ceeceeyellow · 2 months
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If kabru was there for the sauna episode
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diagnosedaskiwi · 2 months
*trying to flirt* id believe you… by the way. yeah-about the-the time loop. id believe you about it. every time. do-did i ever do something embarrassing during the loops? did…. did we-uh…. did we fall in love during one of them?
*panicks and then immediately kills the person i was flirting with, restarting the time loop*
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macden · 3 months
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Echo checks his comm after a long day of fighting the empire, part 20240403
(7)Message from: Hunter
"Please, don't get mad."
"I just want you to know, I did the best I could"
"We need pickup"
"Preferably a stealthy one."
"We can talk then."
(2)Message from: Crosshair
"Come pick me up and leave Hunter behind"
"He is going to kill me when he gets the chance"
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penny00dreadful · 1 year
Brain worm! 🪱 Just a lil silly somethin written in a daze.
Eddie had to wrench the wheel back so he didn't run the fucking van into a tree.
Did he seriously, seriously just see what he thought he just saw?
As soon as there was a gap in the road Eddie swung the van around and pulled into the gas station he had just passed, trying to keep as low a profile as possible.
Which was no mean feat considering the state of his catalytic converter but once he'd pulled up into a dark corner, a glance in the wing mirror told him he hadn't been spotted.
It also told him that, yes. He'd been correct on his initial passing glance. He was actually seeing this shit.
Eddie glanced down at his clothes. Ripped up jeans, his 'Hell Awaits' Slayer t-shirt depicting a giant inverted pentagram, demons and hellfire, chains, rings, leather jacket, battle vest, boots.
Yeah, he looked sufficiently scary.
Night was starting to fall around him so he still went unnoticed as he slid carefully out of the van and made his way over to the two lone figures just barely lit up by the harsh artificial exterior lights.
He planted himself just behind, what looked like, some middle class dad type who was standing just a little too close for comfort.
Eddie crossed his arms and spoke to the second figure barking out in the lowest tone of voice he could muster.
"Just what the fuck do you think you're doing, young man?"
The middle class dad whipped around. The second his eyes landed on Eddie he had a look on his face like the devil himself had just manifested behind him.
Without a second of wasted time he scampered away, tail between his legs, leaving Mike Wheeler standing there, wide eyed, pale faced and terrified.
"Edd-" Mike swallowed, slowly backing away as Eddie advanced. "What are you doing here?"
Mike's back hit the wall and Eddie took one more step forward, looming over him. "You don't get to ask questions, Wheeler. You get to answer them. Now I'm only going to ask this one more time: Just what THE FUCK are you doing out here?"
"N-nothing! We were... I was just-"
There was a clatter and some hushed expletives before the rest of The Party appeared around the corner.
"He's not here alone!" Dustin shouted, apparently under the impression that that was going to calm Eddie down in any way at all.
"And you think that makes this better, does it?"
"Yes! Safety in numbers!"
"There is no safety in whatever the hell I just witnessed!" Eddie exploded. "There is no safety in being at a remote gas station on the outskirts of town at night and talking to strange men for whatever reason!"
The kids all looked to be in various stages of shock, clearly not expecting Eddie to lay into them so fiercely but he didn't care. He refused to feel bad for them.
"Tell me, oh braniacs, what would have happened if someone had come along and snatched Little Wheeler up, huh? Would you have chased after the car on your bikes?" He sneered. "How would you have contacted anyone? How long would it take someone to get here? What if one of you had been attacked? Or robbed? Or murdered? What would you have done then?! How could you all be so stupid?"
"It's not stupid! We weren't being stupid!" Dustin shouted back. "We have our walkies-!"
Eddie laughed, cold and mean and so, so angry but Dustin continued to dig his own grave.
"You all never let us try anything! You never give us a sip of beer or a smoke or any of your weed which we know you still have-"
"Watch it, Henderson." His voice was low and dangerous.
"So we were just trying to get someone to buy something for us, that's all!"
"Oh that's all? That's all, is it? And you have money to pay for this purchase?"
Dustin scoffed. "Of course."
"So tell me, what would have happened if someone went in there and bought you your beer but then decided that wasn't payment enough? What would you have done if he started asking or demanding something else?"
"Like what?"
"Oh I don't know, what could a grown man possibly want with a fifteen year old little boy?" Eddie shook his head. "You know what, I'm not having this conversation out here. Get in the van."
"But... our bikes-"
Eddie observed in stony silence, his face thunderous as the kids all loaded their bikes into the back of the van before they scuttled in themselves, quiet and cowed.
He slammed the drivers side door closed before turning his key in the ignition and pulling out of the gas station, the silence in the car suffocating, bouncing off the walls.
"Um..." They were nearly halfway back to Hawkins by the time Will's small voice cut through the air. "You're not going to tell our parents, are you?"
Eddie looked back at him in the rear view mirror. The kids were all watching his reaction with worry and Eddie refused to drop his anger in the face of Baby Byers. Not this time. Not for this. He had to stay angry because if he stopped being angry he might just lose himself in what if's.
"No. I'm not going to tell your parents."
The kids all sighed in relief, somehow still believing they were being let off the hook.
"But I am going to tell Steve."
The explosion nearly shook the van. The kids were all screaming, begging, nearly crying not to tell him.
"No! No, Eddie, please!"
"You can't tell him, he'll kill us!"
"Yeah, then he'll bring us back from the dead just to kill us again!"
"You can't do this to us!"
"You know what he's like, Eddie! You can't sell us out to him like that!"
"I can and I will!"
"Can you... can you- shit. Can you please tell him, like, gently? So he doesn't freak the fuck out? He's your boyfriend, he'll listen to you!"
"You all are in no position to be asking for favours right now." Eddie brought the car to a stop in the Harrington driveway. "So here's how it's going to go. We are going to go inside. You are going to tell Steve exactly what just happened. Then the two of us are going to explain to you exactly why what you all just pulled was so monumentally dangerous. Whatever he decides to do with you all after that is up to him. He is your babysitter. You all bestowed that title on him. I am just the babysitter's boyfriend. It's out of my hands."
"Oh, but... you could be our babysitter too?" Dustin tried, a clear and pathetic attempt to make the incoming shitstorm go smoother.
"Not a chance, Henderson." Eddie hopped out and made his way around, throwing open the back doors of the van and gesturing to the now open front door where an extremely distinctive swoopy haired silhouette stood. "Go and face your fate."
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wimbledon2008 · 17 days
someone tell me why rafael nadal always looks happiest in roger federer's arms. quickly
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its-hai-time · 2 years
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ryvdraws · 5 months
oh my god a wip what !!!!! what!!!!!!
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i just. god i want to study them both under a microscope is that so much to ask
tumblr ate quality as per usual, click for better viewing etc etc you know the drill
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housewifebuck · 11 months
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sharkfight32 · 2 years
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red-rover-au · 1 year
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Their family is a fucking mess
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sidsthekid · 8 months
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haha no idea why but this cracks me up. i always wonder what goes on in the radio booth and now i know!!
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soullessjack · 25 days
sorry I truly don’t understand how people treat dean not knowing ‘the basics’ for Jack to be admitted to a hospital as some kind of argument for him being a bad father lmao.. Like numero uno he lived his entire life completely independent of any actual medical attention so what the fuck would he know to tell a receptionist and numero dos: the entire episode he is stressing the fuck out about Jack’s condition and anxious to get help for it without all the legal distractions that’s Literally it
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goldenachilles · 4 months
I personally think Percy should keep referring to Kronos as 'Grandpa', mostly because a) both of his parents hate it, b) Kronos himself can't stand it and c) he finds annoying the Lord of the Titans funny
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eggyrocks · 22 days
Since your last smau is (sadly) finished can you please write your next one about tsuki. I was thinking a grumpyxsunshine relationship where shes friends with nishinoya and having a hard time so he convinces his roomates to let her move since they have an extra room and tsuki thinks hes going to hate her but her warm&sweet personality makes him warm up to her even tho he hates how much he likes her like man is DOWN BAD.
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the masses are knocking down my door demanding a tsukki smau but idk if i can deliver bc u guys. i have to be honest with you (and i know i am going to get burnt at the stake for this) i kinda hate tsukishima. also. that's tadashi's boyfriend.
this idea is very cute though i think it would be a really good smau but i am not convinced i could execute
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