defness · 9 months
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zosanmylove · 16 days
Zosan's baby being just a mini girl Zoro is so dear to me and I don't even know why like?
In my head Sanji's pregnancy is tough, not easy at all, nine months of Hell. And the birth? Well, he almost lost the use of his legs forever.
And then when he wake up from passing out after hearing the first cries, he finally see his baby in Marimo's arms. Zoro's focused on the child, but he knows that Sanji opened his eyes, so he naturally pass him is baby.
-She's perfect cook, you did great...
But he can't hear what the marimo keeps saying because he's totally mezmerises by the tiny human in his arms. She has naturally taned skin and green hair.
Sanji was about to blame Zoro for making his daughter herit of his dumb hair, but then she opened her eyes. They were as grey as her dad's...
By the night when the rest of the crew comes to meet the baby they ask if he's not dissapointed she looks nothing like him (really nothing like him, even her eyebrows are perfect straight lines) he says he's ABSOLUTLY sure her eyes will soon turn blue just like his.
And about a month later when the Roronoa family is all alone again, sitting in silence while watching their new member sleep soundly under the candle light, Sanji bring her closer and start to whisper:
-That's not fair...
-What's not fair? Zoro asked, looking up at his husband.
-I'm the one who almost died when having her... the swordman hears a small chukles, almost like a sob. Why do she looks like you made her all by yourself?
Then the marimo laughs himself, holding Sanji a little tighter against him.
-Jalous, huh? he teases him, as proud as a father could be.
-Jalous? Of what? I'm worried she'll have to so spend her whole life with moss growing on her head...
-To think that you almost died for that...
-Oh shut up...
Zoro held them both tigher, as his cook let it all out.
And as the baby grows, they're just soooo much like the swordman. Everyone already pointed out that they had the same sleeping face but when she start to walk and speak, and it is Zoro. From the mimic to thr grin, to the way of talking... Just like a clone. Oh, and she has no sense of direction. Of course. None.
Zoro could care less, but he notices and totally see himself in his daughter when he was her age. The only difference is that she was raised around Luffy, so she's more chaotic. Sanji pretends to be annoyed by it, but the whole crew's knows he's secretly sooooooo glad she's nothing like him.
But he actually get annoyed when the two mossheads team up to win any kind of argument against him. Both of them are lost cases.
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spitinsideme · 5 months
dosent ragatha have some special helish duty’s as the queen. Also does she have anymore powers
this is going to be a long post because i like to explain things in detail and also im going to add little drawings to some, so get ready
she does !!! she has some duties she shoukd be taking care of as youknow the queen of hell !!! like any other royalty in thr world, she does jackshit 👍 she just kind of .. created hell and is in charge of it .. soemtimes she likes to torture them herself for a bit of fun
she does have powers !!! i domt draw them much necause she doesnt really use them, but im going to give you a big list now ...
*shes invulnerable to any human or like world weapon or death, nothing can kill or harm her on earth (except religious stuff like crosses and rosaries and holy water, etc) BUT !! when shes close to someone she cares a lpt aboit (like pomni) she can be harmed and killed and also it significaly slows down her abiloty to heal .. here is a diagram to explain that
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she also is a pussy with pain becausd she is like NOT used to any earth things at all, like yeah she can be knocked around a bit by a demon but bwcause she heals quickly it has never affecred her, shes the tyoe of person to full on cry and refuse to move or do anything becwude she got a papercut
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*she has heightened sense of hearing and smell ! and also eyesight !! she can see in the dark which is very nice
*she can shapeshift oarts of her body into her demonic form. this meand she can grow the fur, have a tail, have sharper and bigger fangs and claws, change her horn shaoe into her demonic form one, and just all that stuff she can do ! she can also shapeshift into different creatures ! but they all have like soke demonic features added to then becaude ragatha is, in facy, a demon. and thehre also usuually way bigger than the original animal. not very good for blending in actually but the animald do look pretty cool and pomni finds it cute (pomni somwrimes asks ragatha to shapeshift to havw like .. the fur her demonic form has because its soft and she likes to sleeo in it, especialy during winter)
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*ragatha is always warm. literally immune to any other wearher or temperature. this isnr exactly a supwepower, this isjust her natural state. shes alwyas warm and whereever she goes she warms uo the place because of it. summer weather ? doesnr bother her, shes hotter than it and shes used to the heat (she likes it, makes her feel at home), winter weather ? canr even feel it because shee so warm, the cokd doesnt bother her or affect her
*shes very strong, shes less agile than the other demons because she relies more on strengtth than anything else, shes not vert fast either because, again, she relies on strength. shes faster than a human obviously, but not as fast as like some animals or a car. also she just doesnr enjly running because shes a cocky little bitch who knows dhe can kill whorver dhe want and whenever she wants
*shes the queen of hell, obviously she controls peoples souls. people still do contracyswith her youknow deals woth the devil are still a thing. she canr take a persons soul unless theyre mesnt to be in hell or theyve signed a contract for her to do so because then a whole fight woukd break our between her and heaven and she donesnt fancy all that. but yeah she can do all that !!
* because shes the queen of hell, she gets a special little power that only she has and no one else !!! she jusr knows what someone secretly desires, thats mosrly how she gets people to sign deals with her bur also shes a bit of a whore really so she mostly has used it for sex reasons, made a lot of peoppe go to hell by accodent because they didnr knkw they doing it woth the devil ! she likes that thoufh she finds it funny shes a bit of a bastard. she doesnt use it on pomni though because pomno told her not to, pomni feels weird about it and ragatha loves her and respecrs her and so doesnt do it. pomni ssys what she wnats anyways (soemtimes) so it works out
*she can control fire !thats soemthing shes able to do actually i decided now because shes like the queen of hell i mean comeon ?? flames of hell !? hell flames ?? it just works ... she cant do many fire tricks when notnin her demon form, but she can make fire appear with her fingers and also control it, she has verg good contrlm of it but soemtimes if she gets toomuch of a feeling she could just, potentially, light something on fire by accident. she needs to be very careful necause most of the times she doesnr want to loght soemrhing on fire by accident ! in her demon form, she can make larger fires appear and control them also. she can also control if they hurt someone or not, soemtimes she likes to start a bit of a fire that wont hurt someone but just scares then because it looks real and, therefore, dangerous. bit of a laugh for her really
*not exactly a power but someone once asked me if shes like hurt by cathokic or religoous imagerg things like crosses and rosaries and all that and yes ! she is !! it does burn her a bit and like a tingly .. stinging sensation ? it feels like if you fell into a pile of stingong nettles and then tried to scrape the skin off with a cactus. the pain is different for each thing !! ALSO !! VERY IMPORTANR !! the pain hurts less when theyre further away from it. for example, demon ragayha is in a chirch a lot because of pomni so shes always arouns relifious things bit as long as she doesnt touxh them or get VERY close to them they wont hurt her toomuch. if she gets really close to them or touches then they will hurt more
from lowest to highest on the pain scale, we have small obkects like rosaries or small crosses. the smaller the obkect, the less harm done. this is the lowest pain for that sort of stuff. overall 3/10 pain
then we have bigger obkects, things like statues or the bible woukd hurt more. this is like a bit more painful. overall 4/10 pain.
holy water is MUCH more painful on the scale. but holy watrr only works if it came from jesus birthplacr itself (nazareth) or if it was blessed from a priest, pope, or bishop. thats a proper 8/10 really painful for demons no matter your status (demon pomni and demon ragatha woukd both be hurt the same and feel the same amount of pain badically, doesnr matter the differences in status or strength for religious objects pain)
anything blessed by a priest or god themselves. also, if a priest, pope or bishop were to say a prayer and say it direftly TO them with intent to hurt (thats important, they have to say ir wirh intent to harm the demon) then this woukd be veryveru painful, proper 9/10 on the scale
i think thats it, tahts all i can think of now at least, if i think of more then ill add onto it !!
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abybweisse · 8 months
Hello there, I find your theory about John Brown is a supernatural being in disguise is interesting me, because I don't believe that Undertaker will be the final antagonist but will face to face with Sebastian and Our!Ciel since his main goal is to restore the Phantomhive family and we still don't know who killed Rachel and Vincent, kidnapped the twins and burned their mansion. Also, in Season 1, John Brown was replaced with Ash/Angela who was a fallen angel and the one who cause the Phantomhve family's demise. If John Brown was indeed a supernatural being and was involved with the Phantonhive's death, I imagined him being a dangerous third party like how Ash/Angela became a very dangerous villain that made both demons which is Sebastian and reapers to join forces to stop the fallen angel. I don't know if the whole "snuff out the unclean, snuff out the unnecessary and snuff out the unwanted" will became canon, but let's just wait for another plot twist in thr climax.
Speaking of season 1, in the episode "His butler: Engaging the Servants", Finnian said that birds were his only friends, and since we probably get closer to Finny's past in the manga, could it be birds symbolizes his desire for freedom? Because I always heard this simile, " As free as a bird." What do you think of this?
Also, in the last episode of season 1, Sebastian said that his true form is unsighty, disgusting and repulsive. I personally think that he wasn't wrong that his true form is quite horrible for human eyes to see, i mean, having an eldritch like body with hundred of eyes is far from the word beautiful. Not to mention that Ash/Angela's reaction and how they were terrified implies that Sebastian can easily shred them in pieces which he actually did to that mad fallen angel (and also the cultist that killed R!Ciel in the manga)
(I'm completely aware that I often compared season 1 of the anime with the manga because some of them were nearly the same. Idk about season 2)
⚠️ long post ⚠️ and re-edited ❗️ ⚠️
Hello! Thanks for the asks!
John Brown as the biggest bad
I often compare John Brown (and Ash/Angela) to a Mother game character called Giygas, who is an extraterrestrial from a very distant world. In Mother, Giygas crash-lands on Earth and is cared for by George and Mary/Maria. I'm a little confused about the details, but they apparently go with Giygas to its home planet, where Mary/Maria stays. George steals technology from the alien race and returns to Earth, where he conducts more studies. George also somehow manages to pass alien abilities to his descendants. Fearing this technology will be used by Earthlings to destroy that alien race, Giygas is sent back to Earth to stop him. But by the time Giygas gets to Earth again, George has already died, and Giygas has gone kind of insane. Giygas decides to take revenge against humanity, particularly George's descendants, like Ninten. By the time you get to Mother 2 (EarthBound), Giygas is using all sorts of methods to control people, including this kid called Pokey Minch. Ness and his pals defeat Pokey and Giygas, but Pokey escapes, while Giygas is sort of... obliterated? In Mother 3, Pokey returns as King Porky. Though Giygas isn't seen anymore, some essence of evil left behind by Giygas still seems to influence King Porky. With help, Lucas manages to defeat King Porky (without killing him). Then Lucas still has to have a final showdown with his dead and reanimated older mirror twin brother, Claus.
George is one of the parallels to Undertaker, here, assuming he's Cedric, the paternal grandfather of the mirror twin brothers (real Ciel and our earl). Taking and researching technology from another race of creatures, passing abilities/traits onto his descendants. Does the technology come directly from reapers? I don't quite think so, at least not entirely. They keep mentioning their "superiors", and I suspect those are something truly superior to reapers, not simply reapers with higher authority. Angels, perhaps. That's what Ash/Angela is in s1, though apparently a fallen one. And both characters (John and Ash/Angela) have whips....
Perhaps the John Brown we have seen in the manga is one of these superiors? Possibly an angel of sorts.
An angel who has been sent to clean up this mess with Undertaker. I can imagine the superiors trying (at first) to take care of it themselves, not wanting the reapers to know whatever Undertaker has learned. But that's failed, and now active reapers are being pulled in to help.
And, in the process, John has made a contract with Queen Victoria, much like a demon might? The way he uses that puppet of Prince Albert suggests he's controlling the queen, and it might be a lot like the offer Sebastian originally offered to our earl (to make him believe his twin had returned). This makes Victoria the main parallel to King Porky. (I believe there's another one who specifically parallels Pokey Minch, before he returns as the self-proclaimed king.)
Perhaps John, like Ash/Angela, has a completely different side to him that we haven't seen just yet? Something polar opposite of what we've seen, so far. Something intense and crazed, much like Ash/Angela is. Much like Giygas becomes.
I seriously think that our earl (with help) must defeat John Brown as the "big bad", even more so than the queen, though she's probably the one who actually orders the attack, etc.
If the Mother game series parallels are close enough, John's (or the reaper superiors') main concern might be that Undertaker could make their roles obsolete. And that's kind of what Othello and Grelle discuss in ch149. And they haven't even discussed the possibility that this deserting reaper has been passing on reaper traits to human descendants. But they are already worried he might change the nature of life itself, making souls unnecessary. Making reapers unnecessary. It could destroy the entire system of the Afterlife. Much like Giygas' species fears humans stealing and using their own technology against them.
Finny and birds
Isn't there a scene in the manga that has Finny accidentally kill the first bird he tries to care for... or was that also just anime Finny? 🤔 Anyway, he definitely says he likes the outdoors and wide open spaces because of his previous confinement. It would make sense if he's also fond of anything else that symbolizes freedom, like the flight of birds. Makes it more poignant that there's so much caged bird imagery in his current situation at the orphanage... as well as the wren and myths/folklore associated with it.
Sebastian's demonic form
I quickly started to associate Sebastian with two characters in Mother 3: Boney, the loyal family dog who helps Lucas... and the Dark Dragon, the beast that follows your will... if you wake it up and give it your "heart". Lucas is the one to wake the Dark Dragon after his older mirror twin is "sacrificed".
We've actually seen glimpses of a form this demon can take, besides all the mouths and eyes, and besides the various animals (and furniture) it can conjure from itself. We see it reflected in a mirror on the cover art for ch88.
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We also see it in a couple panels in ch137. The image on the left is not as well defined, and it might be as the demon is changing forms. The head of the one on the right looks particularly similar to the reflection on ch88's cover.
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The Dark Dragon is a powerful creature that can be used for good or bad, depending on who wakes it back up. Lucas has a good heart, so the Dark Dragon does everything in its power to set things right again, after much upheaval. It cannot return the dead to life, just like Sebastian.
So... the Dark Dragon never goes up against Giygas... or even against King Porky. The biggest bads are defeated before Lucas even wakes the Dark Dragon. Giygas is defeated by prayer (of all things) in Mother 2. King Porky is captured inside an Absolute Safe Capsule, invented by Dr. Andonuts.
In Black Butler, we could see a break in that parallel, simply because our earl relies so heavily on Sebastian (and because Sebastian is already awake/under contract). However, we could also end up with our earl and Sebastian witnesses to John Brown and Queen Victoria being defeated by others who have been helping them.
One of Undertaker's other parallels in the Mother game series is Dr. Andonuts... but he's not the only Kuroshitsuji character to parallel the inventor: so is Sieglinde Sullivan. Dr. Andonuts is forced to work for King Porky, and his Fascinating Chimera technology is used/abused by King Porky's Pigmask Army, but he eventually manages to get revenge by keeping Porky alive but unable to cause anymore harm. We know Undertaker doesn't like the queen, so if he finds out she wants his Bizarre Dolls as "allies", he might confront her and John. Then we have Sieglinde, who is brought to England and introduced to the queen. Soon after, we find out the queen is sponsoring Sieglinde's new (mostly secret) projects... in a house and laboratory also provided by the queen. When Sieglinde figures out the queen is using her, much like her mother used her, she might also rise up against Victoria.
If we keep really close to the game, our earl and Sebastian (as Boney instead of the Dark Dragon role) might finally confront Queen Victoria and John Brown (and Double Charles?) just to watch as they are somehow defeated by Undertaker and/or Sieglinde. Extra points if it's Sieglinde using some contraption she invented while working for the queen.
Wouldn't it be wild if Sebastian isn't (directly) the one to defeat his master's main enemies... and then he has to apologize for failing the terms of the contract? Or maybe he covers his demon ass by helping in some roundabout way, so he can still claim the victory for his master? Either way, it could really decrease the sweetness of that revenge.
Sebastian might not even need the ability to shred John Brown. We shall see....
And I'm completely aware I often compare Black Butler to the Mother game series. 😆 S1 of the anime has some interesting AU parallels. For all of its off-the-rails qualities -- surprisingly -- so does s2. Heck, that joke OVA about making the anime even has a scene that parodies part of Dr. Andonuts' lab under King Porky's control.
Sorry for the long delay in responding. I hope you like the reply!
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Lord of the Rings Culinary Culture Headcannons bc I'm bored.
This isn't based off of any source from the books this is just vibes. I love food anthropology though so.
Elves: They don't seem huge in agriculture to me, kind of because it seems tedious for them to do every year, forever, till they die. So instead I think they'd embrace a more hunter-gatherer approach, with certain areas cultivated so the plants pretty much take care of themselves. I also think they favour food that can be preserved like dried meat and jams so they don't have to worry about the food spoiling as fast. I've heard lembas bread can be made regardless of location, so I dont think it's a patiular grain, but more of a special process in preparing the grain or smth that's kept secret (a little like nixtamalisation). Additionally: their most elaborate meals tend to have a very long process to make- it's not unusual for preparation for a feast to begin months in advance.
Dwarves: I think they would have an emphasis on group meals, as more work can be achieved if everyone shares one big meal rather than going off to make individual ones. Spending the majority of their time underground, I feel like they eat a lot of tubers. I think they would at least originate from somewhere with geothermal pools, and to reflect this have a lot of boiled and steamed foods, as well as burying food in pots near the pools so the natural heat can cook it (I can't remember what culture but there's evidence of this being done with bread). Additionally, I think they'd be fans of pit ovens, rather than pots or cauldrons- using the heat from their forges to heat up rocks for them. [I think there's less roasting on a spit over a fire because the hear from theor forges would burn the food too quickly.] I feel they'd also be very good at fermenting, with halls dedicated to maturing cheeses or aging meat. Additionally, if they eat meat, it will likely be a large land animal like a boar or deer- not so much birds or fish because they aren't really adapted to hunting them.
Humans: they're honestly pretty standard. They were probably behind a lot of advancements, like preserves, but the majority of the time, it's either porridge or stew. I feel like they have the most diversity from establishment to establishment, for example if you went by the sea, a lot of communities use the salt to preserve their food, but more inland other communities may not have heard even of the method. Obviously the bigger the kitchen, the grander the meals can be and the more equipment they can afford, but villages usually have a community oven they can use for bread and pies. While the food itself is pretty standard, they're also the most adventurous in foraging, inadvertently making a lot of once-poisonous plants edible through natural selection, humans are usually thr first to try out a new food, as well as the first to find ways to make it edible.
Hobbits: as expected from a culture who values meals and food to that extent, hobbits are the culinary geniuses of Middle-Earth. In Ancient Rome, they had advanced cooking utensils, that after the fall of Rome, weren't reinvented till the 18th(?) century: Hobbits are like that. They have utensils for every food in every variety you can think of, and while it's unnecessary to actually have, and perhaps inconvenient to use, it's a point of pride and great social status. Not only do they keep incredibly well-stocked pantries, but they've very keen to experiment with new flavours and have a decent trade route for these reasons. Recipes are also a point of pride, and it's considered unspeakable rude to attempt to recreate someone else's recipe. While there are recipe books of all kinds in every house, family recipe books are often handed down in wills, and kept secret from others. Cooking equipment is also passed down in wills. While they also partake in standard agriculture, hobbits also often have their own vegetable gardens, where they grow their proffered ingredients to work with. In the perspectives of other races, they can be a bit snooty about food, however they're simply very well-educated about the matter. Certain cultures can identify more shades of colour, because in their languages they give each shade a different name- it's sort of like that, but with taste. ((Many hobbits are able to identify the type of salt used in a recipe.)) Additionally, they have several festivals a year where they partake in food competitions. They're big fans of using edible flowers in their flavouring
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snailsgoingdowntown · 2 years
Breathe in, Breathe out
Kinktober day 2: Yan! Childe x Afab! Reader – knife play
Warnings: general yandere themes, toxic relationship, toxic behavior, unhealthy mindset, obsessive behavior, implied use of physical violence.
Nsfw warnings: Knife play, unprotected vaginal sex, fingering, lube, dub-con, slight teasing, implied breeding kink.
Please tell me if I missed any so I can add the warnings. By reading the warnings above and choosing to continue onwards, you have given consent to read what is below.
Disclaimer: I do NOT condone any of the actions or behaviors that take place in this piece of fiction. None of this should be considered romantic or even normal as it is extremely toxic and dangerous.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
It’s as easy as that – or it should be. But it’s hard to stay calm when Childe keeps gilding the blade of his knife over your skin. It takes everything in you to keep your nerves calm, body relaxed as he stares you down. He isn’t human, you realized far too late into your relationship. But there’s nothing you could really do about it right now, not when his bed is your cage, and his limbs your chains.
The only thing you could do was accept it. It’s easier, that way.
“You feeling alright there, (name)? You look a bit… scared,” he laughs, grip on the knife’s handle sturdy. The blade gleams under the candlelight.
“I’m… I’m fine. But, if I may ask, is the meaning of this?” You nod your head towards the knife he’s currently holding over your stomach. “I’m not… I’m not sure if I trust you with… a weapon…” you trail off, Childe gliding the blade over the valley of your breasts. The cool steel against your warm skin – it horrifies you and you think you’re going to be sick.
Childe doesn’t respond immediately, instead humming while sliding the blade down your skin, taking in the sight. Sometimes, you wonder if he were to give into his intrusive thoughts – slicing you open like an animal carcass, seeing what’s inside. What’s worth taking. Morbid curiosity that scares you on a daily basis – he says he loves you, but it harms you more than anything.
“You’re so pretty,” he starts, smiling like a man in ‘love’ – but his eyes speak louder, a crazed obsession swirling in them. “You’re so pretty that sometimes I want to take that beauty away, you know? But obviously, I barely think about that. I don’t actually enjoy hurting you… much.”
It’s the way he smirks, the way his eyes light up with glee that sends your mind spiraling into fear. But you try not to think much about that, not right now. You try to imagine that he’s someone else – someone loving, someone that genuinely cares for you, someone sane.
You don’t say anything – you can’t – so you leave him to his own devices once more. And he does just that, licking his lips as he drags the blade all the way down to your belly button. It tickles now, and when he trails it all the way back up to your collar bone slowly, you find it hard to breathe. He knows this. He always knows. Childe enjoys your predator and prey type relationship.
But you hate it.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
“Such a pretty body… adorable,” he whispers mainly to himself. Your body trembles like a leaf in the wind. “Hey now, you might want to stay still… no telling if I might accidentally cut you. you don’t want that, right?”
You’re only able to nod, and despite that, you can’t control your body still. You feel so hopeless. And he loves it.
With a drawn-out sigh, clearly made in amusement, he brings up his left hand to his mouth. You watch, curious on what was going on in that unpredictable mind of his. Using his teeth, he pulls his glove off, making eye contact with you the entire time. You’re torn between finding it attractive or horrifying.
After dropping the glove, he looks behind him, where the nightstand is. Leaning over to reach it, the knife dangles above you. You can hear him open a drawer, but your attention is solely on the knife threatening to plunge into your chest.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
The feeling of something cold and slimy being teased into you startles you. quickly, you draw your legs up to your chest, sitting up, arms supporting your eight. There’s a laugh, an honest to God laugh, the knife now gone at his side. It takes you a second to realize it’s his finger covered in lube – something he’s done before, although rarely. It takes you a second to settle down, calming your racing heart.
“Ah, that was so cute… my dear (name) is so cute…” Childe coos, sliding in two fingers. It stings, even with the lube, and you’re grateful he lets you adjust, for once. But it doesn’t last long, not before he starts to pump the digits in and out slowly at first, studying your expressions. Pain, pleasure, fear, it doesn’t matter to him – as long as they were directed towards him, for him.
An attention whore.
“Relax baby… it won’t feel good if you’re all tensed up.” Childe smiles sweetly at you, acting like this was normal. Like you weren’t a prisoner rather than a lover. You don’t say anything, don’t even look at him, opting to close your eyes instead. It makes everything a bit more bearable. Easier.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
When he curls his fingers to hit that oh so sweet spot, you see stars – despite how much you hate him, how much you want to kill him, you can’t deny he knows your body the best. Even if you didn’t consent to it.
“Such a cute little pussy you have… always takes my fingers in so nicely. Always willing to take my cock in so nicely too.” The thrusting of his fingers make you squeal and moan, a hand covering your mouth soon after. Childe doesn’t say anything about it, probably doesn’t even notice it, eyes focused on your cunt taking his fingers like nothing. Lube truly does work wonders.
Your eyes shoot open when you feel cool steel against your skin. That’s it, really – horror written all over your face while he drags the blade across your belly again and again, jaded ocean eyes watching your face closely. A smirk is present on his face, and for once, you’re slightly happy to see it. Because it’s a teasing smirk, one that shows he’s just ‘playing around’ – not out for blood.
It does little to ease your anxiety.
“Such a pretty expression.”
He doesn’t like to use condoms, doesn’t like the idea that there’s a possibility he can’t impregnate you. He’s a family man after all, a family a must for him. Little versions of you running around the house, a loving family he goes home to – a far cry from the reality created.
However, the sight of your cunt taking his dick with no difficulty can only make him wish for a happier future with you. Strong yet slow thrusts that have your legs straining, hips subconsciously bucking into his for more. He loves you like this; loves how much you try to fight the pleasure you’re going to give into eventually. It always happens like this – you, putting up a fight, holding back your facial expressions and moans that he sees as a challenge.
He knows you want more, physically, that you want him to thrust into you unhinged like he usually does. It’s faster that way and provides more clit stimulation for you. So, he does everything that makes you frustrated, makes you mumble into his shoulder about how he should go faster. How he should give you what you want at least once in his life.
Childe was selfish, extremely so, which is why as he slowly thrusts into you, he can only hope that you’ll find him more endearing, in some way.
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Ok so I feel like many people on here have not read the Good Omens book. Please, it's a really good, very easy read. Take a few minutes here and there to take it in and you will absolutely fall in love (and have a better understanding of the material used to spring board into S2)!
Starting with:
Their bodies are called corporations and they use this to interact with humanity on Earth. They may present mostly as men but they are actually genderless. If they really wanted to be for real men, then they need to Make An Effort. Which at least at the time of the book's ending, neither angel nor demon had any interest in Making An Effort.
Crowley presents younger than Azira! Imagine a 2005 David Tennant playing Crowley with Michael Sheen's Azira still looking his delicious 54. I think the whole of Tumblr would still be trying to recover.
Crowley had black hair in the book! And he was much more snakey too. David Tennant doesn't walk the way he does just because. Snakes don't really have hips so Crowley has to work at the whole bipedal thing. And those snakeskin boots? Take a second look, cuz they get fleshier the longer you stare.
Azira in the book is shown to be even more of a bastard. He made mobsters disappear whenever they tried to threaten him to hand over his business!
The book helps the audience understand just how out of touch Crowley and Azira are from humanity. They enjoy their vices in the way that tourists will visit a Caribbean island, consume every touristy thing available, but not think twice about the islanders' everyday realities. For example, Crowley's car never has gas because he doesn't really understand how cars work. Both angel and demon will get in and out of drunkenness as it's convenient for them. Crowley doesn't eat. Ever. And he sleeps through bad/boring times. In the book he slept through thr 19th century. That's the 1800s! The Industrial Revolution just tossed aside without a care. And if you didn't catch it in the show, they were not thinking of humanity when they agreed to help each other out. Azira was actively tempting. Crowley was actively performing miracles. They had a quota to fill and whoever was closest to the assignment took over for the other. Also the book had a lot of instances where humans/animals were (comical) collateral damage to their shenanigans. The closest to something similar I saw in the show was in S2 with Nina and Maggie getting stuck in the coffeeshop because Crowley threw a temper tantrum.
Book Crowley was loved in hell! Crowley took responsibility for a lot of humanity's own short comings and got commendation after commendation for it.
Book The Them did a much better job of visually linking themselves to the Four Horsepeople of the Apocalypse. For example, book Pepper was a redhead with something to prove to show that she would become War under Adam's Apocalypse. The show could have done a better job at this. (Take a second and imagine Tati Gabrielle as War to better align with the show's Pepper. That would have been amazing).
Can anyone else think of anything that's in the book but not the show? Or maybe something that's in the show but not well explained?
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soulstrums · 7 months
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hello all ! i'm nova (she/her) and i'm here today to finally bring you the quiet sweetheart that is lim sanghoon! he's a cursed one with the silent mission to prove not all darkspawn are bad. he's actually pretty quiet and shy, though don't mistake that for him being unconfident. born of a powerful sorcerer family and corrupted by the rot during his early 20s, he had become a revenant and wasted away due to a refusal to drink blood after coming to terms that he hated the after affect of consuming others memories, but what he hated more was the slow loss of his own. under the cut you will find a bit about his backstory && his personality. if you'd like to plot, give this post a like and i'll shoot you a dm!
. . . b a c k s t o r y .
he was born the year of the first blight, or so he recalls. he remembers being born to a family of powerful sorcerers, remembers that he was particularly gifted in his magic wielding.
but then then 25 years post-blight he had become corrupted by the rot and thus, had been forcefully turned into a creature he could never fathom being or wanting to be. he had become a revenant. a creature who lived off of blood consumption.
and if that wasn't bad enough, the consequences of satiating his hunger was having creatures memories forced into his head, replacing even his own memories that had started to become more and more faint over time. he was forgetting who he was, and where he came from.
and so, quiet bravely (or stupidly, depends who you ask) the young male had decided to stop consuming blood months later. this, in result, led to his health decaying and his being withering away until the abyss, who's rot had affected him, had re-claimed him.
he's not sure how long he was in darkness after that, doesn't remember how long he waited. until finally, a voice in a desperate plea had summoned him and he appeared before her. jang bomi was in horrible condition; clearly on deaths door.
the ritual had been rushed, his bonded was out of it, he himself, was panicked, confused and overwhelmed. by the time they drank each others blood she had collapsed unconscious. it was now up to him to take care of his new-found bond. sanghoon was now a dark one, complete with horns and a tail.
he had taken care of her, made sure her health got better. and he's been with her ever since; they'd moved and he started helping her take care of her little shop, and following his own passion of music in his free time.
. . . p e r s o n a l i t y .
sanghoon, while a sweetheart with a gentle smile, host a dark-side that shows in a more.. protective and possessive light. he will not hesitate to harm for the people he holds dear; particularly his bond.
a lover of all things art; be it music, painting, or pottery. he will happily explain that it's the reason he spends a lot of his time working at the dragon's hoard. he loves the atmosphere, and enjoys the reaction to his bonded's art. other than that, you'll quite often see him in the tavern singing his heart out.
naturally, he's pretty calm and laidback—able to go with the flow. but he's also quick to anger, especially if his dark-side is triggered. then you're just asking for brutal coldness, dominance and violence. just a tip; don't mess with his bond if you don't want to get burned.
as mentioned before, he can be pretty quiet and shy towards people. he much prefers to stick to himself within his little shell, but that doesn't mean he can't be playful and teasing.
on the contrary, due to being pretty young compared to other darkspawn who can live a really long time... sanghoon can be a little childish, and immature. it shows in how he'll get huffy, jealous over nothing and give an attitude like a petulant child when mad.
honestly, at this point he's just trying to live in some sort of peace by doing his best to keep the fact he's a cursed one hidden and posing as a normal, unspecial human.
. . . w a n t e d .
maybe give me someone who understands what sanghoon is going through? perhaps, another gentle darkspawn who is simply trying to keep to themselves.
maybe someone who knew him in his first life when he was a sorcerer?
people who are fans of his music
give me that opposite friendship; the bundle of sunshine with the cold, quiet one (sanghoon)
maybe someone that rubs him the wrong way or vice versa? i think an enemies plot could be fun; always trying to piss one another off for whatever reason.
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rotisseries · 1 year
important for plot, scotts house got a drive by. and his mom was shot, and mason, and scotts dad, and lydia. so liam's upset because even though scott and liam and malia are werewolves and can heal from gunshot wounds THERE WERE HUMANS IN THE HOUSE. AND THEY DIDNT CARE. and also liam is just like. mad. thats his pack, his family his best friend. next time we see liam, hes pushing gabe on the floor in the locker room at school and gabe is like "i dont know anything i swear😰 i dont know what happened at scotts house" liam know he lying, so he picks him up by the collar and hes like "did you know who was there? DID YOU KNOW MASON WAS IN THERE?" "no no i didnt know anything . i Dont know anything." liam turns him around and smushes his face on the mirror over the sink. "maybe you havent noticed lately, but ive been having trouble controlling my anger, when things happen to my friends i just cant seem to help it." and gabe is like "no liam wait please" and hes like "I just get so ANGRY" and the mirror starts to crack by how hard he's holding gabe's face against the mirror. ans gabe is like "stop liam wait please" and blood is starting to drip on the sink and hes gripping the edge of it. and liam just presses harder and hes like "you think imma going to kill you?" AND WE CAN SEE THEO SHOW UP IN THE MIRROR BEHIND LIAM. its all cracked and weird but its theo and his annoying ass crossed arm stance. liam doesnt notice him yet "You think we're all killers? maybe we should be." and theo pipes up with: "you really gonna kill him?" and we can see liam turn around, surprised, and all of the blood thats dripping off gabe on the mirror and how much pressure liams applied because its all spiderweb cracks. and theo goes "i mean... idc if you do.🤷 but have you thought this through?" and liam turns back to gabe. "any idea where you're gonna dump the body?" ans it cuts to gabes HORRIFIED FACE NOT REALIZING THEO IS ACTUALLY INADVERTENTLY TRYING TO GET LIAM NOT TO KILL GABE. "but no one saw you grab him .. did they? cause that could be a problem." and liam pushes gabes head further and says "i dont care." and theo shrugs and says "i dont care either. but at least let me help. im the one with experience here. if we kill him, we'll have to find the witnesses and kill them too. which meannss we're gonna need shovels, some plastic bags, maybe a chainsaw..." GABES HORRIFIED FACE AGAIN😭😭 ans liam gives gabe one last push before he lets go and gabe falls back on the ground. liam looks up at the cracked and bloody mirror with his fangs out. and you can tell he already feels terrible. for even considering it. for even considering being the monster he looks. and immediately the anger melts away ans he softly says, "you made your point." two things of note. THEO DOESNT FUCKING GO TO SCHOOL WHY IS HE THERE. DID HE JUST GET A LIAM SENSE. LIKE OOPS MY ENEMY TURNED KINDA FRIEND IS ABOUT TO MAKE A BAD DECISION AND HIS ANGER IS OFF THR CHARTS LEMME HELP??? also love how he was like. lemme help with the murder, ive got experience😎. other thing if note, when liam first became a werewolf, scott told him that being a werewolf doesnt mean he has to be a monster, it doesnt mean he has to do bad things he can still choose to do good, just like when he was a full human. just thought i'd tell you. scott would be so disappointed if he lost his anger like that and killed someone. and he just cant stand that. he was so afraid of his parents finding out about his werewolfism because he was scared they were gonna look at him how they did when he wrecked and keyed his coaches car and got diagnosed with IED. he was so scared of that look in their eyes. of being looked at like that. 
personally I think gabe shoulda died but maybe that's just me
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boypussydilf · 2 years
I'm going to throw you a curve ball and say Sherly and that one guy whose name I don't remember who you ship him with (I think it's Soseki?)
idont know how to say this without unintentionally sounding mean but this is the second funniest ask ive ever gotten. (i was going to say funniest, but i cant lie even for comedic purposes- the funniest ask ive ever gotten was “shouldve KNOWN an AKESHU shipper would RIP MY THROAT OUT IN PUBLIC for mentioning shusumi”) i got curious and looked at all the relationship tags for dgs on ao3 until the site wouldnt let me anymore and i can almost conclusively say tht no one on this earth ships sherlock and souseki, which, to be honest, is kind of a surprise. on my journey i learned just how dire the state of the dgs ao3 relationship tags really are. i hadnt looked that hard, and i had thought, “oh, woe is me, only about 200 of these are homumiko” There are less than 30 with the susahao tag. theres like, a Small Handful of fics with kazuma interacting w iris or yuujin. This is. This is awful. Someone needs to fix this. What’s wrong with you people? You could have filled this website with one hundred Kazuma Asougi Gets Forcibly Absorbed Into The Greatest Family fics and you’re still asobaroing away? Unbelievable. Unbelievable.
Anyway it’s completely understandable to mix up souseki and mikotoba when you havent seen a ton of them they do both . have mustaches. thank you for thr ask and also for always calling him Sherly bc its cute here we go
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describe their canon relationship/dynamic
*putsmy head in my hands* they have like 2 hours of screentime interacting its hard to describe a dynamic beyond “God they are so mean to each other”. its ok though. Its ok. the concept is very clear honestly. World’s Most Hyperactive and Completely Insane Man & Completely Normal Guy Who Goes Along With It. Oh My God They Were Roommates. lets see. serious notes. they trust each other completely and implicitly (mikotoba has to find a good home for The Baby He Was GOING To Raise But CAN’T and asks sherlock and he IMMEDIATELY agrees On The Spot my god ……) look . what do u call devotion if not saying “our home” about a place youve been away from longer than u ever lived at and thought youd never even see again & acting like you were never separated in the first place. Unreal. unreal.
anyway the fact of the matter is theyre literally just another variation on the Holmes & Watson concept go read an acd sherlock holmes story and imagine if they were ace attorney characters and idk i think youd more or less have it
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
*pulls out my giant conspiracy board and 90% of it is just screenshots of fanfic The Legendary Pair by Meowzy on AO3* IF YOU LOOK AT IT. THE NOT-REALLY-INDICATED-BY-CANON BUT MORE FUN AND COOL TO ME VERSION OF IT. it makes this A Necessary Relationship. sherlock is. smart in Some places. definitely observant. But has. 0 common sense. you would think hes never been to this planet before with his apparent complete lack of frame of reference for what is or is not plausible or likely. there is too much shit going on in his brain for him to figure out which ideas are Actually Likely without taking like 2 days to work it out. Give him someone who actually has common sense and can crossreference What Sherlock Has Actually Noticed And Figured Out with What Actual Human Beings Generally Would Do.
OHGOD MAYBE I CAN TRY TO ELABORATE IN A MORE SERIOUS TONE ON MY FUCKING “YUUJIN MIKOTOBA SILLY ARC” POST. GOD. what im attempting to drive at is thinking abt . the idea proposed of 16-years-ago sherlock being more of a prickly little bitch and, Much More Importantly, mikotoba going to britain to try and escape the Grief Of Losing His Wife & subsequent Depression That Made Him Unfit To Take Care Of His Baby . and then theyre . again, worlds most hyperactive and completely insane man, and, again, GUY WHO TAP DANCES DURINVG INVESTIGATIONS ?!!!!?!???????????
basically fuck you *gives you by chance a fundamentally life altering friendship right when you need it*
Anyway i dont think theyre that different in my head than in canon but its hard to say.
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
i like it because i think they are neat. i like it bc i love families and fuck dude they sure do have one. i like it bc i am a dgs sherlock holmes kinnie and this drives my behavior,
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
sorry for once again saying serious concepts in the dumbest fucking ways possible but Pov u are yuujin mikotoba age 26 leaving ur home to try and run away from the deepest pain of ur life & deciding not to stick with ur very close friends uve known for quite a while as you do so? For some reason? AND IT WORKS ???????????? in some part bc of this weirdo freak u moved in with impulsively who keeps almost blowing the fucking house up?
This is basically something i already said in this post earlier and i STILL . cant think of an actual good way to say it. I guess just . as many people on this blog may have noticed. me wh. me when stories involve the way positive connections with others help people <3
Also basically the only 2 reactions sherlock seems to invoke in people are “this guys insufferable” and “this guys insufferable but i also admire him” - god the trajectory of this train of thought just changed drastically im laughing so hard Bear with me . mikotoba is of course in th second camp bc thats where all sherlocks Positive relationships are. this is known to us. see: thr dialogue where hes like “Well your methods are unusual but ive always been willing to try them :)” (and then sherlock yells at him for being stupid.) anyway thats wonderful and its also Wonderful. mikotoba shortly after meeting sherlock watching this man rip up a handful of grass an d just eat it and then solve an entire mystery and mikotoba has to work out if this guys a genius or insane. He quickly realizes it is both. Anyway i guess to yuujin mikotoba sherlock holmes is his dear friend and partner & also the guy who cursed him to occasionally think “i DO wonder what that grass tastes like” at inopportune times
I don’t know WHAT the fuck i just rambled about for like ten minutes. So anyhow. sherlock describes mikotoba as “the only person i could truly call a friend” so shoutout to this friendless man i guess . no but literally hes a little weirdo freak and people dont tend to. like him. societal perceptions of ND people are not conducive to sherlock holmes having close friends . (Also he might not be. or might at some point not have been. particularly social in the first place - But this is my extrapolation based on acd canon and nothing in dgs at all so it cant be counted as anything other than my female hysteria.) and like. epic win for him finding someone who can Tolerate Him Enough To Live With Him and not just that but like . Actually Likes Him. Actually Likes Being Around Him And Would Like To Be His Friend. Congrats! also a win 4 him having like, a normal human being around. who can keep track of him and yknow. Help him remember important things. make sure he actually sleeps and eats instead of spending 42 hours straight trying to make The Sequel To Toasters (It’s Also A Juicer!)
favorite interaction they have in canon
oh,my god you know the thing is theres not a Lot of them but what there is is Really Good Actually.
on one hand we have the shit from the legendary pair scene like “:/ only JAPANESE mice go Chu. make a RUSSIAN mouse noise” or “YOUR BIRTHDAY? THATS FUNNY BC AS OF TODAY YOURE DEAD TO ME :D” “measured as always.” On the other hand we have the part from the scene after the last trial where sherlock thanks mikotoba for leaving iris in his care.
Basically i dont know how to decide. im going to say the Other part of the scene after the last trial where sherlock is excitedly telling mikotoba a story about something he did. With mikotoba. like a day before. and mikotoba lets him get through thr whole fucking thing before going Yeah i was. i was there.
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
OH GOD I DONT KNOW ACTUALLY. what is there to say beyond the Default List Of Every Homumiko Fans Shared Interests. its all been done. “Remember That Time They Raised A Baby Together For A Month”; “Have You Heard Of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Adventures of Sherlock Holmes? Great Here’s My Adaptation-“; “Put That Beast (Sherlock) In Japan LOL”. i will say that like. i dont remember where but theres some tiny bit of optional dialogue where iris says that sherlock playing the violin was a detail she wrote into the stories for fun and then after that he felt obligated to actually learn. i think a lot of people dont know this or dont use this. which is fine its a tiny random one off line i wouldnt even be able to track down. and a lot of people have the order of events go sherlock has violin -> mikotoba learns to tap dance, Look another musical thing matchy matchy :) . which again is FINE. BUT. isnt the other order of events - the order that it’s only reasonable to assume is canon - more fun ? Sherlock goes HEY GUESS WHAT I LEARNED VIOLIN NOW WE CAN MAKE MUSIC TOGETHER. He has not seen mikotoba in person in 9 years
thats the end of the post thank you i like the dads
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Heavy TW for csa mention
Bit drunk rn but whomsoever needs to hear it:
Horny fantasies are normal. Most people think about "cnc", its one of te most common fa tasies. I've talked to MULTIPLE therapists about everything. if you read my porn on ao3 u know. But its "bad"- everything from.minors to violence to death. And every one of my therapists- before rhey even knew about my fucki g trauma- said that it was normal. That being into whack shit like incest, being a "kid" when it happens, lolis, shotas, abuse, nc,- all of it - didn't really matter. What matters is what you do irl, full stop.
Because the thing is I studied psychology. I went to college for it And because of my ocd and fhe fucked up shit my daddy did to me i had to fucking know why he did it and to know FOR SURE that i wouldnt do it so i sudied and i did literal years of research, not just reading actual psychological studies but also talking to people. I sought out the people you antis think are too gross and too bad to be alive and i talked to them and i learned. I read stidies and.i learned.
Some people are attracted to kids. That's part of the venn diagram of "who hurts kids" but its not the whole fucking thing. And even if you think they all deserve to die or whatever, theres still the matter of stopping the hurt, right? If that's actually what you care about amd not just some ego-stroking witch hunt. If you actually care then you HAVE to face the whole fucking venn diagram. because im sick to DEATH of people who never been hurt say its all one "kind of people" like a fucking nz and then act fucking flabbergasted when its someones good christian fucking dad who never looked twice at a kid amd theyre like "we wish we would have.known" well yeah fuckers you would have known if you actually listened and cared about the situation and not just about looking holy.
So if you really care AT LEAST know this.
It is a venn diagram.
Just like adult assault, right?
Some of it is 'passion driven' or whatever the fuck you want to call it. But MOST assault isnt about attraction.
Most people dont want to tryly hurt what they love. Im sorry if you think otherwise.
People who hurt others (regardless of age) usually aren't hurting them becasue they "love them so much". Trust me i spent years wishing that it was just because my dad loved me a little too much in the wrong way.
But it wasn't.
He hurt me because he was insecure, impatient. Because i was a vulnerable and weak six year old with no one else to trust and no where else to go. He wasn't a pedophile. He was just a guy who had a real hard time seeing others as humans. Maybe because of Pearl Harbor. Maybe because he was a ginger scorpio idfc. He felt fucked and so he decided to.take it out on tbe weakest person he could. HE MADE THE ACTIVE DECISION. Because he is a shit person. And thats the thing yall dont act like its a decision. (You are thr ones romanticizing it, as if i seduced him or he gradually decided he "needed to have me"-no. He woke up one day and DECIDED AS AN ADULT TO HURT HIS SIX YESR OLD KID.)
If you're so scared people are just avoiding fucking up kids by not thinkinv about it too much i have QUESTIONS FOR YOU actually. To hurt someone isnt.tje default, no matter what you feel about somone
You have to actively decide to hurt someone and go through with it. Dont listen to your ocd.
Funny enough thats where your eroticization argument comes from. A non-map person decided to fuck a kid, so they gotta get it up enough, so they think about that that kid in particular over and over so they can stomach it. Because they couldn't otherwise.
If you read any psych essays about sex you would know that.
So he did that i guess. How do i guess? How do i guess he wasn't a pedo?
Because he hated me. Because he barely ever paid me any mind. Because i wished he would just look at me, see me as a person, for years. Because kids stjll need thejr dads.
He once said he was amazed how me and.all my five other siblings had different personalities.
Because he put a fucking sheet over my head while he did it over and over so.he.wouldnt have to look at me.
I was just a weak.easy target to him. Nothing more at all. He never loved me, never even cared about me as a person.
So anyway ebough about that shit.
I was introduced to sex at six years old. It was scary and hurt and kind of felt good, something you do with family.
And thats still the biggest impression sex has on my mind.
I dont want it like that irl because ive had it irl and it fucekd me up beyond comprehension. And i dont want to get hurt a d i dont want anyone fucking esle to get hurt like.that ever.
But it is to this day one of the only things i can "enjoy." Becaus eas long as im the victim im not hurting anyone right? It is safe and it is.good and it is wajt ive always known!!!! It is the only thing that feels safe, imagining it like that. If somoene actually did love me then.
Amd every fucking one of mytherapists has blinked at me and said, "this is a fantasy you're talking about, right?"
And i, scared for my life and believing i should kms, say, "yes,"
And they've each said "so why are you so upset? It's just a fantasy. Most people have tabboo fantasies, and this one even makes sense for you."
We know what's healthy because its whatever djdnt hurt us. So maybe just step off and worry about yourselves. We aren't "normalizing" anything. "Slippery slope" is a thinking fallacy (hum comm 101) and fantasies have been fucking normal since day one (hum psy 101), and the people reading fucjing anime fics aren't the ones hurting kids (ethics 101, hum psy 101).
You can be a little uncomfortable. Being squicked wont kill you. Just block and move the fuck along.
It's not for you. Move along. And stop fucking coming.at the people you say you want to protect. It looks fucking cheap.
Also also also people dont owe you an explanation of their trauma or to have had/remember/feel definded by it. people can be into anything amd gues what, jts none of your buisness. Why are antis such pervs? jesus fuckinv christ.
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
Whiく pest its technkicajncel Cajun Stylervfox6
And creatures feature no less dead hands yet fame beset I was to garden and my mother td me to serve so I did.
That's the cochlear thr thing they're saying is behungt ideas Loreturn ketsu
Can't Rembert hare saboureb must be fog
Wiggle ants ehm3 magnifiqurs messed up the louvres deputy but who cares about the louvre
In the japenese program themeline at one point says I did it beci was pregnant which made me want it more.
Hers is palindrome
Maybe here's a good place to say French or not people from Quebec knew the advocats named destiny garbage pile. Those text books they started handing out I'm a christjin
They fix those at GT
So must be last gArm ever tag
Do keep inmind sone ghosts perfer the baby shape. It's really there angel you kno so if you see one, you'll know. JimboLama needs more glue more glues. Uh. Try the brocoli crap again. The platter
That's priceless
Lot ewait whose patter then
I needs just JACKETS
Afire crawled crawleffing thevsystems dal u kno
Greet instectes
I needs the galaxy pants
Tbll8es these are yes they're my plants summerA
Happy human holidays ice ice tor those down in Montana don't have fibrqccio no way
Small roll bic for works
Some one takes ther intermission
Thank you I know it's the drive in but I'm not going to leave it or throw it dup. Eawarm
Where's the AM
And the FM
Well so the radion
Welcome to drive in
From some angles people say I look like the motorcycle from THE Dream Catcher. Actually BULBASAUR moved in. So if again I'm not telling you it's just . Your things deeply andeedeeply conobbked tryout gook. So if it'd be readersxrsz to your sides no problem that's magenta. Leave it. Yornot imtitlr ro many ifs tomorrow non existent skull strutcs of deashelob it's gotta also be sbout there some of what we say and do that's so inconsequential by what you've come to know of it.
Like a vinyard hesrf
Its a guess world market saw this somewhere
Star Wars is the framer there also a bart and some cushion but I need a beat
So there embassy here is there president.
They're definitely passing information
Information is the stuff between characters absent the space numeral
-P.becca, anon
Supating thwgereta
Must been the kindness from my fingertips which are dendrit3svof no aftershocks nook book or chaoterlimit.
Literally just drew a corn row of hair out a lip one hand had to pick at all day cuz I mustb3
On drugs
Or won't give
Similar lane
It's cesium there's a seasonal forecastiDSt gin martingale Holiday INN bu5 didn't posi4 medical guidelines for some and so if that's also a way t9 complain about her complaining face voice TV commercials for fairer pricing you wonder why I'm possibly subject for potential damage to media wtc. It's fraud comptroller
Oh avian fluw veun
Ok then beyond that I add Raleigh Duffuwion will need to Chek wik7leakd for frack8ng events
We are a charity driven organ8zqtion this time
Do io believatorj
Un sleep as in life
So maybe Horner, that's not the vacuum
Some bus splaseshes that's nyc
Looks like if I cohudl made such a mess of it yohr to aster
Or some change for yourself.
Watching wells
All them
What's the test for
A tanker capsized
0 notes
lacunasbalustrade · 4 months
Prev anon sorry for rambling but i just. Its gets my blood boiling when people think women dont deserve to have a choice on what to do with their lives. I don't know your personal reasoning on that, i just hope you can see why being prolife isnt the single morally correct choice and why, in many ways, its misogynistic. And again as i said a kid's disability should never be the why for an abortion because disabled people deserve to live too (im disabled as well), but i dont believe that it should come at thr cost of the mother's dreams/career or even life
hello! thank you for being so upfront with your reasoning and explaining your logic so clearly. personally, i am aware of the controversy surrounding this. but i am not, in fact, strictly a pro-life or pro-choice person.when i reblog prolife posts, one of which your comment seems to be replying to, i am affirming the idea behind the specific prolife post. in this case, the idea that mothers should not abort their children simply because they are disabled. this is a completely different thing from wholeheartedly embracing the ideology. let me be upfront myself here: sometimes mothers don't make good choices. everyone is human, and everyone makes mistakes. everyone who has had a mother must agree that they are far from perfect. in the case of career/dreams. imagine a man, for whatever reason, gets a woman pregnant. for whatever reason, she cannot abort. should he, then, be responsible to take care of her? of course he should. regardless of how it affects his career/dreams, he made a choice that impacts someone else. i feel that it is the same with women who get pregnant. they have the responsibility of taking care of that child, even if they regret that decision. this is not misogynistic. this is equal responsibility to go along with equal rights.
let's imagine that post was about all the people whose parents had them accidentally, without planning, and had to give up on a career for it. there are buckets of them. I'm one of them. would you still say that my mother should have aborted me so that she could have her career?it's definitely distressing. now that there is the technology, it's only natural that people would seek to dislodge themselves of responsibility. it's human. but i would argue that this is a wilful choice, even a selfish one, because these are the consequences of the things you have done, if the sex was consensual.
'There are many women that choose to kill the newborn because they didn't want it. And how many women choose to die by suicide because of that unwanted pregnancy too? (Like, congrats! Now both the child and the mother are dead because she didn't have a say in what to do with her own life!)'
Is there a difference between choosing to abort and killing off the newborn? If the women dies by suicide because of an unwanted pregnancy and this grants her the right to forget her moral obligation to protect and nurture the child, assuming that she wasn't a victim of rape, that basically opens the doors to the moral argument that anyone should be able to do anything they want if the alternative makes them miserable enough. in this case it's a character flaw on behalf of the mothers, not the policy. while I can certainly empathise with their feelings, it doesn't change the fact that abandoning responsibilities you yourself chose by having risky sex. when you do so, you know there is the possibility of having a child. it's a bit too late to say actually, I changed my mind.if you sign a contract, even if the contract is one you regret taking part in, you are required to fulfill it. why? because as sad as it is, legislation is there since we can't trust in people's goodwill to put their money where their mouth is. manytimes, we are selfish and self-seeking. a natural instinct! one I can empathize with! but it's not the guide we should follow.
killing a child off for the convenience of one's life is a morally incorrect decision. it's entitled, and awful given the sex was consensual. say the mother has the child, but abandons it in a ditch. would you still say that it's her choice, when presented with that abandoned child? science sometimes says all sorts of arguments about how children aren't really children until a certain number of days. well, teens aren't really adults until their prefrontal cortex is developed! should we therefore treat them like they don't have any worth? the child having the potential to grow is enough reason to love it, to cherish it! AT ANY STAGE OF LIFE, CHILDREN DESERVE TO BE SAFE.
i should say this again: even if the consequences are unpleasant, unless they are dangerous to the mother who consented to sex, such as staying in an abusive relationship or dying or otherwise, no child should be aborted.
now, you also mentioned the mothers who are put in danger by having children. personally i think doing tests first to ascertain how safe it is to have children before trying to conceive is a wise option. but it's true that one never knows, and the information might come later.in that case, the mother is absolutely within her rights to abort. full stop. i'm not arguing that point because that is no argument. same for with rape, although the beautiful souls who do indeed keep their children are to be praised.
to summarise and conclude, thank you for your informative ask! women definitely deserve choices in what to do with our lives! but like all flawed beings we do indeed sometimes shirk our responsibility and it must be factored in that out knee jerk response can, in fact, be the wrong decision. feelings are valid to feel but not always the morally correct way to go. it is conscious thought and moral standard that humans should follow, not base instincts. and always better to save a life than to lose it!
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goangea · 7 months
love is dangerous and cruel. at least that's what my experience with this deadly innate trait of human beings keeps teaching me. when in love, you're supposed to give yourself to someone else, to let them see you and within you, to let them know how and why you are the way you are. how can i do that when all love has brought me was shame?
i was thirteen when I gave my body away to men triple my age who looked at me like a piece of plastic ready to feast on whatever they could get out of me. i was fourteen when i was raped for the first time. I couldn't understand this though. living in a society in which my love didn't exist, in which my identity was a taboo subject, all i understood is that my love is about sex and that it happens in the bedroom. i had no models of good healthy relationships between men. actually, all the gay men i met were explaining to me how the gay world is about giving your body away, how you're supposed to feed other men's desires in order to get some sort of fucked up connection. how love is nowhere to be found because it is not accepted.
i was falling in love though. with people i couldn't have. the person i've loved the most yet was himself in a journey of self discovery and couldn't discern between sexual desire and feelings. i thought he loved me. i thought he loved me but he just couldn't be himself. i lived on that narrative for years only to discover in the end that it is not my job to heal people and it is not my bussiness to bring to light parts of people that they themselves are not ready to show. i loved him with all my heart and i still do, i think i will forever do. the flame died and we cut contact, but sometimes i still think of him smiling, wishing he is now in a happier place than when we were part of eachother's lives.
because he couldn't love me and because i could not find a place for my identity in the society i was living in, here came addiction. i filled the gaps left by him and by feeling like I don't belong with drugs and alcohol. lots of drugs and lots of alcohol. and sex. lots of sex as well. i didn't care who i was fucking or who was fucking me as long as we had the crystals and the drinks. i couldn't live through a party without ending up crawling on the floor. everytime i found myself almost dead i would call him. to swear at him or tell him i loved him, it didn't matter. i always knew his voice would calm me down.
by the time i finished high school i was a true addict. i didn't care about myself. I wasn't a person. being gay was something even my friends only tolerated. my existence was so irrelevant where i grew up and my problems were so taboo that i didn't even think of bringing them up. after all that's what all the gays ended up doing in cluj - sex on drugs and losing themselves.
somehow i made it out. i left. more like ran away. i found myself in a strange land with strange people speaking a weird language. but they did one thing that made me feel more at home than anywhere else. they understood me. i was a person. for the first time in my life. i was a person in the eyes of the society, government, law, university, everything. i mattered. i will never forget how calmly i was first asked at thr GGD if i am involved in the chemsex scene - a thing they are fully aware of and ready to help you cope or leave it for free. in romania i'm pretty sure the only people who know the term are people who are in the scene.
but this feeling of belonging led to a deep shame of my past. and that's when i did it. for the very first time in my life i actually tried to kill myself. i was so sure i would do it. i even called him to come clean with everything, to tell him how he hurt me, and that i forgive him and love him. selfish move, i know. but i wanted to die, i wanted to die for so long i can't even remember when i didnt.
but it didn't happen. my friends saved my life. i was brought into the psychward, evaluated, and sent to see a psychiatrist. that's when chapter 2 of my life began for real: bipolar.
i always knew there was something wrong with my head. i was always up or down, never normal, but always bad. my friends also knew it that's why they sent me to therapy when i was in 11th grade. couldn't afford a real therapist so i went to the school counselor who was not qualified to deal with my suicidal thoughts and mood swings.
the first year of university is when it got bad. i always had depressive episodes but never had real intense manic states. yes, i went through a lot of hypomanias throughout high school, but never full blown mania. my first psychotic mania was me believing i am in a relationship with ian gallagher. it was weird, i actually thought that, and I wouldn't understand why my friends were not agreeing with be, but either way i didn't have the time to think about it, since a million thoughts were racing in my head either way. i scared them, i scared them all. scared and scarred. i will never forgive myself for the way aprilia was banging on the toilet door begging me to take my meds. or how i ran away to selen's and obsessively told her the others want to kill me because they are jealous of ian. i know this sounds insane, cause it is.
but they stuck around after that. somehow i always had that luck, no matter what i did, my friends never left me alone. they always stood by my side. the period that followed was a terrifying one, but a powerful transition. i kept doing drugs and drinking. I didn't necessarily care. when i was told i can stop taking medication i took that as a green flag to sniffing as much coke as i can before i feel like i need to call an ambulance.
i went to barcelona to an old guy i met in another drugged sex date in maastricht during an arts fair. he paid for everything, i stayed at his place. we did meth the first night and he had people come over and fuck me and then i left to go to another guy's where multiple guys came again to fuck me. i liked it. I don't know. my stomach is turning as i am writing this. the guy didn't like that i spent a whole day at the other guy so when i got back he called me names and told me i am a sex crazed animal that just can't get enough. that hurt me. i was very hungover and on a huge comedown and he just kept having people over to fuck while i was in the other room and he kept inviting me to join. i wanted to cry and go home.
then i stopped with drugs for like a month. i got to romania and was feeling again psychotic and manic, though i had it under control. after a couple weeks home, i found myself again high, having sex with a man i dont know, leaving his place looking for more. it hurts to think about this.
then i met razvan. we met at a party, incredibly drunk. first thing i told him was that i am bipolar, a drug and alcohol addict and i destroy everything around me. he liked that. we started dating and we dated for about a month, though our relationship had an expiration date due to my departure for the netherlands. he was in love with me. i still don't understand why. he was so patient, so considerate, so careful with me. he cared about my trauma and was taking care not to rock it around. he shared himself to me and i liked him so much i thought i would marry him. i wanted to do it long distance, he didn't. that's how we ended, i left. he is happy now, has a cute boyfriend and they do netflix valentine's dates and wine which is cute as fuck. i am happy for him and i thank him for showing me that i matter.
back in the netherlands i didn't know where i belonged. I didn't know who i was anymore, where i'm supposed to be, who i'm supposed to be with. and the mania was getting out of control. too little hours of sleep, too much stress, it was about to explode. and so it did.
this time i was talking to jesus. convinced that he is communicating with me through ethel cain's preacher's daughter. it felt real, i felt a connection to god, one i had when i was a child but lost later in life. i was constantly listening to that album as a form of prayer, of an offering. i was ready to give myself to god, whatever that meant. what was happening in the meanwhile is that i was preaching in vrijthof while my friends were trying to get me to a hospital. i ran, they chased me around, even involved the police, but i was too fast.
later i understood Cioran's famous quoute "The premonition of madness is complicated by the fear of lucidity in madness, the fear of the moments of return and reunion when the intuition of disaster is so painful that it almost provokes a greater madness… One would welcome chaos if one were not afraid of lights in it." - what is worse than being insane? the moments of lucidity in which you realise you are insane. and that's what happened for a short moment when i found myself in a taxi on the way to the hospital, where i switched back to insane mode and yelled at the doctor that he's going to hell for trying to institutionalise the literal Messiah.
then i turned my life around. the damage i have done to my friends this time was incredible. they were visibly traumatised by my actions and i was so ashamed of what i'd done. unfortunately for me, the psychosis fades away and comes back instead of being constant. so i found myself ina lucidity moment completely destroyed by what i've done, back on antipsychotics and ready to fight this fucking disease once and for all.
i quit drugs. i quit drinking. lithium came into play. i finally felt the clinic was taking me seriously. i turned my life around. i am better now and stronger and so much more on my feet and ready to face this fucking world. i am not living in my head anymore and i am not overwhelmed by existence. i see the light, i fight my demons and i do shit. i do great quality shit, from my job as a bartender to my research at uni, i am fucking awesome. i still struggle with my physical image, but i am sure i will be able to get better at loving my physique as well. i am so fucking strong, i overcame so much fucking trauma, i am so fucking worth it and so fucking cool. i care so much about people, i love so strongly, i want to help the world through my field, i am smart, funny, have a sense for the arts, and am great at storytelling and making conversation. i deserve to be fucking loved and i deserve someone who will love me for who i am and who will understand my past and who i am right now and who will be there to support me while i support them. i deserve someone who wants me for who i am and who is willing to build something together with me that will last and will be beautiful. i am not unlovable and i am not awful. i am such a fucking great person.
so this was supposed to be a post about you jakub. but somehow through writing this post i realised that you are not my biggest issue. and also, ure not the only guy in the world. frankly, if u don't do something soon, i don't even think you'll get a chance with me. you're awesome, but i am not your ex, and i deserve someone who can commit to me and who actively shows that they like me. i get that u are anxious and maybe kinda autistic, but over the last days i was the only one putting in the effort, and guess what, a relationship is not a one way street. so act up, if u want me.
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quirrrky · 2 years
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𐑂 900+ words 𐑂 Your new neighbor, Miya Atsumu, is everything you’ll never ask for. With his annoying good looks and equally irritating charm, how can you not resist the boy next door? 𐑂 neighbors, humor, enemies to lovers, fake dating, friends to lovers
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You tilted your head to stretch your neck, releasing any form of muscle tension. You'd been working hard non-stop yet some of your workmates did nothing but to chat and gossip around. 
"The apartment building in front mine is under investigation because of that so-called killer." One of them asked.
"Oh, really? Really?"
Your workmate, Nako, turned to you. "I heard he's targeting single women around. It's such a shame to be single nowadays. Isn't it Y/N?" You shook it off as you typed onto your keyboard. She’s not even doing her job! "Be careful, okay?" She added, as she fluttered her eyelashes.
You smiled, dryly. "I'm fine, Nako. Please just hand me the form that I need for processing."
Honestly, you really didn't give much thought about this serial killer thing. What's actually killing you was your new neighbor. 
At first, the land lady especially entrusted you the entire top floor for helping her out with some paperworks. You've been living a sweet life for a year now, enjoying peace and serenity of your home, until a new neighbor arrived last week.
It's only been one week since he started occupying the vacant unit next to you, yet it felt like he's gonna ruin your existence there. If you had a choice, you could've transferred to a different place, but the landlady offered you a cheaper rate and it was the closest one to your office. 
Drawing in a deep sigh, you remembered the noises he and his buddies would make during very inconvenient times. There were suspicious and loud wall banging too that just won't put you to sleep almost every night. 
You hadn't seen your neighbor yet nor had any glimpse of him, but you're sure he could very well be an ugly bastard with low-life buddies.
Cringe. You couldn't believe you'd be sharing the entire floor alone with such a human being. Just the thought of him made your blood boil. You really hoped he'd take a vacation even just for a weekend or probably forever. 
Packing your things up, you took a look in your monitor. It's already 11pm and you're just about to go home. The whole office area was out already and you greeted the security guard before heading out.
The streets were dark and the crowd must've went home already. Your way was just illuminated by lamplights and there were just few dogs barking around being heard. It was very quiet until the trash can suddenly tipped over, scaring the life out of you. 
Who could it be?
Now, your mind travelled to the gossips about the serial killer on the loose. You shivered, thinking for your life when you saw a cat went out of the can. You sighed in relief but your eyes didn't fail to notice a torn news paper page about the said murders. 
You walked through your home with extra caution while praying that you won't ever come across the killer. Ever. Your eyes wandered around, speculative of your environment. You only became comfortable once you reached your apartment building. 
The elevator doors opened in no time and you immediately pressed your floor, thinking about the fact that you're close to safety inside your home. It was about to close when a hand came in between to stop it.
Your eyes widened and heart began beating faster in nervousness. A tall man came in. He was tall. Very tall. He was wearing a black cap and a face mask. Even beneath his dark-colored jacket, you could see how strong he was through his body structure. He didn't press any floor, instead he hit the close-doors button.
You couldn't do anything but freeze. Who's this guy? You've never known anyone like him in the area. You snuck a side glance at him and noticed that his knuckles were bloody wounded. You pinned your gaze on the elevator buttons; through the reflection on the mirror, you saw him looking intently at you. You were shaking. Was today the end of your life?
The doors opened to your floor and you rushed out of it. Good thing, that your apartment was the one near the elevator. Or was it bad? He walked passed you and was welcomed by several men.
"Tsum Tsum, ahhh you didn't see it. I smashed the thing straight in the head!"
S-Smash? T-Thing? Straight in the head? You froze both in curiosity and fear.
"I thought y'all went home already." He sighed. 
It's him! The specific voice you'd been hearing frequently next door.
"Not until I cleaned up the bloody crime scene you created." A more serious and stern voice interjected.
Bloody crime scene? You couldn't think of anything anymore. In panic, you fished for your keys inside your bag. Damn it! Out of all time, why would it be lost in this moment? Feeling the metallic curve, you finally caught your keys, but fumbled around it that it fell through your hand.
You sat on your haunches to pick up your keys when, in attempt to pick it up for you, he accidentally took a hold of your hand. You shook at the contact, scared at being cornered. Gradually, you turned to look at him only to be surprised. His mask now resided around his chin, revealing a clear glimpse of his facial features. From his lazy doe eyes to his foxy grin...you gulped. This was not what you're expecting. 
Hastily, you took your hand away from his hold and picked up the keys, unlocking your apartment.
"Have a grea-" He attempted to greet you, but you shut the door on his face without letting him finish. An uneasy and heavy feeling started to creep on him as he stared at your door, speechless and humiliated. 
At that night, well sought-after star athlete Miya Atsumu, was ignored and rejected for the very first time. He’d never forget this. 
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𐑂 AN : So...it’s Atsumu who won! This time...It’s a full series with him <333 Can’t wait to bond over this project with you guys. I really hope this’ll work here. I know there has been plenty of Tsumu neighbors to lovers thing that has been around already but I’ll make sure to create one that’s cut above the rest. I’m still nervous of the outcome, but I assure you that I’ll bring you to a new rollercoaster ride like how I usually do.
𐑂 TAGLIST : drop the ff emoji on my ask box to be added 🔔
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REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED ♡ Please help me reach other viewers. Thank you so so much!
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© quirrrky 2022 - All rights reserved. No work shall be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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Hello hello! I came to see if you would be alright doing this request?
Rottmnt Raph, Leo, Mikey, and Donnie x Gn! Kitsune! Reader that’s very wise?
Also you should take breaks whenever you need to!
A/n: Hello and thank you for the request and for letting me now to take breaks it's actually something I don't do a lot so thank you for thr reminder
Summary:the Brothers that knew a Kitsune.
When he seen you he didn't expect it
Who would expect a fox with four tails shivering next to a dumper un new york?no one
So he picked you up gently and took you to the lair and straight to donnie
"Hey Donnie, I need some help"
"Is that a fox"
Donnie wasn't to pleased
Raph was glad you were alright
But when he woke up and seen a unknown person standing above him he wasn't so happy
He actually panicked and screamed
Only for the person to lean down and suddenly turn into april
He thought he was going crazy
Didn't say anything else until April and leo busted down the door
They only seen a fox with four tails laying on raphs plaston all cozy
They just shrugged and left
He looked down at you and just went back to bed thinking he didn't get enough sleep
When you guys finally met and be come friends he was glad how smart you were
You helped him with his plans and being a leader
He was so grateful for your smarts that the had fully believed you were smarter than donnie
So when he finally introduced you to his brothers he got to see you be smarter than Donnie and wasn't surprised
Even laughed it off
Donnie wasn't so happy
So in all raph loved you and was glad he didn't leave you shivering in the rain
Only took you to the lair cause he seen your bad condition and knew no one would stop and help
When he put bandages on your arms and legs he got a good look at your fur
He was surprised with the tails and odd color patterns but didn't think to much about it
Definitely had to stop himself from perting you a ton but when he did he heard a small purring
When you healed you transformed into a human and thanked him in many ways
One being a straight up thank you
And another is helping him with his inventions
He was baffled he didn't process it but accepted the help
You also helped him decorate his lab to loom like an evil scientist
He was pleased
He accepted all your help and even helped you in return
When you guys became close friends he introduced you to his family (that means April too) and showed you around the lair
Everyone was shocked Donnie had made friend with someone smarter than him but glad he was actually socializing with something not robotic
Donnie wasn't pleased by that comment
Took you home and showed everyone your pretty colors and patterns
Told you that you looked like an art canvas and drew you
You turned human pretty quickly and he was obsessed, he loved your clothes and make up, especially your hair
Asked how you did your make up and was surprised when you said it wasn't Make up but natural marks
Always asking to touch your tail and do your hair
Definitely falls asleep cuddling your tails for comfort
When you met his brothers along with splinter and April
They were a but surprised mikey kept the secret that long
But non the less was glad he was happy
He also loves your advice with his drawing and the color theory
He was took you home on accident
He opened a portal and you happened to be right were he made it
Only noticed when he got through the portal and seen you scared on his bed
Quickly calmed the situation down which surprised him
He was glad you didn't bite him though
The next day he took you to Donnie
Donnie almost kicked leo out for being in his room so early
After that he just took care of you and took everywhere
Even on fights that's actually how he seen you in human form
He was losing quite badly and your transformed and told him how to win the fight
He had to much adrenaline from the fight to process you not being a fox and took your advice instantly
Only realized when he seen you running up to him after he passed out
He woon up in donnies lab with you and his brothers around him
So when he looked at you he smiled and thanked you
And ever since you helped him with his confidence and fighting
He learned alot and even more ways to annoy Donnie
But don't tell Donnie you gave the idea
Leo was glad to have you by his side and always will cause he knows you'll always be there for him
A/n:I hope that was okay I did have to do a bit of research but hey it's always fun to learn new things well for me anyways. I hope you enjoyed
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