airlocksandaviaries · 11 months
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cheesyz · 4 months
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"should we do this the easy way, or the other easy way?"
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heartkade · 1 year
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It was just a nightmare
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because the vex chooses you, you do not choose the vex
+ made these for matching wallpapers really
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2wo-knav3s · 8 months
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in (belated) honor of Mary Shelley’s birthday and the fact that I’m rereading Frankenstein yet again, here’s a mini zine I made last summer on the topic
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groovyace · 2 years
Eueyeuehej3u2u3uuueueueeeee33 *dies*
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ciaossn · 22 days
Tsuna: I'm begging you, you've gotta stop closing things tightly. I'm hungry.
Ryohei: Closing what tightly? That's Kyoko, not me :)
Kyoko: *breaks open canned food with her bare hands*
Ryohei: My sister is amazing, isn't she :D
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heartsfortwotpot · 5 months
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rare human two posting
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do u guys ever get mad that chani, the most interesting girl in the world, literally fell in love with like the most obviously skinny white twink in the universe and beyond like
girl WHAT are you doing
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ceilidhtransing · 25 days
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We call that a Großvater Wurm
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excaive · 1 year
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There's a hole in the sky 💠
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skayafair · 2 months
Left Brain, Right Brain
I'm sorry but this is literally Arthur and John situation???
Right brain:
Can't speak
Controls the left side (arm for example)
Has its own opinion on different topics compared to the left one
Recognizes faces
Basically assists the left brain
Left brain:
Is in charge of speaking
Controls the right side
Doesn't recognize faces
Is probably the "leading" one in the personality perception, like "the host"
Makes up it's own explanation for stuff only the right brain knows but it still influenes the left one's actions
Now, I just watched the video and jumped right here to share it because WOW human bodies are SOMETHING aren't they, and how conveniently fitting this all is!
BUT I didn't do any further research so I have no idea how scientific the info actually is. Feel free to add to it!
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zitoko-tan · 2 months
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this image makes me feel so much fucking agony
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fate-defiant · 2 months
duck should've exchanged friendship bracelets with everyone she helped in the show
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vikinglanguage · 2 months
How to articulate your emotions in Danish
Literal years ago, I got an ask about how to talk about emotions in Danish. I was never really entirely sure, what the person was asking about, but I recently had the idea to just flat out translate one of those "how to identify which emotion you're experiencing" charts. So here goes nothing
Please note: all of these are approximations, and a lot of the words that are used to describe the same general feeling are in fact more or less interchangeable, as is the case with the emotion chart.
This is the chart I used:
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[ID in alt text]
bange - fearful
noun: frygt - fear
bange, frygtsom, ræd - scared hjælpeløs - helpless skræmt, rædselsslagen - frightened
nervøs, ængstelig - anxious overvældet - overwhelmed bekymret - worried
usikker - insecure utilstrækkelig - inadequate underlegen, mindreværdig - inferior
svag - weak værdiløs - worthless ubetydelig, betydningsløs - insignificant
afvist - rejected holdt udenfor, ekskluderet - excluded forfulgt - persecuted
truet - threatened nervøs - nervous udsat - exposed
sur - angry
noun: vrede - anger
skuffet, svigtet - let down forrådt - betrayed forurettet - resentful
ydmyget - humiliated ikke føle sig respekteret - feel disrespected gjort nar ad, latterliggjort - ridiculed
bitter - bitter forarget - indignant krænket - violated
vred - mad rasende - furious jaloux - jealous
aggressiv - aggressive provokeret - provoked hostile - fjendtlig
frustreret - frustrated arrig - infuriated irriteret - annoyed
fjern - distant tilbagetrukken/tilbagetrukket - withdrawn følelsesløs, følelsesforladt - numb
kritisk - critical skeptisk - sceptical affejende, afvisende - dismissive
frastødt - disgusted
noun: afsky - disgust
misbilligende - disapproving fordømmende - judgemental pinligt berørt - embarrassed
skuffet - disappointed forfærdet - appalled væmmes (verb, reflexive) - to be revolted e.g. jeg væmmes ved lugten af fisk 'I am revolted by the smell of fish'
frygtelig - awful kvalm - nauseated foragtelig - detestable
frastødt - repelled forfærdet - horrified tøvende - hesitant
ked af det - sad
noun: bedrøvelse, sorg - sadness, sorrow
såret - hurt flov - embarrassed skuffet - disappointed
deprimeret*, nedtryk - depressed mindreværdig - inferior tom, følelsesforladt - empty *while deprimeret like English depressed primarily should be used in relation to a medical diagnosis of depression, it is also used as a synonym of nedtrykt (literally ned 'down, de' + trykt 'pressed') in the vernacular
skyldig - guilty fortrydende, skyldbetynget, angerfuld - remorseful skamfuld - ashamed
fortvivlelse - despair adj: fortvivlet - despairing sorg - grief adj: sorgfuld, sorgramt, sørgende - grief-stricken, grieving magtesløs - powerless
sårbar - vulnerable gjort til offer, offergjort - victimised skrøbelig - fragile
ensom - lonely isoleret - isolated efterladt - abandoned
glad - happy
noun: glæde, lykke - happiness
legesyg, legende - playful ophidset - aroused fræk - cheeky
tilfreds - content fri - free lykkelig, glad - joyful
interesseret - interested nysgerrig - curious videbegærlig - inquisitive
stolt - proud succesfuld, succesrig - succesful selvsikker - confident
accepteret - accepted respekteret - respected værdsat - valued
stærk, magtfuld - powerful modig - courageous kreativ - creative
fredfyldt - peaceful kærlig - loving taknemmelig - thankful
tillidsfuld - trusting følsom, sensitiv - sensitiv intim, tæt - intimate
optimistisk - optimistic håbefuld - hopeful inspireret - inspired
overrasket - surprised
noun: overraskelse - surprise
forskrækket - startled chokeret - shocked forfærdet - dismayed
forvirret - confused desillusioneret - disillusioned perpleks - perplexed
forbløffet - amazed forbavset - astonished ærefrygt - awe
begejstret, spændt - excited ivrig - eager energisk - energetic
dårligt - bad
kede sig (verb, reflexive) - to be bored e.g. jeg keder mig 'I am bored' ligeglad - indifferent apatisk - apathetic
travl - busy presset - pressured forhastet - rushed
stresset - stressed overvældet - overwhelmed ude af kontrol - out of control
træt - tired søvnig - sleepy ufokuseret - unfocussed
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deiaiko · 5 months
#17.2 Auri
Shibisu was beat. His match with Agni must have been the lamest out of everyone. He couldn't land a single blow on him no matter how hard he tried. All the while knowing that Agni was going easy on him. Still, Agni offered him an outstretched hand and pulled him up to his wobbly feet.
"You did your best," Agni smiled encouragingly. It was an odd look on him, since he looked a lot like Khun, and Khun wouldn't have smiled like that. At least never at him. "But there is still a lot to work on with those blind spots."
Shibisu knew. But he wasn't built for agility, especially with his low shinsu tolerance. Each time they ascended another floor, it took him some time to get used to moving quickly again.
"I have something for you." Agni pulled him out of his thoughts. He opened his palm. "Give me your hand."
Shibisu complied and mirrored Agni's example. In return, Agni placed something in his palm.
"What is this?"
"It's special fish food. Hold it like this and just relax, ok?" Agni instructed as he repositioned Shibisu's arm so it was fully outstretched, palm flat.
Before Shibisu could ask, Agni had called one of his hidden lighthouses. He whistled and a fish swam out from it. It was about an arm’s length and very fast. Its color was also quite muted; he would have missed it had he not been paying attention. 
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"This is Auri." Agni introduced as the fish swam around him and preened under his touch. "She's a domesticated electric eel, capable of stunning D-ranks and killing E-ranks. Her species is loyal and territorial, but they can be very timid otherwise. I want you to take care of her one day."
"What?!" Shibisu whisper-shouted through gritted teeth, afraid that he would startle the fish. "Didn't you just say that she's dangerous?"
"She can protect you." Agni pried his fist open and led him to stretch his arm out again. "Just give her this and she'll know that you're a friend."
Shibisu held his breath when the fish swam close, trying his best to not flinch or take another step back when it opened its jaw, displaying rows of needle sharp teeth that could definitely shred his flesh. Yet his fear never happened, and the fish was surprisingly docile when it nibbled on the pellet.
Despite his initial fear, he could see its appeal. It was affectionate and gentle. Granted, he always had a soft spot for cute things, even if they might be dangerous. Case in point: his team.
Shibisu tried to move his arm a little, since he was no longer as tense, but the sudden move startled the fish, and it suddenly vanished into thin air. Shibisu looked around and found nothing.
Noticing his confusion, Agni explained, "As I said, her species is very timid. They have the ability to conceal themselves with shinsu, so they can be hard to detect without observers."
The fish reappeared behind Agni, swimming near his shoulders, "Ah, there you are." Agni flicked his fingers and pointed to the lighthouse; the fish obediently swam back inside. "I will bring her again the next time we meet, so she can get used to this team."
Shibisu could only nod, knowing that refusal wasn't an option.
Agni walked away and clapped his hands to get the whole team's attention, "That's a wrap for today. A shame no one won my bet, but I hope you learnt something from this."
Endorsi clicked her tongue, "Show off."
Agni ignored her entirely, but his stance was never unguarded, ready to leap in case of sudden attack. Was every Khun raised like that?
"Hm, one more thing…" Agni walked up to Rak. "Crocodile, come with me for a moment."
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
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