junebugdunes · 1 year
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doodle dump for the first page of my new sketchbook
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steampunkforever · 4 months
Were you to pitch me on a film about a dystopian government taking a bunch of youthful political rebels to the desert and hunting them in organized challenges as they try to earn their freedom, I would say that I'm too old for YA novels. Except Punishment Park is decidedly not this, instead presenting us with a documentary-style political commentary on America and the encroaching Fascism of the 1970s.
If you've been reading these filmposts, you know my dislike of the soapbox and the use of art as a pulpit, political and otherwise. That said, sometimes when you make movies about politics you have to actually talk about politics. This can also be well done, just like in the 1971 political commentary film Punishment Park.
Punishment Park is all in all a properly bleak film. Shot in documentary style, it tackles the hippy fears of Nixon-era internment camps for counterculture figures. This same cultural anxiety can be found in Thomas Pynchon's book Vineland, except this time it's Reagan-era internment camps, and the traces of this anxiety have trickled down all the way into the FEMA Camp conspiracies of the 90s and onward. For as outlandish as those conspiracies may seem, just a couple decades prior to the release of this film we'd seen the US Government legislate, build, and forcibly round up and imprison Japanese Americans regardless of their guilt or association.
Which is to say that as the hippies saw the iron-fisted crackdown against the excesses (civil rights protests) of the flower children at the same time as the ongoing military draft was dumping the country's young men directly into a meatgrinder shaped like a failing imperial war, the prospect of getting tossed into a desert prison for "thinking different" was less of a YA Novel premise than it sounds today coming from your weird aunt who stays on facebook groups too much. A lot of stuff was happening back then, and all at once. Punishment Park reflects this political turmoil, and makes no attempt to hide the politics of what is an explicitly political film.
SO, what about this film makes overt political commentary OK while leaving Adam McKay's attempts in baby jail for "being too self-righteous with it?" My answer to this lies in the combination of the documentary storytelling of the film and the movie's use of the Socratic Method.
See, one of the main gripes about soapboxing in films focuses on the strawmen this sort of script-as-pulpit storytelling generates. For the otherwise perfect film that is First Reformed, the youth group scene's handling of the opposing viewpoint is jarring when compared to the nuance the rest of the film exhibits. Punishment Park skirts the bad-faith readings of the opposing ideology, and harnesses the documentary style to do it.
The movie is set in two parts, exchanging points of view as it hops between them. The first part is the action of the film, showcasing hippies in the desert running for freedom as the cops hunt them down, all of the captured by a team of foreign documentary filmmakers. The second part showcases prisoners in a kangaroo court of sorts as they are questioned by a board of Union reps, draft board members, and other community administrators in something half trial half Hayes Commission pt. 2. Enter the Socratic Method.
The desert section of the film stands well on its own. A minimal dialogue documentary style depiction of police brutality in a bitter commentary on jackboots serving The Man in what's basically Cop City: California. The interspersed trial footage brings to bear the overt commentary of the film. Punishment Park Vs America, facilitated through the board's interrogations of various counterculture prisoners.
The inquests held before sentencing provide us with the push and pull of ideas (intercut between desert scenes showcasing the output of said ideas) much like Magneto and Prof. X debate over a game of chess, but with significantly more oppressive power dynamics. This allows the film to present both sides of the argument bare faced, free of subtext. Pure clash of ideas, presented in a way too interesting to be preachy. It's organic, and nobody feels like a strawman.
Punishment Park pulls it off. The tirades against American Imperialism and police brutality in the film feel natural, unforced. The bad guys are presented as intelligent, rational people who are in fact supporting a fascist regime, and that makes things much more powerful. The Union Rep. and the Draft Board member are ordinary people, and the questions they pose to the prisoners awaiting the judgement of a sham trial are very much in tune with the culture of the time, as are the responses of the counterculture prisoners. It's a human film, and the humanity reaches out to even the inhumane cops killing hippies in the desert.
The best thing the film does is present us with the exchange of ideas. There is no fear of the other guys being right. Because they aren't, and any good ideological position should hold up against them. And they do, it just doesn't matter, because the system is rigged against them from the start, and no matter how much they rail against it the panel of concerned citizens sitting in judgement, the court will never judge in their favor.
It was never intended to.
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morbidsmenagerie · 3 months
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Oregon Zoo bugs
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biohazard-inevitable · 6 months
My eclipse day has been…. Eventful.
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First off, here are some pics I took!!! It was a little cloudy but i still was able to snag a few and see some crazy stuff happen, like people shooting off fireworks when it got dark (plus a dog, enjoy my dog he went swimming during the eclipse. Truly a madman)
Then, i had to hurry on over to work my shift for the night where all HELL broke loose.
It started off as normal a shift as anything, though I was a bit on edge cause I was working with the owner and hes quite the prickly old wolf that kind of intimidates me, but hes a nice guy really.
Now, I work at a pizza place in a decent part of town that gives REALLY good tips because of how wealthy a lot of our regulars are, but I dont expect tonight to get too busy.
My first warning sign should have been the first call of the night I took of some guy drunk off his ass demanding a delivery in 5 minutes to “the park” without specifying ANY address and straight up getting mad at me that i didnt know where he was talking about, but whatever i guess.
Then were the dishes pilled sky high already in the dishroom at the behinning of my shift and the young drake I work with NEVER does them, my second warning sign.
Out of nowhere, we start picking up like CRAZY! Its double delivery after double delivery just constant in and out until around 7:50 pm, we see the looming roll of thunderclouds on the horizon and they dont look good.
Now, anyone who has lived in tornado alley would be able to tell that these clouds making the sky THIS color and THIS dark was gonna be some powerfull ass shit, so i get back from my delivery with a shake to my head and a warning to my boss that the clouds dont look good. They nod in agreement of course and say “just take this last two in one run and we’ll stop deliveries early for the night.” Which was wise.
I’ve been vibing to my audiobook all evening on my deliveries, and im getting through it faster than expected when suddenly, I get hit by the storm.
Violent, POUNDING rain slams my car as I arrive to the first delivery point. It is IMPOSSIBLE to see 5 feet in front of me from how dark the clouds got and my only respite was the flashes of purplish lighting that roared through the sky every 3 seconds, turning the clouds into one HELL of a lightshow. I stepped out of my car for the delivery and INSTANTLY got drenched head to toe, and when i got back in, i realized that with the howling winds and pounding rain it wasnt safe enough to drive, so i called my boss to tell him I was staying put as a heads up (luckily my job is very nice and prioritizes our safety over deliveries so they agreed on my decision to wait out the storm)
Eventually it subsides and i do my last delivery of the night and return to the store only to find out that at 8:45 we are closing early because we. As a PIZZA PLACE. Ran out of dough AND CHEESE.
Thats how busy we were, and we didnt even get to go home until 10:30 because of the MOUNTAIN of dishes that was waiting for us at the end.
At least i got 62$ in tips
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windupaymeric · 11 months
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"What are you doing here anyway? It's unusual to see you alone." "I'm....Working through something. And needed to be away from my friends and family. It's...A long story."
"I've got time."
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escortingsecrets · 5 months
Shivan probably had a very hard deal made when he was in Wall Market- thats how he's so successful being an escort, and why even when he branches out he still comes back to the Honeybee Inn to work odd shifts here and there, and still keeps up with some of the people there.
TW; Don Corneo, sexual slavery, sexual abuse, and everything generally associated with Wall Market below the cut
Shivan did start as just a greeter. He was at the desk, sometimes welcoming people, sometimes with the girls there, he passed for both and did both roles well. But customers were getting more agressive at times since he was always there, and he asked to be moved away from that- at least for a bit.
Then he started being a bartender instead. Working near customers still, but not dealing directly with a lot of them and instead making drinks that the girls took to the booths and rooms and such. It was a lot better, and soon he managed to get into the position of Service Boy
Being androgynous I feel, really helped him here. Sure he's pretty flat chested, but he made up for it with other skills, he didn't need a big chest to woo clients. It builds him a reputation. Some people come for his skills in the sheets, some just talk to him like he's a therapist, others just enjoy his company. Clients are rough, rude, he gains a few scars during this time. Despite these rough nights, he becomes rather popular and has quite a few regulars.
But that's only for a few years- it's Wall Market and not everything is just roses.
Corneo has his auditions, and Shivan is one of the ones chosen, because Corneo never wants the same girl twice. He usually keeps a charming and aloof mask on him, but Corneo isnt someone he can do that to, and thats partially what has him getting picked.
He spends about a month there, maybe more he doesnt know, time is nothing to him- Corneo is determined to break him down and put him in his place, but then word reaches that the profits for the Honeybee are lower than expected. Corneo knows Shivan is one of the Honeybees there. So, he strikes a deal.
Shivan will return to the Honeybee- work there like normal, spend most of his month doing whatever he pleases, and the Don in return makes sure Shivan is protected when in Wall Market. The Don sets a quota and he will reach it. He reports everything once a month to the man. If he meets the quota, he is "rewarded" for being a good wife. If he fails to reach it, or doesnt make what the Don expected, he's punished for his failures in whatever way is deemed fit.
Its partially why he plays so flirty and is so hesitant to drop his work at the Honeybee- he fears the repercussions should he quit because he doesn't want to end up being dragged back into the manor. At least this way, he has a way out, even if it's only for a short time.
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aho-dapa · 1 year
Gonna be fr, if Atlas Blakely came up to me and offered me a spot to the Alexandrian Society but I only had between 1 - 5 hours to make a decision, I would literally think he's running a magical scam and go on with my life like fr
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theohnocorral · 2 years
This is definitely cheating, and I will get to this ask for real,
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but to more honest than necessary, I was very sad once and have not drawn/painted/sketched/sewn/sculpted/made jewelry/doodled in over a year. I didn't even go in the loft for like six months. So here's some really old stuff that I like or think is funny.
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8pxl · 6 months
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an example of real pixel art and explaining the pixel grid:
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Thread on how to spot AI generated pixels by reyhkibanki on twitter!~ Might be a useful read to help you spot common mistakes AI makes when generating pixels. There's also a lot more info in the link!!
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clownowo · 1 year
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been replaying the Portal series I think this is where its heading
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ruporas · 8 days
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realizing it’s mutual (ID in alt)
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blurred-cat · 1 year
witness, bear witness to the tunnels winding through nightmare hushed breaths from the blackness of the sundered earth itself caves and coves containing those parts feared those parts frightened cowering within cage pacing beast with wide mouth facing toward a sun which it sees not yet it does know that sweet kiss upon brow and back warmth beamed from heavens as that high noon declares brightest point of memory without need for embellishment hungry tongue from negligence tasting reflection in reverence for that needed to thaw broken heart full of scorn toward all which lies dead yet a chilled fingered ghost once said “forever here you’ll always be” “and that i will” echoed the beast rivers flowing from agony as into flood joined brethren tear drowning in opposing element water known for giving life liquid form stride and strife cutting through both vein and steel hydraulic pressure breaking the bars rending the cycle tearing apart parameters vital moving with heat pulsing with hate continued self harming flaggelance brutal self talk as evidence happy thoughts turned: venomous joyful smile held: tenuous broken household: pestilence wasted life time: irrelevance sad beast howling cry echoing within the dark as I tear into the earth beneath searching ever for what the worth was for all those pounds of flesh rotting away in broken nest rend apart that haunting home as future parts the grief
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chongoblog · 1 year
Wanna give a quick shoutout to the federal judge last week who struck down the Arkansas law that tried to outlaw gender-affirming care for minors, not only ruling it unconstitutional, but including 311 statements of fact all going against the gender-affirming care ban in a ruling that was 80 pages long. Especially since these statements make it harder for transphobes to appeal and iirc this is considered precedent.
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redstonedust · 25 days
ive seen usa and european geography quizzes circulating but here's a fun one: how many african countries can you name in 10 minutes?
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i'm not including seperate buttons for whether or not you're from an african country yourself because i don't have room unless i give it less options, but if you are feel free to mention it in the tags!
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Click for better quality because WHOOF did tumblr decide to explode these. ANYWAYS over here a long time ago I vagued about my STPxTMA AU and so heres some of my fake screenshots of it! A couple are draw-overs but the last one is completely original. Featured here are the princess, the stranger x2, the razor (empty cup editon) x2, and the moment of clarity. Anyways i love these guys.
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sad-leon · 3 months
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would anyone listen to this? the ramblings of a lunatic?
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