jev-urisk · 3 months
Moodboard Gift for @lychhiker-writes! 💖
Lych has been so kind as to Beta-Read for 🌐7 Circles🌐 and I wanted to make a thank-you gift pertaining to his work:
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But seriously, I love my beta readers so much❤️‍🔥 If you continuously show interest in my story or my OCs you may very well end up with me creating something for you (this is a threat). 😈
Lych, your thoughtfully made comments on my draft have given me a lot of insight and motivation 🙏💕 and I'm so happy to be reading through your WIP as well! (Which you can check out 👉HERE👈, btw.) Thanks bud.
Stealing the TNDA taglist (mwahahaa!):
@dyrewrites @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy @rotting-moon-writes @goodluckclove @cowboybrunch Hit up @lychhiker-writes if you want to be added! (I highly suggest it)
(I own none of the pictures, I simply edited and arranged them)
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baliportalnews · 2 years
All-New Astra Toyota Agya dan Toyota Agya GR Sport Resmi Hadir di Bali
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) melalui Agung Toyota dan Auto2000 selaku authorized founder dealer Toyota perkenalkan dua model sekaligus di dua segmen berbeda yaitu All-New Astra Toyota Agya untuk mendukung mobilitas first-user terhadap mobil pertama yang dapat diandalkan dan Toyota Agya GR Sport Sport yang ditujukan bagi pelanggan berjiwa sporty yang menginginkan mobil dengan performa seperti sebuah sports car. Project Gm Fleet Toyota Astra Motor, Diky Zulkarnaen mengungkapkan, All-New Agya merupakan bentuk komitmen Toyota dalam menjalankan visi continuous improvement terhadap produk yang dipasarkan di Indonesia dan menghadirkan ever-better cars dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan yang berkembang, termasuk untuk para sporty seeker dan motorsport enthusiast dengan memberikan performa dan handling yang superior pada All-New Agya GR Sport. “Sejalan dengan komitmen Mobility for All, Toyota meningkatkan value yang menjadi keunggulan hatchback ini dengan menyematkan teknologi terkini Toyota berdasarkan konsep canggih human-centered approach,” ucap Diky Zulkarnaen saat pengenalan All-New Astra Toyota Agya dan Toyota Agya GR Sport di Level 21 Denpasar, Jumat (17/3/2023). Selain menjawab kebutuhan pelanggan, kehadiran perdana Agya menjadi bagian dari partisipasi aktif Toyota dalam mendukung inisiatif positif pemerintah untuk memberikan pilihan mobilitas baru. Dengan memproduksi mobil yang secara khusus dikembangkan berdasarkan kebutuhan yang mudah di akses oleh masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya di wilayah Bali sendiri. Seiring waktu, Agya berhasil memikat hati pelanggan bermodalkan tiga DNA utama yaitu kualitas yang dapat diandalkan, konsumsi bahan bakar yang hemat, serta harga yang terjangkau. Secara nasional Agya telah menjawab kebutuhan mobilitas lebih dari 320.000 pelanggan dan untuk di Provinsi Bali sendiri telah mencapai 1.132 unit sejak tahun 2020 hingga saat ini. “Terima kasih kami ucapkan kepada pelanggan atas kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada Agya sebagai mobil pertama mereka yang dapat diandalkan. Seiring dengan evolusi trend dan lifestyle, kami melihat ada perkembangan kebutuhan masyarakat yang tidak hanya mencari mobil berdasarkan harga jual yang terjangkau. Banyak calon pelangan yang mendambakan mobil dengan kualitas dasar yang lebih baik, fitur yang advanced, tampilan yang sporty dan performa yang mumpuni. Untuk menjawab kebutuhan ini, di generasi ke-2 Agya kami tidak hanya hadirkan 1 namun 2 model sekaligus. Bagi yang mencari mobil yang exciting dan memberikan peace of mind, kami siapkan All-New Agya. Dan bagi para sporty seekers, kami siapkan All-New Agya GR Sport, yang dibekali dengan special tuning di beberapa bagian sehingga menghadirkan performa dan handling yang superior. Kami harap kedua model ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan di masing-masing segmen, sejalan dengan komitmen kami untuk menghadirkan Mobility for All,” tambah SSP Toyota Astra Motor, Albert Kwok. Transformasi menyeluruh All-New Agya Kebutuhan pelanggan terhadap sebuah hatchback telah berkembang secara eksponensial. Melampaui fungsi dasar sebuah mobil, hatchback harus memiliki biaya operasional yang bagus, value for money yang tinggi dan memiliki hubungan emosional yang kuat dengan pemiliknya. Selain itu, harus dapat menarik perhatian, menawarkan kenyamanan yang baik dan dilengkapi fitur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mobilitas harian. Berdasarkan pendekatan tersebut, Toyota mengembangkan mobil dengan kualitas dasar dan untuk itu, kami meningkatkan quality, durability dan reliability pada Agya. Lebih lanjut, Toyota juga menghadirkan styling eksterior yang agresif, high performance, dan peningkatan driving quality untuk membuat Agya menarik secara emosional. Dengan begitu, generasi terbaru Agya dapat menetapkan standar baru sebagai mobil pertama pilihan pelanggan dan menjadi sebuah exciting city car. Untuk meningkatkan essensial quality, desainer dan engineer Toyota berkolaborasi untuk mengujinya di kondisi tertentu, di mana jalanannya tidak rata, dan harus dapat diandalkan ketika menghadapi banjir. Tujuannya untuk memperoleh peningkatan pada beberapa aspek fundamental, sehingga dapat menghadirkan kendaraan yang tangguh dan andal, sekaligus menjanjikan rasa percaya diri tinggi. All-New Agya mendapatkan improvement menyeluruh untuk meningkatkan efisiensi mesin dan menghemat bensin, dan juga menawarkan dan performa yang lebih baik. Agya dilengkapi dengan mesin baru berkode WA-VE dengan kubikasi 1.200 cc 3-silinder Dual VVT-i yang menghasilkan tenaga 88 PS pada 6.000 rpm dan torsi 11,52 Kgm pada 4.500 rpm. Penerus tenaga mesin ke roda depan menggunakan transmisi CVT yang lebih ringkas, kompak, dan efisien. Mesin 3-silinder memiliki keunggulan dan kelebihan, yakni efisien dalam mengolah bahan bakar sehingga konsumsi bensin lebih hemat dan memproduksi torsi lebih tinggi dibandingkan mesin 4-silinder dengan volume sama. Karakter torsi kuat yang didapatkan sejak putaran mesin rendah tersebut memberikan akselerasi lebih cepat dan sigap dari model sebelumnya tanpa mengorbankan konsumsi bahan bakar. Transmisi CVT baru turut menyumbang efisiensi mesin saat berkendara. Mempertegas konsep ‘Exciting City Car’, platform monocoque dikembangkan bersama suspension system yang sanggup meredam guncangan dengan lebih baik dan fleksibel terhadap kondisi jalan Indonesia yang dinamis. Handling Agya juga jadi lebih lincah, stabil, dan peluang body roll yang lebih kecil, sehingga meningkatkan driving quality. Improvement pada platform sanggup meningkatkan kekakuan lateral sehingga bodi belakang lebih stabil, sementara ubahan pada torsion beam yang lebih kaku membuat mobil lebih mudah dikendalikan. Electronic Power Steering (EPS) turut ditingkatkan kinerjanya sehingga lebih responsive dengan radius putar lebih kecil sebagai salah satu syarat utama city car modern. Untuk meningkatkan hubungan emosional dengan pengemudi, All-New Agya menawarkan styling eksterior yang ‘powerful and aggressive’, memperkuat sporty image. Toyota juga menampilkan desain styling yang unik, dengan perubahan pada tampak depan, yang membuatnya terlihat lebih sporty. Di saat yang sama, siluet bodi dari samping menunjukkan postur tubuh yang gagah dan tampak lebih besar. Kesan agresif juga ditampilkan oleh garis desain yang tampak tajam dan berkarakter. Masuk ke dalam mobil, konsep horizontal design memperlihatkan kesan lebih canggih dan driver-oriented untuk menunjukkan interior yang sporty dan berkualitas tinggi. Panel instrumen dan door trim mengadopsi tekstur 3 dimensi untuk memberikan nuansa canggih. Konsol tengah dan tuas transmisi dipindahkan lebih tinggi untuk menjaga ergonomi pengemudi yang sudah lebih baik berkat pengaturan desain dan posisi jok yang sanggup menopang tubuh secara optimal, termasuk rombakan pada desain dan layout pedal-pedal supaya pengemudi mendapatkan posisi duduk yang natural dan rileks. Penggunaan advanced all-new platform memberikan ruang untuk memperbesar dimensi kabin dengan menjaga bodi tetap kompak sebagai ciri khas sebuah city car yang andal untuk mobilitas perkotaan. Dimensi baru Agya memiliki panjang 3.760 mm, lebar 1.665 mm, tinggi 1.505 mm dan wheelbase 2.525 mm. Daya angkut ditingkatkan dengan menambah panjang bagasi menjadi 610 mm. Generasi terbaru Agya tidak hanya meningkatkan kestabilan berkendara, namun juga memberikan kenyamanan lebih kepada penumpang. Seperti kabinyang lebih lega, pengoptimalan posisi duduk pengemudi berdasarkan human-centered design, posisi duduk penumpang yang pas, kemudahan masuk dan keluar orang, kenyamanan kabin, dan penambahan daya angkut bagasi. All-New Agya GR Sport - Tampilan sporty dengan performa sport yang lebih baik Sejalan dengan kebutuhan dan trend di hatchback dan city car dewasa ini, konsumen membutuhkan sebuah kendaraan yang lebih dari sekedar kendaraan yang reliable dan durable. Agya GR Sport yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan harga terjangkau dan tampilan sporty pada line-up GAZOO Racing di Indonesia, telah ditingkatkan perannya untuk tidak hanya mempertahankan gaya sporty-nya, namun juga menguatkan feeling sport-nya. Penyetelan khusus telah diterapkan untuk meningkatkan performa dan handling, membuat pengalaman berkendara semakin menyenangkan. Untuk memberikan tampilan yang lebih sporty, model ini dibekali dengan aero kit dipasang pada eksterior dengan tujuan bahkan membantu meningkatkan aerodinamika sporty hatchback yang sudah lebih baik dari generasi sebelumnya. Penambahan downforce kendaraan membuatnya dapat bermanuver dengan stabil dan lincah tanpa khawatir kehilangan kendali. Grip ban semakin baik berkat aliran udara yang dialihkan sehingga tidak menekan ban belakang. Mewarisi DNA motorsports Toyota Gazoo Racing (TGR), perubahan lanjutan dilakukan pada sistem suspensi dan EPS. Exclusive shock absorber dan coil spring diracik supaya sanggup memberikan daya redam lebih maksimal ketimbang model standar. EPS juga mendapatkan rasio roda gigi lebih rapat untuk membuatnya lebih lincah saat bermanuver. Sementara sport tires yang dipilih secara khusus mampu menambah traksi ban di jalan lurus dan menjaga grip-nya di jalan berliku. Untuk informasi harga dan ingin mengetahui ketangguhan dari All New Agya dapat menghubungi dan datang ke seluruh cabang Auto2000 di seluruh area penjualan di provinsi Bali. Sekaligus nikmati kemudahan mendapatkan unit Toyota dengan program EZ Deal di seluruh Cabang Auto2000.(tis/bpn) Read the full article
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misseffect · 2 years
💎why is writing important to you?
ooooo this is a hard one to answer
With fanfic specifically, it's really nice to have a creative outlet that has absolutely no bearing on the rest of my life. Like it genuinely doesn't matter if I drop a clanger (not that I let that stop me from obsessing over it sometimes 🙃)
In general, I think it's just nice to make stuff :)
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
I think I'd take Average Everything over one very strong element + bleh everything else, BUT if I think about books I've disliked to the point of not finishing recently, character and pacing are probably the big ones.
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
Flexing my style and voice muscles is on my list of things to do more of this year. I feel like I have a "default" style that I tend to fall into, especially with longer works, and I'd like to feel like I can really use style when I want to instead of just. writing.
The Normandy Detective Agency is a great example of something that I'd like to have written in a really strong detective noir style, and there are elements of it (esp in Flux because it was the earliest piece I wrote) but I didn't manage to keep hold of it in the way I'd have liked.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
You're trying to get me to talk about [redacted] aren't you 😏
I'm taking a quick break from F1 AU to work on a new one-shot and it's got smut in which I'm excited about AND THATS ALL IM GOING TO SAY YOU CANT MAKE ME TALK
Ask me questions about fic!
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lokewolf-father · 2 years
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It's finally time for me to write about their newest comic/album, "Gwar in The Duoverse of Absurdity" and "The New Dark Ages"! As an avid reader and writer myself, I love concept albums the most, such as the ones put out by Cradle of Filth, the Insane Clown Posse, or Marilyn Manson, but when Gwar does it, it's on a totally different level. That being said, as much as I enjoyed TNDA initially, I was missing a massive degree of context, and most of the songs lacked meaning. After reading Michael Bishop's (the slave of Blothar) thoughts on many songs and reading the comic, referred to as Duo henceforth, my feelings towards it have skyrocketed, and I have a lot to say about it. Surprisingly enough, this is all my opinion, and just like my previous post, I won't be arguing too much with anyone with a bone to pick. At the end of the day it's all Gwar media, and we're all here because we love Gwar.
I wanted to talk about the comic mainly, but considering it was composed alongside the album, it's impossible to speak on just one without bringing up the other. Before I delve into Duo though, it behooves me to say something about the first two comics from this modern era (I haven't read Slave Pit Funnies, sorry. Can we get a trade paperback collecting them someday?). Orgasmageddon is okay for what it is, a story about Mr Perfect sending Gwar off on a time-travelling dick rocket before they come back, beat up Bozo Destructo, and kill Mr Perfect. There's some fun stuff where they pass by the Jerry Springer show and see Oderus and that kid who believes in everything Gwar stands for, and the art is amazing, but the book really shines in its back up stories, which are drawn and written by Hunter Jackson and others. The Billy and Mandy) invader Zim cartoon nastiness really shines there in a way that it doesn't quite gel the way I think they were hoping. Reading this one really made me wonder why they didn't try to adapt the narrative of Battle Maximus, but I think I like that story existing in musical form.
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"Enormogantic Fail" was actually the first Gwar comic I read, and while I don't think it's entirely successful in what it's trying to do either, the art is even better here, and the Rashomon style narrative wherein all the Gwar members give their version of the destruction of Flab Quarv 7 is pretty clever, especially when you get to the relative grimness of Pustulus' story, with its more serious art and dour writing. While I like this book and recommend it to fans of Gwar, I do think it strays too far into goofy territory without saying much. To give you an idea of what kind of book this is, we meet Blothar on the toilet after he's taken a bunch of drugs. He's meditating on the toilet, the fumes of his feces getting him higher than before. If that's funny to you, this might be your favorite comic book!
I also feel like the way the Scumdogs talk to one another feels off. They all talk in one-liners, and for the most part are interchangeable. One more thing that irks me is their treatment of Oderus. He doesn't seem to be part of their little group of death dealers, and at the end there's an epic battle between Gwar, the Destructos, and Cardinal Syn, and Oderus is there as well, for some reason. Maybe I've missed some nuance, I don't know.
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Which brings me to Duo. This comic is a lightyear ahead of Gwar's previous offerings in terms of art, writing, and conception. The Gwar characters banter and bicker like the Ninja Turtles, with the book opening with the grouchy Pustulus punching the dog-like Jizmak so hard he hurtles through the walls, disturbing Blothar as he meditates quietly in his room, levitating off the ground. Blothar in particular is really well-conceived here. He's written as a giant slob, but also a meditative Viking warrior, like he's the mythological Thor. The other notable thing about Duo is its usage of the song titles from TNDA.
The first one is "Bored to Death", which is sung by Pustulus and Balsac on the album. It's an amazingly heavy and fun song, about how he's bored of killing people, and is trying to, to use the song's pun, bore people to death with drills. They're also bored of being Gwar, which leads to the inciting incident of the story when Jizmak, thrown through the fortress by the irate Pustulus, breaks Blothar's magic mirror. The two are pointlessly watching TV, Balsac is commiting suicide, and Beefcake is reading a newspaper. Things are so mundane and sucky that the slaves are actually drinking tea by the fireplace! It's like Gwar wants chaos to befall them.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the opening, where Oderus is locked in battle with his erstwhile foe, Techno Destructo! A regular jagoff named Will Fence happens to be with his dog, Pookie, when a chunk of Techno's processor gets knocked off, killing his dog! The distraught man takes the processor back and hooks it up to his computer, probably creating the internet.
Blothar and Pustulus get pulled into the broken mirror, and though Balsac, the relative genius of the group tries to repair it, he succeeds in bringing back not Blothar and Pustulus, but Blofart and Rhinestone Maximus!! While Blothar is a composed, if lazy warrior, Blofart is an insane Berserker! And while Pustulus Maximus is the hardcore metal guitarist of Gwar, Rhinestone is a fucking country singer!
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The ideas at play here are so fresh and exciting that it took me by surprise, especially coming off the flimsiness of "Orgasmageddon".
The song "The New Dark Ages" is the thesis statement for this concept album/comic book. Whatever your politics, we're living in strange times. The world is more polarized than ever before, and there are people who literally live in their own realities, divorced from facts or common sense. Go to 4chan, you'll see people that think the Jews defeated Trump as part of "The Great Replacement" scheme. It's crazy.
"No more age of reason/darkness, men are lost in the gloom/No love of light is left/Where there once was science/Is now a cult of death", sings Blothar in the song, and he and Pustulus in the comic find themselves in the mirror universe, where pretty much every wild conspiracy theory is made manifest. It's a mystical space brought into being by human imagination, where the Queen of England is a lizard person, the earth is flat, and the moon landings were false flag movies made by Stanley Kubrick!
We also get a reference to the song "Blood Libel" here as Blothar and Pustulus are served babies with straws in their heads when they try to order a pizza, which is a hilarious reference to a more modern conspiracy theory, Pizzagate. Here in the mirror universe, it's real! Our heroes are monsters from space though, so they aren't too weirded out by this. It's moments like this where the inherent cheesiness of the Gwar concept really pays off, as well as the mirror verse conceit. I'm the song, "Blood Libel" Blothar points out that they aren't killing babies for adrenochrome or whatever, they do it just for fun because they're fucking Gwar. If anyone's raping babies, it's the Catholic Church! By showing it in the mirror verse, it's a tacit point that it isn't really happening in the real world. The chapter closes out with Blothar and Pustulus meeting President Sleazy's Secretary of State, who tells them how in their universe, Gwar took over the world in order to make it great again after Sleazy resurrected them with adrenochrome harvested from tortured babies. Also, he taught them to play country music instead of metal because it's a more commercial, crowd-pleasing genre. Funny stuff, especially with Gwar gleefully poking fun at themselves and their underground status.
The third chapter, "Completely Fucked" follows Blofart's rampage. Beefcake laughing at the US military's futile attempts to stop him is hilarious. Why should Gwar care if an alternative version of Blothar is destroying the world? They're Gwar! Meanwhile, Jizmak is in Mecca as Rhinestone Maximus is hypnotizing everyone at the Kaaba with his Gwarified version of achey breaky heart. Rather than avoiding the brainwashed pilgrims as they attack him, he slaughters them! I'm sure Spider-Man would approve!
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Important to note as well is that the song, "The Venom of the Platypus" is referenced here as Balsac, coordinating with Bonesnapper, Jizmak, the slaves, and the rest of Gwar not in the mirror verse, has a virtual assistant named Raspy that is shaped like a platypus, and is provided by the comic's version of Apple, Macrohard, which itself is powered by the chunk of Techno's armor that Will Fence retrieved.
Balsac, being the thinker he is, decides that though the magic mirror has properties that allow Scumdogs to communicate freely across the vastness of space, it shouldn't be able to make alternative facts become real, let alone warp them into the real world. He deduces that it's because he connected it to the internet, where crazy ideas fester and take on a life of their own. Incisive commentary I wasn't expecting. Speaking of incisive commentary, Raspy, the platypus shaped Siri spoof, is an excellent critique of our reliance on the internet for our shopping, thinking, and navigation. The platypus is adorable, but is secretly venomous; furthermore, Raspy is taking orders from the entity that became self-aware when Techno's hard drive became the internet. Apple-i mean-Amazon-i-mean-google-i mean the Mad Monk!
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The stage is set for carnage as the Mad Monk conspires to bring his alternative universe through the magic mirror, Rhinestone and Blofart work to take over the earth, Blothar and Pustulus try to reach President Sleazy, and Balsac is forced to call in an old enemy to help out! This post is long as fuck, so I'll have to post the rest later! Stay tuned, bohabs!
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jejaksibuku · 3 months
📓 ᵀᴱᴷᴬ ᵀᴱᴷᴵ ᴿᵁᴹᴬᴴ ᴬᴺᴱᴴ
✍️ Uketsu
👩‍💻 Eri Pramestiningtyas [alih bahasa]
🖨️ @bukugpu
⌛ 2023
📑 224 hlm
🤚 Menurut teman² denah rumahnya terlihat aneh dan ganjil ngga?(cek foto slide ke-2) 👆😬
Novel ini bercerita tentang misteri rumah aneh. Awalnya ada kenalan seorng penulis lepas yg ingin membeli sebuah rumah, namanya Yanaoka-san, ia telah jatuh hati dgn interior rumah dan pencahayaannya, tapi ada satu ruang yg membuatnya ragu², jadilah ia meminta pendapat kepada si penulis.
Nah si penulis ini ikut penasaran, hanya saja ia masih awam terkait dunia arsitektur, syukurnya ia punya kenalan seorg arsitek dan pas banget kenalannya ini seorg pencinta horor dan misteri. Setelah berdiskusi cukup panjang akhirnya si penulis ingin menyampaikan kesimpulan terkait rumah itu. Saat ia menelpon Yanaoka, belum sempat menjelaskan Yanaokanya malah duluan menyampaikan kalau ia tidak jadi membeli rumah itu, sebab rumah itu dekat dgn TKP yg sdg heboh diberitakan. Meski begitu si penulis sudah terlanjur penasaran, ia akhirnya menerbitkan satu artikel yg kemudian ternyata membawanya kepada fakta yg mengerikan tentang rumah aneh itu. 😱
🤚 Novel ini dikisahkan dari povnya seorg penulis dlm cerita yg sampai hlm akhir aku tdk tahu namanya siapa 😅 Gaya cerita dan tulisannya nyaman utk diikuti, sangat membantu menjawab teka teki si rumah aneh. Jadi novel ini hampir dipenuhi oleh narasi dialog, disertai pula dgn gambar denah di sepanjang hlm yg detail sesuai dgn yg sdg dibahas, juga bagian² penting penjelasan yg dicetak dgn huruf tebal.👍
🤚 Tak ku sangka, buah dari penasaran dan imajinasi penulis dan arsitek dlm cerita mampu mengungkap fakta yg mencengangkan atas 'Rumah Aneh' yg ternyata kisah di baliknya panjang dan melibatkan beberapa generasi.😱 Serius novel ini ceritanya mudah diikuti, tapi penuh dgn kejutan. Aku suka dan cukup puas dgn keseluruhannya! Ehm meski menyisakan satu tnda tanya di bagian akhir sih. 🫣
🤚 Lewat novel ini jd pengingat utk slu teliti jika ingin membeli rumah & bijak dalam menerima nasihat 😬 Utk pencinta gnre misteri, recommended!☺️👍
#bookish #tekatekirumahaneh #uketsu #asianlit #jejak_sibuku
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the-golden-comet · 3 months
Anagram Tag Game🧞‍♂️
Thank you for the tag, @lychhiker-writes ! I’m excited for TNDA ✨
My word: THINK
Your word: CREATE
Back to YWIMC 🧞‍♂️✨
Those words rang through his head, and permeated his pores.
He waited until the heart against his fingertips no longer would leap into his hand.
“….I need you to hold me a little longer…..”
Noah whispered through a whimper.
“Knafeh.” (It’s delicious)
+open tag for whoever wants to join! 💫✨
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tenda-rj-blog · 4 years
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Everyone is the hero of their life
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arlathen · 5 years
oh. also, lads, i should be getting tevinter nights either tomorrow or wednesday, and ill tag posts abt it "tnda" for blacklisting/spoiler purposes.
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sandaikitetsuu · 5 years
Kalau dah sampai 2 kali muncul dlm mimpi tu tnda apa? 🙂🙂
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ulatkeras2020-blog · 5 years
Geng....apa tnda puting hitam...
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misseffect · 3 years
1st for the WIP game?
I've explained this one in another answer so I'll post a snippet here! It'll be a long, long time before is sees the light of day outside Tumblr so it's a little rough and ready.
I couldn't decide where to cut it off so I've included basically the whole fucking thing lmao
He looks strange without glasses and she feels even stranger for staring; like she's caught him in his underpants and ought to look away. His shoulders are relaxed but his expression furrows a little.
"What?" he says.
Shepard opens her mouth. Closes it again.
She knows his handwriting by sight, how he folds his shirts, the most reliable way to make him laugh, how he likes his eggs, the scar on the palm of his hand from a prank Solana played on him when he was seven, his favourite pair of socks, the way he looks splayed out in bed at 4am - and what more is there to know about a person, really?
"Nothing," she says, quietly.
Maybe it's a trick of the light or the hour, but there's something melancholy in the small smile he gives her. A little like the subdued kind of longing she's been herding around for - well - God only knows how long now. Years.
Except this is Garrus. So it doesn't matter.
"You never took [name] out dancing, did you?" she says, without thinking.
The smile slides away and he reaches for his beer. "No."
"Why not?" she asks. He shrugs, non-commital. "She's smart. Pretty. You got along."
He stops with the bottle half way to his mouth. "Never got around to it, I suppose."
"There must've been something."
He huffs an exasperated sort of laugh. "It was months ago, I can't remember. It just - " He waves the bottle vaguely. "I don't know what you want me to say."
Me. Say it was me.
"Just wondered." Her voice sounds like it belongs to someone else. "I forgot to ask how it went."
He sets the bottle on his leg and picks at the corner of the label with his thumbnail.
Shepard swallows. There's something reckless creeping over her. The kind of feeling that pushes her to one more punch, one more shot, one more needling question to goad out an answer.
"Have you dated at all since Chloé?"
"A little," he says, without looking at her. "Not lately."
"How come?"
"Christ, Shepard - "
"What? You could've had your pick of the damn ward when I was in hospital."
"Yeah, that would've gone down well."
"I didn't mean - " They're steaming towards an argument. "Women like you, Garrus. "
He scoffs.
"Oh, bite me, you're a catch and you know it." Shepard takes a long gulp of her beer so the acrid, cigarette-butt tang sticks to her teeth. "And at this rate you'll have to wait for the good ones to start getting divorced."
Garrus just shakes his head. He doesn't look angry, exactly, but there's something coming off him that she can't get a read on. Shepard sets her bottle down on the coffee table.
"Honey, I don't know why you broke it off with Chloé and I won't ask you to tell me, but - "
"It's not about Chloé."
"Then what?"
For a long, slow moment, Garrus just looks at her. His face is set in stubborn lines but that mournful, affectionate look hasn't left him.
Years of case files and gunfights are stretched out behind them; brass knuckles, lemon muffins, broken bones, cold stake-out breakfasts, favours owed and repaid a hundred times each way, and threaded through them is that incessant, silent wanting. Like an itch. Like grit in her shoe.
Except it's Garrus. And she knows him. In all his vengeance and loyalty and bull-headed kindness, she knows him. The man who holds more of her in his hands than any other living person. Deserving of whatever kindness the world has to offer.
If he'd wanted her at all - in any of those moments - Shepard would've seen it.
"I'm sorry," Garrus says, and suddenly he's all soft, sad, blue eyes and there's an impossible, shivery feeling building in the pit of Shepard's stomach - in her chest - in her throat.
Surely she would've seen it.
Wouldn't she?
"I'm sorry," he says, quieter still, and this time it sounds like goodbye.
"Don't." Her mouth feels like radio static. "Don't."
And she kisses him.
He goes still as startled rabbit. The rain outside seems louder, suddenly, and it's as if everything - as if five long years of trust and loss and joy - is balanced on the head of a pin.
She pulls away. He looks flushed and dumbstruck in the soft, orange light, and the shiver in her chest feels like it's gone to her bones. Her heartbeat is pounding in the base of her skull.
Fuck. Fuck.
"Garrus, I'm - "
Then his hand is under her chin and he's dragging his thumb across her bottom lip, and when he kisses her Shepard thinks she really, truly might burn up on the spot. It's like sinking into a steaming bath; like coming home.
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amanmainjudi-blog · 5 years
Seorang lelaki Berumur menjadi Seorang pemain merasa Kehilangan 02
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Harga saham yang mengntung kan mencapai batas harian, dan kemudian bahkan harga saham Prancis naik lagi setelah memenang kan kejuaraan. Selain ini tidak trlalu tinggi, 31 Juni, Pengadilan Rakyat Kedua Zhongshan. Provinsi Guangdong mengeluar kan kputusan untuk mengumum kan akan menyegel Tianjin Beijing
Bebrapa perusahaan tertarik pada Piala Dunia, bermain sepak bola dan berspekulasi tentang konsep. Lu Yao tahu kekuatn kuda nya dan sudah lama melihat orang. Konsumen biasa cenderung sngat pelupa. Perilaku jangka pendek ini mngkin tidak di akui secara luas oleh konsumen. Hasil akhr nya mungkin merupakan visi surga.
Pengenalan perilaku pemasaran prusahaan bukan perilaku langsung, bukan hanya hukum olah raga. Pada saat yang sma, kita juga harus mencapai karakteristik perusahaan, posisi mrek dan proposisi nilai. apa yang dsebut sebagai manfaat ekonomi, banyak prusahaan telah berpartisipasi dalam Piala Dunia.
Di thun ini, delapan hari setelah waktu pmbukaan Piala Dunia, para kaisar perusahaan Cina dan lukisan lukisan runcing di tnda tangani. Menjadi sponsor rsmi Piala Dunia FIFA FIFA 2017. Mengenai biaya sponsor hingga $ 25 juta, desain IDE membutuh kan wktu lama. Dan merek melakukan komersialisasi piala dunia.
Prusahaan China memutuskan untuk menjadi sponsor Piala Dunia Asia dalam waktu kurang dari spuluh hari. Ini relatif sepele, dan sjak itu perusahaan belum melihat strategi pemasaran ilmiah. Suplemen, dalam jangka wktu yang pnjang.
Usaha Patungan Yang Gila Ini Dapat Memaksimal Kan Nilai Para Sponsor Piala Dunia
Jika bernilai uang, pertanyaan ini masih bisa di perdebat kan. Dlam pemasaran acara olh raga Piala Dunia, situasi pada stadion dapat berubh dengan cepat. Jika bintang terluka atau pendftaran yang hilang, itu akan menghambat invstasi. Pemasaran untuk hasil yang lebh baik Saat itu, Grup Lenovo menghabis kan banyak uang untuk merekrut bintng spak bola Ronaldinho untuk mendkung nya.
Gunakan gambar superstar internasional Anda untuk meningkt kan citra internasional Anda. Stelah mengakuisisi IBM, dia menyrah setelah lima bulan. Alasan kontrak adalah bahwa kinrja Ronaldinho di Piala Dunia di Jerman sangat buruk. Stelah di gelar kan Piala Dunia, negara itu belum pulih dengan cept. Keadaan Ronaldinho secara lngsung memengaruhi strategi pemasaran Lenovo dan tetap bnar.
Di Piala Dunia di Rusia ini, Adidas memiliki harapan bsar bagi tim Jerman. Biaya tim Jerman mengganggu semua rencna Adidas di Piala Dunia ini. Menurut pemantauan awal jarngan judul mode. Tim Jerman klah dari tim Korea Selatan 0: 3 dan pulang.
Situs resmi Adidas meluncrkan promosi 55% untuk kemeja lokal tim Jerman, hrga asli 633 dolar AS. Kemeja itu hnya $ 299 stelah diskon. Di perkira kan bahwa Adidas sbelum nya adalah sekitar $ 1,5 juta untuk baju tim Jerman, yang tampak nya tidak dapat mencapai tjuan ini. Para inisiat menunjuk kan bahwa kmeja adalah produk yang paling mengntung kan dalam sepak bola.
Jumlah Tim Yang Di Sponsori Oleh Merek Setiap Tahun
Referensi utama untuk mengukur manfaat. Dan Adidas secara aktif mengurangi hrga lini produk utama Piala Dunia Jerman, yang berarti bgi sponsor nya. Manfaat nya akan sngat berkurang.
Baru baru ini, kasino kasino di kota ini semakin besar dan semakin besar, dan semakin banyak orang yang dtang. Lusinan mobil prgi ke kota untuk bermain setiap hari. Para pemain ini menempatkan meja selebar 3 mter, 1,5 mter di lobi kasino. Orang kaya dduk di meja.
Ada dua baris orang brdiri di kursi belakang, dan ada seseorang di ruangn lain juga. Mengobrol dengan teh yang sdah di sedia kan, ketika seseorang prgi, maka seseorang akan sgera lanjut bermain, jdi kasino menjadi tempat yang  ter pnas di kota. Pada stiap hari, mereka slalu brmain dari dua di sore hari hingga satu atau dua mlam sampai pda di pagi hari.
Setelah istirhat, mereka prgi ke desa dngan larut malam dan menemkan seorang wanita. Ke hidupan orang orang sperti ini pada stiap hari.
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itshicarl · 6 years
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Okayyy bossku,
Aku dah mula untuk terima apa yang dah terjadi.
Tak semua yang kita nak boleh dapat.
Hati yang luka memang susah untuk kita ubati.
Percayalah hati ini amat pedih.
Walaupun pedih,kita sebagai manusia perlu terus kedepan.
Aku perlu terima hakikat tak semua benda kita akan dapat.
Kita mampu untuk nasihat kawan kita tapi kita tak mampu untuk kawal perasaan kita.
Aku penat mencuba dan cuba.
Percayalah aku akan sakit bukan sebb penyakit tapi aku sakit sebb pendam perasaan sendri.
Dah banyak hati aku sakitkan dalam 1bulan,macam2 orang aku jumpa dan mcm2 orang aku kenal semua aku tendang tanpa sebb.
Sampai menjadi tnda tnya pada diri aku.
“Sampai bila?”
Cerita tak akan habis klau aku terus mcm nie.
Orang yang aku sayang tapi bila ibu bapa tak redha kau tau kan apa akibat dia nti.
Aku bukan nak melawan takdir tapi aku cuba untuk mengawal takdir aku.
Dunia makin lama makin terus tua,dan aku turut tua.
Anggaplah satu perkenal kita sebagai satu kenangan terindah.
If jodoh itu kuat ,aku terima .
Cacat celar kau aku akan pulihkan perlahan demi perlahan.
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mzainm1994 · 3 years
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Sejarah bukan fitnah Mlm selasa yg sblmnya ada pemberitaan bhw pihak pusat ingin bersialaturrahim kepada NW, akan dtang 6 org namun kenyataannya dikalikan 10 plus lebih. Dn anehnya adlh datng tengah mlm jam sebelas lbih atau stengah dua belas hingga jam tiga dini hari. (Siapa coba yg bertamu tengah mlm , kcuali...?)  Mlm itu mencekam mmprtaruhkan khormatan yg diinjak2 penuh dengan bentakan dn ancaman. Dalih islah namun maksud memisah. Yg pd intinya adlh kesepaktn/perjanjian dn pembntukn ormas baru. Karna bgtu trpojok akhirnya mngalah dn smpat mrevisi bbrpa point pnting berkas trsbut diantaranya logo, kebebasan lembaga mengikut kemana itu dicoret dn dprtegas dr TGB brkata bhwa logonya adlh bulan bintang sinar lima warna kuning dn itu disaksikn oleh mjlis yg hadir mlm itu, yg jmlahnya pluhn bhkn dr pusat dn dispakati secara lisan blm tnda tngn dn akan dilnjutkan besok harinya. Mnyikapi hal trsbut PB NW mmbntuk Tim 6 yg brtugas memberskn berkas2 pnting NW agr tdk kcolongan. PB tdk akn dtng k prtmuan hari itu kcuali smua brkas telah usai namun apa hndak dikata lagi2 oknum penguasa brlaku tdk adil mmprlakukn wrganya seolah kriminl dn yg pling mmbuat tdk berdaya ketika ancaman bentakn oknm mmbuat Tim tsbt menangis trsedu2 bukan krn takut atau pengecut, namun ktidk brdayaan melwan ancaman pembubaran NW dn mngeshkn yg lainnya. Sungguh sngt disayngkn mmbayangkn betapa lelahnya maulanasyaikh dn ummuna mmbangun NW. mau tdk mau PB pun dtng di hotel, anehnya kurng satu menit dgn mobil butut tnda protes . Lagi2 disesalkn dn penuh ketidk adiln saat pennda tngann trsbut tdk diizinkn memeriksa kembali tp lngsng tnda tngn dg penuh intimidasi (mngkin media trlihat normal dn damai namn knyataan adlh kenyataan). Lihat hasilnya dr logo sja sudh diingkari dn masih brdalih bhwa dia ahli waris. Sungguh aneh apakah tdk paham kaedah waris atau pura2 tak tau, bhwasanya warisan itu adlh ktika pemilik pertama tlh mninggal dn tdk ada ketentuan semasa hidupnya. Sdg maulanasyaikh sudah mmbereskan segalanya ttng NW, lembaga, logo dn semua yg trkait dialih kuasakan kepada pihak kedua (ummi raehanun). Bhwasanya ini mengingtkn dgn sejarh hudaibiyah. Sehrsnya ormas baru mmbuat milik sndiri tp https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ3iD6DhQiM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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afro-elf · 6 years
Kotra + Tom = Totra The AU Tomdra
tom’s creature name would be tndas so it would be kotra + tndas, and i mean have fun putting that together
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misseffect · 3 years
1, 3, 23 for the ask meme? 👀
thank you for the ask!! 💕
1. favourite fic you wrote this year
It's gotta be Flux; the one that started it all back up again after a 2-ish year break from writing.
I'm really chuffed with how it works as a standalone fic and the way it slots into the wider Normandy Detective Agency series, and I feel like I got the ✨vibe✨ right for the setting.
Basically it's the post-Sidonis angst I think we deserve, with more cigarettes and slow-dancing 😙👌
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
the next instalment of tNDA rip
@shepgarrus and I are currently pooling our collective braincells into a shakarian formula 1 probably human AU which I'd love to make into something publishable but. c'est la vie.
Key points for your consideration:
- baby Shep and Garrus growing up racing on the karting circuit together
- a friendship based on both a fierce, long-established rivalry and a genuine respect for the other persons' ability
- TV interview banter, publicity photos where they always manage to stand next to each other somehow, and internet speculation about whether they're fucking on the sly
- the inherent potential for angst in a very dangerous sport
- kick-ass afterparties
- sweaty post-race Shepard in a half-undone race suit 👀👀
- sweaty post-race Garrus with messy helmet hair 👀👀👀
3. favourite line/scene you wrote this year
oooooh tricky! I got this one twice so I'll pick one published and one unpublished.
Unpublished: introducing tNDA-verse Castis.
The part of AU - particularly human AU - that I love the most is picking apart the characters. What changes? What's essential about them? How does what we know about them already - their motivation, their backstory, the way they dress - translate into a new setting?
I put Castis through the human AU wringer and he came out an expensively-dressed defence lawyer from New York, who has a somewhat contentious relationship with his bull-headed son and he's also a DILF thank you for coming to my ted talk
Under the cut because it's Long (also part of a longer scene with Garrus which I’ve written but haven’t included)
Ask me more questions about fic!
"Garrus, your car's outside I know you're in there."
Nobody walks anywhere in LA. Shepard pounds the door with her fist again, and at last a key turns and the door opens.
"Christ - finally, I was - "
Shepard registers the cane first. Then the moustache.
"Uh - "
"Good morning," says the man who isn't Garrus.
He's in his mid-fifties, Shepard would guess, in brown suit pants, a white shirt and suspenders; all well-tailored and immaculately pressed. The cane is a subtle, glossy dark-wood thing with silver at the handle, glinting in his fist.
"Morning - sir," she adds hastily, because he seems like someone who's used to it. "I'm looking for - "
"Garrus? He went to get a paper."
"Oh," she says. Trust him to walk to the damn store. "Right."
They must be related. They've got the same nose, the same scratchy voice, the same lean build, though Garrus is a few inches taller.
"I can - uh - come back later," Shepard offers into the stretching silence.
"You seem in something of a hurry."
"It can wait."
If she's quick, she could catch Garrus his way home.
"You always knock with such vivacity, do you?"
The man has a benign, amicable sort of expression which Shepard knows better than to take at face value. His eyes are keen behind the pleasantries and she gets the feeling he's not going to let her get off easy.
So Shepard settles on a personable smile.
"I suppose so."
He returns the smile and it feels like she's passed some kind of test.
"Garrus won't be long. Come in - please - Miss - ?"
"Shepard. Jane Shepard - really, it's not - " But he's already standing aside and waving her in.
"Castis Vakarian. Coffee?"
Shepard resigns herself to not having the morning she expected. "That'd be great. Thanks."
So this is the infamous Vakarian patriarch. Shepard knows the name from the digging she did when they hired Garrus. Castis has the same East Coast lilt as his son, though much more pronounced, and there's an old-money look about him. He wouldn't seem out of place in a grand old colonial house out in the country.
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