oliveoomph · 1 year
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Aaliyah & Cruz
Special Ops: Lioness - s01e08 - "Gone is the Illusion of Order"
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autumnslance · 7 months
Normally I'd agree many Final Fantasy games have rather young protagonists. It's because they're usually single-player JRPGs made with the assumption of younger players, and like most Young Adult media, create characters that cater to that, even if it ends up with teens running the world and fighting in wars. And for many players, the first time playing these games is in childhood/adolescence/very young adulthood. So it's YA anime.
Final Fantasy XIV does not fall into that same mold, despite the "Teen" rating for legal and distribution purposes.
The majority of the FF14 cast, including the bulk of the main characters, are between 20 and 40 years old (the Scion Archons, Ishgard Elf Husbands). Many other characters are between 40 and 80 (Ishgard's Counts are all late middle aged to elder dads/grandpas, Gaius is mid 50s, Jehantel and Ran'jit are elderly, all still active). The younger characters (especially with any authority or special position) like the Leveilleur twins, are actually outliers. And the youth of the characters between 16 and 20 years old tends to be plot relevant, where that inexperience and naivety causes problems and drives story (Nanamo's arc at the end of ARR into HW, Alphinaud and the Crystal Braves, Ryne's determination of self in ShB, etc).
Characters have a variety of appearances; some characters in the same age ranges look very different. Varis is only 4 years older than X'rhun but Varis's model shows the stress and disagreeableness of his life a lot more than the RDM trainer's. Cid's in his mid-30s but with the beard looks older--and without it he has a baby face (hair color doesn't matter, cuz they do keep the anime trope of "everyone's got white or silver hair"). Lalafell are designed to be anime-cute halflings so it's hard to tell their adult ages even if they've got facial hair like grandfatherly Papashan. The pad'jal of course look like kids, but the youngest main pad'jal is A-Ruhn in his late teens; all the others are adults stuck in adolescent bodies. E-Sumi is a few hundred years old. Kan-E uses various methods to look older so other leaders and people from outside Gridania will take her seriously as an adult. The padjal introduced in the StB WHM quests is a child, and that's the plot; she's not in charge of anything, or has any particularly advanced-for-her-age skills. She's just a kid having a really rough time.
This inability to determine age by looking and assuming isn't just due to limits of the game engine and character creation options; it reflects real life. I met my work team for the first time in person recently; one person looked older than I know them to be, thanks to months of stress and health issues. While all of them were shocked to remember I'm in my 40s as according to them, I "look much younger". Most people are actually pretty bad at guesstimating ages based on appearance, due to the variety of folks' lives.
Speaking of kid characters, many of the children we interact with, like the Doman Adventurers, are between 12 and 14 and act much younger. Khloe has this going on too, with her age "corrected" to 13 (when previously listed as 10), but she acts way younger to me. Most of the actual child characters are treated like children, and it's not until they get to 14-16 (Honoroit, Leveva) that we start to see them treated like maturing adolescents and having some rsponsibilities, but still young and prone to the kind of choices one expects of less experienced and more emotional youth.
As a MMO, FF14's primary audience is actually adults; teens do play the game, but also age up with it if they keep playing. If a 15 year old began playing with ARR's release, they're in their mid-20s now. Having a primarily adult cast, and treating child characters like children, and adolescents like young people figuring out how young adulthood works, makes sense for this game.
FF14's time bubble is also part of the issue; a developer tool to keep it so they don't have to worry too much about character ages, new models so often, or how long things take in game. Timelines are then intentionally left malleable for the players' benefits, to create our own stories and determine how long things take for our WoLs and their tales. Some folks have their stories pass in real time, some compress it to a year per expac, some expand it out even longer. So the ages the characters have listed in the lorebooks and rarely in game (which is then reflected in online resources), is a starting baseline. Personal headcanons as always should be applied (including changing around some character ages to fit one's own story if necessary).
Also, FF16, made by the same team, has a brief prologue/tutorial section where the main trio is between 10 and 15, guided/trained by adult characters, experience the inciting incident trauma--and then we spend the majority of the game with the main cast in their 20s and 30s. The game also has a mature rating, featuring some sexual situations, lots of violence, and stronger language than other FF games. It's made for adults, and its cast reflects that.
So it is a matter of audience expectations; for a MMO, you're going to have an older and aging player base, and the varied ages of the cast reflect that, as do their varied appearances and experiences as adults. The young characters are treated closer to how their youth should be; still with respect for those in positions like Nanamo, but also prone to errors due to inexperience that drive story. In other FF titles, which were made to be more YA-focused, a teen and young 20s cast were treated much differently. But even in the single-player FF titles, if they are made with adult players in mind, their cast and stories likewise reflect that.
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askstellarandfriends · 3 months
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The weight of the crown between the Prince Of Friendship and the Prince Of Tartarus. Neither realize that they are not enemies.
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the-6th-harbringer · 11 months
"You've changed..you're getting weak."
Scaramouche is a bitch. We are all aware that he is a bitch. Therefore, to make sure I am entirely in character, I must be a bitch as well.
If you are uncomfortable with verbal abuse, probably a capful of swears, possibly disturbing topics [human experimentation], and maybe even more, I'd suggest NOT interacting with this blog. Shit's gonna get rough here.
The cause of this Scaramouche's existence is based on the stories of my ocs, who can be found at @realmflora . Make sure to check out the important threads down below. This means this blog is really selective, and I typically only interact with those involved in this story/my closer friends (Cyrillemod, the mod of the other two puppets, Wandermod).
-> RULES <-
•Pro-shits, Incest, homophobes, racists, transphobes, ableists, and anything of the sorts will not be accepted here. Anything I think contain these will be DELETED and you will be BLOCKED with no hesitation nor remorse. • NSFW isn't allowed. Suggestive stuff is, but only for Cyrille or topics related to Cyrille. • This blog contains oc x canon(technically not even canon). If you don't like it, that's fine. But don't send hate to me or the oc involved. • This isn't the only rp blog I'm running. I also have a girlfriend and school to keep up on. IF I DO NOT ANSWER YOUR ASK WITHIN THREE DAYS TIME, THEN YOU MAY RESEND IT. If you spam your ask, I will intentionally not answer it out of spite. Cry about it. -The exception to this rule is if I'm on hiatus. But that probably isn't happening any time soon. At least not again. • As you may have noticed, I curse frequently. So will Scaramouche. However, I don't overkill, and will not tolerate overkill either. Don't overuse swears to the point where it makes up more than 40% of your asks/roleplay replies. •No DM roleplaying. If you DM me, I will be ooc.
divine knowledge - general emotionless doll - used when rp/ask contains heavy topics annoying co-workers - other fatui times changed - asks about wanderer/kabukimono/kizashi time bubble - Scaramouche confronting the time wall 🍵tea buddy - menthe menthe's family - other melusines linked joints - wanderer interactions a worthless insect - kabukimono interactions to spite the gods - cyrille interactions/asks
scara kinnie moment - ooc posts RP STUFF
text - speech [ text ] - actions {text} - thoughts Important Threads:
#time bubble / #menthe #the puppet and the heart #that serves as a nightmare Relationship Post:
TAKEN SIGN OFFS 🔍 ♠️❤️ 🧱 🎉 🐇🐸
OTHER ACCOUNTS 3 oc blogs, 2 HSR blogs, and 3 other genshin blogs. Not tagging them because Im lazy
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memesandtvshowthings · 6 months
(In slow motion) Caaattt nooirr!
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: Avengers #296: HEARTS of OAK... and HEADS to MATCH!
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October, 1988
The Beginning of the END!
Yes, good, let this end.
This run is a bummer.
But hey, the Hearts of Oak... and Heads to Match title is a Pogo reference. That’s fun!
What’s with all the quote titles lately?
Anyway, back to Dr Druid putting Black Knight out of his misery. And mine.
It is a sad state when the Avengers have been reduced down to four and half is trying to kill the other half because Druid is an asshole.
Last times in Avengers: Hoo boy, where to start.
Dr Druid has been having ominous sex dreams about a lady who is secretly Nebula Kang and will later be revealed to be even more secretly Ravonna but its not written like she is now but honestly she’s not written like she’s Nebula either.
Under the influence of sex dreams, Dr Druid undermined Avengers chairwoman Captain Marvel Monica Rambeau, made her stupid herself almost to death, and then used psychic voter fraud to get himself made the new chairman.
Nebula Kang Ravonna needs the Avengers to find some super-duper-secret-weapon that the Council of Kangs is looking for. Playing on Dr Druid’s arrogance and power fantasies, she has him pretty thoroughly under her thumb and he can keep Black Knight and She-Hulk under his own thumb. But Thor resists the psychic whammy so Nebula Kang tries to get Thor killed by robot T. Rex from the future that’s more than meets the eye.
She-Hulk and Black Knight shake the psychic control when Druid tells them to ignore Thor’s calls for assistance. Black Knight manages to escape and help Thor beat the robot T. Rex notTransformer but She-Hulk is left in Dr Druid and Nebula Kang’s clutches.
Also, Black Knight fell out of an airplane and into a lake and is under the effects of a turbo curse so he had to go to the hospital.
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And Thor isn’t the type to patiently sit in the waiting room reading old New Yorkers.
After Thor finishes walking his way through hospital staff trying to get him to chill, he finds Black Knight’s hospital bed empty.
A doctor shows up, lightly chides Thor for not chilling, and tells Thor that since Black Knight’s life wasn’t in danger but he was too dangerous to keep in a hospital bed, they let him go.
He’s out back, in the parking lot. Being accosted by reporters who have somehow already heard about the thing where Black Knight’s body is as sharp as a sword.
Apparently, between issues, Black Knight sliced right through a hospital bed and several floors to land in the basement.
That sure would have been fun to ACTUALLY SEE.
Thor has not much patience for the first amendment.
Thor: “Better a company of Frost Giants than a gagle of reporters!”
He swings Mjolnir around to kick up a strong wind and obscure himself and Dane, Black Knight, from view.
Thor asks Dane how he’s doing. And Dane recap/confirms that his curse is still cursing him.
He’s fused into his armor and his hand slices through stuff like a sword. He can control it if he’s awake though. In case you wanted to be a clever dick, flipping through the pages and going hey why isn’t he cutting through stuff there, why isn’t Dr Druid filleted like a fish?
Oh. Speaking of which.
Black Knight tells Thor that Dr Druid is a dick, he’s using mind control on the Avengers, he tried to stop Dane from coming to Thor’s aid, and that he has She-Hulk bound to a chair.
Thor and Black Knight hammer-throw-fly off to Hydrobase and the reporter who is a winking reference to Superman shows up again, although his hair is the wrong color.
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Hi, Clark, random journalist.
In Simonson’s Thor run, which is actually good, Thor in his new secret identity of guy in glasses and ponytail bumped into a journalist named Clark. They both almost sorta seemed to recognize each other.
So a journalist named Clark saying that he imagines Thor puts his hair in a ponytail when he’s off-duty is an extension of that joke.
And now I’ve explained it and its surely just as funny as if you’d gotten the reference without help.
Back at Hydrobase, Dr Druid, Nebula Kang, She-Hulk, and Jarvis hi Jarvis! see the CNN report showing Thor and Black Knight leaving the hospital.
Nebula Kang is basically in-charge now, as she starts making plans on how to deal with Thor not being as dead as she'd prefer.
She asks She-Hulk if she can handle Thor.
She-Hulk: "No problem. Those blond brains are strictly Stone Age vintage. It would never occur to him to watch out for a woman!"
??? What
And Dr Druid will handle Black Knight. Er, I mean, he'll handle correcting Black Knight's misunderstanding of the situation! Haha we're all friends here!
Meanwhile, god dammit we're still doing the Council- my mistake, the Cross-Time Kang Korps plot.
Beard Kang is announcing to the Kollected Kangs that this entire organization is a waste of time and that instead of doing anything productive, they've all been canoodling with Nebula Kang. Yes, that's right. All of them.
The best and maybe only good thing that comes out of this entire subplot is that when Beard Kang brings this up, all of the Kangs try to look nonchalant and then blame every other Kang for being a horny idiot while claiming to be above reproach themselves.
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Beard Kang: "I can't stand it. The cream of the time travelers. Without an ounce of brain among them."
Beard Kang takes Fred Kang and another Kang who the fuck can tell what his cute nickname is and heads off to handle the Nebula Kang problem himself. Because, again, this entire large Kang Kollective are a bunch of horny idiots who think with their dicks.
Are you enjoying getting to do a Kang story, Simonson? Is this everything you imagined it would be?
I'm sour because nothing done so far has justified bring Kang back so soon after the last big Kang story that also used a big Kang organization.
Back at the A-Plot, Thor and Black Knight arrive at Hydrobase.
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The Heavy Metal story made it look like it had way more buildings and none of those quite look like Avengers Mansion, which was airlifted to the island.
Black Knight warns that Dr Druid will be expecting them but Thor says its no big because they've got a Thor. It's him. He's the Thor.
Plus, the Avengers STILL haven't fully rebuilt from the attack of Heavy Metal so most of the defense systems aren't online for Druid to use against them.
Then they see She-Hulk standing over a knocked out Dr Druid.
This would work a lot better on the audience if we hadn't seen She-Hulk planning how to beat up Thor with Nebula Kang.
She-Hulk claims she busted free of that bondage chair and whalloped Druid but good.
She-Hulk: "He wasn't much of a gentleman while you boys were gone. So I didn't feel like being much of a lady."
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Dr Druid jumps up and FZAPTs the back of Black Knight's neck, claiming it will make him much more reasonable.
While Thor is shocked by the sudden attack on his pal, his friend, his rotten soldier, She-Hulk puts a device on Thor's neck as well.
Black Knight tries to fight back against Dr Druid but the doctor just turns up the power on the device and Black Knight falls with a FZZAPT!
Thor tries to fight She-Hulk but the device make him uncoordinated and she's able to knock him around.
She-Hulk: "I've been waiting a long time to knock the arrogance out of you, Thor!"
??? Have you?
She-Hulk holds Thor down long enough for Dr Druid to put additional devices on the thunder god. A total of three "mindbenders."
Dr Druid: "When they awaken, they will be real Avengers at last! Completely obedient!"
Eat a stump, Druid.
She-Hulk is skeptical that the mindbenders will work on someone as stubborn as Thor but blue Nebula Kang assures She-Hulk that the mindbenders work great. Why, they're working so well on She-Hulk (that explains that), the Avenger wouldn't hesitate to jump off a cliff if Nebula asked.
Meanwhile? Beard Kang and co are watching what just happened on a monitor. He's very concerned that Nebula Kang has already taken over the Avengers.
Because, dammit, the Cross-Time Kang Korps was supposed to be doing that!
The Korp really does suck ass at its one mission.
Fred Kang asks for more information since he did bring Nebula's treachery to Beard Kang's notice. He could be more helpful if he knew more.
Beard Kang agrees that Fred has earned the right to know.
Beard Kang: "We have discovered something so big, so dangerous, that even we Kangs could not rival it for power. A Celestial. A renegade Celestial who fell from grace but not from power... and who has, through means we cannot begin to guess at, constructed a weapon mighty enough to threaten the entire space-time structure of the Omniverse! It must be a wonderful thing... and WE want it!
I hate omniverse as a term. Prefer multi-verse. I think omniverse might be the multi-verse of multi-verses but that’s really way too big to be stakes.
This supposed paragon of weapons is located 20 years in the future of where the Avengers comics are in this issue. And in that period of 20 years in the future, there is a massive time bubble "some fifteen years long"!
Cool. That's. Entirely unhelpful as a descriptor.
Huh. Just struck me how history and/or comic book plots repeat themselves.
In the current Avengers comics, the big plot is Kang wanting to get some secret prize hidden in a time bubble and needing the Avengers' help to do it.
Someone must specifically be a Simonson's Avengers fan... but why?
Anyway, there's so much text. The exposition dump is unbelievable.
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The Cross-Time Kang Korp Council Whatever got images of the time bubble at the cost of three Kangs. Apparently by the three Kangs driving a ship right into the bubble and exploding.
There's weird probability flux around the bubble so that trying to enter it causes the violent destruction of the craft or for it to just cease to exist.
What the Kang Council Korp Afterschool Club knows is that the only people known to succeed in entering the bubble are the Avengers.
Which Avengers? The current Avengers? Who knows. Probability flux. But definitely a team of Avengers yup definitely won't be only very technically true!
The only thing Beard Kang knows for sure about the group of definitely Avengers is that Thor is with them.
And if Nebula Kang kills Thor for being too hard to control... well, the Kangs will never get the super-duper-pooper weapon thats at the heart of the time bubble.
So here's a weird twist. The Kangs have to protect the Avengers!
Huh! Weird!
(If you'd led with that and had A Kang hanging around the team, I might be more enthused about this plotline, gonna be honest. Kang has to protect the Avengers is a great premise.)
Back at Hydrobase, Nebula Kang is telling the Avengers the score.
Nebula Kang: "You, my salves, you are the key! The Kangs were prepared to wait until the Avengers gathered themselves together to unravel the enigma of the mysterious time-bubble. The Kangs think because they can travel through time, there is no need to move quickly, to strike when the iron is hot! They think they can simply wait until the fire is ready! But I have seized the moment and by the time the Kangs realize what is happening... it will be too late, even for them!"
Mindbent Thor urges that they delay no longer and go get Nebula that weapon!
Of course, he also doesn't really know how they'd even go about that. Mjolnir can't time travel anymore right now.
But Nebula Kang boasts that she's a Mistress of Time because of all the Kangs she slept with and stole technology from.
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Nebula Kang: "The corridors of all ages are mine to walk as I will. And it was all so easy. You'd think that none of the Kangs had ever seen a woman before."
This is the plot Simonson decided to bring Nebula back for.
Nebula Kang further exposits (because villains love exposition) that she didn't know about the Council of Cross-Time Kangs (I thought it was the Cross-Time Kang Korp, make up your fucking mind) until she met her first Kang and knew that she could exploit the goober and his technology. And since the Kang was one of the council, she found out about more Kangs that she could seduce.
So she killed her first Kang and took his place.
Real quick though.
I guess this is where Nebula ended up after the Beyonder teleported her.
But she doesn't mention the Beyonder or having been fighting the Avengers previously or that she was teleported to a random space-time and just happened to run into Kang.
If this is picking up Nebula after the previous story, it doesn't feel like it! It doesn't even feel like specifically Nebula, who was mostly a space pirate trading on Thanos' name and his war crime of a spaceship to exploit the Skrull civil war.
Now she's sex infiltrating a secret Kang council that shouldn't exist based on the last Kang story and seeking a weapon that can threaten the OMNIVERSE.
I'm not saying that a character can't shift like that but there's a disconnect. We don't even know for sure that it was being teleported by the Beyonder that threw Nebula in Kang's path.
Which is a shame because getting thrown across space by an unfathomable cosmic entity in a silly outfit after getting embarrassed by the Avengers could be great motivation for Nebula to want to up her game. Get a weapon so powerful that no one could ever mess with her again. And if she can mess with the Avengers on her way, so much the better.
But we get an unexplained Nebula shift into sexmurdering her way to cosmic power and a time prophecy that the Avengers can get into a time bubble for some reason.
I guess it is a good thing that this will be retconned. Because its not a great use of your Nebulas.
On top of all the time technology that she stole with seduction, she seduced information about the Great Weapon and what was needed to get it from the Council and/or Korp.
Maybe there's something to the idea that Nebula Kang is motivated to prevent further Beyonder-esque humiliations because she goes on a rant.
Nebula Kang: "Throughout the ages, power has rested in the hands of the many! The greatest armies, the strongest armadas, the most powerful airships... And though they are terrible to reckon with, such forces are ultimately vulnerable to destruction from within. In time, the struggle of individuals to control such great power ruptures the use of the power! And the entity collapses under its own weight. But what if the power, the living power itself, were in the hands of a single individual and her mindbent slaves? Instead of a chain of command, there is only the word... the word of a living and vengeful god! And the word would be 'death'! In my hands, no being in all the Omniverse would be safe! Neither great fleets of starships nor impregnable fortresses of adamantium would be proof against me!"
How do you know what adamantium is?
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I think that's a Cobra man, perhaps a commander obscured by falling debris. After the notTransformers reference the previous issue, I'm not discounting it.
Thor asks for more information about this mysterious weapon but Nebula isn't trusting that information to anyone, not even to mindbent slaves.
She does say that she may have to destroy a universe, to prove that she'd do it.
Does that work as a threat? People can't usually see the destruction of other universes. You can see a nearby city get razed or hear about a calamity befalling another country but its very hard to hear about another universe.
It took a bit of digging for the people in Marvel's march to Secret Wars 2015 to realize that's what they were dealing with.
Nebula Kang: "That weapon is the birthright of the granddaughter of Thanos... and I shall have it!"
Then, Nebula Kang puts Black Knight in charge of refitting a Quinjet with her stolen technology.
Thor is helping carry a variable locus generator over to the Quinjet but Dr Druid yoinks it out of his hands with PSYCHIC POWERS so he can be smug.
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Dr Druid: "You see, Avengers, the measure of a man is the development of his psychic facilities... And those of Doctor Druid have been developed to the peak of perfection. Which is why I am the leader of this group. Mind over matter, my dear thunder god. As simple as that."
Which leads Thor to think bitterly about how Dr Druid is showing him up in front of the Nebula, who they all serve.
Even though they're all being controlled by Nebula, Thor is still tired of Dr Druid's shit.
BACK AT THE KANG KLUBHOUSE, the Kangs have decided to send some Kangs to stop Nebula Kang.
They gotta send some Kangs because the Time Bubble is making it hard to spy on the time period she’s messing around in.
The council chooses Beard Kang to represent the Wisdom of the Kangs (lol), Fred Kang to represent the knowledge of the era, and Kang from Earth Mesozoic-24 because he’s one of their finest warriors.
Under his mask, I mean. He looks like a generic Kang. Its Beard Kang and two generic Kangs. I know that one of them is Specialist Boy Fred but I can’t pick him out of a crowd.
Beard Kang says they need to avoid alerting the Avengers to Kangs interfering in the time stream because they don’t know how the Avengers will eventually get into the Time Bubble or even which ones will. They don’t want to risk injuring or killing any of the Avengers.
One imagines that interference might also change how time plays out in other ways.
(I wonder if this explains what eventually happens)
Beard Kang also says that since Nebula Kang betrayed the Cross-Time Kang Corps Klubhouse Corporation so she gets the worst of punishments. They’re gonna remove all traces of her from history.
Take that.
Meanwhile, on Earth-616 Time: When this comic was published.
The Avengers and Nebula Kang are all in the Quinjet getting ready to leave.
As security/a dick move, she orders Jarvis to stay where he is until they come back. And to not reveal anything to anyone. “You will die of a heart attack if necessary first.”
Fiend. Evil.
Jarvis is a delightful guy and you are a rude.
The Quinjet skreacckt! BOOM!s away with its super special FTL drive.
And immediately after, the three Kangs show up.
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Mesozoic Kang is fascinated that this is a Jarvis because the Jarvis he knows is so different.
Beard Kang calls Mesozoic Kang a lizard SO I GUESS HE IS A DINOSAUR?
Would it have killed to give him a cooler design than generic then?
One of the two generic Kangs demands Jarvis tell them where the Avengers are but Jarvis refuses. The other generic Kang suggests breaking the mindbender that is mind bending Jarvis’ mind but Beard Kang says that if they didn’t properly decrypt it, the removal would kill him and they still wouldn’t know anything.
And Beard Kang’s time probe can’t find the Avengers because they’re hidden by multiple probabilities. Probably because of the infinite improbability drive variable locus generator.
Beard Kang declares well dangit they’ll just have to go after the Avengers no matter the danger!
Not sure how they’re going to do that if they don’t know where the Avengers are but hey. But hey. Kangs work in dumb ways.
Meanwhile in the future, yes meanwhile in the future, the time turbulence buffets the Quinjet.
It even looks like the Quinjet will be shaken apart.
Why, there’s even a red light on the left existential turbine! The Quinjet drops to 94% existence! Good thing they can increase power to the redundancy generator!
I’m sure this all makes sense.
But with Nebula Kang’s insistence that they either make it through or die, they do make it through.
Not through the Time Bubble, no. Not yet. But through the time turbulence around the Time Bubble.
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That’s sure. A bubble.
I guess.
In fairness, I don’t know how you’d visualize a bubble, in time, and also in space so it may as well look like stained glass. More interesting to look at.
The new issue ends this specific arc but you know how it is. We’re alternating over to West Coast Avengers.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because what if this story suddenly gets really, REALLY good? Its hypothetically possible! Like and reblog and comment, maybe. I love the feedback.
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scratch and grounder are doing it again, on my way to raid supplies from a convenient, only 5 hour away walmart for supplies, I saw them digging a hole that I'd fall into later. now of course I saw this, and simply drove around it.
sadly however, that hole was a ploy, so I'd drive into a different hole, and now I need to find a different errand run car.
wyoming really was the perfect place to shoot the adventures of sonic the hedgehog.
I'll just go to the walmart on foot, should take only a few minutes, the whole point of driving is to carry more things. plus my back is starting to act up, tails says it's because I'm around 40-50 at this point, neither of us knows how old we are, what with the whole time bubble thing, but apparently the time resets aren't perfect, so I gain about a few years of aging every cycle.
I really am going to die trapped in the 90's aren't I.
oh well. we just needed another toaster and more beans, we missed out on growing them this year, since the last loop didn't go so well.
same growing seasons every time atleast, so we know everything ahead of time, which is good.
though having to grow everything by hand is a pain, and we don't have enough people to get up an actually good farm.
scratch and grounder aren't going to help with that, though they do get annoyed a being stuck in the 90's aswell, they've set up a radio station and have been broadcasting music, aswell as a talk show.
we're all just going through the motions at this point, aren't we. oh well I guess.
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filmnoirsbian · 9 months
Feeling an incredibly weird specific nostalgia but what piece of media defined 2020 for you (as in you spent that year with it) mine is mtv's catfish
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watchingwisteria · 10 months
listen there really was just something about how in the book, snow’s 3-page descent from hesitant lover boy to deluded mfer happens entirely in his mind. lucy gray gives him no indication whatsoever that she suspects him, that she’s going to leave or betray him. he’s just sitting quietly in the cabin waiting for her to return when that seed of calculated suspicion, which he has needed to survive the capitol, takes a hold of him and chokes the life out of any goodness left inside him. it really drives home your terror as a reader that “oh my god did he kill her? did she escape? what happened to her? why would he even think that?” in a way that when the movie had to adjust for visualization it lost some of that holy shit this guy has lost it emphasis.
#seeing some discourse and im not saying lucy grey didnt know#im saying she never dropped the kind of hints that she knew like she did in the movie#or if she did snow isnt worried about them until he very suddenly is consumed by them#snow is not concerned about whether or not she believed him. of course she did! hes snow!#but then shes gone…. for a while……#and its the sudden immediate drastic unravelling that comes across so clearly in the book#that i knew wouldn’t translate to screen yet still cant help but miss#the hunger games#coriolanus snow#tbosas#lucy gray baird#not a crime or anything just a note that i cannot stop thinking about#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#this is all from memory of reading it quite a while ago. so maybe 3 pages is an exaggeration#but i remember it happening VERY quickly and without much external cause#like we as the reader have no indication as to whether shes nearby or not.#snow has no idea either. he just SUSPECTS. and his suspicion breeds the hatred that has been bubbling inside him all this time#he hates how she undoes him. he hates that he WOULD run away with her if shed let him keep his secrets#and he HATES more than anything that she makes him WANT to tell his secrets#he wants to be vulnerable and reveal the ugly nasty parts about himself and still be loved#but he does not let himself and it is everyone’s downfall#he chooses cruelty bc it is easy and familiar and makes him feel more powerful than the vulnerable give and take that real love requires
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zipmode · 5 months
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gelly-art · 11 months
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Cute date idea: rob a bank together.
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kenchann · 1 month
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some silly book 7 doodles that i looooved so much
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autumnslance · 2 years
Aeryn, help! I'm trying to create a little backstory with my WoL and Thancred but I'm really confused. The Wiki says Thancred is 32, is he 32 for all of ARR-EW or is that his age in EW? I'm doing what you are doing and making each expansion a year so I can do more stories with my WoL. What did you do with the age range? I want to give Thancred at least one year before ARR where he meets my WoL and makes happy memories with her before he goes to Sharlayan. Thank you for the reply!
You've got to keep in mind everything lore-wise written for the game in regards to time and age is with the time bubble. It's there for the devs to not have to think of things like character ages too hard, just keeping in mind that Thancred's a guy in his 30s now in the game, for instance.
Backstory, we know he was about 17 and a brand new archon when he first arrived in Ul'dah many years ago and first met Minfilia and F'lhaminn.
Like everything else, "ARR starts 5 years after the Calamity, here's everyone's ages" is left as a starting point. How long the WoL's adventures take each expansion is up to each player and their own personal story per the producer and writers.
Honestly, the really important thing for my stories is, Thancred's roughly 6-ish years older than Aeryn. I just keep that in mind, mostly. Whatever age I have her at, he's that much older.
Personally, for my own timeline reasons, I see the first lorebook as "set" at Heavensward 3.3 "Revenge of the Horde" cuz it covers the story and world up to that point.
For my personal ARR timeline, I tend to put a lot of the adults at about a year-ish before their ages in the lorebook, so say Thancred was about 31-ish during those events, and is 32 by the time we defeat Nidhogg at the Final Steps of Faith and the lorebook is written.
Since I go about a year per expac (with Stormblood being a bit longer, Shadowbringers a bit shorter), he's 33-34 for Ala Mhigo/Doma, and then a few months of age 35 are spent sleeping while his soul lives a longer period in the First, and he's about 35-36 in Endwalker.
The 5-6 years his soul was in the First in Shadowbringers muck things a little, but that didn't affect his body's age, though now he's got that extra life experience.
Assuming, of course, his age is even correct. This is a man who was an orphan in Limsa and found at a young age by Louisoix. They are vague on how old exactly Thancred was, though seems to be early adolescence. Also this is a guy who didn't have or know a last name, no memories of his original parents/guardians.
Does Thancred even know when his birthday is, or is his nameday one he picked (I headcanon he uses the day Louisoix gave him the name "Waters")? Is his age a guesstimate based on his physicality, some conjury, Louisoix's experiences as a father? Is it off cuz as a scraggly street kid Thancred might have been smaller and less developed than otherwise?
Iunno. This is all malleable. Some folks like me do the year per expac. Others do even less time than that. I know folks who have the expacs go by in real time, so it's been a decade for the characters.
Do what works for your story and don't stress about exacts too much, honestly.
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acrobattack · 4 months
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“Yeah I figure I could whack all three of these out in a day if I just focus really hard.” -me like a week ago
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deva-arts · 8 months
Aaaaand here it is, the next installment of our Merman Valley series...
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MerShane! (And Jas :D)
They went scavenging for human trinkets lost on the surface. Jas found a human-polished shell and Shane got a little chicken pendant! it was a good day :>
Here's our previous winners, who were decided by poll. Keep an eye out for future polls to decide who is next to get merm'ed!
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(...I love them so much)
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doctorwhommm · 4 months
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about to throw hands with l*ndy pepper bean
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