~~~Immature Ego~~~ At 3:00am, Wednesday, March 23, 2022, the Lord nudged my heart and woke me up with these words. As an ambassador of Christ, I am honored to type His words and share with the world. It is okay to no longer be a slave to the lead of the ego's ways. It is time to confront it in love, forgiveness and peace, for it cannot survive the brilliance of your light. Do not be afraid, for God is with you through the duration of time. If you knew that Christ walks alongside of you, fear would flee into the mist of the sun and you would have no qualms to surrender in love and courage. This frees you from the chambers of ego. Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 #immatureego #immaturity #adultchildrenofnarcissists #adultchildren #growup #timetogrowup #timetobefree #freefromego #thepoetslist #thepoetspost #thepoets #thepoetsanonymous #majesticsouls #majesticspirits #godiswithyou🛐 #godiswithyoualways #quotesandnotes #quotesandsayings #quotesandmore #podcastfortruth #timetoriseup #donotbeafrai̇d #standincourage #loveandforgiveness💞 #lovevibrations #letitripple #abolishego #itstimetotakeofftheworldawaits🔥 #itstimetothinkmajor #itstimetoshine
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things i’m really proud i’m able to do now, 5 years into fandom and this hellsite:
a) say whatever i want 
b) post whatever i want
c) say fuck off to anyone that bothers me and not feel bad
d) use the block function very liberally
e) realize, ultimately, that what you think doesn’t matter to me, so i’m not gonna fret about it 
f) take long ass breaks from this place and feel SO MUCH BETTER about life in general
i highly recommend this strategy 
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paintedhartsrescue · 4 years
Bringing home our sweet new rescue, Flurry! #horse #horselove #horses_of_instagram #horsesofinsta #horserescue #horserescuer #horserescues #rescuehorse #rescuehorseofinstagram #rescuehorses #rescuepets #floridarescue #floridarescuehorse #paintedhartsrescue #paintedharts #timetobefree https://www.instagram.com/p/CEhn-jahnme/?igshid=x5pg1uyp2qi
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belmilson · 7 years
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André Matos Time To Be Free #andrematos #timetobefree #cd #cdcollector #cdcollection #mpb #musicapesadabrasileira #music #musiccollector #musiccollection #musica #instarock #instamusic #angra #shaman #rock #metalmelodico #heavymetal (em São Paulo, Brazil)
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lamoral-egmont · 7 years
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Dentro de la vorágine en la que normalmente vivo, siempre aparecen destellos que te alimentan la resiliencia, y el ego, claro está. Es que yo esas cosas no las puedo negar. La semana que recién culmina he recibido por diversas vías el “aprecio” de aquellos a quienes les he impartido clases. Me complace saber que les he ayudado a expandir su mundo. Que el mundo no son las cuatro paredes de la universidad, sino que se extiende en todas direcciones y en muchas dimensiones. A mí desde pequeño me tocó lidiar con muchas trabas. Desde mi querido brazo biónico, mi incapacidad innata para socializar (luego entendí que es uno de los tantos aspectos del Asperger) y algunos otros detalles más. Y esas trabas que transformé en puntos de apoyo para seguir avanzando me ayudaron a desarrollar la lateralidad de mi pensamiento. Y es quizás ese aspecto el que he querido dejar a todas aquellas personas que han estado a mi lado, bajo cualquier circunstancia. La vida le pertenece a los que se atreven a salirse de la caja. La vida le pertenece a los que luchan hasta el último aliento. La vida le pertenece a los que se sobreponen a cualquier circunstancia. Porque lo peor que puedes hacer es rendirte. Lo peor que puedes hacer es pensar que ya todo está escrito. Haber escuchado de tres personas distintas que les ayudé a superar sus temores y que se atreven a ser mejores, es quizás, uno de los más hermosos y valederos testimonios que cualquier ser humano pueda recibir. ¡Misión Cumplida! #timetobefree #moveforward #AjToussaint #Wisdom #Challenge #Courageous #Resilience #Dream #Greatness #Life
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powerthrufitness · 8 years
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Time to go have some fun! #nightout #timetobefree #funtimes
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g55ablack · 6 years
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“Somewhere between the old me and the new me I lost me.” As a human race we have changed ourselves so many times to adapt and conform to the perception of another persons Idea of what we/I should be as an individual. In so doing we lose our identity. #helpfultips #educate #timetobefree #letsbefrank #eachoneteachone #spreadlove #spreadlovenothate #gobegreattoday
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cheyebby2strong · 7 years
To Monica...
I admit this is probably something I shouldn't be writing but per my usual fashion imma do it anyways. I hope this reaches you at a time when ur alone away from ur girl n ur friends and I hope this remains a message between u n I and not a joke for everyone to laugh about, seeing as I've been laughed at enough to last Me 5 lifetimes. Anyways, being that I've been on meds for a bit now n a lot clearer headed I just wanted to say thank you. For being who I thought u weren't. For proving everyone right and me a fool. But I didn't write u to bash u so frfr thank u for teaching me how to love myself. After Matthew I swore I'd never be good enough for anyone. That man took every weakness of mine n morphed it into it's ultimate devil and with that manifested the most insecure, delicate, self hating, self mutilating, paranoid, crazy bitch. Yes crazy, I admit I was cazyrbefore u, ur actions just brought it out in a way I didn't know possible. The hurt you caused, correction, I caused myself, turned every nightmare of myself into a reality and that scares the shit out of me. Point is I went into a relationship incomplete and so unsure of myself I couldn't possibly give u a chance. I barely gave myself one. But I did give u a chance to be the beautiful swan you so presented yourself as In that shiny Aluminum foil wrapped so prestine you'd have thought buds himself oragami'd himself. But I quickly realized that while unwrapping the foil there was nothing underneath but air. Ur message while beautiful was nothing but hot air. It was music my ears so desperately needed to hear, but only the melody sufficed, the lyrics didn't match the beat. Anyways, in all that, I learned to stop accepting other ppls pictures if their air doesn't match. I stopped being a fool and I opened my eyes to everything around me. And I'm so much stronger than that. You took a lot of me with you when you left but luckily I am a fat girl and I had more to rebuild with. And what I rebuilt is so solid. N not heartless, but not naive either. It's dedicated but humble. It's tough but not mean. It's open but not weak. I am the best me right now and it's not all because you hurt me, but that helped. Had u not been in love with another woman n lead me in a circle for over a yr n a half, I never would've known how much stronger I needed to be. I never would've taught myself that the only love I need, is mine. So thank you. And I forgive you. Not the usual kind where I forgive u and not forget what u did so I hold it against u anyways. But the type of forgive and forget that I forgive u with every fiber of my being, but I also forget you and everything that comes with u. U could go as far as to say I have amnesia and nothing we have said or done or been ever existed in my mind. I did love u Monica but I should've been loving me. I am glad you found that one special one, that's a beautiful thing and I can't wait till it finds me someday , but for now I'm satisfied with my own love. I don't wish bad upon you nor do I wish good. I just hope that one day u r as true to yourself as u were a lie to me. Find what makes Monica happy (if u already did great) and stick with it. Put in the work. Stop running and dedicate yourself to something of actual value whether it be in terms or dollars or in terms of character. You can be happy, you just gotta stop standing in the middle of the road trying to stop traffic and just drive. Drive into everything you thought was holding you back and crush that shit. N then keep driving until you reach ur smile. Be easy, stop being incorrigible and be honestttttt. That being said if this does reach you ever, my be or in some other fate based way, take this as our closure and don't look for anymore. Let us both lead happy lives by realizing we will never have a friendship n any efforts to try will burst in flames. We we're meant to be for a season and we broke the rules trying to catch all 4, a couple times in fact. It's never going to work. May God bless u and keep u safe... #itsoverforreal #timetobehappy #timetobefree #toloveandtoloss
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Beginning June 5. Lies been holding you back? Time to deal with the lies. This study is taking place on my blog. www.gaildudley.wordpress.com Read today’s post to get the details. Link in profile. #whotoldyouthat #lies #blog #biblestudy #timetobefree
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biailiao · 7 years
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#itsdraining #thankgoditstheweekend #fuckbeingordinary #bubblebubblebubble #timetobefree 💯
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With Murakami, my number, and me #timetobefree (at Phú Mỹ Hưng)
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lamoral-egmont · 7 years
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Oh Grand Master Oogway! #Assertiveness #Resilience #Courageous #Challenge #MoveForward #timetobefree #Wisdom #Greatness
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lamoral-egmont · 7 years
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En momentos de retiro espiritual y más aún cuando muchos dicen que mis palabras les enloquecen, pues yo les diré: "Lo que está más abajo es como lo que está arriba, y lo que está arriba es como lo que está abajo. Actúan para cumplir los prodigios del Uno" Usted verá como lo interpreta! Espero llegar a Ithaca pronto! Muy pronto! Gracias hermano! Quizás... Quizás... Quizás #timetobefree #MoveForward #soulhunter #Resilience #Courageous #Challenge #Wisdom #Freedom #Success #Friendship #AjToussaint
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lamoral-egmont · 7 years
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Hoy me preguntaron sobre mi concepto de Liderazgo. Divagué un rato. Pensé en responder con lugares comunes y todas esas teorías que uno lee y escucha de miles de expertos o gurúes como les gusta que les llamen. Lo interesante de ese asunto es que muchos de esos gurúes solo han sido líderes de sus mascotas. En fin… Ser líder es ser educador. Debes enseñar. Y para ello debes formarte. Las respuestas sin sustento son como un globo sin aire. Ser líder implica aprender. Sí, no se nace aprendido y con humildad debes aceptar que la información fluye en todos los sentidos. Ser líder es ser humilde y aceptar que no se es el Santo Padre. Los cargos no te dan un manto de infalibilidad. Ser líder trae aparejada la autoridad. Pero la autoridad nace del respeto y el respeto se gana cuando tratas a tu gente de igual a igual. Ser líder implica ser “empático”. Esto debo repetirlo. EM-PÁ-TI-CO. Yo que tengo esas conexiones quemadas por mi Asperger y he tenido que aprender copiando. Creo que lo copié del mejor. De una persona que me enseñó de lo que sé. Ser líder te hace ser como una batería de movimiento perpetuo. Generas energía de forma perpetua. Generas y distribuyes esa energía porque nadie puede ni debe decaer. Ser líder es ser responsable con lo que prometes. Seguro me hacen falta algunas otras características, pero es mi opinión basada en las experiencias vividas. Y miren ustedes que siempre me he considerado como el antilíder… #Leadership #Assertiveness #Wisdom #Positive #Greatness #Resilience #timetobefree #Success #Freedom #AjToussaint
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lamoral-egmont · 7 years
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El gran aprendizaje que todo ser humano debe interiorizar! En todo final existe un comienzo y así sin cesar hasta que el tiempo deje de girar! Serás más feliz si logras desprenderte de todo lo que te rodea porque nada es eterno! Todo es efímero! Siempre mira hacia adelante! Nunca pares! Y si la senda que escogiste se hace áspera y ruda, entonces solo tienes que mirar a tu alrededor y millones de sendas se alzarán frente a ti! Nunca pares! Sigue adelante! Porque en tu fin estará tu comienzo! Gracias María Estuardo por haberte hecho virtud en el momento de mayor debilidad de cualquier ser humano: el camino al cadalso! #Greatness #Wisdom #Positive #Assertiveness #Resilience #Happiness #soulhunter #stewart #scotland #timetobefree #Dream #AjToussaint
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