japhan2024 · 10 months
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elfroottales · 3 months
So, so, hear me out. Everybody’s going around with  traitor character this and traitor character that…
What if you as Rook could be the traitor? 
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zarla-s · 2 years
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Today is the SEVENTH anniversary of Handplates! SEVEN YEARS I’ve been working on this, updating consistently the whole time (unless I was injured or on vacation)! It’s staggering to think about... it feels like it’s been no time at all, and also like I’ve always been doing it.
In August of this year, I wondered if maybe I could finish Handplates by the anniversary, but doing so would have involved a hardcore push with working on nothing but the comics, which I don’t think would have been good for me... there’d be a good chance I would’ve burned out and the comic itself would have suffered. And at the same time, as the end comes closer, I find I don’t really want to say goodbye just yet... it’s still hard for me to imagine it being over, haha. I want to spend my time in this story a little longer.
I didn’t really have anything big in mind for the anniversary this year, but I thought it might be fun to go back and revisit some of the more recent pages with Gaster’s original lost soul head. His iconic look! It’s interesting to see it again in emotional moments like this, although knowing what he was feeling in each originally makes him a bit more readable. Still, not being able to see his face gives it a different vibe, a bit more mysterious. You gain and lose things with it, haha. It’s kind of nostalgic...
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Will Turner bringing peak dramatic pining
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jirachibaby · 2 years
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hunter didnt deserve this, but i needed it.
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fox0war · 6 months
No narilamb in my save file but like... hear me out.... one-sided narilamb 👀
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twinkpoll · 1 year
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This battle for the ages will decide who will enter the Grand Final and be declared ULTIMATE TUMBLR TWINK!
Previous brackets link, you don't need all of them again.
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exploring-in-space · 2 years
Posting it because I hadn't seen it here
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wasabiprophet · 9 months
no because binky Buggy the clown would absofuckinglutely love Queen
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion
I kinda want to see/read what a crossover between The Chronicles of Narnia and The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings/Silmarillion series would look like.
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Like, would Caspian or Peter look up to Aragorn/Strider or Bard the Bowman?
Would Edmund and the brothers of Gondor (Boromir and Faramir) bond?
Would Susan be more likely to be close to Legolas or Arwen?
Would Lucy be unofficially adopted as the little sister of Frodo, Samwise, Merry, and Pippin?
Would Professor Digory Kirke and Treebeard be in the same friend group?
Would Jill take up shield maiden training from Eowyn or hang out with the company of Thorin Oakenshield and his fellow dwarves?
Would Reepicheep or Trumpkin and Gimli be besties or rivals?
Would Puddleglum have occasional tea with Mr. Tumnus?
Would Mrs. Macready be the only mortal who smacks some sense into Gollum/Smeagol?
Would Gandalf and Radagast eat fish and chips with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver?
Would Jadis and her predecessors/successors be smacked into oblivion by Galadriel?
Would Aslan interact with Tom Bombodil?
Tash vs Sauron: who would win? Actually, better question: Tash vs Morgoth: who would win?
Would Bree be more likely to willingly serve as Aragorn’s or Gandalf’s steed?
Would Tirian be taken under the wing of Theoden?
Would Aslan’s Country and the Grey Havens coexist or be the same place?
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freebooter4ever · 4 months
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"just keep looking at me. No one else matters."
Dkjfladjfkladkfaksfkalfldkjfa AHHHHHHHH ;_;
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jimalim · 4 months
The thing I love so much about Survivor is how even after watching over 46 seasons (including international) there's still gameplay/moments that absolutely gobsmacks me!
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sailermoon · 10 months
I love dance sequences where both parties unabashedly hate each other scratches a specific itch of mine
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hayleylovesjessica · 1 year
All the Swiftie drama is absolutely delicious. I wish I was 26, not 46, so I could be a Swiftie!
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For the mermaid AU:
After the capture situation Kro is angrily searching for Thena. Gil is taking care of Thena and one day Kro arrives at Gil’s doorstep.
Let’s do a little more angst and sweet moments :D
Oh fuck.
Gil nodded to the fellow fisherman. They were never exactly on super friendly terms anyway, so it wasn't exactly as if he would have been expecting them to start chatting lightly. "Kro--what are you doing here?"
"Well," the taller man began, stepping into Gil's home without so much as an invitation. He pulled his hands out of his rain coat pockets. "I was in the area."
Bullshit. It took a solid twenty minutes by motorboat - or ten minutes by ship - to get to the port from Gil's little island.
"I'm sure you heard that I had a..." Kro paused, looking around the kitchen, "rather large catch get away from me."
"Yeah, I heard," Gil managed to sound casual as he said it, closing the door behind Kro, resisting every urge of his to throw him out. "What was it, a swordfish?--shark?"
"Hm," Kro scoffed quietly, finally turning to Gil. "Bigger, actually--something quite...unique. It was a real treasure."
Gil nodded, as if to offer his sympathies to the monster in front of him. "Well, it happens to the best of us, y'know? Don't let it get to you."
"Well, the thing is, Gil," Kro walked back over to him with a menacing look on his face. "It didn't just get away. Someone snuck onboard and cut my net."
"Really?" Gil asked immediately, refusing to give Kro even a hint that he knew what he was talking about. "That doesn't sound like any of the guys here."
"No, I didn't think so either," Kro faked a sigh. The guy had a sense of drama, huh? "But then someone told me that your little dinghy was missing after my catch was taken."
Gil shrugged, putting his hands on his hips. "I had some dinner at the pub and headed home, man. I don't know what to tell you."
Kro looked out Gil's kitchen window to the end of his dock. "What's the box for?"
Gil held his breath. He had built it there so Thena could come and go as she pleased. It had clothes, and food, little trinkets he found that he thought she would like. Granted, he had built it for her long ebfore all this had happened. "Well, I'm always forgetting something before I head out, y'know? So I built that for some spare tarps and extra socks and shit."
"Smart," Kro outright laughed. He looked at Gil again. "I know she's here, Gil. Or if not here, then you have her close by."
"Who?" Gil scowled.
"Don't pull that shit with me, Gilgamesh," Kro snarled, happy to storm over to him. Gil was a mountain of a man but Kro had a freakishly tall frame and he wasn't exactly lacking strength himself either. "You stole that little nymph from me."
"You caught a nymph?" Gil continued to rile up the increasingly dangerous visitor. He managed to feign his disbelief only because Thena was upstairs having a refreshing little nap in the bathtub. "You feeling okay?"
"I will find her, mark my words," Kro growled right in Gil's face. "I will find my fortune and when I do, I will have you arrested for theft. Maybe I'll even rip out one of those little fangs of hers and send one to you on a necklace."
"Get out."
Kro leaned back, satisfied to have gotten any reaction out of Gil at all.
Gil was shocked he had held himself back from snapping the guy's neck. Kro would be deserving of it, just for making him imagine Thena getting her teeth pulled.
"I'll be back, Gilgamesh," Kro promised ominously, pulling the front door behind him on his way out.
Gil waited until Kro was all the way back to his main dock and heard the motor start up. He sat himself down - collapsed - into the seat at the table. He had known this would happen--had been expecting it since the night Kro caught Thena. And still he was shaken.
He scrubbed his hands over his face before looking up. Thena leaned her head against the doorway, her hair completely dry despite her aquatic lounging. She was wearing a soft, pale blue denim shirt of his, the sleeves rolled up messily and unevenly to her elbows.
Thena came over to him, resting a hand on his knee and looking to him carefully. "You look frightened."
He nodded. He felt frightened. He took her hand in his, holding it to him. "He doesn't know you're here, but he knows it was me. And he's not going to rest until he finds you."
"So he won't find me."
"Gil," she soothed, her voice as smooth and iridescent as a seashell. She knelt down next to him, letting him keep her hand in his for comfort. "The safest I can be is with you. Even if he combed the ocean for me...I would still come back to see you."
Gil sighed, taking in the beautiful Angelfish before him. He knew she was telling the truth, and he probably wouldn't have been able to resist her either. He liked to believe he would, but if he was being totally honest, he would probably be out there looking for her too.
"We're safe here," Thena nearly whispered.
Gil let out a shuddering breath. He pressed a kiss to her hands. "No more swims for a little while, okay, Angelfish? Not even around the dock."
Thena nodded, fully understanding the restriction and the need for it. "What about you?"
He shook his head. "It'll only be even more suspicious if I take time off work now."
He had only taken the day immediately after the rescue off for himself. And even that was potentially suspicious. He just couldn't bring himself to leave Thena alone.
"I'll be fine here," she smiled at him, as if her life weren't hanging in the balance of something out of their control. "You go and work. I'll read the books Sersi brought."
Gil nodded, trying to take in a single steady breath for her sake. He ran his thumb over the back of her hand, "want anything when I go out tomorrow?"
Thena pulled his hand to her cheek and leaned into his touch. "Just...come home soon."
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malicethewriter · 1 year
Episode 15 of Dimension 20′s Neverafter is absolutely insane.
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