#Terry Virgo
rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #18
• I’ve noticed Water suns especially Pisces are really good at playing the Villain’s role in movies/series! They’re the types of villains you’ll easily remember and love to hate! E.g. Martin Kove (who plays the ‘no-mercy’ Sensei Kreese from The Karate Kid trilogy and the Cobra Kai series), Thomas Griffith (who plays the jack-of-all-trades eccentric Terry Silver from the 3rd Karate Kid movie and the Cobra Kai series) and Jacob Bertrand (Eli Moskowitz a.k.a. ‘Hawk’ from the Cobra Kai series) are all Pisces suns. Also Sean Kanan (Mike Barnes from the 3rd Karate Kid movie) & Dallas Young (Kenny Payne from the Cobra Kai series) who are both Scorpio suns.
• The main characters in cheerleader movies like the Bring it on series are mainly Leo and Libra suns while the mean girls are mainly Water suns. E.g. Solange (Camille from Bring It On: All Or Nothing) is a Cancer sun and Rachele Smith (Avery from Bring It On: Fight To The Finish) is a Scorpio sun.
• Venusians tend to be very attractive!! They might be known for their good looks and subconsciously or not might just have good taste in fashion/aesthetics.
• They can also be known as good singers.
• Aquarius moons are the type of relatives that distance themselves from the family as they grow older or they just go M.I.A. on their relatives lol.
• Aries placements are the ultimate ride-or-die friends. Prove me wrong.✋🏽
• Water placements are really good at drawing/sketching!! My mom is a Scorpio sun/mercury and my dad was a Scorpio mars and they both draw REALLY good.😭 No wonder it passed down to me (Pisces sun/venus/uranus).💗
• Water risings have such a chill, affectionate nature it’s really cute!!😩💞
• Capricorn placements are so hot and attractive for what?😭
• Aries suns with Virgo moons and Aries mercuries are so feisty and cute!! They’re very driven, humble and get so excited when talking about their passions!! 🤎
• Aries sun-Taurus venus men are the types to be into sports and music! Some of them love 70s music and might be into James Brown!😂💞
• We all need a funny, blunt, energetic Sagittarius venus in our lives!
• Taurus sun-Gemini venus men culture is playing video games 24/7 and saying funny things to try to make their crush laugh.
• No because I can assure you a Fire mercury/mercury in a fire degree, will always add in their 2 cents even if you didn’t ask.🤣
• Some Cancer risings with Leo moons might feel fulfilled when those closest to them start telling them they’re starting to mature more and they’re proud of them.
• Virgo moons with Aries mars and Cancer risings WILL call you out on some petty shit. They don’t like to hold stuff in.
• Christian Leo suns 🤝 trying to justify their actions with “but in the Bible it says’ every time they get into a conflict yet they’re being hypocrites themselves.😭
• One thing Air placements will do is try to talk/sneak themselves out of situations.🌚 “They used to pull me over and ask me out on dates.” Said by La Toya Jackson (Gemini sun/mercury and Aquarius moon/mars)
• Aries mercuries can be so passive aggressive lmao.😭
• Capricorn mercuries can also be clowns with their logical humors!😭
• You better believe an Aries mercury/rising is going to raise their tones if they feel like your not getting their points.
• Virgo moons hate lying and hate liars.
• Parents with Water/Earth in their charts especially in their big 3 don’t like to hit their children.
• Sagittarius moons will listen to what you have to say then add onto them in a slight philosophical sense.
• Virgo suns with Libra mercuries and Leo mars love talking about people’s outfits and mocking other people.😭
• Fire mars parents are the types to embarrass their kids in front of other people by arguing with them/calling them out on the smallest things while Water mars parents are the types to embarrass their kids around their friends by being too bold and sometimes friendly sometimes mean lol.😭
• Water/Earth mix in the big 3 to love animals and nature! My mom’s a Scorpio sun/Cancer rising/Virgo moon and she’s obsessed with cats lmfao!🤣
• Capricorn/10H placements and their good/hard-working reputations are so attractive!
• Virgo placements are normally the health nuts and might complain about the back of their knee hurting this week and their stomachs hurting when they’re full the next. 😭
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karatekels · 2 months
A Firm Letter to One Thomas Ian Griffith:
Where the hell are you these days?!
Is the team behind Cobra Kai keeping you locked in one of those cages used in the 'Nam flashbacks?
It's one thing for the marketing team to be sneaky and keep the presence of Terry Silver under wraps in this week's trailer. Though it incenses me to no end, it certainly has us all talking and eager to watch!
But to not have liked so much as a single tweet in over a week? To not add something to your Instagram reel that gets @virgo-mess and I excited, only to realize that it's an (admittedly pretty cool) video by one of your own children that Mary has already shared hours/days before you?!
KarateKels, courtesy of The Cult of TIG
Terry Silver/TIG fans going another day of radio silence:
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mrgriffiths · 3 months
Hey there! I'm new to the Fandom, and I love love love your blog and all that you share about TIG/Terry Silver. I couldn't help but ask..
What are your thoughts on kk3!terry falling for a beloved that's from Vietnam?
I noticed that you haven't done these types of asks, so I wanted to know your thoughts on it!
You don't have to reply to this, but thank you so much for all that you do!
Hi there, anon! Welcome to the Fandom <3
Thank you for your kind words!
I haven't really answered an ask like this, but I'll share my thoughts on it. You're always welcome to send me an ask!
If you're looking for similar content, then @terrence-silver is your blog! They have the best chatacter analysis of Terry and some of TIGs' other characters, too!
And if you're looking for a reader/oc insert stories/one shots for Terry or other TIG characters, then I certainly recommend these awesome blogs for you! @karatekels @virgo-mess @eemcintyre @thedeadsingforme @larussos-left-sock
- Terry had come a long way from the person he once was during his Vietnam days. He's no longer the skinny, doe-eyed, somewhat innocent kid who came from a rich family all to prove to his father(and himself) that he is a man.
- He had an empire of his own now, dynatix industries, a nuclear waste disposal company that had been handed down to him by his father. He's done plenty of shady things, getting on the cover of the latest magazine and news papers was a regular thing for him. His physique was envied by men who were associated with him even. Perfectly sculpted face and an equally perfect charm to go with it.
- He had a playboy reputation with more money than most in the upper crust society. He's manipulative and will use any tactic he sees fit if needed. Everyone else is below him and he always had a good time toying with people. He's had his time with girls of every race, age , color, you name it. When Terry Silver wants something, he will definitely get it. So when he sets his sites on his beloved for the first time, he isn't bewildered immediately until he finds out more about them.
- If anything he sees them as the enemy at first, a stigma that's been around since the time he's been to Vietnam. He never forgot what happened there. Waking up in cold sweat after seeing his friend killed right infront of him, the bomb blasts and torture they all had gone through. A parting gift of the war.
- his beloved has certainly perked his interests though, whether they're apart of his upper crust society or simply a nobody there's definitely something about them that he can't seem to look past them. Maybe it's their features that is embedded in his head after he first saw them.
- Or it could be their characteristics or personality that's different from every woman he's ever been with. Maybe it's the way they walk, the way they talk, heck maybe it's the way they breathe. Terry will notice everything.
- Terry finds himself looking for beloved all the more. No amount of coke or bedding woman who even looks like them does the trick. He finds himself needing to find out everything about his beloved. He'd immediately thought of hiring an entire team of private investigators to find out every little thing about them. He wants to know their history, who is responsible for bringing his newly formed 'problem' into this world.
- He eventually sets on doing the job by himself. Stalking them, breaking in and entering into their home whilst they're in a deep sleep. He by hearted they're daily routine, he knows when they're in a deep sleep during the late hours of the night. He knows what they eat, what they wear, what hobbies they have, all down to what brand of shampoo they use. He utilizes anything that will help him understand what they are all about.
- He'd sometimes leave something behind in they're home, a dingy apartment unworthy of beloved in his eyes regardless of how well maintainedit is or not. Maybe a hundred dollar bill or even his own semen on their pillows after jerking off on their bed. He'd take something for himself too. Maybe a pair or two of beloved underwear suddenly goes missing.
- After everything he's come to know of beloved with them being none the wiser, he curates a persona of himself that fits all of beloved needs and wants ultimately becoming their dream man before he comes face to face with them again.
- Terry entraps beloved in his web afterwards. He makes sure they're smitten with him and never suspects a thing, giving them everything he knows they want from a partner gaining their trust over a short span of time. Once he's got them where he wants them he would reveal his true self. Ultimately hurting beloved so deeply because they are in fact the enemy. There's a price you have to pay for taking up so much of his time and consuming his mind.
- He thinks he's finally gotten what he wanted after breaking beloved completely but he still isn't able to move past them. It finally dawns upon him that he is in fact in love with beloved and no matter what he tells himself he cannot find anyone to replace them, no amount of coke or people who look like them.
- Terry sets about getting them back this time as himself. No matter where beloved goes he will find them. He will kidnap them if need be in the occasion of them denying everything he's offering them. He will help them see reason in time. He will go to any lengths to make sure beloved remains at his side.
- Stockholm syndrome will be in full swing. He erases the identity beloved once had as no one has the right to so much as know what beloved looks like without his permission. He'd estrange beloved from they're friends and family making them see how he's the only one they need.
- Preparations for the wedding will be in full swing. The wedding of the century. Everyone will know and will be ultimately shocked that playboy Terrence Silver has settled down. The entire world would know months in advance yet they would never see the actual ceremony regardless of the royal standard preparations that's been made. Terry's beloved is for his eyes only.
- The media only gets a single glimpse of beloved and they're rarely seen afterwards. Only when Terry deems it fit at some gala or event. Rest assured, no other woman ever crosses his mind again. He's fully consumed by beloved without them knowing the power they truly have on him. He'd go to any lengths to sure them his devotion too.
- beloved is the only one he'd trust with the truly gruesome parts of his life, through the Vietnam flashbacks where he'd sometimes need to hold them tightly the entire night or sometimes just their presence in the room at a distance. They've seen it all with him including the way he's beloved friend John Kreese had left him when things went down south. Beloved is the only thing that helps keep him grounded.
- Terry eventually starts a legacy of his own with beloved making sure that everything goes as he planned. Nothing is too much or unnecessary for his Silver empire.
Decades later he looks at himself in the bathroom mirror, thinking of how everything had suddenly took a turn in his life that one fateful day he'd set his eyes on beloved. His reflection stares back at him and next to it, ponytail stands with a smile on his face. His long lost war buddy whose personality and traits he's personally taken over as a tribute to his friend.
"You've chosen well twig." , ponytail says and vanishes in the next second leaving Terry smiling faintly at the thought. Letting his now silver colored hair down from its confines, he goes into his bedroom joining his beloved in bed.
Ahh, I hope I've done this ask justice!
Thank you for sending it in anon!
Much love🤍
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highlyspecificsigns · 1 month
the signs as steve albini (rip)'s pseudonyms
ARIES: Terry Fuckwit TAURUS: Mr. Billiards GEMINI: All CANCER: Astroboy Albini LEO: King Barbecue VIRGO: A Skinny Bespectacled Guy LIBRA: Buck Naked SCORPIO: Don Moist SAGITTARIUS: Whodini CAPRICORN: The Proprietor AQUARIUS: The Li'l Weed PISCES: Fluss (his cat)
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Nicky Close-Foster-Freeman- I think maybe ARIES SUN bc no matter who he’s raised by he’s…
Always ready to fight
Much more sensitive than most think!
Unselfconscious, or at least not super self aware/monitoring - openly approval seeking and vocally adores his dad in a way most boys his age would probably be embarrassed about
Will parrot opinions of people he admires, incorporate them into his core beliefs
Grant Wilson- CANCER SUN
Sensitive and anxious
Embarrassment and guilt are especially difficult to deal with
Overly protective, suffocating need for reassurance when anxiety goes unchecked
Internal locus of blame
Strong feelings like crushes, pain, or even self indulgent guilt/flagellation are preferable to numbness
Parallels to Daryl and TJ
Terry Stampler jr- CAPRICORN SUN!! father of the zodiac!!!!
Dry humor and expression, occasionally awkward when trying to express really strong emotions
Hardworking (wizard)
Practical, reliable
High levels of pressure on self
Early maturity
Saturn is with him from the beginning as he’s forced to grow up quickly; things come earlier than would normally be expected in life course for him, like grief, loss of family, exposure to general horrors of the real world like kidnapping, slavery, manipulation, and killing, needing to take responsibility for other people's wellbeing/doing emotional caretaking, including for his stepfather- hell Saturn follows him straight to the end: his own death is premature, and he excepted his own mortality before it even happened!
Theme of fatherhood prevalent in so many of his major life struggles- he lost a father young, then had to live with a stepfather he didn’t like, then he had to literally and metaphorically share in the torment of that stepfather’s father, he had to play a role in trying to end it, then he was unable to conceive (? Is that cannon or am I misremembering??), and was unable to connect with his stepdaughter and become a father like he wanted
Lark & Sparrow Oak-Garcia (Swallows)- they have me very stumped. LOTS going on here, and I feel like so much of it is nurture? So I may start with VIRGO MIDHEAVEN because the outer planets supposedly have more to do with who you grow into/what you do for work, which is essentially their main motivators since D.A.D.D.I.E.S is technically work:
Only view themselves in relationship to society’s normal/average
Overly concerned with success in material terms that may supersede actual happiness
Tough inner critic that sometimes unfortunately leads to a tough outer critic that can alienate people
And then thinking about them as kids, maybe SAGITTARIUS SUN?
Also mutable, but fiery!
Playful, energetic
Sister sign to Henry :((
BUT please tell me what y’all think about them, I was PUZZLED
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taffetastrology · 8 months
The signs as Terry Dodson art
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filmaticbby · 1 year
Aries: Tarantino, F. F. Coppola, Andrea Arnold, Eric Rohmer, Edgar Wright, Ruben Östlund, Josh Safdie, David Lean, Andrei Tarkovsky, Michael Haneke, Martin McDonagh
Taurus: Wes Anderson, Orson Welles, Sofia Coppola, Lars von Trier, Terry Zwigoff, George Lucas, Robert Zemeckis, John Waters, Frank Capra
Gemini: Fassbinder, Hideaki Anno, Makhmalbaf, Agnès Varda, Alex Garland, Clint Eastwood, Yorgos Lanthimos, Aaron Sorkin, Ken Loach, Alexander Sokurov, Giuseppe Tornatore
Cancer: Abbas Kiarostami, Wong Kar-wai, P. T. Anderson, Mike White, Ari Aster, Ingmar Bergman, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Paul Verhoeven, Robert Eggers, Béla Tarr, Mel Brooks, Ken Russell, Sidney Lumet, Kinji Fukasaku
Leo: Alfred Hitchcock, Greta Gerwig, Alain Robbe-grillet, Kubrick, Wes Craven, Taika Waititi, Luca Guadagnino, Christopher Nolan, Polanski, Sam Mendes, Richard Linklater, Nicolas Roeg, James Cameron, Pablo Larraín, M. Night Shyamalan, Iñárritu, Gus Van Sant, Peter Weir, Wim Wenders, Maurice Pialat
Virgo: Tom Ford, Joe Wright, Paul Feig, Dario Argento, David Fincher, Brian De Palma, Baz Luhrmann, Tim Burton, Friedkin, Takashe Miike, Noah Baumbach, Werner Herzog, Elia Kazan, E. Coen
Libra: Julie Dash, Almodóvar, Jacques Tati, Ang Lee, Michelangelo Antonioni, Ti West, Walerian Borowczyk, Nicolas Winding Refn, Satoshi Kon, Kenneth Lonergan, Michael Powell, Jacques Tati, Steve McQueen, Denis Villeneuve
Scorpio: Mike Nichols, Barry Jenkins, Charlie Kaufman, Céline Sciamma, Tsai Ming-liang, Jean Rollin, Scorsese, Louis Malle, Luchino Visconti, François Ozon, Julia Ducournau
Sagittarius: Sion Sono, Cassavetes, Raj Kapoor, Steven Spielberg, Eliza Hittman, Terrence Malick, Ozu, Alfonso Cuarón, Gregg Araki, Larry Charles, Judd Apatow, Kathryn Bigelow, Lenny Abrahamson, J. Coen, Jean Luc Godard, Diane Kurys, Ridley Scott, Lynne Ramsay, Woody Allen, Fritz Lang
Capricorn: Larry Clark, David Lynch, Harmony Korine, Damien Chazelle, David Lowery, Mary Harron, Sergio Leone, Todd Haynes, Pedro Costa, Gaspar, Noe, Fellini, Joseph Losey, Miyazaki, John Carpenter, Steven Soderbergh, Michael Curtiz, John Singleton, Vertov
Aquarius: Jim Jarmusch, John Hughes, Darren Aronofsky, Jodorowski, Michael Mann, Derek Cianfrance, Alex Payne, Truffau, Eisenstein, Tone Hooper
Pisces: Pasolini, Sean Baker, Paul Schrader, Bernardo Bertolucci, Benny Safdie, Jacques Rivette, Bunuel, Luc Besson, David Cronenberg, Spike Lee, Rob Reiner, Mike Mills, Sebastián Lelio, Jordan Peele, Ron Howard, Robert Altman
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farharbour · 6 months
oc interview
i was tagged by @hibernationsuit, thank u!! 🫂💖 i'll tag umm @mercuryislove @reaperkiller & @bisexualocs! don't feel obligated to do it though lol. anyone else who wants to do this can just say i tagged u, idm :)
i'm doing this for jess because i'm predictable asf:
name: jesse diresta
nickname(s): jess, blue (by piper, it annoys him but not enough to ask her to stop using it)
gender: trans man (he/him)
star sign(s): cap sun (cusp) + pisces moon + virgo rising (yes i picked his star signs first then gave him a birthday to match nghfjdhdf)
height: 6' / 183 cm.
orientation: bisexual / polyamorous but he's not weird about it
nationality/ethnicity: american (italian; his nana (maternal grandmother) immigrated from italy)
fave fruit: kiwifruit, but honestly post-war he's just happy to get any fresh produce at all LOL
fave season: spring for sure! winter is very hard on him emotionally & there's something comforting about the warmth and life that the spring brings. somewhere in there there's a metaphor about growth healing and rebirth or w/e
fave flower: poppies
fave scent: allspice, sandalwood, lemon-scented disinfectant/hand sanitizer (unnecessarily specific, sowwy)
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: black coffee. it's different post-war and harder to make a good batch even with pre-war beans but he'll still never take it with sugar
avg. hours of sleep: between 4-6
dog or cat person: neither, he's a fish person NHFDFNDHFD
dream trip: he'd always wanted to go visit italy but unfortunately that's not in the cards for him because of the whole. y'know. apocalypse thing.
fave fictional character: any dostoevsky protagonist (his fave book is probably the brothers kramazov) (king of reading!). he also has a soft spot for the silver shroud since that was terri's ult favourite character/series.
number of blankets they sleep with: just one! he runs cold but nick always gives off enough ambient heat for him to be comfy with a single blanket
random fact: he's not that great at hacking terminals, he's just super lucky with guessing the correct passcode and passes it off as pure skill if anyone asks / tangential thought: sometimes he messes up an easy terminal on purpose or acts like it's harder than it actually is just so he can watch nick do it for him and swoon over how smart and talented he is when he very well could have done the same thing LOL and nick knows when he does it too obviously but he plays along. it's flirting
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virgo-mess · 8 months
What I think these TIG have in their birth charts with no explanations just vibes.
Jan Valek
Virgo sun, Aquarius moon, Scorpio rising, Pisces or scorpio venus
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Terry Silver
Scorpio sun, Leo moon, Leo rising, Scorpio or Aries venus
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Terry McCain
Aquarius sun, Aquarius moon,
Capricorn rising, Scorpio venus
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Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon, Scorpio rising, Capricorn venus
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17 questions, 17 people (I'm not answering in the thread that thing is so long. tagged by @so-true-jestie thanks love!)
Nickname: ughhh fine my childhood friends decided I needed a nickname so they called me zozobear. no you may not
Sign: Capricorn (virgo moon virgo rising)
Height: 4′10″
Last thing I googled: jackalope
Last song stuck in my head: Underdog, Alicia Keys
Amount of sleep: generally around 8 hours
Lucky number: 7
Dream job: regional climate adaptation planner
Favourite song: I can’t choose things! let’s go with Standard Deviation by Danny Schmidt
Favourite instrument: to play, piano no contest. to listen to, cello.
Aesthetic: cluttered bookshelves, a bouquet of edible weeds roots and all, a veritable magpie’s horde of knickknacks, the smell of damp earth, stills from howl’s moving castle, rapiers made of duct tape and haphazard picnics
Favourite author: Terry Pratchett
Random fact: I just got a black lipstick and I'm obsessed with it. not that it’s especially good just that I look hot
hello besties @silly-goofy-mood @justuraverageme @baileyondemand @callixton @libsreese @yarn-dragon @petallswildsurge @amywontkillyou 
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karatekels · 5 months
So yesterday I was talking to @virgo-mess and was hit with some inspiration for a story about how Fresh Start Terry met Victor! Is that a fic that anyone would be interested in reading, or just something I should keep in my own brain and heart?
It could be nice to prove to myself I am capable of writing more than smut...
Speaking of which, I'm drafting TIGmas #8 (featuring KK3 Terry) right now! Should be out by the end of the weekend depending on how it goes.
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The way his smile lights up his whole face I just can't...
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mrgriffiths · 5 months
Finally got some time to open my tumblr! Can't wait to catch up on all the wonderful tig/Terry works (@karatekels @virgo-mess @terrence-silver my all time favorite writers) that I've missed! And of course..all the buzz on Cobra Kai's latest announcement.
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moorishflower · 2 years
about me
popped across my dash from @landwriter and I love talking about myself so!
Nickname: Moorish online, though irl I don't have a nickname really!
Sign: I'm apparently a Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Scorpio rising. I had to google what rising signs mean because I am a square, and it seems pretty on the nose so far lol
Height: 5'4"
Last thing I googled: predictably, "scorpio rising", but before that I googled "restaurants around King's College Strand Campus London"
Song stuck in my head: Hozier's "Like Real People Do" (can't listen to it anymore without thinking of @avelera's fic Giving Sanctuary)
Number of followers: 1,222, somehow???
Amount of sleep: that I have or that I wish I had (like 6.5)
Dream job: Editor! I love copy editing, I love finding mistakes and correcting them, and I love memorizing obscure rules that I can pull out of my sleeve like a wizard.
Wearing: THE most hideous scarlet shirt with some African Greys on it, I do not feel any particular way about African Greys but I got it when I worked at a vet and it was free, and it's comfy. Also some striped sweatpants.
Movies/books that summarize you: Probably Don Quixote. It's my favorite book of all time, and there's lots of times in my life I've felt like el caballero de la Mancha, seeing stories and myths where everyone else sees sense and reason.
Favorite song: Autoclave, by The Mountain Goats.
Favorite instrument: violin!!! hurdy gurdy is also up there!
Aesthetic: Scrub tops lol. Comfy shoes. What one might describe as 'tired and underpaid technician.'
Favorite authors: Stephen King, Margaret Atwood, Rumi, Gabriel García Márquez, Terry Pratchett
Random fun fact: One of Stephen King's corgis was sold to him by my sister, who at the time worked for a corgi breeder in Maine.
I tag: I'll do the same thing that Gloam did, where if you're interested please do this, and then tag me back so I can see! <3
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2ndbat · 7 months
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Name: Terry ██████ Alias: Batman, The Bat, Bats Gender: tranmasc, he/him Age: 16, (verse dependent) Species: human ( half Amazonian ) Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown Abilities/Talents: trained in martial arts/combat and various weapons and tools. Among other things related to being Batman that would be too long to list. Is very good at cooking, although still learning. Good with younger kids. (if you think that counts as a talent)
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Religion: n/a Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: English, some Japanese, learning more Family: adopted parents ( kind of ) - Warren & Mary ██████ / biological parents - Bruce Wayne & Diana Prince / sibling(s) - Matt ██████ Friends: Maxine Gibson, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Chelsea Cunningham, Carter Wilson, Howard Groote, Blade Sommer, Willie Watt, Barbara Gordon, The Justice League ( sorry the list is getting a bit long) Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / questioning / other Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds Scars: some easy to miss small scars at various parts of his body. two stylized top surgery scars meant to resemble the bat wings on his suit. Notable Features: small leftover fangs from being forced to splice against his will.
Dogs or Cats? Birds or Hamsters? Red or Blue? Yellow or Green? Black or White? Coffee or Tea? Ice Cream or Cake? Fruits or Vegetables? Sandwich or Soup? Magic or Melee? Sword or Bow? Summer or Winter? Spring or Autumn? The Past or The Future?
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cy-cobra-kai-1 · 8 months
About me and my blog✨️
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About me:👇
Zodiac: Virgo ♍️
Editor & Writer
Fave colours: red,blue ,purple,pink
I love ldr,mitski,chappell roan,phonk,PTV,Ricky Montgomery,etc
Years on planet Earth 😈☠️👽:18888+ years
Genderfluid ✨️
Pansexual ✨️
Mbti type:intj
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About my blog:👇
I edit and write
Characters I do/will write about
And characters I do/will edit
Miguel diaz
Tory nichols
Hawk/Eli Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Sam larusso {if requested} I don't edit her tho
Daniel larusso
Jhonny Lawrence
John kreese
Terry silver
Monkey. d. luffy
Light yagami
Misa amane
Rick grimes
Michonne grimes
Carl grimes
Negan smith
Lydia Smith
Enid rhee
Glenn rhee
Maggie rhee
Daryl Dixon
Beth Greene
Carol Peletier
Rosita Espinosa
Wanda maximoff
Peter Parker
Captain America
Tony stark
Dick grayson
Wally West
Bart allen
And every Justice League member
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Characters I WILL NOT write about
And characters I WILL NOT edit
Anthony larusso
Kenny Payne
Dre Parker
Kyler Park
Cheng Park
Lex Luthor
Joker (might edit heath ledger's joker)
The governor
The whisperer's
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minors do NOT interact 🔞,18+ blog
And I don't write kinks, like mommy and daddy, animals, and all the obvious
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
Golden Trio Era/Orwell Chess: Ravenclaw Edition
Penelope Clearwater: ISTJ-A/Virgo/1987-1994/Half-Blood
The youngest sibling of the Clearwater family. Fifth-Year & Sixth-Year Prefect, Head Girl. Her favorite subjects were DADA and Potions. She was naturally observant, immediately able to tell if someone was lying to her. Ciel Phantomhive took this as a challenge and tried his best to confuse her—it did not work. 
Roger Davis: ESFJ-A/Capricorn/1988-1995/Half-Blood
The older sibling of the Davis family. Ravenclaw Chaser (Fourth-Year to Seventh-Year), Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain. His favorite subjects were Charms & Flying. He had a natural charisma to him that made Luciel Phantomhive wonder if there was any Veela blood in him—he also attempted to ask Elizabeth Midford to the Yule Ball, only to be rejected by Ciel Phantomhive.
Cho Chang: ENFJ-T/Scorpio/1990-1997/Pure-Blood
The only child of an influential magic family—she had a choice to attend a magic school in Shanghai, but her father wanted Hogwarts. Ravenclaw Seeker (Second-Year to Sixth-Year). Her favorite subjects were Transfiguration and DADA. She joined in the recruiting campaign that Celaena had created, easily swaying the Ravenclaw students to fight on Harry’s side. 
Padma Patil: INTP-T/Scorpio/1991-1998/Pure-Blood
The older twin between the Patil twins. Fifth-Year to Seventh-Year Prefect. Her favorite classes were Charms and Potions, making her adept at Healing Spells. She was at the SWW at Hogwarts, tending to everyone in the Great Hall that was safe by Dean Thomas’ runes. 
Anthony Goldstein: ESTP-A/Libra/1991-1998/Half-Blood
An only child with a natural talent for Legilimency (from Queenie Goldstein no less). Fifth-Year to Seventh-Year Prefect. His favorite class was Charms and DADA. According to Celaena, he had great skill in being able to penetrate someone else’s mind but was also unable to shield his thoughts, making him rather vulnerable. He put it to good use in the recruitment campaign, helping Cho. 
Terrence (Terry) Boot: ENTP-T/Virgo/1991-1998/Pure-Blood
Also, an only child within the Boot family. Ravenclaw Chaser (Third-Year onward). His favorite classes were Transfiguration and Charms, enjoying his obvious progress in his spell casting. He has a competitive streak, often competing with Hermione and even Draco within every class he could. It was amusing when they would be in a study group together either ending in efficient teamwork or chaos incarnate.
Michael Corner: ESFJ-A/Aries/1991-1998/Half-Blood
Only child who grew up under a single parent. His favorite classes were DADA and Potions, which helped immensely in the SWW. He actually broke into the Restricted Section many times during his Sixth and Seventh-Years, trying to concoct as many potions to help the cause. Celaena often turned a blind eye, assisting him as much as she could. 
Sue Li: ENTJ-A/Virgo/1991-1998/Half-Blood
The eldest sibling of the Li family; her younger sister never attending Hogwarts. Her favorite subject was Astronomy and Arithmancy, figuring out patterns between the planetary movements and numbers. She aided within the Ministry reconstruction campaign, bringing outside perspective sorely needed. Her defensive spells were top-notch, nearly impenetrable with the exception of Celaena’s & Theodore Nott’s created spells.
Luna Lovegood: INFP-A/Aquarius/1992-1999/Pure-Blood
An only child of the editor of the Quibbler and a spell-developer. Her favorite subjects were Care of Magical Creatures and Potions (much to Celaena’s amusement). Her mother was actually developing a spell to destroy horcruxes that ultimately killed her, but Luna and Celaena were able to figure it out in 1995 together. Luna was a natural Occulmens, hiding her real thoughts under a layer of insanity—even Celaena had a hard time navigating through it.
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