hannie-dul-set · 1 year
also the most unwanted drama esque shit keeps happening to me why can't my love life go the way i want to.
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toxycodone · 2 months
boyfriend hcs + modern au kabru
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Genuinely...one of the only chatacters that makes for a semi-normal relationship and and actual good boyfriend
OKAY FOR ONE MODERN AU KABRU. HEAR ME OUT. He dresses in a really specific way to me. You know how like, maybe the male romantic lead of a 2000s disney movie would dress? With the short sleeved shirt, jeans, some bracelets on either wrists?? Like it’s a very basic outfit but he doesn’t need anything too crazy. Kabru’s beauty carries him so far he seriously does not need to dress insanely well or I fear he will make too many strangers fall in love with him.
You're a bit of a fixation to him. He's not like going as far as Laios to actually take physical notes and such, but he makes a lot of mental notes about you.
The way you brush your hair? The expression you make while you focus? Perhaps even littler things like how your brow quirks when you try to be polite but he knows you're lying? Yeah. He can read you like a book.
I think this can kinda cause issues because in his little mind palace he's like. anticipating how you will react to things and has a lot of communication issues surrounding it. Instead of just outright saying things he tends to beat around the bush and test the waters before like eventually being forced to say what’s on his mind.
(Or in some cases he may feel it’s better to withhold info which like. Is an entirely separate can of worms. MAKE HIM TALK AND BE HONEST YOURE AN ADULT YOU CAN HANDLE IT).
However this perceptiveness DOES benefit him a lot and make him a good partner though. He can sense a depression episode coming from a mile away. Or when you’re stressed.
But for smaller things, he tends to keep things you like around the house and in stock. Down to your favorite chips to the body wash you always use. Just yeah 💞 He’s sweet and makes sure these things are in stock (and will bring things he thinks you’d like home now and then. He gets happy when it turns out his hunch was right!)
Never ever forgets a birthday, an anniversary, anything. If it’s a date you two deem important, he will ALWAYS get it right and you two will have plans accordingly.
Not a huuuuge PDA person. Kabru’s more lowkey, he’ll have an arm around you or a hand at the small of your waist while you two are around others. You’ll get a kiss to the cheek or a quick peck on the lips but he doesn’t wanna like. Go super crazy in public.
YOUR PARENTS LOVE HIM. THIS IS A GIVEN. Oh my God it is genuinely impressive how easy it is for him to get on your entire family's good side. He's the type of guy that gets the "so when are you guys gonna get married?" comments. If you two break up, you're getting a lot of sly comments about him being the one that got away. Future partners have HELLA big shoes to fill
And your friends? Yeah he fits smoothly into that group as well. No issues at all. I think all your friends would at least have a positive view of him if they don’t decide to start hanging out with him themselves.
Honestly, I think people get a little jealous. He likes to turn up the charm around others (for his own amusement really) and I just KNOW people are seething with jealously because he’s so charming and you are so lucky.
^ This also means he’s gets flirted with in public. He likes it, but he’s very quick to politely shut it down. But he’ll tease you about being jealous afterwards, but you know he’s not going to do anything to betray your trust.
Regarding. Kabru’s own family life. I think he’s really apprehensive to introduce you to Misril. It’s not that he doesn’t want you to know his family. It’s just…complicated. He and Misril are complicated. I think he’s gonna have to lay down some ground rules with you as to not like make things awkward (guilt trippy mom you know they vibes)
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WIBTA for dumping a guy because of a throwaway comment to my friend? (TW: NSFW statements)
I'm using BG3 character names for this because I don't want to use letters. The name assignments have nothing to do with personality, it's based off of an inside joke.
Important characters- Me, 18ftm. My S/O, Minthara, 21ftm. My friends (Halsin- 22m, and Astarion- 22neu)
I started dating Minthara a few months back. A month or so before we started dating, and a month after I turned 18, I introduced Minthara to my D&D group (Halsin DMs, and Astarion is one of the players.)
Halsin and Astarion are in a long-term relationship, and because my home life... sucks, to be frank, they're basically my surrogate family.
It's important to note that I am a CSA survivor. They've known me since I was 16, know I'm uncomfortable with sex talk most times, and am an incest survivor. I'm really grateful I have them, and when I introduced Minthara, it seemed like everything was going perfectly. He got along with everyone super well, aside from a few hiccups and bumps.
However, yesterday-as-of-writing this, we were talking about our D&D characters for a campaign Minthara wasn't present for, one we were thinking of adding him to once it got off of hiatus.
Astarion is a big fan of a certain character. Jokingly, I asked if that character and their D&D Character would get along. Minthara jumped in and stated that he thought the comfort character would eat the D&D character's ass.
I cannot state enough that this was out of nowhere, and made Astarion very uncomfortable. They and I tried to play it off and continue the conversation, and Halsin deleted the message in the discord. We checked in in a separate discord server, and Halsin brought up he was a little concerned.
Minthara is very sexual. As in, before we started dating, he sent me NSFW-explicit-noncon art of his D&D character sexual. I know he's recovering from purity culture/deconstructing, so I never minded other than asking him not to try and show his porn art to my D&D group with no warning and to stop talking about his kinks in public when we were out on dates, but when he did it to Astarion I was a little disconcerted.
One thing led to another, and a lot of friends are telling me to leave him. But on the other hand, he genuinely does love me. He's very romantic, and when we spend time together IRL I always come out feeling happy. My mom likes him, and I've met his parents, and I don't want to break his heart or anything. He sends a lot of long voice messages comparing me to nice things and talking about how much he loves me.
I don't want to hurt him, but I also don't want to be with someone who treats my friends like this- this isn't an isolated incident, just the first time it's affected someone other than me.
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
Hate-Fucking with Mansk
THANK YOU FOR 1K Followers you guys deserve the world!
Recom Mansk x Recom f. Y/N
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I will be making one with Lyle thanks to the great plot idea from @onlyreadz
Summary: Mansk has been attracted to you since you were human. As a newly recruited recombinant, he was ready to focus on the mission but your presence distracts him. A hatred for you builds up in him along with frustration and one evening, it all comes out and he can't help himself but deal with you.
WARNINGS: SMUT, man-handling, degrading, mean Mansk, filthy language, violence, fighting, angst, non-con (a little), hurt/comfort,
Side rant: this shit took me ages, enjoy (made with love)
Word Count: 9760
Today was the day the recombinant plan was being put into action. This was a major breakthrough for the RDA and their best hope of finding Jake Sully. 
Since the recom’s had the memories of soldiers and were now much bigger than humans, they needed to be woken up in groups so that the medical staff could tend to them all. All of them were therefore woken separately to ensure everyone's safety and prevent chaos. 
Mansk was in the first group along with Lopez, Warren, and Walker. Everything went well there and once they had been medically checked they were allowed to leave and dress themselves in their uniforms. 
They were told to wait in the cafeteria until everyone was awake. Mansk had a hard time adapting to his new body but he kept it to himself. His friend managed to distract him from it too. 
The second group was slightly more chaotic. But what did they expect when they had Lyle and Miles in the same room? Quaritch apparently delivered a solid punch to Lyle’s face which was well deserved because that is not the first thing one wants to wake up to. Especially not after one’s memories have the Na’vi categorised under the clear enemy. Nothing huge happened and soon they joined the others in the cafeteria. 
The group you were in was the last group but you were woken at the same time as the second one, just in a different room. 
Let’s just say that chaos was very much present there too. You woke up along with Ja, Prager, and Brown and Ja did the same thing Lyle did to Brown. Brown was known for being fast to act on his instincts so Ja wasn’t just punched, he was put in a chokehold. 
While this whole commotion was happening your eyes were opening and the noise startled you, making you sit up. There was a human next to you trying to keep you laying down but it didn’t really work. You scanned the room, watching 2 Na’vi males roll around on the floor while a third tried pulling them apart and obviously, you freaked out. Before they knew you were awake you screamed, jumping off the side of the bed. The fighting stopped for a second as they looked at you. Prager hurried over to you, trying to calm you down and introduce himself but you weren’t having it. 
The pause in the fight was used to Brown’s advantage as he pulled Ja to his feet and they slammed up against a screen attached to the ceiling. It broke off, swinging to you and the edge of it hit your jaw. 
Prager stepped closer than you wanted and the heart-beat detecting monitor next to you was launched at him. Prager ducked the heavy equipment and it flew right past Brown’s head who had let go of Ja in shock. Ja had rolled him over now, yelling at his previous friend while Prager was shouting at you to stop damaging the equipment. 
He called your name which confused you and soon you remembered that you were supposed to wake up like this. 
Y/N’s POV: 
“Oh fuck- Prager I’m sorry.”  I said, clasping my face in my hands and gathering myself. 
He tried comforting me while pulling Ja off of Brown and eventually, everyone had calmed down. 
The medics tried patching up my bruised jaw and bleeding nose but it hurt more so I left to get dressed. We were given new uniforms and then given permission to leave and meet the others. 
When we arrived, Quaritch was already giving everyone a pep-talk. Ja flung the door open stepping inside. Brown put his hand on his shoulder in an apologetic manner for the punches but Ja pushed his hand away, still mad. 
The room went silent as we walked in. Brown followed Ja inside and both of them had bruises and small cuts. I walked in after Brown, holding a bloody tissue to my nose and Prager was behind me to watch out for us. 
No one else was injured. Just Lyle had suffered a punch. Fike apparently too. Seeing us all walk in was like watching soldiers return from war and Quaritch sighed. Maybe this team would kill itself before he could order us to step outside. 
Lyle broke the silence by laughing, getting up and examining Brown before laughing more. I wasn’t in the mood for his jokes so I sat down next on the bench, ears tipped back. I noticed through the tattoos and some facial features that I was sitting next to Z-Dog who was already grinning at me. I scoffed at her amused reaction and she pressed me against her before biting her lip. 
“What the fuck happened?” she asked, making me show her my bleeding nose while she and Walker suppressed laughter. 
“Don’t wanna talk about it.” I say, shrugging it off. It was embarrassing. 
“Lyle got punched by the Colonel.” she whispered and I looked at her wide-eyed before wheezing. 
“No way.” I say, looking at Lyle who had now sat down too. She nodded and I gave in. 
“Brown had Ja face-down on the ground.” I whisper back, smiling. “And I thought Prager was going to kill me.” 
She held a fist in front of her mouth as we both grinned. “They threw a TV at me.” I add to her amusement and she laughs. 
“Assholes.” I whisper jokingly. Everyone settles down and Quaritch begins explaining our mission. 
Third Person POV:
Your group walked into the room and everyone had examined you all, noting the injuries and the tension. Mansk recognised his former colleagues, smiling to himself when he saw how they messed each other up. Then his eyes moved on to you and his smile was swiped clean off. 
He stared and his heart stopped beating for a moment. Of course, Mansk remembered you. You were his main and secret problem as a human. He didn’t know you had signed up for the Phoenix project. 
His eyes stayed fixated on you as you sat down and he scanned all your features. As you talked to Z-Dog, Lopez nudged him in the side with a chuckle. 
“Not even a minute in and you’re back on ‘er.” he whispered and Mansk’s eyes shot to him while he flattened his ears back. 
“Shut up.” Mansk shrugged him off, looking down at his feet. Lopez knew that he used to like you before.
Mansk had a thing for you when you were humans but he never told you and you never knew. He didn’t plan on telling you now either. The plan was to do what he did before: suppress his feelings and ignore you as best he could. He wasn’t able to ignore you before but now this was going to be a new version of Mansk. A better one, he told himself. This time, he would avoid you. 
Mansk needed to set his priorities straight. He was on a mission here which involved some personal conflict for he knew Jake too and wanted revenge. He hated the Na’vi and was ready to give this mission his all. No distractions. That wouldn’t happen this time. He also hated that his attraction to you stayed even in your Avatar form. 
Y/N’s POV:
We had landed on Pandora now. 
The next day we were getting our gear ready for the mission and I was given a gun I’d never seen before. I wasn’t familiar with this type of weapon because this wasn’t the one we would ever use. They probably created new guns while we were gone. I held it, examining the firearm and trying to figure out how to load it and with what. 
Everyone else was busy with their stuff, except for Mansk who was leaning against a table next to his finished and clean guns. I remembered him. I think we might have even been quite good friends. One of the things I remember about him was that he knew his weapons. He could definitely help me with mine. 
I grab my stuff and walk over to him. He’s wearing his shades and only looks at me once I’m right next to him. 
“Hey,” I smile. “Can you help me with this? I don’t know how to load it.” I say, laying out my weapon which seemed to have three parts. I expected this to be a good ice-breaker and from then on we could have a nice conversation and catch up on things. But no.
He just tilted his head to the side to look at my gun, then at me and then he looked away. 
“You should know how.” he replied, his voice low and cold. Mansk then reached for his things and left, exiting the room without another word. 
I stood there watching him leave, surprised by his answer. We used to always talk. What was that about?
Either way, I found his reaction unnecessary. We’re meant to help each other and he was being an asshole. Mansk better have a good explanation for that otherwise I’ll be pissed. Maybe something happened, so I’ll let it slide once. 
Something similar happened that evening. We were once again in the cafeteria specifically made for the recombinants and I had just gotten my food. 
Zdinarsk was the closest person in here to me so I was obviously going to sit with her. We had large tables for multiple people to sit on at once and I spotted her next to Lyle. As I’m walking to her I notice Mansk is opposite Lyle and the only space free is opposite Z-Dog which is next to him. 
Maybe he will apologise now and tell me what got him in such a bad mood. 
Without thinking much of it, I put my tray down on the table and Zdinarsk smiles at me before continuing to listen to the conversation between Lyle and Prager who was on the other side of Mansk. 
I sit down and notice Mansk glance at me from the corner of my eye. He freezes, looking away and tightly clenches his fist around the knife he’s holding. I’m unwrapping my food and suddenly, he stands up in silence and swipes his tray from the table, leaving us all startled. 
Mansk walked away and I felt him glare at me as he turned away and walked to another table. 
Zdinarsk and I exchange glances. 
“What’s up with him?” Lyle asks chuckling and taking a bite out of his bread. They watched him walk off and I huffed, wiping my hand over my face. 
“No idea. He’s being a real dick.” I mumble, arranging the food on my plate. 
“Really? He was just joking around with us a minute ago.” Zdinarsk said and I looked up at her. Maybe he wasn’t just in a bad mood. Perhaps my gut feeling was right. Mansk might really dislike me for whatever reason. 
“I think he hates me.” I say, looking down and starting my meal. 
“What you do?” she asks, her eyes flicking between Mansk and me. He’s sat at the table behind me, his back facing mine. Lyle and Prager are quietly listening. Lyle loved listening to all the drama and the news. It was his guilty pleasure. In a way, he was a gossip girl.
As humans, I could be ranting about my ex to Z-Dog and he would be standing with us, eating his protein bars and just listening with wide eyes. 
“Nothing. Literally nothing.” I say and she stays silent in thought for a while before we all shrug it off and start talking about something else. 
Today we had started the mission and we were sent out into the forest of Pandora. Roughly in the area, the last battle took place. It was all very familiar and even though there was beautiful scenery all around us, it haunted me. I died on these grounds a few years back…
We were walking in line, following Quaritch and Lyle who were leading the way. 
“Alright team, we’re runnin’ out of time so we need to split up te’ cover more ground.” Quaritch said, turning around and resting one hand on his vest while the other held his gun. Lyle nodded, looking at us before Quaritch quickly counted down the line, pointing two of his fingers at his soldiers to divide us up into pairs. At least he wasn’t calling out our names, then it would feel like we’re back in school. 
Mansk stood frozen as I watched Quaritch quickly point the two of us together. He looked around and everyone was already walking off in pairs while the Colonel turned around, leaving with Lyle.
I had my own mission for the next hour: to make this the worst most unpleasant hour Mansk has experienced. He was getting some payback for how he treated me before. I don’t let things like that just slide. 
He was tense and his ears pinned back flat against his head as he huffed, looking at me. I gave him an innocent smile which I knew would piss him off. It did and he turned away, walking in the direction we were supposed to go in. 
If he doesn’t start a fight I won’t bother him. But I’m sure he’ll have something to say before our time ends. 
I followed him in silence, looking around and holding my weapon steady. 
After about 15 minutes of hearing nothing but the sounds of the forest, the first comment came from him. 
“Walk faster.” he said, not even bothering to turn around. I stop and my ears perk forwards as I process his words. Who does he think he is?
“I’m right behind you.” I snap back, rolling my eyes. “Dipshit.” I mumble. 
His ears react to the insult and he turns around. “What?” 
“Dipshit.” I repeat in a mocking way, making his brows furrow in irritation behind his stupid shades. I walk past him, refusing to waste another second of my time dealing with him. 
“Quit it, you’ll ruin the mission.” he says, starting to walk behind me now with his ears strained again. 
“Oh really?” I say, waving my arms. “How?”
I turn to face him and as I do I slightly stumble over a root in the path. Mansk raises an eyebrow at me. 
“Actin’ like that.” he replies, motioning to my leg. Now my ears are flattened back and my tail flicks in annoyance as I glare at him. 
“Like your behaviour is so much better. Take your stupid shades off and then we’ll see who’s talking.” I call out, turning around again and walking away. 
That got under his skin. “Take it back.” he growls, following me again. 
“Like, apologise? No way. If any one of us needs to apologise it’s you.” I sneer in response. 
I hear him scoff in annoyance too. My attitude was frustrating him but I didn’t care because he was such a pain in my ass. 
“Yeah? For what?” he asks, watching me walk in front of him. 
“For being such an ass to me for no reason. The fuck did I do?” I ask, stopping and turning to face him. I really wanted to know. 
He scowled at me before just ignoring what I said and walking further. I let out a frustrated groan. 
“Fucking answer.” I call after him, fighting the urge to call him a ‘hormonal bitch’. Damn was he lucky I was restraining myself. 
“Shut up and walk.” he mutters with an ice-cold tone. 
“You’re being such a moron. We used to be friends.” I say, looking down while continuing to walk straight ahead. My body bumps into his and then I realise that he stopped in his tracks, facing me. 
He was towering over me, a stern expression dressing his face. 
“We weren’t friends. You were a pain in my ass. Always clueless. Never knowin’ what to do and never doin’ it right.” he snarled at me and his harsh words startled me, making me take a step back. I didn’t expect that. 
“How you got chosen for this mission is a fuckin’ mystery te’ me, airhead.” He added, walking up on me and staring me down before walking off again. 
I wanted to shout an insult back at him but deep down his words hurt me. I stood still for a few moments, repeating what he just said to me and it made my heart ache. My memories told me we used to be great friends. Why were his so different?
Mansk almost disappears behind the trees so I start walking again,re-adjusting some of the gear I had on. After about five minutes I catch up to him again but we walk in silence. When we turn a corner I notice Mansk stopped walking again. 
“For fuck’s sake what is it now?” I complain, wanting to push past him until I hear a loud snort and huff. I freeze myself as Mansk and I slowly look up, meeting eyes with a huge animal. 
I immediately recognise it. It’s an elephant-sized cow creature. The one that crushed Lyle. It’s almost roaring at us and Mansk stretches his arm out in front of me, pushing me back. 
The purple feather-like parts on its head move around and I realise it is displaying a territorial warning. The one Jake, Grace and Norm dealt with in the forest. Grace taught me all about it. 
Mansk curses under his breath before grabbing my vest and tugging me back. 
“Run.” he shouts but I push him off of me. 
He doesn’t understand and gets frustrated with me, wondering why I wasn’t going with him. I turn back to the creature and throw my gun down on the ground next to me. It wouldn’t help in any scenario here. Mansk didn’t know that and I heard bullets soar through the air. They pushed off of the animal's thick skin, not harming it. The action just made it angrier.
“Don’t you dare shoot at it.” I snarl at him while the animal backs up. “You’ll make it worse.” 
He’s watching me with wide eyes, standing a few feet behind me. 
“Put the gun down, Mansk!” I shout, watching as he hesitates. My attention returns to the animal and it has finished backing up now. I steady myself on the ground, placing one foot in front of the other and watching it. It takes off, running towards us at full speed and I take a step forward, snarling at it and baring my fangs. 
Mansk’s heart drops in fear as it nears us.
It comes to a halt barely in front of me, quickly backing up and huffing. I watch it for a while, not moving from my position. It watches me, waiting for me to retreat but I don’t, so it turns and leaves. The tall grass rustles as the animal turns away and I straighten my posture, watching it until it’s fully gone. 
I turn to look at Mansk who looks completely shocked. His expression makes me scoff. 
“Clueless airhead, huh?” I say, giving him a shit-eating grin before picking up my gun and resuming our walk. “Look at you hiding behind me like a bitch.”
His perked ears tip back again as I resume the argument.
He watches me with wide eyes before quickly following. I knew he was confused but he wouldn’t ask so I might as well enlighten him with the things I do know. 
“That was a Hammerhead Titanothere. They’re not usually aggressive. It was just a territorial warning display.” I say and I know very well he is listening. 
“Shooting it is useless. They have bulletproof skin. You just need to stand your ground when it does that.” I continue to explain, not looking behind me. 
Now I turn around, just to mock him. “You see, I’m not good at loading these stupid guns and yet my chances of survival here are still bigger than yours.” I smile at him and he shoots me a glare. 
It amazed Mansk how well you handled that situation. Of course, he wouldn’t ever say that. But you had climbed a rank in his eyes. That didn’t change how much he despised you though. He despised your attitude even though it was his fault you were giving it to him. Mansk hated how easily you would get him distracted and how you never seemed to understand his grudge against you. 
We returned to the meeting area and no one found anything. The mission was called off for the day and we returned to Bridgehead. I didn’t speak to Mansk on the way back at all. Why should I? He wasn’t just rude anymore he was unnecessarily mean to me. 
Later that evening, I was back in the gym. The gym was its own separate building with very bright lights. Everyone had left because everyone gets up early. I couldn’t sleep though because I felt so frustrated and angered, I needed to let it out somewhere. The unlucky boxing bag was getting it all. I was able to properly let my emotions out because no one else was in here with me. The recom’s had their own gym because we needed bigger equipment. And everyone had gone to bed. 
I wanted to scream my lungs out as I delivered punch after punch to the bag but I knew someone would hear me, thinking it was an emergency. 
I continued beating the shit out of the boxing sack when I heard the main door click open. My arms reached for the bag to still it and I held onto it to stay on my feet while turning around to see who had entered the gym. I had hair sticking to my face and my chest was heaving while beads of sweat decorated my blue skin. 
My eyes met the eyes of Mansk who was standing in front of the door with his hands in his joggers. My ears immediately pin back which secretly amuses him. 
I watch him for a few seconds, wondering what he’s doing here but he doesn’t move or do anything. He isn’t even wearing his usual training clothes. 
“The fuck you want?” I ask, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand which was in a boxing glove. 
Mansk scoffed and looked at the ground for a second in thought before scanning the empty gym. He was wearing his damned shades again. They made him look meaner.
“Nothin’.” he said, facing forwards again. I didn’t like whatever he was up to. My eyes linger on him for a little while longer in an attempt to read his mind before I turn away, taking my gloves off. 
“Done already?” he asked from somewhere behind me, walking closer. I roll my eyes and sigh, trying to pull myself together so that I won’t snap at him. 
“I’ve been here for over 2 hours. Yes, I’m done.” I snarl, refusing to look at him. 
“Don’t let me intimidate you.” he said with a breathy laugh and I knew he was smirking to himself right now. Mansk was surprisingly talkative with me. Definitely not in a pleasant way but he was a very distanced and quiet person in general. Maybe he just needed me to know how much he disliked me. 
I scoff. “Yeah, right. Like you could ever.” 
Mansk exhales a huff through his nose as tension builds in the air. 
“Maybe if you weren’t so rude I could take you more seriously.” I say, throwing the gloves to the ground and heading to the showers. 
“I’m rude?” he asks, now standing on the large rubber mat I was training on. It was a big square designed for boxing and sparring. 
“Nooo.” I reply, sarcastically. Mansk hated sarcasm. 
“Fuck- why do you have to be like this.” He mumbled, brushing his nose with his finger. I stop walking and turn around. 
“What did you say?” I ask, awaiting an answer as I stand with my weight shifted on one leg and my arms crossed in front of my chest. 
Mansk didn’t answer which made me huff in annoyance. Why did he even come here?
I walked over to him, getting back in the ring and leaning on the side ropes so I could look at him properly. His ears perked forwards, paying me attention while his eyes followed my movements. 
“If you came here just to get on my nerves you can leave.” I say, not allowing myself to look away. My tail swished behind me, showing my pent-up frustration with him. His one did the same and his ears pinned back.
“Or you can tell me why the fuck you’re like this.” I add, giving him the options I can think of until another idea enters my mind. 
“Or…” I say, not necessarily meaning this seriously. “ you can fight me.” I press my body further into the elastic railing fencing in the boxing ring while a mischievous grin paints my face. He was probably going to walk away. 
Mansk seemed surprised by my words, not moving for almost a minute as he thought. I was about to turn away and walk to the showers again when I heard his voice. 
“Fine.” Was all he said as he walked towards me. I backed up and he entered the ring with me. 
“Don’t respond with just ‘fine’. I’m gracing you with the option to finally be close to me, so you can stop being an ass.”  I joke, turning away from him and I hear him fucking growl.
I freeze, turning around to him again. He looks really pissed. 
“Oh no, I’m so intimidated now.” I mock him, ridiculing his stern expression. 
“Shut the fuck up.” he snarls, making my ears perk forward at his aggressive reaction. 
I snort. “What do you want me to say? ‘Make me’?” 
He cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders back. “Sure.” 
“In your dreams, jerk.” I snap at him, taking the opposite corner. 
This was a great opportunity in my eyes. He agreed to it and I would finally be able to punch the shit out of him. ‘Legally’. 
He was staring me down, waiting for any sudden movement I would make which would trigger him to pounce. 
“You gonna count down?” he asks eagerly, fighting himself to stay still. 
“When you grow a pair.” I spit my words and that’s all he can take. 
Mansk lunges forwards, running to me with quick steps. I dodge his first punch by moving to the side and then grab his left arm, twisting it. He groans and then one of his hands is gripping my wrist. I let go of him and his now free hand wraps around the back of my neck. He swiftly turns me around so that I’m no longer facing him and within the next second, my knee is kicked in and I fall down a level. He holds me up by my neck while both my knees hit the ground but before he can think of what to do next, my legs lock around his ankles and I manage to trip him. He falls back while I turn and straddle him, trying to keep him held down. 
“Asshole, you’re breaking all the rules.” I hiss at him, leaning down to his face to emphasize my words and he angrily pushes me off of him. I land on my back and when he’s about to jump on me I roll to the side. 
“There’s no fuckin’ rules when I’m fightin’ a bitch.” Mansk gnarled, pushing his upper body off the floor and not taking his eyes off his prey. I sit back on my knees and as he attempts to tackle me down I deliver a punch to the side of his face which brings him out of balance. 
“I’m sorry, which one of us was fucking-” I gasp for air “cowering behind the other in the forest today?” I say, recalling him standing behind me when we were almost attacked by the large animal. 
He stays still for a few seconds, holding his jaw and breathing heavily. I didn’t manage to hit him properly because he slightly moved out of the way, meaning it couldn’t hurt too much. However, it was still a punch and it felt good. 
He growled again, turning to me and as he lunged forward, his hand caught my ankle. Immediately he pulled me to him. My free leg kicked his shoulder back but his posture was stable and he pinned them to the ground. His hand then grasped my queue, forcing me to turn around while I leaned on my forearms, refusing to lay down flat on the ground. I was facing the ground while struggling to hold myself up. Mansk was towering above me, one hand still firmly holding my queue while the other pulled my left arm out from beneath me, pinning it down against the ground. 
“You mean the one time you wore almost nothin’?” he snarled, moving up my body and pressing his knee down on my leg to eliminate the possibility of me getting up. I sensed sarcasm when he brought up the ‘one time’, which was rare for Mansk to use.
His words confused me and I stopped struggling for a second to think about them. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I say, clearly distressed and resuming my fight of attempting to push him off. 
“Fuckin’ look at you. You wear nothin’ but this excuse of a bra and these tight shorts.” Mansk growled. Tight shorts? Someone’s been paying attention.
I did always wear the same type of clothes. Similar to Walker actually except that her pants were longer than mine. I didn’t think much of it because Na’vi wear loincloths and chest pieces that barely cover anything. So why should we?
Our bodies were different now, adapted to the climate of Pandora, not the air-conditioned base we stayed in. We were used to the warmth. 
I push myself up and off the ground with my right arm. 
“It’s weather appropriate.” I snap back, glancing over my shoulder as I pin my ears flat against my head. 
Mansk tightens his grip on my queue, tugging me up before almost slamming me down into the ground so that I was now pressed flat against it. 
“Well it’s not workplace appropriate.” he opposes, pushing his words through clenched teeth. 
I whine in pain while Mansk lets go of my wrist, placing his hand down on my shoulder. He was leaning on his arms which ensured that I would stay on the ground. 
“Oh I’m sorry does it bother you?” I murmur, trying to at least roll over. 
“Fuckin’ right it does.” he says and his hand is digging into the skin of my shoulder. I whimper in pain, arching my back to try and have him loosen his grip but he doesn’t. 
Luckily, my leg finds his tail, roughly slamming it down and trapping it between my foot and the ground. 
Mansk hisses through his clenched jaw, the pain making him retreated his abusing hands. I push myself forwards, lifting the leg that caused him the pain and kicking him in the side so that he would not be restraining my right leg anymore. I succeed, finally free from his grip again. 
“Why don’t you go and cry about it to Lyle.” I say, regaining my breath while resting on my hands and knees. Lyle was our team leader and often dealt with our complaints in the past. 
He looks up at me and I can tell he is raging. I’ve never seen Mansk this worked up before. No one has. 
His tail aggressively flicks behind him as he shakes his hand. “Lyle happens to like it.” he answers, spitting the words like venom. I raise an eyebrow in amusement. 
His words surprise me and I grin. “Maybe I should go to his room then.” I say, not thinking much of it. In my mind, I thought insults would get Mansk angrier but somehow the last sentence I spoke did. 
“...and tell him about what you’re do-” 
I don’t get to finish my sentence because Mansk is back on me. I try to back up but he’s too fast. I’m leaning back on my forearms once again, facing him. My leg attempts to kick him in the face and push him away but he dodges it and it slides over his shoulder. His left hand tightens around my calf, holding it in place on his shoulder. 
My eyes widen when I realise my mistake. I was stuck now.
He noticed my wide eyes and even through his anger, this little victory made him grin at me devilishly. 
“You ain’t goin’ anywhere.” he growled, flashing me his sharp fangs as his grin widened. I glared at him and then Mansk leaned further forward, making my leg bend rather uncomfortably. His free arms reached forward and he held down my other leg by digging his fingertips into the flesh of my thigh and holding it down. 
I hiss through clenched teeth at the pain from his tight grip. 
“Thought you were goin’ to put up a bigger fight than this.” he mocked me and I pushed the leg he was holding on his shoulder against him but to Mansk it just felt like a nudge. 
“Shut up, I was working out for over 2 hours you dick-” I start complaining, not giving up my struggle. He hushes me, placing his hand over my mouth to shut me up. I freeze, staring at him wide-eyed. What the fuck was he doing?
“See? I like you better when you’re not runnin’ your mouth like-” he starts to say, thinking I calmed down. I didn’t need to hear the stupid things he had to say and without hesitation I bit into his hand, letting my fangs scrape his skin and causing a scratch. 
Immediately his hand retreats and he holds it against his side, examining the scratch with perked ears. Then Mansk looks back at me and he’s angry again. 
“Try that again and you’ll lose a finger.” I snarl and his ears tip back. Somehow, I loved our new ears. They made it so easy to read one another. 
“You won, congratu-fucking-lations, let me go.” 
“Nah, don’t think so.” he growled and that devilish smirk was back on his face. “You need to be taught a lesson.”
I snort. “Me? The reason I’m a bitch to you is because you decided to be an ass since day one. And that for no reason at all.” 
“No reason?” he scoffs, digging his fingers deeper into my flesh to contain himself. 
“Yeah. I didn’t do shit and you’re acting like such a moron that-” 
“You fuckin’ distract me Y/N. Can’t do anythin’ when you’re around.” he snarls, making it sound like he’s spitting venom again. “I fuckin’ hate you, your big mouth and you’re poor excuse of fuckin’ clothes.”
My mouth drops open and I try to suppress laughter, but I won’t be able to hold it for long. 
Mansk despised so many things about you but not necessarily you. He hated how attracted he was to you and he blamed you for it. For, in his eyes, showing off your body. He was angered by his internal battle of trying to understand why he even felt attracted to an Avatar of a Na’vi. Mansk resents that he can’t get you out of his head and that once he sees you he can’t take his eyes off you. 
He was ready to fully devote himself to this mission and get it done once and for all but you are such a big distraction to him. You’re Mansk’s weakness and he used to swear to himself never to have one which makes his hatred for you worse. 
I’m biting my lip and looking at Mansk whose chest is heaving. I can see how he’s restraining himself from probably killing me but right now it just seems funny to me. 
“Goddamn, you could have bought me a drink first.” I laugh at him, releasing my lip which has my teeth marks imprinted in it. 
Soldiers like Mansk amused me and almost seemed stupid to a certain extent. Such a big intimidating man in the military losing a battle to his feelings because he never shares anything with anyone and of course one day it’s all got to come out. And when it does, it’s nasty like this. 
People like Quaritch would completely neglect mental health, focusing just on physical appearance and a strong survival mentality. Mansk was similar. The idea of talking to someone about his feelings made him think he was growing weak and that was the thing he dreaded the most. 
“If you’re so desperate for me you could have told me and-” 
Mansk can’t stand that. His right-hand releases my thigh and quickly wraps itself around my throat making me stop talking. 
“You keep talkin’ like that and I won’t be able to hold back.” he warns me. I examine the veins bulging out on his forearm, pumping blood through his body. His neck was strained and I could see his artery. He was really tensed up. 
“What makes you think I’d listen to you, jackass?” I snap back, refusing to let him intimidate me. 
Mansk can’t help himself anymore. You’re right there, laying beneath him.
He leans down, holding my head in place as I watch in confusion. His lips crash down against mine and after I realise what’s happening, my body seems to respond to him and I kiss him back. It’s not a nice kiss in any way. It’s harsh and our teeth clash at one point. I push his chest away from me, breaking the heated kiss and gasp for air. He seemed even more restless now.
Maybe deep down I was attracted to this menace of a man. 
“I’ll make ya listen.” he replies, once again flashing his fangs through a smug look. 
“I’d rather die.” I say, pulling my left leg which he let go back to my body. As I retreated it from beneath him and to me, my calf caressed his groin and Mansk tensed up. It took me a while to figure out what just happened and an extra few seconds to come to the conclusion that he was hard to the point that his erection strained his pants. 
My mouth drops open and I gulp before my gaze shoots up to him. He’s already looking at me and his ears have drooped but he didn’t let his harsh grip falter. This is definitely not what I expected. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I wheeze but he presses my throat tighter. 
The pressure he’s causing makes me uncomfortable and I slap him across the face, almost making his shades fly. Shock engulfs him for a good few seconds and I’m crawling away. 
I turn away from him, steadying myself on all fours as I prepare to stand but he’s quicker. In an instant, his hands are back on me and I’m unable to move forwards anymore. Mansk's palms close around my waist as he tugs me back to him. 
My ass comes in contact with his lower abdomen as he pulls me towards him and I gasp when I feel him press against me. 
“If you don’t move away in the next three seconds I will kill-” 
Before I can finish my sentence a stinging slap is delivered to the spot under my ass and above my thigh. 
I whimper, clenching my fists together. 
“You’re gonna keep you’re dirty lil’ mouth closed and take what I give you. Understood?” he said and I heard him unbuckle his belt. My pupils blew wider as his strong musk flooded my senses. 
“I’ll rip your tongue out you-” 
Another slap which hurt more than the previous one made me shut up. I clenched my eyes closed, suddenly feeling weak. My body seemed to be responding to his presence against my will, making me almost surrender. 
My arms and legs trembled and my tail was no longer hastily flicking around. It stilled and I pulled it under me and between my legs. 
His palm was once again holding my queue, grasping it so tightly it made me feel lightheaded. 
“Mansk, you asshole-” I murmur while one of my arms gives out beneath me. “You’re so dead.” 
My threats fly by him, not bothering the soldier at all. His long-denied emotions have collapsed in on him and that internal war of frustration triggered his new primal senses to come to light. Mine were becoming visible too and it seemed that there was no way to stop this.
My eyes seem to be burdened by a blurriness until Mansk’s touch brings me out of my haze. His free hand is feeling along the waistline of my sports shorts and with a few harsh tugs, he pulls them down my waist and legs along with my panties. My tail is pulled out of the cloth and I bare my fangs, hissing at him as the gym air comes in contact with my refused heat. 
Mansk groans, letting go of my queue and grabbing at the flesh of my hips and ass. I raise my tail, making it flick him in the face because I wasn’t giving up just yet. He growls, holding it down against me as he examines my heat-struck body. 
“Fuck…” he curses under his breath, exhaling shakily as he holds my thigh and makes me spread my legs wider. 
He hated you without a doubt, but fuck you looked so good to him. Everything about your body made him harder and suddenly you seemed so inviting to him, he couldn’t resist. 
My ears were pinned back as I was fighting my desire for him and I tried thinking of a way to fight him but my mind was blank at this point. 
I felt him let go of my hip and his right hand was placed on my shoulder, holding me steady. 
Without any warning whatsoever, Mansk brought his hand up to my shamefully dripping pussy, gliding two of his fingers between my folds. I whimper, hiding my face in my other shoulder while grimacing. I didn’t understand my body. 
He rubbed me and naturally, my legs spread wider and my hips followed his movements. 
Mansk wanted to say something but he didn’t know what. Your quarrelling feud was still very much ongoing, this was just an exceptional hiccup in the entire fight. One that couldn’t be prevented by either of you. 
Suddenly, Mansk pushed both his fingers into me and I jolted forwards at the unexpected intrusion. He kept me still by pulling me back with the hand on my right shoulder and now he leaned over my bent body, starting to finger me. Neither of us were thinking anymore. 
I whimpered, stretching my arms out in front of me so that I wouldn’t fall forwards. He wasn’t being gentle either. My body was rocking forwards every time his fingers bottomed out and his pace was rough. 
I hiss, baring my fangs again when I start feeling a form of pleasure. 
Mansk can’t resist you anymore. He has to take you whether you’re ready or not. If you continue to fight him, he’ll just be rougher. 
He pressed himself against my bare skin again, before pulling back and lining himself up with my entrance. I couldn’t even follow what he was doing, my mind was so clouded with lust. 
With one hard thrust, Mansk forced himself as deep into me as possible. I cried out in surprise and my body tensed at the foreign feeling. 
He groans, finally feeling pleasure wash over him. The long-needed feeling of euphoria was at last flooding his own senses and he needed his release more than anything. My walls were hugging him tightly because my Avatar had never done this before but it made him almost speechless.
“You look like a bitch in heat.” he snarled and I tipped my ears back. 
He pulled back, drawing his rock-hard dick out before snapping his hips forward once again and starting to fuck me at a brutal pace, making me unable to answer. 
I cried out again, not sure if it was in pain or pleasure this time. He wrapped my queue around his hand, making my head tilt back and my back arch against him. 
Mansk was losing himself inside you and he bent over you, pressing his chest against your back to ease his longing to be close to you. 
His arm was resting next to me as he held me in place, not letting his thrusts falter. 
His skin was slapping against mine, no doubt leaving mine reddened and flushed. He dug his fingers into my shoulder to contain and ground himself in reality and I snarled at him, baring through the pain. 
Something about the fact that you hated him but still let him do this really turned Mansk on. He wouldn’t be able to explain it but he definitely preferred this with you over soft sex. You didn’t deserve to be treated nicely, not when you dressed like that and talked to him in that way. 
I wanted to throw an insult at him but I couldn’t talk and neither could he. Grunts and pants filled the room as we still fought each other in a way. I leaned away from him, making the angle more difficult and in return, he held me so tightly his fingernails were close to cutting my skin. 
He would harshly tug me back and closer to him every time I somehow got loose until at one point, he leaned all his weight on me, no longer holding himself up with an arm. Both his arms wrapped around and beneath my body. One of them came up to my throat from between my arms while the other locked my body in place by tightly hugging my waist. 
Mansk’s head was buried in the crook of my neck as his panting fanned against my cheek. His eyes were closed while I was a whimpering mess, occasionally biting back the pathetic noises to hiss or snarl at him which I knew pissed him off more. Every time I did, he would fuck into me from behind even more relentlessly than before. 
I could tell he was close because his thrusts were no longer as sharp. He became more sloppy, mindlessly chasing his high as he pounded into my abused pussy. 
Mansk groaned, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes clenched closed. 
“Fuck- take it you dirty slut.” he growled. 
The hand around my throat tightened, making sure to keep me in place as he thrust into me the last few times. His body tensed and he forced himself as deep into me as possible. Mansk’s teeth bit down on the skin of my left shoulder and his fangs slightly tore the skin while his body shook. I felt him release and shoot his hot cum deep inside me as he held me closer and tighter than ever before, to ensure he’d stuff me full with as much of his load as possible. 
I moaned when I felt him fill me. It was something I had never felt before but fuck was it good. 
After about a minute, his tight grip loosened and he let his arms fall to the side. I finally inhaled properly while he steadied his own heavy breathing. 
Everything was so intense, neither of us could move for the next few minutes. He just stayed pressed on top of me, luckily supporting his weight this time while I let my head fall forwards. 
Even though I didn’t cum I was tired. Too tired to push him off or even walk to the showers. 
After a few minutes, Mansk had calmed down and slowly he lifted himself off of me. I felt him surprisingly gently pull out and I whimpered at the movement inside me. Everything felt bruised. 
My arms were trembling beneath me and I let myself fall to the side, finally relaxing. However, the heat between my legs remained. Even after all that cruel handling, my body felt needy. 
Mansk stayed kneeling behind me, looking down at me in pity. He felt a little guilty for what he had done. 
“Y’ alright?” he asked, placing his hand on my thigh as I lay on my side. My relaxed ears flatten back and he notices it all.
“No, you moron.” I snap back at him. Isn’t it obvious that I’m not at my best?
And just like that, all guilt and pity left Mansk’s body. You were clearly well enough to continue bickering. He also noticed how your tail restlessly thudded against the ground. Your scent was still strong, maybe even stronger than before which reminded Mansk that you didn’t cum.
“Aw, you want more don’t you?” he teased me, rolling me over on my back and moving my hands away from my face. He saw how flushed I was and that answered his question. 
“It wasn’t even good, loser.” I snarl, knowing it will get under his skin. But oddly it just made him chuckle. 
“Who were you moanin’ for then?” he asked with a smug grin on his face. An idea popped into my head and now I grinned at him. 
“Lyle could do it better.” I say and Mansk stills. I look at him trying to figure out whether he was thinking or whether he was genuinely hurt but that was difficult because he still had his damned shades on. 
“Mansk-” I say but within an instant, he’s on top of me. 
“I’ll make ya cum so hard you won’t be able to think about no one but me.” he hissed, and when I tried opening my mouth to respond he cut me off again and pressed our lips together. 
I huffed in annoyance, refusing to kiss him to see how much angrier he can get. 
Mansk wrapped his hand around my throat again, squeezing from the sides to cut off my air and blood flow for a few seconds. I gave in, kissing him back with as much lust and passion as I could. 
Without breaking the make out, Mansk trailed his hand down my body and spread my legs apart. I didn’t fight it this time. It seemed like a challenge to him. 
I lift my head and look between our bodies, my eyes going wide as I realise that Mansk is still hard. He pushes my head down by my neck, leaning over and sucking hickeys into the skin. I bite down on my lip, suppressing my noises which sound like muffled whimpers to him. 
He would make sure that even doing that won’t keep you quiet when he’s inside you again. 
Mansk pressed himself against my bare heat which was dripping with his cum. He ground his hips against me and I let my head drop back in pleasure and sighed. 
I felt his lips form into a grin against the skin of my collarbone. I still had my bra on because he was in too much of a hurry to take it off before. Mansk was completely naked on the other hand.
His teeth tugged at the strap of my sports bra before he leaned back and pulled it over my head. Without hesitation, he leaned back down, roughly groping my breasts and leaving a dark hickey above one. 
The grinding stopped when he pressed the tip of his leaking dick against my entrance again. Slowly he applied pressure, straightening himself and picking up my right leg to wrap it around his waist. I let him move me around because for whatever reason, I was convinced he wouldn’t make me cum. Not when I was already so sore. 
“Where’d your feral side go?” he teased, smirking down at me. I dramatically exhale to show my irritation. 
“I’m not fucking feral.” I hiss and he scoffs. 
“We’ll see.”
“I’m sorry do you want me to punch you?” I ask, looking up at him. 
“You won’t be able to in a sec.” he says and with that, he pushes himself back inside me. He enters me easier this time because we’re both coated in slick from the last round. 
My pupils grow wider at the feeling and I strain my ears back, not wanting him to see the hint of pleasure I just felt. 
Mansk still isn’t gentle because he has no reason to ‘make love’ to you. However, it’s not as brutal as before. 
He starts to thrust into me more precisely this time and my body tenses when it starts feeling good. Fuck. 
His tail found mine, making them wrap around each other while he focused on finding my weak spots. Mansk’s left hand held my thigh up on his waist as he pushed deeper each time until he started bottoming out on each thrust. 
My breathing grows heavy and I feel a small pressure build in me but it’s enough for me to resist. 
Mansk is eyeing me, watching my expressions and he notices how I’m fighting myself. He has a solution for that. 
While thrusting into me again, he lets go of my thigh which stays on him and his thumb circles my clit. 
I inhale sharply, pressing my lips together making him smirk. He slowly sped up the rhythm of his thrusts, letting his thumb brush over my clit every once in a while making me try to close my legs around him. 
I throw my head back and clench my eyes closed, realising that I’ll lose this silly bet and that if he doesn’t stop I will cum. 
Suddenly, he presses his thumb right against my clit and at the same time, his dick brushes up against my G-spot. He feels my walls clench around him briefly and I hiss, letting my mouth drop open. 
“There you are.” he growled, meaning my ‘feral side’. It seems that Mansk liked the animalistic noises we emitted. 
“Fuck-” I whimper, arching my back off the ground. He takes the hint, feeling a sense of pride in his chest as he continues doing exactly what he is. With each thrust, he applies a little more pressure on my clit and rubs under it and I’m gone. I’ll definitely lose. 
My hands grip his shoulder, needing to clutch something for support. Deep inside I’m angry at him and at myself for letting this happen and for having it feel so good. So to put up my rebellious message, I dig my fingernails into his back, clawing at the skin in a desperate attempt to contain my pleasure. 
Mansk growls, leaning forwards and once again resting his head in the crook of my neck. He licked over the area he bit into last time and then nibbled on the skin around it, tracing his fangs along it in a threatening manner. 
Tears sting the corners of my eyes, slowly threatening to spill. Mansk looks up at me and grins at the sight. 
“Such a needy little thing.” He coos and I know he’s making fun of me. 
“You started it-” I sniffle and almost sob in pleasure. “...you idiot.” I can’t think of any good insults or comebacks. 
I hiss when he bites down a little more than he should on my neck and I take it as a warning. 
“C’mon, stop fightin’ it and cum f’ere me.” he mumbles, placing a kiss on my neck. He doesn’t stop his actions and I know it’ll all be over in a few seconds. 
“No-” I whimper, and at this point, I’m begging myself not to come more than I’m telling him. I hate how good he’s making me feel. But it doesn’t matter because, with the next thrust, I’m seeing stars. 
“Mansk-” I almost scream, clenching my legs around his waist and throwing my head back. My fingers are still, digging into his back one final time as my own body shakes and my eyes roll to the back of my head. 
He rides out my orgasm, extending it for as long as possible. 
I’m mindlessly mumbling his name over and over again. 
Finally, I come down and my body goes limp beneath him. My chest is heaving and when I look up at him, Mansk has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. Instantly I frown which makes him chuckle. 
“You still mad?” he asks and I stare at him in disbelief. 
“Until you grow the balls to apologise, yeah.” I reply, wiping my hand over my forehead. My language and attitude being present after all that amazes him. 
He smiles with a sigh before speaking. “I’m sorry.” he says but I shake my head. 
My hand lifts up to his face and I push his shades up onto his head so that I can see him properly. “I don’t think you mean it.” 
He drops his head in defeat before facing me again. “I’m sorry for being such an idiot to you.” he says and I smile, satisfied. 
“Are you into me?” I ask but he doesn’t answer. “Because if yes, than this is not the way you should approach things.” I laugh and he smiles to himself, feeling unsure. 
“Yeah..” he mumbles, wondering whether he should apologise again. He wasn’t good at these conversations. 
I sigh, knowing I’ll have to deal with this emotional wreck from now on. To ease his thoughts I pull him down by his dog tag and this time I initiate the kiss. Mansk melts into it, holding my cheek and when we pull away he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. 
“You have to help me up, I don’t think I can make it to my room.” I say and he grins, nodding and getting up. Mansk gently pulls me to my feet and accompanies me in the shower. It was nice, finally seeing this side of him. 
He let me touch him and purred when I washed his back of some dried blood. 
Since everyone was asleep we managed to sneak into his room and we fell asleep together. Who knows how much longer we’ll be around to experience this.
Tag list: @ikranwings @number1gal @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
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callmelittlebuttercup · 4 months
Peace Offerings Pt. 14
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Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Chapter Summary: In the previous chapter, Reader was separated from Joel and placed her trust into another member of the group to find their way to him. When they stop into a house to find food and shelter, they run into a man named David and things take a turn for the worst.
Chapter warnings: MDNI 18+, Jackson! au, No Ellie! au, extreme angst, cannibalism, mentions of murder/death/loss, suicidal ideation, cursing, attempted SA, Reader is locked in a cage, broken bones, Reader is knocked out with chloroform.... lmk if i missed any other fun things! :)
Part Fourteen
I didn’t know what to do. In the new world, it wasn’t a custom to politely introduce yourself anymore. Usually you’d hold a gun up and pray they wouldn’t shoot you first, but this man was standing in front of me and holding his hand out to shake. It felt completely unnatural. I couldn’t help but wonder what Joe would do in this situation. I concluded that he definitely would not shake the man’s hand, so I backed away and stood with my hands crossed over my chest. “Hello David.” I said, trying to sound as intimidating as possible, “To what do I owe the pleasure?” He chuckled lightly and began to pace across the living room, “Well, you see… You and your friend have wandered into my commune, and I take the safety of my people very seriously. I need to be sure you’re not a threat.” I swallowed. Commune was a scary word, and made the man’s welcoming, yet unsettling demeanor make sense. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was dealing with a cult leader of some sort. If so, I had to get out of there, and fast.  “Look, David, I can assure you that my friend and I are not a threat to your people. We were just passing through the town and hoping to find something to eat along the way.” I explained innocently. He nodded and stared at me as if he was deciphering me like some sort of code. “You’re hungry?” He asked, his voice lacking the enthusiasm it once carried. “Well, I’m okay but my friend is-” The man cut me off, “Well then you must come with me to our mess hall. There’s plenty of food to go around here.” He smiled. My stomach flip flopped, and upon instinct I blurted out a “No thank you.” His smile quickly folded into a frown. “You’re really going to pass up a free meal? Since when has anyone offered you one of those in the past twenty years?” He questioned suavely. He sounded like a salesperson. “I normally wouldn’t, but my friend and I are in a rush to get somewhere. Just point us towards the exit and we won’t be in your hair anymore.” I said. He pressed his lips together and turned to look over his shoulder into the kitchen. “I’m not sure if your friend will be going anywhere anytime soon.” He said wearily as he looked back at me. “Wha-” My question was caught in my throat when I followed his gaze around the corner and caught sight of Jacob who was sprawled across the floor with a knife buried into his neck. My heart began to pound in my chest and the familiar feeling of adrenaline pumped through my veins. I turned back towards David with my fists balled, but suddenly a strong, sweet smell filled my nose as a cloth was pressed against my face. I tried not to breathe, knowing it was a chloroform rag, but it was too late. My fighting slowed as my vision darkened and I fell unconscious. 
The sound of a knife hitting wood rythmically slowly pulled me into consciousness. My head pounded and the sweet, alcoholic smell was stuck in my nose. Every limb ached as I  examined the small metal cell that encapsulated me. I stopped short when I saw where the noise was coming from. Horror filled my body as a human arm fell to the floor as the figure brought down the cleaver once more. My hand flew to my mouth to push the bile back down my throat. The dizziness from being knocked out caused me to fall back into the metal, causing the rungs to vibrate at the impact. The figure paused momentarily and then called out, “David! She’s awake!” I scrambled to sit up against the furthest side of the cage, ensuring that he had no way to get to me through the bars, and eyed him aggressively as he walked into the room. 
“How are you feeling?” David asked as he bent down to my level on the opposite side of my enclosure. My hands were pressed up against my chest, instinctively making myself smaller. “Super.” I blurted. He dropped a tray that he’d been carrying onto the ground and slid it through the gap between the bars and the floor. The gap I wished I was small enough to slip through and disappear. “Here, eat. You’ve been out so long… Must be starving.” He said softly. I stared at the contents of the tray. The majority of it was some kind of meat with a pitiful amount of rice. “What kind of meat is it?” I asked reluctantly. “Deer.” He answered stoicly. I scoffed at his blatant lie and kicked the tray with such force that the contents flew across the cell. Some even landed on his shoe. “You’re a fucking animal.” I grunted through my teeth. He leaned closer to the bars and his lip curled up into a sneer, “Oh… You’re awfully quick to judgement. Considering you and your friends killed how many of my men back at your little camp site?” My mind traveled back to that fight outside the tents. Those were his men? And then it all made sense. He captured me for revenge for killing his precious followers. 
“They didn’t give us a choice.” I said emotionlessly. “And you think we have a choice? Is that it? You kill to survive... and so do we. We have to take care of our own. By any means necessary.” He demanded. “So now what? Are you going to chop me into tiny little pieces because I killed a few of your delusonal prospects?” I questioned mockingly. “You killed husbands, fathers, brothers. That is nothing to joke about. But I’d rather not kill you. I figure you telling me your name would help me convince the others not to either.” He said in a dark tone, all while trying to keep his patience. I was sick of being looked at like his next meal so I shakily pulled myself up to stand in the center of the cell. David rose off of his knees and to my eyeline. “I’m not telling you shit. Killing me or doing whatever the fuck you’re going to do is not going to bring back your men, so just let me go.” I demanded as I stepped closer to him. He stood on the other side of the bars unmoving, but his lips curled into an even more threatening sneer. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. See, there’s this saying… ‘an eye for an eye.’ Ever heard it before?” He asked patronizingly. I gulped as I nodded slowly. “Right. Now, four men equals four eyes and unless I’ve counted wrong… you only have two.” My nails dug into the palms of my hands as I waited patiently for him to get to him to get to his point. He moved to the doorway, but continued, “Luckily, your brother counted as two more.” 
I hurled myself towards the metal bars, banging and pushing as hard as I could. “What the fuck did you do to him?” I growled at David. He walked over to me and wrapped his hands around the rungs. “Let’s just say… his life will help many others to prosper.” He whispered softly. My heart nearly stopped. Though nearly blinded by anger and adrenaline, I still saw an opportunity and wasted no time as I brought my elbow down onto his knuckles, slamming them onto the horizontal bar below. A loud cracking sound filled the air along with David’s pained scream. I reached through the cell door and ripped the key ring off of his belt loop and it ripped away as David fell to the ground. I kept my eye on him as I immediately began fumbling with the lock. David was snapping out of his pained state, but I was faster, and pushed the door open before sprinting down the hallway. 
My coordination was low from the dizziness as I tried to navigate our way through the kitchen and to the nearest exit. We ended up going further into the restaurant and found ourselves in the dining room. “I thought you’d be smarter than to think you’re getting out that easily.” David’s voice called out. I quickly crouched behind a booth and peeked over the seats to see him standing there with a machete hanging from his right hand. After throwing a piece of shrapnel away from me to make sure he was heading the opposite way, I began to move, lunging between boothes to stay out of sight. I neared him and planned to take him from behind with a strangle move I’d seen Joel do. 
I was inches away from him now, close enough to see the sweat gathering on the back of his neck. I seized the opportunity and launched myself onto David’s back and wrapped my arm around his neck, squeezing with all of the strength I had in me. Sickening gurgling sounds left his mouth as I continued to strangle him and I felt his knees buckling under him. The burning in my arms was only motivation to keep my grip on him, and he finally fell to the ground, taking me down with him. I gasped for breath as I stood up off of him and turned to run out of the door that was feet away, but a sharp sting spread through my calf. I cried out as I toppled to the ground, my head landing inches away from David’s. A sick smile spread across his face. “You’re weak.” He said through his teeth as he pushed himself off of the ground, “Just how I like ‘em.” I tried to sit up and grasp for my leg, but he pushed me down harshly by my shoulder and proceeded to push his body onto mine. I squealed, pushed, and kicked in attempt to get him off of me, but he was too big, too determined. “That’s it, keep fighting.” He breathed. Nausea filled my stomach as I felt him reach down and unzip his pants and began trying to rip my clothes off.  I continued to fight, digging my nails into the ground and bringing my knees into his stomach over and over again. Suddenly my hand connected with something hard. Something metal. It was the machete. I grasped it and wasted no time burying it under David’s ribcage. A look of shock occupied his face before his whole body fell onto me. 
I was numb. David’s limp body was still draped over mine, but I didn’t have the strength to move it. I’d begun to accept defeat. My brother was gone and Joel nowhere to be found. My last two motivations to be alive were now gone. So there I laid, under my captor on the grimy floor of a restaurant that was being engulfed in flames. The smoke burnt my lungs, but I didn’t care. I breathed in further, hoping it would make my demise come quicker. As I lay there, my mind went back to when Matthew and I were younger. Sitting next to our father’s strawberry plants and stuffing our faces, causing red rings to form around our mouths. I smiled at the memory and felt a tear drip down towards my ear. 
Suddenly a loud bang rattled the walls of the restaurant. I stayed still, figuring that it was the ceiling collapsing, but flinched when I heard my name being called. I thought I was imagining it, that I was finally letting go, but then I saw Joel’s face over me. His eyes were wild with concern. “Joel.” I choked. He grunted as he pushed David’s body off of me, his face dropping when he caught sight of David’s undone belt and zipper. My hands floated up to reach for him and he quickly obliged, gathering my quivering form up against his chest. “S’okay babygirl. I’m here. I’ve got you.” He soothed as I sobbed against him. I began to cough between sobs from the smoke gathering in the air, and he quickly moved to carry me outside. 
It had snowed more since I’d been captured, and the air stung my exposed skin. Joel set me down gently onto my feet and hurriedly shrugged his heavy jacket off before draping it over my shoulders. “Here.” He breathed before his arm moved to wrap around my shoulders and he began to coral me into the woods, away from the burning building. Suddenly, I dropped to my knees and my breathing became frantic. I was finally processing that my brother was gone. That he’d been murdered, chopped up, and eaten. Joel knelt down next to me and wrapped his arm around me once more as I sat there heaving. I tried to speak, to explain, but I could only manage one word at a time between gasps. “He…. they…” Joel pulled me against himself again and pressed my head under his chin and whispered, “God I’m so sorry.” He pulled away and wiped the wetness from my cheeks and under my nose. “But you’re not hurt.” He said weakly, “Thank fucking god you’re okay.” He pulled me into him again before pressing his lips to the top of my head. I let my body go limp against his. I was relieved to be with him again, to be safe in his arms, but I was so very far from being okay. 
a/n: This was an INTENSE chapter but it's not a Joel fic without angst in every chapter lmao. I hope you enjoyed and as always thank you for reading!!
@ashleyfilm @ayamenimthiriel @demonsasss
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darlingmbappe · 1 year
Innocent Offer | Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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Summary: Kylian begrudgingly admits his lack of sexual experience to you. As a good friend would, you offer him some help. Based on this request.
Warnings: Literally just smut, so minors don't you dare. Keep scrolling, nothing to see here! Virgin!Kylian, experienced!reader. Oral (male receiving), friends to lovers kinda, cussing. This was repurposed from another fic I wrote while I was in another fandom. I'm 99% sure I fixed all of the names/inconstancies. It's a little short, sorry guys! Let me know if I missed anything! — English is not my first language —
“You’re lying.” The accusing words come out of your mouth through a smirk. The boy sat across from you leaning on the headboard of the huge daybed in his gameroom with crossed arms, avoiding your gaze after having just admitted something he never thought he would. Especially to you — the girl he’s been silently (but heavily) crushing on for at least an entire year.
Kylian scoffed, pinching at a loose thread on his T-shirt sleeve. “Now, why the hell would I lie about that?”
You sit on the same bouncy mattress he did, leaning on one arm while you try to catch his eyes. He’s clearly embarrassed — not that he has to be. You didn’t want to make him feel bad about it, but couldn’t help yourself from making sure you heard him right.
“You’ve never gotten a blowjob?” He purses his lips as an answer. “A handy?” He shakes his head slightly, trying to focus on anything but your interrogation. “Not even before...”
He throws his arms down in frustration. “No, alright? Let’s just make it clear that no girl has ever seen my dick and move on. Please.” He snaps in a mumble, feeling slightly humiliated at the topic of conversation.
Your hands raise in defeat, committing yourself to dropping it for his sake.
You haven’t known Kylian for that long, a little over a year at most. What began as an acquaintance through friends of friends developed into a strange friendship of its own. After getting formally introduced to each other four times at separate events and droning ‘we’ve met’ each time, there was a sort of unspoken fellowship. Once you finally got to speak at someone's birthday party at the open bar, you two didn’t stop for hours. Laughing and trading stories until your separate groups dragged you both away. Now, you see him constantly. You were always getting those 'come over' texts the second he got home from training. You two just clicked.
You watched his chest rise and fall as he did his best to focus on the giant TV mounted on the wall, giving your eyes time to feed on his tense shoulders, his exposed collar bone begging to be kissed.
You wanted him to relax; you’re not judging him, you just couldn’t believe he was a virgin. He’s just so confident… and so goddamn sexy. You were actually kind of convinced he was a man-whore. You’ve seen all these women throw themselves at him over the course of just one year, but you never thought about the fact that you’d never seen him go home with any of them until just this second.
The words ‘no girl has ever seen my dick’ echoed in your head, your thoughts have been reduced to more perverted ones. You cared about Kylian so much and you noticed the way he looked at you sometimes, so you tried to be flirty and let him know that you were very much interested... but he would turn away and get shy about it each time. You just assumed he wasn’t into you and cut your losses, satisfied enough with a close friendship with the global star. Now, you’re thinking maybe he wasn’t uninterested, just flustered.
You crawled up the bed and sat next to him shoulder-to-shoulder, leaning your back on the headboard. He stayed completely still as he felt the heat of your body next to his, wishing he had just lied or something. 
Kylian looked back at his lap. “Will you stop looking at me like that?” You furrow your eyebrows, his words snapping you out of your own head. “It’s just… My whole life I've been so focused on becoming the world's greatest football star and then… I don’t know. Time flew by and all of the sudden I’m twenty four and still a…” He cuts himself off avoiding the V-word, simultaneously contradicting his whole let’s move on plea. He gulps, fiddling with his ring as if he had never seen one before. “I… I’m not going to be any good at it and I feel like women have all these expectations while sleeping with a football player, and I don’t want to embarrass myself. At this point I have to wait until it’s someone I trust, but I don’t have time for a relationship. Maybe I’m thinking too much about it.” He shrugs. “It’s not on purpose, is what I'm trying to say.”
You can’t seem to look away. He’s flustered and cute while he chews on the inside of his cheek. Maybe his shy confession has you wanting to take care of him, or maybe the infatuation you’ve suppressed for so long is coming back up to the surface; whatever it was drove you crazy. Crazy enough that you couldn’t stop yourself from saying something so bold. So direct. So out of character...
“Can I give you a blowjob?”
Kylians eyebrows shoot up, whipping his head to the side to finally meet your eyes. You could see him searching for any form of malice, he wondered if you were pulling some sadistic prank on him.
Maybe he didn’t hear you right – it was the only explanation he could come up with.
He opened his mouth to ask, but absolutely nothing came out. His lack of response kept you on the edge of your seat, giving you time to think about what you had just offered. It was ridiculous, inappropriate… he was going to think you were a weirdo. But you couldn’t back out now, it’s already out there. 
“Wh—uh. I… Me?” He eventually stuttered, a blush creeping up his neck and cheeks.
“Who else could I possibly be talking to, Ky?” He just continues to stare. “Look, if you don’t want that, we can just pretend I never said anything.”
“No! I mean… yes. I mean…” He laughed awkwardly, shifting slightly to face you. Your brows pinched together, confused at his mixed response. “A-are being serious?”
“Dead serious, Mbappé.” You could see he was conflicted. You give him a few seconds to think before speaking again. “I know what you’re thinking, and I’m not just offering because you’ve never had one before. I want to do it for you. I wanna make sure you feel comfortable with the person. No judgments.” The idea of making Kylian moan sends a shiver down your spine. You see him gulp. “But, again, say the word and we’ll forget about this.”
His eyes are so wide looking into yours. “Y-you’re sure about this?” You nod, smiling and taking his hand into yours on his lap. “Then… yeah. Hell yeah.” Kylian grins, the rosey color deepening on his cheeks. He knew he would have to be an idiot to pass up this offer.
With his clear consent, you bite your lip, looking down at your locked hands and extending your fingers to free them from his lazy grip. You began to rub his palm softly, letting your finger graze off onto his jean covered thigh, going over his exposed skin through one of the rips. You applied more pressure as you slowly let your touch get closer to his crotch — Kylian’s breath hitched every time you made your way up.
You sat up on your knees and straddled one of his thighs, you continued your movements with both hands now. Looking up at him, his eyes were barely open but they stayed on you.
“You can tell me to stop at any time, okay hun?” The nickname was new, but felt right in the moment.
“Don’t.” He choked out, his hands now resting on the sheets.
Your right hand finally settled on his semi. The second it landed there he grunted, shifting himself lower on the matress. You wanted to kiss his parted lips, glistening with spit as he quickly went over them with his tongue.
You leaned in but landed your kiss on his neck just below his jaw. You wondered if anyone had ever kissed him there before as you bit the skin gently, earning a muffled groan and another gulp from the man underneath you. You continued a path of wet kisses and hickeys all over his neck, his semi now almost completely hard in his jeans. Pulling back, you looked at Kylian— his eyes threatening to close but prying themselves open, the dim light from his lamp making your spit glisten on his bruising neck. His breathing was quick and heavy. Seeing him like this under you makes you realize… you’ve got it bad for Kylian Mbappé.
Kylian couldn’t believe the sight in front of him. He must be having another one of his wet dreams or maybe took a ball to the head and was hallucinating. He had to reach out and grab your waist to confirm that this was reality. It was actually happening.
Slowly, you pop open the button on his jeans, pulling down the zipper. His erection was begging to be let loose and from what you had felt, he was definitely packing. When he lifted his hips to allow you to pull the material down to his mid thigh, leaving only his blue checkered boxers, you got your first real glimpse at what you had gotten yourself into.
You let out a soft ‘mhm’ as you let your forefinger touch his tip through his boxers, feeling the warm wetness of his precum against the pad.
“Ah, Dieu.” He breathed, digging his fingers into your hips. “Just so you know—hha, putain—I probably… I definitely won’t last long.”
You can see the apologetic look under his hooded eyes already. “Kyks, I’m not expecting you to.” You began playing with the hem of his boxers, lifting his shirt enough to see his belly button, letting your nail scratch at the minimal scruff of his happy trail. “I don’t want you to worry about that, okay?” He nodded, his warm palms rubbing your outer thighs. “I just want you to enjoy it.”
Blowjobs were kind of your thing. Your asshole ex made sure you knew how to give really good head, which was funny since he never once bothered to learn where your clitoris was. Either way, this was your area of expertise — your sexual superpower, if you will.
You pulled his boxers down, watching his length pull down until it released and sprang up, slapping Kylian’s belly.
Holy shit.
“Holy shit.” You said out loud. What a nice cock Kylian had. Long, slightly thick, a perfectly irritated mushroom head twitching against his soft skin. It definitely would be a challenge.
You palmed up his erection in one swift movement, immediately hitching Kylian’s breath, his eyes glued to your every movement. You wrapped your fingers around his tip, letting your thumb spread around his juices. You laid down between his legs, your face now inches away from his throbbing cock.
“God, yes.”
Your tongue pressed flat against his slit, swirling around and tasting him like a lollipop. He moaned and threw his head back, the sound he made going straight to your aching pussy. The floodgates have opened between your legs with just the first lick, causing you to hum against him.
“Christ, (Y/N).” He hissed at the vibration.
You pulled off for a second, spitting down onto him, using your hand to spread the moisture to make it easier to take him all in. Because you were determined to take every inch of him.
Lowering your head back down, you hollow your cheeks and create suction. He shivered with a harsh exhale and reached to hold your hair back so he could see your face sinking into him.
The second your hands moved to play with his balls, he jolted. “Shit!”
You popped him out of your mouth quickly and concerned. “You don’t like that?”
“Jesus, I love it. Feels so good, amour. So fucking good.” He quickly insisted, involuntarily jutting into your hand that was wrapped around him.
With a smirk upon hearing the nicknames he called you, you took him back into your mouth and continued to squeeze his sack, bobbing your head up and down with your tongue pressed flat against his length, his eyes pressing closed with a loud moan. You looked up at him through your lashes until his eyes finally opened and met yours. Taking this opportunity, you shoved him all the way down your throat, your lips pressing against his pelvis, your nose buried in his bush of neatly trimmed hair.
He gasped then moaned, trying to form a coherent praise for you, but it came out muddled between huffs of air. You shook your head slightly against him suppressing your gag reflex as he continued to mumble incoherently under your grasp. You came back up for air, jerking him off as you stared at him… so pretty. “I- I can’t… merde. I’m gonna cum soon if you pull that shit again.”
“Am I making you feel so good, Ky?” You innocently asked.
“The fuck do you think?” He jokingly retorts at his disheveled state, making you giggle. “So good.” You had begun sucking on one of his balls, licking and swirling it in your mouth. Both his hands lifted to cover his red face and his tummy moved quickly with every breath.
You licked a stripe back up to his tip, taking all of him back your mouth without warning, deepthroating him once again. His tip pushed back behind your uvula and you were quickly bobbing your head up and down, letting his sensitive head rub back and forth against the back of your throat.
All you could hear was your gurgling sounds and Kylian’s loud huffs of air until his moans became more prominent. “I’m g-gonna cum—oh fuck—ahh!”
His warning wasn’t much of a warning, immediately feeling the hot spurts of white fill your mouth and trickle down your open throat. Your one hand squeezed his balls while the other scratched down his exposed thigh. He moaned and his whole body was twitching, squirming his legs around. You helped Kylian ride out his high until there was definitely no more cum left to give.
You lifted off of him gasping for air, swallowing everything he had given you. You looked down at his still twitching cock as it began to soften, wet with your spit and his own cum.
Now sitting up on your knees, you both caught your breaths until you broke the silence, growing impatient. “So..?”
His eyes peered into yours, a satisfied smile taking over his features. Broken between breaths, he finally spoke. “That had to be… the best blowjob… in the history… of blowjobs.”
You laughed, swinging your legs over the bed and stretching out your back. “Careful Kyks, you’re gonna give me a big head.”
“You just gave me big head.” He chuckled, pulling his clothes back to their rightful place.
You shook your head and blushed. “You’re ridiculous.” You looked at the time on your phone. “Shit. I'm late for my shift.”
He sat up as you hurriedly grabbed your things. You probably should have checked the time before you offered oral to your best friend.
“What—you’re leaving? You can’t leave… I didn’t even get to return the favor.” He argued.
“I didn’t realize that was part of the deal.” You quirked a brow as you put your boots on.
“I mean…” He blushed, watching your every move. “I’d like for it to be.” He stuttered.
You stood up smirking, walking to stand over him on his bed. Leaning down, you planted a kiss on his cheek, close to his mouth. “I’ll see you later, okay, big boy?”
You left him speechless when you walked out of his room, frozen in place. The touch of your lips against his skin invaded his body with goosebumps and then he realized: he never got to kiss you.
He knew now that no other girl could be his first. It had to be you.
Y/N: Short and filthy! So, like I mentioned, this was repurposed from an old fan account I had for a separate fandom a year or so ago. Love y'all!
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wander-wren · 13 days
Are You There, God? It’s Me, Matthew
Time for the promised defense of our favorite asshole, with analysis of my favorite song from the show, “Are You There?”
Brief disclaimers: I haven’t seen a staging of the show in YEARS, so there may be some missing context, but I have done my best. I am also coming at it as a complete outsider, being both an agnostic raised “non-denominational” Christian and someone firmly removed from most of the drama in my own high school.
I want to make this post accessible to non-Bare fans, mostly so I can foist it on my unsuspecting friends, so I will begin with a synopsis and do my best to explain everything.
Bare: A Pop Opera is a coming of age story about two boys, Peter and Jason (secretly dating) at a Catholic boarding school. The central conflict is that Peter is tired of being closeted and wants to come out, but Jason is terrified and refuses. Orbiting them are their friend group, Nadia (Jason’s sister), Ivy, and Matthew, who each have their own set of problems that gets tangled with the boys.
“Are You There?” takes place at the point where all of the setup begins to coalesce into conflict. Our situation is thus: Jason and Peter have had multiple fights over whether or not to come out. Some of this was instigated by a rave they both went to, where they danced together and no one batted an eye; Peter uses this to argue that the world isn’t so harsh, while Jason thinks Peter is naive and a rave is very different from the whole world. We’ve also been introduced to Jason’s father (from Jason’s perspective, at least), who appears to be very hard on his kids and emotionally absent. Jason is also popular and has a reputation as a “ladies man,” whereas Peter seems more reserved, awkward, and unnoticed, which gives Jason more to lose socially by coming out.
In the background, we have Ivy, who has a reputation for sleeping around and seems to be generally regarded as a bit spoiled and vain. We’ve seen her and Nadia trade a lot of insults, but outside of that she seems to be grounded and sweet, and sings a song called “Portrait of a Girl” where she struggles with how people view her.
Nadia isn’t too relevant here, unfortunately, but she’s awesome so everyone say hi Nadia, we appreciate you.
Matt has yet to have too much characterization. He deals drugs to the student population and acts as the ringleader for the rave adventure, but otherwise doesn’t do much. He does have a song called “Wonderland” where he tells the group about some new drug he wants them to try. He also sees Jason and Peter dancing at the rave, but I’m not sure if we know this when “Are You There?” occurs; he reveals it later in another song, but without seeing the whole production I can’t say if we’re meant to know before that. We also know he has a huge crush on Ivy that she doesn’t reciprocate, but she hasn’t outright turned him down.
“Are You There?” takes place during Ivy’s birthday party, a week after the rave. Matt and Peter both escape the party separately; Matt because Ivy rebuffed him and went to dance with Jason, and Peter because Jason is dancing with Ivy. They pray about their issues, then discover they’re not alone outside and talk. Peter comes out to Matt and reveals he and Jason are dating, which Matt at the time accepts.
Later in the show, Matt will start a fistfight with Jason and call him a faggot, and a bit later out him and Peter to their entire class. Based on the fact that Matt only targets Jason, this is less out of homophobia and more out of petty jealousy that Ivy likes Jason instead of him. The outing, among other problems not relevant here (and institutional homophobia, which is relevant), leads Jason to suicide.
So, uh, Matt’s an asshole. But! I like him anyway, and we’re gonna talk about why. Rewind to Ivy’s party, this song, and this pivotal conversation between Peter and Matt.
Matt begins the song by asking God, “Do you know—well of course you do— / What it’s like to stand outside? / To watch the world and wish / you didn’t hurt so much you cried? / I know I’m not the only one / and I know I shouldn’t care / but I feel these things are real / I wish I felt you there / And if I did, I’d ask you / How come life is so unfair?”
I believe this is the one time in the show we see Matt’s real feelings. The rest of the song I think is also probably very genuine, but Matt is the type to put up a front even around his friends, so it’s hard to be sure.
So this gives us a lot of new information about Matthew right away: he feels alone and like an outsider, he’s depressed, he’s conditioned to dismiss his own feelings but doesn’t want to, and he’s struggling with his faith.
I’ve already made a post about the theory that Matt had a relative who died during the school year. You can read that, or, TLDR: A dead girl named Megan Lloyd is referenced in a throwaway line in a song that comes after “Are You There?” Since Matthew’s last name is also Lloyd, it seems like they are probably related, and this could contribute to his behavior/attitude, especially since her death is treated as a joke and never brought up again.
It’s possible that Megan’s death (and its dismissal) contributes to Matt feeling apart and to him wrestling with faith.
(An aside: I do love this song because of it’s opening verses. Something about the interjection of “of course you do” is very humanizing of God and very sweetly telling of the boys’ view/relationship to him. I also think “of course” is one of the best phrases in the English language, generally. Of course.)
Peter sings a verse with similar themes, and the boys sing together: “Are you there? Are you there? / Do you watch me when I cry? / And if it’s in your power / how can you sit idly by? / I try so hard to please you / but you never seem to see / Is it my fate to sit and wait? / Wonder what my struggle means? / I wish I knew that someone out there cared / Cared for me.”
I’ve italicized the lines that Matt sings alone (with Peter singing the lines following each one alone). Overall the chorus doesn’t do too much except nail home how lost and somewhat bitter both boys feel. Matt wishing that someone cared about him serves to highlight his loneliness, even though he has friends and seems popular.
At this point the boys briefly stop singing and just speak. Matt calls, “Who’s out there?” and when Peter responds, “Matt?” he says, “Yeah, are you alright?”
The way Matt says this line in the official cast recording, at least, has always stuck out to me. He sounds so gentle and genuine, and you remember that they’re friends. We see that Matt isn’t oblivious or self-centered, even though on the surface he just seems like he’s being dramatic that his crush doesn’t like him back.
Anyway, the boys sit together and Matt offers Peter some wine. They commiserate vaguely about the party and life, and then Peter admits, “It sucks to be ignored,” to which Matt says (beginning to sing properly again), “Ugh, I know! I always fight to do what’s right / and this is my reward.”
It’s very odd to me that Matt says this. It does make him seem kind of childish and entitled; which, he’s a seventeen year old boy, they can be that way. But I wonder if it’s a hint to some inner world that we’re never properly shown, some moral struggle Matt has. Or he’s just being dramatic. Who knows!
The boys sing together again: “Are you there? Are you there? / Can you make some time for me? / They tell me that you’re out there / And they tell me that you see / I try to find the meaning, God / You know how hard I’ve tried / But I don’t know where I’m going / and I don’t have any guide.”
This verse doesn’t really give us too much that’s new. Wanting more from God and feeling lost are very very common feelings.
Matt then sings, alone, “They said things would get better / but I guess they lied.” This line always makes me want to cry a little bit, this hint at Matt’s utter hopelessness and sort of resignation to it.
Peter then sings, “Are you there? / He needs to give me more,” and Matt agrees, “I’ll drink to that.”
Peter is referring both to God and to Jason, but Matt of course only thinks he’s talking about God. Probably. It is kind of funny to read it as Matt agreeing Jason owes Peter more. But what I’m more interested in is the fact that Peter’s line is diegetic, since Matt responds to it, but Matt’s line right before doesn’t get a response, at least not in this recording. Did Peter hear him say things won’t get better? What would he think about that? Peter seems a pretty hopeful person in spite of it all.
At any rate, Peter continues by saying, “Who cares what people think? / We’re fine, we’ve been through this before / One day he’ll wake up / and realize all he needs is me / Until then, God, I wish I knew / I need a guarantee.”
So here is where the relationship is confirmed to Matthew. Matthew says nothing to him, instead directing his next line back to God: “I need to know for sure that you’ll be there.”
Peter echoes that sentiment and the song proper ends, fading into a soft piano. At this point Matt and Peter begin to dance together, with Matt asking “Who’s leading?” and Peter answering, “I don’t know.” Matt asks “Who usually leads?” thereby acknowledging Peter and Jason’s relationship (and subtly asking who tops, lmao).
Peter whispers into Matt’s ear, which we can assume is him properly coming out, then says goodnight and leaves.
Now. It is absolutely possible to read Matt as deceiving in this song and a so-closeted-he’s-homophobic type of guy, between the dance and his treatment of Jason, but as I said before I don’t believe his behavior is rooted in homophobia. I also don’t believe he was lying about his feelings to earn Peter’s trust and gain information from him. There’s nothing to suggest that is Matt’s goal.
I think Matt is straight and starts the dance as a genuine show of support for Peter. Remember, this show was written and takes place in ~2000. Matt is touching Peter, doing an intimate activity with him, right after Peter has come out. It is extremely significant and sweet. Asking who leads is an even more overt gesture of acceptance; Matt wants to hear about them and what their relationship is like. This moment is unbelievably special and I believe that’s why Peter decides to come out rather than play damage control.
Okay, so, that’s all well and good, but what about the part where Matt’s a total dickhead later on? Well.
Matt fights Jason and calls him a faggot the very next day, but he does so during their rehearsal for the school play, where a fight is already scripted; he just takes it too far and adds the slur, whispered for only Jason. I think that this was a response to Jason dancing with Ivy and Matt wanted to let Jason know he held something over him; I believe that if Jason and Ivy had gone no further, Matt wouldn’t have either.
But instead, when Peter arrives and tries to convince Jason, again, to come out, Jason breaks up with him.
Shortly after (it’s unclear how long; possibly the same day), Ivy approaches Jason to apologize for being so forward at her party. Jason says it’s okay and pretends to reciprocate his feelings, clearly in an attempt to be “normal” and distance himself from his queerness/relationship to Peter. He and Ivy end up having sex, and then everyone splits for spring break.
When they return from break, Ivy asks to meet with Jason before a play rehearsal, where she reveals that she’s pregnant. Jason loses it and they begin to argue. Matt appears, as well as other students ready for rehearsal, and tells Ivy that Jason is gay and will never treat her the way she deserves (like he would, if she would date him).
Peter runs in and asks what’s going on. This is the only time Matt is even a bit mean to him, asking “Ivy’s pregnant and your boyfriend’s the dad / So what does that make you?” Peter tries to deny it, and Matt tells him not to play dumb.
Jason shouts at Matt to shut up and Matt taunts him about seeing them dance at the rave. Jason shouts at him some more, trying to salvage the situation, before Peter reveals that Matt does know what he’s talking about, because Peter told him.
Jason storms out, has a crisis, etc, and ultimately ends up getting drugs from Matt and overdosing on the night of the school play. It’s not clear whether this drug deal was already arranged or not, or why Matt lets an obviously unstable classmate have pills. We don’t get to see his thought process.
I think that Matt genuinely didn’t grasp the severity of what he was doing. He knew it would hurt Jason, but he didn’t expect it to destroy him. As Jason takes the pills, Matt even says, “You know we’re still cool, right?” in a sort of clumsy, teen-guy attempt to smooth things over. It seems to cross his mind what Jason could do with the drugs, but he’s too nervous to confront him about it directly. Maybe he assumes he’ll have more time, to talk to Jason again or warn someone closer to him.
Matt apologizes better to Peter later in the same scene, saying, “Peter, what I did…that was messed up. I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry.” (Peter only replies “It’s done,” for the curious.)
It is interesting how Matt responds differently to each of them, and implies he’s closer and more comfortable with Peter (makes sense, given his animosity/rivalry with Jason). I read this both as a real apology to Peter and an attempt to soothe his guilt over Jason; maybe he’s hoping Peter will put in a good word for him, though Peter and Jason are barely speaking at this point either.
The next we see Matt is in the final song, which takes place during the graduation ceremony. He begins his valedictorian speech, stammering, “I’d like to start with just a— / If we could take a moment— / If maybe we were silent / Or we had spoken / I tried to find the words to— / Just the right quotation / But I must confess I came up empty.”
Matt never seems unsure of himself before now. While metaphorically, yes, he sings a song about uncertainty, he doesn’t stumble over his words or have nothing to say. I would say Matt is acutely aware of his position, and that while he is referencing his speech when he talks about coming up empty, he’s also referring to that last moment of contact. That brief second where he could have said or done anything, could have made a difference, and only let Jason go.
That’s all we have of Matt. A conflicted, lonely, potentially-grieving kid who made a stupid, fucked-up choice in a fit of envy and has to deal with the consequences.
I’m unsure, at the end of all this, whether I have the dominant opinion. I’ve never really interacted with Bare’s fandom. I hope I have the dominant opinion. Matt’s pretty easy to hate and narratives are pretty easy to twist.
But I keep coming back to a dance outside a party. And I don’t believe Bare is a story in black and white.
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thesillysanctuary · 6 months
Hey! I'd like to get your advice on something, as a clown expert. My grandpa recently passed away, and I've come into possesion of his clown, a little porcelain clown that doubles as a bell. Now, I'm no stranger to keeping clowns, I have a small troupe of 3 ive been keeping for 5 years. But the problem is...theyre all plushes! I don't think theyre ever met such a delicate clown, and I'm scared someone might get hurt! How can I make sure they get along, and that this lovely old fella doesnt end up in bits?
Great Question! Porcelain clowns are very delicate indeed and you are doing a good thing by asking.
You see, due to the age of this Porcelain clown, I would say he’s a bit more delicate than normal. As they age, Porcelains outer shell can get very thin. Now, Plush clowns tend not to know when they’re too rough during play. It’s very hard for them to get hurt from blunt force trauma, as you know. But luckily for you, yours are pretty much at full size at this point and should know their own strength.
First step, do as you would with any other clown, you have to introduce them slowly. Take a piece of clothing from the Porcelain and leave it around the house, it helps them get used to a new smell. I wouldn’t worry about aggression in Plushes, but do know that since they’ve been a troupe for a while they might forget their new friend on accident. As you know Plushes are very forgetful when excited.
When you believe the time is right, bring them together for a monitored play date. See how they get along. Be ready to step in and separate if anything happens. If the playdate goes well, have the Porcelain sleep near you for the first few days/weeks, as they need to be invited to sleep with the rest of the group. You will know they’ve been invited when they stop following you to your bedroom at night.
For a tip if you want to see if your Plushes can handle fragile things, try an old method my predecessor taught me. Give the clown an egg, tell them a command along the lines of ‘gentle’ or the more silly ‘it’s a baby’ and then leave the room for a few minutes. Come back, look at egg (if intact), reward if egg is in good condition. This makes them learn that being nice to fragile things is a reward able behavior, and might make it a habit if they’re very food motivated. It’s a not a sure fire way but I have seen it work.
Hope this helped! Keep us posted,
— Sanctuary owner Bug 🐐
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kaokaostories · 4 months
Jet: Avatar of The Last Airbender x Female Y/N
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This fanfic was made for my friends, It's my first ever fanfic. So be mindful and please bare with me.
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(Jet is 16. I will not make any HIGHLY suggestive scenes of the two, its weird. Only kisses since that was my challenge)
You've recently got separated and lost from your people. The fire nation military found your village and destroyed everything forcing people to evacuate. You barely managed to keep yourself alive but you did and there's no looking back. Being a non-bender and never taught how to fight, let alone even defend yourself due to the fact that "women aren't meant for war" was a strict rule in your village. Y/N was practically doomed.
Y/N silently prayed as she cautiously walked around the this labyrinth of a forest. Prayed to stumble across a safe village rather than the resting place of fire nation soldiers. Fortunately, she did stumbled across a campsite, a fire nation's campsite. She stood still as she noticed that the men too had stood still but quickly got up in position. She can feel their eyes examining her, determining where she's from, if she can bend, if she's a threat. Y/N quickly moved her body into a fighting stance. The soldiers watched and laughed at her stance.
"Are you trying to dance for us, little lady?" One of the soldiers cackled. Slowly, the soldiers were moving in to capture her. Y/N was flustered but stood her ground. She was outnumbered but she wasn't going down without a fight even if she was inexperienced.
An arrow strikes down onto one of the fire nation soldiers from the trees. Y/N turned to look and people started falling down from the trees. They quickly started attacking the fire nation soldiers wether they were on her side or not, Y/N wanted to supported them and picked up rocks from the floor and started throwing them towards the soldiers. On Y/N's 3rd round of rocks, she kneeled down to pick up some more but as she got up she felt her self get pulled in by a young man's arm.
"Ah!" Y/N yelped, struggling to escape the young man's grip till she saw fire dash across her. Right where she was originally standing. "Careful there." the young man let go off Y/N re-assuring her that he was on her side with a smirk. He moved aside from her and attacked the last fire nation soldier still standing with his long hooked swords. He kicked the soldier down, "I've actually managed to live..." Y/N whispered shocked. "What was that?" The young man turned to Y/N. Y/N quickly fell to her knees and bowed down, "Thank you, Thank you so much! But I don't have anything to repay you people." She softly sobbed.
"Don't worry about it. Us, freedom fighters, we're made to fight against those disgusting foul fire nation soldiers." The young man brushed the top of Y/N's hair with his hand. He moved his hand away and lend it out for Y/N to which she accepted and helped herself up. "Freedom fighters...?" She titled her head to the side a bit confused. The young man introduced himself, "Jet. This is pipsqueak, smellerbee, long-shot, and the duke." Y/N waved at them and the group nodded their head. "Come, Let me show you what freedom fighters are about." He turned to his little group chatting with them till Y/N interrupted "What about the soldiers?" Jet looked down on the soldiers in disgust and back up to Pipsqueak. "He'll take out the trash." He turned back to Y/N with a smirk and gestured her to follow along.
"Haven't told us your name, Tell us about you." Jet asked as he led the small group back to their hideout. "Sorry, I'm Y/N. I use to live in a village, very small just about 200 of us till the fire nation found us. They took everything we have ever built and fought for, they took my people away from me. A few of us managed to escape, barely. I was in a group till we crossed a stream then we got separated..." Y/N was looking down, trying to hold back her tears. The memory of her family being burned alive in-front of her replayed over and over. A pat on her back made her look back up to see Jet giving her a frown and a look of pity. "That's why we fight, all of us." Y/N looked away from Jet to keep her from crying more till she looked up and saw treehouses, everywhere. There were more freedom fighters so many. "All of us had been wronged by the fire nation, you're not alone."
Jet wrapped an arm around Y/N and held onto a rope. "Hold on tight." He tugged on the rope and was pulled up. Y/N looked down and saw how amazing this was till she started getting her fear of heights and buried her face on Jet's collar. Once she felt her feet touch on solid wood she pulled away from Jet, her face hot. "You seem flustered?" Jet checked on Y/N. "Uh.. It was the.. the recollection of my traumatic experience..." Jet patted on Y/N's back. "If you join us, you won't have to experience that again. You could even prevent it from happening."
Y/N nodded. "I'm not sure if I have a choice..." Y/N smiled, "and even if I had a variety of options to choose I'd prefer to be here with you." Y/N thought. Jet was a very attractive young man, very. Y/N held her cheek and wondered if he'd like someone like her... "Tonight, okay?"
"Huh?" Y/N sounded confusingly.
"Ha, Daydreaming? I said tonight in my room I'll train you."
"Oh! Oh... Okay."
"You know where it is, right?"
"Right." Y/N looked around and pointed at one of the treehouse that had look like to be for Jet.
"Clever, Go help out with Longshot, will ya? I've got another mission to do with smellerbee and the duke."
Jet gave Y/N one last look, looking at her up and down before he looked back up at her and smirked. He head back down to the others and Y/N was guided to Longshot to help make arrows and even shoot them.
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After Y/N shared some dinner with some of the other freedom fighters she made her way back to Jet's treehouse for some training which she didn't want to admit but was getting some pretty intense scenarios from. Some where a tad bit too kinky... Y/N walked into Jet's treehouse and was confused why it was empty. She looked around and decided to just wait and sat on a chair in-front of the treehouse's plank doors.
Y/N heard footsteps nearing but from behind her, she stood up and turned and noticed a door behind her opening. "I'm ready-" Y/N's mouth dropped as she noticed that Jet came out from the door with a rag wrapped around his waist, poorly. "Oh, You're here?" Jet looked outside and notice there was still light out and turned back towards Y/N. "Must be THAT excited, huh. Go on, turn around. I'll get dressed and then we'll start."
Y/N was already daydreaming, her eyes obviously looking where they shouldn't be. She closed back up her mouth and turned towards the wall. "Wow, this is definitely an original scenario... nothing like this has ever happened before to anyone." Y/N mumbled. "Alright grab one of my hooked swords and meet me outside." Jet commanded as he head outside his treehouse. Y/N trailed behind taking the single hooked sword as commanded and went outside to follow him. They were heading to the back of his treehouse towards another one.
"Alright, come at me." Jet moved to his defensive stance and Y/N hesitantly came at him, using his hooked sword like a fishing net. Jet chuckled as he dodged every single one of Y/N's moves, quickly he pinned Y/N down. With little to no effort. Y/N panted, shocked. She blushed, looking away since her heart was beating too loud for her to hear Jet's own voice. "Focus, Y/N" Jet grabbed Y/N's attention again by softly moving her face towards his direction again. "I'm focused." Y/N whispered lowly as she was obviously kissing his lips with her eyes. She had a great view of him. Jet got off of Y/N and sat up in-front of her as she slowly sat up herself realizing how obvious it was that she wasn't thinking clearly. Jet's ears were red and a tint of pink faintly spread across his cheeks.
"Maybe you need... another trainer, seems like you're distracted with me." Jet sighed.
"NO!.." Y/N blurted out. Jet gave her a shocked look.
"My bad, I just, like, well you know... I.."
Y/N couldn't think of a reasonable reason or excuse to keep having Jet training her. She tried to think but her thoughts were faster than her mouth. It was hard enough forming a sentence, even harder when Jet starts moving in closer to Y/N. Closer and closer, he pulled Y/N by the waist. He paused, observing Y/N's face. He slowly looked down and wrapped both of his arms around Y/N's hip kissing her neck. The more gasps Y/N let out the more he'd kiss her neck more passionately, so much he pinned Y/N back down. Y/N brushed her fingers through the back of Jet's hair.
"Je-Jet slow down.. mmph.." Y/N groaned. He left multiple hickeys on her collar. Jet paused and pulled away from Y/N. His eyes detailing her, he caressed her face. "I'd never really love anyone as much as I have for you." He whispered.
(I ditched this project my bad.)
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bedtimegiraffe · 5 months
Putting Aerin Back in Book 2 Mini Fics
I'm fascinated by the idea of Aerin not leaving, but not enough to transcribe and modify like 8 chapters. So here are some highlights of how I think it would go if Aerin had somehow decided to stick around. Including Nia yelling at his ass like she deserves!
All sections except for first two stand on their own pretty easily, so if you just want to skip ahead to a scene you're thinking about, I'm not gonna tell you no.
Chapter 9
Zaradun Prison Cell
You're still trying to find a way out of your incredibly unfair imprisonment when an unfamiliar voice speaks up in the dark. "You're not from around here, huh?" You peer through the dim lighting and find a young dwarven woman reclining on the floor of the cell across from yours. Her eyes glow like the woman in the market's, framing her confident smile. Aerin smirks at her. "Whatever gave us away?" The woman gives a daring smile back. "You develop a sense for these things. Gotta say, I didn't expect to have any company tonight. It's refreshing. I'm Cherta, by the way." "I'm Raine, and these are my friends Tyril, Nia, Mal, Imtura, and Aerin." You catch the way Aerin's head turns toward you, his eyes wide. But his expression is neutral again before you can comment and Cherta continues on. "Well, Raine and friends, what are you in for?"
Chapter 10
Zaradun Crypts
As you all make your way through a thankfully undead-free section of hallway, Aerin turns to you with a teasing smile. "It seems I skipped right past 'acquaintance.' Or was it simply becoming too much of a hassle to introduce me separately?" Despite his tone, you can tell there's a real question under there. (Friendly Route) You smile at him. "Why so surprised? You've kept not betraying us. And you always struck me as ambitious. I can't see you settling for less than 'friend.'" Aerin smirks. "Ah yes, the ambition that has served us all so well." "You won't settle when things could be better. That's a good thing. We're trying to save the world here, Aerin." His smile turns somewhat genuine at that as he looks away. "I suppose I can take your word for it. You have done quite well for yourself, after all." (Romance Route) You lean in, smiling seductively as you run a finger across his jaw. "I think we're well past 'acquaintances.' Give me another performance like you did at the festival and we'll see what other titles you can work your way up to." Aerin shivers slightly, looking at you hungrily despite the faint blush rising in his cheeks. "Well if that's all it takes… I do believe I have some rather good ideas for how to further impress our indominable leader, when next they have time for me." "I think I can spare a little time now." You lean forward eagerly and press your lips to his. Aerin tangles his hands in your hair as his tongue brushes into your mouth. But far too soon, he pulls away. You pout at him. "What, that's all I get?" "Raine, we are in the middle of a haunted crypt." You grin at him. "Such lofty standards, your highness." Aerin laughs fondly, shaking his head.
As the group discusses if you should let Cherta go off on her own, Aerin subtly motions you aside. You follow him a short distance away before he turns to you with concern. “Raine, this may not be a good idea.” "You don't think we can trust her?" "Whether she is being honest with us about her intentions may not matter." Aerin lets out a shaky exhale, his eyes not quite meeting yours. "It’s… Cherta is desperate and about to use a very powerful magical artifact. Surely you can understand why that might be a disastrous combination.” You nod slowly, thinking back to last year. "Maybe I should go with her." Aerin looks relieved. “That seems like a wise idea.”
Chapter 11
Zaradun Temple
Tyril hasn’t relented at all, still glaring furiously at the dwarven elder. "We have seen the corruption Shadow magic has caused, among the Shadow Court and those they influenced." You try to soften Tyril's approach a little, though it doesn't seem like that's going to work. "We were warned that Zaradun had fallen to the same corruption." Elder Radimir regards you calmly. "Were you now? Do I appear corrupted, child?" Nia speaks up next. "I don't sense anything wrong with him. To be honest, I haven't sensed any Shadow corruption since we got here." Tyril gestures angrily. "There are ways to hide it. We saw that much with Aerin." Aerin stands his ground, clearly suppressing frustration. "Have you considered that they may not be corrupted? That there is some possibility things are a bit more nuanced than you were taught?" Aerin's got a point. "You said Shadow corruption was reversible, right?" He nods at you with certainty. "It is." Tyril turns on Aerin, rage still plain on his face. "But you can't tell us how." Aerin takes a deep breath before meeting Tyril's gaze. "Knowing what happened and being able to convey it are different." Tyril snarls. "How convenient." Aerin looks away at that, something brittle in his gaze as he seems to struggle with himself. When he doesn’t respond, you jump in instead. "If Aerin’s not ready to talk about it, we have to respect that.” Tyril looks at you for a moment before turning back on the dwarven elder. "And what about siphoning the Light from the prisoners to power your city's torches? How can you defend that?"
Chapter 12
Shadow Realm
Now that Valax is restrained, your party turns its attention to Nia's Shadow form. Mal looks at her in shock. "What the hells happened to Nia?" Before you can speak, Tyril takes an angry step forward, his sword still drawn. "It seems the Dreadlord has possessed her again." Aerin stares at Nia in horror, his face pale. "No. No, the Dreadlord is dead. But she is-" Nia interrupts him. "At least one of you can think straight." Imtura raises her axes. "You won't take her from us. Not again!" Then she charges! You and Aerin both throw yourselves in front of Nia. "Wait, wait!" "Stop!" Tyril doesn't relent, his tone commanding. "Both of you, get out of the way. We must deal with this!" Aerin turns to him, hands still raised. "Tyril, I can't imagine my word means much to you, but I understand corruption and the Dreadlord's influence very well. Nia is corrupted but she is still on your side." You immediately back him up. "It's just some lingering magic left over from the Dreadlord. Being in the Shadow Realm triggers it. It's still her, I promise."
As you look up from your task to see how everyone else is doing fixing up Ironbreach, you spot Aerin staring at Nia as she stands off to the side, arms crossed petulantly. After a long pause, Aerin strides over to get her attention. “Nia?” She turns sharply to look at him, like he interrupted her doing something terribly important. “What?” “I wish to speak with you. About your corruption.” Nia practically growls at him in response. “Are you finally going to admit it's your fault? That all of this is your fault? That you dragged me crying and begging to the damn Dreadlord until Raine had to kill me?!" Despite the fury and Shadow radiating off of Nia, Aerin doesn't look scared of her. Just... sad. "I'm sorry, Nia. For everything I did. You're right. All of this started with me. And I am doing everything in my power to fix it, but... I know it may never be enough." The Nia you know would reassure him. Genuinely comfort Aerin that the trying is what matters and he can choose to be different. But this... is not that Nia. She leans in, snarling up at him. "Do you know what it's like to die, Aerin?" He flinches at that, but she keeps going. "I couldn't stop you then. But because of what you did to me, I'm not vulnerable anymore. I am not the weak one. So if you try to hurt me or anyone else, ever again, I will end you." The Shadow around Nia twists and flares as she speaks, reaching menacingly toward Aerin. His eyes flash with fear for a moment, but he doesn't move away. "I understand. But you should know that when I say you have always been strong, I am not speaking metaphorically. Of your character or your heart. The Dreadlord did not want me to take you because you were kind or trusting or vulnerable. It was because you were one of the most powerful magic users he'd ever seen." Nia looks surprised by that, the Shadow retreating slightly as she tries to judge if Aerin is telling the truth. "...Really?" He looks back at her intensely. "Yes. He was frightened of what you'd be if he couldn't control you. Of what you could do with Shadow if you chose. Just..." Aerin's face falls, his posture resigned and vulnerable, like there's an invisible weight on him that he can never put down. "I know this is impossible to ask. But try not to lose control of yourself. Hold tightly to what it is you truly care about, because if you don't... Well, I would hate to see you in my position. You don't deserve that." Nia looks at him for a long moment. "I am not some selfish idiot who thinks he knows better than everyone else. I've trained to use magic my whole life. So stay out of my way." Then she walks off. Aerin sighs, running a hand through his hair. He looks after her with concern for a moment before walking back toward Ironbreach's small garden.
Chapter 15
At Sea
Aerin is standing awkwardly near the back of the ship, like he can't shake the feeling he's in someone's way, when Nia approaches him pensively. “I want to apologize for what happened in the Shadow-” Aerin puts a hand up. “Nia, you really don’t have to. Certainly not to me.” She shakes her head. “I was cruel to you and you don't deserve that. I'm sorry. I didn't mean those things." Aerin gives her a searching look. "Really? You haven't been waiting over a year to say all that?" "I... No, I don't feel that way." Nia looks down. "Because nothing you said was wrong. I played a significant part in starting all of this. And you have suffered from my selfish mistake more than anyone else. You have every right to be angry with me." Nia's voice is small when she responds. "I hate how good it felt to be angry.” Aerin nods sympathetically. “I know.” “I’m sorry, Aerin. You tried to warn me but I lost control and people got hurt, just like you said." Aerin pauses to think for a moment. "You also bound Valax to Raine. If you hadn't..." A haunted look flashes across Aerin's face before he can return to his usual wry mask. "Well, I am certainly not a strong enough swimmer to think I could have done any good diving in after Raine during that storm." Nia nods slowly, conflict still clear on her face. Neither moves to speak again, the moment fading into almost comfortable silence. Then Nia brings her hand up toward a gash on Aerin's arm. "You don't have to-" She smiles slightly, Light glowing brilliantly at her fingertips. "I want to." "…Thank you." "You're welcome."
Chapter 17
Whitetower Palace
Allies recruited, you find yourself back in the palace with the rest of your party, meeting with King Arlan. After confirming that you will have the support of Whitetower's armies, he looks Aerin over coldly. "When you asked that I release the prisoner, I did not anticipate you would bring him back." He has a faint look of disgust. You look at the king in confusion. "Why wouldn't we bring him back?" The king's response is matter of fact. "Surely you've realized the reality of the situation by now. The boy is quite useless without his brother. I assumed he would be eaten by some wild creature within a day or two." The king sounds almost... disappointed that Aerin is still here. Mal snarls under his breath. "So much for the 'Gentle King.'" Annoyance or concern flickers across your friend’s faces. Except Aerin. He just looks directly at his father, a perfectly neutral expression on his face. When he speaks, his tone is unquestionably polite, but you can hear the sarcastic bite under the surface. "Indeed, however would I have survived this long without the support of my generous and loving family?" The king turns on Aerin with a slight grimace, but Nia jumps in smoothly with a distraction. "Your Majesty, you must warn your forces that the enemy will be using a lot of Shadow Magic. The Temple will heal all we can, but..."
Whitetower Encampment
A small campfire flickers just beyond the treeline, and you're shocked to find Aerin and Willow with only a few other goblins. "Willow, where is everyone else? Did something happen?" They look at you sadly. "A toxin poisons our roots. Sourceless. Unknown. Many wither, too weak for a journey." Aerin looks at you, somewhat exasperated, like he's been trying to solve a puzzle with a missing piece for days. "It doesn't make any sense. The Deadwood is far less habitable than the Whimsywood in general, but nothing else is affected. Their trees are fine, as are the remaining flora. The goblins are so heavily tied into their environment, I don't understand why they would be singled out." Willow looks at Aerin with a sad small smile before turning back to you. "It seeps deeper each day, even in those who have come. But you are friends of the forest. We shall stand beside you." You give the goblins what help you can before continuing. "Just try not to overexert yourselves. Once the battle is over, we can look into what's making you all sick. I'm sure Aerin can help." Willow smiles brightly at you. "The spring of your kindness still flows strong as a river, Raine. And yours, Aerin." But Aerin looks sad. "Of course, I would love to help. But... I do have something of a prior obligation." Right, he's technically your prisoner. But... "You know, I imagine the battle will be pretty chaotic. Maybe we'll just... lose track of you." Aerin looks at you in shock, like he's sure he misheard you. "What?" You look at him seriously. "Aerin. No one benefits from you being locked away. You can do a lot of good in the world. You just need a chance to do it." He scans your face intensely before a smile grows on his face. "I certainly hope so."
(Romance Route) As you walk back toward the tents, Aerin calls out to stop you. "Raine, wait a moment." He quickly catches up, before turning his serious gaze on you. "I want to thank you." You smile at him. "Aerin, not sending you back to a cell is really not that big of an ask. Especially considering that it might be the end of the world." He smiles back fondly. "I am grateful for that, but I meant something else. You changed me, Raine. You and your friends." His cheeks flush suddenly, and he looks at the ground. "I spent so much of my life chasing power, and all it ever brought me was pain and bitterness. I know I still have a lot of work to do to even try to make up for the wrong of my past, but... I have been thinking a great deal about... us." The way he says the word fills your chest with warmth. "Us?" Aerin finally meets your eyes again. "Yes. I know there are a thousand things that require your attention and it's selfish of me to ask for more of your time. But if you would like, when the camp is quiet... Come see me. Please." He looks at you with intense longing. Like part of him is certain you'll say no, but he desperately hopes you won't. You reach out, taking Aerin's hand with a smile. "For you... I'll make time."
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zkoh001 · 1 year
All the ninjago kiddos! That I remembered, lol.
Also I'm not sure if Echo counts, but this is my art soooo... He does now
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Fun fact, way before Dragons rising was an idea, I had a little theory/AU thingie, where the ninja got sent to another realm, where time passed differently. (How funny, it was way before SotFS...) So basically these kids formed a replacement ninja team to fight the evils treathening ninjago, discovering they themselves are elemental masters. And that's been in my brain, slowly adding all the new kiddos to it. Might make some art, and a post about that too, because I would love to draw them.
Here's my spitballing on these dummies and their designs.
The Darkleys kids!
The little shits. They would be the ones to have kidnapping as their first resolve.
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- I kinda didn't know Sally existed, but I liked all the art, so she does now. Also, she loves pink, I love pink, we all love pink
- Brad is definitely the muscle of the group, with a big heart, but not the greatest mind. Also, he has a babyface, that's very hard to make look evil.
- His design kinda grew on me with time, but it still feels a bit lacking...
- There's this theory that Gene is Skylor's brother, and Chen's son, that I kinda absorbed into my brain and ran with it so yeah.
-Also, the hand thingie is not a glove, it helps hold his hand together after a nasty injury :)
- The bowlcut was uniform at Darkleys, but Gene was such a nightmare they just gave up with him.
- They have matching pins and earpieces. Cause of course they do. Also, dumbo boots uniform.
The Paperkids!
Antonia and Nelson are a given, and I just kinda added Unagami on there, since he waved at them once. Also, I think it would be cute if they were friends.
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- I know he doesn't anymore, canonically, but I like to think he still wears his purple gi under the jumper. Who knows when someone will need the purple ninja?
- He has a scar from the injury he had when he met with the ninja. Also, am I the only one who tought something much worse was going on than a broken leg? Obviously a kid show can't have a terminally ill kid, but fsm that's still how I remembered it.
- Antonia! I loved drawing her hair. Also kinda like her badass big sis vibes.
- She has her hands out to make sure the two kids, but mainly Nelson, don't go missing somehow (happens more often than you think)
- Even if he can shapeshift, I like to tjink Unagami keeps his line-marks in whatever forms, since it's apart of his skin. He can hide them, but it takes effort, so he just doesn't bother.
- He can change his form generally, but you could still tell it's him by the lines, eyes, and hair
- He has a little nick in his eyebrow, and so does (did i guess) Jay. I just think that's a cute detail
The Forgotten ones...
Just called that cause I had to add them on a separate canvas after forgetting them. I forgot Skales Jr, shame on me, I tought Jake and Nelson were one character, and I was still debating Echo. But here they are!
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- It was surprisingly not that hard to draw him, even tho I was very scared
- Since he has white on him, I was trying (and failing miserably) to replicate those partially albino reptiles. Also added some pink scales, since he is also Selma's son, who's pink.
- I don't know to this day why Echo was introduced only to be left behind.... Nevertheless he's a sweetheart
- I guess if you count Mr.E, but then he would be dead... Unless the kids fix him (lightbulb moment)
- Also, ahy is his head weirdly tiny? How did that happen?
- Jake. Goddamnit, how were you the hardest to draw? Somehow I couldn't get the head right...
- The giant pants is an idea that lived in my head. I like yo think he would be able to fix ancient artifacts with hairties, ductape, and sheer force of will.
- He might have a bowlcut, but cmon, are you telling me he wouldn't at least try to replicate whatever the hell Kai's hair was in the beginning?
I guess that's it folks, lemme know if any of you are interested in my weird Ninja kids au thingie!
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kkkimagine · 1 year
Summary: You're excited to be invited by Slash to a party at the house of one of his friends, but the same thing happens as always when he introduces you.
Pairing: Slash x Reader
my first language is not english, sorry if there is any dramatical error.
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Slash put his arm around your shoulders as you entered the party at Axl's house, you were excited since he had practically never invited you anywhere, well, to his bed maybe.
- oh there's Izzy, let's say hello - Slash whispered in your ear as he watched his friend talking to another group of people.
- yes of course let's go - you felt in the sixth heaven, this was what you wanted the most, to be part of Slash's life, that he included you in his life was always your greatest wish.
When he arrived with Izzy, Slash gave him a hug and after that the black-haired man looked at you insistently, you were about to introduce yourself when Slash did it for you.
- I present to you Y/n, she is a friend - you felt your heart beat pitifully inside your chest, you couldn't believe that he was reintroducing you as his friend, that is, how could he say that they were friends after everything they did together, after going to bed, after the deep kisses, after saying that I miss you all day, after saying that I loved you...
It was obvious to everyone how your expression fell leaving behind the radiant smile that had adorned your face, obvious for everyone except Slash who kept smiling telling Izzy how he had managed to drink two full bottles of vodka in less than 10 minutes, you couldn't go on enduring the discomfort that rose from your stomach, it kept scratching your throat and giving your head a sharp pain while you continued to question if it made sense to continue seeing Slash since it was obvious that the two of you were looking for different things in a relationship, or rather, your You were looking for a relationship and he wasn't.
- I'll go get something to drink - you said hastily and he turned around without understanding what you had said but you had already separated from his side, he couldn't see how you walked towards the front door instead of the drinks table because of the amount of people in the house.
You were still walking with your heels in your hands half an hour after leaving the house, with Slash you had gone to the party in his car and you hadn't even paid attention in the streets that had passed while you felt Slash's hands on your leg so You were somewhat lost, and to your bad luck the rain began to fall hard on your head, filling you with cold.
- If you throw lightning at me it would be the icing on the cake - you yelled at the sky trying to alleviate your anger a bit, although you knew that anger was actually sadness, with yourself but especially with Slash.
It was always the same routine, knocking on your door and kissing you fiercely and taking you to your bedroom to make you feel the pleasure better and better than before and then leaving as if nothing had happened and honestly that was wearing you down, but lately it had been different, he began to talk more with you and take you on dates in all kinds of places, and when I invite you to this party you felt that everything was finally becoming more serious, but it was clear that Slash would never want anything serious, much less with you.
You felt how you poked your foot with something but you didn't have time to check when the headlights of a car illuminated your entire body while the horn honked and you began to walk faster despite the pain in your foot.
- what the fuck Y/n? - and then you heard the voice you least expected, when you turned you caught a glimpse of Slash's head coming out the driver's window while his beautiful curls got wet with rainwater and his black glasses made him look very sexy - get in the car.
Against all your desire to stop getting wet and the persistent pain in your foot you decided to turn around again and continue on your way down the sidewalk, you could hear Slash cursing behind you but you ignored him.
- Are you going crazy? I told you to get in the damn car, now - he said as he followed you with his car but you refused to turn around, you just kept walking with your head held high, sighing while making a desperate attempt - please?
You even wanted to laugh when you heard the please that came from his lips, although you wanted to kiss him and tell him when you loved him that he will save you from the rain, you knew you couldn't go on with this, it was no longer fair to you or him, because the two of us they wanted different things, or that was what he demonstrated at least. When you stopped listening to Slash's car you assumed that he had gotten tired of following you and had simply returned to the party, there were plenty of girls there anyway who could help him with his needs.
- Seriously, I don't understand you - you jumped a bit when Slash touched your shoulder, you thought he was gone but he wasn't, he had turned off his car and got out of it so he could talk to you.
- I don't expect you to do them and just to be clear, I don't understand you either - you said aggressively as you moved away from his touch - go to the party, Slash, I don't even know what you're doing here.
- what do I do here? You simply disappeared from my side and time passed and passed and you didn't come back, I've been looking for you like crazy -
You wanted to tell him to shut up and not make you want to stay by his side anymore, that this wasn't what you wanted and needed but you just rolled your eyes as you felt the lump in your throat tighten more and more.
- Would you like to explain to me what this is about? You leave like nothing and I thought you were excited to go with me to that party, to meet my friends maybe - he got a little closer to you and his voice sounded a little desperate as he ran a hand over his forehead.
- and I was, I was more than excited until I found out that I was the same as all of them, Slash, that apparently I was just another friend of the bunch, what's with that, huh? - You said sad as you dropped your heels on the floor tired of holding them knowing that this conversation could be prolonged.
He looked confused as he was speechless for a moment, it was obvious he didn't expect that.
- Aren't we friends? I mean -
- I can't believe it Slash, friends don't kiss each other on the mouth - you said wanting to make him see this the way you saw it - friends don't miss each other like crazy all day Or didn't you know?
You take a long breath as he walks towards you but you hold up his hand to stop him.
- is it that you don't see it? Friends don't call each other at two in the morning Slash, and the worst thing is that it's always the same, you tell me you miss me and by God I miss you too, I always miss you - he looks up seeing your face in the one who was already running some tears, he didn't want to see you cry and you didn't want him to see you like that either - you say you love me, and I believe you...
He approaches you again and this time he hugs you before you can say something even though you weren't really going to, he hugs you very tight while rubbing your soaked hair.
- I love you, I really do, you can't doubt that, but I still don't understand what the problem is in all of this -
- That friends shouldn't sleep in the same bed, friends don't do that Slash, friends don't know each other's whole body or wait all day eager to see each other - you pushed him angrily trying to escape from his touch, you didn't want to That he kept calling you friend, it hurt more than anything - go make up a word to explain this if you want, but please don't say I'm your friend.
You take your heels again and you turn around ready to walk to a phone booth to ask a friend to come pick you up.
- why the hell don't you want me to say you're my friend - you turned around angrily throwing one of your heels in his direction, he dodged it and looked at you perplexed.
- Because friends don't fuck together - you yelled back as you tried to hold back your tears and he kept looking at you with some anger - or do you think I fuck all the friends I've introduced you to? Of course not.
You saw how his jaw clenched, surely imagining you with one of your friends, but that didn't matter because you two weren't in the same search, he wanted sex and you also wanted sex but you wanted everything else too, you wanted a relationship and even though you dreamed Being in one with Slash because you loved him had shown you that he wasn't ready.
- maybe you do sleep with all your friends but I don't -
- what fucking stupidity, I only do this with you - he said moving his hands between the two of you - since when is this a problem? Don't you like what we do?
- I love what we do Slash, but I want more, I want to go out holding hands, kisses on the cheek, wake up snuggled up next to you, maybe a little calm morning sex, to introduce me in front of everyone as your girlfriend, not like your friend
While you were saying all that, you looked everywhere except Slash, since you couldn't hold back the tears anymore while you let out all the feelings you had kept for months, for which you didn't realize how Slash was walking closer and closer to you.
- but that's not the shit you want and I know, you're a fucking rock star and you like to live without ties so... - and you couldn't finish because of the lips that crushed on yours, the lips of Slash on yours and not even if you wanted to could have separated from that kiss, you melted into his arms while his body transmitted the heat you needed so much.
- when I said that I did not want that? Maybe - he started to play with your hair while you looked at the piercing in his nose, trying to analyze his words well - maybe I hadn't told you anything out of fear, maybe, as you said it yourself, I'm a damn star I rock and I always have long tours, spend every day in the studio, take dubious substances and hang out with Axl Rose so...
Now he do look directly into your eyes without wanting to miss your reaction to his words while you inadvertently opened your mouth, not expecting that confession from him.
- maybe I thought I could screw it up with you and that's the last shit I want to do, because that would mean losing you - he took your cheeks and brought his face closer to his - but yes, I do want to have all that with you, I do want to be in one relationship with you and stop being just your friend, we could start slow but if you wanted to be my partner?
And with that you kissed him feeling happiness flood you, you never would have imagined that this would turn out like this, but it's good that it did, this was all you needed to be happy, Slash by your side.
- oh of course, oh how cute you are, Slash, you could never doubt that I want to be with you -
- well a few minutes ago you threw a heel towards my head so... - you hit his shoulder with a bit of embarrassment, maybe you had gone a bit too far - come, let's go to the car you're getting soaked.
And while he took you to the car he put his jacket over your shoulders so you would stop shivering from the cold.
- speaking of anything, did you walk down the street barefoot? - he asked you when the two were already mounted in his car and he already started to start, you nodded looking out the window as the drops fell through the window - you stuck something in your foot, right?
You felt the blush rise up your cheeks as you looked at him and you nodded slowly, he shook his head and took your thigh.
- let's go to my house - he murmured while you looked at your foot which had been stained with a little blood but even with that cut you were happy, it was worth it if that's how Slash asked you to be his girlfriend.
I liked the idea at first but I think I didn't know how to do it well, I didn't like the result very much 😑✌️
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
✩-too late-✩ Pt.2
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2.9k
Type: Angst and fluff
Warnings: Mentions of blood, Readers boyfriend being a dick, Readers boyfriend makes weight jokes, Miguel being overprotective, Fighting
| Miguel Cazarez Mora Masterlist
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Miguel couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight in front of him, his bestfriend was cuddled up on the couch talking to her boyfriend whom she had introduced to the group nearly four hours ago. Miguel already didn't like him, his name was Bryce, and all guys named Bryce were assholes, and Miguel wasn't wrong, he is an asshole.
Bryce would glare at Miguel when he would hug Y/n, make her laugh, or make her smile. The group had obviously taken notice of Bryce and Miguel's tension and decided to separate them by going out and getting some food.
When Miguel and the group had got back with the food, Bryce and Y/n were caught making out on the couch, y/n looked very uncomfortable when she noticed her friends in the doorway staring at them both with amused faces, besides Miguel of course, she didn't fail to notice how he and Bryce didn't get along great.
"We got tacos," Mason laughed as he walked by you to head into the kitchen
Maddy, Becca, Brady, Tristan, and Jacob followed after him with the rest of the food.
Miguel awkwardly sat on the couch and pulled out his phone. Bryce hit your arm and you looked at him with an annoyed look, "What?" You said rolling your eyes
"Give me a kiss," He said trying to pull you back in, to which you quickly pushed him away when you remembered Miguel was in the room.
"The fuck was that for!?" He whisper shouted, catching the attention of Miguel
"I don't want to kiss you in front of my… bestfriend," You said
It sent a sting to Miguel's heart when you said that. Miguel hated himself that day you said you had a date, the fans obviously went crazy and tried to find out who you were dating, Miguel had to take a break from social media since he saw everyone shipping you with someone they didn't even know.
Miguel knew by the smile on your face that he was too late.
"Come on babe just one kiss," Bryce whined, pulling on your shirt
You glared at him as you pushed his hands away from you. Miguel had seen some of your cleavage stick out causing him to snap his head away. he grabbed a pillow from beside him and placed it on his lap.
"WHO WANTS TACOS!!" Mason shouted as he walked into the living room with a bag full of tacos
"ME! I'm so hungry," Y/n said getting up
"Hope they got lettuce on them tacos, you need to lose some weight." Bryce laughed, only stopping soon after when he saw nobody else was laughing
"Oh come on it was funny!?" Bryce said smiling
Y/n shook her head looking away from him, Mason had whispered something to her and she laughed causing Bryce to glare at Mason. Mason just smirked and flipped him off.
"Where is my food?" Bryce asked
Mason and the others laughed at him, "We forgot you were here," Mason said as he continued to eat his food
"You need to lose some weight bitch," Tristan said with a mouth full of tacos
Bryce jumped off the couch walking towards Tristan, Y/n quickly stepped in front of her boyfriend, blocking him from her friend.
"What the fuck did you just say!?" Bryce shouted, causing Y/n to flinch
"I said you need to lose some weight ugly bitch, Why are you body shaming your own girlfriend dude?" Tristan asked, stepping closer to Bryce
Miguel pulled me away from the boys and put his arms over me. Bryce swung first, but Tristan dodged it and landed an uppercut to Bryce's jaw, Bryce stumbled backward holding onto the side of his face, where a blue and brown bruise already started to form.
Bryce ran at Tristan at full speed, Mason grabbed me and Miguel ran at Bryce from the side, knocking him down and getting on top of him.
"GET THE FUCK OFF YOU B-" Before Bryce could finish speaking, Miguel punched him in the face
I watched as Miguel beat the life out of my boyfriend and I didn't do anything, I didn't do anything, I wanted to stop them but truth be told I wanted to do that for a while, Bryce was and has always been a piece of shit When we first started dating, he would make remarks about my weight here and there, Then he would talk about the way I looked or dressed.
He got to the point where he wanted to do more than just make out on my couch for hours, I told him no but he didn't listen and forced me onto the bed. When I started crying that's when he let me go, I ran to Miguel's house that night.
"Get off of him Mikey that's enough!" Maddy shouted, trying to pull Miguel off of Bryce
Miguel stopped when he saw all the blood from Bryce splashed on his white shirt, He got up but not before landing a harsh kick to the side of Bryce's Ribcage.
"Get. The fuck. Out." Miguel said, glaring down at Bryce
Bryce frantically nodded his head getting up and running out of the front door. Everyone looked at me and I glared at Miguel, He went to say something but I shook my head.
"You could go to jail Mikey!" I shouted
"Y/n I did it because I care about you, He doesn't deserve you," He said, looking down
"So every guy I bring over you're just gonna beat up now!?" I said, rolling my eyes and grabbing my phone
"Where are you going?" Becca asked, standing up
"I'm going home, I just need to think right now," I said walking out of the front door
"Y/n, Bryce is still somewhere out there!" Miguel shouted, Chasing after me
I ignored him, continuing my walk home. I felt someone grab my arm and spin me around, I looked up to see Miguel covered in my boyfriend's blood, Probably my ex-boyfriend now, but knowing Bryce he thinks we are still together.
"You can't leave Y/n, He is watching you," He whispered, nodding his head to a dark ally way
I looked to see a silhouette of a tall person, standing there with something in their hand, The ally way I had to pass to get home.
I nodded my head looking back at Miguel, He grabbed my hand pulling me back into the house.
"where is everyone?" I asked, still shaken up
"They are upstairs talking," He said, walking to the bathroom and washing his hands off
I walked over to him, I grabbed a rag from the bathroom sink, and wetted it.
"Sit down," I said
He smirked sitting down on the closed toilet seat. I began wiping off the blood on his face. He looked up at me smiling before grabbing my hand and pulling me into his lap.
"Hi," He whispered, staring at my lips
"Hi Mikey," I said, smiling at him
His hands rubbed my sides as I continued wiping his face off, I sat the rag on the counter, I went to stand but Miguel's grip on my waist tightened.
"I need to tell you something," He said, I nodded my head signaling for him to continue, He swallowed thickly before taking a deep breath
"Okay, I have liked you ever since I met you that night at the arcade. I thought you were the most gorgeous girl there Y/n, I really wanted to kiss you that night when we were dancing under the stars, When you said you had a date on live that time, I beat myself up for it. I want you Y/n, for the rest of my life, I will never ever treat you like he did, ever." He said, looking me in the eyes
I smiled pulling him into a deep kiss. I have always felt the same for Miguel but I was too oblivious to see that he felt the same all along, The truth is I only said yes to dating Bryce because I wanted to ignore my feelings for Miguel, But they always came back when I would see him again.
"I like you too Mikey, I always have," I said, connecting our foreheads
"You gotta stay here tonight, You got a crazy stalker now," He said, I laughed rolling my eyes
"Will you go on a date with me?" He asked, Smiling nervously
"I would love to," I said, giving him another kiss
"Shit, you still have blood on your clothes!" I said, getting off of him
Taglist: @vancehopperenthusiast @bradyhepner @deadghosy @finneyblakes @mnsnloverhey @jayceflwrs @bookobsessedfreak
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
100 Feet and a World Away is up against New Phone Who Dis in the tmnt separated AU comp and while the poll is a ways away I had this idea and I wanted to write it.
@callmehere-iwillappear I hope you don’t mind me borrowing your kids and I hope you like this!
(“Dandy, where is April?” SHE’S AROUND. Just not here. There were already so many people in this conversation, she’s letting the kids bond okay don’t worry about it.)
“And then we all ended up here!” sang the other Mikey, entirely too chipper for the story he had just finished telling, about how the other group of turtles, their opponents for the next round, had been kidnapped ten years ago and raised in captivity. Raph tries not to choke on her ice cream.
After being introduced they’d decided to get ice cream - something the other four had never had before, for reasons that had just been thoroughly explained. The four of them seemed confused by the idea of sitting at a table, so they’re sitting in a group on the floor instead, the three almost mirror images of her friends (her siblings? that is still boggling her mind) leaning against the other Raphael. He’s laying on his stomach, lazily licking from his own bowl with a contented churr deep in his throat.
(It reminds her of how she gets sometimes, when she’s alone, and it makes her sad and unnerved in equal measure.)
“Uh, wow,” says Leon, the first one on their side to react. “That’s quite a story.”
“Mikey makes it sound better than it was,” says the other Leo, with the same humor in his voice that Leon has. He’s the only one who isn’t eating his ice cream, and Raph wonders if he doesn’t like it.
“I wanna hear about you guys, though,” says the other Mikey, bouncing in place. “Where do you live? Who raised you?”
Mike and Othello (Donnie) are still recovering, so again, Leon takes the lead. “Well, we were all raised separately, but I was raised by my dads.”
“Dads!?” gasps the other Mikey, emphasis on the S. “You have more than one!?”
“Yep!” Leon sounds proud about it. “Two whole dads.”
“Woooow… two whole dads,” says the other Mikey with awe. He sounds a little jealous. Maybe Raph is a little jealous, too.
“Why do you need two fathers?” asks the other Donnie, eyes wide like he’s trying to study Leon. So far, he seems the most different from Othello-Donnie (other than her silent double). “Only one male parent is required for reproduction.”
Raph feels the defensive energy roll off Leon before he says anything. “Okay first off, don’t be homophobic.”
The other Donnie stares blankly at him, clearly confused by the sudden snippiness. The other Leo and Mikey look equally confused.
Raph very lightly nudges Leon, and he jolts, pressing his hands to his face.
“…That was a genuine question, wasn’t it?”
Othello snorts. “Did you just call the guy who grew up in a lab homophobic?”
“Shut up! I wasn’t thinking!”
“He’s adopted,” says Mike helpfully. “And his dads are in looove.”
“True, but also, eugh,” says Leon
“Awww, that’s so nice!” says other Mikey. Raph notices he’s finished his ice cream, and completely licked the bowl clean. It’s all over his lips and cheeks, which makes Raph laugh silently to herself.
“Right!?” Mike starts getting excited too - they’re playing off each other’s energies now. “You know, I think my dad should get back in the dating scene, but he always says he’s too busy planning to destroy- er,” Mike glances at the rest of them, then says, “he’s, uh, always busy with work so he can’t.” They trail off with an awkward laugh.
The other Mikey, seeing nothing amiss, starts peppering them with questions, and while he’s doing that, the other Leo quietly swaps his full ice cream bowl for Mikey’s empty one. Ah, so that was the plan.
It’s sweet, but Raph can’t stop herself from speaking up. “You should eat your own ice cream.”
Leo jumps, clearly not expecting to be called out. “Uh, I’m not hungry, so Mikey can have it,” he says.
“Well, you guys haven’t had a lot of sweets, right? Eating too much sugar at once can make you sick.”
She says it to encourage Leo to eat his own, and also because she genuinely doesn’t want this other Mikey to get a stomachache his first time eating ice cream, but the horrified look on Leo’s face makes her feel bad. He snatches the ice cream back, looking at it like it’s poison.
“I wasn’t trying to make him sick,” he says softly.
“Uh, Raph knows you weren’t,” she says quickly, holding up her hands. “It’s not a big deal.”
Still, he looks upset, which is making Mikey upset, which is making the other Raph shuffle behind them with agitation. This isn’t what she meant to happen at all.
It’s Leon who smoothes things over. He’s good at that.
“Geez, Red,” he says, nudging Raph with his shoulder. “You’re the same in real life as you are online, huh?”
She gives him a side-eye. “What do you mean?”
Leon smirks. “A mother hen.”
This makes both Othello and Mike laugh, and the awkward air over the other boys lessens. She just rolls her eyes at Leon but lets it go.
“What’s a mother hen?” asks the other Mikey.
Leon is all too happy to explain. “Means he’s always trying to take care of us. She’s like this online too.”
“Oh,” says Mikey. “Well, why not?” He leans back and bumps his own Raph, who rumbles contentedly. “Raph’s the best big brother ever! It’s the same for you guys, right?”
And that hits her.
Big brother? Is that what she is?
Well, she is the oldest. And the biggest. And if Leon, Mike, and Othello are her siblings, then…
She glances at her friends. None of them are meeting her eyes, and she feels as bashful about it as they look.
They haven’t really talked about it yet. Haven’t put a name to it. But… it’d be nice, she thinks.
Before any of them can think of anything to say, the other Donnie, who seems incapable of reading the mood of any conversation, speaks up first. “I think One should eat ice cream until he can’t. It could be valuable data.”
“Oh, yeah!” cheers Mike, clearly happy with this turn. “Let’s eat ice cream ‘til we puke!”
“Yeah!” cheers Mikey in agreement. “‘Til we puke!”
Mike holds up their hand and Mikey, who only recently learned what a high five is, eagerly returns it.
“No!” snaps Othello, holding out his arms. “If anyone in this group throws up I’m leaving and not coming back!”
“Oh well now we gotta do it,” says Leon, and the conversation erupts once again.
Raph sits back from it all, watching her other self snooze, his brothers tucked against his side, and she wonders if she’ll ever feel like big brother for real.
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born-to-lose · 2 months
Shameless + Stevie Rachelle & Cherie Currie concert
Here's the long-awaited concert report from Saturday!
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When I came inside after doors opened, I went straight to the Tuff merch table where Stevie was sitting and checking his phone. He apologized for not noticing us and my friend said she had recently posted her cover of I Hate Kissing You Goodbye and he had commented on it saying she should come meet him at the merch table. He remembered and he asked where we're from and how old we are. When we told him our ages, he said he could be our dad and we were just laughing as if at our last concert together, we both hadn't had a thing with the 60 year old band members 💀
He asked if we wanted to wait with taking photos until he would be wearing his stage outfit with leather pants and we did. I bought a MORC 2024 lanyard along with a purple patch and some CDs. He asked for my name so he could sign them. When I was struggling to open the wrapping, he suggested signing the booklets, letting them dry and bringing me the CDs personally while we went in front of the stage—what a service!
Early on in the set, Stevie introduced us as his new friends and fist bumped us during every other song. He asked us directly if we were having a good time and said they were going to play some of our favorite Tuff songs. For one song, he left the stage to Shameless and they played Blitzkrieg Bop with the guitarist Dennis on lead vocals. Stevie was standing between me and my friend and we were jumping up and down with one hand on his shoulder and the other in the air.
The closing song was Talk Dirty to Me by Poison and I was very enthusiastically singing along. Their drummer Markus gave me one of his drumsticks with the Shameless logo and his signature on it (first time for me!).
We went back to the merch table and he hugged us, asking if we liked the show and if they had played our favorites. I said yeah but pointed out they didn't play Tied to the Bells. He explained that since their sets are one half Tuff songs and one half Shameless songs, they have to decide what to play (he probably knew the girls would be going feral if they had added that to the setlist). I bought the What Comes Around Goes Around shirt and vinyl and he signed that one too. We chatted a bit longer and he brought out two vinyls of Fist First, saying he's giving us them for free because we've been so supportive 😭❤️
Well, we were hanging out in the back with him since doors opened until shortly before Shameless went on stage and then we came back between their and Cherie Currie's set and afterwards we came back again for a while and continued talking outside and in the corridor.
When he gave me the vinyl, he said Tied to the Bells is on it lol. We thanked him over and over again because that was the sweetest thing ever and I totally didn't expect that! Then we had photos taken together as a group and separately.
Around 3 a.m., when Stevie was loading stuff into the van, he stopped by and briefly chatted with us again. We asked if he's leaving and he said he's gonna get some sleep, but he hoped we had a great time and he'll see us soon. He thanked us for coming and hugged us goodbye.
While Cherie Currie and the band (which were the Shameless guys) were playing, Alexx the bassist threw a guitar pick in my direction and I caught it (also the first time for me!). Of course, her closing song was Cherry Bomb and everyone who wasn't even coming for her was singing along now.
Back at the merch table, I noticed Alexx sitting there, so I approached him to ask if he could sign the Shaneless CD I had bought earlier, which he did. We also had a group photo taken with him, but during the first take, he squeezed me so tightly I was in a weird position and couldn't move, so I looked like a gremlin. The second try looked much better and he asked us to tag him when we post the picture so he can share it.
And now for my musician crush of the month: The guitarist Danny kept eye contact with me throughout most of the show. He did those winking, open mouth, sticking his tongue out, wide eyes things and was chewing bubblegum in a weirdly hot way. Especially during suggestive songs, he looked in my direction and uh... I decided I want him.
During Cherie's set, he animated me to sing along, pointing at me and singing into his mic though I didn't know the lyrics to that one 😭 At the end, he threw a guitar pick at me and after I found it on the floor, I put it in my wallet along with Alexx'.
I went outside and asked Danny if he would like to sign my Shameless CD and his response was a bit cheeky and he went to get a sharpie. He asked if I'm aware he didn't play on that album, I asked on which he did play and he laughed and said, "None of them, I'm Cherie's guitarist but the one from Shameless couldn't do this tour so I stepped in." I told him to sign it anyway because I saw him playing with them tonight. I asked for a photo and he pretty much grabbed me by the waist.
I complimented his playing style and we talked about what picks he uses and for which songs he uses which type of pick. Some other guests wanted pictures with him too, so I photographed them and while one guy was already posing next to him, Danny was still talking and I took a photo because his face was funny. He was so startled because he wasn't ready and I took a proper one.
At some point, he left and while they started to pack their things, I asked if he's staying a bit longer and grinned and he was like, "I hope so!"
Outside, I noticed I had lost his pick and was trying to build up the courage to ask him for another one because it must have fallen out of my wallet. Right when I was turning around to ask, he walked past me and gave me his pick, saying with a wink, "Saved that one extra for you" and I blew him a kiss as he walked inside smirking over his shoulder.
When he ran around loading the rest of their equipment into the van, I went outside again and he asked if I'm waiting for him and I was like yeah. I asked if he's leaving already and he said the guys wanted to go to the hotel to sleep already. I asked if he had time for a round of shots and he agreed, so we went back inside and shared a tiny seat by the bar drinking Jägermeister. I asked him about any upcoming shows near here, but he said he'll be playing more in the Munich area where he lives, but I should try to stop by if possible.
After we had our shots, he thanked me and hugged me and although I usually don't like a Southern Bavarian accent, his sounded so cute 😭 He hugged me again right before he left and when he got in the van, he turned around and waved at me 🥺
Then it was time for frustration drinking and I sent him a friend request on Facebook, which he accepted in the morning and so did Stevie 😌
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auxiliarydetective · 6 months
Evie's One Piece OC Compendium
SO @eustasskidsfattits asked me to make a post about my One Piece OCs, so here it is! I wanted to make this way sooner, but then stuff happened and then I got to show one of my friends OPLA and 8 OCs turned to 9 (oopsies...). Also, the perfectionist in me would not shut up. Yes, this is technically the intro for the three newest ones, so buckle up!
I'm gonna list them in the order that I created them, simply because listing them in the order of their appearance in the story would be fairly impossible with how OPLA likes to introduce characters earlier on lol - These OCs also all exist in their own separate universes, by the way...
So yeah, long post incoming and, for any OPLA-onlies reading this post: Spoiler warning!!!
Not proofread because I just wanna finally get this post out and I am lacking energy
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The Guardian: Aether S. Luna
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The original One Piece OC and also the one who has gone through the most changes. I revamped her only recently!
Luna is convinced that she's the daughter of the moon goddess aka of Mother Moon herself, and there are some very odd things about her that make that very plausible. She looks like how you would imagine the daughter of the moon to look like, with very pale skin and very light blonde hair, she has magical powers that are charged by basking in the moonlight, she needs very little sleep as long as the moon is out, her strength is based on the moon cycle... Oh, also: Wings. Large, white wings, that don't fit in with any other humanoid creature in the world. So, nobody really has any solid evidence against it either. Well... Nobody who hasn't been to Egghead Island.
She's introduced into the story at Long Ring Long Land (I actually have two fics for that) as a part of Foxy's crew because he won her in a Davy Back Fight. Before that, she was sort of aimlessly travelling the seas with various crews, just trying to find a place to belong. Throughout the Davy Back Fight, Luna ends up befriending the Straw Hats and Luffy, being Luffy, of course won't pass up the opportunity to have someone as weird as her on their crew, so she joins!
Sanji is, of course, very enamoured with this literal goddess. Even more so than usual. Luckily for him, his charm seems to be working on Luna too. She essentially goes from "Oh, you're adorable. You're funny." to "Oh. Oh no. That's the love of my life, isn't it?", at the very latest when she sees Sanji after he absolutely decimates the people on the Sea Train.
I can't really talk too much about her because a lot of my ideas for her are very visual, but I guess I could give some more little facts? First of all, Luna is 18 and her blood group is S. You can take a look at my animanga character sketches for her here and here if you want! Her wings haven't grown to their full size yet pre-timeskip, and she molts like a bird as she grows, so whenever that happens, she's essentially grounded and chronically exhausted. And that happens around the time of Sabaody. Perfect timing, right? Also, she has to preen her wings, especially after battles, and her crewmates keep around her feathers either for practical or sentimental reasons. And in case you were wondering, of course she heads to Whole Cake Island to go after her boyfriend. Big Mom takes an interest in her, Judge wants to steal her lineage factor, it's a very fun time for everyone involved.
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The Sweet Tooth: Charlotte Inari
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Ah yes, sweet little Inari. Inari is Pudding's twin sister, she's also a member of the Three-Eyed Tribe and she's named after inari-zushi (if you were wondering how she fits into the Charlotte Family naming scheme). She ate the Kami Kami no Mi, Model: Shikigami, which has a very complicated way to how it works, but, essentially, it binds her to a master whose orders she has to follow and, in turn, gets special abilities from based on her master's. That master is the person who last saved her life. The problem with that situation is that she got the devil fruit when she was still very young and travelling at sea with one of her siblings, and a sea battle ensued where chaos happened and she got herself kidnapped. So, she ends up being passed around from master to master for years until finally ending up with Enel. That is, until Luffy defeats him, and she joins the Straw Hats.
Inari, being that she spent her early formative years on Totto Land, has some very interesting ideas of what's considered normal for animals, plant life, people... for everything, really. She fights with two war fans (as well as her devil fruit, of course) and knows how to play the shamisen, both of which she picked up while travelling with a crew of Wano ancestry for a while. Also, she naturally has a huge sweet tooth and loves to make sweets too. It runs in her genes.
Inari's goal while travelling with the Straw Hats at first is to get back home. She's just a kid, she wants to go home, at least to let her family know that she's okay. And her family and her friends will totally get along, right??? That's also why she doesn't fully consider herself part of the Straw Hats for the longest time. She's a member of the Big Mom Pirates, simply by birth right. However, this all gets a bit thrown on its head with the Timeskip and everything after that. Because, during the timeskip, Kuma sends her to Totto Land, and she officially joins the Big Mom Pirates. So, she has everything she has ever wanted, right? Well... She still ends up coming back. She loves her friends too much not to go back to them. And then Luffy ends up starting a war with Big Mom, which is... not ideal? Whole Cake Island is especially fun. And Wano? Oh boy!
Also... remember the special ability of the Three-Eyed Tribe? Yeah. Inari awakens her third eye when she hears the Drums of Liberation, but nobody notices and she doesn't tell anybody until the battle is long over, and even then she only tells Sanji and Robin.
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The Tailor: Akaito Coraline
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My dear, sweet Cora... We're entering the live action era now! Aka when everything started to escalate and I started drowning in OCs. I freaking love the live action, man... Maybe a little too much.
Anyways, Cora! Cora is the last living member of the Akaito Clan, a tailoring family from the North Blue of world-class fame who was eradicated by Germa 66 when they didn't want to work for their evil plans. Their main identifier is a sewing needle pierced through the left ear, and they can tell a person's measurements just by looking at them. Of course, there are many imposters around because Akaito-made clothes sell for a fortune, but they usually fail at these criteria. Cora was only a baby when the attack from Germa happened, so she doesn't remember anything from that day or about her family, except for her mother, who was selected as the sole adult survivor of the massacre, because she had Cora, and Judge had plans for Cora. Little did Judge know that her mother also had plans for Cora, and that she had given the baby the Akaito Clan's most prized possession: The Sew Sew Fruit (Chiku Chiku no Mi), which gives its user mastery over the entire clothesmaking process and its tools and materials.
I don't want to get too much into Cora's backstory here, but she befriended Sanji and thought that he had died, and then her mother died, she helped create and designed the Raid Suits and then she ran away with the help of Reiju at 16 years old. Afterwards, she rose to considerable fame as a tailor in the East Blue, until finally stumbling across Sanji at Baratie, the same day that the Straw Hats also show up there. Shenanigans ensue.
I think, if I were going to describe Cora's personality in only three aspects, it's trauma, kindness, and a huge double crush that she doesn't like to admit. Because not only is she wholly unprepared for Sanji being not only alive but also a pretty and charming young man, there's also a swordsman who she has to stitch back together after a big fight and who she ends up falling head over heels for. The two boys constantly bickering doesn't help much either, and they also bicker over her, constantly trying to out-boyfriend each other. In case you were wondering whose side Cora usually takes in these fights, the answer is: She joins in on the side of entertainment. Whichever side would yield the funnier result. She just thinks their fights are way too funny and stupid. Also, she's constantly touch-starved and also scared of touch. And sleep-deprived. She gets better in the "scared of touch" category over the course of her journey with the Straw Hats, so... Sleepy cuddles. So many sleepy cuddles. If Zoro's taking a nap, she's taking a nap too, no buts. And Sanji eventually ends up with his arm around her waist 90% of the time. His personal space is also her personal space.
So, uh, fighting style! She uses a rapier and keeps explaining to people that, no, she's not a swordsman, she's a fencer. There's a difference. Also, she uses strings a lot, and plagiarizes Doffy's travelling method after Dressrosa. The thing with strings and dyes and whatnot is a whole new can of worms that I won't get into right now but it's super cool.
One more fun fact: Cora is short. She's tiny. And she wears heels to compensate, which Zoro hates because they're not practical at all. Her entire fashion sense gives him minor aggressions, partially because a lot of her clothes are a lot more fashion than function, partially because she looks too damn gorgeous in them and he's constantly reminded of his embarrassing crush and has gotten so distracted by her that he has walked into tables and doorframes multiple times. Sanji, on the other hand, fully supports her fashion choices. Maybe show a little more skin next time..? Pretty please? I have concept art for her and one of the more distracting outfits :)
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The Scout: "Desert Fox" Felicity
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The baby of the crew. Yeah, she's younger than Chopper. Inari is already young, being 14, but Lily? Lily is twelve. Absolute baby. How did she end up with the Straw Hats? Blame it on Buggy kidnapping her and then kidnapping the Straw Hats on top, letting them bust her out with them. Nami and Zoro pretty much become her caretakers on the spot, Nami consciously and Zoro... well... Turns out he has a bit of a soft spot for little scared kids with fox ears. They bring her back home to her "sister" Kaya at Syrup Village, but then she almost gets murdered by a killer butler, and Kaya asks them to take Lily with them, so... Well, she's with them now! Only about a few days later though, one of her caretakers gets himself almost killed and the other decides to abandon the crew. Good thing that Sanji has pretty much decided to adopt her, because otherwise she'd be crying her eyes out.
Lily is actually half mink! That's where she got her fennec fox features and some of her behavioural patterns (i.e. cuddliness, switching between napping and getting the zoomies...) from. But her behaviour could just as well be caused by her devil fruit, because she ate the Jōi Jōi no Mi, which gives her emotions magical properties. Which ones? No one knows! You'll find out when it happens. Pretty much the only really predictable effect back when Lily joins the crew is that she turns back into a nonverbal five-year-old when she gets too scared. She also has a pretty good success rate of turning into a more anthropomorphic fox creature when getting into the spirit for a battle. She's a mink after all, and minks are born fighters! And in case you're wondering: Yes, she does have electro! And sharp teeth. You do not want to make her upset. Best case scenario is that she bites you, worst case is either some magical shenanigans or she starts crying and her crewmates come to kick your ass.
I haven't developed her too much beyond the first season of OPLA, but I just know that she has to go absolutely feral at Alabasta, because that's a fennec fox's natural habitat and her epithet is "Desert Fox", so it only makes sense for her to get it at Alabasta. Also, it would be peak funny for Crocodile to complain to the Marines about a literal child messing up his plans, and peak funny is also peak One Piece, so you best believe I'll do it. Also, her being this young means I get to watch her grow up over the timeskip. I imagine she maybe gets sent to Zou and starts to really master her electro and devil fruit attacks? Something along the lines of "I'm all grown up now! I have my powers under control!" and then immediately turning back into a kindergartener in the face of danger would probably be her running gag post-TS. Also, I'm so soft for her relationship with Sanji. I could go on for ages about Whole Cake Island, but I'll leave it at that for now. This post is already getting long enough...
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The Matron: Dracule Aurelia
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Oh boy, you're not ready for her. She's the daughter of Rayleigh and Shakky. Trans queen (thanks, Iva). Raised as a Kuja, got love sickness just like her mother and fell for a red-headed idiot first, then for a certain swordsman. Ended up marrying the swordsman in the most dramatic way possible. Also maybe the second most beautiful woman in the world, after Boa Hancock of course.
Aurelia is essentially the fusion of a mafia boss, a mob wife, and an Ancient Roman patron. She has unbelievable amounts of money and an invisible net of connections that makes her almost untouchable. She's allied with Emperors, Warlords, kings and queens... Her main deal is providing smaller, more inexperienced pirate crews with her protection and support and getting their services in return, for example as soliders, for transportation... Whatever she needs at that moment. She can be as kind as she can be cruel, and people are generally both in awe and scared of her. Her epithet is "Black Widow" both because of her spider net of connections and because all of her lovers keep mysteriously dying as if through some sort of curse. Mihawk is the only one who has been able to resist that curse. Shanks doesn't count because Aurelia claims she never truly loved him.
One of the places under her protection is Baratie, and so she gets caught up in the Straw Hats' shenanigans. First, Nami asks her for help, then she returns to Arlong ransacking the place and essentially kidnapping Nami, then she finds out that Zoro was almost killed by her husband... Also, Sanji is the closest thing to a son that she has, so Sanji joining the Straw Hats is pretty much the final nail in the coffin to her deciding on her own terms that she's going to protect those kids to the best of her ability. You can kind of imagine her as the rich aunt, but a lot more deadly. Generally, she spends a majority in the story picking up her den den mushi and going "Luffy, what did you do this time?" The boy pretty much becomes her most effective portégé when it comes to expanding her territory, because he keeps punching tyrants and asking her to put the newly freed kingdoms under her protection. She also kicks ass at Marineford, of course, helps protect the Sunny during the timeskip, and becomes decorously unhinged when Whole Cake Island comes around because of her own personal history with Big Mom and "That's my son!" and "Luffy, you are not going to kill an Emperor." - so yeah, she pretty much has to follow the Straw Hats to Wano too, lest they get themselves kicked. She's both the queen of the literal universe and the exhausted mother of a crew of literal toddlers. Or. Well. Children and one supercharged toddler who will not stop causing chaos.
Her entire backstory is so freaking great. Growing up as a Kuja, running away from home because she's mad at her mother for leaving the Kuja tribe, her very first murder of a lover who also happened to be a nobleman, her bond with Iva and speedy hormone therapy, whatever the hell was going on between her and Shanks, her relationship with Mihawk, the whole situation with Big Mom and her rules for alliances, Mihawk literally fighting for her hand in marriage, her meeting Sanji and essentially adopting him... There's a lot going on. Wish I could write it one day.
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The Mechanic: Lux Jirou
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Lynx boi! Kuro tricked him into thinking he had Amber Lead Snydrome but it's actually just vitiligo. Used to be a member of the Black Cat Pirates (posing as the mansion's security guard) but liked Kaya a little too much and figured out Kuro was lying, so he teamed up with the Straw Hats to take him down. Also has the worst crush on Zoro and Zoro has the worst crushback, but they're both too stupid to figure it out. He goes by Jirou while with the Black Cat Pirates but starts going only by his last name Lux once he starts rebelling. Ends up joining the Heart Pirates and working as a mechanic on the Polar Tang.
Once again, so many of my ideas for him are more visual because... big kitty! Huge freaking paws! Cuddly cat naps! Involuntary purring because he has a crush and he's a cat and... Yeah. Also, he's absolutely thriving at Punk Hazard. Lots of snow? No problem! Lynx have built-in snow shoes. Also, his devil fruit (Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Lynx), much like the dinosaur SMILEs of the Beasts Pirates, works with Zoan logic. "Lynxes can walk on snow, so they can also walk on water, right? Since water is just frozen snow. And then maybe they can walk on air too if they train hard enough? Because of the humidity?"
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The Siren: Kanyalani
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Also known as Kan-chan, because Luffy is not pronouncing her full name. She's a betta fish mermaid and former slave and joined the Sun Pirates after being liberated. She has a romance with Jinbe which eventually turns into a polycule with the addition of Robin and Franky when they both join the Straw Hats. Kan-chan fights with chakrams and uses Merman Combat as well as some Fishman Karate.
Now for some mermaid characteristics: Since she's a betta fish mermaid, she shares betta fish characteristics. This means that she loves her color when she's unhappy and becomes more vibrant when she is happy. She also has a unique ability. Whereas all mermaids have beautiful voices, Kan-chan's singing can lull anyone to sleep, even in the midst of battle. Also, she's over thirty, so her tail is split, but she has trouble walking, so she practically never does it. She prefers using Bubbly Corals to navigate and claims that her very frilly fin makes for bad legs anyways.
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The Archer: Shimotsuki Kaede
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A Kuina look alike from Ebisu Town who nearly gives Zoro a heart attack when he sees her with her mask off for the first time. The concept for this OC basically came to me in the concept of many What Ifs. What if Kuina was still alive? What if Kuina was even more gender? What if there was a flying squirrel? What if someone pulled a Robin Hood on Orochi?
So, here's Kaede. Regular Ebisu Town citizen by day, dying and mending kimonos, stealing food and shooting arrows at people by night. As Ebisu Town gets the leftovers from the Flower Capital, this also includes the half-eaten SMILEs, and Kaede had the one-in-a-million luck of one of the SMILEs, finicky things that they are, still having traces of the power it once gave. And so, she got the power of the flying squirrel SMILE, making her the "devil fruit twin" of Bao Huang. She practices kyūdō in secret and almost runs an arrow through Orochi's head after Yasuie's execution. She would've hit the bastard too if someone hadn't hit her bow and made her miss.
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The Soldier: Roronoa Sonoko
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Ah yes, the reason why this post took me so long... She just appeared the moment I saw the scene in OPLA where Morgan tries to get Zoro to join the Marines. Because my brain went: Y'know, what if he actually had? So, I bring to you: Zoro's sister. No, not biological sister. They're siblings the way the ASL brothers are siblings. By exchanging sake cups. They got in trouble for stealing the sake and the cups but it was all worth it. What makes the situation even funnier is that Sonoko keeps on telling people that they're not biological siblings but nobody believes her because she's pretty much Zoro's spitting image. And it's her fault, too! Because she chooses to wear those earrings (more or less, but that's a bit of a longer story) and she chooses to dye her hair green! Yes, among the thousands of people with naturally funky hair colors, Kaede is pretty much the only one who actually dyes her hair.
So yeah, she's a Marine! Freshly promoted to Ensign when Koby and Helmeppo join and Garp's protégé. Her sword training comes from Bogard but she uses Two-Sword Style, so it's more her figuring out techniques and Bogard putting up with them. That is until Garp calls on Mihawk to go catch Luffy. Hawk Eyes comes to the ship to say that he decided not to do just that and Garp, as a payment for not reporting this to the World Government, asks Mihawk to take Sonoko on as a student. Mihawk, being Mihawk, is about to remind Garp that he does whatever he wants and doesn't need a deal like that. But then he sees the spitting image of Zoro in front of him and hears the same last name - and he changes his mind. Maybe it's worth a shot?
Following that, I don't have that many ideas except that Sonoko gets a bunch of promotions, only to go AWOL to warn Mihawk of the dismantling of the Warlords system during the Reverie because, at this point, she's far more loyal to him than to the Government or the Marines. She then completely deserts and dashes to Wano to help her brother and his crew defeat Kaido. In the process of the Raid on Onigashima (possibly while protecting either Hiyori or Zoro), she loses an arm and one of her swords and is just... overcome with guilt and shame. So much so that she can't bring herself to return to Mihawk after this incredible failure. Franky does replace her arm with a robotic one and everyone is super nice and supportive to her, the samurai step in and try to reason with her, but she's completely blinded by shame and anxiety. She keeps training, of course, she keepy going, but she just doesn't see herself as worthy anymore of being the student of the World's Greatest Swordsman. But then Mihawk himself shows up at Wano, looking specifically for her and tells her that she isn't a failure, that he's proud of her for her sacrifice for her cause and, most importantly of all, because she kept going. So, all is well and she joins the Cross Guild. Maybe befriends Cabaji, I dunno.
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