#its so incredibly wild to me that anyone at all reached out and im gonna keep all the responses close to my heart and AH BD FJKWHFJEBWKFKFNW
dizzybizz · 1 year
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majorproblems77 · 1 year
So a couple times a year my brain decides to get stuck on the Song of Healing (version by Tara St Michel https://tarastmichel.com/lyrics/?p=32) and combining with the ouch that is Unraveling comes this brain worm
Sky fought the hold (it was taking Warriors, Twilight, Wild, and Four to keep him even that still). Ozone was building in the air, the smell sickeningly sweet. Wind was keeping the gales from the Chosen at bay, as much as he could. The little Sailor’s nose had started bleeding with the sheer effort of this battle of wills. Wind himself hadn’t noticed yet, face screwed up in concentration of diverting Sky’s growing storm.
“Do something!” Wild pleaded with Hyrule. Sky jerked and almost tore himself free. Hyrule was calling his magic, but this...poison extended beyond fairy magic to heal. Sky pleaded once more for the demon he saw in Time’s place to ‘let him fall to silence.’
The ocarina song he could hear from the Master Sword changed its melody and offered a solution.
Day to night, dark to light,
Fall the sands of time.
Let the years, like the gears
Of a clock, unwind.
The Song of Healing. A melody to free a tormented soul. He... he couldn’t do that! Sky was in pain, had been for months. It was his fault. But this was one of his boys! He couldn’t risk losing the Chosen Hero.
In your mind walk through time
Back to better days.
Memories, like a dream,
Wash tears away.
Maybe the melody could do what the sword could not? Maybe the fractured soul could be reached?
Cast away your old face,
Let go of your spite.
With this mask I’ll ask
To borrow your light.
Damn it all! He needed to fix this, to have a chance to make it up to Sky. Not...not what the Chosen seemed to desire in his plea for silence. The boys lost their grip on the Chosen right as Time put the instrument to his lips and joined Fi’s melody on the next stanza
With this song, bring no wrong
Lift me from this curse.
Let this form, like a storm,
Fade and disperse
Sky froze at the melody. The tearing winds only just cushioned by their youngest’s own gifts abruptly fell still. Time took a frantic gasp for air and continued.
In your mind walk through time
Back to brighter days.
Days filled with ways that could
Chase fears away.
Sky sank to his knees, the fight suddenly gone. The malice-filled orange in his eyes flickered, for just a moment allowing the crystal blue to return. Crystal blue filled with tears.
Like the sun shining bright,
Light will soon find you.
Bringing a promise that
You’ll be okay.
They could work through it, as long as they all lived through this. He would hold to that promise.
Cast away all your fears,
Follow your heart.
With this mask I’ll ask
To grant a new start.
And with that final strain of melody, Sky fully collapsed. A mask clattered to the ice as it fell off Sky’s face. Orange, hate-filled eyes stared out of malice-tinted fractures mirroring Sky’s lightning scars. Time’s shaking legs gave out. Producing a mask of his own meager magic reserves had drained him beyond exhaustion.
“Is he breathing?” Was Time’s only question as Warriors got to Sky first. The boys all seemed to hold their breath as Warriors carefully turned Sky to check.
“Breathing, got a heartbeat. He’s still alive.”
Time dragged himself to Sky’s side, ignoring the others’ protests and gathered the boy into his arms.
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*Deep breath*
Holy hell... I'm crying...(/pos) this is amazing.
I'm at a loss for words, this is stunning. I won't lie it's taken me a solid 20 minutes to be able to formulate a response because I'm just so stunned.
For several reasons
1. This is written incredibly well. I've not heard the peice directly but I can hear it in the written words.
2. I'm stunned that you'd take time out for your day to write something for a piece of work I've made. Im incredibly humbled. Holy shit. Like. Oh man I'm gonna start crying again. (/pos)
3. Its the first time anyone's done something like this for a piece of work I've created. It's such an amazing feeling.
Now if you'll excuse me. I've gotta go cry some more,(/pos) then write some more Unravelling. (With a sprinkle of whumptober)
Just. Thank you so much. It means so much to me that you'd take time to write this.
You are an amazing human being. And have made my week.
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worminstuff · 4 years
The Balcony of the Treehouse pt.3
sleepy bois x reader au
“I want to preface this, I do love you all so much, but I'm incredibly disappointed.” Phil stared at the 4 kids in front of him. He knew his words struck as deep as they would to any kid hearing that from an adult important to them. Especially Techno, he strived to make Phil proud even more than Will. Y/n on the other hand, he wasn't sure of. She often was a chaotic wild card, and she didn't get much parenting from anyone other than him from what he's seen over the many years. Phil believes he's disciplined her more than her own guardians, and she listens to him. But she's also gotten herself in many tough situations all the same.
She's not necessarily his own, but he treats her as if she were.
Out of Techno and Y/n she was definitely not the mediator. The only time he's seen her relatively responsible, is when it comes to being home alone, and interacting with Tommy. Which both impressed him greatly, but not enough per say.
“I know all of you are stubborn, some more than others,” he directed his gaze to Techno, whos eyes seemed to hold more self loath than before, “but unless you all talk even a bit, it's only going to get worse.” he turned to Y/n and placed a hand to her shoulder, “i want you around. I know you don't tell me everything I should know, especially about home, but I know enough and I see enough. I want you here with us when you need us. And we need you too.” he watched as her eyes welled up with tears.
Y/n turned her head slightly to glance at Techno, who was finally looking at her for the first time since the night prior.
She watched his lip give a small wobble as his eyes seemed to fight back a bit of tears.
“He's not wrong.” Techno mumbled out.
Y/ns brows furrowed, “why would you need me?”
Techno looked at Tommy in Y/ns lap not wanting to look at her. Tommy realized he was looking at him, and upon seeing Technos teary eyes Tommys started to get a bit watery even.
“You're my only friend.. Who's gonna sit with me in the treehouse? Who's gonna listen to me ramble? I wouldn't get good morning hugs..i wouldn't get anything you do for me on a daily basis and i don't wanna think of that.” his voice was barely audible but Y/n could hear him. She felt a tear run down her cheek. Tommy looked up at her too, now wondering why everyone was crying. His face started to contort in baby-like sadness, smacking a hand on her leg, but not harsly. He was reaching up at her face. Y/n looked down at Tommy and her heart melted, she leaned down slightly and he set a small hand on her face.
“No more crying!” Tommy didnt often speak, he very much could, pretty well sometimes, he was just more physical usually when conveying his thoughts. Which made this situation all the more meaningful.
Phil was the only one who had looked at Wilbur yet, who was sitting silently watching Y/n and his little brothers, Wilbur had more tears on his cheeks than all of them. Well maybe not Tommy, but he was rivaling him.
Wilbur was realizing how Y/n really meant to Techno. But all the same, he was realizing how much she meant to him too. She was everything to him since he was 12 and realized he liked her. Since he was 15 and realized he loved her.
“Even Tommy needs you. Trust me, we all do.” wilbur said softly. Y/n looked over to him, her eyes softening, her heart hurt for him. Wilbur was really getting the worst of this situation.
Before she could say anything, he spoke again, “Techno i know you don't like how i feel but we're both being selfish. It very much isn't our decision to make for her.” he said to Techno but quickly looked back to her, after wiping away a tear, “not that i want to force a decision on you any time soon,” she nodded as she rubbed tommys back to calm him a bit.
“I just..it's..she's my Y/n” Techno looked at Wilbur, it was the first thing he'd said to him through all of this, and everyone was a bit taken aback.
“Your?” Y/n said, the most taken aback.
“I know that sounds bad but, but it's been us since..since forever!” his voice cracked slightly, he looked at her, “were us! Y/n and Techno! You're my person!” he was getting angry, “and you!” he looked to wilbur, “and you're my brother! You shouldn't get to try to take that away!” his face was growing red.
“That's not what i want! I don't want to steal her, she decides how she spends her time not me! If she wants to spend time with me shouldn't she be allowed to?” wilbur scowelled.
“I don't like this at all'' Y/n mumbled towards phil. “This is like some stupid cheesy movie with two brothers fighting over a girl. Its stupid to be frank. I think we should just..we should just get over ourselves yeah? Wilbur i..im not commenting on either of our feelings cause i don't want to. And Techno, I get that we are us and all, but I'm still my own person. I love you, and you're my person too, which is why you need to talk to me.” she wiped away all the tiers from before, as did Techno, and he nodded at her.
Wilbur was solem, he figured he was setting aside their problem as to not talk about it infront of Techno. At least he hoped that much.
“You're right, i'm sorry I was mad Y/n.” he felt entirely better.
“It's okay, no biggie.” She offered him a smile which he returned. “Treehouse?”
Techno nodded excitedly.
Y/n looked at tommy in his lap, he seemed less upset now, “see Tommy, not more tears,yeah?”
Tommy seemed to lighten up at that, so she looked to Phil who gave a silent nod and picked Tommy up from her legs.
Techno stood, looking at her to follow,
“I'll be a be up in a bit, go ahead.” she smiled and nodded towards the backyard. He nodded back and turned to go.
Phil left the dining room, leaving Wilbur and Y/n alone.
He looked at her with a small smirk, “do you still have my sweatshirt?”
Y/n's face reddened slightly, she pouted. “I wanted to apologize, you know.”
“You don't have to, Y/n” he chuckled.
“I slept in it actually.” Y/n mumbled, not looking into his eyes.
“In what?”
“Your sweater.”
His stomach felt queasy.
“Y-you did?”
“Erm..yeah. It was comfy. And i felt close to you..” she looked up at him, only to see the widest grin shed saw on him in a while.
“Well, i have a lot of them.” he leaned back in his chair, gaining a bit of confidence.
Y/n smiled shyly and stood up, “yeah because you're obsessed with spending money.”
“I'm so not!” he laughed slightly.
Y/n gave him a small giggle, “i'll see you later wilby.” her voice was soft and smooth, she leaned over the table and placed a small kiss to his cheek. Leaning back she watched as his eyes grew wide and his cheeks burned a faint pink before she turned to make her way to the treehouse.
Before he could get another word out, she was already outside.
Phil poked his head into the room, letting out an airy laugh.
“Yeah?” he said to wilbur, laughing at how shocked he still seemed.
Wilbur looked up at phil, “Dad?”
Phil nodded, “mhm?”
“I love her.” he had a starry look in his eyes. “Shes-she's-..” he was trying to think of a word when suddenly Tommy spoke up from phils arms again for the second time that evening.
“Pwetty!” he grinned and looked up at phil.
Wilbur and Phil both laughed softly.
“That's for damn sure..” wilbur smiled to himself and shook his head slightly.
Once Y/n had made it into the treehouse, Techno immediately pulled her into his arms. Y/n quickly hugged him around his shoulders.
Techno was tall, not as tall as Wilbur, but definitely taller than Y/n and tall for his age. He leaned down to rest his head on her shoulder as he hugged her.
Looking over his shoulder she noticed the contents of her bag on the floor, “so you found the book?”
Techno nodded into her shoulder, “can we sit?”
She nodded and slowly pulled away looking up at him, moving to the rug.
He sat in front of her, but reached his arms out. She smiled and moved to be in front of him, leaning back against him. They usually sat this way when he was reading, so he could either read to her or she could just sit close to him while he read.
Techno leaned his head on top of hers, and slid his arms around her waist pulling her close.
“Thank you for the book by the way.” he mumbled.
“Did you cry?” she smirked.
“I did cry. But not because of the book specifically.” he said.
“Oh.” her smirk fell. She put one of her hands on top of him, pulling it from her waist to hold on to his fingers. “Did you..sleep here?” she saw the way the blanket was on the rug and the book around it.
“Uh..yeah. I did.” he picked his head up to look at their hands. He flipped his hand so it was facing up, Y/n traced small patterns into his palm.
“I almost came up here..” she turned to look up at him.
Techno stared down at her, his eyes tracing each feature on her face. His free hand came off of her waist to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, “I wish you had..”
Both of their eyes were lazy. “Will you tonight?” Technos eyes weren't on hers, they were watching her lips, and his hand was resting at the base of her neck, he could feel her pulse quickening.
“Yeah..of course.” she tried to contain her nerves at the way he was staring at her.
He stared at her a little longer before she moved his hand from her neck up to her cheek.
“You signed that letter “your Y/n”..” he mumbled, looking at her eyes for a split second.
“I did, yeah.” her eyes almost seemed glazed over.
“You're mine?” his eyes were wild, unlike hers. Her head lulled more to the side, into his hands at his words.
“Say it..i need to hear it please..” his words were so soft, but they felt like he'd just knocked the wind out of her all the same.
“I'm yours.” she stared at him, as he seemed to tense at her words. His eyes drifted to her lips again as he slowly leaned down to her, his face less than inches from hers.
“God..” he mumbled as his lips clashed with hers. She reached up behind her to rest her own hand on his cheek, pulling him closer.
Y/n could barely think clear with the way his lips felt on hers, he was being so gentle.
Meanwhile Technos thoughts were running rampant. The way her small hand felt on his jaw, the way her pulse was going so quick, the way her face felt so warm, the way she was still holding onto his other hand grasping it so tightly. And it was all his doing.
He pulled away for a moment, needing to know how she was feeling and what she was thinking.
As he pulled away Y/n gave a small whine, unhappy with how he moved away from her. Her eyes were still closed even as her brows furrowed.
He smiled softly down at her, he couldn't believe he'd kissed her.
Her eyes opened for a moment, finding his loving gaze.
He was about to pull her face back to his when they both suddenly heard a knock to the doorway of the treehouse.
Wiilbur was standing on the balcony outside the doorway. His eyes seemed almost empty.
“Dinners em..dinners ready. Dad sent me up to get you two.” he turned quickly, getting away from what he'd seen as quickly as possible, before they could see any sort of tears that had formed in his eyes.
This time it was Techno that had messed up royally.
pt 4
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erismerald · 4 years
𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 (Norman x Fem!reader)
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Go read the all book on my wattpad!!! And btw im requests were gonna be always one from now, so if u are a weebe send me ur request please!!
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼:  Fluff and a bit hot oop/ manga spoilers/          
                      ━━━━━━ ━━━━━━◇◆◇━━━━━━ ━━━━━━
A year and 11 months ago you and the rest of the children of Grace field had run away in search of a way to escape to the human world, during this time you were hiding in a hiding place where you had the opportunity to meet a lot of other children with the same interest as you, and your family only grew and you could see the happiness on their faces.
Emma was your best friend since you were kids, you, she, Ray and Norman, were about two years and a few months younger than them and they were like older brothers to you, besides taking care of you were your best friends but... Unfortunately the affection and love you felt for Norman was different, a few years ago you had feelings for him but you preferred to hide it because you knew it wasn't right and that he liked Emma so you preferred to retract your feelings for him and you preferred to see his happiness next to Emma which was a better choice.
In the last months you lived on a farm, you felt you could lose them at any moment and the moment you knew Norman had been "ordered" you felt your heart break, the tears in your eyes didn't stop, you didn't want him to leave, you didn't want to lose him, you preferred to be taken away than him.
The night they parted was hard, it was the night you finally revealed your feelings for him.
*flash back*
You walked down the hallway slowly, your legs were shaking a lot, your breathing was accelerated and your chest hurt. You stopped in front of the door of the room where Norman was, took your hand and went lightly to the door, waiting for an answer from the other side.
"You can come in!" he said on the other side of the door, you took another deep breath and thought about what you would say to him... I had to admit that you loved him before you lost him forever.
"Excuse me! Norman... can we talk?" you said facing the ground, you could already feel the tears running down your face, Norman realized and tried to get closer to comfort you but you stopped him "No! I can't face you... it may sound stupid but not even at the last moment that I'll be with you I can't face you" you said laughing nervously
"Y/N... I will miss you, I.... only want you to run away and that my death is not in vain, neither can I face you... Nor Emma-" you interrupted him, embracing his body with strength
"I CAN'T FACE YOU BECAUSE I'M ABOUT TO LOSE THE PERSON I LOVE MOST IN MY LIFE.... I LOVE YOU NORMAN ... I wanted you to know this before you leave... I know you love Emma but this is my last chance to talk to you and tell you things with sincerity!" you said letting the tears fall.
"Y-Y/n... I'm sorry I can't be with you... I'm sorry you had to hide your feelings for so long... I really am sorry, I really love Emma, and I love you and Ray and everyone here, but I have to use my life to get you the chance to run away from here"
Silence was installed... you only felt his body embracing yours, caressing your back, until the moment you saw the person you most loved leaving in the midst of darkness.
Your body moved on its own, you ran to the forest not to run but to be alone, my body was freezing, your voice was so deep from screaming, among hiccups you shouted his name for him to hear you, until your body finally fell from exhaustion.
*end of flashback*
Emma walked ahead, together with Ray trying to find a new way and a safe place after the destruction of the shelter, you were worried about christ who hadn't woken up yet, and his health seemed weak and fragile, you feared the worst, but you had to be positive, you walked a little faster to reach your two best friends.
"So we know where we are going?" you asked Ray 
"We're not just going to follow the tracks again.... maybe we'll go towards one of the 7 walls, we have to try our luck" Emma responded positively until she stopped abruptly, heard if screams someone was being attacked, without delay you three ran towards the voices in aid.
When we ran into the scene of two teenagers surrounded by wild demons, we had to help them, so we prayed in arms and without delay, we killed those horrible monsters.
The children looked terrified but... what would two children be in the middle of the forest? where would they have come from?
"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR Saving Us, WE THINKED WE WILL DIE" one of them shouted, causing Ray a little discomfort because he didn't want to call attention to more enemies.
"Yes, yes, but please keep your voices down, we don't want to bring attention to ourselves!" Ray said
The light-haired boy examined us and in a flash his eyes looked like they were shining:
" IT'S YOU!YOU ARE THE CATTLE KIDS WHO ESCAPE FROM GRACE FILED, WE COME TO FIND YOU, BY COMMAND OF OUR BOSS" he said smiling, Emma and you exchanged glances, 'looking for us?' you thought while you waited for Emma to answer if
"Ahm who is your boss?" Emma asked with fear? could they really trust them?
"WILLIAM MINERVA" your world stopped a smile brutalized in your lips we had finally found it! You had finally found the person who would help you return to the human world.
A few hours passed and those two took you to a hiding place inside a tree, it was an incredible place, there were lots of children there. 'so William minerva always exists' you thought while you were enjoying the environment it was really wonderful, you could feel the joy of the children being there, your family would finally have a place to live in peace.
"The boss wants to see you then come this way," one of the boys said, showing us the way.
We got to a door that would probably lead to an office, you were nervous, you felt your tummy turning, as if you were about to vomit from excitement, the door was knocked and inside there was a male voice "Come in".
The door opened revealing a white-haired figure, his crystalline blue eyes, and his sweet smile... you felt the tears flowing down your face, you couldn't believe you were standing in front of him, how? why? how did he get here? so many questions invaded your head leaving you paralyzed in front of that door.
Emma ran towards the figure in front of us "NORMAN!!" his voice showed relief and nostalgia, they both embraced "Hi Emma" Norman said in a sweet voice, it was like living a dream, Ray approached Norman, but his reaction was not the same as Emma's, Ray raised his hand and the slap Norman's face, and then hugged him. ... you admit that you got a little jealous and put yourself behind the children so that no one could see you and you left without anyone knowing... The memory that you expressed your feelings to Norman at his last moment in Grace Field, the relief you were feeling for him being alive and the anger that you couldn't face him and embrace him filled your thoughts and so did you as you walked through the streets until you reached the exit door of the hiding place. You wanted to be a little alone, that was a lot of information to assimilate, so you went out into the forest.
*Norman P.O.V.*
It was wonderful to be with them all again, still in Ray and Emma's embrace I looked at the people around us... my beloved family, I detached myself from the embrace and felt the children all running towards me, screaming my name.
"It's so good to see you again, and good to see the new members of our family, welcome to you all." I examined the faces of each of them, but someone was missing. Y/n, the panic took over and me, I looked around quickly but I didn't see her, what happened to her?
"Emma, Ray?" They both turned their attention to me and their expressions changed when they saw the panic on my face "Where is Y/n?" I asked and Emma smiled~ "It's right here" she looked around but realized she wasn't there "Where is she? she was right behind me!" she said but a white-haired boy interrupted her~
"She went out, while you were hugging, she ran away and ran out" He said, what happened? Wasn't she happy to see me? The memory of her confession came back to my mind like a flash, I felt my face heat up a little, she still couldn't face me, I have to go find her.
"I'll go look for her, stay here I won't be long, so please go explore the surroundings, and eat something, I bet you're hungry," I said with a gentle smile as I hugged her again and left the room toward the exit to look for her.
*Y/n POV*
You didn't know how long you had been sitting there on that rock, looking at nothing, you felt the cold of the night passing through your back making your whole body shiver, until you sneezed.
You heard a noise of branches breaking, and immediately you looked up and turned your body back, a cloak figure was standing behind you, you got scared and fell off the rock banging your ass on the ground.
"Auch" you said caressing your sore ass with the fall~
"Sorry! Are you ok?" this voice... what would he do here? you look ahead and you saw him kneeling in front of you with his hand on top of yours, he had grown so much... he was really more attractive than he was, his more evolved body, his voice, his height, but those eyes never changed, you stared at his eyes for a while until you saw his face being painted pink and turning his gaze away from yours, immediately after that reaction you turned your face to the side.
"Y-yes i am, I'm sorry I just got scared because I didn't know you were there" you said in a calm and nervous voice
"I came looking for you... you disappeared when you saw me... I thought you missed me..." he said with a sad expression making your heart race... 'he came after me?' you thought by taking a deep breath
"Of course I was... I just didn't know how to react, just like all the others I thought you'd died that night." You took a short pause "Look, I'm sorry I ran away..." He looked directly at you, you were paralyzed, you felt your face warm, his gaze hypnotized you.
"I missed you... that night I... I wanted to hold you and not let go anymore... I didn't want to leave, I wanted to feel you against me, I wanted you to fall asleep in my lap, I wanted you never to cry again" you felt the tears fall on your face, his hand went up to your face, and wiped the tears that were trying to come out.
His touch was different, he was more adult, he wasn't the same innocent child two years ago, he was more mature, his thumb stroked your cheek and his hand put the strands of hair (H/c) behind your ear.
"I missed your look, your company, and I'm sorry I only realized my feelings for you after I left... I waited every day for you, for the day when I would be able to see your gaze again" he paused taking himself and pulling you with him, you were hypnotized by him, you couldn't, nor wanted, to move "Let me touch you, let me hug you. ... let me kiss you, I want to feel you, my love, I want to feel you close to me and this time I will not let go of you, my love I want to take care of you, be mine" his words were like whispers, his gaze penetrated yours, his thumb ran across your face until it reached your lips, caressing them down to your jawline lifting it.
Lightly his lips touched your neck, letting you still, you felt his breath making you tremble under his touch, he laughed softly, without realizing it he pushed your body back, leaning against a tree, his hand went down to your waist and another wandered between your neck and your face, his gaze screamed for your attention, he missed you too much and did not want to let you go without being able to touch you again. Your hands moved to his neck and to his chest, pulling him towards you, slowly you put yourself on tiptoes and kissed him lightly, the kiss began calmly but gradually became more fierce.
His hand that was on your waist went up to your neck, keeping you still under his control, it seemed like a dream, you felt your breaths accelerated and you couldn't calm down.
The two panting separated, he looked at you with a gentle smile and pulled you to his horse, stopping in front of you forcing you to look at him, his eyes were dangerous.
No word was said on the way to the hiding place, when we got there he helped you out of the horse and gave it to a boy, both walked side by side until they reached the cafeteria, where he before opening the door stood behind you with his hands on your shoulders and came close to your ear making you shiver. "I'm glad I learned to control myself, otherwise I don't know what I would have done with you behind, maybe you can find out later Love" his voice makes you blush violently, he opens the door and smiles like nothing, but his gaze changed when he saw you again, he was eager to have you in his arms again.
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larrythethird · 4 years
i cant fuckign believe i found the login to this account holy shit chess is real
but anyway, if anyone from old ilasgoc is reading this just remember you are very gay and a nerd and i hope you are doing well in life and being the best person you can be. things got stupid with the group towards the end of things thanks to some people ruining it, and the group as a whole had super edgy humor back then, but it was the first real online community i ever PARTICIPATED in and nothing can ever change that (or chess). this isnt even my first account as lawrence iii and it’s dated back to 2013, who knows how old the first account wouldve been holy shit. i was a young lad back then, and now i am a grown ass chess man with grown ass chess man taxes. incredible.
more chess below
its weird to think that something as dumb as ilasgoc was can make me feel this way, but i owe a lot to the friends i made back then. it was a great feeling to know there was such a big community (300+ accounts at its peak) waiting for me, and they’d always get so excited to see new faces. i remember for a while i took a bit of a break after losing my first larry account, but when i came back everyone got so excited, i saw a huge flood of posts going “!!!! IT’S LARRY!!!!!!! WELCOME BACK LARRY!!!!!!!!” and that shit was heartwarming. almost as heartwarming as chess.
ive seen a lot of people feel nostalgia for the group, or say that they really miss it but feel weird about missing it for some reason or another, often because a handful of people in the group turned into jerks. thats okay to feel that way. we were never perfect, but we were still a big family of people all united by one thing: really silly pokemon crack rp. i wiped the posts on this account just because most of it was embarrassing as hell, but i dont regret being a chessmaster. i had a good amount of accounts, but getting to be one of the most important characters to the existence of the group really felt like an honor.
i still remember all of it. the dumb shenanigans, the art everyone would make from those dumb shenanigans, the chess, steven stoned, the skype groups, archer in the manga, mpreg alberto, gay is elm, its mine alone, the chess, bruno island, MAAAAAAAAAAAAAあああああああああ, all the bee movie and shrek stuff before those memes even hit their peak, the crackshipping that we were passionate enough to make into more than just jokes, the weird furry pokemon rp blogs that were at war with us because why not, the chess, the ridiculous canon we’d built by just going along with whatever happened that day, the post limit blogs we’d make because we were just that unhinged, the big group events, the chess, the joke ocs that grew to be proper serious ocs, the spinoff groups, the ripoff accounts that weren’t affiliated with us, the autoplay everyone had because we were heathens, the mad rush to make new accounts whenever a new Pokemon game was announced, the chess, the photoshops, the odd times ilasgoc stuff would leak out into the rest of tumblr and confuse people (i still see a couple of ancient posts that i know we made and its wild), the chess, the things that are not chess, and lugia
sometimes i still see people from back then still around, or people i suspect were ex-ilasgoc but i usually feel weird to say anything about it. some people moved on with their lives, some people kept making silly content to this day or run pokemon blogs/twitters, some people became Problematic™, some people even still have relationships with their old shipping partners in the group! i still see remnants of the group here and there, and it’s wild. sometimes i still see mentions of ‘that weird crack pokemon group that used to exist on tumblr’, and i feel like some sort of ancient entity carrying knowledge of the old (chess) world. so many people had a history with this dumb group regardless of where they are now or who they became, and i got to be one of them.
anyways, i guess what im saying is that i miss you guys (and chess) a lot and still think about all the friends i had back then. its just like how anyone would look back on a fond memory of their childhood and wish they could experience it for the first time again. it was an honor getting to be larry during those years, and i hope the people that were there back then are living their best lives, or are at least getting by well enough. if anyone does want to reach out to me feel free to drop a message, but just make sure to actually include another way to contact you since i doubt im gonna be checking this account often. i think it would be disrespectful to actually do anything new with this account now that i got back into it again, so instead i leave you with this longass message where i pour my heart out in all lowercase letters. Even though I actually talk more like this, nowadays. Thanks for the memories, and remember:
It’s Like a Simple Game of Chess.
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quoth-the-sparrow · 5 years
Old Flames In The Rain
A Sanders Sides One-Shot
Warnings: TS Deceit, Sympathetic Deceit, Kissing/Making Out, Smoking (If I need to add anything, let me know)
Pairings: Anxceit
Description: Virgil and Damien were together a long time ago. What happens when they meet up again after four years?
Word Count: 1,211
You can also find this story here on ao3
Virgil removed his hood, leaning against the brick wall and watching the cars go by. Usually this street was crowded with people, but the rainstorm had everyone seeking shelter either at home or in one of the restaurants or shops that were still open. The rain didn’t bother him, and he could stay relatively dry under the awning of this abandoned storefront. It was definitely better than going into a building packed with people. Infinitely better than going back home just yet.
He closed his eyes and sighed, hands in his hoodie pockets as he paced. He’d had a hell of a day at work and he would kill for a drink, the stronger the better. Or at least a smoke. Gods, he hadn’t done any of that since… Well. Since high school. Old habits die hard, he supposed. That time had long since passed. He decided to wait a while longer, see if the rain let up any before making the trek back to his apartment.
Footsteps approached from behind him. He turned, ready to move out of the way if need be. He wasn’t at all prepared for the figure to speak to him, let alone to recognize the voice. 
“Virgil? Is that you?”
He blinked and focused on the man now standing before him. He’d gotten older, yes, and his hair was now its natural blonde rather than dyed green but it was definitely…
“Damien? I didn’t think I’d ever see you again, what are you doing back in town?” Virgil embraced his old friend, a move that surprised them both. Damien returned the hug and chuckled lowly before pulling away. Virgil tried his best not to stare too openly. Damn, Damien looked good. Better than ever, really. Virgil shoved those thoughts away, he didn’t need to dwell on that.
“I came back to see my mom, you remember how much she worries.” He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. “Want one?”
“Well speak of the fucking devil,” Virgil thought. What he said was “You know those things are bad for you.” He held his hand out for one anyways.
Damien handed him one and lit first his own cigarette, then Virgil’s.
“Yeah well, everyone has their faults. Besides, it’s not like I smoke all the time. Just every once in a while, to take the edge off. What’s your excuse, exactly?”
Virgil blew out a cloud of smoke and laughed. “You got me there, Dee. So how’s it been going? I haven’t heard from you in… what has it been, almost four years?”
Damien didn’t reply, not at first. Just smoked his cigarette and stared out into the rain. Virgil had a feeling he was looking at more than the scenery but he didn’t press the issue. Standing side by side like this was surreal. It almost felt normal, reminded Virgil of happier days. He shook his head and took a long drag of his cigarette. Finally, Damien responded.
“From a business standpoint, it’s going swimmingly. My designs are selling almost faster than they can be made, I’m in very high demand. I’m fucking rich, the way I always wanted to be.” His words were bitter, and Virgil frowned.
“It sure gets lonely out there though. Makes you realize just how alone you can be, even in a crowded room. Hard to make real friends. Acolytes, all of them. Leeches wanting a piece of your fame and fortune, nothing more.” He dropped his cigarette to the ground and crushed it under the heel of his boot. Virgil did the same and put his hands in his pockets to stop himself from reaching out to Damien.
“That bad, huh? Is it worth all that?” Virgil looked at Damien, really looked. The man was tired, a bone-deep exhaustion caused by more than just the journey back here. Virgil wondered when the last time Damien had gotten a decent night’s rest. He didn’t answer, just shrugged.
Damien moved closer and took Virgil’s hand. “I miss you, V. Do you miss me? We were so good together. Remind me why we broke up again?”
Virgil gave him a soft, sad smile but didn’t let go of his hand.  “There are lots of reasons why we didn’t work out. We were just dumb high school kids, for one. Neither of us were ready for any kind of serious commitment. Our lives were clearly going in two different directions. I was staying in town to help my dad with his business and you had all those dreams of going to L.A and getting famous. I wasn’t gonna be the one to stand in between you and your dreams, Damien. That’s why we broke up. It wasn’t the right time for us.”
Damien nodded, giving Virgil’s hand a squeeze before letting go. “Yeah, those are some good points you made. But the chemistry we had, there’s no denying it was incredible. Like fireworks, like burning stars.” He ran a hand through his hair, a nervous habit he’d had all the way back in high school.
Before Virgil could say anything, he felt himself being pressed against the wall, Damien’s lips on his.
Virgil kissed him back immediately, a fire igniting inside him, too hot and too bright to ignore. His hands went to tangle in Damien’s hair while Damien’s hands gripped Virgil’s hips, their bodies pressing against one another. The kiss was wild and passionate and every bit as electric as it had been way back when they first got together. It could have lasted minutes or hours or days; if anyone were to ask them, neither Virgil or Damien would have been able to say.
When they finally pulled apart they were both gasping for breath. Damien’s hair was mused and somehow Virgil’s jacket had gotten unzipped. The two stared at each other, each drinking in the sight of the other.
“Damien… I…” Virgil found it hard to speak. He hadn’t kissed anyone in a long time, and though he’d had a couple boyfriends after Damien, no one had made him feel the way he did now. Not even close. 
Damien grinned at the sight of Virgil’s blushing face. “You felt it, even after all this time. That fire. Don’t even try to tell me you didn’t, I know you did because I sure as hell did.”
“I wasn’t going to deny it or anything, Dee. How long are you staying in town?” Virgil zipped his hoodie back up as Damien fixed his hair.
“A few weeks at least. I’m on a hiatus, so to speak. I haven’t found a hotel yet but I’ll figure it out.” But Virgil was shaking his head, pulling his phone from his pocket.
“Stay with me at my place. Here, put in your phone number.”
Damien did as he was told and gave the phone back to Virgil. “Before I agree to anything, I need to know something.”
Virgil looked into Damien’s eyes. “What is it?”
“What are we right now? I don’t want to do anything before I’m sure we’re on the same page.”
Virgil kissed Damien again but on the cheek this time. “To be honest, I don’t know, but I’m hoping we can figure that out together.”
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this story! Reblogs are greatly appreciated. Tell me what you think! If you’d like to be added to (or removed from) my taglist, please let me know by sending me an ask. You can find me on ao3 at Storytelling_Sparrow. Thank you so much for your continued support!
Taglist: @theresneverenoughfandoms @galaxywitchwolf13 @magicallygrimmwiccan @daring-elm @creativity-killed-thekitten @007ardra @princeyssash @demigodnamedathena @khadij-al-kubra @im-shooting-straight @sawyer-saucee @gayzelley @it-me-the-phi @elfarmyenby @sparkedawg @ironwoman359 @today-only-happens-once @areyousirius-noheisdead @madly-handsome @milomeepit @princelogical @silversmith-91 @xxladystarlightxx @poisonedapples @romanamongthestars @ab-artist @ninjago2020 @anuninspiredpoet @justanormalfoot @gemini-the-kitsune-rp @urielthealienboio @aizawaisnotstraight @therubyjailcell @satanskatze
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Sit next to me (8/?) Part 1
Pairing: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Summary: Logan and Ellie talk, the test is taken, and someone spills the beans.... literally.
Rating: Mature... sex.. yep...
A/N: So this will be a 2 parter, just way to much to get out in 1 post... enjoy!! If you would like added to the tag list, let me know.. catch up HERE
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Song inspiration:
Ellie sat in her office, it was Wednesday and she still hadn't heard from Logan. “knock knock.” a voice came at her door. “Oh hi Mr mann- Eli.” she looked up to see her boss standing in the doorway. “Have you had any luck getting those statements from Mr Rider?” he walked in sitting in front of her desk.
The statements shit! She internally scolded herself. She had been so caught up in her personal life drama she let her work slip, that ended today. “I am meeting with Logan to get them.” A smile spread across Elias's face “Excellent. Keep up the good work.”
She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.  This standoff with Logan ended now. She picked up her phone and rattled off a text.
“I know you are pissed at me, but this is not a personal call. Unless you want to find a new Accountant, we need to meet TODAY.”
A few minutes later her phone vibrated, a response from Logan. “ 1pm. i'll send the address.” a few seconds later another text with an address came through. She looked at the clock. She had about half an hour until the meeting and with traffic and the distance she needed to go now. She switched on her out of office messages and took off to the location Logan sent her.
She pulled up to a large gated house. The gate opened and she drove around front parking. Before she could knock on the door Logan opened it up motioning for her to come in.
“Wow, is this your house?” she marveled at the open floor plan. There wasn't much to it in all honesty.  Some furniture, a large TV. A stocked bar area and some framed car art.
“It's better than a box.” he chuckled. They sat on the couch, Ellie getting right down to the professional side of the business she had to attend. Logan having everything she needed ready.
They sat in an awkward silence before Ellie broke it. “Logan, im sorry. I know you're mad at me.”
“I'm not mad at you Ellie. Well, not anymore. I'm upset. I knew you had feelings for him, I knew it when I caught you two together.”
Ellies mind took her back to the night she knew she was in way to deep.
“Were gonna get caught Colt.” Ellie giggled as he pressed his body against hers on the couch.  “Nobody is here, everyone went out on a job. and pop is at a meeting. They'll be gone for hours.” his hand slide up to unbutton her jeans. He lifted himself up pulling the jeans down with him, leaving her in just her bra and panties. His lips came down hard on hers as she completely lost herself in the kiss. Her hands frantically pawing at his fully clothed body. “Less. Of. This.” she pulled on his shirt and breathed out between heated kisses. The sides of his lips tugged up into a sinister smirk, she wanted him as bad as he wanted her.
He pulled his shit over his head, tossing it across the room. She stopped for a minute, running her hands down his hard chest, before he stood pulling every last piece of clothing from his body. Ellie propped herself up on her elbow, her eyes widening at the sight of him, suddenly very aware of what she committed herself to. “See something you like?” she bit her lip nodding. In an instant he was on her again. Peppering playful kisses on her neck, down the valley of her breast. His hand reached around, effortlessly unfastening her bra, tossing it aside. His lips found her pink buds, as he flicked his tongue, capturing one in his mouth, before moving onto the next. He placed feather light kisses down her stomach, settling on her hips. Her heartbeat racing in anticipation as his strong hands grasped her thighs spreading them apart. He lowered his head kissing and sucking the inside of her thighs, “I want to taste you Ellie.” the vibration of his voice sending a pleasant jolt to her core. “Yes.” A low growl escaped him as he settled between her legs.
He flattened his tongue swiping it between her slick folds. He let let out an appreciative moan as his tongue swirled around the bundle of nerves. She sucked in a sharp breath as her head flew back against the cushion. he looked up between his lashes watching her chest rise and fall, faster and faster as her moans became louder and louder.  He slipped a two fingers into her wanting center, slowly pumping them in and out. Her back arching at the welcomed intrusion. Her legs began to shake, he knew she was close, he curled his fingers slightly reaching the perfect spot as she came undone, a slew of curses falling from her lips.
Satisfied he pulled back and grinned at her as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He sat up.  Ellie watching him, though lust blown eyes. She climbed onto his lap, her lips crashing against his in a heated kiss. “I want you colt.” she moaned against his lips. “Mmmm,  lay down Ellie.” she shook her head. “No. I want to be the driver.” she grinded her hips against him. He gripped his stiff length, slowly pumping it as she slowly lowered herself down, gasping out at how he filled her.
She allowed herself to adjust a moment before rocking against him. He threw his head back at the sensation, a deep moan escaping him. He lifted his head,  his lust blown eyes boring into her. “You're my driver forever, remember that. Now drive baby.” He gripped her hips guiding her down onto him faster and faster. She bounced hard against him  as she moaned out. “Fuck, yes. colt.”
The sound of his name falling from her lips drove him wild, he bucked frantically against her. his hand slipping down rubbing tight circles against her aching clit. That was all it took for her to come completely undone. She leaned against his chest, nails digging into his strong shoulders as she screamed his name, forcing his own release.
She laid against his chest for a moment, he tracked lazy circles against her bare skin.  “We should probably get dressed.” she sighed standing up. “A sin if i ever heard one, but you're probably right.” they retrieved their clothes, dressing quickly. Colt pulled her against him “You're incredible Ellie.” She his face down, capturing his lips in a sensual kiss. “Let's go get some food. I'm starving.” Colt grabbed his jacket “Only if I get to drive.” She winked, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him again.
“What the fuck is this?” They heard, pulling apart  quickly. Both turning to see Logan standing there. “Do you have a problem pretty boy?” Colt taunted.
“Yeah. I do.  You're fucking making out with my girl.” Logan snapped, shoving Colt.
Colt coming back bumping his chest. “Last I checked she wasn't anyone's girl.”
“Colt! Logan! Stop this.” Her pleas going unanswered.  Colts smug grin setting Logan off as his fist connected with his jaw. Colt lunged forward tackling logan to the ground as the two rolled around exchanging blows.
“Stop it. Stop it guys. Help.” Ellie screamed, finally toby and ximena came running in, followed by Kaneko. “Stop it at once.” He commanded, his booming voice causing both to freeze instantly. Ellie took off running both scrambling to run after her. She climbed up the ladder onto the roof. How did things get so complicated.
“Ellie? Ellie?” Logan called out, pulling her back to the present. “Sorry, I was just thinking about something.” she told him about the night of prom, how they were freaked out about the plan and if things went south. How they travelled to vegas on a whim and getting caught up in all the what ifs, they married. She had thought Colt had filed for an annulment after they had a blow up and he left. Only to find out he never did. Logan sat there in silence,  absorbing all of the information.
“Well, I kinda get why you didn't say anything, but. I wish I didn't hear it from Colt.” he sighed.
“I know, im sorry Logan. But as a peace offering, my dad and I are throwing a 4th of July bbq. If you don't have plans we would love for you to come.” Logan smiled as they stood up walking towards the door. “I think I can manage that.” he pulled her in for a hug, she rested her head against his chest, breathing in his scent. “Are we good?” he pulled gently stroked her hair, “were good.”
That Friday the three of them, with Luca walked into the lab. Ellie check in, grabbing clipboards for all to fill out their information. Luca sat in the chair, the smell of the sterile environment making her nervous. “You ok Luca?” Logan lowered his head “I don't like Doctors offices, they give needles.” Her voice a whisper.  “Its ok, you're not going to get a needle.” he gently squeezed her little hand. “You promise?” “I promise. If you want, I will hold your hand if you get scared, ok?” Luca nodded her head, squeezing logans hand.
They waited a few minutes before being ushered into the back. Colt went first, followed by Luca. She hesitated getting in the seat. “Uncle Logie, fan you hold my hand?” Logan smiled at her taking her tiny hand in his large one. She paused a moment turning to Colt. “Colt, can you hold me please?” Ellie swore she felt her heart explode in that moment, as colt sat down in the seat, his arms wrapped around her, Luca leaned back against him while Logan held onto her hand.
The tech informed them the results could take up to 6 weeks as the lab was backed up.
The four of them grabbed dinner and went school shopping with Luca. Colt and Logan refusing to let Ellie pay for a thing.
Ellie spent the next week preparing for the 4th of July cookout. Everyone was coming, she was excited for Luca to meet the old crew. Riya and Darius showed up first. Darius setting up the pack n play in the backyard for Marcus. Frank had been on the grill all morning while Ellie worked on the food inside.  The doorbell rang and Frank came barreling through the house. “I got it. I got it.”
He answered the door and a petite brunette stood there. Frank encouraged the woman inside, walking up to Ellie. Ellie looked at the woman, something about her looked awful familiar. “Ellie, I want you to meet my girlfriend Sally. Sally this is my daughter Ellie.”
“Elliez it is so good to finally meet you.  You're dad talks about you so much.” Ellie giggled “I hope not to much.  It's really nice to meet you Sally.” she continued to stare at the woman, swearing she knew her from somewhere.  “Sally, I don't mean to stare but, Have we met before? I swear you look so familiar.”
“I don't think so hun, not unless you've been to lucky's diner in San Francisco.” Ellie shook her head “Nope, can't say I have. But anyway, come on out. Dads finishing up on the grill, the rest of the guest will be here soon.”
The doorbell rang and in walked Ximena, Toby and Colt. “Colt!” Luca came running into his arms, colt picking her up giving her a hug “Hey squirt.” he sat her down “Grampy got me a pool, come see it.” She grabbed his hand leading him through the house.  “Hey Toby, Hey X.” she noticed toby shifting on both feet. “Go ahead, you can see the pool too.” “thanks ellie.” Ximena shook her head handing her a tray of pretzel salad. “You know he has done nothing but talk about Luca non stop.”
“He has text me and called daily as well.” Ellie watched Luca splash colt, a smile playing on her lips. “How's logan been with it?”
“The same as Colt. She's quite taken with the both of them.” Ximena gave her an understanding squeeze. Logan, Mona and Stacie were the last to arrive. Ellie looked at the two “Did you guys come together?” Logan shook his head. “No, I pulled up and Mona did too, Stacie was walking to the door.”
Logan and colt stayed inside helping frank gather all the food. Ellie sat With Riya on one of the picnic tables. She leaned in close, dropping her voice so only she could hear. “Hey, do you think Darnell could lend me his services, cheap?” Riya looked at her confused “ohh you mean for the custody stuff. I was wondering what you needed a lawyer for.”
“No, I need to file for divorce.” Riya chuckled thinking she was joking,  the serious look on her face told her otherwise. “You're serious? When did you get married? Who did you marry?”
Ellie shushed her “Keep it down. 6 years ago. Colt and i got married in Vegas.” Riyas eyes went wide.
“You Married COLT in vegas?” She shouted, silencing the entire party. “What?” Her dad stood on the deck dropping an entire tin pan of coleslaw. Logan and Colt stood frozen behind him.
Sally came running up “Frank are you ok?” Logans eyes widened, he dropped the tin pan of baked beans onto the deck as well
Tag: @kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater @blackcatkita @darley1101
@daniv2278 @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @going-down-downtown @mercyparkcrew @emichelle @annekebbphotography @powdesiree0816 @walkerismychoice @yesivefallenpreytothechoicestrap @zaira-oh-zaira @sweetest-marbear @zaffrenotes @simsvetements @zaffrenotes @professorortegasstudent @akrenich @ifyouseekheart @client-327 @choicelogansbitch @choicesarehard @paisleylovergirl @itskismetbb @itsmarleen @rhischoicesfanfics @distinguishedsaladoperawinner @iplaydrake @coffeebeandragon @jasidu2
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 6 years
Comic Con Chris Evans
Word Count : 1520 
Warnings : Absolutely none
Requested by @midgardiansstuff
“ Hey I just saw that your requests were open!I just found your blog and i already love it! Can I do a request with Chris Evans? The reader is married and she is an actress, too. Maybe the reader is at the tonight show and they show a video in which the reader wears a costume so no one recognize her and she surprises Chris at the Comic Con and he doesn’t recognize her, too until she pulls down her wig? “ 
A/N : I loved the story idea, hope I did it justice :) 
“ Our first guest this evening is one of the stars of the Avengers movies and the wife of fellow Avenger Chris Evans, everyone please welcome back the one and only Y/n Evans ” the audiences cheers hit you like a wall when the curtain was lifted revealing you standing there in an emerald green dress with matching heels, you grinned wide as you made your way over to Jimmy’s couch. Hugging Jimmy tightly you both said your hellos before taking a seat as the cheers from the audience finally calmed enough that you could hear yourselves again.
“ Hey everyone ” you said with a wave to the audience which made them go absolutely wild again “ Oh my gosh Y/N it is so amazing to have you here again, now I know you’ve been very busy filming and doing conventions and press so thank you for taking the time to come here tonight” , “ Oh Jimmy I wouldn’t miss this for the world, although it is weird being here by myself and not with Chris or another cast member “, Jimmy reaches below the desk and pulls out a photo of the last time you were on the show sat beside your husband Chris “ Ah yes your husband fellow avenger Chris Evans, how long have you guys been married now ? “, thinking back fondly to the day you married your best friend you smiled softly “ Um it’ll be our 5 year anniversary next week actually “ the crowd cheered and clapped, Jimmy had a cheeky look in his eyes “ 5 years wow that’s amazing it feels just like yesterday you guys announced you were engaged, no sign of any kids yet? “ your cheeks burned hot, you chuckled quietly “ Uh no not yet, we’ve both been super busy with stuff and the Avengers movies, we just haven’t found the right time yet”, “ Ah yes the Avengers, how did you manage to convince them to let you join the cast when they already had one Evans on set “ “ well Jimmy don’t tell Chris I said this but the Russo brothers said they wanted to have the better Evans on set as well “ the audience erupted into laughter at your statement, the interview then continued on for a little with a few questions about the avengers and upcoming projects.
“ Alright so you mentioned that you flew to San Diego last weekend to see your husband but he didn’t know that you were doing that did he ? “ you chuckled to yourself because you knew where this was going “ Yeah I did, we hadn’t seen each other face to face in a few weeks and I was getting pretty lonely so I decided to fly out and surprise him at Comic Con and got a friend of mine to film the whole trip “ “ Oh yeah you definitely surprised him alright “ Jimmy laughed as he turned to the camera “ Here we have the video of Y/N surprising her husband Captain America himself Chris Evans at San Diego Comic Con “ he gestured to the screen behind him as the studio got slightly darker to let everyone see the screen clearly, your face popped up on the screen behind you as the video began with you standing in your living room at yours and Chris shared home addressing the camera.
“ Hey guys, so I've been apart from my husband Chris for a few weeks now because of work and iv started to get a little lonely” walking over to your suitcase you pulled your messenger bag over your shoulder “ So I've decided what’s better than face time and calls ? well how about travelling to San Diego Comic Con to surprise him “ the video then showed you walking towards your front door before you turned back “ Oh and get ready Chris cause i’m going to be coming for ya when you least expect it “ the video cut to a montage of the airport, the flight and car journey to the hotel.
The next shot is of you in a hotel room with a Captain America Civil War costume on, it was one of Chris on screen costumes that had been kindly given to you and altered by the Marvel wardrobe department, “ Okay so we’re almost ready to go Y/N how are you feeling now ? “ your friend asked from behind the camera as you pulled on your boots “ Umm yeah i’m getting a little nervous cause I don’t know how this is gonna pan out but I hope it works “ pulling your helmet over your head you grabbed grabbing your shield you turned to the camera “ How do I look guys, think i’ll get recognized ?” the next shot was of you standing outside the convention center getting ready to go in “ Before anyone says anything because I know someone will, I do have this slightly planned, only Chris assistant knows i’m here cause I obviously have to let them know when im coming, let’s not waste anymore time and get in there “ you practically ran towards the entrance whooping and cheering as you went, showing your pass you were allowed into the convention center quickly without any trouble. There was a short montage of you walking around the convention floor looking at all the stalls and pointing out pictures and figurines of yourself and the Avengers, you didn’t usually get to do this at events so it was amazing to get out there amongst the fans even though they had no clue that it was you down there walking amongst them.
The video finally cut to you standing behind a blue curtain “ Ahh i’m so excited, so i’m stood behind the curtain of Chris photo op, he’s literally right there and has no idea what’s going on “ you pointed to the curtain behind you where you could see the faint shadow of Chris posing for photos with fans, with a large grin on your face you pulled your helmet back down over your face “ Lets go get into line and surprise him “ the camera followed you as you joined the line for a photo, after a while waiting you were finally next, Chris assistant came over to get your photo op ticket, when they realized it was you they gave you a small nod and sent you over to Chris.
“ Wow dude that costume is absolutely incredible “ he said happily as you walked towards him, honestly your hands were sweating so bad you were glad you had the finger less gloves on “ Uh yeah damn thing cost quite a bit “ you said quickly with a chuck which made Chris laugh too, you made sure to change your voice a little as to not give anything away just yet, he was about to say something else when his assistant called his name “ Chris sorry buddy but can you come over here for just a second “ I’m so sorry about this i’ll be 2 seconds “, “ Its alright i understand “ the second his back was turned you looked over at the few fans who could see you and gestured at them to stay quiet before removing the helmet, “ Sorry about that, what you say we get this photo done, got any poses in mind ? “ Chris asked as he began turning back around but he froze on the spot when he saw you in front of him “ Well i was thinking you could give me a big hug Cap “ you grinned as he finally stepped towards you and pulled you into him and lifted you off the ground in a tight bear hug, the fans at the side cheered and awed when he set you back down but quickly pulled you into a sweet kiss, you heard the camera go off as the photographer caught the moment for you guys.
The video then ended and the lights in the studio brightened again as the audience cheered, clapped and awed “ Wow Y/N you really did surprise him, that costume was amazing I hope you gotta keep it “ you were about to answer when you felt someone's hands on your shoulders “ Yeah Jimmy she did keep it, it’s right next to my cap costume in the closet “ you whipped your head around quickly to see Chris standing behind you, within seconds you were on your feet rounding the sofa to hug him, as you greeted him Jimmy sent the show to commercial break “ okay I think it’s about time for a break, thank you to the wonderful Y/N for coming on and talking to us and for sharing the video and thank you to Chris for coming by to say Hello, we’ll see you back here in a few minutes “ the audience cheered as you and Chris said your goodbyes and headed towards your dressing room “ Well i guess you can say we’re even with the surprises now “ Chris chuckled as he pulled you into his side when you flopped down on the small couch “ Yeah i guess you could say that “ you whispered with a smile as you snuggled into him, it was hard being apart from each other but it was like heaven when you were together.
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supernova1us · 6 years
TFA-Transform and roll out(recast)
a fic based on the TFA opener but with the original planned cast, with red alert and hot shot replacing ratchet and bee.
Optimus prime sat at his command seat watching the old war historical documents, longing for the supposed glory they portrayed.  Red alert, the slim red and white femme medic and second in command came up to stand behind him.
“sir, why do you insist on continuing to view outdated archives?” she asked calmly
“all the great autobot leaders learned from the past”
“but war time lessons are no longer needed.  The great war has been over for centuries, and by the will of the all-spark, it will be the last one we see”
“but don’t you wish you were there, just a little? To see what it was really like? What the decepticons were really like?”
“I have learned all I need from studies, like you should have.  And from what I’ve read of the decepticons, I’d say we’re better not knowing”
Red alert then directed optimus’ attention to the sight of the massive green autobot Bulkhead dangling from a cliff by his wrecking ball, shouting for help.
“at the moment though, I think your “soldier instincts” are needed elsewhere” she said dryly
Optimus huffed and they made their way to the cargo bay and exit ramp.
“I get it red alert, war is bad, but do you ever get the feeling that we’re programmed for more than just repairing space bridges?”
“I have a diagnostics program that erases those thoughts like a virus in a fire wall” she said with the slightest hint of sarcasm
Optimus huffed as they transformed and headed out onto the asteroid.  The hard thing about having red alert around was how monotone she could be. It was so hard to tell when she was happy, serious or snarky.  The only emotions she expressed normally were anger and annoyance, usually towards Hot Shot. Hot shot himself was hopping up the hill to try to free bulkhead, moving like a sleek blue, red and yellow streak.
“hurry up, I really hate heights” bulkhead whined
“calm down bulkhead, im working as fast as possible, and there is no bot faster than me, and you know it” he grinned
Hot shot produced his arm mounted flame throwers and shouted with excitement at unleashing a blast wave of flames on the rocks, or would have if he could produce any in the vacuum of space.  Grunting at the realization, he started banging and stomping on the rocks to free the wrecking ball, rocking its owner around.  
“oh, I think im going to blow a gasket”
“calm down and try to hold it in a little long…”
Suddenly the rocks cracked and broke apart and crumbled, sending both bots falling to the ground. After they landed on each other, optimus and red alert arrived and transformed. Red alert narrowed her eye with frustration at the sight of hot shot being dinged up and in need of repairs, again.
“alright, what seems to be the problem?” optimus asked rhetorically
“the problem? The problem is that we are stuck out in the middle of nowhere crushing rocks for outdated spce bridges!” hot shot snapped
“what I don’t get is why anyone would want to transport to this allspark forsaken sector” bulkhead added
“that isn’t the point bulkhead. We have a job to do here, and no problem is insurmountable with the right tool…and a little team work”
Optimus began chopping debris with his axe and encouraged the others to join in.  bulkheads strength made crushing the rocks easy, though it was harder for hot shot to break them down, especially with his flame throwers so weak. Low level heat blast were however enough to weaken them enough to break down.  Red alert, though thinking the task below her, also helped; laser blasts from her prosthetic hand to cut through them easily.  Optimus suddenly realized that they were one crew member short.
“you to prowl…hey, where is prowl?’
Suddenly a shurikan whizzed by optimus to slice a nearby rock before returning to the hiding prowls hand.  The aloof black and gold bot then stepped from the shadows.
“just have to know the weak spot” he said with a hint of condescension
“next time, might want to give us a little more waring” optimus cautioned with and edge
“that would just mess up my timing” prowl said dismissively
Red alert turned from the others only to look up to see a smiling bulkhead, only to turn in another direction, pretending to be adjusteing he rhand emblacement.She shook her head; the conflicting personalities of their crew were creating an unproductive and hostile working environment.  This was far from the career she thought she would have.
Hot shot saw red alerts discomfort with the situation and, as always, decided to push her buttons.  
“careful doc bot, if you frown any more your lower jaw is gonna detach” he smirked
She then produced a laser scalpel from her emplacement and leveled it with hotshots face.
“If that is the case then I will just have requisition your own” she said calm but in a threatening tone
“why is she so grumpy all the time?” bulkhead whispered
“you’d by grumpy to if you had one servo in the scrap heap” he smirked
Suddenly the taller femme was in his face and her tone far more harsh.
“I may have one servo in the scrap heap, but my audio receptors still work perfectly, and if you do not stop pushing me rookie, I will gladly disconnect your vocal processor” she scowled
Sensing the tension, optimus wanted to give his team something to focus on.
“ok, I know we’re stuck out here in the middle of nowhere on a thankless assignment, but remember, we’re all cogs in the great big autobot machine…”
“not this speech again” prowl moaned
He buried his face in his hand in annoyance.  Hot shot was also more visually pained by the experience.  Bulkhead and red alert where just as weary but where better at politely feigning interest.  
“…a machine that’s stronger as a whole, than any one component part.  Together, we can move montains”
The speech was punctuated by sudden rumpling of rocks around them and activation of the space bridge they were clearing.  The blast of energy sent them and the debris flying in every direction.  
“oh you sure have a way with words boss bot!” hot shot yelled as he tumbled away
In an impressive flurry of moves, prime utilized his axe and grappling hook to stop the debris, aid each of his team mates and shut down the space bridge.  As the dust settled and the autobots picked themselves up, they were left in awe of the unassuming prime skills.  
“impressive” prowl admitted as he shut bulkheads gaped jaw
“where’d you learn moves like that?” bulkhead asked
It was a question everyone was asking inside. Red alert was busy fixing hot shots damaged shoulder but turned away to glance at optimus, wanting to hear the answer as well.
“I trained at the autobot academy” optimus ashamedly admitted
Red alert stood and her eyes narrowed skeptically.
“so, what is an academy trained bot doing leading a mere maintenance crew?”
She felt a sting fury. As the medic, she had no knowledge of this about her commander.
“well, whats one of the best medics the autobots has ever seen her also”
Red alert was viably taken aback by his knowledge and forwardness in the question.
“ooo, burn.  He got you good red.  But for real boss bot, her, I don’t think so.  The bed side manner is a little too rough around the edges. Let me guess prime, wash out? Yeah, me to.  They said I had an issue with authority, and let’s face it, they were threatened by the up and coming Magnus I am…”
Hot shots yammering was only silenced when red alert clasped her hand tightly over his mouth.  Optimus was suddenly drawn to an otherworldly light emanating from a rock. Against the advice of his crew, he cleaves it with his axe, revealing a strange glowing artifact.  
“what is it?” bulkhead spoke up
“don’t know…maybe we should take it back to the ship so the doc bot can check it out”
No rebuttal or argument came from red alert, who just look at it completely astounded, almost mesmerized.
“red alert..?”
“telatraan 1 to optimus prime. Unidentified spacecraft entering this sector: Energy signature consistent with decepticon warship”
“decepticon, that must be a mistake. The decpeticons were destroyed centuries ago” optimus voiced
“Defeated in battle, not destroyed.  An “academy bot” should know that prime. We should get back to the ship immediantly”
“but what is that thing?”
“I have a wild theory but we must secure it first”
Red alert quickly transformed and had the artifact loaded into her alt mode and sped off towards the ship, with the others following behind her. They quickly boarded their ship and made full speed away from the new ship. In the cargo bay the artifact was unloaded and red alert began examining it franticly.  
“red alert, any idea what it is”
“you seem to be the historian prime, does the all-spark sound familiar”
“obviously.  The most powerful energy source in the universe. It gave the spark of life to all cybertronian”
“every bot knows that story” bulkhead groaned
“yeah, along with spark eaters and were-turbo foxes” hot shot joked
“According to records, one of the main reasons the great war was won was by ensuring the all spark remained out of decepticon reach.  It was reportedly sent through a spacebridge to be hidden in some unknown corner of the galaxy”
“incredible” optimus admitted
“so your saying we, of all bots in the universe, found the all spark?!” hot shot shook
“perhaps, it found us” optimus mused
“Unlikely, prime. It is merely and energy source of unknown magnitude, But I must admit I never thought I would ever see it.  The research and knowledge I could gleam by examining it could be…”
“warning: spacecraft approaching. Positive identification as decepticon warship.
“it isn’t the only one that’s found us” prowl said dryly
The crew got to their bridge positions and made all speed for autobot controlled territory. Prowl checked the scanners for the persuing ship.
“it’s following us” he reported
“you desired to see the decepticons up close, well looks like you’ve gotten your wish” red alert said dryly
Optimus frowned at the statement, realizing the irony in the situation.
“yo, tell me this aint actually happening.  We are not getting chased by decepticons.  We’re just a maintenance crew” hot shot complained
“we cannot out run them forever, and any attempts at combat are astronomical” red alert commented
“not without back they aren’t.  patch me through to cybertron command head quarters” optimus ordered
“wow, when you want back up you go straight to the top” bulkhead commented
Optimus smiled at the compliment, slightly savoring his memories in the original field. Red alert raised a skeptical brow, confused on how optimus could even have clearance to high command. The creen lit up with the large chin and blue armor of sentinel prime.  Red alert was even more shocked, knowing vry well that sentinel was second in command of the elite guard.
“optimus prime, you mean they still let you command other autobots” sentinel smugly smiled
“don’t start sentinel, just put me through to altra magnus”
Red alert was surprised again, that optimus apparently knew sentinel personally, but also thinks he could talk to the supreme leader of the autobots simply by asking.
“now how could a third rate rock buster possibly merit the autobot supreme commanders attention?” sentinel said dismissively
Red alert and the others all frowned.  Word was known that sentinel prime was an unlikable bot, but seeing his condescension first hand was fuel boiling.  Hot shot frowned up at the prime, having had past experience with him, getting and itchy trigger finger with his flame throwers.  However, optimus’ experience with the other prime was far more personal, and was having none of sentinel attitude under these circumstances.
“display cargo hold visual” optimus ordered
Red alert clicked few controls and a video feed was brought up for sentinel to see of the allspark. His look and temperament immediately changing, he casually patched them through. Red alert turned and gave optimus and approving smirk at his clever maneuvering. Suddenly and stern looking and aged blue bot appeared on the screen. His eye briefly glanced to register red alerts presence before focusing on optimus.  
“ultra magnus here optimus, we’re tracking your decepticon signal; probably just a lost scout ship. Ever since we drove them off cybertron, the cons have been wondering the periphery. They’d never be so foolish as to invade autobot space. Still, I’m sending out a strike force to intercept if necessary.  In the meantime, you and your bots just sit tight. And prime, don’t try to be a hero, it’s not in your programming” the commander finished his orders before the screen went black
“decepticons still on our tail and closing in fast” prowl reported from the scanners
“then were the flag are they?” hot shot pointed out
Getting antsy and a nervous feeling in his spark, optimus began typing orders into his control panel.
“telatraan 1, set a course for the nearest space bridge” he ordered
“but Ultra magnus said to sit tight” bulkhead questioned
“with all due respect, ultra magnus isn’t carrying the all spark”
Red alert couldn’t argue with the logic; sitting there would be poor solution in the circumstances. The ship did as commanded and came about quickly to head back to the space bridge they were previously dicked with.
“so, we’ll make a V line for the nearest space bridge and blast through whatever debris is in our way” he ordered
As they made their way through the thin asteroid field, their path was suddenly blocked as massive fearsome purple war ship rose to block them.  Red alert qickly calculated that it appeared to be at least 50 times larger than their repair ship.
“uh, boss bot, I don’t think we can blast through that” bulkhead said nervously
“oh slag” hot shot squeaked
“I’ve never seen a decepticon ship up close” bulkhead added
“according to archives, none have and lived” red alert admitted with a bit of depression in her voice
Optimus scanned it and ran it through the information archives, and red alert leaned over to see his result.
“it’s a command ship, I recognize the markings from the history vids” optimus announced flatly
Red alert read the same description on his screen and turned to look at the enemy with visual distress
“megaron” she added in shock                                                          
“hooooo, hold an astro sec; megatron, as in the cruel and merciless decepticon leader?  The bot they say is bigger than ultra magnus, that could single handedly destroy whole ships and city blocks.  The megatron that is said to eat autobot protoforms for breakfast, that megatron?”
“yes.  Though I do not put much faith in the protoform eating part” red alert said with a straight face
Hot shot scowled at her condescension; he hated being looked down on by other bots. The only bot he liked looking down at him was bulkhead, and that was only because he was taller than him.
“quit giving him a hard time doc” bulkhead voiced out
“and perhaps who should quit enabling his belligerent behavior” prowl turned to bulkhead
“enough arguing, all of you! We have a more serious situation here; why aren’t that attacking”
“there are any number of reasons or strategies.  But, why are we not also mobile, should we not attmpt to flee or out maneuver them?” red alert asked
“if we do they will counter, but we will let them make the first move so we can counter. Always let your adversary be the first to make a mistake” he answered calmly
Clearly optimus’ time in the elite guard training had done more for his leadership skills than she had previously noticed. Suddenly one of the decepticon ships’ cannons trained on them and fired. Optimus ordered the ship to take evasive maneuvers and they dodged the blast. Red alert felt an increasing feeling of fear and fury rise in her.  It was a decepticon booby trap in the last days of the war when she was a very young medic that had taken her original right hand.  No she felt slight panic at being so close to such conflict again.  Optimus fell on his command console and made an order that secretly surprised the medic.
“activate emergency defense system; codename: omega”
Red alert was shocked. Optimus’ knowledge of that part of the ship less so; he was the commander and likely knew of the ships history, but that he would actually attempt to activate it.
“im sorry; this function has been disabled in compliance with cybertrons ongoing efforts to conserve energon” telatraan 1 reported back
“what?!” optimus gasped
Another energy blast grazed the side of the ship and knocked the autobots about as the ship automatically swerved to avoid other attacks and rocketed past the larger vessel.
“we’re as good as dead aren’t we? Oh god this is it for us, for me”
Hot shot went into a brief panic, his wrist spouting  flames as a sign of his distress. The calmed as they managed to pass the decepticons and get by them, the larger ship slowely following and continue to fire.
“was does it feel like they’re just toying with us?” hot shot asked
“all shots appear to be targeted to disable us, not destroy us, why? Red alert added
“because they want the allspark and don’t want to risk destroying it with us” optimus frowned
“warning: asteroid field. Initiated alternate route” the computer announced
“override” optimus ordered it
The ship continued its course, swerving all about to avoid he asteroids that the continued enemy fire simply shredded through.  The decepticon ship sped up and came to briefly look over them, yet its laser blasts had stopped.  Near the ships midsection a small space craft appeared and closed in on them.  Optimus realized that it wasn’t a craft but an alternate mode.  He knew from his studies that many of the decepticons had flight capabilities and alternate modes.  Thye zzomed in on the object with their rear security cameras and suddenly saw it transform into a tall, bulky and fearsome grey bot. A large weapon, the legendary fusion cannon, sat on their arm and a cold scowl on his face when the image zoomed in.  
“is that megatron?” optimus gasped
The shock and horror were shared by the whole crew.
“you never said he was so big” the already big bulkhead spoke up
“you never said he could fly” hot shot added
“technically, we didn’t say anything” red alert answered the comments
Megatron came by and zoomed past the side of their ship then vanished from view.  The all braced yet no attack came
“huh, guess he wasn’t coming for us” bulkhead piped up
The ship was suddenly rocked from above. Megatron had perched atop their control room and was burning a hole through with his cannon.
“red, seal the hull breach. Prowl, hold the ship steady.  Bulkhead, hot shot, guard the allspark.  I’ll try to hold off megatron!”
“but we’re just a repair crew, we aren’t built for this kind of action!” hot shot shouted
“then consider this an upgrade” optimus answered
“that is not how upgrades work, just for the record” red alert spoke up
The younger bots ran off out of the room while the others did their jobs.  Using a security cam for guidance, he took direct control of the hulls external arms and took hold of megatron himself, grabbling with him and attempting to prey him off the ship. There was a sudden a sudden massive external explosion that rocked the ship and sent everyone sprawling.  The ship was badly damaged and sent into an uncontrolled dive towards the space bridge asteroid.
“warning: hull breach. Sealing hatches alpha, omega and epsilon” the computer reported
As the large smoking hole in the ceiling was sealed and extinguishers put out the flames, optimus struggled to see through the fading layer of smoke and get up and get to the controls.
“warning: planetary impact imminent” the computer came again
“go to manual override” optimus ordered
“can you do that?” prowl question
“all ships of this “make” do” red alert answered
A set of control handles released and optimus took hold of them, attempting to steady the ships plunge. He managed to pull up their trajectory and glide along the asteroid surface towards the space bridge. In the hold, bulkhead and hot shot began to panic as the all spark began to react and glow.
“what’s it doing, make it stop!” hot shot panicked
“whoa”  was all bulkhead could say
Suddenly its energy burst out and enveloped the entire ship. The energy also surged forth and activated the space bridge, and in another burst of light the ship passed through it. After the light faded they autobots began recovering to see they had materialized over a moon that circled a green and blue planet.
“prowl, red alert, everyone alright? Bulkhead, hot shot, report”
Optimus did not see a large figure loom behind him until it took hold of him and pinned him against the wall; Megatron had survived and gotten through the hull breach.  He was far more intimidating in person; dark grey and red colors, thick spiky armor built for combat and twice the size of optimus. His face bore burning red optics and a frown so grim it would give the necrobot chills.  At closer inspection, the blast had destroyed most of his right arm, only his upper arm, stripped to its bare structure, remained.
“the all spark, where is it” he spoke in deep raspy voice like death
Prowl and red alert, overcoming their fear of the warlord, charged to tackle him.  Prowl jumped onto his arm to try and get optimus free while red alert clung to his side and lasered him with her hand tool. The larger bot swung about, knocking them away. He pinned prowl under his foot while still holding optimus and held him against another wall.
“I grow impatient” megatron growled
Optimus shot his grabbling hook best them towards the control panel, switching a lever.  
“artificial gravity diabled” the computer announced
They all began to float freely and with his massive size rendered moot, optimus managed to free himself and force megatron away.
“clever strategy prime, giving us more of an equal advantage” red alert commented
Megatron floated near the ceiling and jammed his arm nub into a gap in the metal to steady himself. Suddenly hot shot and bulkhead came floating intot he room
“hey, I’m a land bot not a flying bot, who turned off the hey…”
Hot shot twas then dinged from behind by the larger bulkhead.
“sorry, my bad” he groaned
Hot shot was sent spiraling out of control until he hit a surface; megatron large leg.  The autobot car looked up to see the massive decepticon leader staring down at him.
“you cons are even creepier in person” he smirked
Megatron growled, not amused and past his boiling point, drew his sword from subspace and began slashing at the diminutive nescience.  
“oh slag, scarier to! Someone help, im to good looking to be scrap!”
“everyone, get into position for a concentrated attack on my signal” optimus whispered
Prowl then whizzed past optimus in a solo attack on megatron.
“prowl no, wait for my signal!”
Optimus went to grab him but his hand passed through him; it was one pf prowls holograms.  Meagtron did not know this though and slashed at the allusion and thus missed the real prowl attack him from behind.  Prowl slashed with his shurikan, severing the nub that remained of megatrons damaged arm as well as his anchor from the gravity distortion. The decepticon leader roared in pain as he began to free float through the room.
“ok, the decoy was a nice touach, but once again, a little warning would’ve helped!” optimus groaned
Optimus was then bashed from behind by an out of control bulkhead
“would it kill you bots to say something like heads up or, I don’t know, watch out or…”
“incoming!” red alert yelled
She had grabbed the severed section of meagtron arm and hurled it back at him, knocking the decepticon back and into the control panel.  This caused the engines to kick on and their ship drove towards the planet, heating as it entered the atmosphere. The forward thrust and sudden return of gravity sent the autobots slamming into the walls. Optimus however was sent sliding down the main corridor towards the cargo hold.  Red alert saw that megatron followed after him.  She knew he would need help and wanted to follow but had to ensure the others were alright first.  It would take all of them to hold off megatron. Landing in the cargo hold, optimus had barely come to a hault when megatrons foot crushed down on his upper body.  He looked up to see the warlord looming over him, sword in hand, so tall that his face looked as if it were in shadow.
“now bring me the all spark, and I may spare your miserable autobot lives” he sneered
Megatron brought his sword to cut through optimus, who blocked the blow with his axe.  The struggled against each other’s strength until a bright light caught megatron attention. It was the all spark, the treasure of his millions of Steller cycles of searching.  His foe distracted, optimus saw his chance and extended his axes handle to its limit, which managed to hit its target, the exit ramp control panel.
“docking tunnel deployed” the computer deployed
The tunnel extended out and opened, and a torrent of suction and pressure overwhelmed the room and the two bots were pulled out through the shaft.  Optimus slowed his exit by digging his axe blade into the wall.  Megatron had lost his sword and under threat of falling out, reached to grab at optimus to save himself. Knowing megaton would still be a threat to them all and the all spark, optimus knew what he had to do and forced the decepticon away with a hard kick. He heard the spark chilling roar megatron let out as he fell from the tunnel, super heating into a fatle projectile in the atmosphere.  Optimus watched until the fiery form disappeared from sight and prayed it was the end of the enemy.  
“telatraan 1, close docking bay” he ordered
“closing docking bay” I replied
As the bay shut and optimus freed his axe, he weakly made his way back to ensure the all spark was secure. Thankfully, it was safe and undamaged by the battle.
“optimus, do you read me?” red alert came over the coms
“im here red, what is it?”
“are you alright, where is meagtron?”
“gone.  Whats the situation?”
“the ships out of control and caught in the planets gravity.  We’re going down”
“ill be right there”
Optimus staggered back down the corridor towards the control room, getting banged around with the turbulence of their planetary entry.
“warning: planetary impact imminent” the computer reported
Optimus made it to the head when he saw from the view that time was short.
“everyone into the stasis pods” he ordered
Each of the other autobots made their way into their stasis pods, but hot shot spun around to see optimus wasn’t joining them.
“aren’t you coming boss bot?”
“not until I’ve steered us clear of this populated sector!”
He took hold of the controls and directed the ship over the alien buildings.  The others looked to optimus until their pods closed and activated, sending them all into stasis. Finally, as the ship dropped lower and lower, optimus cleared the city and the ship was set to land in a large natural body of water. Satisfied that them and the natives were save, optimus locked the controls and rushed into his own stasis pod. The last sight he saw was the skim of water over the ship as it splashed down and sunk into the depths.  He was left to wonder how long until telatraan 1 wound be able to reactivate them as everything went dark and he slipped into stasis.
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ariyadaivaris · 6 years
catsi replied to your post “i miss lucha chiropractic, and i miss mustafa’s teaming with gran and...”
oh i absolutely 100% know what you mean and agree
205 live has been putting a lot more emphasis on putting on incredible matches (with great success) but in the process i think it's lost a lot of the quirky upbeat fun attitude that made us all fall in love with it to begin with? i ALSO miss titus worldwide and seeing akira have friends, i miss seeing goofy interactions backstage like that box of flour that exploded in ariya's face that one time
and i LOVE drake, i do, but i miss the sort of open-ended free-roaming the boys had before? feuds felt a lot more personal before one person called all the shots. like the Drew vs Mustafa feud that was born out of Drew doing some dumbass shit and Mustafa being like "ahah no this will not do". like they drove their own feud and it had so much STORY. it was much more than just "grrr you were mean" "grrr yes i am fight me about it"
or the fucking Brian and Akira feud, jesus, that feud was one of my favourites in all of pro wrestling, i think? Brian teaching Akira these "lessons" via fucking with his matches and Akira finally snapping and parrotting every lesson back at Brian and then ending his whole shit with that senton thru a table. like i feel like the current 205 live would never allow that story-heavy of a feud to last as long as it did (it was like 2 months?)
this is a stupid analogy but bear with me - old 205 live felt like an open-world RPG where you can just go wherever and do whatever and in the process have wild interactions like Everything Alicia Fox Was A Part Of, or the trick or street fight, etc.. maybe the combat wasn't allowed to be as detailed as it could be to give the story room to breath but the story gave the combat DEPTH
and new 205 is like... an on-rails fps. the combat is good, it's so good, oh my god is it ever good, but there's so much focus on it that story feels lost and stuff just happens to make combat look cooler or last longer? and i still love 205 with all my heart but what made me fall in love with it to begin with and get obsessed with it was its thoughtful, deep, consistent storylines
SORRY THAT'S A LOT... i've just had the same thoughts as u of like... i love these boys SO MUCH i want their interactions to have more depth than "i have the title" "well I WANT THE TITLE..." "fight me for it!" like akira and neville's title feud wasn't akira going "i want that title!" it was titus going "YOU want that title. YOU CAN GET THAT TITLE. let me help you. let me be your friend" and neville being like "the power of friendship cannot defeat me!!"
CAT!!!!!!!!!! never ever apologize im gonna SING i love listening to you talk about 205 oh my god
you worded it PERFECTLY that analogy makes perfect sense? i absolutely feel that, it’s gotten so much more focused on technical work and, like you said, combat, but in the process it feels like...the heart of 205 has kind of gotten lost? it’s there but everything’s shut off from everything else that isn’t on the designated path and it’s so FRUSTRATING to have everything so CLOSE but so strictly separated
like....like you said, i LOVE drake, but i feel like he’s very very much Lawful Good and i love that character and i love how he interacts with the roster as a result, but he’s lawful good running 205 and 205 is very very VERY Chaotic Neutral/Good and fitting it into this alignment, things have gotten shaved off around the edges and it stings!!! there’s a thriving ecosystem of dynamics between everyone on this roster, take any two people and they’ll probably have an established dynamic (besides lince who has taken basically until now to be actually given a spotlight, and new dudes like buddy or lio) and knowing that, you can SEE them use that and weave it into their interactions and it feels so alive on such a foundational level!!!
like...talking abt mustafa v drew, you could see the story advance and you could see HOW that story changed their in-ring performances. like, the story wasn’t JUST in words, but as time went on, mustafa DID get grounded but it was exactly in the way he needed to be grounded to achieve his fullest potential! and you could SEE him learning that, you could see him incorporating technical pins into his matches, and waiting longer for risks that were more certain, instead of charging in blindly! you could see the story and characters evolve through JUST THE WAY THEY FOUGHT and its a level of storytelling that is so so so understated but its like. HOOOOLY SHIT like, it still blows me away thinking about it
like. LIKE!!! like you said, storylines lasting 2 months or more, that doesn’t feel...like something that could happen for just feuds between people who arent champions right now. the feuds that happen now are still good, but there’s a big fucking jumble of people involved in every one and that decreases the chance for individual feuds and also just...in lhp’s case it feels very much like a reason to not give lince or gran or kalisto individual character arcs which Yeah Okay Fucken Great You’re Not Sneaky, its
tony and drew having matches with gran and cedric? like, that rivalry, that was a team thing for a bit but it was enhanced because we’d seen the dynamics between these individual dudes already, and we saw that on display during matches. drew and cedric NOW, FUCK, its frustrating seeing it because on top of the FUCKING fandom shit happening lately, like, drew and cedric have a pretty significant title history already! like, its certainly been swept under the rug with the rat where he fucking belongs but cedric actually reached OUT to drew and told him that he COULD make a better 205 if he did the right thing. he was actively sympathetic towards drew and that was an interaction we never really got to see more of and that could add SUCH A DIMENSION TO THIS FEUD IF WE COULD ACKNOWLEDGE THE HISTORY 205 HAS INSTEAD OF ACTING LIKE THE LAST YEAR AND A HALF NEVER HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
god my train of thought is all over the place im sorry fhdkjsd i agree with you wholeheartedly cat u worded it perfectly. christ i miss akira and titus worldwide. that arc was so good, akira trying to be alone and gradually learning to accept titus’s friendship and apollo’s concern for him, akira learning to tap when he couldn’t fight anymore instead of carrying on and breaking himself, that character arc is still the best in all of wrestling to be QUITE honest and now it feels like...akira’s alone again. akira is alone again after hideo, even, which is an arc im still a lil cross about! akira feels so...alone. and he wasn’t before. and it’s like...
akira’s support system he actively EARNED and WORKED FOR last summer, it’s all gone now. he doesn’t get to tag with mustafa or cedric or jack anymore, he doesn’t really have anyone looking out for him, he’s fighting his own battles again and it feels like everything’s just...been unravelled. and it HURTS! that story arc was EVERYTHING to me and its still my favorite an entire ass year later. and now it just...isnt there. 
i dont know. i love 205 with all my heart and it is my heart but i feel like...without matches on ppvs or on raw, their time is even more limited to prove what they can do, and its been streamlined and we dont see everyone’s antics backstage, we don’t see faces reaching out to heels, we don’t see noam and ariya bickering with lince, we don’t see akira and mustafa talking in passing before plot stuff kicks in, it just feels like...the fabric that made 205 feel like a living breathing creation and family is pulled out into just individual threads now? and i miss...when it wasn’t that
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Here's your chance to spread some love! Tag ten mutuals and tell us why you love them, then send to 10 people on your dash! 💘
omg omg omg ok i suddenly have 573974793 people i want to spread love to but in reality only like 4 talk 2 me dlkjfsjd 
@kpopsinarios the first thing that struck me about her was that her persona on here was really quite similar to mine n how shes such such a sweetheart a lottttttttt more than me n i luv her sm!!! i cant believe im blessed to be her wifey!!! she instantly makes me feel better when i see a notif with her name on it!! an amazing writer on top of being an amazing person who im really quite envious of being an actual angel (she looks like one too!!!) jeonghan is shaking in his boots!!! never fails to brighten my day!
@kakaotaeks​ elENA!!!! MY SOULMATE HOLY CRAP it honestly scares me how similar we are!!! i know u have my back as much as i have urs and im so lucky to have someone like u!!! one of the best people to fangirl with and she just g e t s it!!! we’ve both been busy lately and haven’t been talking as much but just know that im only a message away n i miss talking to u!!! we help each other out with fics and i don’t know where that flower boy!jeonghan au would be if it weren’t for her LOL ily sm bby!!!! her writing can screw me up it’s sO GOOD I DONT UNDERSTAND
@justkpopjokes​ IM PRETTY SURE LIN WAS MY FIRST MUTUAL HERE AND IM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL TO KNOW A RAP MEME GODDESS!!!! she’s one of the sweetest people ever but it’s quite overlooked bc she tries to cheer u up with memes LOL but no one gives her enough credit of her sweetness and generosity!!! shes multitalented at everything, from drawing to rapping! i cant relate!!! i love her to bits she’s so sweet and funny!! i live for her raps and her overall voice she is such a queen who needs to rise!!
 @mansaeboysbe​ i’ve only talked to admin bee so far!! she’s insanely sweet and kind and so lovable!!! any person would be incredibly lucky to have her in their lives. the way she describes members is pretty much something you would want your partner to say about you and i just cant fathom how cute she is!! she does her absolute best to comfort you and the things she says still make me soft to this moment im typing this!!! not to mention her writing is beautiful and im upset their blog doesn’t get enough recognition as it should!!! we have so many names like the soonyoung support squad, brent, etc etc and i love them all and i love this lil bean!!!
@chanispumpkin​ this poppin b deserves to be hyped up all the time she is!!!! so amazing and sweet!!!! when we first talked i was like she’s gonna drop me faster than a hot potato but she’s still here for some reason!!! a strong fighting warrior who i give all my props to!! also the things we say about groups??? so relatable i love our convos she’s always a delight talking to i luv you bb and i know you will be able to find someone who will accept you for who you are, flaws and all! you are well loved and deserve to see that for yourself!!!
@soongyuz​ my heart swells every time i think about priya she is one of the sweetest people ever and she’s just added on to the list of people who make me soft 25/8 :’)))) babe don’t think that you’re bothering me or anyone when something is bothering you bc i am more than willing to listen and be there for you!!! SHE’S SO CUTE IT ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY HURTS MY HEART :’((( im so overwhelmed bc i have never received this amount of love until i made this blog and these sweet people just come in like a wrecking ball and she’s one of them!!! im crying, my heart is crying, my soul is crying, the sun is crying i love her so much
@hoshbrownie​ she is so so much more than she gives herself credit for!!! an amazing person and deserves the world!!!! its difficult to communicate bc of the major time differences but we’ve worked through it somehow!! also a relatable person and really sweet!!! every time we talk its always Wild bc there’s always some weird thing happening LOL and baby im not going anywhere dont think ill leave u GUYS IF ANYTHING THATS MY LINE!! im DEATHLY worried you guys are gonna leave me its one of my worst fears :((( but dont think for a second i will be leaving u bc im not going anywhere!!!
@fluffilyangsty​ a timeless beaut!!! im still shaking how im mutuals with libi but i’m rolling with it!! getting to know her has been v v interesting and her passion for music is the same passion i want to have for everything. she’s a woman with a goal and will get there! i love it and i love her!!! one of the best writers and this community knows it!! im eyeing my fics and i feel ashamed LOL she never ceases to amaze me both as a person and as a writer!!! beautiful inside and out!!!
@17rxn​ shai omg my heart :’))) so so sweet talking to her gives me warm feelings! most of our interactions have been about ranting about idols, her love for sungyoon, and me trying to introduce her to more kings!!! she’s so amazing and friendly i absolutely love talking to this lil bean!!! i dont even remember which fic of hers was my first but all i know is boy am i glad to have found her blog when i did!!! her writing is fantastic and the writer is just as lovely!!! she’s so cute and i love her!!!
@parkjmini​ I WAS SO SHOOK WHEN U MENTIONED ME SO I WILL DO THE SAME FOR U BBY!!! joyce is such a great and funny person i love talking to her!!! when i found out she was a fellow writer i was like heLLO ME 2 WOW!!!! im so proud of her milestone of reaching 1k+ followers bc she sure deserves all of them and much more!!! also those selfies? damn girl im shook meanwhile i look 5!!! i also know her irl and shes just as lovely as she is on here!!! 
OK IM SCREAMING BC I HAVE AT LEAST 5 MORE PPL I WANTED TO ADD BUT ITS ONLY TO 10 SO IM SORRY I STILL LOVE U IF I DIDNT TAG YOU! all of these said people and the ones who i didn’t mention are all special to me, so don’t think of anything about the numbering! this is in no particular order!!! thank you for being amazing sweet people who I’ve been blessed to get to know!!! 💞💞💓💓
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ts-2020-olympics · 5 years
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Some music to get in the mood, and let’s see the pre-jury rites of passage
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honestly i just wanted to boost my days played and placement average but both of those are now shit
Connor, Unfortunately you were the first to go, We met briefly in the arena and you seemed like a great personality! Shame that you had to go so early because you were for sure one of the people I really wanted to get to know more through the game!!
the first returnee fallen and so soon :c i was really looking forward to getting to know you because some mutual friends had some good words to say about you but sadly we never got the chance!
We didn't get a chance to talk much, but I'd hope we run into each other in a game in the future!
OMG I can't believe you went first after promising me you wouldn't go first. Dhjejdndjdhhdhdhdbdh You were someone I was hoping to play with after you hosted for me in HvV. It would have been great to actually play this season with you, hope you're doing good bud ❤️❤️❤️
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Kathy, We never spoke but from what ive heard from others outside this game they where super upset when you got booted so early because you’re an icon!! Hopefully we can play together in another game some day!!
we never spoke but i loved your intro video, wish you lasted longer so we could’ve talked!
You were on a badass tribe, I think we also missed each other in the hustle and bustle of the early rounds, but I'd definitely reach out if I see you around some future Tumblr games.
We never spoke but you had an interesting intro video!
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Bailey, We never spoke and from as much as I can see you where inactive so :/
I didn’t get to speak to you either sadly :c
Love, you left too soon. I wish you were by my side longer, I know you would've gotten far in the game, you are a competitive QUEEN in nature. Sister from another tribe, we shall meet again!
We never spoke either, but hope you had fun this season!
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Will! The First OG Yujo to go!! You going so early was so heartbreaking because I felt like all 5 of the original Yujo tribe was very close, you just kinda went inactive :/
We never spoke either unfortunately :/
Will we were on the OG Yujo tribe, I had so much fun doing that early challenge with you, making our chant and just shooting the shit while we prepped for the game. I hope you're doing ok, and I hope you come back for another game, because we made a good team.
We never spoke either, but also hope you had fun this season too!
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I’m gonna sayyyy, “YES EVE!! Kill it baby!!!!”
Nik! Probably one of my faves from OG Yujo, I feel like you were the most robbed after watching your tribal back and wish you would’ve came back from the arena so we could’ve had more talks!! Wish you where here for the music video, They just couldn't handle the power of us together for it could they?
We had some interactions in the tribe chat which were fun, but your opinions could use a little work :P sucks you didn’t get to stay longer so I could change them hehe
Also from my OG Yujo tribe. You were a pleasure to talk to, and I think you played the game well. Like many in our tribe you left too early, but you worked really well with everyone on the team. You were a genuine person and you were here to both fight and have fun.
It was so sad seeing someone that wanted to be here leave early! Personally I was shocked because I thought you would have done well due to how active you were in the one world chat. It seemed like you may have done well under different circumstances!
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In terms of gameplay, I'm not the happiest. In terms of the drama and entertainment I caused, I couldn't be a prouder man. I came into this game guns blazing, not caring what people thought of me. If people were to gain one thing from me, it's that you go out on your own terms and create a legacy where you can come back. I will be returning, and it won't be pretty. I promise ya that.
Billy, We never really spoke to my knowledge, you where to me someone who I did want out fairly early tho, because you seemed to be someone who had a lot of say over what people did from an outside perspective. When you went I was a little shocked if im being honest.
oh billy, we never spoke one on one but I heard lots about you! you definitely made a mark on this season in the short time you were here.
Billy, you played a damn good game. You played the challenges and went to tribals, and even when the pot was stirred up, you kept it fun. This was a good season and I'm sure I'll see you around some more games. Thank you for the spicy tribal sessions.
Despite leaving in the earlier rounds you were super memorable because of your big personality. Truly made things fun from watching yalls tribals, one of the bigger characters of the season!
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Jacob! As far as i'm concerned we never spoke, but you did do 2 arenas and lasted 6 hours in a pressure cooker! So id like to say congrats to you for that! You did amazing for your time here and you should be proud of that!!
We, too, never got to speak but you fought hard in the arena to come back and its a shame you came up just short but i respect you and your determination!
Sand, I'm glad I met you because you were super friendly and just generally nice to talk to outside of game shenanigans. Also I love that your name is sand.
You were a competitor I think you kinda got screwed by being voted out in the triple because I remember how well you did when we were in the arena together and seeing you vs. Nicole and Juls was wild. Good luck in future ORGs!
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My heart, my soul, my everlasting woman…. Juls…. Seeing you go was so heart breaking I really was rooting for you in that pressure cooker, and wonder what the outcome of the game would’ve been like had you beaten Nicole and Jacob. It just seems like you’re always the Bridesmaid, never the bride :(  But one day you will be the bride.
JULSSSS MY LOVE…. MY LOVE… MY HEART!!! You were so incredibly robbed and im so sorry i couldn’t do anything about it, you’re a beautiful person inside and out and i love you so much and we WILL get to actually PLAY a game together i promise you that!!! Imma just need some time after this one you know <3
You know everyone thinks you left too soon. The main village chat is NOTHING without you, you were absolutely one of the most social queens on the village chat. I know I'll see you around again, thank you for bringing life into the daily group chats.
You are one of the sweetest if not the sweetest person I've ever met in an ORG, and super friendly and kind. You're in need of a second chance because I guarantee had  you made the merge you would have done extremely well in this game, possibly even have won. I really hope I get the chance to watch you play another season!
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Hi Ben! I dont believe we ever really spoke for the 23 days you where except week 7 when we where in the arena together and you bowed out, which i still think was a bad move because I never like to see anyone just give up. Hope you’re doing well tho hun!
ah Ben, another person i had no interactions with but you had a tough road to drive in this game from an outsiders perspective, you bowed out of the arena and for whatever reasons i hope you’re doing good!
Ben we didn't honestly talk too much, so I never got a chance to really know you, but I'm thinking I'll see you around some future games here and there.
We had so many conversations this season even when I was on my OG tribe and I really think your a nice dude. It would be nice to talk with you once the season is over! :)
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Beck…. Babe…. Listen….. I'm so sorry that I had to go against you and kinda throw your name out there, but it came from a place of I know how amazing of a player you where and If you would’ve made it to merge, you probably would’ve ran the game. I think overall for the time you where in the game, you did play a great one
BECK <3 you ugh you’re great an amazing individual…. But i know the dynamic was weird with juls and things got blurry, i wish you both could’ve survived unfortunately the game took a hard left and things went flying all over the place, i would’ve loved to play with you more investedly (if thats a word) but we didnt get the chance, next time <3
Beck, I know you got turned on way too early, because you were so nice and you were a damn good team player. You made sure to do your absolute best in challenges and you were ALWAYS there for the team, which maybe went a little too unappreciated in the end.
AN ACTUAL KING! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😻😍😻😍😻😍😻😍😻😍 I MISS YOU SO SOOOO SOOOOOOOO MUCH. I can't believe you left me here after you promised me you would make the merge. I really loved getting to meet and know you as a person and out of everyone who went pre-jury you getting voted out hit the hardest, one of my closest allies and we became really good friends through out the game, hope we can stay in touch and you can show me some more dance moves!
Here's a song to tribute you king ❤️ https://youtu.be/0G3_kG5FFfQ
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Hi Landen! So basically when you went was kind of where I started making all these plans to better myself in the game, finding out that you were making alliances and then telling me about them and then making them and purposefully not adding me into them, hearing from others how much you “Don’t trust me” and I guess in a sense you where right in not trusting me, because along with a few others I made sure everyone was going to vote you in the end of that week. I think you’re a great player though, congrats on being the last Pre Jour!
landen!! We hit it off fairly well, despite the whole me supposed to go home you get out of tribal kinda thing otherwise we bounced off each other well, unfortunately the 3-way tribal round things got hectic and took a turn for the worst, and i guess it was downhill after that, but you play hard and i respect the heck out of that, you DEFINITELY made me nervous in this game (in a good way) :D
Landen, I think you are a cool person, although I think you went a little too hard on the dishonesty in the game. I hope you weren't too put off when people turned on you, because you were a very strong challenge competitor and you remained social and talkative with everyone. You were a true disaster prince, and you knew the game well!
You played super hard which I respect. You were bold and I think that made you a huge threat in this game and it would have been interesting to see how we interacted had we ever been on the same tribe and get to know each other. Good luck in your other ORGs!
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multifandomhoodies · 5 years
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in the two minutes my brain was working i made this meme because i think it’s funny and while no one has told me to stop talking abt work i feel like this is lowkey accurate. 
this will probably be super annoying and basically a ramble but hey ! I dont care. rondo alla turca just came on and that’s incredibly accurate of my mind rn just that super fast part. anyways. im so sorry. 
hit that read more for the entire 2000+ word dissertation i wrote about work today.
so today was wild because fourth of july babey uh it didn’t start getting different until like,,,, 8 ish? mostly till then it was just regulars who are always in the park. i forgot my earmuffs so i couldn’t backpack blow when i wanted :c. nothing weird was in the bathrooms today! there was a lemonheads box in the women’s, but like,, that’s not very weird. i had several guests tell me that i was gonna have a rough day tomorrow w/ clean up and im like lol yeah Except i dont work tomorrow sorry tue-sat crew. love you. except fuck u danager. i had to get the cans along the beach and the guy that usually runs the beach comber wasn’t there so a different guy from the other park was doing it and he doesn’t run the beach comber v often and you could Tell. also this dude barely said anything to anyone except the one dude and honestly powermove. also he has Very long dreads. also this lady ? was laying like two feet away from where i had to backpack blow and she had the audacity to like, look at me? sorry lady its 8am the sun isnt even out stop sunbathing. anyways. i had to water the flowers i planted yesterday and after that it was breaktime (gang GANG) breaktime is like,, three hours after we start work but cleaning the bathrooms and backpack blowing and getting cans took forEVER. break was funny because it was just three of us in the breakroom and we were talking about the new manager who is. just a fucking asshole. he can choke. bitch. anyways. even tony doesnt like him and tony’s like so nice. i made a joke b4 we rolled out that liam could help me clean our part of the park and danager was like hey he can do that if you want to mulch and I thought it was mulching with HIm and I was like oh nO you thought hunty! i had to deal with your stupid ass yesterday! turns out it was just liam and tony and like honestly i would have done that that would have been super fun. and liam told me that he’d told tony about what happened yesterday with mulching. danager really called liam and i off of weedeating to mulch. at like, 1:30. we go on break at 2. he didnt care and was like oh you guys can just stay after and we’re like?? no?? unless we’re getting paid overtime and you dont have the power to make us do that? and liam today was like yeah if he does that shit again im leaving and tony and i agreed. im like ill walk home man. im leaving. tony said that even steve was getting pissed at him yesterday and steve’s a really chill dude. so collectively everyone’s like FUCk danager. and he came in from outside too and was like aight guys this is what we’re doing. hannah you should be able to weedwhip farther out away from your body. you hold the weedwhip too close and if you dont do that you can get a farther range. i kid you not the four of us that werent danager just started laughing. weedeaters (or weedw(h)ackers, or as ONLY danager says, weedwhips) arent very heavy. however. they do get heavy after a while, and they shake sometimes. a lot of times. We don’t get new equipment so it shakes. I’m hardly weak, but I’m also not strong enough to hold the weedeater like he said. so as soon as he said that i should be doing that everyone laughed. like i did too im like man you’re tripping. anyways. he left again, and so did two of the other guys again so it was just tony liam and i. kenny came back in and the three of us had been talking and when kenny opeend the door we all shifted so we could see who walked in, hoping it wasnt danager. kenny bust out laughing. “yall shoulda see your faces.” tony does a dramatic renactment of us all leaning forward to see who it is. oh it was great. tony liam and i were like in hysterics abt something (i think it was something rude abt danager i cant remember now). then we all headed out to do our danager assigned tasks. I went back to weedeating this one area. reminder that it IS the fourth of july, it’s like 9:30am and im weedeating this one part of the park. priorities? what are those. anyways so i do that. I see liam and tony leave to keep mulching. i keep weedeating. I did that and backpack blew the debris and then went over to the other part of the park to check cans. i checked cans again, had a super awkward situation with like 15 people near this sign. i tried to park my cart to check hte cans and EVERYONE STARED AT ME. like i know im wearing clothes specifcally chosen to be visible to cars and the public but the fuck you gotta stare at me for! anyways i got the cart and got the fuck outta there quick. I drove around more, some guy stopped me and said he thought there should be more speed limit signs. you’re right sir. drivers will see them and not care. i was checking trash in the one part of the park and i see tony and liam driving so i wave. by now it;s almost our lunch, its like 11:15. im going to check some cans that you like actually have to walk to, but i see tony driving towards me so i wait. they pull up, ask for the time. tony suggests we take a brisk walk to check the cans. we take a walk, but it’s not very fast. it’s very slow. we stopped to talk about dumb shit. liam’s apparently found a mink? on the pier? im so jealous? anyways yeah we wasted fifteen minutes looking at cans. we turn around and Danager’s walking towards us. tony grabs some trash off the ground immediately. danager doesnt even question it. he just tells us he wants someone to weedwhip or mow this one area, or at least be aware of it. tony and liam leave with dan, i head back to the shop. i hosed out the back of my cart cuz i got something FOUL in it. it may have been human poop. not sure. it was at least poop. lunch was more joking about danager. then danager came in and they started talking about muscle cramps. tony asked regular dan if he got cramps ever. dan shook his head. we dont think dan’s human. doesnt eat. doesnt SIT. only takes breaks because he’s legally required. jury is out. danager fucks off again. liam ate some of the ice cream. we chill until danager comes back in. then we leave. danager really told us to keep our weedwhips with us (also everytime liam or i say weedwhip mockingly we whip so i mean. yeah) and if we saw anything that needed weedeated to do it. ITS THE FOURTH OF JULY. THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE IN THE PARK. tony apparently reached for his weedeater and some lady started cussing him out. something about how there’s people around and whatever (all true) and he’s like yeah sorry i was told to but yaknow what I just wont! because it’s a holiday no one wants to weedeat. so danager told us to go clean up driftwood from the beach and tony’s like oh some of it may be big yaknow ill go with you guys. completely an excuse not to do work. it was fine. we went down to the beach. got all ten pieces of wood that were there. and we did not take them back to the shop to be dealt with. no. we may or may not have taken the trashcan full of wood to the treeline and yeeted the driftwood into the treeline/woods. then we walked back up to our carts. and didnt get in them. the three of us stood around the carts for like twenty minutes just talking instead of working. who cares honestly. i dont. as long as it’s not a habit,,, we cool. somehow we started talking abt pot and liam’s like Oh yeah i’m pretty sure everyone here gets FUCKED up on that. and tony (who’s been here for a summer) was like. oh yeah for SURE. he’s like yaknow weed’s okay. not that interesting ppl overhype it. liams like yea never done it been overed it never done it and im like never been offered, never done it. a ranger rolled by and tony’s like yo what if the ranger rolled his window down and just a cloud of pot smoke rolled out and his eyes were just red. what would we do. and we all just like essentially shrug emojid and kept talking. tony came up with the great idea to move out of the full sun into some shade. we sat in the carts in the shade and talked more abt dumb shit. we decide to eventually move and check some other areas for trash. just to look busy and also get out of an area that had a lot of people and access for a cart. so we went over to another section of the park and got trash. I had two bags, and Tony’s just like yeah as long as they see trashbags in your cart no one’s gonna care what you’re doing. We went over near that part’s bathrooms and dan and even dan was like,,, i see yall are fuckin off and i dont hate that. we actually talked with dan for a bit too. then we walked over to this area where ppl throw beercans and ““““checked”““ for trash there. skipped rocks. made stupid comments about shit. we were over there for like twenty minutes. aaaaaaaaand Danager shows up. he tells tony to go water some plants in the front. it’s 1:30 at this point, tony’s gotta go load the water, haul it out to the front, water. liam and i followed him back to the carts. he got in his cart, looked around to make sure dan was gone and did the finger gun to head thing and drove off. liam and i immediately were like okay we gotta figure something out we’re staying the fuck out of danager’s way. so we go to another pier and start walking it, looking for trash. we did actually pick up trash. there was a lot. after like fifteen minutes we headed back to the shop to take our break at 2 and danager’s on his way out and he’s like oh! hey you guys can weedwhip around the building! or clean up around the dumpsters. do something. “No use standing around for twenty minutes”. okaaaaaaaaaaaaay man. so liam and i are like oh yeah of course we’ll find something to do. FUCK I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT TO BLOW THE GRASS IN THE DRIVEWAY FUCK FUCKIJ’DJ’FKJALKJFLAKJF goddamnit. deadass sorry for abrupt switch but im sitting in my house at 10:25pm realizing i didnt get the grass in the driveway. ugh whatever. ending my regrets and back to earlier. so as soon as danager drives his way and we get far enough away both of us are like YO FUCK THAT and im immediately like. 
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i get as far as saying the first I from this and liam and I say the rest in unison. we share a braincell, i think. good job us. we’re both OVER IT. we throw our trashbags in the dumpster and grab pickers. we’re not sweating it but we grab some trash. i feel bad for tony cuz he’s out watering when it’s breaktime. liam says he probably wont be back till 2:25 when we have to clock out by 2:30. he wound up being right. a lot of shaking heads and muttering inbetween the four seasonals (minus dan) as soon as he was back. i clocked out and i told tony that he probably wont survive tomorrow with danager and that it was nice knowing him. tomorrow two of the techs will be back because they had today off. but it’s gonna be tony, the two techs, and danager. and possibly someone from the other park. not sure tho. like the BIGGEST oof because it’s gonna be a full day of trash cleanup and they’ve got danager there. and danager works the same shift as tony so anyday tony’s in, so it danager. the sat-thur crew got lucky. he told liam and i that on saturdays, the techs are out b/c weekends. it was just tony and someone from the other park and they’d. get the trash. trashbags and ground trash. and then fuck off in the breakroom. you can’t weedeat or cut on weekends. there’s not much to do if there’s not trash. they deadass would nap. and now they’re SCREWED because danager’s there. i’m so sad the one guy from the other park wasn’t there today. I can not WAIT to find out what he thinks of danager. fascinating. i almost worked tomorrow too, of my own request because I missed so much. but im sO Glad i didnt i do not want to spend anytime around danager that i dont have to. he fucking sucks. anyways. working my first ever fourth of july was,,, eventful. it mostly consisted of trying to avoid danager and kicking it with liam and tony. and that’s stellar. I really like both of them. i love my fucking coworkers. except danager. fuck you. also! no one offered us food :( apparently there is usually good food ppl offer to you and :( :( i didnt get food. oh today at work was wild. im so sorry for this post. it’s a hefty one. is this the longest post i’ve ever made on tumblr? yes. if you made it this far good job. I saw two REALly great dogs. the one looked like a bear. the other was a gsd. good job. god i love this job. 
0 notes
metalempire · 7 years
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so using the digimon picker i was able to find my top 20 favourite digimon it seems. the list itself reads right to left and goes in descending order, so i’m going to list them off in ascending order and give reasons as to why they got on the list it seems. a noticable trend on this list is dark themed, red coloured or metallic digimon. 
20. scorpmon 
it’s no surprise i like appmon and i do like that scorpmon harkens back to digimon designs by being edgy and having guns, plus he’s purple.i like the cameramon line so far and i liked the fight he had with dogatchmon. 
19. infernmon
one of my more favourite perfect level designs, i like that his mouth has a gun hidden in it and i loved how it was in our war games. honestly its got that kind of uncanny look on its face that makes it look both evil and cunning yet not hostile. its just a design i really appreciate, plus it looks cute when it tucks its limbs in,
18. dogatchmon
i like gatchmon and navimon, so combining their designs makes something i like. no brainer really. he gets alot of good fight scenes and whatnot in appmon and honestly he looks pretty sleek yet compact. not too much to say here he’s a more basic design in appmon i appreciate for not being too silly or edgy.
17. omegamon alter-b
out of all his numerous forms, this is the omegamon im most attached to, specifically because of next-0rder. i like the idea of swapping the weapons and imbuing it with darkness and letting it run wild, as well as being an alter evolution, it just looks really cool and was a great fight in the game as well. plus its just got a cool name.
16. millenniumon 
i always thought its previous form as kimairamon was a clusterfuck of colours, yet had potential as a design. so dampening those colours to darker greys, blacks and a little blue accented with that yellow and blue aura with those sick mugen cannons on it help bring the design together really, plus it looks thinner and meaner than its perfect form. 
15. leviamon
my favourite demon lord. i like marine life that can kill you and has teeth. plus im a very envious person, so this thing stuck with me, especially since he’s the most different looking out of the demon lords. i just like the idea of a giant crocodile being the second most powerful among the demon lords with a mouth big enough to rip a building in half if he wanted to. plus having two tails is cute.
14. chaosdukemon
honestly the uses of dull purples, blues and a shade of grey thats not quite black and not steel coloured either makes a very subtly impressive design, one that would convey dread over terror. im particularly fond of how its shield looks to be honest.
13. herakleskabuterimon
the only one who doesnt quite fit the theme of this list too well. huh. either way i think the tentomon line is a decent one only upstaged by a few others in adventure as it goes, yet ends up being my favourite ultimate from tri when all the kids get ultimate evolutions. i do like how it has a few nods to kuwagamon and has enough going on yet stays simple by using a mostly one colour. it looks powerful without trying too hard and i feel like i can respect this thing.
12. megidramon
i consider this to be guilmon’s true ultimate really and it does look quite terrifying. it has acidic saliva, hellfire themed design, elements of megalogrowlmon such as the arm blades and looks like a scary dragon rather than a dinosaur. i also like its lack of legs for some reason. when i imagine the digital hazard this thing first comes to mind, because it looks like a menace to any digimon really. its a woefully underused design and one that sticks with me to this day as something that really stood out in tamers.
11. megaseadramon
seadramon’s design was simple but not memorable really. megaseadramon has a much more effective design, using colours that mesh better, i like that its hair looks like algae and i like the metal twisted horn that shoots lightning, hearkening back to betamon. i also find it kind of cute, its slender and looks like it’d probably kill you on sight and i kind of like its demented eyes.
10. diablomon
yaoi hands. i like how diabolical this thing looks, it has wild eyes, a villain’s hairstyle and a nice way of walking that reminds you its kind of a bug but not really. those long arms that just whip around to slap you just add to it really when paired with its comparatively little legs. again our war games plays into how much i like this thing, since it was fast, cunning and powerful. quite alot for whats essentially the personification of the y2k bug.
9. globemon
red google daddy. fuck me this is the first appmon design i’d probably fuck. just look at him, sleek, tall, strong shiny. he moves in a very exaggerated fashion and is so laughably overpowered in concept that he can basically attack the entire earth with one move. i like the use of lasers and lights in his design and that he replaces most of the white and green from dogatchmon with timemon’s bright gold to look kind of regal yet commanding.
8. alphamon
best waifu. something about them hips man.... anyway, alphamon is probably op as shit for being able to rewind time and blast apart dexdorughoramon with one attack, as well as having a sword made of light and whatever the fuck an ouryuken is. its got a wide arsenal and pulls off a great black knight look, i like that its the leader of the royal knights who’s never actually there, just existing to control them if need be. x-evolution and cyber sleuth really helped endear me to alphamon, its so cool and smooth looking. 
7. hagurumon
the only child level on this list, hagurumon is adorable. its essentially thee gears sellotaped together with a crooked smile. it also has one eye thats covered by a circle and one eye with a spiky circle for variety. its just so cute, it fits exactly into what i find adorable, the way it moves, the way it smiles, the industrial look it has. it’s got a place in my heart as my favourite child level for just being unconventially adorable.
6. chaosdramon
considering it’s the evolution to another digimon on this list, it wins a spot by virtue of sharing a similar design, yet adapting it. its got eyes now and even though its black skin is actually cyber in some ways, looking some cool matrix shit, it makes it look more like a dragon/dinosaur wearing red digizoit armour. i do like how it has the same weapons as its prior stage, yet they do look noticeably different, i like the return to the classic dreadnought cannons that slowly snap forward and fire one colossal blast. the whole thing looks ready to go and kill. 
5. megadramon
arguably my favourite perfect level, megadramon has a classical design to me. its got that cyborg reptile thing going on that i love, its got a little tattoos, tattered wings, a metal helmet and those two missile launchers for hands. it looks ferocious and there’s enough going there to look at plus its one of the rarer instances where colours that clash a bit look kind of fitting for me. i’d like t imagine it curled up asleep sometime. 
4. lordknightmon
pink’s a good colour, knights are good. lordknightmon is therefore good. i love this thing as a character, someone who will do anything if the ends justify the means, so much untapped potential for conflict with the royal knights and with itself. its good villain, but also a food hero, plus its flashy and vain, which i find entertaining. i like the elegant design alot and the fact its pink. sexy. 
3. dukemon
i think everyone fell in love with dukemon the first time they saw it. it’s a timeless design, perfect uses of red and white. the weapons it has just look so good together, its body looks just right, its pretty much captivating in a way thats unique to the viewer yet always universal in that sense. i like its concept too, it tamed the digital hazard and instead used its power to protect the digital world as a holy knight instead of destroy it, even its personal justice seems to be that ones deeds determine your fate and that life is always precious. i also like that its a bit of a rebel among the royal knights once it starts thinking. be real, we’d all marry dukemon. 
2. metalseadramon
i like metal digimon, i like megaseadramon. combine the two and i’m signed up lads. in a way, i find this thing really cute, hard to explain, not gonna bother. i also really like how its nose is now a giant laser cannon because it must have one hell of a sneeze. honestly though this thing is so majestic looking, its got the hair, the gold and silver metal design, the wires and pipes, all of it slenderly put together on a sleek serpent of the seas, its so beautiful in a way, a design that just comes together perfectly.
1. mugendramon
anyone who follows me is not surprised at all that this is my favourite. i adore this thing. i love that its a combo of several perfect level digimon’s cyborg parts meshed together into one incredible machine of death and destruction. honestly i consider it the best designed digimon of all time. there’s so much going on but its not a clusterfuck, everything links together so well, you can really tell its machine digimon made to be the best of the best, taking so much that worked before and amplifying it. i like cyborgs and i like robots, so this thing hits all the notes for me while still trying to look like a monster, like a mechanical chimera that looks like it fits, like all the parts were meant to be put together to assemble this glorious machine. i love its wide variety of weapons and attacks, and that its essentially a digimon who runs on malice, that it petty much exists just to fuck up everything in sight. i’ll never forget the one analogman used at the end of digimon world 1 and i love the idea that it as the first ultimate, that because of this thing so many digimon rapidly began to change and try to reach its level of power. this thing definites the level its at, that all digimon going from perfect to ultimate should use this thing as a goal of sorts, to reach its sheer level of power. and its withstood the test of time, with so many digimon at the ultimate level being so strong in their own ways, this thing can still go toe to toe with the best of them. its a raw classic that just cant be beaten in my eyes, its always going to be my favourite really. i love it. 
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
our broken white rose (3/?) ⇾ camren
a/n: i was gonna update tomorrow after wedding planning with my fiancée but she’s with her dad doing father, daughter shit and im home alone, bored and cold so after this if y'all wanna pm me, im not opposed to it. seriously. be my friend. pLEASE! ok enjoy this chapter. please comment as you read, let me know what you think, answer end of the chapter questions and vote! ilyy..
-after writing chapter: i started this at like 6 PM east coast time AND ITS LITERALLY 3:30 AM. fuck lmao. ok enjoy
I lightly drummed my fingertips on the wooden table, humming to myself as I glanced up at the clock. Tori should be here any minute now.
Its been about a week since my encounter with Tori at Luca’s Ice Cream Shoppe and since then, I’ve managed to give her my number and semi let her into my life. It’s weird. I haven’t made “friends” with anyone other than my co-workers since Camila’s passing. The only person I had was Lucy and if she wasn’t watching the girls for me, she was spending time with Kandee (kay-n-dee). So it was nice but, weird, having someone I can just talk to whenever.
Today happened to be Tori’s last day in California and as weird as it sounded, I’m going to miss her. Her flight was to take off in about three hours from now and she was coming in to collect the demo she had recorded for her friend Karla and the few solo tracks we managed to edit and get done.
When I heard the creek of the studio door opening, I turned around and smiled at Tori as she shoved her wild curls out of her face and hurried in. “I’m so sorry I’m late. The checkout line at my hotel was crazy. I had to checkout before noon or they’d charge me for the night and I’ve been there since eight in the morning,” she explained with a loud sigh. “I’m sorry.”
I shook my head, chuckling softly. “It’s fine Tori. I’m in no rush, you’re good,” I shrugged it off.
She nodded, seemingly relieved. “Thanks.”
Walking over to the recording booth, I grabbed the two CD cases before walking back over to Tori who was in the process of putting her hair up. “This is your demo and your other recordings,” I explained, handing it over when her hands were finally free.
A wide smile formed on her lips. She took the CDs from me before throwing her arms around me. I stood in shock for a few moments before laughing awkwardly and hugged her back. She pulled away, dimples on display. “Thank you so much Lauren. I can’t wait until Karla and my mom sees these,” she said, looking down at them with nothing but excitement.
I smiled. “I’m sure they’ll love it. You sound amazing.”
I watched as a small blush fell upon her cheeks before she looked up at me. “Thanks a lot Laur. I couldn’t have done all this without you.”
“Yeah you could’ve. You’re incredible all on your own,” I said. “Have you ever thought of moving out here and starting a music career? Any label would be fucking stupid not to sign you. I could even get you in touch with the label my w…” I trailed off, waving my hands around, hoping she’d catch on. She looked at me for a moment before her mouth formed an ‘O’ shape and nodded. “Yeah. With her label. It’s really hard to come across good talent nowadays. The industry could use real people like yourself.”
Tori shook her head, a bashful smile gracing itself on her lips. “I don’t know about all of that… my family is in Alaska. And Karla’s having a baby soon and her fiancée isn’t too fond of leaving town let alone the state.”
I shrugged, “Who says Karla and her crew has to come? I think you should put your dreams before them. But that’s just me. I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, but if you ever feel like it’s the right time, you know where to reach me.”
Tori nodded slowly, in thought. “Well, Karla’s my best friend. And I don’t think I’d want to leave her all alone while I’m over here. And my mom and her sisters and brothers…” she shook her head. “Music is just a fantasy of mine I’ve gotten the chance to make reality within this last week and a half thanks to you. But I think after this, I’ll just let it stay a fantasy. I have too many people back home to just up and abandon to live some dream that’ll probably fail,” a small frown replaced her perfect smile.
I rolled my eyes, shaking my head before leading her over to the lounging couches to take a seat. My feet were hurting. I thought for a second, attempting to gather my words. “When I left my family and friends, I had just turned sixteen,” I started. “It was the scariest thing of my life. I auditioned to start my dream as a solo act but instead got paired with four girls who absolutely changed my life. It was beyond terrifying to be just a teenager leaving home. I left my little sister and brother, my grandma had died while I was on the road.
“I missed so much of my siblings growing up. And sometimes I really regretted it. I didn’t get to go to college like my brother and sister and everyone else I grew up with. I didn’t get that normal upbringing. But if I had the chance to go back and change anything, I wouldn’t. Because my dream had come true. I got to tour the world with my favorite people for four fucking years, married the woman of my dreams, had two beautiful daughters and now work with helping others make their dreams come true.
"It may be scary, and it may be hard letting go, but God it’s the best feeling in the world - knowing you’re impacting just one persons life with your voice. Its incredible. And I wouldn’t be sharing this with you if I didn’t think you were cut out for it. You remind me a lot of two people. One of my former bandmate’s, Ally. Always wanting to care about everyone, sometimes forgetting herself.
"And my wife… so much talent but so scared of upsetting people that they sit on it for years. When she left our group, people hated her. Hell, I hated her. But what I loved about her and still love to this day was that she finally got up one day and showcased her talent the way she wanted to. Not the way the world wanted her to. And hopefully that one day comes soon for you too.”
I wasn’t sure where all of that had come from. It seemed the the words just kept on falling through my ass crack and out my mouth and it wouldn’t stop. Kinda like when Dinah made those tacos all those years ago and we had only one bathroom. What a night.
Tori smiled slightly at me before laughing to herself, “Your wife seemed like an amazing woman.”
I shook my head, “Not seemed. She’s not gone. She’s always with me.”
Tori nodded, apologizing. “I’m sorry. Seems. I’m sure she’s really proud of you. Wherever she may be.”
I looked down at my fingers before sighing. I missed her. But I wouldn’t cry. Not today. Looking back up I smiled. “I sure hope so.”
“Promise you’ll visit again?” I asked, pulling away from Tori and I’s hug. I had offered to drop her off at the airport, insisting that Uber’s were crazy and Taxi’s were overpriced but really, I just wanted to spend a little more time with her. Of course she protested a million times. That’s something I learned about Tori in this last week. She hated feeling like a burden or like she was bothering you. I admired that about her.
A wide smile took over her features, dimples on full display saying hello to LAX. “Of course. I’ll text you when I land,” she promised.
Nodding once more, I watched as she turned around and heading to check in her luggage. Sighing to myself, I proceeded out the airport. Well, there goes another person in my life.
When I returned home, Lucy was watching TV on the couch, phone in hand and different pouches of candy scattered all over. I rolled my eyes.
“What are you, a troll?” I laughed, plopping down beside her.
She glanced at me with a raised eyebrow before looking back down at her phone. “Well hello to you too,” she mumbled.
“Where are the girls?” I asked, looking up towards the stairs. The house didn’t seem to be upside down like usual.
Lucy shut her phone off, looking at me. “Luna is probably sleeping off her sugar rush and Lana is in her art room.”
“You gave them candy?!” I yelled, throwing a couch pillow at her to which she caught with ease. “Stop trying to give my kids diabetes! You do this every time.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m just trying to sweeten up their lives. You’re the one making them drink fucking green vegetable shakes telling them they’d get cancer if they didn’t. The only thing at risk of giving those children cancer is whatever is in that  poison you call health,” she huffed, opening a new pack of skittles and downing a handful.
I looked at her for a moment before sighing to myself. “You’re absolutely ridiculous.”
“Yet you use to be in love with me.”
“Yeah, before you cheated on me and brought another woman in my bed,” I blurted out. Lucy turned to look at me, obvious pain behind her deep brown eyes. I sighed, shaking my head at myself. No wonder I had no friends. I’m such a mood killer. “Sorry, I was just fucking around.”
Lucy took a deep breath, looking down as she fumbled with the empty pack of skittles. “I know. I just can’t help but feel you’ll never fully forgive me for that…”
I shrugged, “I already forgave you. I guess it’s too sensitive of a topic to joke about.”
Lucy laughed humorlessly to herself, before looking at me again. “You say you forgave me but if you did, you would have given us another shot last year when I brought it up.”
I shook my head, “Don’t start again please. You’re with Kandee.”
“I know that, but you know if you would’ve given me a chance I’d be with you. Helping you raise Luna and Lana. I love those girls… and you. I don’t want you to think I’m trying to get you to replace Camila–”
“Can you just stop?” I cut her off. I looked away, not wanting to see the pain behind her eyes. “I thought we agreed on only being friends, Lucy,” I sighed. “Besides, my wife just died–”
“Oh my god Lauren its been four fucking years. She’s not your wife. She’s a dead woman. They found her remains. She’s gone. Luna and Lana hardly fucking remember her. Stop talking about her! We’re over it, you need to get over it too.”
I looked at Lucy in nothing but disbelief. Taking several calming deep breaths, I blocked out her attempts to apologize as I made my way up the stairs, stopping the tears from falling. Halfway up the stairs, I looked back down at Lucy who was now standing, getting ready to follow me up. “Please go home to your girlfriend and stop telling me how to live my life simply because you can’t get over the past.”
Tori tossed and turned in her bed. It was her first night back in Alaska and although she was happy to see her mom again, she’s been battling with an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach since earlier that day when she had went over to visit Karla, only for Kristen (Lola) to throw some absurd excuse as to why she couldn’t come in.
Ringing the doorbell by the wooden door, Tori gripped the box of Hawaiian Pizza tighter from excitement. She had just arrived no less than two hours ago and was ready to surprise Karla with a box of her favorite pizza all while binge watching ‘Friends’.
When no one came to the door, she glanced at the driveway to make sure Kristen’s Dodge Durango was still there. Looking back at the closed door with a frown, she rang the doorbell two more times. “Maybe they just didn’t hear it,” she mumbled to herself.
A few minutes passed before she heard someone unlocking the several locks on the door. It was still crazy to her that Kristen felt that they needed six locks on one door, but she wasn’t one to judge.
When the wooden door to the cabin like three story home flew open, Tori smiled widely at Kristen, getting ready to walk in only to be stopped. Frowning, she shot Kristen a weird look. “Uh, I have pizza for Karla and I. I just got back from my trip,” she explained, waving the box of pizza in a form of obvious proof.
Kristen looked back into the house for a moment before stepping out and shutting the door behind her. Tori stumbled back, a confused frown permanently etched onto her lips. “What the hell? Why aren’t you letting me in?”
Kristen crossed her arms, looking at Tori with raised eyebrows. “Okay first, I have no obligation to let you into my home,” she started. “And two, Karla isn’t feeling too well. Pizza isn’t exactly something she should be eating.”
Ignoring Kirsten’s first comment, concern instantly washed over Tori. “What’s wrong with her? Why isn’t she feeling well?” She asked, attempting to weave around Kristen to go on inside. When she felt a strong arm shove her back, she grew angry. Light brown eyes glared at hazel ones. “What the fuck Kristen!”
Kristen rolled her eyes, holding Tori away. “She’s not having any visitors right now. She’s contagious.”
Tori scoffed, “That’s bullshit, I don’t care. Can I please just see her? To make sure she’s fine at least?”
Kristen raised an eyebrow, now glaring at Tori in annoyance. “What, do you not trust me? Just go home and rest Victoria. You probably have jet lag or something. You can come back next week.”
Tori’s eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. “Next week?! What the hell, please tell me what’s happening. Can I just say hi? I promise I’ll leave right after Kris,” she begged.
Her heart fell into her stomach when Kristen ignored her, walking back inside and shutting the door behind her. Concern was swarming throughout her body and she didn’t know what to do.
“Does Karla not wanna see me?” She mumbled to herself.
That was the only thing that made sense. Kristen wouldn’t intentionally keep her away like that. Even when Karla had strep throat, she was still allowed to see her. It wasn’t about it being contagious. Karla just didn’t want to see her anymore.
Frowning down at the box of pizza, she sighed, holding her tears in as she turned back around and headed back to her car.
Staring up at her bedroom ceiling, she huffed before crawling out of bed. Heading into the living room, she was about to make her way into the kitchen for some water when she realized her study room light was on. “I thought I turned that off…” she mumbled.
Crossing the floor of her living room and into her study room, she jumped nearly twenty feet into the air. Heart beating erratically, she held her chest as her breathing hitched.
“Oh hey Tori,” her mother greeted looking up from the computer screen in front of her before looking back down. “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
She took a deep breath before letting it out. “I didn’t know you decided to stay,” she mumbled out, pulling a chair up and sitting down.
Her mom raised an eyebrow at her, “That’s never bothered you before.”
“Yeah I know, I’m sorry. Just kinda scared me…”
“Alright. Well what are you doing up? Don’t you have work? It’s nearly four in the morning.”
Sighing dramatically, she ran her hands up and down her face. “Just kind of worried about Karla,” she said quietly, playing with the loose thread on her pajama bottoms.
Looking away from the computer screen, Laura (Tori’s mother) turned to face her daughter and gave her full attention.  “What’s the matter with Karla? Is she having issues with the baby?”
Tori shook her head, shrugging. “I’m not even sure Ma. I went over there after my flight with a box of her favorite pizza and Kristen opened the door, and made up an excuse as to why I couldn’t come in. She said Karla had some sort of "contagious sickness” and that I should come back next week. But Ma, I was with Karla when when she had strep throat and every other illness. I think Kris is being a little sketchy. She even shoved me away when I tried to go inside.“
Laura gave her daughter a puzzled look before sighing. "I never really trusted that woman…”
“Karla? Why? You know she’s more honest than Mary herself.”
Laura shook her head laughing lightly. “Not Karla, she’s a sweetheart. I’m talking about Kristen.”
Tori frowned, “Oh. Well, this is the first time I’m actually doubting her words. I don’t really know her, whenever I’m around she’s either working in her office or not talking. Karla says she doesn’t like a lot of people and she’s really closed off.”
Laura rolled her eyes, sliding her rolling chair back and forth on the carpeted floor as she thought. “I don’t know sweetheart. She just has rubbed me the wrong way for far too long. I don’t think she’s as good of a person as you think she may be.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about Ma. Karla wouldn’t be with her if she was a bad person. I’m just overreacting because I couldn’t see my best friend,” Tori defended.
Laura sighed to herself as she stood up. Walking towards her daughter, she planted a soft kiss on her forehead, pushing her curly blonde locks back. “I like how you always want to see the best in people baby girl, but I’ve been around far longer than yourself. I think I know a good person verses a bad person when I see it. Maybe Karla herself doesn’t even know. But I could be wrong, just get some sleep. I’m heading to bed.”
Tori felt her shoulders drop. “Okay. Fresh towels in the guest room bathroom,” she called over her shoulder.
“Thanks baby! Go to sleep now.”
Tori didn’t know how long she sat in the study room of her condo just thinking. But when she finally decided to head on up to bed, the sun was nearly coming up. “I guess this calls for a phone call to work faking sick…”
Entering her room, she flopped down on her bed staring up at the ceiling. Looking over at her nightstand where her phone sat, she picked it up deciding to do a bit of internet surfing before sleeping.
On her screen was two messages from Lauren. “Oh shit.”
Lauren - 7:24 PM: Hey, I don’t mean to be annoying and shit but just checking in to make sure you landed safely??
Lauren - 2:03 AM: I’m kinda worried. I gotta head to bed now but I bet you’re just busy or sleeping or something. Get back to me when you can.
Sitting up, she couldn’t help but smile at her concern but felt bad at the same time. She totally forgot to text her after she landed.
Tori - 5:59 AM: hey, i’m really sorry. i literally JUST saw your messages. i landed safely. just been stressed.
Tori went to put her phone down and head to sleep when it all of a sudden beeped. Frowning down at it, she raised an eyebrow when she realized it was Lauren.
Lauren - 6:01 AM: Oh no it’s okay. Just glad you’re safe and all. Penny for your thoughts?
Tori - 6:01 AM: wow, did you stay up awaiting my message? lol. but nah, i don’t wanna bug ya
Tori fumbled with her phone as she waited for a new reply. “Sleep is for losers anyways,” she mumbled to herself.
Lauren - 6:04 AM: Nooo, lmfao. I have kids, remember? It’s like 7 AM and I gotta take them to school. And you won’t, I promise.
Chewing on her bottom lip, she contemplated talking to Lauren about her concerns before typing away on her phone.
Tori - 6:05 AM: ooohhhh. damn i’m sorry that legit slipped my mind. sucks you gotta be up so early )-:
Tori - 6:05 AM: and i’m just worried about karla, you know, the one i made the demo for? yeah her
Tori found herself falling asleep when Lauren didn’t reply after a few minutes. She was nearly in sleep world when her phone buzzed beneath her finger tips.
Lauren - 6:13 AM: Me being up early? Look at you. But what are you worried about? Her not liking it?
Walking up the stairs, body beyond sore, Camila banged her fist on the locked door. “L-Lola. Please, I’m sorry,” she croaked out through the shut door. She’s been down in that basement for far too long and she was tired. She rather live under Lola’s rules then down there in darkness.
She felt tears prick her eyes when no one came. She was probably gone. Limping back down the stairs, she walked over to her corner and sat. “Please hurry up and save me Lolo…” she whispered as the first tear escaped.
She had bruises covering every inch of her body. Her stomach was in severe pain. She didn’t even know if the being within her was still alive. She hasn’t felt a single kick in days and she couldn’t help but feel worried but relieved all at once.
Minutes after she had come back down the stairs, the basement door swung open, Lola standing at the top. She flicked on the lights and Camila stood up as quickly as her body would allow her to. “Please Lola, I’m sorry,” she whispered as she came closer. “Don’t leave me down here anymore. I’m scared.”
Lola stared at her fiancée for a few moments before dropping the wooden stick in her hand, watching as it tumbled down the stairs. Hazel eyes locked with brown ones as she descended from the staircase. Camila stumbled back slightly when Lola unexpectedly wrapped her arms around her. “I hate to teach you lessons like that love,” She could feel her body tremble in fear but forced herself to hug her back, scared she may upset her and make her leave her down here again. “I love you.”
She stayed silent, hoping she could pass as not hearing it, but of course Lola wouldn’t allow that. Pulling away, she bent down to stare her in the eyes. “I said, I love you,” Looking down, she felt Lola’s hand grip her chin firmly. “You love me too, right?” Camila could feel a fresh set of tears coming as she nodded hesitantly. “Words baby, use your words.”
“Y-Yes… I love you too,” she whispered softly.
Lola smiled a creepy smile before bringing her lips down to Camila and engaging her into a rough kiss. She could feel the bile of disgust rising up her throat as she forced herself to kiss back. Lola soon pulled away, smiling creepily at Camila. “Good girl. Now, we’re gonna go make sure our baby boy is okay, alright?”
Camila sat and looked around the small examination room nervously. Lola had covered all of her bruises up with waterproof makeup. You could still see the slight obvious swelling on her lip and left eye, but it looked mostly like bloating.
The ultrasound technician walked in with a bright smile. “Hello Karla, Kristen. Its been awhile,” Holly greeted.
Holly was the first ultrasound technician to take a look at Camila when she had found out she was pregnant and had helped them several times before. Its been a few months since they’d last seen each other.
Lola smiled at Holly; extending her hand out to which Holly shook. “It has, hasn’t it?”
Smiling slightly herself, Camila nodded, not in the mood to speak. “So lets begin, yeah?”
Laying back on the examination bed near the machine, Camila raised her shirt up, exposing her protruding stomach. She hoped the makeup Lola put wouldn’t rub off when Holly started with the gel.
She winced when Holly pressed the gel covered wand firmly onto her stomach, swiftly moving it around.
Minutes later, Holly gave Camila a wipe to clean herself up and smiled at her. “Dr. Peterson should be in shortly,” she said before walking out.
Lola and Camila sat in silence as they waited for the OBGYN. Soon, the familiar blonde haired woman walked in with a bright smile. “Karla, Kristen! How is my favorite couple doing?” She laughed, taking a seat at the doctors chair.
After doing the usual friendly greeting, Dr. Peterson set her belongings down on the table before going over Camila’s chart silently for a moment before turning to the “couple.”
“Well, everything looks pretty decent to me. What does concern me although is the slightly slowed down heartbeat but that could just be due to early stages of the pregnancy,” or your crazy bitch of a “fiancée” trying to kill you by kicking your stomach over and over for an hour straight, she thought to herself. “Kristen, do you mind stepping outside with me? I want to speak to you about something,” Dr. Peterson requested.
Lola glanced at Camila before looking at Dr. Peterson and nodding. Camila watched in silence and confusion as the two women walked out of the room.
Minutes passed and neither have returned. Camila glanced around nervously before her eyes landed on Dr. Peterson’s cell phone sitting on the counter. A risky thought crossed her mind as she glanced at the door.
She waited a few more minutes to make sure no one was coming before quickly getting up and dashing across the room to retrieve the cellular device. “Please don’t have a lock, please don’t have a lock, please don’t have a lock,” she whispered over and over again to herself as she turned it on. She paced around impatiently as the apple logo came onto the phone. Glancing back the door, her eyes widened when she saw the handle turning slightly.
Looking at the phone in her hand that was currently rebooting, she shoved it into her bra and made her way back to the examination table, sitting and acting as normal as she possible could. Praying that Dr. Peterson doesn’t notice her missing phone right away.
“Well, you ladies are free to go. Make a follow up appointment for a well check in four weeks at the front desk. Hope to see you soon,” she smiled, gathering her things all at once and walking out.
Lola looked at Camila with a raised eyebrow. “C'mon.”
Standing in place Camila tried to think of an excuse as quickly as possible. “I… I uh. I have to poop!” She blurted out.
Lola looked at her with slightly wide eyes before sighing. “You can do that at home.”
“I can’t hold it,” she insisted.
Lola rolled her eyes in annoyance, “Hurry up and ask someone for the bathroom.”
Nodding and shooting Lola a small nervous smile to seem as unsuspicious as possible, Camila hurried and waddled out of the exam room, spotting a near by bathroom and walking in. She quickly locked the door behind her.
Taking the phone out from her bra, she was surprised that Lola didn’t notice it considering the fact that she had absolutely no breasts and anything against her chest was pretty obvious but she thanked god she hadn’t cause she was kind of nervous to find out what Lola would have done if she did. Lola never allowed her to have a phone, being the main reason why she’s never been able to find help for herself. Lola tracked her every move. Almost like a stalker. She couldn’t tell her co-workers because Lola was pretty much always at work with her or watching from afar. Lola was everywhere. But this was her moment. Her one chance.
Turning the phone on, she slid her thumb across the screen and nearly cried tears of joy when she realized there was no lock. She begged her mind to remember the one persons number she hoped and prayed stayed the same all these years. Her thumbs shook nervously as she typed away.
“Wait, I gotta go grab my phone!” She called out before running up the stairs and into her room.
Walking over to her nightstand, she picked it up getting ready to chuck it into her purse before it vibrated several times. Her heart stopped at what she read. Someone had to be fucking with her.
At least that’s what she thought until she read the last message.
Unknown - 2:34 PM: dinah, i need your help. it’s camila
Unknown - 2:34 PM: please don’t reply to this number. its not my phone
Unknown - 2:35 PM: im in yakutat alaska. lola is literally keeping me hostage
Unknown - 2:36 PM: i cant explain much but im in danger and i need your help. please. is lauren ok? are my kids ok?
Unknown - 2:36 PM: fuck dont answer that. i have no time at all. but if you do see them, tell them i love them so much and i miss them more than anything in the world
Unknown - 2:37 PM: i told lola i had to take a shit but i gotta hurry. dont reply back. PLEASE! just send help. im in yakutat alaska living on 5285 maplewood road
Unknown - 2:37 PM: please… im begging you cheech. help me
a/n: oooooooo…. alright. welp, this chapter sucked ass but idk. tell me what you think.
what do you think is gonna happen next?
what do you think about tori’s mom’s suspicions?
how do you feel about what lucy said?
what do you expect going forth?
how do you think dinah will respond to those messages?
what do you think dr. peterson and lola had to talk about?
camila and her new son on the way?
what are your overall thoughts?
thanks so much for reading. dont forget to comment and vote, ily yall.
to my tumblr readers, add this story on my wattpad to comment, vote, ask direct questions, etc. @ wthbello also don’t forget to follow (:
ellianna, xxxxxxxx
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transient-tutor · 7 years
DEREK: -is jake hanging out in the infirmary right now? because the dad-in-law is stopping by. it's not unusual, he's been coming and going the past few days to see dirk but tonight he's here for jake. he knocks on the door to get his attention before just letting himself in.- Yo Jake.
JAKE: -MOST DEFINITELY HANGING OUT IN THE INFIRMARY. Jake is taking an uneasy doze in one of the visitor cots a small distance aways from the comatose patient room. Jake didn't want to be a cumbersome presence to any medical staff that might come in and check on Dirk's vitals from time to time. Plus, just sitting in there was making him incredibly sad.- 
JAKE: -At the sound of Derek's voice, Jake lifts his head up to squint. Feeling for his glasses and starting to roll to sit. Abeit with difficulty. The weariness wouldn't shake off his bones.- Derek? 
JAKE: Youre here? -blinks and sets gaze on his father-in-law, worried all over again.- Something the matter? Is it dirk?
DEREK: -ambles over, shaking his head and waving a bandaged hand in dismissal.- Dont worry. Nothins up. 
DEREK: -plops to take a seat beside him on the cot.- I stopped by to see you.
JAKE: -shoulders sag in relief and he sighs. The biggest dog sigh of them all. Eyeballs the bandaged hand.- Get into a scrum?
DEREK: -holds up his hand and sighs at it.- Yeah with a wall. 
DEREK: It was a lil one sided.
JAKE: Oh well... 
JAKE: Happens to the best of us. -And it does! Though Jake typically fought anything but a wall.- 
JAKE: Youre here at least... having it checked and what not. 
JAKE: Sos the responsibility. -rubs at his neck, making a bit of a face.- Bluh... 
JAKE: Sorry derek. Im... 
JAKE: A few gumptions short of a decent conversation. :(
DEREK: -claps a hand onto jake's shoulder and gives him a sympathetic pat.- No worries. Didnt really come here to conversate anyhow. 
DEREK: Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep but I wanted to get you outta here for a lil while.
JAKE: Oh uh... -It dawns on him that he's hardly spent any "family" time with Derek. As most affairs they cross paths in were in the company of other people. Also before that, Jake got entirely distracted by dating his son.- At this time of night? 
JAKE: Where would we go? -He asks this question but he lives the married family life, Derek. Understand him.-
DEREK: -he gets it. he's been there. but he also adamantly refuses to grow up in many regards, so the world remains his oyster.- Anywhere. 
DEREK: Life aint come to a screeching halt outside. If anything its bustling more than it has in who knows how long. 
DEREK: Figured we could hop in that jeep of yours and see whats goin down out there. You up to it?
JAKE: Well its not but... -looks onward, probably in the direction Dirk's room is. Whines internally. Whines eternally.-
DEREK: -sighs through his nose. yeah, he gets that too.- Just to take our minds off things for a lil while. 
DEREK: Itll be fun. Come on. -he's not above peer pressuring you, jake.-
JAKE: -It's easier to fold when Jake imagines that Derek is telling him to go, rather than suggesting they do.- Oh... 
JAKE: Alright.. 
JAKE: But lets not be long. -pries himself off the bed, again. Reluctantly.-
DEREK: -claps him on the back before hopping to his feet again.- Thats the spirit. 
DEREK: -takes the liberty of leading the way out the door. he doesn't really seem to be waiting around for him to catch up.-
JAKE: -Well that's fine... Jake knows where the Jeep is parked and is also the only one present with a key for it. He takes his time texting his friends in the infirmary about where he's heading off to. He meets up with Derek in the cargo bay.- Ill be frank... 
JAKE: I havent thought to set foot outside since... 
JAKE: My imprisonment i suppose.
DEREK: Thats reasonable. 
DEREK: Cant say Ive had much need to. -leans on the jeep nonchalantly. he wants to drive it... but he will have to ask for the keys. use your words, derek.- But I hear its safer out there. People just rebuildin their lives. 
DEREK: And thats cool. -holds out his hand.- Anyway gimme your keys to this thing. -he did it.-
JAKE: -There's a whole second Jake is reluctant to... before he passes them to Derek.- 
JAKE: ... 
JAKE: This was our wedding gift. -blurts. He can't help it. The associations are still there.- :(
DEREK: -snatches them up, then turns towards the vehicle.- ... Yeah. -HE BETTER NOT CRASH IT THEN. he's been known to do this with cars that don't belong to him.- 
DEREK: -gets into the driver's side.- Its a good one. John got it for you right?
JAKE: -climbs in and sits in the passenger side. The sad faces intensify.- Yes. :C
DEREK: -damn, this is gonna be harder than he thought. probably not gonna be the wild night he was hoping for, but he can improvise.- 
DEREK: -produces a six pack of booze from his sylladex and holds them out to him.- Have one. -yes, he's telling him to do this again.-
JAKE: Wh... 
JAKE: -suddenly taking booze in his lap.- Were not driving under any influences are we?
DEREK: -jesus CHRIST.- Im not gonna. -for now-
JAKE: I think id have to stop you if we were sir! Family statuses aside. -HUFFS.-
DEREK: -smirks a little at him as he starts up the jeep.- Good to know. 
DEREK: But I insist. You have at it. 
DEREK: -and with that he TAKES OFF. the ship is landed somewhere out in the wilderness, but not too far from the minneapolis area still. plenty of municipalities to check out, but instead derek is taking a scenic route.-
JAKE: -dont mind if he rolls down the window. He likes the feel of the wind in his hair and especially his mustache.- Well... 
JAKE: I watch plenty of television and im sure theres a law some place that reads there cant be open beverages in a moving vehicle! 
JAKE: So im sure wherever were going it can wait. -sets the boozes down at his feet. That's that.-
DEREK: Oh come on its basically lawless out here. 
 DEREK: Man youre a real goodie two shoes. -says so with a good natured snicker. he's just trying to loosen him up... what a shame it's failing. maybe it's not in the cards. he pauses, hesitant to say what he's thinking but he's derek so he'll say it anyhow.- 
DEREK: You must keep Dirk in line then huh?
JAKE: Shucks i wouldnt go that far. -feeling his face flushing in color. Absently, Jake fiddles with the ring on his finger.- Its just... 
JAKE: Second nature i suppose? Thinking and... 
JAKE: Doing my darndest to plan ahead. -he trails off. Feeling sad all over again.- But you dont want to hear this. We um. 
JAKE: Ought to focus ahead and all. Coming all this way.
DEREK: -glances at him- Well the plan was to take it easy. Sure. 
DEREK: But now I feel like talking about him too. 
DEREK: Its nice hearin this stuff. -sobers up rather suddenly.- 
DEREK: You know were not as close as Id like to be. Me and him. 
DEREK: Guess I can kinda live vicariously through all yall that are when you talk about that sorta thing. What all is goin on in your day to day. Shit like that.
JAKE: Why not? 
JAKE: The lack of closeness i mean.
DEREK: Well... -drums fingers on the steering wheel.- He dont like me too much. 
DEREK: Guess weve been working on that but its slow going. 
DEREK: I cant blame him anyways.
JAKE: Right... -If it helped Derek any, Jake had no reason to have hard feelings about him.- I cant imagine why. My impressions always been that youre as swell a fella as it gets! 
JAKE: Whats there more to say about it? -But no really, he's curious.-
DEREK: -goes quiet for a moment but it's fine, he just scoffs.- People tell me there aint nothin left to say anymore. 
DEREK: But I wasnt always a swell fella.
JAKE: Oh... -Truth be told, he had a hard time picturing anyone as totally a bad person. Jake glances at him, a glimmer of optimism for his father-in-law.- Its a dog eat dog world im told... 
JAKE: Some folks do whats best they think is needed for survival. -looks away then, watching the passing scenery. So dark out...- I know its true for me.
DEREK: That dont always make it right. 
DEREK: But that aint somethin you gotta worry about. Youre an indisputably good guy. 
DEREK: -decides to make a turn down some dirt road.- And a great dad.
JAKE: Good... golly. Gulp.  -if it's Derek's intention to make Jake blush again, it's working. Too much positivity in one sitting, his eyes are starting to water. Jake scrubs his face with the back of one hand. There they go, down some dirt road.-
DEREK: -IT ISNT EXACTLY, but he is making extra effort to be sincere with jake.- ... -glances at him.- 
DEREK: Its true. 
DEREK: Times like these really make or break a man. 
DEREK: ... And Ill be real with you it is shit like this which made me a bad guy. I let that happen. 
DEREK: Cuz I thought I had to do it alone. 
DEREK: -drums fingers on the steering wheel.- Just remember youre not alone alright?
JAKE: I know it. Its not... 
JAKE: Me im torn all over for. -swallows hard as it turns out his attempt to curb the water works failed. Jake sits there with tears dripping.-
DEREK: -frowns at the road ahead of him. he's not the best at expressing his sympathy, not always, but it's a little easier when some of that pain is shared. he reaches over to grip at jake's shoulder for a moment.- Yeah. I get it.
JAKE: -the simple gesture of squeezing his shoulder has Jake's heart wrenching even more. The most he can do is wring out a handkerchief to blow his nose into. Jake English doesn't go anywhere without it.-
DEREK: -this poor kid... he can't believe he carries around a handkerchief though. he clears his throat to suppress a chuckle about it and retracts his hand to place both back on the wheel.- 
DEREK: I dont wanna make promises that itll be alright but... Youve got me and Riley and Dave and the whole goddamn clan to make shit easier where we can.
JAKE: -sniffles again and focuses on folding the hankerchief away. He'll have to wash this later.- Oh i know i... 
JAKE: ... 
JAKE: I feel just awful... thinking to ask when i cant even be fucking bothered to hold my own. -seems to be telling himself this more than Derek.- Ive held worse. Ive... endured worse. 
JAKE: And so has everyone else. Its... -rests his elbow just outside the window, looking out again.- Magnanimously stupid of me. I shouldnt ask more of everyone.
DEREK: -brows knit as a familiar kind of pain wrenches at his insides. how does he even begin to explain how well he understands?- 
DEREK: I know. 
DEREK: When you wanna keep it together so nobody else has gotta add you to their long list of troubles. 
DEREK: Even when you feel like youre fallin apart. 
DEREK: Its frustratin. 
DEREK: Like fuck. You should be able to handle this. 
DEREK: You got to. -grips the steering wheel tight, but when he notices they've arrived at their impromptu destination, he loosens his hold and slows the vehicle to a stop next to one of the many lakes around here.- 
DEREK: -turns to look at jake.- Youre a strong person Jake. 
DEREK: I know you got this. 
DEREK: But I aint offerin my help cuz I think you need it. 
DEREK: Im doin it cuz youre family.
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