rainbowsky · 56 minutes
Bonjour, J'adore votre travail et c'est un plaisir de lire vos articles. Any thoughts about gg and dd being in France in the same time on 6/22? Bon Week end (6/22 is also my birthdate)
Bonjour kumirobay! Merci beaucoup pour vos gentils mots, je suis heureux que vous appréciez mon blog. 😊
All turtles hope and dream that GG and DD were able to spend some time together in Paris for 6/22, of course! I'm no exception to that. It's not hard to imagine that they'd coordinate things in such a way as to ensure they get some time together. 6/22 is obviously a very important date for them.
However, GG was last spotted in Switzerland, so it's possible that's where he still is. There's no way to know for sure.
And that's how it should be. GG and DD's private time is their private time, and I hope nothing leaks out to show where they are or what they're doing.
Whether together or separately, I'm just happy they're getting a bit of time for travel, and some new experiences. If there's some candy to be had here, I've no doubt GG and DD will share it with us directly, or via LRLG.
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tgcg · 5 months
my highlight of every week are the times I see ur posts thank u so much 4 appearifying into existence:]
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man ppl like u r the highlights of *my* week... 1 4 U
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surasca · 7 months
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A commission of my Warden Nerys Surana by @vats9underscore9
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rhysfiona · 8 months
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thatmooncake · 10 months
The way you draw sun and moon is very squishy
i want to squish them <3
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gtzel · 3 months
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Some absolutely FIRE fanart done by the wonderful @satethesatelite thanks again so much!
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you're spinning me around
my feet are off the ground
i don't know where i stand
do you have to hold my hand?
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featheredsnek · 3 months
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Reusing this but yeah!!! I know I'm not as active here with rts and such as I am on other sites, but thanks so much for your support here! I hope you enjoy my funny asks and answers! And yes, I do have quite a few asks to answer, and I plan to answer them all, so don't worry if you've given one and haven't gotten a response! I've only ever deleted two ^^
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phoebepheebsphibs · 24 days
A lil sumthin' sumthin' to say...
Thanks for enjoying the story and drawings!
Your reactions, artwork, and many words of encouragement have been amazing. There are so many people who have enjoyed the story and were such an amazing motivation. There are a few specific people that I wanna acknowledge, though...
(Disclaimer, most of the sona designs were based off of piccrew posts I went digging for or were based on user icons lol)
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Of course we have to start with @boots-with-the-fur-club!
Thanks for letting me continue the story you started! I didn't expect it to grow as much as it did, but the more I wrote, the more the world around it grew and evolved and it became this huge multi-chapter, multi-arced saga. I always get so excited when I see you post a new story and I wait in anticipation for every reaction you leave on my updates. Thanks so much for the advice you give, little blurbs you wrote, and moments when you fangirled over stuff with me! I have never been so inspired to write/draw/create in my life, and for that I am truly grateful.
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@daboyau your interactions and reactions were very special and meaningful. I haven't known you very long but I can already tell how talented a writer you are and I may be just a bit intimidated by you. You motivate me to be a better writer, to work hard, and to not be shy about my stories! You're a very inspiring writer and every time I see your reactions to my work I freak out a little lol...
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@truths33k3r4 I love the design you made for Mikey (I even took some inspiration from your design for my own), and the kind comments you leave always brighten my day! Your artwork continuously brings me joy, and I can't thank you enough for the adoration and adorable "phanart" you've created! You are truly inspiring and wonderful.
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@that-0n3-shr00mi3-guy hands down you leave the funniest comments and have the most hilarious reactions to my stuff dude. I love how excited you get, it lets me know that you're invested and that my story is interesting. Thanks for making me laugh without fail!
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@burritello3000 thank you for the comments, reactions, theories, interactions, and general love you consistently give to my stories! It makes me so happy that my blurbs and fics can provide so much entertainment that it in turn gives me entertainment to read your reactions!
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@belleyellsaboutturtles your reviews and comments, the reactions you give, and the kind words you leave have inspired and delighted me to no end! It makes me so glad that you have noticed certain things that I write, hidden easter eggs and special clues, and I love how your heart melts from the brotherly moments or the sad lab memories. It's people like you that I write for!
Thanks again to all for how you have inspired me. I just genuinely appreciate your love for the story and hope to continue making stories that draw y'all in wholeheartedly!
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'Cause you're my religion
You're how I'm living
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rainbowsky · 9 days
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I guess I've had a quarter of a million likes! What a Tumblr milestone, thanks everyone! 😊
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gen-toon · 1 year
I've discovered your wonderful art through Google since I am currently hyperfixating on KND again as I'm rewatching the series for the third time! I'm in absolute awe at your artwork and find every piece satisfying to look at! If you are still taking requests, may I request Sector V seeing Sector Z for the first time in a long time and their reactions? I appreciate you!
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Took a while but got there in the end. Really appreciate that!
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hitohitonika · 5 months
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Zoro's swords look like Luffy's scar
(Click on it for quality!)
Previous post (sketch):
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austinstyles · 2 months
Hey everyone. I just wanted to come on here and make a post we’re I thank the kind people I consider my friends and the nice people I have met on here.
( I have done this before, but I just want to do this again because I can’t thank this people enough.)
So I want to thank this people I consider as my friends that I have made since I joined tumblr back in September of 2022.
So thanks to my friends and also this friends are so kind and helpful and sweet. @venus-haze @dre6ming @asshlyyyy @vintageaustin @foreverdolly @flwersgarden @emmymaehereeeeee @elvisabutler @april-bandu-embata @ab4eva @sassy-ahsoka-tano @louisejoy86 @lindszeppelin @blainesebastian @purejasmine @sagesolsticewrites @majestyjade
Thanks to this kind people that are just so kind and I appreciate everyone of you. And you’re my friends as well if you ever want to be friends.
@missmaywemeetagain @daysofyellowroses @crash-and-cure @codysmoon @austinbutlermischief @aphroditesbaby1616 @xavierslittlesoaps @abswifey @austinbutlermischief @austinsmutler @stanvogel @sansaorgana @stargazing-imagines @dreamersparacosm @floralcyanide @houseofdolan @moonchildstyles
And just thanks so much to every single person that just has been kind to me and thanks for everything. I can’t thank everyone enough. And I can’t thank my friends for being my friends and also that we have nice chats and just thanks so much. And thanks to everyone that has shown me kindness, being helpful when I ask for help. And thanks for being just the kind people you are.
Like I have said I can’t thank everyone of you enough. And thanks to the people I have meet recently and considered you my friends and thanks for being kind.
( most likely will post something like this again in the future as well. Just want to make sure everyone knows I am thankful for the support and kindness. And thanks for being friends with me and just thanks for everything.)
I hope everyone is staying safe and hydrated. Take care everyone.
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rosefuckinggenius · 4 months
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🌸 INFO 🌸
* 15 % OFF for Shuriri, Lokius, Stranger Things, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, Buddie and Un professore illustrations.
I really appreciate some help guys, even a share or a like if you can’t support me through commissions 🥹🙏🏻✨
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absolutebloodychaos · 6 months
Top 3 Bokris moments ???? 👀
Thanks so much anon for the ask:)
Oooooh lord, I though that this was going to be easy but in fact this is going to be a really hard one. Just letting you know I won't really be able to rank these in terms of significance very well but here goes.
1. Tavastia choke. That killed me when I first saw it, like jesus christ man that was a religious experience I swear.
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2. Ajde bejbi/Kris honey, I know that these were two separate occasions but they both caused my brain to freeze for a second. Especially 'ajde bejbi' cause as @reserved-fruit explained in the comments here, it is not a usual thing to say to your friends.
3. This press conference interview for Eurovision. They look like the absolute most lesbian, pretty, madly in love couple I have ever seen. I love this moment thing so much, even now 7 months later I keep coming back to it again and again.
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Honourable mention to: All the times they have been on their knees for each other, and whatever this was here
Sources: I'm so sorry but I couldn't find the sources for the first and last images, please tell me if they're yours, thank barve_oceananna for the video
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