#Tails makes Sonic think about the world around him and that his actions have consequences
tails-boogie-board · 2 years
Tails' moral code when Sonic is there: :3
Tails' moral code when Sonic leaves for longer than 45 minutes: ;3
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riah-yorke-lex · 1 year
Spoilers for Sonic Prime, like all of it.
Sonic has ADHD and Nine has autism.
I mean I know the regular headcanons for Sonic and Tails are already there, but hear me out.
Neurodivergent people have trouble communicating a lot of times and miscommunicate.
Btw I have both, so I’m just speaking from my own experience.
Both characters are flawed. Sonic has lost his entire home and friends. Nine never really had friends and prefers to be alone.
Anyone who wants to say Nine is a villain can leave my page.
It’s a kid’s show, and Nine is the second most important character. The writers won’t kill him off or make him pure evil. Sonic will make up with everyone and find ways to save everyone in the end. Sorry to ruin suspense, but it is a kids show. I’m not saying that means it can’t have awesome character arcs. (ATLA has awesome character arcs, betrayal and redemption + lots of dark elements, but none of the main characters DIED)
Nine will probably cause something bad to happen in his rage, constructing something dangerous with the shards or he’ll cause the entire council to come after him, or both. Nine might cause something bad to happen and then feel guilty and help Sonic. If sonic can find a solution that doesn’t destroy those living in the shatter spaces, then Nine would probably come around. I don’t think Sonic realizes the consequences of his actions.
And that’s just the thing. Sonic jumps into every situation without thinking it through, something which irritates everyone around him. Meanwhile, Nine is incredibly methodical and thoughtful in his approach. Nine is driven by LOGIC while Sonic is driven by EMOTIONS. Not to say Nine doesn’t have emotions and can’t lose control, as we will likely see in S3. However, it’s generally how their brains work.
Sonic is gullible and falls into lots of traps. He isn’t all that smart. He’s good at thinking on his feet, but he often doesn’t think before he leaps into something. Shadow did mention about how the people in the shatterspaces aren’t real or whatever. He means that if they just put the prism back together, all those variants will cease to exist since they are all just different parts of the originals. Sonic sees them as real people though, and wants to help them, but he also desperately wants his reality back. He doesn’t realize that Nine would likely cease to exist if he simply put the prisms together. This would devastate sonic if he found out.
Nine is very rational in his actions. He doesn’t feel he can trust anyone as he has been traumatized by the world he grew up on. He longs for a place of solitude, a place he can go to whenever he needs to be away from everyone. He’s rather sit in his own head with his inventions. He wants Sonic to join him here because Sonic is the first friend he ever had. He intentionally doesn’t tell Sonic everything, because he has thought this through. He hopes Sonic will see his side and see him as a real person and not just another version of Tails. Sonic has an issue of projecting his vision of Tails onto Nine. He does it because he misses Tails. I know Sonic, DOES respect Nine as his own person, but Nine does not understand that, and Sonic, not thinking before he speaks, says something hurtful. Nine can come across as selfish, but all he wants is a safe place. As a neurodivergent person, that is so relatable. Sonic’s safe place is Green Hill, and he wants its back. From what we know (although I’m sure they’ll find a solution where everyone can live, again, it’s a kids show), those two things cannot coexist. If Sonic realizes this, he’ll realize he has to sacrifice his shatterapace friends to get Green Hill back, and is that a good thing after all? Nine is scared for his life basically, as he might not exist anymore. It’s a very valid fear.
They didn’t communicate their needs to each other because they were in the middle of fighting the council and didn’t have time to think it through, plus Sonic is impatient and also bad at communicating.
Nine is NOT a villain. He’s a traumatized autistic kid who has trouble thinking with other people’s needs in mind. Sonic wants to help EVERYONE, even people he doesn’t like much like Dread and Shadow, but he doesn’t consider the wider consequences of his actions.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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egg-emperor · 3 years
Hi! Feel free to ignore this, but do you think Eggman would ever want a family of his own, perhaps after he had taken over the world? Would he be a good father?
I’m not very comfortable with this subject and would usually avoid answering these kinds of questions but I might as well answer it at least once, so people can know my thoughts on it and I can link back to this next time. I’m not sure if what I’m about to share is a very popular opinion, so I apologize but I’m going to be honest.
I can’t picture him ever wanting a family because I feel it’s out of character for him, which is something I’ve always liked about the main canon and disliked about separate ones that portray otherwise. As I said in this post, I don’t see him being interested in settling down under any circumstance.
That includes after he’s taken over the world because his focus is set on turning it into the empire of his dreams and ruling over it by himself. He’ll be just as much of a busy man as he builds his empire and makes his true vision a reality, so there would be no time. Plus, he’ll feel like a god above everyone when they can no longer deny his power. He’ll expect to be hailed and worshipped and those that won’t abide by the rules will face the consequences.
So I think it's highly unlikely that he’ll see anyone as an equal to create a family with. I also think he'd feel a similar way about leaving the empire to anyone else to continue after his death. It doesn't exist for anyone to inherit, he doesn't want anyone to be the heir to his throne. He's spent years working so hard to accomplish his dreams of an empire that's for him to rule and isn't willing to share it. If he dies and has to leave his empire to someone, he'll leave it to his robots, he doesn't need it to be another living being.
There's also the consideration that he’s getting old. He’s likely in his mid-50s to early 60s and while I do love to headcanon that he’s still getting action at his age, he certainly wouldn't want to try raising children lol. He hasn’t been interested in it all his life and wouldn’t suddenly want it so much later on down the line either. I'd see him wanting no part of it, and if he did end up in that situation he wouldn't be cut out for it.
He’s a very narcissistic, selfish, and dangerous man. I don’t think anyone would trust him around children, considering that he's always trying to kill Sonic and friends, even eight-year-old Tails. Yes, he tries to kill them because they’re his worst enemies and not just any random kid but I highly doubt that anyone would trust him around any of them because of that. And from Eggman's perspective, it just wouldn't interest him to have any of his own.
Game universe Eggman is disconnected from humans and they've never implied that he's uncomfortable with it. The only company he has are assistance robots and lackeys that he just uses until he doesn’t need them anymore, then discards them. I see him as a true lone wolf type at heart. He hasn't even been shown to be comfortable with one human living with him, let alone a family.
He hasn’t been seen as being much of a fatherly type figure towards his robots either. He hits and talks down to Orbot and Cubot and as much as I love the Eggdaddy and Metal SONic dynamic, it's the Archie and IDW canons that made Metal like more of a son to him. In the game canon, he doesn't seem to have much of an attachment to him, going by what I've observed and analyzed.
Now don’t get me wrong, I have an entire Eggdaddy and Metal SONic tag and I think it’s a sweet idea. I enjoy the instances we see outside of the game universe. But the closest we've gotten to Eggman appearing to be a father-type figure to him in the game canon would be in the Olympics with their cute victory animation and all, but then again, that's a spin-off series.
I think that if game Eggman ever desired to be a father figure, it would be to robots and Chao. I think he prefers robots because he doesn't have to feed and take care of them since he's only focused on feeding and taking care of himself lol. That's why he doesn't have what it takes to provide for human kids at the same time, not with the amount of care and investment parents should have.
I think he idles Metal Sonic most of the time when he isn't using him for his plans so he doesn't live as if he's a full-time father. But you could say that he'd be a good father to him if he treated him to something nice whenever he did well. There are a few scenarios throughout my Eggdaddy and Metal SONic tag, but here's one example. He also has robots like the Egg Pawns, Fighters, and Robos which closely resemble aspects of his appearance, so he can see himself in them as if they're his kids too.
He could check in on his Chao to tend to them every now and then like he's their father but I think that most days he'd have robots visit his gardens and handle it for him because he's often too busy to feed and take care of them, which is the biggest hassle of owning them for him. I talked about that a bit in this post. That's also another reason why I don't think he'd be cut out for tending to humans.
I'm uncomfortable with the idea of him reproducing in the traditional means as a whole and even if he acquired a family through other means, I still don't think he'd be a family man. I shared my thoughts on it here. In that post, I also talk about how he might go about reproduction in nontraditional ways if it was the last option, such as if his plans of attempting to prolong his lifespan so he can rule his empire for longer failed.
Thank you for giving me the option to ignore this because it is an uncomfortable subject for me, but I figured that I'd finally get my thoughts on it out there so I can link back to this the next time I'm asked. I'm not mad at this so don't worry, but I do usually prefer not to answer these types of questions. Sorry about that, and I hope my answer isn't disappointing but these are my true thoughts on it.
But remember that I'm always open to talking about him being a bit fatherly to robots and Chao though because they're cool and fun to discuss and it's still a way for him to be a dad! ^^
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crossingscon · 4 years
CrossingsCon Myth-of-the-Month - November
I’m a Sega kid. Until a couple years ago when I bought a Switch - so I could play Sonic Mania - the only game console I owned was the Sega Genesis that my parents bought me and my sister when we were kids. The game that came with that Genesis was Sonic 2 and it introduced a new character: Miles “Tails” Prower, the two-tailed fox. In the games, Tails is a mechanical genius who uses his two tails as a fan to fly, and he is one of my favorite characters in all of video games.
Foxes are pervasive in stories and myths across the world, almost always playing the role of a trickster. The association between foxes and cunning is strong enough that in English, when you best someone through guile or quick thinking, we say that you have outfoxed them. Foxes often show up in fables, either to take advantage of another character or to outsmart themselves. In a fable called The Fox and the Vineyard (variously from a Midrash or Aesop, or probably other places), a fox finds a small hole in the fence around a vineyard, barely big enough to fit through. He sneaks in and gorges himself on grapes. When he goes to make his escape, he finds he can no longer fit through the hole. He cries out and another fox hears him from the other side of the fence. When the second fox hears of the first fox’s predicament, he chastises him for overeating and tells him that he’ll just have to live with the consequences of his actions until he’s once again small (and hungry) enough to escape.
Japan has a particularly deep folklore surrounding foxes. In Japan, kitsune (the Japanese word for fox) serve as the messengers of Inari, the deity of rice, sake, and industry, and you can often find statues of foxes at Inari’s shrines. Foxes are mischievous, mercurial, and magical animals that can shapeshift (usually into humans). However they’re not always malicious: while some foxes prey on good-hearted people, you’re just as likely to encounter a helpful and protective fox, or even just a fox who’s trying to go about its business.
A number of stories in Japanese folklore recount a fox transforming into a woman and taking a human for a husband. When the children of the marriage are human, it’s said that those children will have mystical powers, inherited from their vulpine ancestry. A story in Nihon Ryouiki, a collection of Japanese tales from the ninth century, tells of a fox who married a man and gave birth to a fox pup instead of a human son. The husband’s dog also gives birth to a puppy around that time. The puppy sees through the fox’s disguise and keeps attacking her. Eventually, the attacks are bad enough that she turns back into a fox and runs away. In this story, the husband calls out for her and convinces her to return, but other similar stories don’t always have the happy ending.
One of the most striking details about foxes in Japanese folklore is that they can have multiple tails. The older and wiser a fox is, the more tails it has. If you encounter a nine-tailed fox, you’re facing the most wise and powerful of the foxes, and also one who isn’t going to stand for any bullshit.
And here’s where we come back to Miles “Tails” Prower. Despite playing Sonic games for most of my life and learning about Japanese legends and folklore alongside my studies in Japanese language and history, it took a surprisingly long time for me to realize that he is a fox, designed in Japan, with multiple tails. Tails is a kitsune! Eli Director of Registration, CrossingsCon
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mobius-prime · 4 years
277. Sonic Universe #8
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Mobius: 30 Years Later (Part 4 of 4): The Freedom Fighters of the Future
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
So things are bad. Tikhaos is wrecking the castle and is already looking to move on to the rest of Portal, and no one really knows how they'll stop her. Sonic doesn't even know what he's looking at, and is baffled when Lara-Su mentions the monster's name, leading to the mention of a couple more noodle incidents.
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I will say it seems a little trite to rehash the whole Perfect Chaos thing once again in a new setting, akin to how Star Wars just rehashed the Death Star twice after the original movie, but then again, the whole point of this arc is to show history repeating itself in both negative and positive ways. I actually do like the concept of the Future Freedom Fighters, the children of the original Freedom Fighters, carrying on the fight against renewed threats to the world - in m opinion it's one of the only things this arc actually gets right. The team wonders how Tikhaos was released and how she got all this Chaos energy in her in the first place, but decide they have to focus on the most present threat first.
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This is one of the only actual character moments King Shadow gets at all in this arc, and honestly, I don't buy it. I suppose this is meant to be sort of a "bad future" Shadow, in which he never truly got the chance to fully comprehend Maria's ultimate wish and ended up horribly misinterpreting it, trying to bring peace to the world by conquering it and enforcing that "peace" through his brutal regime. But it falls incredibly flat without any kind of attempt at explaining how he ended up like this. Literally all we know about the past of this particular timeline is that Sonic disappeared shortly after Eggman was finally defeated for good - details that were covered in Penders' version of the future, such as Knuckles going green once more and "remaking the world as he saw fit" or whatever aren't confirmed to have happened or not happened, making everything about what led up to this moment entirely uncertain. Thus, there's no explanation whatsoever about what could have happened to Shadow that led to him becoming so brutal and tyrannical - literally, the backstory provided in SU#5 just makes it seem like he showed up one day and started taking over for no reason. Given his relatively tame character progression in the comics compared to in the games (where he undergoes significantly more trauma and is actually directly exposed to the temptation to violently take over the world), I find him developing in this direction extremely hard to believe. Like, I know I've gone on about how he's my favorite and all, but even if he wasn't, him becoming evil like this just makes no logical sense.
Anyway, Sonic orders Lara-Su to organize the rest of her band of new Freedom Fighters to stall Tikhaos while he rescues his family from the panic room, and orders Argyle to contact the Echidna Security Team to evacuate the city. Lara-Su is nervous about being totally in charge, but takes to it like a natural, ordering the others to distract and halt Tikhaos' advance so people have a chance to get away. Meanwhile, Sonic finds the half-destroyed panic room… with Sally still sitting pretty inside it, a vapid smile on her face. Seriously, normally Ian is good at writing his female characters, so I don't know what the hell happened here with Sally. I get she's close to fifty years old at this point and she was never a frontline combatant in the first place, but the Sally I know wouldn't exactly be content to just sit around while the castle literally fell apart around her, she'd be getting everyone on their feet and looking for an escape route, goddammit.
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Once again I have to point out that Silver's motivations don't seem to make sense here. In every other appearance he makes in the comic, he's fully convinced that a traitor within the ranks of the Freedom Fighters is what caused his future to come to ruin, and yet here it's pretty clearly a result of Tikhaos' rage, which was obviously not caused by any Freedom Fighter at all. As Sonic carries Sally and encourages his kids to follow him to safety outside of the castle, Argyle reports that the evacuation of the city is going smoothly, with no reported casualties so far. The new Freedom Fighters are doing a decent job of holding back Tikhaos, but they're nowhere near strong enough to actually take her down, and are due to wear down eventually. Most importantly, the Dark Presence has actually fully renounced Shadow, and are helping to evacuate the civilians and have also freed Tails and Mina. Seems like a pretty quick turnaround for a terrorist organization, but whatever. There's also no further elaboration on the whole Shadow thing, by the way. You'd think everyone would freak out at the knowledge that Shadow has escaped containment and is clearly behind this disaster, but he's never mentioned again in the issue. This would have been the perfect opportunity to actually explain what the hell happened to him to cause such a drastic change in personality, and to have him show some actual regret and character growth from it all, but nah, he apparently just vanishes into the aether never to be seen again or face any consequences for his actions here. Great writing, Ian! Lara-Su decides that the fight is becoming a little too dicey, and decides to try appealing to Tikhaos' emotional side.
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Hey, Tails! As he joins in the fight, Mina rushes in to grab their two kids and carry them to safety, much to Melody's annoyance. She protests that she and Skye are Freedom Fighters now, to which Skye emphatically agrees despite his timid nature, and this softens Mina's heart a little, no doubt remembering her own past with the original team. Meanwhile, Jacques and Belle are almost crushed by one of Tikhaos' tentacles, when Silver jumps into the fight.
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While he helps stall Tikhaos, Sonic and Lara-Su discuss what needs to be done to actually stop her entirely. Manik and Sonia chime in at this point, reminding Sonic of his victory over Perfect Chaos when he was young and how he targeted its brain, and though he's not too pleased with being reminded that he's not young anymore, he decides they have a point. He calls on everyone on the field to clear a path for him as he rushes the beast, but he's not as fast as he used to be, and it turns to face him…
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Look, I know Mobians like to start 'em young, but have we forgotten Sonic's kids are literally four years old?! I mean, kudos to them and all, but that's incredibly dangerous! Still, I can only imagine how popular one might be growing up if they were not only the offspring of a great war hero, but could also boast they took down a deadly monster at the age of four. With Tikhaos weakened, Lara-Su approaches while reciting Tikal's prayer, and this calms her down until she's reverted back to her ordinary Tikal-shaped spirit form, sleeping on the ground. Sonic congratulates everyone on working together effectively to save the day, and cracks a few obligatory jokes about his back hurting because, you know, he's old now.
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"Chronos Control," huh? I actually like that quite a bit, nice twist on the ol' familiar Chaos Control. Sally congratulates Sonic on helping save the day, still relegated to being the useless cheerleader on the sidelines instead of doing literally anything proactive like her present-timeline self would definitely have been doing, and everyone poses for a nice final shot, excited to have formed the new Freedom Fighters. Despite the many, many (many) criticisms I have of this entire arc, it is a nice ending at least, fit to stand with the other triumphant finales in the comic at least. Still, overall, I feel like it was shallow, nonsensical, and full of bad characterizations of all the familiar characters. Individuals like Tails and Sally don't feel like themselves at all, but blank slates with the same names as their present-day counterparts, and others such as Shadow are entirely unrecognizable. Luckily for my sanity, this is the last foray we make into the Light Mobius timeline in the comic, and any future issues that deal with the future are set… a bit further into the future, if you catch my drift.
Like the last SU arc, this one ends with a teaser epilogue for the next arc, featuring none other than Finitevus coming out of a warp ring somewhere in a desert in Downunda, speaking to an unknown shadowy figure about how Angel Island is almost overhead and how he's "dying" to meet Knuckles again… Dun dun duuunnn!
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mostfreeee · 4 years
Long as the voice inside me says go, I will always keep on running.
My Sonic is primarily games & IDW comics verse. But with some small divergents here and there. 
Name: Sonic the Hedgehog Age: Canonically 15, but my Sonic is defaulted to 19/20. ( varying greater depending on the verse ) Height: 3ft 2in / 98cm  Weight: 77 lb / 35 kg
Synopsis: Sonic is an anthropomorphic hedgehog who can travel faster than the speed of sound. “Got to go fast” is basically his occupation, when he isn’t taking down robots created by an evil genius known as Eggman. He values freedom and nature, two things Eggman seems determined to oppress and destroy. 
Generally a people person, Sonic cherishes his friends greatly and enjoys meeting new people. He even has a tendency to make nice with his foes, never one to let a bit of rivalry stop him from getting along with someone.
His carefree attitude can make it seem like he is irresponsible and reckless without ever thinking of the consequences. And while the reckless part is true often enough, he has a strong sense of justice and takes it upon himself to step up whenever the world needs saving. 
I see my Sonic having quills on the shorter side, a bit like these (draw by Tyson Hesse) 
As much as I adore the long quills that fall down behind him like in regular Modern Sonic designs, something about the shorter quills that spike more backwards than downwards fits so well. 
Colour Hexes:
The blue fur: #0000e6
The peach fur: #eebc9d
His eyes: #0bda51
Sonic is a pretty laid back guy, in his own way.
He loves to travel, going at incredibly fast speeds, but he also likes to relax and read or nap. 
He's all about free will. He wants people to be able to choose what they want to do on their own. Though he knows some people just need a bit of encouragement too and that’s all fine. 
He likes being optimistic
For the most part he isn’t necessarily oblivious, he knows all about the bad in the world, but he likes looking at the bright side. 
He knows that life doesn’t always have a happy ending, but he is able to picture a better future and thus will always strive for it. Even if that means that he’ll end up severely disappointed at times, it’s better than living your whole life like nothing good will ever come.
He strongly believes in second, and even third, chances. If someone wants to change for the better, why not encourage them to? 
Because of this he doesn’t hold grudges well — at least when it comes to himself. If you harmed a friend that’ll get you a bit more of a watchful eye, but ultimately Sonic believes that everyone can change. 
(for better or for worse as seen in IDW comics) 
He doesn’t have a house, but he definitely has a home.
For all his wanderlust, he’ll always make his way back to where his friends are settled at. Most commonly he’ll go to Tails first, and then take his time making rounds to see his friends again. He eventually gets restless if he doesn’t go out exploring or if there hasn’t been a battle or something to get rid of his excess energy. But he drops by often enough to still be a frequent face. 
He loves company
Even if it means he needs to slow down, he’ll most often prefer having company than not. There is always time to squeeze in a run here and there, so he’ll never pass on a chance to hang out if someone is free.
It’s not like he’s clingly, he knows better than anyone that people have their own things to do. He’s perfectly fine being on his own for months on end, and there is usually enough things to distract him during that time. It’s just that if schedules happen to line up he’s definitely going to make the most of it.
If he ever does feel lonely
While rare, he’s first instinct is to go running and looking for a distraction. Because again, he knows people have their own things to do and he doesn’t want to be a bother of all things. 
If that doesn’t work, he can usually wander by Tails’s workshop and settle in at a corner under the excuse of wanting a nap without worrying about the weather outside. He won’t bother his buddy, but the sounds of Tails tinkering helps ease the ache in his chest. 
His impatience doesn’t come from moving slowly, it comes from not doing what needs to get done.
As stated above, he doesn’t mind slowing down his pace for other people. However, if there is something that needs to get done, whether urgent or not, he wants to get on with it so it’s complete. 
He doesn’t like leaving tasks left unfinished because all it does is drag in the back of his mind. He rather be able to go out and have fun without worrying about something else. 
If there is something that forces him to move slowly (so he isn’t slowing down by choice) then he does get very impatient very quickly. 
He enjoys using corny jokes and inserting random humour whenever he can.
He’s perfectly aware that a lot of his jokes are cheesy, but having people groan in exasperation is just as good as having people laugh in response so! 
Really no matter what you do you’ll end up encouraging him. 
He’s no genius, he’ll leave that to Tails, but he does end up well enough read.
Though he does gravitate to adventure-type stories, he does like learning about the world and enjoys fun facts. 
Often times though, if he falls asleep in the middle of reading a book he doesn’t bother to pick that book up again when he wakes, unless there was something really interesting about it. Even if the book wasn’t boring and he fell asleep due to going for days without rest, he just figures the time to read the book has passed and moves on to the next. 
He loves nature
It’s part of why he likes to travel so much. There is always a new sight to see, and nature just never disappoints! 
He likes finding all the places where nature is allowed to develop naturally without interference of settlements. When he does come across such a place, he does his best to not disrupt anything there. Which also means he doesn’t move too quickly just so he can be sure his speed doesn’t destroy anything. 
He really enjoys naps!
He likes laying down on the grass and feeling the sun shine down on him most, but that comes with the risk of getting caught in the rain so he tries to do it only when there is little chance of rainfall. Otherwise he’ll find little nooks and crannies to settle down in to sleep. 
He can’t swim, and he has mild aquaphobia.
He doesn’t mind being around water, like having fun at the beach is okay, but he absolutely hates being submerged in it. (waking up to a sudden downpour when he naps outside also gives him a scare, which is why he is careful before he falls asleep in the open) 
If given enough warning, and for good enough reason, he will do his best to hold back his fear to get whatever business done, but you can bet that he’ll be having phantom shivers for a long time after. 
He can’t hold his breath underwater for very long, not because he doesn’t have the lung capacity, but because he quickly gets so anxious that he just can’t hold it. 
After being submerged in water (whether willingly or unwillingly) Sonic prefers being surrounded by something solid. It could be anything, even a big hug is very much welcomed, but more often than not he’ll find a hole at the side of a mountain and huddle himself in it. He already has a few go to places scattered around, because unfortunately he’s had plenty of experiences being submerged in water. 
It doesn’t get any easier even after all this time.
He knows that he’s considered a hero by the mass majority, and he’s come to accept it.
A Hero was something he never wanted to be, though. He just wanted to save the distressed animals at first, and found himself speeding into something he can’t just back out of now.
Not that he would want to back out, per say. He’s incapable of not stepping in if he knows that he can do something to help. And he rather be the person to stop something bad from happening than to just leave it to someone else. 
But because he has saved the world multiple times by now, and became (in)famous, he knows that “Hero” is a title he can’t run from anymore. No matter what he says or what he wants, people will call him as such, and with that comes all the responsibility and expectations that he never asked for. He’s more conscious of that than he’d like to admit.
He doesn't really mind it for the most part, though. More often than not it falls in line with what he wants anyways — to stop Eggman. And if people end up shocked because he doesn’t act the way they thought he would, well, that’s on them and with no consequence to him. 
He doesn’t let that title dictate his actions, either. He’ll always do what he thinks is right first and foremost. Even if the world says one way is correct, if he believes otherwise he’s doing it his way. He’s not looking for random strangers approval, nor does he particularly want it. 
But, because of the title of ‘Hero’ he knows that there are some assumptions made about him. He is acutely aware that a lot of people hold him to high regard, and look up to him. And as much as he likes to think that the title of ‘Hero’ doesn’t affect him, it did change him in some ways. 
It’s mostly after being called a Hero that Sonic started putting up a front
It wasn’t a conscious decision or anything, but with so many people, children especially, looking up to him with shining eyes — he found that he wants to be someone they can rely on when they are in danger. Because he’s a caring guy, and small animals and children stir up a protective side of him. 
Besides, he figured that he’ll always do what he can to stop Eggman as long as the madman was trying to take over the world, so what’s the harm in letting kids think of him as this big Hero and thus feeling safe with him around?
With that it was all too easy to slip into the persona that the public already created for him.
After all, that persona didn’t come out from nowhere. It was basically just an exaggeration of his already there carefree personality. 
He’s generally good at understanding people, and he’ll use that to adapt himself into someone who is comforting for whoever needs it at the time. He genuinely likes being able to help people. And that’s why he’ll play into the whole Hero shtick to the extent he does. 
He’d grin widely when he’s around the public, and play off any injury that he suffered. He’d pretend that he wasn’t exhausted after a grueling battle, and that nothing bothered him. 
He doesn’t mind ‘breaking character’ if the public gets too much — again, he won’t sacrifice his principles just to live up to other people’s expectations. He’ll do what he believes to be right in the end, but the ‘cool guy who is unbothered by anything’ persona just became so incredibly easy to play. 
It’s become a part of who he is, now. That facet of his personality is what he shows the most readily, hiding anything else behind it. He’s always been fond of inserting humour whenever he could to lighten up a situation and cheer someone up, but now he does it to distract people from noticing that anything is wrong. It’s become an unhealthy coping mechanism, but Sonic isn’t about to tell anyone that.
He’d gladly accept any physical help (like in battle), but emotional help is harder for him to welcome.
Again, it comes with the Hero persona he fell into. He’s gotten so used to pretending that nothing is wrong that he sometimes believes it himself that all is fine. 
It’s been okay for the most part so far, (as ‘okay’ as emotional suppression can be). He got buy on being able to rewind after any big battle, being surrounded by his friends, and being able to have fun on his own terms. 
However, with being captured for six months (Sonic Forces) and knowing deep down that the metal virus outbreak was his fault (IDW comics), it’s a lot harder for Sonic to trick himself into thinking everything is okay.
He’ll still do what he can to fool other people, though.
But, all that said and done, it isn’t like it’s ALL an act. 
Down to the core, Sonic is still that fun loving guy. If you were to pull a Shadow and ask Sonic what he is now, he would still answer the same. That he’s ‘just a guy who loves adventure.’ Because it’s still true. He’s very good at living in the moment and making the most out of any situation. And at the end of the day, Sonic just does what he believes in and he has fun along the way. 
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sonisis · 7 years
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.:The Rose Bride: Chapter 3:.
Ahh Happy news years everyone! As the year comes to an end (Where I’m living) this is my last piece of the year! As Always this chapter can be read here on FF.
The Rose Bride Chapter 3:
Amy’s birthday party ended right after she was kidnapped. Cream and Vanilla took care of clean up while the rest tried to figure out where on Earth Amy could’ve gone. Sonic had already ran around the entire area for any clues but he had no luck, he figured the next step was to return to Tails to see if he had any information regarding the term “Rose Bride”.
“Yo Tails, any luck?”
“Sorry Sonic but I’ve searched all over the internet but I couldn’t find anything related to it. My theory is that it probably has to do with Amy’s family history and it’s probably a well kept secret from the outside world, heck even Amy looked surprised to find out about that.” Tails returned to his computer tablet “I asked Knuckles and Rouge to see if they can find any sort of ancient inscriptions regarding Amy’s ancestors but they haven’t reported back.”
Sonic brought his finger and tapped his lips as he began to think. “Well if your theory is it’s something to do with Amy’s family then the best course of action is to visit them, right?”
“That would be the best plan but I already asked Vanilla and Cream if they knew anything about Amy’s family and they don’t even think they’ve heard her mention them once! But I did send Vector out to find any leads to Amy’s family, he’ll notify us if he finds anything.”
“Well I hope he finds something soon, I know Amy can take care of herself but she still has that habit of finding herself in trouble.” Sonic looked down at his communicator and tried to contact Amy again, but just as the past few attempts his signal didn’t seem to reach her. Sonic then ran off to scout the area once more, he just had to find a lead, he just had to.
This was going to be Amy’s third attempt at escaping. Bucky and the other 2 knights were constantly taking turns guarding the door since she had attempted escape before, and her room was located on the 3rd floor so jumping out could come out with consequences. So the new plan was to escape during the night, she would use all the blankets and curtains in her room to drop her as low as possible, once she’s at a safe distance to jump she would immediately run through the Garden maze until she reached the outskirts of the secluded forest near by and make sure to hide her tracks. Amy’s main plan was to at least make it out to the forest where she could hide out and travel until she could find civilization. She did think to contact Sonic earlier but her communicator was nowhere to be found so she not only had to plan for her escape but for her survival if she didn’t find civilization soon.
Finally it was time to set her plan into motion, she quietly tied as many sheets and curtains she could find to form a rope, then she tied one end of it to the bed to keep it weighted. After that was secured she boarded the door so that in case any of the boys came in it would buy her some time. Finally everything was set, Amy quietly and carefully opened the windows and carefully dropped the makeshift rope that was able to go down all the way past the second floor window so she could easily jump off from that distance without any problems. Amy quietly whispered to herself “You got this girl” before quietly climbing down. Her plan was successful so far, she was able to make it into the Garden maze.
Earlier in the day Amy took note to map out the maze before it got dark so she was able to run through it with ease. She did have to be careful since it was a Rose bush maze and she had already scraped herself a couple times whenever she tried to hurry up, she had to have been walking around the maze for at least half an hour at that point, she was coming up to the middle part of the maze, she only saw it from up high her window but being close to ground level she soon found that the middle of the maze was actually a small wide white platform with pillars that were coiled with Rose vines. It was honestly quite a sight to behold from up close but Amy quickly shifted her focus back to her escape mission, she took just one step onto the platform when she heard someone angrily yell from the Mansion.
“Crud they found out I left” Amy thought and started to run, ignoring all the scrapes she was getting from the roses she knew she had to make it to the forest before the knights caught up to her, it was the only safe place for her at the moment.
Behind her she started to hear the heavy noise of bushes getting crushed. “Come back Rose! You cannot escape fate!”
Amy didn’t look back to see who it was, but considering the voice was loud and heavy she assumed it was the white lion she occasionally saw walking about. He always had this angry look to his face, Honestly he didn’t look very friendly, and hearing him crushing the beautiful rose bushes without concern kinda proved that. Amy heard the lion running to different directions, meaning he didn’t know where exactly Amy was, this made her relax a bit but she had to keep running, the confusion was buying her time but she wasn’t sure how much it could save her. Finally Amy reached the end of the maze where tall hedges were acting as fences to the property, Amy didn’t hesitate to charge into the bush, but her long dress got caught in multiple branches so Amy had to attempt to break herself free. The rustling of the bushes caused the Lion to shift his attention, he quickly changed his course and began to charge toward the end of the maze.
“Eep!” Amy squealed but she kept on tugging her dress off the last branch, the Lion’s foot steps grew louder and louder with each thud.
Finally catching up to the Rose, the lion plucks Amy from out of the bush.
“LET ME GO! LET ME GO!” Amy yelled and kicked about but the Lion had grabbed her by the back of her shirt so all that Amy was doing was swinging back and forth with a tantrum.
“You are a Rose Bride, you cannot leave without an escort. I’m returning you to your room immediately.”
Amy huffed and crossed her arms, she was so close to freedom, so close. Arriving in front of her room the Lion aggressively threw Amy inside. Amy gave a big “OW” when she hit the floor. “Just who do you think you are? You call yourself a knight? You’re nothing but a big bully!” Amy was livid to have been tossed around like some sort of doll.
Her words offended the prideful lion, with a cold and angered stare the Lion begun to speak with a louder and angrier tone. “I am León del Río and I am one of the Knights entrusted to keep your family line alive and it’s either You cooperate and have the ability to roam around your Family’s estate or I will throw you into the dungeon located near the basement.” with one last growl León slammed the door leaving Amy alone in a cold dark room.
She looked down at the rope blanket she made that was left in a tangled mess and carefully undid one of the knots. Once she was able to make one of the knots loose she curled herself in it and fell asleep right there on the floor. A small stream made her cheeks cold and wet. She let out a sobbing sigh.
Vector rushed into Tails workshop holding some sort of document and begun to shout “Tails? Sonic? Anyone here?! I found something!”
Tails lazily awoke from his slumber “Yeah I’m here” Tails slowly remembered the situation at hand and immediately shook himself awake. “Wait what did you find?!”
“I was able to find one property with the last name ‘Rose’, there’s a huge estate located in a secluded area in Spagonia, if Amy was taken to her family this place is a good lead.”
“Wow this is great! I’ll go contact Sonic right away.” Tails quickly started up the x-tornado and begun to contact Sonic’s communicator. “ Vector if you find anything else let us know!”
Tails’ plane blasted off full-throttle into the nights sky.
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
First Impressions Pt.10 The Last Chapter
First Impressions Pt.10 “CHAOS BLAST!” Amy felt her world going back again to her. All of her hopes were being brought back to her as she heard him yell his famous attack. She didn’t feel pain no more, her hero Sonic was here protecting her. She knew that she could not stay laying down for too long, even if her body wanted her to, she couldn’t. She stood up and saw that most robots were already taken down by Sonic. She turned around and found Shadow fighting against Lyric. Shadow looked at Amy relieve to see that she was alright. However, this distraction was taken advantage by Lyric and quickly knock down Shadow with his tail. Shadow fell down but rapidly recover, however Lyric was already long gone. Shadow looked our more time to Amy ad then went to chase after Lyric. “Amy lets go!’” Amy turned around to look at Sonic who was approching her. “Are you alright?”- Sonic asked her, she wanted to respond yes. However, it seems as her lips could not move but her head nodded. “Ok look, you have to go and fight along side the gang...I’ll go with Shadow and take down Lyric”- Sonic said and he looked at Amy in the eyes. Amy closed her eyes as she expected Sonic to kiss her. However that kiss never came, instead there was a gentle peck in her forehead. It was so warm and she could feel the love put into it. “Take care Amy” Sonic stood up again and so did Amy. With one last look, Sonic nodded at Amy and left running to catch up to Shadow. After that Amy then reacted and headed towards her team, time to fight back. The robots were stronger this time, they had destroyed most of the re-build houses the villagers had work so hard to get up.   “Amy! You are back1 What happened? “- Tails asked a robot approaching him. However Sticks took it down before it hurt Tails. Knuckles punched two robots at the time and also turn around to look at Amy. “Sonic and Shadow went to fight Lyric!”-Amy responded as she took at her hammer, ready to battle. “Everything is going as planned... hopefully...”- Tails then turned around and saw hundred more robots coming their way. “We just gotta keep up...”- Knuckles then hit the floor, making the ground tremble and with this, some robots got destroyed, not good enough still. They all got positioned in one line, already knowing that today was not going to be easy. Sonic looked around everywhere. As he was running through the woods, he thought it was weird that he couldn’t hear any sounds, only the click and clacks of the Chaos emeralds sightly hitting each other on the his bag. Then he heard stronger sounds coming his way. For the first time in his life, Sonic was utterly afraid. What if Shadow and him weren’t strong enough to defeat Lyric? Even with the Chaos Emeralds... he had never used them with their full potential. What if he wasn’t strong enough? Everyone would suffer the consequences, Tails, Knuckles, Sticks...Amy... no. He wasn’t going to let it happen, not now not ever... he was going to fight... and he was going to win... no matter what.   Sonic then felt a great power take over him.... Shadow was not having a good time. He was really weak even if he had gotten his immortality back, all the Chaos Energy he use had left him weak. “Do you really think you can fool me again? It was a mistake not killing you all when I had the chance... but now I won’t make the same mistake”- Lyric said he pressed a bottom that was attached to his suit on the right to his mechanical hand. “Ahhh!”-Shadow bend down, his head hurting so much that he wanted to cut it off. Shadow knew he couldn’t fail again. He felt Lyric’s mind control take over him, didn’t want to harm anybody, why was he so weak? Why couldn’t he be stronger so he cold protect everyone, protect Amy..... But... he couldn’t.... “SNAP OUT OF IT SHADOW!” Just like last time Shadow was giving a purpose, a purpose giving by Lyric ... killing Sonic. As Shadow turn around he notice how a gold glow had take over Sonic. His red eyes matched his and the Chaos Emeralds flying in balance with him. “It seems like you learned how to use the Chaos Emeralds to their full potential....Just like I did”- Shadow then, closed his eyes and felt the Chaos Emeralds and their power take over him. As he opened his eyes, he realized that his complexion matched those of Sonic, his fur had become gold as he felt that his whole body being overtaken by a great power, He had never felt so good in his life. “Impressive...so impressive, this “Super” state of force has only been possible in another dimension far from ours....”- Lyric was surprised at the fact that two hedgehogs could manifest the true power of Chaos. But right now it wasn’t the time to be asking questions. “...Shadow...you know what to do” Their battle was heard even by far away islands, it was kick by kick, punch by punch they had dodge each and one of their attacks. Some attacks did get to affect their bodies,it would of have been a very interesting battle, however Sonic knew that there was no time to play around, he stopped and let Shadow attack him. After saying that, Shadow instantly punched Sonic in the face, Sonic fell on the floor and Shadow began to punch him and kick him. He stopped when he noticed that Sonic wasn’t fighting back. “Shadow...Please... protect everyone,protect Amy...” Sonic then stood up and Shadow was perplexed by his actions...what did just happened? With his super speed Sonic was instantly by Lyric’s side, he grabbed his tail and Sonic disappeared in an instant. It wasn’t long enough after that Shadow snapped out of his mind control....which meant that Sonic somehow managed to defeat Lyric. However, he was no where to seen.... nowhere to be found. Shadow waited for an hour, then two. Just waiting, but Sonic never came back... Shadow walked back to the village, he knew that after Sonic and Lyric’s disaperance, the robots would have stopped attacking them. As he arrive he notice Amy running towards him. “Shadow! What happened? We saw a light hitting the ground and it began shaking....Where’s Sonic? Lyric?”- Amy was had a bunch of questions, but stopped as soon as she saw Shadow’s expressions. “....I waited for two hours...Sonic didn’t comeback...” “What do you mean... he is not back?” “Hey guys! Where’s Sonic?”- Tails had come running and the Knuckles and Sticks followed closed by. “I believe he teletransported himself with Lyric...to somewhere....” “We...we have to find him...Tails we-” “Did Sonic take the Chaos Emeralds when he disappear?”- Tails asked “...Yes, he did...”- Shadow said and Tails gave him one last look after looking away and walked away from the group. “Tails! Wait where are you going?”- Sticks yelled at him but he didn’t stop walking. “Sonic is always unpredictable, without the Chaos Emeralds, there’s nothing we can do but to wait... he will comeback, lets just believe in him”- Tails said no more as he kept on walking ready to protect the village while Sonic was gone. Amy was not taking it well, but she know she had to be strong. “Tails is right...Sonic will be back,mean while let’s start re-creating the village so the villagers can go back to their home”- Amy didn’t even look at Shadow nor Knuckles or Sticks, she just gotta do what she needed to do. Three months later..... Ever since Sonic was gone, there has being a peaceful time in the village, Tails was secretly looking for a way to look for Sonic. For some reason Eggman had also disappeared and Sticks took the chance to re-model Eggman’s base and was currently working on making it into a “End of the World Bunker” incase any infinite power of time manipulation from another dimension could come and conquer the world. Knuckles was just being Knuckles and helped Sticks for her plans once in a while, if he kept the good work, Sticks told him he could become captain of the “Resistance” in case anything happens. Shadow also left the Island soon after the previous situation. And Amy was just drinking tea and ate cookies in the comfort of her home, she then suddenly heard a knock on her door. She stood up from her sofa and opened it, she was surprised to see Shadow. Ever since Sonic disappeared, they didn’t had any communication at all. “Shadow..what a surprise” “Can I come in?” “Yeah sure...”- Amy then step aside and let Shadow come in. It was so weird with their new formalities...before Shadow could just break into her house and start eating her food, in which Amy would just smile at him and happily make more food for him. Just enjoying each other’s companion. “So, why are you here?”-Amy asked coming closer to him. “I came for the cookies” “What?” “Its my excuse...to see you”- Shadow looked at Amy’s eyes and stared at them intensely. “Shadow...I am not ready...I can’t..Sonic...” “Amy...to love doesn’t mean to possess... let me love you and protect you, I don’t care if you never respond back to me...but let me just be by your side...”- Shadow hold Amy’s hand and Amy then hugged him, for the first time in three months, she felt safe and relieve in Shadow’s arms. Amy did love Shadow, but right now it wasn’t the time to think about love, nor the future. Shadow and Amy could only wait and see what the future will bring them. __________ “Where am I?”- Sonic opened his eyes slowly, he saw faces he had never saw before. “Sonic sir? you are in the headquarters of the resistance, you are safe”- A female cat talked to him. “HeadQuarters? Resistance? What?”- Sonic could barely keep his eyes opened. “IS THIS REAL? IS HE REALLY HERE!?” Sonic then heard a really loud voice, he felt more relieve as he knew that voice belongs to Knuckles. “Captain Knuckles! Whats’s your command?” “Tell Amy to contact Shadow, he can abort his mission immediately... be prepared for war” “Amy?”- Sonic suddenly tried to stand up but fail miserably “Calm down you jerk! We need you to defeat Infinite!” “What? What’s happening...” “I knew it...I knew that the first impression I had of you was wrong, you are not just a selfish hedgehog...you came back to us...Rest for now,  I will answer your questions later...But...Welcome back home,Sonic”
A/N:This is the last chapter for the series, thank you so much to the people who supported this story till the very end. Now that I am in college, I hope to get better at writing and bring you more quality of work...THANK YOU!
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Sonic Forces: Illusions and Cold Hard Truths (part 3)
My eyes slowly opened as if they were preparing to face a new day. The only problem is it wasn't a new day I was waking up to. It was a realm filled with darkness and I was seeing red. Literally. How did I end up here? Was the Phantom Ruby responsible for this? Only one way to find out.
Darn, I don't even have my scanner with me! I'm going to have to use my brain to solve this puzzle. Am I inside the Phantom Ruby? No, that can't be right. I could be in a realm under the Phantom Ruby's control. Which means… Oh no! I have to get out of here before I lose my mind.
Maybe I should call for help. Surely, my friends will eventually come and find me. "Sonic? Shadow? Knuckles? Are you out there?" No one will answer. Let me try again. "Knuckles! Shadow! Sonic! Can you hear me? Can anyone hear me?" Still no answer. What am I going to do? I'm stuck here unless I find a way out.
Just then, something… no, someone caught my eye. A small blue figure with six short blue quills, white gloves and red and white sneakers. I flew towards him and he turned around to face me. It's the same Sonic from another dimension. What is he doing here? Is he… going to rescue me?
I called out the other Sonic's name, and he just looked at me. No emotion, no actions, nothing. "Sonic? Are you… feeling OK?" Just as I was about to check his temperature, the other Sonic sped off in a blue streak. "Sonic? Sonic, wait! Come back! Sooonnniiiiiiicc!!!" I chased him as fast as I could, with the help of my two tails. But it was no use. The other Sonic is gone.
"Don't go. Don't leave me alone." I sadly bowed my head down. Then suddenly a voice called out to me. Sonic's voice, my Sonic's voice. I turned around to see Sonic standing in front of me. I flew towards him to give him a brotherly hug, but he avoided me with his incredible speed.
What's going on? Why is he avoiding me? "Sonic… what's gotten into you? I thought you'd be happy to see me." I slowed my tails down to a halt, my feet, touching the ground. I was beginning to worry about my big brother; he had a neutral look on his face. "Sonic, please. Talk to me. Say something, anything!"
Finally, he spoke. "What you do want me to say, Tails? Tell me what to say." His voice sounded… broken. The emotion of anger was creeping up on his face. This was heart-breaking for me to see and hear. "How did you end up here?" He chuckled at my enquiry, as if it was a stupid one. "That's your question? 'How did I end up here?' is your question?"
"B-but you're here… with me. Y-you must know how you got here." "And I supposed that's the only thing that concerns you? Instead of my wellbeing?" I was shocked to hear this. Why is Sonic being like this? He's usually calm and collected. But not this time. "I WAS worried about you. I thought you were dead. When we reunited and I told you how I felt about you dying, you told me not to worry so much."
Sonic shook his head laughing. "Did I really say that?" I started to get angry at the blue hedgehog's games. "Sonic, this isn't funny! I KNOW what happened. You told me you were fine. I saw it with my own eyes." He simply smiled at me, looking at me as if I was making up stories. "Was that what you saw, or was that what you THOUGHT you saw?" No, it wasn't my imagination playing up at that time.
"Just like when you thought you saw me trusting Eggman more than you, when I clearly wasn't." I remember that day when Eggman and I were fighting. Sonic got in the way and told me that we needed Eggman to stop the machine from sucking the life out of the planet. I felt betrayed by my best friend when he said those words. I felt that he didn't trust me enough to help save the world… and it hurt.
"I tried to remind you of the plan to save the world because you told me to. Or were you just being sarcastic? You were perfectly fine with the plan, if I remember correctly. We were supposed to distract the Zeti while Eggman shuts the machine down. That's what I wanted to tell you, but you wouldn't let me finish." That's when I realised my mistake. Sonic was trying to tell me something, and I… I didn't listen.
"I thought I was a terrible friend for doing such a thing. I even apologised for doubting you. And what did you say to me? 'It's cool'. Not 'you didn't do anything like that' or 'no, I'M the one who should be sorry for making you think you doubted me'. You just said 'it's cool'!"
"You even went as far as to tell me about 'something even Eggman couldn't do'! Were you talking about his intelligence or his lack of decency? Or were you saying these things just to rub it in my face?" I couldn't stop my lip from trembling. This was a bit too much to handle. What have I done? I am such a terrible friend.
"I am so sorry. I am so sorry, Sonic." My eyes began to water at the sheer thought of my selfish ways. I made Sonic feel stupid and terrible for 'trusting' someone else. "Why didn't you get the others to safety?" I opened my eyes in shock. What? "Sonic… I did get the others to safety." Sonic shook his head. "No, you didn't. Not before I showed up."
Before he showed up? "What were you doing when you were cornered by the eight robots you could have easily handled?" I couldn't find the right words to say about that. I was just as scared as the others. "Were you waiting for a miracle to happen? I could have left you to handle it, but no. Because I am the righteous hero, I just had to step in to save the day."
"And what about the new guy I couldn't defeat?" Infinite? Yeah, I remember him. My scanner couldn't figure him out, the data was screwed up and it didn't make any sense. "What were you doing this entire time, aside from trying to figure him out with that silly little scanner of yours?" Silly? My scanner was silly? How… how dare you! I tried to help you any way I could.
"Hiding behind a rock, watching me suffer and then leaving me to die!" "I thought you wanted me to find out what Infinite's power was." Sonic became infuriated, hearing those words. "I DID want you to find out, Tails! But you still could have helped me! You did nothing! NOTHING AT ALL! You didn't step in to help me fight, you didn't check to see if I was OK and you didn't have the decency to get me to safety!"
"All you ever did was stand there, waiting for a miracle that never happened!" "But you died right in front of my eyes. I saw you die right there in front of me." "Did I die, Tails? Or did you think I had died?" I couldn't believe my ears. Was I the main reason Sonic disappeared? I remember telling my friends what I thought happened to Sonic.
Everyone was angry with me for not doing anything to help anyone, not even Sonic. They told me that I was capable of doing so many things, and I didn't put my skills to use. The Chaotix were disappointed, Silver was upset and Amy was the WORST. Her words were like darts being thrown at me. Knuckles, on the other hand, had nothing to say. Nothing. He just turned his head away and left.
Everywhere I looked, people were glaring at me. Berating me for wasting my potential, instead choosing let the worldwide hero do all the work and suffer the consequences. Their voices were echoing in my head just now. I wanted to tell them to stop. The voices… they wouldn't stop. No, please. Leave me alone! LEAVE ME ALOOOOOONNNNEEE!!!
"Why didn't you save me, Tails? Why did you want me destroyed out there?" No, I didn't want you to be destroyed. I would never… "What were you doing these past six months? Wishing upon a star that I would come back?" I sobbed uncontrollably at what I had done to let this happen to Sonic.
"How did you meet up with the other Sonic?" I summoned the courage to tell him everything. When I couldn't fix Omega, when Chaos 0 attacked me, when I got scared and asked Sonic to help me, when the other Sonic saved me and when… we teamed up to save the world.
"So… Chaos 0, his weakest form, attacked you and you did nothing? Why didn't you fight back? You and I dealt with him before, when he had two Chaos Emeralds inside his body. You even stopped Eggman from destroying Station Square! You avenged my 'death' once! You even managed to keep your own free will when the Zeti turned you into their robotic slave."
"You used to be the kid who wanted to do things on his own. What happened to you? Where did my brave little brother go?" A thought suddenly came to him. "What about the other Sonic? What are you going to do when he is gone? Are you going to miss him more than you missed me? Do you trust him more than you trust me?"
What? Why would Sonic accuse me of such a thing? "No, I- I do trust you, Sonic." "Do you? Because I wouldn't be surprised if you wished he could stay in our world forever, considering the little amount of time you had with him. You sure are going to miss the little guy, more than the guy who was locked up and tortured for half a year! The guy who had always been there for you!"
Suddenly, I began to hear the voices again. They were getting louder this time, as if they were coming to reality. I opened my eyes calling out Sonic's name, only for me to see the people I let down berating me. I searched for Sonic, but he was nowhere to be seen.
He's gone and my only company was the people yelling at me for what I did to Sonic. As well as what I failed to do for the people. They were incredibly outraged and upset, asking me who I thought I was. How I could allow this to happen. Why I let these things happen to them, to the world.
How I could abandon them when they needed me. They were calling me names, blaming me for what I had done. "Sonic! Sonic, where are you?" I called through the voices of the crowd. "He's not here, kid." A raspy voice said to me. That voice belonged to the leader of the Chaotix, the guy who LOVES his headphones.
"Sonic is gone. He's never coming back." Another voice then spoke to me, a calm voice, in fact. His yellow eyes, filled with disappointment. "He has been missing for months. You could have done something to help him back then." Then another voice, the voice of a hyperactive child. "Sonic is gone because of you! This is all your fault!"
Everyone cheered loudly in agreement on what the bee just told me. "Why didn't you save him? You should have tried harder to save him." The voice led me to a light grey hedgehog. He then told me that everyone would have been more understanding if I had tried harder to help Sonic.
I turned away from him, and I saw a pink hedgehog nervously nibbling on the right side of her bottom lip. I approached her and called out to her. She stopped biting her lip and glared at me, shaking her head before bumping into me to pass. I ran to her to stop her in her tracks, to tell her I'm sorry. "Sorry? Sorry? You think 'sorry' is going to bring Sonic back from the dead?"
She began to walk away, but I wasn't letting her go. Not until she listened to reason. "Amy, please…" Amy turned around and… SLAP! Right across the face. I held my left cheek in pain and in shock. Amy's dangerous eyes stared deeply into my soul. "Amy… you have to understand…" "That you were too scared to do anything to help?" I couldn't even begin to process what she just said to me. "Why didn't you use the gifts you were given to help? That's what I would have done! That's what ANYONE would have done!"
The crowd cheered, agreeing with Amy this time. "Sonic was your brother. Sonic was your best friend. He had ALWAYS been there for you, risking his life to keep you safe. But would you ever do the same? No! All you ever did was stand there doing nothing, like the coward you are." A coward? Me?
"If only you had stepped in to help, if only you had used your talents to help those in need, then maybe we would have supported you every step of the way. But you wasted them. And Sonic is dead, and it's all – your – fault!" And with that, Amy finally walked away without me trying to stop her.
The last person I saw was a red echidna, folding his arms in sheer disappointment. I approached him and he said nothing. I called his name and he said nothing, unfolding his arms. I even apologised and begged him to talk to me, and he pushed me onto the ground. Even when I looked up at him, he still said nothing.
I got up to my feet, and Knuckles closed his eyes and turned his head away as he walked past me. I called out his name one last time, and he stopped… and turned to face me. I waited for him to say something, anything, to me. But he still – said – nothing… and slowly walked away. I was all alone, accompanied by the voices shouting abuse at me, demanding to know why I did nothing.
I fell on my knees, having realised the cold, hard truth about myself. The voices quietened down and the red realm slowly faded to black. "Sonic… everyone… I failed you. I failed you all. I'm sorry for what I've done, and I'm sorry for not doing anything to help. All I ever wanted was to be a hero, but I can't be a hero… not while I'm sitting on my butt all the time."
"I guess it's because people see me as a kid and not as a guy who could do so much with his given skills. I'm sorry for being an awful companion, I'm sorry for being an awful friend and I'm sorry for… EVERYTHING."                                    
I kept repeating to myself how sorry I was. Then, there was a light…
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Had this idea,.. was so trippy, I had to write it XD
Amy walked along the streets of the abandoned, her hammer close, up by her shoulder, as she cautiously looked around.
Sonic turned back, “Amy?”
Her eyes shot open, joy filling her at even just hearing his voice again, “Sonic!”
Suddenly, right as she turned around to see him, Metal Sonic burst from around the corner, taking Sonic down.
“Sonic..!” Amy outstretched a hand as she saw Metal gripping his face, just below his muzzle, propelling him upwards on the side of a skyscraper.
Amy quickly took action, rushing to the top of the roofs, but they were still locked in heated battled when she got there.
Sonic and Metal were a few skyscrapers away, also battling at light speeds uptop... how was she going to reach them?
She looked around, before below her, her feet shuffling back as some pieces of the tall buildings crumbled off the sides as she came close to it.
This apocalyptic world... she couldn’t imagine fighting any more for it without Sonic...
She took a gulp,... and moved back.
With a dash, a jump, a spring in her step-!
A leap of faith.
She made it! Miraculously rolling as she got to the other side.
Her eyes blinked while she lay on her side, amazed at her luck, before looking back behind her.
It was no small fleet.
Taking courage from that first jump, she narrowed her eyes and continued on, trying to make her way to Sonic.
She was advancing well, however...
Amy leaped as she saw Sonic’s frame being knocked off, his body falling her way, his back to her eyes...
She fell with the blue hero, before grabbing his back as they fell, the wind lashing against their hides as they rapidly sped to the ground.
She could barely squint her eyelids shut under the pressure, having them slightly still open, watering from the dryness consuming them by the air as she fell.
“Sooniiicc!!” she called out, terrifyed this could be the end.
Sonic shook his head a minute, his eyes also being raised by the same force of wind, before looking down, and over, and all around him before seeing Amy.
“Woah!” He suddenly snapped out of having the wind knocked out of him and powered up, the chaos emeralds spiraling around him.
Amy screamed a moment... before the camera let them fall out of view.
Was it too late?
Slowly, a glowing figure, holding Amy in his arms rose back into sight.
Sonic glared up at Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic, having watched the whole scene, rose a metallic hand up, robotically flinching each finger before gripping them tightly together.
Sonic’s face held a muted growl, his grimace clearly showing the anger he was feeling.
“Stay here, Amy.” Sonic slowly lowered himself to the ground, a serious look on his face as he held himself with great power. The aura of the chaos emearlds was hard to not feel, as Amy looked worried, but watched him nod and then speed off after Metal Sonic.
Amy stepped forward, solemnly....
Something in the shadows opened their glowing red eyes...
Sonic returned to see Amy looked slightly in a daze, gripping her head.
“Amy?” He walked over to her.
Startled, as if not really recognizing the name, Amy turned back. “..M...My name?”
“Uhh..” Sonic made a kinda awkward face, “Yeah.” he smiled, thinking her usually weird anyway.
“Come on, time to head back.” He gestured for her to come toward him, standing to her side and about to carry her home.
It was a normal thing for them, at least, for him to move fast and just hold her while he traveled.
She seemed... disoriented, and looked around a moment, before nodding to the ground. “That’s right... Sonic... Sonic is my hero.” she turned back to him, as he raised an eyebrow, a little creeped out as he tilted his head to her, then eyed the spot of ground she was talkin’ too.
He chuckled nervously, walking over to her instead. “O-o-okay, Amy. I think the heat’s gotten to your head.” He scooped her up, startling her a moment before situating her in his arms with a few bobs up, and then smiled down to her.
“You’ll be fine once we get you something to eat.” he winked, and sped off.
Amy continued along in the game, a little odd at first, since it seemed like everyone had to re-explain to her things she should already know. Tails was the first to question if Amy had hit her head on something, and how strange it was she was spending more time talking to Shadow then Sonic, and how she barely smiled, but almost always seemed confused on things.
Out on a mission, Amy was fighting before recognizing a street she knew.
Squinting her eyes to it, she heard muffled screams in her head, as sudden traumatizing flashes of memory screeched across her mind. Head shaking, mouth covered, something pulling her away, dragging her with glowing red eyes..
Sonic had never fully caught up to Metal Sonic...
At this point, Amy had sought knowledge and understanding from Shadow on most occasions, so by rare chance, they seemed to get along.
Because of this new found abnormality, Shadow stopped his attack to see her gripping her head, shaking it about, her hammer dropped to the ground.
“N...nnn.....nugh!” she opened her eyes.
They shook with such fear.
The figure had dragged her into a shed, where she faintly remembers her cries for help, fighting as if for her life.
The figure definitely was Metal Sonic, she could now see the swinging of the lamp, him driving something into her...
“Augh!” she was pulled towards the memory, taking off just before...
Metal Amy...
She stopped her dead in her tracks, and swung a robotic hammer out towads her.
“Erk!” Amy held in a frustrated grunt, but she still bit down hard on her teeth, about to fight her before Shadow intervened, slamming a kick like a rocket into the robot’s side.
“Run.” he swished an arm at her, and she obeyed, racing off.
Later, Amy felt distinct impressions, and convinced Sonic to follow her instincts into another area.
It was an ambush, and her whole heart dropped as she had felt so sure to come to this place...
That’s when more memories flooded her mind...
Electrical shocks...
Metal plates all over her body...
She gripped her head again.
The teams struggled against the gorilla warfare of the ambush by Eggman’s forces, but Sonic and Shadow saw Amy leaving.
At this point, Sonic didn’t want to believe betrayal, as Tails may have suggested from suspicions, even though his heart told him he was wrong... something just wasn’t right with Amy...
Coming to that same street... Amy raced to the building’s alleyway, and continued as her memories instructed her.
Shadow, feeling a strange connection with her, skated as fast as he could to trail her.
“She’s different.” he stated, as Sonic’s anger at his new interest in her well-being seemed to come out more and more.
Sonic was clearly irked by this...
“I know she’s been acting a little weird lately but-” Sonic ran along beside him, still wanting to trust Amy.
“Not weird... off.” Shadow narrowed his eyes. “Something’s not right. She’s being triggered.”
“Triggered? Like.. post-trauma triggered?”
Shadow sped up.
“Hey! Hold on a second!” Sonic charged even further away from Shadow, not caring to be sneaky like he was.
He wanted answers from Amy herself now... but she had stopped and fell as she opened a shed behind everything, seeing wires hang down...
She knew.
She dropped to her knees, then to her hands, holding herself up as she shook with disbelief.
The two hedgehogs stopped, looking to her and then to each other.
“Amy...” Shadow finally spoke up.
“Did you lead us to that ambush?”
“I’m... I’m not...” Amy’s whole body trembled, as she held herself.
She was awakened in water.
She was programmed to deceive.
She was a clone.
“You’re real Amy..” after explaining some things about Metal Sonic... she slowly got up, turning around to the two, seeing their shocked and horrified faces.
“Is trapped inside Metal Amy’s armor..”
“No...” Sonic’s eyes shook.
“NOOO!!” he slammed his fists to the ground,.. quite a few times, realizing what had truly happened.
He didn’t move his head up, but ducked it further down as Shadow looked away, his eyes scanning the surface of the ground, as if thinking this through.
“She’s robotized..?”
Sonic sighed in relief, his shoulders lowering, before falling to his own knees.
“Where is she..?”
“As I’ve stated, her body is literally surrounded by the armor that makes up Metal Amy. Metal’s crew joke at taking away something precious to you.. and having you fight your friend without even knowing you’re hurting her.” Her words were painful to say. Remembering her true function... her true lie.
She turned her head away, truly having thought she cared about him like she was the real Amy...
“I’m so sorry, Sonic... I couldn’t remember until now... when my objective was complete.” she tightened her fist.
Shadow looked back to her, sensing some kinship almost to her.
He knew how it feel..
To discovers ones abominable design for their existence.
Sonic got the strength to stand again, not looking back at Amy’s clone.
“I’m going to save her. Thank you.” he nodded, without giving her even a passing glance, and turned around, heading off to save his true friend...
In utter agony... the Clone fell to her knees, bursting out into tears at her betrayal, something she had no idea was built inside her.
She was a danger to the man she thought she loved.
She was a threat to her team she considered her family.
Just like with Sonic’s disregard of her now... she would be shunned by her friends, abandoned now that they had the real Amy returned to them.
In her grief and misery at the consequences to follow... she hadn’t heard the footsteps... of a sympathetic creation walk up in front of her.
“Get up.”
His harsh tone broke her from her solitude, and she removed her hands, catching her tears as they had previously pushed up against her bleak face, and looked to him with a child’s innocence.
He held out a hand to her.
...He said something... only one other being had ever told him.. that truly gave him any comfort in this miserable existence.
“You are not monster.”
Maria’s words were spoken once more in Shadow’s life, but this time.. it was him to a stranger... a clone... like he possibly was.
He held her stare a moment.
She hesitated... lifting her hand up to his.
“You won’t reject me..? Although I am not your friend..?”
“It doesn’t matter what you are, now.. You are a creature without a purpose. There’s no need to feel you’ll harm anything now.”
it was logical, sound.... but it gave her great comfort.
She took his hand, as he helped her up, and she cried on him, as he held her with a steady frown, looking straight ahead...
He knew this misery all too well... And closed his eyes, accepting that at least for now... he wasn’t alone.
Amy was freed of her metallic prison, but like Clone Amy had thought, the team was weirded out about ‘two’ of her running around.
Amy didn’t know what to think of her, having no idea about her, but was still willing to show kindness.,, although cautiously, as others had instructed her.
Shadow defended the clone, keeping her close to him, never out of sight, and mentoring her in life and battle.
She learned to not trust anyone, that her memories were not her own, to make her own, and that her lingering feelings for Sonic...
She stared at him from a distance.
“Can never be reciprocated.”
Shadow stated the obvious, as she watched her real self laughing and speaking with him, the joy in his eyes... the joy she’ll never know again.
She walked back, backwards to grip Shadow’s arm.
He looked to the gesture, oddly with a bit of skepticism, before ‘hmph’ing and leading her away.
It was all the comfort she’ll ever know.
Her and Amy shared one final glance, the whole air and moment stood still... a slow recognition of some faint sisterhood that could have been...
Then... clone Amy turned away. She denied herself of that feeling. She denied herself of Sonic and his team, her once beloved friends.
She walked with Shadow... the only being resembling any possible sympathy and future for her.
This was the start... of a tragic... but beautiful fable.
She leaned to rest on Shadow’s shoulder, as he looked down, before his eyes slightly softened, turning towards the sunset.
She closed her eyes, feeling the moisture in the air nip at her nose before he spoke.
“I suppose this means you’ll stay with me.”
Till this moment, she hadn’t realized he couldn’t tell.
She smiled, sweetly to him. “If my face does not bother you... then I will.”
He looked back at her, his eyes scanning her features.
He then sharply looked away, moving on as her grip weakened and she let him walk away.
As he did so, she could hear him quietly state, “No.”
She nodded, and carried on trailing after him.
(I wonder... if Silver is the creation of clone Amy and Shadow’s love child..? *SEGA proceeds to slap me three times* I’M SORRY </3 kept it way canon tho, I mean, COME ON!)
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