Okay so the ever magnificent @moondirti made this art of my ocs hugo & Nadine and I'm just. Absolutely in love with it oh my gosh it's so beautiful
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afreakingmilkshake · 3 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @greenroze2 (apologies for the late gift) !!!!!!!
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You are such a HUMONGOUS inspiration for me, I can't imagine my life without you and your impact on me as an artist.
Thank you so much for your beautiful art, your generosity and loving nature, and how much you make my day !
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starflungwaddledee · 17 days
Have you noticed that Red Butterfly is keep following you?
And no, most of the butterflies don't follow anyone but scents of nectar.
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starstruck regained +5 points of emotional health! she remembered this is meant to be an adventure, and looks forward to seeing some exciting things! just not this particular butterfly, it seems.
<< prev || [masterpost] || next >> additional ask by @maybeher0
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deefighter2739 · 1 year
I got an adorable question for you, Do you think the waddle dees would draw pictures of king dedede or meta knight because of how both meta knight and king dedede love and adore waddle dees. I'm sorry if I didn't phrase this correctly. I just think it's a cute idea
Yes, definitely! Oh my heart…
Waddle Dees would love to make gifts for their caring hero king and his loyal brave knight. Specially after what they did on Forgotten Land! Did you know Meta Knight fought Gorimondo over 30 times just to keep Waddle Dee town safe?
Sure, Kirby may be the one who saves the world. But these two deserve to be someone else's favorite too…
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miniiieevee · 1 year
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a sailor wambl bee as a thank you for 3000 followers!
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desultory-novice · 1 month
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"What? Her?" (Also, why would you phrase it like that? Weird...)
"It's a complicated story but, she's..." "She's like a..."
"Like my..."
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"...My Emotional Support Waddle Dee..." 
(First one to laugh dies, got that?!)
Noir's Field Trip Masterpost]
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dexlabs · 4 months
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fauvester · 1 year
What was garak like as castellan? (ps your art is 💞💕❤️❤️💕💞💕❤️💕💞💕)
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I think his time in the Federation has, despite his best efforts, affected his outlook on politics. He's a wary centrist now, as if Cardassia has the luxury of political discourse not related to basic sustenance.... trying to delicately excise the most distasteful parts of the prior totalitarian regime while still supporting the structures that keep people alive.
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I don't think there's a way to be a well-liked leader after an annihilative disaster, honestly. Garak's not an exception. He's NOT a popular Castellan, but he WAS the least bad choice immediately on hand, and he's adept at securing badly needed aid from Federated interests. He can be very persuasive and diplomatic, and he circumvents or cuts through the bureaucratic and political obstacles that would've trapped less canny men. He's in power during the setting of the foundation of the Cardassian economic miracle and he stalwartly weathers years of vicious criticism and assassination attempts (that he easily evades). As soon as he retires his approval rating goes from like 15% to 80%. He's the Grandfather of Cardassia, their mercurial constant, their deviously bitchy figurehead who can hold his own against any rival leader. The wily old regnar who raised a generation of hungry utopian statesmen. A Castellan to be privately eviscerated and publicly saluted.
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Mostly he's just trying to go home at some point during the night to quietly whisper 'good-night' to his kids and husband, though
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
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welp, there goes their whole personalities
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loaflovesdoodling · 3 months
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cali-kabi · 3 months
Seeing Rainbow Dee actually brought me so much joy today. I am so glad there are people out here making their OCs as colorful and powerful as they want. I want to see MORE blorbos like Rainbow Dee. I love characters who can summon up wings whenever they want. I love OCs who have relationships with the canon characters. I love OCs with mood ring designs. I love your OC so much and I am so glad it exists thank you and goodnight
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~ I I omg alshdkldkdj thank you so much me and Rainbow Dee are sobbing we appreciate this so very much this is so sweet😭💖💫🌟I’m so happy you love her design and other peeps too I’ll post more about her soon. Have this drawing of her interacting with Dedede and Bandanna Dee, their all at Dedede Resort a place from Kirby Mass Attack :)🍍🌊
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anywaymuahahahaha · 6 months
Kirby’s Surprise Sleepover Adventure!
Chapter Six: Truth or Dare!
。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆ ⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。
With the four friends now inside Kirby’s house after their outdoor activities, Magolor took the center of the room. He seemed very eager to begin the game. He clapped his hands with glee and bounced up and down.
“Well, Magolor… Let’s hear all about this exciting game!” Kirby said enthusiastically as he watched him pace about.
“Ooohh, you’ll like this one! It’s a classic.” Magolor was beaming with excitement as he continued to smile and clap.
Bandana Waddle Dee felt himself growing more nervous about this “game” knowing all too well that Magolor could be plotting something devious once again. In spite of everything that happened earlier, he was still in high spirits.
“I’ll explain the rules! It’s quite simple actually.” He began.
“When it is your turn, you will choose one of us to pick ‘truth or dare’. If they choose ‘truth’ well, they’ll have to tell you a secret! Heehee!! But if they choose ‘dare’…” Magolor giggled devilishly.
“Then they’ll have to do whatever you say! If they refuse, well…they lose! Simple as that! Ready to begin?” Magolor cupped his hands together and nodded his head in his trademark fashion.
“Since Kirby is the hosting this fantastic get-together, and it is his house, he’ll go first!”
“Me, really!? I get to go first!?” Kirby marveled, his eyes twinkling like the stars of Dream Land themselves.
“That’s right, Kirby! Go ahead, choose one of us!” Said Magolor as he sat down alongside Bandana Waddle Dee and Elfilin. The three of them, all eager to be chosen by Kirby stood tall in their seats and awaited his decision anxiously.
Kirby looked between his three friends and contemplated the decision. He turned his attention to Bandana Waddle Dee and smiled.
“Let’s see…” Kirby pointed to his quiet, blue scarfed companion.
“Bandana Waddle Dee! I choose you! Truth or dare!”
“Oh, wow, me!?” Bandana Waddle Dee cried out anxiously, perking up at the sound of his name.
“Yeah, you! Truth or dare!”
Bandana Waddle Dee felt slightly caught off guard. He glanced around the room nervously.
“I just pick one?…Oh, geez…Well…”
Truth…or dare? Oh, I definitely don’t want Magolor to hear any of my secrets! …Kirby wouldn’t make me do anything too drastic… I should be safe to pick dare with him, right? …
“Okay, Kirby! I choose…dare!”
Magolor instantly lit up with joy at the sound of those words.
“Good choice, my friend!” He cheered, clapping his hands happily. Bandana Waddle Dee sighed in anticipation of what could happen to him now.
Kirby took a look around his messy house pondering on what he could dare his friend to do. The puffball was deep in thought for several minutes before a big smile grew on his face. Finally, the perfect thought had struck him.
“Hmm… Oh, I know!! Bandana Waddle Dee, I dare you to go find me a piece of cake!” He said while rubbing his round, pink belly.
Magolor seemed disappointed immediately at Kirby’s request while Bandana Waddle Dee appeared to be delighted by the idea.
“That’s it!? All right then! I’m on it, Kirby!” Just as Bandana Waddle Dee got up and prepared to fetch Kirby his dessert, he was stopped by Magolor who used his dimensional vanish to appear in front of him, blocking his way.
“Woah, woah, woah- Wait just a minute. Kirby, this is truth or dare. Remember, he has to do whatever you say!” Magolor shot an intense, almost threatening look to Bandana Waddle Dee.
“Yeah, I know that! I want cake, I’m hungry!” Kirby replied as he continued to rub his once again empty stomach.
“Sure, Kirby. But cake? That’s just too easy. You gotta think bigger than that!” Magolor insisted, his eyes growing wide with excitement.
“Hey! Knock it off, Magolor! Wait your turn!” Bandana Waddle Dee barked angrily at him.
Magolor ignored his remark and continued on.
“Kirby, why settle for a simple piece of cake? How about…”
Magolor giggled and slowly floated towards the center of the room.
“How about…You dare him to… fetch you an exotic dessert from another dimension?” Magolor proposed, his voice growing louder with every word.
“WHAT!? How the heck am I supposed to do that!?” Bandana Waddle Dee shouted in protest.
“It’s quite simple, really. Heehee…”
Magolor raised his hands into the air. The lights in the room began to flicker and the ground trembled underneath them. Above Magolor a small tear started to appear in the air. Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee and Elfilin watched in shock and confusion as it grew bigger and bigger. It became so big that it caused heavy winds to form, sending what Kirby had around the room flying all over the place. Magolor cackled as the ripple grew bigger and bigger until it finally turned into a dark purple, star shaped black hole. The room began to descend into utter chaos as Kirby, Elfilin and Bandana Waddle Dee all clung on tightly to whatever they could find to protect themselves from being sucked up into it.
“MAGOLOR WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Kirby shouted, but to no avail as the sound of the room being ripped apart by the black hole was overpowering his cries.
Kirby's refrigerator and sofa were sucked up into the unforgiving vortex Magolor created, with even more of his stuff after that. Nothing and no one in the room was safe from the power of this black hole.
As Elfilin stared into the black hole, something about it began to feel familiar. He observed it carefully and finally realized that he had seen it before.
Say…This looks just like that black hole I saw earlier today in the village when I was with Magolor…He… He can summon these things whenever he wants!? Was he the one who did that!? That would mean…-
Elfilin’s train of thought was interrupted by Kirby’s panicked shouts. Magolor however, couldn’t be happier as he smiled and cackled away like a supervillain amidst this pandemonium that he had caused. He finally took note of Kirby’s distress and gave him a reassuring nod.
“Oh, Kirby, don’t be so dramatic. I know what I’m doing.” He said with a wink.
The black hole sucked away both Bandana Waddle Dee and Magolor’s sleeping bags along with more of Kirby’s things.
“Hey!! My sleeping bag! Kirby, do something! “Bandana Waddle Dee yelled.
He held onto the doorknob of Kirby’s front door tightly but could feel himself slipping. The black hole's power was becoming too much for him to fend off. Magolor then floated over towards Bandana Waddle Dee. Not affected by the black hole’s power at all, he clapped his hands with a cheeky smirk across his face.
“Alright, Bandana Waddle Dee! It’s time to get Kirby that piece of cake!”
Bandana Waddle Dee felt a surge of panic growing inside him.
“What!? Are you CRAZY!? I’m not going in there!” He yelled angrily as he continued to hold on for dear life.
“You have to, it’s the rules!” Magolor snickered.
“No! I’m done playing this stupid game!”
“What? So, you’re gonna give up, just like that?”
Bandana Waddle Dee gulped nervously and stared into the depths of the black hole. He stomach twisted at the thought of getting sucked into it.
“What’s gonna happen if I go in there?”
“Well…There is only one way to find out!”
Magolor quickly dimensional vanished behind Bandana Waddle Dee and with one swift push, sent him flying into the black hole.
“KIRBYYYY!!” He yelled as he spiraled into the dark abyss.
His shouts for help got quieter and quieter as the black hole swallowed him up. After a few seconds the gale force winds came to an end and black hole finally dissipated. What remained inside Kirby’s house afterwards was completely strewn all over the room. Finally able to let go, Elfilin watched as Kirby angrily approached Magolor.
“Relax, Kirby. I didn’t send him anywhere dangerous, in fact, I sent him somewhere he would probably enjoy very much! Wouldn’t surprise me if he decided to stay there forever.”
“Kirby, he’s going to need some time to find that precious piece of cake you wanted so badly.”
“NOW!” Kirby shouted furiously.
Magolor scoffed and rolled his eyes. He sighed and floated back up to the center of the room once more.
“Ohhh, fine! But don’t blame me if he comes back empty-handed!”
Magolor once again rose his hands up high in the air and like before, summoned another black hole. But this time, instead of sucking up what remained of Kirby and his home, it spit out everything it had sucked up earlier, from Bandana Waddle Dee’s sleeping bag to Kirby’s furniture and belongings. Finally, out came Bandana Waddle Dee tumbling to the floor. There wasn’t a scratch on him but he seemed to be quite shaken up from the ordeal. Magolor slowly approached him and snickered.
“Well, it looks like you didn’t find that piece of cake after all. Looks like you lose! Hehehehe…”
Bandana Waddle Dee’s face turned bright red. He stood up and angrily stomped over to Kirby and pointed over to Magolor.
“That’s it, Kirby! Now, it’s my turn! I dare you to make Magolor go home!!”
“Hey, that’s not how you play the game!” Magolor yelled, flailing his hands about.
“Either he goes, or I go!! He’s done nothing but pick on me since the moment he got here! I’ve had enough!”
Kirby nodded and turned to Magolor sternly. Elfilin hurried over to Bandana Waddle Dee happy to see his friend was alright.
“Bandana Waddle Dee!” He cheered as the two of them hugged each other tightly. Meanwhile, Kirby still furious over Magolor’s antics once again, shook his head with disdain.
“Magolor… Listen, I’m really sorry, but you’re going to have to go. What you did to Bandana Waddle Dee was too far!”
“Y-You’re kicking me out?!” Magolor’s laughter quickly stopped, and a look of deep concern grew on his face. Elfilin too, glanced over at them, expressing some worry at Kirby’s remarks.
“We tried to give you a chance but if you can’t play nice then you can’t stay.”
“But…But Kirby!… I was just getting him back for what he did to me!” Magolor pleaded as he frantically grabbed Kirby’s arm tightly.
“Getting him back??” Kirby frowned.
“That’s right! Remember earlier? He pushed me into that lake! You should have seen the look in his eye!”
Bandana Waddle Dee scowled with disgust and stormed over to them nearly bursting with rage.
“He started it Kirby, you should have heard the things he said to me!”
Magolor gasped at his words and looked at a Kirby with sad eyes.
“Do you hear this?! He’s berating me once again! He’s so cruel!” Magolor whimpered, desperately clinging to Kirby like he was a lost child.
Elfilin found himself feeling conflicted about all of this. Of course, he cared about Magolor, but he was finally starting to see the other side of him that he had been so ostensibly warned about. The black hole …Magolor had summoned it all along. Could he really be the “liar and a wizard” that Bandana Waddle Dee described him as? As much as Elfilin wanted to have faith, Magolor’s flaws were becoming increasingly evident, and he was starting to see for himself why he seems to clash with a lot of the folks around town. Bandana Waddle Dee in particular. It was rather perplexing to see two of Kirby’s closest friends butt heads so much. He wasn’t sure if there was anything he could do to end this fighting between the two of them. He watched from the side as they continued their dispute.
“Kirby, this hooligan is just trying to get rid of me again! Just ignore him and move on!”
“Magolor, look at what that black hole of yours did to my house!” Kirby pointed towards the tumultuous scene caused by Magolor’s antics.
“It’s gonna take us all night to clean this up! I’m sorry… But you really are going to have to go.”
Magolor tightened his grip on Kirby’s arm and looked up at him with big eyes.
“You know I was just kidding around! That’s what friends do, remember?” Magolor pleaded.
Elfilin watched as Kirby began to escort Magolor out. Bandana Waddle Dee watched from the side with a smirk on his face. Elfilin quickly flew over to him.
“Please don’t let Kirby kick Magolor out!” He whispered loudly.
“Why do you want him here anyway? He’s a bully, Elfilin. Why can’t you see that?”
“…Magolor is my friend! Just like you are, Bandana Waddle Dee! Listen…I know what he did wasn’t very nice, he was just having fun! He wouldn’t do anything to hurt you! Trust me!”
“Fun!? You saw what he did Elfilin! He sent me to Another Dimension!!”
“I…I didn’t know he was capable of doing something like that.” Elfilin couldn’t get the image of Magolor conjuring up the black hole out of his mind.
“Well, he is! You saw it yourself, Elfilin! Now do you believe me?”
“Bandana Waddle Dee…I…I know Magolor seems to be giving you a hard time, but… he mean well! Besides, you heard him, right? He was just playing around!” Elfilin affirmed, hoping to reassure his dejected friend.
Bandana Waddle Dee shook his head and frowned.
“You know, you’re starting to sound just like him…” he mumbled.
Elfilin panicked for a moment as Magolor was nearly out the door at this point. He found himself feeling torn between the two of them but couldn’t bear to make a choice. Whatever Elfilin could do, he had to do it fast before Magolor was sent packing. Knowing what had to be done Elfilin sighed deeply and hoped that it would work.
Oh, Bandana Waddle Dee… please forgive me for this!
“Listen! I…uh, I wasn’t supposed to say anything but…but Magolor…H-He told me that he’s sorry about what he said to you earlier! He feels really bad about the whole thing!” Elfilin went on.
“Magolor is… sorry?” Bandana Waddle Dee remained skeptical but kept listening.
“I-It’s true! Really! He told me himself!…He wanted to tell you but he was…afraid...” Elfilin nodded, knowing that Magolor said no such thing.
“Why would Magolor be afraid of me?”
“Well…because…” Elfilin stammered.
“He just…really wants to be your friend!…He wants all of us to be friends!”
“Did Magolor put you up to this?”
“WHAT!? N-no! I- He told me he was just…waiting for… you know, the right time to say it to you himself! Yeah! H-he said something about… doing that after the game.” Elfilin stuttered.
Bandana Waddle Dee looked curiously at Elfilin. Something didn’t feel quite right about this story.
“…Are you sure, Elfilin?…”
“Of course, I am! I would…never…lie to you…”
Elfilin looked at him with big, endearing eyes hoping he could find it in his heart to forgive Magolor one last time. Bandana Waddle Dee sighed and shook his head.
“Alright then…I guess I believe you… I know you would never lie the way he does.…”
“Elfilin…Please don’t let his bad habits rub off on you. Don’t become like him. A lying, good-for-nothing traitor.”
Those words stabbed Elfilin like a knife. As much as it hurt to tell a lie to his friend Elfilin was willing to take that risk to keep the party going.
“Hehehe…N-No way! You don’t need to worry about me, Bandana Waddle Dee!”
“I’ll tell Kirby Magolor can stay. But I’m doing this for you! Not for him.”
Elfilin smiled and sighed with relief. He wasn’t nearly as good at lying as Magolor was, but his ruse seemed to do the trick.
I…I’ll apologize and tell him the truth after the game!… Maybe this will all blow over and by tonight things will be better than ever! Just try to stay positive Elfilin… It was just a little white lie! Nothing more!
Meanwhile, Magolor was still fighting to keep Kirby from kicking him out. Magolor stood in front of the door blocking Kirby from getting any closer to it as he continued to plea his case. Bandana Waddle Dee hurried over to them.
“Kirby, wait!” He called out.
Both Kirby and Magolor directed their full attention to him.
“I was thinking… Maybe Magolor doesn’t have to go… If he really means he’s sorry then… Maybe he can stay…”
Magolor’s face lit up almost instantly. He was barely able to contain his excitement as he quickly dashed over to Bandana Waddle Dee’s side.
“Of course, I’m sorry! I would never dream of hurting any of my friends!” He said, his hands clasped together tightly. He brushed some dust off of Bandana Waddle Dee.
“I’m all right. It was nothing really, I’m fine.” Bandana Waddle Dee blushed and looked away nervously as Magolor continued to brush excess dust off him.
“Really, I’m fine! You can stop now!” He said, slightly raising his voice.
“I know things got off to a rough start but remember, Elfilin doesn’t get to come here that often, so I want to make sure he has a really good time! Let’s all try to get along! No more black holes and no more arguing okay?”
“Of course, Kirby! You have my word.” Magolor stated with a nod.
“Bandana Waddle Dee, are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah, Kirby I’m tough, I can handle it. I wasn’t there for very long, anyway.”
“See, Kirby? I told you he’d be just fine! Give your pal some credit! Perhaps I did get a bit carried away and for that, I do apologize. I promise I’ll try to tone things down a bit from here on out.” Magolor smirked. As they prepared to head back, Magolor extended his hand out to Bandana Waddle Dee.
“Nothing good comes of fighting. Let’s start over. Truce?” He said smiling at him from under his hooded scarf.
Bandana Waddle Dee stared at Magolor unsure if he was being sincere or if it was all just an act once again. His kindness towards him never felt genuine but for Elfilin’s sake he needed to give him the benefit of the doubt. They may never be the best of friends, but they can at least be accepting of one another. Bandana Waddle Dee accepted Magolor’s handshake with a reluctant smile.
“Perfect!” Magolor beamed. He clutched Bandana Waddle Dee’s hand and headed back over to the where they started. Magolor clapped with delight as his crazed laughter filled the room.
“Wow!! What an exciting start to the game, huh? How about that? Alright then, Bandana Waddle Dee and Kirby…you both lose!” Magolor proclaimed, snickering.
“What!? We lost!?” They both cried in unison.
“That’s right! Bandana Waddle Dee failed to retrieve a piece of cake and you didn’t send me home as he requested which means you didn’t fulfill the requirements of the dare, therefore… you both lose! Sorry! Rules are rules! Heehee..”
“Well… I guess you’re right Magolor! Those are the rules! Looks like we’re out!” Kirby replied, nodding in agreement. Bandana Waddle Dee exhaled deeply, relieved to be freed from Magolor’s game.
“That’s too bad. Looks like it’s just you and me, Little Dude!” Elfilin perked up as Magolor gave him his full attention.
“Well, go on! It’s your turn!” He said smiling.
With Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee out, he had only Magolor to ask. He grew anxious as he still felt slightly intimidated by him and wasn’t entirely sure if he was capable of challenging Magolor at this kind of game.
“Alright, Magolor…truth or dare!”
“You know what? I think I’ll shake things up a bit! I choose…truth!”
Elfilin was taken aback that Magolor would choose truth over a dare. He assumed Magolor would welcome a challenge. Elfilin realized this was a golden opportunity. A chance to get the answers he’s been seeking since the two of them met today. Elfilin had a torrent of questions swimming in his mind but he knew he had to ask the right one. The perfect question to finally get the truth straight from Magolor himself.
“Alright then, Magolor…Is it true…” Elfilin gulped anxiously, unsure if he was brave enough to ask such a bold question. It was now or never.
“Is it true that… you once betrayed Kirby?”
Everyone went dead silent as if the air were just sucked out of the room. Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee exchanged shocked glances. Magolor’s smile vanished instantly. His ears went limp as he looked down sadly to the floor.
“Well…” He stated with a sigh.
“I suppose no one is safe from their past, are they?”
Kirby gasped and frantically waved his hands in the air.
“Ohhhhh! We really don’t have to talk about that! Elfilin, why don’t you ask him something else?” Kirby asked anxiously.
“It’s alright, Kirby. He deserves to know the truth…It’s not like I could keep it a secret forever…” Magolor stated calmly in contrast to Kirby’s panic.
“Are you sure you want to talk about…that?”
“In fact, I’d be happy to tell the Little Dude all about it.” Magolor slowly floated up overhead everyone. Elfilin watched with intrigue.
“So…You want to know what really happened, huh? Fine. Let me explain everything…”
Magolor turned his back to them and looked out the window into the sky. He caught a glimpse of a shining star’s light from the distance and smiled.
“You see, Little Dude. Much like yourself, I too, come from a distant planet, all the way from another dimension. It’s super far away. Have you ever heard of a place called Halcandra?”
“That’s right! Halcandra was my home for a long time. A…really long time.” Magolor mumbled. He turned back around and began to pace about the room.
“Halcandra was…well, it was kind of like your home, Little Dude. Abandoned… Forgotten… It was once a thriving community full of brilliant minds and advanced technology unlike anything you’ve ever seen! …But that was a long time ago. These days, everything and everyone was gone. Well, everyone except me, that is.”
Elfilin leaned in closer with big, open ears and continued to listen as he found himself already captivated by Magolor’s words.
“It was just me, all by myself on that big, empty planet. I didn’t have any friends of my own… The days were long. It was lonely and also got pretty boring. What’s a guy to do with all that time?…”
Bandana Waddle Dee sunk his head down low.
Enough with the sob story, just get to the part where you ruined everything!!
“One day I stumbled upon this amazing place! It was a little old and worn down of course, but inside were hundreds, even thousands of books as far as the eye could see. From that day on, I spent most of my time reading every single book I could get my hands on.”
“Wow! What kind of books did they have on Halcandra?” Elfilin asked.
“Everything! I read books that told stories of adventure, friendship, tragedy…even romance.” Magolor said slightly blushing.
“I learned a lot about the universe! I learned about ancient civilizations, cutting edge technologies and powerful, cosmic beings from across the galaxies… There was a whole Universe out there just waiting to be explored. I couldn’t sit idly by any longer. Somehow, I was going to get off that wretched wasteland of a planet and see what the Universe had to offer! I…I read about a mysterious possibly even sentient ship somewhere on the planet…And by some stroke of luck, I found it! It was completely destroyed. You couldn’t even open the doors. It took a little while but with the knowledge I gained from my studies, I was able to repair it back to flying shape!”
“Wow, you actually have a real spaceship, that you fixed up all by yourself?” Elfilin said, his eyes shining with wonder.
“I sure do! The Lor Starcutter! I’ll have to Take you for a spin around the universe sometime!” Magolor smiled at Elfilin for a brief moment before his expression grew more somber.
“Well… Around that same time was when I had read about…” Magolor paused for a moment. His voice began to tremble as it became clear that what he was about to discuss was going to be difficult for him.
“Something so evil…I-I won’t even speak its name. This thing… this… horrible thing… It was rumored that anyone who took control of it could obtain… limitless power. After being alone for as long as I was… It was hard to resist the temptation. I had to see it for myself…” Magolor’s quiet voice grew more solemn as he went on.
"So, I took my newly repaired Starcutter to the rumored location. It took quite a bit of searching, but I found it! Unfortunately for me, it was being protected by a vicious Dragon named Landia. I foolishly attempted to take it from them myself and…failed. I narrowly escaped with my life. That's when I remembered..."
Magolor turned to Kirby with his signature smile. That familiar warm, friendliness that was always in his voice had returned.
“During my travels, I heard many stories about the legendary Kirby of the Stars! The hungry hero of Popstar who is always willing to help out a stranger in need. With that in mind, I made a last-ditch effort by fleeing to Planet Popstar in hopes of finding this Kirby to help me with my efforts. It took everything the Lor had but we made it to Popstar… Not in one piece of course! Thanks to my…crash landing it didn’t take Kirby long at all to find me! And the rumors were true! You truly lived up to your reputation! Heehee! Kirby agreed to help me, a complete stranger. No questions asked! It was almost too good to be true. With the help of Kirby and his friends, the Lor was fixed once again. When we all first met I promised them a trip to Halcandra once the Lor was repaired. I kept my word and took them there. But… not for a fun trip to see my home like I led them to believe. No… Once we arrived, I convinced Kirby that the Dragon guarding that horrible thing stole it from me. Kirby bravely took on the challenge and as expected, took them down with ease.” Magolor nodded, pondering the memory. As he loomed above the three of his friends, cast in a dark, almost ominous shadow. The warmth left his voice almost as quickly as it came back.
“And there it was. Limitless power. Right at my grasp. At that moment… Everything I had ever cared about before didn’t matter anymore. All I cared about was the power…that damn power. Nothing else mattered. I had become obsessed with the idea of being some kind of all-powerful being just like the ones I read about in all those stories. I lost all sight of who I was. That thing indeed gave me the power I craved, yes. But at a heavy, heavy cost. I became shrouded by the darkness of my own heart. I turned into someone I didn’t recognize. That thing, when it takes control of you, it warps your mind. No longer was I that wide eyed wanderer from Halcandra who craved knowledge and companionship. I became… a lying, backstabbing, traitor. Nothing more than a monster who betrayed the kindness of his friends. After I tricked Kirby into helping me achieve my ultimate goal… I abandoned them and set my sights for Planet Popstar to begin my conquest as Overlord of the Universe.”
“You wanted to be an Overlord!?” Elfilin exclaimed in complete shock.
“Sounds silly, doesn’t it? When I finally had all that power… I thought I would be the one calling the shots, but I was wrong. I was under its control all along. I wanted that power so badly that I was prepared to destroy anything or anyone who dared to stand in my way. Even Kirby.”
“You…fought Kirby. Do you… remember it?” Elfilin asked.
“Oh, of course I do! He was quite the formidable foe…heehee! Like a fool, I thought I stood a chance against him in battle. Even with all that power it still wasn’t enough to come out on top. Perhaps my own stupidity was to blame, I mean, who would be foolish enough to believe they could defeat the great Kirby of the Stars?…” Magolor laughed a little then sighed deeply.
“That day is hard to forget, but… There is one instance from our encounter that…I don’t remember at all…”
Magolor took a moment to look around the room and noticed that a lone red apple from earlier was still on the ground nearby. He slowly floated over and picked it up. He held it in his hands and observed it closely, his eyes growing increasingly more sad as he kept staring at it.
“At some point during the battle things took a…drastic turn for the worse.” Magolor continued, clutching the apple tightly.
“I had come to realize that this power… It wasn’t what I wanted anymore. I just… wasn’t ready for it. But it was too late. That power…that darkness… It…It consumed me completely. The Magolor that Kirby had come to know…was gone. What remained was just…a sad…hollow shell of what I once was, leaving my soul trapped inside with nothing to do but cry for help and hope someone would hear me.”
Elfilin continued to listen with tears in his eyes. Both Kirby and even Bandana Waddle Dee were taken in by his words.
“Whether my cries for help were heard or not, I may never know. The whole thing’s kind of a blur. All I know is when Kirby defeated that thing… That…monster I became… He freed me.”
Magolor returned to Elfilin’s side. He sat down keeping his head low.
“So…to answer your question… Yes. I did once betray Kirby. I’m not proud of what I did. In fact, it’s my life’s deepest regret. Truth be told, after Kirby defeated me, I lost all that power and then some! Heehee… I even endured a perilous journey of my own to make it back here! But…that’s a story for another day!”
Elfilin stared sadly to the ground. He looked over to Magolor and was amazed to see the smile on his face and the happiness in his eyes.
“Don’t be sad for me Little Dude! I was very lucky to have Kirby there to help save me from the tragic fate I almost found myself in. Thank you, Kirby.”
Kirby nodded to Magolor and smiled.
“They don’t call me a hero for nothing!” Kirby said confidently.
“Well, Little Dude. There you have it. My truth! Just as you requested.” He stated with a single nod.
“Magolor… I-I had no idea.” He began, his voice wavering still in awe from his tale.
“That must have been so scary. To feel so alone. To be used for something like power…”
Elfilin could relate to Magolor’s situation but found it difficult to find the right words to say. He may not have succumbed to the temptations that Magolor did, but he knew all too well what it was like to feel lost, alone, and used.
“Wow, Magolor, I’ve never heard you open up like that before!” Kirby said.
“Well, I'm simply following the rules of the game! I’d hate to end up in the loser's circle with you two! Heehee! Speaking of such, I do believe it’s my turn now!” He snickered and turned around the face the only one left, Elfilin. He smiled and pointed his finger towards his big eared friend.
“Looks like I choose you, Little Dude! Truth or dare!” He said nearly bursting with excitement.
Elfilin felt like bubbles were popping in his stomach. He sat up tall in attempts to play it cool even though his heart was nearly beating out of his chest.
What do I pick?? Truth? Or dare? Ohhh! Why is this such a hard choice?
Elfilin was well aware that his truth would pale in comparison to Magolor's. There’s no way anything he could say would top Magolor’s harrowing tale. But on the other hand, this could be Elfilin’s chance to show Magolor what he’s made of! What’s the worst he could dare him to do? No matter what, he was ready to take on the challenge and do whatever it took to impress his new friend.
“I choose… dare!!” Elfilin exclaimed.
Bandana Waddle Dee and Kirby both gasped.
Oh no, Elfilin… What have you done? …
Magolor clapped with delight.
“I was hoping you would say that! You never cease to amaze me, Little Dude!”
Magolor squinted and looked around the room. He hummed to himself while holding his hand to his chin.
“I dare you…”
He paced around the room examining things as he pondered the question.
Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee stood by cautiously watching..
“Kirby… I have a bad feeling about this...” he whispered.
Magolor drifted across the room and peered through a window. He looked outside to see the Green Greens of Dream Land. It was a beautiful sight. Past the trees and the fields was a hillside crowned with a stately Castle standing high above everything else. Magolor turned around with a devious smirk on his face.
“I dare you…to break into Castle Dedede in the middle of the night… Sneak into the King’s room and…steal the hat he’s wearing right off his head!”
“WHAT!?!” Both Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee exclaimed in tandem.
“There’s no way Elfilin can do something like that!!” Kirby shouted. “Are you trying to get him kicked out of Dream Land for good?”
“What? You don’t think he can do it?” Magolor retorted impetuously.
“No! I mean, it’s not that! It’s just… That’s a little extreme, don’t you think? Breaking into Castle Dedede?! That’s just asking for trouble. Isn’t there something… smaller he can do?!” Kirby pleaded.
“Thinking small is so boring, Kirby! We have to show Elfilin what it truly means to have fun here on Planet Popstar!”
Kirby shook his head with umbrage at Magolor’s remarks.
“It’s just too risky! Elfilin didn’t come all the way here for-“
“I’ll do it.” a small voice chimed in.
“What!?” Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee looked at Elfilin with shock while Magolor face lit up with joy.
“That’s right… I’ll do it! Yeah!! I’ll steal that hat!” Elfilin proclaimed confidently.
“All right! That’s the spirit, Little Dude!” Magolor cheered.
“Elfilin, you want to do it!?” Kirby exclaimed with dismay.
“Well, sure! He dared me to do it!” Elfilin chuckled. “Those are the rules, right?” He smiled towards Magolor.
“That’s right!” He replied cheerfully as he clapped his hands. “I just knew you had it in you! Heehee!”
“We can’t just break into the castle! Do you have any idea what King Dedede will do to us if he catches us sneaking into his room?” Kirby protested.
Magolor placed his hand to his chin with a curious glance.
“Kirby, I was under the impression that you and the King were good friends. Didn’t you invite him to this party? Why isn’t he here?”
“Well…He’s probably… just busy, he is the King after all.” Kirby muttered, looking down sadly.
"How could anyone be too busy for the great Kirby of the Stars? After all you’ve done for him!” Magolor ranted furiously. “We need to teach that ungrateful fool a lesson.”
“What if Elfilin gets caught? Then what are we going to do?”
“What’s the worst that big oaf could do? He’s nothing but a lazy glutton. I’d be surprised if he even noticed him at all.” Magolor said as he nodded to Elfilin. They both looked to Kirby with big pleading eyes.
“Come on, Kirby! I can handle it! Remember everything we went through back home? This is nothing compared to that!” Elfilin exclaimed.
“Elfilin, this isn’t like that at all. You could get in a lot of trouble. Do you really want to go through with it?”
“Yeah, Kirby, I’m sure!” Elfilin declared. “I’m ready to win this game!”
“If you’re going to do this… Magolor!” Kirby turned to face the mischievous mage. “You’re going with him!”
“Oh, I’d be happy to tag along! In fact, why don’t we all go?!” Magolor sneered as he wrapped his arms around his circle of friends. “Wouldn’t that be exciting?!”
“No way! Count me out!” Exclaimed Bandana Waddle Dee exclaimed as he shoved himself free. “I want nothing to do with this!”
“Come on, Bandana Waddle Dee! It will be fun! Please come with us!” Elfilin gazed at him with the biggest, saddest eyes he could conjure up.
Bandana Waddle Dee begrudgingly yielded to Elfilin’s puppy dog stare.
“Oh, alright, I’ll go!” He cried reluctantly.
“Woohoo!” Elfilin cried out joyously as he spun around.
“Wow, are we really gonna do this? Steal the King’s hat?” Bandana Waddle Dee asked, his voice trembling as he sought consolation from Kirby.
“We’ll have to be careful and quiet!” Kirby began. “The last thing I want is for Elfilin to get caught up in even more trouble here in Dream Land!” He said eying Magolor with censure.
“Of course, Kirby! It’s all in good fun! In fact, I think the King will get a good laugh from it!”
“If we’re gonna do this you’ll need to help Elfilin come up with a plan!” Kirby stated adamantly.
“The night is still young, Kirby! We have plenty of time to prepare!” Magolor nodded in response.
“Elfilin, I sure hope you know what you’re getting yourself into…” Bandana Waddle Dee mumbled quietly.
Elfilin peered out the window, his sight drawn to the great castle in the distance. The place he would prove to Magolor what he was capable of.
“Don’t worry, everyone! I’ll get that hat, and no one will stop us!” Elfilin declared confidently. Magolor came to his side and placed a hand around him.
“That’s the spirit, Little Dude! We’ll need to plan a strategy-“
“Wait” Kirby exclaimed abruptly.” Before we get into all of that…Can we please clean up this mess first!?” Kirby said amidst the cluttered state of disarray that his home had become during their game. Books, food and so much more was scattered throughout the floor of his home.
“Of course, Kirby! Don’t even lift a finger!” Magolor turned his attention to Bandana Waddle Dee and smirked.
“Bandana Waddle Dee and I will clean up this unsightly clutter.You just sit back and relax.”
Magolor began to clean the room right away. He appeared happy to do any task for Kirby no matter how menial. Bandana Waddle Dee promptly joined him almost as if he was racing him to pick up more stuff quickly.
“I don’t mind helping you clean up, Kirby! Leave it to me!” He grabbed a broom and began sweeping. Bandana Waddle Dee was also always more than willing to help his friends, even if it meant cleaning up messes that weren’t his fault….
“Wow, really?! Thanks!” Kirby cheered. He took a seat on the floor and chomped down on one of the many apples still strewn about the room.
“We’ll have this place spotless in no time.” Magolor assured as he and Bandana Waddle Dee continued tidying up the room and returning Kirby’s belongings back where to their rightful place.
Elfilin continued to stare out the window as the two of them cleaned up. He felt nervous about what could happen, but he was determined to win the game and prove himself to his friends. He knew it would be risky, but if it meant he could prove to everyone that he had what it takes to beat Magolor’s game maybe the risks didn’t matter. All he wanted to do was make his friends proud.
“Watch out, Castle Dedede...” He said confidently. “Here I come!”
[previous chapter]
[next chapter] COMING SOON
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bumbledees · 3 months
I think I have a tag from @shootingstarpilot again? Even if not I will take the slightest excuse to post because I finally managed to update Rumor Has It, even if the chapter isn't long. And because this snippet right here is my favorite part of the chapter and I can't resist sharing:
“It’s somewhat of a running joke among Ghost Company that we are married,” Kenobi clarifies for his former Padawan. “What?” “Tracker has informed us that it is in the way we argue,” Kenobi says. From Skywalker’s slack-jawed expression it is clear this explains nothing. “Tracker has the romantic bent of a rathar, sir,” Cody reminds his jetti. “He has a type,” Kenobi acknowledges. “But that’s not a crime.” “His type is violence,” Cody says. “And anything you say in his defense can and will be held against you.” Kenobi glares at him. Cody gives him a bland and inoffensive smile. Skywalker opens his mouth, closes it, and then opens it again. “Someday I will know as much about you as you know about me,” Kenobi threatens, pointing a finger at Cody.  “Die trying, sir,” Cody tells him.
(as always no-pressure tags to any other fic authors who follow me! i love to see what people are writing.)
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
Song quiery/request: Starstruck and Meta? o:
starstruck and meta knight (gen... ish?) ; liar by the Arcadian Wild
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i sense deception to come, honestly, truth and i are never one coz i am the lying man, and i have made you my next victim oh, i need you to see through my act, to tell me i'm wrong, to take off the mask or else i'll be left in the lie, and i'll deceive my way straight to demise
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doll-elvis · 1 year
It's kind of difficult to discern what's true about E and what isn't, because so much of what's been written about him directly conflicts with other things. So it's hard to keep track of what's really true and what's just rumor that got twisted and blown out of proportion.
Me personally, I tend to not trust Lamar, Nash or the Stanleys, because they've all been proven to at best, not have the best memory of things, or at worst be outright liars for money.
I agree completely and throughout my journey of reading about Elvis I’ve learned to not take anything as truth until I have cross referenced between books/interviews and it’s been confirmed by multiple people or at least coincides with behavior that Elvis usually exhibited
** I also highly highly recommend elvislibrary (who is on Instagram and has the biggest elvis book collection I’ve ever seen😫) as well as elvisinfonet for books reviews, whenever I start a new book I usually check out their reviews beforehand as they give great insight to whether the book is credible or not
I have discovered that literally anyone who has breathed the same oxygen as Elvis has come out and shared a story or written a book about him. This man was even more exploited after his death than while he was living and it just angers me. Everyone who knew him has made money off of him in some way and I realized that people will say anything if they think it is a story that will sell
And “Baby let’s play house” by Alanna Nash was actually the first Elvis book I ever read, and foolishly, I believed every story in it, no matter how outrageous it was. Then I started to do a little basic research and I realized she has allowed so many fabricated stories in her book and has given a platform to several people who aren’t credible
Like the whole relationship with Tura Santana never happened and Elvis never even met her even though she claims he proposed, yet Alanna Nash shared her story. And Elvis did not publicly dry hump the fake dog Nipper on stage like she claims, he just wiggled 😭 And Nash uses Byron Raphael as a source, who she co-wrote a playboy article with in 2008, when it’s been confirmed that he never actually worked for Elvis and only very briefly worked for the Colonel (and the playboy article is full of the most blatant lies ever, I cannot believe this woman is regarded as a credible biographer 🤧!!!)
As you said, I’m very wary of Lamar Fike also, he tends to over-exaggerate things and I found his perception of events to be a whole lot different from others when they are describing the same stories
As for the Stanleys, Dee is literally one of the nastiest people you will ever learn about in the Presley circle and it truly disgusts me that Elvis treated her and her sons so kindly (even though he didn’t like her) and she repaid him by going to a tabloid magazine and telling a made up story to make money
What’s most disgusting is that she made up lies about two people she never even met (Gladys Presley and Nick Adams) and only used people who had already passed away as sources for her book like saying that Vernon Presley, Minnie Mae (Elvis’ grandmother) and Alberta (former maid), all knew that Elvis was in a s*xual relationship with his mother. Obviously all these people weren’t here to say otherwise and that is why she wrote the book (I hate that woman so muchhh that I’m getting mad just typing this 💀)
Ricky and David I’m not too crazy about either but I give them a little bit of respect for calling out their mother and saying her book was full of lies
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Honestly the only Stanley books worth reading are by Billy Stanley and I really loved his two books “The faith of Elvis” and “Elvis: My Brother”, I found his insight really unique and I really really appreciated his honesty (if y’all didn’t know Elvis had a brief affair with Billy’s 18 year old wife named Annie, and it was a mess 😭!!!)
If y’all want to be entertained Dee Stanley went on the Geraldo talk show in the 90s alongside Joe Esposito and J.D Sumner to talk about the whole Gladys story and they absolutely drag her 😫 J.D lowkey wanted to slap her and I don’t blame him at all
unfortunately some of the audience believes her about Gladys so that was frustrating to watch but other than that, Dee gets absolutely humiliated 😃
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miniiieevee · 2 years
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thank you so much for 2100+ followers!!!!
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