#Tailed Beasts
comikadraws · 21 days
Utakata and Fu were the ones that were captured and killed by Akatsuki before Gaara in the manga. Thanks to the anime, we know that one of the eyes of the Gedou Mazou that were filled before Shukaku was sealed represented Saiken.
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(Chapter 256, Page 16 and Naruto: Shippūden #152)
And we also know that Fu was intercepted by Kakuzu and Hidan while she was coming back to her village after the Chunin Exams that happened one year before Naruto return from his training trip with Jiraiya.
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(Naruto: Shippūden #413)
So, Han is the one who was captured by Akatsuki after they extracted Shukaku from Gaara, but before they captured Yugito and Isobu. Hope I helped! :D
Hello! Thank you for your addition.
Please don't take this in a negative way, but the exclusion of anime content was purposeful on my part. I am not the biggest fan of utilizing information from the anime in my analyses and I mostly don't for two reasons:
Sometimes, although not always, the anime filler content not only fills in the blanks of the manga but also directly contradicts the manga. And even when it doesn't, it is written with the intention of accommodating filler lore and does not necessarily reflect Kishimoto's own intention for the world (as we can see in the case of anime retcons).
There are manga purists on this platform who will come to gut me if I so much as insinuate that the manga is not our only source for canon information. Even then when the additional content (ie. databooks, novels, movies, and anime filler) does not conflict with the source material. Although, they seem rather tolerant of the databooks (as those, while being faulty as well, were written by Kishimoto and his assistants).
Gedo Mazo's Eyes and the Biju
Now, onto the actual ask because you did bring up something very interesting which is the connection between Gedo Mazo's eyes and the different biju. As we can see in both anime and manga, each time a biju is sealed, the Gedo Mazo opens a new eye. (also thank you to @zeto1304 for catching the chapter 331 panel in DMs)
In the screenshots below, we see the corresponding eyes for Ichibi, Sanbi, Nibi, and Yonbi.
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But how are those eyes chosen? We have three hypotheses for this:
1. The corresponding eye is determined by the number of tails of the Biju. (ie. no matter when Ichibi is sealed, it will always take the 1st row, 2nd collum place)
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2. The eyes correspond to the chronological sealing order of the Biju. (ie. no matter which biju is sealed, the 3rd biju will always take the 1st row, 2nd collum space)
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3. The eyes are distributed at random and there is no inner logic to their Biju assignment.
The Sealing Order Retcons
In the manga (which I have further elaborated on in this post), the sealing order goes as follows:
[N/A] -> [N/A] -> Ichibi -> [N/A] -> Sanbi -> Nibi -> Yonbi -> Hachibi -> Kyubi
In the anime, the Biju sealing order is not just elaborated on but retconned. Aside from filling in the blanks (that I have referred to here as "[N/A]") Sanbi is no longer sealed before Nibi but before Yonbi instead (a swap between Nibi and Sanbi, basically), due to the introduction of the Three Tail's Appearance Arc. This is why Pain changes the amount of remaining Biju after Nibi from three to four before we see them starting to seal Sanbi in episode 121.
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Then, after Nibi, Sanbi, and Yonbi have been sealed, the Akatsuki begin their hunt for Rokubi in the Six Tails Unleashed Arc.
The anime also retcons itself in that regard to accommodate the Six Tails Unleashed Arc.
First, Pain states in Shippuden episode 83 that there are four Biju left. The Akatsuki then seal two Biju (meaning there should also only be two left) before Kisame claims there are three left instead in Shippuden episode 142.
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Second, "Saiken's eye" (2nd row, 2nd column) has been open since before Ichibi was sealed in Shippude episode 17 and then remains open until Shippuden episode 121 before suddenly having to re-open in episode 152 as shown in the screenshots above.
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Here are the sealing orders in comparison:
Manga: [N/A] -> [N/A] -> Ichibi -> [N/A] -> Sanbi -> Nibi -> Yonbi -> Hachibi -> Kyubi
Anime (before Rokubi retcon): [N/A] -> [N/A] -> Ichibi -> [N/A] -> Nibi -> Sanbi -> Yonbi -> Hachibi -> Kyubi
Anime (after Rokubi retcon): [N/A] -> Ichibi -> [N/A] -> Nibi -> Sanbi -> Yonbi -> Rokubi -> Hachibi -> Kyubi
Anime (final): Nanabi -> Ichibi -> Gobi -> Nibi -> Sanbi -> Yonbi -> Rokubi -> Hachibi -> Kyubi
When the anime retconned the Biju sealing order, it chose these eyes to represent Rokubi, possibly implying that this eye would, regardless of sealing order, always belong to Rokubi.
What should be mentioned, however, is that the introduction of the Six Tails Unleashed Arc (Shippuden episodes 144-151) was introduced quite hastily. The retcon doesn't exist at least until Shippuden episode 121 (23 episodes before the arc). The viewers are only made aware of the change in Shippuden episode 142 (2 episodes before the arc).
The problem is that all of this does not exactly evoke a feeling of reliability. Aside from the hasty retcon, I could not find any evidence as to why this eye was selected specifically. Did they consult Kishimoto first? Did this pick have any deeper meaning? Or did they just select at random because they suddenly realized they had run out of eyes (and didn't feel like Kishimoto had any specific vision for this matter)?
A personal nitpick of mine is that neither assigning eyes by tail number nor chronological sealing order will give us a particularly good pattern.
For the tail-number-pattern, you'd expect the eyes to get opened one column/row after the other to represent their numerical order. To make it feel like this is where each Biju would logically belong and was meant to belong.
For the chronological pattern, you'd expect the eyes to either get filled to represent a numerical order OR get opened somewhat symmetrically to represent the "balance" of the statue slowly getting filled up with Biju chakra.
Neither of which is the case. The closest we get is a nearly symmetrical 2-step distribution for the tail-number-order. Which, of course, doesn't make much sense because the Biju can be sealed in any order (as seen with the chronological pattern). So why would balance matter?
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Tail-Number-Pattern: Each number reflects the number of tails as depicted in the anime.
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Chronological Pattern: Each number reflects the chronological placement of the sealed Biju as depicted in the manga.
This means that the patterns are seemingly not following a reasonable logic, making them look rather randomized.
But now, let's go back a bit and look at the sealing order. As previously explained, we know that the number of tails is irrelevant to the order in which the Biju are sealed. The only exception is Kyubi.
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It is entirely possible that, due to the irrelevance of the exact sealing order, the corresponding eye is just as irrelevant, making it randomized. The only exception is the Kyubi, which likely has to be sealed into the middle to maintain Gedo Mazo's "balance".
In the end, either theory could be true. I just think we don't have enough information either way to come to any definitive conclusions about what Kishimoto intended when he wrote the manga (if he intended anything at all). Hence I personally prefer to look at these as headcanons :)
Take care!
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ifeelalot · 1 year
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one to nine
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kyriolex · 5 months
Out of all the Bijuus,
Do you have a favorite Design?
Mine is Matatabi. She's an absolutely beautiful cat made out of flames! It doesn't really get much cooler than that!
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Honorable mention goes to Chomei
A Blue Rhinoceros Beetle with Battle Armor?
He has a very Digimon esque feel to his design and I love it
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ANOTHER honorable mention goes to Saiken. I just think she's (?) adorable and squishy and almost huggable if it weren't for the slime
Saiken is almost what I feel like Goodra (from Pokemon) should've looked like
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I think Kurama and Shukaku are awesome designs too but I think they also kinda go without saying lol
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Chomei is definitely my favorite due to the battle armor. Matatabi and Shukaku's designs are runner-ups due to the level of detail. I like Kurama, but design-wise the tails just take up EVERYTHING, so I wouldn't put him at the top aesthetically.
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jenemm · 1 year
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DAY 06: Botanical Beasts
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drixxzle · 18 days
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Naruto's Tailed Beasts redesigns. I need to finish the rest, but that's it for now.
Kokuo was based on a kirin
Son Goku was more drawn to Sun Wukong's original design
And Shukaku was more simplified
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enchantingpeachfury · 2 years
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paragonrobits · 1 year
naruto but all the tailed beasts hosts ARE tailed beasts in humanish forms
Naruto AU where everything is the same except the sealed beast hosts are, drawing on the pilot manga where Naruto WAS a nine-tailed fox and was specifically the son of the character who would eventually be reworked into Kurama, new incarnations of the specific tailed beasts they are hosts to in canon; one idea that comes to mind is that usually when the Beasts die they just materialize after a while, but if they die a hard way and their energy exhausts themselves, sometimes they’re reborn with new minds and personalities, with the memories of their older lifetimes influencing them especially as their power expands
so a few vague ideas on how this might go
sealed beast hosts are possibly still a thing, potentially expanded on from canon; potentially all the really plot relevant hosts WERE containers for them, but a whole bunch of events around the time they were reborn ‘reformatted’ the Beasts and their previous hosts had some influences on them, either by raising them as children or they imprinting onto their former hosts.
Naruto is not biologically related to Minato or Kushina, nor is he the son of Kurama, he IS Kurama (in a new form and identity, with some commentary on rebirth and if that makes you accountable for the actions of a past life); his current form was based off of Minato and Kushina possibly because Kushina still had enough influence on him to affect his human form, and neither were expecting him to effectively be their kid, or as a young boy Naruto voluntarily set his base form to match them out of a desire to belong. (Notably this does not rule out their extremely antagonistic relationship to Kurama in canon; he was so desperate for affection he sought it from people who openly viewed him as a monster better left impaled in Kushina’s mind, which gradually made them realize that this was kind of fucked up once they were forced to view him as his own person and not a rampaging monster to be exploited)
Gaara’s character is largely unchanged, apart from being a new iteration of Shukaku. Here, Shukaku’s relatively low position on the Tailed Beast ladder may translate to him being particularly prone to constantly reinventing his personality and nature every time he ‘resets’.
The other tailed beast hosts, particularly those who didn’t get much attention in canon like Yugito Nii, are still around and have a greater presence, with much less awareness of their previous incarnations, Rin is definitively the Third Tails here, though actively suppressing her powers (whether she is alive or not in the present is flexible but i figure it would be cool for her to be alive and do more with her, with Kakashi growing more frustrated with the ninja world as he has observed how the desire to be loyal while being hated for her inhuman origin has motivated him to be more of a cultural rebel). Most of the others are as per canon, with the twist that they were mostly adopted into their families or voluntarily took on forms to suit their feeling of belonging, which Killer B likely did with his brother.
The canonical way the Tailed Beasts interact with their hosts as unpredictable spirits that must be placated or bargained with may still be present; the most recent and powerful tailed beasts (that is, the ones who have the most presence in canon) act as literal incarnations of the past, potentially the bulk of their power sealed away into what is considered the wildest parts that must be chained, which correspond to the aspects of themselves that are pretty much their canonical depictions. These are also false distinctions, and are still rightfully angry at their abuse by greedy humans; whether or not the canon dynamics are present or if, say, Naruto struggles to awaken his inhuman powers while restraining the overwhelming hatred and rage from countless lifetimes of human evil done to him.
(All transformations are exactly as body horror-tinged and gruesome as they used to be in earlier parts of the story. Their powers are monstrous, inhuman and resist the urge to make them pretty. If Naruto, say, channnels his full power by going super saiyan and glowy, that is a deliberate affection that costs more energy that is needed, so part of the character development is going ‘fuck it, Me At Full Power is a mass of bloody spirit energy surrounded by a kaiju skeleton’.) Some other ideas I’ve been thinking about (such as Hinata being a much bigger presence in Naruto’s personal friend group from the get go, if not actively part of his team) will definitely be contemplated, as well as working in later retcons to be present throughout, making the story more internally consistent.
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noriakichan · 2 years
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Our forest fairy 🧚‍♂️
There is a long story behind this picture. To cut it short, it’s an AU where young Hashirama meets a monk who professes the doctrine of Sage of Six Paths. Young Senju is tired of violence, so he gets interested and decides to leave his Clan and quits being a shinobi in order to learn Ninshū in the temple.
5 years later he’s become a monk himself as well as a master of Ninshu. Konoha is established without him and he is happy to meet his family and friends.
Hashirama helps Madara to deal with Zetsu and remains nearby Konoha as a monk, not willing to become a shinobi again.
In 5 years the First Shinobi War has started. Hashirama has a feeling that the Tailed Beasts are able to stop everyone from fighting. So, he goes on an adventure to speak with them. He doesn’t want to fight them, so he is beaten 7 times by the Beasts who are laughing at him for his stupidity.
But when he meets the last Beast - the Two-Tails Matatabi - he finally succeeds in his quest. She likes him eventually and allows to take a ride!
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anbu-legacy · 10 months
I’m curious, how are the Tailed Beasts “actually like” in this universe? Are they intended to have sad stories with human-like conscience as in canon, or are they purely devilish and diabolical in their attitudes with no remorse? In-between like Chainsaw Man? Or is asking this a spoiler? 🤔
That is a good question that I hope we'll be able to spend some time developing at length in future (...very very far future) chapters!
I will say that the Tailed Beasts in Legacyverse are very, very non-human, except insofar as they have been influenced by their years or decades of human partnership/prison. Sometimes this influence has been beneficial; sometimes very much the opposite. We had great fun in exploring what this means for the Ichibi in Reason to be Strong and subsequent chapters, and we look forward to doing even more.
- Ki
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madara-fate · 2 years
"Other methods of keeping the beasts subdued existed." - Example, please.
"It's not like the other Kages are all sheep who can't think for themselves and only follow what was done first." - Yeah, sure, because it's not like every hidden village that had a biju also had a jinchuriki, right? All the jinchuriki made by the other villages that had a biju after Mito sealed Kurama in herself were just a collective delusion.
"Hashirama didn't intend for the other villages to make other Jinchurikis and continue this practice." - He never said that.
"Shukaku's first Jinchuriki, Bunpaku, gave him explicit evidence that humans had the capacity to treat the beasts with respect." - Because one person is equivalent to an entire continent, right?
"Other methods of keeping the beasts subdued existed." - Example, please.
How do you think Hashirama captured and subdued the Tailed Beasts in the first place in order for him to distribute them to the different villages? He obviously didn't subdue them by creating Jinchurikis, he used his Wood Style. There's also the Sharingan that can subdue and control Tailed Beasts, and also the fact that they can very easily be captured and sealed inside other things, not just people, as evidenced by Shukaku being captured and kept within the Sand village before Bunpaku became his first Jinchuriki, and also shown through the Akatsuki capturing and sealing the beasts. So yes, other methods of keeping the Tailed Beast subdued existed, the Kages were not forced to create their Jinshurikis, nor should Hashirama be blamed or held accountable for them doing so.
"It's not like the other Kages are all sheep who can't think for themselves and only follow what was done first." - Yeah, sure, because it's not like every hidden village that had a biju also had a jinchuriki, right? All the jinchuriki made by the other villages that had a biju after Mito sealed Kurama in herself were just a collective delusion.
What the hell are you talking about? You didn't say anything here to refute my point at all. Just because creating Jinchurikis became a trend, doesn't mean the Kages were all sheep who couldn't think for themselves. They could think for themselves, and they all thought they'd rather create the Jinchurikis. But as I said, it's not like they were forced to or couldn't think for themselves. Hashirama can't be blamed for the other Kage's copying what Mito did, especially when the only reason she sealed Kurama in herself in the first place, was to ensure Madara couldn't use him in their fight anymore. The other Kages had no such circumstances, as I made clear in my last response to you, which you have conveniently ignored here.
"Hashirama didn't intend for the other villages to make other Jinchurikis and continue this practice." - He never said that.
Well he didn't say that he did intend for them to create Jinchurikis either, which is what you were suggesting, and is entirely untrue.
Allow me to refresh your memory because I seriously cannot even believe that you made this point - You initially tried to place all the blame on Hashirama by accusing him of creating "a fear based peace" by apparently "enslaving innocent beings by turning them into war weapons". That was completely wrong, and I proved that he had no intention of creating a fear based peace, and explained how he was not the one who had created any of those Jinchuriki's.
You then tried to backtrack on that by saying how Hashirama "indirectly" gave the other villages the idea of creating Jinchurikis by sealing Kurama inside of his wife, to which I again corrected you by highlighting how not only did Hashirama not seal Kurama inside Mito because she did that herself during the battle with Madara in order to ensure he could no longer be used as a weapon, but the other Kages have minds of their own, and it's not Hashirama's fault if they decided to create Jinchurikis of their own accord, because that was not his intention. He didn't tell them to create Jinchuriki's.
So now, you're saying that Hashirama didn't explicitly tell the Kages that it was not his intention for them to create Jinchuriki's, despite the fact that he didn't tell them to create Jinchuriki's either, so clearly, it was not his intention for them to do so. Seriously man, your point here is so weak, my god.
"Shukaku's first Jinchuriki, Bunpaku, gave him explicit evidence that humans had the capacity to treat the beasts with respect." - Because one person is equivalent to an entire continent, right?
Can you really not see the irony and hypocrisy in what you just said? My goodness. Let me refresh your memory again because this is unbelievable - In your last ask to me, you said "Tailed Beasts aren’t dumb. They would know that the nations would make them weapons, just like Madara did with Kurama". So clearly, you thought that the Beasts would think that the actions of one person (Madara) would be "equivalent to an entire continent", since you explicitly indicated that the Beasts would somehow just "know" that the other nations would also use them as weapons, just because one person did so in the past. I even called you out on that when I asked "why are you saying that the beasts would just somehow “know” how they would be used based solely on the actions of just one person?".
And now, you're here being snarky and sarcastically telling me that one person is equivalent to an entire nation in order to mock me? Are you kidding me? You were the one who made that implication in your last ask, not me, and I called you out on it. I didn't say that one person is equivalent to an entire nation, but my point was that the Tailed Beasts wouldn't just somehow "know" that the other nations would use them as weapons just because one person did (which was your point), because Bunpaku, one other person, showed that people can also treat the Beasts with respect. That was my point.
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comikadraws · 21 days
How long do you think it takes for a Biju to respawn after being killed?
I have no idea xD
As explained last time, it's probably somewhere around three years.
The Akatsuki had to go on a three- to four-year hiatus before beginning to collect Biju (which might hint at a potential reformation period of a Biju) and (although I haven't read Boruto), it takes three years for Kurama to reform within Himawari.
In the case of Kurama, however, he seems to reform gradually (hence other characters are capable of noticing his presence way earlier) inside a host. On top of that, even after the three-year time skip, he looks still young and small.
It is entirely possible that, due to his larger chakra reserves, Kurama takes longer to reform. Or that he does only reform gradually because he has a host.
But again, I never read the Boruto manga, so this is all just more rambling than anything.
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sporadic-icons · 2 years
Naruto Misc Tailed Beasts RP Icons
Free to use. Likes or reblogs are cool.  Icons are from Chibi Sasuke’s Sharingan Legend.  There are 5 of them.  
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puppyeared · 1 year
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learned something about myself lately
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bananaman-mp3 · 1 year
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okay first of, this has intrigued me a lot ever since itachi first showed up- how old is he? he certainly looks much older than sasuke, and chiyo is an old woman, so her calling him a brat…. doesn’t really tell me much. she could be talking about someone in their 20s like that, right?
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also, the akatsukis actions were a tad confusing here. grandma chiyo first claimed that controlling the tailed beast was supposedly impossible, and then�� i think she corrected herself, that it actually was, but didnt elaborate much on that.
and the cave they were performing this seal on got fucking wrecked afterwards, so i do wonder were the tailed beasts actually end up. are they contained in a physical place? i originally thought they were “storing” them in the cave, but it crumbled completely during the chiyo and sakura vs sasori fight, didnt it? so, was the cave acting as a medium to seal the tailed beast in some sort of spiritual plane or dimension? cuz it may sound like a bit of a stretch, but if the fourth and third hokage could summon a god of death to aid them in a fight, id say anything goes, no?
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0vergrowngraveyard · 15 days
AU idea:
Tails is found by Werehog Sonic instead of regular Sonic. He thinks he's gonna get mauled, that his life ends there...
... but no. No it does not. The little orphaned fox cub, instead of being made past tense, gets scruffed, as the Werehog carries him off to their den. They found this kid, and they were adopted now.
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adoption 👍
but this is a really cute au idea anon
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gummygoatgalaxy · 4 months
Just some of my fav boyos
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Characters here are: humanized Louie Duck, Beast Boy, Phineas Flynn, Dipper Pines, humanized Tails/Miles Prower, and Max from Camp Camp!!
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