#Talath Dirnen
general-illyrin · 1 year
Talath Dirnen & Narog River
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(This is meant to be an overview consisting of different pictures of what it might look like in general, which is why they are all similar in appearance.)
x x x x x x x x x
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
And being destitute, without hope or counsel, he turned his feet thither.
"The Silmarillion" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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outofangband · 8 days
mini geographical resource: waterfalls of Beleriand
I’m in the process now of updating my geographic resources to make sure all information is accurate and as extensive as possible! I originally had waterfalls on the same post as lakes and springs but I decided to divide them up for clarity
Flora, fauna, geography and environment of Arda Masterlist
Dimrost (”rainy stair”) or Nen Girith (”shuddering water”) was a waterfall on Celebros, a tributary to the river Taeglin in Brethil.  Taeglin is itself a tributary to the river Sirion. Dimrost was located on the southwestern side of Brethil where the river Taeglin bordered the Talath Dirnen. The name Nen Girith comes from the reaction that Niënor had upon approaching it; she began to shudder violently and seemingly without cause. It would be again at this spot where she would later witness the death of Glaurung.
The Falls of Esgalduin was a waterfall in Doriath Northeast of Menengroth on the river Esgalduin, a tributary to the Sirion. They are mentioned only once, briefly, in the story of Beren and Lúthien.
The Falls of Sirion were South of the twilight meres or Fens of Sirion. The water fell underground here and emerged at the Gates of Sirion after flowing through the hills of Andram in the mid south of Beleriand.
Lanthir Lamath was the waterfall of Echoing Voice on the river Adurant in Ossiriand, the easternmost region of Beleriand. It was near the house of Dior. The spectacle of starlight hitting the falls inspired the name of his daughter, Elwing meaning star spray. 
The falls of Ivrin were the waterfalls at the source of the spring called Eithel Ivrin. These fell into a pool which fed the river Narog, the southernmost tributary to the river Sirion. The waterfalls themselves fell from the sides of an unnamed mountain in the Ered Wethrin range, on the border of Hithlum to the north and Nevrast to the west.
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pearlescentpearl · 1 year
Ooh can I ask Time After Time for the rebirthed Maedhros AU? Maybe for a couple of years after the Darkening? I need to know what happens when they all get to Beleriand 👀
Okay, let's see, where were we...
Ah, yes, Mass Exodus of Elves 2: Logistics Boogaloo.
So Olwë and the Falmari have the means to get people to Beleriand, awesome! Small problem; they cannot ferry three cities worth of angry elves in one go, that's just not possible. Luckily, the Valar are not forbidden from helping. Since Ulmo is a bro, and the Helcaraxë does need to be broken up to close that path into Aman, he breaks off large flat shelves to ferry some of the elves over too.
They don't know what they're walking into over there, so it's decided, since the ice ferry is quicker, the first ice ferry elves will be primarily warriors and scouts, packed to move quickly and efficiently. The ships will follow up with more supplies and the kind of forces necessary to set up long term.
Ingwë elects to take the ice ferry. He is their highest ranking king, they'll need him for diplomacy.
Ulmo drops them off in the Falas where he can vouch for them to Círdan. Angband's invasion has not yet reached south enough to siege the Falas, but they're not so far away either.
Ingwë's forces are timely, and well armed, and Ulmo keeps them coming. They fend off the orc armies before they even touch the Twin Cities.
Such ardent resistance in the south-west draws attention. Orcs spilling from the Fens of Serech that would otherwise march around the borders of the Girdle turn instead to contend with the mixed Kindred army marching under the banner of the King of All Elves. It's not a great amount of relief to Elu Thingol's army, but it is enough relief they can march that much quicker, have just fewer foes to contend with, that Elu Thingol can just barely make it in time to save Denethor, King of the Laiquendi.
Elu Thingol has no time for pleasantries. He is surrounded. He stuffs Denethor, and as many of the Laiquendi as are willing, under his arm and hauls ass back to the Girdle.
The ships, sped along by Ulmo and Manwë, hit the shores of Lammoth and Arvernien. Finwë in the north. Olwë in the south.
Finwë marches his forces up the Firth of Drengist, fighting every step of the way to clear Hithlum and plug the passes, securing an alliance with the hard pressed Mithrim Sindar. His success lets Ingwë make decent headway into Talath Dirnen and the riverlands between the forests of Brethil and the Ered Wethrin.
Meanwhile, Olwë is clearing out the coast from the cape of Balar to the estuary of Sirion, splitting his forces around the forest of Nan Tathren to pin the orcs against the wall of the Andram. They follow the Andram east to the Ramdol where Amon Ereb can be seen in the distance.
With Finwë and Ingwë plugging the Fens, the exhausted Iathrim finally get enough breathing room to take back Dimbar and make headway in Dor Dinen. Not even orcs willingly trespass in Nan Dungortheb.
With Finwë taking the brunt of the frontal siege in Ard-Galen, Ingwë spills his forces through the arc of Dorthonion, clearing out the orcs. Eventually they emerge in Ladros and start the slog of closing the pass of Aglon.
The Iathrim take back Dor Dinen, and start securing the passes of the river Arossiach. Forays are made into Himlad to get Nan Elmoth back. Down south, Olwë chases orcs up through Estolad, freeing up the river passes into Ossiriand and winning friendship with the Laiquendi along the way. The plains of east Beleriand are wide and easy to travel. Eventually they pin the orcs between the Celon and the Little Gelion, forcing them through the craggy hills of Himring.
Ingwë and Olwë meet in Aglon, and then Olwë goes east, into Lothlann.
Together, the three kings and their forces shove the routed armies of Angband back through the dread gates.
And that's the first Tree year in Beleriand.
Meanwhile, Elu Thingol is being pushed to his limits as a gracious host. The good news! Thanks to Melian, Denethor mended well and took his people back to Ossiriand, clearing out Thargelion along the way. The bad news. There are now three entire Kindreds of Calaquendi elves in the north and Elu is no longer the only of his kind. The better news! Ingwë says they only plan to stay long enough to kick Angband's ass and then they'll be out of Elu's hair eventually. The worse news. Ingwë's now calling himself the King of All Elves, which is the first Elu's ever heard of it.
He didn't vote for this!
At least his missing brother and his old best friend are in hugging distance again, even if they're both mercilessly calling him a heartsick swain for taking up residence in the forests where Finwë used to live.
Elu takes back missing them. They can fuck off again.
And thus, the Leaguer is established with Ingwë and Ingwion in Hithlum (bc otherwise Ingwë gives Elu 'and no other above me' Thingol raging hives), Finwë takes Himring, Olwë takes the Bay of Balar, and the three of them spread their multiple sons out elsewhere in the gaps.
Also, Russingon have a threesome with Denethor, but that's another matter.
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dalliansss · 1 year
feel grateful that i allow you to touch me. ❜
Dark au egg Finno ? 👀
darker vibes
When Gorthaur the Cruel attacked south-westward, accompanied by uruloki, a multitude of orcs and trolls and balrogs, both Dor-lómin and Tol Sirion were forced out of the control of the Eldar. Orodreth was barely able to leave Tol Sirion alive, and there the greatest úmaia in the Enemy's service made himself a base. Dor-lómin fell too, and the sheer number of uruloki and orcs prevented the hosts of Nevrast from coming to the aid of the edain and elves of Dor-lómin. Aikanár, who had since been given lordship of Nevrast, could do nothing except order a hasty retreat, when the forces of the úmaia proved too many.
That is, of course, until some time later and Aikanár, this time aiding his elder brother Finrod at a battle by Talath Dirnen, saw something that was quite impossible to comprehend: Finno, his sweet beloved Finno whom he had felt die during the siege of Dor-lómin, and attested to by the empty gap in his mind-- Finno, commanding a regiment of orcs and trolls across the battlefield.
Of course, of course-- Aikanár had to get to him. He had to. He had to see--
But it was Finno, at least, outwardly -- but it was not him with the dragon enchantment so strong about him, so much that trying to get close to him was a battle in itself. But Egg was not one to give up, and he slaughtered his way toward this impossible ghost of his fallen love.
His eyes were wrong: clouded with dragon enchantment, gray eyes unseeing except in the haze of death and battle. Egg reached him, cupped his face, and shouted supplications and laments, trying to make Fingon recognize him. It's me-- he yells, rails and rants -- it's me, it's me, your Aikanár, it's me, Finno--
He gets a blade in the gut as an answer, but it is not a fatal injury. And Egg is the kind of elf that will not be deterred by a single stab alone. Those hazy eyes turn to him, as the world burns around them both--
"Feel grateful that I allow you to touch me," this ghost of Fingon says, and before Egg could get a word in -- an arrow lodges itself in Fingon's shoulder, and another by his chest-- Egg roars in rage and whirls around, who--who--WHO--
Captain Edrahil from Nargothrond attacks and drives Fingon away, and he disappears into the haze of battle. Egg cries out in anguish-- even as he is tackled by four elves of Nargothrond, dragging him away, away, back to safety.
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eilinelsghost · 1 year
WIP Game
Tagged by @actual-bill-potts! Going to try this and see if it gets me out of my current state of block... 😬
In a new post, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
File Names
311 | 12 Arriving in Nargothrond
Belen visits
312 | The span of years
312 | Let it be said
Snippet (311 | 12 Arriving in Nargothrond)
“They have been with us since we crossed onto the plains.” Nóm had dropped back to walk beside him as the way widened and he sensed Balan’s unease. “Hadst thou not sight of them before?”
Balan shook his head. “Nay, not a whit. Have they kept pace all this while on foot?”
“There are more than these alone. The Talath Dirnen is woven throughout with eyes and defenses, and those have guarded us in turns from the moment we left Elu’s land and entered my own.” He glanced at Balan with a smile. “Though they will not approach without my summons.”
The shades continued to melt in and out of the brush. Now that he had seen them, Balan wondered how he had been unmindful of them till now. Their presence rippled through the woods like a scent, the prickling tang lingering after lightening’s blaze.
Hmm, I think I've seen most people tagged in this one already, so I'll pull the ol' if this sounds fun, consider yourself tagged!
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hxmosuperior · 3 years
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Headcanons: The Great-Grandchildren of the House of Finwë
➳ Curufinwë Tyelperinquar, born Y. T. 1407, Tirion, to Curufin and Finrod. He was a renowned smith of the Noldor. Sauron, under the fair guise of Annatar, deceived him in assisting with the forging of the lesser Rings of Power, but when Celebrimbor realized Sauron’s plans, he created the Three Elven Rings to counter Sauron’s master Ring, and was executed for his defiance.
➳ Artaresto Artaher, born Y. T. 1431, Tirion, to Angrod and Edhellos. He was the Warden of Minas Tirith until the fall of the island to Sauron in F. A. 457. After his uncle, Finrod, abdicated the throne, Nargothrond came under his stewardship. Following Finrod’s death, Orodreth became the King of Nargothrond, ruling until his death during the city’s fall in F. A. 495.
➳ Idril Celebrindal, born Y. T. 1453, Tirion, to Turgon and Elenwë. She was considered a respected advisor in Gondolin as the Hidden City’s Princess, and married the mortal Tuor. To them Eärendil was born. Forseeing the Fall of Gondolin at Maeglin’s hands, Idril saved many lives by constructing a secret passageway out of the city called Idril’s Secret Way.
➳ Nielindë Menelómë, born Y. T. 1495, Tirion, to Maglor and Liltanel. Born shortly after the news of the First Kinslaying reached Tirion, they were a devotee of Nessa, called “Golden-footed” for their nimbleness. During the War of Wrath, they sailed to Beleriand in search of their father, but were unsuccessful, as Maglor would remain in Middle-Earth for long years after.
➳ Laurefinwë Ingalaurë, born F. A. 22, Himlad, to Curufin and Finrod. The first Finwëan to be born on Beleriand, he was raised mostly by Finrod in Nargothrond. Inglor survived the kingdom’s fall, the Third Kinslaying, and the War of Wrath, and went on to serve as a vassal of his brother in the Second Age. He died during the War of the Last Alliance, leaving a son, Gildor.
➳ Maeglin Lómion, born F. A. 320, Nan Elmoth, to Aredhel and Eöl. Maeglin was orphaned in the course of a single day after Aredhel was poisoned, and Eöl was executed for her death. He became a Lord of Gondolin, even being named its regent during the Nirnaeth. After being captured and tortured by Morgoth, Maeglin gave away Gondolin’s location, leading to its fall. ➳ Halanel, born F. A. 376, Talath Dirnen, to Caranthir and Haleth. Caranthir was captivated by the valour of the Haladin’s Chieftain, Haleth, and the two had become lovers. Halanel was born after the departure of the Haladin westwards, and was raised amongst the people of Haleth, though she was counted as one of the Eldar. Her lineage endures into the Third Age.
➳ Artanáro Erenion, born F. A. 465, Nargothrond, to Curufin and Finrod. Named for both his grandfathers, he was raised by his cousin Orodreth, with his true parentage remaining undisclosed. He later became known as Gil-Galad after being crowned High King. His reign was the longest and most prosperous of the exiled Noldor. After his death, the title became abandoned.
➳ Gwendelach, born F. A. 482, Amon Ereb, to Amras and Ethirdis. She was brought east over the Ered Luin by her mother as Morgoth encroached over the land, and eventually settled with Silvan kindred in Greenwood. She served Oropher and Thranduil as an advisor, and was greatly respected by them, as her daughter was adopted as a ward of Thranduil after her death.
➳ Celebrían, born S. A. 374, Nenuial, to Galadriel and Celeborn. Galadriel, in the spirit of her uncles and father, chose to bestow her own mother-name of Nerwen upon her daughter. Celebrían married Elrond Peredhel, and with him had three children. Kidnapped and tortured by orcs, Celebrían had to sail for Valinor after her rescue to seek healing for the wounds dealt to her spirit.
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arofili · 3 years
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three houses of the edain ➴ house of haleth ➴ headcanon disclaimer
          Haldad was the son of Halthor the Hunter, and a chieftain of the Haladin. He was not the lord of all his people, but led the largest group of them in the region of Thargelion. Haldad was a strong and brave man, but his focus was less on warfare and more on providing for his people through a pastoral lifestyle. He bore his husband Danhar identical twin children, Haleth and Haldar: the elder a girl, and the younger a man like himself who expressed his true gender as he came of age.           The Haladin lived in relative peace for many years, until one day a swarm of orcs descended upon their settlement without warning. Danhar was one of the first to fall in this assault, and the loss of his husband drove Haldad to act decisively so he might prevent further deaths. This attack came at a time of feasting and gathering for the Haladin, and nearly all their tribes had gathered at the convergence of the rivers of Gelion and Ascar for a festival. Haldad rallied his people, and even those who did not claim him as their chief obeyed his commands.           The battle was fierce and soon turned ill, forcing Haldad into a retreat. At the suggestion of his daughter Haleth, Haldad built a defensive stockade across the rivers just south of the dwarf-ford of Sarn Athrad, where the Haladin endured a bitter siege. At last, their supplies exhausted and no relief in sight, Haldad led a sortie against the attacking orcs, desiring to die in battle rather than starvation. Here he fell, and when his son Haldar rushed out into the field to recover his father’s body, he was slain in turn.           But Haldad’s death would not be in vain, for Haleth his heir remained. She was a woman of great heart and strength, keeping her people alive for seven days, though some gave into despair and cast themselves into the rivers to drown. On the seventh day, Haleth prepared for her own last stand against the orcs as they breached the stockade’s defenses, but just as the Haladin were about to be overwhelmed, a music of trumpets was heard from the north.           At last aid had arrived, unlooked for: Caranthir the Dark, the elven-lord of Thargelion to whom the Haladin paid no tribute, had come riding into battle. He and his warriors slaughtered the remaining orcs, rescuing the surviving Haladin from certain death. Then at last Caranthir saw the valour of Men and extended to Haleth an offer of allegiance and recompense for her fallen kin, if they would but follow him to his estates in the north.           But to Haleth this seemed far too little, far too late. She was proud, unwilling to be guided or ruled, and rejected him, declaring that she would lead her people west as had the other Houses of Men. Offended by her bluntness and yet impressed by her strength of will, Caranthir began a correspondence with Haleth that would lead to further dealings between them.           Haleth led her people to Estolad, the once-great encampment of Men where now only a fraction of Marach’s House dwelt. Here she was proclaimed Chieftain of all the Haladin, and from thence forth they were known also as the House of Haleth in her honor. She took no spouse in all her days, instead raising her young nephew Haldan as her heir, for both his fathers had perished in the battle.           Soon Haleth desired to move further westward, and though most of her people were uneager to leave their new lands they were devoted to their Chieftain and followed her across the rivers of Celon and Aros and into the perilous lands between the Mountains of Terror and the Girdle of Melian. They were unaided by the elves, and despite suffering hardship and loss along the dreadful path Haleth urged her people forward by the strength of her will, until they crossed the Brithiach into the woods of Talath Dirnen.           Some of the Haladin bitterly regretted this journey, but there was no returning by the path they came. Those who could not bear Haleth’s pride left for other lands, some wandering as far as Nargothrond; but those who loved Haleth and remained loyal to her followed her to the Forest of Brethil between the rivers Teiglin and Sirion. In later days many of her scattered folk would return, but the House of Haleth was ever the most disparate of the Edain.           Brethil was in the dominion of King Thingol of Doriath, though it was not within the Girdle of Melian, and unlike Caranthir he was not content to let the Haladin dwell in his realm without leave. But Finrod Felagund, who loved Men, interceded on Haleth’s behalf and obtained the grace of Thingol his kinsman for her, should she and her people defend the Crossing of Teiglin against the orcs. At this condition Haleth laughed bitterly, for she hated orcs more than any other mortal, desiring revenge against those who had devoured her father and brother.           Haleth lived a long and storied life, a proud Chieftain and formidable warrior to the last. She perished in a skirmish against orcs on the banks of the Teiglin at the age of seventy-nine, and the Haladin raised a green mound over her body in the heights of the forest: Tûr Haretha, the Ladybarrow; and it was said at times that a tall shadow would rest flowers on her grave, disappearing like an elf if any mortal dared approach its mourning.
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maglors-anion-gap · 3 years
1, 6, and 14!
[AO3 wrapped game]
I do want to be clear for those who have not seen the original post that this is an ask game put together by a fan, not the coding script going around that analyzes your actual AO3 logs (and perhaps compromises your data security). Steer clear of that one, folks.
1. My Yearly Word Count:
22,712 words! And this doesn't include the two advent calendar pieces plus formal secret santa submission that I will be posting this month! (the advent pieces drop the fifth and seventh, respectively).
6. Favorite Line I Wrote:
Ok so this is from Sleeping on Embers, Breathing in Rivers, my Bragollach fic, which explores Glaurung's mind-control powers and what he might do with them. This particular bit is about a village hypnotized by Glaurung to kill each other; which he does for sport. It's actually a passage, not a line, my favorite line is the last one, but it needed the others for context I think.
"There is no sign of movement.  Any raiders who might have been here were long gone.  In fact, there are no orc corpses in the village.  Even on Finrod's patrol in Talath Dirnen, in those villages chiefly composed of those too old or young to fight, there were dead orcs.  Grandparents had taken up their pothooks and carding combs, their scythes for bringing in the barley, and brought down a number of orcs before they were overtaken and their blood was spilled into the dirt."
I was thinking about my grandparents as I wrote it. I don't speak to either pair, but I used to spend a lot of time in the forest with my mom's parents when I was a small child. My mom had an understanding with her dad; if we ran into an aggressive bear, he would take me and run because he was faster, and mom would stay with the bear. Then he had his knees replaced and it was his job to be bear food. Obviously we carry bear spray and know how to (not)engage with wild animals but sometimes things happen that you can't avert. So I was thinking about sacrifice and aging and stuff... Ironically, when I go out, I go now with my mom and my younger brother, and I'm the Bear Food because mom's a nurse and my brother's the strong one so. it's practical this way.
14. Favorite Comment I Received:
So I think my favorite comment was from Dialux on the fic we co-brainstormed for the reverse big bang. I had written some Desi Noldor stuff for Turning Shadows Into Shapes but I wanted to crank it up a notch for Over the Unclear Eyes of Memory as a sort of present for Dialux. I was somewhat constrained in my success by the fact that, for a college graduate, my research skills are surprisingly shit, but to get a "stunning and glorious" from Dialux was high praise indeed so :) I sacrificed my ability to get drafting feedback for the bonus of surprise.
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theelegantbookworm · 5 years
Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang
Super excited to reveal the TRSB project that I worked on with the wonderful @talullah-red. Check it out- and the rest of the @tolkienrsb collection- over at Ao3 :D
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Full art: Finduilas sitting at Talath Dirnen
Fic: And now the Lark doth Sing
Summary: A picture of Finduilas’ life in Nargothrond, told over the course of four seasons.
Characters: Finduilas, Gwindor, Finrod Felagund, Orodreth, Gil Galad
Relationships: FinduilasxGwindor
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20392441
Tags: #happytimes #domestic life
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supafloof-blog · 5 years
herr der ringe filmset in neuseeland (1)
|} Finrod Felagund founded the Empire of Nargothrond, which stretched on both sides of the Narog, bordering the Ered Wethrin to the north and the Sirion to the east. He had built a tower on Tol Sirion, the Sirion Island, called Minas Tirith (Tower of the Watch), which was guarded by his brother Orodreth. Finrod's fortress lay protected in the caves of Nargothrond, which were located in the inaccessible Narog Gorge. From here he watched over the wide area between the rivers, which was therefore called Talath Dirnen (Guarded Plain).
Who made Lord of the Rings movie?
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (in the original The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey) is a New Zealand fantasy film by Peter Jackson and the first part of a three-part adaptation of the novel The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien from 1937. The following part The Hobbit: Smuggs Einöde was released in 2013.
Here you can still plunge headfirst into the depths. Of course you can also just park here and walk along the riverbank until you find the right spot. A good portion of fantasy is necessary though, because the statues were of course added to the scenery later by computer. The first location should be on every New Zealand Bucket List, because the scenery of the Shire, also called Hobbiton, is really impressive. The wooded parts of the mountain served as the location for the Hobbiton Forest, where the Hobbits hid from the Black Riders. Other locations in Wellington include the Hutt River between Moonshine and Totara Park, where the Anduin River scenes were filmed, and Harcourt Park, which served as the backdrop for the Isengard Gardens. You can also breathe some Hobbit air in Bloemfontein in South Africa, where J.R.R. Tolkien was born in 1892 and spent the first years of his life. {
They enabled Maedhros and his army to retreat and regroup.
The small rural village is located one hour east of Hamilton on the North Island of New Zealand.the picturesque hills south of the village, the village of Hobbiton ("Hobbingen" is the German name for it) has been established, the home of the Hobbits in the idyllic landscape called "The Shire".
Edoras is not only in
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negreabsolut · 7 years
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Mapa de les terres altes del nord de Beleríand.
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outofangband · 5 months
Prompt: In a spring mood!! Put a flower in the comments or ask box and I’ll write about where it grows in Beleriand, and its symbology and usage!
First set of flowers!! I’ll get to the others as soon as I can over the next few days and weeks!
Daisies requested by @senalishia, clover requested by @carinatae! I put these two together because they’re widespread flowers growing in open spaces
Daisies grow throughout Beleriand in open spaces including Estolad, Himlad, Ard Galen, the Talath Dirnen, the open spaces of Dor-lómin, and the open places south of Gondolin.
Though they are not the primary element on heraldic devices, they often appear in borders and as smaller elements including in some Noldorin families in Estolad.
Daisies are used as garnishes by the people of Marach. Hadorian children are often given crowns of daisies during the summer festivals and daisies appear on blankets, aprons and dresses. Dyers woad is used for the yellow parts.
Daisies have astringent properties and have been used by both elven and human cultures in Hithlum for minor cuts and insect bites.
(I thought a lot about Aerin while writing this post but I’ll spare you that ramble)
Many species of clover grow throughout Beleriand including white clover in most open areas except Dorthonion, the Gap and other northern regions. Red and meadow clover grows in northern Beleriand including parts of Dorthonion, the March of Maedhros, the Gap and Ard Galen.
It is used as a fodder crop by many cultures who raise horses or cows including the cavalry.
Clover is often depicted with bees of various species and elven writings on pollination have been based on observations of clover ☘️.
Clover is used to make honey by the green elves of Ossiriand and this process was later taught to various human groups.
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phosphoenolpyruvat · 5 years
The ultimate Gil-Galad theory
Added difficulty: I headcanon Gil-Galad as trans.
Orodreth was married to a Sindarin woman which I will call Lîmeril. She was the mother of Finduilas. Despite basically being called water lily (lit. pond rose) she was a warrior. Long before the whole Beren, Finrod, death, king of Nargothrond business she died in combat. But she and Orodreth had talked about death and stuff and she had made clear that she does not want to be reborn in Valinor. She loves Middle Earth/Beleriand and if she can’t live there, she prefers being dead. Along with that she says that she doesn’t care how inappropriate Noldor and other Valinor-People were to find it, she hopes that Orodreth, in case of her death, finds someone new and doesn’t grieve himself to death. “Also Finduilas will need a mother-role, did you think you’d give her the talk, if I died? My babygirl needs an adult woman she can turn to if she needs help” “yeah, yeah, whatever, you won’t die. It would be sad, therefore it’s illegal.”
So she dies and Orodreth is a sad boy.
Also he is sure that he will never find another partner long story short he somehow (I am putting thoughts into the names but who needs details amirite?) meets a silvan woman Lossfinnel (means either snow hair or wild hair) who is strong and courageous and a warrior and therefore reminds him a lot of Lîmeril but he fears the judgement of his fellow Noldor so: secret marriage. But Lossfinnel isn’t a “I sit in Nargothrond with my secret husband and pretend to not be his wife and play court lady” kind of girl, she travels and because Orodreth accompanying her all the time would be suspicious (she doesn’t mind, he does) she travels alone a lot. On one of her longer journeys through the Guarded Plain Talath Dirnen she notices that she is pregnant but by then she is too far away from Nargothrond to go back in time. So she decides she is a wood elf, she can deliver a baby at the lake of Ivrin, can’t she? She can but she can’t defend herself and a baby from random orcs that sneaked there alongside the mountains from Tol Sirion. Fingon, who is just returning to Hithlum from a friendly visit to Maedhros is at the right time at the right place, can’t save her but kills the orcs before the baby gets hurt. With her dying breath Lossfinnel tells him that the baby’s name is Gil-Galad.
So Fingon, crown prince of the Noldor, without a wife and totally not gay comes home to his father with what he thinks is a little baby girl going “Dad, if I put up notes that say I found this baby and no one responds, can I keep it?” And Fingolfin goes: “What the frick, son?” and Fingon goes: “Cool, thanks Dad.” And Orodreth is back to being a sad boy wondering where his secret wife is.
When Gil-Galad is the human equivalent of 10 years old the Dagor Bragollach happens, Fingon is king and goes “Damn this kid isn’t safe here. Círdan can you take care of Gil-Galad who I named Rodnor but who prefers Gil-Galad? Thanks, dude!” Gil-Galad grows up and is almost of age when the Havens of the Falas fall and Círdan and his people flee to the Mouth of Sirion and which point Gil-Galad is like: “Hey Círdan, since we are building a new city here and it’s a new start for everyone can we please establish that I’m a male elf?” And Círdan is like: “Sure buddy. I even got a gift for you: your new epessë: Ereinion. A male gendered name establishing you not only as boy but also as prince of the Noldor. Have fun with it now that your dad Fingon is dead and you are either second or third in line of the throne (depending on whether the title could pass to Idril or not).” Everything else happens as you know it from the books. He becomes king, War of Wrath, he and Elrond are best buddies, magic rings, Sauron, dead.
But what happens in the famous “people get rebodied in Valinor”-time? (Assuming that they either don’t get to all meet up in Mandos or don’t remember it once reborn) Orodreth is first, somewhen in the late 2nd age, still being a sad boy because one wife will never return and he has no idea where the other is. Gil-Galad returns in the early third age and wants to find out who is mother actually is. After overcoming the first “Oh, you and Fingon’s baby Gil-Galad are the same Gil-Galads? I already wondered where this new prince of the Noldor everyone told me about had come from”-confusion, the long returned Fingolfin tells him about how Fingon found him and that he is actually adopted. Gil-Galad now wants to find out who both his biological parents are but is a little side-tracked by dating Celebrimbor.
Fingon is returned, meets Gil-Galad who is like “Hi, I’m Ereinion” “Ereini-who?” “Ereini-who are my parents, dad?” And Fingon is like “Ooooooh. Uhm, your mum was some white haired silvan girl, I think? I dunno? She dead.” And Gil-Galad goes on searching with that piece of information and Orodreth ends up hearing about it and is like “Someone said Lossfinnel??” And around that time Lossfinnel decides she is ready for Valinor and all the Noldorin Drama she excepts there and returns, sees Fingon and goes: “hey aren’t you the guy I gave my baby to?” And Orodreth goes: “My wife!!!” And Gil-Galad (and Finduilas) goe(s): “Omg”
And that’s it.
Tho I also do like the idea that all of that happens except that Lossfinnel is with some random silvan/Sindarin dude and not with Orodreth and it takes them a lot longer to figure out that “Hey darling, that guy I gave our baby to when I died? He is actually Fingon. Our baby was high king of the Noldor”
(ftr i don’t claim this to be canon or anything, i just think it would make a neat fanfic. This is is basically a long shitpost)
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alicebeckstrom · 5 years
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Under the shadows of Ered Wethrin he defiled the Eithel Ivrin, and thence he passed into the realm of Nargothrond, and burned the Talath Dirnen, the Guarded Plain, between Narog and Teiglin. ~ The Silmarillion, Chapter 21 (Glaurung: Father of Dragons by Jordy Lakiere)
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cycas · 7 years
A made-up timeline for the War of Wrath
I think the Battle of Tasarinan, the long struggle for control of the Gates of Sirion, the breaking of Thangorodrim, the Vanyar & Noldor hosts, the participation of the Edain and Dwarves, Elros & Elrond’s ages and the Vanyar mysteriously deciding to walk home at the end are the only more or less canon bits. 
545  The host of the Valar comes up out of the West  (Elrond & Elros are 13)
#Host 2: Noldor, led by Finarfin land at the Havens : late summer
#Host 1: Vanyar,  led by Ingwion:  Capture of Eglarest (presumably in Morgoth’s hands)
546 Battle of Tasarinan.  Surprise attack on the Noldor by orcs.  Noldor eventually prevail and camp in Tasarinan.  Eglarest rebuilt by Cirdan.  Brithombar cleared of orcs.
547 Battle with Orcs and Balrogs: Vanyar and Noldor eventually drive them out across the Sirion.  Clearing orc-legions, spiders and beasts of Morgoth from West Beleriand.  
548 - struggle for control of the passages of the River Sirion  First assault on the west end of the Andram Wall now held by Morgoth.
Belegost developing anti-dragon technologies. Brithombar re-built.
549 - Continued deadlock along the Sirion. Vanyar retake Nargothrond with heavy losses.   Fëanorians raid North to Lake Helevorn. Belegost support Fëanorians fighting dragons near Mt Helevorn  Elrond & Elros are 17. Elros goes to Balar.
550 Battle of Aelin-uial (Twilight Pools) - Easterlings of Hithlum attack Elves on the flank.  Rumour that Morgoth is coming to contest passages of the Sirion. Doesn’t happen.
552 Battles at the Gates of Sirion. Establishment of Edain settlements around Eglarest & in Eriador (necessitated by population growth on Balar) Vanyar fighting orcs and Men out of Hithlum in Talath Dirnen.
553 Still fighting on the Sirion.  Vanyar are unable to force the passages of the River Teiglin.
554  Vanyar unable to pass the Ered Wethrin mountains into Dor-lómin due to Balrogs, but set up a watchtower on Amon Rudh.
555  orcs dig secret tunnels through mountains of Nevrast to attack Vanyar in W. Beleriand from the North.  Fighting on two fronts.  Cirdan lands troops on the Firth of Drengist, but they are driven back by a Balrog.    Elrond & Elros are 23.
556 -  The Noldor host raid across the Sirion into East Beleriand in small boats but are driven back.  Brithombar & Eglarest are now re-established enough to be supplying the Vanyar.
557 - Still fighting on the Sirion and the Teiglin.  The Vanyar cross the river and manage to set up an advance camp in Brethil but are driven back.
558 Belegost formally declares war, battle orcs in Thargelion. Sirion still bogged down: Noldor in the south, Vanyar further north attempting to cross into Dimbar. Dwarves undermine Mt Rerir and collapse it on the Orcs infesting it. Second Battle of Crossings of the Teiglin. Vanyar force the crossings of the Teiglin and pass into what was Brethil.
559 - Sauron counter-attacks, bringing troops out of the East and South against the new settlements of the Edain in Eriador. Ulmo destroys the land south of the Taur-im Duinath and the Bay of Balar is hugely extended back to the Ered Luin, wiping out the mouth of the River Gelion, Baranduin and much of Ossiriand.
563 Círdan & Gil-galad make another attempt to retake Nevrast, but are unsuccessful.
565  Evacuation of the Isle of Balar to the Falas. Elros goes to Falas.  He’s 28.   Elrond leaves the Fëanorians and joins his brother. Balar Destroyed by Ulmo: collateral damage in attack on South East Beleriand.
566 Eastern Beleriand invaded by the Edain who camp at Amon Ereb under Elros & Elrond.
567 - Edain & Noldor (Finarfin & Gil-galad) fighting north across Estolad. Belegost attacks an army of orcs in Thargelion.
568 - Vanyar protecting the settlements in the Falas.  Balrogs attack from Nevrast. Nevrast is destroyed, Firth of Drengist hugely extended.  Balrogs driven back into Hithlum.
569 Vanyar host raid across the Sirion into Doriath & fight dragons in the Thousand Caves.  (Galadriel and Celeborn involved?   Galadriel in LOTR teases Celeborn about wanting to visit an ancestral home even if it becomes a lair of dragons). Vanyar take Dimbar but find it infested with fell beasts out of Nan Dungortheb.
571 Nogrod joins the war.  Vanyar are struggling to hold Dimbar.
572  Men coming from the East are ambushed in the mountain-passes by the Dwarves of Nogrod & Belegost. Vanyar host forced to retreat from Dimbar back across the river Sirion by dragons coming out of Gondolin.
573 Dwarves & Fëanorians attack over the Gelion at Sarn Athrad as a diversionary tactic.  Host of Noldor attack the gates of Sirion at the same time.  Wingless dragons out of Gondolin attack West Beleriand and the Falas but are beaten back by the Vanyar.
574  Stalemate on the Sirion again.  The lower Sirion area is now mostly water.  Vanyar attempt to force the pass of Sirion but are driven back with heavy losses when Morgoth moves the mountains of the Crissaegrim and the Ered Wethrin together to block the pass.   River Sirion reduced in size due to channel being blocked. Brithombar & Eglarest raided by Morgoth’s Men out of Hithlum.
575 .Host of the Noldor cross the Sirion at last,  but cannot breach the Andram wall which is now heavily fortified. Lowlands of East Beleriand being re-taken.  Brithombar & Eglarest begin to be evacuated to what is left of South Ossiriand, which is easier to supply. Vanyar try to breach the Pass of Anach, with limited success.
576 Falas now fully evacuated, non-combatant Edain & injured Elves mostly in Ossiriand or East of the mountains in Eriador.  Vanyar in Brethil still struggling with dragons out of Gondolin.
577  Noldor host laying siege to the Andram wall which is now cut off from Angband.  Fëanorians & dwarves attempting to retake Thargelion and clear Lake Helevorn. Vanyar under attack from dragons out of Gondolin are supported by Ulmo. Doriath & Dimbar become a lake, part of the Encircling Mountains around Gondolin brought down by Noldor mountain-singers.  Eönwë  does terrible things to Nan Dungortheb. Wingless Dragons finally cleared from the Gondolin region.  
578  Vanyar retake Hithlum with the aid of Círdan, bringing ships in along the extended Firth of Drengist. Hand to hand fighting in Dor-Lomin and Hithlum between Vanyar & Easterlings, surviving Sindar of Hithlum act as guides.
579  Vampires attacking the Noldor host at night out of Taur-nu-Fuin. West Beleriand is now unstable and the action of tide and wind is causing what is left of it to slip into the Sea. Vanyar still working to re-take Hithlum.
580   Host of the Noldor & Edain led by Elros finally breach the Andram wall which collapses into the Sea and move North together with the Vanyar Host.  Ered Wethrin falls into the Sea.  Elros & Elrond are 48.
581 Forests of Neldoreth & Brethil are now a huge lake.  Host moves onto the shore of  the new lake in North Beleriand, now accessible from the sea via the enlarged Sirion, slaughtering legions of orcs.  
582  Himring & Mount Rerir re-taken and fortresses destroyed by Noldor.  Combined Noldor & Vanyar host move through Maglor’s Gap onto Plains of Lothlann.
583 Belegost and Nogrod smitten by a fleeing Balrog with terrible losses.  River Legolin vastly expanded, becomes Firth of Lune.  First Battle of the Anfauglith. Vanyar clearing orcs & Morgoth’s beasts from what is left of Dorthonion.
584  Siege of Angband.  Noldor & Vanyar hosts encamped upon Anfauglith.   Barad Eithel retaken at considerable cost.  
585 Siege of Angband. What is left of Dorthonion is still infested with vampires which raid the hosts camped upon the Anfauglith.  Círdan bringing supplies by ship out of Eriador from the now well-established Edain settlements there.
586 The winged dragons are released in fire and lightning. The Host of the Valar are driven back from the Anfauglith and retreat temporarily to Thargelion and Northern Hithlum (southern Hithlum is now under water).    Earendil joins the war but does not land in Middle-earth.
587 March counter-attack by the combined host retakes Lothlann.   
August 1 final assault begins.  Vanyar move East from Hithlum, Eönwë , more Vanyar and the Noldor host move West from Lothlann to the Gates of Angband.
August 5  Ancalagon fights Earendil and a host of birds led by Thorondor and is killed, So are most of the other winged dragons.  Thangorodrim is broken.  Elrond is impressed with the number of people and banners and will later consider the Last Alliance to be disappointingly less spectacular.
August 30th Morgoth is chained and the Silmarils are regained.    Angband uncovered, and Morgoth's thralls released.  
Victory in Middle Earth.
Sept: Sauron submits to Eönwë, but will not return to Valinor and slips away into Middle-earth.
Oct - Mar : feed & care for the released thralls. Ship-building in Ossiriand.  Evacuating Angband & the Anfauglith into the East.  Anfauglith starts to slip into the sea.
588   April: Eonwe summons Elves to leave Middle Earth
Sons of Feanor demand the Silmarils and are refused.
Angband begins  sinking into the sea.
May Sons of Fëanor  steal silmarils when they are refused. Maedhros kills himself.
Maglor throws his Silmaril into the sea and vanishes.
589  Elves of the Vanyar march back separately to Valinor across the Helcaraxë led by Ingwë's son. (!!!) Noldor & Sindar return in ships.
590 Morgoth is thrust from Arda into the Outer Dark.  Angband and what is left of Beleriand sinks into the sea.
Following the end of the First Age the surviving men of the Edain, under the leadership of Elros, and the guidance of Círdan, build a fleet of some 150 to 300 ships that over the next 50 years bring 5,000 to 10,000 people to Númenor.
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