paradoxbeta · 1 month
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cometchasr · 8 months
fic recs from many fandoms (MILD SPOILERS)
these are based off my likes personally and are in no way any form of review i suck at reviews
the dragon and the scavenger by wobblywyvern. one of the first fics i ever read. unfortunately unupdated since sep 2020, and im still crying over it. cliffball best ship.
finding peace by warrior of spectra. another one of the first fics i ever read. finished, very good, raging over cliff/peacemaker not being real but thats me.
different threads by firehawk1100. darkstalker/indigo. i like it better than shadow of the mind (his other fic, winterwatcher). just. beautiful. i suck at reviewing but its good trust me
diamonds fall and fates change by fabokraken. our first ao3 fic, woo!! the others except finding peace are also on ao3, but i found them on ffn and thus that site goes first. its adorable. its fucking adorable. i love arctic and foeslayer so much. i love not-evil darkstalker. i love everything. darlie is my beloved.
wings of fire: changing seasons by fatespeaker. actually a whole series. winter, therefore automatic win. the characters and the plot just... interact so well. the intrigue. it all.
tinystar's beginning by twilidramon. i havent read this one in forever but. scourge!! my beloved. its good, i remember.
second chances and a scourge upon fate by deerlyqueery. more scourge!! we love our edgy boi. and we love making him gay!!!!
a spark from starclan, rusty's skyclan and collars and claws by salmonfang. theyre completely separate, and you should read their other works too, but these are the ones i read (albeit in diminished form because. lazy ykyk). there is, something. about this writing. beloved
blackfire: book one by xenonex. theres art, its adorable and fluffy, its also filled with drama, rarepair, everything
exile by mallowstep, aerial-jace and kudossi. something that holds terrible and beautiful memories for me (personal reasons). but just, the whole idea. the emotion, the vibes. the it all. this is the one that spawned the way i style my works, because i fucking vibe with the vibe so much, and ive turned it into a very different beast, but here it is. the core, one great part of my writing story. read it its so good
The Dragon Prince
(only 2 because ive read about zero tdp fanfics, it doesnt actually have any dragons smh)
the devil you thought you knew by strangefake. aaravos. AARAVOS. MAGIC EXPOSITION. PHILOSOPHY. BLURRY GOOD AND EVIL. DELICIOUS. wonderful as hell holy shit
sun fueled rage by photoniccyclone. sol regem takes over the world and we have to stop him. ungodly long chapters, lots of scenes, angst, angst, angst, angst, angst.
thats it but i know newt wouldnt let this list go without me adding my zanrex fic, the stars were forever bright for us, which im actually somewhat proud of. the cracks are showing, but they always do. also, you, the reader of this post, make some tdp dragon-centric fanfic. we're fucking starving.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
the history of this fandom and its works is long and expansive and storied and i have so many recs i would never be able to fit them here (mostly because i havent read like all of them). needless to say, we've started making our own content in overdrive at the lack of new shit.
the entire pmd writer's union collection. im in this server. fics are top-notch, environment is top-notch, except when it isnt for me and me personally. if one wishes to join i may or may not be allowed to give you a link. anyways, the ones ive read are down below, and are all in the collection (duh!)
warped skies by team ion. linked is the arc 1 rewrite, the original is here. its beautiful. its a trainwreck of emotions, and i havent started on arc 3 yet (thats the good shit). the chapters are extremely long, the characters are extremely good, i shill it everywhere, i love this fic and i havent even gotten halfway through. its the other main influence on my writing, although more in ambition and inspiration than in actual style like exile. hell, i started DoP because of it. the post is out there somewhere. its just. it is. it is, it is. i think you can see a common theme with my ineptitude at describing fics, but. read it. read it. masterpiece
daily life in pokemon paradise by kitsu-19. gates slice of life. beautiful characters. the moguls and swift and it all. its. its so interesting, and full of life, and you fall in love with the characters. it feels so much more alive. i cannot describe shit. read it, youll get what i mean.
royal replacement by turkeyuwu. gay. politics. legal document(s?) (just the one so far). great masquerade. untrained alolan vulpix uses light that burns the sky. plot inspired by a chinese webnovel, so you just know its gonna be batshit insane and ridiculous. i find myself incapable of describing shit at the moment. read it
My Little Pony
fuck it, we're going all in.
equestria at war, by EaW dev team. unlike all the others, this one requires about $200 to fully unlock. its a hoi4 mod, and its beautiful. griffonian empire best.
changing expectations by kkslider. buggos!! buggos!!!!! more importantly, actual mlp fic with gay in it! long, so many plottwists, phasma is our beloved slightly traumatised changeling king, actual history and lore, alcoholic celestia, pictures!! READ
afraid of the light by binibean. celestia trauma from all that bullshit. angst. somethings not right. i love these stories.
night wing by gravity012. guy gets SIed into a big immortal magic birb. stuff falls apart, he goes on adventures with celestia and luna, changelings and thestrals are very cuddly. so fluffy. until it isnt.
then it becomes very sad.
(also he freezes the tree of harmony for making nightmare moon happen. badass)
this is a fucking long list.
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hungee-boy · 2 months
so since were like halfway to getting it ill just share it now
next year well be getting a new mobile home and im so excited for multiple reasons
it has five bedrooms, so thats enough bedrooms for all of us plus a dedicated office
TWO living rooms!!! i legit thought that was only a rich brick and mortar house thing but im so excited to be able to just have more places to retreat to if someone else is in a space
actual closed off pantry with a door. the amount of times our cats have gotten into bags of chips and shit.... im excited for that
i get my own bathroom.... god bless.
brand new working HVAC with insulated walls, doors, and windows so we can actually have comfortable summers
i know this basic but the bedrooms havent had doors in ten years. not by our choice just kids breaking them and not having the money to replace it so we just got curtains but i am so fucking excited to have doors everywhere. i can completely close myself off. i can have a purely quiet space. god bless
new water heater that stays on all the time and that we dont have to manually flip the breaker for
new full sized fridge and new unbroken, not 30 year old stove
floor with no weak points where you sink like half an inch and fear falling through the damn house
walls and floors that havent degraded over 30 years and are actually easy to clean and paint and put wallpaper/tile on
brand new plumbing that wont freeze and burst over the winter
both plugs of every outlet working
theres a closed off closet in the hallway that we can put our seasonal things in instead of just keeping them out or putting them in the shed thats already too full
working lights and ceiling fans in every room, also easy to clean
so many cabinets and storage spaces, shit wont just be left out anymore
ive literally prayed for a better home since i was ten years old. 14 years of yearning and wishing and planning out ways i could earn enough money to afford it. now its just possible where we are now when it comes to money. we didnt even intend it to be possible. my mom just works for walmart and receives social security for my siblings since my dad died. ill be working soon hopefully so my money will also go towards down payment, furniture, etc., my bf is really smart with money and is helping with all of this too. the house were getting was on sale and i paid the min deposit to keep the price for the year itll take us to save up and get the land prepped. were actually buying a brand new home. a house that hasnt been lived in before us. itll start with us and i never had that ever. its surreal to live so badly for my entire life, especially more so since my dad died, to now be able to naturally obtain a normal life in a normal house that can actually accommodate all of us and give us comfort and not just bare minimum shelter. i only have to suffer one more year. god what a relief
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fefairys · 1 year
53 54 55 56 57 59 60 68 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 . lol i just want u to do all of them
ur crazy i love u so much <3 under the cut again
53. Alpha kids or Beta kids? grrrrr I LIKE THEM ALL!!!!! im gonna say alpha kids cuz theyre underrated and im an alpha kid lover, but i really love them all :/
54. Alpha trolls or Beta trolls? beta trolls.
55. Beforus or Alternia? beforus is really interesting to look at because its so nuanced, i think. alternia is fun too because violence and killing and murder and all the trauma that comes with that, but there's also the insidiousness of beforus being seen as a "utopia" but it actually sucks really bad also, just in more subtle ways. beforus, final answer.
56. Derse or Prospit? DERSE GANG BABEY!!!! I LIKE. PURBLE!!!!
57. The Felt or The Midnight Crew? oh man i really like all the funnie time powers of the felt. gonna go with them even tho i love the midnight crew dearly as well.
59. Red team or blue team? i think red team would be more fun to be on because of the drama of it all
60. Meat or candy? oouugugughhhhhh..... both. neither. certain aspects of each. throw it all in the garbage. reread it 10 times. AAAHHHH
68. already answered
70. Do you like your God Tier outfit? (maid of heart) yeah i think its alright. looks comfy 👍 a fun dress might be nice tho...
71. Ship headcanons? this is too vague im going to eat you.
72. Character headcanons? eating you again this is EVEN MORE VAGUE
73. Meteor trip headcanons? man i dunno. rose and vriska stumbling upon each other alone at one point and its really awkward at first because theyve never really talked and rose probably dislikes vriska from the things kanaya has said about her, but she is very intriguing isn't she? they get to talking, as light players do, and vriska thinks rose is super cool, maybe she even says "You know what, Lalonde? You're actually pretty alright." and rose... hmm... rose wants to keep her distance, karkat and kanaya have both told her so many accounts of vriska being just straight up fucking evil. rose would probably suspicious of her trying to befriend her. i don't know that's all i've got idk what happens next.
74. Earth C headcanons? big polycule.
75. already answered
76. Do you like kidswaps? Do you have a favorite? kidswaps i have found more intriguing than bloodswaps for some reason.. i really like dave lalonde and rose strider i think that is rife for some super interesting shit going on. but idk i dont really think about AUs like this very much!
77. Do you like speciesswaps? Do you have a favorite? again havent really thought about it. designing the kids as trolls is really fun, but haven't thought about the implications or anything!
78. Do you use quadrants IRL? yup. you know this, juice, my kismoirailsis lol... fun fact for anyone else reading this, me and juice started as kismesises, which tends to surprise people who know us irl because we seem like we're sooo in love (which we are) but yeah we are still kismesises under that :) real!
79. Do you like celebrating 4/13? hell fucking yeah brother its a high holy day for me
91. Favorite hemocaste? aw man idk. probably gold. cool powers and usually nerds, whats not to love!
92. Favorite typing quirk? typing quirks are so fun i like all of em!!! T3R3Z1'S 1S D3F1N1T3LY 4 F4VOR1T3 THOUGH!!!
93. Favorite MSPFA? i have never read one all the way through </3 vast error is pretty cool but i am NOT caught up on it at all. thats the only one i've gotten super far in :/ sowwy
94. What would your strife specibus be? hmmmm.... i've always liked the idea of umbrellakind theres so much u can do with that, that's why i gave it to my first fantroll ever! so yeah i'll go with that. umbrella.
95. already answered
96. What would your lusus be? i want it to be a kitty... idk tho my trollsona's lusus is dead i havent really thought about it!
97. What caste do you feel you’d belong to, regardless of your zodiac? definitely a low one, still. idk rust feels right!
98. What characters do you relate most to? well.
99. already answered
100. One popular HS opinion you agree with? uh idk davekat and rosemary good 👍 :)
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kamari333 · 1 year
If i can ask about the rare pair event
Does a rare pair count if it's connected to an obscure au?
Like something only the person posting knows?
Or must be about a semi-known au?
Great question! I'm going to assume this is in regards to Undertale/UTMV. I am also going to ramble a lot because this is a somewhat complicated question.
TLDR What determines if something is allowed is related directly to its AO3 tag, and so your best bet is to ask about your AU specifically.
Long rambly answer:
I didn't officially codify what quantifies as an AU in the official rules because 1: thats somewhat controversial and 2: i didn't feel like i had enough mods to give me a well rounded set of fair opinions on the matter. I'm going to say, on paper, that technically speaking, the rules don't discriminate between a self made and fandom adopted AU. What the rules do say is that the AU must have a Tag. And for the sake of fun, I do tend to hold up the rules, ask my mod team their thoughts, and largely let folks 'get away with' technicalities xD
Also, the importance of an AU depends greatly on whether or not the Rarepair is dependent on cross-au matching or not. For example: Doggo/Burgerpants is a rarepair no matter what AU, because it is a pairing that would be tagged in the Relationship field. But Red/Dance is a cross AU rarepair, which is tagged it the Additional Tags field, and so that relationship can only exist if both underfell and dancetale are distinct and codifiably taggable undertale AUs.
My personal opinions on the matter are, of course, that an Undertale AU must be an AU with a strong and relevant foundation of undertale-lore, have at least 1 distinct and relevant difference from other AUs, and have at the barest minimum 3 undertale characters in it. of course the preference is to have (or at least have the potential for, even if you havent fleshed them all out) all characters, but theres so many so its understandable if you havent gotten to them all yet. furthermore, if the equivalent of the original game's story were to take place in the AU, the characters who play the role of the main characters in the game must be derivatives/variants of the game's characters, and not OCs in their own right. The AU must have a Name. And that Name must be translatable into a Tag.
However, I'm running this event for the sake of fun, and I know I am weird and often stubborn, so if the question was brought up 'does X count as an AU' and my first thought was "No", i would go to my other mods to check my biases.
and... to be fair, even if it doesnt, there is always the chance of an exception being made... or accommodations being made...
...i went on a tangent. i probably should have said from the start that even by my criteria, what determines an AU's event validity isnt the popularity of the AU. you can be the only person who creates for it and it can still count, so long as it can be recognizably defined as an AU.
I will also say that there is a difference between Lore-based and Concept-based AUs. For example, Underverse and Leviathantale are lore-based MAUs which distinguish themselves on the narrative level (the author level) rather than the conceptual level (the fandom level). that means Underverse Red/Lust isnt conceptually different than non-underverse red/lust and therefor wouldnt get its own tag, so it would be synonymized with regular red/lust, just as leviathantale geno/reaper isnt conceptually different than non-leviathantale geno/reaper and therefore wouldnt get its own distinct tag, so it would be synonymous with regular geno/reaper.
this gets incredibly complicated because there is no 1 singular factor in determining if an AU is or isnt an AU, and i'm only one person with strong annoying opinions, and frankly i would prefer those opinions not get in the way of fun yanno?
i just wanna have fun with my friends and community celebrating rarepairs xD and if that sounds good to you too, we can talk details together.
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axesilly · 3 months
i cant afford therapy so im going to talk about my troubles on here because i dont know what else to do 👍 i dont know if this will reach anyone but it might make me feel better. sorry if its a bit lengthy, ive had these feelings for a while
for the sake of anonymity and my own safety i will not be mentioning any names of people, towns, or schools :]
so im in college, im an art major. im from a small town with nothing to do except go to a mall the next town over and im going to college in another small town 5 hours away from home. this small town also has jack shit to do unless you drive 45 minute to an hour away. im currently in my spring semester of my freshman year and i have gotten so absolutely mentally and physically drained since i got a fast food job. i got a job making pizzas at yknow one of those big chain corporations pizza places, and the store i work at has only been open a few months. its absolutely chaotic and no one knows how to do anything except a few select people. my boss, the general manager, also doesnt know how to do anything because its his first time doing something like this. one of the other managers also only works there because hes friends with the general manager and he is not the greatest person, as he tends to sexually harrass the staff including a friend i made there. now ive already put in my two weeks last saturday, but that doesnt take away from how drained this job has made me.
Since the spring semester started ive been constantly piled with work (one week i was scheduled 6 days in a row when i had a big project to work on, i had a breakdown at work to my general manager), writing assignments, and project after project. (not even kidding my drawing professor gives us a new project the same day we turn one in) in my senior year of high school i loved fine arts and i believed that i wanted to follow in my art teachers footsteps and pursue my love of art and make art for my career. and while i do still love fine arts and making art, i just cannot do this constantly. since just before my spring break i started not going to my classes as consistently and i swore to myself i would start going again after the break. well that break just made it worse it seems because everything has just gone more and more downhill. i have still been missing classes because some days its difficult to get out of bed and i do not have the motivation to go to class just to sit there and not be able to pay attention for an hour/hour and a half. im behind on a project for one of my classes because i havent gone since ive been back from spring break (two weeks). i have an exam for one of my classes soon and im not even close to prepared. i had a 3 page essay due last night i started but havent finished (luckily i can turn it in a little late). it may sound lazy but these are my real struggles with my mental health. i feel trapped here. i do have a license and a car, i do have transportation so i can go places, but its such an old car it has so many problems (one which has arisen recently being if i stop somewhere and turn my car off, it wont crank back up immediately and i have to wait 10-15 minutes, and once it is on i have to revv it to make sure it stays on). so because of car problems and currently living in a small town im frustrated because it feels like i cant go anywhere to do anything fun. i feel trapped in my dorm and in my mind.
now comes the college problem. the college i go to currently is a nice school, i get 8 meals a week on my meal plan included in my tuition. theres several places to choose from the eat at, theres a gym, free health exams i think. but its driving me insane seeing the same old brick buildings every damn day. i currently dont have a roommate so im in a dorm by myself which probably contributes to this feeling of lonliness. i dont really have many friends, i had more last semester but they did not keep in touch. i do have one friend that i appreciate very much and she always worries and wants to help when she sees im upset. shes a real one. but seeing the same things, learning about the same repetitive lessons every single day, has driven me insane. my art history class has been the same topics since the start of the semester, its all been about works of art pertaining to jesus, and mary, and god and the angel telling mary shes pregnant and marys purity and this symbolizing that and i understand why its important to learn about these works of art and how they have shaped art today, but i cannot stand hearing the same things over and over. im not a christian, and i dont believe theres anything wrong with christianity as long as youre not hurting anyone with your beliefs, but these topics are so repetitive ever class i have. the semesters almost over and we havent even gotten to modern art yet, and in my opinion thats what truly matters to learn about because thats what we as artists would need to look at to have a reference for how we should make our art right? art is about expressing yourself and we need to see how others making art in the modern era are expressing themselves as well. and on the topic of expressing ourselves, my drawing class, every single project, my professor has us stick to such strict criteria. one of my projects my professor actually really liked, i liked, but she took points off because i had my girlfriends name written very small where you could barely even see, because we were not supposed to have any text. i feel like i cannot even be creative and truly express myself with these projects. i dont feel like i have any real freedom with them. i love fine arts and i love making art, but not when its like this. i want to be able to make my own art that actually expresses my feelings, not someone elses criteria. because of all of this my grades have been rapidly dropping.
now i have already made the decision weeks ago that i will not be returning to this school in the next fall semester. i discussed this with my mom already as she does the majority of my paperwork and things for this stuff. she wants me to transfer to a college closer to home so i can atleast get a general studies degree. but thats not what i want to do either. she told me not to flunk my classes this semester because that will make it difficult to transfer me to another school, but how do you expect me to get good grades when i constantly feel like im in hell in my mind. i mentioned wanting to maybe take a gap year, she doesnt want me to do that. school is horrible for my mental health like this, i dont understand why society thinks we should just have everything we want to do with the rest of our life figured out immediately out of high school. well i dont. and i dont want to stay in college immediately out of high school. i want to go live my life! me and my girlfriend are long distance (we have met in person several times and shes actually coming to visit me this month, but just seeing each other for a week at a time is not enough) and i really want to go live with her! i want to enjoy living and living with the person i love more than life itself! i currently dont feel like i can do that here or back home. i want to move somewhere else with my girlfriend so we can both be happy and love life. i want to move out of state to a slightly bigger city, nothing crazy like new york or atlanta, but just somewhere bigger than a small town with nothing to do whatsoever. i do have a place in mind but im not going to say where. and when i move, after a year i can qualify for in state tuition and pursue something that makes me happier. ive always loved animals and marine animals so i was thinking i could major in zoology and marine biology and work at an aquarium or something while im working on my degree. and i dont fully know how the paperwork and things work for transferring and such, especially after a break, so i could be in the wrong, but is it really wrong for wanting the best for myself?
and to be honest with myself i know exactly why im in college and its not to get a degree. i was raised constantly being compared to my siblings. my brother is trans (which my parents are very obviously not too fond of) dropped out of college and joined the military. my sister dropped out of college after a semester, got married to a horrible man who she just recently divorced after having two children with him. and being compared to them all my life, especially to my brother, made me want to be better than them. i wanted to be the one, as the youngest, to be the first one to get through college immediately, all four years, no problem. but its just too much for me. and dropping out, moving away, im terrified. im terrified that my parents will be disappointed in me. im terrified of that face my mother makes, that tone of voice, when shes disappointed in me for something. im terrified of getting lectured and told why everything i want is wrong. its irrational. and im terified if i move away i wont have her support anymore. i wont have her to lean on when i need help with something. i was never taught where to go or how to do stuff for applying to colleges and transferring. i barely know how to do my taxes.
now i really dont know what this article-like rant of a tumblr post is gonna do. i know i dont really have a following and i dont really post on here. but i just thought itd make me feel better to collect my thoughts and put them all together like this. so far the only people concerned about me have been my girlfriend and a couple of my friends ive told about these problems. not even my professors are concerned about me, i havent even gotten a single email or question about how im doing. they say theyre all for mental health but when a student stops coming to class as often suddenly and starts failing or not turning in assignments its none of their business and i must just be getting lazy and im a horrible student yknow? anyways i think thats about it for this. again i dont really know what this will do but i hope someone has advice or support or something. im going insane here.
love to anyone else suffering similar struggles <3
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chisatowo · 3 years
Writing fictional characters talking abt gender shit to fill the void that is no irl trans friends to talk abt gender with
#rat rambles#like two of my siblings are nonbinary but we. dont rly talk abt it much#mostly because none of us have rly like. officially come out#like we know and we all acknowlege that we're all trans but like we havent like. talked abt it beyond that#and I used to have a trans irl friend but well. yeah.#and I was pretty early in the whole gender discovery journey at the time so I havent gotten to rly talk gender much#which is a shame! I have so many gender thoughts! I just feel so nice and comfy in my gender identity now and I wanna share that#and I want people to use my neos irl! just! so bad!#like they/them is fine and does its job but I want to hear people use it/its especially for me more often#but yknow theyre like. kind of 'edgy' pronouns or whatever so idk if I could actually get people irl to use them for me#especially my mom. shes finally started using they/them for me more regularly after years of being out to her and I dont think shed do it#dude this is the woman who decided to start debating gender with me when I came out and constantly misgenders abd deadnames someone whos#been out to her for years longer than even me despite claiming to be supportive of trans people#ah this got a lil bit venty my bad#but still you get the idea. I wanna be loud abt being trans! I wanna be loud abt gender stuff!!!#hopefully I can meet some other trans people after I get my ged and start having to go outside and talk to people again#I guess this is one rough thing abt not being in school anymore. like yeah Ill meet people while job hunting and shit but work isnt rly a#prime friend making enviorment and other than that theres just not much in my irl meeting people plans#yknow I feel kinda bad saying this but I hope if I do meet any other queer people theyre not cis#like Ive met plenty of other queer people in my time but god its exhausting trying to figure out their stances on trans people#not gonna dig into that more since thatd get trauma dumpy so fast fnxjfnfh#anyways I should probably stop talking abt this now even though I rly dont want to
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sanqyeonn · 5 years
ok so
#((venting/rambling ahead. i guess.))#two (2) things qkdhdkw#but all in all comes down to me. not feeling like a good friend. or that im even like. made to socialize with people 💀💀💀#1.)#mmm one of my close friends tends to vent to me. or just kinda. tends to talk about negative experiences whenever we talk#and i understand. people have bad experiences and i want to be there for my friend to talk to bc!! thats my best friend! shes helped me get#thru so much and weve gotten so close and have had so many good times together#but idk it just feels like whenever she messages me even if it starts out okay eventually itll turn into something bad that happened that#day or recently#and for a while it was to the point where. i didnt wanna talk to her when i was having a good day bc then id feel bad?? like i cant be happy#while my friend is going thru her depression & anxiety#but the thing is i also have my own depression&anxiety to deal with so i really treasure the days that actually go really well for me#and i wish i could share them with her but ??? idk#we hung out a few weeks ago tho and we had a lot of fun!! we watched a movie and jammed to songs#but i havent really spent like. hours with her recently#and tomorrow we're going to nj for the vav concert together and tbh im really glad theres gonna be a third friend bc idk i feel like#somethings bound to irk me 💀 esp cuz i have? moods?? kinda. i still havent quite figured myself out yet i should probably talk to someone#skskwqhk#i dont remember where i was going with this#oh yeah like ?? i never know what to say to her??? when shes like oh i feel terrible or this and that happened...#like i feel really bad at giving advice i never know what to say and i never feel what i say is good enougj#im just. really awkward in any serious(?) situations#2.) my best friend is over but theyve been on the phone with their brother#its abt something important so i mean i dont mind them being on the phone#it's just we're in my room and the situation just. isnt a pleasant thing to talk about so i was just feeling kinda uneasy being in the room#at the same time as they were talking#also abt tbeir situation.. something happened to them and (im probably making something out of nothing) they didnt really tell me til a few#days after?#like they had called and talked to other people but i feel like i was one of the last in their close circle to find out??#diary.txt
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cynettic · 3 years
Hii,I’d like to request a fanfic about kaeya and venti(seperate) comforting a gn!reader after losing their pet
Summary - Venti and Kaeya comfort you after the loss of your pet.
Pairings - Reader x Venti / Kaeya
Warnings - Pet angst
Penpal - Sorry for getting to you late! If you did by chance lose a pet like that I’m so sorry to hear that- I tried to make it extra comforting for that case. If not and I’m just overthinking it- I hope you enjoy it either way :)
A/N - Ahhhh- I havent posted in so long ;-; sorry sorry, been stuck with 40-50 hours of work this entire week, and when I get home I just grind Inazuma. I havent even caught up to the archon quest, just exploring lol
Comfort after Losing a Pet
Venti has lived for a very long time, and even with his cheerful chatter and harmless jokes, he’s gained a strong sense of wisdom from these years. He has no doubt attached himself to people throughout these years and lost them, but instead of feeling sad for them, I feel like Venti would keep them close to his heart instead.
He’d urge you to do the same.
Things like these take time, taking in the death of someone important to you is not easy, he understands that.
Venti can be incredibly patient, even though it might be hard for him to put himself exactly in your shoes, he will wait alongside you.
Unless it’s a cat.
He’s allergic to those little fuckers- and even if he doesn’t share a particular hatred towards them…
Jk jk he’ll comfort you and mourn your pet with you either way, he just wants to see you smile again.
What Venti could best give you is words and time, he doesn’t really have much archon duties so he’ll spend the day doing things with you. He’ll even skip a few nights at the bar just to cuddle with you and make you feel safe and like you have someone to rely on.
As for words, we all know Venti is a smooth talker- who’s to say he isn’t good at soothing someone either?
He probably won’t be as touchy as Kaeya will, and will rely on the things he can do to cheer you up. Playing his lyre, telling you jokes, and just being by you.
"People and animals come and go, I know for sure that -pet name- loved you dearly Y/n. And even if they can’t be here with you," Venti pressed a loving kiss to your chest right where your heart was. "They’ll always be right here with you.”
“They’re gone.”
You slowly sank to your knees, lips pressed firmly shut as you tried to blink away the tears. Shock coursed your body as you tried to understand just what had happened. But every time you thought about it, your heart thud a bit too loudly against your chest, and suddenly you wanted to cry all over again.
Venti, who was right beside you didn’t know what to do. His hands were outstretched to bring you into his arms, but he was unsure of whether it was the contact you need at the moment.
He decided to simply rest his hand on your back.
The two of you had just been on your way back home after having to put your pet down, something you’d been trying to delay, but knew you had to with their age and actions. Venti had stood with you through it all, but you hadn’t shed a tear back then.
But the shock gradually faded away, and you were a sobbing mess.
Venti rubbed his hand on your back, whispering soft promises and loving words into your ear. It hurt him to see you like this, and even if he was close and had known your pet well, it didnt affect him nearly as much as it did you. However, when you continued to sit crouched on the floor, he knew he needed to take action.
Slowly, he lifted you to your feet, opening the door to your home and slowly helping you inside. Tears continued to trickle down your face as he walked you over to your bedroom, a firm grip on your arm so you wouldnt fall. His thumb gently brushed the skin of your arm, a contact that reminded you he was there.
He gently sat you on the bed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Y/n,” he began gingerly, already taking off your boots and unnecessary accessories. “Take a deep breath in.”
You did just that, but another sob broke past your lips and suddenly you were wiping them away.
“No no,” he took your hands in his, your wrists encased in his gentle grip. “I’m not asking you to stop crying… I just want you to clear your head a little.” His gaze was soft as he looked up at you from his crouched position. “Being sad over this is completely normal, I’ll be with you through it all.”
He slowly brought your fingertips to his lips, pressing a featherlike kiss to each of them. So soft that by the time he’d finished, you’d stopped crying. His touch made you feel warm, a bright reminder that he was here with you, that you wouldnt be alone during this.
“(Pet Name) loved you Y/n. I want you to know that they were happy till the end, happy with you. I know you need to grieve, but don’t ever think that you’ll have to do it alone.”
Kaeya may not as lived as much as Venti, but he has certainly gone through enough to understand handling a loss. He’s lost a great amount of family, and has lost his relationship with his brother. He probably hasnt had a pet before, but knows the importance they hold.
He probably got to know your pet too, formed memories and came to love them as well.
It wont hit him as hard though .
Kaeya will also be patient with you, theres no rush to heal over what happened or finish your grievances. Expect him to be there with you for the majority of the time, he might ask for a couple of days just to stay with you.
But Kaeya still needs to work, hence time not being one of the main providers he can give you. Instead, he would wrap you in his arms and wouldnt let go. Physical contact and giving are what he’s gonna be doing.
You feel hungry for eggs and bacon? Chef Kaeya to the rescue-
Tbh I dont even know if he can cook.
Like Venti, he will remind you constantly that he’s there. Because he knows that its exactly what he needed back when Crepus died. He’ll remind you through his words, actions, and contact.
24/7 Cuddle buddy.
He most definitely calls you nicknames all the time, but the names before the death of your pet might have been more like, babe, doll, honey. He might’ve switched to love, dear, dearest, stuff like that for a little.
Idk- but ‘Your pet loved you doll,’ doesnt sound as nice as, ‘Your pet loved you dear.
“We made so many memories with them,” he whispered into your ear, arms around you. “You were always there with them, loved and took care of them, I know they loved and appreciated you for it.”
“I’m fine Kaeya,” you mumbled as he held the cup of tea to your lips. Your hands could easily grasp the sides, but for some odd reasons he insisted on being the one to do everything for you. You knew it was partly because he’d have to start going back to work soon, and he just wanted you to feel comfortable.
“I know,” he simply said, a smile playing at his lips. “But I want to spoil you with love, just take it.”
You felt your throat go dry and your chest thud painfully, something you’d gotten used to since yesterday. The loss of your pet struck hard, but you found it all the more bearable with Kaeya, who stood alongside you through it all.
Finishing the tea, he climbed into bed with you, hand coming to pull you close to his chest. His fingers slowly brushed the skin of your back, soothing patterns that would send you to sleep right away. But instead, you nuzzled your head deeper into his chest.
“I miss them,” you spoke softly.
Kaeya didnt stop with the motions on your back, but instead drifted his other hand to the back of your head. He brushed his fingers through your locks, lowering how own head down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I know you do,” was what he said in a whisper. “Theres nothing wrong with it either, you will miss them for an eternity.” He spoke from experience, but was never harsh with his words as if he expected you to know. “But eventually, you will solely remember those good memories with (Pet name). Those are the only ones that matter, because you made them happy, and they made you happy.”
The deep breath you took in was painful.
But he was right, you knew well that their memories and your yearning for them would turn into a past adoration. You would never forget them, but you’d come to accept their loss and always remember them in a happy light.
“Thank you,” you mumbled softly to the boy, wrapping your hands around his waist. “You always know what to say and do… thank your for being here for me.”
“I will always be here for you,” was his answer.
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dyketubbo · 3 years
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when you get a chance, thoughts on seer of space tubbo?
(i am also open to maid of space tubbo, and many others, but i am currently seer leaning)
*wakes up* oh boy time to classpect! under the readmore because seers are interesting enough that i ended up going on a tangent
of course no argument about the aspect because hes 100% a space player, ive discussed heir before i believe, so seer analysis it is, because i havent thought about it before (seers slip my mind sometimes, i love them, my brain is just the equivalent of a ground with a bunch of banana peels and cant handle having more than 4 coherent thoughts at a time).
like said with knights, he doesnt exactly try to tell anyone what he wants to come off as, sure he wants to be intimidating enough that people leave him alone, but, well. he does fit the intimidating thing, its less a facade and more a warning, he doesnt want to hurt anyone, but he will should he deem it necessary (thankfully, tubbos kind enough that he deems it unecessary in most cases). hes a bit too likely to follow through, and its bred from feeling unsafe, rather than feeling insecure. c!tubbo knows he can do things, the cc is more likely to downplay what he does than the character is (not that c!tubbo doesnt, but he does still believe in his abilities, he just doesnt think hes important enough to emphasize his impact. difference between going "oh no it was all __" and going "oh no it wasnt just me" when theres something hes done most of the work on)
so, he almost fits knight, at least in abilities, after all knights are capable and they know theyre capable, and hes very good at the exploitation aspect, pushing limitations and using them for their benefits. i could see him as maybe a knight thats actually gotten past the insecurity and facades already, if we're to consider his spy history as him being pre-actualization. being a space player doesnt really change how solid knight arcs are, so the combination of knight and space doesnt make knight much more fitting for tubbo
similarly, he does fit a few aspects of being a seer (having similar struggles, talking a shitton sometimes, sitting back and observing the world around him when he finds it beneficial to do so, generally very smart especially within their group), but not so much others (seers are often overbearingly smug in a way tubbos a bit too humble for, learning through education rather than experience, having a habit of getting too focused on their goal, and theyre overall passive, being too active is actually how they get themselves into shit, while tubbo gets hurt when hes too passive). seers of space focus more on the present than the future or past, which almost fits tubbo.. if it werent for the fact that he doesnt focus on the future or past out of repression cknsks. not that he would much anyways, but the intentional focus on the present is out of stubborness and trauma rather an actual trait of staying in the present. notably, theres quite a few times where tubbo does think about the past and future, especially when he was younger, and he does try to work towards his ideal future, he just doesnt talk about it much.
funnily enough, because of where seer falls through, he ends up being closer to the mage struggle of, well, getting their asses kicked when theyre too passive because things work out best when theyre involving themselves. mages also have that posturing thing as well, though its connected to intelligence (desperately trying to come off as smarter because they believe theyre still too dumb and naïve, even though theyre actually doing fine), so again, not exactly tubbos kind of posturing. plus, hes pissy, but not pissy enough for a mage, as theyre more likely to get caught up in how fed up they are with everything, while tubbo gets caught up in how much he still cares no matter how much he seems like he doesnt. the space aspect adds that theres.. a shitton of shit happening to and around him, which does fit, at least, and mages of space usually suffer because of their passions, knowledge, and experience, as well as they're rather hands on. again, fits, but, well.
seers and mages are a bit too focused on knowledge for the kind of person tubbo is. hes smart for sure, has a lot of knowledge, and even when hes not a spy he does want to know things and looks for that knowledge, but while he fits the goals and positives of seers (and mages), he doesnt exactly fit their flaws or what happens when theyre unhealthy. not that he needs to show signs of being unhealthy, but even healthy players still show an ability to be the unhealthy versions of their classes. he doesnt get his ass kicked for being too active and tunnel visioned like seers do (and it can sometimes come from ego trips, which tubbos very unlikely to have, even if he fits the "my solution is the most correct here, so we have to follow it" part of it all) like seers, he doesnt have any moments of just refusing to learn and complaining about how everything sucks rather than doing anything about it (nor is he likely too) like mages. he does vaguely fit where the unhealthiness of a knight can come in, propping up a shield to a ridiculous extent and lashing out when their insecurites are picked at, but that feels a bit too reckless to be tubbo (though it does fit tommy).
overall, i can kind of see seer for a slightly different version of tubbo, but it feels too passive for tubbo, if that makes sense. he is passive at least, in terms of classes anyways (note- despite how some classpectors define it, passive doesnt really mean you serve others, its not an insult, it just means you weave your aspect through others, rather than yourself. its the difference between a prince destroying x/destroying through x and a bard allowing destruction of x/inviting destruction through x. still listen to passive classes, thats what seers fall into after all, and seers are very important). its just that tubbo usually gets hurt by being too passive rather than getting hurt by being too active (not that it couldnt happen, which is why i say it could still fit under other circumstances).
speaking of passive v active, if i had to pick a passive class i feel fits tubbo the most, probably heir. active wise, id say maid does actually fit rather well. i feel like ive talked about maid tubbo before but i might be remembering a different analysis so just in case ill generally say i feel he fits the arc of going from a "doormat" to taking their life for themselves. theyre stubborn, stressed out from listening to others, like banter, occassionally silly and can start arguing in circles due to the stubborness (think that one patrick id scene, but smarter). maids are also heavy repressers, they fear being seen as weak, and are unwilling to ask for help. they rely on their environment and hate it.
and, painfully enough, some classpectors state that when pushed into being unhealthy, maids explode. maids are already intimidating on their own, being powerful and smart enough to know what to do with that power, and when they get stressed out enough, they, well, explode. they hurt everyone in one big event (think aradias actions in make her pay). its not necessarily a reckless lashing out at everyone like knights, but a giant burnout that happens to effect everyone. tubbos not at a point where it seems likely for this to happen, but i wouldnt be too surprised if something like it did happen were things to get too be too much. he is the mf with nukes after all. healthy maids are independent, with maids of space specifically, well, making space for themselves and others (sound like a certain snow commune anyone), attempting to start new lives. an independent maid, allowed to be their own person without anyone stepping on them, is a healthy maid. unfortunate for tubbo that his life fucking sucks too hard for him to really get to this point KEKW
heirs fit a similar "followed others then became more independent" arc, mostly unaware that theyre being lead around but, if whats happening aligns with their own ideals, dont really care much that theyre being a follower when they are aware of such. heirs have an instinct to stick to comfort, rather than an instinct to be independent like maids. heirs still need to find their independence and autonomy, but need to do so because they can change things, theyre also very powerful when they play correctly. however, going against what they may feel is best and is more comfortable for them can be actively painful, early heirs often would rather be comfortable and happy even if things arent going well than take the difficult route, know that theyll suffer, and temporarily risk comfort and happiness in an attempt to reach an end they dont know will be there for sure. they can deal with suffering, but choosing to stay constantly aware of this suffering hurts and they struggle with dealing with the fact that they need to be aware to stop the suffering.
heirs change by picking up on subtle details naturally, subconsciously effecting those around them, making either themself or others interact with their aspect differently (or actively not think with their own aspect, in a positive way). heirs, when self aware, want to help. thats an important detail, and its why heirs are often protagonists, they dont have the ambition to do things that only benefit themselves when they realize theyre in a position of power. at their core, heirs usually want to make things better, but learning to move on and better themselves can hurt, and it takes a lot for heirs to to let it be apart of the process.
unhealthy heirs fade. they get so stressed out by getting hurt that they shrink back into themselves, they stick with what makes them comfortable and refuse to acknowledge that they and others are hurting, wrapped up in their more selfish instincts and becoming hard and stressful to deal with. "i want everything to be okay" becomes "i dont want to deal with the idea that nothings okay right now", soon getting to "im okay and you cant tell me otherwise, fuck you if you want to take this away from me, you cant stop me but i will stop you". of course, that last one can be useful if a heir were to use it to change things for the better, but the tunnel vision on "i want to be comfortable even if im making others uncomfortable" is, well. shitty. unhealthy heirs wont actively try to hurt anyone unless pushed, but they can they can still manage to through a lack of acknowledging that they have to help. and well, that sounds somewhat like tubbo, the hurting through a lack of helping, at the very least its present in things like him not visiting tommy during exile (partially because it was safer to just not challenge dream, partially out of guilt and belief that tommy hated him)
heirs of space specifically are about flitting from project to project, learning about what interests them, impatient when others dont share their excitement, and learning when to adapt and move on from things. generally, if i had to put a scale on it, id say tubbos most likely to be a heir, then a maid, then a seer. it all depends on what aspects of him you wanna focus on, really. seer tubbo is really interesting though! i think seers are more smug than he is though, not that he doesnt have his moments, but his tendency to believe hes right isnt all too prominent compared to other traits of his, and its less from a smug "i know whats right" and more just a firm "this isnt right, i have a better idea". he wants to do whats right, but if he feels like he doesnt know whats right, hes willing to rely on others, it just.. takes him a bit of pushing to admit such
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Fertility Struggles II
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Gif credit @angels-reyes
Part 2 to Fertility struggles. Hope you all enjoy.
Taglist @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @leaalfred. @creepers-baby-girl. @writerwithasoul. @twistnet. @baylishh. @believinghurts. @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @mayans-mc.
Month after month since starting IVF, you've gotten your period. It was starting to make you mad. You were actually getting tired of using periods at the end of a sentence. They were everywhere. One month you did get your hopes up because you missed your period but wham that bitch hit you at the end of the month. She wasnt going to let your dreams come true.
It was the first day of your period and Nestor came home happy thinking this might have worked. You've been moody and eating a lot. But you were scared to tell him.
"You got your period"? He asked when he saw you on the couch, with your sweats, a box of tissues and icecream with a blanket wrapped around you.
"Yeah. That bitch can't give us a break. I'm sorry". You said with a sniffle.
"It's okay. We can try again". He came over to the couch and sat down pulling your legs to his lap.
"I dont know if I want too". You replied, playing with your icecream in the tub.
"What do you mean"? Nestor moved in his seat to look at you. He was confused. This has always been the number one thing you have ever wanted.
"IVF seems to not be working. I'm getting my period every month. It's like I'm taking this drug for the fun of it. I'm putting us through hell and getting nothing". You wiped away tears with your sleeve.
"Its not for nothing. We're going to make a baby. You can't give up". He rested his hand on your stomach.
"I havent. Maybe we should look into adoption or a surrogate"?
"So you're wanting me to take my sperm and put it in someone else that is not my wife"? Nestor looked confused and like you wanted him to walk into this trap.
"Maybe. There wont be any contact with your junk and her junk. Itll be through a doctor. So calm down. You're not sleeping with anyone but me". You laughed as he sighed a sigh of relief.
"Alright. Why dont you go to the doctor and make sure that they can't do anything before we jump to those options".
"I'm tired Nestor. I'm tired. I dont want anymore doctors".
"Just go for me. We cant give up".
"Alright. Fine. For you but if they say they cant. I'm done. My body has been through enough. I cant". You shake your head. Tears rolling down your cheeks. Your heart has been broken so many times and you couldnt go through that again. Your heart couldn't bare it.
"What brings you in today"? Your doctor asked, she probably already knows the answer.
"IVF isn't working. I've tried everything you said. I keep getting my period every month. I'm just, it's like it's no hope for me". You explain.
"How long does the periods last"?
"Two maybe three days but it's like spotting. No heavy flow".
"Okay.  I'm going to do a ultrasound and see if we can see anything".
"I'm telling you theres nothing in there". You sigh laying back on the table.
"You never know". She said before stepping out the door.
She came back in with a nurse and the machine. The gel she squirted was cold on your stomach.
"Alright, let's see what we got".
Looking at the screen, you saw nothing. Blank uterus. "Told you".
"Dont be so sure. What is this"? She pointed to the screen and saw two little jellybeans just floating around in your uterus.
You about hopped off the table when she said that. "How is that possible". You asked about in tears.
"Well, when you're on the IVF, occasional spotting happens and some mistake it as their period. But you're pregnant. With twins. It's to early to tell what they are but they seem healthy". She said taking pictures of the jellybeans.
"Oh my God. Nestor is going to freak when I tell him". You gasped as she handed you the ultrasound photo.
"Thank you so much for everything. You have no idea what this means to us". You hugged her crying.
"I think I have a idea. I too had a hard time having children so I know what it feels like to get that news that you're pregnant". She smiled and gave you a prescription for prenatal vitamins.
"Thanks again". You said before leaving her office.
You were so excited to tell Nestor that he was going to be a daddy. But then the nerves kicked in. What happens if this is like last time? What if you lose them or even one? You were going to take every precaution there was. You put yourself on bedrest and a healthier diet. Thinking those could help to keep the babies.
Getting home, Nestor was already there. Walking into the house, he was cooking. Something so good it made your mouth water.
"What are you cooking? I hope you made tons of it"? You moaned when you got to the kitchen, the aroma getting stronger.
"Its my fathers recipe. I knew you would like it. It's great for getting women pregnant. Just look at me". Nestor said with a wink coming over to you and kissed your head. You wrapped your arms around him.
"How was the doctors? Everything okay"? He asked looking down at you.
"Everything's wonderful". You grinned from ear to ear.
"Really? Just last night you didnt want to go.  What changed"?
"Oh just the two little lives growing inside me". You swiftly pulled out the sonogram and put it in his face with a squeal.
"You're joking? What? How? Oh my god". He picked you up, kissing your lips.
"Babies. We had tons of sex and oh my god is right. We finally did it. The doctor said they look healthy".
"Oh baby, I'm so happy and so very thankful". Nestor held you tight. All his dreams were coming true.
"Me too.  But I'm not taking any chances. I'm putting myself on bedrest and we're going to start eating healthier foods. No delicious tub of icecream or chips or tacos". You frowned licking your lips. Now the cravings start.
"Babe, you can have all of that just eat it a little at a time. Foods not going to hurt you. Might make you nauseous or give you heartburn but you have to eat".
"I know. I'm just scared. Because we dont know what caused the miscarriages. Anything can be a trigger. We just have to be careful and watch out for signs".
"We will. Um, can we not tell anyone until we know for sure we're out of the woods"?
"I was thinking the same thing. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up if they will be torn apart. I'm scared to get excited but I am. I cant for these jellybeans to be in our arms. Safe and sound". You squeezed Nestor. He was so happy. But the little voice said something could go wrong. Praying that it didnt.
During your pregnancy, you had one scare but that was it. You made it to 38 weeks then your water broke. Then the real nervousness kicked in. The babies room was prepared and you had everything they needed. You were just nervous about them getting here.
Luckily they came out healthy and strong with tons of hair.
Cruz Valentino Oceteva weighed 7lbs 4oz. He looked just like Nestor and a head of hair. Nestor tried to braid it like his. He succeeded in doing so. Heartburn was the worst.
Maya Jade Oceteva weighed 6lbs 2oz. Se was a lot smaller than her brother but was a strong little girl. You know how they say you carry them for nine months and they come out looking like their father. That's true. She looked like Nestor but with your nose. And a head full of hair that you put little bows in.
God you were so lucky to have Nestor and the babies. Life was complete. Well maybe. Another kid wouldnt hurt. Or three. But for now you were going to enjoy the baby moments and the smell of their little heads. Which you and Nestor took turns sniffing each of the babies heads.
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grasslandgirl · 2 years
for the writing ask tag — 2, 19, 20, & 23?
thank you for sending this in!! i meant to answer it AGES ago but im terrible at answering asks lmao <3 but anyway here we (finally) are
2. Anything that you’d like to write but feel like you’re unable to?
ohhhh goodness. there isnt anything off the top of my head that's like. an idea that feels like a pipe dream, if that makes sense? i have a lot of story ideas in my head almost constantly, and if i end up not writing them its more often because theres not enough meat on the metaphorical bones to go anywhere, or that ive started writing it and gotten blocked or bored- not that im unable to write them
obviously there are stories that, as a cis white woman, aren't mine to write, and stories that i feel uncomfortable digging into alone because of my lack of personal experience with the subject matter, but i don't know if that's necessarily what the question is asking- because it's less of a story that i'd like to write but am unable to, and more of a story i'd like to read, and am unable to write- if that distinction makes sense?
in a larger sense, there are genres and styles of storytelling i kind of want to write but don't know how- large scale sci fi, anything with a depth of world building, vivid historicals, etc- but more often than not, im drawn creatively to the things i can create, because they're more fufilling for me to explore
19. Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it.
Fig glanced down at the doodle of Ayda’s eyes, peering up at her curiously from between two scrawled lyrics. She snapped her notebook shut.
I’m just tired, she told herself.
She shoved her notebook back in her pocket and grabbed her guitar by its neck, climbing down the ladder one-handed with practiced ease. She shuffled back to her bunk and collapsed into bed. Jamina was already asleep, her loud buzzing snores filling the whole room. 
Fig told herself that was why she couldn’t fall asleep. Why she spent the whole night staring up at the hammock above her, tapping a familiar beat against her thigh. 
But even Fig, the consummate deceiver, couldn’t believe her own lie.
:)))) iykyk
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
oh i have SO many wips simultaneously. so many.
i like to jump around a lot, i've found it helps keep me from getting blocked for too long, if i have other projects i can jump to when im feeling uncertain about one, or not in the mood for the story/genre/scene- i tend to stick really strictly to writing chronologically, bc otherwise i never finish things, and so i can keep multiple metaphorical writing plates spinning at one time bc i know where all of them are going- to a lesser or greater extent- cause they're all on a clean timeline in my head !!
according to my annual word count google sheet, ive got abt 7 wips in various stages of completion- but i've also got a bunch of idea docs and notes and unused concepts swirling in my head pretty much all the time that i just havent actually sat down and written yet (i've also got like 6 wips for a non-fic oc type thing that i dont post i just like to write about when im in the mood, that i bounce around between !!)
a lot of the time ill get Really Into one project and work on it for days or even weeks in a stretch, but sometimes i get blocked or bored!! and its really nice to just have a bunch of different things on the backburner that i can go and read through and add a little onto while im looking for inspo <3
23. Dialogue or description? Why is the other one so hard?
god. truly i think it depends on the fic. i feel like every scene i write either starts with a really vivid mental image, or a really clear idea for a conversation/ inner monologue, and what i find easy to write depends on that dichotomy of inspiration- description for the former, and dialogue for the latter. if i don't know exactly what the setting looks like or what the energy of the space is, i tend to write the dialogue first and let the setting fill itself in organically, and if i dont have a strong grasp of characters voices as im writing, ill usually dig into the space and the circumstances and the narrator's thoughts until i find a hook!
that, or rewatching/rereading scenes and moments where character voices are really vivid so i can get them In My Head
oops! i got rambly on this one, but it was really fun to answer!!! tysm for sending in this ask i really enjoyed it <3
send me a writer's ask from this list!!
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youngbeanpole · 3 years
So.... Dunno what time it is wherever yall are at, but over here it sure is the 22nd. Which means... its my birthday! 
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Seems like some Very Important Life Updates are in order. Here we go!
So how old are you now?
26! I started this blog when i was 15, so... nearly ten years ago. Time flies, huh?
Hows the thneeds going?
Nnnnot great. Im trying but its just so dang hard to actually make em do all the things i want em to do! Theyre never soft enough, or absorbent, or dirt-removing, or- Well, you get the point. Ive tried silk, but that stuff’s expensive... Its not like ive got a pile of money lying around over here. Besides, i need something softer than that. Its a work-in-progress, lets keep it at that.
How are things in the girlfriend department?
Yeah well thats also uh. Not amazing. Ive had some boy- and girlfriends but somehow it just never really worked out the way i wanted it to. Always ended up arguing about stuff and getting accused of having a ‘lying problem’ and ‘breaking my promises’. Sheesh.
So everything is horrible terrible?
No, no, no, its not that bad. I mean, i havent given up and gone back home...  You know what i never knew when i lived at home, though? Living is expensive! Every day you gotta have food, and think about what kinda food you want that to be, and pay for it, and earn money to pay for that, and also make sure Melvins got enough to eat... Im lucky ive got my wagon so i dont have to pay rent or anything, but getting chased out of towns has gotten annoying. People just dont appreciate my talents.
I wanna end this on a positive note, though.  I want to thank all of you. Yes, all of you out there on the internet. Im sure most of you have probably forgotten about me, but theres no way i could ever forget about yall. This is gonna sound way lame but i never had many friends. The time ive had here was probably the best of my entire life. And even now, when im down in the dumps about stuff, i remember the cool stuff youve made, the silly jokes, the way people could get excited about small things... Maybe youll look back at it and get embarrassed sometimes -- I know that i do whenever i read things i said when i was 15. But thats okay! You just gotta hold on to that irrational sense of optimism we all had back then, and then dreams will come true. Mine, and yours too. 
Ill be online for today, in case theres anything people still want to say, and then ill be on the road again, fulfilling my destiny. Ill get there someday, i just know it.
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pygmeys · 3 years
ofc i dont blame anyone living in first world countries for this and i think more ppl getting vaccinated is always a good thing etc etc but im ngl seeing so many people in the us and europe, including children, be fully vaccinated and celebrating the end of covid when in my country theres barely enough to go around makes my blood boil tbh. Like we still havent gotten through the people at risk and essential workers even though we started getting vaccines months ago, most people i know who managed to get the first dose havent gotten the second one yet and probably wont be able to get it for a long time. Cases continue to spike every day and now we're back to stage 1 quarantine, and meanwhile fuckinh us pharmacies have thousands of vaccines going unused. its probably getting to me a lot bc just last week someone close to me passed away from covid very suddenly, she was 78 and still hadnt gotten a vaccine, no one in her household had. And i know that we're not even the country that has it worse off rn but that just makes it all more upsetting i genuinely hate first world countries and i dont think ill ever forgive them for throwing the less profitable parts of the planet off the bus like their lives are meaningless timw and time again
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
hop along din djarin x reader
+++++++++ Pregnant!reader
Song: almost paradise by mike reno
tag list: @cynic-spirit +++++++++
"Are you lost little one?"
I asked, bending over and picking up the small green youngling. I groaned as I stood back up, resting him against my hip, tucked between my arm and my stomach. He made a small babbling noise as I rested my other hand against my back.
I heard, the child's attention going to the Mandalorian rushing my direction. I panicked for a second.
"I thought I told you to stay put?!"
He said, worried. My own worries melted away at his state, realizing I probably shouldn't be as scared of this father as I was when I saw him coming at me.
"Guess it's a good thing I found him just in time."
I said, handing the baby over to his frantic father.
"How can I repay you?"
He asked, his head tilting down a little as I placed my hand on my stomach. I laughed a little bit.
"It's not a big deal, think of it as a gift, from one single parent to another."
I said with a nod. He shifted his head to the side.
He asked and I let out a nervous laugh.
"Oh, sorry, I just assumed since you were alone. I'm sure your partner will be very glad to have you and your son back."
I said, moving to walk away but he caught my arm.
"No, that's, not what I meant."
He said quickly and i turned back around.
I asked and he looked down to grogu perched under his arm.
"I know I am, but I guess I just didn't expect you to be."
He said, motioning to my stomach awkwardly. I laughed a little bit, running my hand over my pregnant belly.
"I get that a lot, but uh, my husband died shortly after we found out we were expecting."
He nodded once.
"I'm sorry for your loss."
He said and I side nodded.
"Eh, it was probably for the best. it was an arranged marriage and he wasn't the greatest man. Sure I miss having him around to lift heavy things, and now to help take care of me on hard days, but I don't think there's a guarantee that that would've been the case anyway."
I said with a shrug and he shifted.
"So there is something I could do to repay you."
He said and I laughed.
"Why don't you come in for a bite to eat, I'm sure your son is hungry considering he was chasing the locals."
I said with a smirk, pointing to the frogs hopping over each other around the pond in front of my home. I motioned for him to follow me and made my way inside. i paced into the small kitchen and began serving out of the pot on the stove
"You're very kind."
The Mandalorian said, setting his grogu in a chair at the table a few feet inside the door, taking the seat next to him. I sent him a smile as I walked over and set two bowls down in front of them.
"It's nothing, I'm glad to do it. And I guess you're saving me from having left overs. I still haven't exactly gotten used to living alone yet."
I said with a nervous laugh, looking to the child as he shoved his face into the dish of seasoned rice and stew.
"Use your manners."
The Mandalorian said, offering the wooden spoon to him and him frowning but taking it anyway.
"You're very good with him."
I mentioned, taking his gaze from the child.
"I've got a lot to learn."
He said and I smiled, planting my hand against my stomach. I gasped and he shifted forward quickly in defense.
"Mando, it may not be my place, but if you would like to feel it, my little one is kicking."
I said and he paused.
"You want me to... Touch you?"
He asked and i laughed, waving him towards me.
"I mean, you have to take your glove off but you better be quick."
He stood slowly, striding to me and doing as told. He offered his hand and I placed it gently against my side where she had been assaulting my ribs. I smiled up at him as he stood back a little shocked.
He whispered out as I closed my eyes, sliding his hand over as she moved.
"I wish I had this all the time."
I said softly, looking back to him now crouched beside me. I sent him a small smile before letting his hand go, her movements lessening. He didn't take it away at first, rubbing his thumb against me as he continued to stare at my obvious baby bump. I sighed, wanting him to hold me but shaking the thought away.
"I think she likes you."
I said, his head snapping up.
"She does?"
He asked and I nodded.
"She's never let anyone feel her kick that long, not even my mother."
I said with a laugh and he stood up.
"Thank you, for the opportunity."
He said, pulling his glove back on. I looked over him as he sat.
"You don't take that off do you?"
I asked and I watched as he pressed his forefinger into his thumb.
"Not in front of others no."
He said and I nodded.
"In front of him?"
I asked and he nodded once.
"May I cover my eyes for you to eat?"
I asked and there was a long lingering silence.
"Don't take that the wrong way-"
I started and he held his hand up.
"No, it's not that I just... You would do that?"
He asked and I nodded.
"Forgive me but I don't get many visitors. If I can offer food and hospitality to a man and his son I gladly will, including covering my eyes for you to eat comfortably."
I said, looking over him as his body softened. The child looked to him and tapped his spoon against the table before looking to his bowl and reaching for it.
"Would we like seconds young one?"
I asked with a laugh, his face brightening at the offer. I took his bowl and got him more, setting the bowl down and looking to the Mandalorian again.
"How about this, I tie this over my eyes and you eat if you want. If not I understand and will gladly package some for you to take with you. I'm sure you have a ways to travel."
I said, picking up the fresh cloth napkin off the table and unfolding it. I looked to him for a second before placing it over my eyes and tying it tightly around my head. I breathed deeply under the darkness, reaching towards the table and placing my hands firmly against it. I sat there for a moment, listening to the child slurp his lunch. When I finally heard metal click against the table I smiled to myself.
"Thank you."
He said, making my ears perk up at the lack of a modulator.
"I'm glad to do it."
I reassured.
"It's not often we get homemade meals."
He said and I laughed.
"It's not often I get to share them, so thank you."
we sat in silence for a moment as he ate. i just traced circles into the table for a few minutes until i felt a presence behind me. i raised my brows as i felt his hands tug the tie open. i blinked slowly at the sudden light, looking up at him and smiling.
"thank you again for the meal. are you sure there isnt anything else i could do for you before we get back?"
he asked, stepping to the side and i stood up, waving him off.
"mando the only thing i could possibly think of is you both staying forever so i have some company but i dont think that would work out very well."
i said with a laugh, walking past him and to the kitchen. i heard his grogu babble as i prepared food for them to take.
"unless you are jedi i think you'd be right."
he said and i snorted.
"havent heard from any of them in a while. you looking for one?"
i asked and he nodded.
"well, if thats the case i wish you safe travels. i know it wont be easy."
i handed him two dishes with a smile.
"are you sure theres nothing else i could do?"
i shook my head amused.
"i assure you there is nothing else. now if you ever find your way back here i wouldn't mind a visit, maybe my little one will be here by then and they can play together."
i said, motioning to grogu and Mando nodded.
"now you two had better get going. you do have a long journey ahead of you."
i lifted grogu out of his chair and kissed the top of his head. he just smiled up at me, gripping my shirt for a second before i handed him off. mando nodded again and i followed him to the door on the other side of the table.
"good luck on your quest."
i said to them, waving. the baby waved back at me over mando's shoulder and i smiled. i just hoped the two of them would find their way, praying to the maker they would get back safely.
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foryouthegays · 4 years
techno liveblog w timestamps lets go for ‘a new home (dream SMP)’ stream
good laugh times: 00:13:50, 00:14:55, 1:38:45, ik it doesnt look like a lot but like u should watch the stream anyway bc philzas there and his laugh is amazing and they just go so well together
times techno calls phil his friend: 00:6:00 00:37:00, 00:45:17, 0:1:09:30, 01:11:15, 01:26:35, 01:50:05, 2:35:00
i like how, when faced with Leaving Youtube, techno would choose to be an author. i want a book by techno. reblog this if u want a book by techno (with an audiobook by him as well) /hj. 00:1:33
i love how he says ehhhhhh so much lskjhdfas (abt 2 mins in) 
who the FUCK just remembers that the word fortuitous exists wtf 00:5:17
00:8:55 tommy time :/
i love how much philza laughs at technos jokes bc pretty much everything he says IS a joke he just says it in such a serious voice that p much everyone else is like,,,yeah,,,,yup,,,,and phil just knows when hes joking and his laugh is so good with technos voice. sbi? whos that? i only know philza and technoblade
00:19:30 ghostbur joins! this is my first time hearin ghostbur btw
00:19:40 haha string axe technos so bad at crafting what a fool /j
00:21:07 ghostbur: “Even I remember how to make a fishing rod!” ghostbur u just MURDERED technoblade oh my god im gonna scream hgjdfksla i love ghostbur so much
00:23:55: GHOSTBUR NO!! DON’T DIE YOU’LL BECOME A DOUBLE GHOST!!!! -technoblade 2020
00:24:55 technoblade neva lies -guys he almost did the technoblade neva dies ahh!!!!!
i havent heard anyone talk about this but techno has a dedicated roleplay voice. like listen to him talk to tommy at 00:25:08. his voice gets more even, he uses names a lot more often (seriously, listen to his theseus speech. he says tommy so often, its incredible.), and his voice gets,,,,deeper? not deeper but smoother, in a way, and he repeats what he says for emphasis instead of humor. and his voice is louder, and he seems more assertive. 
00:27:30 philza: where we goin, by the way? techno: to our- to my new home. 
techno cmon let phil live w u wed get so much more content cmonn
00:28:50 the fact that he calls the manhunt theme “dream music” makes me laugh so hard. and then his version of it,,,,,m love he (also he sings it here and at  01:14:20)
00:35:10 why is ranboo so cryptic im-
why does he just casually know the word sentry wh at i hate him 00:39:45
this is the worst sentence (structurally) ive ever heard techno say im gonna cry 00:49:33 ‘im too busy thinkin of new ideas to sleep so i could actually execute them’ and tubbos *oh?* after is just hdsfgkjlka
Tumblr media
LKSJDHFJK 00:51:49
techno: thats one of dreams powers, he can just stop the rain
tubbo, quietly: like jesus!
i love them sm dsfhkjla they kept going but i jus gdfhjksa jesus has op
techno @ being the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans: haha funnie!!
techno @ having fun w religious stuff: i wILL BE CANCELLED NO-
00:58:10 “hey if ur [ghostbur]  a ghost, do instant damage potions heal you now?” “...no,, they hurt me still :(” DSIULZKJHFSLKFJH 
01:04:00 his brother named the cow bob im- aww 
also he has a fanart wall again!!!
01:09:30 “phil, you’re the only friend i have left in this world.” aWWWWW HE GAVE HIM THE COMPASS 
“dont smoke, it’s a joke” -technoblade 01:14:15
ROLEPLAY SPEECH VOICE IS BACK AT 1:16:10 “they pillage my base for everything i’m worth, they use me for the revolution, but oooOOOoo i took a pickaxe with his consent? oOOOooOo i’m a thief!”
holy shit 01:17:15 “you know what, phil? for you, the world, alright? it’s fine.” oH MY GOD HHHHGHG (context, right before they were arguing bc phil took some blocks from his base and techno thought that when he said phil could take anything he meant from the chests)
the COMIDY of that villager coming in and sleeping while techno was readin donos at 01:22:05 RIGHT AFTER phil freaked out abt inturruptin his dono readin im SFDHKJLA:
techno talkin bout the winstreak and how he wont be able to live up to that sort of playin at 01:22:30ish is super important and ill transcribe it tomorrow, but if u can id highly rec watchin it. 
01:24:20 “[readin dono] what’s your favorite movie? uh, the princess bride is pretty good” techno ily that movie rocks also he said it so fast like hes ashamed of it noo
techno says no to canon ranboo son btw! 01:25:30
01:25:55 “i wasnt in that story, therefore it doesnt matter” all of technoblr be like 
01:37:49 is great lemmie transcribe
“how have you still not gotten a second monitor?? holy shit.”
“let me tell you something. and im only telling you this because i know that so many people in the chat are gonna be furious. so i recently realized- i think the second monitor can just be any ol’ monitor, right? you literally just plug it in, and its set up? well i mean you have to turn on some settings, but like, thats it, or something?”
“yeah,,,,, uh techno you fuckin destroyed my chat, by the way, oh my god, [earlier techno told his viewers to twitch prime philza] there has been like 40 primes just flying through”
“yeahhh twitch prime!!! twitch prime philza yeahh!!! so anyways the other day, i like, i looked to my left, and realized that my old monitor has been like, five feet away from where i sit and stream for the last three years?”
“oh my god...”
“so i- i literally do not have to leave my room to set up a second monitor and i havent. and i’m still usin my laptop for this stream.
“is this gonna be one of those situations where you like, you have a thing, you just refuse to do the thing?”
“listen, my desk is-
“bruhhhhh [philza laughs] thats FREE VIEWS what are you doing??”
“ill open it at 8 mil :/.”
“you could LITERALLY make a video of you just like, throwing it off a wall, and then thumbing up, like doing a thumbs up, and then that would be it. 10 seconds. ten seconds. thumb and elbow in shot. [laughs]”
techno is such a disaster i love him
01:34:18 the way techno says “tommy, that statement has NEVER been true” i dont like sayin i simp for block men but GOD sometimes his voice is nicer than usual hhhgn
“man i sure wish tommyinnit was in this stream” -nobody ever (just after previous timestamp)
01:40:15 is fuckin hilarious and im actually crying oh my god techno just says things and says them well with a completely straight face how does he do it
i cannot WAIT until theres a president w the last/first name andy so we can say president andy and think abt technoblade
i love when techno talks abt his vids. like u can tell he puts a lot of thought into the vids (esp these ones) and like at 01:47:00 he talks abt the “I DIDNT PUT DEAPTH STRIDER ON THOSE BOOTS, FUNDY!” and how its just that creepin realization that you were doomed from the start and how he made the armor, he isnt intimidated by the netherite bc he didnt enchant it all the way and only he knows that,,, and i just,,,hgg he
he reveals that hes writin the next arc at 01:48:00: “oh, speakin of arcs, chat, i’m writing the next arc. so, you know. hope nothin bad happens in two weeks, chat!” IM SO EXCITED like he clearly has his character fleshed out and is SO good at writing and retellin history im so so excited to see where he takes it AHHHH and also taht means he might stream more bc he might make his character more important (keep in mind this is the guy who wrote self insert hypixel fanfics. he has no shame in puttin himself first and i respect him so much for it) 
01:51:20 “they’re tryin to get a second customer but they’re riskin their first” is lowkey a good line
has anyone else noticed that techno says wise a lot? like at 01:55:10 he literally says “wise dragon armor” as a joke but like i think he says wise so much BECAUSE of skyblock like hjkfdsla
01:57:30 techno plea se eat 
ok 1:58:45 is hilarious and all but at the end of his ramble he says “come back, i miss you” and lowkey im crying 
techno needs to stop knowing his audience more than we know ourselves im hsfkjda 02:05:25 “the chat’s spammin ‘eat technoblade, eat!’ like they’re not gonna start, like, theyre not gonna get super sad if i ended the stream right now, like theyre not gonna all cry ‘i miss technoblade *sniffs* why- whyd he leave to eat food, why did he listen to our advice noooo’”
02:17:40 “i could start a potato farm out here to show how much ive changed” techno last time u made a potato farm u started an entire war that lasted a year that does NOT say calm and retired to me lskgdfjagsldj
02:23:00 why does techno just reference greek mythology so much. makin me scared for his arc. 
also he talks abt smp earth a lot in this stream i love it so much
i also just. love?? how much sbi respect tommy like they bully him but when talkin bout him they just have so much respect for how much work he puts into youtube and i just,,,,hgnn they r friends 
02:33:13 sbi streamer house lets go cmon
02:34:15 “i think if i streamed every day i could keep up” on one hand YE S  but on the ohter oh god techno no we have to keep up tho
hearing techno say “violence isnt the answer” is so scary  02:35:40
02:37:30 technosneeze 
hiS BROTHER SENT HIM 46 DISCORD MESSAGES SFKDJLFLKASF 2:49:25 i love his end screen so much hes just sadness,,,,retirement,,,t,echnoblade,,,the government is going to fall on its own due to lack of organization and ideals,,,,,,subscribe,,,,,sadness,,,,,also 2:50:45 is making me laugh so hard its just sad music and technos like??? whys phil in my house drinking milk????? 
overall, fantastic stream, if ya want some chill techno philza content i highly recommend. 
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