every waking moment to the one who allows me to experience such perfect bliss. It is as you said, Father; to walk away from this city would be to walk away from Christ.”
He thought, I would take the child and burn the city to the ground. 
The next day, the man shot him. 
I think I was really on to something with this one. The lying to save yourself, the true intentions despite it all, the religious dogmatism, the Knives parallels.
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
(I still havent read your fic yet im so sorry!!!!!)
Lenipez literally got me back into creative writing after a multi-year slump. Their work is so evocative and cool in a way that grabs my spinal cord and doesnt let go.
procrastinatingbookworm did a factory reset on me i think? and now i have been Realizing things about myself for months. it's a tremendous writer.
ghosttopiary is a premier Wolfwood understander and writes some fucked up body horror. They also inspired me to get weirder.
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
one person told me that the way that i write wolfwood's intrusive thoughts made them realize that they had intrusive thoughts, and i just had to pretend to be normal after that. how.
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manny-jacinto · 2 months
1, 3, 9
1. What’s the most depressing movie you’ve ever watched?
there's this french movie called Polisse (2011) which follows a story about the CPU (Child Protection Unit). fuck maïwenn but i fear she really went off with this movie on how terrible the world can be
3. An actor/actress you’ve seen in more than 8 movies? Name the movies.
colin farrell
the lobster
fantastic beasts (fuck jk and jabba dept)
the killing of a sacred deer
phone booth
total recall
the batman
saving mr banks
seven psycopaths
in bruges
after yang
minority report
horrible bosses
fright night
the beguiled
cassandra's dream
(and way more :/)
9. The most aesthetically pleasing movie you’ve ever watched?
it's a tie between the fall (2006) and romeo + juliet (1996)
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townofcrosshollow · 5 months
favorite movie/tv show? or most recent movie/tv show you watched and really enjoyed? i need something to watch im bored lol
I don't really watch movies or TV a lot!! But Tecas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is my favourite movie cause it's so fucking wild compared to the original, just an absolute 80s romp
An actual reccomendation would be Blue Eye Samurai if you haven't seen it, that show is amazing. It's super gory and has sexual content tho, as a warning
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rexwrendraws · 3 months
The artist ask game:
5. 7. 9. 20.
Are we allowed to ask multiple? If not, feel free to just pick one lol 😂
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
I think I end up posting like... less than 10% of what I draw 😭😭 Most of my art nowadays is either classwork or portfolio stuff, and I hardly have time to bring fanart up to a presentable level any more lmaoo. Here's some Sandman WIPs from summer 2023 that I still want to finish!
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The danse macabre one will hopefully be a sticker, and the Endless one will be a screenprint design!
7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate
Literally any type of paint! I've started to learn oils less than six months ago and it's extremely difficult for me omg, I have mad respect for anyone who does live gouache paintings lol
9. What are your file name conventions
One thing about me is that I loveeeee my file organisational system. Very proud of my classwork system. That being said... my fanart system on Procreate (my beloathed) is.... not as ideal....
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20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
I answered this here! :)
Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game!
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poisonedfate · 6 months
Ok your reblogged post asked for one thing ppl want to know about you, so I’m curious: All time favorite Merlin-being-sassy moment?
omg!!! that's a great question and i'm SO incapable of making such decisions, but to compromise i'll choose up to s3 which is where i've gotten in my rewatch:
am very tempted to say the s3 ep1 "i've seen better" to arthur's blindfolded fighting, because he WAS impressed, but just refuses to say it and that's so funny of him. but i just watched that so. other than that, i don't know if this counts, but his "there's just no pleasing you sometimes" line???? adore it more than words can explain
ask me things you want to know about me
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witherfide · 1 year
haiii mace!!!
how are you feelin today!
like this
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