luucypevensie · 7 months
🐸 for Yasmin??
MY SOPHISTICATED QUEEN, THANK YOU ANNA! Tagging @daughter-of-melpomene and @dancingsunflowers-ocs as well because they love all my Glee OCs
1. Something they collect: Like Drew, Yasmin is an avid collector of coffee mugs. Hers, however, are of an elegant vintage type that go with her aesthetic
2. Their sun, moon, and rising star sign: Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius
3. The first thing they bought with their own money: It was a pair of heels that Yasmin had been eyeing for awhile; they matched with a lot of her outfits, and they were so cute
4. One positive personality trait of theirs: Her ability to focus; it helps her be able to see both sides of a situation, which helps her become the amazing lawyer she will eventually be
5. Their favorite ‘80’s song: Chain Reaction by Diana Ross
6. If they’re a good or bad cook: Yasmin isn’t really a good cook. She honestly can only make things that take a minimal amount of work like making a bag salad or toast
7. Their favorite horror movie: The Birds
8. Who would play them in a biopic about their life: Sepideh Moafi
9. Who would play their older/younger version: Kimia Hosseini for her younger version and Nasim Pedrad for her older version
10. An event from their High School reunion: Matt proposed to Yasmin on the football field; it was so romantic. With Mike’s help, he put a bunch of candles in a circle, and he was in there with a orchid (her favorite flower). As he went down on one knee, Matt’s speech was about how she was his dream girl in high school and how he never thought he would end up with her. Throughout that whole speech, Yasmin was crying really hard. Once he finished asking the question, Yasmin tackled Matt to the ground and peppered his face with kisses as her response
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crunchy-rocc · 3 months
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i bet jeremy would be fun at parties
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megane-sama · 1 year
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I believe in Anna Hanyu supremacy.
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usermarquez · 9 months
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Valentino Rossi and Marc Márquez – Hands
the great war, taylor swift / city of bones, cassandra clare / on earth we're briefly gorgeous, ocean vuong / no children, the mountain goats [x] / the cart, mary ruefle
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katierosefun · 4 months
my cancelled-able trait from the queer community would be that i really apparently love messy endings. i love u happy endings and i also love u such sad, messy, ambiguous endings . . . i love u endings where u have this weird pit in the bottom of your stomach because you know that there's love here but u have no idea what to do with it and u just have to deal with the fact that someone is profoundly affecting your life and you're not gonna get closure from it anytime soon . . . i love u queer love stories where it's really just "u don't always get to see the sunshine and rainbows at the end of it . . . sometimes all that's left is just one big question mark and the quiet hope that they get their shit together" . . .
#caroline talks#don't get me wrong. i love u happy endings. esp when it comes to queer love stories#but i also just. love endings where it's just like. well. u DON'T know for certain whether the characters#are truly going to ride off into the sunset together.#the only thing u know for certain is that they love each other and that they're going to have to grapple with that forever.#maybe it's also just bc like. idk. i took too many film classes and so my head's forever stuck#on this one essay about how some really happy endings feel lifeless.#like how in some ending shots. the characters look like they've had their happy ending. but there's also some weird unease and confusion#and it's like. well yeah. because for every happy moment u get in life. u are still already thinking 'well what's next. what now.'#which is fascinating to me. but also me @ me: god maybe u can just be happy and it's not that deep.#but also. i do love the wonderful ambiguity of just. 'there is so much more to live. so much more to do.'#and i guess it's not just for queer love stories. i think a lot about the ending of my mister.#with lee ji an and park dong hoon walking away from each other but they're happy. u have no idea how their relationship will pan out but u#do know that they love each other.#or like. columbus. with jin and casey. they hug each other and thank each other for being in the other's lives.#and jin says goodbye to casey and casey says goodbye to jin and u have no idea if they'll see each other again. but u know they love each#other so very much. even if they'd only known each other for a second.#or like. beginners. anna and oliver love each other so much and u get this sense that. they're still a little bit uneasy/nervous about how#the rest of their lives are going to go. but they'll try.#or. god. the swearing jar.#the last shot. i think about it a lot.#there is love!!! but u don't always know how the rest of it is going to pan out!!! u just know that it'll pan out somehow!
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xbaebsae · 1 year
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"Do you want me to fix this wreck or not?!"
Another amazing commission I got from @minilev ! Thank you so much, Anna for continuing to share your talent and bringing my ideas to life ❤️ Every piece is a masterpiece!!
In my canon Jake has a truck that's seen better days but he refuses to get a new one. Rheese used to be a car mechanic and ever since she's offered to take one look at it, she's been doomed to fix it over and over. She will pretend to hate it, but she doesn't :)
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sighonaraa · 4 months
Any thoughts about Foggy’s family reacting to Matt being back in the post-blip Daredevil fic?
HOUGH. thank you for asking this my love because i DIDN'T have any thoughts about it and now i DO. oh BOY DO I!!!!
See, what seems to be a million years ago, now, Anna's son brought home his roommate from college for Thanksgiving. He had told them all that Matt was different, whispered hushed through the phone, that he didn't come from anywhere nor have anywhere to return to, and that it had taken days of embarrassing pleading on his part to get Matt to even reluctantly agree to the visit. So Anna had said okay, honey, sounds good, and then she'd hung up the phone and worried with her husband as to what exactly it was that Foggy was bringing home with him. (What it was, was this: A kid, mop-haired and shy, mumbling please and thank you and offering to clean the dishes and jerking with surprise every time her husband clapped him on the shoulder.) (What it was, was this: Anna's third son.) She remembers Foggy telling her about Matt's--disappearance, the first time. She'd kept making an extra serving of dinner and dessert, just in case he returned, and eventually, he had. A bit quieter than before, a bit sadder, but whole. She doesn't remember Foggy telling her about Matt's second disappearance. Her own hands had been gritty with dust, or ash, or whatever it was they called it. She'd watched her husband crumble to pieces between her palms and then she had to open the front door to tell her son that his father was gone, only to find out that her other son was gone, too. And yet. And yet. Her husband is here again, and Matt is-- Matt is sitting at her kitchen table, socked feet tucked up beneath him, Foggy at one shoulder and Karen at the other, and he's saying please and thank you and offering to clean the dishes and it's like no time has passed at all, even though so much of it has. She passes her fingers through his hair as she sets their plates on the table. He doesn't flinch, not anymore. Instead, his body leans into the touch, and remains.
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raineandsky · 4 months
Could you write a story where a king who outlawed magical beings (like fae, elves, sorcerers, etc Bc they’ve tried to kill him multiple times ) has a trial for a young magical creature found in his lands, but the creature isn’t evil, didn’t even KNOW they were trespassing, and is terrified they’re gonna be executed or tortured or something. But the king doesn’t hurt it, since the magical being didn’t mean any harm? Could turn into found family or he just lets it go or something
I hope 2024 is going well for you!! Sorry if this prompt is hectic/worded bad haha
hello again!! it's always a delight to see you in my inbox :) thank you for the request, i hope you enjoy it!
For a moment it looks like a child is thrown at the king’s feet. They’re small, frail-looking, and sobbing between short, forced breaths.
“We caught it on the outskirts of your lands. Trespassing,” the knight says. His hand rests on his sword, his gaze turned down to the creature like he wants to eviscerate them there and then. “We’re lucky we found it when we did. What’s your defence, freak?”
The only response is more sobbing. The knight’s gaze turns to the king, almost bored. “Shall I execute it, your majesty?”
“No!” The creature lurches up, and the knight has to grapple for them to stop them leaping straight for the king. “No, please, I– I didn’t know—”
The knight pushes them back to the floor and they land hard. A whimper leaks from their mouth as they collide with the merciless tile. From here the king can see the translucent wings on their back—torn, fractured, probably beyond repair. He can’t help but wonder when that happened.
“No need to be so harsh,” he says shortly. The knight stares at him like he’s lost his mind.
He has a feeling, though. Most of the mystical beings that came to his court with the intent of murder were relatively plain-faced about it. He gets the impression they’re not good liars. Not many of them can cry this violently on cue, at least.
“What is your business in the lands you are exiled from, creature?”
The creature glances up at him, seemingly startled to be addressed. Then their gaze turns away, nervous, skittish. “I– I didn’t know,” they force out after a long moment. “I was looking for a creek, and I– I thought I heard water but I didn’t realise I’d overstepped and your men were guarding the riverside and I’m so sorry please please don’t kill me I swear I didn’t—”
“Why were you looking for a creek?”
Their eyes flit back towards him, unsure, like they’re waiting for the trap to close its jaws around them. They courageously swallow down another sob. “Music,” they say eventually. “It isn’t the same without the water flowing through it.”
The knight scoffs. “You play?” the king asks. 
“Your majesty,” the knight cuts in quickly. “With respect, please, don’t entertain it. We should behead it before it has the chance to act against you.”
“We ruled that the mystical beings would face trial, did we not?” the king snaps. “With respect, knight, allow me to follow through on my own laws.”
The knight dips his head awkwardly, and the king returns his interest to the creature beneath him. Their gaze is locked to the floor; being caught in the middle of a conversation about their fate clearly isn’t a favourable place to be. “Your instrument, creature, where is it?”
The creature’s wings flutter at the question. Their gaze pulls to the knight behind them, snapping back when he returns it with hatred. “It– It got destroyed.”
The king’s eyes find the knight’s. “He destroyed it?”
“I thought it was a weapon,” the knight defends weakly.
The creature sniffles, their eyes wet again. “If you let me go, you’ll never see me again,” they say desperately. “Please, I swear, I’ll never come back.”
“And your wings, creature,” the king says, purposefully ignoring their words, “what happened to them?”
Their wings quiver slightly again. They keep their eyes carefully pinned to the floor. “I– I scared your men,” they whisper. “They were afraid I would hurt them.”
The king can practically see the scene. A magical creature, a tune in their hands and a song on their lips, stumbling upon the king’s men. They’d probably tried to escape, probably realised their mistake too late. The king’s men, with orders to protect him from the magical beings that came for his throat, pouncing on opportunity. Breaking them beyond repair and throwing them at his feet in the hopes of praise.
The king only outlawed these creatures. If he’d known how his men were enacting his laws, he would have altered them much sooner. How many of these beings are scared, damaged, dead, because his knights leapt at the excuse for bloodshed?
The king heaves a deep breath. “Knight,” he starts, and both he and the creature tense. “You are excused.”
The knight’s face twitches. “Your majesty—”
“You,” the king repeats, “are excused.”
There’s a still moment where he thinks the knight will have the gall to disobey. Then he dips into a polite bow, stepping away.
“I’ll be right outside, your majesty,” he says pointedly, and with that he slips out the door and leaves the two of them alone. The creature’s gaze burns into the tile below them.
“I have the finest woodworkers at my disposal, creature,” the king says once the echo of the door has dispelled into nothing. “Tell me what your instrument looks like, and I will have it remade.”
“O–Oh,” the creature says shortly. “I, uh, th–that’s very kind, but it’s, um, made of a particular wood. Its magic is held in the care my family has shown the tree for centuries.”
“Then my woodworkers will carve it out for you.” He waves a hand dismissively. “If it is required to repair what my knights have wrought on you, it will be done.”
“T–Thank you.” The creature glances at the empty room behind them. “So, uh, am I free, or…”
“There is a creek not far from this palace,” the king continues idly. “Your music would sound wonderful within these walls.”
The creature falters at that. Their mouth works for a moment. “Huh?”
“As my court musician, you would be protected under oath and my rule,” the king explains casually. “My knights cannot touch you within these walls.”
“That’s kind,” the creature repeats quietly, “but I don’t– I don’t think I could—”
“Nonsense.” The king gets to his feet, waving for the creature to follow him. “You would be safe and able to play music as you desire. I will hear no more of it—you shall stay here.”
The creature stumbles to their feet as he gets closer. “O–Okay.”
The king glances at their wings as they stand. “We shall see the woodworkers,” he says thoughtfully, “but I feel you should visit my doctor first.”
The king leaves them in the medicine hall, under the careful watch of a different knight, so he can batter the door down to his legal advisor’s office. The poor man looks rather startled to see him. “Your majesty,” he just about says.
“Rise, advisor,” the king demands, “I have a law I must amend.”
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anna-scribbles · 2 years
ur not metamorphisis' weird aunt ur its dad. peach birthed it but u play catch w it in the yard
ok anon you are exactly right and also this is me playing catch with metamorphosis
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luucypevensie · 10 months
🦁 my favorite snarker Augusta?
Thank you my sweet! @daughter-of-melpomene also asked for Augusta!
1. Their favorite gem stone: Garnet
2. Their most heroic moment: During the Night of Neglect, Thea’s loser ex showed up and was being a total dick during her performance. Augusta was so incensed seeing him there, she immediately got up in his face and started yelling at him. Finn went to hold her back, but then the ex said a demeaning thing about Thea. Finn told her to do her worst, and Augusta just WHALED on him
3. A superstition they believe in (if they do believe in them): You mean the 27 Club where many famous musicians died at the age of 27?
4. Their favorite 2000s song: So What by P!nk
5. Their first pet: A boa constrictor she got in college that she named Salazar after Salazar Slytherin
6. Their favorite video game: Girl is a Guitar Hero FREAK!
7. Their lowest moment: That would be when her mother told her she would never amount to anything. Augusta never got along with her parents, but to actually hear that from someone who’s supposed to support her dreams broke her
8. Their crime against humanity: Oh, that would be when she set fire to Sue’s trophy cases. No one caught her, and even better, they blamed Karofsky and Azimio for it
9. Their middle name: Este (which is also the name of her and Puck’s future daughter)
10. If they have sloppy or neat handwriting: Augusta leans towards the side of sloppy, but it’s still pretty legible
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a-eo-iu · 1 month
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goth girlfriend and grunge girlfriend
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feenixmork · 1 year
Cool thing about when one of your favorite pieces of media has exclusively basic silhouette sprites for nearly all its NPCs is that when you get weirdly attached to one of those characters, you get to say "fuck it" and design them yourself
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I love Mel's mom so much
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Cannot overstate how fucking much this event made me feel.
I've always wanted to see what Mel's mom thought of her daughter's death after I read Mel's A La Carte story but-- turns out the one event I was kinda putting off for a while because of not wanting to lose the only piece of Kanae and Mel content I hadn't consumed already gave Mel's mom closure and I just. I--
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This event was so good.
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renegadeknight · 2 months
ooooo so interested in Treacherous!!
Okay this one is still very much an outline/mess of notes so I don't have any snips to share and it's probably the one I'm most shy about, idk why exactly, just feels like it would be less interesting to other people, so I'm just vibing by myself lol.
Anyway! It is an Anna!Lives AU where she ends up as a FEDRA lab rat for ~10 years and escapes right after Marlene finds and sends Ellie off with the fireflies. So then Joel and Tess take Anna to try to catch up at the state house but they miss them. Tess still gets bit (sorry) and then it follows Joel and Anna across the country to try to track down Ellie and as they spend more time together Anna keeps telling him more and more about little Ellie from when they were together a few years before they got separated. By the time they catch up to Ellie, Joel's ready to level the hospital for a kid he hasn't even met, and her mother.
Fun fact, I actually mentioned this one in an earlier chapter of Stubborn Love. It's one of the books Ellie gets at the library 😁
Thank you for the ask!
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rosie-love98 · 4 months
Hear me out Disney fans:
These two:
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As a couple <3 ?
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potatoesandsunshine · 11 days
hi anna!!! for the dvd commentary we ARE here with this section from and you can use my skin to bury secrets in. you know how this Affects me but i will say it again Truly It Makes My Brain Static (positive).
“If you want Tay Kolma so badly, there are ways to have him,” Perrin says, his voice shattering the quiet. Mon thanks every star that Leida is already at school. She sets her datapad down and looks at her husband, laying across one of the low couches like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s in blue today. “You’re jealous of him,” Mon says, thinking of the bitter fizz of squigs. “I won’t bring disorder into our lives that way.” You selfish fuck. “I’m not jealous,” Perrin refutes. “You never were, with the opera singers and the dancers. And I’m just as secure as you.” Mon does not throw the nearest vase at his head, no matter how badly she wants to. Violence between partners has no place in a Chandrilan marriage; hate does, certainly, but to raise a hand would be so… uncouth.
HI ABBY!!!!! always happy to think about Them...
“If you want Tay Kolma so badly, there are ways to have him,” Perrin says, his voice shattering the quiet.
Mon thanks every star that Leida is already at school.
this is the very start of the fic, and i wanted to establish what it was about immediately. we’re only here for like a thousand words, there is not time to beat around the bush. this is also a ‘we’re not gonna get leida involved in this situation’ signpost from me, because everybody hates her but that’s My Daughter. that’s my lydia bennet (too young, too doomed, i cannot save her). she will be protected from all of this nonsense.
She sets her datapad down and looks at her husband, laying across one of the low couches like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s in blue today.
andor is a show with really strong visuals, which is great because i don’t have to do too much setting description; i also see blue as a color that represents tay, since i think we see him in it a couple times :) so it’s like *perrin, getting dressed to pick a fight with his wife*: everything i see makes me think about Him... (this is also a direct precursor to The Tailor Scene in the other fic)
“You’re jealous of him,” Mon says, thinking of the bitter fizz of squigs. “I won’t bring disorder into our lives that way.” You selfish fuck.
i really think she only gets to curse in her head; everything about her goes into maintaining a mask. rip. also, there’s a lot of Star Wars Vocab out there that’s like ‘and this word replaces X curse etc etc’ and i think it’s all cringeworthy. i’m not using it.
“I’m not jealous,” Perrin refutes.
lie lmao. the good part of this for him is partially that he’s extremely jealous, which is a break in the monotony.
“You never were, with the opera singers and the dancers. And I’m just as secure as you.”
but this part is true!! mon truly does not care what her husband does, as long as appearances are maintained; there’s a scene at one point in the show where they have this awful breakfast with leida and she gets very ‘gasp! what do you mean my family doesn’t like me’ which is... in my opinion a moment where she’s fallen for her own illusion. and they are both equally secure in their marriage, in that they both hate it so much! and they’re both desperate for something to come along and crack things open.
Mon does not throw the nearest vase at his head, no matter how badly she wants to. Violence between partners has no place in a Chandrilan marriage; hate does, certainly, but to raise a hand would be so… uncouth.
this was a pretty important moment for me in establishing the stakes again - i like their domestic strife, but i am not comfortable with it escalating into violence. that’s not something i want to write about, and i had noticed a trend in a lot of mon/tay fics to paint perrin as a lot more physically abusive than he is in the show (there’s literally none of that? why is it there now?) that really squicked me out. so no, this relationship is awful, but it's not that flavor of awful.
i really do love this fic so much and it gave me new brain worms <3 they’re in my head 24/7. nothing to be done about it.
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gayhughes · 15 days
13 + 25 for the asks?? :D
13. Your dream place to visit?
omg honestly,, seattle and england :D i think seattle is honestly pretty (and KRAKEN <3) and then i just. think popular cities in london are pretty :D and ive watched so many english youtubers growing up i wanna see the same stuff LOL
25. Are you a morning or a night person?
omg ive always thought i was a night person but now!!! idk!!! because work fucks me over idek what i am </3
get to know you asks
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