dizzybizz · 1 year
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mt-oe · 1 month
Hi!!! Hope you're still doing alright because you said you were writing in the hospital 😭💦 whatever happens I hope you will recover soon and keep yourself safe/stay healthy!
And I want to say that I really like the way you write about Mizu, you write it in a way that doesn't look OOC and makes me feel like I'm in the story, through the way you write I can feel how much you spent. time and love to complete a story and I really enjoyed it 😭‼️ I'm a picky person when it comes to choosing fics to read about Mizu but your stories blew me away! ! I hope that in the future you will continue to give love to Mizu and continue to write Mizu x reader stories like that and I will continue to support you 😭🫶
Also, I have this idea I wanted to share it's about the reader being someone active on the internet like she always caught the trend and filming clips online like on tiktok or some, and sometimes makes videos with Akemi! She's always looked like a carefree person but in her private draft, she posts a lot of vids if not say all of them are about Mizu or Mizu and her. There's a video it writes "Wife reveal" on top and under is a clip of Mizu doing the random thing ever, and other are videos she posts about how much she loves Mizu and there are videos of their date. No one knows about this private video of her but some random day when the reader leaves the phone alone with Mizu, she gets bored and just wants to take a peek, the reader gives Mizu the password of her phone anyway and she sees all those videos, and gets all blushy when the reader gets back she being a tease and all, when Mizu ask why the reader leave it private she just said it's not like she doesn't like posting about Mizu, she does have public videos about Mizu and her, but those private clips look cringe and stuff, Mizu laughs at the reader cuteness and after they cuddling and get all lovey-dovey.
The rest is really up to you because I want to see more of Mizu's reaction or sum.
I just wanna share my idea, sorry if this gets long 😭‼️ please feel free to write this at any time if you find it interesting, I use Google Translate so I am sorry if there are grammar mistakes my English is not good 🥹 and remember to take care of yourself first!!💖💖
Hey dear!
Thank you so much for all the love /// I'm so happy to receive such kind words. Sometimes I think I'm really bad at writing fanfics since my English isn't that good either and I often find myself comparing my works to others, but messages like these make me turn into goo and I'm so glad that my efforts are able to make you happy.
To those who sent kind messages too, I'm sorry for not replying to them in this manner. I like to go back to them when I feel a bit down about my writing so I want to avoid the hassle of having to scroll through my works ;; All of you really cheer me up I swear <3
How do I even recover from how much I'm melting ///
Please take care of yourself too and I hope that everyone continues to love Mizu too <3
Hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warning/s: not proofread, she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
note/s: username mentioned is fake
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Giggles and the sound of soft conversations filled with laughter and genuine excitement enveloped the small cafe you had decided to go to with your friend as a way to relax before finals started. The two of you had decided to go on a journaling date together and were excitedly taking pictures of your setup.
"But wouldn't it be cuter if we put the coffee here instead?"
"Let's see—oh shit the ice is melting. Could you pass the napkin?"
"Here. Hurry!"
"W-Wait it might drip on the stickers"
After a bit of fuss, a relieved sigh could be heard from the two of you before the soft clink of the coffee cup being placed on the table. The two of you checked how the setup would look under the camera before Akemi flashed you a thumbs up.
With her signal, both of you started taking pictures and videos. Ideas on how you were going to edit the clips were already running through your mind. "Are you going to use a template or no?" you asked, turning to face your friend.
Lowering down her phone, Akemi put a contemplative look on her face before shrugging. "I saw someone do a cute new edit on Tiktok. I want to try it but it might not fit my feed's aesthetic soooo I'm not sure. What do you think?"
"Wait let me see." She opened up the app before tapping on the video to show you. After watching the video, you looked at her with an equally contemplative face. "I think you're better off editing from scratch. It totally doesn't fit your feed."
"Awww damnit," she sighed with a playful smile on her face. You stuck your tongue out at her, scrunching your nose, a smile tugging up your lips at her laughter.
Friendly dates like these were definitely one of your favorite things in the world. It all started during freshman year when you had just moved in town and had absolutely no one to talk to. Luckily, your seat mate was quite the angel and had talked to you first.
At first, you were quite shy, especially considering how your hobby of vlogging and editing things was something you thought was cringe to say out loud. However, to your surprise, Akemi was more than supportive and even helped you in setting up an Instagram account just for your reels. Through her encouragement, you started gaining the courage to try photo editing and your interest in sharing and documenting the events in your life through posting on social media snowballed into an even bigger hobby.
An hour more of chatting and planning your next content, the sound of a motorbike could be heard before the wind chime by the cafe's entrance rang softly. The soft scraping of wood against wood creaked behind you before the sound of someone setting their things down. You didn't need to look back to know that your girlfriend had arrived and just didn't want to interrupt the conversation. Who knows? Maybe she was listening in on it too.
You met Mizu a few years ago in a college party. Akemi had invited you to come since you opened up to her that you were having a difficult time getting to know other people. However, the sweat, the smell of booze mixed with something you could not identify, along with being pushed by the people dancing and moving around was too much for you. Before your friend could drag you along to meet another person, you were already out the door, smoking in the yard.
Meeting someone who had the same idea as you was the least thing you expected to happen, but that's exactly what happened. As you sat down on the garden chair, you heard the soft scraping of another chair pulled beside you. Your eyes scanned the figure, observing their features.
Tall, handsome, quite cold, but at the same time, alluring.
If the night was a person, you were pretty sure they would look like this.
Feeling your gaze, the stranger turned to look at you, making you turn away. However, unable to resist, your eyes glanced at them before going back to pack of cigarettes you had brought only to find out that you had none left. Groaning, you pocketed the empty pack, hand toying with your lighter.
Though the person with you didn't seem to want to talk to you, she suddenly lifted up her own pack for you to get one of her's. You looked at her, taking her nod of approval as a sign to get one. An incredibly awkward silence took both of you as you placed the cigarette between your lips and lit it up.
Taking a deep hit out of it, you cleared your throat slightly before looking up at her. "Seven Stars? I never heard of this brand before," you tried to strike up a conversation, body tense as hell. You internally cursed yourself for even trying to break the ice and possibly making the scene more awkward than it already was.
Immediately, her sharp blue eyes snapped to look at you, burning holes into you, seemingly studying your features. The few seconds that seemed like an eternity to you finally passed and she lit her own cigarette up.
"Yeah, it's from Japan," she replied, blowing a puff of smoke out. Your eyes widen a bit at the sound of her voice. You had expected something a bit deeper, maybe a little less rough? But god, her voice was more attractive than you expected. "I...I see," you replied, instantly regretting how weak you sounded.
Silence and the sound of your exhales were the only sounds of that enveloped both of you. With the newfound attraction you had for this stranger, you mustered up the courage to speak again. "So what brings you here?" you asked, trying to strike up another conversation. She let out a soft grunt as she looked over at you again. "A friend dragged me here."
Her eyes widened as the sound of your laughter reached her ears. Raising an eyebrow, she turned to look at you with a seemingly annoyed expression. "What?" You shook your head at her before taking in another puff. "Sorry, sorry. I just didn't expect us to be in the same situation," you replied, noting how her features softened.
To your surprise, an almost unseen smile ghosted her lips. "A pain, isn't it?" she said, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Oh tell me about. I'm almost scared to drink whatever they mixed in there," you joked. The sound of her laughter warmed your cheeks, the warmth and silk-like smoothness of her chuckles melting you.
"Want to stay here instead?"
After the little exchange, both of you found out that the same friend dragged both of you to the party. Through Akemi's help, the two of you were able to meet more often, exchanging contact information and messaging each other. One thing led to another and soon you found Mizu handing you a bunch of flowers, asking you to be her girlfriend.
Surprisingly enough, despite being extremely introverted and closed off, Mizu was extremely supportive of your hobby. At the start of your relationship, you were very hesitant to ask her for help. Though you wanted to take cute clips of your dates, you'd resort to hiding it from her, taking videos from discrete angles.
But nothing really gets past Mizu's eyes.
She definitely confronted you for it which led to you explaining your hobby and showing her your accounts. As expected, she was a bit skeptical about it at first. But soon enough, she found herself watching your clips, reels, and vlogs on her free time, while she ate, before she slept. Now, she's the one suggesting to go on cute dates for you to film, for you to go out with your friends so you could film cute and trendy dances together, and even hold the camera for you. She even learned all your 'good' angles and learned how to take videos and pictures of you. The surprise on your face when she first insisted that you took photos of your food was priceless.
Out of pure curiosity, she'd sometimes ask if she could see your account using your phone. It was a silly request but you always obliged since you had nothing to hide after all. Her heart would swell with all the traction your posts got. She loved that so many people loved her girlfriend too.
Of course, you dragged her in some of your videos too, making sure that they weren't too awkward for her. Simple matching OOTD fits videos, giving her a short moment in your vlogs, and cute couple trends that weren't too cheesy. You always made sure to ask her for consent to put clips of her in your videos, making them as short or as long as she allowed and only showing the clips she was comfortable with.
Though there were times when your love for her would become overwhelming and you just have the urge to edit cute clips of her. You thought Mizu wouldn't really appreciate so much of herself seen on your public accounts so you secretly made a private account just to dump all those videos in. Videos of her cooking (and sort of failing), during training, and more random clips during your dates. There were some cute ones and some that were definitely heating the place up.
Mizu would never know about this though. You didn't like keeping secrets from your girlfriend, but this one would be your only exception.
The coffee in your cups soon emptied and sticker sheets were exchanged as you and Akemi finished up your little get together. After exchanging your goodbyes and waiting for Akemi's driver to fetch her, Mizu helped you put your helmet on before helping you up her motorbike to go home.
As soon as the two of you got home, you wasted no time telling her everything that happened. From the drinks you ordered to the gossips about Akemi's ex-boyfriend, you did not miss a single detail. And though Mizu appeared uninterested, you could tell by the way her body subtly turned towards you as she cleaned up a bit that she was interested.
After tidying up a bit, the two of you sat in front of the television with you on the carpet with your laptop, editing the clips you took, and Mizu on the sofa watching the new episode of the series she discovered.
Some time later, your girlfriend grew uninterested in the series she was watching and had started taking breaks from it more often, standing up to do random things such as making coffee, bringing you snacks, giving you a random plushie from your shared bedroom.
A small snort left your lips as you watched her refill your coffee for the nth time. "Love...if you're so bored with the show, you can just drop it," you snickered at her, gratefully taking the mug from her and taking a sip. Your lover let out a soft exhale from her nose and rolled her eyes. "I'm not bored," she argued, sitting back down on the sofa. "They're just talking an awful lot."
"Well you need to listen through it if you want to understand their lore." You took another sip of the hot liquid and set the mug down on the coffee table. You could hear her huff from behind you, probably rolling her eyes again. "I don't need to know all this to predict who dies next."
You laugh at her impatience, responding with an eyeroll of your own. Feeling the urge to relieve yourself, you stood up and stretched. "Could you hold on to this for a second? I'll be quick," you said, handing her your phone. She quickly yet carefully took the device in her hand, giving you a small nod before you went to the bathroom.
Mizu sighed and leaned back on the sofa. Though she did deny being bored, she was definitely bored out of her wits. She wanted to see fighting and cool scenes, not a bunch of dialogues. Wasn't action scenes the point of watching action shows?
Unable to take it, she picked up your phone and unlocked it. None of you minded going through each other's phone. It wasn't something the two of you did out of mistrust, but rather, just to check the random things that went through each other's feed out of sheer boredom and curiosity. The difference in content was entertaining, okay?
Tapping on the Tiktok app, Mizu fully expected a plethora of cat videos and celebrity edits to come. However, to her surprise, the account that was open was not one that she was familiar with. Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
wife.dump was the username shown on the profile. Her confusion continued to escalate as she saw the profile picture which was a flower that she recognized as the one she gave you when she asked you to be hers.
Clarity soon took the situation as curiosity got the best of her and she started snooping around the account, looking through the liked videos, then the reposts, and finally the private videos saved in the account. At first, the likes and reposts seemed pretty normal, mostly about cats and how to cook certain foods. But then, as she got to the videos, she realized that it was all...her.
Her making breakfast.
Her making coffee.
Her fixing her motorcycle.
Her, her, and her.
All the videos were edited so cutely too. Admittedly, she wasn't as good as editing as you but she could still definitely see how well these videos were made. From the color grading, sequencing, and even the song choice and timing. Each video with a cute caption talking about what was going on in the video or just plain talking about the things you love about her. She could tell you put a lot of effort into these.
How cute could you be?
Her eyes darted to the bathroom door, checking to see if you were about to go back, then back to your phone. She continued to watch each videos, a dust of pink on her cheeks deepening with each one.
'Wife reveal' and its a video of her doing random things. A clip of her frowning while looking for you, then smiling once she spots you. A clip of her looking a bit nervous as you show the extremely (almost dangerously) red looking chicken wings she cooked. A clip of her keeping a straight face during a round of poker.
She didn't even know some of these clips existed.
Just as she was about to watch the next one, the sound of your strangled whine surprised her. Setting the phone down in one quick motion, her eyes lit up like a deer caught in headlights at the sight of your surprised yet extremely embarrassed face.
"What the hell are you doing?!" you almost screamed, charging towards her and scrambling to get your phone back. Immediately, your lover got up and reached the phone away from you. "Love! Stop it!" you whined at her, feeling your face heat up from sheer embarrassment.
A smirk crept up her lips at your continuous attempt to grab your phone back. The embarrassment and panic continued to bubble through your system as you tried pushing her back down onto the sofa which was definitely a challenge in itself with a girlfriend who took a bachelor's degree in strength building, major in roughhousing, minor in being a rascal.
Several attempts later, the reality of your lover's incredibly strong build sunk in as you tried catching your breath, glaring up at her. Her clear blue eyes, hinted with a bit of mischief, stared back at you before she opened her mouth to speak.
"Wife reveal, huh?" she teased, chuckling as you groaned out loud.
Defeat took over you and you found yourself wrapping your arms around her with your head on her chest. "You're annoying," you huffed at her, words lacking seriousness.
A deep chuckle reverberated from her throat and slowly, she set your phone down to wrap her arms around you as well. "That's no way to talk to your wife," she teased, voice softer than before. You pursed your lips at her and snuggled against her chest. "You better sleep with one eye open, love," you playfully threatened, making her laugh.
You wouldn't admit it but you were relieved that Mizu didn't react badly upon finding out about your secret account.
"With what I've just seen, I hardly think you could do anything harsh especially to me," she teased back, slowly pulling you down onto the sofa with her, guiding you to her lap. "Why did you keep your little secret a secret from me though?"
You looked at her and sighed, blush deepening a bit more. "It's just...you're such a private person and I didn't want to overstep your boundaries," you admitted. "But I couldn't help it, especially when I rewatch the clips I took and you're just...urgh.."
Her hold on you tightened as you snuggled further against her body, warmth running deeper than just physical. "You're just so gorgeous," you finished, sighing deeply. "Every time I see you, it feels like my heart turns into a goopy mess. Even the little things you do is so..so...It's so fucking cute."
The mischievous, teasing smile on her face softened with your explanation. A huge part of her was glad that you found her so damn attractive that you couldn't help yourself and the other part was almost in disbelief. Did you seriously find her that attractive?
Damnit, you're so fucking cute.
Mizu ran her fingers through your hair, letting you rest your head on her shoulder. A bit of silence going on between the two of you before she gently kissed the top of your head reassuringly. "Love, I don't mind," she said with a soft fond smile. "It's quite adorable, actually."
"But aren't you uncomfortable?" you asked, finger tracing down her throat, feeling the soft vibrations as she chuckled. "I could take it down if you feel off about it."
Her heart swelled at how much you cared for her own comfort and for considering her so much. All she could think of was how lucky she was to have such a caring lover. Taking your hand in hers, she placed small kisses against the pads on your fingers, each tender and loving.
"I could never be uncomfortable with something that brings you so much joy."
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korrasamibottles · 7 months
Long tag game!! Thanks @nova-leaf @lilrobinbird for tagging me💖
How many tumblr accounts have you had before this one?
Just one! I made it in 2012 to look at Walking Dead and Supernatural gifs and eventually it just turned into a personal blog. I met two of my best friends there!! Unfortunately I'm locked out of it for now because I decided to be a responsible internet enjoyer and changed all my passwords and I uhh. I can't remember what I changed it to. And the email I used to sign up 12 years ago is long dead. So that blog might be gone forever. Life is a highway I'm gonna ride it all night long etc. etc.
How long have you been in fandom?
I had really intense Supernatural and MCU phases back in the day, and binged TLOK and ATLA in 2015 after the Korra finale (I watched Korra first and then atla, and I maintain that's the best way to do it😌) but I never really participated in the fandom, like I never talked to anyone or made anything. So I'm gonna say I've been in fandom since summer 2023 when I made this blog to post my tlok fic (couldn't post it on my old one. My face is/was all over it. You understand.) Everyone I've interacted with here is like. Shockingly nice. Idk why I expected to be beaten with hammers but umm it didn't happen so thank you all for that💖
Your favorite trope in fiction?
AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED!!!!! Also rivals coming together to fight a common enemy and then maybe coming together in a different way.....? That's good too.
Your favorite random fact?
There are vast, delicate fungal networks in the earth beneath our feet right now as we speak :) They wrap around tree roots and spread far and wide, connecting multiple trees with each other and allowing them to share water and nutrients. This is especially helpful for saplings, which often aren't able to get enough sunlight to make their own sugars. The fungal network helps ensure the survival of young trees, and in exchange it gets a share in the nutrients being passed between the trees!!!
Your favourite game or kind of game?
Saw trap.
A place you’d like to visit? (If carbon emissions, logistics and money weren’t in question)
Oh god literally anywhere. I want to get marinated in every culture and environment I think that would blow my mind in the best way. I do want to make it to Italy specifically at some point in my life because apparently I have cousins there? But then again what if they're weird and I don't actually want to meet them.....
An animal you’re irrationally afraid of?
I can't really think of any? As a kid I was terrified of big dogs, but that fear is like 99% gone now. Sometimes other people have their dogs off leash in the woods and I gotta say. I Do Not Like It when they come running up snarling barking jumping with their hair raised at me. But the vast majority of dogs are I encounter are nice, and when they aren't I just try to ignore them and keep walking lol.
What’s your favourite season?
Autumn 10000% and then winter. Then spring. Then summer. I hate being hot.
A smell that brings you nice memories?
So maybe this is weird but I really like the way horses smell? I was a farm girl growing up and always loved horses....a horse bit the top of my head once...a different horse broke my arm......still love them.
(If you’re ok talking about food. If not, delete this part) What’s your favorite food from where you were born? And what’s your favorite food from some place else?
My mom's Italian so it was all pasta all the time growing up...lasagna😭 Also chicken cacciatore but the pasta isn't the main event there. But yeah. Pasta tomato garlic basil.....I'm there babiee.
I'm also obsessed with Indian food and there's a place near me that has a vegetable korma that makes me cry.
What’s your favorite drink (if you drink alcohol, alcoholic and non-alcoholic)?
I don't drink alcohol anymore but I loooooooved rum & coke. Also hard cider.
As for regular drinks. I am 75% fruit juice by volume at all times.
Do you give your pets random table scraps?
My cat is a huge freak who turns her nose up at human food like she's literally too good for it. Sometimes I'll offer her a piece of cheese and she'll lick it, but that's it.
I don't know who has and hasn't been tagged already so if you want to do this. Do it🫵
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casceth · 1 month
hii I am a big fan of ur art 💖💖 I hope this ask isn't weird but I have wanted to post my own nsfw art for a while now!! But I can't seem to be able to do it. I'm nervous and worried that people will judge me (both for posting nsfw or also because they think my nsfw isn't good enough/weird?). ultimately i guess it is a very vulnerable process putting art on the internet for others to judge and see what kind of porn ur into 😭 do you have any tips/advice/experience you would be willing to share to overcome this hurdle? thank you sm 💖
I wish I had better advice here, I didn't post nsfw for a long time for the same reasons you mentioned. What helped me was making a second account (this one) specifically for nsfw (both my own art as well as reblogs). Having a second account can help put up some defenses against the vulnerabilities, but also sometimes I just have to take the psychic damage of a sincere horny drawing not doing well on social media (though I don't get much direct hate these days).
Another thing is if you have a horny friend/partner/mutual/discord server who you can share art with before posting it, sometimes feedback both positive and negative can feel safer in that situation. This is more recent for me but making friends who also do a variety of nsfw art (ranging from beginner to actual pros) has been the biggest motivational thing for nsfw art and even just art in general. Writers count too, sometimes other types of creatives can give interesting feedback you don't expect.
One that I don't do very well but maybe would help you is using tags, both to help people find what they're into, but also make it easy for people to avoid stuff that may trigger them, so more people who see your work would be seeing it favorably.
The last thing is just to remind you that we all start somewhere, even if you feel like you've been walking forever, you're always going to be on the first step of the rest of your journey, and the most important thing is not to give up (i guess if like a mutant dinosaur apocalypse happens all bets are off but i'd still recommend not giving up 🦖 because I am gonna fuck those mutant dinosaurs)
Anyways best of luck to you <3 Feel free to share your art with me anytime, I mean it.
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sitpwgs · 8 months
Hi Cossette! I've been spending the last few days gathering some 2024 media releases that I hope to check out this year and I'm looking forward to (to name a few!):
Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett
A Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal
The Mars House by Natasha Pulley
The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden
Faebound by Saara El-Arifi
and ooh! I'm also very intrigued about Allison Saft's upcoming adult debut!! I hope it will be good 🙏
I also prefer standalones! While there are times where I'd love to revisit my favourite worlduilding + characters, I tend to find the storytelling & character development more properly fleshed out within a standalone (comparing to books within a long series).
That's totally valid! It certainly took me some time to get into Alix E Harrow's writing - not that's it's poorly written (it's very artfully written), but it's pretty dense and the story pacing is on the slow side. Also as much as I enjoy taking notes / annotating beautifully written prose, I feel you effort required to analyse the writing 😅
Speaking of The Starless Sea, the aesthetic / vibes of the book reminds me of Taylor Swift's Midnights - very atmospheric and with a strong focus on storytelling. I've been meaning to make something showcasing parallels between songs from Midnights & sections of The Starless Sea since late 2022 (this was pushed back for various reasons), so I was very happy to post the edit today :D
If you could assign your favourite books as music albums (based on thematic / aesthetic similarities), how would you pair them up?
P.S. Yes!! I love the album & vinyl artwork for Kali Uchis' new album and I hope you have the chance to listen to Orquideas later this year! (and I hope you all the best with the 365 albums challenge 💖)
hi jennifer!!! i have an arc of a tempest of tea, but i don't know if i'll get around to it before publication date 😭 i'm really intrigued by the premise, but struggled a bit with the fantasy in we hunt the flame (i struggle a lot with fantasy/have to be in a very specific mood for it)! i haven't read any of katherine arden's stuff, but have seen a lot of it on the internet over the years; maybe i'll check it out!
i feel like a common question i see on bookstagram is "what's your favorite series" and i always struggle to answer this because i am just not a series girlie! i think the few favorite series that i love (that aren't duologies) are probably either the raven cycle, or series of romance books that are set in the same universe but follow different characters so they essentially operate as standalones! i wish i was a series girlie, but i just ... am not one. i actually just put alix harrow's ten thousand doors of january on hold on libby — it might work better for me as an audiobook! sometimes i do better with fantasy via audiobook than physically reading it, for some reason.
i saw your starless sea/midnights gifset and am obsessed. i know i've told you this before but i loveeeee your gifsets so much, especially the ones where you find parallels between things!
oh this is so hard! i feel like it's easier to assign specific songs for me, rather than entire albums to books, but here goes:
beach read: honorable mention to emails i can't send by sabrina carpenter (title track) for january's relationship with her father, but unsure of what album would fit january/gus best!
normal people: i think either sam fender's seventeen going under, or noah kahan's stick season? i think both albums have a similar theme of being homesick and also home sick, which i feel like plays a big role in the plot of normal people!
honey girl: i feel like paint my bedroom black by holly humberstone? like the themes of growing up / moving away / being lonely / figuring out your life?
the starless sea: maybeeeee evermore but this does not feel like a good fit to me still!
les miserables: ... going to cheat here and say the les mis cast recording
i'm still stuck on portrait of a thief, and book lovers though! what about you? what book/album pairings do you have in mind?
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manjiroscum · 2 years
Favorite thing about each one of your moots ?
hi anon! sorry for the late response ueue but here u go!! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> im sorry if i forgot anyone :(( ur all awesome in my eyes
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@festive: vivi bby is nice and i love the energy she brings, it is very calming 😌
@kazuwhora: kc’s honesty 💕 plus she loves kazutora and that's already a good thing 💖 and i like your hair
@p-antomime: kiki’s aesthetics 🥹 has very nice themes it makes me jelly sometimes cause i got no talent lmao
@lalunanymph: dawn is a master at writing and she is like... THE BEST AT MAKING KAKUCHO FICS IT'S NOT A TALENT BUT AN ART 💯
@dottores: the support bby cat gives is on par with gold 💕 AND HER MIND 🫶 IT'S AS BIG AS HER HEART
@sohya: words cant describe her kindness and patience 🫂 ily bby
@bunnyjiros: IF I COULD GIVE U A MEDAL I WOULD BBY GREY 💖 for being so nice and supportive of my works and me 🥹 *hugs*
@wakaslut: i miss u bby nixie 🥹 my fave about u is how cute u are 🫶
@dejwrites: ur understanding and also kind 🫂 that's not seen in a lot of people, esp here on the internet
@zsuna: BBY JAN IT'S UR PRECIOUS HEART 💕🥹 ily bby
@chronic-claire-universe: how sweet u are bby claire 🫂💖
@thekillingtimethekillingmoon: ur ran series is one of the many reasons i got inspired to write here on tumblr 💖
@riszu: bby aly i love ur support and for being a friend to me 🥹💕 U DESERVE THE BEST
@emissaire: BBY FAE HALLOO I LOVE UR NAME 💖 it's just cute and adorable 🫶
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kexing · 1 year
[if you find it creepy that I comment on your mental health notes like a creeper, please say so]
Hey MJ. I read your notes about making zero progress and going backwards. I don’t want to offer platitudes or condescend to you because i don’t know what your life is like and what you’re dealing with, but i wanted you to know that from this internet stranger’s perspective, you are brave and strong. Because i look at your blog, and i see someone who is kind and compassionate, who loves passionately and unapologetically, someone who is still hopeful. And to me, that takes courage, that takes emotional strength and resilience, to still see beauty in the darkness, to put yourself out there where others can see, to deliberately choose love and kindness over and over again.
Yours is the only blog i visit regularly because you are witty and talented and unhinged in the best kind of way, yes, but above all because your blog is a safe place for me. Last week i had to put down my 14-year-old cat. It was one of the hardest things i’ve ever had to do. I had a panic attack at work and had to take the rest of the day off. I got home and opened Tumblr and looked at your Dating Sim gif sets. And it just settled something deep inside me. I’m still a mess, but when i need a smile or to escape for a little while, your blog is my go-to. Think of the prettiest pink sky, the softest soft hug, that is what your blog is to me. And all you ever had to do is be your—talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique—self. 💖
[you said that you sometimes find motivation in fannish things but not so much in other things. someone i respect very much once said that to be a fan of / be obsessed with something, that is living with love. those who know love and those who don’t have very different qualities of life. i think it’s such a lovely way to describe hyperfixation: we are living with love]
i do not find it creepy, friend!! this is a public blog and i enjoy when people interact with my posts/tags. promise, it’s all fine! 🥰🥰🥰
hi! first of all, my DEEPEST condolences to you. i know how pets can be super important to us, my dog is already old and sometimes i try to prepare myself because i know sooner or later he’ll have to leave me. but i don’t think one can truly be ready for something like that. so i completely understand your struggle and even though it’s so incredibly hard, you’re dealing with it as best as you can and you’re sooo strong for that!! most days i don’t think i live on without my dog. god knows how exactly i’m going to do that akdkskdkks but we gotta live one day at a time and make the most of them. it’s all we really have!
so i’m sending you lots of hugs and positive energy!!
when you mentioned visiting my blog regularly and feeling a little better after seeing my our dating sim gifset, i legit started crying 😭😭😭 (granted, i cried a lot today but this is the first happy tears. so thank you!)
i mean, i do like sharing about my struggles sometimes because i don’t want people to think i’m just preaching toxic positivity and that i never go through tough times when that’s simply not true. i hit rock bottom every day but happiness is made of lil moments and i get to have many of those throughout the day as well, most of them here making and sharing things i love with my mutuals.
it’s just my choice to focus on the good moments instead of the bad ones and i want to be defined by my choices, not my struggles.
but i didn’t really expect to bring that kind of comfort to someone else and it really moves me that i can help you in any way, even if just for one second. losing a loved one is sooooooo hard, i’m happy that i can keep you company and that this can be a safe place for you, even if i didn’t know that. so thank you for telling me about it!!
we are living with love 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭 that is so beautiful and so true!!!
and you know what? i can live without being loved but i simply cannot live without loving things and people but i wouldn’t have it any other way!!! while being loved is one of the most wonderful things ever, i get to have little pieces of everything that i love in me as well and that’s enough 🥰
thank you so much for reaching out!! for writing such lovely words, they really touched a very deeeeeeeeep part of my heart and i feel floored by your kindness.
takes a brave, strong and compassionate person to know what bravery, strength and compassion look like. so everything you see in me reflects exactly the type of person you are!! we’re all mirrors of our thoughts and actions!!!
i’m sure your cat had a lovely life and was very lucky to be loved by you!!!!!!!!!!
take care of yourself, angel!!!! love you ❤️💙
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sparfloxacin · 11 months
good morniiiiing how are you feeling today?? 🥺
for today's Olli/Allu delivery I'm going to jail for committing internet crimes and sharing pictures without crediting the owners and I'm really sorry but I just found these from pinterest and need scream about these with you because I love these pictures so much 🤧
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just 😭😭😭😭😭 look at them???? also damn I wish Aleksi would've worn that black Flatline overall more 😪
also these two pics, just because I love how they sometimes mirror each other 💕
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Good morniiing, feeling better now when I saw these babies 🥺💞
Look at them!! Shouldn’t they be focusing on the gig and not each other 🤧 I also love the one from the cruise, they’re having literally heart eyes 💕😭
and aaa the mirroring! I’ve also noticed they do that sometimes, just shows how much time they actually spend together huh 💗🥺
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rorah · 2 years
I ADORE THE WAY YOU PAINT AND RENDER SO MUCH!! 😭 if its alright to ask, could you please share some tips or tools/tutorials related to painting that have helped you? thank you for sharing your amazing art!! 💕
🥺💖 Thank you so much~ And of course, i would love to (if you don't mind me replying late :'D). Currently, my technique is way too messed up, need to practice and relearn all over again bc i feel like i have developed tons of terrible habits that i need to ge rid off first. But, first thing first. The way you draw and pursue art is your unique language, the way you want to express and the general feelings you want to share. So perhaps my approach may be not so ideal for you, but you'll have the last word on that.
The way I try to approach is by trying to mimic traditional media or the general feel of it at least. So, I usually like to work in one layer as a traditional painting. If it has lots of elements, i separate each element on each layer. I use the pen pressure function a lot with brushes that has this element activated, and that's it. Everything else heavily relays on fundamental knowledge (figure, form, anatomy, color, perspective, etc, things like that) and hand control. I've learned a lot just by watching lots of timelapse videos from several artist, and the process i follow varies tons depending of the clarity of my mind and the concept.
This timelapse video from Shal E. It's a process that's close of what i generally do.... sometimes.
But there's also this one. Honestly, there are tons of methods i've been trying to apply. Digital art is a versatile language it would be so overwhelming for you if i share everything I know. It'd be ideal if i know your current level, the direction you want to give your art, and the way you approach things (in this case, art). If I could remark the skills, you should be focus on to improve, are these:
Observation ability
Understanding ability
These two are linked to one another. The understanding ability will help you to break down the information in your surroundings, and that's how I've been able to digest the timelapse videos or the screenshots process like the previous examples i provided. There are a bunch of good information out there on the internet. I can recommend Marco Bucci for color understanding, Marc brunet for more friendly beginner artist (?), and a bunch tons tbh, i don't wanna overwhelm you, but Sinix, Trend Kaniuga, among many others are big, experienced artists that will provide you valuable information of any art related topic. Even the info you find on tiktok, the short post on twitter or pixiv from Asians, can be a big help. Or you can find all of it on Pinterest. Just be careful with the quality of the info you consume. Didn't nail what you specifically asked for but once again: to help you better i need to know where you are (in terms of art skill level and such). Still, hoping this could help a little.
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matchaanemo · 1 month
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა hello!!
i go by matcha on the internet sometimes and i make art :3 not sure how active i’ll be here but i’ll be cross posting my art from my insta to here (i am more active and chaotic there 😭)!
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ interests!!
• anime (dungeon meshi, spy x family)
• music (loona, fromis_9, kiof, stayc, flo, chappell roan)
• webtoons
• hoyo games
ok byeeee have a good day 💖
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euthymiya · 5 months
oh my goodness i’m crying! i’m crying because you make me cry with that alhaitham fic😭🫶🏻🥺
reading all of that in that format and prose was so healing for me as someone who wasted a year and some months on a situation with a guy (nothing happened but i am healed from that)
i honestly would not have believed that i would be able to get another sense of closure and a healing session from a random artist on the internet about a topic so heavily guarded to me that damaged me a lot but thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart
(i’m so sorry for the trauma dump but i feel the burning need to thank you and to sing you praises)
i adore how you explored alhaithams character while staying true to to his essence as well as the MC being a delight, i was screaming and being frustrated in the scenes where the MC was in her head, but let me tell you the love confession was delightful
i am so sorry my mind cannot string together more praises but please do enjoy these ones, i love you and this piece of art will forever live in my mind (and blog🤭)
omg!!! hello your ask will make me cry this is so precious i will combust 🥹 first of all i’m very glad you’re healed! i think i also wasted a good amount of time on a man that inevitably got me nothing and a small part of this fic is a reflection of that so i’m glad someone could’ve read it and felt seen or heard 🥹💖 but i’m genuinely so mind blown that a silly little fic i wrote would have someone telling me they got a second sense of closure. that’s crazy!!! and im grateful!! thank you so much for giving it a read i am so very thrilled. thank you so so so much from the bottom of my heart for enjoying my fic!
i thoroughly enjoy a fic where reader is the cause of the miscommunication or the “conflict” in the plot and especially when they’re scared or unable to fully be optimistic about a situation bc sometimes i feel like it’s nice to see them be portrayed as overthinking in their heads. idk it makes for a fun ride and it makes the character more dreamy when they’re good at communication and reassurance 😚
but truly this ask was the most lovely string of praise you could have sent and it definitely made my day. thank you once again and i hope my future writing will bring you as much joy too! giving you a big tight hug 😚💖
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ambreiiigns · 1 year
HIII AGAIN i'm back in your inbox 🥰🥰 sorry i've had SUCH a brain sleepy few days 😔😔 got an evil cold BUT i'm feeling a lot better nowww
dw you didn't spoil anything for those films!!! 💖💖 still VERY looking forward to watching both, they look so so fun
YEAHHH i'm gonna have to like. make a list of good youtubers for all things disturbing at some point (i haven't found that many for movies specifically BUT i've found a few good ones for like. internet stuff, PSAs + adverts (of course) etc.) and when i do, you will be getting that list first 💕💕💕
SO. i watched the first hellraiser. i also did postpone seeing that movie for a long time bc it seemed a bit sci-fi-y and in general i don't vibe with sci-fi BUT. it is definitely an entertaining watch so i'd recommend it on that front! it did make me laugh a good few times too thanks to my deeply stupid sense of humour combined with some of the sfx (one scene in particular comes to mind but i will not spoil it dw<3)
OH DAMN Ginger Snaps and House of Wax are two films on my to-watch list in fact!! 👀👀👀 also i keep seeing Pearl EVERYWHERE so let me know if that one's worth watching, i have wondered about it 👁👁
and MAN i need to fix my film schedule too, this year i was planning to sit down and watch at least one film a week, but that schedule's already gone off track 😔😔 may try and get it back on track today because if i have time i'm hoping to watch Tusk!!
ANYWAY hope you're having a great day!!!!💖💖💖🥰🥰🥰
nooo it's ok i'm glad you're feeling better 😭😭😭 i hope you did sleepy and rest zzzzz in fact i'll take a nap after i answer this zzzzz
>:)) yesssss list list list
ARRRGH NOW I WANNA KNOW WHAT SCENE SOOOO BADDDD UGHHH OK. hellraiser added to my list. i wonder how many of them are worth watching but i'll cave in and watch At Least the first one sometime soon hopefully
GINGER SNAPS AND HOUSE OF WAX AUSGGEHHHGHHHHH..... THE POWER THEY HAVE i'm so SO excited for you to watch them whenever you do i feel like you'd really enjoy them ahh pearl is absolutely insane. def on that hereditary/midsommar train of thought lmao but it's REALLY good i really love love love it the performances.... insane...... i Easily liked it so so much more than x it was outstanding to me frfr it's giving martin 1977 w the character study over plot situation it's sort of giving texas chainsaw firefly trilogy In A Weird Way it's bright and colorful visually almost cartoonishly so it's giving re-animator IDK it makes me think of a lot of Classics it feels familiar it feels like it fits in w those so well for such a recent movy and i do love to see it. i cannot express it enough. go girl
manifesting a great day for you too 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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goretzkastits · 2 years
Hello Jade 🙂💖
I admire you greatly and kind of see you as my internet big sister and right now, I need big sister advice. I seem to be stuck in a toxic friendship. Do you have any advice on how to deal with that? Because I don’t know where and how to start.
Oh my god, you're gonna make me cry😭❤️ Honored to be your online big sister. First of all, I'm sorry you're going through that. I think I might need a little bit more info to give you some good advice, like what exactly is this person doing/not doing that makes the friendship seem toxic? What I can say in general is that sometimes it's difficult to cut ties with someone that's not good for you anymore if you've been friends for a long time. Sometimes we just outgrow people, sometimes they actively do things that are hurtful. Either way, if you feel like the friendship isn't good for you anymore, it's best to end it. I think the best thing to do in that situation is to have an honest conversation with that person and tell them how you feel and that you can't be their friend anymore. That might be painful for both of you, but it's better than to just ghost them
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cutemeat · 2 years
no you’re so right for that, op was honestly being rude and probably didn’t expect you to see it (altho i see that they did tag it as sunny so maybe they just don’t care). when i started out, the ppl of this fandom have always been so unapologetically vocal abt their theories and interpretations, and it was so welcoming to me to see that everyone was having fun rambling into the void, knowing that we care enough abt each others’ ideas that even if we don’t always agree, we Get it. like that’s what sunnblr is for, pardon the brainrot but it comes with the territory. you were one of my first (and also only lol) sunny mutuals and i know for a fact i didn’t used to share my thoughts the way i do now before following ppl like you. PLEASE keep rambling, it is good for the soul
thank u Danny!! 🐀💘
it means a lot more to me that I have had that kind of impact where anyone feels more unapologetic n enthusiastic abt talking abt their interests n interpretations n theories! cuz I care so deeply abt that n think (esp cuz this is a space all about enthusiasm n hobbies) it is so fun to hav a place where ppl can do that!! (obv we should be mindful depending on subject matter, but just general rambling abt shit is, as u said, good for the soul 😌😌) U are also just such a creative person n i rlly admire yr style n yr skill u are just so thoughtful and intelligent so u Should be so loud n proud abt those things!! u are such a treasure n ily!!
I hold no grudge against op, cuz i do recognize this kind of thing is just apart of a larger pattern I’ve seen forever since using the internet where a lot of the internet likes to preach abt de-stigmatization n mental health awareness… but unfortunately the internet doesn’t rlly create platforms that are conducive to actually keeping that kind of thing in mind and practicing it effectively. ik that most times (since this is a problem that started in the real world n sure as hell hasnt been solved any better lmao), that unless you are just experiencing palatable symptoms like depression or anxiety… u are opening yrself up to that kind of thing, n i know that just comes with the territory of being mentally ill and havin any public account. im sure its even somewhere in the fine print of the terms n conditions that no one ever reads LOL. i try to brush it off, but it is still hurtful sometimes and so that’s why I left that reply to just explain where i’m coming from and why i left those tags in the first place. cuz again they dont know me and idk them so its not anything personal! but again ik thats sorta the game u play when u post anything yknow? like for all anonymity’s benefits, there are cons like ppl don’t Know i experience manic type symptoms or fixate excessively if they dont know me or follow me, esp when i don’t leave that stuff in my bio anymore or always post abt it so they Don’t Know. and it’s just generally very prevalent to see someone saying Wild Shit n immediately be like ‘wtf?’ n post it without rlly giving it much thought. I mean, I’ve probably done that before myself w/o rlly giving a second thought to what I was doing 😭. so I try not to take it too personally n hope ppl will be sympathetic if they do see the other person’s side of things, at least!
But again I do rlly appreciate u sending this cuz it was still very reassuring and again im rlly happy u feel more inclined to share ur thoughts after following me cuz again u are so thoughtful n passionate n i still love reading ur posts n seeing ur art abt anything u are interested in even when its not Sunny stuff, theres always so much detail in everything u do its incredible! 💖 and dont worry abt me cuz i def dont plan on stopping the rambling myself anytime soon BSJDBDJ
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joyandeggs · 3 years
Hey! I love your knuckle and shoot hc’s so much! There’s isn’t enough love for my boys on the internet and you’re doing the world a service 😭 if you’re still taking requests, could you do hc’s for what both knuckle and shoot’s ideal date would look like? Thank you so much!!!
Oh goodness, thank you!! So much! ❤ I am just a silly woman who writes silly things. And absolutely fawns over Shoot obsessively. 😌😳💞 Everyone can ignore that last one, it gets annoying I'm sure.
💖 Ideal Dates 💖
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Knuckle Bine
Outdoor dates. Knuckle enjoys going outside, he isn't really keen on being cooped up indoors too often, unless if he isn't feeling well. One of his favorite things is exercising and keeping himself in good shape, so of course, he likes hiking! Or just taking a walk through nature. Very much loves camping, despite basically doing that on missions. If his date is comfortable with going outside and getting fresh air, he's so happy.
Night on the town. This could be from checking out different shops to going out to eat at a nice restaurant to exploring the entire town. Knuckle has the money to take his date out, and he's up for whatever if he's taking them for a night on the town. Whatever they'd like! Knuckle would end up buying a small gift or some treats if they eyed them in the store, even if they assure him he doesn't have to do that.
Long walks on the beach. Okay, look... As cliche as it sounds...Knuckle enjoys the beach. Even he knows how cheesy it sounds when you say it out loud. But! He doesn't get to see the ocean or lakes too often, he enjoys talking a walk along the sand and watching the waves along the water. The beach date itself can be quite romantic! 😍
Going to the movies. Knuckle likes movies, so of course he's gonna be offering a date to the movie theater! There's something fun about it, enjoying some tasty popcorn and getting to see what a new movie is all about.
Takeout hangout. Like with anyone, there are just days where you're not up to doing anything. Knuckle will have no energy sometimes. Being a Hunter and trying to stay active is draining. But if his date is feeling the same way, or down in the dumps over something lately, he'll suggest ordering pizza or some takeout from a favorite place and just spend the entire night hanging out with them. He doesn't care. Frankly, he'll want to do it more often.
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Shoot McMahon
Stay at home dates. When it comes to Shoot, he is comfortable with having more of the stay at home dates. Especially if his date actually lived with him! Cooking a nice meal together, hanging out in the living room, relaxing on the couch or in bed for the rest of the day or night. It's so nice. Even if they ended up ordering takeout or whatever, he would still like it a lot.
Binge watching nights. I say binge watching, but literally this could be just watching movies, a series, some documentaries... Whatever his date is fine with, Shoot is fine with. Shoot enjoys watching ghost shows and everything, so some dates he'll want to show them what he's been watching. Even if there are some bad ones... It's something they can both laugh about.
Self-care nights / Mental health days. Shoot wouldn't really consider these as dates, but...whenever he and his date started hanging out a lot, and there are times where they weren't in a great mood, or something was bothering them, they started just...having almost like spa nights. And now, they're officially date nights for them. Him and his date would absolutely do the little face masks, if his date had them. Shoot doesn't care. Do each other's hair, just talk and hang out... It's super lazy, but it's very nice and relaxing. It's like whenever you'd have a sleepover with a good friend and have those late night talks and just enjoy each other's company in the quiet until three in the morning. ❤ And these could easily be the stay at home dates as well, if they just don't feel like doing anything and need to take their mind off of things for a while.
A stroll through town. Shoot doesn't mind at all just walking through town with his date. They'd go out to eat, maybe check out some shops or grab a treat before they leave. A simple date.
Picnic in the park. Oh, Shoot would enjoy a nice picnic. The idea is sweet to him, if his date would be up for it. Just going out and getting fresh air, without the thoughts of work or any troubles. The most romantic of the list of dates for sweet Shoot.
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jayflrt · 2 years
ahhhh i think tumblr ate it but i was just saying how i noticed deceit was released and i'll use as motivation when i finish some big tests this week (i will literally start reading it the second i hand in my last test on friday)
and omg manifesting the digipacks for you !🕯
cb shows for me are usually either at like 4/5am (depending on daylight savings) or 8/9am which is when i need to be in school at so </3 there's enough clips going around for me to know the main parts tho so im not too worried abt missing them haha 😅 DURING THE SUMMER THO i make sure to watch it (since i only dont sleep at normal hours then anyways ahsjjf) i watched tbz's cb show for thrill ride and maverick ✨️ thought they were on naver live so the video was like vertical and i didnt like that 👎
well besides the tests i have this week im doing pretty well! i also recently joined my school's prom committee so we're planning for that and its very exciting since it'll be the first in person even we can host since the pandemic 😭! (i also need to find a prom dress and i dont want to break the bank yet in case there's a world tour or smth)
i also just saw the multiple cases of plagiarism and it genuinely upsets me so much how people cant respect other's intellectual property (it also freaking happens like every week in here or smth like what 😭😭) but that last one was rly fishy bc they found it so fast;;; it rly sometimes does feel like people just do it on purpose for fun with a new blog and make people feel like shit and just deactivate and thats so 👺👺 its just a low move like have people rly not. have anything better to do 😭
AND ITS MONDAY boooo (well tuesday since its past midnight for me) lets hope the rest of the week can go on peacefully 🤧 i hope everything else is well on your end too (besides the situation mentioned above)
- 🌻
I THINK IT DID EAT IT :((( because im seeing the wrong number in my ask box for the number of asks i can see in it,, like it won't show up even tho there's supposed to be more :(( AHH GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR TESTS THO 🤧 SCREW DECEIT IT CAN WAIT <333 so does that mean your exams are over tomorrow ?? :o 
im so nervous for the digipacks HAHAH like i dont mind any member i get BUT IM SO IMPATIENT I WANT IT NOW >:(( omg tbh i like watching comeback shows more than award shows so i like staying up to watch them 🥰 but it's not the end of the world if i miss it bc ppl record + upload clips HAHAH i even watched a whole treasure comeback show live with addy when i didnt even stan treasure 😭 HELP and for enha i remember she facetimed me so i could show her their live on my phone when i had no idea who they were 💀 
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now i would definitely defend that deformed heart with my life 💀
tbh my non engene days were so funny i had no idea who those boys were LMFAO and i dont think ive watched a tbz comeback show actually omg,, maybe i will have to sacrifice some sleep for changmin and jacob <333 
ALSO HAVE FUN WITH PROM COMMITTEE !! that sounds so fun actually omg D; i hope it's a good experience for you !! 💗 omg prom dress shopping is so exciting :'') what color/style were you thinking of ?? my gown was pink i loved it so much 💖 
and right,,, these recent plagiarism cases have been making me rlly suspicious and kinda sick :// i seriously hope people grow up and realize that internet clout ultimately amounts to absolutely nothing. plagiarizing people's work..... how low are you going to stoop for a few notes 😞 also i was a little tipsy when i saw the ask that i got plagiarized LMFAO i was literally telling addy why couldnt they plagiarize me when i was sober 😭 but on a more serious note about that ask..... it was literally 10 min after the fic was posted and the account was new and not visible and the post didnt show in the tags so im VERY confused :/ 
but i hope the rest of your week is smooth sailing love !! and good luck on those exams again 🥰 thank you for such kind words HAHAH i think it'll be a good weekend !! just busy :'') hope you have a wonderful day/night <33 
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