iamyoursonly · 9 months
The Morning of the New Year (01/01/2024)
happy new year guys!! wish the best for 2024 <33
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New year new me, we always say. As the New Years symbolises the fresh start of a new year after a period of remembrance of the passing year, and every year, there’ll be fireworks showcased by the sea. The variety of colours painting the sky, red, blue, green, yellow… they were everywhere. The light blinding as they fly up to the sky and a big sound of ‘boom’ right after its release. While all of the audience were either watching such a spectacular sight at home on television, or at the pier in person. No matter where they were, the moment of countdown was always very, and I mean very overwhelming. People cheer and jump up when the countdown finally hits 1, celebrating the joy of the beginning of the year, and it influenced everyone. And it was like this every year.
This year, I don’t think the joy they’re giving off influenced me. I was at the pier, holding a cigarette and a can of beer, leaning on the bar near the pier. It was 1 AM, everyone has left after all the hype the countdown has given them. Just an hour ago, everyone was surrounding me and I felt like I couldn’t breathe, all that happiness and the feeling of bliss, I couldn’t relate to it at all. Cameras flashing and the shouting were too much for me to bear, I didn’t even know how I made it through all that noise. The quietness surrounding me right now is much better, the noise and the hype belongs to another world which does not include me. I breathe out a mouthful of smoke, feeling the right amount of tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine hitting my lungs beforehand as I let out a sigh of relief.
“TEN!” The crowd roared, with the announcer hyping them up.
“NINE!” More people joining this moment.
“EIGHT!” Even more people feeling the hype.
“SEVEN!” The announcer screamed, and they followed.
“SIX!” As if this was a moment to celebrate, they cheered.
“FIVE!” I puffed on my cigarette.
“FOUR!” They screamed with even more excitement.
“THREE!” The children joined in.
“TWO!” Everyone looked happy.
“ONE!” They look ready to jump up.
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” I exhaled the smoke as everyone jump up, congratulating each other about this new year.
Then the fireworks began, as the vibrant colours burst across the night sky, illuminating the darkness with their radiant splendour, I stood amidst the crowd, watching the mesmerising firework display that welcomed the arrival of a new year.
As the fireworks soared higher and exploded in a symphony of light and sound, each dazzling moment seemed to accentuate my own feelings of sadness and loneliness. As the fireworks painted the sky with brilliant hues, tears welled up in my eyes, blending with the vibrant display. Each shimmering cascade seemed to echo the emotions swirling within them: the explosive bursts mirrored my suppressed pain, the fleeting beauty mirrored my fleeting moments of happiness, and the fading trails of light mirrored the fading hopes I carried.
As the final firework illuminated the sky, showering the world with a resplendent glow, everyone clapped. With a bittersweet smile, I turn around to leave the venue, only to find myself there again after everyone left.
“What is a pretty lady like you doing here?”
A man said, I did not even notice his presence until he was only a few inches away from me. I could feel his breath on my neck when he talked to me. The alcohol and the cigarette must’ve been getting to my head since I couldn’t make myself push him away. Was it because I had an empty void I needed to fill in my heart? Or was it just because I wanted someone to be with me?
I turned around to face him, he was gorgeous. Had the prettiest eyes you could ever imagine, ocean blue like they reflect all the emotion he’s feeling, I feel like I could look at them forever. His hair stood out so much too, white and smooth, like you can run his fingers through his hair all night when you lay down in bed with him. And his face, he was even more beautiful than Brad Pitt, and no one is prettier than him. Oh he’s so tall too… In just that instant, all the delusions that I have kept hidden in my head has come out just from this man. My cheeks flushed a pink hue, I didn’t even know if it was the alcohol or if it was how pretty he was.
“Uh… I’m just here to enjoy the midnight breeze.”
He looked at the cigarette between my index finger and my middle finger, and the can of beer in my other hand. “With a can of beer and a cigarette? I doubt that.” He laughed, then he continued, “Mind if I take a sip from your beer?”
I hand him the can, and he gladly takes it. He takes a generous sip from the can and gave it back to me. “Thanks, I needed that.” I smiled, and took a sip from the can too.
“So, why are you here? To enjoy the midnight breeze too?” I asked him, he chuckled.
He didn’t answer right away. Instead, he leaned on the bar that I was leaning on, just with his back facing the sea and looking up at the sky. As if I could suddenly feel the misery radiating off of him, it’s like he could cry any second if he stops laughing and pretending to be happy, I grabbed him into an embrace. I could feel his body jolt from the shock, I totally understand, since who’d willingly hug a stranger… But he slowly responded to my embrace and hugged me back. He choked a few sobs into my shoulders as I tried to comfort him amidst his intoxicating scent. He smells like candy and bubblegum, it does fit his bubbly character, making him seem mature but not that much.
“How’re you feeling?” I whisper to him, trying to make my voice appear as soft as possible. He looked into my eyes after standing up straight again, I noticed the red stains around his eyes though he was trying his best to keep his cheerful character. “Never better.” I put my forehead on his chest, and I smiled without him seeing. “I’m glad to hear that.”
In the moment, I feel as if ‘Lover’ by Taylor Swift was playing in the background. Our souls were connected suddenly, his warmth radiating as he took the beer from me and drank from it. We didn’t speak at all, the silence was really pleasant. In the midst of a chaotic world, it was like we were in a gentle refuge that embraces the weary soul, offering respite from the ceaseless clamour of daily life. In the arms of silence, he takes a puff from his newly lit cigarette after wrapping his arms around me. The companionship he brings me makes me feel comfortable, it felt like my mother embracing me at night, asking me to tell her what happened to me after I came home crying.
I stand up straight after leaning on him for as long as I remembered. I take a big puff on my cigarette, and exhale towards the sea though the breeze blew the smoke right back into my face. He does the same. “I was here because the world seems too much for me.” I look at him, and he continued while remaining a faint smile on his face, “Lost a real friend last year.” I could feel my heart drop when he told me that, I didn’t know what I would feel about that if I were in his shoes. I choked out, “What?” And he looked back at me as I stared at him attentively. “Yeah.”
I want to give him a big hug again, though it may be inappropriate since we just met an hour ago. The moon seems even brighter it was as if all our worries were lifted up and we were the only people still at the pier, “Can I hug you?” he asked softly. I eagerly jump into his embrace, giving him the biggest hug he can even get. Feeling his warmth against mine and hoping that he’s feeling comforted right now, we stay like that for a moment.
As soon as he let go of me, I tell him my situation too. “You know I think we might be on the same boat, I lost my mother just a while ago, cancer took her from me. Grew up without my dad because he left for another woman. My mom raised me and treated me like a princess. My dad didn’t even come to the funeral…” I puff on my cigarette as I feel his eyes on me, it felt like he was going to pull me into his arms to comfort me. But he didn’t. Instead he puffed on his cigarette, then he exhaled the smoke and started talking, “I think we’re meant to meet, I’m glad I came to talk to you. My friend, he was killed. In fact, I killed him. Job issues you know? He was a murderer, but before that he was a kind man. The best I ever knew…” He didn’t speak anymore, but the emotions radiating off of him was a lot, so it was only appropriate for me to let him be, and respect his right to have his moment of silence. Though I don’t know if it was sympathy that I was looking at him with, or if it was just that I can relate to him.
“So much happened this year, not only did I lose my mom, I lost the person I trust the most too,” I spoke among the silence, “My boyfriend died in a car crash, he was such a brilliant man. We met by the pier too, just like you and me right now.” I let out a chuckle, he continued to look at me, “We started dating in the middle of April. It was like we were destined to be as Spring symbolises the resurgence of life after the inevitable challenges of winter. It was like he’s that rising energy that helped me feel more optimistic and driven to make the most out of our days. We were happy most of the time. But then we got into an argument in October, I thought he had another woman over at his house so I threw a tantrum at him though he kept saying it was only his sister staying over because of her divorce. Didn’t trust him enough so I left. He drove to my house to apologise but then got into an accident, then he died.”
Tears rolled down my cheeks as I leaned on him again. He wiped the tears from my cheeks and pressed a soft kiss on my forehead, as if he was trying his best to make me feel the comfort my boyfriend gave me. Then he looked at his watch — 3AM. The breeze at the pier felt even cooler and stronger than before. “Shall I take you home?” He gestured towards me, “I drove here.”
I gave him a smile, “Yeah, thanks.”
He walked me over to his car after we left our cigarettes on the nearest bin. As I take the seat next to him, he holds my hand while he starts the car. “You know, I think we make a good match, we should be friends. I feel like I can tell you everything when I’m just in your presence. Is this what soulmates feel like?”
The whole destined thing didn’t go well with me, after all everything that had happened with my boyfriend is still affecting me. But I sat in silence while he chooses the song to lift our drunken spirits. “Is One Direction of your taste?” He breaks the silence. I nod right after I turn to his direction. The car smells like him, the scent intoxicating.
As soon as he starts driving, as if on purpose, One Direction starts blasting on the speakers he had in his car. The whole ‘lift up our spirits’ thing is starting to work as he drives on the highway. I grab on his hand tight, because I didn’t want to lose such a good friend to the road again. The boyfriend flashbacks are getting to be again, but the One Direction songs keep distracting me from it, well thank goodness it did. I use my other hand to grab my phone to show him my address. He just simply put my phone on the phone stand he had attached on the car and starts driving towards my house.
The car ride seemed so long, and the One Direction seemed to get to my head. The strong beats hitting the correct spots in my head, making me slowly vibe to the music. “Thanks for being here for me today.” He says, with his cheeky grin back and he rubbed circles on my hand with his thumb. “Thank you too.” I respond, leaning my head on the car seat. The city lights painted vibrant strokes across the canvas of the night, creating a backdrop of urban enchantment when they finally got off the highway. As we gazed out at the starry expanse above, his grasp on my hand was even tighter. And as the car glided through the night, slowly arriving at its destination — my house.
“We’re here.” He spoke after he paused the music. And hands me my phone after putting his number in. “Call me, please.”
I thank him, for the drive, and for the time that he has spent with me today.
“See you soon, Satoru Gojo.”
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santoschristos · 6 months
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Arcturian Crop Circle Mind Body Spirit--Yin and Yang from the cosmos.
Arcturian Message: Indigo Children
Many of you, may not be aware of the fact that there is a portal within the Arcturus star, that leads to the higher astral spheres. Thus, some souls incarnate into the physical universe by coming through what is known galactically as the Arcturus Gate – these are the Indigo Children.
Indigo Children come are born into matter, with not only more of their junk DNA activated than most others, but also more remembrance of their eternal, true nature, and their life between physical incarnations within the astral or causal realms. Many also have more degree of continuity with other parallel incarnational selves that contain abilities that they need to succeed in their soul missions and purpose in their present life. For example, Mozart wrote his first symphony at the tender age of four – this is because he is plugged into another great composer from his future (linearly speaking).
When Indigo Children meditate successfully, they often see the violet flame with closed eyes at the point between their eyebrows – this is because they have a highly developed third eye chakra, which enables them to pierce through the illusory, space-time veils of physical reality to perceive timeless truths.
All Indigo Children are connected to us, the Arcturians. They are often our past selves, who’re connected to future beings among our collective. They are also plugged into our, hivemind, which enables them to have access to all information within the Akashic Records, again, beyond the linear, space-time framework.
These people have always felt different, like the proverbial black sheep. Some are even bullied in their younger years and it's not uncommon for them to yearn for a better place, far from the dense realities that the Earth has to offer.
If this resonates with you, we encourage you to express your individuality, because to attempt to fit in with the collective unconscious of the Earth at the expense of your true self, isn’t fitting in at all, but to misalign with universal harmony.
If you’d like a Starseed Astrology Reading to discover whether you’re an Indigo Child from Arcturus, message me. The readings aren’t free but are of the highest quality. --Rei Rei
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
101: Parts Found in Sea // Seat of the Writing Man
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Seat of the Writing Man Parts Found in Sea 1984, Between
Named for a headline describing an airplane that crashed into the ocean, Parts Found in Sea were a mellow post-punk/college rock band that worked the Toronto club circuit hard throughout the 1980s before fading into obscurity. Their small catalogue (two EPs, an LP, and a live album) turns up around used shops in the GTA with fair frequency, and there are a few fond remembrances online from author/activist Cory Doctorow and the wonderful ‘80s indie blog Wilfully Obscure (which I was delighted to learn is still in business).
Parts are a very vibey band—meandering tempos, no hooks to speak of, plenty of glutenous bass to sway dreamily to. They’re not quite goth though—vocalist Steve Cowal is both melancholy and a poet, but seems like he would just look confused if you told him most people start bands to get laid. As Doctorow notes, most of Parts’ songs feel less like verse/chorus/verse/chorus affairs and more like a series of movements. It’s most notable on side-closers “Satellite” and “Body Sends Us,” which have jammy structures that give modest guitarist David Currie (not the former Ottawa Symphony Orchestra conductor, which, I know, you were thinking) a chance to scratch away at his instrument in the spotlight.
In retrospect, Parts Found in Sea sound like one of those transitional bands between European post-punk and the forthcoming wave of predominantly North American post-rock bands. If they’d come along a little later, they might’ve alighted on some ideas that could’ve expanded and abstracted their sound in interesting ways—but as it is, they left behind a catalogue full of pleasant surprises for aficionados of gloomy, thoughtful ‘80s alternative.
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jarenka · 8 months
Today I am here with another contemporary Mexican composer, Arturo Márquez. Maybe you already know his Danzón No 2, it's a quite popular piece of contemporary classical music. There is this famous version from 2007 performed by Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra with Gustavo Dudamel as a conductor, but let's listen another interpretation:
Arturo Márquez - Danzón No 2 performed by Orquestra Juvenil da Bahia (also the rare sight of modern orchestra playing without a conductor).
If you ever wondered how much Danzones Márquez has... He has 9 of them, last one he wrote in 2017.
Couple of his other works (including other Danzones) are under the cut as usual:
Arturo Márquez - Danzón No 1 performed by Los Angeles Philharmonic
Arturo Márquez - Danzón No 6 performed by Pan American Symphony Orchestra
I recommend you to check their channel if you are interested in Latin American classical music by the way.
Arturo Márquez - Danzón No 9 performed by Children's Symphony Orchestra of Mexico
Arturo Márquez - Concierto de Otoño para trompeta performed by National Symphony Orchestra of Mexico
Arturo Márquez - De Juárez a Maximiliano performed by Banda Sinfonica Universidad de Guadalajara and Banda Sinfónica Facultad de Música de la UNAM
Arturo Márquez - Marchas de Duelo e Ira performed by Unió Musical de Torrent
This piece is written in remembrance of Tlatelolco massacre in October of 1968 when Mexico Armed Forces  opened fire on unarmed protestors.
Arturo Márquez - Alas (a Malala) performed by The Miami University Symphony Orchestra, The Miami University Chamber Singers, and The Miami University Collegiate Chorale
This piece is dedicated to Malala Yousafzai.
Arturo Márquez - Cantata Sueños performed by Alison Acord and Michael Preacely, soloists, Esther Claros Berlioz, narrator, The Miami University Symphony Orchestra, The Miami University Chamber Singers, and The Miami University Collegiate Chorale
This piece and quite long but interesting. It's called Dream and dedicated to different people who fought for social justice and human rights. You can read more about it here.
And let's finish with the liveliest (imo) piece by Márquez:
Arturo Márquez - Conga del Fuego Nuevo performed by National Symphony Orchestra of Mexico (conducted by author himself)
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asmrtist-brainrot · 2 years
I just need siren to finish their dirty work and go back to his soulmate and just melt into their embrace those two are gonna hold onto each other for the next 5-7 business days so fuck off everyone else but I'm also a slut for domestic stuff which I think if he finishes up with the witches he was promised he could go back with the listener and I know scythe would probably pull the rug on that idea but I'm yearning so much dude you don't even know just let them essentially retire and fuck off to their own lil home and be left alone
I know, they literally deserve so much after all the bullshit they went through. We know Scythe is a mixed bag when it comes to the possible endings, but they're one of the few endgames I want to have a happy ending.
I mean, it might just be the gods imposing what they want on the mortal realm again but... Dammit, Siren and Sweet Cheeks just need the happy life they would have had without other people making decisions for them.
Let them live a cottagecore life away from everyone else - let them be all sappy and such
Honestly, the song that makes me think of them is "I Hear a Symphony" by Cody Fry -
It makes me cry about the thought of them reuniting on a beach, where they look at him and remember decades of forgotten memories - just him being able to breath at the love and adoration and remembrance in their face... That his battered heart can finally rest in the hands of the person he loves more than anything else in the world.
That all the sacrifice and blood and tears was finally worth it.
~ Dari
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fbenvs3000w23 · 2 years
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Nature Interpretation Through Music
Using music as a means of interpretation is no new concept. The protest songs of the 60s and 70s provide a clear example of people using music as a hugely successful means of mass interpretation. This music reached a vast audience of change-thirsty youth, mobilizing them against the time's social, political, and environmental issues (Covach & Flory, 2018). The power of music as an interpretive force is undeniable, but how does this apply to our discussion of nature?
Well, if you consider music to be a combination of vocal or instrumental sounds combined in a way that produces beautiful form, harmony, and emotion, then wouldn’t nature be the purest and longest-playing symphony? Music is everywhere in nature. It’s in the rustling leaves, the whistling wind, the chatter of animals, the pattering rain, the billowing thunder, the trickling water, the crashing waves, and the sounds of footsteps.
Additionally, nature is everywhere in music. It’s in the sounds of instruments, the rhythm/ tempo, and the topic of lyrics. Nature inspires music. Take “The Four Seasons” by Antonio Vivaldi, for example. Each concerto in the series represents one of the four seasons. If you listen to these concertos, you will hear representations of flowing creeks, singing birds, barking dogs, buzzing flies, storms, winter fires, and frozen landscapes, to name a few. “The Four Seasons” may be one of classical music's most obvious direct expressions of nature. Still, many others work off a similar premise, such as Claude Debussy’s “Clair de Lune,” which translates to “Moonlight” in English. Such representations of nature are also not limited to classical music. “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong is a great example from late 1960s R&B, and “Summer Breeze” by Seals and Crofts is an example from 1970s folk rock. Lyrically, many songs have nature-related themes and inspirations. There is “Sundown” by Gordon Lightfoot, “Bobcaygeon” by the Tragically Hip, “Where do the Children Play” by Cat Stevens, “California Dreaming” by The Mammas and The Pappas, and the list goes on.
Music doesn’t have to have nature in its theme, lyrics, or instrumentation to inspire thoughts of natural landscapes in its audience. Music triggers a part of our brain that helps us to remember (Baumgartner, 1992). I’m sure you all have specific songs that trigger memories of natural landscapes from your past. Likewise, I can recall many songs that transport me to places in nature. Despite growing up in the age of iPods and Apple Music, I listened to most of my music through CD players. Thus, many of my transportive tunes were, instead, transportive albums. Most notably, every song in the “Cheap Thrills” album by Big Brother and the Holding Company with Janis Joplin swiftly transports me back to the summer of 2016. I would lie in the back of my truck in the middle of the hay field or bomb around on my dirtbikes, all while repeatedly listening to the album.
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I compiled a Spotify playlist of some of my favourite nature-related music. Have a listen. Who knows? Maybe you'll find your new favourite tune!
Baumgartner, H. (1992). Remembrance of Things Past: Music, Autobiographical Memory, and Emotion. Advances in Consumer Research. 19. 613-620.
Beck, L., Cable, & T. T., Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting Cultural and
Natural Heritage for a Better World. Sagamore Venture.
Covach, J., & Flory, A. (2018). What’s that Sound?: An Introduction to Rock and its History. W.W. Norton & Company. 
Gray, P. Krause, B. Atema, J., Payne, R., Krumhansl, C. & Baptista, L. (2001). The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music. Science. 291. 52-54.
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cakeblogs · 6 months
Creating a Showstopper: Circus Theme Cake Delights
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Approach the circus theme cake, the baking phenomenon of all time! A cake with a circus theme will surely astonish and delight, much like the captivating performances beneath the tent. Every component of this cake, from the color to the whimsical decorations, captures the essence of the circus. This post will discuss how to create a spectacular circus-themed cake that is sure to be the life of the party.
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The Big Top Inspiration: The vivid and colorful atmosphere of the circus is what makes it so magical. Use the recognizable features of the big top as inspiration when creating a cake with a circus theme. Consider polka dots, stars, strong stripes, and pops of primary colors like yellow, blue, and red. These cake design elements will instantly transfer the viewer to the thrill of the circus.
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Imaginative Decorations: Without imaginative and amusing decorations, a cake with a circus theme is not complete. Think of decorating the cake with gum paste or edible fondant figurines of clowns, acrobats, and jugglers. To add even more appeal, you can use little circus animals like seals, lions, and elephants. These decorations take your visitors to the magical realm of the circus in addition to enhancing the cake's aesthetic appeal.
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Ringmaster's Finest Flavors: Your circus theme cake should entice the senses in the same way that the ringmaster commands the audience's attention. Select tastes that are delicious, lively, and robust. A traditional chocolate or vanilla sponge cake makes the ideal foundation for your masterpiece inspired by the circus. To create a symphony of flavors, add layers of creamy frosting in complimentary flavors like buttercream, caramel, or strawberry. Remember to add a dash of magic by sandwiching unexpected treats like caramel popcorn or rainbow sprinkles between the layers.
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Spectacular Presentation: When presenting your cake with a circus theme, presentation is everything. Arrange the scene by setting the cake atop a pretty pedestal or cake stand festooned with vibrant bunting or ribbons. Arrange accessories around the cake that convey the feel of a carnival, like tiny tents, tickets, or plush animals. Consider making the cake uniquely yours by including the honoree's name or age in the design. You can make sure that your cake is the talk of the party by paying close attention to the little things.
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Capturing Memories: Not only is a cake with a circus theme is delicious, but it's also a treasured memory that just begs to be photographed. Before your masterpiece is gobbled up by eager guests, make sure to take lots of pictures of it. These pictures, whether they are from a joyful get-together or a child's birthday celebration, will be a wonderful remembrance of the happy occasion for years to come.
Few baked goods capture the attention of bakers quite like a circus theme cake. This culinary masterpiece is sure to amaze and excite people of all ages with its vibrant colors, daring ornamentation, and amazing presentation. Now get your hands dirty, let your imagination go wild, and get ready to produce a show-stopper that will have everyone cheering for more!
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Original content:- Creating a Showstopper: Circus Theme Cake Delights
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palaeophilist · 7 months
there is happiness to find
I felt delirious as I confessed the truth beneath the anxieties, as though my thoughts were getting lost underneath a wave.
The way it felt when I used to try to be cool and do ocean sports. What was it called? duck diving? I didn't like it: angling the front of the board into the wave, ducking under it, getting lost in the tidal energy, even if just for a few seconds. I said, I need time to trace the lines of things. I need time to reflect, to make sense. But when I have this time, I seem to do everything I can think of to avoid myself. Part of it is perhaps the urgency of now. Today, for example, a true urgency of sorting out the trash bag of miscellany that I emptied from the junk dresser before we set it in the alley. The laundry needed done, of course. The car needed vacuumed. And then, when I find myself sat across the blank screen and the blinking, what's it called? is this the cursor? (it is; aka "the text cursor" and "the insertion point), I want to run. I feel so much less poetic that I want to be, so much less full of wonder and curiosity than I used to be.
Now, whether I have ever possessed any sense of poeticism (or rather, whether or not I have felt that in the moment of writing), I cannot say, but now, sitting here, thirty-eight and a half years old (so old), I fear that I am pointless and unoriginal. I have already written of the wind swaying the fronds. I have written of the strangers that decorate innumerous coffee shops, even if I have never written about these specific ones: the white and gray haired couple sitting together with their drinks, the woman with bubblegum pink nails and a Mexican blanket draped around his shoulders, the man, with a white baseball cap and a denim-on-denim fit. The couple sitting at the table next to mine, chatting enthusiastically (well, at least, the man is, judging by his gesticulations, the way his hand weaves around his words like a conductor directing an symphony), the wavy haired mother and her child sitting together doing work together on their separate devices. No, I haven't specifically encountered these people, but there have been others, and what's the point of this description? and then I think, but I liked it. Not necessarily the sentences, but the process. I liked the way it felt to notice.
To notice the chaotic steam rising above the espresso machine. To see the little gap between their two front teeth. To witness the curve of the fluffy dog that just crossed the street. It feels alright to notice, and I know, technically, that's the only point that we can rely on. This particular moment that we occupy. To trust that in this moment, there is enough. To trust that I am noticing even when I am not capturing every single detail. There are too many to capture, even though that has never before stopped me from trying.
The last proper email that I exchanged with Scott, I told him about this project that I had started: everydayremember. It was a Tumblr, of course, and I just wanted a place to elevate, on the daily, the little things that I like to save. He told me that it was an insane project (or not exactly insane, but impossible). How could i capture everything? but it's like, of course it's not everything. It's just whatever we possibly can. He told me that just because he never could, I shouldn't give up. Incidentally, I did give up. At least, I gave up for a while. Maybe I'll find my way back to it again. Remembering little bits of things, because I want to, because I can, and because if I don't, I perish a little from not exercising my right to remember, to save, to hold, to cherish.
We don't do it for acclaim, but because it is how we find our breath. And when I say, we, I mean it. All of the me's that have been before, and the me's that I will become. We the collective "I" need this small act of remembrance, the holy witnessing. It feels proper to take a highlighter to the little bits, the people and places and words that we encounter, and to trace around the edges of them, and to say, there, then, that's how it seemed to be to me. That's how I heard it, that's how I saw it, that's how it was that one time that was.
In a couple hours, my child will be coming home to me. This weekend, we are driving out to Yucca Valley, and we are spending time (hopefully) with our dear friends. I would like to finish the laundry and I hoped that I would pack up a bit, and I will. There is still time. Today I didn't get to add to the story, but in another way, I guess I did. Somehow, all of this is entangled in it. Figuring out how to be thirty-eight when sometimes I long for being twenty-two.
/open up your heart/it's going to be alright/think of where you are/and how you got this far/you will keep growing
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protoslacker · 8 months
Lisa Gerrard - Symphony No. 3, Op 36: II. Lento E Largo — Tranquillissimo (Live in Sofia)
Diogo Andrade
Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
The United Nations General Assembly designated January 27—the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau—as International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a time to remember the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and the millions of other victims of Nazi persecution.
AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU Memorial and Museum
I have followed Auschwitz Memorial, first on Twiter and now on Matodon, for a long time. So there's a photo of person with their name and a bit about them on omy feed everyday. It's very hard to "other" the people you see everyday.
We must work to envision how to make a world without genocide and mass atrocity. For that we must remember our humanity and learn about history so that we we can remember.
The Symphony No. 3, Op. 36, also known as the Symphony of Sorrowful Songs is very beautiful and very sad. A 1992 release was also a surprise hit record. My opinion is music is important for remembering. Music is a way to feel deeply, a way to know not only what was, but what ought to have been and what may become.
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 12.2
Armed Forces Day (Cuba)
Asom Day (a.k.a. Asom Divas; Assam, India)
Atomic Day
Build Joy Day
Chichibu Yomatsuri (Night Party; Japan)
Elf Day (UK)
Feast of Pirate Utopias
Horseradish Day (French Republic)
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (UN)
John Brown Remembrance Day
National Anytime Hawaiian Day
National Day (Laos; UAE)
National For Road Safety (China)
National Katherine Day
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Day) [also 7.31]
National Pollution Control Day (India)
National Samba Day (Brazil)
National Skip School Day
National Special Education Day
Oshiroi Matsuri (Face Paint Festival; Japan)
Pan American Health Day
Play Basketball Day
Positive Affirmation Day
Safety Razor Day
Special Education Day
Visible Non-Binary Day
Walter Plinge Day (UK)
World Computer Literacy Day
World Nuclear Energy Day
World Pollution Prevention Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Business of Popping Corn Day
English Breakfast Day
National Bartender Day
National Fritters Day
1st Saturday in December
Bath & Body Works’ Candle Day [1st Saturday]
Bike Shop Day [1st Saturday]
Chester Greenwood Day (Inventor of Earmuffs; Farmington, Maine) [1st Saturday]
Coats and Toys for Kids Day [1st Saturday]
Crate Day (New Zealand) [1st Saturday]
Earmuff Day [1st Saturday]
Global Fat Bike Day [1st Saturday]
International Lolita Day [1st Saturday]
International Spirit of the Game [1st Saturday]
National Christmas Tree Day (Canada) [1st Saturday]
National Pinochle Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
National Rhubarb Vodka Day [1st Saturday]
National Small Business Day (UK) [1st Saturday]
National Tree Planting Day (Zimbabwe) [1st Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
SKYWARN Recognition Day [1st Saturday]
World Pear Day [1st Saturday]
Independence Days
Cubile Lupurom (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
United Arab Emirates (from UK, 1971)
Vryland (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Avitus of Rouen (Christian; Saint)
Bibiana (Christian; Saint) [hangovers]
Bruma I (Pagan)
Channing Moore Williams (Anglicanism)
Chromatius (Christian; Saint)
Cromwell (Positivist; Saint)
Fart Like a Pirate Day (Pastafarian)
Georges Seurat (Artology)
Grog Guzzling Day (Pastafarian)
Habakkuk (Eastern Orthodox)
King Crab (Muppetism)
Nonnus (Christian; Saint)
Otto Dix (Artology)
Rodan Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it reminds people that Christmas is "So close, yet so far". They will hate you.) 
Appointment in Samarra, by John O'Hara (Novel; 1934)
Back to the Outback (Animated Film; 2021)
Ball of Fire (Film; 1941)
Black Dog, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1971)
Cruising with Ruben & the Jets, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
Dog Collared (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
Dreamgirls (Broadway Musical; 1981)
Giant Steps, by John Coltrane (Album; 1959)
Green Chri$tma$, by Stan Freberg (Song; 1958)
The Haunted House (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1950)
Jackie (Film; 2016)
Jump, by Van Halen (Song; 1983)
The Last Hungary Cat (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
The Naked Gun (Film; 1988)
Pale Fire, by Vladimir Nabokov (Novel; 1962)
Reasons I Drink, by Alan’s Morissette (Song; 2019)
Rick and Morty (Animated TV Series; 2013)
Samson and Delilah, by Camille Saint-Saëns (Opera; 1877)
The Schirmer Inheritance, by Eric Ambler (Novel; 1953)
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, by T.E. Lawrence (Autobiography; 1926)
Sniffles and the Bookworm (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Tequila Sunrise (Film; 1988)
That Darn Cat (Film; 1965)
3rd Symphony in F, by Johannas Brahms (Symphony; 1883)
Thriller, by Michael Jackson (Music Video; 1983)
White Noise (Film; 2022)
Today’s Name Days
Bibiana, Jan, Lucius (Austria)
Bibijana, Habakuk (Croatia)
Blanka (Czech Republic)
Bibiana (Denmark)
Aira, Aire, Airi (Estonia)
Anelma, Unelma, Unna (Finland)
Viviane (France)
Bibiana, Jan, Lucius (Germany)
Meropi, Solomon (Greece)
Melinda, Vivien (Hungary)
Bibiana, Savino, Viviana (Italy)
Meta, Sniedze (Latvia)
Aurelija, Milmantė, Paulina, Svirgailas (Lithuania)
Bård, Borghild, Borgny (Norway)
Adria, Aurelia, Balbina, Bibianna, Paulina, Sulisław, Wiktoryn, Zbylut (Poland)
Avacum, Miropia, Porfirie (Romania)
Bibiána (Slovakia)
Bibiana, Viviana (Spain)
Beata, Beatrice (Sweden)
Solomon (Ukraine)
Tayler, Taylor, Todd, Vita, Vivian, Viviana, Vivianne, Vivienne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 336 of 2024; 29 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 48 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 20 (Jia-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 19 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 19 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 6 Zima; Sixday [6 of 30]
Julian: 19 November 2023
Moon: 72%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Frederic (12th Month) [Cromwell]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 70 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 11 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 12.2
Armed Forces Day (Cuba)
Asom Day (a.k.a. Asom Divas; Assam, India)
Atomic Day
Build Joy Day
Chichibu Yomatsuri (Night Party; Japan)
Elf Day (UK)
Feast of Pirate Utopias
Horseradish Day (French Republic)
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (UN)
John Brown Remembrance Day
National Anytime Hawaiian Day
National Day (Laos; UAE)
National For Road Safety (China)
National Katherine Day
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Day) [also 7.31]
National Pollution Control Day (India)
National Samba Day (Brazil)
National Skip School Day
National Special Education Day
Oshiroi Matsuri (Face Paint Festival; Japan)
Pan American Health Day
Play Basketball Day
Positive Affirmation Day
Safety Razor Day
Special Education Day
Visible Non-Binary Day
Walter Plinge Day (UK)
World Computer Literacy Day
World Nuclear Energy Day
World Pollution Prevention Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Business of Popping Corn Day
English Breakfast Day
National Bartender Day
National Fritters Day
1st Saturday in December
Bath & Body Works’ Candle Day [1st Saturday]
Bike Shop Day [1st Saturday]
Chester Greenwood Day (Inventor of Earmuffs; Farmington, Maine) [1st Saturday]
Coats and Toys for Kids Day [1st Saturday]
Crate Day (New Zealand) [1st Saturday]
Earmuff Day [1st Saturday]
Global Fat Bike Day [1st Saturday]
International Lolita Day [1st Saturday]
International Spirit of the Game [1st Saturday]
National Christmas Tree Day (Canada) [1st Saturday]
National Pinochle Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
National Rhubarb Vodka Day [1st Saturday]
National Small Business Day (UK) [1st Saturday]
National Tree Planting Day (Zimbabwe) [1st Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
SKYWARN Recognition Day [1st Saturday]
World Pear Day [1st Saturday]
Independence Days
Cubile Lupurom (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
United Arab Emirates (from UK, 1971)
Vryland (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Avitus of Rouen (Christian; Saint)
Bibiana (Christian; Saint) [hangovers]
Bruma I (Pagan)
Channing Moore Williams (Anglicanism)
Chromatius (Christian; Saint)
Cromwell (Positivist; Saint)
Fart Like a Pirate Day (Pastafarian)
Georges Seurat (Artology)
Grog Guzzling Day (Pastafarian)
Habakkuk (Eastern Orthodox)
King Crab (Muppetism)
Nonnus (Christian; Saint)
Otto Dix (Artology)
Rodan Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it reminds people that Christmas is "So close, yet so far". They will hate you.) 
Appointment in Samarra, by John O'Hara (Novel; 1934)
Back to the Outback (Animated Film; 2021)
Ball of Fire (Film; 1941)
Black Dog, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1971)
Cruising with Ruben & the Jets, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
Dog Collared (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
Dreamgirls (Broadway Musical; 1981)
Giant Steps, by John Coltrane (Album; 1959)
Green Chri$tma$, by Stan Freberg (Song; 1958)
The Haunted House (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1950)
Jackie (Film; 2016)
Jump, by Van Halen (Song; 1983)
The Last Hungary Cat (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
The Naked Gun (Film; 1988)
Pale Fire, by Vladimir Nabokov (Novel; 1962)
Reasons I Drink, by Alan’s Morissette (Song; 2019)
Rick and Morty (Animated TV Series; 2013)
Samson and Delilah, by Camille Saint-Saëns (Opera; 1877)
The Schirmer Inheritance, by Eric Ambler (Novel; 1953)
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, by T.E. Lawrence (Autobiography; 1926)
Sniffles and the Bookworm (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Tequila Sunrise (Film; 1988)
That Darn Cat (Film; 1965)
3rd Symphony in F, by Johannas Brahms (Symphony; 1883)
Thriller, by Michael Jackson (Music Video; 1983)
White Noise (Film; 2022)
Today’s Name Days
Bibiana, Jan, Lucius (Austria)
Bibijana, Habakuk (Croatia)
Blanka (Czech Republic)
Bibiana (Denmark)
Aira, Aire, Airi (Estonia)
Anelma, Unelma, Unna (Finland)
Viviane (France)
Bibiana, Jan, Lucius (Germany)
Meropi, Solomon (Greece)
Melinda, Vivien (Hungary)
Bibiana, Savino, Viviana (Italy)
Meta, Sniedze (Latvia)
Aurelija, Milmantė, Paulina, Svirgailas (Lithuania)
Bård, Borghild, Borgny (Norway)
Adria, Aurelia, Balbina, Bibianna, Paulina, Sulisław, Wiktoryn, Zbylut (Poland)
Avacum, Miropia, Porfirie (Romania)
Bibiána (Slovakia)
Bibiana, Viviana (Spain)
Beata, Beatrice (Sweden)
Solomon (Ukraine)
Tayler, Taylor, Todd, Vita, Vivian, Viviana, Vivianne, Vivienne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 336 of 2024; 29 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 48 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 20 (Jia-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 19 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 19 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 6 Zima; Sixday [6 of 30]
Julian: 19 November 2023
Moon: 72%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Frederic (12th Month) [Cromwell]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 70 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 11 of 30)
0 notes
thxnews · 10 months
Voodoo Fest: A Must-See for Thrill-Seekers
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  Explore the Enigmatic Heart of Benin's Voodoo Festival
In the lively embrace of West Africa, cradled by the vibrant coastline of Benin, a spellbinding spectacle unfolds - the Voodoo Festival. This annual celebration pulsates with life, death, and the interwoven tapestry of existence. As a mesmerizing event, it has drawn wanderers and cultural enthusiasts into its cosmic dance for centuries.  
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Voodoo festival. Photo By Linda De Volder. Flickr.  
The Voodoo Festival Unveiled
Nestled in the historic city of Ouidah, the Voodoo Festival serves as a vibrant testament to the resilience and cultural richness of the Beninese people. Within this dynamic setting, the intricate threads of the Vodun religion—a spiritual system venerating nature, ancestors, and the profound connection binding all beings—come alive in a breathtaking display.   Colors, Rhythms, and Aromas As the sun sets over Ouidah, the streets burst into a kaleidoscope of colors—a visual symphony brought to life by participants adorned in elaborate costumes. Simultaneously, traditional drumming sets the rhythm, echoing the heartbeat of a culture deeply rooted in its heritage. The air transforms into a tapestry of tantalizing aromas, serving as a sensory prelude to the immersive experience awaiting all who venture into this otherworldly celebration.   Costumes, Beadwork, and Spiritual Expression Elaborate costumes, adorned with intricate beadwork, feathers, and masks, actively transform participants into vessels embodying the spirits of Vodun deities. Moreover, the festival grounds, functioning as a living canvas, bear witness to a spiritual expression in every swish of a costume and beat of a drum. This captivating dance serves as a communion of the earthly and the divine, creating an immersive experience for all involved.  
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Voodoo Festival. Photo By seven resist. Flickr.  
Beyond the Surface of the Voodoo Festival
Beneath the vibrant exterior lies a deeply spiritual journey. Moreover, devotees converge in sacred spaces known as vodun kondo, engaging in rituals, prayers, and offerings. Within these sacred spaces, the veil between the tangible and the spiritual grows thin, as participants actively seek communion with Vodun deities and the spirits of their ancestors. These ceremonies exude a palpable reverence and awe, effectively connecting each participant with the spiritual essence of their faith.   The Voodoo Festival's Resonance Worldwide What began as a regional celebration has transcended borders, captivating hearts across the globe. The unique fusion of culture, spirituality, and artistic expression has not only turned the Voodoo Festival into a global phenomenon but also beckons travelers from every corner. It invites the world to delve into the rich traditions of Benin and gain a profound understanding of the Vodun religion.  
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Voodoo king and his entourage leaving the festival on foot, Ouidah, Benin. Photo by Laura Sanders. Wikimedia.  
Voodoo Festival on the UNESCO World Heritage List
In a significant nod to its cultural significance, the Voodoo Festival secured a spot on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2009. This prestigious acknowledgment solidifies the festival's role as a guardian of Benin's intangible heritage, emphasizing that it is not just an event but a sacred custodian of the nation's cultural legacy.   A Cosmic Ballet at the Voodoo Festival The Voodoo Festival unfolds as a cosmic ballet, embracing the entirety of human existence. Simultaneously, it is a celebration that honors life, confronts the inevitability of death, and recognizes the intricate web connecting all facets of being. Participants engage in a poignant dance with mortality, reflecting on life's fleeting nature while invoking the spirits of the departed. It's a time of introspection, remembrance, and a reaffirmation of the profound interconnectivity that defines the human experience.  
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voodoo fetish priest. Photo By Linda De Volder. Flickr.  
Voodoo Festival's Enduring Legacy
Beyond the revelry, the Voodoo Festival stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path toward a future where Vodun traditions endure. Moreover, it is a living testament that these sacred practices remain vibrant within the tapestry of Beninese society. Furthermore, the continued resonance and global popularity of the festival serve as a reassuring testament that the flame of Vodun heritage will burn brightly for generations yet to come.   Immersing in the Richness of Benin's Culture For those seeking an immersive plunge into the cultural richness of Benin, the Voodoo Festival is an unmissable odyssey. It offers more than a mere glimpse into the spiritual beliefs, artistic expressions, and time-honored traditions of the Vodun community. It is an invitation to become part of a living, breathing legacy.  
Beyond Celebration, a Spirited Pilgrimage
The Voodoo Festival transcends the realm of mere celebration; instead, it beckons intrepid souls into a profound journey through the very soul of West African tradition. Furthermore, it stands as a testament to the resilience of the Beninese people, offering an affirmation of the enduring power of culture and spirituality that reverberates across the ages. This is not just a festival; it is a sacred pilgrimage into the enigmatic heart of an ancient and living tradition. So, join the cosmic dance, unlock the mysteries, and let the Voodoo Festival be your guide into the captivating depths of Benin's cultural tapestry.   Sources: THX News & Wikipedia. Read the full article
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pooma-today · 1 year
Independence day message...
▪️T. Sujatha, Principal, SR Prime Nurture International School, chikmagalur, karnataka.
"Freedom is not a gift. It is earned through struggle & sacrifice."
On this Indian Independence Day , let us remember the brave men & women who fought for our freedom and honour their legacy.
Today, as we gather to celebrate the 77th anniversary of India's Independence marking 76 years of freedom.
The theme of this year’s celebration is NATION FIRST, ALWAYS FIRST as a part of the wider ‘AZAD KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV’ celebration. As the tri colour flag flutters in the breeze and the echoes of the national anthem reverberate through the air, independence day becomes more than a date on the calendar- it becomes a symphony of remembrance, a tribute to the sacrifice and a celebration of unity.
Remember that we stand on the shoulders of the countless brave souls who dared to dream of a free nation. It is an honor to address you on this momentous occasion, a day that reminds us of our shared history, sacrifices, and the tremendous progress we have achieved as a nation.
The struggle for independence was not just a movement; it was a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Indian people. Our forefathers fought against tyranny, injustice, and colonial rule, showing the world the power of unity, nonviolence, and resilience. As we remember their sacrifices, we must also reflect upon the values they stood for—equality, freedom, and the pursuit of justice.
As we move forward, let us remember that the freedom we enjoy today comes with responsibilities. Each one of us plays a role in shaping the destiny of our nation. It is our duty to uphold the principles that our great leaders envisioned—tolerance, diversity, and the well-being of every citizen.
Education is the cornerstone of progress, and it is our collective duty to ensure that it reaches every corner of our nation. As students, you hold the power to drive positive change. Embrace knowledge, curiosity, and critical thinking to become responsible citizens who contribute to the growth and development of our country.
On this Independence Day, let us also express our gratitude to the brave men and women of our armed forces who protect our sovereignty and uphold the ideals of our nation. Their sacrifices remind us that freedom is not free; it is earned through dedication and courage.
As we celebrate the achievements of the past, let us also look towards the future with hope and determination. Together, let us work towards eradicating poverty, ignorance, and discrimination from our society. Let us foster an environment where innovation and creativity flourish, propelling us towards new heights on the global stage.
In conclusion, let us remember that the dream of a free India was realized through the unity and resilience of its people. As we stand on the threshold of a new era, let us pledge to preserve and protect the hard-won freedom, and to continue building a nation that stands as a beacon of hope and progress for all.
Jai Hind!
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Enchanting Your Big Day: The Magic of Lesbian Wedding DJs
A Celebration of Commitment and Love
You deserve nothing less than pure magic on your wedding day because it is a celebration of love and commitment. When it comes to lesbian weddings, the right music may make all the difference. Music has the amazing ability to raise emotions and create a magical environment.
In this blog post, we dig into the fascinating world of lesbian wedding DJs and examine how their skill at creating the ideal playlist may add magic to your special day. With the enchanting sounds of lesbian wedding music and the deft touch of LGBT wedding DJs, let's set out on a voyage of love, joy, and celebration.
Lesbian Wedding Music's Artistry
A Symphony of Emotions: The emotional brilliance of lesbian wedding music communicates to the heart and spirit. Each song is thoughtfully chosen to resonate with the love story of the couple, from the sensitive notes during the ceremony to the lively melodies on the dance floor. You and your guests can feel the intense love that unites you since the music acts as an extension of your feelings.
Creating the Right Atmosphere: Your wedding day is a representation of the love you two share and your distinct personalities. Lesbian wedding DJs are skilled at creating the ideal atmosphere for each moment of your special day. They expertly alter the music to enhance the ambience and make enduring memories, whether it's fostering an intimate setting for the vows or energizing the dance floor with happy beats.
The Allure of LGBT WedDJs
LGBT wedding DJs are more than simply music lovers; they are skilled curators who take the time to comprehend your vision for the day. 1. Curating a Tailored Playlist. They create the playlist in close consultation with you, making sure that each song has a special significance and accurately conveys your love story.
Reading the Crowd: The ability to read the crowd and modify the music accordingly is a true sign of a good LGBT wedding DJ. They keep an eye on your guests' energy levels, urging everyone to join in the celebration and making sure that the dance floor is always full of joy and enthusiasm.
The Influence of Music in the Celebration of Love
The extraordinary power of music to break down barriers and profoundly unite people is unmatched. Music is a potent symbol of love and solidarity during lesbian weddings. As they gather together to witness and encourage the love shared between two people, it brings together friends, family, and other loved ones.
Making Indelible Memories
You and your guests will remember the memories of your wedding day for the rest of your lives. These recollections are significantly influenced by the enchanting music selections made by LGBT wedding DJs. When the melodies are heard again in the future, they serve as a nostalgic remembrance of the love and joy felt on that special day.
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Your special day is transformed into a mystical celebration of love and unity in the hands of lesbian wedding DJs. They create an ambience that resonates with the couple's emotions and personalities through their talent in choosing lesbian wedding music and their skill in reading the crowd. Everyone in attendance has a memorable time because to the seductive tunes and happy beats, which leaves a lasting impression that will be cherished for years to come.
May the magical touch of LGBT wedding DJs bring pure joy and celebration to your big day as you begin this lovely journey of love and commitment, and may the music serve as a mellow reminder of the love shared on this extraordinary occasion.
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Hofshi (The Liberation)  In Memory of the Holocaust. 911 and other tragic events to date of so many lives lost as one of my many gifts to the community to be used as multi-million fund raising event, sales of media (CD’s, LP’s, Streaming’ and or broadcasting rights etc) with all proceeds to the cause. For more information contact: [email protected]
It’s okay I’m user friendly and use to death threats. So what? Been there done that! Remember to not destroy what you cannot create: LIFE-EARTH. Also remember to make your donations to a center near you. Not me as I am trying to lose weight. “Nothing but the tooth the whole tooth better to bite your enemies with”, aiming at most World Seeders and some Religious Bleeders acting as God all suffering from IVS. (Irritable Vowel Sindrome) to please their Knights in White Satan. Proud to be non-racist is because I am colour blind.
Musically Yours. Jan Anthonisz-1941: Composer, writer, inventor, researcher Oxford University Press, (Ret) Music and Science Master) Musician-Drummer, conceptual artist and etc. Please refer to YOU TUBE to audition the raw transcript: “The People’s Symphony of Remembrance” designed for full symphony orchestra, international: mass choirs, mass pipers, drummers, mass military marching bands accompanied by cannons, toll of cathedral bells along 2001 guns salute and more with fireworks within the upper regions of the atmosphere. An historical event to remember to all those who suffered until death of torture and starvation as the Holocaust continues to this very day.
Bless you all. Jan-The Silent Christian just like animals and children with suckling innocence-Member of the Loyal Family.
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childrensbread · 1 year
Miracle Week: Encounter the Provider
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Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
💜 Late in the afternoon the Twelve came to him and said, “Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging, because we are in a remote place here.”
He replied, “You give them something to eat.”
They answered, “We have only five loaves of bread and two fish—unless we go and buy food for all this crowd.”
(About five thousand men were there.)
But he said to his disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.”
The disciples did so, and everyone sat down.
Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people.
They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. ~Luke 9:12-17 ✝️
Start today by pausing. Plant your feet squarely on the ground.
Begin breathing slowly, in and out, drawing in God's grace with your first breath and exhaling your tension and stress with your next breath.
Say with me: "I receive God's peace today. I release all fear. I give over my anxiety to the God who loves me." Let God's word speak to you today.
We're reflecting on Jesus' miracles as we prepare our hearts for Easter.
Christ's earthly manifestations of supernatural power help us to understand His cosmic work of salvation. Like a jigsaw being progressively completed, they masterfully unveil a picture of God's kingdom purposes.
Christ's miracles were a microcosm of God's master plan. They were motifs, showing us who God is. Consequently, as we study the miracles, we discover the Maker.
Motifs aren't confined to books. They also feature in musical compositions. Musical motifs are small repeating melodies which appear throughout the arrangement. Perhaps the most famous motif in Western classical music is found in Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Listen and you'll hear it.
Today, Jesus miraculously feeds over 5,000 people and reveals Himself as humanity's provider. It's a powerful statement. At a deeper level, though, the episode contains motifs which point to God's overarching melody of redemption.
As Jesus prepares His miracle, Luke writes: "Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people" (Verse 16). Watch closely: Jesus takes the bread, blesses the bread, breaks the bread and then gives the bread.
Now fast forward to the Last Supper, the night before Jesus' crucifixion. The pattern repeats. Luke 22:19 reads: "And he [Jesus] took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me."
Jesus took, blessed, broke and then gave the bread. Do you see it?
This is a real-life motif: A repeated melody. The feeding of the 5,000 intentionally hints at Jesus' ultimate mission. The point is made explicit in the second passage: "This is my body given for you." This was never just about literal bread.
The episode explodes with deeper meaning. It foreshadows Jesus' physical body being broken and shared to provide spiritual nourishment for a desperate humanity. It's a glimpse of salvation. The temporary miracle helps us understand the eternal miracle.
Christ is the true bread of life. This is the Gospel message. He died so that all might live. Through Jesus' sacrifice, He has miraculously provided for us all.
What's lacking for you today? Perhaps you feel hopeless, purposeless or meaningless. Because of Jesus' redemptive work, you can be spiritually fed. Encounter Jesus as your eternal provider. As Psalm 34 proclaims: "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"
Source: Glorify App
Image: Seed of Faith 🌱
My Glorify Referral Link: https://share.glorify-app.com/MRSPINO777 ✝️
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