#Tarzan dad
azurezfiction · 1 year
Imagine these two as a couple:
Roger Radcliffe and Tarzan’s Dad
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Mr Bill Andersen x Cassim as a couple
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hunter-husky · 2 months
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Pappa rilla
Q) Do you think we can see a full body of Kerchak in all his glory?
A) I gave him pants though, he looked nakey
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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"Dad bod" Tarzan
P. Dempsey Tabler played the Lord of the Jungle in the 1920 film serial The Son of Tarzan, an adaptation of the Edgar Rice Burroughs novel by the same name.
Tabler had been an opera singer, an athlete, and apparently a founding member of Paramount Studios before taking this role, his first and only outing in the loincloth. I watched The Son of Tarzan several years ago and enjoyed it, but every time this guy was on screen I got completely thrown out of the film. I just couldn't buy him as Tarzan.
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riddlerosehearts · 7 months
tarzan is, imo, a pretty good example of how when it comes to fictional characters falling in love it doesn't matter how long it takes, whether it's over a few days or a few years or even just a single meeting, as long as you manage to make it well-written and believable. you could say it's ridiculous that tarzan falls in love at first sight with the literal first human being he's ever seen and that jane is in love enough with a man who was raised by gorillas to impulsively leave england forever to be with him, but i do not care because they get along with each other incredibly well and make an effort to learn about each other and understand each other's worlds and are just adorable together. i can tell exactly why they like each other and by the end of the movie i'm sold on the idea that they're meant to be together. and jane is also portrayed strongly enough as someone who's very adventurous and feels at home in the jungle that i can believe she'd enjoy living there, much more than i could believe tarzan would've enjoyed living in england.
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baronessofmischief · 5 months
One of the other things I love about the animated Tarzan movie is how effectively they use color and costume design. Clayton is one of the very few Disney villains whose color scene isn’t red, black, purple, or a combination of the above. It’s largely yellow and muted black and brown with the typical turn-of-the-century safari hunter design, the colors matching the other main human characters.
What’s important though is that he’s a hunter, not just a guide, and that aspect combined with his color scheme ties him to the other main villain in the movie: Sabor.
Clayton’s color scheme matches the jaguar, and the fact Sabor is shown to be stalking both the humans and gorillas is a great parallel and foreshadowing for who will be the main villain in the end. Sure, the adults watching it can tell who the bad guy is, but the more subtle setup for the kids is a great way to introduce foreshadowing and visual storytelling, showing them (and the characters) that the real villain was camouflaged, stalking his prey unseen until it’s almost too late.
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stachebracket · 1 year
'Stache-Off!! Round 2
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hailsatanacab · 8 months
so I'm enjoying watching Castaway Diva a lot more than I thought I would and like along with the main questions (who is jung ki-ho, where is he, is he one of the brothers) I'm really thinking......... did she eat her dad
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verminfang · 2 years
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Another one of my Masks PC’s, Tarzan Gorilla aka Urban Guerilla done by the amazing @gotham-gargoyle thanks to an early birthday gift from @shillelagh
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atlasblizzardart · 2 years
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Gorilla dad
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brittie-frog · 19 days
Finally left my room to go into the living room and to see a movie start playing talking about King Leopold in the Congo thinking it was a documentary and then find out it was Legend of Tarzan live action so stuck around to watch because I just spent part of a semester learning about the Congo Free State.
It's decent, I was a little confused because it's after Tarzan has left Africa and joined high society so is a brand new plot to the Disney movie but I get into.
My racist dad then comes in and starts watching:
"It's these types of movies that cause those woke idiots to get their ideas when we never went into the interior of Africa it was Africans enslaving other blacks and bringing them to the coa-"
"This is set during the scramble for Africa in the the Congo Free State where there was definitely white Belgians exploiting the Congolese people." And my dad shut the fuck up and didn't say a word for the rest of the movie.
I love small victories.
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whitechadwarden · 2 months
should i rewatch kill la kill for the first time since 2014
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stachebracket · 1 year
'Stache-Off!! Round 1
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dragonshost · 11 months
*old motor noises*
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ladysophiebeckett · 1 year
ive always loved this line in ‘dia de enero’ bc im also very despistada and then i learned that de la rua is a pisces. 
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and then earlier today i listened to this while working on some body alignment (my knees are messed up again) 
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and i was like ‘wow lily collins is sincere cringe like me’ and then i found out she’s also a pisces. big day for me. 
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contradictivs · 2 years
I know I just talked about him being the son of the big bad wolf but son of tarzan 👀 Soft
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skeletonmaster69 · 2 years
taking all my willpower to avoid walking downstairs rn and playing the 5 hour kingdom hearts 3 analysis while playing the first game
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