g1rld1ary · 4 months
you never disappointed me - part two
part one part two part three part four
➻ synopsis: luke castellan x aphrodite!reader ; percy and beckendorf's plan to set you up with luke is in motion, but you're extremely resistant to any advances (10 things I about you AU)
➻ word count: 3462
➻ warnings: swearing, ooc/kind of loser!luke, ooc silena, she/her pronouns used for reader, sexual innuendos
➻ thank u so much for all the love on part 1 I am such a happy gal!!!!! also, have my first day at uni tomorrow (so pls wish me luck) and sorry if updates slow down!
TAGLIST: @myxticmoon @wicca-void @leeknows-wife @thekittyxo-blog @number-onekidqueen @instabull
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It turned out that getting you to go out with Luke was harder than he’d originally anticipated. Eager for the whole ordeal to be over and for him to be 50 dollars richer, he’d hopped down from his spot on a fallen log and hurried to meet you by the volleyball courts when your match ended. You, unaware of Luke’s agenda, were fanning your face to combat some of the sweat that had accumulated, quickly tightening the messy ponytail you’d tied. Luke watched you in your own world, unbothered by anybody watching you, unlike the rest of your siblings. Sucking in a quick breath for confidence he approached you.
“Hey there, girly,” He smiled, “How’re you doing?” You looked up at him, inquisitive for a moment but ultimately unimpressed.
“Sweating like a pig actually, and yourself?” You were barely looking at him, skulling an impressive amount of your water bottle quickly. He stared at you, not expecting to be dismissed so easily. He recovered smoothly, not prepared to give up so soon.
“You really know how to get a guy’s attention, huh?”
“My mission in life,” You shot him a cloying smile, now giving him your full attention, unable to help being slightly interested by his boldness. “But obviously I’ve struck your fancy, so you see it worked. The world makes sense again.” You‘d figured out his motives now and had no interest, so began the walk back to your cabin. He followed, much to your dismay. Couldn’t men ever take the hint?
“So I’ll pick you up Friday then?”
“Oh right, Friday, uh huh.” You kept your eyes ahead, dodging a few younger kids as Luke trailed after you, annoyingly optimistic still.
“The night I take you places you’ve never been before,” He said, and you looked at him in disbelief. The ego on this kid!
“Right, like the makeout clearing in the forest? Do you even know my name, Castellan?” Luke could tell that you were mocking him, but he still had high hopes.
“I know a lot more than you think.” He smiled then, a lopsided thing that would have been somewhat charming if you’d actually bothered to look. Instead you were already walking away, calling out a “Doubtful. Very doubtful,” over your shoulder as you picked up into a run, presumably to go tell Clarisse about the bizarre experience you just had. Luke watched you go, dumbstruck in the middle of camp.
Percy and Beckendorf watched the exchange from the porch of the Hephaestus cabin, the latter putting his head in his hands dramatically.
“We’re screwed,” He groaned and Percy winced slightly.
“I’m sure it’ll all be fine, dude. Luke has faced a lot worse than a teenage girl.”
When you sat at dinner that night, desperately avoiding the eye contact Luke seemed desperate on initiating, you almost told Silena about your bizarre day. You’d opened your mouth to start the story when you realised that she’d only be encouraged by Luke’s antics, pressuring you into going out with him for her own benefit and quickly shut it. She’d noticed your odd behaviour and searched for meaning in your face. Panicking for something to replace the conversation, you zeroed in on the necklace sitting nicely on top of her camp one.
“Where’d you get the pearls?” You asked, already dreading the answer. Silena only confirmed your fears, claiming them as your grandmother’s with a coy smile.
“So what? You’ve just been hiding them the last three years?” You were always closest with your grandmother, and you were sure she wouldn’t leave her favourite pearls for Silena over you.
“Daddy found them in a drawer just before summer.” Silena shrugged as if you weren’t sitting across from her, cheeks a blotchy red in your upset. “Besides, they look good on me.” Your hands itched to hit her as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, knowing exactly how much she was pissing you off.
“Trust me, they don’t,” You spat, quietly glad when Silena stalked off in a huff, amongst the first to leave the meal. You didn’t know how much longer you could argue with her before starting to cry, which you really didn’t want to do in front of the whole camp. You thought you were safe for the rest of the meal when Drew began speaking instead.
“You could try being nice sometimes, you know, people wouldn’t know what to think.” You rolled your eyes aggressively.
“You forget, I don’t care what people think,” You replied, taking in a spoonful of food.
“Yes you do. Everyone does. You know, with a new look you could have some serious potential.” You ignored her last statement.
“No, I don’t,” You emphasised, “You don’t always have to be who they want you to be.” You knew that wouldn’t impact Drew in the slightest, but you hoped it might resonate with some of your younger siblings — encourage them to nurture their internal beauty rather than accept the vain stereotype Aphrodite children were forced into. You pushed yourself out of the bench you were sitting on, needing a break from your insufferable siblings. As you dumped your dishes where they needed to be you saw Luke beginning to follow you and turned to make dead eye contact. Knowing you’d only scream at him (or worse) you gave him a dangerous look, accompanied with an almost imperceptible shake of your head. Not enough for anyone else to know you’d even acknowledged him, but enough to tell Luke to back off. He was smarter than you thought, as he held up his hands in a show of surrender, redirecting his action to innocently collect up his own dishes.
You may not have had any interest in knowing the boy, but you did appreciate that he knew when to back off. Or so you thought.
You were proven not-so-free from Luke Castellan the very next morning. It was the Aphrodite cabin’s day to check all the storerooms, and you’d volunteered to do the one which held all the weapons and armour near the sword fighting arena. You knew none of your siblings would come near if they could help it, mostly against weapons and the violence that surrounded the area, so you’d get a whole morning alone. It was peaceful attending to the chore, and you were allowed to use some of your Aphrodite eye for beauty. Of course, stacks of swords and assorted weapons could only be made so pretty, but you enjoyed organising them into neat rows, making it look as nice as possible — not that you would admit that to Silena or you’d be in her vanity chair receiving an unwelcome makeover in seconds.
You were just admiring your own sword, which you’d taken the time to polish while you were taking care of the others, when you felt a presence behind you. You didn’t react, assuming it was just some camper coming for a weapon, until he spoke.
“Nice sword, vintage hilt?” You tensed as Luke’s voice infiltrated your peace.
“Are you following me?” You disregarded his statement, an unimpressed frown present on your lips.
“I was training in the arena and needed to polish my sword. I saw you come in a while ago and not leave, I came to say hi,” He explained, and you raised an eyebrow. You weren’t friends, why would he come for a chat?
“Hi.” You promptly turned back to your task, shoving the cloth into the intricate designs of the hilt.
“Not a big talker, huh?” He persisted.
“Depends on the topic. My sword doesn’t exactly whip me into a verbal frenzy.” That wasn’t strictly true — the sword was a gift from your mother, with gold twisting around a blood red ruby in the centre of the hilt. After you’d made it clear that you weren’t going to just sit around during your time at camp she gifted you the sword, her way of saying that if you were going to fight, you should at least look good doing it. You’d had several conversations with Clarisse gushing over the intricacy of it, and profusely thanked Aphrodite for the gift in your offerings. You didn’t quite care to share this with Luke, being a relative stranger.
“You’re not afraid of me, are you?” He asked, and you were somewhat taken aback by the earnest tone of his voice.
“Afraid of you? Why would I be afraid of you?” You couldn’t help the incredulous laugh that crept into your sentence.
“Most people are.” He gestured subtly towards his scar — gnarled and twisted against his otherwise tanned skin. You put a hand on your hip, resigned to conversation now.
“Well, I’m not.”
“Ok, maybe you’re not afraid of me, but I’m sure you’ve thought about me naked.” You were pretty sure Luke was going for smooth or charming, but you thought in this moment he was entirely lame. The wink didn’t help his case.
“Am I that transparent? I want you, I need you. Oh baby, oh baby.” You put on your best Drew impression, nasally and whiny, before handing him the cloth he needed to polish his own sword and turning to leave. There, quickly approaching the door, was Ethan. Seeing you he put on a disgusting smirk and blocked the doorway, effectively caging you into the storeroom.
“Gods, what is it, asshole day?” You asked, not caring that both boys could very clearly hear you. “Do you mind?” You gestured to his blocking the exit. He simply looked down at you, clearly doing his best to appear sexy (and failing miserably).
“Not at all.” His stupid smirk was going to kill you, and not in the good way. You scoffed, giving him a last chance to get the fuck out of your way. Then, sparing a fraction of a glance back to Luke pretending to mind his own business, you slammed the hilt of your sword into his foot, wishing it was the blade instead. You watched him crumble to the ground, holding his foot with both hands.
“You bitch!” He yelled, voice cracking pathetically in the middle. You forced your smile to stay contained.
“Oops,” You feigned innocence, one hands covering your mouth strategically. “You might need some ambrosia for that…” With that you side-stepped him, eager to leave the situation. If you’d have looked back, you would have seen the gleeful, disbelieving smile on Luke’s face, probably the biggest one he’d worn in a while. Although he didn’t get the date he’d entered for, he was beginning to think you were a little more interesting than you let on.
“Did you just cripple Ethan?” Silena shrieked as you entered your cabin to grab your things. “He’s a model, you can’t do that! Has it escaped your notice that you’re completely psychotic?” You pretended to think for a moment, then shrugged nonchalantly.
“Guess your long walks on the beach are gonna have to wait,” You sighed dramatically, leaving Silena to wallow in her pity alone. It wasn’t like it was really your fault — if Ethan had learned how to respond to words or learn the meaning of ‘move’ he wouldn’t have gotten himself into that situation in the first place.
Meanwhile, Ethan and Luke were having a similarly emotional conversation after Luke had — very reluctantly — helped Ethan over to the infirmary to get his foot checked out.
“When I shell out fifty, I expect results.” Luke sighed, could this boy get any whinier?
“Yeah, I’m on it,” He said through gritted teeth, resisting the urge to hurt him.
“Watching that bitch obliterate my foot doesn’t count as a date. If you don’t get any, I don’t get any, so let’s get some,” Ethan said, running a hand through his ridiculously styled hair. Luke couldn’t believe his nerve. First of all, obliterated? He would be left with a bruise for a few days, if anything. Secondly, this whole things was Ethan’s idea, Luke had never given any indication wanting to ‘get some’, especially not with someone so clearly resisting his advances. Just as Ethan left, giving the Apollo girl treating him a douchebag smile, Luke hardened his resolve.
“I just upped my price,” He said, loving the way Ethan’s eyes widened like a cartoon character. “A hundred bucks a date, in advance.”
“Forget it,” Ethan grumbled, moving to leave again.
“Forget her sister then.” The two boys stared at each other, one significantly more amused than the other. Luke knew he had the upper hand in the dynamic, something he revelled in. Then, after the intimidation tactic clearly wasn’t having any effect, Ethan reached for his wallet, Luke admiring the crisp fifty he was handed.
“You better hope you’re as smooth as you think you are, Castellan.” Luke just watched him go, confident tilt of his head conveying his outlook on the situation.
Luke had taken his usual spot overseeing combat training, but his usual thoughts were long gone. Instead, he was entirely preoccupied with you. He didn’t know how to get you to go out with him when you could barely entertain a conversation, and he twirled his cigarette between his fingers as he pondered.
Percy and Beckendorf saw his internal conflicts, slowly moving closer to him under the guise of a very chaotic fight between the two. Finally Luke gave them attention, knowing Percy’s skills would never have him running all over the place like that. He raised an eyebrow, a sign for them to get on with whatever they were angling at.
“We know what you’re trying to do, for Beauregard,” Percy said, and Luke appeared almost startled.
“And we want to help,” Added Beckendorf helpfully, shying away when Luke’s eyes bore into his.
“And why would you do that?”
“Beckendorf here has a major crush on Silena—”
“Gods, what is it with this girl? Does she sweat nectar?” Beckendorf opened his mouth to protest when Percy spoke over him, knowing it would be more beneficial to let Luke lead.
“Look, I think we can both tell that Charlie’s love is pure, well-intentioned, better than, say, Ethan White?” Luke sighed, catching on.
“I’m in this for the cash, that’s it. Who Ethan wants to bang is of no interest to me.”
“There will be no banging!” Beckendorf cried as Percy pushed him behind. He was no use in a delicate situation like this.
“Ok, Luke, it’s just that we’re the masterminds behind this whole thing. We set it up so Beckendorf can get the girl — Ethan’s just a pawn.” Luke paid closer attention suddenly, intrigued by the chess match he’d been pulled into.
“So you two are gonna help me win her over?”
“We’ll do research, find out what she likes. We can be your guys on the inside.”
“In a strictly non-mission type of way,” Beckendorf added helpfully, nervous of the legends he’d heard about Luke’s failed quest. Luke chose to simply ignore that comment, and Percy filled the silence before he could get angry about it.
“Let’s just start here: the Apollo cabin is throwing a party on Friday night, it’s the perfect opportunity.”
“I’ll think about it,” Was all Luke said, a clear signal the conversation was over. Percy and Beckendorf returned to fighting, slightly more regulated now they had gotten what they’d wanted, and Luke brought the cigarette back up to his lips, new thoughts clouding his mind.
Meanwhile, Ethan had found Silena where she was known to hang out by the rocks near the lake. He was hovering next to her, providing snatches of shade as he performed pose after pose, claiming he had a modelling job lined up when he left for the year.
“So which do you like better?” He asked, moving his hands fractionally to the left of his chin.
“The second,” Silena giggled, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. “It’s more… pensive.”
“Damn,” Ethan kicked the sand softly. “I was going for thoughtful. So, you going to the Apollo party on Friday?”
“Maybe.” She produced her best coy smile, looking up at him from behind her lashes.
“Good, ‘cause you know I’ll only bother if you’re there.” Silena smiled, getting up from her spot on the rock.
“Bye.” Her voice was airy in the way she knew drove boys mad. She walked away leaving Ethan wanting more, her specialty. You scoffed, catching the end of the exchange. You and Silena made momentary eye contact, tension thick between the two of you.
As Beckendorf approached Silena, fishing for more information about you, Ethan had caught you in his sights and wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
“You sister is so cute,” His voice infiltrated your bubble in a way that made you want to hit him so desperately. “Doesn’t have your bite though, a feisty woman is so sexy.” You knew he was just trying to get a rise out of you, but it was so close to working.
“Come any closer and I’ll show you just how feisty I can get,” You snapped, braid almost whacking him in the face as you turned to face him. You could have sworn Ethan looked afraid for a second before he covered it with bravado.
“One day you’re gonna realise that all of this hostility is just your sexual repression. Don’t worry, babe, I’ll be waiting with open arms… And legs.” You almost threw up.
“Gods, can’t you just leave me alone, asshole?” You yelled, trying to push past him to get anywhere else.
“C’mon, don’t be a prude,” He whined, and you were really close to taking him to the ground — not in the way he wanted.
“You heard the girl,” A voice called from behind you, and instantly Ethan took a step back. “She wants you to leave her alone.” Luke appeared behind you, a respectful distance away whilst still making his intentions clear. Ethan shrunk back into himself, making a lame excuse as to why he had to leave, hurriedly fleeing the beach. Reluctantly, you turned to face Luke.
“I’m not going out with you just for that,” You said plainly, daring him to try again.
“You think that low of me?” He laughed, dark eyes sparkling with mirth. You forced yourself not to notice. “I don’t have to want something from you to know that Ethan White isn’t worth your time.” It was your turn to be embarrassed at that, feeling slightly narcissistic for assuming that was the purpose of the conversation (it was, but Luke sure as hell wasn’t going to ruin his chances because you were in a mood, justified or otherwise).
“Oh.” You stared at his shoes. “Well, thanks, I guess.” You moved to leave but Luke stopped you, hand not quite touching your arm, unwilling to have it bitten off.
“So you do have a heart!” He joked, signature grin on his face. You wondered why you were seeing so much of it lately when he’d been so dour since his quest.
“Ha! You wish.”
“Don’t try to hide it, Beauregard, you’re warming up to me.”
“I’d sooner fuck Mister D,” You replied, actually taking your leave.
Luke watched you go, chewing his lip between his teeth. There was more to you than you let on, he was sure of it. He wouldn’t say it was any fondness, but he was starting to have a curiosity attaching itself to this scheme, and he knew that going out with you would satisfy it. He should have known having any personal stakes involved — sentimental or otherwise — would get dangerous.
Your own thoughts had barely budged on Luke. He was still a pain in your side and you figured you knew what kind of guy he was — not the type you had any interest in. Still, you couldn’t deny that you were appreciative he’d saved you from Ethan (and the inevitable washing up duty you’d be punished with when you beat him up), so maybe he wasn’t quite as despicable as you’d initially judged him to be. Close, though.
part three
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inchidentally · 7 months
What do you think was the turning point in Lando and Oscar's relationship?
I really want to know what other ppl think about this bc for me personally I don't think that moment has even come yet! I made this post about a landmark landoscar moment but I don't think that's been the big turning point into them going ahhh this is it, this is what our friendship is.
like I've said before in my way too many text posts, Lando has stayed thrown by the fact that Oscar doesn't even remotely fit into the Carlos and Daniel type of teammate he's used to. Lando's shown Oscar his quiet side, his fidgety side, his cocky side, his bratty side, his naughty/flirty side and all of them get the same quiet fond indulgent response from Oscar. guys like Carlos and Daniel have known exactly how to play Lando almost from day one and we get all this great content. but apart from a little bit of sass back sometimes, Oscar stays in that very passive role and the content we get from them is Oscar watching his very famous, very well-established and charismatic teammate that he's used to watching on a phone screen. occasionally we get glimpses of Prema or Alpine Oscar come out but it's very rare.
I feel like he's wanted to just get his head down this season and prove himself the way he's said he feels he needs to. he's clearly taking nothing for granted and I don't think we're going to see him start to fully relax until a good few races into 2024. Lando is F1/McLaren establishment by now and personally I think Oscar puts Lando into the same category of things that he's trying to prove himself to. that was terrible sentence structure but you get what I mean ??
(rest under a cut bc yeah I overdo it and also just my opinion so pls nobody take it seriously)
the general standard for F1 rookies is either to latch onto the personality of their teammate or show up with a persona already in place. in both cases it's because young men have crazy amounts of insecurity but are also desperate to ingratiate themselves into a group as fast as possible. Lando was kind of an exception bc he entered F1 basically as a zygote. he went from being Carlos' baby to Daniel's baby right up until the late 2022 season. but since then we've seen Lando learn how to do the flirty humor and cocky joking that pretty much all drivers use to navigate each other. Lando's not naturally as much of a cabrón as the rest of them but he's found a way to fit in that feels natural and that also tracks with his streamer/youtuber identity.
but literally NONE of that F1 rookie standard behavior fits Oscar. I was talking about this with @landofication and how Oscar's confidence and unbotheredness comes from a such genuinely harmless place - he simply doesn't perform for anyone and he doesn't fib to people even casually. he's incredibly well-raised and respectful and polite but he won't ever say things he doesn't mean. he won't talk for the sake of filling a lull in conversation AND he also won't say something controversial/opinionated if it seems unnecessary or cocky. for example !! Alpine made an absolutely wild assumption about his future without even speaking to him first and he very calmly stood up for himself and later on made a good humored joke about the drama when he signed the extension with McLaren. he's been more mature and calm than men twice and three times his age.
that kind of honesty is why it feels completely authentic when Oscar forgets the cameras are on him and he just tracks Lando's every move and laughs at all of Lando's jokes and forgets he's supposed to play a role. same with how genuinely supportive he always is of Lando even when he himself has had a bad performance. he also doesn't want to make himself being a Lando fanboy into ~hilarious media fodder~ he's just being open about respecting and really liking Lando. kind of like how he can giggle and get bashful about gay innuendo or a guy play-flirting with him (or Lando getting raunchy to make him blush) but I've genuinely never seen him bro-zone someone or play at acting gay for laughs. he can see why the flirting and raunch is funny but he doesn't get why acting gay would be funny.
and I'm not having a go at guys who do that kind of humor or saying that they're doing it offensively! I've said before that a lot of what Americans view as "gay" in non-American male friendships is extremely standard straight dude behavior everywhere else. flirting and being physical with your bros is different from flirting with women to them precisely because they won't date or have sex w their bros. there's no need for nohomo because it was never homo lol the lines are very clear. also a lot of that humor in F1 is a common survival tactic in male pro sports. like a way to have fun and bond while also knowing that cameras are aiming at you every second you're not in your driver's room or hotel room. it's way better to diffuse the tension of being constantly watched by being silly and flirty with your bros rather than trying to hold a real conversation.
but it's just not Oscar personally to initiate that stuff for laughs or to know how to pick up those jokes and play ball. just like how he's not starry-eyed about Lando as a joke! he's just genuinely got this fanboy crush he's dealing with as best he can during a high pressure rookie season. he's not bothering to try and complicate things further or push himself into Lando's existing social life.
BUT poor Lando is definitely still in the process trying to figure Oscar out. the little fixations Lando already has of his own like Oscar's name and Oscar being such a good boy who blushes at sex jokes and Oscar being so mature and patient even when Lando is fed up with filming and having a blood sugar drop are so cute to me because Lando's been slowly picking up on what Oscar genuinely likes about him and where his boundaries are. the photo of Oscar on lando.jpg with the heart caption right underneath it was unbearably vulnerable. such a tiny way to say I really like my new teammate even if I don't understand him yet.
I do however think it's driving Lando iNsAnE that Oscar has no concept of casual PDA. I'm hoping he's seen by now that Oscar isn't even like that with Lily and that it isn't at all personal. but oh my god he's so ready to be able to hug and cuddle Oscar and do everything he does with Carlos and Daniel and his pre-F1 big brothers like Max F, George and Alex. I'm all for respecting people's physical boundaries but hopefully Oscar thinks back to Lando's reaction here and let's Lando latch onto him more often.
aaaaaand that's all to say that I think we're going to have to be patient to see where Lando and Oscar land in terms of what sort of deeper friendship they have. their teammates relationship has already been tested thoroughly in just one season and it seems so solid which has obviously been first priority. but between Lando having such a full social life already and Oscar having gotten used to being by himself or socializing very privately I'm not expecting a carlando or dando type thing where they share friends or hobbies until they've gotten to know each other better individually. which in a way for me is really sweet because the amount that they already sync up and are comfortable together and share their team duties despite not having that immediate jokey rapport is just !!! I really love that. sort of how silly bubbly Lando is my beloved but quieter and more thoughtful Lando is maybe even a little bit more my beloved?
anyway thankfully we've got three more years locked down to keep seeing them feel each other out (huhuahauhsfhh)
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yeonboy · 6 months
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐲 ♡ choi beomgyu.
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He aches to be the one you would have snuck off with; to be the one you would want to share secret kisses with. He aches. And in that moment, he realizes his feelings have gone too far. They have caused him to stop being a true well-wisher to you; he is being selfish. He needs to take a step back. Or, Choi Beomgyu is head over heels in love with his best friend – and she simply doesn’t feel the same. 
❧ choi beomgyu x f. reader | 16+ | college!au ♡ best friends!au ♡ unrequited love!au ♡ angst ♡ drama.
❧ 4.7 k words
❧ warnings! profanity, an extreeeeeme amount of pining, one-sided feelings, unrequited love, jealousy, heartbreak, some self-deprication, one (1) mention of drinking and partying, one (1) mention of making out, maybe an innuendo or two! mostly just buckets full of mopey, pining gyu </3 and a hopeful (?) ending (:
❧ note! i wrote this because i was listening to m5’s whiskey and crying and thinking of gyu so take that how u will </3 please note that the lyrics are there just to set the tone, not to be taken too literally. i just love this song, man. please don’t hate me for the ending, i changed it thrice and then settled on this. it just felt perfect to me this way :”) also! pls excuse the lack of dividers, tumblr won't let me add them without hiding the post from the tags for some reason :/
❧ masterlist | inbox ⁘
i never knew that love was blind; till i was hers and she was never mine…
“So, I have a question for you.”
Beomgyu blinks at your words, letting the steel straw escape his lips as you pull his strawberry milkshake away from him. 
In fascination, he watches the way your lips wrap around the shiny tube in the exact place where his own had been. You slurp once and pull away, leaving a tint of pink – pinker than the drink, pinker than Beomgyu’s cheeks, pinker than the love-goggles that are permanently on his eyes when he’s with you – on the edge of the straw.
He wants to wipe that pink away with his lips, so bad. But your hand comes in with a tissue to clean that precious speck of your lipstick away, before he can even blink a second time.
Now he blinks again and looks up at you. God, you’re so gorgeous with your brows all furrowed and lips all pouty. He is so thoroughly ruined by you. Why does he continue to subject himself to this torture instead of keeping his distance like a sane person? 
He doesn’t fucking know.
“Y–yeah? What question?”
“A hypothetical one. Very important, nonetheless.” You stare into space with your eyes squinted, perfect cheekbones reflecting the light from the evening traffic beyond the glass walls of the cafe you’re seated in. “If long time BFFs happen to develop feelings for each other, should they confess?”
Beomgyu chokes on air, freezing like a solid block of ice.
What did you just ask?
“You know… Just imagine! Two people who have been the best of friends for ages. And then one of them realizes they’re in love with the other.” Your rounded eyes turn to him with a hint of worry in them. “Should they confess and live their dream? Or should they take this secret to their grave and protect their friendship?”
Beomgyu is a mess. 
Why the actual hell are you asking him that? Him – the one guy in your entire life that doesn’t have to imagine this specific situation because he’s been living it for years, now?
Now, he’s not panicking because he thinks you might have figured him out and are trying to pave a path to confession. No, he's self-aware enough to not be deluded. And his panic kinda stems from this very fact. 
He's self-aware enough to know that while he's looking at you and daydreaming of a picket fence and good-morning kisses, your mind is stuck on someone else. Choi Soobin. Older than him, taller than him, cuter than him. Guy checks all boxes of the type of guys you like so well, Beomgyu wonders if Soobin is the reason why you created those boxes in the first place.
So he's scared out of his mind that you're paving a road to confess to Soobin.
“Wow, aren’t you super helpful this evening?”
Your whine of frustration pulls him out of his spiral. He clears his throat and shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know, man. That’s a very subjective question.”
“Subjective?” You tilt your head in thought and Beomgyu dreads the next words you would say before you have even formed them: “Okay, let me answer it subjectively first then! Like, imagine if you had feelings for me. I wouldn't want you to confess them to me, like, ever.”
Ouch. Not that he plans to ever confess them to you, but still pretty ouch.
Slightly hurt, he drags his milkshake back to himself and slurps away the rest of it before smacking his lips and shaking his head. “Well then subjectively, it’s the complete opposite for me.”
You look at him with an extremely confused frown. “But what if I lose the friendship because you don't feel the same?” 
This hypothesis is making him lose his damn mind. 
“I… well, what if we lose the chance to be something much more amazing just because you were scared?”
Moment of introspection: he hopes to all the powers in the universe that he isn’t losing the chance to be something much more amazing with you just because he’s scared. You don’t like him like that, you won’t ever like him like that. 
He’s being smart and self-preservative. Not scared.
You're lost in thoughts for a moment, and then you suddenly get up with a jump. Grinning at him, you lean down to peck his cheek and rush out of the cafe before he can even fully absorb the warm brush of your lips against his skin. “You're the best, Gyu, thank you so much!”
In a daze, he brings his fingertips to brush against the apple of his cheek. 
Why did you run away like that? Why did you sound so excited? Fuck, are you going to confess right now? 
He pulls his fingertips away. 
They are pink.
yeah i was reckless, but i let it burn; i let it burn, yeah…
“And if they show up hand-in-hand, then what? Then what, huh, Tyun? It’s easy for you to say I’m overthinking, but you aren’t thinking nearly enough!”
Kang Taehyun, the university’s Student Council member who is in-charge of overseeing the set-up for tomorrow's inter-uni basketball game – and also Beomgyu’s best friend of fifteen years – rolls his eyes so hard, it’s a wonder they don’t fall out of their sockets.
“Why do you keep setting yourself up for more pain, man? Why don't you try to invest these emotions somewhere they will be appreciated?”
“I can't just compel myself to start or stop feeling, dude…”
Shin Ryujin suddenly appears behind the bleachers that the two of them were covering with a banner, both hands planted in the back pockets of her jorts. They should look incredibly lame, but she somehow pulls them off. 
Beomgyu looks at her with wide eyes, wondering how much she heard.
“Yo, dumbass! Are you coming to the game tomorrow?” She’s smirking at him but there's a sparkle in her eyes that makes him chuckle at the name. 
“The name's Beomgyu.”
“That's what I said. So, are you coming?”
Beomgyu has actually been trying to think of an excuse to get out his regular movie night with you - and this sounds like the perfect one. He shrugs a shoulder. “Don’t really got any plans, so… Maybe I will.”
Taehyun gives him a weird look because he knows Beomgyu always had plans on Fridays.
Ryujin grins wide. “Perfect! Well, just two requests.”
He squints with interest. “What requests?”
“Wear my jersey! And, uh, don’t bring a date, please?”
She looks extremely bashful while saying the second part of the sentence. Which is somewhat jarring. It’s Shin fucking Ryujin, she eats men for breakfast. Why is she almost blushing?
But then Taehyun is cackling, which reminds Beomgyu of the first request she made. He immediately scowls. “Hey! I’m not wearing your jersey like some groupie!
She rolls her eyes, but her lips are quirked up because he didn’t say no to the second request. And he knows he won’t; you're the only one he ever asks to accompany him to places, and he's only going to the game tomorrow to escape you. 
“Your loss. Just so you know, boys are lining up to wear my jersey…”
Scoffing, Beomgyu goes back to handing Taehyun more pins. “Yeah right.”
“What? You don’t believe me?” Ryujin scoffs. “Watch this - ayo, Heeseung! Wanna wear my jersey tomorrow?”
A screech from the Students Council’s Vice Prez is followed by a high-pitched: “For real? Yes, please, I—” 
“Sike! Haha, gotcha, little bitch!”
Taehyun is doubled over in laughter and even Beomgyu can’t hold in his chuckles at the look of utter devastation on Heeseung’s face and victory on Ryujin’s. She raises an eyebrow when their gazes meet. “See?”
“How much did you pay him for this skit?”
She smacks his shoulder with an irritated whine. “You’re way too fucking cynical for no damn reason, dude. Okay, no jersey - but get a no. 17 placard for me, at least?” 
Rolling his eyes, he finally nods. 
“Great! See ya tomorrow, loser! Bye, Tyun!”
Taehyun waves at her as she leaves, while Beomgyu cups his hands around his mouth to yell out: “The name’s Beomgyu!”
“That’s what I said!”
“Man, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you actually enjoy talking to a girl.” 
Offended to his very bones, Beomgyu gapes at his best friend. “Dude! I enjoy talking to girls! I’m straight! Or did you forget how I threw up that one time when you kissed me during spin-the-bottle in seventh gra—”
“Yes, I remember!” Taehyun smacks him with a scowl on his face. “But that’s not what I meant. Gyu, you only ever talk to Y/N. Or have you not realized that? And look absolutely lovesick and physically pained while doing that.”
“Nahhhh, untrue. It’s just—” He cuts himself off to purse his lips. Taehyun is one-hundred percent correct. “It’s just a little difficult to mask my emotions all the time, but I manage…”
Taehyun just shakes his head in obvious disappointment. Then he tilts his chin up towards the direction where Ryujin is laughing around with some girls from the cheer team. “She obviously likes you a lot. Don’t hurt her.”
“I won’t,” he mumbles, lips forming a pout because this is so confusing. “But isn’t she basically signing up for the hurt if she’s doing this despite knowing where I stand with Y/N?
“Just…” Taehyun sighs. “Yeah, just don’t give her false hope.”
Beomgyu feels like he’s giving himself false hope every single time he talks to you, but what can be done.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
You end up texting him first, that night, to cancel tomorrow’s movie night. You apparently have “plans” with a friend. 
Bile rises up Beomgyu’s throat at the thought of you finally going on a date with Soobin. 
He can’t get himself to directly ask if that is the case, but fuck, why won’t you tell him? He goes to sleep with a pain in his chest that night.
the feeling it was bittersweet, realizing i was in too deep…
As fate would have it, Beomgyu bumps into you at the very gates of the basketball stadium, the next evening. You look like a dream in your short skirt and varsity jacket.
He feels nauseous at the thought of discovering Soobin trailing behind you with a large drink with two straws, or something.
“Uh… these are your plans?” He says in a way of greeting.
Your eyes widen when you see him, but then you pout. “Yeah! Why didn’t you tell me you were gonna be here? We would’ve come together!”
He immediately thinks of his promise to Ryujin and shakes his head. “Ah, actually… Shin Ryujin invited me.” 
Your mouth forms an O, a lost expression crossing your face. He’s never been great at reading people, but with the way his brain gets fuzzy around you, he’s doing an even worse job right now. Because he can absolutely not tell what this look on your face means. 
Right then, the girl herself arrives, a wistful smile on her face. “Thought I told you to not bring a date? And she’s wearing Chaewon’s jersey, hmph.”
“Oh! We didn't—”
You cut him off with a chuckle that somehow sounds a little strained. “Ah, I’m actually here with her sister!” 
Yunjin? He didn’t know you were friends with her… But that means no Soobin, right? Which might mean that no confession happened yesterday?
“Dude, Chaewon’s our Forward and our captain. No hard feelings!” Ryujin throws up a peace sign at you, and the two girls laugh.
After you leave to look for Yunjin, Ryujin stays back, smirking at him. But there’s a distinct look in her eyes that he can, for a change, recognize. Partly because the fuzz in his brain left along with you. And partly because he sees this look in the mirror everyday. 
“I don’t even stand a chance, do I?” She doesn’t sound upset, just… regretful.
Taehyun’s words come back to him. “Ryu, I—” 
“Nah, it’s fine. I knew what I was getting into, Choi.” She smiles, this time, pointing at the ‘17’ placard in his hands. “I’m gonna score a basket just for this, though. Cheer loudly, ’kay?”
she was a lesson – i had to learn, i had to learn, yeah…
Beomgyu had gone to the game only for Ryujin, not for you. He literally came here to escape movie night with you.
Yet, he sits in the stadium with his eyes straying from Ryujin’s great moves as Point Guard, reaching across the court, to land on you. It’s so annoying and makes him feel so helpless, he wants to scream. But there’s something magnetic about your presence that just won’t let him exist peacefully.
Is this how love is supposed to feel? Exhausting and painful at all times?
What adds to the exhaustion and pain is the way you are seated with your eyes bright and teeth on display, Yunjin on one side and…Soobin on the other. 
Though he saw it coming, Beomgyu still finds it really hard to swallow the pain that pricks at his throat at the sight of you giggling into Soobin’s side and looking at the guy with eyes full of a million stars. He tries to seek comfort in the way Soobin seems to reciprocate your happiness, but it’s really hard.
He isn’t even jealous at this point, he’s just tired. If he could stop himself from feeling so much, all the damn time, he really, really would.
The crowd suddenly cheers, drawing his attention away from you – thankfully – and back to the court. And then his eyes widen in surprise. Ryujin stands with her hands braced on her hips, gaze directly directed at him. Well – she said she would score a basket for him and she did. She lifts a hand to point at him, causing a louder cheer to roar across the stadium, and Beomgyu cannot hold back the loud chuckle that escapes him. He raises both his hands up in a double thumbs-up.
Somewhere from three rows below, Heeseung shouts out an expletive at him, but the game has resumed again so everyone around the guy asks him to shut up.
Like clockwork, Beomgyu’s gaze slowly floats back up at the stands, slowly zeroing in towards your seat – only to stop short. You’re not in your seat. And neither is Soobin.
Now again, Beomgyu should be prepared to face this as well. But he’s once again at a loss.
Unwittingly, his brain conjures up images of you and Soobin finding a secluded, dark corner to make out in. He envisions the brightness he just saw in both of your gazes, imagines the tinkling giggles you would release, pictures the darkening of your cheeks. 
And in that moment, he can’t find it in himself to be happy for you. He can’t pretend to like Soobin. 
He aches to be the one you would have snuck off with; to be the one you would want to share secret kisses with.
He aches.
And in that moment, he realizes his feelings have gone too far. They have caused him to stop being a true well-wisher to you; he is being selfish.
He needs to take a step back.
i used to try to forget her…
“Dude, the one thing I asked of you was to not hurt Ryujin. What the hell do you mean you’re taking her out?” 
Beomgyu pinches the bridge of his nose, almost regretting disclosing his plans to his best friend. But he needed Taehyun to be on his side to make sure he doesn’t chicken out. Although given the tone the guy is using with him right now, Beomgyu’s purpose might be failing either way. 
He puts his phone on loudspeaker, extracting a jacket from his closet to match the blue t-shirt he’s wearing.
“She was awarded MVP for yesterday’s game for the first time in this season. When I congratulated her on it, she called me her lucky charm—”
“Ugh, it’s as if she wants you to hurt her,” Taehyun murmurs and Beomgyu can hear the grimace in his voice through the phone.
“So I asked her if she wanted to celebrate the win with her lucky charm, and she said yes…”
Taehyun gives a sigh. “You literally flirted with her.”
“I did. Weren’t you the one telling me I should focus my feelings where they will be reciprocated?”
“Yes, you should. But do you even feel anything?”
“I do, yeah…” Immense sadness and despair with a brush of frustration. “I feel like I’m gonna have a good time with her.”
“Yeah, I don’t doubt that.” Taehyun gives another sigh. “Just be smart, okay? Don’t lead her on, Gyu.”
“I won’t, man.”
Settling on a black denim jacket that goes with his jeans and boots of the same color, Beomgyu leaves his dorm in the half a decade old Corvette his parents have permitted him to keep on campus. He’s meeting Ryujin at the cafe, which saves him from spending time in the car with her.
When he enters the cafe, though, Beomgyu begins to wonder if he has somehow offended some higher, superior power by some action of his, for which he is now being punished on the daily.
Because before he can even begin to look around for his date, a giggling Soobin catches his eye. He’s sitting facing the door, feeding spaghetti to his date. 
His date.
Your back is to him, but Beomgyu can still see how you’ve styled your hair in a way that is different than usual. You’ve always complained that your hair is too silky to be held up in an updo—a remark Beomgyu can never understand because he, personally, loves the texture of your hair—and so this complicated bun feels so strange on you.
And the off-shoulder dress instead of your beloved full-sleeves. And the dangling earrings instead of your usual studs. And—
Holy fuck, this isn’t you.
This isn’t you.
Beomgyu is fully frozen in his spot now, stunned and panicked at the same time.
Soobin is on a date – with someone else.
Should he be happy or concerned? 
The sweat accumulating on his palms indicates the latter. 
The call snaps his attention to a corner of the cafe, where Shin Ryujin sits with a grin on her face. Pushing his lips up, he waves at her. But his eyes involuntarily swim back to Soobin once more – only this time, both the taller boy and his date, Kim Chaewon, the basketball captain, are looking at Beomgyu with matching smiles.
He doesn’t know how to respond. Or react. His smile is frozen on his lips and his hand is still up in a wave, however, so the couple take that to be his greeting and go back to talking among themselves. And Beomgyu pushes himself to finally walk towards Ryujin’s table.
“I see you already spotted what I was dying to gossip about,” Ryujin grumbles with a scowl when he settles opposite her. 
Beomgyu blinks. “Uh… Soobin?”
“Who?” This time Ryujin is the one to give a clueless blink. But then her eyebrows rise. “Oh, the boy. Yeah, in a way, I guess? But Chaewon, obviously. She’s finally on a date with her crush of a whole ass year.”
What? “O–oh?”
The waiter comes over to take their orders, right then. Beomgyu asks for a club sandwich and beer, while Ryujin chooses an extra cheese loaded pizza and a virgin mojito.
“You don’t want me drunk around you, loser.” She winks at him but her smile is forced enough to make guilt unfurl in Beomgyu’s chest. “Anyways! Chaewon! She’s finally winning at life and it’s all thanks to your girl.”
Beomgyu’s heart jumps up to his throat for multiple reasons.  
His girl? You? Who else could it even be.
He drily swallows. “My…?”
“She was so hard at work during yesterday’s match! Fuck knows what magical words she said to both of them but they finally stopped their cat and mouse chase for good.” A fond look enters Ryujin’s gaze as she peeks past him to look at the couple. “It was sickening, watching Chaewon pine day in and out. Kinda like it is to watch you.”
Ryujin is laughing at her own joke, but Beomgyu’s mind is stuck on the information she just imparted. “Yesterday’s match?”
“Yeah. She arrived with Yunjin, remember? They both sat with Soobin and talked about Chaewon the entire time. Then she said something to Chae during break, and boom – this scardy ass dude was finally asking Chae out at the end of the match!”
Oh, fuck. This is why you were sitting with Soobin yesterday.
You were setting him up with Chaewon. 
This is probably why you have been hanging out with the guy and generally interacting so much with him recently as well.
Wait, was this why you asked him that question about having feelings for a best friend? As far as his general university knowledge goes, Chaewon and Soobin have been best friends since before college.
Oh fuck, indeed.
Beomgyu really blew things out of proportion and let his overthinking mind carry him away.
“Speaking of – when do you plan to confess, Choi?”
Beomgyu scoffs at the question. “Never.”
Ryujin looks genuinely confused at the response. “What? Why?”
“She doesn’t feel the same, Ryu. And she’s my best friend. I can’t risk it.”
“How do you know she doesn’t feel the same?”
That’s – an odd question. One that Beomgyu feels like should be very obvious to answer, but when he opens his mouth to do just that, he has to shut it back again. Because ‘I just know’ is going to sound as stupid out loud as it does in his head. 
But then what else does he have? He thought you had feelings for someone else but that was obviously not the case. 
“I… I mean isn’t it obvious? She would’ve hinted at it… said anything at all if she felt anything…”
The moment Ryujin narrows her eyes and clicks her tongue, he knows he messed up. “Like you have? You’re sitting on your hands, too, dumbass. Does she even know that you don’t go on dates?”
“I’m on a date right now.”
“Keep talking like that and you’ll leave this date with a black eye.”
The waiter arrives with their food, and as Ryujin dives right in, Beomgyu takes a moment to actually think about what the girl has been saying.
You not having feelings for someone else doesn’t automatically imply that you’ve suddenly stopped viewing Beomgyu platonically. Which is why he doesn’t want to suddenly drop his plans of moving on and go back to pining over you.
He wishes for this to be a smooth transition – getting rid of his romantic feelings for you while also staying friends. But if he pays mind to what Ryujin just said, he will block this way for himself.
Because the moment he confesses, it will be a one-way street. You’ll never talk to him again and he’ll be too embarrassed to even show you his face.
Now, of course, he isn’t even considering what could happen if you actually ended up reciprocating – because he’s done enough of that for years now and he’s honestly… tired.
Loving you, as he has concluded time again, is painful and exhausting. He just wants to be happy again.
“How about you stop giving me love advice and start looking for someone new to crush on?” Beomgyu raises an eyebrow at Ryujin, who picks up an olive from her pizza to throw at his face with a scowl.
But then when she dissolves into giggles, sprinkling her happiness and beauty all over him, Beomgyu has to pause to wonder if she doesn’t actually need to look for someone new to crush on.
He offers to drop her off at the end of the date and Ryujin thanks him for the treat. His hands feel a little clammy when she grins at him with a tilt of her head, short hair flying up with the wind.
“Will… will I see you again?”
“Uh, yeah? You see me everyday, dumbass.” Ryujin gives a chuckle but it doesn’t sound natural.
“No, I mean – like this. On a date.”
Her shoulders deflate and her smile leaves her face. Pursing her lips, she looks at him in what could only be defined as disappointment. “This wasn’t a date, Beomgyu. And I won’t be your rebound.”
He’s not asking her to be – except, maybe he is. He doesn’t know anymore.
She seems to know more than him because she gives him another one of those wry smiles of hers and pats his shoulder. “Tell her how you feel and get out of this stupid limbo. I can be your shoulder to cry on, but not a heart to play with. Good night, loser.”
He truly feels like a loser when she walks away from his car.
but now i smile when i remember.
Beomgyu has heard people talk a great deal about ‘right person, wrong time’ or ‘wrong person, right time’, but he has never felt the gravity of it the way he does now.
You’re sitting on the bleachers with Lee Heeseung and giggling your heart away like he’s the funniest man alive. Heeseung, to his credit, is looking at you with a sparkle in his eyes that rivals the entire galaxy.
And as Beomgyu watches the scene from next to the water dispenser in a discrete corner, the bottom of his stomach feels strangely calm. 
It’s been a week since he had that confrontation with Ryujin. He didn’t exactly take her advice and run to confess to you, but he certainly did drop hints. And he certainly did observe your reactions.
At the end, he ruefully finds himself exactly where he always has been – watching you offer your affections to someone else from afar.
“How long has he been keeping this in?” he asks around a scoff when Heeseung shows you some magic trick and gloats in your excited clapping.
Taehyun hums as he screws the lid of the water dispenser tight and dusts his hands off to come stand next to Beomgyu. “Fuck knows. I think he’s always smiled a little too brightly at her whenever—oh my God, did you see that? Butterfingers! I could see that card from here. Making a joke out of the best card trick in the books!”
Beomgyu laughs at his friend’s grumbles. Then he gives a sigh. “She looks happy, doesn’t she?”
“Yeah, she does. But I don’t really think she’s on the same page as Lee. Or even you for that matter.” Taehyun settles on the ground and Beomgyu follows his lead. “She’s enjoying her college days like a normal uni student. And maybe you should too, Gyu. Enough of this pining, enough of being in love. Don’t you want to get drunk off your ass and makeout with some ditzy freshman at a party?”
Beomgyu’s horror must show on his face because Taehyun snorts when their eyes meet. 
“Okay, maybe not all of it. But… we’re young, buddy. You’ll have plenty of time to fall in love. Hopefully this time with someone who loves you more?”
Beomgyu watches the way you lean closer to Heesung to whisper something in his ear, and as the guy’s cheeks grow red in response, he frowns to himself. 
“What about all those times when she seemed jealous? Or upset I wasn’t paying attention to her?”
“Dude, for real?” Taehyun punches his shoulder. “You get like that too when I’m not available at your every beck and call.”
Beomgyu slowly exhales, leaning back on his palms and tilting his head up to let the sunlight wash over his face.
He really is stepping out of his delusions, this time.
You don't like him like that. You don't have feelings for him.
You and him are going to remain just friends.
He's finally ready to face the fact and move forward.
“Yo, loser! Wanna play catch?”
He’s smiling even before he has opened his eyes. Taehyun clears his throat in an exaggerated way with his eyebrows raised. “Never seen you grin that brightly in a while, my man…”
He looks around towards the source of the voice, his grin turning into laughter at the evil gleam in Ryujin’s eyes as she hurtles the basketball towards him.
Somehow managing to catch it with an enraged gasp, Beomgyu wastes no time in chasing the girl with it.
Somewhere in his peripheral vision, he notices the way you have cuddled up with Heesung and how the two of you are laughing at his antics with Ryujin.
When he briefly meets your eye, you give him a thumbs up with your grin.
And for the first time in years, he is able to smile back at you without an ounce of pain in his heart.
and i was so young till she kissed me like a whiskey… like a whiskey.
© yeonboy 2023 // do not steal, copy or repost. respect your local content creators, kaythanks.
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(shiny duo anon back again)
im verging about being too parasocial about them just from the amount of happiness their interactions bring me i need my daily dose of them for my seretonin boost every day
(actually fr tho pearl really slips up sometimes and they can say some wild things but people dont point it out that much and its so funny to me pls dont point them out i need it to happen more often)
hi shiny duo anon i love you. last bit is too true. “you want to unpack my butt?” “you’re not intuitive to walk through” and obviously the pickle bit which if you squint is a vaguely disguised innuendo. also the homoerotic mess that was secret life
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b--b-3 · 1 year
Sooo I've decided to finally cross-post my Obey Me crack-fic from ao3, I hope you enjoy!✨️
Cheek Clappin' Behavior
summary: Mc gets bamboozled by the game we all know and love 😭. They also happen to get yeeted right into it at full throttle, oops. How, you ask?? Who knows-
warnings: swearin/strong language, a quick innuendo, Mc just bein straight up wild tbh
misc: this fic doesn't accurately follow the story, literally just random shits 'n giggles for now lmao [pls it's so unserious ajfjshsjs] + the memes you see edited were done by me in my absolute mess of a gallery 💀
word count: almost 1k
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It was just an ordinary day for Mc… Well, that is if you could call simping for fictional characters from a story-based gacha game ordinary. Okay, maybe they're a liiiiiiittle bonkers in the head, but we still love 'em 😋.
[Mc's POV]
'You've gotta be clappin' my cheeks unequivocally rn.'
"How tf am I gonna pull up AND get bumblefucked by this yee yee ass game 🤨🤨🤨??" Okay, so maaaaybe I got raw-dogged by a fictional world, but I can fix this for sure‼️
I didn't fix this. Far from it, in fact. Yet another 10 pull, wasted… 😟
Even tho he plays hard to get, he ain't a match for MY sluttish behavior 🤪—
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THIS? FUCKING?? $ Ł Ü ✝️? ? ? "The absolute fuckin' audacity I swear— AND this mf blushin' too? Consider tears runnin' down my leg fr fr for real fr‼️" YOU SEE THAT TUB OVER THERE MAMS?? YEAH HOP IN THAT BITCH CUZ I'M BOUTTA 😩😩—
Caught myself lackin' for a sec there sorry bout that y'all 💀—
I then end up playing this damn game for a psychologically questionable amount of time. Such a long time, in fact, my raggedy ass fell asleep with the game open. O p e n. I didn't even get to charge my shit— hot damn 😬.
Next thing I know, I'm exposing my eye sockets to a ridiculous amount of light.
'Now why in the ass-eatin' fuck does this place look familiar?? This ain't my house OR my room🗿. Tf is goin' on in here on this ass-chappin' day 🤨🤨??'
Like, the more I look around, the more shit's appearance becomes clear to me [no d U h Mc?? C'mon get it together 😭].
'Tho it does look a bit [a fuck ton tf you mean?? 💀] like my room in Obey Me…🤔'
"Did my bitch-ass get isekai'd into the world of Big Boobie Bitches— I mean Obey Me??????⁉️🗣📢🔥"
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' …You've gotta be tuggin' my schlong rn this shit is a different breed. No, literally. Does that mean I'm a whole ass sheep now⁉️ This ain't gonna work. I swear on my left kneeca—'
All of a sudden, someone's headass bursts into the room. I was about to chew them tf out like a baddie, but then I SEE 🕕🫦🕕—
"Yo, human! Ya were s'pposed to hang out with me today! What's goin' on?"
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'Ugh. What a cutie 🥰. Look at him, lookin' at me like that 'n shit 😭💖.'
I stare right back at the white-haired babygworl— I mean demon, trying a lil TOO hard to fight the inner voices that are telling me to jump him unprovoked.
"Well, tbh tbh honestly tbh, I haven't the slightest fuckin' clue Monie.. Buuuuuuut you can still take me out if you want tho 👀." I give him a lil look. Yano, a look. A little lookie look. A look that looks like a lil look because it looks—
"Whatever, let's just go. You've been makin' The Great Mammon wait long enough." He then drags me outta the room as if I'm his bitch.
'OW MY PUSS- now hold on for just a diddly ding dang darn second ☝️🤓— here I thought it was supposed to be the other way around 🤨🤔❓️ ❓️ ❓️'
Welp I'll just have to worry about it another time ig 🤷.
Anyways, now we were makin' our way [downtown] through the Big Ass House of Lamentation, BAHoL for short, trying to get to wherever tf Mammon has plans for. Well, that is until we run into a certain someone.
"Yooo, Levi! Funny seein' ya outside ya room for once." Both Mammon and I then proceed to start gigglin' like two lil bitches lmao.
Until this mf turns around 🗿.
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…My face just about shriveled up inside itself.
"Levi.. you good?? You're looking a bit differently different there bud 😭😭."
'I swear to shit there are literal SPARKLES just shootin' me in the eyes rn.'
"Idk what you're talking abt lol." He blinks and just shrugs at me like absolutely NOTHING is wrong like wtf my g—
"Tbh tbh honestly tbh Levi you're looking MAD ✨️bbg✨️ rn and idk how to cope with that so I think it's best you induce an anime withdrawal for just a singular sliver of a second the sake of my sanity 🗣🗣."
It takes him a couple seconds for the matter inside his cranium to process whatever tf just came out my mouth.
"B-Bbg!? WOOOAAAHHHH❗️🗣🗣🗣📢💥.. I-I can't believe you're calling a no-good otaku shut-in like me that!" He takes a moment to cover his now blushing face sextillion times more than his hair already does with his hand.
'Omg what a lil cutie I swear— got me swooning 'n shit <3.'
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever! We've gotta get goin' now. See ya later, Levi!" Mammon cuts off the ENTIRE interaction quicker than it even started before dragging me away like a fucking rag doll.
'L?? M?? A?? O?? Tf is all this motion for 🫨🥴?'
What the plans are?? I still haven't the slightest of darn clues, buT I GUESS WE'LL FIND OUT 🗣.
I kid you tf not we literally only managed to reach the main entrance before getting jumpscared by none other than Lucifer himself—
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[✨️To Be Continued✨️]
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
♡ there are kind people - m.m ♡
starstruckwillows 🂱
requested by anon <3 pls lmk if u see this sorry it took so long 💙
mary macdonald x reader, platonic!regulus black x reader, hurt/comfort, trans masc!reader, he/they pronouns, asexual!reader, rumours and anxiety, swearing, innuendos
whispers leak your asexuality back to your girlfriend
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with a dramatic yawn, you stretched your arms above your head and rose from your seat at the back of history of magic.
mary became dislodged from where she was curled into your side as you did so, causing her to dip her head slightly before waking up grumbling.
"warning, next time maybe." she was tired, clearly, words almost incoherent as she looked up at you like a kicked puppy.
you laughed quietly, kissing her forehead and whispering, "sorry," as you packed your books away.
it was her turn to yawn, linking her arm around yours as you left the room and sagging against your side all the way to the main grounds where you sat with your assorted friends.
"m'gonna take a nap before dinner." she announced after a while, eyes still drooping every few seconds.
you stood with her too, planning to hand in a late charms essay you'd been given an extension for, when lily giggled, making eye contact with marlene.
dorcas was the one to make the comment though, "nap, with your boyfriend? right."
your stomach turned at their insinuation, flush sweeping hotly up your neck as you became very self conscious of the space you took up, cracking your knuckles.
mary just rolled her eyes at their antics and linked your hands, pulling you away from the situation, murmuring "vulgar," beneath her breath.
you part ways at the entrance to the school, turning away from mary's trajectory to follow your own, when you hit into someone elses side.
severus snape.
still in a cold sweat from the innocently made but misinformed joke earlier, you're in no mood to deal with the git, hoping he'll walk straight past.
he does, thankfully, after scanning you up and down suspiciously before darting off, looking like something of a bat.
you scoffed, thinking to yourself what a weirdo, before continuing on to flitwick.
the end of lessons rolled around the next day too, which for you was herbology, a class you did not share with your girlfriend.
while you folded the gloves and hung up your earmuffs, you heard the unmistakable sound of giggling. you thought nothing of it, why would you, until you turned to see the giggling group were staring right at you.
you narrowed your eyes, challenging them. one rose to it, the bravest sauntering over to ask, as casually as you may ask for the time,
"are you bad at sex?"
you almost spluttered indignantly, but kept your cool as you leveled them with a cold eye, "are you bad at manners?"
they cocked an eyebrow, "that wasn't a no."
you cocked one back mockingly, "it was a fuck off."
"well everyone knows you and macdonald don't sleep together."
"not sure it's everyone's business, mate."
they shrugged, "we feel bad for the girl, you've been together for two years, that's a long time to not get laid."
running out of ways to say how dare you, you reached for the last resort of anyone attending school in the united kingdom,
"well, be glad your mum clearly doesn't have that problem."
while the idiots' pack of friends heckled them mercilessly, you rolled your eyes and left the greenhouse.
as you walked to the gryffindor common room to find mary, you were suddenly aware of the amount of people whispering when you passed, pointing at various areas on your body, the younger groups blushing and looking anywhere but you, while others openly stared.
then you heard the word floating around, the one you'd only recently come to acceptance with, the one that had left your cuticles bitten and your hands trembling.
they hadn't been kidding - everyone was talking about this.
and not a single person can mind their own bloody business.
biting a scab into your lip, you rounded a corner and changed your direction, instead heading to seek your best friend.
you discovered him half sitting, half hanging from an alcove in an upstairs corridor, unfrequented at that time.
he instantly saw your tense posture, shaky breath, reddening eyes, and sat with his back slightly straighter, discarding his book to the side.
"you alright?"
it wasn't a genuine question - regulus knew you weren't alright, it was simply a gateway for you to open up.
you pulled your cuffs down over your hands, shrugging awkwardly, "there's a rumour."
gossip was not something regulus black excelled in. if it wasn't for you telling him, he wouldn't know for another week.
he gestured for you to go on.
"and it's true. sort of. about me being, y'know..."
"that's not a rumour, everyone knows that."
he nodded, "asexual."
regulus was also more comfortable with the terms than you were. they made you nervous sometimes, scared someone would overhear. but that didn't matter now.
"yeah, asexual."
there was silence for a moment, before he reached down to help you climb up to his elevated level.
"alright. who matters?"
this was what regulus had done with previous rumours concerning you. who was it that needed to know? who was it that found it? but only referring to people that were important to your life, for good or bad.
"you. but you already know. paisley curdis probably knows now, i'm sure she'll have something to say about it."
regulus nudged you with his elbow, "curdis won't say a word. she's already on her last chance with half the teachers at this school. they aren't blind."
unconvinced but half assured, you nodded stiffly, "right. then there's the people in my dorm."
"they're nice, right?"
"yes. they'll be fine. and then..."
the last component.
you could take almost anything from almost anyone provided mary was on your side. you could be battered by an army and smile if she was on the other side of the mob. she mattered.
your best friend filled in for you, "mary."
that seemed to summon her.
you heard her voice echo down the empty corridor, probably about twenty seconds away from rounding the corner and finding you.
she was raising her volume, something she hardly ever did, calling your name. your eyes widened.
"reg, i don't- i'm not ready. i can't talk to her yet, i need to-"
he cut off your spiral by prodding you down from the marble shelf and coughing aggressively to cover the noise of you shutting the door to the classroom you dashed into.
just in time.
"hav- hey, regulus! regulus, hello!" she shouted, and you could picture his lazy stare lifting to meet hers. you always said he could be an actor.
"have you seen-"
"no, sorry. haven't seen them."
your chest physically ached at the dejected tone of her voice, seeming lost. a rustle of fabric you knew was her rubbing her sleeve subconsciously.
these rooms should be soundproofed better.
after a beat of silence, "alright... well if you see him, please let him know i need to talk them really bad. and tell them i'm not like... mad or anything. please."
when you were certain her footsteps had faded from view, you exited your rushed hiding spot, not meeting regulus' eye.
"don't look at me like that, i know."
he shook his head, "i'm not judging you mate, that's not my job. but you heard it yourself, she isn't mad. macdonald doesn't have a hostile bone in her body, you knew that."
kind people can fall in and out of love just as the cruel do.
you avoided mary, and pretty much everyone, until long after dinner ended. left with your thoughts, the recurring one was where? where did the rumour start? who made the first comment that became a game of chinese whispers?
was it lily, dorcas and marlene having a laugh that a bypasser misinterpreted for vicious mockery?
you thought it must be. who else would be commenting on that?
that's when you remembered snape. his sudden appearance, his smug smile.
but you didn't have the energy to be annoyed at him or anyone, all of it was being used up by chewing your insides apart with anxiety as fuel.
it seemed you were not the only one to forgo the mass public event of dinner, opting to grab a plate from the house elves and bring it up to the astronomy tower.
because two seconds after you'd sat down, mary charged through the door, curls abouncing, setting another plate down next to you.
"i... wasn't sure if you'd forgotten dinner."
you almost cried then, because she'd gathered an identical plate, knowing exactly what you'd eat from tonight's spread.
mumbling a thanks, mary reached for your hand nervously. she was never one to beat around the bush, that was something you loved about her and always would. she came straight out with it.
"i don't know if it's true. you don't have to tell me right now if it is or isn't, though i suspect, based on your reaction, that it is. i want you to know that it doesn't matter to me."
you frowned, "it doesn't? even a little bit?"
mary sighed, "i mean, i was surprised. it never really crossed my mind. but in two years, love, neither did it not cross my mind if you know what i mean."
"no, i've lost you."
"my bad. i mean that, since we've been together, i haven't been bothered by the fact we haven't had sex."
the way she said it, unashamed, made you confused. it was a word that usually made you uncomfortable, because it wasn't something you wanted. but mary made it sound like just another word. not one you were interested in, but not one that would isolate you from the sentence.
"and i'm still not bothered. i guess, i don't know, i just don't care about it that much. whatever you're comfortable with is fine with me, wherever that stops being comfortable for you, it stops for me too. i love you, and i want to be with you for many other reasons."
if she noticed the way your hand involuntary had been squeezing hers in fear, she said nothing, just smiling and pushing your hair from your eyes.
"can i kiss you now? you've been away from me all day."
returning her smile, you uttered your somewhat shy consent and her eyelashes brushed your cheek as her lips brushed yours, shifting to face you as your arm slipped around her shoulder.
fear returned with a sharp bubble in your stomach, afraid she wanted more, but after a minute she rolled to the side, digging into the plate she'd originally prepared for you, and asking you to name some stars.
you knew fuck all about stars.
canis major became brian (she couldn't wait to tell sirius), carina cast as tinkerbell, and ursa major affectionately dubbed 'some shiny dick'.
mary kindly didn't point out your inadequacy, nodding seriously at each ridiculous name you conjured, only a twitch in her mouth giving her internal laughter away.
there were still kind people.
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@anordinarymuse @kingshitonly
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justagrin · 2 years
ugh me n sam were talking on monday about his parent stuff and a few minutes later he was kinda near my chest and i was like “ope pls do not, i know I’ve been getting better with that recently but now that parents are on my mind I can’t be dealing with that” which was a MISTAKE because I’ve never mentioned to him that my trauma specfically comes from my dad (tho he knows my parents were shitty in a typical overly catholic and academic-pushing way?) and he was like “huh??” but also said it’s fine for me to not talk about it until i know how to SO I’ve been figuring THAT out and I think I’ve sorta landed on something like
“so a lot of what my dad did as a kid, while I wouldn’t necessarily label it as ABUSE was sorta sexualising, like with comments about my body and innuendos and stuff (including him suggesting I call him daddy in THAT tone with a wink, and later suggesting I called my ex daddy with aomplete sincerity). And idk if I ever mentioned that the butt comments/touching was a huge hurdle for me at first but that’s specifically because he used to slap it in the same way or stare at it. And I have no idea if it went further than that because theres a LOT I forced myself to block out and probably a decent amount I blocked out my mistake BUT with certain things (like spooning or tongue/chest stuff), I get weirdly triggered as if my body remembers something that *I* don’t. And again I can’t say for sure that it has to do with him, or if there was anyone else, or if I literally made the whole thing up (i don’t think I did though or I wouldn’t react so *viscerally*) but due to the stuff I DO solidly remember I think my brain conflates the two a lot. So I’m getting better at being with you and telling myself ok this is a safe person who wouldn’t hurt me but I guess thinking about parents sort of makes me more likely to be triggered”
which is. a lot i guess. but the aim was “dont come off as a bitch baby who got twaumatised :(((( by literally nothing” and “dont actually accuse anyone of anything” so. goal achieved I guess.
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killa-trav · 2 years
god could u imagine seb calling his car pussy galore, n being like yeh pussy felt good today in pressers n interviews
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
Hi babes, so to fuel our drew/rafe obsession, I think we can all agree drew is a boobs guy like no one can tell me different.
He just likes to lay on them when he’s sleeping or y’all are cuddling or when their watching a movie he has his arm over their shoulder with his hand on their boob 😏. pls i need a blurb on this and i feel like you could write this perfectly
Author's Notes: I see him as an ass man, honestly - but that could be because I am all ass, with ample boobs. But for you - anything, my friend. Also...I want this... Let me know what you think if you have a moment! If this was your request, I hope you love it. Thank you! xoxo
Warnings: None really. Fluff. Sexual references - sexual innuendos (just lots of touching)
Requested? Yes! Requests for OBX are OPEN!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
They both felt so lazy that day. If it wasn't evident by the blankets strewn about the apartment in a trail from room to room, it was certainly made apparent in the way they lounged about. Limbs stretched across furniture, oversized clothes on as the rain dropped heavily against the windows the apartment.
"Sweetie." Drew mumbled into the top of her head, hair messy from never being brushed that day. He ran his fingertips up the back of her shirt along her warm skin and held her flush against him.
"Yeah?" She replied into the crease of his neck, fingertips running through his gold chain. He felt her eyelashes tickle his neck, so he knew she had not fallen back asleep quite yet.
"I'm getting hungry." Drew stated softly as his fingertips traced soft patterns over her back, and down her spine. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her sweatpants and gave a long exhale as she sat up to straddle his hips.
"I don't think we have a lot here, baby. Probably have to order something, it's yucky out there." She replied as she pressed her palms to his chest for leverage as she tried to look out the door of the balcony.
Drew reached his hands up under her sweater, which he immediately noticed was his, and filled his hands with her bare breasts beneath. He took notice of the shivers on her stomach, and along her neck as he softly palmed at her ample flesh, thumbs brushing over her nipples every so often.
"Whatever you like. You pick this time." Drew whispered with a soft smile up at her with a soft bounce of her breasts in his hands.
"Don't! I can't focus when you do that." She whined with a soft laugh as she pulled his hands out of her shirt by his elbows, making him smirk.
"Fine. Keep my hands to myself." Drew mumbled with a grin as he crossed his arms over his broad chest, his eyes on any bit of her exposed skin he could get.
"Stop looking at me like that." She shivered, her eyes closed as she slowly climbed off the much larger man and stood on unsteady feet.
"Like what?" Drew laughed as he reached for her thighs with his paw-like hand to try and pull her back. He most certainly was not done cuddling and touching.
"Like you're going to take my clothes off, and I'm not gonna get to eat food. I know that look, Starkey. Sit on your hands or something." She laughed while she wrapped her hand around his thick wrist in a lame attempt to move his hands away from her.
"Don't have a look." Drew grumbled while he reluctantly pulled his hands off his girlfriend once more and watched her backside as she walked away from him, towards the kitchen to look over takeout menus.
"You do have a look, and you've been giving me that same look since our first date." She called to him over her shoulder as she reached the kitchen, standing on her toes to reach the menus that were placed on top of the refrigerator.
Before she could ask him, Drew was up off of the couch and in the kitchen standing behind her, easily reaching above her head to grab the small pile of takeout menus and handing them to her. He pressed a kiss to the top of his short girlfriend's head and gave her backside a soft pat before he turned around to check his phone that had been charging. He checked his few messages and emails while he heard his girl hum and haw as she looked through the menus. He quickly sent a handful of replies then switched his phone back off.
"I think we should just go with the usual." Drew stated softly as he took the few steps over to his girl, standing behind her. His right arm wrapped around her, his hand reaching beneath her shirt again to palm at her breast while his left hand reached for a weathered Thai food menu, covered in wine stains and spilled sauce from favoured dishes.
"Because delivery takes over 30 minutes and you have a look on your face?" She questioned as she leaned back, succumbing to his affections as he pressed a kiss to the side of her face and his thumb ghosted over her nipple once.
"This is just my face." Drew scoffed, lips pressed to her temple as he pulled her back against him.
"It's distracting."
"You're distracting." Drew mumbled as he dropped the menu back on the counter and wrapped his other arm around his girlfriend to give her a loving squeeze.
"Order me food, Starkey. I'm hungry." She laughed, her arms folded over to squeeze at his biceps as he kissed her face over and over again. He grabbed her inside her sweater once more before he pulled his hands off his girlfriend and accepted her phone, their favourite Thai food place already dialed and at the ready.
"Tell them to bring you extra rice and that sauce you like if you go wait for me in bed with your clothes off." Drew nodded, eyebrows raised, just as the nasally voice of the teen on the other end of the phone greeted him.
"I was gonna do that any way!" She whispered to him as she unzipped the sweater that had belonged to him, dropped it to the floor, and raised her shoulders in a small shrug.
"Go." Drew stated under his breath with a snap of his fingers, pointing towards the bedroom down the hall and watched as she all but skipped away from him.
Drew shook his head, running his fingertips through his hair as he waited impatiently for this kid on the other end of the phone to give him the time and total amount of their food.
"That'll be about 50 minutes for delivery , Mr. Starkey. Sorry. We're busy tonight."
No worries, kid.
@whcclxr @pogueslandia @maybankslut @fashion-fasting @barrysjumpsuit @starkey-babie @beauvibaby @sodasback @soph0864 @rottenstyx @plutooryectors
*tag list is open, please let me know if I forgot you or you would like to be added/removed from particular posts. I've removed the people that don't pre-populate :(
Please let me know what you think if you have a moment! Thank you so much xoxo
Requests for OBX ARE OPEN!
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kpopficcys · 3 years
Heyyo! Could I ask for a Dreamcatcher reaction to their girlfriend having a dirty mind? I hope it's OK🍁🍁🍁
DREAMCATCHER reaction to their s/o being dirty minded
Ahhh heyyo 🍁!! Yes thats okay dw hope u like it :333
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- She is so done with it, after dealing with her members she can pretty much expect when its gonna happen.
- gives you her look 🤨
- kudos to you if u succeed in making her laugh, with how much u can make into a sexual or joke.
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- you give the girls a headache with the amount of joking, sexual innuendos, looks etc.
- plus the laughing
- rip deukaes ears pls
- but yws she LOVES you being dirty minded
- keeps the both if you entertained for hours
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- alot like bora but she has a limit
- she will roll her eyes and pretend it annoys her even if it doesnt
- sometimes hates how you can make almost anything she says or does sexual
- not that she helps i mean shes the queen of cursed audios
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- just no
- gives you the most looks ever
- ranges between 😒 rlly to 🥱🙄 again!? But mostly jus 😶😑🤨 why are u like this??
- but she loves you so,,,, she deals
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- sometimes loves it sometimes hates it
- likes to give you free chances
- ie. purposely doing / saying possible sexual things
- other times? will throw something at you
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- just ignores it
- maybe you’ll go away
- only laughs or smirks when shes sure you won’t see
- “best not to encourage it”
- *throws a book at you*
- simply shushes you with kisses if its 1:1
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- makes her laughhhh
- her members may be a little annoyed if all your jokes are sexual and about her
- but you joke about one of the members especially bora or siyeon then they’ll definitely laugh and joke back
- gives gah the biggest blush sometimes
- shes shy and embarrassed bless her
- hides in your neck if she wants you to stop, kiss her head and she’ll calm down tho
- loves u and all ur quirks even being dirty minded
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harrysweasleys · 3 years
a little more touch my body // b.b
summary: babie!!! hi!! may i please request a fic based on into you by ariana grande pls? i'll leave the rest up to you, please surprise me (you can also choose if you want to write it for sam, steve, or bucky) thank you so much !!! <3
warnings: lil bit of sexy times, fatws spoilers if you haven’t watched, mentions of alcohol (beer), language 
word count: 2.7k
a/n: i chose to write this for bucky!! hope you all enjoy!
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“Well, don’t you two look like a sight for sore eyes?” 
You huffed out a laugh at your own comment as you stepped down onto the boat, making sure to grip the ledge behind you to avoid losing your balance as the structure bobbed against the tides. 
Sam and Bucky sat looking exhausted, each with a beer in their hand, faces slick with sweat and grease. You could nearly smell them from here. 
“Where were you all afternoon? Said you’d help,” Bucky raised an eyebrow as he looked you up and down, beer bottle against his lips as he took another sip. As if he knew what he was doing, he leaned his arm back behind him, muscles and tanned skin glistening under the late afternoon sunlight. You peeled your eyes away from the sight just in time to catch the end of his question.
You placed your hands on your hips, giving him a grin, “Sorry to ditch, I was in town with Sarah picking up some stuff. But clearly, I’m devastated that I couldn’t be here to get all gross with you guys.”
Part of you was rather bummed you missed the action. You’d have loved nothing more than to be working alongside Bucky, both of you working up a sweat and sneaking in little touches here and there while Sam looked the opposite way. Little touches that would never really amount to more, but were fun in the moment. 
You couldn’t count how many weeks — no, scratch that — months, that you and Bucky had been building up this tension. The winks across the room, the lingering touches when you walked by one another, the inappropriate innuendos and jokes when no one was around. Except that one time that you thought no one was around and ended up subjecting poor Sam to your crude jokes over your earpiece. 
It was torture, but the best kind. Bucky knew exactly how to wind you up, and vice versa. Did you ever think this would amount to more? Probably not. You had overheard countless conversations between Buck and Steve about how he wasn’t ready to take a step towards intimacy just yet. Not so soon after regaining his mind and coming back from five years out of extinction, to be more specific. 
You couldn’t blame him, though. And you weren’t going to push for more. Not if it made him uncomfortable. No, for now, you were having a blast bubbling up the sexual tension. 
“I see that,” Sam motioned his bottle in your direction, “This is an act of betrayal, I hope you know.” 
You rolled your eyes, sitting down between the two. The wooden surface was boiling under your legs, so you lifted your knees to keep your skin from burning. 
“Oh, drama queen,” you grumbled, reaching your hand towards the cooler. You hadn’t done much physical work today, but the weather was still impossibly hot and a nice cool drink would help for sure. 
As soon as you lifted the cooler lid, it came slamming down. 
“Buck, what the hell—,” you turned your gaze to the super soldier, a small smirk on his lips. 
“Cool drinks are for the workers, sorry,” he was clearly fighting a shit-eating grin, much to your annoyance. His hand was gripped tightly around the cooler lid, thumb brushing against your own skin. 
“You two are going to drink all six?” you scoffed, tilting your head to the side as if challenging him. 
He raised his eyebrows and nodded his head, pulling his hand away from yours and taking another sip of his beer as if emphasizing his point before speaking, “I think you forget how high my tolerance is.” 
“Ah, of course,” you nodded slowly, “How could I forget? Silly me.”
Bucky shot you a wink, leaning back against the edge of the boat. The angle of the sun was hitting him perfectly and you wondered if the heavens above were testing you. The dark blue of his shirt accented his eyes, shining brightly as they looked you over. His dark hair had a few natural highlights — probably thanks to spending nearly a week here under the Louisiana sunshine. 
He was so distracting you nearly forgot Sam was behind you until Sarah called his name. 
“Sam, can you help me out for a second?” her voice was distant over the sound of the water hitting the boat and your own heart beating a million miles an hour. 
He stood up with a grunt, following after her. And leaving you and Bucky alone. 
“Just a sip?” you asked, eyes darting back to the cooler before meeting his again, “I’ll take one little sip and then you can have the rest of the bottle.” A fake pout made its way to your lips and you had to fight a smirk at the way his eyes darted down to watch before snapping back up to yours. 
“Nope,” he popped the p, giving you another wink. As he brought the bottle back up to his lips, you scooted closer to him, reaching your hand out and taking it out of his grasp before it could reach his lips. 
Before he could finish his sentence, you brought the bottle to your lips, giving him a wink before taking a rather large sip. The taste wasn’t great — it was the cheap beer that you guys had picked up yesterday at the corner store — but you were just trying to rile him up. You hadn’t really wanted the drink that badly.
Bucky’s eyes were practically glued to you. You could swear he didn’t even blink as you maintained eye contact, handing him the bottle back with a small wink. 
His tongue slid out to wet his lips, suddenly fidgety under the sun. You internally pat yourself on the back, but you didn’t show it. Instead, you maintained a steady staring contest with Buck, not sure who was going to crack first. 
God, your heart was beating so fast. Your skin was so warm. You could feel the back of your neck begin to sweat and you could swear that your hands were just as clammy. How did you ever get anything done around this man before? 
“I feel like I’m interrupting,” Sam — curse him and his horrible timing — stepped back onto the boat, causing it to sway a bit under his steps. 
“What? — It’s — we’re fine,” Bucky stuttered with a hoarse voice, clearing his throat as if you hadn’t noticed. Once again, an internal pat on the back. 
“Yeah, okay,” Sam chuckled, “Whatever you guys say. Just keep it PG around my nephews.”
You should be embarrassed by Sam’s jabs, but you couldn’t really bring yourself to feel that way. Instead, you were only focused on how close Bucky was to you. You could smell him — he didn’t smell too great right now, to be honest — but that wasn’t the point. Publicly, you guys never really sat or stayed close to each other. It was more professional if you guys didn’t show whatever was happening between the two of you, really. 
But now, relaxed and away from danger, you were both letting your guard down. Sam was sitting across from you, poking fun, but neither of you scooted away from the other like you usually would. It was nice, you thought. This little sense of normalcy. Feeling like you were just two adults insanely attracted to each other instead of two busy Avengers on a break. 
You brought yourself back to the moment as you stood up, giving them both a little smile, “I’ll give you guys some guy time, I’ll go help Sarah with dinner.”
Sam gave you a little wave, Bucky keeping his mouth shut as you made your way off the boat, holding onto the little railing as you made your way back onto land. You pulled your shirt down, covering the little bit of your stomach that had been exposed while scooting closer to Bucky. 
Shaking your head and trying to un-rile yourself, you made your way over to the Wilson household, a small skip in your step as you did so. 
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The lasagna and garlic bread that you and Sarah collaborated on went down quick — unsurprisingly, since Sarah had more tips and tricks in the kitchen than you could possibly hope to count — and before you knew it, you were bidding everyone goodnight. 
Your pull out couch in the basement was calling your name and normally you couldn’t wait to get under the covers and snooze right off. Except tonight, as soon as you got under the covers, you felt wide awake. 
Bucky was in the other room, a small door separating the both of you. You didn’t usually talk after everyone had gone to bed, not wanting to wake anyone up or prevent either of you from getting the proper sleep, but tonight you couldn’t help it. You were practically itching to go over and see him, and you doubted you’d get any sleep if you didn’t. It was like a magnet was pulling the two of you together and the harder you pulled away, the stronger the tug was.
You slipped on a pair of socks after getting out of the bed, the fresh air of the basement hitting your body like a gentle embrace. It had been stupidly warm under the blankets just moments before, so the coolness was very much welcome against your skin.
Your footsteps were muffled by the carpeted floor as you made your way to the door separating you both, knuckles gently knocking against the wood before you could take a second to think about what you were doing. If Bucky was asleep, you’d just be waking him up, and that wouldn’t be very nice, would it? However, if he was awake, what would you even say? 
Bucky’s voice was soft on the other side of the door, and the creaking hinges broke the beautiful peace as you opened it up, eyes struggling to see in the dark. A small lamp was lit on Bucky’s bedside table, his own blankets tossed off the bed as he sat on the edge. He wore a pair of Sam’s pyjama pants — which you had teased him about a couple of times now — but he wasn’t wearing a shirt. That fact alone was enough to get you to stumble on your own two feet.
“Were you sleeping?” you asked, trying to keep your voice as quiet as possible. You remembered Sarah mentioning the basement ceiling wasn’t properly insulated and voices very easily carried throughout the house.
“No,” he replied, eyes meeting yours in the comfortable darkness of the room. You suddenly felt awfully nervous under his gaze, picking at your fingernails as you leaned against the doorframe.
“Okay, that’s good,” you nodded awkwardly, mind still completely blank on whatever it was that you wanted to say. Bucky didn’t seem to mind the awkward silence, though, his eyes scanning over your body slowly just to make sure you were alright.
“I don’t really know why I’m here,” you admitted, finally picking your gaze up off the floor to look at him. His lips curved up into a small smirk and he patted the spot next to him on the bed. Trudging over slowly, you could feel the temperature in the room rise up by what felt like a thousand degrees before you finally sat next to him. He smelled better this time — thanks to the shower that you were so tempted to hop in on — and you could feel the comfortable warmth of his skin next to you as the mattress dipped under your weight.
“That’s okay,” he replied after a good long moment, “You don’t have to have a reason.”
You sat facing him, close enough that you could see the steady rise and fall of his chest, his skin holding a warm glow in the cozy atmosphere of the room. He was so painfully beautiful that you didn’t think words could capture the image. 
Feeling awfully brave, you slid one of your hands over to his, your warm fingers sliding against the coolness of his vibranium ones. You knew he couldn’t feel your touch, but he shivered anyway, causing you to slide your hand a little closer to his actual skin. His hand reached quickly across and grabbed yours, intertwining your fingers together. Your head fell against his shoulder, resting your forehead against the spot where skin met metal. Without thinking, you lifted your head and pressed a kiss against the same spot, immediately regretting it when you felt his entire body tense up.
“Sorry — I don’t know what I was thinking,” you stuttered, pulling away. 
Before you could get too far, you felt both of Bucky’s hands slide around your waist, tugging you onto his lap in an effortless motion. Your thighs landed on either side of him — practically straddling him — and your chest was nearly flushed against his. His forehead fell against yours and you swore you could hear his thoughts. The internal battle he was having with himself on how far he was willing to take this.
You brought one of your hands up to his hair, raking your fingernails against the sensitive skin at the base of his neck and watched his shoulders sag as he let out a sigh. How you two could go from being ready to rip each other’s clothes off on the boat to this, being intimate and close without having done anything yet, you’d never understand.
His hands slid under your pyjama top, gripping your waist in a way to let you know he wasn’t planning on letting go. And you were more than okay with that.
“Buck,” you whispered, the words hanging in the air before he pulled his forehead away from yours and met your lips with his. His kiss was hot — heavy, and you could feel just how much he had been holding back. He gripped you tight, making sure you felt exactly how badly he wanted this. And you felt the same, hands on either side of his face as you pressed your lips and body against his. 
You guys went from having an intimate, gentle touching moment, to having a battle of teeth and tongues within thirty seconds. He let out a low groan as you tried to get closer to him, rocking your hips against his. You hadn’t totally done it on purpose, your goal mostly just to be as close to him as possible, but you weren’t regretting the action one bit. 
His hands slid further up your shirt until it was tugged off of your body, breaking the feverish kiss for one quick moment before reconnecting at full force. Your mind was blank, numb, but your belly was erupting with every butterfly in existence as he slid his hands around your exposed torso. You didn’t even register the coolness of the metal — too focused on how hot you felt at the moment. He was grabbing at every bit of you that he possibly could, and you were doing the same to him.
For someone who probably didn’t do much self care, his skin was beautifully soft under your touch, hands sliding smoothly down his back and chest as you continued to kiss the life out of each other. It was intoxicating and you swore you’d be addicted to him after tonight.
He somehow managed to flip the both of you over so that he was hovering on top of you, using his forearms to hold himself up as his lips trailed sloppy kisses down your jawline, your neck, to your collarbones. Everything he did just felt so good, so right, that you could hardly remember where you even were at the moment.
Your eyes fluttered shut as he continued down on his path, leaving kisses in every possible spot that was available.
There was no way in hell you were returning to your own bed tonight.
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highladydawn · 2 years
I mean obviously I need the alphabet game for Elucien pls Ma'am! Bless us with your headcannons <3
(I dm'd LB to ask her to choose a few letters! She chose C, I, and O.) You can find the list is here!
Steamy Elucien Heacanons - Pt 1
C. Control — How dominant are they? Who is more dominant?
At first glance, Lucien is the more dominant one, simply because he has a few centuries more experience than Elain has. Elain finds that she likes Lucien taking control, as it gives her a place to work out some of the old issues she has from her mother trying to control her in a safe, controlled environment. But once she's gained some skill, most of it by instinct, she loves being the dominant one. She surprises Lucien with just much she loves to reconquer that control and bring him to his knees (literally and figuratively). He's more than happy to turn to putty under her command and let her call the shots.
I. Innuendo — How good is their dirty talk game?
It goes without saying that Lucien's dirty talk game is refined like a well aged wine, a skill he has honed through practice and his own cleverness. His eloquence, edged with just the right amount of grit, is enough to turn to Elain to fire. But he also has a way of noting just what she's thinking and feeling through the bond, and praising her just as she craves that he would. Elain, on the other hand, has to get used to dishing the dirty talk. Compared to Lucien, the things she says are much milder—and only rarely does she say things truly filthy. But the words she does choose, she chooses deliberately. Each of them can make Lucien finish before the phrase is even done leaving her mouth.
O. Oscar — Do they enjoy role-playing?
Yes! It starts out as very mild roleplaying as Elain finds new and exciting positions in her romances to try. But as they experiment with their physical circumstances, Elain discovers she also likes changing the situational circumstances, as well. They're both so creative and quick on their toes, that she isn't embarrassed when he pretends to be the sailor to her tavern wench. Or, on the flip side, the human acolyte to her High Lady. Sometimes its strictly for fun, and other times, they experiment closely to issues that have plagued them. For Elain, she role plays as the captive under Lucien's careful dominion. For Lucien, they role play dubious consent. Both times with a safe word, always stopping if either of them want to. But it helps them regain power and control over memories where they had lost them.
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chaoticparker · 3 years
Really like you
Peter parker x fem!Reader
w/c: 1k
warnings: swearing, one sexual innuendo, overall fluff
summary: Peters nervous to asking you out
a/n: pls let me know what you think
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"What about just asking her, hmm? You ever think of that Peter?"
"NO! Ned, if I'm going to ask y/n out it needs to be perfect." Peter was scrambling around his room, with Ned sitting on his bed watching Peter work. "Y/n is perfect so asking her out has to be perfect. Maybe I should get a hundred flower, yea that sounds good."
"Dude, you're broke how could you pay for that?" Peter shrugged his shoulders and went back to thinking of new ideas to impress you with. "You've been trying to ask her out since middle school and now it's been what, like seven years? And you've known her longer then anyone else, do you really think that she would like a big extravagant thing?" Ned was seriously getting concerned, Peter has been smitten for you for an unhealthy amount of time and the poor guy hasn't even made a move. "When I ask out Betty all I just said 'do you want to go out with me' and we did, and I barely even knew her and she said yes, you have nothing to worry about."
Peter let out an annoyed groan, sitting down next to Ned on the bed "yes I do! What if she only see's me as a frien-"
"Peter! She is head over heels for you! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Ned shouted a little too loudly.
May knocked on Peter's door and poked her head, "Are you boys ok? I heard yelling?"
"Ye-" "Peter is being a pussy and not asking out Y/N." Ned stated bluntly, causing Peter to punch Ned in the shoulder. "Dude what the actually fuck." May stepped fully inside and crossed her arms, giving Peter a look. "Aunt May I can't, what if she doesn't-"
"Bullshit Peter, I've known y/n since diaper days and every time she comes over it's like you two are about to jump each other but your both too scared-"
"AUNT MAY, PLEASE!" Peter jumped up, his face was red and he was starting to sweat all over. "I don't want my aunt to talk about me and y/n jumping each other."
May put her hands up in defense , "look it's true and Peter you need to grow up and ask her out." And with that May left leaving Peter and Ned alone in his room.
"May has a point you know, your just stalling at this point," Ned exclaimed.
Peter sighed, sitting down on his desk chair, "all right fine, I'll ask her out tomorrow."
The next day at school Peter had sweated through 3 shirts, something he didn't realize was humanly possible, and now the last bell rang and Peter was waiting for you at his locker.
Ned patted Peters back trying to calm him down, "Buddy your gonna do great, just remember she is head over heals." Peter nodded his head, he was standing up straight and staying still, aside from his shaking. "Mj said she is gonna text me when y/n is around the corner, then I'm gonna go, are you gonna be ok?"
"Yea, yea, I'll be ok." Peter quietly said. Neds phone buzzed and he quickly pulled it out from his pocket, "MJ, she says y/n is coming around the corner." Ned patted Peters back and left.
As you came into Peters line of sight, every single outcome of the next couple of minutes came into his head. Would you turn him down? Would you laugh at him? Would you take pity on him and not mean it if you say yes? Peter wanted to sprint off, come up with some excuse but his feet seemed to be glued to the floor.
"Hey Peter? You wanna walk home together?" You spooked Peter, and now suddenly actually being in your presence was calming. Sure he felt like his stomach just did 50 cartwheels, and maybe he feels like vomiting, but actually being around you, made his heart skip a beat. Being around you made him happy, and he wanted that for the rest of his life.
"Uh yea, let's go." You both left the school and walked on the streets of Queens.
Peter had no idea what to say, Hey y/n I've liked you since middle school do you maybe want to go out? No, too forward. Do you maybe want to go out sometime? No, too unsure.
"Hey Peter? Uh-, you know how we've been friends since forever right?" Oh no, Peter thought, are you gonna leave him? Peter just nodded his head, "So, I really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out Friday, as a date?"
Peter stopped walking in his tracks, he was looking down, was this a prank? Did Mj or Ned put you up to this?
"I'm sorry Peter, I know you don't feel the same way, I just had to ask." Not feel the same way? That's ridiculous, how could someone not like you?
Peter looked up, he thought he should probably say something, "No, y/n, I-I" Peter let out a sigh, unsure what to say, "I feel the same, I really really like you." The smile that Peter loves so much crept onto your face, "I can't wait for Friday."
Next this Peter knew you hugged him your hands around his neck, it took a second to processes what was going on but when he did he wrapped his arms around your lower back. You each pulled back, arms still round one another, and slowly you both leaned into one another for a kiss.
Peter had his eyes closed, and all he could hear was his heartbeat pounding in his chest. His hands that were wrapped around your waist slightly tightened as you depend the kiss.
You broke the kiss and he sheepishly smiled, "do you maybe want to do that date now? I don't think I can wait for Friday."
"I'd love that Petey."
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tyongf-nct · 4 years
johnny x reader - smut (1.2 k)
the original ask: can i request johnny beings so fed up getting teased by the reader then he fucked her in front of all the members pls 🥺 ?
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ok so this is OLD and has been sitting in my drafts forever bc i actually wrote the whole thing and then lost all of my work. to the anon that sent that request forever ago i hope you see this 😪
dynamic: johnny x female reader with all 127 members watching
warnings/tags: smut, johnny fucking reader in front of all members, other members get themselves off while they watch, exhibitionism, voyeurism, orgy vibes but not really?, dirty filthy smut i’m sorry i wrote this
The way Johnny was squeezing the glass of wine he was holding, you were pretty sure it would burst into a million tiny shards at any given moment. To be fair, you had been atrocious, acting like a bratty little flirt the entire night to all of the members. No one seemed uncomfortable--in fact, they had been loving it. Flirting right back with you and watching Johnny for his reactions. Usually so composed, it was funny to see Johnny start to lose it; rolling his eyes and scoffing whenever you’d make an innuendo or let your hand linger on one of the members a little too long. The movie playing on the screen was simply background noise at this point, the chatter and drinks keeping everyone occupied at what was supposed to be a group movie night. It was slowly turning into something else, though, and everyone could feel the shift in the atmosphere.
Johnny wasn’t really jealous. The two of you had discussed this before--how he liked watching you flirt with others so he could take you back to his bed later that night and show you who you really belonged to. It wasn’t anything serious, just a fun way for the two of you to spice things up. Only now, with all the members watching, you were curious to see if Johnny would drag you away this time or show everyone--you included--who was really boss.
As if reading your mind, you felt Johnny’s tall figure come up behind you as he wrapped his long arms around your waist, wine glass nowhere to be seen.
“You think you’re real funny, don’t you?” He murmured into your ear, a shiver passing through you at his deep tone. You tried to keep the smirk off your face but to no avail, the pleasure of getting him riled up too great.
“Yes. It’s pretty fun to see you like this,” you said blatantly. Johnny let out a surprised laugh, squeezing you tightly to show that he wasn’t really mad but burying his face further into your neck. His tongue swept out to lick your skin, sending sparks flying up your spine as your mind conjured up the million things he could do to you in front of everyone. It was definitely one of your biggest fantasies; getting fucked so hard you couldn’t move while all the boys watched. They were your friends too, yes, but mostly an extension of Johnny, and the idea that they might enjoy watching their hyung take his girlfriend right out there in the open had you struggling to keep a moan in.
“You’d better be careful or I really will fuck you in front of everyone,” Johnny’s voice was low and raspy, full of lust but not serious enough to freak you out.
“Would that be such a bad idea?” You rest your head back against his chest. You could feel the sharp breath he sucked in, smiling ever so slightly as his chest expanded quicker.
“Is that what you want? For me to show off that cute little pussy to all the boys?” You moaned, nodding as a rush of heat went straight to your core. His hand snaked down to your shorts, unbuttoning them with only the slightest of movements before his long fingers brushed over your center. He surpassed your panties, diving down straight to your heat and circling at your clit. His middle digit ran down the length of your folds, collecting the wetness that had been pooling there for a while and bringing it back up to your bundle of nerves. You moaned louder, catching the attention of Doyoung, who was standing with Taeyong nearby, the both of them holding drinks. Doyoung flushed a deep red, even darker than he already was from the alcohol as he realized what you and Johnny were doing. Johnny made no move to take his hand out, instead pinching your clit once to get a reaction out of you and chuckling darkly.
You watched Doyoung nudge Taeyong, getting his friend’s attention and the both of them placing it directly on you. The exhibitionsm kink in you flared aggressively, you were unable to withhold any noises at this point and just decided to let go totally. Within the next minute or two all of the boys had somehow managed to gather around in a little circle, like they were waiting for you and Johnny to make an announcement or something, not to watch him finger his girlfriend as she clutched onto his arm for dear life. The only thing holding you up at this point was Johnny’s tight grip around your waist, your knees weak and legs giving out with the exhaustion of pleasure.
“Couch?” He spoke directly this time, almost like he was asking everyone and not just you. You nodded weakly, whimpering when Johnny slipped his finger out of your pants to pick you up and carry you over to the small couch. The boys all followed like little ducklings, no one daring to speak a word but completely entranced at the sight before them. You caught Jungwoo’s eyes for just a moment, his innocent smile a sharp contrast from such a very not innocent situation.
“What do you want, y/n? You want me to fuck you here in front of everyone?” Johnny’s tone was so cocky it would have annoyed you normally if you weren’t so turned on. You could only nod and moan, a deep groan coming from someone else as you opened your mouth to let the sound out. You shut it abruptly, head whipping over to investigate where it came from. Mark looked rather guilty, high cheekbones flushed a bright pink to match his ears. You let your eyes travel down to his crotch, taking note of the hard on he was sporting with a pleased grin. In fact, as you looked around at the rest of the boys, some of them sitting while others stood, many of them were already hard, their pants tenting with building erections.
“Please,” you choked out, “Please fuck me.”
Johnny made quick work of undressing his lower half, letting his pants and boxers sit bunched at the floor while he left his shirt still on. While you were slightly disappointed you weren’t seeing his abs, the prospect of what was coming made up for it. You laid back against the cushions, jumping slightly when you finally noticed Jaehyun right next to you. He flushed a little but didn’t move away, and neither you or Johnny told him to. A rush of nerves passed through you when it hit you that, yes, you were actually doing this, and yes, you desperately wanted to.
It seemed like everyone else did too, considering half of them were already palming themselves through their jeans. You took off your top to reveal a not-so-exciting bra, but everyone sucked in a breath when they observed how your breasts were nearly spilling out of the cups.
Johnny lined himself up at your entrance, the tip of his cock pushing all the way in until he bottomed out with a deep groan. Some of the boys made noises of their own, shifting around on their feet or in their seats as Johnny started to fuck you hard.
“Look at you. Soaking fucking wet from everyone watching, huh? I warned you not to tease me,” he grunted. You couldn’t even open your mouth enough for a response, only choked moans and gasps of desperation falling from your lips. The drag of his dick against your walls was glorious, filthy squelching sounds from your wetness echoing throughout the room. You let your head fall to the side to see Haechan leaning heavily on Mark, his hand grabbing his clothed crotch tightly.
“T-take it out,” you panted. The youngest faltered for a moment before realizing you were looking at him.
“W-what?” His voice cracked cutely. You groaned, eyes rolling back as Johnny’s tip brushed your most sensitive spot deep inside you. Opening your mouth, you tried again.
“Take it out...to get yourself off. If you want, I...I want to watch,” you confessed. Haechan cried out, loud and sweet before moving to follow your commands. Mark cursed and tore his eyes away from you and Johnny to watch his younger member do exactly as you suggested. A rush of hot pleasure struck you as you watched Haechan start to stroke himself, his hair falling into his eyes as he hunched over in pleasure. Johnny grabbed your face and turned your attention back to him, an almost animalistic expression about him as he pounded even deeper into you.
You heard another zipper and a few more quiet groans from beside you, but you couldn’t even move your head to see what was going on. Your orgasm was fast approaching despite the short amount of time Johnny had been fucking you. The hormones building in your core were so strong you were positive you’d come from his cock in you alone. You felt the cushion dip by your head as Jaehyun moved to do something, apparently catching Johnny’s attention as he let out an "Oh God.” You hoped it was Jaehyun touching himself too, so close to you but still unable to even be seen by your eyes. You clenched around Johnny, not even able to choke out a warning before you were coming.
Stars danced across your eyes as blinding pleasure raked your body, your back arching off the couch and thighs shaking. 
“Fuck,” Johnny was starting to lose his composure, eyes flicking from your body to Jaehyun still seated by your head. He moved your legs to rest on his shoulders, fucking deeper into you at the new angle and groaning repeatedly. You heard someone curse as it sounded like they were coming too, but you couldn’t move to watch as you gasped for air after the intense high.
“I’m gonna come,” Johnny’s eyes rolled back. He pulled out in a rush, stroking his length a few times before spilling the white ropes all over your stomach. As soon as he finished you turned your head to the side to look at the rest of the members, almost wanting to cry in pleasure at the scene before. Taeyong was barely hanging onto Doyoung, the two of them still dressed but rock hard and looking tense. Haechan had already come and apparently at some point so had Mark, his spent still cock in his dirtied fist. Jungwoo, Taeil, and Yuta were grabbing at themselves over their pants, huffing with heavy lids and hunched bodies. Finally you craned your neck to look at Jaehyun, a noise of exasperation at what had distracted Johnny so much.
“Fuck,” you blurted. Jaehyun was sitting with his pants at his ankles, one hand covered in come and gripping his still hard dick and the other shoving two fingers in his ass. He wasn’t moving but he certainly wasn’t pulling his hands away, dilated eyes flickering back and forth from your face to Johnny’s.
“Okay,” you sighed, “Give me two minutes and then we’re going again.”
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ace-the-fox · 2 years
'Big News II: Baby Steps' part 2. Wow, this is a lot, I hope you're not getting sick of me. How about Ro and Re have a twins night (they're first one since Daisy was born) and V stays home with Jan (they know how much thus means to their partners) and the twins talk about Daisy, their partners, the upcoming wedding, their childhood, and their mom, all in that order?
Sick of you? Of course not, never <3 /pl
Baby Steps Part 2 (GB!Roman x GB!Trans!Virgil)
"Ah, finally," Robin practically sighed as she flopped onto her sister on the sofa. She had been waiting to do this since Daisy was born. An almost annual "twin night" her and Rebecca held since high school. And, though she loved her daughter dearly in the short time she'd been with them, Robin was glad to have a small night's break from her, as her little one had been left with her fiancé. Along with her sister in law, for Virginia's moral support. A night where she could sleep with ease like she had been able to before she fell pregnant. But not before staying up to some ungodly hour watching movies and talking with her sister over them.
"Ay, get off!" Rebecca laughed, playfully pushing Robin to the side. "Stop crushing my legs!" Robin laughed back, slowly levering herself off of her poor sister. "I'm sorry, I'm excited!" she excused herself.
"Yeah, I can tell." It was Robin's turn to to some shoving. All in jest, though.
After a few moments the girls calmed down enough to talk. "So, how's my favorite neice doing?" was Rebecca's first line of interest. Robin smiled to herself into her wine glass. "She's great. She's a lot like me already. An absolute sweetheart, but she's cranky as hell half the time." Rebecca rolled her eyes at her jokingly. "Who told you you were a sweetheart. They were either lying or on copious amounts of coke," she teased. Robin put her hand to her chest in mock offense.
"Or did Virginia tell you that? She would. For such a shy woman, she's a charmer, I can tell," Rebecca commented cheekily. "No wonder Daisy came along so unexpectedly." Robin smirked, deciding to play along with her. "Well, I'm sure Jan isn't exactly meek and chaste either. Not if she's dating you," she responded.
"Oh, I'll say," Rebecca grinned, licking her lips to exaggerate her meaning. The two girls giggled like naughty schoolgirls at their own innuendos.
"Okay, but in all seriousness, how is Virginia? And more importantly, how's this wedding coming on?" Rebecca asked, after settling again. Robin gave an exasperated sigh. "Well, we're actually doing pretty well. The two of us still need to go dress shopping, and there's a few other minor arrangements to be done, so yeah..." she explained, which dramatic wavings of her hand.
Then she paused, and then beamed at her sister hopefully. "Actually, since you brought it up," she began, "I was wondering... Would you be interested in being my maid of honor?" Rebecca sat up as straight as a line, cracking an unbreakable grin at Robin's offer. "Girl, of course! I'd love to be your maid of honor!" She held Robin's two hands in her own excitedly. "Good. I'll make sure to get you the girliest dress," Robin teased, knowing just how to wind her sister up. "Real pink, too." Rebecca gave her a lighthearted, meaningless glare.
Robin gently lay her head on her sister's shoulder. Her expression became much more thoughtful, though still happy. Rebecca noticed this. "Watcha thinkin' about?" she asked softly. Rebecca beamed up at her. "It's just that... once I get married, we'll all be an official family."
Rebecca grinned at her. "We already are a family, you goose," she laughed, ruffling her twin's chestnut coloured hair. Robin gently swatted her hand away. "I know, but like officially," she reiterated. "Legally." Rebecca just shrugged at her. "I really don't think that means anything. To us, at least." Then she chuckled to herself. "You're lucky Jan isn't here to go on her marriages are scams speech. I'm surprised we're even married ourselves." Robin rolled her eyes playfully. She knew all too well as Jan being the type to rant about social customs and the government at any given opportunity. Though, sometimes Rebecca willingly gave her the opportunity, so it wasn't as though she could say much either. She supposed that was love, giving into your partners whims to see them so passionate about something... They deserved to be married, at least.
"Not to get all weirdly sentimental but..." Robin nearly whispered, "I bet mom would be really happy to see us like this. With our own happy families." Like what she could never give us, she nearly uttered, but didn't. It hung in the air around them. They both knew it. They missed her oftentimes, especially when they were younger. But even without Virginia and her family or Jan, they'd always, always have each other to rely on. The strongest family they had.
"Of course she would," Rebecca mumbled, running her thumb gently along the back of one of Robin's hands as a comforting motion. Robin snuggled in closer to her sister's warmth. She relaxed, closing her eyes for just a few moments. She would have fallen asleep then and there had she not gently fluttered her eyes open, her gaze meeting the black television screen.
"Hey, Rebecca?"
"What's that?"
"We forgot to actually put a movie on..." And the two of them soon burst into much too loud laughter. It was a great night.
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
GRRR zen smut hcs pls 🥵 lemme know EVERYTHING
nsfw zen headcanons
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ask and you shall recieve! uhh this is kind of long. can you tell i’ve been sitting on these for awhile... oops. nsfw under the cut ↓
zen has a bit of an obsession of taking nudes. if you thought his selfie addiction was bad, just you wait. he has a lot of them hidden away in his camera roll. in a locked folder, of course. hopefully seven never hacks in to take a peek, theres a lot going on in there.
be prepared for him sending a lot of suggestive photos when he enters a relationship with you. they’re not always explicit, he likes to tease you. especially if you’re out in public. dickprint in grey sweatpants kinda thing sometimes, lifting up his shirt to show off his v line and obviously straining jeans. a lot of suggestive pics with innuendos.
“post workout. wanna shower with me when i get home jagiya? ;)”
he has the best lighting and angles whenever he sends them, wont just grab it and whip it out with the flash on. no. he’s classy. makes them look like absolute art and leaves you wanting more. videos too, these are always explicit. he’ll send videos of him moaning your name while he finishes himself off. this is dangerous just because it has his voice in it, it could be tied back to him indefinitely. so he really trusts you here.
ever the flirt, even in public. his flirting can turn into something further if you let it. if you two are at dinner a wandering hand may start to find its way up your leg, has pulled you aside at rfa parties for some 7 minutes in heaven kind of fun. this man has no shame.
into the thrill of semi public sex. he’s impatient when it comes to you, especially when he sees you in certain outfits or you do a little mannerism that just drives him nuts. while the excitement and buzz is still lingering after a show finishes, he just cant help himself. never too public– he’s not trying to ruin his career– but bathrooms, closets, maybe even cars in the parking lot if he really can’t wait. quickies before he goes on stage carries such a certain thrill to it. especially if his co-stars are looking for him. having to stay silent and hoping they don’t knock or open the door. if someone walks by he’ll try his best to make you whine or moan. drives you nuts.
doesn’t indulge in this too often just because of how detrimental it could be to his career if you both are actually caught. but the thrill is like no other.
he’s not into super into heavy kinks, like bdsm and such. you can get him to degrade you as long as you assure him it doesn’t hurt your feelings, its a turn on. if your WAP doesn’t already convince him enough but is always sure to let you know he doesn’t actually mean it and spoils you with love during aftercare.
dirty talker. filthy talker. has no restraint.
when he dirty talks its still always laced with the same old honeyed tone you’re used to. his voice drops deeper and is downright erotic. can makes your knees weak from lewd words alone. lets his mouth run especially when you blow him, ever so chatty when he’s the one being spoiled.
“a pretty little angel choking on a pretty big cock. oh how it suits you, don’t you think so jagiya? not such an angel anymore.”
he’ll grab your chin and bring your eyes further up towards the phone camera while he speaks, taking a picture then showing it back to you while you’re still busy between his legs. agree with him when he asks you something like that. he likes it.
spanking is the most he’ll go physically, a bit of degradation, tugs and pulls here and there that sting in the best way—especially directed towards your chest. he can be rough at times, but never wants to outright hurt you. not into choking, slapping. not his cup of tea.
always rougher with some alcohol added to his system. much harder to contain the beast that way.
teeth mashing, love bites, rough hands. less restrained than normal. wild and frantic, like you’re the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted and he’s the hungriest man alive.
can’t even be called love making at that point, its just fucking.
he can hold out for a decent amount of time, thinking of that furball always helps pull him back a little. but if he cums before you it feels like a failure for him. weird mental block. he will absolutely do his very best make up for it, its rare when he does finish first but if does... you’re in for a long night ahead. especially if you do something to bring him over the edge, even when he warned you first.
he’s not partial to giving or receiving, likes both pretty equally. anything you give to him, he will always return the favor. he adores spending time in between your thighs more than anything else– can’t deny that you’re quite the pretty sight on your knees for him like that. blowjobs are always nice, no complaints there. he absolutely loves seeing him in your mouth, drooling over him like that. guilty little pride boost when you can’t fit him all in or you gag on him.
he can go to town on you. for a long time. and he’s very good at what he does. he’s an actor and singer, his art is practically his mouth. you best believe he takes your pleasure seriously. won’t let you go until your legs are shaking and you’re seeing white. his favorite thing about the entire experience is when your breathing starts to speed up, you squeeze your thighs tight around his head and grab his hair— the energy of the build up that happens, the adrenaline of knowing whats coming next. whos coming next. his heart rate increases and he gets butterflies deep within the heat of his stomach. he can get off on seeing you cum alone. would love to live between your thighs if you’d let him.
whenever you blow him off, he’s extremely vocal. zens a big moaner, especially when you use your mouth on him. loves to cum on your face, as long as that’s okay with you. if you open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out, finishing him off with your hand while you gaze up at him with lidded eyes. he finishes hard whenever you do that. tries his best not to get it in your hair if he can help it. still a gentleman ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
he can never get enough of seeing you absolutely wrecked. flushed, drooling, hot and completely drenched in more ways than one. determined to get you squirming from his fingers and mouth alone, as long as theres time, he can drag out sessions for quite a time. if you’re coherent afterwards then he feels he’s not doing something right.
really loves to overstim you, but turns into a big baby whenever you do it back to him. not a whiner, but certainly is if you keep using your tongue on him or riding him after he’s already came. you’ll have him squirming and begging if you keep going after he’s finished. insanely sensitive.
he deeply loves when you take the reins and go on top. gets a perfect view of... well, everything. to see you work yourself up and down his length, face twisted in pleasure and desire while you use him to get you where you please. its a big turn on for him.
mirrors in the bedroom. he has a thing for watching himself fucking you and seeing you being fucked. favorite is doggy style with you facing the mirror so he can see your face lost in desire perfectly. the desire he’s giving you. loves watching himself too tbh
if you grab his hair he will moan. moan. he absolutely loves when you grab his hair, especially while he’s going down on you. he has a sensitive scalp so it never fails to send a shiver down his spine. will groan so deeply into you, its a win-win for both parties.
he has wet dreams often. even in his sleep he can’t escape you. once you and him move in together they only seem to increase–so impromptu 3am sex is quite common with him around.
body worship. not just for him, but you as well. kisses you head to toe in the most passionate way a person possibly could with another. down on his knees as he does it, praises spilling from his lips as he practically prays to you.
for him, he just adores it when you shower him in over the top praises and affections. worship him. kiss him up and down and let yourself get lost in it, leave marks and scratches– marking his perfect form as yours.
leave your love bites or scratches in places people can see, out on display. deep inside he knows he should be ashamed being so brazen about them, but theres something intimately gratifying about having the world know he belongs to you, and only you. it gets him hot and bothered especially if he’s not able to cover them before he goes up on stage.
ruin his godly appearance. wreck him, leave him breathless, flushed, completely and utterly satisfied. mess up his hair, make him sweat–make him beg. seeing stars and going again and again until he can’t even speak correctly anymore. everytime he thinks he cant possibly be anymore in love with you, you get him like this and he realizes how wrong he truly was. he’s a mess, only for you.
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