#Teleport Art Car Festival
justmarsh619 · 11 months
Stoked to get it in as the sun was rising for this one. Huge shoutout to Jesse "Kung Pow" Young for inviting me out to the desert once again, thank you my man!!!
Here's the set list: Wreck It Ralf / Ango Tamarin / Get Busy - Single / 2023
Flying Again (Cameron Smyth Remix) / Tom Budin & Tom Fublé / Flying Again (Remixes, Pt. 2) / 2023
The Clapper / Christian Martin / The Clapper / Athena's Lullaby - Single / 2019
All the Ladies (Rebūke Remix) / Fatboy Slim & Eats Everything / All the Ladies - Single / 2020
Eleven Eleven / Alan Fitzpatrick / 11:11 The Awakening / 2019
WANNA GO BANG / DJ Deeon, Oliver Heldens & HI-LO / WANNA GO BANG - Single / 2022
DMT (Dirty Music Therapy) / Cody Nu Skool / Robots Don't Sleep - Single / 2019
Cash Money (Techno Dub) / Justin Jay / Cash Money / 2018
Stay Awake / Steve Darko / Abyss / 2022
Maria / Waste / Maria / 2021
Away (BYOR Extended Remix) / Valy Mo, BYOR / Away (BYOR Remix) / 2022
Dope Kid Central / Kevin Knapp / Dirtybird Campout Compilation / 2022
Up & Down / Shiba San / Up & Down / 2016
The Pipe / Rebuke / Jump Ship / 2019
Make It Drip / Abel De Jong / Make It Drip / 2018
Sex, Drugs, Alcohol / Black V Neck / Mouth Music / 2019
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pawnshopsouls · 2 years
Ooc: Destiny Dreams
//Ok, so I had a dream that I was in a small city fair ground where I ran a novelty motel and art festival. But everything was in danger because this corrupting, destroying force was trying to use the paintings from the festival to come into our world to corrupt and destroy it.
//Kind of like a “Mordor takes the Shire” thing but with Scorn instead of Orcs
//So then Osiris, Caiatl, and Ikora come and summon rings of magic rocks around the corrupted paintings, closing their portals and blocking the Darkness. Something happens that I don’t remember and we’re forced to open one of the sealed paintings to let the Dark out so we can fight and destroy it at the source
d//And who should come out but Savathun? So I join in as Young Wolf to help fight Savathun, when Savathun’s Grabs Caiatl and starts talking to her in that mockingly superior way she does when seeing someone’s reaction to what she did.
//I went to go help Caiatl but as I jumped to attack Savathun’s hand to make her drop Caiatl, suddenly everything shifted like I was being teleported, and my perspective changed from being YW to being Caiatl. So not only am I Caiatl, I’m unarmed being held be a hand bigger than my body, (because Somehow being grabbed by an eldtrich hive god makes you drop a few things).
//But as Savathun holds me up like she’s talking to a doll, memories begin to flood in as she talks. The youngest of Caiatl’s 3 daughters (Bc apparently she had 3 daughters in this dream) had been found and corrupted by Savathun, leading her to become a leader of Scorn forces, spearheading their efforts, and leaving flames and devastation in her wake. It broke Caiatl’s heart to see her daughter turned like that and so she had been fighting to get to the source of the evil influence on her daughter and eliminate it so she could bring her back home.
//As this was happening, Savathun made an interesting comment, one that struck both me and Caiatl. (bc apparently I could tell my thoughts feelings apart from hers). I can’t remember what exactly she said, but it was about how different phrases affect different species differently. How interesting it was that a simple phrase could elicit such a deep and poignant response in the Cabal. Then she looked Caiatl straight in the eye and asked, “Do you hear me?” in the same level of depth as Ghaul asking the Traveler, “Do you see me?”
//The phrase hit Caiatl like a gong of dread because this was one of those Cabal questions that you had to answer. You had to answer and either acknowledge or ignore. But you had to answer. And in that moment, I didn’t have an answer for her, and now that I’m awake, I realize Caiatl didn’t either.
//If I said “yes”, then I, as Caiatl, would be acknowledging Savathun’s influence, giving it power that Caiatl would be able to hear and feel forever after that moment. But I couldn’t say “no” because that would make Caiatl into a liar— She can hear Savathun, she can hear her influence working like mist around her. It was one of those “It’s there if you acknowledge it” kind of things, so I gave my answer.
//“NO,” I said in Caiatl’s voice, and continued with added resolution, “I do not listen to the souls of Monsters.”
//At that, the visage of Savathun was dispelled like a that of a green Nightmare and Caiatl was released, landing on her feet as the energy of Savathun dissipated. (Apparently it was only a magic facade, an extension of Savathun’s will). Once the evil essence of darkness was cleared, I was me again I brought everyone into my hotel to recover from the battle. While they were recovering (Especially Osiris bc apparently the battle really took it out of him), I went back to my business, welcoming clients, parking their cars, and escorting them through the “Festival grounds”—though it was more like an art exhibit in an old Victorian style park. Many of the paintings were still ringed with Ikora’s and Osiris’s sealing stones (which actually looked like river rocks or fairy rings), with the one we opened having a broken ring and inert black sludge beneath it.
//I then went back to my desk and met a couple who had lost their keys somewhere on the grounds. Hearing their problem, I actually turned to a crow who was living on the grounds/in the house (and who was apparently Baribus from @leerofthevinegaroons as a crow???) and told the folks that he would find it. They were dubious, so I drew out parts of a $20 bill and showed it to Baribus and said, “Ok, go and find it. Go and find it boy.”
//He looked at it, croaked, and looked at it again, with me trying to encourage him (as anyone might try and encourage a bird :T), and flew off. 
//He came back with bits that looked like the money (torn corners and such) along with a set of keys. As a reward, I gave him some trail mix and bits of cheese (bc apparently he loved cheese???)
//But as he flew up to his little corner with his prize, the couple looked at the keys and then back at me and said, “Ah, these are keys to a Cadillac. Ours is a Chevy.”
//And I looked up at Baribus who was preoccupied with his reward and just looked at me in a ‘well you’re just out of luck then’ kind of way and returned to his goodies. Knowing he wouldn’t help until he wanted to, I sighed, turned to the customers, and the dream ended.
//I can tell you this: 1, I totally know it was Theo as a crow influencing Bari as a crow, and 2. it is very wild being a lucid dreamer
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butterfly-winx · 4 years
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- Do you know about Zenith? No? I mean you own a computer so you must. I hear the whole planet is covered in one large city.
- Zenith lives up to its name, as it is regarded to be the home to the height technological development in the Magic Universe. It houses the more universities, research institutes and engineering testing fields on its tiny surface than Magics and Earth combined.
- Though it is true that the planetoid is covered with a seemingly uniform cityscape, there are patches of untended ground peeking through, mainly the polar seas.  Antitheva and Bitheva may only classify as large lakes elsewhere, but they are perfectly fit for a small planet of Zenith’s size. They even help populations of merfolk at some point in time.
- The overwhelming amount of construction covering the planet’s surface has long become its vice. With no reflective surfaces left and with machinery forced to operate day and night to fuel the latest technological advancements, the whole planet has become a singular heat trap. The seas were boiling and the air was unbreathably hot. What got research going however was the failing performance of their heavy duty machinery, screws sweating and bending out of shape, lasers blinking tired and unfocused. They devised a plan to cool down the surface of the planet by releasing agents to shield them from the thermal effects of solar rays, and achieved the impossible. Zenith’s climate has since then settled on a comfortable average of 250 K.
- The seas froze over and the merpeople disappeared - or maybe they did already during the boiling phase, out of their luck living off already dead fish. Urban development was given final approval and the last patches of earth disappeared from sight, buried under the striving for more.
- Despite its  aforementioned properties, Zenith is no monolith and it would be amiss to describe it as such. Zeniths countries and cultures are diverse, only connected by their burning need for advancement and their fight against the cold. They have a spectrum of governance forms in the different countries ranging from democracy, constitutional monarchy to representative republic and in some cases even direct democracy of people.
- As cities cover all of the planet, it is difficult to determine where individual settlements in a country begin and end. Country borders are the only demarcations, each government shielding itself with force fields, trenches or physical walls from imagined spies and malevolence.
- Techna’s home of Haikar is in a country that still tries to honour the memory of the separate settlements that have melded together. So Haikar is not a separate town as much as it is just a borough with its own town governance, and is considered to be the capital of Transjordan.
- Other Zenith country names with capitals where applicable: Tribilisi (Kandu), Gorgan, Nuzul (Xihat), Tbaku, Navyol, Urzghar
- Most of these countries don’t get along with each other too well. As is understandable, seeing as they are very culturally diverse. Each wants to be the best though and their most bitterly fought battles are usually over patent rights and the tenure of well-respected scientists. As banal as these reasons seem, as brutal are their methods of mutual sabotage to keep the leading edge.
- Transjordan unfortunately is quite small and has many neighbours, so their paranoia and battle readiness is markedly large even on planet. Growing up, Techna went through disaster and terror awareness training regularly, to the point where they could probably recite what to do in case you found a car bomb better than they could explain a simple recipe.
- Oh and are recipes important! As clean edged people think the inhabitants of Transjordan are, there is nothing minimalist about their food choices. They love combining spices and textures and always serve feasts with generosity rivalling Eraklyon’s. Deserts usually have some sort of fruits, nuts AND some preserve in them, the combinations endless.
- While it is true that for the most part, cultures on Zenith value a simple approach to things. If it can be done in a few words, why waste a sentence on it? Bureaucracy is usually a two-click-formula affair, their whole lives are condensed on a sigle digital display ID, shopping comes to you at home. Hell even marriages are just an affair of simple form signing.
- But food is where they really go full ham. It is not seen as frivolous to waste 10 eggs on a cake, because what you are doing creating nutrition and enjoyment. It is simply reasonable and efficient to go to the max when you do that and create an absolute delicacy you can gorge yourself on in one slice or less.
- So if they are so into feasting and enjoying things with purpose, what gives Zenithians such a bad name? Well, it is just that. People of Transjordan for example, like to enjoy things with purpose. They don’t really care much for music or theatre, they are just activities to air your brain out. They will import off-world made products, but there isn’t a lot of room for cultural arts on Zenith because they channel their passion elsewhere.
- Yes you heard right, Zenithinas have passion galore. They just, in the Universe's most efficient move, channel that passion into the work they already do. The majority of scientific discoveries have been made because somebody cared enough to look deep into a topic and push further, because previous answers were unsatisfactory. Children are coached to find something that inspires this level of devotion in them and have extensive education and support networks to get them there.
- On the topic of children: most of them aren’t the genetic descendants of their parents, rather a random selection from the common gene pool. The public gene pool is a hotly debated topic, but a long established structure of procreation that only the very wealthy have the option to contest. (There is a way to gain approval to sire an own baby from just the genes of two people, but it is extremely costly.)
 In some research some time ago it was determined that for the optimal survival of people on the planet, genetic relation to the parents raising the child was not only suboptimal, but actively detrimental to overall population survival. In this “more civilised” approach, parents apply for a baby who is conceived and birthed in bioreactors. This way no people who can conceive are put through undue stress and the public gene pool babies also carry less hereditary health conditions. It is supposedly a win-win situation, yet it leaves a sour taste in most people’s mouth. No wonder less and less Zenithians plan families if that is the process they have to do it by.
- As straightforward as they are, Zenithians often struggle when communicating with people from other planets and not only because of arising cultural differences. Sure any Zenithian would blush and pale when forced into a situation dealing with overly expressive Solarians, but in any other regular case, the Universal Translation Spell is not on their side either. Jordan is a very logical and to the point language and the floralitiy of other languages is impossible to be transferred to it. The UTS instead produces blocky, difficult to parse translations that often leave Techna confused to the intentions of others.
- It is of course evident that the main industry of the planet is electronics production and R&D. Companies on Zenith produce all manners of gadgets, but they are best in creating refrigeration technology (ironic, right?), astronomic instruments, self-propulsion transportation (vehicles) and medical diagnostic tools and applications. The associated application programming industry is also booming with server houses the size of smaller cities. It is no surprise that Zenith’s electricity consumption is through the roof with such a vital sector to support.
- Before their trade for electricity with Solaria, Zenithian people used static electricity discharges to harvest energy. Their planet being covered with one gigantic city didn’t leave much space for utilising the natural resources of their planet. All the mineral ore having been exhausted, no major flowing waters left and stranded with miserable and cold weather the options for energy sources were limited. What they had however was tall buildings and thunderstorms, so they used lightning harvesters for ages.
- With the storm and snow clouds obscuring the sky most days, Zenith is quite dark. The cities illuminate themselves, kind of like year round festive ornamentation.
- Spirituality is an interesting topic on planet that everyone you ask will have a different answer for. Major parts of Tribilisi and Urzghar for example believe in machine assisted immortality. They see machines as superior to biological matter and work towards the unfallability and omniscience of artificial intelligence in which part of their conscience will be able to rest after death. The predominant belief in Transjordan that Techna grew up with is that after death, there is nothing. Based on the theory of energy conservation, what one doesn’t use and convert into heat will be redistributed into the rest of the world. It is selfish to think one could hold on to any energy after death.
- Most people also don’t care for magic. Sure some magic users crop up among them here and there, but they most likely remain untrained. This is why Techna chose a school off planet to pursue their passion and why they weren’t claimed as a Guardian fairy of Zenith after they graduated. (Since this position doesn’t exist.)
- Almost all things on the planet are solved non-magically accordingly. Their transport systems are unparalleled with some regions using small-distance whole structure replication, aka honest to god matter teleportation. The frozen over seas are also fully utilised with air cushion containerships cruising the flat expanse. Along a certain longitude Zenith also sports a unique feature: the longitudinal crust train. A four meter wide segment of the planet, as if cut out of the surrounding cityscape, moves on straight rails around the whole circumference of the planet. It is the fastest mode of civilian transport available.
- They need all the good transportation and radio transmission they can get - by the way, the Universe Wide Web is also a Zenithian invention, who would have thought - as with their living space limited, Zenithian countries have spilled over onto nearby moons, essentially colonising and terraforming those.
- So, you see, Zenith and either of its countries aren’t by far as boring as one might think on the first glance and most of them certainly don’t shy back from showing emotion.
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buzznessupdates · 2 years
4 Eggless Cookie Recipes For You To Try This Weekend
It doesn't matter if you are six or sixty years old.
You just can't say no to cookies.  
Who doesn't love them? We all do! Isn't it?
Not only are cookies tasty, but they also make you feel wonderful. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and you get the liberty to be creative with them. You can gift them to your friends at festivals or you can keep a jar of cookies in the car when you go for a trip.
Dip it in milk and you'll feel you have been teleported back to your childhood.
No matter what kind of cookie you are craving. You can always find something for yourself.
Nom Nom Nom…..
But there are a few of us who don't prefer to have cookies if there's egg in them or they are simply allergic to eggs. Don't worry!  Cause, today we have put together a list of 4 mouth-watering eggless cookie recipes that are quick and easy to make at home.
1) Eggless Peanut butter cookies
The first is Eggless Peanut Butter Cookies. These are ideal little treats for your young ones. These cookies have a crisp texture yet melt in your mouth. To prepare these delicious eggless peanut butter cookies, combine butter(1⁄2 cup), brown sugar (½ cup) and sugar (1⁄4 cup) in a large mixing bowl and mix them. Once it turns creamy, put half a cup of peanut butter into the batter. Now, sieve in wheat flour(1 cup), baking soda (½ tsp), baking powder, and a pinch of salt into it. Now continue to beat until the dough is formed. Once you are done beating add vanilla extract. Your cookie dough is ready. Roll them into a smooth ball, flatten it, and place it on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Maintain a two-finger space between the balls. You can get creative by using a fork to make a criss-cross pattern. Bake for 16-18 minutes at 160°C.
Now, tap your shoulders cause your crispy eggless peanut butter cookies are ready and you can enjoy them while you watch your favourite TV show.
2) Eggless chocolate chip cookies
This recipe is best for vegans or people who are lactose intolerant. To begin, take a bowl and combine sugar( ½ cup), brown sugar (¾ cup), salt (1 tsp) and coconut oil (½ cup). Mix it well. After that, add non-dairy milk (¼  cup), vanilla extract (1 tsp). Mix it again. Next, sieve in flour (1 ½ cups), ½ tsp (baking soda) into it and mix the batter. Now, add vegan chocolate and cover the bowl with plastic wrap and keep it in the fridge for 30 mins. After chilling, uncover the wrap and put scoops of batter on a tray and bake at 180 degrees for 12-15 minutes.
That's it, your crunchy choco-chip cookies are ready.  We guarantee that your kids will clear the jar in a matter of minutes.
3) Mini Milk cookies 
Take a bowl, and add 1 tbsp of butter, 2 tbsp powdered sugar. Sieve in 1/4th cup cornflour, 2tbsp all-purpose flour, milk powder, 1/4tsp baking powder and mix well. Further, add vanilla ½ tsp, and a spoonful of milk. Knead the dough. Next, make little spherical balls using the dough and arrange them on a tray. Don't forget to brush oil on the tray first. Now, bake it in a preheated oven at 160c for 20-30 mins.
Tadaaa! Your mini milk cookies are ready. Grab a glass of milk and dip the cookies in it and don't forget to thank us.
4) Eggless Butter cookies 
The last recipe that we have for you is butter cookies.
Firstly, in a large bowl take 225 grams of softened butter and whisk it until the mixture turns smooth. Further sieve 1½ cup flour and a pinch of salt into it making a soft dough. Now, you know the art, just make mini balls and place it on a baking tray lined with a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes and you are ready to go.
Now, as we have shared some amazing easy recipes with you. Do try them at home. Also, since Christmas is around the corner, you can bake with affection and hand over boxes of cookies to your loved ones as Christmas gift hampers.
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carriejonesbooks · 6 years
Writer Sara Zarr once gave a brilliant speech about how it is the process of writing that should give you the love feeling, not if you make it on a bestseller list or get a Printz Award – Because honestly, they only give one of those out a year, so the odds of getting one is pretty rare.
I was okay with that, sort of, because I LOVE THE PROCESS OF WRITING.
But, let’s face it: Even though I’m not a perfectionist, I am a goal-oriented writer and human. So, I’m going to share my top five writing goals and life goals and if you could please, please share yours in the comments? That would make me ridiculously happy.
 This is Gabby, Carrie’s dog, asking you to please do this. Carrie gives more treats when she is happy. 
Warning: My goals are weird. They aren’t the nice MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE or BE A GOOD PERSON goals cause those are sort of givens, right? Right. (I love when I answer myself).
Five WRITING GOALS (also known as “I will feel successful if this happens” goals):
1. To meet Chris Evans and not have him pepper spray me but be like, “Hey, Carrie. You would look good in a tiara. Your dogs are so cute. Let’s make your book Girl, Hero into a movie.” 2. To write a really good poem that I can actually memorize myself. This is a big deal because I can never remember my own poems but I can ramble off Anne Sexton poems like a wild woman. 3. To actually have a rock group make a song about my book that isn’t a parody. Weird Al and SNL skits do not count. It has to be cool and not satire…. Like THE ALARM did with Stephen King’s THE STAND. Do you not love their 1980s hair? Peter Gabriel also wrote a song based on an Anne Sexton poem.
The hair is awesome sauce. You know it is! 
4. To go on book tour in Europe because …. um… .EUROPE! There are croissants there. Real croissants. Not supermarket kind. Plus, I am sort of in love with all my European fans/readers. 5. To be one of those cool writer people who makes enough money to buy a second home someplace warm where you do not have to shovel snow. Or, um, just have someone update the Wikipedia entry on me so it’s accurate. It’s not currently accurate, but I feel weird going in there and fixing it myself.
FIVE CONCRETE LIFE GOALS (also known as “This isn’t a bucket list because I’m not dying soon” goals): 1. To not fall in the slushy grocery store parking lot or get hit by a car for two years in a row. Cars tend to hit me, luckily this is always at super low speeds and in parking lots. 2. To not go bankrupt because that would be poopy. But honestly? Not end of the world. 3. To sing karaoke because even though I used to get PAID to sing, I still cannot do karaoke. 4. To be able to say things like, “Yes, my books are bestsellers” and not feel like a noodle, but strong and confident. 5.  To be in a Dr. Who episode because I am a geek like that. And she is cute. Or just having a teleport would be okay.
So, I’ve been spending this past week amplifying the fact that the Abbe Museum’s Indian Market  is happening in my town (Bar Harbor) this week from May 18-20. It’s our first one. There will be 70 artists and performers. There will be a film festival. There will be comedians at the Criterion Theatre.
Why have I been so incessant about this?
There are a couple of reasons.
I’m super pumped about the market happening because it’s going to be amazing. It’s 70 artists and performers and it will be downtown and that’s a lovely economic driver for our town, but more importantly it’s good for the artists.
Art matters.
The art of people who have been oppressed matters and systemic oppression of art is still happening.  Native American Art won’t even be in the American wing of the Met in NYC until later this year. Yeah. It’s been in  The Met’s Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas.
Amplifying artists is good. Art is good. Shouting out goodness is pretty freaking good.
So, I’m not going to talk about my own writing news in this post. Instead I’m going to share a couple pictures of some of the amazing artists coming to Bar Harbor this week.
And if you want to do good this Wednesday, you can give a shout-out to people who deserve one and whose voices might not be amplified right now. Amplify them. Spread the love. Spread the knowledge.
My Writing Goal is to be on a Doctor Who Episode. That makes total sense, right? Writer Sara Zarr once gave a brilliant speech about how it is the process of writing that should give you the love feeling, not if you make it on a bestseller list or get a Printz Award - Because honestly, they only give one of those out a year, so the odds of getting one is pretty rare.
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hekate1308 · 6 years
All I Want for Christmas is Drowley - Day 1 (Prompt: Snow!)
Hello there! So my Day 1 submission for you got a little…long. Sorry? Takes place in some amorphous winter time point in S12. All ref’s to roadside attractions are legit places, honest to Chuck.
Roadside Attractions
It’s half-past who the hell knows o’clock. The sun’s up and he’s yet to get any sleep, that’s all that really matters about the time at the moment, far as Dean’s concerned.
It’s also damn cold. Dean can see his breath as it wafts out in front of his face; a threat of ice and snow building up around him. All things being equal, he’d rather be sitting down to a heaping helping of pancakes smothered in glorious maple syrup, or tucked away in a warm bed, then hanging out in an auto-yard looking at…
“What the hell are we looking at here?”
Crowley shrugs, the movement shifting the demon’s body just a hair closer to Dean. Neither of them move to accommodate the change. “Not sure. It’s…certainly an interesting form of artistic expression.”
“Art?” Dean cocks an eyebrow as he spares a glance to the man next to him. “It’s a giant gorilla holding a Volkswagen in the air by one hand.”
“Like I said, an interesting choice. Not my preferred style, but not everyone is as discerning as yours truly. It does have a certain panache, don’t you think?”
Dean tries and fails to bite back a laugh. “Not the word I would use.” Dean looks at the, whatever it is, tilting his head to the side to see if that helps it make more sense.
It doesn’t.
“Why’s it holding a hand out like that?”
“That’s for photo-ops, Squirrel. Shall we snap a selfie, for old time’s sake?”
Dean snorts. An image flashing to the front of his mind from that summer, when the two of them had ended up at some weird-ass ketchup festival and antique car show in Illinois. There may or may not be photographic evidence saved within the depths of Dean’s phone (and Crowley’s Flickr album), of him and the King of Hell looking absolutely ridiculous standing in front of the world’s largest bottle of ketchup. The memory sends a bolt through Dean that’s not quite nostalgia, but isn’t all that far off either. “Nah. I’m good.”
“Your loss, darling.”
Dean shifts his weight a little, pressing back against the hood of the Impala until he can feel the cold of the metal seeping through his jacket. Crowley does the same a few scant inches away. This close to Dean, the demon’s body heat is a tangible thing, and with his own body temperature dropping what feels like several degrees every second he stays outside, Dean finds he has to curb the urge to lean closer so that he can suck up some of that warmth for himself.
He should probably be worried that his initial reaction is to move closer to the demon, but really, considering their history, he hardly thinks it matters. 
Exhaustion seeping in at the edges, Dean yawns, a big open-mouthed breath. The action spurs on a full body shiver as he sucks in the frigid winter morning air. Which is when a smattering of fat snowflakes hits the ground in front of them.
Snow. Great. That’s, that’s just great.
“Cold, Squirrel?”
In time with the snarky question, a round droplet of snow lands on Crowley’s forehead, melting instantly at the contact so that a droplet of water rolls down into the other man’s eyes. He blinks his eyelids rapidly to brush it away. The action, comical as it is, is also - if Dean was willing to admit to such things, which he is not - a little endearing. Dean doesn’t bother trying to bite back his laugh this time.
“Gotta little snow in your eye there, Boris?” The demon glares at him, grumbling out a nonverbal response and tucking his hands deeper into his coat pockets. Dean mirrors the action, pulling his jacket in closer to hold in what little warmth remains. As the snow begins to fall faster, he gives serious consideration to just getting back into the car. “How long we gotta wait here?”
“My contact should be here soon. Never fear.”
Dean grunts in response. Trusting Crowley on that count. Crowley might not feel the cold the way that Dean does, but he doubts the demon wants to risk his suit by hanging out in this weather for much longer either.  
The fact that Dean’s willing to put any amount of faith, or trust, in the things that Crowley says and does is another thing that should worry Dean.
But it doesn’t, not really. He’s past the point of trying to pretend like everything between them is the same as it always was. Hell, there’s no use in trying to pretend like there isn’t a between them at all. Though sometimes the demon pulls shit that makes Dean wish he could.
Now’s not one of those times though. Not so far as Dean can tell at least. No, at the moment, Crowley appears for all the world to be helping them. Again.
Which is why, despite the cold and falling snow, Dean is left in this weird space where hanging out with Crowley is more comfortable than anything else. Like he can just…relax around him.
Doesn’t mean he needs to stand outside like a fool while a blizzard rolls in. “Screw this. I’m waiting in the car.”
He pushes off from the hood and makes his way to the driver’s side, pulling the door open. He pauses before climbing in when he notices that Crowley hasn’t moved an inch, scrunching his forehead in confusion in his direction. “You comin’ or what?”
There’s a brief flicker of surprise that passes over Crowley’s face before he nods his head and heads to the passenger side, climbing in right as Dean starts the engine and turns the heat up.
His muscles relax as the heat begins to blast out of the vents in counterpoint to Sabbath coming out the speakers at a low volume, Baby revving to life around them
“This contact of yours - can we summon his ass to get him here any faster?”
“Not a demon, unfortunately. He’ll be here.”
“He better. We stick around much longer, we’re gonna be stuck.”
Logically, Dean knows that Crowley could leave whenever he wanted. The demon teleported here to meet Dean. It stands to reason he’ll teleport out when their done.
Dean also knows that if he gets stuck here, Crowley isn’t going anywhere. 
“Why, Squirrel, don’t want to be snowed in with me? I’m hurt.” Crowley waggles his eyebrows. “We can huddle for warmth.”
Dean rolls his eyes. “Keep dreamin’, Crowley.”
“Every night, Dean.” The inflection on the words is heavier than Dean would expect. Not the light type of teasing they sometimes do, or the hotter, dirtier kind that they once indulged in (and that Crowley still tries to employ to his advantage on occasion). There’s a serious quality to it that makes Dean’s spine straighten.
Dean meets Crowley’s gaze across the seats, trying to gauge the intent behind the words best he can. He’s not sure exactly what he sees there, but he knows it’s not what he was expecting. It makes something warm settle over him that has nothing to do with the forced air blowing at him from the dash. His tongue darts out to lick his suddenly dry lips. Focused as he is on Crowley’s expression, he can’t miss the way the demon’s eyes follow the motion. When he speaks, his voice is rougher than it has any cause to be.”Crowley…”
He’s interrupted by a well-timed (or horribly timed, depending on your perspective) series of taps on the passenger side window.
Crowley sighs, turning away from Dean to look up and out the window, rolling it down after taking the time to observe the person on the other side, barking out an angry “What?!”
The contact, an oddly familiar looking frail man with sallow skin and tightly coiled hair that’s begun to gray at the edges, doesn’t seem at all bothered by Crowley’s annoyed demeanor. Just hands him an oblong package wrapped in brown paper. “Your order, sir.”
Crowley’s countenance relaxes a fraction, though when he speaks it sounds a little strained to Dean. “Thank you, Gerald. You’ll find your payment has been delivered to the usual address.”
“Pleasure doing business, as always.” Gerald tilts his head in a half nod, dark eyes glancing over Dean before he straightens and heads towards the giant gorilla statue. To Dean’s astonishment, the man climbs into the thing’s open hand (Crowley’s self-proclaimed selfie spot), and takes a seat.
In the middle of the snowstorm.
Dean narrows his eyes in the man’s general direction. Trying - and failing - to place him. “Your contact - I met him before?”
Crowley clucks his tongue. “You have, briefly.”
Dean thinks back, surprised by the large quantity of people he’s been introduced to - unwilling or not - by Crowley. A moment of reflection later, and it comes to him. “That the same odd bastard we met up with at the giant talking penguin statue?”
“One and the same.” Crowley slides a glance at Dean, mouth curling up at the corners in the hint of a smirk that makes Dean wish he hadn’t asked. Because while the giant talking penguin statue was hard to forget as far as weird-ass “art” pieces were concerned, the memory of the motel located at the same place - or rather, what Dean and Crowley had gotten up to at said motel - is even harder to forget.
Dean swallows, hoping his cheeks aren’t heating up as much as he suspects that they are. In a poorly concealed effort to deflect, he says “Dude’s got a real thing for roadside attractions, huh?”
Crowley, to Dean’s surprise, let’s it go. “Gerald is…eccentric. Don’t worry, he’s harmless.” He slips the package - still wrapped - beneath the seat, and claps his hands together, rubbing his palms briskly back and forth for a few seconds. “What do you say we get some breakfast? I know a place just a short drive away. Serves the best waffles you’ll ever have.”
Dean furrows his brow. “You’re not gonna open it?”
Crowley shrugs. “No reason. It’ll keep until after we’ve eaten.”
Dean gaps at him. Wondering what the hell he called him out here for if all that was happening was a hand off for a package that Crowley can’t even be bothered to check.
He says as much to Crowley, anger flaring through him the whole while. Crowley just huffs out a slow whiff of air in response. “Relax, Squirrel. I asked you here as backup, in case things went sideways. They didn’t so…” He spreads his hands out, palms up. “It’ll keep.”
“What if it’s not what it’s supposed to be?”
Crowley just looks at Dean, holding his gaze for a half a beat longer than is really comfortable. His words are slow, and measured when he answers. “Then I’ll have to activate the warding spell on Gerald’s payment, won’t I?“
Dean considers this for a moment, the anger draining out of him slowly at the explanation, thin as it is.
Trusting Crowley? Not all that easy yet. (But also not as difficult as it once would have been.)
Dean’s not sure if that’s progress, or something else. He knows what Sam’s opinion on it would be. But Sam’s not here, off chasing another lead with Cas instead, so Dean’s not sure it matters what his brother would think.
“Now, breakfast?” There’s a tight smile on Crowley’s face as he makes the offer a second time, and Dean knows that he’s well aware of what Dean’s response is going to be.
It’s almost enough to make Dean want to do the opposite, just to be contrary. Almost. Instead he does the expected, shaking his head. ”Crowley-”
“Did I mention that they have bison sausage too?”
As if on queue, Dean’s stomach growls. “Bison? Like bison bison? Not cow labeled as bison?”
“MmmHmm. Come on, Squirrel. Live a little. What’s the point of coming to Vermont if you don’t stop for something smothered in artery clogging genuine maple syrup?”
Dean thinks on it for a few moments. His stomach arguing in favor, his brain arguing against. He looks away from Crowley and towards the man sitting in the giant gorilla hand catching snow on his tongue, and makes a decision.
Dean wraps his hand around the gear shift, and puts the car in reverse, easing her back slow on the slippery snow. “Fine. But you’re paying.”
“Of course, darling. What kind a date would I be if I didn’t?”
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lifeslines · 4 years
           ( repost, don’t reblog ! )
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FULL NAME. nova sirius weller. NICKNAME. siri. GENDER. nonbinary. HEIGHT. 5′7″ AGE. 17/18. ZODIAC. scorpio. SPOKEN LANGUAGES. english, enochian, multiple demonic languages in varying degrees of fluency, spanish, asl, some portuguese.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
HAIR COLOR.  black. EYE COLOR. dark grey irises and orange-red pupils. SKIN TONE. mostly fair skin, a smattering of freckles straight across their nose and cheeks. BODY TYPE. slim. barely toned legs. their weight fluctuates a few pounds almost every 6-12 weeks, though it isn’t much. slightly wide hips compared to the rest of their body. definitely stronger than they look. VOICE. andy hull. generally pretty soft-spoken.  DOMINANT HAND.  right. POSTURE. they don’t have “proper posture” but it’s within the normal range of relaxed. SCARS. lots of small, faint scars from the countless tumbles they took when they were younger (though they still regularly have at least one bruise or scrape or cut somewhere on them). siri has an approximately two inch scar on their left forearm from a surgery after breaking their wrist when they were fifteen, which is the most noticeable one.  TATTOOS. a small star tattoo behind their right ear. they plan on covering the scar on their arm with a tattoo in the future.  BIRTHMARKS. none. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). their eyes, probably. their freckles and fingers (up to the ends) can glow a similar color to their eyes-- a mostly orange-red. their wings, if they have them out. 
PLACE OF BIRTH.  san francisco, california HOMETOWN. san francisco, california. SIBLINGS.  delilah (half-sister), mira (adopted), and vega. PARENTS. wormwood, zita, (<-- biological) and coin.  
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
OCCUPATION. they take commissions for their art. they’ve also sold their art at local festivals and whatnot.   CURRENT RESIDENCE. with their family. CLOSE FRIENDS.  jonah, jd, santi, cassidy.  RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single. FINANCIAL STATUS.  wormwood has a lot of money stored away, so it’s hard to tell.  DRIVER’S LICENSE. they have their learner’s permit but that doesn’t stop them from driving on their own, even if they rarely drive at all.
CRIMINAL RECORD.  they can teleport away before any police get there, so; none. VICES. occasional drug and alcohol use. vandalism. 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. bi. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch (unsure) LIBIDO.  it’s either at zero or one hundred and that’s it. LOVE LANGUAGE.  their love language is that they give gifts and they enjoy quality time with others. the love language they understand the most is probably words of affirmation, though.  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  has only been on the level of “talking to” other people a few times, even if they want something more serious than that. 
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. something soon - car seat headrest HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.  listening to true crime podcasts, teleporting to nearby towns and exploring on their dime board, drawing, painting, playing video games (they’re partial to handhelds).  LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. right brained. FEARS. losing complete control of themself, being entirely on their own. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. medium-high on a regular day, but it also varies with their mood changes. VULNERABILITIES.  as if they would tell anyone about their multitude of emotional vulnerabilities.
tagged by: ​no one. tagging:  anyone who wants to do this.
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thevueindiatours · 5 years
5 Must-See Places on a Heritage Tour to India’s Jodhpur
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“Once you have experienced the joys of travelling, the voyage never ends. It is simply played out endlessly in the quietest chambers. Your mind never breaks off from the journey.”
Pat Conroy
Jodhpur, the Blue City of Rajasthan, has always had quite a majestic aura attached to it. The city carries a certain enigma that demands your attention, commands your senses, enjoys your astonishment at its magnificent glory.
Jodhpur is called the Gateway to Thar because it stands on the edge of the Great Indian Thar Desert. Jodhpur is called the Sun City for there is seldom a day in any year when the sun doesn’t shine on it. Jodhpur is called the Blue City because scattered across the Old City, you can see houses sprayed with all shades of blue.
And, if that isn’t enough clues, then the chances are scarce that menial words would be able to justify the exuberance of one of Rajasthan’s most popular destinations. To best appreciate Jodhpur’s Heritage, walk across the melange of culture, tradition, art, and elegance of a city that will teleport you to the historically regal life of splendid grandeur and bring you back as a smitten, wonder-struck wanderer.
 Explore the Stunning City of Jodhpur with Vue India Tours
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    Top 5 Places to See & Things to Do in Jodhpur
1. Mehrangarh Fort
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Of all the things to do in Jodhpur, walking tour of the Mehrangarh Fort is possibly the most spectacularly impressive one.
The 558 years old fort is packed with thick, imposing walls, intricated carvings, awe-inspiring artwork, expansive courtyards, and a breathtaking view of the entire Jodhpur city. Within the fort, you’ll find brilliant palaces like Sheesh Mahal, Moti Mahal, Phool Mahal, etc., each decorated with coloured windows, mirrors, and dazzling remnants of the Royal era.
Mehrangarh Fort is a popular spot where craft markets, exhibitions, and musical festivals are held continuously. Nearby, you can take up Ziplining as a fort adventure. Also, you should visit the lush & prim Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park after your walking tour in Jodhpur’s Mehrangarh Fort is over.
The fort houses the Mehrangarh museum as well where you can see notable traces of the Kingdom life, like Palanquins, Elephant Howdahs(a chamber with seats to be fastened on an elephant’s back to transport the royalty), preserved art collections, Marwar paintings, and an exquisite Rajasthani turban gallery.
Also Read: A Tour Amidst the Wedding Season in Rajasthan- What Should You Expect
 2. Arna Jharna Museum
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Arna Jharna, which translates to forest & spring, is one of the unique museums of India, located outside the city of Jodhpur. Walking Tours in this Thar Desert Museum are mostly suggested as the best way to experience the eccentric bond with nature that Anna Jharna possesses.
Anna Jharna is often dubbed as a living museum for it is as much a sanctuary for its antique collection of art, knowledge, and culture as it is a sanctum for the local biodiversity and geology.
Encompassing breathtaking views of the scrubland’s rocky views, the museum site is nothing short of spectacular because of the protected forests that surround it and the waterbodies which are regularly visited by peacocks, deer, and birds of a staggering variety.
Additionally, what makes Anna Jharna a novel and uncomparable encounter is an extensive compilation of the most bizarre antiquities you may have ever seen. The list includes several modules, each dedicated to different folk arts and cultural beliefs of the Rajasthani, like a stunning collection of puppets and puppetry, pottery, musical instruments distinctive to western India, and a bizarre collection of Rajasthani brooms.
 3. Umaid Bhawan Palace
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The palace, which is also the last grand structure of its kind to be built in India, is a fascinating blend of Indian architecture & western designs.
Umaid Bhawan Palace is a magnificent piece of Jodhpur’s heritage. Walking through its three hundred & fifty splendid rooms, fabulous gardens, and palatial courtyards, however, is allowed on a restrictive basis.
Yet, Umaid Bhawan Palace remains one of the top things to do in Jodhpur for most tourists, credits to which go to the fascinating family museum in the palace premises.
There, you will witness captivating exhibits of elegant murals, miniature paintings, and photographs depicting the palace’s stunning art-deco. In the garden by the museum, the classic cars once used by the Maharajas are put on display. The museum also houses memorabilia from the bygone era, like clocks in the shape of lighthouses and windmills, stuffed leopards and a symbolic flag which was presented to the Jodhpur throne by Queen Victoria.
Also Read: 9 Delightful Facts about Rajasthan
 4. Jaswant Thada
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Jaswant Thada is a cenotaph located within walking distance from the Mehrangarh Fort.
Often lovingly termed as Rajasthan’s marble marvel, the mausoleum is said to have been carved out of incredibly intricate, polished, and thin sheets of marble so glossy that the structure seems to emit a warm glowing halo around itself whenever the sun’s rays fall on it.
The cenotaph contains tiered gardens, well-sculpted gazebos, and a shallow lake on its grounds. Inside the monument, memorials have been built with fine Rajasthani art, decor, pictures, & paintings dedicated to the Rathore Maharajas.
Lounging, relaxing, and taking lingering walking tours in Jodhpur’s Jaswant Thada is the best way to relish the Rajputana-Mughal amalgamation of architecture that the cenotaph boasts of.
 5. Mandore Gardens
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If you wish to understand Jodhpur’s Heritage, walk through the ruins of Mandore.
Before Mehrangarh, Mandore used to be the capital of the Jodhpur Kings. The substantially sized Mandore fort, the cenotaphs of Maharajas, stunning temples, carved niches are all testaments of the historical significance of Mandore before it was abandoned for the stronger & more secure Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur.
With a small government museum, a Hall of Heroes which commemorates the brave souls of the region, and a striking garden where you will spot beautiful little parrots and bird, the Mandore Garden is one of the perfect locations to explore in the area.
Done with Your List of Things to Do in Jodhpur? Then, Explore the City’s Rich Culture
From the Old City’s step wall, clock tower, and cafe’s to the unique & eccentric glass bangles, handicrafts, embroidered fabrics, flavoured tea, Jodhpuri Mojaris, and junk pieces of jewellery, Jodhpur’s streets have the most strange yet beautiful souvenirs to offer.
Read More 5 Overnight Desert Camping Trips in Rajasthan That Will Leave You in Awe
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Artifact Series T
T. B. Beet's Bullet
T.E. Lawrence's Motorcycle
T.E. Lawrence's Thawb Robe
T.S. Eliot's Food Bowl
TableTop Fiasco Dice
Tacky Taste Inducing Plastic Flamingo
Tactical Soccer Ball *
Taharqa's Figures
Tails Doll
Tai Situ Changchub Gyaltsen‘s Hand Prayer Wheel
Takeda Shingen’s War Fan
Tallulah Bankhead's Bentley
Taman Shud Note
Tamaya Fireworks from the 1843 Sumidagawa Festival
Tamerlane’s Tomb
Tamsin Blight's Cauldron
Tanaka Tadayoshi's Iron Snake
Tanaka Hisashige’s Karakuri Puppets
Tantalus' Manacles
Tanto Blade Set *
Taoist Monk Gunpowder
Taranis' Wheel
TARDIS Stage Prop
Tarrare's Wooden Box
Taxidermied Cow
Tay Zonday's Microphone
Taylor Swift's Banjo
Tea Box from the Boston Tea Party
Teamaster's Teapot
Teapot Containing an Actual Tempest
Teapot of Kuraokami
Techno Viking's Watter Bottle
Ted Bundy's Bracelet
Ted Kaczynski's Typewriter
Ted Kennedy's Turn Signal *
Ted Longshaw's AA Batteries
Ted Serios' Polaroid Camera
Ted Williams' Cardboard Sign
Telegraph from Oman *
Teleporting Pencil Sharpener *
Teleporting Rabbit Tail
Teles’ Lyre
Temperature Sensitive Silver Sugar Tongs
Temporal Pocket Watch
Teresa of Avila's Bottle of Holy Water
Teresa of Avila's Cross Necklace
Teressa Bellissimo's Platter
Terri-Jean Bedford's Leather Bondage Straps
Terry Fox's Marathon T-shirt
Terry Pratchett's Trunk
Terror Mask
Tex Avery's Glasses
TF2 Artifacts
Thaddeus Cahill's Teleharmonium Keyboard *
Thaddeus S.C. Lowe’s Enterprise
Thai Ngoc's Pillow
Thales of Miletus' Amber
Thales' Chalice
The Blonde's '56 White T-bird
The Breeder's Informational Book of Living Examples
The Exorcist Final Edit
The Flowergirls
The Great Gama's Silver Mace
The Great Omani's Handcuffs
The Hands Resist Him
The Haunting of Hill House
The Old Man and the Sea
The Red Baron's Triplane
"The Rose" from Notre-Dame de Reims
The Scarlet Pimpernel
The Thing Transmitter
The Three Stooges' Tuxedos
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Themistocles' Ostracon
Theodore Gericault's The Raft of the Medusa
Theodore H. Maiman's Safety Visor
Theodore Roosevelt's Bullet
Theodore Roosevelt's Hunting Rifle
Theodore Roosevelt's Glasses
Theodore Roosevelt's Teddy Bear *
Theodor Seuss Geisel's Typewriter Keys
Theodor Seuss Geisel's Grinch Santa Hat
Theodor Seuss Geisel's Reindeer Antlers
Theodosius I's Second Obelisk
Thelonious Monk's Hatstand
Theophilus of Adana's Contract Seal
Theodosius of Bathynia's Sundial (canon)
Theophilus Carter's Alarm Clock
Thespis' Robes
Thetis' Necklace
Thich Quang Duc's Candle
Thomas Allbutt's Thermometer
Thomas Anstey Guthrie's Stone
Thomas Blood’s Mallet
Thomas Busby's Stoop Chair
Thomas Byle's Altar Stone
Thomas Cole's "The Course of An Empire"
Thomas Cole’s “The Titan’s Goblet”
Thomas Crapper's Handbell
Thomas Edison's Bioelectric Stagecoach *
Thomas Edison's Wax Cylinder *
Thomas Hitchcock, Sr.'s Crop
Thomas Jeckyll's Tool Rests
Thomas Jefferson’s Lap Desk
Thomas Jefferson's Quill
Thomas Jefferson's Wheel Cipher
Thomas Jefferson's Wig
Thomas Jeffries' Boomerang*
Thomas J. Maloney's Gavel
Thomas Kyd's Quill
Thomas Midgley, Jr.’s Gas Pump
Thomas More's Pendant
Thomas Nast's Art Kit
Thomas Nast's Wood Engraving, Caught
Thomas Noguchi's Badge
Thomas Oliphant's Stocking
Thomas Seddon's Palette
Thomas Stevens’ Penny-Farthing
Thomas Tate Tobin’s Sack
Thomas Townsend Brown's Gravitator
Thomas Wedgewood's Champagne Glass *
Thor's Belt
Thor's Gauntlets
Thor's Hammer *
Thought Recording Phonograph
The Three Golden Devil Hairs
Three Witches' Cauldrons from Macbeth
Threshold of Limentinus *
Thunderstone Axe
Thuringia Healing Blade
Tiberius' Goblet
Tibetian Chimes
Tide Jewels
Tigers Eye Crystal
Tiglath-Pileser III’s Chariot
Tiles from the Orleans Parish Women's Prison
Tilly Smith’s Towel
The Tinkers' Black Armbands
Tim Berners-Lee NeXT Computer
Tim Horton's Coffee Cup Tray
Time-Slowing Toaster
Times Square News Ticker *
Timo Pitkämö's Sparkler
Timoclea's Diadem
Timon of Athens's Toga
Timothy Dexter’s Coal
Timothy Leary's Reading Glasses *
Timothy McVeigh's T-Shirt
Tin Pan from the Klondike Gold Rush
Tin Pan from Tin Pan Alley *
Tin Toy Cars
The Tip of Mt.McKinley
Tipu's Tiger
Tirumalai Krishnamacharya Japa Mala
Tithonus' Lyre
Tito Puente's Original Studio Master of "Oye Como Va" *
Titus Andronicus's Gladius
Titus Salt's Ottoman
Titus' Quadriga
Tobias Bamberg’s Ball
Todd McFarlane's Pen
Tod Sloan's Boots
Toga from 'Animal House'
Toilet Paper Roll
Tollund Man Rope
Tomahawk Reflex Hammer *
Tomas de Torquemada's Chain *
Tom Emanski’s Video Tapes
Tom Higgins' Pie Tin
Tom Ketchum's Hat
Tom Lehrer's Piano
Tom Selleck's Mustache Comb
Tom Smith's Badge
Tomas de Torquemada's Torch *
Tomb of Genghis Khan
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Tommy Cooper's Fez
Tommy Johnson's Guitar
Tommy Wiseau's Spoon
Tony Hawk's Kneepads
Tony Montana's M16A2
Tony Sarg's Felix the Cat Balloon
Topsy the Elephant's Chain
Torch of Thanatos *
Torii from Nagasaki
Torso from the Statue of Anthony the Great
Tortoiseshell Comb from Ashtead Villa
Toxic Red Rose *
Toy Box from "Children of The Corn"
Toy Kitchen
Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Sandals
Trading Cards of the 2008 Detroit Lions Team
Trail of Tears Quilt
Trail of Tears Turquoise Ring
Training Flight 22 *
Train Throttle from the Great Hinckley Fire
Transversal Hotel Key
"Transylvanian's" Glam Rock Costumes from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Trayvon Martin's Hoodie
Tree from the Rockefeller Center
Tree of Idun
Trent Kimball’s Windshield
Trevilian of Lyonesse's Horse Saddle
Trim Tab of The Voodoo Chile
Tripping Shoelace
Trismegistos' Emerald Tablets
The Trojan Horse *
The Troll Glass
Tropical Paradise 'Almond Joy'
Trowel from the Great Wall
Trunk from Bramshill House
Tsunokuma Sekiso's Gunbai
Tsutomu Yamaguchi's Stamp
Tūmatauenga’s Patu
Túpac Amaru’s Quipu
Tupac Shakur's Gold Necklace
Turret from the Great Wall of China
Turtle Doves Christmas Ornament
Tutankhamen's Ankh
Tuxedo Mask's Rose
Twelfth Night Yellow Stockings and Cross Garters
Twelve Days of Christmas Pear Tree
Twin Chairs from "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"
Twisted Plant Stand of Revenge*
Tycho Brahe's Prosthetic Noses *
Tyler Gressle's Yu-Gi-Oh Card
Tyndale's Infinite Lathe *
The Types & Printing Press from the Type Riot of Toronto
Typhon's Scale
Tyreese's Hammer
Tyr's Right Hand
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
201 “This Or That” Questions
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/201-this-or-that-questions/
201 “This Or That” Questions
Harini Natarajan Hyderabd040-395603080 September 16, 2019
If you are looking for the perfect game to play with your friend and have an unforgettable time while getting to know each other, the This Or That game is the best way to go about it.
This game is the best conversation starter and is very similar to the game Would You Rather. You will be surprised by how much there is left to be discovered about your friends after you play this game with them!
The rules are simple: you give your friend two options and they just have to pick one. This game is perfect for parties where you want to get to know more about your group. You can also play this game on a date to find out some basic things about them.
How To Play The This Or That Game
There are many ways to play the This Or That game. It is better if it is played one-on-one or in a small group where you can note down the answers and concentrate on the other players’ responses.
One way to play this game is to give two choices to the player and guess their answer. If you guess the answer right, you get a point. Prepare a set of questions (or use the ones listed below), write them down on a sheet of paper, and let the player mark their choices with a marker. The other players can then guess the choices marked by the player. Here are a few ways to make the game more interesting:
1. Take Turns
Some people prefer taking turns and asking questions, where one person answers just one question and the rest of the people guess the answer. It keeps the players active and attentive throughout the game.
2. Multiple Choice
To keep the game exciting, each player can be given a set of questions until the majority of players guesses their choices right. The limit of questions can range from 5-10.
3. Similarity Check
The best way to play it is with your date or your best friend. You can prepare a set of questions and mark your choices. You can then check how many questions you both answered similarly.
Rules Of Playing The This Or That Game
There are no hard and fast rules for playing this game. The main objective is to have a fun time getting to know your friends or date. To make the game interesting, you can list out all the This Or That questions in two columns – A and B. All the players can write A or B next to the corresponding question number.
After they are done noting down their guesses, the other people playing the game have to take a poll on the answers that the player picked. If you choose the correct answer marked by the player, you earn a point. There can be a scorekeeper to keep things fair and hassle-free.
Here is a list of 201 This Or That questions to get you started.
This Or That Questions For Couples
The best way to discover things about your better half would be to help them open up to you in unique ways. Playing the This Or That game with them will help you find out about their preferences and understand them better without asking them anything directly.
Cuddling or sleeping?
Eating outside or cooking at home?
Netflix or YouTube?
Calls or texts?
Shower or tub?
Nice car or nice home interiors?
Cardio or weights?
Mobile games or console games?
Ocean or mountains?
Telepathy or teleporting?
Cruise or romantic retreat?
Classical art or modern art?
Audi or BMW?
Mansion or cabin?
Large crowd or a small party?
Winter or summer?
Farmhouse kitchen or galley style?
Card games or board games?
Beer or wine?
Makeup or no makeup?
Long drive or long walk?
Camping or binge-watching shows at home?
Swimming or sunbathing?
Coffee or tea?
Dogs or babies?
Comedy or horror?
Music or podcasts?
Straight hair or curly hair?
Passive or aggressive?
New clothes or new phone?
Computer games or video games?
Gold or silver?
Rap or rock?
Hairy or shaved?
Long hair or short hair?
TV shows or movies?
Living room or bedroom?
Good heart or good body?
Dyed hair or natural hair?
Brown hair or black hair?
Sweater or hoodie?
Serious or funny?
Hot or pretty?
Online shopping or store shopping?
Candy or popcorn?
Skylight or mirrored wall?
Hugs or kisses?
Boating or roller coaster?
Dine out or food delivery?
Pop or indie?
Formal dining room or family banquet?
Difficult This Or That Questions
You can spice the game up by making the game full of tricky questions. Asking cringy questions while you are playing in a group will make the game even more interesting!
Mom or dad?
Your pet or neighbor’s child?
Quick temper or controlled temper?
Apartment or home?
Girlfriend or family?
Neutral colors or bold colors?
Houseboat or yacht?
Charger or power bank?
Plants or flowers?
Facts or fiction?
Liquid soap or bar soap?
Global warming or natural disaster?
Higher studies or work?
Strategy games or bingo?
Performing arts or science?
Rain or sunshine?
New year’s eve or Valentine’s day?
Instant death or prolonged death?
Supervisor or hourly employee?
Live in a cold area or a hot area?
Government work or private sector?
Thunderstorm or snowstorm?
Doctor or engineer?
Wax or shave?
Perfume or body spray?
Boss or worker?
Self-employed or a company man?
Google or Bing?
Live in the past or present?
Author or editor?
Bare feet or shoes?
Underwater or up in the air?
Aerobics or yoga?
Classic or modern?
Books or magazines?
Divorce or staying in a bad marriage?
Student or teacher?
Town or country?
Doctor or patient?
Trash or treasure?
Fast or slow?
Introvert or extrovert?
Trees or flowers?
Paper bags or plastic bags?
Cry or scream?
Alcohol or weed?
Formals or casuals?
Office work or outside work?
Work from home or commute to work?
Painfully full or starving?
Deep This Or That Questions
Let these questions bring out your deepest thoughts. They will help you get to know the other person better than you ever did.
Museum or amusement park?
Intelligent or funny?
Freedom or hope?
Success or happiness?
Money or free time?
Hunting or saving?
Handmade gifts or expensive gifts?
Trip or staycation?
Rom-coms or documentaries?
Modern or rustic?
Family or friends?
Comfort or style?
Working alone or working in a team?
Pop music or rock music?
Sinful or righteous?
Art festivals or music festivals?
Hurt or dead?
Forest or beach?
Cable or satellite?
Family movies or adult movies?
Architectural sites or shopping?
Truth or lies?
Paintings or photos?
Strange or crazy?
Concerts or movies?
Morning person or night owl?
Motorcycle or bicycle?
Leather or fabric?
Glasses or contacts?
Email or letter?
Piercings or tattoos?
Reading books or watching videos?
Work hard or play hard?
Train or plane?
Money or fame?
Smoking or drinking?
Abs or chest?
Smile or eyes?
Cycle or walks?
Dancer or singer?
Chandelier or lamps?
Save or spend?
Own country or abroad?
Evil or good?
Antique or new?
Formal or casual?
Twins or single kids?
Morning shower or evening shower?
Sunglasses or sun visor?
Beach or hills?
Funny This Or That Questions For Friends
These set of questions will make you giggle at the replies and make the atmosphere light and filled with laughter.
Skates or bike?
Watch sports or play sports?
Yoga pants or jeans?
Flip-flops or sneakers?
Marvel or DC?
Bubble bath or shower?
Costume party or pool party?
Lost or found?
Facebook or Twitter?
Carnivore or herbivore?
Cold or flu?
Horror stories or mysteries?
Puzzles or board games?
Bikini or one-piece?
Vampires or angels?
Aerobics or Yoga?
Carnival or circus?
Beer or wine?
Camping or safari?
Pumping iron or pumping gas?
Baseball or football?
Fishing or kayaking?
Skydiving or bungee jumping?
Harley Davidson or Crotch Rocket?
Theme park or water park?
Bowling or mini-golf?
Bad breath or body odor?
Spa or gym?
Simpsons or Family Guy?
Ghost tour or historical tour?
Running or swimming?
Comedy or drama?
Dancing or cooking classes?
Hiking or monster truck rally?
Drunk or sober?
Chilly or lemon?
Florals or stripes?
Personal chef or gym trainer?
Indoor or outdoor?
Good looks or good sense of humor?
Sunrise or sunset?
Christmas or Halloween?
Hot or cute?
Beard or clean-shaved?
Big ears or big feet?
Boxers or briefs?
Eating dirt or eating bad food?
Holding in a fart or holding in pee?
Home garden or farmers market?
Sports or video games?
That was our list of the 201 best questions to play This Or That. These interrogational questions will surely help you discover new things about the person you play it with and bring joy and laughter to the group. Let us know about your favorite questions in the comments section below!
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/this-or-that-questions/
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vradpublisher-com · 5 years
The 10 Best Uses of Virtual Reality VR Marketing
hi and today I want to present to you the 10 best uses of virtual reality in marketing this is one of the most fast-paced emerging markets and we've seen some incredible products demos videos all using VR that engage you in completely new ways on number 10 is the coca-cola VR sleigh ride that was done in Poland now this was good for three reasons one they used really good animation of Santa Claus flowing over the country two they engaged hundreds of children and really played with their imagination and three they showed coke as a modern company by using VR and that's why this got number ten at number nine we have something else for you it's a very innovative product by McDonald and it's called happy goggles basically what they've done and I love this is that they've they were able to transform the Happy Meal box into their very own Google cardboard but like the McDonald's version of it they're reusing the current product and pushing their VR app in Sweden right now now this is a trial run but we might just see this all over the UK in the US a number eight we have Michelle Obama's VR video now this was a video done by The Verge and it was done by the verge to show how much she's accomplished now that Obama is on his way out and this is the very first and I am not exaggerating here the very first infographic using VR and I've never seen anything like this but it just captures your attention so well because the problem with 360 videos is that you sort of look everywhere but this directs your attention and highlights really key points of her campaign in social media which is why this got number eight at number seven we have the New York Times displays so this was their big highlight piece what happened was that New York Times distributed over 1 million Google car borge for free to all their subscribers and displays was their highlight story about the 30 million children who were driven from their home because of war a very good story and the 360 really does a great job of showing you the devastation that these children live in at number 6 we have bull sized sensorium a very innovative 360 experience especially because it's a cheese company they got more than 70 K views they won the masters of marketing award 2015 for this and this went on a six city tour basically they would put this up in shopping malls and have people come and sit down and shares and go through this experience and it got really great results at number five we have top shops catwalk experience now this is one of the first VR experiences out there for retail Topshop offered its members a unique front-row experience of their exclusive fashion runway show during London Fashion Week and you basically get to sit down and be right there the experience one project of the year by BT Retail Week technology Awards and best virtual event by the event tech awards they got hand hundreds of attendees and they got so much press from this it was insane why are the times everyone wrote about this very good publicity at number four we have the xc90 test drive video by Volvo this is a VR app that puts you inside of their new car to get you familiar and comfortable with it and you can even go driving on beautiful scenic country roads now what this is a good job is that it gets you familiar with the car and that's exactly what Volvo once they want people to be comfortable in their new cars so they can help sell more and so it was a very good marketing tactic in that sense they got a lot of views on YouTube a lot of press and very good reviews on the app at number three we have Petron the art of patron experience now this is a tequila company that did a virtual reality experience showcasing how their product is made and how it gets to you so using a mix of live-action and computer graphics they created a 360 journey following the product life cycle they get a lot of views and they bring this out on trade shows to show audiences potential buyers how deep the history is at patron so very very good and it's really cool to all one shot I highly recommend you watch us number two we have Morel trail skate now this was innovative it was the first commercial use of the walk around virtual reality so you actually have it's about the size of a medium-sized room and you walk around as if you're hiking on a mountain and it's they have rocks falling down so you get to experience the adventure and the excitement that is climbing dangerous mountains it was showcased in 2015 at the Sundance Film Festival and number one we have Marriott's the teleporter imagine being able to transport yourself to a beach paradise whenever you want it well that's exactly what they did with the transporter basically it's a little almost telephone booth like a structure that you go in you put the headset on and they teleport you to a beach in Hawaii on to cliffs to London anywhere this did an eight city tour in the USA and it's around a hundred seconds the Marriott did this because they wanted something to work with their brand they want something to showcase that they've got locations all over the world and wherever you go on vacation the Marriott is there for you and this is exactly what the teleporter does it puts you anywhere in the world and subtly reminds you that oh yeah by the way we have a hotel there so I think this is a brilliant move they're one of the first people to really jump on the VR bandwagon and that's why I put them as number one also subscribe to the YouTube channel because this is where we post all our videos leave a comment and like because it helps us grow so if you want to learn more about how people are using VR in the industry about how they're getting more customers about how they're creating engagement check out our site embryonic calm we've got way more stuff thank you for watching
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butterfly-winx · 4 years
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- Do you know about Zenith? No? I mean you own a computer so you must. I hear the whole planet is covered in one large city.
- Zenith lives up to its name, as it is regarded to be the home to the height technological development in the Magic Universe. It houses the more universities, research institutes and engineering testing fields on its tiny surface than Magics and Earth combined.
- Though it is true that the planetoid is covered with a seemingly uniform cityscape, there are patches of untended ground peeking through, mainly the polar seas.  Antitheva and Bitheva may only classify as large lakes elsewhere, but they are perfectly fit for a small planet of Zenith’s size. They even help populations of merfolk at some point in time.
- The overwhelming amount of construction covering the planet’s surface has long become its vice. With no reflective surfaces left and with machinery forced to operate day and night to fuel the latest technological advancements, the whole planet has become a singular heat trap. The seas were boiling and the air was unbreathably hot. What got research going however was the failing performance of their heavy duty machinery, screws sweating and bending out of shape, lasers blinking tired and unfocused. They devised a plan to cool down the surface of the planet by releasing agents to shield them from the thermal effects of solar rays, and achieved the impossible. Zenith’s climate has since then settled on a comfortable average of 250 K.
- The seas froze over and the merpeople disappeared - or maybe they did already during the boiling phase, out of their luck living off already dead fish. Urban development was given final approval and the last patches of earth disappeared from sight, buried under the striving for more.
- Despite its  aforementioned properties, Zenith is no monolith and it would be amiss to describe it as such. Zeniths countries and cultures are diverse, only connected by their burning need for advancement and their fight against the cold. They have a spectrum of governance forms in the different countries ranging from democracy, constitutional monarchy to representative republic and in some cases even direct democracy of people. 
- As cities cover all of the planet, it is difficult to determine where individual settlements in a country begin and end. Country borders are the only demarcations, each government shielding itself with force fields, trenches or physical walls from imagined spies and malevolence.
- Techna’s home of Haikar is in a country that still tries to honour the memory of the separate settlements that have melded together. So Haikar is not a separate town as much as it is just a borough with its own town governance, and is considered to be the capital of Transjordan.
- Other Zenith country names with capitals where applicable: Tribilisi (Kandu), Gorgan, Nuzul (Xihat), Tbaku, Navyol, Urzghar
- Most of these countries don’t get along with each other too well. As is understandable, seeing as they are very culturally diverse. Each wants to be the best though and their most bitterly fought battles are usually over patent rights and the tenure of well-respected scientists. As banal as these reasons seem, as brutal are their methods of mutual sabotage to keep the leading edge. 
- Transjordan unfortunately is quite small and has many neighbours, so their paranoia and battle readiness is markedly large even on planet. Growing up, Techna went through disaster and terror awareness training regularly, to the point where they could probably recite what to do in case you found a car bomb better than they could explain a simple recipe.
- Oh and are recipes important! As clean edged people think the inhabitants of Transjordan are, there is nothing minimalist about their food choices. They love combining spices and textures and always serve feasts with generosity rivalling Eraklyon’s. Deserts usually have some sort of fruits, nuts AND some preserve in them, the combinations endless.
- While it is true that for the most part, cultures on Zenith value a simple approach to things. If it can be done in a few words, why waste a sentence on it? Bureaucracy is usually a two-click-formula affair, their whole lives are condensed on a sigle digital display ID, shopping comes to you at home. Hell even marriages are just an affair of simple form signing. 
- But food is where they really go full ham. It is not seen as frivolous to waste 10 eggs on a cake, because what you are doing creating nutrition and enjoyment. It is simply reasonable and efficient to go to the max when you do that and create an absolute delicacy you can gorge yourself on in one slice or less.
- So if they are so into feasting and enjoying things with purpose, what gives Zenithians such a bad name? Well, it is just that. People of Transjordan for example, like to enjoy things with purpose. They don’t really care much for music or theatre, they are just activities to air your brain out. They will import off-world made products, but there isn’t a lot of room for cultural arts on Zenith because they channel their passion elsewhere.
- Yes you heard right, Zenithinas have passion galore. They just, in the Universe's most efficient move, channel that passion into the work they already do. The majority of scientific discoveries have been made because somebody cared enough to look deep into a topic and push further, because previous answers were unsatisfactory. Children are coached to find something that inspires this level of devotion in them and have extensive education and support networks to get them there.
- On the topic of children: most of them aren’t the genetic descendants of their parents, rather a random selection from the common gene pool. The public gene pool is a hotly debated topic, but a long established structure of procreation that only the very wealthy have the option to contest. (There is a way to gain approval to sire an own baby from just the genes of two people, but it is extremely costly.) 
  In some research some time ago it was determined that for the optimal survival of people on the planet, genetic relation to the parents raising the child was not only suboptimal, but actively detrimental to overall population survival. In this “more civilised” approach, parents apply for a baby who is conceived and birthed in bioreactors. This way no people who can conceive are put through undue stress and the public gene pool babies also carry less hereditary health conditions. It is supposedly a win-win situation, yet it leaves a sour taste in most people’s mouth. No wonder less and less Zenithians plan families if that is the process they have to do it by.
- As straightforward as they are, Zenithians often struggle when communicating with people from other planets and not only because of arising cultural differences. Sure any Zenithian would blush and pale when forced into a situation dealing with overly expressive Solarians, but in any other regular case, the Universal Translation Spell is not on their side either. Jordan is a very logical and to the point language and the floralitiy of other languages is impossible to be transferred to it. The UTS instead produces blocky, difficult to parse translations that often leave Techna confused to the intentions of others.
- It is of course evident that the main industry of the planet is electronics production and R&D. Companies on Zenith produce all manners of gadgets, but they are best in creating refrigeration technology (ironic, right?), astronomic instruments, self-propulsion transportation (vehicles) and medical diagnostic tools and applications. The associated application programming industry is also booming with server houses the size of smaller cities. It is no surprise that Zenith’s electricity consumption is through the roof with such a vital sector to support.
- Before their trade for electricity with Solaria, Zenithian people used static electricity discharges to harvest energy. Their planet being covered with one gigantic city didn’t leave much space for utilising the natural resources of their planet. All the mineral ore having been exhausted, no major flowing waters left and stranded with miserable and cold weather the options for energy sources were limited. What they had however was tall buildings and thunderstorms, so they used lightning harvesters for ages. 
- With the storm and snow clouds obscuring the sky most days, Zenith is quite dark. The cities illuminate themselves, kind of like year round festive ornamentation. 
- Spirituality is an interesting topic on planet that everyone you ask will have a different answer for. Major parts of Tribilisi and Urzghar for example believe in machine assisted immortality. They see machines as superior to biological matter and work towards the unfallability and omniscience of artificial intelligence in which part of their conscience will be able to rest after death. The predominant belief in Transjordan that Techna grew up with is that after death, there is nothing. Based on the theory of energy conservation, what one doesn’t use and convert into heat will be redistributed into the rest of the world. It is selfish to think one could hold on to any energy after death.
- Most people also don’t care for magic. Sure some magic users crop up among them here and there, but they most likely remain untrained. This is why Techna chose a school off planet to pursue their passion and why they weren’t claimed as a Guardian fairy of Zenith after they graduated. (Since this position doesn’t exist.)
- Almost all things on the planet are solved non-magically accordingly. Their transport systems are unparalleled with some regions using small-distance whole structure replication, aka honest to god matter teleportation. The frozen over seas are also fully utilised with air cushion containerships cruising the flat expanse. Along a certain longitude Zenith also sports a unique feature: the longitudinal crust train. A four meter wide segment of the planet, as if cut out of the surrounding cityscape, moves on straight rails around the whole circumference of the planet. It is the fastest mode of civilian transport available.
- They need all the good transportation and radio transmission they can get - by the way, the Universe Wide Web is also a Zenithian invention, who would have thought - as with their living space limited, Zenithian countries have spilled over onto nearby moons, essentially colonising and terraforming those.
- So, you see, Zenith and either of its countries aren’t by far as boring as one might think on the first glance and most of them certainly don’t shy back from showing emotion.
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
The future is going to be weird, but at least Joelle Renstrom is here to explain it to us
Dylan Love
Writer and academic Joelle Renstrom contemplates the implications of the singularity and suggests that the rise of machines will result in a personal erosion of purpose  and deepening sense of human isolation.
Renstrom suggests that it's important to consider emergent technological trends from a liberal arts perspective and consider the ways that the machines we create affect our minds. 
The technological singularity has a human ambassador in Boston University writing professor Joelle Renstrom.
Speaking at HubWeek, Boston’s weeklong festival on art, science, and innovation, Renstrom brought the radical rise of modern technology front and center, then asked the audience to think about what comes next. Owning a driverless car? Having sex with robots? “Hiring” machines to care for your kids or elderly family?
While these scenarios might sound a little silly at present, she illustrated that they are lurking just around the corner for all of us.
In 2011, Renstrom began publishing CouldThisHappen.com, a blog that picked apart science-fiction nuggets to get at their scientific truth and feasibility. She took a crack at good old-fashioned teleportation. She visited a California biohacking group to investigate their sight-enhancing eyedrops. When a "Star Wars" scene famously saw the characters navigate an asteroid field, she raised questions about how easily those asteroids could be mined for their resources.
“The only thing I've ever really wanted to be is a writer,” says Renstrom. She emerged from academia with a English and writing degree from the University of Michigan, then got a master’s degree in fiction from the University of British Columbia. “The science stuff happened because I've always been a big sci-fi nerd, but I have zero science background — I haven't taken a science class since, like, tenth grade, so that’s where my impostor syndrome kicks in.”
She says she started the blog as a way to pursue her interests “in a very low-stakes way,” but it didn’t stay low-stakes for long. Her break came in 2012 when Slate republished a post about if the earth’s rotation could slow down like it does in the dystopian novel Age of Miracles. This gave way to wider syndication at other publications, a gig writing about robots for The Daily Beast, and speaking engagements like HubWeek.
We are primed by movies and fiction to more readily buy into the idea that all-powerful machines will one day rise up to violently overthrow their human captors, but Renstrom isn’t buying it. Instead, she’s more interested in the existential implications of the singularity, holding up the modern smartphone as a symptom of this heavier diagnosis: Facebook takes the place of in-person communication, eye contact is replaced by staring at a screen, and we generally isolate ourselves while perpetuating the illusion of companionship.
To whatever extent the future holds real conflict between man and machine, she suggests this conflict will more likely erode human purpose and meaning, not end human lives.
When we connected a few days after her presentation, she disclosed that she was speaking to me on a 3G phone that's “about nine years old.” She doesn’t let her students have their phones in class, and in fact describes herself as “about as staunchly anti-smartphone as they come.” Her rationale for shunning the smartphone is the same as her rationale for not keeping junk food in the house — if she had a data-ready smartphone, she’d be “checking student emails and reading depressing news all the time.” Opting out from the get-go makes it a non-issue, but she acknowledges that opting out comes with problems.
“If you don’t use a smartphone, you're missing social opportunities, professional opportunities, and so on, so people think it's necessary to incorporate this technology into our lives even though it screws with us interpersonally, socially, and cognitively,” she says. “I don’t think we can possibly know everything it's doing to us, but I don't like what I see.”
The sentiment lines up with a quote about new media from Martin Amis’s Money: “Television is working on us. Film is. We’re not sure how yet. We wait, and count the symptoms. There’s a realism problem, we all know that. ‘TV is real!’ some people think. And where does that leave reality?”
Basically: the future’s going to be weird. Engineers can build powerful machines that change the way we work and live, but they can’t tell us how those machines will change our hearts and minds. To do so requires that we consider emergent technology from a liberal arts perspective. While that might be far outside the scope of a conventional scientific thinking, this is Renstrom’s home base.
NOW WATCH: Here's how to figure out exactly how your take-home pay could change under Trump's new tax plan
from Feedburner http://ift.tt/2hhFk5H
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
need for speed hot pursuit xbox 360
need for speed hot pursuit xbox 360
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.
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Genre: Racing, Sports Car Auto Racing
Developer: Criterion Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
ESRB Rating: Everyone-10
Release Date: November 16, 2010
If you wreck a car right before a roadblock, you will “teleport” over the roadblock and keep driving unhurt.
Free Ride Driving
In the Free Ride section, you can keep driving till it’s dark (night time). It’s awesome. When you’re driving, turn on the police car lights and alarm if you’re driving one) to see the lights go crazy.
Faster Quicker
If you wanna go faster but have no nitro, get behind a racer and it will say slipstream.
Free Ride Driving (Four Way)
In Free Ride section, you can also go any direction you want to go. You can go the other direction that you are facing and you could go through the secret places that you missed or when you are driving, you might see a four way road, you could go any direction because there’s no arrows telling you to go one way.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Wanted Levels / Racer
Wanted Level 0 Racer: 0
Wanted Level 1 Racer: Unknown
Wanted Level 2 Racer: Unknown
Wanted Level 3 Racer: Unknown
Wanted Level 4 Racer: 128,000 points
Wanted Level 5 Racer: 195,000 points
Wanted Level 6 Racer: 275,000 points
Wanted Level 7 Racer: 360,000 points
Wanted Level 8 Racer: 450,000 points
Wanted Level 9 Racer: 545,000 points
Wanted Level 10 Racer: 645,000 points
Wanted Level 11 Racer: 755,000 points
Wanted Level 12 Racer: 875,000 points
Wanted Level 13 Racer: 1,000,000 points
Wanted Level 14 Racer: 1,130,000 points
Wanted Level 15 Racer: 1,265,000 points
Wanted Level 16 Racer: 1,405,000 points
Wanted Level 17 Racer: 1,550,000 points
Wanted Level 18 Racer: 1,700,000 points
Wanted Level 19 Racer: 1,850,000 points
Wanted Level 20 Racer: 2,000,000 points
Cop Rank Level Requirements
Rank 1 Cop: 0
Rank 2 Cop: Unknown
Rank 3 Cop: Unknown
Rank 4 Cop: 128,000 points
Rank 5 Cop: 195,000 points
Rank 6 Cop: 275,000 points
Rank 7 Cop: 360,000 points
Rank 8 Cop: 450,000 points
Rank 9 Cop: 545,000 points
Rank 10 Cop: 645,000 points
Rank 11 Cop: 755,000 points
Rank 12 Cop: 875,000 points
Rank 13 Cop: 1,000,000 points
Rank 14 Cop: 1,130,000 points
Rank 15 Cop: 1,265,000 points
Rank 16 Cop: 1,405,000 points
Rank 17 Cop: 1,550,000 points
Rank 18 Cop: 1,700,000 points
Rank 19 Cop: 1,850,000 points
Rank 20 Cop: 2,000,000 points
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Achievement List
Burnout – Fill the Nitrous bar then use it all in one go without hitting anything
Gotcha! – Bust a Racer
Suspect – Reach wanted level (2) Suspect as a Racer
Hit Confirmed – Get a hit with a Spike Strip
Vengeance is Mine – Wreck a Cop
Wall of Steel – Deploy a Road Block which then gets hit by a Racer
Graffiti – Create a ‘New Post’ or ‘Write a Reply’ on the Wall
Shock to the System – Get a hit with an EMP
Socialite – Have 5 or more NFS Friends
Officer – Reach rank (3) Officer as a Cop
Eye of the Needle – As a Racer, drive through an undamaged Road Block without hitting it
Settling the Score – Select a Friend Autolog Recommendation and beat it
Denied – First Jammer use that affects a Cop
Target – Reach wanted level (4) Target as a Racer
Aerial Assistance – Call in a Helicopter which then hits a Racer with a Spike Strip
Power Spike – Spike strip a car that is targeting you with an EMP
Share the Dream – Share a Dreamshot to the Wall
In the Zone – Use a full Turbo without hitting anything
Patrolman – Reach rank (5) Patrolman as a Cop
Share the Joy – Dreamshot a BMW and share it with your Friends
Imprezive – Accumulate 2,000 yds of drift in a single event using the Subaru Impreza WRX STI
Felon – Reach wanted level (6) Felon as a Racer
Flight of the Bumblebee – Win the ‘Muscle Reflex’ race in a Bee Yellow Chevrolet Camaro SS
Race – Play 10 Online Hot Pursuits as a Racer
Chase – Play 10 Online Hot Pursuits as a Cop
Electrically Charged – Bust the 918 Spyder using an EMP in ‘Porsche Patrol’
Trooper – Reach rank (8) Trooper as a Cop
Shaken, Not Stirred – Win any Hot Pursuit in an Aston Martin
Wet in the Vette – Drive any Corvette in the wet
Offender – Reach wanted level (8) Offender as a Racer
Snakebite in Black – Spike a cop while driving a Black Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR or Ford Shelby GT500 Supersnake
Sergeant – Reach rank (11) Sergeant as a Cop
Festival of Speed – Play 10 Online Races
Bounty Hunter – Play 10 Online Interceptors as a Cop
Outlaw – Reach wanted level (11) Outlaw as a Racer
Escapologist – Play 10 Online Interceptors as a Racer
Midnight Cowboy – Dreamshot a Midnight Blue Metallic Ford GT at night in the desert
Wanted – Reach wanted level (14) Wanted as a Racer
Godzilla – Get any medal in ‘Run to the Hills’ driving the Nissan GT-R SpecV without using any weapons
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