charnelhouse · 2 years
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pairing: Joel Miller x f!Reader rating: mature word count: 2.5k+ summary: Joel and you take a shower after a traumatic event. warnings: srs hurt/comfort. violence/gore. implied attempted sexual assault. trauma. panic attack. joel being too nice. A/N: same reader as the one in bad people and moments, but no need to read. Joel Miller Masterlist
Joel wondered if his luck had finally run out. His hand slid along the slippery kitchen floor as the man on top of him snarled. Joel was pinned in a way where he couldn't get a full breath in. He'd been an idiot, relying on threadbare information passed between smugglers. 
"You know that real nice house outside the wall? Only bout half a mile South? Apparently, it's empty. The guys livin' there got taken care of during a raid. A lot of shit probably left inside. Well hidden. I'll pay you to see what you can find."
Joel hadn't thought it'd be that dangerous. He needed a second pair of hands, and everything had been fine until three of the supposedly dead men had walked in on them, rifling through their shit.
"Fuck. Fuck," Joel hissed between clenched teeth as he attempted to reach for the knife that had been kicked out of his grasp. The man's arm around his throat tightened. 
Joel felt his vision tilt, his body shuddering forward. Everything was fluctuating between spots of bright yellow to deep gray. He wasn't scared for himself, but he was for her. She'd been taken into the next room. He could hear her screaming-
No-she was shrieking. Painful, warbling, animalistic noises that only rang out from people cornered without options. Joel knew them well. He'd caused them. 
His jaw clenched as she wailed, a tempest of sound that destabilized him. It cut him straight to the bone, and his head was galloping a mile a minute: no, no, no, no.
Beneath that mantra was something more explicit. Not her. Not her. Christ-not her. 
He swore he heard her shout his name. Beg: Joel. Joel. Please. 
Okay. Okay, honey. 
He went blind-white with a rage he hadn't felt in a long damn time. Despite his lack of oxygen, he braced his hands and knocked his head back. The guy yelled, loosened just enough that Joel shot forward and snatched the knife. He lifted his arm and flung the blade back, making contact with something squishy that gave under the sharp tip. Eye, he guessed, especially by how loudly the bastard was hollering. Joel whirled around to find him holding his face, blood squeezing through the creases in his knuckles. The handle trembling between fingers.
Joel jumped to his feet, jerking the knife out before driving it forward once, twice, and then a third time. He couldn't waste a second, so he jabbed the vulnerable areas. The man gurgled, frantically attempting to stem the injuries before abruptly collapsing. He’d bleed out.
His name rocked through his head, and how much time had he just wasted? What if they'd hurt her past the point he couldn't help her? 
He ran.
Joel's hands were pulsing with his own heartbeat, dribbling blood from the violence of using a knife. Stabbing was a tricky business.
As he tore through the house, he shouted her name, hoping it would comfort her to know he was coming. He'd been a fool to take her outside the walls of the QZ with only two guns and not sufficient information.
But-fuck-she'd handled herself before. 
He hadn't forgotten the night she'd taken out the three people who had killed her boyfriend. Luke had been a good man. A benevolent leader. When he’d been murdered, Joel hadn't exactly cared since he was focused on his own shit. Death had been normal. Loss was easy. Luke had been another name whispered through the channels of QZ communication.
But he did remember her.
It's what most of the community called her because she had a lovely, rich voice and sang a lot of Dolly Parton to help the kids sleep. 
Then, she went briefly insane. A switch flipped when she found Luke ripped and shredded with his guts out. She'd taken it in stride, seemingly calm and collected, as she wrapped his body and brought him to be burned. She'd then asked around, discovered where the three who'd done it were sleeping, and slaughtered them with a Ka-Bar.
Yes-the QZ's homecoming queen walked out of the woods covered in blood, and no one said a word. It was swept under the rug just like everything else, and who was going to complain about losing three assholes who'd murdered a decent guy for a couple ration cards and supplies?
The community had liked Luke. Respected him. 
Joel, admittedly, found the man foolish. Back then, he hadn't given Luke his attention, but once he started fucking his girlfriend, he mulled over his encounters with the blonde jock like he was studying a map. Who was he to her? How much had she liked him? How had he fucked her, pleasured her, made her smile? 
There was the tiniest piece of Joel that felt jealous. Luke was dead, but he still haunted her just like Joel's ghosts plagued him. 
Selfishly, he wanted her rage-her stunning wrath. The idea of that girl carving three people up to avenge his death was a strange, exhilarating image for him. 
In truth, Joel was deeply fucking attracted to her. Dolly. 
What had she said that night as they sheltered from the rain? The first time they'd had sex, and they both had been blind drunk. 
"He was an idiot.
"He still operated as if the rules hadn't changed. He didn't understand that you have to be a bad person to survive here. He trusted too easily. Far too empathetic for his own good." 
Joel never told her, but those words had lit a fire in him. That had been the moment he’d realized she wasn't just some sweet, pleasant angel who sang to kids. She was all teeth. She was smart-
She was still screaming. 
Joel sprinted, barreling through the final door into the dining room before he abruptly slid to a stop. He was puzzled at the scene before him. He couldn’t figure out what he was seeing.
Blood. Dark, viscous as syrup. It was all over the floors. There was arterial spray covering the pale, peeling wallpaper. Dolly was straddling one of the men, bringing her arms up and down in brutal strikes. Joel could hear the squelch of tissue. The creak of the wooden floor under her knees. She had stopped yelling at some point and now was breathing heavily-grunting low and rough. Across the room was the third guy, very obviously dead. 
Joel moved steadily toward her, calling her name softly. She wasn't hearing him, and he realized her sleeves were drenched in blood up to the shoulder. The silver of the knife continued to disappear into the purple-pink mess of the man's belly. His eyes were open and unseeing, mouth parted in shock.
"Dolly," he tried. Nothing. 
"Sweetheart." Nothing.
Finally, he lunged and seized her wrist. She yelped as the knife flew from her hand and skated across the floor. She struggled in his grip, making wet, hiccuping noises when she attempted to wrench herself from him.
"No," she spat. “No-no-no-”
Carefully, he pulled her off the man and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He shoved the side of his face against hers. She was twitching in his hold, shaking furiously. Her teeth clicked, her body taut with adrenaline. "Focus," he coaxed. "You focus for me, now."
She choked and sputtered. She attempted to crawl away, but Joel had her locked against him. Her heart was vibrating in her chest, thumping with the same fury as a battering ram. Joel scanned the room, fully digesting the utter devastation she had caused. Wordlessly, he turned her toward the paintings hanging on the walls. Gold-framed watercolors. It was something nicer, at least. 
"Look at that," he murmured.
She moaned, pushing against him. 
He waited.
"Joel," she gasped as if finally coming up for air. She was bending forward, nearly falling, and he latched to her back possessively.
"Yeah?" His cheek was still glued to hers, his beard scraping her jaw. Both of them were slick with sweat. If he moved his head just right, he'd be able to kiss her, but it wasn't the time. Initiating something sexual seemed like bad form after whatever had gone down.
"Joel," she repeated, and he cleared his throat. Her thin, weary voice worried him.
"You're alright," he assured her. "They're all dead."
She said nothing, so he let her go lax in his arms. He studied the walls and the chandelier. He tried to count her heartbeats but found it challenging when the room stank of copper and viscera. The real stench of death.
Suddenly, she lurched in his arms.
"Teacups." She pointed to the white cabinet-so dusty it could be gray.
"Yes," he agreed slowly, puzzled. 
"Teacups," she muttered before it bloomed into a laugh that was verging on hysterical. "We should take them home." She turned, fingers caught in the opening of his shirt, tugging down like she was attempting to climb him. "Would be nice, you know? Have something pretty."
He grimaced, readjusting his stance, crouching lower to the point that his knees creaked and pain shot through his thighs. He ignored it and grasped her face, tilting it toward the delicate stream of moonlight. "Look at me," he ordered firmly. "Look at me, honey."
She did, her eyes flickering from the floral-stamped teacups to his face. She appeared gone-blood, tears and tears smeared across her nose and cheeks. Her hair was even wet with it. A disturbing memory infiltrated his head: Sarah's artwork that used to hang on their fridge. Finger-paints. Lots of red and pink. He swallowed before licking his lips. 
"Is this blood all theirs?" He asked, gesturing to her clothes. He was pissed at himself for not checking her sooner, but he figured calming her down had been the most necessary action. 
She lifted her shoulders before dropping them. She had gone somewhere else. Shit.
Gingerly, he maneuvered her into his arms to carry her up the stairs. He needed to clean her and wipe away the remnants of tonight’s mistakes. His mistakes.
"Get in the shower," he instructed, but she wasn't moving. He sighed, tenser now. He figured a hot shower would have excited her. A luxury neither of them had had in months, maybe longer. Joel frowned and scraped a hand over his face. 
She'd killed before, so he wasn't sure what this was? She seemed broken. Carefully, he reached for the hem of her jeans only to find her belt gone. He inhaled sharply as he began to scrutinize the rest of her outfit. He'd assumed things had gotten messy in the fray. Her sleeve was torn, and there was swelling along her throat. He took her face into his hands and moved it left to right, right to left. Looking closer, he realized her bra straps had been wrenched loose. Buttons missing on her shirt. When he pulled the collar to the side, he found a distinct bite mark. 
Joel cursed, jerking away instantly. She didn't flinch, only stared up at him sadly. 
He hadn’t meant to. It had been a reflex. A very poor one. He needed to try a softer approach and show her he wasn't fearful of her. He'd just been surprised. 
He reached for her again and began rubbing her shoulders. He found them cold and damp. Clammy. 
"They weren't infected." He was stating it as fact. Hoping.
She bit her lip. 
"Work with me here, baby. They weren't infected, right?"
She swallowed and shook her head. "It wasn't that." She blinked dazedly before continuing. "They tried…" she trailed off, and her eyes began to fill with tears. She pulled her lower lip between her teeth, chewing hard as if she couldn't say the rest. She averted her gaze, and Joel felt sick.
"They didn't, Joel," she whispered. "They-they-"
He reacted immediately. 
Wrapping his arms around her, he hauled her body to his chest. "They tried," he confirmed. "They tried, and they didn't get close. You took care of 'em."
She broke.
She began sobbing into his shirt, muffling her mouth against the denim fabric. She was shaking, and Joel felt inadequate-completely lost. Inexplicably, he decided that this would be something Luke would most likely excel at. Kindness. Empathy. Understanding. Joel only felt nauseous. He felt ill with guilt and then had to banish the thought away, disappointed at his pettiness. She needed him, so he cupped the back of her head, using his thumb to draw tiny circles above her ear. 
After a few minutes, he spoke gently. "Do you want to shower?"
She fisted his collar, her back hitching under his hand. She was working herself up again, straying very close to a panic attack. He had to calm her down.
"I'll go in there with you," he offered. "I won't leave."
She stilled, though her shoulders continued to tremble in spurts of aftershocks. He could smell the blood on her. Rusty and metallic. 
"Okay," she agreed.
The shower felt good. Better than good. It was narrow and cramped, but she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she burrowed into Joel's naked chest, desperate to feel his skin. He had even been willing to get in fully clothed.
"You've been through a lot. I don't want to make you uncomfortable-"
"Shut up, Joel. It's fine."
The room was humid with steam, the air tinged with old blood. The shower floor had turned pink, and Joel had to detangle himself from her to search for wounds. He'd found a slit in her side, just beneath her ribs. Hardly serious, but it had to have stung. With a bar of valuable ivory soap that had been just lying on the shower step, he carefully dragged it over the injury. He crouched low, one hand holding her hip as he cleaned her. 
She said nothing as she watched him, her fingers running through his hair. Somewhere between washing her toes and beneath her breasts, he felt a strange affection for her. This was the most intimate thing they had ever done. The gentleness. The womb-like shower. The dim lights. 
 When he was done, he kissed the wound under her ribs, lips firm against velvety skin. He stood, and she regarded him with tender curiosity, her eyes far more present than they'd been ten minutes ago. He pulled her to him, his cock slightly stiffening simply because she was beautiful and molded into his frame, and his body reacted to her regardless of his intentions.
"I was scared," she confessed as the water sluiced down them, drumming the tile floor. "I was so scared they'd killed you already, and I couldn't do anything."
"I think," he said, lightly teasing. "You managed to do quite a bit."
She huffed, shoving her face into his throat, nose rooting along his jaw. She used enough force that his back hit the wall and his arms automatically rose to cradle her. He said nothing, just let her find him, use him as she needed. She'd been terrified for him even when they'd attempted to harm her. He swallowed thickly as a new wave of anger pulsed in the trenches of his marrow. He hoped one was still breathing downstairs, unable to move. Joel would make it hurt.
He felt her shift in his arms, and as she relaxed, it cooled his temper. She stood on tiptoes, her mouth running along his ear. He shivered and attempted to calm himself down-think of anything else. 
"I did it for me," she whispered. "But-but I also did it for you. I'd kill for you if I had to."
Stunned, he gripped the nape of her neck and forced her face from his throat. He pulled her eyes to his. He wanted to tell her that she'd certainly already done that. He didn't want her to have to, even if it shot heat through his bones.
"You did a hell of a job," he managed to say instead. He was drunk off the shower steam and hot water, and her breath was cool against his mouth. "You did so fuckin' well, sweetheart."
Afterward, Joel tucked her into one of the beds. She reached for him, her lids heavy and movements sluggish. He promised her he'd come back after he checked the house. He didn't kiss her, but he thought about it. Things were changing. He shook his head, interning those worries for another day. He swapped his tenderness with something easy. 
He found outrage and clawed his fingers into its familiar texture. 
There it was. Fury and revenge were his old, perfect lovers, and he felt them as he stood outside her door. They touched him, caressed him, begging to be used.
For her. 
Joel would do this for her even if it meant nothing. Even if the damage was already done. He needed somewhere to put it. He needed somewhere to place those emotions because he certainly wouldn't take it out on her, fuck her simply for stress relief after what had happened tonight. 
"Joel?" From inside the room, her voice rang small. It distressed him. Bury that, too. 
He rested his forehead against the closed door, sighing. "Yeah?"
"Will you check if they're gone, please?"
"Of course."
Silently, he went downstairs, found a hammer from one of the men's belt loops, and then ruined whatever she had left still whole in the dining room. Skulls. Ribs. Bones. He crushed them all, fractured them to bits and pieces for what they had done to him and his. 
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
is baizhu a sexbot that you've thought extensively about? or is he like..."too good" like itto to really imagine as a yandere? cuz i get that vibe from him, but idk about u
tw - implied non/con, implied somnophilia, stalking, and medical malpractice (shocker).
no, no, that is a right exclusive to Itto and Itto alone. i'll sexualize the slightly-less-medical-malpracticey android any day of the week.
like i've said before, he's a good middle-ground between the ultra-benevolent Jean and the anything-but-benevolent Dottore. he's kind, but not overly patronizing; the type to tell you how brave you are with a teasing lull in his voice and a playful smile as he slips his needle into your arm. he's better for smaller practices with a more intimate client base, made for housecalls and long-term care in a way his more expensive efficiency-focused peers aren't, and as one of those clients who seems to need a house-call every other week, see him often enough to appreciate his expertise. while you wouldn't want a droid of your own any time soon, you can see the utility, and when you're lungs threaten to give out in the middle of the night and you're just too weak to travel, you're grateful to have someone who literally doesn't sleep to swing by and make it so you don't have to bother your very busy, very human doctor.
you've already lost track of how many hours he's spent sitting next to you, reading over your prescriptions and administering the occasional injection while you fade in and out of consciousness, as you try to fend off embarrassing (and, admittedly, less than appropriate) dreams about your very pretty medical aid. he's talkative for an android, rambling on about traditional cures and different kinds of tea more for the sake of your comfort than any genuine interest, and you soak in every bit of comfort you can. it gets to the point that he'll stop by even when you haven't called in, even when your condition is as stable as a condition like yours can be, even when there's not much more for him to do than take your vitals and make idle conversation. the only time his perfect bedside manner seems to waver is when you play with the idea of changing your mind and getting a Baizhu of your very own, but he's earned the right to be a little over-invested in your care, even if the dreams have been getting worse. even if you've lost track of just what he's been pumping into you, lately.
even if you can't say you're comforted by the gentle lilt in his voice as he asks you how his 'brave little patient' is feeling, anymore.
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mrs-kodzuken · 8 months
Teen Pregnancy ♡
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Pairing: Kōtarō Bokuto x fem!reader
WC: 1.8k
Genre: angst to fluff
CW: fem!reader, pregnant!reader, teen pregnancy (please don’t get pregnant at a young age if you can try!), angst to fluff, reader thinks it’s sickness, injured!bokuto, obviously implied sex since reader is pregnant
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I wiped my mouth with the back of my shaky hand as I just got finished puking into the toilet. This happened for the third time this week, but I hadn't gone to the doctor because of Bokuto.
He had, unfortunately, sprained his ankle while trying out a new skill during volleyball practice. The doctor said that he wasn't supposed to play for a week and to lay off it for it to heal.
As usual, that really made Kōtarō go into emo mode. Akaashi had managed to pull him out, but his bad mood hadn't gone away all week.
Me being his girlfriend, I took up the duty to help him around, even if I wasn't feeling well myself; I care about his well-being more than mine anyway.
After I brushed my teeth, I noticed a pale-ish look to my skin tone. Maybe I should make an appointment with the doctor's, I thought after grabbing my school bag.
Dark gray clouds swirled in the sky as the cold air nipped at my skin, releasing a shiver from my body.
It was probably going to rain, or worse, snow.
Being in the month of December, that was quite likely to happen. I arrived at the front gates of school, and
Akaashi had taken it upon himself to help get Kō here in the mornings.
I quickly hurried to his classroom, which was class one. I saw him pouting in his chair with his crutch leaning on the side of his desk and his hair slightly down. I sighed and moved near him.
"Good morning baby, how're you feeling?" I asked, trying to shift my problems out of my head and focusing on his.
"I want to play volleyball." His pout is not going away. Kōtarō always had an endless hunger for the victory of volleyball. I mean, that is why he is one of the top five best athletes in Japan.
And a small sprang could really do some damage to the poor boy.
"I know you do, but just bear with us for the next couple of days, and then you'll be back to smashing those balls on the court." I tried cheering him up a bit before I had to leave.
I heard the warning bell signaling that class would be starting soon, so I leaned down to give Kō a peck on the forehead before I left.
"I'll see you later, Kōtarō."
But when I started walking, I felt my bladder almost exploded. I had used the bathroom when I first got up this morning before my puking session, so I wasn't sure how I already needed to pee.
I hurried to the nearest ladies bathroom and relieved myself. While I was washing my hands, the bell rang for class to start.
What made it even worse was that my class room was upstairs since I was in class 5. My shoulders slumped as I walked even slower up the stairs.
It was only morning, but traveling up a staircase had worn me out.
I entered my class with the rest of my classmates staring at me, and my best friend's eyebrow quirked up as if to question why I'm late.
"You finally come to class, miss." My teacher said irritatingly as I took my seat, which was in back, after I mumbled a small apology.
Soon, the teacher droned on about something that I wasn't too bothered by. I sat my head down on the desk and decided to take a little nap to pass the time.
I felt someone shake me a little bit as I pushed their hand away.
"Do you want to eat lunch or not?" was the voice belonging to my best friend as she awaited my answer, which was a bunch of words mumbled together.
"By the way, why were you late this morning? You're never late, like, ever." She questioned me as she sat in front of me with her bento box, deciding she was going to eat here with me in the class.
"I had used the bathroom after meeting with Kō and ended up late. I just don't feel good." I said, looking up at her, then at her food.
Suddenly, a thought struck at me, "And I forgot my lunch." I groaned and sat my head back down.
"I'm so sorry (Y/n). I really don't want to make everything worse, but our teacher assigned us a project that's worth ten percent of our grade, and it's due Friday."
Today was Wednesday, and I felt like crying at the thought of doing a school project. "Great, just great. great, great, great." I hit my head on my hands with every word I spoke.
"You don't sound great."
"I'm not great, (B/f/n)." I put my head in my hands and sucked it up, trying to focus on anything else besides the hunger in my stomach and the nausea that came with it.
"I'll be fine; lunch is almost over anyway. Do me a favor and wake me when the bell rings for dismissal." She nodded and packed her bento box away as people started to fill the classroom.
I also forgot my hoodie, so I laid there on my cold desk, shivering just a bit.
As promised, (B/f/n) woke me when class was finished. I headed outside towards the gym, knowing Kō would want to stay and watch his teammates play, even if he couldn't.
The sky had actually become really dark as little flurries of snow fell down. This was bad weather, especially with Bokuto being in a crutch.
I sluggishly walked into the gym, knowing that it would take a lot of convincing for me to get home.
As usual, he was sitting on the bench watching his teammates play with a grumpy facial expression.
I sighed and sat down beside him, wanting nothing more than to be embraced by his arms.
I laid my head on his shoulder and carefully watched out the window as the snow continued to fall.
Only two hours had passed, and it was pitch black outside, not to mention it was freezing too.
I had been trying to convince Bokuto to go home due to his injured leg. I knew I had been pestering him, but in the end he would give in and let me help him walk home.
What I didn't expect was for my plan to backfire on me.
"Goddamn it, do you have to be so fucking annoying all the time?" He snapped his head towards me as I froze; I could tell everyone else in the gym did too.
My heart was stuck in my throat as I gave him a weak apology; I didn't bother grabbing my bag. Held my head down low as I hurried out of the gym as the temperature dropped, making my skin freeze.
I couldn't see due to it being pitch black, but I still kept on, my legs never stopping. The only thing warm were my salty tears, which never seemed to stop rushing down my face.
I wasn't sure where I was, so I tried to slow down my pace as I slipped on ice, and my head rammed into a wall. The pain almost immediately giving me raging headache as I pressed a hand onto it.
I slowly slid down the ice-cold brick wall, not having the energy to move anymore.
My day was so fucking shitty.
Slowly, my arms wrapped around my limp body to suffice as something to cover me from the snow that still continued to fall from the sky.
Before I knew it, my eyes closed due to the pain in my head and my arms were wrapped not only around my body but my stomach.
"Kō." was the last thing my voice could manage out before I slipped into unconsciousness on the ground.
Muffled voices in a room awoke me with the annoying sound of beating. I felt warmth surrounding me and bandages on my face as I opened my eyes.
I squinted at the bright lights that were on the ceiling. I slowly sat up and looked at everyone in the room around me.
It was a hospital room and the annoying sound was my heart.
My parents, Bokuto's mom, Bokuto, and Akaashi, were in the room with me. I looked down at my lap, not liking how all the attention was on me at once.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Bokuto open his mouth as if he were to say something but shut it when the doctor came into the room.
"Hi, mom, dad. If you don't mind, I'm just going to check up on your daughter," she said as she rounded my bed.
"Hello sweetie, how do you feel?" She gathered a flashlight and a clipboard, ready to write.
"My head hurts." The voice that came out was all scratchy and low. It seemed to make my mom lean more into my dad, as if to hide her tears. The doctor handed me a cup of water.
"Well, you did hit it pretty hard. Are you warm enough? I can add another heated blanket if you want; make yourself comfortable. We still need to check if the baby is okay." She reached for another blanket as I froze.
"Excuse me?" My voice came out slightly panicked.
What baby?
"Don't worry, we already told your parents, so you don't need to worry about that." She concluded with a comforting smile.
"No, no. What do you mean? I'm not pregnant." I said, I was confused; I'm pretty sure I wasn't pregnant. Or at least, I think.
My eyes immediately reached Bokuto's sorrowful ones.
"Oh my god." I covered my mouth with my left hand as my right one went to my stomach. I couldn't believe what was happening right now.
"Oh. Mom, dad, and other mom, how about we give these two a few minutes to talk?" She politely said, giving Kō and I some time to discuss this.
Silence fell over the now empty room; Bokuto was the first one to speak up.
"(Y/n), I'm sorry for acting like that. I just wanted to play volleyball so bad, but that doesn't excuse my actions. When the guys found you and you were shivering uncontrollably and bleeding, I didn't know what to do.
“On top of that, you were out there with.. our baby in you." After he had finished, tears fell from his somber, golden eyes.
I reached a hand to his face and wiped a tear away while he leaned into my hand.
"Kō, I forgive you. But a baby? We're still in school, and you have your volleyball career that you plan on pursuing, and I still don't know what I want to be." I nervously stated, my eyebrows furrowed with worry.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll work through it together, okay? We'll be the greatest parents ever." He gave me the smile that I missed the most.
And that reassurance was all I needed to process that we could handle this together.
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a/n: this is from my book “Haikyuu x Reader One Shots” on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you have any requests!
the header is made by me, please like/reblog if used <3
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Oral Fixation
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Pairing: Eddie Munson/Reader
Summary: You want a kiss. Doesn't matter how, doesn't matter who. Lucky for you, your best friend is there to help.
Word count: ~600
Notes: Fluff. Friends to Friends-That-Kiss. Reader is implied to not smoke. Eddie calls the reader "Princess" and "Sugar." Unaddressed fire hazards.
Your eyes focus on the swirls of smoke hanging above Eddie's bed, drifting from his mouth. A frustrated groan erupts from deep within your chest.
"What's eating you?" Eddie spins towards the source of the noise, eager to irritate you further.
"I want a kiss."
"Alright then," he grins. He makes a show out of puckering his lips and making kissy noises as leans down towards you.
"Eddie no!" Quickly dodging, you push him off. He yanks you back down to him, you two collapse into a mess of giggles.
"Oh am I not good enough for a kiss?"
"Nope. Not as long as you keep smoking these things." You flick the blunt out of his hand. You're freed from his grip as he scrambles to retrieve it from his bedsheets.
"Oh c'mon, you don't love my herbal aroma? Prude." Blunt safely back between his soft lips, he inhales. You make an exaggerated wretch and he rolls his eyes "So who do you want a kiss from then?"
"I dunno. My lips are just like... hungry. I just want it to stop so I can get on with my day and think about something productive."
"An oral fixation." He laughs at you before taking another hit of his blunt, finishing it off and throwing the roach somewhere to be forgotten. "So your waiting for your prince to come and save you? Mr. Right with pearly white teeth and minty fresh breath?"
"God Eds, it's not like I want a relationship right now. I just want a kiss. I guess I don't care who."
"Well I got two lips right here, sugar. Ripe for the taking if any princess who wants them."
At this point you were considering it. Your lips are screaming for attention. That's all you could think about. Burning up inside for any mouth-to-mouth contact. Just a quick little kiss could save you. Just quick eensy weensy little smooch. And what's a peck or two between friends? It's not like you're having sex.
"Hmm" you hum. He had gotten up to change the music. He's in his own world now, biting his lips as he chooses the next record to play. It would just be... scratching an itch. He scratches your back, and you'll scratch his when the time comes. That's what friends do, they help each other.
"Maybe I'll have to take you up on that offer" You announce as he drops the needle. You can hear Pour Some Sugar on Me is what he decided on. "Oh?"
And it'd be quick. Over in an instant. As if you two have never done anything at all.
"Yeah. I need it real bad. Worried it'll kill me if I go one more second without my lips mashed against the closest man."
"Well we can't have that, can we?" He comes to sit right next to you, thigh to thigh. Getting right in your face. You can smell the Mary Jane on his breath. He's looking you right in the eyes, holding an almost... hungry stare. The tingle that was once focused solely on your lips has suddenly engulfed your whole body.
"You serious?" Eddie mutters. Your response is only a tremble.
In the blink of an eye you two were attached at the lip. It's real, it's too real. But your head is in the clouds, everything is so hazy it still feels like a dream. What must have been only a few seconds feels like a life time. His arms wrap arounds you, soothing the heat in the rest of your body. Your sense of time comes back to you when his lips leave your's. Your body simmers down as the distance grows between you.
You're not sure. Maybe you'll have to try again, for good measure.
"Did that do the trick?" He asks, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.
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vintagexherry · 1 year
Treasure for three days [1]
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Pirate!Miguel x Princess!Reader
// Hostage, threatening, superstions, misogyny (I think), manhandling, implied forced royal marriage, kidnapping, implications of sexual acts, Ooc Miguel, Miguel is mean
A/N: Not sure if Im gonna turn this into a series but we'll see
This isn't what you meant when you wanted to be taken away from a mundane life.
"If none will provide with what I have requested. The princess will get it." He ended maliciously.
'He' being a man of height and strong structure is as of right now, holding a sharp edged sword at your throat while holding your hands behind your back.
'He' being the famous pirate, notorious for his actions and sharp with his demands.
"Let go of her! or else!-" Your father still in his sleeping clothes demanded the man who held you hostage.
"What? Make your gaurds shoot me? I have cannons standing by and men waiting, and with a simple signal, they can pillage and destroy this kingdom." He threatened as his hands grip his sword tighter, pushing it slightly closer to your throat, making you whimper.
He isn't only notorious for his actions, but his brain. He didn't get his popularity by just blowing up things to bits like any other pirate.
He plans them.
So darn good at it too.
Your brain is still wondering how'd you get into this position.
"You keep pressing the wrong note. Once again, from the beginning."
You held back your sigh as you started to play a musical piece on the piano all over again.
You've been at this with your mentor for hours and you swear if you don't take a single break, your bones will desintegrate.
Your mentor has known you since you started etiquette training, and so on and so forth.
And as much as you knew her, she's always been nothing but strict with a permanent frown on her face, her hair tied into a tight bun, and you wonder how come she still has hair.
Once you finally pressed the right note, she nodded approvingly.
"Very good now. We'll practice this piece tomorrow again at noon. Now, if you excuse me, I'll inform your father of your progress."
Not waiting for your reply, she stood up from her chair and left you sitting by the piano.
You exhaled a breath of relief and stretched your fingers for a bit, hearing small pops here and there. You look out the large window by the wall, watching life go on the large village. You'll soon rule once your father chooses a suitable husband for you.
Speaking of your father, he entered the room, slightly surprising you with the sound of the heavy doors.
"My dear, your mentor has told me you had difficulty on today's lesson." Your father looked at you with slight disappointment in his eyes.
You sigh, you know your mentor has told me about your progress, not skipping good bits, but it just seems that your bad quality only worth focusing on.
"I know father, it's jus-"
"Then you will do well to practice even more. Remember, you're performing for tomorrow's night annual ball."
You held back a groan.
Of course, he cares about tomorrow's ball.
Nothing but an excuse to let men ask your hand for marriage and letting your father decide if their good or not. At first, you were flattered, and people would ask for your hand, but it gets tiring once you learn it is just for politics sake, nothing but lies, only wanting to feel the crown on their head.
Your father's kingdom was known to be one of the most successful of them all. Trading and economics were bountiful, and the crime rate wasn't high.
"Yes, father." You defeatedly relented while he grunts in acknowledgement and left you without another word. You just wish a humble and kind man will take you away from this mundane life.
It was finally nighttime when you got ready for bed, you got out of your bath and wore your white cotton sleep dress.
You went to one side of the bed to blow off the candle, but before you did, a sharp sword suddenly appeared behind you, The edge of it just inches away from slicing you.
"Don't move."
A deep and gruff voice commanded you, and you froze.
How did he get in? The balcony? through the door? That can't be. There's gaurds around the palace patrolling every second.
"Where is the necklace? And don't lie, or else your pretty little town gets it."
Necklace? What necklace? There's billions of different kinds of necklaces, and that's the best description he can give you?
"I-I don't know what you're t-talking about -" You winced when you felt the sword go closer to your throat.
"Not speaking, huh? Well, I can jus-"
His words were cut off when your room door busted open, revealing gaurds with their guns and your father in his sleepwear.
"So it was you who knocked out those gaurds!" Your father yelled, so that's how he got in.
The man behind you didn't waste time grabbing your hands and holding them behind your back. He took quick yet short steps to your now unlocked balcony, and he stopped by the edge.
So now you're here, with a pirate at the edge of your balcony.
His sword left your throat, but instead, he pointed it to your father. In turn, the gaurds raise their guns higher.
"Necklace, or you won't get your little princesa back."
You looked at your father with tears brimming at the edge of your eyes, silently begging him to give what the pirate wants, but he doesn't seem to mind you.
"O' Hara." Your dad stated, starting to collect his bearings.
"That necklace is a national treasure, you can't possibly!-"
"Daily pirate life, I would say."
You paused.
That necklace?
The necklace?
You only remember bits of story of that supposed treasure, where your father had gathered a rare type of gem from a group of natives who are part of the neighbouring lands. Once gathered, the gem was then moulded and sanded to become a necklace.
"So... No necklace, then? That's alright...I'll give you three days, and if not given your kingdom, can disappear on the map."
You loudly yelp when you suddenly turn around and get carried on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
He didn't waste time sheathing his sword and jumping off the balcony, which made you scream while he grips line of rope.
As O'Hara lands and runs for it, you hear gunshots and your father yelling for you.
You tried beating his back with your hands and waving your feet to at least loosen his grip, but alas, it's useless.
"Let go! Unhand me!" You shouted, but your words were going out on his ear and the other. You kept shouting for help, but you were suddenly cut off by your own yelp when you felt a large hand smack your ass.
"You pirate!" you seethed
He laughed at your reactions. "Tell me something I don't know, princesa."
His feet were moving faster than any man you've seen before, and before you know it, you arrived at the shore of the beach.
"Lift up the anchor and start sailing." He ordered as he climbed up the ship.
As he lands, with your upside down view, you see people pulling up the anchor and unfolding the sails.
"A woman on board, huh? You do know what they say about women being on a ship righ' boss?" A random crewmate noted as he took a closer look at you while your still hoisted on his shoulder.
"Quit talking and more sailing, or you're walking the plank." He threatened and the crewmate didn't waste time going back to business.
As the ship starts sailing and the sounds of gunshots and shouting were becoming more and more distant, O'Hara started walking up to a room.
As he enters, he roughly plops you down on what seems to be a bed and ties your hands and feet together.
"Stay." He simply said as he went to a desk and chair.
You scoff, as if you had a choice.
"Look, if it's the necklace you want I can just tell you where!"
He didn't say anything as he sat down and looked at various maps and papers.
"Please, I ju-"
"Shut up." His rough voice hightened in volume.
You quickly did.
"If you won't stay quiet, I can leave you naked for my men to use. So if you know what's good for you I would recommend you to zip it."
You shivered from his words.
You didn't want to anger him further, so you opted to look around the room.
More maps were scattered, and bottles of what seemed to be rum were placed neatly in shelves. Chest full of gold and jewelry were scattered everywhere. Artefacts and even bones of beasts were displayed like trophies on the wall.
"I must say, for a spoiled mocosa, you obey well." He chuckled.
You wanted to spit something back, but you're afraid that once you do, he'll keep his words.
"If your father doesn't give his precious treasure, get ready to say bye-bye to your little kingdom. So let's hope he's as obedient as you." He chuckled as he sat down, drinking from a bottle of rum.
"But if he does? You'll return me and keep the town safe away from your cannons?" You asked.
Miguel looked at you and lightly laughed.
"We'll see about that, but if he did give it, maybe I will keep your pretty little place safe and you'll be back at your papa's arms."
You don't believe him but do you have any other choice? "You....You promise?"
Miguel glanced at your shivering form, and after a deep thought, he took a quick gulp of his rum and finally spoke.
"I promise your little princess ass."
You gulp, hoping he would keep up with his words.
Morning came by, which marks the first day of your captivity, and you really want to take a bath.
O'Hara or Miguel, which he prefers to be called. Has removed the rope around your wrists while he lets you go around the ship, even outside the captain's cabin, just as long he could keep an eye on you. He was confident enough that you won't really go anywhere.
Not that you can anyway.
With water surrounding you in every direction, you lost hope trying to escape. Maybe until they make land, but who knows.
Right now, you were at the helm of the ship looking at the distance. Miguel, on the other hand, was talking to what seemed to be his navigator.
You really hope that your father would just let go of that necklace when he had the chance. But you hope even further that Miguel will keep his words that you will return safely and the town will he out of harm's way.
You flinched hard, hearing a deep voice right next to your ear.
And of course, it's no one other than Miguel.
"Don't think too much or else your head will explode." He chuckled while you scoffed.
You suddenly feel self aware of your state.
It's been several hours, and you're still in your sleep wear. What's worse is that your barefoot with your ankles on display.
Miguel noticed your furrowed expression and chuckled.
"Is the princess not happy with her accommodation on the Arachnid?"
The arachnid is what they call this ship. You can say it's impressive apart from the crew.
"Shower." you demanded
"A wha?-"
"I need a shower." You completed your demand.
The ship suddenly got quiet, and all chatter seemed to stop as they stared at you. The only sounds that can be heard are water crashing against the ship, the wood of floor creaking, and seagulls squaking above.
You froze from the attention, when all of a sudden, the ship was filled with laughter all around even Miguel threw his head back to laugh, and suddenly your face flushed with embarrassment . I mean, should you be embarrassed?
All you want is a shower, you feel disgusting from the dirt you have gathered for today, and a change of clothes would be nice, something or anything that would cover your ankles.
The ship's laughter died down to chuckles.
"Shower you say? The princess wants to shower." His smirk grew in size while he looked at you.
"Well... Yes, I need a shower. If not, then at least give me proper change of clothes. If you're gonna kidnap someone, at least do it right."
Your words made Miguel laughed more.
"Change of clothes, huh? Bothered your little ankles are showing?" He mocked.
"If you're bothered by that, you should see the entertainment district. Trust me, hermosa when I say they show more than their ankles." With his words, laughter grew once again on the ship, and you winced in disgust on his implications
"Speaking of the entertainment district, why don't we give it a visit while princess looks for change of clothes." With that, the crew cheered, and the navigator smirked as he directed the steering wheel to the nearest land which you assumed where the "entertainment district" is located.
You gulp.
How are you gonna survive three days with these men.
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callmerainman · 10 months
Cameras | Reigen Arataka x fem!model!Reader
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plot. The last thing you expected when you entered the office of Reigen Arataka, was to be head over heels for him. Reigen can't seem to believe it himself when Dimple points out that the beautiful model who came in his office for help is, in fact, flirting her way towards him. It's your first time chasing a man and not the other way around, and it's so much fun.
fandom. mob psycho 100
word count. 2.2k
tags. fem!reader, reader is a model, flirting, seducing, awkwardness, suggestive tones, implied sexual reference, oblivious Reigen Arataka, photoshoots, smoking, wingman Dimple.
part. 1/2
An elegant smile softly spread across your face, your hands touching your soft hair with delicacy, your legs crossed under the wooden desk. And, hard to ignore, your foot moving slowly in a circling motion. Your classy composure hides your real emotions so well, you're a woman of style. But, in reality, you're completely losing it.
Shit, he's handsome.
The blond man sitting in front of you is explaining his parcels and exorcism plans as he moves his hands left and right. He looks serious, professional, and focused. His name is Reigen Arataka, or The Greatest Psychic of the 21st Century. You didn't know anything about him until twenty minutes earlier, when you entered his office.
You work as a photo model in a well known modeling agency in Seasoning City. You recently started catwalks, but you're mainly featured on local fashion magazines covers and billboard signs across the city. Your career is going well, except for this feeling that you just can't shake off. In the last few months, every time you pose for a picture you feel a haunting presence weighing on your shoulders. It's like a cold, gloomy breeze. It didn't stop you from getting your work done, but it was more energy consuming than it should be. You didn't believe in ghosts, to be clear. But your friends suggested you call a psychic, and so you did. You chose the cheapest in town, just to give it a try. But nothing could have prepared you for this situation.
«So, considering the context, I think the best exorcism plan is the second in my list, miss»
You snap back to reality and quickly realize that you didn't listen to a single word he said. Too busy staring at the smooth gestures of his hands. You have to play it cool.
«How about you come with me to my next shooting? I have to get there in 30 minutes. Maybe you can take care of the problem on the spot. I'll be glad to pose for you if it can help, Reigen-san» you smile, resting your chin on your open palm.
It's weird. Usually men were the ones who chased you, and fell for you right on the spot. This is your first time being head over heels for a man, and at first sight too. You can't exactly pin point what it is that makes you twirl your hair around your index, and smile so intently. Maybe his ginger hair, or the way he articulates words. Or his grey suit and eccentric pink tie, and charismatic smile.
The man exudes sex. In sort of a pathetic, sketchy way.
«Fine by me» Reigen replies.
You clap your hands together and spark him a shiny smile «Great! Let's go then!»
As you go ahead to bring your car in front of the building, Reigen closes the office. Mob is at school and no clients are expected to come for the next few hours.
The conman trots down the stairs quickly so that he can go wait for you outside the building. But he feels a presence floating behind him.
«Oi, Reigen»
Reigen turns around and grumbles as his gaze meets a familiar green cloud.
«What, Dimple»
«That lady is most certainly hitting on you»
Reigen almost trips down the stairs. He quickly recollects himself as he stops in the middle of the stairwell.
«That's not true»
«Pff» the spirit spits «it's so obvious»
Reigen descends the stairs again, the sound of his shoes stomping on the floor booming in the echoey building.
«It's not obvious because she's not hitting on me! You're just saying it to make fun of me»
The green spirit floats backwards, in front of Reigen's face. He looks dead serious.
«Look man, I would never use such a poor excuse for a joke. I mean, a knockout of a model hitting on you? That would be too unrealistic!»
Reigen rolls his eyes and just keeps going, trying to ignore Dimple.
The latter agitates a little green arm in front of his face «Hellooo? She was literally eating you up with her preying eyes! Basically giggling and kicking her feet like a schoolgirl! And what about the "I'll be glad to pose for you~"»
Dimple channeled his most feminine, high-pitched voice to say that. Green little hands intertwined, eyes glittering and lashes fluttering. It pisses Reigen off.
«Miss (Y/N) is not hitting on me. And even if she were, obviously in a very parallel and distant world, I would never get my way with her. She's my client, and I'm a professional»
«Whatever you say dude...I warned you»
Dimple didn't pop out until later on, when you and Reigen get to your modeling agency. Everything is ready for today's photoshoot: lights, cameras, setting. As Reigen wanders around pretending to scan for spirits, you're approached by your publicist, Haru.
«Is he the male stripper we rented for Sakura's birthday?» she asks, pointing a finger towards Reigen.
«What? No! That's the psychic you suggested I call!» you exclaim.
«Oooh! Is he here to help you exorcise that spirit?»
«We don't know if there's a spirit yet, but he's here to help me out»
«And how are things going?»
«I want to sleep with him»
«I'm sorry, I can't help it!»
«Okay, I'll reschedule your Christmas jumpers shooting for next week. No big deal even if we don't do it today. Now go put some lingerie on»
«I love you so much, dearie»
In the end, there really was a spirit giving you a hard time during shootings. Or, to be specific, a curse. Dimple was able to detect it in no time, a cloud of gloomy, red smoke hovering over your shoulders. He absorbed it completely and you immediately felt the pressure on your back being released. Your pics came out perfect, flawless. You even put some extra work with that lingerie since you had a guest. And you did catch his brown eyes getting lost in the fabric of your garments, not without a sprinkle of guilt. It was a sight you yearned from men. Seeing them guilty for how mesmerized they are. But Reigen was dense. All afternoon you sent many hints that you, in fact, were flirting with him, but he didn't catch them. You still have time. Of course you have no idea that the one to get rid of the curse was Dimple, Reigen played it out as if he was the one doing all the magic. Dimple got accustomed to it.
«Thank you so much, Reigen-san» you smile, stunning as always. You already changed in your casual clothes, your body covered in a long, beige trenchcoat.
«No big deal, it was a small fish»
Dimple rolls his eyes behind Reigen's shoulder, but you can't see him. The sun is setting behind the building of your modeling agency. Reigen is smoking a cigarette, he asked you in advance if it bothers you, and you asked if you can join him. Reigen takes a quick glimpse at you. Even the way you smoke transpires elegance. His cheeks are lightly powdered in pink.
«I feel kinda bad though, I didn't pay you enough»
«No need to feel bad, I'm confident in my pricings»
«So you're gonna reject my drink invitation?»
Reigen chokes a puff of smoke. He throws you a quick glance and sees you smiling calmly, smoke slowly flowing out of your half-open lips. Dimple's words started floating in his own head. Was he right all along? Or you're just being nice? Do you really want to go out for a drink? Then, words just spill out on their own.
«Never said that»
You take a hit of your cigarette «Good, I'll lead the way»
There's something in your presence. So resolute, classy, confident. A different kind of confidence compared to Reigen. You always know how to behave, how to present yourself. It's hypnotic, magnetic even. Reigen can't help but be left speechless. He would lie to himself if he said that you weren't the prettiest woman he has ever seen. As you two walk towards your parked car, Reigen feels a familiar presence again.
«I told you, dude! She's all over you!» Dimple exlciams, waving his cloudy hands in front of Reigen.
«Shut the fuck up, she's not!»
You turn around «Did you say something?»
Reigen shakes his head vigorously, a bead of sweat running down his temple in embarrassment «N-nothing!»
The lounge bar you picked looks too expensive for Reigen's pockets. But you assured him that the drinks were on you, and ignored his insistence in paying. So now you and Reigen are sitting in front of each other, still dressed as you were this afternoon. He kinda feels out of place with his office suit on. But you fit the luxurious atmosphere so well. Your figure, your red dress, your make-up and smile. The way you talk, and laugh, and politely order two martinis. This place looks like it was made for you and you only. Talking with Reigen is an experience that you honestly expected very much. He's an interesting person, he's kind, funny, and smart. You didn't get the hots for him only for his looks. You understood the kind of person he was the moment he started listening to your problems this afternoon. He might look like the average japanese functional working citizen, but you saw right through him immediately.
And Reigen thinks the same of you. You're not only extremely attractive, confident and classy. You're cultured, intelligent, witty. He feels like talking to you is so easy, a feeling he didn't always get from others, or at least it wasn't often reciprocated. He wants to listen more of your words, of your mind. He's slowly getting hypnotized. You have a way with words, with gestures. The way you place your hand on your chin, or tuck hair behind your ear, is not casual. Everything you do is measure and balance. And the way you listen to his most complicated thoughts makes him want to tell you more, to stay a bit longer. He's enjoying himself for once in a while, laughing without thinking about anything else.
You put down your martini after taking a sip «By the way, Reigen, I think my photoshoot came out really, really well»
In a slow, sensual movement, you cross your legs under the table, your dress brushing against your bare skin with a velvet-like sound. You let one of your heels hang from the tip of your foot, then drop it down to the floor completely. Without any premeditation, you let your foot travel up Reigen's leg, first his ankle and then all the way up under the fabric of his pants.
«Maybe you should come to all my shootings from now on» you coo.
His shock is evident. Reigen locks his lips and holds his breath as he feels your foot stroking his leg under his pants. He wants to say something, but he can't.
Is she playing footsie with me?!
And then, for only God knows how many times, Dimple pops out again behind him, making Reigen jump on the spot.
«I fucking told you man!»
«I'm flirting with you, Reigen-san»
«Okay Dimple maybe you were right but what the fuck do I- say what?!»
You suppress a small giggle «I said that I'm flirting with you, Reigen. Since you didn't really seem to catch it»
Reigen is too stunned to speak «Oh!»
«I can stop though, if you're not interested in...more. Pursuing men so much is not my style. But I don't regret trying»
Your foot falls down from his leg and gets back to your heel, sliding it inside. You rest your chin in your hand, scanning Arataka's face for a reaction. He looks so embarrassed that it has you concerned. Did you go too far? To be completely honest, you liked messing with men. Making them look at you, leaving them speechless. But in a completely harmless way. Your last wish was to make Reigen uncomfortable in any way. You're about to say something, but you get interrupted.
«No, it's fine!» Reigen yelps, a nervous smile cracking on his face.
He mentally facepalms himself for sounding too excited, and too high pitched. But the reassuring smile you show him makes all his worries fade away. He doesn't feel judged, or under scrutiny.
«I-I mean» he resumes «I won't hold back if you're interested in...more»
Jesus he feels so stupid. But maybe you like stupid. It's written in the way you lean forward on your shared table, your hand reaching for his pink tie. You lightly pull it to encourage Reigen to come forward as well, sensually stroking it with two hands as you see his throat gulp out of nervousness.
«I'm glad to hear, Reigen. Otherwise I would have felt very lonely tonight, in my apartment»
Then, you let go of his tie and get up from your seat, and Reigen does the same. Mustering up some courage, Reigen extends his hand for you to take it. You happily oblige, placing yours in his palm. With a satisfied look on your face, you proceed to walk out of the lounge bar, hand in hand.
Without you noticing, Dimple appears in front of Reigen one last time.
«Can I come?» he asks.
«Fuck, no!» Reigen growls under his teeth.
«What did you say?» you ask.
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year
Hi ,, my heads full of final exams and scara 🤕
this is my first request of a story of any kind but..
Top of the class reader who is trying to help her boyfriend scara pass his exams! But scara would much rather steal looks at her then look at the work questions in front of him. Reader scolds him but it goes in one ear and out the other, bc he thinks it cute (but wouldn’t want to admit it) ㅠㅠ
I’m not sure if you’ve done something similar but, I hope this was a sufficient request for u too work with ٩˙ヘ˙و
– 🌀 anon !!
Focus on the paper, not me!
modern au!scaramouche x f!reader
Sorry this was late! Woooh exams, good thing i won't be dealing with those for a while. That info is more than sufficient, in fact i was already able to picture a whole plot in my head thanks to it 🌀 anon!
"Scara, we've been at this for hours and we've only studied one chapter."
You'd say the situation was quite... hopeless. You weren't using that term on your boyfriend though. Of course not, you know how well he's able to do good with his grades, but his ways of staying academically afloat are indeed questionable.
Having to drink black coffee the moment he wakes up and cramming lessons and assignments by 3am in the morning was impressive, but seriously unhealthy. You wouldn't be surprised either if he did the same thing for his exams, but surprised you were when he came up to you one day to ask for you to help him study.
and that leads to now.
"How 'bout you try answering these work questions and we'll focus on reviewing the ones you get wrong. We'll start by answering the simpler questions before moving onto—" Your hands were busy rummaging through papers while your gaze shifted left and right across the work sheets.
It was at times like this where Scara's able to take a good look at you. The concentrated look on your face made you look so cute and eager. Your cheeks puffed out just a tiny bit like a little chipmunk busying itself with collecting acorns, or in your case, helping him study.
You handed him a pen and laid out the papers, reminding him that it was alright if he didn't get all of them right, just a couple to prove that he at least learned something. "How nice of you, though if I end up getting a score least of what you're expecting, then that's on you." he was already through to five questions, posture facing the paper but his eyes flicker from time to time to you.
"You should be grateful I'm even willing to help you. Do you know how many others would want to be in your position right now?" you crossed your arms with a huff.
"Good thing I got to you first."
"You didn't, I just declined tutoring all of them because I didn't have the energy for it."
"Oh, then how lucky am I, to have such a sweet, loving and caring girlfriend look after me, who also happens to be incredibly smart too~."
You would have nudged him hard, but you didn't want the ink of his pen to run the wrong way. So you could only look at him in disbelief, debating if you should feel happy about his compliment, or offended that he could have implied that he pursued you for your smarts. Knowing Scaramouche, you decided not to take it to heart, after all he was prone to teasing you one way or another.
"Your talk better be as strong as your bite, because unless you want to count my face as part of your exam, I suggest you keep your eyes on your paper, scara." You say with folded hands and a close eyed smile, though the irk mark on your forehead was showing.
He wasn't subtle at all, stealing glances at a time like this when he should be focused on answering. A single bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face, only a few more questions left.
'I'll have you know if this exam remotely has anything involving you in it, I'd ace it no problem.' he wouldn't tell you that though. It was already embarrassing how he couldn't think straight since his thoughts would always keep circling back to you.
"Even your ugly face would be more appealing to look at right now instead of this annoying exam." He says handing you his finished papers, stretching out his back before focusing his attention on to you.
"At least I'm not dumb enough that I would be in need of a tutor, right? Makes you think that pretty face of yours is all you have going" this time you could only give him a deadpanned look in return before scanning over his papers. His face is bright red because of the uno reverse you just pulled.
The silence after that was deafening, making your best efforts to ignore him. A part of him slightly now regretted what he said so standing up from his position, draping his arms over your shoulder from behind, he could only sigh.
"You're not mad because of what I said right? You know I didn't mean it. Your face is anything but that if not it's— pleasing. It's nice to look at. It makes me feel at peace whenever I see you smiling, or whatever kind of expression you're wearing it always makes me feel like everything's gonna be alright. Like right now, when you—" he got cut off when you titled you head to the side. Your lips meeting his, giving him a peck on the lips before having your body fully face him.
"It's nice hearing you say those things, but you don't need to explain yourself. I think you've given enough evidence to show the court how much you like looking at me. I mean I do too, but at least I'm discreet about it!" You chuckled while placing the papers down, leaving scara once again all red in the face, but it disappeared just as quickly when he saw the serious look on your face.
"Oh, and you didn't get a single answer right by the way. So I'm hoping you can focus on the paper and not me this time."
"Why are you just staring at me?"
"I'm soaking in the image of your face into my memory so that I don't keep looking at you later on."
"I take it back, you are hopeless."
If anything's inconsistent please ignore it lol I didn't proof read yet cuz my eyes keep going ⬆️⬇️↗️↘️↙️↖️ cuz I'm sleepy so imma do that tomorrow.
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patrophthia · 2 years
idiots to lovers | regulus black
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pairing: regulus black x reader
genre: angsty fluff, friends to lovers, confrontations, basically just the idiots to lovers trope oof, not proof read!
wc: 2k
originally posted on wattpad
"i think i can sort who's good for me for myself," i countered, turning to look at regulus with a bored expression.
"are you sure about that?" he asked. there was a distant sound of thunder but neither of us paid heed to it.
"are you implying that i can't take care of myself?" maybe that was a little bit out of pocket but i promise you he deserves it.
"does it seem like i am?"
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"c'mon moony it's just a question," sirius groaned as james and lily entered the dorm.
"if it's just a question then why can't you ask her that yourself?" remus retorted, sitting up on his bed. it was clear that he was tired of sirius' nagging.
"because it's me," sirius answered as if it was the most obvious thing, getting onto his feet exaggeratedly. "let's not forget you're the one who shares prefect rounds with her."
"with who?" james asked, curiousity piqued.
"[name]," sirius, remus, and peter answered simultaneously. lily eyes widen in surprise, taking a seat on james' bed. what does a fifth year have anything to do with them?
"what does you being you have anything to do with you asking the question?" remus asked, staring pointedly at sirius.
"because. . ." the ebony haired boy trailed off, glancing at his friends for help. "because . . ." he repeated before sighing defeatedly. "i dunno! because i want to know if it's true and if it is what's she's doing him anyways!"
"who's him?" james asked cluelessly.
"regulus." all the other four presented in the room answered easily.
"what does [name] and regulus have to do with eachother?" the glasses clad boy followed up.
"that's what we're trying to find out," sirius replied, flailing his arms dramatically. "there's been rumors about the two 'dating' and i just- i've known that they've been friends since he was eleven and that he is head over heels for her but what does she want with him? you've all talked to her, she's too nice for a bloody death eater."
"have you thought that maybe she loves him and she wants him to love her back?" lily responded, putting her red hair up into a ponytail. "oh shoot, our rounds starts in ten," she cursed, staring at the clock on the opposite end of the boy's dorm room.
james and remus stood from their respective beds, checking for their wands before looking back at sirius who was pouting with wide puppy eyes; his last attempt at persuading them to ask the questions he needed the answers to.
"just ask her yourself pads," remus muttered, waltzing over to smack the back of the said boy's head.
after muttering a small ow, sirius focused his attention on lily who was disguising an amused smile. he stared at her wordlessly, intention clear in his gaze. lily kept up a neutral look only to then roll her eyes, giving in to his silent request. "fine, i'll do it."
"hi [name]," lily greeted kindly. i smiled at her, masking my surprise as she waved me over. "remus asked to switch rounds, i hope you don't mind."
"oh it's alright," i waved it off before following up with a question, "is he well?"
"he's fine, just got roped into another one of james' plan," she replied, straightening her posture into a more serious one. one she specifically reserved for when she was viewed as the head girl. "you know how the marauders are."
in truth, i knew little about how the marauders are aside from regulus sharing details of how sirius talked about them and the occasional times i helped them hide from mcgonagall. i only nodded, following after lily as she took the first step for our round.
"so ... how's OWLs treating you?" the older girl asked light-heartedly, trying to make conversation as we went on.
"it's been alright, a bit stressful but it's to be expected. how's your NEWTs?" i asked in return, making our way down the stairs from the Great Hall.
"it's as hard as you can imagine it to be, i can barely catch a break," she let out. she then proceeded to complain about how there was way too many assignments and so little time. she went on and on and i nodded in agreement, listening to every word she was uttering. "and it really doesn't help having a boyfriend who's friends are as smart as he is."
"oh i feel you," i laughed. "they don't see the need to stay up all night and study because they already remember what they needed to right of the bat. it's the worst."
"right?!" lily exclaimed, turning to look at me with enthusiasm. "atleast remus and peter understand the stress of it. sirius and james just writes whatever comes into their mind onto their parchment and boom straight O's without even trying!"
"merlin, regulus is exactly like that. he barely takes his times with assignments and would never get anything less than an E while i spend hours on my work and get an A at best." i joined in, giving her my input on the things we could relate to.
"speaking of regulus. . ." lily dragged out, glad that it was a perfect segway to what she wanted to know. "are you two- you know? together?"
i looked at her timidly, mouth twisting into a sheepish smile, and with a nod of my head lily started grinning. "oh that's just adorable!" she squealed, all the while keeping an eye on the corridors as we talked. "i never thought you'd act on your feelings for him."
"what feelings?" i asked as we rounded hogwarts kitchen. "i didn't realize i liked him until he kissed me," i added, recalling the memory of that very kiss. i was lying and lily knew it. "i mean it!"
"oh you really mean it?" she repeated with a look of disbelief. not waiting for what i had to say, she quickly added, "so that time you learned about quidditch despite not having any interest in quidditch doesn't have anything to do with regulus?"
"no! . . . well yes . . . it's complicated," i mumbled. my cheeks growing warm as lily's eyes shined happily. "i just wanted to have something to talk to him about."
"and you did! it was so adorable!" at this point i was more than convinced that 'adorable' was lily's favorite word. "i remember it so clearly, he was so excited when you asked him if you could watch him at practise. i don't think i've ever seen puppy love until you two happened."
"oh and what you and james have isn't puppy love?" i asked, steering the conversation topic towards her love life instead. but lily was persistent, giving me a smile before answering.
"we're more like the enemies to lovers trope whilst you and regulus are idiots in love."
"and how exactly is me and reg idiots in love?" i asked. the pair of us passing the hufflepuff basement and down the toward the dungeons.
"from what i've heard of how you got together, it's as idiots in love as it comes."
"i just don't think he's good for you."
regulus, barty, rosier, and i had just regrouped from our own respective trips to hogsmeade. making our way up the hill towards the castle in a group of four as we recalled about the things we've done through out the day.
i had went out on a date; a date with whom i had no romantic interest in since the person who held my affections only thought of me as their best friend. it was stupid to try and get over someone i was madly in love with and yet, it didn't make me feel as helpless as realizing that nobody else could make me feel the way i feel for regulus.
"i think i can sort who's good for me for myself," i countered, turning to look at regulus with a bored expression.
"are you sure about that?" he asked. there was a distant sound of thunder but neither of us paid heed to it.
"are you implying that i can't take care of myself?" maybe that was a little bit out of pocket but i promise you he deserves it.
"does it seem like i am?" he replied easily. resulting in a groan from rosier —who was way too tired to be hearing us bicker about the same thing all over again.
"seriously reg?" i asked, staring at him. the thunder grew louder and this time we took a second to acknowledge it before going back to our . . . disagreement? argument? "do you expect me to be alone forever?"
"you wouldn't be alone if you're with me," he responded. we were both facing eachother now, standing in the middle of hogwarts lawn under the darkening sky.
it was supposed to be a sweet statement but i had long grew frustrated with his use of sweet talk. giving me false hope on things that would never happen.
"i would only be lonelier when i'm with you."
i took his expressions into account close enough to catch the brief flicker of surprise that crossed his features. regulus frowned, eyebrows furrowing when he stated, "you're mad at me aren't you."
"why are you mad at me?" i kept quiet, moving away to put distance between us. "are you listening to me?" he added, trailing after each of my steps.
"i am," i snapped. their was a pitter-patter on the surrounding windows followed by shrieks of surprised students running for shelter. i could barely register the rain bucketing down on us as i was too focused on the slytherin before me than anything else. "i'm just trying to see if you're listening to yourself."
there was an incredulous look on regulus face, offended by my words but he was quick to mask it. his dark curls were drenched when he swept them back, boring holes into me with unasked questions before he settled on, "what do you mean you'd be lonelier when you're with me?"
"i dunno reg," i muttered blearily, wiping a hand across my face. "maybe because you wouldn't love me the way i want to be loved?"
regulus stood stunned and i took that as a sign to turn on my heels again, heading towards the grand hall open doors. his hand caught my wrist before i'd gotten far, pulling me flush against him. i had barely a second to compartmentalize his actions up until he pinned his lips onto mine.
regulus wasted no time in pressing the inner of his palm against my cheek, holding me as gently as possible. my arms —as if it were muscle memory— reached up and wrapped themself around his neck. my heart raced as i took in the the smell of him, marveling at his closeness and how i could feel the warmth radiating from him despite the cool rain dripping on us. we pulled away.
the rain clouding our vision as we breathed heavily. wanting more, he leaned down and kisses me one more time, lingering as long as he could. his thumb circled around the apple of my cheek, caressing it as he took in deep breath.
"how could you?" he started, boring his grey eyes into mine. "how could you think i didn't love you that way?"
"you think that's idiots in love?" i asked. lily nodded in respond. "so you repeatedly turning down james even when you realized you had feelings for him just because you thought he was only doing it out of habit isn't idiots in love?"
"well that's not- i don't want to talk about this anymore."
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—from bee: happy lunar new years to those who celebrate it!!! notes/ask/feedbacks are always greatly appreciated!!
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pvnks0ul · 7 months
❥ riri w. x fem!reader
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sypnosis: riri makes a habit of taking care of you after...♡
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⚠︎: gentle!dom!riri + sub!reader, implied rough se✘, aftercare so soft smut basically, readers a little bit of a brat, masochist!reader with a not so sadist riri
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Riris bent over you, using all her might to not lean too much of her weight on you, too busy numbing your slightly overstimulated mind with her sweet kisses, taking the taboo away that she hardly had time to think about how sweaty she'd gotten herself.
She holds your face in one hand, thumb hitting the perfect spots against the soft skin under your eye so well that you're actively sighing out in content with how fragile she was treating you compared to earlier. Her other hand repeats the action but on your twitching inner thigh.
Riri sometimes thinks she goes a little overboard considering the amount of attention you required when the funs all over. She likes pleasing you most, more than almost anything, but can't help but to feel a twinge of guilt pinging at her heart for the state it leaves you in; completely fucked out to where you dont even respond to certain questions, like you got lost on your way down from your high.
But she doesn't second think it when you need to be talked down, apologizing for what she said while in the moment so you know she didn't completely mean it.
Truthfully, you didn't like feeling lost, but Riris voice was like a silk rope guiding you back to your messy room and there was nothing more calming then her arms caging you tight, her lips pressing against yours as she muttered varieties of how, "We're done now, ma.", "You did good for me, baby.", "Take your time.." in between the short lasting kisses.
It takes you nothing but a few golden minutes to get your head in the right state. When you're back up she's usually interrupted by a laugh or soft giggle, like it was routine, Riri scoffs but smiles so tightly it wasn't possible to hide.
Somewhere between the blurred lines Riri'd gotten up to get two bottles of water and mildly warm compress of a towel to clean you up.
She lets you guide her hand so she's not pressing too hard, just gently swiping until the area was clean. Riri turns her head in your direction, looking down on you admirably while you focused on cautiously cleaning yourself.
Your face was cutely frowned up as you sleepily petted riris hand between your legs. You wipe around your clit purposely avoiding the lower before pushing her hand away.
Riri moves her hand per your request but she knows that you're not done. You lay all the way back, yawning an trying to pull the blanket over your body.
"Now, hold on." Riri snatches it out of your hand without any strain.
You grumble and peek an eye open at her. She sighs, you could barely open your eyes and yet your attitude never seemed to waver.
She puts the messy rag down, reaching for the damp towel, "You can chill..I'll just do it myself."
You shrug, legs twitching as you tried to spread them wider, "Ma, I got it." she reassures with a chuckle, putting them to rest comfortably.
Ri bites down on her lip when your whimper meets her ears, she doesn't say anything though, continuing the soft presses at your inner thighs, skipping your flower because of how sensitive it must've been.
She'd have to soak you later, almost everywhere between your thighs was heated. Riri coos when she's gotten it all, now she just had to worry about the compress for your hole, she glances down at it from her hunched angle before her eyes flicker back to your peaceful demeanor.
You breathe out loudly, a sign that your patience was running thin. Riri hooks her hand around your thigh– or as much as she could, kneading the skin with her thumb as a nice distraction while she touched around your hole with a folded end of the gray towelette.
Her touch is merely featherweight as she tried to get all she could, but even that seemed to trigger you. You flinch at every little dab, not only sensitive but feeling a bit pf pain aswell.
"Ri–!" You jolt to grab at her arm, preventing her from continuing the irritating movements.
"Alright, Alright." she releases your thigh and grabs your hand, lifting it to her lips for a peck before rubbing over the skin. Your lips purse, "It hurts.." voice breaking but not yet crying.
She perks the towel inbetween your legs before maneuvering them around it, "We can let this rest here then...I'll get it later."
After a few hours, when it's starting to get late, Riri tries again and luckily it goes over smoothly. She didnt want to press you but sleeping in a bed of sweat and bodily fluids was gonna eat at her the longer she sat.
She ran a bath, something to soak you in while she stripped all the comforters off the bed for the night. Riri joined the nice vanilla scented bath when everything was off to the side, finally feeling satisfied.
You lean against her breast, taking her arms to wrap them around yourself, feening for her to comfort you. You yawn again, louder and more obnoxiously but Riris laugh was even more obnoxious.
You reach for her loofah, deciding to bite your tongue at her mocking and instead clean her up with the little energy you had left, starting with her arms, then shoulders, whatever you could reach.
Riri breathes through her nose, starting to get relaxed herself. You smirk, mind wandering as it tickled the back pf your neck. It immediately lit a raunchy fire in you again. Of course you were too tired for anything now, but the thought was nice.
You put all your weight on her, closing your eyes while coddling her arm, "You should fuck me in here, baby."
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🏷️: @s0lam33y @blushyrawrz @shurislover @ririshotgf @fentibeauty
a/n: why this kinda seem like something that wouldve been on sex sent me to the er🙂
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Wanted to share a few more things to keep in mind when writing about a man of color who has ADHD. I really hope most people know why presenting Ed as messy and unable to take care of himself without a White man's help is racist and bad, but there are a lot of other things I see that make me (a brown man with AuDHD) uncomfortable!
If you have ADHD, it's obviously okay to see yourself in a character! But it's important to keep in mind how they might come across as racist when you're writing about a man of color.
Here are some things I see pretty often:
Implying that ADHD means Ed isn't smart or capable. He's canonically a genius! It's okay if he worries he's not smart enough and the text directly contradicts that fear, but please be sensitive to how other characters will perceive a man of color who is very successful and also has ADHD symptoms on top of that. Don't make it sound like bigots are right about Ed. This is a careful line to walk and if you're White I recommend finding a sensitivity reader if you're going this route.
People of color very often will not tell you if we have ADHD. I'm too used to finally getting to a point where people see me as capable, then casually mentioning I have ADHD, and then being treated like a child again. Straight up if you're White I'm not telling you, and when Ed goes around in fics telling everyone he meets, it takes me out of the story. Show his symptoms, have him mention it in his own narration, but he's probably not going to be telling Stede right after they meet. In one of my fics, the only time he ever tells anyone else he has ADHD, it's Zheng, and that's on purpose.
Don't imply that Ed is only successful because of White men keeping him in check. That's racist and gross.
ADHD does not make someone "hyperfocus" on relationships or drop established relationships at the drop of a hat. That is not something Ed does. Please stop making me read this one, people with ADHD have normal and complicated relationships just like everyone else.
And some things you could do instead:
Consider Ed's symptoms based on what we actually see in the show. He's easily exciteable, bouncy, and sensory-seeking, often seeking out touch and experiences.
Remember that everyone's tolerance levels are different. Some people with ADHD really can't sit still, but Ed isn't one of them. When he's focused and mentally in a good place, he has no trouble being still and quiet. When he's doing a boring, quiet task, or when he's feeling intense emotions, that's when he has trouble.
If you're writing about Ed struggling with his symptoms and feeling like a failure because of them - which does happen! I'll be feeling great because I'm succeeding at work and school and then feel awful because I realize I forgot a doctor's appointment! - please let the narrative and other characters challenge those thoughts.
Just...basically, if you're writing about an ADHD Ed, don't let the ADHD take away that he's a very smart, talented, successful, tidy man of color. Honestly if you're White and writing about Ed's ADHD based on your own experiences, I recommend looking into a sensitivity reader. I'm pretty much always happy to do a sensitivity read if you ask. :)
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circeyoru · 6 months
I just finished reading the latent charter of Unwanted soul AND OMFG IT'S SO GOOD HDHDIDHDIHDJD
I did not expect a new caracter, yet alone a new yandere!!! And I love how this is like, a diferent type of yandere unlike Alastor, were he is in love, Nemisis idk...like, worships us? Something like that! BUT I LOVE IT!! And I also love the way Kat died! Serves her right for being a stealing bad person hshs
Quick question tough: will us/reader ever have some kind of parent/child or mentor/student relationship with Nemisis? I feel like it would be cute hdhdhhduddg
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This is for {Unwanted Soul} , check MASTERLIST for the work
Aww, you're flattering me too much~!
As for Reader's/your relationship with Nemesis.
I feel think it's more of a writer-editor friendship type of deal. It's work but there's a bit of causal mix into it if you get me.
Essentially, what Nemesis or, at the time, Cecil, saw was that Kat took your role as the writer/author. Cecil would have been working with you on the novels but she got Kat instead and was working with Kat without knowing and realizing that Kat was never the author. Cecil blames herself for not knowing and feels guilty for being in service of Kat.
Cecil doesn't assume that she knows everything about you since you two were never close, nor have you two met directly. Cecil only has brief imagery of you through Kat's descriptions, she pieces things together to get how you are. It's cause of her not knowing what you like or prefer in a friend that she uses a gender-neutral name and 'they/them' pronouns now that she's/they're in Hell.
*A bit of lore on Cecil's name. It means blind and sixth. I'm focusing on the blind part. It's what it is. Cecil was blind to Kat's lies and blind to finding out about the real author to the novels she loves until it was too late.
Now for Nemesis, they back off when they saw Alastor as a protector of yours and a capable one at that. It's heavily implied that Nemesis was there to watch Alastor throw Kat around in a fit of rage on your behalf. Nemesis would have appeared if Alastor didn't act or you didn't do anything. It's to show you that someone will get their hands dirty for you because you are deserving. Nemesis' first agenda was also to tell you the truth of what happened and what they did before their death. In a way, to give you a peace of mind on what you loved.
Nemesis is there as a reminder that you were noticed in the living world. Your story was told and you took back what was stolen. Their yandere tendency is more towards supporting you in whatever you want or do and to mull down any that finds fault in you and opposes you.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 8 months
Don't Think Just Listen
Pairing: Jordan Parrish x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: okay let's see sub!Jordan & Dom!Reader (what else is new with me lmao) pet names & honorifics (puppy & mistress) shibari/bondage, slight edging, unprotected sex (BE SAFE YALL), creampie, face sitting, oral (f & m receiving) I think I missed something but who knows
Genre: fluff & Smut
Summary: you've got some plans for your sweet deputy boyfriend when he gets off of work
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As you stroll into the local police station you wave at the different officers you've met a dozen times while visiting your boyfriend. You're here often enough that even the sheriff can tell when you're around well before he sees you. Your boyfriend is at his desk but so focused on his work that he doesn't notice you until you plop a lunchbox on his desk and settle into the seat across from him.
"Hey! I didn't know you'd be stopping by today." He smiles leaning over to kiss your cheek.
"Well you forgot your lunch. Can't very well let you starve now can I?" You smile.
"Oh- I didn't think you'd notice."
"Did you leave it on purpose?"
"No! I only realized it once I got here. Sorry." He mutters.
"Well, you're lucky I was headed back to mine anyway or you'd be left to your own devices." You chuckle.
"You're not going back to my house from here?"
"No sweetie I have some work to take care of. But when your shift is over I want you to come to mine instead of going home."
"Right away?"
"What time are you off today?"
"6 o'clock."
"Yes, right away."
"O-okay. Will do."
"Good. Enjoy your lunch. You'll need the energy." You wink at him.
"I will?"
"Absolutely." You nod walking out of the building. You smile to yourself as you leave, knowing he'll be thinking about what you've implied for the rest of his shift.
Back at your place, you do actually have a lot to do before Jordan comes over and you feel pretty accomplished by the time he knocks on your door around 6:20.
"Hey!" Jordan says as he walks in.
"Hey. How was work?" You ask as he walks over and kisses you on the cheek.
"Slow. I was mostly doing paperwork all day." He groans.
"Must be nice to have a quiet day in Beacon Hills for once." You hum climbing onto his lap and straddling him.
"It's a bit like waiting for the other shoe to drop actually. I kept thinking 'what's brewing that makes things so chill right now'. The last couple of days have been way too for Beacon Hills. This level of stillness can only mean hell is on its way to our doorstep and I-" You listen to his concerns intently, your fingers running through his hair.
"You what?" You blink at him.
"I lost my train of thought." He closes his eyes and sighs, your hand in his hair distractingly enjoyable.
"That quickly?" You giggle.
"You know damn well what it does to me when you do this."
"Think you can ignore that other shoe you're waiting on for a few hours?" You ask sweetly, littering his face and throat with kisses.
"I- I can't think if you're doing that." He stutters, his head rolling back.
"I don't need you to think beloved. Quite the opposite. I just need you to tell me you'll surrender." You grab his chin gently and pull his gaze back towards you. "Will you surrender for me, darling?" You ask.
"Anything. I'll do anything you ask." Jordan breathes out his eyes shining with the truth of his words.
"Pretty boy." You hum and chuckle, climbing out of his lap. "Come. I have some surprises for you my love." You say walking out of the living room. You hear Jordan scramble off of the couch to follow behind you. In your bedroom, you pull out a couple of things you plan to use for the evening, the first of which is some blue rope. You saw the color and thought it would look just perfect against his skin, especially when it starts to flush red while you play. "Strip, and then raise your arms for me my love." You say. You watch as he undoes his uniform and shrugs it off quickly. Part of you wants to chuckle at the way he pulls at the garments as if he can't get them off soon enough. When he's naked he raises his arms with a deep breath and you take a moment just to admire his toned muscles and smooth skin. You trace your fingers lightly across his skin first, smiling to yourself when he shivers under your touch, then you do the same with a section of the rope and watch his muscles tense in anticipation. You start around his neck, creating a pretty collar around his neck in blue. You make diamonds across his torso, wrapping the rope around each of his thighs, looping it in crisscrosses up his back, and finally circling it around his arms to suspend them above his head.
"Lay down." You tell him and though he struggles a bit to move in the bindings, he eventually manages to climb onto the bed. With the last of the rope, you secure him to your headboard and then step back to look over him. "Even prettier than I imagined." You hum taking a seat next to him. Grabbing his chin, you angle his head to kiss him roughly. Jordan has no trouble matching the intensity but the kiss is over as quickly as it started, your lips traversing the exposed skin between the ropes webbing across his body. You litter his chest with kisses and hickeys as he tries not to squirm, though the longer you tease, the more his control slips. By the time your kisses have made it to the tapered V at his hips your dear boyfriend is all harsh breaths and barely suppressed grunts. You spend a while there, kissing and nipping at the taut muscle because it's so close yet so far from where you know he wants your attention.
"Please." Jordan groans, his voice so strained you'd think he's been tied up for hours.
"What is it Jordan?" You mutter against his skin.
"I- I need your mouth on me- please." He says.
"My mouth is on you my love." You place another kiss on his hip to emphasize your point.
"No, I mean- come on baby, are you- going to make me beg?"
"Now you're catching on. Go on Jordan, please what?" You sit up and caress his cheek softly but with enough pressure to keep his gaze on you. Your other hand traces his skin along the edges of the ropes.
"I really- need- I need you to- I'm so hard it hurts y/n, please just- please put me out of my misery."
"But you sound so cute." You pout at him. "And you still haven't actually said what it is you want from me." You add with a shrug. Jordan's cheeks are flaming red over his request as your fingers dance across his body.
"Please. Please I- I want you to blow me- please."
"Do you now?" You smirk trailing up his length with a ghostly finger.
"Yes! So badly y/n, p-please?" Your gentle touch only winds him tighter. You dip and allow your tongue to drag across the head. Jordan jolts against his restraints, hissing at the teasing feel of your tongue.
"How badly?" You ask looking up at him.
"So so badly- mistress, I can't- please I'll do anything."
"Careful with those kinds of promises sweetness." You chuckle before letting your lips finally wrap around his dick. He draws in a shaky breath as you swallow him down and the moment you start to move he's a cacophony of grunts and whines and groans and expletives. You relish in the sounds he makes as you suck him off. When his muscles begin to tighten up beneath your hands you slow to a stop.
"Fuck." He grits out when you pull off of him.
"Not yet." You soothe. "Now since you're hands are currently- out of commission you'll have to rely on your mouth alone for this bit." You say as you stand up.
"W-what bit?" Jordan blinks at you.
"I'm going to ride you of course puppy. But before I can do that, you're going to warm me up." You shimmy out of your shorts and swing your leg over Jordan. "I expect you to do well if you want to cum tonight darling." You tell him.
"Yes mistress." He nods. You shuffle up until you're hovering over his mouth and lower yourself onto his waiting tongue. He's voracious immediately lapping at your center like a man starved and you reward each pleasurable move of his tongue with a sweet moan. He loves the way you sound and it only fuels him to go harder as he pulls out all your favorite tricks, hoping to make you cum fast and hard. It doesn't take long for that knot in your abdomen to form and tighten as you grind against his mouth. When Jordan wraps his lips around your clit and sucks at the bundle of nerves you bury a hand in his hair and tug at the strands, a sign that he knows means you're close. He keeps at it until you jerk against him, your release coating his tongue with a drawn-out moan from you. He keeps licking at your core until you raise your hips well after the waves of your orgasm have died down.
"Working hard for your prize I see." You hum.
"Anything to please you." Jordan says, his voice hoarse and eyes blown wide.
"Aw my pretty boy. So well behaved for me." You kiss him deeply, tasting yourself on his tongue. When you pull away, Jordan's mouth chases yours, an action that makes you want to coo at your boyfriend. You adjust yourself on top of him so you're hovering over his waiting dick.
"Please, mistress." Jordan whispers. You smile slightly when he groans as you finally sink down onto his length. He fills you so nicely you can't help but moan when you're fully seated.
"So full." You hum. You brace yourself with your hands on Jordan's shoulders and start moving, bouncing your hips, eagerly riding him.
"Fucking hell." He grunts. You catch his hands twitching in their restraints and you know he's dying to touch you, he always wants to touch you. Your nails dig into his shoulder as you rock against him, you'd drag them across his chest if not for the ropes covering parts of it. Still, it's satisfying to see his skin flush red against the ropes as he writhes under you. To the best of his ability, he jerks his hips against yours as you drop down over and over again and the sounds from both of you create a symphony that bounces off of your bedroom walls.
"Y/n I- I'm close. Fuck I need to- please let me- God." Jordan's head falls back as he struggles to finish a thought.
"Come on puppy, you've gotta tell me what it is you need if you expect to get it." You say with a faux sweetness in your voice that makes him groan louder.
"I need to- I need to cum, ple-please y/n. You have to- please let me cum." Jordan pants out. You lift one hand into his hair and tug harshly enough that his eyes shoot open, now forced to look directly at you.
"Ask again and don't take your eyes off of me." You tell him sharply. Jordan all but whines at the command, his eyes barely focused.
"Please can I cum? I need to so badly." He breathes out.
"That's better." You hum. "You've been good and I promised a reward if you did well. Go ahead and cum for me my hellhound."
"Thank you." Jordan groans deeply as his orgasm hits because he's sure he wouldn't have been able to hold off if you had said no. His eyes roll back as white-hot proof of his release paints your walls. You ride him through his orgasm chasing your own release.
"You're close, aren't you? Please say you're close- I wanna see it, want you to cover me in your cum. Please y/n." Jordan coaxes you over the edge with his breathy words and it doesn't take long for your orgasm to wash over you. When the aftershocks have subsided, you force yourself up first to clean him off then to untie the intricate ropes covering his frame. As soon as he's untied he pulls you on top of him and wraps his arms securely around you.
"You know, I wasn't done with the after process Jordan." You chuckle against his chest.
"Whatever it is, isn't important. I just want to hold you know."
"I guarantee you'll think it's important when these lines in your skin feel raw come morning." You muse. You were just going to rub some balm over where the ropes were to minimize the after affects.
"Nah. I wanna feel it and be reminded of tonight." He kisses your forehead.
"That is- kind of adorable? In a kinky way I guess." You say placing a kiss of your own on his chest since you can't reach his forehead from where he's got you cuddled. "Thoughts? Feelings? Feedback?" You ask, tracing some of the lines.
"You're really good at this stuff. No notes. Although- there are some other things I'd like to try- if you're open to it."
"Always baby." You say. Although you really have no idea what he's signing you up for so you should maybe be more careful with that kind of promise.
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viburnt · 9 months
Is it because he would be so focus on his career and loses touch about his wife. He doesn’t know what he had until he lose it (divorce) related to your post about Izuku being terrible husband
Good job, Anon! A little star sticker for you and some headcanons for doing your homework!
Out of all the pro-heroes from 1A's genwrarion, Izuku is by far the worst partner to choose because he is the most career-focused out of the group. "But Viburnt, what about Kacchan? What about Iida? What about-" I'll get there, let me explain.
We all know that, since he was a kid, Izuku's dream was to become exactly like All Might: a hero who could bring hope and safety to those who needed it. Compared to others, however, he didn't have it easy; he was born quirkless. The people around him tried to bring him down, he struggled with his new powers once he got them, and to make it all worse, he had to deal with the responsibilities of being All Might's successor.
Izuku sacrificed a lot (perhaps too much) to become pro-hero Deku, forgetting that sometimes life is more than his job. So when he marries you, his brain sort of assumes he can take you for granted because "you understand how important his duties are". Because, why wouldn't you understand that he had to save lives?
The first few years of marriage are like a fairytale, gotta give him that; he showers you in gifts and attention, buys you expensive jewelry, and takes you to his galas. You're Mrs. Midoriya, but you soon face the harsh reality of being tied to the number one hero of Japan. You soon understand that being Mrs. Midoriya implied more than a wedding ring.
The stress of being constantly under the scrutinous eye of the media takes a toll on the dynamic of your marriage. Mistakes can't happen, scandals or situations that can be taken out of context are strictly forbidden. You are trapped in a golden cage, and you can't complain because your husband is so good to you! What kind of person would dare to say a thing about the man that gives them all kind of luxury?
Izuku spends a lot of time patrolling or on missions to take care of you, often coming home late or forgetting important dates or promises. He tries to make up for his lack of attention by buying you even more stuff, but that doesn't quite sustain a marriage, you know?
Needless to say, if you want to form a family, you'll have to do it on your own. He is barely at home, and when he is he's just so worn out by the routine he straight up falls asleep. Supposing intimacy does happen and he gets you knocked up, you'd pretty much raise that baby by yourself.
And now, back to the first point. Why is Izuku the worst if there are other characters that are as career focused as him? The answer is fairly easy: environment. If you take a look at Bakugo (to exemplify), he was born and raised with both parents. He was taught how to do chores, how to be self sufficient and independent, and how to be responsible. Bakugo has his own flaws like being unable to communicate his feelings properly and being too stubborn for his own good (which can also make him a terrible husband if unresolved) but he doesn't have a trauma as big as Izuku's. He never had to fill someone else's shoes. Bakugo (in his own odd and stubborn way) grows out of that unreasonable competition with Izuku, and accepts he is a worthy hero.
Izuku doesn't change in that way whatsoever, he becomes worse. Even if he has a supportive environment, he still feels the need to throw his life under the bus for the sake of everyone else's safety. He may seem independent on the outside but he is not, he depends on Deku. Izuku needs Deku to feel useful, and Deku needs Izuku to keep going. Does that make sense?
Divorcing him is also a nightmare by the way, but I'll talk about it in another set of headcanons if you want <3
"Izuku, can we talk for a second?" You begged, trying to catch your husband's attention as he took his hero costume off. "Not now, sweetheart, I'm exhausted. Maybe in the morning." He mumbled, yawning with tired movements; he made his way to bed, crashing on the mattress and zoning out of reality the same way he'd done many nights before. A heavy weight crushed your chest, holding back the tears. "OK, sorry..."
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devilfic · 2 years
Don’t know if you are taking requests but maybe battinson and reader doing their mbti test, and reader getting a villain personality.
pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: implied sexual content but no body parts mentioned. words: 894.
a/n: gratuitous amount of italics here. not sorry. implied sub!bruce but that's not what this is about. also, anon, guess who ELSE has a villain personality type according to google :)
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who's gonna tell him
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You probably know he’s not really listening. With the wrench between his teeth, fingers straining to reach into the void of his engine and find where the Batmobile had gone unresponsive, he’s only half present. Maybe a third at best. Still, he enunciates through the metal, already forgetting what you'd called him, “INT...C? What does that mean?”
“I-N-T-J. You’re the architect. It means you’re introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging. You’re good at problem solving and detective work, of course. But you struggle emotionally and are prone to being… ‘socially clueless’.” From your spot in the driver’s seat, Bruce makes a show of leaning around the propped up hood just to be clear on how much he disapproves. He even removes the wrench with his oil-slick hand so he can frown properly. “I didn’t write this, babe. Don’t look at me.”
“You’re reading it to me.”
“I just wanted to know if we’d be compatible!”
He huffs, having found what ever kink in the machine he was looking for and focusing on that instead. He disappears behind the hood but his voice carries through the terminus loud and clear, “Well, are we?”
You decide to do some research.
Somewhere between Bruce triumphing over the engine and coming around to the window to gloat, he catches you staring incredulously at your phone.
“What's the verdict? Are we sworn enemies?” Your eyes dart up to Bruce’s and the longer you stare at him, picking him apart in silence, the more his smile begins to fade. For a second, he starts to think you actually might be sworn enemies. For a millisecond, he starts to care.
"I took the test." You declare, voice freakishly even. Bruce isn't smiling anymore.
"I got ENTJ."
"We're compatible, sure, whatever," Bruce squints, confused, because you'd been more excited to know the answer to that than he was, "but then I fell down this rabbit hole—I wanted to see who we shared personalities with—and then I found this article. Guess what we are?"
You turn your phone to him. You've pulled up a web result for “Which MBTI personality types are villains?”. In the blurb at the very top, he reads INTJ. Then he looks over at you, your eyes wide and suspicious, and he’d ask you to stop giving him that look if it wasn’t for the way your mouth starts to curl up.
You’re not suspicious. You’re impish. “We’re both villains.”
Sure enough, the other most common villain personality type is ENTJ.
Bruce thinks it’s silly, a little less silly than when you’d done his natal chart (but he’d sat and asked questions all the same, a little too invested in the bits about his childhood karma) because the quiz at least knew something about him, but silly nonetheless.
But you’re also enjoying it enough that he leans into it, feels his own lips curling up too. He folds his arms on the door and leans inside the car, casting a dark shadow over you, "I have enough bad press as it is."
You giggle. You place a hand on his forearm and squeeze, "I don't know. I think you'd be pretty sexy as a villain."
Bruce watches you through hooded eyelids and considers, for a moment, that maybe you're a little too into this. He treads the waters, wondering whether you'll show your hand. He digs through his memory for what you'd called him, the other thing that had actually stuck, “The architect and…”
“The commander.” You finish, jutting your chin up with pride.
“Sounds about right.”
“I'll be the one in control, and you'll be my pretty little mastermind making everything happen.”
“Sounds sort of right.”
“What do you mean, ‘sort of’? You’re a slave to my every whim.”
“Oh, I'm your slave now?" Bruce drops an octave with intention, delighting in your fingernails biting into his muscles. "Since when?"
Your eyes fucking twinkle. You look so excited that he fleetingly wonders if he should keep an eye on you. And he imagines you’d enjoy having him bested, kneeling at your feet as you unmask him and lean in and grin and declare, victorious- “Haven’t you always been?”
Your breath on his lips hasn’t even cooled before he’s leaning into the car and craning your mouth up to meet his, a hand at your jaw and the other keeping him propped through the window.
He imagines too, just for fun, leaning into a getaway car to celebrate a job well done, before coming around the side to jet off into the sunset. A real Bonnie and Clyde.
He feels you tugging on his shoulders and leaning back into the driver’s seat, compelling him to follow. You almost drag him fully through the window (a feat that’s only possible because he’s basically putty in your hands right now), and he grips the center console to steady himself before he falls in and crushes you, “The car’s been fixed all of two minutes and you wanna defile it already?” Bruce accuses, not actually caring in the slightest.
You’re awful. Your eyes still twinkle beneath the innocent flutter of your eyelashes, clearly still on villains and evil plans and whatever images you’d conjured up in your brain after calling him your slave. What ever happened to not mixing business with pleasure? “Come on, Batman. Don't be such a prude."
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taglist: @yikes-buddy @alexxavicry @theclassicvinyldragon @angxlictexrs @moonlightreader649 @geekyfer @thescarletfang @navs-bhat
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senblades · 5 months
Who are your fav persona 3 people!!!
[cracks knuckles] I'm glad you asked
So! I don't actively /dislike/ anyone in the p3 cast, but some of them definitely speak to me more than others:
First things first: Ryoji. Love that guy. He's so silly. And so tragic. And he makes me sad. (Like holy SHIT I wasn't expecting a reprise of his song in the stage play on December 31st but it TOOK ME OUT) (also Ryomina my love)
The whole Shinji, Ken, and Akihiko trio ALSO lives in my head rent free... two idiots and their son. love them. I've been desperately scouring for Akishinji content and between that, Ryomina, and Shuake, I've come to realise that my shipping habits seem to boil down to "doomed yaoi" HAHA
More on Ken, I have a LOT of thoughts about how he and Akechi would interact and (likely) get along. Whether that be in the p5 era or a situation a la Throw Away Your Mask. (Or, something I've yet to find: Akechi with no time travel shenanigins getting in on the p3 plot. You can bet THAT'S a longfic idea I've got rattling around) (Also the half-brothers headcanon is super fun. Especially when combined with Futago siblings. Congratulations, Shido! All your kids are persona users, and they all hate you! :D)
Aigis! She's just. Infinitely charming. She'll say something that will absolutely take me out and then turn around and say something devestating HAHA. I also think that her and Ryoji's social link and linked episodes respectively do a LOT of thematic work in the story. Death himself and the girl that can't die, both trying to figure out how to live (y'all that shit's METAL)
Strega are so interesting to me... I don't think they're perfect villains- I think their motivation is underexplored and a bit choppy, but ASIDE from that, I really like all three of them as characters. Idk why Jin is so funny to me LMAO he's so in love with Takaya and Takaya's just like "k. met your quota yet?" (But, also, some of Takaya's lines definitely imply that he cares about Jin too, but doesn't let himself acknowledge that at all due to his whole "attachments are weakness" shtick, another thematic point to contest his ideology, as he is actively denying himself happiness in pursuit of some idea of salvation)
Chidori- I like her well enough. Some of her lines really did make me smile, but I think she's another case of "underdeveloped" (I actually read Throw Away Your Mask before I played p3r, so that fic did a lot of the heavy lifting for my like of Chidori (and, by extension, Jundori) i think)
Which leads nicely into: Junpei! He's da man. Nuff' said. HAHA if you can't tell, I love Junpei. Awkward dudebro stuff aside (though it's occasionally part of his charm), I really love his development and personality in general. I really love how all the "bro" characters across the modern three persona games, while fulfilling the same archetype, are all distinct in personality and motivation and I love them ALL
Mitsuru is quite interesting to me, but I think she might be a case of "I wish her social link was about something else". Personal preference of course, but I kind of wish that it focused more on this intense guilt she seems to have for things that a) weren't her fault, and b) happened when she was 7 or younger. THAT is a super interesting mindset to explore, imo, though I did find her social ineptitude charming haha
Yukari... I think that she might grow on me more later. I can feel it in my bones. I suppose I'll find out with The Answer dlc! I know broadly what happens in it, but I haven't actually seem a playthrough of it, nor do I really know what happens to all the characters. I think my opinion of Yukari might have been tainted slightly by everyone having such strong opinions HAHA- I definitely like her, but I don't think she's clicked just yet. (I did really like her social link, though!) (also Yukamitsu I love Yukamitsu. The lesbians aren't doomed! Good for them)
Okay this is going to upset some people probably but Koromaru isn't really much of a character and I keep forgetting about him LMAO. uh. he's a good boy?
Fuuka... I really think that she's just underdeveloped. Her social link didn't really do her any favours in my eyes (I'm SO glad that atlus cut the "girl learns to cook" social link in p5 HAHA i really didn't like it with Yukiko either) Her social link obviously isn't just the cooking shenanigins, but it overshadows the bits of character growth that happen intermittently. I think that her SL really would have benefitted from being more about her love of electronics, if anything, since that isn't explored AT ALL and is more a plot device than a character trait. (Plus, the root of all her self-esteem issues go unadressed, which I think would have been a good character beat otherwise) (In saying this I think Fuuka/Natsuki is very cute. The lesbians stay winning in p3)
Makoto/Minato! Honestly, I was pretty neutral towards him from the majority of the fics I had read before playing p3r. I really like his characterisation in Throw Away Your Mask and The Twilight Wants Him Back, but those had been outliers in my mind. I started liking him more and more after playing p3r, and NOW, after having watched 1/4 of the p3 movies- oh boy. boy oh boy. I really like him now HAHA. Having his apathy actually effect his realtionships with SEES early on is super interesting and I love when it's done. (plus, I think Yukari hating him at first really strengthens their friendship later on)
Uh this post is already super long so for all the other plot-relavant characters and confidants I'm just gonna say "it's a secret" and melt into a bush or something
(tysm for the ask! You can tell I was waiting for an excuse to talk about this HAHA)
(btw y'all shoud read the fics I mentioned in this- they're excellent)
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moe-broey · 1 month
Kafka here rising from the dead to say I feel you so much on all your Bravefonse stuff. I am so disappointed too!! And it kinda gives me an icky feeling, this almost retconning of Gustav who was clearly so crappy to Alfonse and Sharena as a straight up good dad, no complexity what so ever. This is just more fuel for me to eventually write my Domi dunks on Gustav and helps Alfonse sort out his feelings™️ fic
YEAH.... YEAH............ I have been SO all over the place about it (as you can. Fucking See LMFAOO). On one hand, it Does give you a lot of material to work with, from a writing standpoint. But dear god. Like I cannot get Book 3 Gustav out of my mind. Every fucking line he says to Alfonse legit gobsmacked me and set off my panic response 🧍 Like Jesus Christ......
But again! It is a really interesting creative exercise to try and figure out how to approach Alfonse's feelings with the appropriate amount of care, consideration, restraint, while Gently. So so gently. Trying to open his eyes to it. Trying to tell him that the way his father, who he loves very much, who he sees as this idealized role model to strive for, who he so desperately just wants to feel loved by, too. To do right by him. Trying to tell Alfonse, hey. The way your father spoke to you is Not Normal. That's not what love is supposed to look like.
But trying to communicate something like that, even as I write it here, feels like an oversimplification of the situation... that only serves to paint Gustav as a Bad Person (which. Regardless let's stay focused here), implies that there's a "correct" and "incorrect" way to love, and that people who have abusive behaviors Can't have any real or genuine love and care for whoever is on the receiving end of the mistreatment, and ultimately it invalidates the first person's real and genuine feelings for the other (so in this case, Alfonse's feelings about Gustav).
Another thing I'm always examining is Fear. It is abundantly clear to me that Gustav acts the way he does to Alfonse, because he's scared. Idk idk there's a Million things you can fucking say about it, but it does come back to that "Do as I Say, Not As I Do". And that same sex parent projecting themselves to their child. "My experiences will be Your experiences, because we're The Same". And if the experiences were Bad, there's the Fear. "I don't want you to go through what I've been through. I'm Protecting You".
Gustav... just has an extremely upsetting outright abusive way of going about it. As though, if he can Overpower the problem, it will be Solved.
Sorry in too deep, Gustav Jumpscare (also due to image limits, I'll write down this line I think is important)
Gustav: "If you had miscalculated even slightly, you'd be dead now. Dead, Alfonse."
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And. Focal point here
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Like this is exactly what I'm talking about, and why I included all of Alfonse's responses (even the small ones. Especially the small ones).
Alfonse made a risky decision that did pay off. But it scared Gustav. It reminded Gustav of himself, of his father, and also genuinely, he does love his son (stay with me. I know. It's the hardest part for me, too). He doesn't want Alfonse to die. As his heir, of course, but as his son, too.
So, how does he express this...? He tries to take full control of the situation. To Overpower the situation. He's King, after all. To do this, he needs to overpower Alfonse. By any means necessary, he needs to beat this out of Alfonse. He needs to eliminate the threat. That way, Alfonse is Safe. That way, Gustav has successfully Protected Alfonse.
It's just... such a terrible thing to watch unfold. Especially in how Alfonse caves in. I mean. What else can you do in that situation. There's nothing else you can do.
Idk idk I'm just always examining it. Reaching out my hand, let's all start a Summoner led Alfonse support group together (Sharena too, because my god she did not get out unscathed either)
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