#TOP 20
sexaycelebs · 2 years
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Top 20 Adult Star Countdown
#5. Lexi Luna
My top 5 favorites! The elegant, gorgeous, sexy brunette Lexi Luna! Lexi is absolutely perfect! I love her gorgeous face, smile, eyes and of course her perfect body. My favorite Lexi scene of her is with Lucas Frost on NaughtyAmeria. Where does sexy Lexi Luna rank on your list?
Age: 33 Born March 24th 1989
Sign: Pisces ♓️
Ethnicity: White
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 126 lbs
Measurements: 38-25-37
Bra Size: 38DD
Net Worth: $750,000
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whateverisbeautiful · 8 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#20: I Don't Have A Problem (S3E12)
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Clear. 🤩 One of The Walking Dead's best episodes for many reasons, but especially for the beautiful seeds it planted between Rick and Michonne. The fence is where their lives became interlocked, and Clear is the start of where their hearts became interlocked. And in this scene right here, Richonne became absolutely inevitable...
This whole episode is something special, and I love Rick and Michonne's every interaction, with an honorable mention to their “the mat said welcome” scene. 😋 From the moment they met, these two had some romantic tension brewing, and it nearly boils over in this scene that just had to make the top 20.
Rick has brought Carl on his first run and decided to bring Michonne along to help and to see what she’s about. It'll forever be telling to me that Rick felt comfortable enough to have Michonne on this run alone with him and his kid.
Despite some arguing that Rick was strictly skeptical of Michonne during this era of their relationship, I think the fact that he brought her out here to his former neighborhood and then, even more, let Michonne go out unsupervised on a crib run with Carl showed that there was some level of trust here that I don't think Rick would give to just anybody. Like while Rick initially tried to fight how drawn he was to Michonne in season 3, his behavior with her still painted a clear picture that to him...
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And Michonne shows both Rick and Carl just how special she is and proves that she’s the real deal in all aspects throughout the episode. Especially in this scene here. 
So what I love about this scene is that in a moment where Rick is feeling visibly frustrated and disappointed, Michonne’s regal calm spirit practically tames his defensive energy. He asks if she has a problem with the new approach they have to take, despite her showing no signs of having an issue. And Rick asking this will just always make me amused because no one got him hot and bothered quite like Michonne just existing.
Like she was silent for a literal second, but that was enough to evoke a reaction from him. And Andy, to me, found the perfect way to ask where it was defensive without sounding overtly challenging or particularly offputting.
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And then Danai just makes all the right choices in this scene cuz Michonne knows that she doesn’t need to match that testy energy. Instead, she turns slowly and looks right at Rick and sets the tone by gently saying, “No Rick, I don’t have a problem.” 👏🏽👑
Something about even just her saying his name has some weight to it. And I love that this is the approach she takes. This is genuinely me every time I hear Michonne perfectly deliver that line...
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Michonne had been a bit quieter and apart from the group prior, and this line is her elegant offering to let Rick know she isn’t his opponent and wants to help - that she isn’t a problem and doesn’t have a problem, not with his approach, or just doesn’t have a problem in general that he has to worry about.
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And then to make that verbal offering of her alliance even more physical, Michonne hands Rick the lone bullet she picked up. Rick takes it and the way they focus on their hands again feels like it’s an important exchange. It’s like their first peace offering. And it’s one of the first of many things Michonne and Rick will hand each other, including a very special pack of mints that parallels this scene a bit. 😊
I love that Carl is visible in this scene and noting this exchange between his dad and the woman who will become his mom and his best friend. Carl knew something was up here and that something was different about this. He was still skeptical of Michonne at this point, but I think it was at this moment he began to tell that Michonne has some sort of unique impact on his dad. 
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This scene is also special because this is Rick in the freshest stage of being a single dad. He has to raise his son, who went through the trauma of having to put down his mom, and he also has a newborn to take care of, who he knows is actually Lori and Shane’s baby. And he has to deal with all this madness with the Governor. The weight of the world was on Rick's shoulders, and you see him really frustrated that the lack of guns at the station is yet another L. But Michonne is just so calm about it which is the energy he truly needs in his life. 
She just asked if there’s a new solution cuz she only envisions winning. Even just when hearing Rick earlier explain how he was the police in this small town and there are other places to check and all that you can tell that he’s used to being second-guessed and challenged by people, and having to prove himself...But Michonne isn’t other people. She gets him, and she’s not rattled by their situation, so he doesn’t have to prove himself.
I also love how, even as they speak, it’s tense but not harsh. There’s just always this passion pulsating between them, even as strangers.
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There’s so much power in the fact that Michonne wasn’t hostile back, but rather calm, collected, and compassionate. The way she looks at him here just says she sees Rick in a deeper way than most. Even that early in their relationship, she understood him.
So even with Rick bugging out, it doesn’t intimidate her or put her off, Michonne gets it and she handles it beautifully. If Rick and Carl didn’t know they were rocking with a queen before then, they knew now.
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And y’all, I know Rick knew they were with someone special because of his reaction after this exchange.
Rick’s reaction to Michonne after she hands him the bullet and looks right in his eyes with that soft knowing expression before walking away is the cherry on top of this golden scene because homeboy looks like he’s been fully enchanted. Like Rick's whole energy is giving...
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Rick pockets the bullet and takes a whole moment to collect himself after the way Michonne looked at him. His look up to the sky was a 'dang, can Lori see me falling for another woman in just a few short days?' look. #DirectMindQuote 😂
Rick and Michonne felt a spark right then and there. I know it. And no characters would have an exchange like this unless it was a seed toward something romantic growing. 
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Even deeper than that, I love that this moment was an insight into so much of what makes Rick and Michonne's relationship special. They can speak to each other and reach each other in any state. They can be a calming presence. They can enchant each other. They are so clearly the exact type of person the other needs in their life. They have such a unique and positive influence on each other, and this was the beginning of many moments that show that. 
I love that it was this moment that had even Danai wondering if Rick and Michonne were endgame and that it was then confirmed that for Gimple, Richonne really was in the works during this episode. I mean after an exchange like this, the road to Rick and Michonne falling in love was pretty much guaranteed. 
So I love seeing Rick and Michonne in this early stage, especially knowing they will go on to become beloved family to each other in the fullest sense. #Husband&Wife 😌
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oldgamemags · 7 months
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Nintendo Power #51, August 1993 - Top 20 games for the month.
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nineteenthmay · 1 year
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My top 20 Gossip Girl episodes: 17. "Summer, Kind of Wonderful", Season 2 Episode 1
Three words, eight letters - say it and I'm yours.
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twistedtummies2 · 3 months
Top 20 Lion King Songs
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Today is a big day for Disney fans (and many a furry, for that matter): it marks the 30th Anniversary of one of Disney’s most successful movies, “The Lion King.” While the actual celebrations by Disney itself for the event have been…controversial, shall we say? It is worth pointing out that the movie is extremely worthy of commemoration: it was, and still is, one of the most successful animated films ever made, and many people I talk to have said it’s one of their favorite movies of all time. It’s not hard to see why, either: it’s grand and epic on a scale that seldom few Disney films before it quite reached, in terms of scope and human emotion…which is ironic, since there are no actual humans in the story. It also spawned no less than two animated TV shows, a couple of direct-to-video sequels, a (very bad) CGI remake, and one of the single biggest stage musicals of all time. Interestingly, both the movie and the musical were considered fool’s projects. Many people thought neither would work. So to see how successful they’ve been is certainly intriguing, if nothing else. 
One of the things that has made the Lion King, in nearly ALL its forms, so successful is undoubtedly the music. It’s very, very rare you’ll find someone who DOESN’T say the songs in the original film are among the greatest in any musical, movie or not…and the stage show and other spin-off pieces have only continued this tradition, introducing new songs all their own that are often equally fantastic, if not more so. Therefore, after some consideration, I decided to do a sort of deep-dive countdown of my favorite songs from the franchise’s history. Now, one important thing to note is that this list will NOT cover the Timon & Pumbaa TV series, the direct-to-video film “Lion King 1 ½,” and the aforementioned CGI remake. In all these cases, it’s because I can’t really remember too many original songs from any of them, and the ones I do recall I wouldn’t place on this countdown anywhere. That, however, still leaves us plenty of material: this list will cover the original movie, the stage musical, the sequel “Lion King II: Simba’s Pride,” and the TV series “The Lion Guard” - an entire sequel series that told the story of Simba’s son and his friends protecting the Pride Lands, taking place between “Simba’s Pride” and the original film. With that said…it’s time to praise the Circle of Life. These are My Top 20 Lion King Songs!
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20. Beware of Poa.
Just a heads-up right off the bat: fifty percent of this whole countdown will be tunes from “The Lion Guard.” This is primarily due to the simple fact that, being a TV series with no less than 75 separate episodes, there’s a lot more music to be found there than either of the films or the stage show. And it all starts with our first choice: “Beware of Poa.” This song appears in the episode “Poa the Destroyer,” where one of the Guard members - a young hippo named Beshte - starts inadvertently causing trouble at the mystical Tree of Life. Beshte doesn’t mean any harm, but he apparently doesn’t know his own strength, and his size causes many a headache for those who live at the Tree. This culminates in the character Pinguino singing a song about the mysterious “Poa the Destroyer,” believing Beshte to be some sort of monster out to ruin the Tree of Life, and rallying other animals to his side. The song is visually delightful (which goes for most melodies on this countdown), and very catchy, but ultimately just isn’t as “important” as other songs on the list, in terms of story, character, and context. Still, it’s a lot of fun - one of my personal faves from the series as a whole - so I decided to give it a place.
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19. I Just Can’t Wait to Be King.
Yeah, I know, placing this song so low in the ranks is tantamount to heresy for some people. One of the things I considered when both choosing and ranking songs, however, was a simple question: how often do I actually come back to the song? How often do I sing it, how often do I reference it, and how much do I look forward to it when watching the piece? And when considering all those facts, this number actually fell somewhat short compared to a lot of other tunes. Do not misconstrue this to mean I dislike it, however: not only is this song very fun - arguably the most outrageous song, visually, in the entire original movie, for a start - but it’s also rather important. This is the song that shows us where Simba’s journey as a character begins: he’s young, simple-minded, cocky, adventurous, and doesn’t fully understand the responsibilities that have yet to be heaped upon him. He’s a showboating spoiled brat at this point, and while we see the humor in what’s going on, that is a point worth noting: almost immediately after this song is when things start to go wrong in his life, and from that point on, he faces increasingly harder challenges he has to not only survive and endure, but learn from. In that sense, it’s a remarkably necessary tune…but I guess I prefer songs that are slightly less “kiddy,” on the whole. Speaking of which…
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18. Hakuna Matata.
Depending on who you are, seeing this song so low in the ranks will either be the most heinous blasphemy known to man…or seeing it here AT ALL will be the same. “Hakuna Matata” seems to be a very polarizing number; I tend to find that most people loved it a lot as kids, but as we get older we gravitate more towards the other songs in the film. There are also some people who just love the song in general…and, one should add immediately, some who think the song is annoying and always have. I fall into the formermost category: I remember as a little kid singing this song and enjoying it a lot, but as a grown-up it’s probably one of the songs I skip over most with this franchise. And while it kind of has become its own unique phenomenon, it must be noted that the song serves an important purpose in the original film. First of all, it musically introduces us to the core philosophies of Timon & Pumbaa: letting go of the things that one can’t change or doesn’t like to think about and simply moving on with one’s life. Second of all, the philosophy itself is an important theme in the film, as Simba has to balance what to throw away and what to cling to from his identity and his past from this point on. Third and finally, it serves as the primary comic relief number of the movie…and to its credit, that comic relief is pretty sorely needed, since the scenes that preceded this song for the past ten to twenty minutes, at least, were pretty intense: among the most dramatic, dark, and adrenaline-inducing in the whole film. A bouncy little ditty that translates to “don’t worry, be happy,” is actually sort of important: it gives an audience hope, as well as levity. Overall, I still think it’s a tune worth some merit…but, just like “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King,” there are plenty of other songs I like more.
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17. You Best Not Mess With Mama.
The villain songs throughout the Lion King franchise are pretty darn great, and if there’s anything one can take away from this countdown, that’s probably it: at least a quarter of this countdown - more if you count the Honorable Mentions - are beats from the baddies. The series, as a whole, has a talent for creating antagonists that are equal parts entertaining and utterly awful, like so many other fantastic Disney Villains, and their musical moments are a big part of what make them all so fun to watch. Case in point: Mama Binturong, one of the main villains from Season 3 of “The Lion Guard.” Mama is a cantankerous old crook who obsessively hoards tuliza plants - her favorite food (which may or may not be fictional) - and has an army of porcupines as her enforcers. Her song more or less just enforces her character, but what makes it great is the style: first of all, the visuals are done in monochrome - the only spot of color being the purple tuliza flowers - with aged film-scratches on the screen, giving it a unique look that none of the other songs ANYWHERE in the franchise have, as far as I can find. This and the sort of jazzy vibe of the music plays up Mama Binturong as a rather different villain. She feels almost like an old-timey gangster in binturong’s clothing, which helps her stand out. There’s not much else to this one, but just like “Poa the Destroyer,” it’s a lot of fun, and the aesthetics make it highly memorable.
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16. My Own Way.
This is a case where I think the original singer is the primary reason this song works so beautifully. “My Own Way” is another case of a song from “The Lion Guard” that doesn’t really serve any long-lasting purpose, but more is just a stepping stone in the episode it’s a part of. The character in focus is Fuli the Cheetah, a member of the Guard. In the episode, “Fuli’s New Family,” her friends worry about how much time she spends on her own, and their attempts to give her more company get on her nerves. “My Own Way” is essentially Fuli cementing her outlook on life, while venting about her frustrations with the situation: it’s not that she dislikes her friends, but she values both her privacy and her own sense of independence. She’s not really lonely, nor is she antisocial. She simply enjoys her “me time” and the feeling of having no one else to worry about now and again. Fuli’s voice actor - as well as her singing voice - is performer Diamond White, whom some may know for the voice of Marvel’s Moon Girl, or as Frankie Greene from “Transformers: Rescue Bots.” And while this show had plenty of awesome singers - some unexpectedly so - I think White’s voice is the most singularly breathtaking of the entire cast. Anytime Fuli sings, it is BLISS on my ears. Her voice is so clear, with this beautiful blend of purity and power; it brings a lot of soul and spice to the character, and makes relatively simple songs like this one feel far more impactful. The song is good on its own terms, but I think it’s White’s vocals that really give it most of its punch. It’s my favorite solo tune from the character.
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15. May There Be Peace.
This is the last sort of “one and done” song from “The Lion Guard” on the list: by which I mean, the song serves a purpose in the episode it hails from, but it doesn’t really impact the show or the characters as a whole. After this point on the list, the tunes featured from the show tend to have much more impact on the overarching plot of the series. With that said, there’s nothing wrong with “one and dones,” and this is a spellbinding example of that. This song serves as the centerpiece of the episode “The Ukumbusho Tradition,” which tells the story of the Guard and their families attending a holiday celebration. The event commemorates a peace treaty made between the lions and the elephants many years ago. It’s a cute episode, and the song itself is very sweet, with a tender message that pleas for not only peace between peoples, but also for people to do what they can to make that peace happen - a topical concept in just about any era of human history, I’d say. Overall, however, neither the episode nor the song do much to further the characters or the show on the whole, like I said…but as far as bits of fluff go, it’s a very, VERY nice one. Gentle, soothing, yet poignant.
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14. When I Led the Guard.
Now things from “The Lion Guard” side of this list get interesting. In Season 2 of the series, Scar was resurrected by two of the main antagonists from Season 1 - Janja and Ushari - and thus began a long-running and elaborate scheme to gain revenge on Simba and destroy the Pride Lands. This scheme came to its climactic conclusion in the Season 3 premiere, “Battle for the Pride Lands.” That’s where this song comes in: “When I Led the Guard” tells the story of how Scar not only gained his namesake, but also began his descent into darkness. It also serves as important foreshadowing, since Scar plots to put Kion - the main character, Simba’s son - through the same tortuous trial. There is a LOT that makes this song great: the performance from Scar’s actor in the show (due to a decided lack of Jeremy Irons OR Jim Cummings), David Oyelowo, is genuinely stunning. The instrumentals give a lot of weight to the tune, as well. And of course, the foreshadowing of what’s to come is great. My only real problem with the song is the backstory itself: there are some issues with it I’ve addressed in the past that I just can’t overlook. Still, it is cool to SEE that backstory, and provides some interest comparison and contrast with what’s to come. It may not be on par with “Be Prepared,” but it’s still a great musical moment from the Lion King’s first and greatest villain in its own right.
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13. A New Way to Go.
In the words of Rafiki, “change is good.” A recurring theme throughout the Lion King franchise is characters learning from their mistakes and changing for the better. Not every character learns, of course, and those characters usually end up being the villains…but sometimes, even a villain can learn to become something better. Case in point: Janja the Hyena. Janja is the main antagonist of the first season of the Lion Guard, and remains a major villain going into its second season, as one of the ones responsible for resurrecting Scar. He is, in essence, for the first two thirds of the series, the Guard’s arch-nemesis, even more than Scar: Janja has been a thorn in their sides literally since all of them were children. He seems one of the least likely characters to have a chance at redemption…but over the course of the show, we do start to see some soft sides pop up now and again with his character. Things reach a turning point when Jasiri - a rival hyena who is actually friends with Kion, and an ally of the Guard - saves Janja’s life. This leads into this song, which occurs (like our previous pick) during “Battle for the Pride Lands.” It’s revealed that being rescued by one of his enemies has caused Janja’s whole world view to turn upside-down: he suddenly finds himself wondering if bringing Scar back and serving him was really the best decision, and if joining Jasiri and making peace with Kion and the Pride Landers might be better for him and his clan. At the same time, however, he isn’t sure if he CAN turn over that new leaf: after everything he’s done, is redemption even possible for someone like him? The use of color throughout this sequence, as well as both visual and lyrical callbacks to earlier scenes and songs, make this moment of a villain questioning their morality and trying to decide whether it’s time to make a change or not all the more interesting to see and hear. Janja had many fun songs throughout the series, but I think this number really cemented him as possibly my favorite character in the show. What can I say? I love a good redemption arc.
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12. Tree of Life.
In Season 1 of the Lion Guard, Janja was the main antagonist. In Season 2, it was Scar. So, with Scar (and Ushari) defeated for good at the beginning of the third and final season, and with Janja reformed in the same storyline…who was going to take over the reins of main villain in the episodes to come? Enter Makucha: a gluttonous leopard who appeared a couple times in the show prior, but had never really seemed to be THAT big a threat. He was a fun antagonist, but he only showed up in two or three episodes: compared to characters like the ones I’ve just mentioned, among others, he was more of a nuisance than a real menace. So I imagine it must have been quite the surprise for fans when he suddenly returned and became the main antagonist of the final season. As if to cement his new status as the next “big bad” of the franchise for the remainder of the show, he was given a villain song all his own…and one with a delightfully ironic title. “Tree of Life” is the point where Makucha changes from just an annoyance to a real danger: obsessed with the thought of finding the titular mystical hideaway, Makucha declares his plan to find a guide who can lead him and his fellow leopards to the Tree, for the sole purpose of devouring every single animal he can get his jaws around once there. This becomes the main antagonistic conflict of the Season, as Makucha tracks the Guard across their journey, gathering followers along the way, amassing an army that can conquer the Guard. The song isn’t as “intense” as many other villain songs in the show, but the irony of the title, the importance it has in the series - as well as for Makucha’s character - and the performance of the singer (veteran voice actor Steve Blum) makes it one of my favorite villain songs in the entire franchise.
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11. We Are One.
FINALLY, we can move away from the Lion Guard for one gosh-danged minute! Instead, let’s talk about the ORIGINAL sequel to the Lion King, “Simba’s Pride.” This song focuses on Simba and his daughter, Kiara. The young princess - following an encounter with an Outsider named Kovu (more on him later) - feels some uncertainty about her status and her future. She often feels rather cooped-up by her role as princess, and isn’t sure whether she should follow her heart or stick with the traditions that have been established. Simba - wanting to comfort his daughter - sings this heartfelt but playful song about family, saying that while she may not know what to do now, she will know in the future. And as her father, he will do what he can to support and to help her. The song is sweet, but it’s also EXTREMELY ironic: to be blunt, Simba’s kind of one of the bad guys in this story, or at least I would argue as much. He’s not a villain, by ANY means, but he does make some decidedly non-heroic choices, and has been making them even before this point. He’s become obsessed with preserving the safety of his family and the Pride Lands, after everything that occurred in the first film. And sure enough, as the movie goes on, his choices become increasingly more questionable: it later is, funnily enough, Kiara standing up to him and going against his wishes that ultimately makes him realize his own folly, and how he’s been betraying the very ideal he tried to teach her as a cub. As a result, the song serves as a starting point for BOTH characters’ story arcs, as Kiara has to eventually choose between her own heart and her family, and Simba has to realize that “We Are One” does not only apply to those who share the same blood. It’s a lovely song on its own terms, but the context makes it all the more fascinating.
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10. Kwetu ni Kwetu.
Aaaand we’re back to the Lion Guard. Don’t worry, we won’t be sticking with the show too much longer. XD This song appears in the the episode “The Hyena Resistance,” in which the aforementioned Jasiri and her clan have to decide whether to officially join forces with the Pride Landers and take a united stand against Scar and his cronies, or simply run and hide. Jasiri, as you may or may not suspect already, is not the “run and hide” kind of person. Tired of all the havoc Scar and his henchmen have been causing for her and her friends, she sings this song to convince the rest of her clan to join in the fight and take a risk to protect their homeland. I absolutely love Jasiri as a character: from minute one she was a lot of fun to see in action, and she only got more and more interesting as the series went on. This song is one of her crowning moments…and I say that with a double meaning. (If you’ve seen the series, you’ll get the reference there.) It’s fairly short - like most songs in the series, to be honest - but it does a great job with the time it has. It’s basically the Lion Guard’s version of “Do You Hear the People Sing?” A rallying cry that is fairly short, but very strong.
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9. On the Last Night.
If “Kwetu ni Kwetu” was the Lion King universe’s version of “Do You Hear the People Sing?” then this is that same world’s version of “One Day More.” It’s also our last song from the oft-before-mentioned “Battle for the Pride Lands” on the list. The scene is kind of what it says on the tin: it’s the final evening before the titular battle, when the Pride Landers will have to face Scar’s army. The setup is both tense and yet serene: everything is peaceful. There’s no immediate danger occurring. It’s even quite a beautiful time. But over all this tranquility is the looming Sword of Damocles: the realization that, by morning, things will be different. There’s no telling who will win, who will lose, or what exactly will happen. The Guard members gather together to reassure one another and make a final, solemn vow to do all they can to win and stick to their ideals in the chaos to come. It’s…a surprisingly heavy moment, all things considered, and the song matches it perfectly. There’s a quality to the music and vocals that is both soothing and yet suspenseful. It is the lead up to the biggest, most dangerous moment in any of these characters’ lives so far, and even though they have great confidence, there’s still plenty of doubt and uncertainty. I get shivers - literal, genuine, I’m-not-exaggerating-at-all SHIVERS - almost every time I hear this one. It may not be from one of the films, nor the stage show, but it’s definitely on par with many of the more famous songs in this franchise. No question it belongs in my Top 10.
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8. One of Us.
We now return to “Simba’s Pride”...which is ironic, because this is probably Simba’s lowest point in the story, as a character. For those who don’t know, the sequel film to “The Lion King” is essentially a Disney-ified rendition of “Romeo and Juliet.” Kiara, as you might guess, is Juliet…which leads us to our Romeo figure, Kovu. This young, dark lion is the adoptive son of Scar, and has been raised by Zira for the sole purpose of assassinating Simba and taking over the throne. However, Kovu falls in love with Kiara, and starts to realize how wrong all the things Zira taught him were. Simba starts off distrusting of the lion (not helped, likely, by the fact he bears an uncanny resemblance to his evil uncle), but eventually starts to open up…and this song occurs after everything goes to absolute Hell in a teapot. Zira, tired of waiting on Kovu, and worried he’ll back out of the plan, ambushes Simba with her followers, wounding the great King. Although Kovu renounces his allegiance to them shortly thereafter, Simba is not only unaware of this, but really wouldn’t care if he did: in his mind, Kovu has proven himself to be a traitor, and so he publicly denounces the young lion and banishes him. Now, the dark lion has nowhere to call home: both of the prides he once served have exiled him forever. “One of Us” is sung by the wrathful Pride Landers, as they basically chase the browbeaten Kovu out of their territory. This song isn’t exactly a villain song, but it’s certainly not a happy one: it’s a very tragic and depressing moment, as this character we’ve come to care about is left totally alone through really no fault of his own. In some ways, it’s one of the darkest songs in the Lion King catalogue…although I will say, the lyric “See ya later, Agitator!” is…honestly really freaking silly. Come on, guys, we know you could do better. XD
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7. My Lullaby.
If “One of Us” is one of the darkest songs in the Lion King universe, I would honestly argue this one - also from “Simba’s Pride” -  IS the darkest. It is, if nothing else, the most viscerally brutal and downright sadistic song in the entire franchise. This is performed by Zira, the main antagonist of the sequel: a follower of Scar who plots revenge against Simba and the Pride Landers, after she and her fellow Outsiders were banished to the farthest reaches of the Outlands. Left to raise Kovu, whom Scar intended to be his heir, Zira plots to train him to be an assassin and find a way to use him to destroy Simba and his family. “My Lullaby” is essentially Zira reveling in her own bloodlust, as she fantasizes about the carnage and horror she has in mind for the future. She doesn’t just want Simba dead, she wants a BLOODBATH, and the lyrics - combined with Suzanne Pleshette’s snarly, vicious vocals - make that abundantly clear. The only thing that really keeps it out of the Top 5, for me, is that - for once - the visuals are a bit lacking for me. There’s some great moments, make no mistake, but a LOT of this song - especially visually - feels like “Diet Be Prepared,” which is a shame. Overall, however, the song itself definitely stands on its own feet…or, rather, paws (ba-dum-tss) as a marvelously malevolent melody.
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6. Shadowland.
After a very, VERY long list already, we finally come to our first entry on the countdown native to the stage version of “The Lion King.” While most of the show’s songs originated in the animated film, there are a couple of numbers that are exclusive to the musical. One of the most notable is “Shadowland.” In the original film, despite being one of the major characters, Nala - Simba’s best friend and future love interest - never gets a song to herself in the movie. In fact, we don’t even see her as an adult until she’s already left the Pride Lands, in the final cut. While this does work for the film by making Nala’s return to the plot and appearance before Simba more of a surprise, the musical is able to give her some more focus, and show us how she, like Simba, has grown and changed. In this song, after facing unwelcome advances from Scar (awkward), Nala realizes that the only way the Pride Lands can be saved is if she finds help elsewhere. So, unsure of what will happen or when/if she’ll return to the home she’s always known, she flees and escapes into the Outlands, bidding farewell to her mother and the other lionesses on the way. The song is sad and spooky: Nala is going through a LOT of emotional turmoil here. On the one hand, the world she knew is decaying, dying, and doomed. There’s nothing left for her there, in more ways than one. But on the other hand, leaving means leaving the family and the values she’s always held dear. And while she does plan to return, it’s not clear what’s going to happen or what she’ll come back to. The song is set to one of the most touching melodies in the original score, only heightening the impact. It’s one of the few changes the musical makes to the plot, and it’s an effective alteration.
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5. Can You Feel the Love Tonight?
It’s honestly hard to think of what to say about this romantic classic. I just…really love it. It has some personal connections to me, which is part of the reason why…but that IS only PART of the reason. The rest of it…I’m not sure. I simply think it’s a beautiful song that touches a chord, and I’m not even the romantic type! The song occurs in the original film (and the Broadway show) after Simba and Nala reunite as adults. After so many years apart, they start to feel things for each other they probably never felt before…but even as these new, romantic feelings flow through them, there’s uncertainty on both ends. The reunion is happy, but also unsteady: Nala isn’t sure why Simba disappeared so many years ago, and Simba is afraid to tell her the entire truth. The song is both jubilant and yet tremulous, as each flips between soaking in the atmosphere and discovering their emotions, and then pulling back as they realize things aren’t quite as perfect as they seem. It’s a sweet song, and it’s one I really enjoy…I just don’t have a lot to talk about with it. Don’t worry, the next one will give me PLENTY to ramble about. :P
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4. We’re the Same (Sisi ni Sawa).
We’ve returned to “The Lion Guard” one final time, and I have to say it: this is quite possibly the single most important song in the entire show. It might even be one of the most important for the franchise as a whole. At first glance, and without full context, you’ll probably wonder why: this takes place in the episode “Never Judge a Hyena,” which is one of the earliest episodes in the show. It introduced Jasiri, and established her as a friendly hyena in contrast to Janja and the trio of Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed from the film. The tune is sung as a duet between herself and Kion, as the lion prince learns not to judge a proverbial book by its cover, and that he and the hyenas - as a whole - are not so very different. Good lesson, classic trope for a kids show…but what’s the big deal? The song isn’t bad, obviously, but what makes it so special? Well, simply put, this song involves all of the major themes in this franchise all at once. I mentioned that one major overarching theme in the series is growth and change, and this song - this scene, this episode - marks one of Kion’s major turning points in his story arc. But it also plays into two other themes, which are especially pronounced in the TV series: duality and tolerance. Throughout the whole franchise, and especially in this show, the protagonists and antagonists alike have to learn to work together with animals of different species and/or walks of life in order to achieve their goals. The thing that ultimately sets them apart is that the antagonists can never fully settle their differences, which is part of what leads to their downfalls. The protagonists are able to coexist harmoniously with other people. This covers tolerance, and as for duality…in this series alone, the catchphrase of this song comes up NUMEROUS times as the show goes on. It’s used as a way of showing that the villains and the heroes are never really all that different from each other: a lot of these characters, both good and bad, have common ground, and could easily have gone down a different path if circumstances and certain choices had been different. In short, “Sisi ni Sawa” basically sums up EVERYTHING that the Lion King is about, and does so in a cute, catchy, fun way. The more I see/hear it and the more I think about it, the better the song becomes in my mind; it easily earns a place in my Top 5.
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3. Circle of Life.
While “Sisi ni Sawa” may well summarize all the major themes in this franchise (especially in retrospect), I think “Circle of Life” DEFINES what the themes and ideals of this franchise are - both in terms of its messages and its sense of scope and style. This song, purely and simply, is EPIC: from the opening, bold, almost shocking notes that herald the iconic sunrise, to the traditional African chants that fill it through the course of the number, to the way the music swells and crescendos once again…it is a song that brings you on a journey, and at the same time sucks you into this world. The music, on its own, promises something grand and almost operatic in its size and values, while at the same time delivering a message that is remarkably simple and clear: life moves on, change is constant, and we should respect everything that goes into that. It’s not a surprise that this tune both opens AND closes the story of the original movie; everything cycles back and around. It really tells us the message of the whole movie in a nutshell: life is full of doubt, tribulation, and big change. To survive, you must both hold true to who you are, and learn to adapt; do so, and you can - hypothetically - achieve great things. It’s just as poignant and impactful onstage as it is onscreen, and one of the most iconic songs and sequences not just in this franchise, nor even just in a Disney movie, but arguably from any film ever made. I’d say, for those reasons above all else, it deserves a place in the top three.
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2. Be Prepared.
Look, I know Circle of Life is epic, but…come now. If you know me, it shouldn’t be even REMOTELY a surprise I feel this song tops it. “Be Prepared” is widely regarded as one of the greatest villain songs of all time; most people I know would easily name it among their Top 5 Disney Villain Songs, in particular, at the very least. For me, I’m not AS huge a fan of it as most people (you can blame Vincent Price and “The Nightmare Before Christmas” for that one), it’s still among my top ten Disney Villain musical numbers, and it’s easily the crowning glory for all of the villain songs in this franchise. The lyrics are mincing, the instrumentals have a great sense of weight to them, and the rhythm itself has a sort of twistedly playful quality to it; it’s both a funny and a threatening song, matching the villains involved as Scar and the Hyenas declare their intentions to kill Simba and Mufasa so they can take over the Pride Lands. (Mostly Scar, to be fair.) Something interesting about this number, though, is the context it takes place in during the story: this is really the last scene where I think the audience can genuinely say they unironically love Scar. Why? Because the very next sequence after this is Mufasa’s death: while Scar is still enjoyable after that point, the fact he actually succeeds in not only killing a protagonist, but all of the details that go INTO killing that protagonist, makes us see him in a different light. Only a couple minutes ago, we were enjoying the wild ride of wickedness with him, and now we’re afraid of what’s coming next, as we see that not only is he WILLING to go the distance…but, unlike many other Disney Villains, he’s SUCCEEDED in doing so. It honestly reminds me of Shakespeare’s Richard III (who I honestly think is more comparable to Scar than Claudius, despite the Hamlet influence): Richard starts off as a dastard, sure, but he’s also something of an underdog. Once he’s on top of the world, he only becomes an even worse monster, which makes the audience’s feelings about his character more complicated. “Be Prepared” is the story of where Scar starts off…making it the beginning of the end for so many good things the characters in the story value, and heralds our change in outlook on this antagonist. It is a master stroke.
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1. He Lives in You.
I have to be honest, I was strongly, STRONGLY tempted to name “Be Prepared” as my number one choice. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized…no. As much as I love Be Prepared, THIS is the song that I think of first when I think of the Lion King franchise in general. Invented for the stage musical, the song later became even more famous when it was used as the opening number for “Simba’s Pride.” In its original context, the song first appears in the scene where Mufasa tells a young Simba about the Great Kings of the Past. It is famously reprised later, when Rafiki guides Simba to the place where he sees his father’s ghost, and Simba chooses to accept his role as the one true king and return to the Pride Lands. In “Simba’s Pride,” the context is obviously different; essentially, it serves the same purpose as “Circle of Life,” and evokes much of the same imagery, but it establishes that this isn’t the same story: “He Lives in You” has a more determined and yet comforting sound to it. It’s a song that indicates a story continuing, or a story changing, not a story beginning. For a sequel, this works brilliantly, indicating the same ideas as “Circle of Life” in a different manner. In the stage show, it works even better, as it powerfully delivers the messages Simba needs to hear most. Something about this song is so haunting, and yet so inspiring; it doesn’t get quite as many kudos as “Circle of Life,” but it really is one of the most powerful in the franchise. And for me, it’s one of the songs I listen to most from the whole thing. It’s kind of funny ending this list on a song that WASN’T from the original movie, but I guess that’s kind of poetic in its own way: over the course of three decades, “The Lion King” has evolved and stretched out. Things have changed, and as the movie itself points out, “change is good.” I have no problem whatsoever declaring “He Lives in You” to be My Favorite Lion King Song.
Long Live the Queen.
Lions Over All.
Outta the Way.
Chow Down.
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punster-2319 · 9 months
Top 20 Favorite Cartoons (because of boredom again)
1. Looney Tunes
2. Tom and Jerry
3. Animaniacs
4. Gargoyles
5. Disney’s Hercules the Animated Series
6. Batman the Animated Series
7. Dragon Ball Z
8. Dexter’s Laboratory
9. Jackie Chan Adventures
10. Redwall
11. Ed, Edd n Eddy
12. Bojack Horseman
13. The Powerpuff Girls
14. Phineas and Ferb
15. Milo Murphy’s Law
16. Freakazoid!
17. Tiny Toon Adventures
18. Archer
19. Digimon
20. Daria
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gerec · 1 year
Also Xaverine would do too! >:'D
Well I'm finally caught up with these fic rec asks (just one more to go after this one woo hoo!) and this is going to be a LONNNNNGGGG post. I tried very, VERY hard to come up with a top 10 list of my favorite Cherik fics and it was utterly impossible; even top 20 was hard as hell but that's what you're getting here Anon lol. (I've also included a top 10 Xavierine list for you too!)
I have read every single one of the stories on this list a dozen times or more - I can't thank the authors enough for the absolute joy they've given me with their amazing hard work :D :D :D (And not just these particular authors but all of you who've written wonderful stories I've loved!)
Top 10 20 Cherik Fics
(Not listed in any particular order.)
1. Timeline by Unforgotten (series)
After Magneto of an X2-ish future succeeds in the unthinkable, Charles sends his consciousness back to 1962 to guide Erik away from the path that will lead to the genocide of the human race forty years hence.
Charles knows that Erik has always loved him, and intends to use this knowledge + sex to seduce Erik away from his ideals in his youth.
There's no way this well-thought-out, sensible, debugged and 100% bulletproof plan can possibly go wrong.
2. Your Heart Just Couldn't Wait by Pookaseraph
Charles and his BFF Tony Stark have the life - they're co-valedictorians at the most prestigious high school in the city, they have their own condo in Manhattan, and they get to go to all the awesome parties. Charles just wished he understood relationships and sex as well as Tony does. His theoretical bisexuality starts to feel a lot less theoretical when he and Tony end up in Professor Lehnsherr's Physics III course at Columbia University, but Charles' decision to take their relationship further leaves both student and professor with more than they bargained for.
Features an enthusiastically-consenting!16-year-old!Charles
3. Erik Lehnsherr's Guide to Parenting by keire_ke (series)
Alex disapproves of school car washes, despite the abundance of wet bikinis on pretty girls. Erik doesn’t approve of his son shirking money-making duties.
4. When We Two Parted by nekosmuse
At the end of X3, a still depowered Erik travels back in time to meet 1962 Charles. Cue angst, desperate kissing and happy endings for all. Written for the x-men kink meme.
5. Age Difference AU by grim_lupine (series)
Raven is six years older than Charles; Charles has never really considered this age difference vitally important in one way or another, except to decide that even if Raven were six years younger than Charles, she would probably boss him around in the exact same way. He doesn’t really think much of the difference between fifteen and twenty-one, until Raven comes home from college for a study weekend with her new best friend in tow, introduces him cheerfully as Erik Lehnsherr, and Charles finds himself falling head-over-heels into a train wreck of doomed lust.
6. never too late to be who you might have been by acetamide
Erik wakes suddenly and takes a deep breath, and realises that there is nothing.
7. Curve Fitting by kianspo
The weird thing is, Charles always introduces Raven as his sister, but he never calls Erik his brother. Erik would be bothered, except he prefers not to think of Charles as his brother, either. He can’t figure it out for four years, and then suddenly he can.
8. Space Oddity by maimo, MonstrousRegiment, Pangea, Yaegaki (series)
Prince Charles Xavier is Deputy Commander of the TEF Heartsteel and the newest mission they've been assigned starts out less than desirable and quickly goes downhill from there. It's alright, though, he'll cope.
It doesn't help, though, that he's in unrequited love with his best friend and Commander of the Heartsteel, War-Prince Erik Lehnsherr.
9. Humane Society by smilebackwards (series)
Once Erik finally allows himself to decide that Charles is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread, he spends the next week being incredibly bitter that he's Charles' cat and not his boyfriend.
10. and these, from atoms by kay_cricketed (unfinished)
Five years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, Charles and Erik find themselves in a situation where they must rely on each other for survival. Trapped in a coal mine deep beneath the earth's surface, and having lost his wheelchair to a disaster, Charles fights the nature of his physical limitations while Erik struggles to remain distant. Ironically, in the dark, it is impossible to hide your heart.
11. Confetti In My Mouth by paperclipbitch
AU. “I’ve slept with all your models except for the one I’m related to,” Charles responds carelessly. “And so have you, before you make that face at me.”
12. Math Reasons by pearl_o, pocky_slash (series)
"Mom says Erik always knows what he wants, it just sometimes takes him a little while to actually realize it," Ruth said.
Charles fell in love with Erik the first night they met, the first week of freshman year. Two years of friendship, adventures, arguments, hijinks, secrets, and summer visits later, Erik is starting to catch up.
13. One Summer's End by furius, motleystitches (furius)
Erik Lehnsherr, successful businessman, has been the muse to the artist Charles Xavier for the last twenty years. They'll readily confess to loving each other through art, but at the last show Charles Xavier is holding in New York before he heads over to England, everyone else around them realises that it's not enough.
A tale of friends, lovers, and busybodies.
14. Other Life Challenges by professor (series)
“Why am I here again?” Erik groans.
“I need you to lift things and glower at people over my shoulder when I tell people that it’s not ‘politically correct’ or a ‘war on Christmas’ to have a non-denominational winter holiday festival,” says Theresa Pryde.
Well, at least those are two things he’s good at.
15. Quiet Like a Fire by kianspo
Charles has been in love with his best friend for years without realizing it. When he finally figures it out, Erik is married to a wonderful woman and has an adorable daughter, who thinks the world of Charles. Erik has the perfect life that Charles helped him build, so there is only one thing for it - get over his feelings. So what if his methods are unhealthy or if Erik has an opinion on the matter? Charles is determined to do the right thing.
16. All We Are We Are by kianspo
Charles's boyfriend breaks up with him days before the holidays. Not willing to ruin anyone else's festive mood, Charles hides this fact from his sister and his friends, and retreats into the family mansion, letting the world move on without him. He's flirting with depression when a one-time ex and a long-term friend surprises him. Long-kept secrets are revealed, and it turns out, Charles hasn't been paying attention to the right things.
17. soul of my soul by ikeracity
You can imprint on your soulmate anywhere — school, work, on the street, in a restaurant, on the subway.
Charles and Erik imprint on each other just in time for the holidays.
18. One big family by ximeria
There is a house in New York (no, only Charles calls it a house, and his perception of such is a little warped, so let's try that again)...
... There's a building in New York, owned by XavierMedCorp that caters to mutant tenants, their families and a handful of humans. You need to know someone who knows someone who knows someone to get an apartment there. Or maybe just be very lucky. Or have a mutant son who has the tenacity of a pit bull. Anyway, Edie Lehnsherr has moved in and she is slowly getting to know the other tenants, the superintendent and the owner.
19. Wednesday by Red
Getting confined to a nursing facility for a six-week course of iv antibiotics would have been dreadfully dull, had Charles not found a way to "occupy his time."
In which Erik Lehnsherr, retired nazi hunter, becomes the latest victim of Charles Xavier's charms.
20. A Nice Boy (The Family Matters Edition) by pocky_slash for pearl_o
Erik's not sure whether the problem is that he doesn't want his parents to meet Charles or that he doesn't want Charles to meet his parents. Either way, he never invites Charles to brunch. Why should he? It's not like they're dating.
Top 10 Xavierine Fics
1. South of the Border by sneakertime
Post-Divorce AU. Charles Xavier saves Logan from Emma Frost in Mexico. They have a lot of sex, and things get progressively more complicated.
2. Alone, With You by lachatblanche
Logan encounters a stranger while out in the cold and somehow ends up taking him home with him.
3. Secrets And Meetings by dictionarywrites
Logan comes to visit, and Charles gives into temptation as he too often does these days.
4. Insomnia by Rellanka
Charles had never made that confession to anyone before. People already regarded his telepathy with distaste and suspicion; if he was lucky, they were willing to trust him to use it only when necessary. He had never let anyone else know how invasive their own mind was.
Or: Charles's telepathy is more difficult to deal with than you think. He just wants to sleep.
5. Keep On Walking by Nevcolleil
"I want this while I can still have it," Charles says, sounding clear-headed enough.
Something in his voice stops Logan's breath. Logan swallows. "You can't have-" 
"I am capable of having sex without the serum," Charles tells him and doesn't look away. "But I'm not talking about my paralysis."
6. Life, As It Happens by kianspo
When Charles first meets Logan he's scared of him. He's not proud of that. But Logan needs help with Laura, and there is no shorter way to Charles's heart.
7. The B Team by lachatblanche
In which Charles and Logan are SHIELD agents who are present at the Battle of New York.
8. Brick by Brick by Ponderosa (ponderosa121)
At his family's yearly retreat in the mountains, Charles takes an interest in the new groundskeeper.
9. How All Hell Breaks Loose by Mixk
Logan and Charles' relationship status is revealed one morning over a wardrobe mishap, during their sixth year. Erik is furious, Logan is ecstatic, and Charles is exasperated.
10. Love Won't Save You by TurtleTotem
Guarding Charles has been Logan's purpose for over half his life. Now, with the twins to protect, an Empire to fight, and the love of Charles's life turned to the Dark Side, they have only each other to lean on. Can Logan ever be enough?
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scottsstuck · 2 years
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My favorite films of 2022
The Banshees Of Inishirin
Please Baby Please
Bones And All
After Yang
Everything Everywhere All At once
Decision To Leave
Top Gun Maverick
Cha Cha Real Smooth
Marcel The Shell With Shoes On
Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio
Good Luck To You Leo Grande
Official Competition
Crimes Of The Future
Jackass Forever
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natasharoldanpress · 11 days
Ya No Estoy Aquí en La Radio Nacional de Colombia • Estrenos y Top 20
Ya No Estoy Aquí oficialmente entra en rotación en La Radio Nacional de Colombia, y entra en la lista de votación para un puesto en el TOP 20.
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austinstyles · 1 year
Top 20 favorite movies 🎥
Here are my top 20 favorite movies. Please don’t judge me for we’re some of this movies come on the list. Also some of this movies would be in different places but all are in my top 20 favorite movies. And anyone is welcome to join.I would love to see what people’s top 20 favorite movies are. 🎥 FYI some of this movies are on the place they are  rated some are on a different spot.
1. Elvis ( definitely on my top list.)
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2. Cinderella
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3. High School Musical 2
4. Status update
5. To all the boys I have loved before
6. Toy Story
7. Alice in wonderland
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8. Alice through the looking glass. 
9. Instant family
10 The Greatest showman
11. 13 going on 30
12. Breakthrough
13. What’s eating Gilbert Grape
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14. grownups
15. Avatar way of water
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16. Beauty and the beast
17.  Sharpay’s fabulous adventure.
18. Kingsman Golden Circel
19. avatar (2009)
20. Marvel Eternal.
Tagging: @asshlyyyy @adoresbutlers @blainesebastian @lindszeppelin @dre6ming @darlinboypresley @venus-haze @crash-and-cure @purejasmine @louisejoy86 @elvisabutler @emmymaehereeeeee @sagesolsticewrites @sassy-ahsoka-tano @missmaywemeetagain @foreverdolly @c-rosenn @powerofelvis @eliseinmemphis @bcofl0ve @ab4eva @karamelcoveredolicity @these-veins-are-borrowed @blainesebastian @foreverdolly @flwersgarden and anyone else that wants to share their top 20 favorite movies. (Your top 20 favorite movies can even be listed in a comment if you want to do it that way.)
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lovesthe1980s · 3 months
«Listan» - weekly tv-show with the 20 most popular songs for the week. Aired on swedish tv (SVT)
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sexaycelebs · 2 years
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Top Sexy Adult Star Countdown.
#6. Kendra Lust
Kendra Lust is a milf legend and had to be in my Top 6! Everything about her screams SEXY!!! She so damn curvy and gorgeous! My favorite Kendra scenes are her with Brad Knight and when she did scenes with Bruce Venture. I never last long watching Kendra. Where does Kendra Lust rank on your list?
Age: 44 Born September 18th 1978
Sign: Virgo ♍️
Ethnicity: White
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'4
Weight: 118 lbs
Measurements: 34-25-38
Bra Size: 34D
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onenakedfarmer · 4 months
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Currently Watching [Tuesday in May Edition]
LORD LOVE A DUCK George Axelrod USA, 1967
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machetelanding · 1 year
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May 26, 1984
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nineteenthmay · 1 year
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My top 20 Gossip Girl episodes: 20. “Hi, Society”, Season 1 Episode 10
Spotted. Chuck Bass losing something no one knew he had to begin with - his heart.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
What would be your Top 10 best video games of all time?
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Donkey Kong Country
Sonic Unleashed
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Final Fantasy VII
Chrono Trigger
Left4Dead 2
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Super Mario 64
Mega Man X
Super Puzzle Fighter 2: Turbo
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Parappa the Rapper
NiGHTS: Into Dreams
Klonoa: The Door to Phantomile
Kirby Super Star
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