#TRSB 2023
toastedbuckwheat · 1 year
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So happy to be able to share my submission for this year's @tolkienrsb Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang: Aredhel finding Eöl in Nan Elmoth.
Click here for @melestasflight ' s amazing story:
To Find a Home in the Twilight
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Oh, brightest sun (TRSB 2023)
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A hommage to Gustav Klimt's The Kiss. Acrylic paint on canvas, with gold acrylic colour, 45x45cm. This scene had fascinated me ever since I read about it in the Nature of Middle-earth, and even more so when I became obsessed with Mîm as a character. While the ship of Mîmrod was born in a discord server I am in as a joke, that joke led to me originally drafting the sketch for this painting.
@goschatewabn has taken up this prompt- in a pinchhit no less - and has written, a beautiful, beautiful, fic that also absolutely tears my heart out. Find more info & the link to the fic below!
The elf shone more brilliantly than the purest gems they had unearthed, and his kind face crowned with a wreath of white lilac was like the first rays of dawn after a long night.
The gentle sun had risen in the east, and had brought spring into Nargothrond.
5180 Words
Rating: T Archive warnings: None Characters: Mîm, Finrod Felagund, the petty dwarves, various inhabitants of Nargothrond, dwarves of Nogrod https://archiveofourown.org/works/49927210/chapters/126046690
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i-did-not-mean-to · 11 months
TRSB 2023
Dear people, after having dropped the ball in order to finish many many many fics...I've finally finished the TRSB Masterlist.
Is it pretty? No...
But does it have ALL the tags, fully searchable, as many original art links (GO REBLOG THE ART!!!!) as I could unearth, and all my heartblood?
Yes, it does.
If there are still mistakes and typos, please let me know...
This was a community service by IDNMT
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arcxus-of-altihex · 1 year
Heya! I just wanted to hop in to let you know that I was absolutely blown away when I saw your final artworks for TRSB. I already loved them when I saw them in the gallery but WOW❤️ your Mairon is AMAZING.
Kudos to you and I'll be sure to return to the AO3 collection to check out the fics ^^
Aww thank you so much!!! You're sweet 😭💖!! The collection is wonderful and I hope you find many delightful stories <3
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violecov · 1 year
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Saeros Rescued.
I am aware that many times many
of you have wondered why is there not enough content of
'definitely' the best ship of The Silmarillion: Eru/Saeros. I do not have the answer, but I have this interesting drawing of that
beautiful moment when Saeros was falling naked to his death,
just to be rescued by Eru himself.
Truly moving.
Let's see what @ambrorussa has managed to do with this prompt XDD
(Second trsb drawing @tolkienrsb !!!)
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the-red-butterfly · 9 months
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Thranduil (Tolkien Universe)
Reposting this design I did for 'Tis One Of The Forest Fae, one of my TRSB pieces of 2023, cause I really. really, really love it. He just looks so pretty here. APPRECIATE HIM 😂
Open for Commissions
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tolkienrsb · 6 months
TRSB 2023 Gallery Opening
& 2024 Schedule Premiere
It’s almost time for TRSB 2024! Sign ups for artists for TRSB 2024 open in a month. The full schedule for 2024 can be found here.
To start getting excited for this year’s event, please enjoy the opening of the TRSB 2023 Gallery (and the completion of the TRSB 2022 Gallery!) Many thanks to @usuallysublimepenguin for doing the lion’s share of the work to get both galleries ready and online and to @fishing4stars for supporting that effort!
Before the suggestions form opens on March 24th, we want to invite veteran participants to share their wisdom about the event. If you were speaking to someone curious about participating in TRSB for the first time, what would your advice be on picking what to draw? Or, as an author, what do you look for in a prompt? 
The mods have given their own answers under the cut. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
~TRSB Mods 2024
Mods answer the question:
Fishing4Stars (roles: artist, writer): As a writer I look for prompts that either give me a clear inspiration that I think matches the artist’s idea - or that leave me enough flexibility to write something I find inspiring. Either works! I do get inspired by my favorite characters, but the underlying idea can be a great source as well. I had a blast writing a story focused on Thorin last year even though he’s not a character I normally write for because the underlying prompt, about being an outcast and having a complex identity, inspired me. I loved working closely with the artist on this - I will probably make my ‘involvement level’ preference this year more specific, because I’d love to do that again.
I think my biggest takeaways as an artist after participating last year were: 
(1) Be a little selfish when picking prompts: As an artist, I’m responsible for supporting my writers and their works - whether cheerleading, brainstorming, beta reading, or hands off, my writer deserves for me to be excited to read their work in September and give them comments. So it’s to both our benefit for me to pick something I like and want to read. Last year I picked a prompt off the suggestions list that I normally wouldn’t have. It actually turned out really well and I had tons of fun reading it, but it did make me think about maybe giving slightly more personalized prompts this year. 
(2) Leaving room for collaboration can be fun: Both of the works I submitted last year were in mostly finished form. The bit of collaboration I got to do to adjust the work to the writer’s story was really fun, though. So this year I’m thinking about leaving some room for the writer to weigh in on the art.
Usuallysublimepenguin (role: artist): I’ve participated as an artist for a few years now and can warmly recommend joining, as it’s been such a joy every time.
Regarding the prompt list, I can certainly echo Fishing4Stars: draw something that you like! The list is great for sparking ideas, but be careful of picking the very specific ones; they might be something the prompter would want to read but not necessarily write. So, if it’s not something you want to draw, do not pick it. Use the list for inspiration, or if the list is too dauntingly large, go for something completely different from your own head.
My prompts have gone from quite detailed "Lothiriel, a new bride getting to know Éomer" to very open "here's one or two characters in a pose I wanted to draw; please fill in the blanks" or "Here's a landscape; please fill in the details." Keep in mind that the open prompts require quite high levels of collaboration, and that the stories might take you to new places you never even thought existed - but for me that works very well. Every single story that came from these prompts are dear to me. 
Ettelenë (roles: writer, sometimes artist). Since I am mainly a writer who sometimes draws, I tend to pick prompts that suit the characters or stories I want to tell. The first time I participated as a writer, it was with a prompt/character I never thought I would write about (mermaid Voronwë!), and, surprisingly, it was not the most challenging time. So, to start, writing or drawing something completely out of our comfort zones can actually draw people in. Nowadays, though, as I don't have much time to write a fully complex story with worldbuilding etc, I’ll go for the prompts that I am 100% sure I can bang 5k in the blink of an eye. As for drawings, I usually stick with what I do best, which is watercolor. And curiously enough, the two times I did art for TRSB, it was about the Valar, characters I mostly never write about, but who always spark my artistic creativity.
Raiyana (roles: writer): I have a tendency to fall in love with a piece or an idea and fall HARD… so far, happily, the artists have been pleased to have me write for them ;) And then I find that weird secondary prompt in the gallery, generally during second claims, that tickles Something. I usually filter out characters/ideas I definitely can’t do and then something or someone (often a co mod, actually) will challenge me to come up with a way to do a prompt and spark another fire of creativity ;). 
I never thought I’d be able to write a streamer script version of FoG, but here we are…
Lathalea (roles: writer, artist): When I joined TRSB for the first time, as a writer, I definitely felt overwhelmed with the size of the event and the amount of prompts, and then art pieces. It wasn’t easy to pick just one, so many of them screamed “pick me!”. I managed to narrow them down and mull over them for some time. I asked myself what ideas and parts of the Tolkien legendarium spoke to me the most, what “blank areas” of Middle Earth I would like to fill with my works, and how I wanted to do this. What I learned back then is that it worked for me best to focus on a very particular and narrow theme so that I could delve into proper worldbuilding – which is something I live for when it comes to Dwarves and their culture.
Finally, I chose the one that sparked the most creativity in me that year. I feel that for writers who decide to work on a specific art piece, prompts can be a great help, making you enrich your story or add a detail or two that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. As a bonus, you get at least one very happy reader: the author of that specific prompt! 
One year later, I decided to submit art for TRSB because I liked the prompts so much – I just had to create a piece of visual art inspired by them. It resulted in a great cooperation that explored a completely new subject that I always wanted to focus on but never had a chance to do properly before.
Feel free to surprise yourself and pick prompts or ideas you haven’t worked on before, you never know what way your creativity will go!
Legolasbadass (roles: writer, artist): There are always too many great artworks, so I usually make a list of pieces I’d be most interested in writing for to help narrow down my choices. I look for ideas and characters I am most inspired by and comfortable writing about — though it can also be fun to step out of your comfort zone and try something new! Another really important thing for me is the collaboration level. I really enjoy brainstorming with the artist, sharing my progress with them, and getting regular feedback, so I tend to avoid choosing artists who prefer a less collaborative experience. 
When looking for inspiration for art, I usually look at the answers to the suggestions form as well as my personal list of prompts and pick an idea that I’d be most excited to share with someone. The collaborative aspect of the event is what excites and inspires me the most, so I tend not to submit an idea I feel too possessive of. I like working closely with an author and letting their vision inspire my art as much as my art will inspire their story.
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ela-draws · 1 year
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Glorfindel and Asfaloth
For @tolkienrsb 2023 !
This artwork was claimed by @zivalight and fanfic inspired by it will arrive soon with all the other trsb fanfics !
I cant' wait to read more than the few snippets I saw 👀 Thank you so much for choosing my art ! It was really fun comparing our headcanons 😊
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eilinelsghost · 1 year
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Fic by @eilinelsghost; Art by @anerea-lantiria For @tolkienrsb 2023
Fic Rating: T; Art Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anárion & Elendil, Finrod/Bëor, Hiril/Hathaldir, Hiril & Rían, Hiril & Beleth, Andreth/Aegnor, Andreth & Adanel, Bëor & Belen, Belen & Finrod, Belen & Baran, Bëor & Baran Characters: Anárion, Bëor, Finrod, Silmariën, Hiril, Hathaldir, Rían, Beleth, Andreth, Adanel, Aegnor, Belen, Baran Word Count: 16,914
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In Nargothrond in the First Age, Bëor wrote down the oral tradition of his people to pass on to his younger son, Belen. Throughout the rest of that age and the next, his descendants preserve this book through grief and joy, war and cataclysm, from the highlands of Dorthonion to the fall of Númenor, and reencounter the mythology of their people in the ongoing dance of memory and immortality.
Atanatári: (Quenya) The Fathers of Men Issë: (Quenya) Knowledge, Lore
"Belen [was the] second son of Bëor the Old, to whom the wisdom of Bëor (for Bëor himself had been one of the wise) was chiefly transmitted." - Introductory notes to the "Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth," Morgoth's Ring, page 306
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I am thrilled to finally get to share Atanatárissë with you all! I was so nervous going into TRSB this year - I've never done an event before and am very new both to writing fanfic and to online fandom in general - but this has been one of the most delightful writing experiences I've ever had. I have so much gratitude to @anerea-lantiria for this incredible art and for the amazing encouragement she's given throughout this whole process. It has been such a joy to work together on this project and I'm indebted to you for providing the inspiration that allowed this piece to come to life.
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toastedbuckwheat · 1 year
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To Find a Home in the Twilight
Upon leaving Gondolin, Aredhel Ar-Feiniel journeyed East and was lost in a forest, enchanted by Eöl the Dark Elf, who lured her to his dwelling and took her to wife. This is the sorrowful story remembered among the Noldor of Beleriand.
But the Wise-women of the Edain tell a different tale of Aredhel’s coming to Nan Elmoth.
Everyone please go check out @melestasflight 's fantastic fic when it reveals on the 8th of September!
I will also make the full version of the art public once the fic is live and you will be able to see it on my blog (I will also update this post with a link!)
Find the fic here!
Fic and Artwork Rating: G
Warnings: None
Relationships: consensual Aredhel/Eöl
Characters: Aredhel, Eöl, Zimrahin, Marach, Malach Aradan, Imlach, Idril Celebrindal, Anairë, Original Female Character
Word count: 8k
The story and artwork were created for the 2023 edition of Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang, @tolkienrsb .
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The Prodigal Daughter (TRSB 2023)
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Pencil drawing, digital colouring. Art #14 in the 2023 Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang. Below, find info & the link to the beautifully written exploration of the death of Thain Lalia Took, by my author LadyBrooke on Ao3. This "lost event" in the background of the Lord of the Rings has fascinated me for years now.
Pearl understood why they suspected her after Lalia's death. That didn't mean it wasn't painful to see the suspicion, even from her own family.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: Major Character Death Category: Gen Characters: Lalia Clayhanger Took, Pearl Took, Paladin Took II, Pippin Took, Background & Cameo Characters, Eglantine Banks Additional Tags: Canonical Character Death, Complicated Relationships, Trauma, Family, Rumors, embedded art, Mentions of Starvation, Discussion of the Fell Winter
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
TRSB 2023
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⇒𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕠𝕗 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀 - M - 19 k - Finrod x Caranthir
‼️ You-midity - E - 8k - Treat for the previous story
🌀 From father to daughter - G - 100 - Arwen & Elrond
🌀 Nienna's Embrace - G - 100 - Nienna
🌀 Herald - G - 100
🌀 Prescience - G - 100 - Ori
🌀 A piece of home - G - 100 - Aulë x Yavanna
🌀 Twinkle, twinkle little star - T - 2k - Glorestor
🌀 Am I my brother's keeper? - T - 618 - Fingolfin & Fëanor
🌀 In case you don't live forever - T - 10 k - Celebrimbor & sons of Fëanor
🌀 Like and subscribe (only 9,99!) for full video - M - 750 - Russingon, Angbang, Fingolfin/Maglor
🌀 Where there's smoke, there's a fire - E - 4k - Angbang x Gothmog
🎨 Art 🎨
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arcxus-of-altihex · 1 year
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Second art piece I did for @tolkienrsb / TRSB 2023!! A little late but I think my subconscious took over at some point because I don't remember the last few hours. Here's a sweet, mildly peaceful scene of the pains of raising the first of dragons <3
Keep an eye out for the lovely fic!! @oopsbirdficced / @ingenious_spark (AO3) is the author I worked with <3
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mgcoco · 1 year
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My TRSB 2023 art! I wanted to draw a piece showing Adar in an earlier time, before the events of Rings of Power. Please look out for the accompanying fic!
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sallysavestheday · 6 months
Throwback Thursday!
The 2022 and 2023 TRSB galleries opened this week (see all the art and fics here, along with the 2024 schedule), so I'm taking the opportunity to revisit my own 2023 fic, When All Other Lights Go Out. (G: 5,300 words)
Written for @grundyscribbling to accompany a gorgeous stained glass piece, it's the story of a Fëanorian family heirloom, from the Years of the Trees to the Fourth Age. Featuring a little heartbreak, a little healing, a little happiness. Here's an excerpt:
“Now, Nelyo. Sing.” Maedhros sings his love into the gem as Fëanor hums softly in harmony beneath him: strengthening, buttressing, ensuring that the glass will not break or the song dim, even with the roughest of handling. The lamp trembles to life between Maedhros’ palms, then steadies. The colors shine clearly, with a gentleness that consoles and cheers. Maedhros is beautiful in the soft light: serious, tender, his young face sweet and open, imagining an end to another’s fears.
Tagging @eilinelsghost @thelordofgifs @cycas @melestasflight @grundyscribbling @lferion to re-share your fics, if you would like to (they were some of my faves from this year). And do visit the galleries. They're full of great stuff!
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tolkienrsb · 1 year
Suggestion form 2023
Got a precious rare pair you want to see depicted? Insufficient Second Age content for your liking? Want to get someone else interested in a lesser known canon you love? This is your chance to influence the pieces available for claiming! 
The TRSB Suggestion Form of 2023 is now officially live!
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If you just want to snoop at the suggestions, here’s the spreadsheet ;)
xoxo, TRSB Mod Team
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