#Tech’s alive in it too
sadiecoocoo · 6 months
Yippee I finished a wrecker and Crosshair centered fic (that’s TOTALLY not whump and angst)… now I just need to beta read it :)
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Me: sigh It's now "Missing Tech Hour."
Also me: ... Let's be real, EVERY hour is "Missing Tech Hour." And "Missing Echo Hour." And "Missing Hunter Hour." And "Missing Crosshair Hour." And "Missing Wrecker Hour." And "Missing Omega Hour." And "Missing Rex Hour." And "Missing Cody Hour." And "Missing Howzer Hour." And "Missing Gregor Hour." And "Missing Fives Hour." And "Missing Wolffe Hour." And...
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ask-pomni-blog · 2 months
more of your scrumptious human gangle designs please! 😋😋
meet Angelina!
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im super glad you like her!
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alabyte · 7 months
Okay but like imagine the apeshit mode this place is gonna go if Tech is actually dead
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twinsunstars · 3 months
Home With All of You
Week 2 Prompts: Injured & Comfort Zone
Summary: When Omega becomes injured during a rebel mission, she is asked to rest and visit her worried family.
Notes: FINALLY finished this, decided to mesh Week 2's prompts together to present a fic filled with angst and family time! divider by @summer-of-bad-batch
Warnings: Blood, description of an open cut (putting here if you're uncomfortable with that, it's just a small part)
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Blaster fire engulfed the storage compound. Stormtroopers fired shots towards many rebellion fighters trying to get back to their ships after a mission of obtaining important supplies. Many Imperials were on patrol in the area, and a mishap involving a few rebels led to being spotted and a battle igniting. 
The rebels ran towards the landing pad where their makeshift (and stolen) Imperial ships were parked. Two ships stood out from the others as a smaller modified starship and a customized light freighter. The blaster fire continued on, rebels kneeling behind crates to protect themselves. 
“Got it!” A female rebellion fighter dressed in a signature yellow jacket with a loose red bandana tied in her blond locks ran while carrying a small crate in her arm, using her free hand to handle her blaster. 
“Omega, watch out!”
Omega ducked a few blaster shots that had headed towards her, cradling the crate and hiding behind some cargo.
“Glad you could make it, we really need to get out of here!” Hera Syndulla exclaimed, shooting a stormtrooper.
Omega chuckled, striking the eye area of a stormtrooper’s helmet. “Thanks for stating the obvious, Hera.” Hera gave her friend a smirk. The number of stormtroopers kept increasing as the rebels began running into their ships to make their escape. 
“Cover me!” Omega told other rebels around her, holding the crate and shooting stormtroopers as she ran towards the Marauder II, her own small starship named after her family’s shuttle that they lost so many years ago to honor it. The ship had been a gift from Echo after it was stolen from smugglers during a mission to retrieve citizens kept captive, and Omega loved flying it around. 
Omega kept on running towards her ship. Paying more attention to the stormtroopers trying to shoot her head off (with very poor aim), she didn’t see a sharp torn piece of metal that was placed near a few cargo crates. Omega ran past it and her right leg met contact with the sharp metal, exclaiming in pain and falling to the ground. Her gray jeggings were ripped open in a straight line as the metal dug into her flesh, cutting open her skin and peeling it apart. 
Omega looked over and saw blood flowing down and seeping into her jeggings, the cut burning. But there wasn’t any time to stop. She groaned and bit her lips to hold back whimpers as she picked the crate up and limped to her ship. The pain was excruciating, but these supplies had to be delivered to help the rebellion. 
She heard something solid roll near her, turning and seeing a small explosive stop rolling next to one of the cargo crates an inch from her. Omega’s eyes widened as the explosive beeped and was ready to go off at any second. She tried to get away as quickly as she could, but it was too late. The explosive went off and created a blast of fire and smoke, sending Omega back to the ground and hitting her head. Everything went black. 
“Omega!” Hera saw Omega get knocked to the floor, dropping her blaster and the crate. Her crew was getting ready to leave with most of the cargo on her ship. Some rebels had also noticed Omega falling to the ground and ran over to help her up. Hera had to help her best friend, so she quickly ran over to assess the situation. 
“Omega, wake up!” Omega had been knocked out after the explosive went off, and her leg was bleeding badly. She wasn’t waking up.
“Hera! We need to go!” A man dressed in green wielding a lightsaber shouted to get Hera’s attention from the ramp of her ship. She looked back at Omega, still barely breathing while laying in the arms of a rebel. 
“Zeb, get her onto the Ghost!” Hera made a quick decision, telling a member of her crew to bring her aboard. She pointed to another rebel. “You, pilot her ship back to base!” The rebel ran over to the Marauder II and got it started up so Omega’s ship wasn’t left behind. Rebel ships made their way to lift off while stormtroopers heated up their blasters, continuing to fire shots at their enemies. 
“The crate-”
“Just leave it, there’s no time!” Hera exclaimed at Zeb, running back to her ship and ducking many blaster shots. 
Omega was carried into the Ghost in Zeb’s arms and gently laid down in a room filled with colorful graffiti and doodles on its walls. The rebel ships made their way into the atmosphere with some TIE fighters on their tail, jumping to hyperspace within seconds. 
Omega woke up in a brightly lit room, which hurt her eyes when she managed to open them fully. She blinked a few times and tried to recognize her surroundings. A medical droid hovered near her with a tray of tools. A mechanical ventilator was attached to her mouth to help her breathe. Her left arm was wrapped in an arm sling. 
This was the medbay in the rebel base. How did she get here? Omega could hardly remember bits of where she was before this. She could remember being at that Imperial compound, hearing a blast, and then the rest was blurry in her memory. Omega tried to stretch her arms and sit up. 
“You must rest,” the medical droid interrupted, its metal claws now free and attempting to get Omega to lay back down. Omega mumbled to herself and laid back down per the droid’s instructions. 
“Oh, thank the stars.” Hera strolled in to check on Omega as part of her daily routine for the past days, relieved she was finally awake. She had seen Omega lay back down once she entered. Omega turned to look up at Hera, giving her a smile visible through her ventilator. 
“Thought we had nearly lost you there. You took quite a blast,” Hera sighed. A few rumbled noises piped up next to Hera. Chopper, her astromech, was glad to see Omega no longer asleep. Omega had remained unconscious during the entire trip back to the rebel base as Hera’s crew tried their best to tend to Omega’s deep wound until they could get her medical care. All other rebel fleets had been found by Star Destroyers and were under attack, so the Ghost wasn’t able to make a stop anywhere to get help for Omega quicker. 
Omega took off the mechanical ventilator to breathe freely. “How long have I been out?”
“Two rotations,” Hera said, Omega’s eyes widening in shock. Hera continued, “You were losing a lot of blood from your injury and that explosive had hit you hard.”
Everything was slowly coming back to her. Omega remembered running as fast as she could in the midst of blaster fire with pain stinging in her leg. There was an explosive, and it had gone off. 
“The cargo..”
“Lay back down,” Hera said. Omega got a glimpse of her right leg. The open cut on her upper leg had been stitched together with a few bandages wrapped around her knee to help heal another injury, some specks of blood visible through the fabric. 
“We got most of what we needed, and the rest had to be left behind. Including the one you were holding. And don’t worry, we brought your ship back to the base.” Hera added. 
“Thank you, Hera.”
“Don’t thank me,” Hera sat beside Omega on the medical bed. “You always do so much for the rebellion, going above and beyond to help us fight. Now you need to get some rest.”
Omega wasn’t fully listening. She thought back to what Hera said earlier. “Hera, you said I was out for two rotations?”
Hera nodded. Omega furrowed her brows, trying to remember something important. It hit her. Omega had told her brothers that she would call again at night after the mission was over before she had left for that mission. It has been two days now. They were likely worried sick. Omega pushed herself to sit up, wincing. 
“I need to call my brothers. Who knows what they’re thinking because I haven’t called them yet.” Omega moved her legs slowly, preparing herself to stand. Hera put a hand on her shoulder. 
“Echo informed your brothers about what happened. He and Emerie had visited while you were unconscious and they’ll come again later. Maybe you should take a break and visit them.”
Omega turned to her. “And leave while the rebellion still needs all the strength any of us can offer? The Empire already found and attacked one of our far bases and blew it up. I-”
Hera stopped her before she could continue. “The rebellion isn’t going anywhere, Omega. We’ll always be here to fight against the Empire, but what matters right now is you getting better so you can fly a ship. Your brothers miss you, so you should go rest and spend time with them until you are fully healed.”
“Ah-ah, general’s orders, Commander,” Hera raised an eyebrow. Chopper made some noises, knowing Omega wouldn’t be able to get out of this one once Hera went under “general” mode. 
Omega sighed. “Yes, general.” She pushed herself to stand up with one hand and grabbed her jacket. Her wound still ached, but it didn’t affect her abilities to walk too much.
Once Echo and Emerie had arrived to visit Omega, she boarded the Marauder II to head back to Pabu using her ship. Echo piloted the starship while Emerie stayed with Omega in the back. Gonky honked, talking to Omega. 
“Don’t worry, I’m doing better, Gonky,” Omega replied. 
Emerie knelt down, examining Omega’s leg after she woke up from a nap. Her medical training kicked in when she saw Omega’s wounds. Omega winced when Emerie moved her leg up a bit. 
“Forgive me,” Emerie apologized, setting Omega’s leg down. “It’s a good thing General Syndulla advised you to rest. Your brothers were worried when we gave them the news. Echo let them know you’re on the way while the pain meds had made you unconscious.”
Omega held Lula in her lap. She bet they were. Omega could just imagine Hunter’s reaction once she reached Pabu and he saw her injuries. Crosshair would likely immediately tell her to rest in her room. Wrecker would make her all her favorite comfort foods while she got better. Tech would consistently make sure she was taking her meds on time. 
“Coming out of hyperspace,” Echo’s voice said over the comm. The starship slightly jolted as it exited hyperspace. Echo flew down into Pabu’s atmosphere and headed for the landing zone.
Omega stood up as the ship landed. Echo opened up the side ramp, light coming into the ship. Omega followed Emerie down, immediately catching sight of her brothers coming towards them. They hadn’t aged much since the last time she saw them in person, which had been one cycle ago. 
Hunter jogged forward as Omega leaned herself into his arms. Hunter used one arm to hug her away from her injured arm, tightening his grasp. His sister was home after so long. He didn’t want to let her go right now. 
“Ow,” Omega winced. 
Hunter broke the hug. “Sorry, kid.”
“You’ve been through a lot!” Wrecker said, coming in for a gentle hug next. 
“I guess it was a serious mission that led to an encounter with various troopers?” Tech came forward, adjusting his glasses and examining Omega’s injuries. Omega shrugged. “Another day in the rebellion.”
“What happened?” Hunter asked, concern glowing in his eyes. 
Crosshair removed a toothpick from his mouth. “Let’s get her into her room first so she can rest.” Omega smiled. She knew he would say that. 
“She got hit by an explosive and got her upper leg cut,” Emerie said with a straight face, watching her brothers’ eyes widen. “She’ll heal quickly in time with rest.”
Echo saw the way his brothers became worried for her. The over-protectiveness was about to begin and Omega couldn’t escape that. Hunter looked like he was about to have a heart attack. 
“You heard Emerie, you need to rest,” Hunter said, pushing her forward to walk to their home in the village. “Are you hungry? What hurts the most?”
Omega was overwhelmed by the amount of questions she was getting from her brothers. They cared deeply about her health and were happy to have her back home. Omega relaxed and let her brothers take care of her. 
Echo couldn’t help but chuckle. He had panicked when he heard about Omega becoming injured, but she was a strong girl. Seeing her awake after two days was a good sight to see. 
Days passed as Omega stayed with her brothers on Pabu. Tech made sure she was taking her meds on time, and Emerie found time to stay to help her injuries heal and check on them from time to time. Echo had stayed for a while to catch up and had returned back to base for another intel mission. 
“Your favorite fish soup, coming up!” Wrecker knocked on Omega’s door with a food tray. Omega laid in her bed, reading a few files on her datapad. Her back was supported by a bunch of pillows that Crosshair had put together so Omega could be as comfortable as possible while healing. She smiled as Wrecker delivered the tray and placed it on a breakfast tray. Batcher came in, pouncing onto Omega’s bed to give her some loving licks, making her laugh. Batcher settled down to take a nap. 
“Thank you, Wrecker.” Omega picked up her spoon and filled her mouth with the warm and spicy liquid, chewing on soft pieces of fish. She savored the taste of Wrecker’s cooking; finally something other than bland soup and rations. 
“How you feeling today?” Wrecker asked. He sat in a chair next to her bed. 
Omega swallowed her next bite. “Pretty good. My leg doesn’t really hurt much anymore.”
“Speaking of which,” Tech strolled into the room. “Time to take your meds again.” He set down a few meds on top of her drawer for her to take after eating. 
Omega gave her brother a smile. “Thank you, Tech.” She was happy he was here with her. 
It had been so long since Omega had been on Pabu and spent time with anyone here. Lyana was happy to see her again, and spending time with her brothers was the best vacation Omega could ask for.
During dinners and outings, Omega told her brothers, Phee, Lyana, and Shep all about what she had done and seen while in the rebellion. She told them about the new friends she had made and a lot about Hera’s crew. Omega was definitely going to bring them to Pabu one day so they could meet her brothers. 
“I hit a stormtrooper right in the eye,” Omega told Crosshair when she spent time outside on the beach with him. 
“Heh, you did?” Crosshair chewed on a toothpick. “At least you’ve got better aim than them.” He was very proud of her inside for blasting those nat-born bucket-heads. 
Omega told her brothers all about the many missions she had been on and all the planets she visited. She did leave out the parts whenever she would get injured or things would go wrong so Hunter didn’t start feeling uneasy and worried, but sometimes it would slip out whenever she was too excited telling a story. All of her brothers were happy to have her back while she healed and prepared themselves to let her go again once she had to go back into the fight. 
Her comfort zone was with her brothers. Her family. Staying on Pabu was temporary for now, but Omega was going to cherish every moment until she was fully healed. It was difficult to find peace in a time of war, but whenever Omega was with her family, everything felt okay.
Nini's Writing Masterlist
taglist: @summer-of-bad-batch @orion-tyche @bossboudicca @magicandmundane @kurlyfrii @locitapurplepink @ahsokashawarma1138
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It is very late (well... very early, but it's the same flavor of tired), and I just had the thought that I'd like to see a scene where post s3 Crosshair meets up with Anakin (au never turned Vader), and they bs about losing their hands, and it's the best thing that's ever come from getting his hand choppied.
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God, I love this gif... adorable little showoff
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animymind · 8 months
I just KNOW Ventress will show up at the boys doorstep, holding Tech bridal style in her arms and hand him over like "This yours?"
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juliberrylive · 7 months
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tech is clone x truthers where you at??
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chewbaccawithouthan · 5 months
It’s so funny to me, in the last three episodes, the bad batch really said: “you wanna f*ck around? Okay now you’re gonna find out.”
And the empire is, in fact, finding out.
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br1ghtestlight · 6 days
inanimate insanity might have caused an entire generation of kids to confuse steve jobs (the actual real person) with steve cobs (the fictional character) cuz on twitter the other day i saw someone say that steve JOBS was a "genocidal colonizer" so ppl shouldn't feel bad for him and im like. i dont think that's true actually. like i didnt know him personally but im pretty sure steve jobs the Real person was not a genocidal fascist colonizer i think he was just a tech CEO 😭
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leavingkamino · 5 months
at this point i'm starting to think that he's actually dead and i'm literally delusional for finding parallels in so many of the eps this season literally what the hell even were those then like hello????
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nyankoizumi · 2 years
Who needs normal robot replacements with arms like these?
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Meet The Dark Lord 2.0. It's body was severely torn by The Second Coming, but with a little bit of technology, spider children and pure spite it turned himself into an eldritch horror. Good for him!
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crystalskyz · 1 month
Here me out- THE HOLLOW BAND AU :0
Kai on drums
Vanessa sings
Reeve and Adam on guitars
and Mira on bass
^ I feel like the fits very well
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Latest chapter of 'Into the Techiverse!' is up!
Like a vodka-Redbull, or watching the season 2 finale of 'The Bad Batch' followed by the finale of 'The Mandalorian', a downer quickly mixed and/or chased with an upper is going to make one feel discombobulated. But it's needed.
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This latest chapter of 'Into the Techiverse' promises to be delightful and fandom blind, and Lord help me I needed to write that after the last, brutal chapter of Far Past the Ring. It's a clutch of Techs finally hanging out and doing what Tech would do if he met a bunch of Techs.
That was a weird sentence to type out.
The fourth wall's broken in this, FWIW.
The universes in which the Techs come from is from @techs-stitches @wrenkenstein @moosethren . Although she's part of the project, @ilikemymendarkandfictional 's Tech is, unfortunately, gone, which is a massive plot point.
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heyclickadee · 1 year
Okay, but seriously, the Plan 99 Marauder ability could’ve been something like, “The first time this ship is defeated, you can sacrifice one player character to regain health,” or something but NOPE
Edit: Okay, to be fair, I have not played this game, so I don’t know if that’s how any of the mechanics could work. But still.
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autumn-opossum · 5 months
I’m sad today so if tonights episode could please just be happy and great and fine that’d be swell thank you
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