Scar: why is mumbo and joel both telling me to be careful with my camel?
Joel: weird, isn't it
Scar: it is weird
Joel: it's like seeing two black cats
*awkward silence*
Mumbo: depends on how many black cats you own I suppose
*grian and joel laughing*
Scar: could you undress please?
Grian: WHAT???
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bluur00 · 3 months
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hurt/comfort. fem!reader.
It’s been a few months after you and Kenji broke up, he said it’s because he was seeing another girl and that he lost interest in you. That broke your heart, knowing how much the old Kenji you knew would never do such thing.
He would never, yet he did.
“Why are you leaving so suddenly!? Can’t we try to talk whatever the problem is?” you raised your voice, your tears threatening to fall down.
Kenji didn’t look back at you, all you can see is his back carrying his backpack filled with he clothes keeps in your apartment, “I’m seeing someone else, I’m moving back to my house at the island.”
He left.
That night you cried in your bed, cried yourself to sleep, alone in your apartment, you sobbed your eyes out, wishing all this was a dream, a nightmare.
In those few months, you worked on yourself to move on and forget about the relationship and how it broke down. It’s still really hard to forget about it, what happened that night was very sudden.
When Kenji spilled those hurtful words, it hit you like a truck, that time your legs were very weak, it threatened to make you fall at that moment.
Whatever, you have to focus on your job, your life, especially in moving on.
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“Kenji! Bro, where are you going?” one of his friends ask, seeing Kenji walking in a wobbly line away from the club. “Y-Y/n, I wanna see Y/n,” he mumbled, one of his friends catched up to him, “you and her broke a few months ago,” his friend said, suprised on what Kenji was headed to.
“don’t care, need to see Y/n.” he repeated again.
“okay, okay, get in and I’ll take you to her,” his friend said, pulling Kenji towards his car and laying him in the backseat.
You were staying up late, reading a book that you always wanted to finish, but then a knock came. You ignored it at first, but it came again, you placed your bookmark between the two pages and went to check the door.
You looked through the peek hole of the door, and it was, ‘Kenji’s friend? who’s beside him? Kenji?’ you sighed and opened the door, “why are you here, it’s late.” you asked, not wanting to deal with your ex in the middle of the night.
“Please just take him, he wants to talk to you,” his friend said, trying to pass Kenji to you, you reconsider and reconsider, but in the end you took Kenji’s arms and closed the door on his friend.
You led Kenji to the couch, and laid him down, going to the kitchen to get warm water, but you then heard him mumble your name. You ignored it, hes probably dreaming, “Y/n? That you, baby?” he raised his head to your direction, you hummed in response, he then continued.
“I miss you, Y/n, so much. Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you these last few months, heck, I had to get drunk just so I can forget you, but even that… I,” he paused, out of breath, hes clearly still worn out, “I still couldn’t get you off my mind, even the… the city has been questioning where ultraman has been-“ you cut him off by stirring the glass loudly, even though it’s just water.
“Stop your babbling and drink, so you can go back to your girlfriend, pretty sure she would be pissed knowing you’re here.” you said, clearly annoyed by his presence and him even opening his mouth.
He eventually drinks it a bit, before pushing it away and realised what you said, “oh that girl? Who is she?” Kenji asked, confused, “don’t worry you’ll remember her once you’re sober,” you said before leaving to go to your room.
“Y/n,” Kenji called, you turned to face him, “can you change my clothes? please, baby?” he pleaded.
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“No, your clothes aren’t here anymore remember? and stop calling me that,” you said before continuing to go to your bedroom.
Once you laid in your bed, you couldn’t help but think and remembered, how Kenji sleeping in uncomfortable clothes can pain his back when he wakes up, but your no one to undress him. Even so, you continued opening your closet and searched for clothes that he left.
Kenji woke up with a hectic headache, he expected to wake up in your apartment, especially remembering what he said last night. “Surprised you haven’t left yet,” he heard your voice coming from the kitchen, it seems like you were making tea.
“Y/n, let’s talk,” Kenji said, with pleading eyes, “please,” you turned your head slightly and chuckled, “still drunk? Thought sleeping it through can make you sober,” you said, taking your mug and sat down beside Kenji on the couch, taking a sip and placing it down at the coffee table, “whatever, just make it quick please,” you said.
“Well, that night, that girl, it was all a lie,” Kenji confessed, you showed a confused look, ‘he wasn’t lying last night?’ you thought, he continued, “I did that break up because, I was scared,” he paused, but you quickly interfered, “what do you mean scared?” you asked, sharp tone, highly confused on what hes leading to.
“I was scared, I realised that recently that time I was focusing too much on the baseball tournaments and interviews, especially with me being ultraman, I don’t want to put you at risk, risk of dying when I can’t be there to save you,” he paused again, his eyes beginning to tear up, you kept quiet, suprised by his real reason.
“I knew that if I didn’t use the reason of seeing someone else, you would make up a reason for us to talk and solve it,” he said, he knew you, he could predict you, and you were suprised of how much he knew.
“I knew that if I looked at you before leaving that night, if I take one look into your teary eyes, I would stay and I would fail to protect you from future dangers that can come,” he said, before he completely broke down, right in front of you.
Slowly, you neared him, ran your fingers through his raven hair. When he raised his head to take a peek, you opened your arms for him to hug, which he then took. He cried on your shoulder, as you stayed quiet and gave him a silent forgiveness, caressing his back, arms, his hair.
“I’m safe, Kenji.”
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twohearts-hs · 2 months
Always & Forever Five - Marshall Mathers x Reader Series
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Words: 4.8k
Pairings: Marshall Mathers x Fem!Reader Series
Synopsis;: They loved each other with every fibre and being. They knew that they were meant to be together, but it seemed like every obstacle came in the way. She was twenty-one, he was forty and they knew that it would be hard. Therefore, they promised forever and always as they were meant to be together despite every turmoil that came their way.
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol, Cannabis, Light Smut & Angst. More warnings will come throughout the series.
|| Masterlist for Series ||
Hope you enjoy :)
June 2012
Was she that drunk? Who knew? However, when she woke up, she did not feel like a truck hit her, rather she was tired and a little slow, but it was fine.
Her eyes fluttered and she smelled fresh brew coffee. Then she felt someone stroking her face. Eyes opening gently, she peered to see Marshall sitting on her bed stroking her face.
“Is it nine already?”
“It’s ten. Thought you needed to sleep a little longer. I definitely did.”
Y/N rubbed her eyes and rolled over to look at the clock and it indeed in bright red digits said 10:12 a.m. However, a groan came from her as she rolled over to the other side.
“Undress and come in,” she whispered.
Marshall chuckled but shook his head. “That sounds tempting but I brought coffee and breakfast.”
“Food,” she whispered in disgust.
“You need to eat.”
“Just sleep with me.”
He did not want to say this, but he did, “Aren’t you meeting Jake at three?”
He chuckled. “You don’t have to go.”
“If I don’t, I will miss a hot rockstar.”
“You have a hot hip-hop star in front of you.”
“Yeah, but this hip-hop star doesn’t want to make me scream,” she whispered almost inaudible but he heard it.
“You think that dude can make you scream?” he quipped. “He is like a child. Baby-faced and all teenage-boy like.”
“He is twenty-six, thank you and he is chiselled and hot.”
“I see,” he said as she rolled back over to see him sitting on her bed. It was not worth it to fight it. Y/N pushed herself up onto her elbows as she looked at her friend.
“Take the hood off and let me see your pretty face. Hat too.”
Marshall chuckled and took his hood off and hat, placing it on her head.
“Better,” she mused with a grin. “I am supposed to work at 1 today,” she stated realising all of a sudden. “Fuck, I can’t see Mr. Rockstar.” Marshall pursed his lips, halting his smile. He did not want to admit he had glee for this news. “Where is my phone?”
Y/N found her phone on the floor, plugged in.
9:43 a.m.
From unknown: Hey, its Jake…again. Thinking of the Broken Cup for coffee today! Hope you’re not too hung over.
She felt so guilty.
10:21 a.m.
To Jake: Hey. I totally forgot I am supposed to work today at 1pm. Off at nine if you want to grab a bite?
From Jake: No worries! I have practice then :(. Tomorrow?
To Jake: I have work…AGAIN. Thursday?
From Jake: Recording till 7pm then free.
To Jake: Friday?
From Jake: Playing a show. Wanna come? We can grab a drink before?
To Jake: Deal! Can I bring a friend…not to the drink but to show?
From Jake: As long as it’s not that dude from last night.
To Jake: It’s the chick I was with before you scared her off.
Marshall cleared his throat and Y/N glanced up.
“If you would like to know I am not seeing Rockstar till Friday. We are grabbing one drink,” she held up a finger, “and I am going to his show.”
He slowly nodded but he could not care less…about Jake. Not about the situation. A piece of him despised the situation.
“Want to eat something? Please eat something.”
Marshall got up and pulled her out of bed. However, she was in underwear and a tee shirt. Y/N did not care until she looked down.
“Let me put something on,” she whispered running to her closet. Finding a pair of sweats, she pulled them on before looking at the kitchen to see a brown paper bag.
“It’s from my favourite restaurant,” he stated as he walked to it.
Y/N settled on the barstool as he placed a coffee in front of her. “Two sugars and creams,” he hummed. “And I did not know what to get for food, so I got na omelette as that is what you ate at my house yesterday and…” he was rambling he realised.
“Perfect,” she replied, “let me know how much I owe you and for the Chinese.”
He glanced up from opening the bag as she brought the coffee to her lips. “You don’t owe me anything,” he stated.
“Fine. I will buy dinner next time,” she stated, “and breakfast. You cannot argue with me.”
She did not need to do that; however friends buy each other dinner. Friends share.
Marshall placed the plastic container in front of her as he searched the small kitchen for cutlery before finding them. He settled beside her with his own meal in front of him.
“I bought the girls breakfast too,” he stated.
“And you saved yours to dine with me? I am spoiled,” she quipped.
He chuckled. “Feel honoured.”
“God, I feel extremely honoured.”
She looked over at him and smiled. He was a pretty man and she admired him. Y/N bumped her shoulder against his and mumbled her thanks as she ate her meal.
They chatted during their meal. Y/N asked him about his weekend plans and he said that he might pop to the studio later, but he was unsure. They chatted before her phone lit up with her mother calling.
“I told you, she calls every day,” she stated, “want to meet my mom?”
His face fell. Mom? Her mother. The woman who raised her…
“What I meant is can I mention you to her? I can tell her I have a good friend named Marshall.”
“I would like that.”
Y/N answered the phone call. It lasted three minutes but it was enough for her. Small talk was said until Y/N said, “I am just having breakfast with my friend, Marshall.” The phone was on speaker as she ate.
“Marshall!” she exclaimed. “A man?”
“Yeah,” Y/N chuckled. “My friend, Marshall.”
“When did Marshall come in your life?”
“Recently. We met and we hit it off and he bought me breakfast.”
“That is very nice of Marshall.”
“M, want to say, hi?”
“Hi,” he exclaimed, “I’m Marshall.”
“Did Marshall stay over?”
A blush rose to her cheeks. “No. Marshall picked me up from the club last night and dropped me home which was very nice of him. Went home and then he bought me breakfast and refused for me to pay him back.”
“Buy him a bottle of Canadian whiskey in thanks. Always solves the debt.”
She chuckled awkwardly. “He doesn’t drink. Teetotaler. Anyway, spoiled here. Meira ditched me but I wined with a lovely guitarist and I am going on a date with him on Friday.”
“Oh! That is exciting. You can tell me more later but enjoy your time with Marshall. Much love.”
“Bye, Mama.”
“Bye, you two!”
“Every day she calls?” he pipped.
“Every single day. Get used to it.”
The two of them ate their breakfast before Y/N cleaned up. He watched as she threw the containers into the trash and then placed another pot of coffee on. She flowed so effortlessly through her kitchen. He admired her. Watched her.
“If you’re free tonight. Like after work,” he began, “wanna swing by the studio?”
“I would,” she stated as she grabbed her clothes from the bathroom, she ripped off last night and threw them into the laundry basket, “but I have a paper due Tuesday. I need to get started on it.”
“Do it at the studio.”
“Rap music and art history…don’t mix, buddy,” she stated.
“Don’t call me buddy,” he mocked.
“Bro. Homie. Sport. Champ. Mate. Pal-“
She chuckled. “I am going to quickly shower and then get dressed.”
He nodded.
Y/N walked to her bathroom and stripped down to bare. Placing the shower on, she waited for a moment for it to heat up before she walked in. It was quick shower not a everything showers but enough to properly clean her face and to get rid of the sweat.
“Marshall?” she called.
Y/N stood in the bathroom naked. She did the laundry yesterday and totally forgot to grab a towel.
“Can you grab me a towel?” she asked. “It’s in the corner by the door.”
Marshall walked around the kitchen to the door where the closet was. He grabbed a pink one before walking to the door to the bathroom. He knocked.
Y/N’s head popped out before her hand appeared. “Thanks, you’re a star.”
He nodded before settling back to the kitchen. He glanced around and spotted the several textbooks on the coffee counter with her art books. Her bookshelf had classics from Jane Austen to Charlotte Brontë. Then she had a music collection beside it. Records of all forms of states. Old and new.
He flicked through them…rock and roll. The Rolling Stones, Cream, Led Zeppelin, Guns N’ Roses, Fleetwood Mac, Blondie, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd…and newer ones like Lana Del Rey, Coldplay, Green Day, Blink-182, Radiohead, The Strokes…she had such a beautiful music taste. Then he found it…and his smile grew…The Eminem Show from 2002. She had his record. A vinyl.
Y/N appeared in a towel as she looked through her closet.
“Your music taste is phenomenal,” he stated.
She looked over her shoulder, “Oh yeah, love music.”
“I also love how you have this,” he pulled the vinyl from the container and held it up. It did not look new. It looked old with rough edges and peeling paper…definitely loved.
Y/N glanced over her shoulder again and saw the album. “Oh my God, I forgot I had that,” she stated as she walked towards him in her towel. “It is my mom’s. I stole it when I was fifteen and added it to the collection.”
Marshall chuckled. “Here,” he said, walking over to her desk and grabbing a Sharpie. She watched as he signed the record.
“I am flattered,” she stated, “Eminem signed my rusty old record for the dinosaur age.”
“Dinosaur age?” he mocked. “Take that back!”
She threw her hands up in surrender but quickly resulted to throwing them back down as her towel slipped. Half of her breast was flashed…just above the nipple. “You got lucky,” she quipped, “let’s call it even.”
Marshall chuckled as she went back to her closet. Jeans and the red shirt she wore for the diner with Ted’s logo on it. Y/N pulled underwear on under the towel before dropping it. Her back was to him, but he could not help but look. Her body was beautiful with curves and perfection. Y/N pulled a sports bra on and threw her jeans and shirt on before turning around to see him quickly glanced away.
She did not care instead she quickly Dutch-braided her hair in two and then threw on some light makeup. Marshall sat on her couch as they chatted.
“Do you have summer plans?” he eventually asked.
“Yeah. Going back home at the end of July. My grandparents have a place on the water and a boat, so we are going fishing,” she stated. “I am only gone for two weeks.”
He nodded. “That’ll be nice.”
“Yeah! You?”
“Working on the album. Hailie graduated which is crazy therefore I will help her move to dorms in August.”
“Lovely,” she quipped as she walked around the apartment packing her bag for work. Marshall watched her.
“Y/N,” he pipped.
“I am not mad at you anymore,” he said. Y/N stopped in her tracks to look at him. “About last night.”
She licked her lips and nodded. “I was the fool. I was stupid. You asked for me to give you updates and I was consumed with the attention of another guy. Then I made you take-“
“You did not make me. I chose to.”
“I don’t want to trigger or upset you on your sober journey.”
“Y/N. I am not bothered by people being drunk. I have daughters…who have gone to high school parties, and I have had to pick them up. I go to events where alcohol is served. I don’t mind as long as you don’t force me or rub it in my face.”
“I care for you. I have a lot of devotion to you.”
“Its likewise, M. I care for you deeply.”
Marshall dropped her off at work at one o’clock before going to the studio. They texted throughout the day but mainly, she continued to text Jake.
She could not wait till Friday.
Y/N did not see Marshall for the rest of the week. He texted and reached out, but she was busy finishing her classes and writing the final papers before going to work. However, they kept in touch. She did miss him.
Friday came around. Y/N stood in front of the closet naked and confused on what to wear. Drinks. It was drinks at the bar downtown and then she was meeting him at a show. What could she wear in the event of this? Her hair was done in simple curls and her makeup was finished. However, she stood in front of the closet.
What the fuck does she wear?
Pants? Skirt? Dress?
She had twenty minutes to get changed before she needed to catch the bus. Eventually, she settled on ripped jeans and a The Rolling Stones band tee from an old tour she collected. She threw her hair into a pony and grabbed her hoop earrings before rushing out the door.
Jake was sitting in the bar. He was settled in the booth in the corner patiently waiting for her. She was not late. She was on time. However, a whiskey sat in front of him.
He wore jeans and a linen button-up that was not fully button. His chest was shown lightly as he had pendants that hung. His hair was pulled back in a lower bun. A cutie, he was.
“Hey, you,” Y/N pipped as she stood in front of the booth. Jake looked up and instantly smiled. He got up and hugged her lightly before settling down in the booth.
“How are you?” he asked.
“Good. Really good.”
Never in her life had she seen a rock and roll show like that. The fireworks, the sound, the riffs, the show…the people, the sound…the lights. It was a throwback. It was as if old rock and roll came back to life, and she was enamoured by it. A smile glistened her face throughout it all and he played with such fire.
The way his fingers danced along the neck as his hand-picked the notes, he played with ferocity. He was above talented and she could see why they won American Idol and why they got signed with Interscope. It is a show. It was entertainment.
Now, she was backstage. Jake’s arm was around her shoulders as he pressed a sweaty kiss to her cheek.
“How did you like it?”
“It was,” she could not find the words, “wonder.”
“Meet my brothers,” he said as he brought her further backstage. There stood three guys in similar suits. “Josh my older brother,” he stated, “and vocalist. Sawyer my little brother the bassist,” he introduced, “and Logan the drummer who is also little brother.”
She hugged each one of them.
“This is Y/N,” he said, “my…date,” he said with confidence.
“Hi!” she pipped. “Wonderful show. I have not seen a concert like that since I went to Green Day.”
They all smiled.
“Want a beer, Y/N?” Josh said.
“Yeah, let’s do it!”
A few drinks later and nearing midnight, Y/N was having a grand of a time. Laughter and smiles were shared. They sat in a bar now sharing stories. She was happy and having the time of her life. She felt the alcohol lightly. A little tipsy but not drunk. She knew her surroundings, she knew her choices but as the night grew older, she knew it was time for her to go home.
Another round of beers was shared as they all joked around and chatted. However, Y/N glanced at her phone to see the time – 12:21 a.m.
She had work at eight on Saturday which meant she should go back home.
When the laughter died down, she leaned into Jake. “I have to go. I work early.”
He hummed. Arm over her shoulder as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Wanna share a cab?”
She nodded as they bid their farewells and got into the cab. Jake placed his hand on her thigh innocently as he leaned over.
“We could have a night cap?” he mused.
She closed her eyes. “If we have a night cap…I would have three and then you would end up in my bed which is dangerous,” she whispered back. “I work at eight in the morning. I need to go to bed.”
“When you’re off?” he mused, flicking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Twelve hours?”
She nodded.
“What are you doing tomorrow night? I had a good time seeing you and I would like to see you again.”
“Nine at my place tomorrow? I can make you dinner.”
“Deal,” he said as he bit his lip lightly.
They hugged goodbye as she walked into her apartment. Toeing her shoes off, a smile was graced across her face. He was something. Something good.
Y/N hadn’t seen Marshall since that last Saturday and she felt guilty for not keeping up. She learnt he is not a fan of texting and rather would call. However, when he texted her around one p.m. on Saturday about asking if she wanted to have dinner at his place, she had a inner debate.
Jake or Marshall?
She chose Jake.
2:12 p.m.
To Marshall: Sorry, love. Got plans with Jake tonight. Tomorrow? I am off at 3pm?
From Marshall: Ok. Having lunch with the girls. Will let you know.
Jake came over at exactly nine o’clock to her apartment. She watched him take off his shoes as he wandered around the studio apartment. Y/N turned on the lamps creating dim lighting as she opened the bag of take out from the diner.
“I was lazy and ordered. Perks for having a discount at the diner,” she stated.
Jake paused his wandering to look at her. “That is fine.”
“Want a drink?” she pipped.
His eyes glanced around the room, seeing the artistic décor and the series of records hanging and the murals that covered the white wall.
“You never mentioned you’re an artist,” he stated.
Y/N shrugged. “I told you I study art.”
“Studying art and doing art are different things,” he pipped.
“It never came up,” she hummed as she opened the cupboard to grab the bottle of gin. “I’m having a G&T, want one?”
Jake nodded, sitting down on the couch and grabbing her sketchbook on the counter. He flipped through it as she came closer to him with drinks and food. It was comfortable seeing him across from her, with her book open.
His eyes narrowed at all the pictures. “Everyone is naked.”
“I think nudity is beautiful.”
He flipped again and saw a picture she drew yesterday. It was a memory of last week with Marshall watching him sleep. She drew his tattoos perfectly and his facial expression like a photograph. Jake narrowed in trying to put the face with a name.
“Are these all-real people?”
“People, you know?”
“Then who is this?” he asked, turning the sketchbook over to her.
“My friend.”
“The one from the club?”
She nodded.
“He is just a friend?” he asked.
“Only my friend.”
“Then why did you draw a picture of him sleeping?”
“I slept over.”
“Why all the questions?”
“Because,” he sighed, “I like you. I want something with you. Something serious.”
“He is my friend. I slept over as I fell asleep on his couch.”
“You slept in the same bed as him?”
“I would do the same if he was a woman. Plus, it was before I met you,” she explained. Y/N got up and walked to her record collection and brought a Fleetwood Mac vinyl onto the record player. Dreams began to play.
“We all have a history,” he said.
“Marshall and I don’t have history. We are friends.”
“Then I believe you,” he said, and she smiled.
Y/N sat down on the couch, leaning back and curling her toes under her. He was respectful, giving her space and not asking too many questions but enough to know if she was serious too.
If Jake had a girl friend who he slept with, she would have questions too.
They began to talk more. How he grew up three hours North of here in a small town and never thought he would leave. He had humour, he was kind, and she would say there was a sadness to him that he won’t disclose.
“Do you smoke?” he asked later on in the night. Their takeout was eaten and a few drinks were drunk.
“Like cigarettes or cannabis?”
Y/N changed into sweats and a white tank top before settling back on the couch. “I don’t mind a joint here and there.”
However, it seemed like he did not hear her comment, rather he was focused on her tits.
“Eyes up here, handsome.”
“I can see your nipples.”
“And if you sweet talk me a little more you might get to see other parts.”
He chuckled. “I will keep that in mind.”
“Do you want to smoke?” Y/N asked.
They shared a joint, giggling as they talked about nothing. She had Rumours in the background and slowly, she got up, arms out for Jake to take. He chuckled.
“Dance with me,” she hummed.
He rose a brow.
“Come on. It will be fun. Get your party on rockstar.”
Finally, he took her hands and twirled Y/N around. She giggled, throwing her head back as he led the way. It was ballroom dancing, twirling and ducking her. It was a thrill. They shook their asses and danced around like idiots.
All one could hear was laughter and both of them felt so good.
Y/N had no laughed like that in ages and as the night went on, she realised how good Jake was. He was funny and fun. He was a flirt. He was a thrill.
ake grasped her hands, pulling her in before pressing his lips to hers. She paused, pulling away for a moment.
“Shit, Y/N,” he exclaimed. “I thought we were having a moment and-“
Y/N cupped his cheeks, bringing his lips to hers again. He tasted like gin and weed. The kiss was slow, wrapping her arm around his neck as he picked her up.
“Jake,” she moaned.
They kissed as he held her against the wall. Her hands ran through his hair as their lips moved. It was not rushed or sweaty or hot. It was not full of lust. Simply, it was a kiss filled with wonder and curiosity. Eventually, they stopped.
“I-I,” she stuttered. “I think you should go,” she whispered.
He shook his head and smirked. “I agree. Should I go here?” Jake hummed, kissing her jaw. “Or here?” he kissed her neck.
Jake was beautiful and he made her feel something in that moment that she could not describe. It was the feeling of…”Oh finally” if that made sense. However, she was uneasy.
A piece of her felt like this was wrong.
However, she pushed that feeling aside and kissed him again as they sat on the couch, his hands cupped her ass as their lips slowly tangled. They were smiling in the kiss, laughing in between then finally when she pulled away, Y/N gazed into his eyes.
“I want to know the secrets behind your orbs,” he whispered.
“You hold secrets.”
“We all have them.”
“I know, but you’re a very mysterious creature,” he stated.
Y/N rolled off of him and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. However, Jake followed her, standing behind her in the kitchen. His arms wrapped around her as he began to press kisses along her neck, pushing her tank top up.
“Jake,” she whispered, “we can’t.”
Jake rolled his head back groaning. Y/N turned around and trapped him between her and the counter.
“I want to taste you,” he said with confidence.
It felt wrong. Ever since Marshall touched her the other week, the idea of another man touching her… was scary and wrong.
Suddenly, she had goose bumps run through her and panic strike.
“We need to stop,” she said, pushing past him and walking away.
Jake watched. “I am sorry. I misread the situation. We can go slow. I am sorry I overstepped,” Jake rambled, reaching out and rubbing her back in comfort. “What can help calm you down? Wanna talk? Draw?”
She glanced up and nodded.
“Draw?” he asked.
“Can I draw on you and we talk? I like your company.”
“On me? Like give me temporary tattoos?” Y/N nodded. “Ok.”
Jake took his t-shirt off, and her breath hitched. He was gorgeous, sculpted…abs and muscles built and thick. Slowly, she ran her finger down his abs.
“Y/N,” he whispered, and she glanced up, “please do not think you are not special. You are very special.”
A small smile came from her. She needed to hear that.
Jake laid down on couch, hand behind his head as she began to take the Sharpie and drew on him. Every time she touched him, a blush rose to her cheeks.  
“What was Ladysmith like growing up?” he asked.
“Small,” she whispered, “everyone knew everyone. However, no one left. Everyone would come back to Ladysmith if they leave. My mother was a hippie and lived the life of peace, love and sex on the coast but even her came back.”
“Do you think you will go back?” he asked looking at her.
She was focused on her drawing. “I don’t know. Depends on where I go, who I meet.”
“What about Marshall?”
“Marshall is from Detroit. He won’t leave even for me.”
“You love him,” he whispered.
“I have love for him. I am not in love with him.”
“No,” he whispered, “women and men can’t be friends. He loves you and you love him.”
“I have known him for like a month.”
“Oh. He is older?”
“Yeah. Thirty-nine.”
“You like older?”
“I like people.”
“What does Marshall do?”
“Why all the questions?”
“Because the girl I like is in love with another man. Got to know the competition.”
“He is an artist like you and me.”
“I am not an artist not like you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Some people are artists while others are art themselves.”
Jake smirked. “I am art?”
Y/N nodded. “You’re beautiful, Jake.”
His eyes and face fell. She hit it…an insecurity. She watched as his Adam’s apple moved up and down.
“Jake, you are art. I am sitting here, graffitiing on a piece of art. You are rare. Sculpted like David by Michelangelo.”
He bit his lip.
“And these scars,” she whispered touching his ribs which created him to shiver, “are the details that make you priceless.”
Y/N continued to draw on him as he told her facts about his life or random details. They debated on topics about the world and by three in the morning, his chest, shoulders and arms were covered in her artwork.
Jake stood in her bathroom in front of the mirror as he looked over his body. His face was still no emotion and suddenly, she was nervous and anxious. Did he not like it?
He turned to her smiling as he took her hand, pressing it against his chest.
“You’re talented.”
She chuckled. “They are just doodles.”
“No. Masterpieces. I am now tempted to live my rockstar life and get tatted.”
Jake watched himself in the mirror as he held her hand against his chest, dragging it up and down. She watched the goose bump rise on his skin and his lip trembled.
“Who broke you?” she found herself whispering.
“I am not broken.”
“You have scars in your eyes.”
“And you do too.” Jake pressed a kiss to her forehead, holding her as they rocked.
Y/N pulled away, confidence growing as she removed her tank top. Her breasts fell and Jake sucked a breath in. He was mesmerised, fingers grazing her skin.
“It is only fair. You’re shirtless so I am too.”
Jake quickly scrambled taking his pants off as well and stood in his boxers and socks. She followed.
“You’re gorgeous.”
As their lips met, she fell for him. Deep and hard. They formed a relationship that night. They were not quite together but they were borderline. He was a fantastic lover, pleasuring her ways she never thought she could be pleasured.
Beauty, he was and she fell for him.
Hope you enjoyed Chapter 5 :)
Love to hear your thoughts and opinions.
Much love,
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sentientgolfball · 6 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request some Rain/Dew fic, please? Maybe something with Daddy Rain?😈
If you are okay with it ofc!! If not, please feel free to ignore this request.:)
Took me a second to figure out something for this but once I did it hit me like a fucking truck oh boy
Have some soft daddy kink stuff with Raindrop
It’s not often Dew comes to Rain with this request. He usually runs to Aether or Mountain, someone much bigger than him so he can feel small. So that’s why when Dew slipped into his room, tail hanging limply between his legs and fidgeting with his claws, Rain was caught off guard. For a second he thought something had happened, Dew’s never this docile when he comes to Rain’s room. Even when he’s just in the mood for a good cuddle he has more energy than this. When it slipped from Dew’s mouth he had looked up at Rain with timidness, like he’d say no and send him on his way. As if Rain could ever say no to him. 
“Is that what you want? You wanna be my little baby boy?” Rain got up from his desk, stalking over to Dew with a dark look in his eye. 
Dew flinched back as he approached, his hair falling out of place where it was tucked behind a pointed ear to cover his face. Rain stopped in his tracks when he saw it. 
“Not like that. I don’t want that, I need…”
Rain closed the little distance that remained, gently cupping his hand to his cheek and tilting his head up. He tensed at the look in Dew’s eyes trying not to show his surprise. 
“What do you need baby?” 
Dew opens and closes his mouth searching for the words. It’s never been easy for him to ask for this brand of softness. He would never admit how much he craved it, more so than his typical hard and fast style. 
“I wanna…can you just take care of me?” 
Rain hums and smiles before leaning in and planting a soft, chaste kiss on his lips, “Of course I can baby. Daddy’s going to take such good care of you.” 
Dew practically whimpers when the word leaves Rain’s mouth. He leans into the hand still cupping his cheek, nuzzling against his palm before placing a quick kiss to the skin. Rain slowly drags his hand up to the back of his head, gently scratching his scalp with the very tips of his claws. He places his other hand at the side of Dew’s neck. There’s no pressure, no squeeze, just a gentle weight as he rubs his thumb soothingly over his jaw. He does this until all the tension melts from Dew’s body, a contented little purr rumbling through his chest. 
“Just relax, I’ve got you baby boy.” 
Rain slides both of his hands over Dew’s shoulder, down his sides, rubbing small circles into his hips before gently pulling his shirt off. He kisses every inch of newly exposed skin, affirmations of love and devotion dripping from his mouth. Rain slips to his knees as lithe fingers pop the button on Dew’s pants. Once he’s fully undressed, Rain kisses his hips and down his thighs. He smiles when he feels his cock kick next to his face with every honey coated word. 
“Please daddy please I need it.” 
“I know baby boy” Rain places a kiss right under his belly button “go get comfortable and I’ll give it to you.” 
Dew does as he’s told, hopping into Rain’s bed and positioning his nest of pillows and blankets the way he likes. Rain makes quick of underdressing himself. Normally he’d go slow, giving a little show with each piece of clothing he threw to the floor, but not now. Not when Dew needed him. 
He climbed into bed, slotting himself between Dew’s legs. He leans down, capturing him in a deep kiss. It's slow, lazy, as Rain gently molds his mouth to Dew’s and sucks his bottom lip. He parts for only a moment. 
“I love you” Rain whispers against his lips before pressing back together. 
Dew whines and he uses it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into his mouth. He licks at him gently, pressing their tongues together just to taste him. Dew threads a hand into his hair and holds tight when Rain starts to trail his kisses from the corner of his mouth down to his collarbone. He can feel Dew start to shake when he laves over the scars where his gills used to be. Rain draws soothing circles into his hips as he slides lower. 
“Shhh baby boy I’ve got you. Daddy’s got you.” 
“Daddy please wanna feel you. Need to feel you please.” 
Rain doesn’t waste a second more, sliding his hands down Dew’s body. He lifts one of his legs over his hip before probing the tip of a finger against his hole. He’s not totally shocked to find Dew wet, his leftover water usually making its appearance when his mind is elsewhere. He doesn’t spend much time opening him up, just each to be able to take him without discomfort, both for his and Dew’s benefit. Rain can barely focus with the chorus of little whines falling from Dew’s mouth with every brush of fingertips against his prostate. 
Rain slides up to sit on his knees, staring down at Dew. He can’t help but think about how beautiful he looks like this, flushed pink down to his chest with his blonde hair splayed around him like a halo. The crease in his eyebrows is gone, eyes half lidded and hazy. He only ever looks this relaxed when he’s asleep and Rain’s heart clenches knowing it was him who got Dew like this. 
He reaches between them and jacks himself with his slick covered hand a few times before guiding the head of his cock to Dew’s waiting hole. He leans forward, planting both hands on either side of Dew’s head. He captures him in a deep kiss as he pushes into him. Dew gasps, legs instinctively wrapping around Rain’s hips when he feels the head slip inside. 
“That’s it baby, taking me so well.” 
Once Rain bottoms out he doesn’t move right away, giving the slight ghoul a moment to adjust. When he gives an experimental thrust, Dew’s eyes slip all the way shut as he sighs softly. Rain kisses along his throat and thrusts into him again, setting a steady pace. It’s not hard or fast, a sweet grind of hips that deliciously drags his entire length against his prostate that has Dew babbling. Little cries of please daddy spilling from his lips. Rain’s not entirely sure what he’s asking for and neither does Dew. 
“I’m right here baby” Rain places a gentle hand on Dew’s stomach “I’m not going anywhere.” 
He’s practically clinging to Rain at this point. His legs are wrapped around his hips making it nearly impossible for him to pull all the way out. He has his arms wrapped tight around his head and shoulders to keep pressed into his neck. Rain holds him just as tight, arms keeping him held as close as he physically can. Neither of them dare to let the other go. 
When Rain’s hips stutter in their pace Dew whines, “Wanan cum with you, please daddy, touch me.” 
Rain groans and slides his hand between them, wrapping his hand around Dew’s cock. Dew’s grip around his waist loosens and he’s able to pick up the pace just a bit. He jacks him in time with each thrust, twisting his fist over his head before sliding down and squeezing lightly at the base. He can hear Dew’s whines grow higher in pitch and he knows he’s close. He presses their lips together again and whispers. 
“I love you baby, you’re so good to me. So good for daddy.” 
That’s all it takes to get Dew to arch off the bed as much as he can with Rain’s weight on top of him. He spills all over Rain’s hand and up his stomach, clenching hard around his dick. The sweet pressure is enough to send Rain over his own edge, grinding his hips against Dew as he cums deep inside of him. 
The pants into each other's mouths, taking the air that belongs there and replacing it with their own. Neither of them let go, content to stay as close as possible. Rain flips them over so Dew is laying on top of him, pressing sweet kisses into his hair and muttering praise. Dew keeps his nose buried in his neck, drinking in his seafoam and petrichor scent. 
When Rain finally goes soft enough to slip out of him, Dew whines at the loss. Rain squishes him closer to his chest. 
“Wanna get cleaned up baby boy?” 
Dew shakes his head, digging his claws into Rain’s back. 
“Alright” Rain laughs “we’ll stay here as long as you want, love.” 
They end up falling asleep like that, content and as close as they possibly can.
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lyrenminth · 1 year
tw: drunk Joe, mentions of sexual activity.
Your dress was red, long and had an opening in one leg. You felt gorgeous for that night. 
Having Joe Burrow as your boyfriend was...well, normal against all oddities. You had this established routine and agreements on your relationship. It was working well for you. The Heisman’s ceremony was the first formal event you went together as a couple. It was a glimpse of what the NFL would be.
Joe was damn hot with his black suit and charming smile. You went to the red carpet together and his family and took pictures. At one point your felt like daydreaming. 
“This is my girlfriend, y/n” he introduced you to the other candidates “she is an excellent volleyball player”
When they announce Joe was the winner, you could feel the pride all over your body. You wanted to scream  like a maniac but all you could do was clap with tears in your eyes. “I want to say thank you to my coaches, my teammates, my family, my girlfriend...” he said. Then proceed to talk about his community showing his awareness. That aspect of his personality made you fall for him. He was an observant. His level of awareness was top tier. That is what made him a great quaterback too. 
You wiped off your tears. Overwhelmed. 
You were driving home, Joe was next to you a little drunk. After the ceremony you went to have a great dinner with family and friends. Joe’s future was promising, everyone knew that. He worked so hard to get where he was. You helped him to get into the house. 
“You looked so fucking good in that dress” he said “I can’t stop staring at your ass is a damn blessing” 
“Come on, lets go to the bedroom"
"I'm so lucky, baby" he tried to kiss you, but he tripped over the carpet and almost fell. You caught him midway, he was so heavy you struggled to lay him on the bed.
"Baby, baby, please sleep with me" he begged. "I will, let me take off your clothes" you replied.
"Would you take off yours?" he asked, smiling.
"Help me here do you want?" you asked.
He helped to undress himself with clumsy movements. When he was under the sheets with only his underwear and half sleep, you went to the bathroom to removed your make up and clean yourself. You came out only wearing panties and an oversized shirt.
"You look so hot, come here" he said, his face was red, meaning he was still drunk. "Babe, I'm tired, let go sleep, ok?"
"But I want to touch you, we are celebrating!" he said, bothered.
"We can celebrate tomorrow"
He left out an annoyed sigh, and went to sleep. His snores was the only think you could hear.
Reality hit you like a truck, the draft would be in a few months. Joe will be drafted for sure, and then your lives would change forever. You looked at his peaceful face, his expression was relaxed and you loved how vulnerable he looked.
This was your man. He chose you over anyone else, you should trust him.
You leaned on to kiss his cheek, and laid there, watching him sleep.
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babeczka415 · 3 days
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A/N: I'm so sorry this Chapter took this lolong. Life has been a Rollercoaster this last two years but I finally refound my love for this story and will be posting more often.
Heart Like a Truck: Chapter 5
The heat of their passion continued to build as she leaned back into him. Her hand began to wander along his strong chest, feeling every inch of his body. Despite her mind's resistance, her body knew exactly what she needed from him. As their kiss turned from one of anger to one of desire, she allowed herself to let go and give in to the intense emotions she was feeling. She wanted him, she needed him. Their bodies were intertwined, a perfect fit. Their kisses only grew more intense as the fiery sparks between them grew hotter.
As they kissed furiously, Jake could sense that she needed more than just physical contact; she needed to be seen. In the midst of her raging emotions, Jake leaned back and searched Cecilia's eyes for some hint of forgiveness. That's when he saw it: a slight flicker of emotion, a hint of compassion. In that moment, he realized that she wasn't mad at him, she was mad at the world. And as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, he vowed to be the one who would always find her in the storm.
Jake started to stand up but not before his lips connected to hers again. He knows this kiss and him are the only things helping her rage through the swirling storm inside her. As they kissed passionately, Jake's hands roamed over Cecilia's body. He wanted nothing more than to bring her closer to him, his desire for her was overwhelming. Pulling her body into his, he savored the feeling of her soft body against his. Their kisses grew deeper and more insistent, as if both of them were reluctant to let go. In a sudden burst of passion, Jake picked her up and placed her on the dresser, her legs wrapped around him.
Cecilia could feel her anger turning into desire. Jake always had that way with her to calm the storm raging inside her. Two years ago when a text started this all she had no idea that this wanted hacker was going to be her home, her safe haven, her lighthouse in a storm. Her legs wrapped tighter and her left hand wrapped around Jake's neck as her right went straight for his chest. She could feel his hands gripping her ass tight as she was barely on the dresser.
Jake couldn't take this any longer. He knew she needed him and rough, it was always the way to calm her storm. His hands grip her ass hard, picking her up and tossing her on the bed. The moment Cecilia looks up at him something in him hits like a brick. She is looking for an escape, the alcohol didn't help and he can tell. Cecilia was using this between them at this moment as a distraction from her feelings. 
“You need sleep, Cecilia” Jake's voice is stern with her.
“Jake, please I need this…. With you.” Cecilia sits up and moves closer to Jake standing at the edge of her bed. She has no idea where this is coming from as he has never stopped her before.
**Jake gently cups her chin as she looks up at him. Her hazel eyes are full of so much raw emotions that he knows it isn't the right time. “You take the dark and carve me out a home. I picture you when I know your alone. I know how we got here and I know you better then to do this. I just want to know you better.”
Cecilia sighs, she knows Jake deserves this. She feels it in her body, she needs to open more to him but she's afraid. Afraid Jake might leave her as she is a mess, her past is a mess and he doesn't even know a quarter of it. She moves away from his hand and his gaze. She undresses put of her jeans and plaid button down and climbs into bed. It's the only way she can sleep next to him. She also has nothing to say as her emotions are all over the place.
Cold sweats…. Its always how she wakes up from that nightmare. She hasn't told Jake about it as its still a real fear. Its the fear of him leaving this ranch and never coming back, getting caught or worst. Her eyes close slightly and that video still plays in her mind.
She had just been reached out from Eric to find his friend Adam. It was a story she knew all to well, its how Jake and her met with Hannah missing. After the exhausting night dealing with Eric and his friends she finds herself, crawling into bed just as her phone goes off. She answered the video chat without looking at the name and saw it was Alan Bloomgate, his body cam to be exact. She couldn't hear him but she eventually saw that bookbag. It was black full of everything. Her heart broke as she knew Jake wouldn't go anywhere without it. Then her heart and mind froze seeing the worn hoodie. The holes from wear and from getting out of the mine was covered in dirt and probably smelled of smoke.  Then as Alan moved the hoodie, his mask….. the mask she saw the first video call. The mask that kept him safe and unknown. She was certain he was caught or worst in those woods. 
She slips out of bed, not wanting to wake Jake.  It's the only time he sleeps is here. She cracks open the bedroom door after grabbing one of her fathers flannels she uses as a robe and heads to the front porch. However, before making her way through the hallway and stairs covered with family photos and memories. She has a space that is left empty. Her hand goes to this space, as she knows what she wants there. She wants photos with Jake, she wants to change her last name from Dunn to Andrews and raise a family with him on this ranch and go into the city for his soul and needs.
Last night's words replay through her mind, he wants to know more of her, of her past. She hasn't told him she was engaged or that at one point she did live in a city. She is unsure if she wants to reopen those wounds.
The cold morning wind and the hint of dew hitting her bare legs are what wakes her up. She had fallen asleep yet again on the old swinging porch seat wearing just the flannel. Cecilia knew Casey would be stopping over soon, it was routine for them to make sure everything to done on the ranch. However, there was more things to talk about, last night when the FBI showed up. They showed up for Ryan Davis, a man they had both trusted and so did her father. God how she wish he was hear now to help her through this mess.  She closes her eyes to figure this out, she hears the front porch open up.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Jake asked, it wasn’t normal for him to see her out here not dressed and with coffee already. He hands her a cup, just the way she likes with coffee, sugar, milk, and a tad bit of honey. He could never drink it like that but it was her go too and he knew she needed it. Last night still played in his mind, he was almost caught had it not been for her quick thinking to dress hi lik Casey.
“No, it's another thing we need to talk about. I want to open up but I’m scared Jake. I’m scared you will run and not look back. I’m not some princess on this ranch. I have my own demons that scare me and you saw a little last night.” She sighs, not looking up at him but taking the cup in her hands.
“Love, I’m never going to run away from you. If anything I want to not have to be on the run anymore,” Jake lifts her chin to look at him. “I want a life with you.
Cecilla is taken back, she had no idea even after these two years that he wanted to not be on the run anymore. Everytime things felt good between them, he ran always saying to protect her from the ones tracking him but she struggled to believe it at times. “I want a life with you too, Jake. But there are things you need to know about me first. Things you can and can’t find in a search for me and it scares me to open those wounds.”
“Then we will open them slowly so I can help you heal them. I have no intention of running this time. I have no more plans on hiding things from you either. I’m sticking around this time to see where we keep going wrong.” Jake’s voice is soft but strong at the same time. Its enough to send chills down her back. 
She feels Jake sit down next to her and they just watch the sun start to rise. This is something Cecilla always dreamed about was having someone she loved watching the sun rise over this field, outside of Casey. As they sipped their coffees and just help hands they heard a truck pull up. It was a sound she knew all too well as it’s Casey’s. He walked up the stairs with his own coffee in his hand and leans against the railing in front of the two of them.
“I got my hands on Jack Daniels,” Cecilla’s voice is soft, “but Jake took it and dumped it out.” She knew she needed to be honest. Casey was there for her through all her darkest time, some always wondered why they weren’t together but to them they were siblings. She had known him since she was just barely able to look over this railing of this porch and he was barely thirteen helpng her father on this ranch. 
“I’m glad he was here then, I couldn’t imagine what would of happen if he wasn’t,” Casey’s voice is stern with her as he knows her past with drinking, specially when she is in a dark headspace. It’s different when social drinking and in a good mood but not like she was last night.
For the first time all morning, Cecila leaned into Jake. She knows without him there last night things could of gone bad. She knows how to pick that lock, she did it a million times as a teenager and even after the accident that Casey didn’t know about. She caught Jake’s blue eyes looking down and saw the worry and concern. She knows them both opening their demon and past isn’t going to be an easy conversation or even just a one night type of thing but she feels different like he really won’t run.
Jake grazes his fingers throug her hair and took a whiff, she still smelled of the ranch from the day before and knew she hadn’t showered. Last night kept playing in his mind though. It was obvious she had her own demons, he know that to meeting her for the first time in Duskwood but now he was ready to help her face them.
**A/N credit: That line from Jake with the ** before was taken from the song “Give by Seep Token” I felt like it was just what he needed to say to Cecila in that moment.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 6 months
Walter Bi-lick AKA Kid Galahot
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Walter gets off the back of a truck and looks around for a business needing new employees. After a half hour he walks into a a lodge.
"Morning. Ah'm lookin for work."
Mr. Zimmerman sits up in his chair.
"Alright you can work with training my tiger in the ring for 5 bucks. Joey can use a good sparring partner."
Walter's eyes widen.
"Tiger? What if Ah get bit?!"
Mr. Zimmerman squints at Walter.
"Yeah, you know, like - CHOMP! The tiger bites mah arm off."
Mr. Zimmerman has a fit of confusion.
"What the? Joey ain’t a literal tiger! What do ya think I mean?"
"Well, ya know you coulda meant a tiger like the wild animals. Ya know, big, has claws, eats raw meat, chases antelope."
"Yeah like we really got wild animals runnin loose everywhere."
"Ya never can tell 'cose animals do get out of zoos sometimes. And circuses they got them all the time, you know, elephants and tigers and all that kinda stuff."
Mr. Zimmerman groans as he face palms.
"Just get in the ring! Lew start stringing him up."
Lew gets in the ring and starts lacing up Walter's boxing gloves.
"Hey hey hey, Lew, let's stop a minute. Let's let Joey know. Ya know, tell Joey the name and Ah'm supposed to be the sparring partner."
Lew sighs as he turns to a guy at the other end of the ring with a punching bag.
"Hey Joey, ya got Walter here as your sparring partner."
Joey nods as he walks over to Walter. Walter's lips part slightly as he eyes up Joey.
"Alright boy, you're up."
Lew slaps on Walter's helmet and gets on the outside of the ring.
"When yer ready, Howie."
Mr. Zimmerman pulls out his stopwatch.
"And begin!"
Joey immediately punches Walter. Everyone watches in shock as Walter completely fails to block his face. No one can believe it and Lew is just facepalming.
"Hey Walter in case ya wanna block once in a while, it ain’t against the rules."
The fight continues and Joey continues to punch Walter in the face. A group of boxers mutter to each other.
"How’s he handlin all those blows? He should’ve been knocked out by now."
Eventually Joey starts to slow down. Suddenly, Walter punches Joey so hard that he falls against the ropes and then the floor unconscious. Mr. Zimmerman gets in the ring as everyone is in complete shock.
"Joey! Joey! Joey, please. We can't afford to get knocked out by this zombie. Joey! Joey, can't you hear me?"
Joey doesn't reply and Walter starts to feel bad. Lew comes up to him.
"Go on inside. Willy’ll get you yer money."
Walter goes back inside and heads to a changing room. Willy comes inside with the money.
"Here's yer 5 bucks. Ya know I’m thinking of signing you on to be my own fighter."
"Ya are?"
"Right hook like that ya can’t lose. Give it the night to think about it."
Willy leaves the room as Walter starts to change back into his uniform.
Time Skip
Walter sits outside with his back to the door near the other boxers but not officially sitting in their group. Joey comes outside and Walter turns to see him. There's an indescribable energy between the two. Walter can't help but stare at Joey. As much as he's nervous that Joey would lash out at him, there's another emotion bubbling up inside.
"Whew. What'd you hit me with? A bomb?"
The tension breaks as Walter giggles.
"Aw it weren't nothin. Jus worked out that way."
The other boxers call out for Joey to join them.
"C'mon Walter. Sing with us, c'mon."
Walter smiles at being invited to join the group. They all sing together until it starts to get late.
"Awright fellas Ah'm goin to bed."
"Ok. Night Walter."
Walter waves as he heads upstairs to his room. He starts to get undressed and goes to bed. As he starts to dream, he just can't can't get Joey out of his mind.
Time Skip
On the day Joey leaves for a flight to Boston, Willy's sister Rose arrives from the Bronx. In between practice bouts, Walter took up the task of fixing an old Model T. At some point in the day, he walks inside the lodge and sees Rose.
"Uh... hi."
"Um, mah name's Walter."
"I'm Rose Grogan."
Even though Walter has seen quite a few women in life, there's just something about Rose that catches his eye. In fact, the whole world around her seems to turn into a fuzzy glow.
"Do you work here?"
"Well yeah. Ah'm a boxer. Ah mean Ah'm a boxer but Ah really wanna be a mechanic. In fact, Ah'm workin on -"
Walter starts to babble until Mr. Zimmerman shouts from outside.
"Galahad! Hey Galahad get out here!"
Walter flinches.
"Who's Galahad?"
"Uh that's me. Ah gotta go."
"Oh. I guess I'll see you later then, Walter."
Walter walks backwards as he's still distracted by Rose's beauty.
"Yeah. Yeah."
He bumps into the support beam and giggles from embarrassment before walking out the door.
Time Skip
The months pass as Walter writes many letters to Joey while also getting close with Rose. Now that the Model T is fully painted, he can't wait to take her to the 4th of July picnic.
"Uh.. Rose?"
"Yes Walter?"
"Do you... Do you wanna ride in mah car to the picnic?"
She smiles at him.
"I'd like that."
He carefully helps her down from the carriage and leads her to his car.
"What did you say in your letter to Joey this time?"
Walter blushes as he drives.
"That Ah've been missing him. Ah mean Ah like the other guys an all but Joey helped me feel welcome here. He was like their leader ya know so Ah don't think Ah woulda ever been accepted if it weren't for 'em."
Since Walter was paying attention to the road, he never noticed Rose having a knowing smile on her face. Eventually, they make it to the picnic grounds. As expected, there's singing, dancing and food. While Walter and Rose did have fun at the picnic, they start to drift down their own path after a few hours.
"Ya see this? Mr. Prohosko's gonna be givin me this whole shop once he retires. Tha's why Ah gotta have the money from this fight aginst Sugar Boy."
"So no more fights?"
"No more fights. Won't be any need for it. Well..."
Walter starts to babble again and drops a bolt.
"Ah dropped the bolt, 'cuse me."
He kneels to try to find it as Rose helps him.
"What kind of bolt was it, Walter?"
"Quarter inch."
"How big was it?"
She knows this will get Walter to babble again. Which he does only there's a moment of chemistry between them. They can feel each other being drawn closer.
They kiss and it feels very natural. After about a minute they pull away.
"I think I'll be the only one to call you Kid Galahot."
Walter giggles despite the nagging feeling that he isn't telling the truth.
"Yeah. The only one."
Time Skip
It's a week before the Sugar Boy fight. Joey finally returns from Boston and Walter feels strangely elated to see him. The two continued to spar on two sides of the camp. Until one day, Lew noticed that Walter was feeling strangely hopped up.
"Hey Joey, straighten Walter out here."
Joey looks at Walter in surprise. He moves closer and grabs Walter by the shoulders.
"You gotta come with me Walter. Can’t be having Rose see ya like this."
"She won't like it?"
"No. Got a hungry look in your eyes."
"Ya mean like a tiger?"
"Yeah now come on. Gotta calm ya down."
Joey leads Walter to a quiet bedroom. Walter seems to instinctively sit down on the bed.
"How do ya feel, Walter?"
Walter giggles goofily.
"Like Ah could move a mountain."
Joey nods his head like he expected this.
"Certainly got a lotta testosterone in your system."
"Yeah? How do we fix that? Ya think it'd be a good idea to bring in Rose for a little, ya know, "talkin"?"
Joey walks over and sits down next to Walter on the bed.
"Nah. You gotta learn what a lotta boxers do to unwind."
"What do they do?"
"It’s an inside secret that we men help each other out."
Walter slowly gets closer.
"Ya mean like, help each other... uh, let off steam?"
"Yeah. Women would just get hurt if you go at it after a match."
"But ya think that'd help me out?"
"Better than being a race car stuck in neutral."
Walter tries to contemplate this idea. Somehow it's not that bad of an idea.
"Ya sure Rose ain't ever gonna know?"
"Rose knows the business. This isn’t anything new for her."
"So she'll be okay with it?"
Joey claps his shoulder.
"All that’d matter is that yer safe."
Walter looks up at Joey. Just like the first time they met his lips part slightly. Walter can only nod as Joey starts to chuckle.
"I’ve been seeing ya giving me that look since day one."
"Ya have?"
"Ever since you clocked me with that right hook of yours."
Walter blushes. Despite not fully understanding it, he seems to know exactly what Joey means.
"Ya figured it out that quick?"
"Seeing you look at Rose told me yer a terrible poker player."
"Ah guess that's true."
There's an awkward silence. Walter starts to feel calm but deep down he wants to go through with this.
"Well... can we get this over with?"
"Yeah. Might as well."
Joey gets on top of Walter. It's a good thing everyone else is outside or downstairs. Walter would've been completely embarrassed if anyone had heard the loudest bed creaking ever. Not that he ever would've known himself. He got so caught up in the sensations that he doesn't even realize the noises he's making.
"Wow. They oughta call ya Kid Galahot."
Walter's panting while he's lying on the bed feeling completely limp.
Walter can barely keep his eyes open as he's experiencing the afterglow.
"See why ya don't wanna be doing this with Rose?"
Joey chuckles.
"I'll let ya take a nap then."
He tries to get out of bed but Walter weakly grabs his hand.
Joey's heart melts. For a grown man Walter can really look like a little kid at times. So Joey lays back down next to him.
"Ok. But only for a little while."
Walter moves a little closer to Joey and immediately falls asleep. While no one else will ever know what really happened that day, everyone in that camp knows that Walter will always have that twinkle in his eye every time he sees Joey. They will always have something special.
AN: Shout out to the discord besties for requesting this. It really was an inside joke we shared that Walter and Joey's relationship seemed to be something more than a friendship. I just couldn't help it.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @thedaisymaisy, @karel-in-wonderland, @moonchild-daniella, and @xanatenshi.
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goddessofwaifus · 1 year
How dare you hide these tags lolololo
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omg the way he looked when he turned to yuzu, the side profile ughhhhh it got me. I was biting my lip so hard.
Tracing his tattoos, kissing em, licking em, raking your hands over his muscles, digging your nails into his arms
He had me kneeling on my knees instantly. Kicked Draken into outer space, picked me up by the throat and then carried me home over his shoulder. I was in love instantly. We ain’t gotta talk about the six months I denied how down bad o was for him.
Wearing his coat 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭 please 🙏 I’d live in it
The absolute filthy nasty disgusting things I’d let him do and I’d do to him as well. Just 🫠🫠
This our man. Dessy accepts all Taiju fuckers! We pushing Taiju agenda heavy today
We pushing Taiju agenda viciously today!! 😤😤🤝 also yes I hid those tags 👀👀 what you gon do about it 🤣🤣 The absolute thirst for this monstrous man is disgusting but we don't care! He could manhandle me and I would bitch about it if he stopped. I pamper the man obnoxiously until he has no choice but to give me what I want. I give gift, he give dick. If not, we have a problem and we're both mad about it. But no need to throw hands, fuck it out until we cuddle after. He wears the scratches and bites with pride and dares anyone to say something about it. They'll get a boot to the face or a backhand.
I thought Mikey, Baji, and Kazutora would be the last time I'd simp. He said give me a minute to get comfy, fucking rocked Mikey's shit, and just mean mugged me.
I said calm down, you can have me too damn 🤣🤣🤣 I'm a big bitch so there's enough. But you can be greedy with me 😋😋 I love a possessive man. Then Draken really stared at him and said you thought you ate man, nah sit TF down you're done bud
Season 2 was a fucking trip I swearrrrr
His side profile hits like a fucking truck!!! His nose, his lips, his chin, and his eyes. The fuckin eyes will have a bitch thighs clenching while he's undressing you with them. Like SIR CALM DOWN ??? I'LL STRIP no questions asked just a look and I'm scrambling.
He's not leaving the room without marks on God. He will have bites, several long scratches, and a pissed off face when I add more because I'm going out of my way to make sure he remembers them and how they feel on his skin.
Don't get me started on the coat. His coat is our coat. It doesn't just smell like him anymore and he's gonna have to either get one just for us or he's gonna have to fight to get it back. That's how much you love the coat. You don't want to part with it. He thinks it's silly but he lets us have it when we want because it's just a jacket.
I'm right fucking there with you dessy! We don't talk about that... the stage of denial never happened. Glad we agree
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superdcchick · 2 years
Not what I had planned
Henry x Female reader
warnings: Period blood
word count: 637
A/N: please like and reblog. Any feedback is welcome! 💚
You wouldn't be sick often but your period was often unpredictable. Most months you would be fine but every once in a while when mother nature would visit she would hit you with the truck she was driving. Henry was away filming but was coming home and you had loads of stuff planned for the both of you but your body had other plans.
You tried to get out of bed but it was no use, the pain, the headaches, and the muscle aches. You were no use to anyone like this. Henry got home around 5 pm. He was worried straight away coming in the door and not seeing you.
"Y/n? You home love?"
He took out his phone and called you. He heard the phone ringing upstairs. He hung up and went to the bedroom. He opened the door and saw you in a ball in the bed. Dropping his bag, he walked over to the bed and you felt the bed dip with him. As he gently turned you onto your back he saw the discomfort on your face.
"What is it, baby?"
"Period, mother nature hates me"
"Aw baby" He whispers as he kisses your forehead "What can I do?"
"I gotta just ride it out. I'm sorry. This wasn't the plan"
He shushes you and hugs you.
"I'll be right back," He says and leaves you on the bed.
He was gone for a good 10 minutes till he came back. He pulled the covers off you and picked you up off the bed.
"Hen, what are you doing?"
He just kisses your head. You look back at the bed and see that there is blood on the sheets.
"Aw I'm so sorry, put me down and I'll change them"
"It's nothing to be sorry for, you try to relax"
He carries you to the bathroom where there is a warm bubble bath waiting for you. He stands you up in front of the bath and helps you undress and you got in.
"Call me if you need anything okay, I'll  be back in a few minutes"
He leaves the bathroom and you lay there enjoying the warm water. It is helping with your muscle aches.
You had closed your eyes for what felt like a minute and you felt Henry shake you a little.
"Hey, no falling asleep in the tub"
"Sorry, couldn't help it"
"How are you feeling?"
"Good, wanna get out?"
He helped you out of the tub, grabbed a big towel, and wrapped it around you.
"Can you get yourself dressed?"
"Yes, thank you"
He smiles, "Just take your time okay" He kisses you softly and leaves taking another towel with him. Tou got yourself dried off and dressed into some nice fresh PJ'S. When you had arrived at the door he rushed over to you and picked you up.
He kissed you again softly and carried you to the bed that had fresh sheets and he also used the towel on the bed in case there were any moire accidents. He laid you onto the bed and pulled the covers up over you and handed you the TV remote.
"Turn on whatever you want, movie, tv show, anything you want. I'll be right back."
You were searching through Netflix to see what was interesting when Henry arrived back.
"I made you some tea and brought up some painkillers in case you needed them or anything, but please drink the water. Always stay hydrated"
He slid in beside you and wrapped his arms around you.
"I'm sorry"
"For what baby?"
"Having to take care of me after being away working"
"Shh, no more apologizing, drink your tea and watch the movie.
You snuggled into him. Just having him home made you feel so much better.
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what you need
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pairing: dom!peter parker x reader
request: I don’t know if request are open but if they are can you please write where peter over hears the reader on the phone saying she’s not sure about sex, because she doesn’t know if he’ll be dominant and rough because the other times he was sweet and gentle. So after hearing this pete gets super dommy and like webs her to the bed a teases her and makes her beg to cum and is just really dominant. Thank you so much if you do this! I love your writing❤️❤️ by anonymous
warnings: smut, dom/sub, edging, spanking, orgasm denial
word count: 4.3k
notes: this has been in my inbox since summer 2019 i am so sorry + peter and reader are 18+ in this and living together (basically they’re grown) + i’m actually not sure i like this but oh well
“I don’t know MJ,” you sighed, unsure. “I just––It’s just not really as good as it could be.” 
Peter didn’t mean to eavesdrop, he really didn’t. But he had been playing video games for a few hours now and had decided to take a break for today and made his way over to your shared bedroom. He’d realized you were on the phone and was going to go and come back later, but your conversation piqued his interest and he couldn’t help himself. Also, his hearing was pretty good, so even if he went back, he would have heard it anyway, even if he didn’t want to. You must have thought he still had his headset on.
“No he’s great––he’s really good.” You paused. “No he’s way better than my exes, he makes sure I cum every time, multiple times, that’s not the issue.” Peter leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, a feeling of smug pride in his chest, until another part of his mind reminded him that you said that wasn’t the issue––then what was? There was an issue? 
“I––He’s just really,” you paused, struggling to find the right word. “Sweet...Gentle. He’s really gentle. I want him to be rough with me. I want him to be dominant.” You sighed. “But I think he’s just too soft to do that.”
Peter let his arms fall to his side. You’d never told him you wanted him to be rougher. If you had, he would bend you over his knee, no questions asked. He just had no idea you were into that. 
When he heard you say bye to MJ, he took a deep breath and walked into the room. You looked up, startled. “Oh––Hi Pete.” 
He smiled back, the expression not quite reaching his eyes. He paused, a few feet away from you, looking down at his hands. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He could hear your heartbeat quicken. “W––What do you mean?”
“I heard your phone call, Y/N.” 
“Oh, Pete––” You closed the distance between the two of you, your hand reaching out to hold his shoulder but his hand shot out and caught it in mid-air. He could hear your heartbeat becoming erratic. 
He looked up at you and your breath hitched at the sinful look in his eyes. He could hear you getting excited, he could also smell you too. “Asked you a question, baby.” He tilted his head and brought your hand to his mouth, turning it to kiss the inside of your wrist, his thumb caressing the soft skin. “Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to be used like a toy?”
Your mouth went dry. “I––” You had no idea what to say. You knew he could tell how aroused you were getting, yet he wasn’t doing anything. 
He raised a brow, clearly waiting for a response, and though it frustrated you, it also made you even wetter. 
“I didn’t think you’d––be able to.” You could see a flash of irritation cross his features. 
“I can lift a truck with my bare hands, and you thought I wouldn’t be able to dominate a pretty,” he leaned closer to you, “little thing,” he tilted your chin up, “like you?” Everything would be considered little to Pete when it came to his super strength––you’d never thought about it like that. 
He moved as if he was going to kiss you, his breath softly touching your lips. “I’m going to have you crying for me, angel.”
He pulled away from you and you tried to lean forward and steal a kiss but you weren’t fast enough. He started to pull your shirt up and paused to let you confirm that you wanted this. When you nodded, he continued and pulled it off completely, letting it fall to the ground. His eyes shamelessly ogled your chest and the look in his eyes made you feel so vulnerable but so seductive––as if you were the one putting him in a trance, even though for you, it was the other way around. 
He kissed his way down your stomach as he crouched down, pulling down your sweats and helping you step out of them. He stood back up and trailed his eyes over your body, your pebbled nipples, the rise and fall of your chest. God, you were magnificent.
“Are––Are you not gonna get undressed?” You asked quietly. When he raised a brow, you swallowed and looked down, suddenly nervous. 
He tilted your head up by your chin and you bit your lip. “You want me to get naked? Wanna see how hard my cock is for you, just from the sight of you?” You nodded eagerly and he tutted, “You know you have to tell me exactly what you want, princess. Otherwise, I won’t do a thing.” 
You licked your lips nervously. “I want––I want to see you. All of you.” 
“Yeah?” He teased. “What part of me do you want to see?” 
“Pete–” You whined, embarrassed. He crossed his arms and you sighed. “Your––I want to see your cock.” You said quietly. 
He smiled, tapping your chin playfully. “There you go, baby. That wasn’t so hard was it?” 
He pulled his shirt off teasingly slow, only letting you see inches of his skin at a time, your eyes trailing up with each sliver of skin you saw––from his v-line, to his abs, until he finally pulled it all the way off. He took off his pants and his boxers in no time, but he barely gave you any time to gawk at him. 
“Get on the bed.” You could tell in his eyes, he wasn’t playing. You followed his instructions quickly, part of you extremely excited to see how this played out. 
You got on your back in the middle of the bed and held your breath as Peter watched you silently, stroking his cock slowly. Your mouth was watering at the sight of him, but you had a feeling he wouldn’t let you take care of him first. 
“Safe word is red, okay? Don’t be afraid to use it if you need to.” He looked at you to make sure you heard him and you nodded.
He took his time taking you in, watching you squirm on the bed. You don’t even know how long he’d made you wait so far, it could have been thirty seconds, it could have been two minutes––you have no idea but it was too long. The way his hand was squeezing around his cock the way you liked to, his tip leaking with pre-cum, you couldn’t handle it. You started to squeeze your thighs together to relieve some pressure and his eyes snapped up to yours immediately. 
“Spread your legs.” 
You whined but complied, sighing when you felt the air of the room hit between your legs. 
Peter’s eyes narrowed in on your center and he sped up his hand. “Fuck, princess. Look at you. You’re so wet for me, aren’t you? Can see you glistening from here.” 
You mewled, his words only making you more bothered. You had to physically stop yourself from closing your legs but Peter wasn’t having that.
“Hands above your head.” 
You looked at him, pouting. “But Pete––”
“Hands. Above. Your. Head.”
You swallowed and did as he asked. He climbed onto the bed, sitting on his knees between your legs, eyes focused on your center. “You’re so fucking perfect. Can’t believe you’re all mine.” 
He brought his hands to trail up and down your thighs, his touch teasingly soft. “You know what else I can’t believe?”
You hummed, looking up at him. 
“That you didn’t tell me you wanted to be treated like a slut.” You audibly gasped and he smirked. “This whole time I was treating you like my innocent little angel,” he laughed, shaking his head in disbelief, “when you really just wanted to be my needy little whore.” He trailed his hand down your inner thigh, so close to where you needed him, but not close enough. 
Your back arched as you squirmed under him, “Peter please.” 
He quirked a brow, looking into your eyes. “Yes?”
“Touch me.” 
“I am touching you.” He retorted, a small smile on his face. 
“Pete come on,” you whined, “stop messing around.”
“Sweetheart,” He dug his fingers into your thighs, making you sigh. “Does it look like I’m joking?” He kissed your knee. “Where do you want me to touch you exactly?”
You let out a shaky breath.
He kissed the side of your knee. “Here?” You shook your head. He kissed about an inch lower, a smile on his face. “Here?” You shook your head once again. He kissed lower and lower, asking each time, and every time, you would shake your head no. When he finally reached the highest point of your thigh, right next to your center, you were basically panting with want. 
He was lying down on the bed now, his face hovering above your wet center. He kissed your clit gently and you moaned, your hips bucking for more, but he was quick to push you back down with one hand.
He laughed, “Is this where you want me to touch, baby?” You nodded desperately, but that wasn’t enough for him. He tilted his head, licking his lips. “Say it.” He ordered. 
You looked down at him, your eyes about to water already with how sensitive and needy you were. “I want––want you to touch my pussy please, Peter.”
“Such a bad girl,” he cooed teasingly. “Naughty mouth too.” His fingers were tracing around your pussy softly, barely grazing your skin, making you yearn for more. “Practically punishing me just because you didn’t tell me what you wanted. Talking about me to your friend, keeping this to yourself...” He looked you in the eye, the dark look in his gaze making your breath hitch. “You were holding back from me too, princess. Depriving me of the darkest, most sensual parts of you, your desires, when we both could have been having fun…What on earth am I gonna do with you?” He pulled his hand away from you and you whined, making him bite his lip. “More importantly, what am I gonna do to you?”
You took a sharp inhale. 
He lowered his head, still looking up at you. “You want my mouth?”
You nodded. “Want your mouth on me, please please please Peter.” You were already begging and the thought made Peter twitch. He had to control himself, he knew that if he rutted against the bed and just watched you, he’d cum in no time––and he really wanted to do that inside of you. But he couldn’t help but drag this out a little bit––not when you looked so enticing.
“Yeah?” he bit his lip. “You want my mouth on this pretty pussy?”
You were near tears, “Yes Peter! Please!” You didn’t care how desperate you sounded, you just wanted him to do something. This was the wettest and neediest you’ve ever felt and he hadn’t even touched you yet. 
“Say it, baby.”
You looked at him, barely hearing his words, your response breathless. “W–What?”
His eyes were piercing yours. “Say you want me to eat this pretty little pussy. Then I’ll give you what you want.” 
“P––Pete I––” 
He raised a brow and made as if he was going to get up, and you quickly spoke up, “Okay I––Please Pete,” He looked at you, wordlessly egging you on. “I want you to eat my pretty little pussy…” Your cheeks felt like they were on fire, but then again, so did the rest of your body. 
He hummed, still not moving. “One mistake though, babe.” You pouted, in disbelief that he still hadn’t eaten you out––normally he would jump straight to it, no questions asked. “This isn’t your pussy.” His finger trailed down from your clit to your hole, picking up the wetness as it dragged down ever so softly and your brows furrowed in frustration and pleasure, his other hand pinning you down. “It’s mine.” 
You closed your mouth, your pussy clenching hopelessly around nothing. 
“So correct yourself.” 
“I––” You paused and bit your lip. 
“I’m waiting, princess. You know it’s not really nice of you to make me wait this long. I’ve been aching to get my mouth on you.” He ran his finger back up to rest on your clit and you sighed.
You had to bite your tongue to prevent your frustrations from pouring out through some very vulgar words. You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and Peter smiled annoyingly at you when you opened your eyes––He knew exactly what he was doing. His hand rubbed up and down in your inner thigh and you took a shaky breath. “Peter please? Can you eat your pretty little pussy? It’s throbbing Pete please, I need you––”
He growled and buried his face in you, his tongue lapping up and spreading your wetness. Your hands shot down to grab his hair immediately and he pulled away, making you whine loudly. “I said hands above your head, sweetheart. First and final warning.” You raised your hands back where they were and he dove back in, hands pushing your thighs apart as he devoured you. 
He was moaning into you, fully and unabashedly enjoying himself. “My pussy’s always so fucking wet and sweet for me, isn’t it?” 
You sighed dreamily, the pleasure going straight to your head, “Mm only for you.” 
He chuckled, his tongue making its way through your folds to lap at your clit mercilessly. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled you into him, shaking his head, moving his tongue aggressively to push you towards the edge. You felt your breath hitch, your eyes widening as your legs started to tremble. Unwillingly, your hands shot down and just as they made contact with his head, he pulled away from you, making you whine loudly.
“Pete no––”
He licked his lips, not even bothering to wipe his chin and you clenched helplessly around nothing. You were pulsing and his eyes focused on your pussy for a moment before he looked back up into your eyes.
“What did I say?”
“What. Did I. Say, Y/N.” 
You gulped, “To keep my hands above my head.”
“That’s right. And did you do what I asked?” His eyes were piercing yours. 
“You just felt––”
“Did you. Do. What I asked?” 
You shook your head nervously, “N––No.”
He sat back, looking you up and down, hunger in his eyes. “Gonna have to punish you now, sweetheart.”
You perked up and he smiled. He could hear your heartbeat, your breath. “Yeah baby? You want me to spank that pretty ass of yours?”
You nodded, getting into position over his lap before he could even blink. You turned your head and batted your eyelashes teasingly. “Can you please spank me?” 
“Jesus––” he muttered, his hands going over your smooth skin, grabbing the flesh. “So beautiful, aren’t you?” You bucked into his hips, getting wetter from his words and his touch. You unconsciously rubbed your thighs together and he swatted one of them lightly, making you gasp. “You know what to do. Spread em, babygirl.”
You whined but opened your legs, spread over him as if he were taking you from behind. “Such a naughty girl, wanting me to hurt you.” He spanked you with no warning and his strong hands held you back when you jolted away from him. “Such. A. Dirty. Fucking. Thing.” He spanked you between each word, your back arching further with each hit. 
“Fuck, Pete.” 
“Yeah I know. My princess likes that doesn’t she?” You nodded pathetically and he smiled, lifting you up to sit in his lap. “Well too bad this is supposed to be a punishment, then.” His smile dropped and your legs clenched around him. “On the bed like before. Don’t make me ask twice.” 
You crawled over to the middle again, hands above your head and he watched you for a moment. He got up without a word and you stopped yourself from complaining. He came back with something in his hands and it looked like––
He pressed a button in a split second and your hands were webbed to the bed. Your eyes went wide and he could tell that you enjoyed it. He threw the web-shooter aside and climbed back between your legs, his hands running up and down your thighs. 
“This okay baby?” You nodded and he smiled. “Since I know I can’t trust you to follow simple instructions and keep your hands where they belong,” he gave you a pointed look. “I just had to do something myself to make sure that you’re a good girl for me.” 
He lowered himself back down and wasted no time, leaving wet, open mouthed kisses on your pussy, his arm slinging across your waist when you started squirming. 
“Ughh F––Fuck, Pete––”
“That’s it, just take it baby.” He locked eyes with you. “Feel the way my tongue is touching you in ways that only I can.” He lifted his head and spit on your pussy, making you gasp, your hands hopelessly straining against the restraints. He cursed softly, noticing the way you were weakly fighting against the webs and licked along your slit, making a proper mess between your thighs with the mix of his spit and your wetness. His lips and his chin were soaked and you could see them glistening every time he pulled away from you or moved, only making you needier and wetter. 
“Baby, I’m close––” You barely spit out, your voice quiet. 
He hummed and sucked on your clit harshly, making you choke on your breath. Just as you felt yourself about to tip over the edge, he let you go with a loud pop of his lips, moving his kisses to your inner thighs. You let out a pained whine and he smirked, his lips still pressed to your thigh as he looked up at you. 
“Why?” You asked, your voice breaking. 
“Told you I wanted you to cry.” He had the nerve to shrug nonchalantly. 
“You’re being mean.” You pouted, but Peter could hear your heartbeat, he could tell how you really felt, and you knew this. 
He smirked again. “Don’t sit there and pretend you don’t like it.” He licked up your pussy again. “Looking at and tasting how wet you are, we both know how much you love this.” Before you could come up with a response, he wrapped his lips around you, licking and sucking. You felt sensitive and you were throbbing, aching to cum.
You could feel yourself reaching your peak rather quickly and your eyes fluttered shut, your head falling back as you tried and failed to arch your back under Peter’s hold. Before you could get a glimpse of relief, Peter pulled away from you again and you let out a small cry.
He did this again and again, every time you were about to tip over, he released your clit from his lips and trailed his kisses to your thighs, watching you pant and whine. He’d wait until you calmed down to shift his attention back between your legs.
Every time he edged you it hurt, but it also felt so good. It was thrilling. You were so needy and so desperate, and that was exactly how he wanted you. By the third edge, your eyes were glassy, by the fifth you had tears pooling in your eyes, and by the sixth, they finally rolled down your cheeks. Only then did he let you cum, sitting up on his knees and practically bending you in half as he devoured you, moans and whines falling from your lips. 
Your body was trembling the whole time that you came, his mouth still attached to you. You felt relief for a few seconds before you realized he wasn’t stopping and there was no way for you to push him off. If you really did want him to stop, you could just say the safe word, but it felt so overwhelmingly good, part of you wanted it to stop, but part of you wanted him to keep going. 
“Pete oh my god!––”
He growled and kept going, shaking his head and humming into you, his tongue dipping in and out of you while he held you up, one arm wrapped over you, while he slipped two fingers into your dripping hole and sucked on your bundle of nerves. Your legs were shaking, your body convulsing as he tortured you. He didn’t stop until you came again and again. 
He set you down on the bed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before licking it up, and sucking on his fingers, not wanting to let any of you go to waste. “Taste so fucking good, princess.” 
Your body was still going through aftershocks as he looked you up and down. He bent down as if he was going to eat you out again, his eyes on yours, and licked one teasingly slow stripe up your pussy, making you yelp and weakly try to shut your legs. He kissed your clit and up along your stomach, making his way up to your chest, then your lips. You eagerly kissed him back with tongue, tasting yourself as you trembled under him. 
He pulled away and smiled down at you, far too innocently, but there was a glint in his eyes. “Never get tired of tasting my pussy.” 
You let out a small whimper and your legs unconsciously squeezed around his waist. He brought a hand down to trace your thigh and your ass, his touch making you shiver. He grabbed your thigh and leaned down to kiss you again, your bodies molding together, his cock grinding against your pussy, making you whine into his lips. You were so sensitive, but you still wanted more. 
“Gonna let me fuck my pussy baby, hm?”
You nodded. “Please.”
He grabbed his cock with one hand and hissed, pumping himself a few times before swiping it through your wet folds and sliding in. He bottomed out immediately, letting out a string of broken groans as you moaned. 
“Feels so fucking tight.” His head fell back for a moment, eyes closing as he let himself just feel you. He thrusted in and out of you and his head fell forward again, focused on where you two were connected. “That’s it. Just like that. Such a perfect pussy. My perfect pussy.” 
You mewled and his eyes snapped up to yours. “You like when I talk about my pussy baby?” You nodded and he smiled. “Yeah I know you do. Filthy fucking thing.” 
 He started thrusting into you at a faster pace, your walls clenching around him, making him let out a few groans and curses. You were both sweaty and needy––Peter’s cheeks were red, his curls falling over his eyes, his arms straining and flexing as he pounded into you. He looked like a god. 
Your mouth was open, your eyes basically closing, a sheen layer of sweat on your body making your skin shine. Peter could tell you were getting closer, still sensitive from your orgasms and his teasing, it didn’t take long. 
“You wanna cum baby?”
You nodded, panting, “So bad.”
“Such a greedy girl.” He held eye contact with you, thrusting deeply for a few moments before he stopped his hips, making you cry out. “Beg for it.” 
You pouted, hands subconsciously trying to reach to hold his cheeks, but unable to due to the webs holding them back, making Peter smile. “Peter please let me cum baby.” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes.
He tilted his head, licking his lips. “I know you can do much better than that, princess.”
Your brows furrowed in frustration. “Please! I need to cum, I’ve been a good girl.” He stared at you, prompting you to keep going. “Wanna cum and I want you to cum inside me too. Know you want to, can feel you throbbing inside me baby. Please?” Your throat was dry, voice practically shot when you finished. 
Peter just looked at you for a moment before pulling almost all the way out and thrusting into you at full force, making you scream. He started pounding into you, grunting as your walls pulled him in, coaxing him to fuck you harder. 
“This what you wanted?” He grunted out. “Yeah?”
You nodded, your eyes fluttering shut as he brought a hand down to rub at your clit, making your legs tense and tremble around him. He didn’t stop until he brought you over the edge, your whole body vibrating, yelps spilling from your lips, your neck tilted back, inviting him to mark it up. He groaned into your skin, licking, biting and sucking at your neck as he came shortly after, filling you up, making you moan. 
He stayed there for a bit, soothing you with his kisses, his hands running up and down your side before he sat up. 
He pulled out of you and ripped the webs apart, holding your hands and kissing your wrists softly before lying down next to you, cradling you in his chest. You wrapped an arm and a leg around him, sighing contently. You were both panting, trying to catch your breath and settle down. 
After a bit, he spoke up. “So...was that good for you?” He asked sheepishly. 
You looked up at him, smiling. Same old Peter. “That was amazing Pete.” You leaned up and kissed him softly, the two of you melting into each other for a few moments. 
“I’m glad.” He smiled, his hand tracing patterns on your side, the other holding your jaw. “So next time you’re gonna tell me what you need, right?”
You bit your lip, “I don’t know…I kinda wanna see what happens if you find out on your own again.” 
His grip tightened around your waist as he shook his head, laughing quietly, “You’re gonna kill me, you know that?”
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Cassandra x Maiden----Anonymity Ch.5 (NSFW!)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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'Cassandra's favorite', the other maids call you.
You can't tell if they mean it as a good or a bad thing. Hell, you can't even tell which of the two it really is.
Being her 'favorite' does not make you immune to harm in any way; bruises litter your shoulders and sides from when she grabs you too forcefully and cuts from her nails sting at your neck and stomach, renewed each time she comes to take a kiss.
None of that existed back when you were something of zero interest to her. On the other hand, she's told you several times you're 'a thing of beauty' --her thing of beauty-- and she won't let anything ruin a natural piece of art.
If you know anything about Cassandra, it is that she takes art very seriously. Your interpretation of the word greatly varies from hers, you're sure, but it doesn't change the fact she won't easily raise a sickle on you.
Cassandra won't break you. She won't let Daniela do so, either. Bela doesn't even care to hurt you. It means you're safe for now...
Unless Lady Dimitrescu decides you're best taken away from her daughter. Permanently. You don't dare meet her eyes, but you can feel them on you, scrutinizing, every night at dinner.
You're pretty sure she knows.
The thought sits heavy in your mind while you're cleaning bloodied steps off a corridor at three in the small hours of the morning, along with another maid. Adella is a quiet and hardworking one; the two of you make a good team and you know you'll be done in record time.
But it only takes a single moment for everything to go wrong.
Adella is hastily walking back to you with a bucket of fresh water in hand when you hear a different set of steps approach from the side. You make to warn her, but it's already too late.
The collision happens at the turn where the two passageways meet. As soon as you see black robes dripping wet you pray to whichever God will listen for mercy.
Because Cassandra has not been in a good mood all night and she is not the understanding type regardless.
Adella gasps and shakingly backs away, a waterfall of apologies spilling from her lips. Cassandra rolls her neck and draws her sickle, advancing on her slowly. She looks terrifying.
"Don't move now." she orders.
And you just- can't watch this. You don't know why, but the realization you cannot hits you like a speeding truck. You can't stand there while the the woman you frequently kiss cuts away at a girl you know is as good and compassionate as a human under your circumstances can possibly get.
You react.
Before you can even think how impossibly stupid you're being, you drop the mop in your hands and dash forward, crashing into Cassandra's form. Your right arm wraps around her waist and your left grips at her wrist like a vice. Your heart is pounding. You don't even know what you're saying;
"Cassandra, no! Please. Don't." Cold and rigid as she is, it may as well be a statue you're holding. "Cassandra, stop. Please." Once impulse dies down, you realize you've just signed your death wish for two seconds of playing hero.
And you thought you were smarter than that. Ha. But maybe, just maybe, part of you wants to die, so long as it's quick and painless.
With Cassandra, though, you doubt it. Especially with how lethal she sounds when she says:
"You. Disappear." You hear, rather than see, Adella scurrying off for her life. "As for you..."
You only register a blur, nausea, cold nails piercing at your neck, over already existing marks. You are shoved into the nearest wall so powerfully you can't breathe for all of ten seconds. It's a wonder you don't hear any cracks from within your body.
Cassandra is on you, her fingers harsh on your chin and breath chilly on your lips. "Good pets don't bark against their own masters. What made you so bold, hm?"
You don't answer, too busy summoning your mental strength for what comes next. The way her eyes and the lines of her pretty face have hardened, she looks nothing like the flirty girl who comes to steal kisses from you at random times during the night.
"Maybe I've been too nice to you. The first time you call my name and it's for some other maid?"
She looks like she wants to let out a bitter laugh, break something and slice you into stripes simultaneously. And then you realize; Cassandra is jealous.
It doesn't get any worse than that.
"Maybe I should make sure you never say anything again." The corner of her lips curls up in dark amusement as she talks. "You don't talk much, anyway."
Well. She did say she wouldn't let anyone ruin your looks. Never promised anything about what's on the inside.
You're shaking, even if her grasp doesn't leave much room to do so. Your brain is restlessly trying to come up with something to get you out of this mess-
"I'm of way more use to you with my tongue intact." you somehow manage to speak without stuttering. It makes you wonder where the hell this confidence came from.
Cassandra stills for a moment. Her grip eases the slightest amount, probably from surprise.
You wonder what the hell you're even doing, yourself, when you bring your hands to her sides and lean in, to the curve of her nice jawline. You've never kissed her neck before, but you remember from the times you've given her a massage that she's very sensitive around it.
Cautiously, you press your mouth to the soft spot under her ear.
She smells so good and her skin feels so smooth you're not exactly forcing yourself to kiss her. If you're going to be mutilated anyway, the part of you that must be severely messed up muses, you may as well take some pleasure for yourself beforehand. Who knows, it may change her mind along the way.
So you lick her there and suck over her faint pulse. You don't get any stimuli from her, at first.
Until her hand trails from your shoulder to your nape, urging you harder against her. It's the green light to keep going.
You put all your skill into it as you lavish her neck and collarbones with open-mouthed kisses. She's loose and moaning low in her throat now.
You can't tell why, but the sound echoes right though your adrenaline-induced system, tickles down your spinal cord to pool low in your stomach. You either had a kink for danger you never knew of, or you developed one in the castle.
Whatever the case, your fingers are working on the buttons of her outfit and she doesn't seem like stopping you has even crossed her mind.
When the robes barely hang onto her shoulders, Cassandra maneuvers you to the closest room, shuts the door and presses you against it. Hard. Your lips slide together hungrily. You taste wine on her tongue.
At this point, your hands are the only thing supporting her outfit on her. She looks too fucking sexy for words like this, half-undressed, lipstick smeared, so turned on and ready for you. But you also want to see more of her, so you let the black fabric drop.
She's getting impatient, though. Being more vocal, tugging your hand to the apex of her legs.
"Cassandra." you moan when you push the midnight lace of her panties aside and touch her. She's so wet.
Her mouth falls open in a soundless gasp, brows drawn softly. "Oh, you're lucky I like my name on your lips." she says, breathless.
You did start this trying to prove to her how useful your tongue can be attached to your body, however... so it's only fair that's how you finish it.
Finish her.
Cassandra looks dazed and confused when you kneel in front of her, but it's quickly replaced with a broken moan when you take her into your mouth. You revel in every single gasp you coax out of her, every minuscule shake of her perfect thighs.
She bites into her own hand when she reaches her peak, nails leaving four parallel marks on the wall.
You're gentlewomanly enough to pull her outfit up for her while she's coming down from her high. Your gaze takes its sweet time admiring the contours of her chest as you button it closed. She really is the most attractive girl you've ever seen, if you somehow don't take into consideration her body count.
"Good?" you ask when she opens her pretty eyes to look at you.
"It's not cute to be smug, plaything." Cassandra makes a soft grimace at you, though you can see the lazy, satisfied smile tugging at the corner of her lip. "But. I suppose your tongue has its uses to me, after all."
You gently push off the door to let her exit at her leisure. The movement makes you realize you won't really be able to move tomorrow, with how sore you already are.
To your surprise, Cassandra takes a moment longer in the room.
She turns back to you and raises her hands to your torso, then carefully adjusts your wrinkled shirt. Her long fingers smooth over the imperfections she caused...
And you don't know why after everything the two of you just did, it's this that feels the most intimate.
The same digits brush over your throat as she pulls away.
By the time your mind starts working right again, Cassandra is already gone. Absently, you trace over the weeping scratches on your neck.
Later, at the main hall of the castle...
"Oh, boo, look who's late again." Daniela rolls her eyes at Cassandra's fashionably delayed arrival.
"Surprise, surprise." Bela smirks, casually leaned against the side of the fireplace.
"Are you two done being insufferable or should I come by later?" Cassandra asks.
"And scar our ears and minds with another round of your 'oh's and 'ah's, sister? I think not." Daniela comments.
Bela raises an eyebrow in amusement. "Had a nice time?"
"You two have very active imaginations, you know? Tells a lot about you." Cassandra chuckles. "She was just giving me a massage. But do go on. Be thirsty. I can wait."
Daniela and Bela share a look, thrown off their game by the nonchalance.
Cassandra hides a smirk under her hood and steps out first, into the peerless dark.
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foenixs · 4 years
Skz reaction to accidentally seeing a sext from one of their members s/o
note: this was inspired by one of @lavenderbexlatte 's posts
includes- sub!Stray Kids, dom!f!reader, strap on, pegging, lingerie, pet names
if you like my works please reblog them with a nice comment or tag
Bang Chan
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He had only wanted to get back at Felix for the many times he stole his phone when unfortunate timing made a picture of you in a sexy lingerie piece pop up on screen.
Y/N: Don’t forget about me while you’re practicing 😉
He quickly shuts off the phone, handing it back to Felix and apologizing for having taken it. He tries to forget about the photo, watching porn and jerking off in the shower, but your body always comes back on his mind. He cums into his hand, moaning your name, quickly turning the power of the shower hose up to drown out the sounds.
He couldn’t look you in the eye for a month after the incident, worried he would undress you with his eyes.
Felix finally confronts him about his weird behaviour, since he used to be very good friends with you.
“Yeah, she can have that affect on you.”, Felix laughs when Chan admits to what had happened and how the image didn’t want to leave his head, “maybe you should join us sometime so you can see how much more beautiful she is in real life.”
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Jisung’s phone kept buzzing while Minho was trying to sleep, he tried to call for Sung to turn off his damn phone but to no effect. Getting up to take matters into his own hands, he picks up the phone to see who was texting him at such an early hour.
Noona: *dick pic*
Noona: How about this one?
Opening the quick answer function, he starts to type “you guys are weird…” when a thought comes to his mind. He deletes what he wrote, shutting the phone off like he was planning to, before taking out his own device. He searches for that secret picture he took last week, pressing send in your chat with a smirk across his face.
Minho: How about this one?
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Hyunjin was practicing a new choreo and had asked Chang to record him with his phone when a message popped up at the top of the screen. He tried to brush the pop-up window away but accidently opened the message instead.
He was greeted by a video clip of you stroking what looked like a silicone dick, strapped to your body. He was so enthralled by the visual, trying to figure out what you were grabbing onto, that he didn’t notice Hyunjin finishing the dance and walking towards him to take back his phone.
As soon as Hyunjin’s eyes fell upon the screen his face turned beat red, slapping the phone out of his hyung’s hand.
“What is that?”, Changbin’s genuine confusion was too cute, making Hyunjin proud that he seemed to be more mature than his hyung.
“Oh, just my dinner”, he winks.
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Never in a million years did he expect to see his hyung get fucked.
It was a simple mistake, he had taken the wrong phone home after a concert, but by the time he realised what he had done it was already too late.
He had saved his finger recognition in Minho’s phone before, more as a joke, but now that he had easily opened the phone, looking at the recent messages to see a video of Minho bent over a bed, getting fucked by his girlfriend, the reality hit him like a truck.
There was no way he could explain to Minho what had happened without getting his head chopped off, so he decided to lie.
“I accidentally took your phone instead of mine, but I realised my mistake instantly and came here to give it back to you.”
His arms were shaking as he handed back the phone, making Minho raise an eyebrow but he just quickly ran away, trying to delete the mental image as best as he could. But Minho wasn’t the only one that would remember the ‘Memories of last night’.
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Mommy: How’s my Babyboy doing? If you come home for dinner, I’ll let you eat me for dessert.
The messages flickered on the screen, Jeongin’s phone resting on the table during one of their lives. Jisung quickly takes the phone, putting it in the maknaes Hoodie pocket so the viewers wouldn’t get the shock of their life’s. 
He couldn’t say he was surprised; he had once walked in on Jeongin masturbating in the shower, moaning out your title. If anything, he was a little jealous.
“You need to be more careful where you place your phone”, was all he said he to Jeongin after the live, trying to suppress a laugh as the maknae’s eyes shot wide open when he saw his recent messages.
“You- did you-…”
“Did I see your girlfriend sexting you? Nah, but you might want to hurry home 😉”
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He had asked Chan for sex advice before, not wanting to mess up his first time, so he knew that his hyung wasn’t an innocent angel. But what he was greeted with on Chan’s screen when he stole his phone was different from anything they had ever talked about.
The older boy was tied to the bed, his legs pushed to his chest as his girlfriend was gliding a toy into him.
Felix could feel himself getting hard at the mere sight, one hand coming down to his ass to duplicate the feeling his hyung must’ve felt. He kept pressing play on the short video, needing to see it again and again.
He felt disgusted with himself that he was doing something so naughty and all behind his hyung’s back, but he couldn’t help the growing desire to be put in Chan’s place.
After handing back the phone, he patiently waited in the living room until Chan’s girlfriend came over later that day. Counting down in his head he made his way over to Chan’s room, bursting in in hopes of catching them in the middle of the act.
And so, a long night had begun.
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He dropped Changbin’s phone as quickly as he had picked it up, hands shooting up to his face to cover his blushing cheeks.
As Changbin walks back out of the bathroom, drying his hands against his jeans, he notices the curled-up figure that was hiding it’s face in shame.
“Uhm, Is everything okay Seungmin?”
But the younger boy quickly shakes his head, turning so it looked like he was getting swallowed by the couch.
A loud sigh makes Seungmin shiver in fear.
“Did you steal my phone again?”
Changbin had seen the seductive picture you had sent, putting together the puzzle’s pieces on why his usually chipper bandmate suddenly felt shy in front of him.
“At least you learned your lesson…” and with that he turned and left the room.
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Jealousy was the only thing that tainted his mind as your messages popped up on Seungmin’s screen. He had stolen the older boy’s phone to set a quirky selfie of himself as the background, when curiosity made him the messenger app.
Just a quick look, was what he had promised himself, but your seductive messages glued his eyes to the screen, unable to finish his original task.
Y/N: Is you tail still in place? You must’ve been blushing so hard during practice, having the tiny toy stretch you out in front of your unsuspecting bandmates.
Staring at Seungmin’s ass for the rest of the day his mouth was watering with drool, why couldn’t he be someone’s good puppy?!
Y/N: Be a good puppy and send me a picture of your pretty tail.
taglist:  @vanillaknj, @mingiibabieee, @sub-hoshi-enthusiast, @soya-zz, @coeurbreak, @mellowriting, @submissive-bangtan
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Tell me you love me, before I go.
A/N: A very short smutty writing I had in my swirling whole night, which unapologetically I ended up writing in the wee hours of dark.
Summary: Harry and Y/N are rivals -- very passive aggressive enemies. When on a mission Y/N breaks into his room he had no choice but to punish her.
AU: Rivals to lovers, dark sci-fi, angry rough sex, spanking and spitting, reassurance kink and unrequited love.
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A war between two groups. Left one with nothing but a tech base and other with almost everything. So the Arsonists raid the Phantoms' buildings to steal food items and necessary fuels for their people since they're mostly unarmed due to lack of weapons they try to use their brain as much as possible. 
Y/N works in one of the tech bases of Arsonists and right now she's standing with her five more mates trying to figure out how to break through these large gates of the villain's building, one of his most strong headquarters. 
They've to collect some data before another truck of fuel arrives for Phantoms next Wednesday so they could have access to it without doing much effort. 
Once sneaking in successfully because the two guards were too muddled in gossiping their arsess about their maiden. The building's nothing too extravagant, sleek and able to live, dimmed to an unpleasant light indicating everyone inside it is sleeping. 
She barges into the villain's room easily and almost had all the information in her hands from his drawers when the door to the room banged close, startling her at spot and the frames of her glasses fell on the carpeted floor. 
"D'ya think cursing would take ye' out of here? if so you're down bad" Her heart sinks in when his cold insensate voice booms within the walls — a heavy boot comes crushing her glasses, again and again mercilessly. 
Her blood boils. Because, what the fuck. Doesn't he have any manners? 
"Do you think I need my glasses to punch the shit out of you, you prick!!" She pounced at him, almost breaking his nose into a splitted eiffel tower but he dodged it, twisting her wrists at her back and snatching the files from her sneering menacingly —- letting her painful grunts fly over his head without any remorse. 
"Well, well." She yelps when he tightens his grip angrily, "Look what cat dragged in come little mousey we're going to have some fun." She didn't know until now that someone could be this strong as he puts her in a chair like a rag doll binding her with no escape out. 
She tries to squirm and wriggle her butt out but he just tuts standing tall and evil in front of her, she rakes her gaze slowly up to his tanned biceps and clavicles popping from underneath his flimsy shirt, matted curls grazing his shoulders. 
"Oh no, trust me sweetheart, you're going to want to stay strapped in here. We're going to find out how many times an Arsonist can break –- and for the fact my people will kill you on the spot if you step out of my room." Shiver runs down her body from fear and he chuckles, flopping onto the edge of his bed, man spreading, leaning onto the heels of his palms behind him. 
"You're pathetic!" She spits out. Full of venom. 
"Pfft, a thief telling me that 'm pathetic." He shakes his head and she's despising his audacity as if he rules the world. She could kick him square in his sexy face but the thing's she's bound to this damn uncomfy chair. 
"Atleast, I don't go on killing people." She grumps and it's like she pushed a button when his irises turn pitch dark. Her eyes widen in astonishment, reeking with fear when he leaves his spot in a thunder striding towards her furiously and drags the chair closer to him, almost lifting it inches above floor. 
The next thing she knows that a gun is resting against her temple ready to be fired, "Ye' really that desperate fo' me to prove it to you, huh?" He growls, hooded gaze following the gun that's sliding down her cheek and the way her breath wavers —- lips trembles, nose twitches he knows he's fucked. 
"Will it hurt?" If she's going to die it better be an easy way. 
His eyes soften at that. Taking in the rosy features of her, the plushiness and squishiness of her skin that his fingers feels like dipping into cream. The women of Phantom aren't like this; they're built differently to fight and kill who wrongs them -- they're almost heartless at this point. 
"Dunno, You'll get to know after taking one." He shrugs like it's not a biggie tipping her chin with the gun's pointer and her eyelids slip shuts. She couldn't cry. Even her dead body wouldn't forgive her if she would cry infront of her worst enemy for the last time. 
"I hate you, Harry. I'd never ever forgive you for kidnapping my cat when we were small." There she said it. If she's gonna die soon she better let it off her chest. Before it could hit him right in the wound he builds a shield fast arguing back with a stoic chuckle. 
"Guilt tripping wouldn't help, darling." He tuts patting her cheek with the gun's barrel —- funny case it's empty of bullets. He just shooted all of them whilst doing target practice. 
"Fuck you." She yells. 
"It'd take much more action than just undressing me naked with your bare eyes." He squeaks dramatically. Stepping away and pouts when she huffs trying to kick her feet in his direction. 
"Not my fault that you're a perv." 
He pouts feigning fake disappointment putting a hand on his chest, "You're such a grudge holder." 
"Think about 10 ways to fuck me until then 'm heading to make amends for you -- see what they offer in return of their precious nerd." He smirks, it's sad such a gorgeous face could be such evil she thinks. 
When he comes back she's fallen asleep from getting tired and exhausted being trapped in the same spot for hours, "Sorry, peaches but they don't want you back –- even told me to kill you if that what it ta —- oooh" He halts in his tracks closing the door behind him quietly not to wake her up and pads softly towards her, putting her dangling head back gently in a comfortable position and tucks a strand of her hair that's tickling her nose behind her ear. 
You're not supposed to act that way with your enemy, you FUCKER. 
His brain screams but his heart says otherwise. 
She has changed. She never cries anymore. Everytime they kidnapped her or she ended up being caught from his henchmen —- she'd always need company to make her feel less frightened from the hollowness of their buildings, would cry when they'd lock her up in dark rooms. 
It's awfully hurtful how once bestfriends turns into rivals just because of a conflict that ruined their and their families lives. 
She has been doing all of this for people who doesn't even care about her. They're using her and many others like her to build a nuclear power plant so they could become intimidating. 
He retires to sleep. Debating in his sleep whether he should just free her and tell her to sleep in one of the rooms of the buildings but soon the possibilities died when he was high in his slumber. 
He groans, knuckling the sleepiness away from his eyes. He woke up from loud the thumping and found Y/N trying to break the door knob, he winces covering his ears when she screams watching him lunge towards her in rush. 
His chocolate curls bouncing atop his head. His emerald eyes speaking with morning's gold and lips ripe like cherry. His brows kinked in annoyance and expression pinched in rage. 
"You're confident." He rasps out in his morning husk and slams his hands on either side of her head trapping, cornering her between him and the wall.
"Did you really think it was going to be this easy." He nothing but purres, pushing her against the door. She gasps abruptly aware of their height differences moreso the radiation of power he daunts that she ignored her whole life. 
"Hmm." He hummed. Eyes black with intimidation burning her under the intensity of it, he keeps his focus on her, smirking. "It suits you. This trying to fight me, desperation is a beautiful look on you." 
"Fuck you." 
"I mean if, ask nicely." His smile is sweetly honey and lethal if you ask me. 
She glares at him with blazing daggers, "This isn't the way you make people love you." Her chest heaving with his heat close to her and his scent enveloping her. 
"Love?" He laughs fondly even, crinkled forming by his eyes and he breathes out when she hovers her dry lips over his's, "Sweet thing this isn't about love — if ye ask me far from that." He's lying. He's full of bullshit. 
"And yet you don't touch me or hurt me." She squints her eyes up at him wrecking her brain how to slip away from his hold, "If you beg so." He simpers awfully lewd for her. Sure as rock for what he said with his whole chest. 
"Come get me then!" She trips him aside and rushes for the door when he pushes her into it tightening his hand around her throat, it's aching him to tell her the truth but he wants to let her know her worth. He rests his forehead against her's muttering a rumble deep within his chest, "They don't want you Y/N." Her windpipes squeezes painfully. The statement punching her lungs. Tears springing in her eyes. 
"You're lying!!" She looks up at him shattered and desperate. 
He caresses his knuckles against her tear stained cheek, "Shh, shh baby I'll always want you even if they don't — " He jerks back when she blows hit at his brawny chest yelling at him. 
"It's because of you!! You, you, you." He sighs. Grabbing her wrists and pining them above her head, "Shut up, please." His chillness irks her more and she nips at him feastly. 
"Make me." So he does. When her eyes drift up at his determined ones it takes her breath away and she knew it was over for her. 
His lips catches her's in a hard kiss, driving them apart with the force of it. Nothing gentle mind mushing about it rather pricking needles into her skin with the severeness of it. She feels the door rattling against her back when he shifts, pushing her against it with his hips, every thought of her exploding into white noise of want and lust. The dark curl of desire twisting in her stomach and pearling sweat on her neck. With the last thread of restraint in herself she tries to pull away. 
"No." He says bringing her lips back to his's. Cupping her cheeks to deepen the kiss and it's ardent as before not loosing it's spark, she slips her hands under his shirt — pulling him closer and the low groan at the back of his throat, a small pleading noise of want sets her skin on fire. 
"Fuck me."  She mewls. Trying to latch on his body like a kitten with it's dainty paws. 
He glides his clammy palms down her bum and grabs her thighs wrapping them around his waist. Not breaking the kiss but tasting ever dulcet corners of her mouth and creating heavenly noises. 
The next thing they know she's crawling back with the help of her bum to settle in the nest of pillows and he's fumbling with his belt buckle quite aggressively, she tugs the hem of his shirt down not satiated enough from having his lips on her and meanders her fingers in his hair to pull at them roughly in order to flush her chest up against his's.
"Never thought your sheets would have smelled other than sex." Because, genuinely. They smell that of fresh mint and roses. 
"So, you think of me doing dirty on this bed you're laying at the moment?" He asks mock and degradation evident in his tone, "D'ya get wet dreamin' 'bout me railin' ye' to death?" He grazes his teeth along her jaw and sucks at her earlobe counting in her silence. 
"Shut up." She gasps, probably from the abrupt press of his bulge against the inside of her thigh. 
"Make me then." He growls. Fisting the hem of her hoodie and pulls it over her head throwing it among his skinny jeans. Her head falls back and lips tremble from the effect of slap he landed at her outer thigh —-- she knows she can't shut him.
Though he knows that her single command and he'd be at his knees for her. 
When she clings to him for dear life and whimpers in his ear softly, his eyes widen in realization and he leans away to watch her expressions diffuse into manifold emotions. His nose scrunches up and he holds back his cooes for her. 
She's a subby. A cute one. 
Her eyes blink open to the sight of him out of his boxers and it waters her mouth —- her mind manipulating her to lunge forward and take his heavy member in her palm to give a good suck to his shiny crimson head. 
Down her throat. Nestle her nose against the trim patch of hair under his balls. 
"Like what y'see, doll?" He highers his chin quite smug about her staring and she hates him for that, "Pretty cocky for someone who likes staring at his enemy's tits." Her voice groggy. She wheezes a squeak through her nose when Harry pulls his shirt over his head revealing toned pecs and abs -- skin sewn with tats. 
Unfortunately, she doesn't get to stare at it for longer when that shirt comes wrapping around her eyes blocking her sight. 
He can never let her have nice things would he?
"Wanted to gag your mouth with it … but I'd rather love hearing you moan fo' daddy." He nips at her collarbones -- sucking it harshly to leave a prominent mark. His calloused hand rubs over her tummy smiling against her skin when she jolts and lets a little squeal slip. 
His cock drips precome at her tummy and her breath shudders into heavy pants when the tip of his cock dipped in her belly button nudging it. 
"Ha —- " He glides his sticky head down her happy trail and slips his large palm into her panties cupping her with his middle finger teasing her entrance, "Couldn't hear you!" He ducks down to put his ear near her lips and drums the pads of his digits against her cheek. 
She huffs and squirms for a second then moans breathily when he spanks the side of her hip leaving a sting, "Oh my god, daddy." His grin victorious and he lowers down to smudge his lips against her parted ones -- kissing her tongue and humming around it. 
She's somewhere it's hard to configure out, in between paradise and wonderland. 
"Tell me princess, what d'I do with you in your filthy dreams?" He grabs her jaw patching gentle pecks against her lips and he slops his finger into her throbbing pussy, "Fuckin' drippin' down ye' bum fo' me." She cries out trying to hook her thigh around him but he hisses slapping her cunt hardly -- turning her into a thrashing mess. She's trying hard to suppress the bitter-sweet sensation of her own body getting out of control and her glistening pussy lips flutter erratically creating sloppy noises. 
She squirts drenching the sheets underneath them and her panties. 
He slides his arm under her arching back pushing her up against his chest with a jerk, "Daddy's askin' you somethin'." He grits, propping his knee in between her thighs to rub it against her soaking centre. 
She gulps, licking her dry lips, "You–your rings … ah!" Her whimpers are muffled against his chest and he twists his thumb in tight circles to smear her wetness from her slit to clitoris, "What 'bout them, doll?" 
How does she tell him she liked what he did earlier. 
"Daddy, please … " She whines blindly searching for his face but he grips her wrists in his one hand and groans, "How's daddy gonna make you feel good when you don't tell him, pet?" He takes a kitten lick of her perky nipple. Teasing her areola with the tip of his cold tongue against her warm sweaty body —- he laps at it hungrily then creates a suckling noises, the noises, his slobbery tongue on her body, his fingers curled inside her pussy and the thick humidity is too overwhelming, she feels like fainting. 
She wants him, inside her needy pussy. 
She can't take the teasing anymore. 
"Spanking! I – I liked it when you did it, please." He kisses her nipple for the last time before smashing his mouth against her's in a fervent sinfulness and parts away with a smooching noise to sit back on his heels, "It wasn't that hard was it? Just a word and I could give you my whole world." The sincerity in his voice makes her want to hug him and kiss him for lifetime but for now he has other plans as he rips her panties away moaning obscenely gruff at the sight of her pussy weeping for him to pound his cock inside her, so ready and full of dripping honeyed wetness  for him. 
"Your safe word is clouds." He whispers in her ear. He knows her limits and her resistance but by any chance he'd cross it he'd never forgive himself, "What's it?" He asks and she says in wavering, "Clouds." 
"Atta girl." He pets her cheek. 
Her nail scratches the side of his hands that are pinning her down when he spits on her already damp cunt, a loud noise resonates along with her needy cries when his free hand adorned in jewels came spanking her pussy and her pelvis remains lifted in air bathing in the sting of metal and the throb rattling in her whole core. 
"This's what you wanted?" He kisses his teeth slapping her slick clit again and again, "To be roughed up by daddy, hmm." She bobs her head squirming and wriggling. Her words struck in her throat. 
"To be manhandled." He hums a growlish moan tasting his own fingers coated in her juices, "I'll show you what being manhandled really feels like." He promises her. She gasps a sweet yelp when he flips her over and throws her bum up.
His cock rubbing against her thigh and her heartbeat fastens, anticipating something, crimping the sheets in her fists and mewls into the mattress when he spanks her ass loving the way it jiggles stroking it afterwards to subside the burn down before landing another brutal one. 
She bolts her eyes shut throwing back her hips at him and he lays all the way over her back pushing her down on the bed, her cum trickling down the inside of her thigh, "Want daddy's cock?" He asks. Slicking the head of his prick up and down her asshole and slit. 
When she nods vigorously he bumps it in furious circles against her swollen bundle of nerves, "Then beg fo' it," He says intimidatingly and she doesn't waste a second before blabbering shamelessly. 
"Daddy … please I want your massive cock inside me, all of it." In her entire lifetime -- she never once uttered these kind of words. 
His heart mushes into a puddle seeing her a babbling mess and grabby hands for him, he kisses her gently speaking to her with foremost affectionate, "shh, shh moppet. You could have it anytime you want it, daddy's g'na fill you to rim with his cum and make you keep it there for hours with his prick still snug inside your little pussy, just made for him, c'mere...yeah just like that." He lays her back gently that her front is facing him now and wraps his hand around her calve raising it and pushing it against her chest firmly.
A series of pornographic moans and whimpers echoes in his bedroom when he seathes inside her slowly stretching her out in by inch leaving a burn behind her pulsating walls, their breath laboured breaths mingling, "Fuck you're so warm baby —-- hugging daddy's cock so good." He whines looking down where they're connected and knotted. His stomach twists and turns, his hips stiffens and he resists from pushing inside her when she's not ready but her milking him with her wetness isn't doing him any mercy too. 
She gropes his ass, nudging him to move and their teeths clanks, temples falls against eachother and lips whisper prayers of their unrequited love when he pulls all the way back to pound back inside her roughly. 
"You're daddy's good girl, making him feel so good. I want to keep you to myself. all of you and cherish you, make love to you, w'na mark you however I want." He groans eyes rolling back under his closed lids grinding his hips against her's in rhythmic pleasuring motions to give her clit stimulations and she cries out feeling another bursting orgasm bubbling in her tummy. 
"'M gonna cum, daddy!" She tugs at his roots and he drives more maniacly inside her, "Squirt around daddy's cock pet, so your pussy could swallow it deeper inside you." The headboard of bed hits against the wall vigorously and she digs her heels deeper into the dimples at his back moaning at the top of her lungs when she gushes all over his dick making more squelching, soapy, dirty noises of him raming inside her. 
She desires for more. 
She has become one little insatiable thing. 
His balls smacks against her bum and his thursts turn faster to chase his high, "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He curses nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck and keeps his hand around his throat with the slight pressure of claimation. 
"Come fo' me again." He spanks her ass and she clamps shut down at him pushing him to the edge of ecstasy, "Squeezing me so tight -- gimme more, I know you can princess." Her legs tremble around his waist when she crampies around him and his cock's head strokes against her sweet spot doing wonders to just topple her off real quick. 
"Daddy!" She feels floaty and foggy head coming on his cock for the many times she has forgotten. Her mind blocking out even the weak shuddering whimpers and beaten moans of Harry as he reaches his orgasm unloading inside her -- his cum sticking thickly to her walls and some of it oozing outside of her pussy hole but he pumps it back with lazy strokes. 
He lifts his smushed face from the dip of her neck, his own curls sweaty against the nape of his neck and he smoothes his palms down her sides to calm her, his lips brushing featherly against the corner of her mouth as she keeps on blabbering something. 
When he tries to pull out gently she cries out pawing at his shoulders, "Daddy no!" He caresses her sweaty hair back and gets rid of her blindfold, pecking her nose sweetly. 
He wants to take care of her. He yearned to have her like this for years. He has to bring her back from her sub-space before it's too late. 
"It's no daddy anymore, petal. I'll crush you in this position — " Carefully he tries to retreat but stop when she says in a very dejected feeble voice, bottom lip wobbling and tears springing at the corners of her eyes, "You don't want me too?" OH NO. This's what Harry was afraid about. A breakdown. He saw the storm coming but didn't know it could be this worst right when she's in her sub-space. 
His face pales at that. His state in frenzy and panic. 
"No bubba. I want you my precious girl -- s'just you're gonna get tired like this, hmm. 'N I have so much to show you and make you meet new people -- couldn't have me baby walkin' on her wobbly legs for whole day could I?" He cups her cheeks tenderly and smiles down at her warmly smothering her in devoted kisses. 
"Promise, daddy?" She sniffles staring up at him with doe innocent eyes and he shakes his head, "Harry sweet angel, come back to me moppet." He keeps his gaze locked with her's, gliding his thumb delicately against her cheeks and seals his promise with a kiss. 
She lets him pull out and he shushes her wrecked whimpers with his lips. Falling to side with a large puff of breather and embraces her with his arm slinged around her shoulders protectively and she hides her face in his chest, mumbling incoherent things and he tries to stay with her emotionally and physically much as possible -- assuring her and soothing her with his sweet nothings. 
"Harry." She whispers softly and his ears perks up at that looking down at her with most loving eyes, "Hi baby." He giggles quietly kissing the tip of her nose and she sniffs cuddling into him. 
"Sorry —- " He shakes his head pinching her chin to make her look up. 
"You don't have to darling -- s'okay, everything's alright." After, making sure she's okay and giving her million re-assurances because he loves to he cleaned her with a damp wash rag. 
"Such a pretty babe." He makes her blush treating her as if she's a china glass doll who'd break at his slightest poke and showers her in praises and kisses because dunno who got her self-esteem and confidence like that but that person sure needs to get punched in their face. 
"Did I hurt you?" He asks tenderly applying a thin layer of cream on her red imprints. She shakes her intervining her fingers into his's one by one and kisses his knuckle, "No." 
"Good." He chuckles as if he was holding his breath. 
"How bout you take a lil nap and I see if I could bring us some brekkie, hmm?" He's gonna break his own rule. Taking food from mess area to your rooms and taking long showers was never allowed, having lights on after 12 because of the risk of attacks. 
"'M not hungry, please stay." Her eyes half open and her face buried into his scented pillow, "Dunno. But to me you look like y'could faint any time soon." He says sternly pulling a snugly clean duvet over her body. 
"Okie but come back quick." 
"Don't worry. In a snap I'll be infront of you." 
It's her fourth day here. She came out of his room to socialize just a day before and she realized from the nasty glowers thrown her way that not a single person likes her. 
But it felt like spending a lifespan with Harry. To fill the emptiness of all those moments of their childhood together they lost once after the war. 
She got to know he's the best cuddler and likes to be a small spoon, she loves to jetpack him. He seems rather scary and is scary when he's commanding people off -- they wouldn't dare but to speak a word over him but he's this big softie Y/N likes to squish in their privacy. 
He got her glasses fixed and put them over her nose with a mishevious kiss, she was unable to not to grin when he murmered against her lips, "Now you could punch me with your glasses on." 
"Seems like I don't have to do that anymore." She shrugged squealing afterwards when he threw her over his shoulder tickling her till all she coul see was him and stars. 
It was all going on track until now when she was passing through the lobby to go to Harry who's practicing out in field, "What are you doing here Alex?" She asks angrily grabbing his arm and he tells her feeling relieved she's okay, "I'm here to take you back." 
"But they don't want me back." She grits, he catches her wrist pleading her sadly, "We want you back -- Nia waits for you daily." Nia is his five years daughter. 
"I know that … but — " How she's gonna tell him she's in love with one person they despise with their whole hearts. 
"But what — "
"Alex!!" He was in the midst when she sees a bullet approaching his way from the side of his shoulder and screeches loudly pushing him aside, the bullet makes it's home in her chest. 
It was fired from Harry's gun with his own hands that were loving on her an hour ago. Life drains out of his body and he feels sickness approaching to split his throat, knees turning weak as he stares his shaking hand in horror. 
Before, he could do anything another bullet hits Y/N in shoulder knocking her to floor and this time it was one of his people, the shot was fired on instinct. 
"Put your gun down!!" He shouts at him shoving him away with a single forceful push and strides towards where the love of his life's laying in a pool of blood. 
He pulls his hair maniacly, falling to his knees and pulls her up in his lap cradling her head gently to press his lips against her forehead, "No,no,no,no baby." He sobs wiping his tears away harshly to see her properly. 
"Ouch. It actually hurts." She gives him a frail smile raising her shaky hand to cup his cheek. 
Will it hurt? 
You'll get to know after taking one. 
He wishes he could takes his words back. 
"You'll be fine, you're okay, 'm so so sorry moppet. Didn't-- didn't know y'were standing behind him, bu –-- but s'...s'okay yeah —-- call the doctor!! Why nobody has called him yet!!!" His scream thunders aggressively as everyone watches  their commander this defenceless and vulnerable infront of them for the first time in shock. 
"It's not your fault, okay?" She manages to speak groaning and eyes rolling back from pain residing in her bones torturesly, he cries out like a wounded puppy patting her cheek to keep her awake, "Please stay with me baby, please." Her chest tightens. His chest tightens from the fear of loosing her and he stands up carrying her bridal style tumbling his way on wobbly legs towards the medical ward in the building. 
His tears shiny droplets on her skin and she nuzzles into his fragrance for the last time. 
"There was no happy ending to this," She murmurs. Any, sign of life fading from inside her and replacing her eyes with stoness.
He brings her closer to himself, "hey, hey now none of that -- you're not leaving. 'M not letting you leave." He kicks open the door and lays her limp body on the stretcher. Snapping his head outrageously in every direction to find any doctor but none and drags his palms down his teary face.
He couldn't stop crying.
He's loosing the sunlight of his bleak life he must protect her at all costs.
But, life's prize is something that would have him selling all of what he had worked for and still he'd be unable to even bring her back from cold dark earth.
"Shit. Shit ---– I'll patch you up myself. I know how to take a bullet out — " He creates a ruckus around to collect stuff, "Harry! Harry! listen to me." but her hollow anguish calls for him breaks him at last. 
"How about you spend these last few minutes with me because 'm really 'bout to die commander." She tries to keep her anxious voice cheery but fails drastically coughing blood, "Don't say that baby -- I just got you, don't leave me, don't make me hate myself again." Sad tears trickles down her cheeks and he feels like fainting imagining the pain, agony and fear she's suffering from. 
She's hating to leave him.
"Maybe in afterlife, we could have a nice homely house, long warm baths and two smol kittens —- and oh I forgive you for kidnapping my cat." She admires him for the last time wiping his tears away and tries to lift his head that's lowered into shame. 
She's so fond of him at the moment.
She gulps, trying to gasp for oxygen feeling her heartbeat drop to zero, pleading him, "Tell me you love me before I go." His bloodshot eyes snap to her's and his chest heaves ruggedly with heartbreaking sobs -- his words full of sorrow tasting the bitterness of goodbye on her lips streaking away the blood on her mouth. 
"I love you so much, baby. Never stopped. Never will." She cries at last kissing him back with all the blood she has left pumping to her heart and tries to exchange the words but it was too late before she lost it all -- cold in his loving embrace. 
"Stay…." He begs praying like he did never before. 
"Y/N!!" He screams trying to shake her alive and hugs his angel to himself with mournful wails. 
Everyone standing outside the room knows that they'll never see this Harry again. 
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fire-or-clear · 3 years
"Rings on or off, baby?"
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───※ ·❆· ※─── ───※ ·❆· ※─── ───※ ·❆· ※───
summary ~ riding with the winchesters isn't exactly a walk in the park, but you wouldn't give it up for anything, especially now that you've got john wrapped around your finger.
pairing ~ John Winchester x reader
warnings ~ significant age gap, very slight daddy kink, a bit suggestive, talk of weaponry and hunting
rating ~ T
this isn't much, just me trying to get back into writing using a prompt i saw a long time ago. it's been an age, and even when i wrote a whole lot more, i've only ever posted like two things on tumblr, so i really have no idea what i'm doing lol. please let me know what you think, and if the rating or warnings need to be changed(:
You take John’s hand as he helps you climb down from his truck, and you absently note the feeling of cold metal against your fingers. You hide a small smile at the reminder of this morning.
You and John wake up like you usually do, wrapped around each other. The sheets are bunched up at the foot of the bed, like normal. He always gets hot in the middle of the night, whereas you’re always cold, but having John’s overly warm body pressed against yours, head to toe, usually does the trick to keep you warm.
John presses a sleepy kiss to your lips, and the two of you get distracted for a few minutes, before John forces himself to climb out of bed with a groan. You chuckle and watch as he ambles into the bathroom to shower, and then you roll over and get comfortable in the warm spot he left behind. Perks of taking night showers, you get to sleep in while John wakes himself up with his morning showers.
You doze off, and you don’t know how long it’s been before you feel fingertips drag lightly down your spine. You hum sleepily and turn your head to face John. He’s crouched down beside the bed in just jeans, with a small smile on his face.
“Time to get up, baby.” He informs you. You pout and bury your face in the pillow. john chuckles and you hear him moving around, and you look up in time to see him tug a t shirt over his head. You watch as he pulls his usual jacket on, and you finally climb out of bed as he sits down on the edge to put on his boots. You walk over to your bag and pull on a pair of panties, and then you hunt around the room for your bra, which always disappears when John is the one to take it off of you. You find it draped over a chair, and you pull it on as well, and then you return to your bag and grab a pair of jeans. You tug them on, and then you grab the shirt John was wearing yesterday and tug that on as well. John smirks and pulls you down into his lap as you pass by. You wrap an arm around his neck and press a kiss to his jaw. He tangles his fingers in the shirt.
“You don’t have a clean one to wear?” He asks, and you roll your eyes.
“Of course I do. But why would I do that when I could wear your shirt and smell like you all day?” You drawl. John presses a kiss to your throat, and you shiver as his stubble scrapes your skin.
“Now why would you want that?” He wonders.
“Cause I love the way you smell. Your cologne, your favorite whiskey, wood smoke, and something that’s just.. You. Makes me feel safe. It also makes me want the real thing.” You murmur, before tugging him into a kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist, and you slide a hand up to tangle your fingers in his hair as he nips at your lower lip. You two get distracted, again, but this time you’re the one to pull away.
“Hmm, we got work to do. You gonna let me up?” You ask, looking down into his eyes. He smirks at you.
“You gonna ask nicely?” He retorts. You give him a shy little smile and lean in so your lips are brushing the edge of his ear.
“Please, Daddy.” You murmur sweetly. John groans and loosens his grip on your waist, and you climb off his lap. He smacks your ass when you turn to walk away, and you give a surprised yelp.
“You’re gonna pay for that, you just wait, sweetheart.” He drawls. You give him a wink as you sit down on the coffee table to tug on socks and your boots.
“Whaddaya think, rings or no rings today?” He asks, and you look up and see him turning one of them between his fingers. You finish lacing up you boots, and then walk over to where he’s standing. You grab your three favorite rings and slide them onto the correct fingers, pressing a kiss to each one.
“Rings. They look good on you, and I like the way they sound against your gun.” You answer. John chuckles and cups your cheek, tracing your lower lip with his thumb.
“Is that right? What makes you think I’ll be using a gun today?” He asks. You give him a little smirk.
“We’re in Texas, darlin’. You’re in my world now, and I’m telling you, you’ll find a use for that gun today, one way or another.” You answer, pressing a kiss to his thumb. He smiles and shakes his head.
“I’ll take your word for it. You wanna load the truck, or wake the boys?” He asks.
“I’ll take the boys, far be it from me to stop you from lifting heavy things where I can see.” You answer with a grin. John rolls his eyes.
“I’ll take you to the gym next time I go, then you can look all you want.” He retorts. You scoff.
“I like the gym, darlin, you’re the one who can’t be assed to set foot in one.” You remind him as you pull away and tug your jacket on.
“Why would I, I get enough of a workout while I hunt.” John grumbles. You laugh and shake your head.
“Whatever you say. I’ll see you in a minute.” You tell him. He gives you a quick kiss, and then you head next door. You have a key, so you give the door a warning knock, and then you unlock it and step into the room Sam and Dean are sharing. You hear the shower running, and note that Sam must be awake. Dean, however, is still in bed, buried beneath a mountain of blankets. You head over and sit on the edge, pulling the blankets back a little and then pressing your ice cold fingertips to Dean’s bare back. He flinches and groans into his pillow.
“‘Go ‘way.” He mumbles. You laugh.
“Not gonna happen. Cmon, John is loading the truck and Sam is in the shower. We’re waiting on you, pretty boy.” You hum. Dean turns his head towards you with a sleepy glare.
“Not a pretty boy. Sam’s the pretty one.” He huffs. You press your lips together to keep from laughing.
“Sure darlin. Now get up, or I’m telling Sam that you said he can drive the impala today.” You reply. Dean’s glare intensifies, and then he sits up with a groan. The blankets pool at his waist, and he quickly grabs them and yanks them up to his neck.
“Why is it so cold in here?” He asks. You shrug.
“No idea. Did you mess with the thermostat last night?” You ask. Dean shakes his head.
“Sammy, did you turn down the temperature last night?” Dean says, and you turn and see Sam exit the bathroom. Thankfully he’s already dressed, otherwise he’d be blushing right now. You, Dean and John don’t give a shit how dressed or undressed you are around each other, Dean cause he’s just laidback that way, John because these are his sons and you're his lover, and yourself because you were in the army and it’s just skin. That’s not to say you'd like to be completely naked in front of your lovers sons, but if you're just wearing a towel, or if they catch you in a sports bra and spandex, you don’t really give a shit.
“No, I think it’s broken. I tried to adjust it before I showered, but it didn’t work.” Sam answers, rubbing through his hair with a towel. Dean starts cursing, and continues to curse as he jumps out of bed and stumbles over to his bag, yanking on clothes as quick as he can. You chuckle and turn to Sam.
“The impala already packed?” You ask. Sam nods.
“Yeah, I threw our bags in there before my shower. You and dad all set?” He asks, and you're silently thankful that it’s not weird for him to say that anymore. You get it though, you knew Sam and Dean before you knew John, and then there’s the fact that you and Sam are the same age and Dean is only 4 years older than you, and here you are, sleeping with their dad. So you get how it’s a little weird.
“Should be, he’s packing the truck now.” You answer. Sam nods and sits down to put on his shoes, and Dean does as well.
“Let us know when you’re ready to hit the road.” You tell them before you step outside the motel room. You pull your pack of cigarettes from your jacket pocket and slide one out, along with the lighter in your jeans pocket. You light up and take a long drag, and lean against the wall. You turn and watch as John checks his weapons cache in the truck. Then you walk over and open the passenger door, and climb up and reach behind the bench seat. You grab your holsters and start strapping them on. You shrug off your jacket so you can pull on your shoulder holster that holds four daggers, and then pull your jacket on over it. Next, you tug your pant leg up and tuck two knives each into the compartments on the insides of your boots. You strap a hunting knife to your hip, and then climb down and walk around the truck to stand beside John. You flick the ash off the end of your cigarette, and watch as John straps on his preferred assortment of weapons, including, you note with a grin, his gun, hidden beneath his shirt and jacket at the small of his back. He catches you grinning, and he scoffs. He reaches out and pulls you close.
“It’s just in case.” He says. You nod.
“I know. You’ll need it.” You tell him matter of factly. He rolls his eyes and plucks the cigarette from your lips. And proceeds to take a puff and then drops the cigarette and stubs it out with his boot. You pout up at him.
“That wasn’t very nice.” You complain. He chuckles.
“Those aren’t very good for you.” He retorts, exhaling the smoke. You scoff.
“Well I know they aren’t very good for me, but darlin’, I’m not very good for me.” You reply. He chuckles and leans in close.
“No, but you leave that to me. I ever been bad to you?” He drawls. You bite your lip and tilt your head.
“Only when I ask for it.” You murmur. He chuckles lowly.
“What can I say. Sometimes you deserve it.” He tells you, lips brushing against your temple. You flush and bury your face in his chest, and he wraps his arms tight around you.
“Look at you, going all shy on me. Gonna have to get a room away from the boys tonight. I’m gonna make you scream.” He informs you. You glance up at him and see how dark his eyes are, and lick your lips.
“You promise?” You ask innocently.
“Yeah baby. I promise.” He rumbles, sliding a hand beneath your shirt and running it up and down your spine. You shiver as the cold metal of his rings grazes your skin.
“You alright?” You hear, and you look up and see that Sam and Dean are standing with you and John next to the truck. John and Sam are looking over something on the hood of the truck, and Dean is right beside you. You smile and nod at him.
“I’m fine. Just a little scatterbrained is all.” You tell him. He nods.
"You ready to show us how to hunt, the Texas way?" He asks. You chuckle.
"Sure, D. But are you ready, is the real question." You retort. He scoffs.
"How hard could it be." He grumbles, and you laugh and get ready for another day with your boys.
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Drunk Confessions
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Gif credit @sadeyesgf
Hope you all enjoy.
Taglist @nocturnalherb16 @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @mayans-mc. @baylishh. @believinghurts. @jesseswartzwelder. @leaalfred. @the-mayan-queen. @writerwithasoul . @twistnet.
"What? You better be dying, waking me up at 3 in the morning". You grumbled rolling over on your back, the phone wedged in between your ear and your shoulder.
"Your boy, he's drunk.  Come get him, before he does something stupid". By the sound of the person, it was Coco. He was drunk as well. You didn't know how he managed to dial the number, because when he's drunk he can't stay in a chair.
"Not my boy, you got him drunk you take care of him. I'm going back to sleep, jackass". You smiled and snuggled back into your comfy pillow.
"Y/N, there's a girl hitting on him". Coco warned but you could hear laughing so you knew it wasn't serious.
"Tell her to use a bat. He'll go out faster".
"Y/N!"! Coco screamed into the phone right next to your ear.
"What"? You whined, you were so tired of Angels bullshit and you wanted to go back to sleep.
"Come to the bar, I'll have him waiting in the truck for you". Then Coco hung up. You were debating on whether to go or not.
But you figured you couldn't leave him there and let the cops pick him up cause you knew Coco would just leave him there. He's not a very responsible person when drunk, you found that out after he took your dog to the pound when he stole his sandwich while he was drunk out of his mind.
Hopping in your car, you drove to the local bar and there sat Cocos truck with a passenger in the front.
"I dont get paid enough to be doing this". You grumbled as you parked your car and went to grab Angel.
Knocking on the window, you spooked Angel. He let out a girlish scream and then unlocked the door when he saw it was you. You laughed as he opened it.
"Let's go".
"Hi, Y/N". Angel said childish. He was basically a child when he was drunk. Not a mean drunk or a destructive drunk, that you were thankful for.
Helping Angel out of the truck, he wrapped his arm around your neck.
"You look pretty tonight". Angel whispered in your ear. Making you giggle.
"You look pretty all the time. Especially when you got my dick in your mouth". Angel moaned, his head falling back.
"Angel shut up and get in the car". You groaned, shoving him into the passenger seat. Slamming the door, making him jump.
As you got in, Angel was taking his clothes off. This was a drunk side you havent seen before.
"Angel put your clothes back on now". You scorned him.
"No sexy sex"? He pouted.
"No. You're going home and going to bed. Sleep your drunk ass off before work tomorrow". You told him, starting the car.
Angel put on his shirt and buckled his pants with a huff.
"I love you, Y/N. You take good care of me".
You blinked your eyes as you watched the road. Angel never said he loved you. And him being the first one to say it really surprised you.
"Okay. Thanks".
"I'm sorry I'm mean to you sometimes. I dont want to see you get hurt".
"You're not mean to me Angel. You're just protective".
"Yeah, maybe. Can we stop and get a cheeseburger"?
"No. All the restaurants are closed. It's four in the morning". You laughed.
"Boo. Stupid restaurant people. I want food".
"I'll make you some pancakes when we get home. Maybe itll soak up the booze". You tell him turning into the drive way.
Angel stumbled to get out, almost falling face first into the ground. "I'm good". He chuckled.
"Let's get you inside". Helping him inside he fell face first into the couch and was out. He started snoring.
You placed a blanket on him and went back to bed. Not a peep was heard until nine o'clock that morning.
Walking into the livingroom, Angel had gotten undress leaving his boots on and his cock in his hand, semi-hard. You laughed to yourself as you went to make coffee.
Hearing some noises in the livingroom you figured he was up. Grabbing two coffee mugs you heard Angel come into the kitchen. His boots hitting the floor.
"Good morning". You say turning around. There he stood still naked.
"Put some clothes on will ya"? You scoffed handing him his coffee.
"I thought you liked me naked"?
"Not right now I don't. What happened last night"?
"I dont know. Where are my clothes at"?
"That I dont know. You were fully dressed when you went to bed".
"Did I say anything stupid or ridiculous last night"?
"Well. I dont think you did but you may".
"What'd I say"?
"You loved me". You smirked behind your coffee cup.
"Yeah. That and I look pretty with your dick in my mouth".
"Well that's true". Angel snorted as he sipped his coffee..
"Gee, Angel thanks. Just what a girl wants to hear". You rolled your eyes and went back to the bedroom to get dress.
"I'm kidding. You look pretty all the time". His voice followed you.
"Angel, can you be serious for once in your life"?
"What are we doing? We live together,  we sleep together, we share the bills, we do mostly everything together but neither one of us have said we loved each other. Are we roommates or are we dating? Can we see other people or just us"?
"You're not seeing anyone else but me". Angel got defensive.
"So we're dating? Cause it sure looks like I'm playing house with a guy that doesn't want me unless it fits his needs". You say about to walk away.
"I love you. Okay. Is that what you want to hear? I love you".
"Don't pity me with that. You're just saying that so I'll keep doing stuff you want".
"I'm not. I do love you. Why do you think I wanted you to move in? I didnt want other guys coming in your house. Why do you think I want you around me all the time? Because I cant go a minute without looking at you. You give me butterflies or some girly shit. I love you and i just want you. No one else". Angel stood there pouring his heart out and you couldnt be more in love with him at that moment.
You lunged towards Angel and captured his lips with yours. "I love you too". Your hands went to either side of his face, deepening the kiss. Angel wrapped his arms around your hips and lifted you up.
"I love you so much. Please don't leave me". Angel broke the kiss, his eyes were glossy as if he was going to cry.
"I'm not going anywhere. Just promise me that you'll say you love me every now and then. Just to reassure me that you really mean it".
"Ever damn day I will. Every text message. Every voice mail. Every time I see you. I'll tell you I love you because I do. I always have". Angel returned his lips to your.
You smiled into the kiss knowing he really meant it and wasnt afraid to show it or say it sober.
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havin-a-wee · 4 years
can you make a frat boy harry x reader where the boys were at hazs stepdads house (yeah they are famous too) and youve been hazs gf for a while and you and harry went out to skinny dip around midnight while the boys were watching a movie and then like a um scene where the girl would get eaten and stuff please?? sorry if its a bit confusing lln
warnings: oral, female receiving 
word count: 1.4k
send me a request!
check out this new one shot i wrote, A Lifetime Of You
im so sorry this took so long! i changed it up slightly but i hope you like it!
also i would really really appreciate it if you checked out A Lifetime Of You (linked above) its my first one shot that isn’t a request!
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“There she is!” 
You were greeted by the sweet voice of your long-term boyfriend, Harry, and you bounded into the movie room, taking a seat beside him. The chairs were large and velvet, and it didn’t take much time to get comfy in your seat.
“So we can start the movie now?” Zayn peeked his head behind his chair, looking at you and Harry for approval. The two of you nodded simultaneously and he turned back to the large screen in front of him.
You always loved spending time at Harry’s stepdad’s house, mostly because he was absolutely loaded with money. The in-home theater you were situated in was only one of many amenities that his California mansion had to offer, and it was a nice change from the small off-campus flat you shared with your roommate. Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn all lived together in their frat house. It was great for Harry because he was living with his best mates, but both of you sort of wished you could live together. 
The familiar Disney intro played out on the screen and it slowly faded to the movie, which was Tangled tonight. 
The big chair was a lot comfier than you had remembered, and you found yourself dozing off within the first fifteen minutes of the movie. Harry adjusted himself to allow you to lean on him while you slept, his warm body providing a comfortable and safe feeling.
“Bubs? Y’awake?” 
You stirred slightly, your eyelids still heavy from the nap you had just been woken from. “Mhm” Your confirmation was muffled by the sweatshirt Harry was wearing that you had your face buried in. You let out a small whine of protest as Harry moved to stand up, towering over your curled-up body.
“Baby, the movies over, the boys already went t’bed.” You managed to lift your weary eyes at Harry’s words and gave him a meek smile. 
“Sorry I slept through it,” you whispered, just loud enough for Harry to hear.
“Nonsense, I love cuddlin’ with y’babe.” His reassurance gave you butterflies, your body fully awake now although your actions weren’t reflecting that. “M’actually thinkin’ we could go fo’ a swim, know how much y’love swimmin’ at night.” Your entire head perked up at his suggestion, especially because he was always too tired to go for late-night swims. 
You jumped up excitedly, causing Harry to step backward in shock. He chuckled at your quick change in mood and wrapped his arm around your waist, guiding you to the door. 
You ignored the tired aching of your muscles as Harry guided you to the pool. You turned to him in confusion, stopping his movement as well as yours. “Wait, we need swimsuits, Harry.” He just looked down at you and smirked, shaking his head before continuing to guide you outside. It took you a second to understand, but once you did a giddy feeling erupted in your tummy.
Soon enough the two of you were stripping naked beside the pool, leaving your clothes on a white lounge chair that sat by the pool. A loud splash made you whip your head around, only to see Harry’s face bobbing above the water at the deep end of the pool. You laughed as he smiled dopily at you, clearly very pleased with himself.
“Babe, c’mere, sit on the edge f’me.” He had swum to the edge of the pool, patting on the tile that bordered the edge of the water. 
You pouted slightly, wishing you could get in the water with him, but you obeyed nonetheless. You sat down on the smooth surface, the freezing tile causing goosebumps to cover your bum. Your knees were pulled up to your chest, and you peered over them to look at Harry in the pool in front of you.
His large hands grabbed your calves, the metal of his rings pressing into your skin. He moved your legs to hang over the edge and into the water, a small shiver wracking your body at the cold temperature. 
“Before y’swim w’me, will ye’ lemme get a taste of yeh? Been wantin’ this all day long.” His action finally made sense, and a wave of heat rolled through your body due to his dirty words. That heat was directed straight to your core, which was already quite wet from watching Harry undress earlier. 
“Yes, please Har,” you breathed out. He had this effect on you like no other man had ever had, and it was hitting you like a truck. 
His hands met your calves again, spreading your legs apart at an agonizingly slow pace. He was at a place in the water where he could stand perfectly well, and his head was at just the right level to put his mouth on you. He dipped his head in, starting by leaving small kisses on the sensitive flesh of the inside of your thighs. He sucked and bit over certain areas, ensuring that there would be a mark left there. “Love tasting yeh,” he spoke between each kiss he placed. “so much angel,” He breathed heavily before going back down, his kisses getting closer and closer to where you need him most. “Y’taste so sweet, y’know tha’?” 
“Harry, please,” your words were choppy and breathy, your lungs having trouble keeping air as pleasure rolled through you. 
“Please what love? Tell me what y’want bubs.”
“Want- I want your mouth..” Your words trailed off at the end because you were cut off by Harry’s harsh sucking on your clit. He had finally placed his mouth on your heat and you mewled at the feeling. Harry moaned in harmony with you, and you could feel the vibrations of his noises hitting your swollen button
“Fuck, just like that-” Your hand made its way to Harry’s chocolate brown curls, gripping down on them harshly. His hands rubbed on the outer portion of your thighs and you threw your head back in pleasure, placing your arms behind you to keep you from falling over.
His tongue moved from its place on your clit and dipped into you. He caressed your soft walls with his mouth, lapping up everything you had to offer. He lifted his head from you for a brief moment, sucking in a deep breath. “Y’always so good f’me, such a good girl.” His mouth found its place back on your core, his tongue dipping in and out of you as if he hadn’t eaten in a year.
His nose bumped your clit and you groaned loudly, prompting him to repeat the motion. Your legs were shaking around his head when he brought his attention back to your clit, sucking and nibbling on it softly. 
“H, I- I’m close, shit,” you whined, cursing when he applied a short burst of hard pressure onto your sensitive nub. You could tell your words encouraged him, his mouth working even faster than it had been. 
“Come for me Y/N, all over m’tongue.” It only took a few more seconds before you were sent tumbling over the edge, the knot in your stomach releasing and tingles ran through your body. Harry worked you down from your high, slowing his movement until coming to a complete stop. 
After a few minutes, his head was no longer between your thighs, and he rested his head on the tile next to you as both of you attempted to catch your breath. 
The tingling in your body had finally subsided enough that you could speak, so you turned to Harry and he did the same. “So that was your plan all along?” You smirked and pushed his shoulder playfully, eliciting a laugh from him.
“Well, it worked didn’t it?” You were the one to laugh this time, running your hands through his hair as he smiled up at you. You swiftly slipped yourself into the pool, giving your body a moment to adjust before turning to your boyfriend. He turned towards you as well, tucking some wet hair behind your ear to keep it out of your face. You leaned in for a kiss, but you were interrupted.
“You guys didn’t tell me you were going swimming!” Niall’s voice vibrated through your eardrums and your eyes widened in panic. Niall walked through the glass door and smiled at the two of you, unable to see anything but your faces. He turned his head and pointed towards the beach chair, his head tilting in confusion. “Hey, aren’t these the clothes.. oh.” His eyes opened wide and his cheeks flushed pink at the realization of what you were doing there. “I’ll just-” He pointed to the glass door behind him and ran in quickly, not allowing you or Harry to say anything. 
After you were sure that Niall was gone, you turned to each other at the exact same time and burst out in a fit of laughter. 
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